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Docetaxel maintains its cytotoxic activity under hypoxic conditions in prostate cancer cells


Abstract and Figures

Objective: The efficacy of docetaxel has recently been shown to be increased under hypoxic conditions through the down-regulation of hypoxia-inducible-factor 1α (HIF1A). Overexpression of the hypoxia-responsive gene class III β-tubulin (TUBB3) has been associated with docetaxel resistance in a number of cancer models. We propose that administration of docetaxel to prostate patients has the potential to reduce the hypoxic response through HIF1A down-regulation and that TUBB3 down-regulation participates in sensitivity to docetaxel. Methods: The cytotoxic effect of docetaxel was determined in both 22Rv1 and DU145 prostate cancer cell lines and correlated with HIF1A expression levels under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. Hypoxia-induced chemoresistance was investigated in a pair of isogenic docetaxel-resistant PC3 cell lines. Basal and hypoxia-induced TUBB3 gene expression levels were determined and correlated with methylation status at the HIF1A binding site. Results: Prostate cancer cells were sensitive to docetaxel under both aerobic and hypoxic conditions. Hypoxic cytotoxicity of docetaxel was consistent with a reduction in detected HIF1A levels. Sensitivity correlated with reduced basal and hypoxia-induced HIF1A and TUBB3 expression levels. The TUBB3 HIF1A binding site was hypermethylated in prostate cell lines and tumor specimens, which may exclude transcription factor binding and induction of TUBB3 expression. However, acquired docetaxel resistance was not associated with TUBB3 overexpression. Conclusion: These data suggest that the hypoxic nature of a tumor may have relevance as regard to their response to docetaxel. Further investigation into the nature of this relationship may allow identification of novel targets to improve tumor control in prostate cancer patients.
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Original article
Docetaxel maintains its cytotoxic activity under hypoxic conditions in
prostate cancer cells
James C. Forde, M.D.
, Antoinette S. Perry, Ph.D.
, Kevin Brennan, B.Sc.
Lynn M. Martin, B.Sc.
, Mark P. Lawler, Ph.D.
, Thomas H. Lynch, M.D.
Donal Hollywood, Ph.D.
, Laure Marignol, Ph.D.
Prostate Molecular Oncology Research Group, Academic Unit of Clinical and Molecular Oncology, Institute of Molecular Medicine,
St. James’s Hospital and Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Department of Urology, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Department of Haematology and Academic Unit of Clinical and Molecular Oncology, Institute of Molecular Medicine,
St. James’s Hospital and Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Received 25 June 2010; received in revised form 17 August 2010; accepted 18 August 2010
Objective: The efficacy of docetaxel has recently been shown to be increased under hypoxic conditions through the down-regulation of
hypoxia-inducible-factor 1
(HIF1A). Overexpression of the hypoxia-responsive gene class III
-tubulin (TUBB3) has been associated with
docetaxel resistance in a number of cancer models. We propose that administration of docetaxel to prostate patients has the potential to
reduce the hypoxic response through HIF1A down-regulation and that TUBB3 down-regulation participates in sensitivity to docetaxel.
Methods: The cytotoxic effect of docetaxel was determined in both 22Rv1 and DU145 prostate cancer cell lines and correlated with
HIF1A expression levels under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. Hypoxia-induced chemoresistance was investigated in a pair of isogenic
docetaxel-resistant PC3 cell lines. Basal and hypoxia-induced TUBB3 gene expression levels were determined and correlated with
methylation status at the HIF1A binding site.
Results: Prostate cancer cells were sensitive to docetaxel under both aerobic and hypoxic conditions. Hypoxic cytotoxicity of docetaxel was consistent
with a reduction in detected HIF1A levels. Sensitivity correlated with reduced basal and hypoxia-induced HIF1A and TUBB3 expression levels. The
TUBB3 HIF1A binding site was hypermethylated in prostate cell lines and tumor specimens, which may exclude transcription factor binding and induction
of TUBB3 expression. However, acquired docetaxel resistance was not associated with TUBB3 overexpression.
Conclusion: These data suggest that the hypoxic nature of a tumor may have relevance as regard to their response to docetaxel. Further
investigation into the nature of this relationship may allow identification of novel targets to improve tumor control in prostate cancer
patients. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Hypoxia; Prostate cancer; Docetaxel; TUBB3; HIF1A
1. Introduction
Hypoxia is progressively emerging as a common feature
of prostate tumors. Evidence of tumor hypoxia in the pros-
tate gland has been documented through detection of mo-
lecular markers of hypoxia by immunomolecular imaging
and physical measurements [1– 4]. Tumor hypoxia is pro-
gressively associated with reduced oxidative defense,
genomic instability, apoptosis resistance, and may be asso-
ciated with the transition to androgen-independence in pros-
tate cancer [5]. Many conventional anticancer drugs require
oxygen for maximal activity [6]. However, changes in cel-
lular phenotype following hypoxic shock may also partici-
pate in the reduced cytotoxic properties of anti-cancer
agents. While hypoxia activates a variety of cellular mes-
sengers, hypoxia-inducible-factor-1 (HIF1A) is the only
transcription factor truly regulated by oxygen. It is the
binding of this heterodimer (HIF1A, HIF-1
) to hypoxia
response elements located in the promoter region of target
genes, along with a variety of transcription factors (e.g.,
The following organizations are acknowledged for support: Cancer
Research Ireland, Higher Education Authority Program for Research in
Third Level Institutions, Trinity College Dublin, St. Luke’s Institute for
Cancer Research, and the Prostate Cancer Research Consortium.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 353-1-896-3255; fax: 353-1-896-3246.
E-mail address: (L. Marignol).
Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
1078-1439/$ see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
p300/CBP, STAT3) that dictates the hypoxia-induced cel-
lular response [7].
HIF1A overexpression has been reported to occur in almost
70% of all human tumors including primary and metastatic pros-
tate cancer and their metastases [8]. While HIF1A overexpression
has been associated with increased drug-resistance [9], clinically
relevant microtubule-targeting agents (MTA) were recently
shown to down-regulate HIF1A protein levels and activity [10],
increasing the sensitivity of tumor cells to these agents [11–13].
Docetaxel is a MTA currently used for the standard of care first
line chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of hormone refrac-
tory prostate cancer [14]. Its effect is however limited by intoler-
ance and the development of taxane-refractory tumors [15]. The
mechanism of preferential sensitivity of prostate tumors to do-
cetaxel and this associated acquired docetaxel-resistance remains
poorly understood.
Overexpression of Class III
-tubulin (TUBB3) has been
associated with taxane resistance in melanoma [16], pan-
creatic [17], ovarian [18] and head and neck cancers [19].
This naturally occurring mutant form of tubulin prevents
pro-assembly activity of taxanes on microtubules, thereby
reducing their cytotoxic activity. Up-regulation of TUBB3
has been reported in response to hypoxic exposure via
HIF1A [20]. Recently it was reported that CpG methylation
within the HIF1A response element of the TUBB3 gene
blocked transcription factor binding and resulted in down-
regulation in gene expression [20]. Hypomethylation of the
site was reported in breast and ovarian cancer cell lines,
which permitted binding of HIF1A and up-regulation of
gene expression. However, paclitaxel resistant cells were
largely hypermethylated at this site, suggesting that an in-
crease in TUBB3 expression upon hypoxia is abolished
through hypermethylation of the 3=enhancer [20].
We propose that changes in phenotype following hypoxic
shock may participate in preferential sensitivity of prostate cancer
cells to docetaxel. We first determined the sensitivity of 2 prostate
cancer cell lines in vitro to docetaxel. Activity was correlated with
HIF1A gene and protein expression. We next investigated the
potential role of TUBB3 down-regulation in sensitivity to do-
cetaxel and the mechanism of acquired docetaxel resistance. Our
results indicate that prostate cancer cells are sensitive to docetaxel
under both aerobic and hypoxic conditions. This intrinsic sensi-
tivity to docetaxel appears to correlate with HIF1A down-regula-
tion in hypoxic tumors cells and reduced TUBB3 basal expression
levels. Finally, we report for the first time evidence of TUBB3
hypermethylation in prostate cancer cell lines and prostate tumor
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Cell culture and growth conditions
Normal human prostate cell lines PWR-IE and RPWE-1
and human prostate cancer cell lines DU145, 22Rv1, and
LnCaP were obtained from the ATCC (Teddington, UK).
Frozen stocks were prepared within 2 wk of growth and to
ensure authenticity of the lines. Age-matched docetaxel-
sensitive (PC3) and docetaxel-resistant (PC3-D12) cell lines
were kindly provided by Professor Watson, University Col-
lege Dublin, Ireland. The lines were maintained in RPMI
1640 medium (Gibco, Paisley, UK) supplemented with 10%
fetal calf serum (Globepharm, Guildford, UK) and 1%
streptomycin-penicillin (Gibco). Human RC58/T prostate
cancer cells were kindly provided by Professor Rhim, Cen-
ter for Prostate Disease, Bethesda, MD. These cells, along
with normal human prostate cell lines PWR-IE and
RPWE-1, were routinely maintained in keratinocyte SFM
medium (Gibco) supplemented with bovine pituitary ex-
tract, recombinant epidermal growth factor, and 1% strep-
tomycin-penicillin (Gibco). DNA was extracted from cell
lines using a QIAamp DNA mini kit (Qiagen, Crawley,
UK). The lines were grown for a maximum of 10 week and
monitored for mycoplasma on a regular basis. The “pros-
tatic” nature of the lines was confirmed by measuring PSA
expression (data not shown). Hypoxia (0.5% O
mmHq) was achieved by exposing cells in a 1000 in vivo
hypoxic chamber (BioTrace, Bracknell, UK). The cells
were exposed to a mixture of nitrogen, CO
(5%) and
compressed air to achieve a 0.5% oxygen concentration.
was monitored with an oxygen probe (OxyLab pO
Oxford Optronix, Abingdon, UK). Docetaxel, paclitaxel, and
vincristine (Sigma-Aldrich, Poole, UK) were dissolved in
ethanol to a concentration of 1 mM/mL.
2.2. Cell viability assays
Human prostate cancer cells (2.5 10
cells/well) were
seeded into 96-well plates prior to a 48 h treatment with
increasing docetaxel concentrations (0.1, 1, 10, 100, nM).
The sensitivity of the cells was determined using the 96-non
radioactive MTT reagent (Promega, UK) according to man-
ufacturer’s instructions. Cell viability in the treated plates
was compared with that measured in untreated cells to
calculate the surviving fraction.
2.3. Clonogenic assays
Cell survival was evaluated using a standard colony-
forming assay. 1,000 –10,000 cells/well were plated onto
6-well plates prior to a 48 h chemotherapeutic treatment
under aerobic or hypoxic conditions. Two weeks later, the
plates were stained (70% ethanol, Cristal violet; Sigma-
Aldrich, Poole, UK) and the colonies were counted. The
response of aerobic cells was used as a control. The plating
efficiency was calculated as the ratio of the number of
colonies counted over the number cells. The surviving frac-
tion in the treated wells was subsequently calculated as the
ratio of the number of clones counted over the number of
cells plated corrected with the appropriate plating effi-
2J.C. Forde et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
2.4. RNA isolation and quantitative RT-PCR analysis
Quantification of HIF1A and TUBB3 mRNA levels was
performed in triplicate by a real-time fluorescence detection
method as described previously [21]. In brief, after RNA
isolation with an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA),
g of total RNA was converted to cDNA with a first
strand high capacity cDNA reverse transcription kit (Ap-
plied Biosystems Ltd., Warrington, Cheshire, UK). The
HIF1A and TUBB3 genes and endogenous control gene
(PGK1) were -amplified separately using TaqMan real-time
PCR (Applied Biosystems). Relative gene expression was
determined by applying the arithmetic formula 2-⌬⌬ CT.
2.5. Western blot analysis
HIF1A protein expression was determined in whole cell
lysates of aerobic and hypoxic 22Rv1 and DU145 cells
treated with docetaxel or 5-fluorouracil. The cells were
scraped under hypoxic conditions and stored on ice. The
pellet was resuspended in lysis buffer [22]. Protein was
extracted, subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,
and transferred to nylon/nitrocellulose membranes. The
membranes (Amersham, Little Chalfont, UK) were then
probed with anti-HIF1A primary antibody (Cell Signaling
Technologies, Hitchin, UK, 1:1000 dilution) and a second-
ary antibody; polyclonal goat anti-rabbit IgG HRP-linked
antibody (Cell Signaling. 1:1,000 dilution). The Pierce Lu-
minal kit (Pierce, Northumberland, UK) was used for pro-
tein detection. Membranes were stripped prior to reprobing
with a mouse monoclonal anti-actin antibody (1:10,000,
Sigma-Aldrich, Poole, UK).
2.6. Prostate tissue specimens
CaP tissue specimens (n8) from men undergoing radical
prostatectomy for primary prostate cancer were obtained through
the histopathology archive dating from 1999 to 2006 at the Ad-
elaide and Meath incorporating the National Children’s Hospital,
as described previously [23]. Genomic DNA was extracted using
a RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit (Ambion Inc.,
Austin, TX) according to manufacturer’s instructions and quanti-
fied using a Nanodrop-1000 spectrophotometer (Labtech Interna-
tional, Ringmer, UK).
2.7. TUBB3 methylation
Hypermethylation of the putative HIF1
response ele-
ment located within a 3=enhancer region of the TUBB3
gene was analyzed by pyrosequencing. Genomic DNA iso-
lated from tissue specimens (50 ng) and cell lines (500 ng;
by use of a QIAamp DNA blood minikit (Qiagen)) was
bisulfite modified using the EZ DNA methylation kit (Zymo
Research, Orange, CA) and eluted into 50
l1TE buffer.
The CpGenome Universal Methylated DNA (Chemicon In-
ternational, Temecula, CA) was employed as a positive
methylated control. The EpiTect unmethylated DNA
(Qiagen, UK) was used as an unmethylated DNA control.
Bisulfite-treated DNA was PCR amplified for 45 cycles
with a biotinylated primer using the PyroMark PCR kit
(Qiagen, UK) in a final volume of 25
l. Forward primer:
5=-BIOTIN-agggtttttttgtCGtttttttgtagtat-3=; reverse primer:
5=-aaatatcccctaaaatataaacacaaaccaat-3=. The PCR prod-
uct (20
l) was immobilized on streptavidin sepharose
beads (GE Healthcare, Little Chalfont, UK), washed, and
denatured using the pyrosequencing vacuum prep tool
(Qiagen, UK), according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Then, 0.3
pyrosequencing primer (5=-tgtgagttgtttttgt-3=)
was annealed to the purified single-stranded PCR product
and pyrosequencing was performed using the PyroMark
Q24 system (Qiagen, UK). The degree of methylation was
calculated using the PSQ HS 96A 1.2 software, under the
CpG mode (Qiagen, UK).
2.8. Statistical analysis
All experiments were performed in triplicate. Statistical
analysis was calculated using SPSS software ver. 14.0,
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Differences in surviving fraction
and relative gene expression were compared using Student’s
t-tests or an analysis of variance (ANOVA). A Pvalue
0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data are pre-
sented as mean standard error of the mean.
3. Results
3.1. Sensitivity of prostate cancer cells to docetaxel
We initially generated dose response curves of both
22Rv1 and DU145 cells treated with increasing concentra-
tions of docetaxel. Survival was measured using an MTT
assay (Fig. 1A). The sensitivity of DU145 and 22Rv1 cells
to docetaxel was similar. We next chose a concentration of
1nM for more specific determination of the sensitivity of
each cell line to docetaxel using clonogenic assays (Fig.
1B). DU145 cells were significantly more sensitive to do-
cetaxel than 22Rv1 cells (P0.014).
3.2. Docetaxel maintains its activity in hypoxic prostate
cancer cells
To determine whether docetaxel preferentially main-
tained their cytotoxicity under hypoxic conditions, both cell
lines were treated with 1nM docetaxel for 48 h under aer-
obic or hypoxic conditions. The response of cells to treat-
ment with a non-MTA agent, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU, 100 nM)
was in addition used as a control to determine whether the
response was specific to docetaxel (Fig. 2). Hypoxia-in-
duced chemoresistance was evident in 22Rv1 cells treated
with 5-FU only (P0.04). Hypoxic 22Rv1 and DU145
cells were as sensitive to docetaxel as aerobic controls.
3J.C. Forde et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
3.3. Sensitivity to docetaxel in hypoxia correlates with
HIF1A down-regulation
We next investigated whether increased sensitivity of
prostate cancer to docetaxel under hypoxic conditions cor-
relates with deregulation of HIF1A protein and gene expres-
sion. 22Rv1 and DU145 cells were treated with either do-
cetaxel (1 nM) or 5-FU (100 nM) for 48 h under both
conditions prior to total protein or mRNA extraction. The
response of aerobic untreated cells was used as a control.
Hypoxia-selective stabilization of the HIF1A protein was
evident in hypoxic cell lysates of both 22Rv1 and DU145
cells (Fig. 3). Docetaxel appeared to down-regulate HIF1A
protein levels in both hypoxic cell lines. The 5-FU treatment
resulted in undetectable HIF1A levels in 22Rv1 cells but
appeared to increase HIF1A stabilization under hypoxic
conditions. The HIF1A gene was down-regulated 5- and
16-fold, respectively, in 22Rv1 and DU145 hypoxic un-
treated cells, compared with aerobic controls. Treatment
with docetaxel did not modify the reduction in HIF1A
expression in both hypoxic lines. In aerobic controls, HIF1A
expression appeared to be up-regulated in response to 5-FU
treatment in 22Rv1 cells and down-regulated in DU145
cells (Fig. 4A, B). Time course experiments confirmed
down-regulation of HIF1A within4hofhypoxic exposure
in both cell lines (Fig. 4C, D). At this time point, the
reduction in HIF1A expression levels was again not modi-
fied in response to both docetaxel and 5-FU treatment in
these hypoxic cells (Fig. 3E, F). At this 4 h time point, in
aerobic controls, both docetaxel and 5-FU appeared to in-
duced an up-regulation of HIF1A expression in 22Rv1 and
down-regulation in DU145 cells.
3.4. Acquired docetaxel resistance is not associated with
hypoxia-induced chemoresistance
We next investigated whether transition to docetaxel
resistance is associated with increased chemoresistance
under hypoxic conditions in an isogenic pair of age-
Fig. 1. Sensitivity of Prostate cancer cells to Docetaxel. Sensitivity of (A)
22Rv1 and (B) DU145 cells treated with increasing concentrations of
docetaxel for 48 h. n3; mean SEM; *P0.05.
Fig. 2. Docetaxel maintains its cytotoxic activity in hypoxia. Clonogenic
survival of (A) 22Rv1 and (B) DU145 cells treated with 1 nM docetaxel
and 5-FU for 48 h under aerobic or hypoxic conditions. n3; mean
SEM; *P0.05.
Fig. 3. Treatment with docetaxel down-regulates HIF1A protein expres-
sion. Representative HIF1A and
-actin immunoblots of (A) 22Rv1 and
(B) DU145 cells both treated with 1nM of either docetaxel or 100 nM of
5-FU for 6 h under aerobic and hypoxic conditions, relative to untreated
aerobic and hypoxic controls.
4J.C. Forde et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
matched PC3 and docetaxel-refractory PC3 lines (PC3-
D12). Both cell lines were treated with docetaxel under
aerobic and hypoxic conditions for 48 h. Clonogenic
survival was measured and compared with that obtained
in cells treated with 2 other MTAs (vincristine and pac-
litaxel) and to a non-MTA, 5-FU (Fig. 5). Age-matched
PC3 cells were significantly more sensitive to docetaxel
than vincristine, paclitaxel, and 5-FU under both aerobic
(ANOVA, P0.0022) and hypoxic (ANOVA, P
0.001) conditions. PC3-D12 cells were significantly more
sensitive to docetaxel than any of the three other drugs
tested under aerobic conditions only (ANOVA P0.04).
Hypoxic treatment was not associated with increased
docetaxel resistance in either of these cell lines (age-
matched PC3, P0.44); PC3-D12, P0.08). PC3-D12
were significantly more resistant to docetaxel than PC3
cells under both aerobic (P0.01) and hypoxic (P
0.001) conditions.
3.5. Sensitivity to docetaxel correlates with
down-regulation of TUBB3
To determine whether basal TUBB3 gene expression cor-
relates with increased intrinsic sensitivity to docetaxel, relative
TUBB3 mRNA levels were measured in aerobic and hypoxic
cells (4 h) treated with docetaxel (1 nM). The response of
aerobic untreated cells was used as a control. Basal TUBB3
expression was down-regulated (2.1-fold) in DU145 compared
with 22Rv1 (Fig. 6A). TUBB3 expression was down-regulated
(2-fold) in response to hypoxic exposure (4 h) in both do-
cetaxel-treated and untreated cells (Fig. 6B, C). To determine
whether this response was docetaxel-specific, TUBB3 expres-
sion was also examined in 22Rv1 and DU145 cells treated with
5-FU (100 nM). Relative TUBB3 mRNA levels were similar to
that of docetaxel treated cells under both aerobic and hypoxic
conditions. To investigate a potential role for TUBB3 in ac-
quired chemoresistance, TUBB3 mRNA levels were next mea-
Fig. 4. Relative quantification of HIF1A mRNA levels. HIF1A gene expression levels were initially measured in (A) 22Rv1 and (B) DU145 cells treated with 1 nM
of either docetaxel or 5-FU for 48 h under aerobic and hypoxic conditions, relative to untreated aerobic controls. Next, the time course of HIF1A gene expression
under hypoxic conditions is presented for (C) 22Rv1 and (D) DU145 cells. Finally, HIF1A gene expression levels were measured in (E) 22Rv1 and (F) DU145 cells
treated with 1nM of either docetaxel or 5-FU for 4 h under aerobic and hypoxic conditions, relative to untreated aerobic controls. n3.
5J.C. Forde et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
sured in docetaxel resistant (PC3-D12) and age-matched PC3
cells. TUBB3 expression levels appeared elevated in docetaxel-
resistant cells compared with the age-matched control (Fig.
3.6. Down-regulation of TUBB3 in hypoxia correlates
with hypermethylation of the putative HIF1A response
Finally, hypermethylation of a putative HIF1A response ele-
ment within the 3=UTR of the TUBB3 gene was determined in a
panel of normal (PWR1E, RWPE1) and malignant (LNCaP,
PC-3, DU145, 22RV1, and RC58) prostate cell lines (Fig. 7). All
lines tested displayed evidence of hypermethylation, however,
amounts of 5-methylcytosine detected were higher in the cancer
(80% in 22RV1, DU145, and PC-3) than in both normal lines
(50%). The amount of 5-methylcytosine detected in LNCaP
(32.61%) was lower than the other cell lines. Evidence of hyper-
methylation was also observed in all 8 prostate patient tumor
specimens sequenced, although there was variation in the amount
of methylation. Two tumors (T5 and T8) displayed levels similar
to the LNCaP cell line. Culturing of the cells in acute and chronic
hypoxia did not alter the methylation status (results not shown).
4. Discussion
Hypoxia and the stabilization of HIF1A is a known cause
of treatment resistance in solid tumors [24]. Our data con-
firmed that 2 prostate tumor cell lines were sensitive to
treatment with docetaxel. This sensitivity was maintained
under conditions of hypoxia and correlated with taxane-
independent down-regulation of the HIF1A gene in both cell
lines during hypoxic exposure. Relative HIF1A mRNA lev-
els were reduced within4hofhypoxic exposure and were
undetectable at 24 h. This rapid degradation may indicate
the importance of the HIF1A gene in the initial phases of the
hypoxic response. The mechanism behind this rapid down-
regulation was not investigated but may be dependent on
oxygen availability.
We previously reported that HIF1A protein expression in
22Rv1 and DU145 cell peaks between 4 and8hofhypoxic
exposure, and is undetectable following 48 h of exposure
[25]. We now show that after6hinhypoxia, treatment with
docetaxel appears to reduce HIF1A expression in metastatic
DU145 cells to a greater extent than in primary 22Rv1 cells.
Fig. 5. Docetaxel resistance is not associated with hypoxia-induced che-
moresistance. Clonogenic survival of (A) age-matched PC3 and (B) iso-
genic docetaxel-resistant (PC3-D12) cells treated with 1 nM vincristine,
paclitaxel, docetaxel, and 5-FU under aerobic or hypoxic conditions for
48 h. n3; mean SEM; *P0.05.
Fig. 6. Relative quantification of TUBB3 mRNA levels. Basal TUBB3 gene expression levels were (A) initially measured in DU145 cells, relative to that of
22Rv1 cells; next determined in (B) 22Rv1 and (C) DU145 cells treated with 1 nM of either docetaxel or 5-FU for 4 h under aerobic and hypoxic conditions,
relative to untreated aerobic controls and finally (D) in aged-matched PC3 and isogenic docetaxel-resistant PC3 cells. n3.
6J.C. Forde et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
This may be due to the mitotic fraction of hormone refrac-
tory prostate cancer cell lines such as DU145, which has
been shown to be less than 2% [10]. Docetaxel has indeed
been proposed to exert a greater effect in metastases of
prostate cancer through inhibition of HIF1A, rather than
anti-mitotic effects in primary tumor systems [10].
Although various authors have described the mecha-
nisms of taxane resistance pathways, there is little evidence
regarding clinical studies of taxane resistance in prostate
cancer [15]. We sought to investigate whether the transition
to docetaxel resistance was associated with increased
chemo-resistance in hypoxia. We used a docetaxel resistant
metastatic cell line (PC3-12) and a docetaxel sensitive age
matched control (PC3). The PC3-D12 cell line was signif-
icantly more resistant to treatment with docetaxel than the
control PC3 line under both aerobic and hypoxic conditions.
Hypoxia was not associated with increased docetaxel resis-
tance. Age matched control PC3 cells were significantly
more sensitive to docetaxel than other MTAs (vincristine
and paclitaxel) as well as the non-taxane control 5-FU in
both aerobic and hypoxic conditions. The mechanisms of
this docetaxel-specific resistance were not investigated. Do-
cetaxel is a synthetic analogue of paclitaxel. The com-
pounds differ in their chemical structure [26] but both com-
pounds exhibit similar mechanisms of action [27].
Docetaxel was demonstrated to be a more potent anti-cancer
drug than paclitaxel in a number of cancer models in vitro
and in vivo (reviewed in [28,29]); possibly via prolonged
intracellular retention [30]. Yet resistance to docetaxel does
not necessarily induce resistance to paclitaxel [31]. Further
research is required to characterize this phenomenon.
Class III
-tubulin (TUBB3) overexpression was pro-
posed to induce taxane resistance by preventing the ability
of the compounds to destabilize microtubules [16 –19].
Down-regulation of TUBB3 expression was associated with
increased taxane sensitivity [16,21].TUBB3 expression was
2-fold lower in the aerobic untreated DU145 cell line com-
pared with the aerobic primary untreated 22Rv1 cells. The
reduced expression of TUBB3 observed in DU145 cells may
contribute to our observation of a greater sensitivity to
treatment with docetaxel in metastatic DU145 cells in clo-
nogenic survival assays. We subsequently measured TUBB3
mRNA levels in cells exposed to4hofhypoxia. Hypoxia
was indeed proposed as a possible inducer of TUBB3 ex-
pression in ovarian and cervical cancer cell lines [20]. Hy-
poxic exposure down-regulated the gene in both untreated
and treated cells and to a greater extent (2-fold) in the
primary 22Rv1 cell line. This down-regulation of TUBB3
expression in primary prostate cell lines is consistent with
the continued sensitivity of hypoxic prostate cells to do-
cetaxel. TUBB3 over-expression, however, did not appear to
play a role in the acquired docetaxel resistance in the PC3-
D12 cell line.
It was recently reported that hypoxia-dependent TUBB3
expression is abolished in taxane-resistant cells through
methylation of the 3=enhancer [17].TUBB3 methylation
may represent a potential pretreatment molecular marker for
preferential response to docetaxel in patients presenting
Fig. 7. TUBB3 hypermethylation at the HIF1A binding site. Hypermethylation of the internal CpG dinucleotide in the putative HIF1A binding site
(5=-acgtg-3=) in the 3=UTR of the TUBB3 gene in benign prostate cell lines (PWR1E and RWPE1) and in prostate cancer cell lines 22RV1, DU145, LNCaP,
PC3, and RC58, and in 8 tumor specimens.
7J.C. Forde et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
with prostate tumors. CpG methylation within the HIF1A
response element blocked transcription factor binding and
resulted in down-regulation of expression of target gene
TUBB3 [20]. Intriguingly, the response element is not
present in the 5=CpG island, but is located 168 bp into the
3=UTR of the TUBB3 gene, within a downstream enhancer
region. Hypermethylation of this site was evident in a panel
of prostate cell lines and 8 tumor specimens. This is the first
report of TUBB3 hypermethylation in prostate cancer.
These results highlight differential hypermethylation levels
between normal (50%) and malignant (80%) cell lines, with
particularly low amounts of 5-methylcytosine detected in
LNCaP cells (30%). Hypermethylation levels were also
variable in tumor specimens. High levels of hypermethyl-
ation at this site did not correlate with the reduced TUBB3
expression levels in DU145 compared with 22Rv1 cells,
however, the gene was down-regulated in hypoxia in both
cell types. These findings would support further evaluation
of TUBB3 methylation in a larger cohort of patients.
4. Conclusion
Our data suggest that the combination of the hypermeth-
ylation of target genes such as TUBB3 at their HIF1A
binding site with the HIF1A targeting property of docetaxel
may represent a possible expansion in the administration of
docetaxel in the management of prostate cancer.
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8J.C. Forde et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations xx (2010) xxx
... A notion that is strengthened by the observation that the levels of TUBB3 were able to modulate the PTEN/AKT signaling axis (McCarroll et al., 2015a), a prosurvival pathway commonly perturbed in a range of tumours (reviewed in Song et al., 2012;Taddei et al., 2012). Indeed, growing evidence suggests that βIII-tubulin expression is a key adaptive response that is activated on cellular exposure to a stressful microenvironment, such as hypoxic conditions Forde et al., 2010;Danza et al., 2012;Bordji et al., 2014;Raspaglio et al., 2014) or glucose deprivation in cancers cells (Parker et al., 2016). In solid tumours, cells often grow within a hypoxic microenvironment, and cells with a highly efficient hypoxia-inducing factor orchestrated survival program possess an advantage to offset its selective pressure. ...
... In tumours, the hypoxia-inducing factor HIF1α has been implicated in the transcriptional regulation of βIII-tubulin via the 3′UTR of the TUBB3 gene and is thought to protect tumours against hypoxic injury Forde et al., 2010;Danza et al., 2012;Bordji et al., 2014;Raspaglio et al., 2014). In A2780 ovarian cancer cells, hypoxia has been shown to strongly induce TUBB3 gene and βIII-tubulin protein expression and this phenotype was directly linked to cisplatin and paclitaxel resistance Raspaglio et al., 2014). ...
... In glioblastoma hypoxia reduced HIF1α expression, leading to HIF2α binding to the two overlapping HREs located in the 3′UTR of the gene (Bordji et al., 2014). Additionally, epigenetic regulation could account for this regulation in specific cancer cell lines, as hypomethylation of the HRE is required for TUBB3 expression in ovarian cancer cells, prostate cancer cells and prostate tumours Forde et al., 2010). This suggests that both HIF1α and HIF2α/SOX9 mediated TUBB3 regulation could be a cell-specific response, as it is not inducible upon hypoxia in some cell lines expressing high basal levels of βIII-tubulin Shen and Yu 2008;Danza et al., 2012;Levallet et al., 2012;Bordji et al., 2014;Raspaglio et al., 2014). ...
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Microtubule proteins form a dynamic component of the cytoskeleton, and play key roles in cellular processes, such as vesicular transport, cell motility and mitosis. Expression of microtubule proteins are often dysregulated in cancer. In particular, the microtubule protein βIII-tubulin, encoded by the TUBB3 gene, is aberrantly expressed in a range of epithelial tumours and is associated with drug resistance and aggressive disease. In normal cells, TUBB3 expression is tightly restricted, and is found almost exclusively in neuronal and testicular tissues. Understanding the mechanisms that control TUBB3 expression, both in cancer, mature and developing tissues will help to unravel the basic biology of the protein, its role in cancer, and may ultimately lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches to target this protein. This review is devoted to the transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of TUBB3 in normal and cancerous tissue.
... Docetaxel, a first line systemic treatment for prostate cancer, has been shown to have reduced cytotoxicity in hypoxia (1% and 0.1% oxygen) in a range of cell lines [27]. However, a study in DU145 and 22Rv1 cells showed similar docetaxel cytotoxicity in normoxia and hypoxia (0.5% oxygen) [31]. It is uncommon for drugs studied in radiotherapy combination trials to have had their efficacy first tested under hypoxia. ...
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Background The presence of hypoxia is a poor prognostic factor in prostate cancer and the hypoxic tumor microenvironment promotes radioresistance. There is potential for drug radiotherapy combinations to improve the therapeutic ratio. We aimed to investigate whether hypoxia-associated genes could be used to identify FDA approved drugs for repurposing for the treatment of hypoxic prostate cancer. Methods Hypoxia associated genes were identified and used in the connectivity mapping software QUADrATIC to identify FDA approved drugs as candidates for repurposing. Drugs identified were tested in vitro in prostate cancer cell lines (DU145, PC3, LNCAP). Cytotoxicity was investigated using the sulforhodamine B assay and radiosensitization using a clonogenic assay in normoxia and hypoxia. Results Menadione and gemcitabine had similar cytotoxicity in normoxia and hypoxia in all three cell lines. In DU145 cells, the radiation sensitizer enhancement ratio (SER) of menadione was 1.02 in normoxia and 1.15 in hypoxia. The SER of gemcitabine was 1.27 in normoxia and 1.09 in hypoxia. No radiosensitization was seen in PC3 cells. Conclusion Connectivity mapping can identify FDA approved drugs for potential repurposing that are linked to a radiobiologically relevant phenotype. Gemcitabine and menadione could be further investigated as potential radiosensitizers in prostate cancer.
... However, targeting HIF1-α may not be necessary due to variable basal HIF1-α levels depending on the tumor. In fact, DTX was found to remain effective at inducing cell death even in hypoxic conditions, implying that the basal levels of HIF1-α could act as a predictive biomarker of DTX sensitivity [449]. There are also alternatives to targeting HIF1-α while still inhibiting the hypoxic response. ...
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Simple Summary Drug resistance is prevalent in many types of cancer and decreases patient survival. The taxanes are anti-mitotic chemotherapeutic agents, widely used since the 1990s to treat many types of cancer. Even with the popularity of the taxane family, many patients are, or will become, resistant to taxane treatment, meaning that other, perhaps less effective, treatment options are required. This review article seeks to provide information about the common cancers in which taxanes are used and resistance occurs, in order to find targetable mechanisms that can be used to overcome resistance. Abstract The taxane family of chemotherapy drugs has been used to treat a variety of mostly epithelial-derived tumors and remain the first-line treatment for some cancers. Despite the improved survival time and reduction of tumor size observed in some patients, many have no response to the drugs or develop resistance over time. Taxane resistance is multi-faceted and involves multiple pathways in proliferation, apoptosis, metabolism, and the transport of foreign substances. In this review, we dive deeper into hypothesized resistance mechanisms from research during the last decade, with a focus on the cancer types that use taxanes as first-line treatment but frequently develop resistance to them. Furthermore, we will discuss current clinical inhibitors and those yet to be approved that target key pathways or proteins and aim to reverse resistance in combination with taxanes or individually. Lastly, we will highlight taxane response biomarkers, specific genes with monitored expression and correlated with response to taxanes, mentioning those currently being used and those that should be adopted. The future directions of taxanes involve more personalized approaches to treatment by tailoring drug–inhibitor combinations or alternatives depending on levels of resistance biomarkers. We hope that this review will identify gaps in knowledge surrounding taxane resistance that future research or clinical trials can overcome.
... OS, PFS and MFS) in the subgroup of patients without synchronous metastases did not reach the statistical significance in any molecular subgroup. This lack of significant associations with clinical endpoints in the total population suggested us to explore the possibility that miR-210-3p might be associated with outcomes within patient subgroups stratified according to treatment because of its documented involvement in hypoxia and, thereby, multidrug resistance 9,19,[26][27][28] . In fact, when we performed the subgroup analyses evaluating the association of miR-210-3p with the response to adjuvant chemotherapy, we did not find any significant association with FEC and EC schedules but we did find that higher levels of miR-210-3p were associated with a 2-fold risk of disease progression under EC + D regimen. ...
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MicroRNA-210-3p is the most prominent hypoxia regulated microRNA, and it has been found significantly overexpressed in different human cancers. We performed the expression analysis of miR-210-3p in a retrospective cohort of breast cancer patients with a median follow-up of 76 months (n = 283). An association between higher levels of miR-210-3p and risk of disease progression (HR: 2.13, 95%CI: 1.33-3.39, P = 0.002) was found in the subgroup of patients treated with Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide followed by Docetaxel. Moreover, a cut off value of 20.966 established by ROC curve analyses allowed to discriminate patients who developed distant metastases with an accuracy of 85% at 3- (AUC: 0.870, 95%CI: 0.690-1.000) and 83% at 5-years follow up (AUC: 0.832, 95%CI: 0.656–1.000). Whereas the accuracy in discriminating patients who died for the disease was of 79.6% at both 5- (AUC: 0.804, 95%CI: 0.517–1.000) and 10-years (AUC: 0.804. 95%CI: 0.517–1.000) follow-up. In silico analysis of miR-210-3p and Docetaxel targets provided evidence for a putative molecular cross-talk involving microtubule regulation, drug efflux metabolism and oxidative stress response. Overall, our data point to the miR-210-3p involvement in the response to therapeutic regimens including Docetaxel in sequential therapy with anthracyclines, suggesting it may represent a predictive biomarker in breast cancer patients.
... In one study, class III beta-tubulin increased signficantly in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) patients after treatment with anti-androgen therapy. This is probably due to loss of regulation by androgen receptor or CRPC association with hypoxic conditions (Forde et al., 2012). ...
There are several interactions within the tumor microenvironment (TME) that affect the response of cancer cells to therapy. There are also a large number of cells and secretions in TME that increase resistance to therapy. Following the release of immunosuppressive, pro-angiogenic, and metastatic molecules by certain cells such as tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), and cancer cells, immune evasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis may be induced. However, natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic CD8 + T lymphocytes (CTLs) can responsively release anticancer molecules. In addition, anticancer drugs can modulate these cells and their interactions in favor of either cancer resistance or therapy. Docetaxel belongs to taxanes, a class of anti-tumor drugs, which acts through the polymerization of tubulin and the induction of cell cycle arrest. Also, it has been revealed that taxanes including docetaxel affect cancer cells and the other cells within TME through some other mechanisms such as modulation of immune system responses, angiogenesis, and metastasis. In this paper, we explain the basic mechanisms of docetaxel interactions with malignant cells. Besides, we review the diverse effects of docetaxel on TME and cancer cells in consequence. Lastly, the modulatory effects of docetaxel alone or in conjunction with other anticancer agents on anti-tumor immunity, cancer cell resistance, angiogenesis, and metastasis will be discussed.
Background: βIII-Tubulin, encoded by the TUBB3 gene, is a microtubule protein. Several studies have shown that overexpression of TUBB3 is linked to poor prognosis and is involved in taxane resistance in some cancers. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the expression and function of TUBB3 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Methods: The expression of TUBB3 was determined using immuno-histochemistry in ccRCC specimens. The effects of TUBB3 knockdown on cell growth and invasion were evaluated in RCC cell lines. We analyzed the interaction between TUBB3, p53, cancer stem cell markers, and PD-L1. Results: In 137 cases of ccRCC, immunohistochemistry showed that 28 (20%) of the ccRCC cases were positive for TUBB3. High TUBB3 expression was significantly correlated with high nuclear grade, high T stage, and N stage. A Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that high expression of TUBB3 was associated with poor overall survival after nephrectomy. In silico analysis also showed that high TUBB3 expression was correlated with overall survival. Knockdown of TUBB3 suppressed cell growth and invasion in 786-O and Caki-1 cells. High TUBB3 expression was associated with CD44, CD133, PD-L1, and p53 in ccRCC. We generated p53 knockout cells using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Western blotting revealed that p53 knockout upregulated the expression of TUBB3. Conclusion: These results suggest that TUBB3 may play an oncogenic role and could be a potential therapeutic target in ccRCC.
Taxanes are chemotherapeutic drugs employed in the clinic to treat a variety of malignancies. Despite their overall efficacy, cancer cells often display resistance to taxanes. Therefore, new strategies to increase the effectiveness of taxane-based chemotherapeutics are urgently needed. Multiple molecular players are linked to taxane resistance; these include efflux pumps, DNA repair mechanisms, and hypoxia-related pathways. In addition, emerging evidence indicates that both non-coding RNAs and epigenetic effectors might also be implicated in taxane resistance. Here we focus on the causes of taxane resistance, with the aim to envisage an integrated model of the 'taxane resistance phenome'. This model could help the development of novel therapeutic strategies to treat taxane-resistant neoplasms.
Background: Hypoxia is a prominent feature of solid tumors, dramatically remodeling microtubule structures and cellular pathways and contributing to paclitaxel resistance. Peloruside A (PLA), a microtubule-targeting agent, has shown promising anti-tumor effects in preclinical studies. Although it has a similar mode of action to paclitaxel, it binds to a distinct site on b-tubulin that differs from the classical taxane site. In this study, we examined the unexplored effects of PLA in hypoxia-conditioned colorectal HCT116 cancer cells. Methods: Cytotoxicity of PLA was determined by cell proliferation assay. The effects of a pre-exposure to hypoxia on PLA-induced cell cycle alterations and apoptosis was examined by flow cytometry, time-lapse imaging, and western blot analysis of selected markers. The hypoxia effect on stabilization of microtubules by PLA was monitored by an intracellular tubulin polymerization assay. Results: Our findings show that the cytotoxicity of PLA is not altered in hypoxia conditioned cells compared to paclitaxel and vincristine. Furthermore, hypoxia does not alter PLA-induced microtubule stabilization nor the multinucleation of cells. PLA causes cyclin B1and G2M accumulation followed by apoptosis. Conclusions: The cellular and molecular effects of PLA have been determined in normoxic conditions, but there are no reports of PLA effects in hypoxic cells. Our findings reveal that hypoxia preconditioning does not alter the sensitivity of HCT116 to PLA. General Significance: These data report on the cellular and molecular effects of PLA in hypoxia-conditioned cells for the first time, and will encourage further exploration of PLA as a promising anti-tumor agent.
A cylindrically shaped magnetically-actuated MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) drug delivery device for localized prostate cancer treatment is proposed in this work. The device is designed for implantation through a gauge 12 needle for minimally invasive procedures. The drug delivery device consists of a drug reservoir, a PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) membrane, a magnetic block and a housing. Under external magnetic fields, the movement of the magnetic block deflects the membrane and discharges the drug through an aperture and into the housing. The housing has a large opening which allows the released drug to diffuse to the surrounding tissues while it prevents the tissues from touching the membrane. On-demand drug release with consistent release rates and device implantation using a needle into ex vivo porcine bladder tissue are demonstrated.
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Class III beta-tubulin overexpression is a marker of resistance to microtubule disruptors in vitro, in vivo and in the clinic for many cancers, including breast cancer. The aims of this study were to develop a new model of class III beta-tubulin expression, avoiding the toxicity associated with chronic overexpression of class III beta-tubulin, and study the efficacy of a panel of clinical and pre-clinical drugs in this model. MCF-7 (ER+ve) and MDA-MB-231 (ER-ve) were either transfected with pALTER-TUBB3 or siRNA-tubb3 and 24 h later exposed to test compounds for a further 96 h for proliferation studies. RT-PCR and immunoblotting were used to monitor the changes in class III beta-tubulin mRNA and protein expression. The model allowed for subtle changes in class III beta-tubulin expression to be achieved, which had no direct effect on the viability of the cells. Class III beta-tubulin overexpression conferred resistance to paclitaxel and vinorelbine, whereas downregulation of class III beta-tubulin rendered cells more sensitive to these two drugs. The efficacy of the colchicine-site binding agents, 2-MeOE2, colchicine, STX140, ENMD1198 and STX243 was unaffected by the changes in class III beta-tubulin expression. These data indicate that the effect of class III beta-tubulin overexpression may depend on where the drug's binding site is located on the tubulin. Therefore, this study highlights for the first time the potential key role of targeting the colchicine-binding site, to develop new treatment modalities for taxane-refractory breast cancer.
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Recent researches revealed that class III beta-tubulin (TUBB3) is a prognostic marker in various tumors and role of TUBB3 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is not defined yet. We analyzed the significance of TUBB3 expression along with p53 and ERCC1 in locally advanced HNSCC patients receiving cisplatin-based induction chemotherapy. Retrospective review of medical records at Seoul National University Hospital between 1998 and 2007 was carried out. Immunohistochemical stain of TUBB3, p53, and ERCC1 was done in paraffin-embedded tumor tissue. We assessed response to treatment, progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), and cancer-specific survival (CSS). Eighty-five patients with oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers received induction chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and cisplatin (n = 55), or 5-FU, cisplatin, and docetaxel (Taxotere) (n = 30). Eighty-three received definitive treatment after induction chemotherapy, where 62 received radiotherapy and 21 received surgery. TUBB3-positive patients showed lower response rate than TUBB3-negative patients (69% versus 88%, P = 0.039). Shorter median PFS was observed in TUBB3-positive group (12 versus 47 months, P = 0.001). Shorter median OS was observed in TUBB-positive group not reaching statistical significance (30 versus 59 months, P = 0.072). TUBB3 status significantly influenced CSS (35 months versus not reached, P = 0.017). Positive p53 status was related to poorer OS and CSS. ERCC1 showed no influence on chemotherapy response, PFS, OS, and CSS. TUBB3 is a predictive and prognostic marker along with well-known p53 in HNSCC patients receiving cisplatin-based induction chemotherapy. Clinical impact of ERCC1 is not evident in this setting.
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Overexpression of class III beta-tubulin (TUBB3) is an important mechanism of taxane resistance. Using 7 melanoma cell lines, 2 normal neonatal human epidermal melanocyte (NHEM) cultures, and 49 primary melanomas, we investigated TUBB3 expression, its relationship to chemosensitivity to taxane derivatives, and the epigenetic mechanism controlling TUBB3 gene expression. Normal melanocytes in vitro and in vivo strongly expressed TUBB3 protein. NHEMs exhibited marked chemoresistance to paclitaxel-induced apoptosis. A subset (10 of 49, 20%) of primary malignant melanomas was TUBB3 negative. The incidence of TUBB3-negative melanomas increased with stage of progression. TUBB3 protein expression varied among cell lines; one (HMV-I) of the seven cell lines exhibited an extremely low endogenous level. TUBB3 protein expression correlated well with chemosensitivity to paclitaxel-induced apoptosis (P<0.05). Treatment with a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor restored TUBB3 expression in HMV-I. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that histones H3 and H4 were hypoacetylated at the TUBB3 gene in HMV-I as compared with a TUBB3-overexpressing cell type (HMV-II). Treatment with the HDAC inhibitor induced gain of histone acetylation only in HMV-I. These results suggest that loss of TUBB3 protein may be induced by histone deacetylation in a subset of malignant melanomas, and may be associated with chemosensitivity to taxane.
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We investigated the role of the C1772T polymorphisms in exon 12 of the Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1alpha) gene C1772T genotype in prostate cancer (PCa) and amplification of the hypoxic response. We identified the heterozygous germline CT genotype as an increased risk factor for clinically localised prostate cancer (Odds ratio = 6.2; p < 0.0001). While immunostaining intensity for HIF-1alpha and VEGF was significantly enhanced in 75% of PCa specimens when compared to matched benign specimens (p < 0.0001), the CT genotype did not modulate the kinetics of HIF-1alpha protein expression in hypoxia in vitro, and was not associated with enhanced expression of hypoxic biomarkers. This study provides the first evidence of an increased risk for clinically localised prostate cancer in men carrying the C1772T HIF-1alpha gene polymorphism. Although our results did not suggest an association between expression of hypoxic biomarkers and genotype status, the correlation may merit further investigation.
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Patupilone is an epothilone in advanced clinical development that has shown promising efficacy in heavily pretreated patients. This study aimed at characterizing the mechanisms of patupilone activity in resistant patients. To this end, we generated patupilone-resistant cells using two cellular models, the first characterized by high chemosensitivity and low class III beta-tubulin (TUBB3) expression (A2780), and the second by low chemosensitivity and high TUBB3 expression (OVCAR-3). The obtained cell lines were named EPO3 and OVCAR-EPO, respectively. The same selection procedure was done in A2780 cells to generate a paclitaxel-resistant cell line (TAX50). Factors of resistance are expected to increase in the drug-resistant cell lines, whereas factors of drug sensitivity will be down-regulated. Using this approach, we found up-regulation of TUBB3 in TAX50, but not EPO3, cells, showing that TUBB3 mediates the resistance to paclitaxel but not to patupilone. Moreover, TUBB3 was a factor of patupilone sensitivity because OVCAR-EPO cells exhibited a dramatic reduction of TUBB3 and a concomitant sensitization to hypoxia and cisplatin-based chemotherapy. To identify the mechanisms underlying patupilone resistance, tubulin genes were sequenced, thereby revealing that a prominent mechanism of drug resistance is represented by point mutations in class I beta-tubulin. Overall, these results suggest that paclitaxel and patupilone have nonoverlapping mechanisms of resistance, thus allowing the use of patupilone for those patients relapsing after paclitaxel-based chemotherapy. Furthermore, patupilone represents a promising first-line option for the treatment of high-risk ovarian cancer patients, who exhibit high TUBB3 levels and poor response to standard paclitaxel-platin chemotherapy.
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Metastatic testicular cancers are curable, whereas bladder cancers and most other solid tumors are not. Cell lines derived from human testicular (GH, GCT27, and 833K) and bladder (RT4, RT112, and HT1376) tumors retain this differential chemosensitivity in vitro. We have investigated the hypothesis that differential sensitivity to chemotherapy is related to differences in the threshold of susceptibility to undergoing apoptosis. Sensitivity to etoposide was not directly related to the frequency of DNA strand breaks. DNA damage was on average 2-fold greater in the testicular than the bladder tumor cell lines; in contrast, the testicular tumor lines were 15-fold more sensitive to etoposide cytotoxicity than the bladder tumor lines (IC90 values of 19 +/- 6 versus 293 +/- 180 microM, respectively). Using equidamaging (550 rad equivalents) etoposide treatments, the percentage of cells that underwent drug-induced apoptosis was on average higher in the testicular tumor cell lines than the bladder tumor cell lines. The testicular tumor lines have two characteristics that could confer sensitivity to drug-induced apoptosis. First, they have functional p53: the product of the p53-dependent gene waf-1 was increased after etoposide treatment. Second, the testicular tumor lines expressed relatively high levels of the apoptosis-promoting protein Bax, but there was no expression of the suppressor of apoptosis Bcl-2. In contrast, only one of the three bladder cell lines (RT4) had functional p53, and all of the bladder lines had readily detectable levels of Bcl-2 and low levels of Bax. In the testicular cell lines, increases in p53 and p53-transactivated genes were associated with apoptosis but not arrest in G1. In contrast, in the bladder cell line (RT4), increases in p53 and Waf-1 were associated with both arrest in G1 and apoptosis. The differences in the ratio of Bax:Bcl-2 could contribute to the differential sensitivity of the two tumor types. However, in contrast to earlier reports, the ratio of Bax and Bel-2 was not perturbed by DNA damage.
Docetaxel (Taxotere®), a cytotoxic taxane, is an antimicrotubule agent effective in the treatment of patients with breast cancer. The clinical profile of docetaxel as an effective cytotoxic agent in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer is well established. As yet, no single standard regimen has been identified as optimal for the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer after failure of prior chemotherapy. However, the efficacy of docetaxel monotherapy administered every 3 weeks as a 1-hour infusion is similar to or better than that of doxorubicin, paclitaxel and fluorouracil plus vinorelbine, and better than that of methotrexate plus fluorouracil or mitomycin plus vinblastine. Although docetaxel is associated with neutropenia and other adverse events, its overall tolerability profile is generally acceptable in the majority of patients. Docetaxel, therefore, is an effective option in the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer after failure of prior chemotherapy. Pharmacological Properties Docetaxel is an antimicrotubule agent that principally exerts its cytotoxic activity by promoting and stabilising microtubule assembly while simultaneously preventing microtubule depolymerisation. This results in inhibition of normal cell division. In vitro and in vivo, docetaxel has antineoplastic activity against a wide range of cancer cells, demonstrates synergistic activity with several antineoplastic agents and often has greater cytotoxic activity against human breast cancer cell lines than paclitaxel. The pharmacokinetics of docetaxel are linear at clinically relevant doses and are consistent with a three-compartment model. Docetaxel is highly bound to plasma proteins, but has a large volume of distribution at steady state. It is primarily metabolised by the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme and is excreted primarily faecally via the biliary tract. Clearance of the drug is a strong independent predictor of severe haematological toxicity in cancer patients. Therapeutic Efficacy In women with metastatic breast cancer previously exposed to anthracyclines or alkylating agents, docetaxel monotherapy was associated with median values for overall survival of 10.4–16.0 months, objective response rate (ORR) of 30.0–47.8% and time to tumour progression (TTP) of 4.4–6.5 months. In head-to-head comparative trials, docetaxel monotherapy was at least as effective (in terms of overall survival time, ORR and TTP) as doxorubicin, paclitaxel and fluorouracil plus vinorelbine, and was more effective than methotrexate plus fluorouracil or mitomycin plus vinblastine. Median values for survival time (15.4 vs 12.7 months), TTP (5.7 vs 3.6 months) and response duration (7.5 vs 4.6 months) were significantly (p ≤ 0.03) longer with docetaxel than with paclitaxel. Differences between docetaxel and comparators in health-related quality-of-life outcomes were generally not significant. In phase III combination therapy studies, docetaxel combined with doxorubicin or epirubicin resulted in similar overall survival to clinically relevant comparator combinations. Outcomes were similar with docetaxel plus either capecitabine or gemcitabine and the former combination was more effective than docetaxel monotherapy. Tolerability While severe adverse events were common, the tolerability of docetaxel in comparative clinical trials was generally acceptable. Severe neutropenia affects most docetaxel recipients, with febrile neutropenia occurring in approximately one-eighth of patients. Dose-cumulative severe fluid retention was reported in 6.5% of docetaxel recipients, despite premedication with prophylactic corticosteroids. Other grade 3 or 4 adverse events include asthenia, stomatitis, infections, neurosensory, cutaneous or gastrointestinal events, nail changes, severe fever in the absence of infection, myalgia and hypersensitivity reactions. In comparative monotherapy trials, neutropenia generally occurred more often with docetaxel than with comparators, excepting doxorubicin, where the incidence was similar. Other severe haematological, cardiac and gastrointestinal adverse events were less frequent with docetaxel than with doxorubicin. Docetaxel was associated with significantly higher incidences of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia and febrile neutropenia and several non-haematological adverse events than paclitaxel; however, patients in the docetaxel arm received more cycles of therapy than those in the paclitaxel arm (six vs four cycles). Docetaxel tolerability in combination therapy regimens was generally similar to that of comparator drugs, apart from a higher incidence of haematological adverse events.
Drugs that affect microtubule dynamics, including the taxanes and vinca alkaloids, have been a mainstay in the treatment of leukemias and solid tumors for decades. New, more effective microtubule-targeting agents continue to enter into clinical trials and some, including the epothilone ixapebilone, have been approved for use. In contrast, several other drugs of this class with promising preclinical data were later shown to be ineffective or intolerable in animal models or clinical trials. In this review, we discuss the molecular mechanisms as well as preclinical and clinical results for a variety of microtubule-targeting agents in various stages of development. We also offer a frank discussion of which microtubule-targeting agents are amenable to further development based on their availability, efficacy and toxic profile.
Docetaxel is a taxoid which is currently in phase II/III clinical trials in Europe, the US and Japan. It was found to promote tubulin assembly in microtubules and to inhibit their depolymerization. In vitro, the docetaxel concentrations required to reduce murine and human cell survival by 50% ranged from 4 to 35 ng/ml and the cytotoxic effects were greater on proliferating than on non-proliferating cells. It was also found to be cytotoxic on fresh human tumor biopsies. In vivo, the drug was found to be schedule independent. A total of 13/14 murine transplantable tumors were found very sensitive to i.v. docetaxel and complete regressions of advanced stage tumors were obtained. Activity was also observed in 15/16 human tumor xenografts in nude mice at an advanced stage. In combination studies, synergism was observed in vivo with 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide and etoposide. Pharmacokinetic evaluation revealed linear pharmacokinetics in tumor-bearing mice. There was a good tumor retention with a 22 h elimination half-life. Plasma protein binding ranged from 76 to 89%. Preclinical toxicology evaluation of docetaxel included single-dose toxicity in rats, mice and dogs, 5-day toxicity in mice and dogs, intermittent-dose toxicity in rats, dogs and monkeys, genetic and reproductive toxicity, as well as investigation of the irritation and sensitization potential. The principal toxicities were hematopoietic (all species), gastrointestinal (dog, monkey) and neuromotor (mice). Dogs appeared to be the most sensitive species. The clinical entry dose of 5 mg/m2 was based on one-third of the 'toxic dose low' in dogs (15 mg/m2).
Biologically and therapeutically important hypoxia occurs in many solid tumor masses. Hypoxia can be a direct cause of therapeutic resistance because some drugs and radiation require oxygen to be maximally cytotoxic. Cellular metabolism is altered under hypoxic conditions. Hypoxia can result in drug resistance indirectly if under this condition cells more effectively detoxify the drug molecules. Finally, there is evidence that hypoxia can enhance genetic instability in tumor cells thus allowing more rapid development of drug resistance cells. The current review describes the effects of hypoxia on tumor response to a variety of anti-cancer agents and also describes progress toward therapeutically useful methods of delivering oxygen to tumors in an effort to overcome therapeutic resistance due to hypoxia. Finally, the use of hypoxic cell selective cytotoxic agents as a means of addressing hypoxic 'drug resistance' is discussed.