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Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators


Abstract and Figures

Alpine flowers face multiple challenges in terms of abiotic and biotic factors, some of which may result in selection for certain colours at increasing altitude, in particular the changing pollinator species composition, which tends to move from bee-dominated at lower elevations to fly-dominated in high-alpine regions. To evaluate whether growing at altitude—and the associated change in the dominant pollinator groups present—has an effect on the colour of flowers, we analysed data collected from the Dovrefjell National Park in Norway. Unlike previous studies, however, we considered the flower colours according to ecologically relevant models of bee and fly colour vision and also their physical spectral properties independently of any colour vision system, rather than merely looking at human colour categories. The shift from bee to fly pollination with elevation might, according to the pollination syndrome hypothesis, lead to the prediction that flower colours should shift from more bee-blue and UV-blue flowers (blue/violet to humans, i.e. colours traditionally associated with large bee pollinators) at low elevations to more bee-blue-green and green (yellow and white to humans—colours often linked to fly pollination) flowers at higher altitude. However, although there was a slight increase in bee-blue-green flowers and a decrease in bee-blue flowers with increasing elevation, there were no statistically significant effects of altitude on flower colour as seen either by bees or by flies. Although flower colour is known to be constrained by evolutionary history, in this sample we also did not find evidence that phylogeny and elevation interact to determine flower colours in alpine areas.
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Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen
through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators
Sarah E. J. Arnold Æ Vincent Savolainen Æ
Lars Chittka
Received: 23 June 2008 / Accepted: 30 January 2009 / Published online: 17 February 2009
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009
Abstract Alpine flowers face multiple challenges in
terms of abiotic and biotic factors, some of which may
result in selection for certain colours at increasing altitude,
in particular the changing pollinator species composition,
which tends to move from bee-dominated at lower eleva-
tions to fly-dominated in high-alpine regions. To evaluate
whether growing at altitude—and the associated change in
the dominant pollinator groups present—has an effect on
the colour of flowers, we analysed data collected from
the Dovrefjell National Park in Norway. Unlike previous
studies, however, we considered the flower colours
according to ecologically relevant models of bee and fly
colour vision and also their physical spectral properties
independently of any colour vision system, rather than
merely looking at human colour categories. The shift from
bee to fly pollination with elevation might, according to the
pollination syndrome hypothesis, lead to the prediction that
flower colours should shift from more bee-blue and UV-
blue flowers (blue/violet to humans, i.e. colours tradition-
ally associated with large bee pollinators) at low elevations
to more bee-blue-green and green (yellow and white to
humans—colours often linked to fly pollination) flowers at
higher altitude. However, although there was a slight
increase in bee-blue-green flowers and a decrease in bee-
blue flowers with increasing elevation, there were no sta-
tistically significant effects of altitude on flower colour as
seen either by bees or by flies. Although flower colour is
known to be constrained by evolutionary history, in this
sample we also did not find evidence that phylogeny and
elevation interact to determine flower colours in alpine
Keywords Flower colour Pollinator diversity
Insect vision Alpine flowers Pollination
Plants growing in mountainous regions are faced with a
range of challenges. As well as having to contend, poten-
tially, with high winds, desiccation and extremes of cold,
they also face increased ultraviolet exposure and pollinator
limitation when the temperatures and winds grow too
extreme for pollinating insects to fly (Totland et al. 2000).
Many strategies employed for dealing with such habitats
have already been investigated in depth (Totland et al.
2000), but what still warrants further investigation is how
flowers at high altitude might exhibit specific adaptations
in terms of their pigmentation.
Why might some colours in high-alpine habitats be more
beneficial than others? Flower colour is under selection by
pollinators (Kevan and Baker 1983; Rodriguez-Girones
and Santamaria 2004; Tastard et al. 2008; Waser 1983;
Whibley et al. 2006). There are indeed several studies
associating shifts in flower colours with shifts in pollinator
type (Altshuler 2003; Bradshaw and Schemske 2003). In
alpine areas the numbers of pollinators present will
Handling editor: Neal Williams
S. E. J. Arnold (&) L. Chittka
Research Centre for Psychology, School of Biological and
Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile
End Road, London E1 4NS, UK
V. Savolainen
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
V. Savolainen
Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus,
Ascot, Berks SL5 7PY, UK
Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2009) 3:27–43
DOI 10.1007/s11829-009-9056-9
decrease overall with increasing altitude, and will change
in composition; some insect groups are less able to function
at very high elevations than others (Kearns 1992; Totland
1992). Therefore, different pollinator guilds dominate at
different elevations and therefore the selective forces on
flower traits might be expected to differ. The pollination
syndrome hypothesis, which has been used as the basis for
studies of pollination systems for many years (Faegri and
van der Pijl 1978), postulates a strong association between
different pollinator guilds and particular suites of floral
characteristics, in particular aspects of morphology and
colour (e.g. the zygomorphic, closed and blue/purple ‘bee
flowers’’; large, white ‘moth flowers’ with long corolla
tubes). Based on this framework, a changing pollinator
composition at different elevations may be expected to lead
to different colours prevailing at different altitudes
depending on the dominant pollinator types and the colours
that appeal to them.
For example, the ability of flies to forage at higher
elevations than bees (Kearns 1992;La
zaro et al. 2008;
Totland 1993) might perhaps lead us to expect that the
flower colours traditionally thought to be associated with
fly pollination (appearing white and yellow to humans)
would be more abundant at high altitudes. Flowers
appearing white (and also pink) to humans are mostly
blue–green for bees and other trichromatic insects (Kevan
et al. 1996), whereas yellow flowers can be either green or
UV-green, depending on their UV reflectance, to such
insects (Chittka et al. 1994).
Bees appear to be especially dominant at low to medium
elevations (i.e. below the treeline, in sub-alpine habitats)
zaro et al. 2008), their large body size allowing foraging
in the relative cold, but the high energetic requirement
demanded by maintaining their flight muscles at a high
enough temperature perhaps restricting their activities at
very high elevations (Arroyo et al. 1982). Bees of many
species have an innate preference for UV-blue and blue
flowers (Giurfa et al. 1995; Raine et al. 2006), leading
perhaps to an expectation based on the pollination syn-
drome hypothesis that where bees dominate as pollinators
(e.g. below the treeline in mountainous regions), bee-blue
and UV-blue flower species should be more numerous.
However, this preference is modifiable by learning, as are
the innate preferences in many other pollinating insects
such as hoverflies and butterflies (Lunau and Maier 1995).
There have been previous attempts to document the
effects of altitude on flower colours present (see Totland
et al. (2000) for a summary)—Weevers (1952) observed
that there were more blue flower species in upland areas
than in lowland areas (both in Switzerland above 1,100 m
and Java above 1,500 m), and Kevan (1972) and Savile
(1972) observed that flowers in alpine areas and arctic
regions (which are climatically similar to alpine areas)
tended to consist of a higher proportion of white and yel-
low species. McCall and Primack (1992) observed that
purple and yellow flowers were the most visited colours in
lowland woodland, whilst yellow and white were the two
most visited colours in alpine tundra, with blue–purple
flowers being much less frequently visited. Some of these
earlier studies, however, contain primarily observational
recordings that are not well supported by statistical power.
More importantly, perhaps with the exception of Kevan
(1972), some of these studies have considered flower col-
our principally from the human perspective, without fully
taking into account the more recent understanding of pol-
linator visual systems and how these differ from human
eyes (Chittka and Kevan 2005; Chittka and Menzel 1992
Menzel and Shmida 1993).
These differences are fundamental: all insects so far
extensively tested have UV receptors with a maximum
sensitivity between around 330 and 375 nm (i.e. in the UV
range where human eyes have no sensitivity)—this
includes bees and other hymenopterans, lepidopterans,
coleopterans, hemipterans, dipterans, etc. (Briscoe and
Chittka 2001). Bees, the most important pollinators in
Norway at all but the high-alpine elevations (La
zaro et al.
2008), also have blue and green receptors, but typically
lack red receptors (Peitsch et al. 1992) (see Fig. 1a). Other
insects, including many butterflies and flies, have rather
different colour vision systems, in some cases more com-
plex than those of bees or humans (Briscoe and Chittka
2001; Morante and Desplan 2008). Figure 1b shows the
spectral sensitivities of the four photoreceptors contribut-
ing to colour vision in the blowfly, Lucilia sp.
We investigated whether the flower community growing
at high altitude has a different pollinator-relevant colour
composition to that of lower altitude areas, by using a data
set collected along a transect in the Norwegian Dovrefjell
mountains from 700 m to 1,600 m elevation. This is of
especial interest in light of the recent study by La
zaro et al.
(2008), in which plant communities at different elevations
in southern Norway were surveyed for floral colour and
morphology, and this was combined with visitation data.
The study found evidence of association between traits
(including colour) and pollinator, showing that flowers in
alpine areas generally seem to be visited by pollinators that
could be predicted according to the pollination syndrome
hypothesis. Thus, it seems that the predominance of pol-
linator types (and subsequently the main foraging strategies
in evidence) varies with elevation and could potentially
have strong effects on which flower species are most
In our study we consider flower colours as seen by their
pollinators, firstly using the well-studied model of bee
colour vision, secondly using a model of fly colour vision,
and also using the raw reflectance spectra of the flowers,
28 S. E. J. Arnold et al.
thereby considering their colours without bias towards any
vision system. As bees and flies are the most important
pollinators in most Norwegian alpine habitats (La
zaro et al.
2008), we considered how the colours might appear to
these pollinators (using the bee colour hexagon model
(Chittka 1992) and a model of the blowfly (Lucilia sp.)as
described in Troje (1993)). Additionally, we analysed the
raw spectral properties of the flowers. This encompasses
wavelengths invisible to humans (\400 nm), but does not
impose a particular visual system on to the results. To
investigate whether the colours of flowers were constrained
by their phylogeny, we tested whether phylogenetic dis-
tance correlates with differences in colours, and whether
there is an interaction between elevation and phylogeny
that affects flower colour. This is an important consider-
ation because of the following possibility: if closely related
flowers tend to have similar colours and also occur in
similar elevation ranges, this could result in detection of an
association between colour and elevation, but the cause
would be phylogenetic constraints rather than selection for
particular colours at particular altitudes. It is also possible
that there may be no statistical association between ele-
vation and colour, and equally no statistically detectable
association between phylogeny and flower colour, but
when the effects of phylogeny and elevation are combined
there could be a tendency for certain related groups of
flowers, when growing at particular elevations, to exhibit
particular colours more often.
Materials and methods
Study sites and data collection
The study site was located in the Dovrefjell–Sunndalsfjella
National Park (formerly Dovrefjell National Park) in
Norway, near to Oppdal. Data were collected in June 1992
in the altitude range 700–1,600 m a.s.l. (sub-alpine to high-
alpine), using Kongsvoll Biological Station (62° 18
N, 9°
E, 900 m above sea level) as a basis. The entire altitude
range from the valley floor to the Knutshø (also variously
spelt Knutshøa or Knudshø) peaks (south peak altitude:
1,680 m; 62° 18
N; 9° 41
0 E; north peak altitude:
1,684 m; 62° 18
N; 9° 40
E) east of the station was sur-
veyed for 7 days, mostly using footpaths as trunk routes
and thoroughly exploring the territory around. All flower-
ing species found in this survey were noted, along with the
elevation at which they were recorded. It is possible that
some comparatively rare species might have escaped
attention, but the vast majority of common species have
been included (c.f. West and West (1910)), and also
confirmed by local expert Simen Bretten (personal com-
munication). Spectrophotometer readings from 300 nm to
700 nm (i.e. including the ultraviolet range) were taken of
the flowers of all species present, using the methods
described in Chittka and Kevan (2005) and Dyer and
Chittka (2004). (All spectral reflectance curves are avail-
able from the Floral Reflectance Database http://www. (Arnold et al. 2008).) A total of 74 spe-
cies were sampled from this location and are listed in
Appendix 1.
Effect of elevation on bee colour composition
of the community
We divided the surveyed territory into three elevation
ranges: lower altitudes (700–1,000 m), intermediate alti-
tudes (1,000–1,300 m) and high altitudes (1,300–1,600 m),
and recorded which species were found in each, and which
spanned more than one range. At this location, the low
altitude group corresponds to the vegetation of mountain
meadows, stream beds, and some forests (mainly birch);
the intermediate group covers the first zone above the tree
line although scattered dwarf birch (Betula nana) and Salix
trees still occur here (West and West 1910); 1,300 m is the
lower boundary of permafrost in the Dovrefjell (Sollid
et al. 2003); the high altitude vegetation is dominated by
lichens and comprises flowering plants growing on rocky,
unstable soils (West and West 1910). The range sampled
Fig. 1 Spectral sensitivities of the (a) bee photoreceptors and (b)fly
photoreceptors that contribute to colour vision. Bee photoreceptors
shown are UV-, blue- and green-sensitive for Bombus terrestris
(Skorupski et al. 2007); fly receptors are for Lucilia sp. (Hardie and
Kirschfeld 1983)
Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators 29
still extends into regions that can at times be too cold for
many pollinator species to fly and thus the dominant types
of pollinators will change significantly within the range
sampled (Totland 1993; Totland et al. 2000), with an
increase in muscoid fly species, a decrease in bee and
beetle species and possibly an increase in butterfly species.
For bee pollinators, we categorised the flower species by
colour, according to their loci in the bee colour hexagon
(Chittka 1992; Gumbert et al. 1999). The colour hexagon is a
graphical representation of the discriminability of different
colours to a bee, based on the relative excitations of the three
types of bee photoreceptor (UV, blue and green) elicited by
the colours, and two unspecified colour opponency mecha-
nisms. Previous studies have indicated that the division of
the colour hexagon into six particular categories corre-
sponds well to the actual distributions of flower colours
present in nature (Chittka et al. 1994). Thus, we classified
flowers as either bee-blue, blue–green, green, UV-green, UV
or UV-blue (see Appendix 1), as shown in Fig. 2a.
Effect of elevation on fly colour composition
of the community
We also looked at patterns in flower colour as seen by flies.
Many dipteran species have five photoreceptor types, of
which four are used for colour vision (Morante and Des-
plan 2008; Troje 1993). These are typically referred to as
R7p (most sensitive in the UV), R7y (highest sensitivity to
violet light), R8p (peak sensitivity to blue) and R8y (peak
sensitivity to green). Two general types of ommatidia are
present in fly eyes, containing either the two p-type
(‘‘pale’’) receptors or the y-type (‘‘yellow’’) receptors—
named according to how they appear in transmitted light
(Troje 1993).
The model we used is that of Troje (1993), based on the
blowfly Lucilia sp., in which spectral stimuli across quite
wide ranges are not discriminated amongst, but are dis-
criminated from stimuli in other spectral ranges, with
category boundaries at 400 and 515 nm. The opponent
system takes the difference in relative excitations between
the two p-type receptors and the two y-type receptors and
the receptor of each pair stimulated most strongly deter-
mines the colour the fly perceives. This results in four
colour categories (p? y?,p- y?,p- y- and p? y-)
which could be regarded as fly-UV, -blue, -yellow and fly-
purple (purple referring in human vision to a colour where
the shortest and longest wavelength receptors are stimu-
lated most strongly in combination), with all stimuli within
one category being chromatically indistinguishable to the
fly. The fly colour loci are plotted in Fig. 2b, with the four
quadrants labelled.
Fig. 2 a Bee colour hexagon of the flower species measured. The six
segments correspond to the six bee colour categories used in this
analysis (b = blue, bg = blue–green, g = green, ug = UV-green,
u = UV and ub = UV-blue). Loci are calculated according to the
relative stimulation of the three receptor types (UV, blue, green)
elicited by the stimulus. ‘Low’’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ refers to the
highest elevation category in which the species was recorded. b
Colours of flowers from the study site, according to how they would
be perceived by the blowfly. Flower species are categorised according
to the highest elevation range in which they were recorded. The
model is used is that from Troje (1993) for Lucilia sp.; colours in the
same quadrant of the graph are not discriminated by the fly, meaning
that all flowers appear (clockwise, from top-left) fly-blue, UV, fly-
purple or fly-green
30 S. E. J. Arnold et al.
We used Microsoft Excel with the Bootstrap add-in
(available from
investigate whether there is an association between flower
colour and elevation. We compared all the species that
occurred in the same altitude group or combination of
groups (e.g. low and medium) pairwise, counting the total
number of times flower species occurring across the same
ranges also shared the same colour, using either bee colours
or fly colours in separate analyses. This yielded a measure,
, of the association between flower colour and altitude
ranges of the flowers, derived from summing the counts of
incidences in which species found across the same altitude
groups share the same colours. For bee colours, N
= 251
in our actual data, and for fly colours, N
= 343.
We reassigned the flower colours across the sample
10,000 times, whilst keeping the altitude range over which
each species is found constant, and recalculated N
each trial, tracking how it varied and producing frequency
distributions shown in Fig. 3. If particular colours are
strongly dominant at some altitudes, N
will be
disproportionately high, whilst if particular colours are
found at unusually low frequency in a particular altitude
range, N
will be low. Using the frequency distributions of
obtained from our randomisations, we were able to
ascertain whether the value corresponding to the original
data differed significantly from expected, and thus, whether
there was an association between elevation and colour. We
will subsequently refer to this randomisation test as ‘Ele-
vation versus Colour analysis’’.
Distributions of spectral characteristics of flowers
by elevation group
Since an alternative possibility to pollinator-mediated
selection is that flowers’ pigments are selected by abiotic
factors, we also analysed the spectra independently of the
consideration of any visual system. We simplified the
spectra to the values obtained at 50 nm intervals over the
range originally measured. This is justified because flowers
typically have smooth reflectance functions, with only two
or three strong changes in reflectance over a range from
300 nm to 700 nm (Chittka and Menzel 1992; Chittka et al.
1994). We performed a principal components analysis
(PCA) on these data using SPSS for Windows. To test
whether the coordinates fell into distinct clusters according
to altitude range, we performed a MANOVA on the PCA
scores, testing whether the groups of species from different
elevations yield significantly different scores. This pro-
vides information on whether the reflectance spectra of
flowers at the different elevations differ in terms of their
physical properties, regardless of the visual system that
perceives the flowers.
Effect of phylogeny on flower colour
It is possible that phylogeny is a stronger predictor or
constraint of flower colour than any selective action of
pollinators or abiotic factors within a habitat, as evidenced
by the findings in Chittka (1997) that some plant families
have flowers in only two or three bee colour groups, with
fewer flowers of other colours. It may also be the case that
plant clades are themselves distributed according to
We constructed a phylogenetic tree of the species studied,
using published DNA sequence information of ribulose-1,5-
bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL) gene (Appendix 2) and
ribosomal ITS1 (internal transcribed spacer 1) (Appendix 3)
to resolve multiple species within genera. The rbcL gene has
already been extensively used in phylogenetic studies as it is
well conserved throughout the angiosperms (Chase et al.
1993). We used the GenBank database (http://www. to search for rbcL sequences
for the species present in the habitat. When a complete or
Fig. 3 Frequency distributions obtained for the value of N
when the
flower species are categorised by (a) bee colour and (b) fly colour. N
is a measure of the number of times flower species that are present
across the same altitude range share the same colour. If, at any
elevation, one flower colour becomes disproportionately dominant or
rare relative to chance, species occurring at that elevation will be
either much more or much less likely to share the same colour, giving
rise to an unusually high or low N
value. The thin dotted lines
indicate the boundaries for the upper and lower 2.5% most extreme
Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators 31
near-complete rbcL sequence was not available for a par-
ticular species we recorded, we substituted a sequence from a
species of the same genus.
In some cases, no sequence was available for any spe-
cies in the genus; in these cases we used a close relative
from the same family. Thus, we used a Dimorphotheca
sinuata sequence in the place of Antennaria dioica and a
Platanthera ciliaris sequence in the place of the two
Dactylorhiza species. This is justified by the studies of Kim
and Jansen (1995) and Aceto et al. (1999), which place
Dimorphotheca and Antennaria, and Platanthera and
Dactylorhiza close together on phylogenetic trees. For
three species (Viscaria alpina, Tanacetum vulgare and
Hieracium sp.), we were unable to find any appropriate
substitute sequences (sequences for other species from the
same family were already included in the analysis, but we
were unable to find species that were more closely related
to the three above species than to the others in their fam-
ilies), and so these species remain unresolved in this study
and were excluded from the subsequent statistical analysis.
Appendix 2 lists the species originally recorded in the
habitat, and also the data relating to the sequences used to
resolve the relationships, including the species from which
the rbcL sequences were obtained, the accession details of
the samples and the relevant references.
We aligned the sequences using PAUP* (Swofford
2002), then constructed a tree using maximum parsimony.
We used a heuristic search with the Tree Bisection
Reconnection (TBR) swapping algorithm. We performed
1,000 replicates for stepwise addition, saving only the five
best trees from each replicate. The best trees produced
were used to create a strict consensus tree, with the two
monocot genera (Tofieldia and Dactylorhiza/Platanthera)
being used to root the tree following the Angiosperm
Phylogeny Group (2003). Two genera (Saxifraga and Si-
lene) contained three species that were all present at the
study site. In order to resolve the relationships between the
species within these genera, we used the ITS1 sequence
information from the species in these genera.
Using MacClade (Maddison and Maddison 1992), we
then manually substituted the original species names from
the habitat in place of the species providing the rbcL
sequence information. Because of the relatively small
number of taxa in our sample, a few genera (specifically
those genera in the Brassicaceae and Saxifragaceae) were
misplaced according to the current phylogeny published by
the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. In these cases, we cor-
rected the tree in MacClade according to the most recent
information of the APG using
MOBOT/APGroup/, moving taxa to their correct branches
as given in this resource.
All major lineages contained at least two different bee
colours, though the Ericaceae in this sample consisted only
of bee-blue and bee-blue-green species. We used Mac-
Clade (Maddison and Maddison 1992) to test whether the
distribution of colours with respect to the known phylogeny
deviated significantly from random, and also whether
species on the tree showed a pattern in their maximum
elevations relative to their phylogeny. We tested for ran-
dom versus non-random distribution of traits by shuffling
the characters (colour or maximum elevation) 1,000 times
and testing whether the tree lengths obtained differed sig-
nificantly from the tree length obtained from the actual
data. If the characters are clustered in the actual tree, this
tree length will be significantly shorter than for the trees
subsequently created with random reassignments of char-
acters. This test will be referred to as ‘Elevation versus
Phylogeny analysis’’.
To investigate whether the two variables, phylogeny and
altitude, have a combined effect on the colours of flowers,
we constructed a distance matrix based on phylogenetic
distance between species on the tree. As the sequence data
did not perfectly correlate with established trees, we did
not use rbcL genetic distance in our measure as this would
produce anomalous distances; instead we measured dis-
tance in terms of the number of nodes in the tree between
pairs of species. We created two other similar distance
matrices in SPSS, based firstly upon elevation ranges of the
species, and secondly on colour distances derived from raw
spectral reflectance data for the flower species.
If evolutionary history constrains flower colour, one
would anticipate that the colour distance matrix would
correlate significantly with the phylogenetic distance
matrix. Furthermore, if there was a combined effect of
phylogeny and elevation on flower colours, an aggregate
distance matrix containing combined information on phy-
logenetic distance and dissimilarity of elevation range
would be expected to correlate with a matrix of colour
distances—i.e. the closer species are in evolutionary his-
tory and elevation range, the more similar their colours. We
used the ade4 package in the R statistical package (R
Development Core Team 2004) with 1,000 repeats to test
whether this was the case.
The colour composition of the flower populations in the
different elevation groups is shown in Fig. 4; graphs show
the bee colours of the flowers, as used in the analyses, and
also the species as classified by human colours, for
32 S. E. J. Arnold et al.
Effect of elevation on bee colour composition
of the community
The commonest bee colour at all altitudes was blue–green
(52% of flowers overall), and the proportion of blue–green
flower species increased from low to high altitudes, from
45% in the low altitude group to 67% in the high altitude
group. Whilst not significant (see below), this trend is in
line with predictions based purely on the concept of pol-
lination syndromes—at high altitudes where flies are the
dominant pollinator type, flowers should, according to this
hypothesis, be more likely to be human white, i.e. bee-
blue-green, than at lower elevations. By contrast, the pro-
portion of bee-blue flowers (usually blue or purple to
humans) declined with increasing altitude; only 5% of the
flower species recorded above 1,300 m were blue to a bee’s
eyes compared with 21% of species occurring at the lowest
elevations below 1,000 m.
Figure 3a shows the frequency distribution of N
obtained from the randomisation when species are classified
by bee colour, and the actual value of N
obtained from the
dataset. The analysis showed no significant tendency for
species in the same altitude group to share the same colour
more often than chance (Elevation versus Colour analysis,
= 251, P = 0.144), and this holds when species found
at each elevation are considered individually (low eleva-
tion, N
= 221, P = 0.076; medium, N
= 33, P = 0.608;
high, N
= 23, P = 0.457). This indicates overall that no
flower colour is more dominant than expected at any par-
ticular elevation; were a colour category to predominate
more at any particular elevation or, equally, to decrease in
importance, it would skew the value of N
and cause an
unexpectedly high or low value to be obtained. The value of
obtained for the actual dataset is somewhat lower than
many of the random values obtained; although this is by no
means significant, it suggests that, perhaps surprisingly, the
aggregation of colours by elevation is somewhat less than
chance would predict, i.e. the dominance of common col-
ours in some altitude groups is (non-significantly) less than
expected by chance.
700-1000 1000-1300 1300-1600
Altitude (m asl)
Proportion of colours
700-1000 1000-1300 1300-1600
Altitude (m asl)
Proportions of colours
Fig. 4 Relative proportions of
different flower colours present
at the survey site, with
increasing elevation. Flowers
are classified on their
appearance according to a) the
bee visual system and b) the
human visual system. (Number
of species recorded at each
elevation range: 700–1,000 m,
58; 1,000–1,300 m, 27;
1,300–1,600 m, 18.)
Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators 33
Effect of elevation on fly colour composition
of the community
The commonest fly colour categories were ‘fly-yellow’
(50% of species) and ‘fly-blue’ (38% of species); ‘fly-
UV’ and ‘fly-purple’ categories contained only three and
six species, respectively. Increasing elevation was associ-
ated with an increase in the proportion of fly-yellow flower
species (51–73%) and a decrease in fly-blue and fly-purple
flowers (from 36% to 20%, and 8 to 0% from the low
elevation group to the high elevation group, respectively).
However, these changes are not statistically significant: the
randomisation analysis revealed no trend for flowers
growing in the same altitude ranges to share the same fly
colour (Elevation versus Colour analysis, N
= 343,
P = 0.594). This indicates that no colour of flower is more
or less dominant than expected by chance at any elevation.
The frequency distribution of N
values obtained in the
randomisation is shown in Fig. 3b, including the value
corresponding to the actual data.
Distributions of spectral characteristics of flowers
by elevation group
The results of the principal components analysis are shown in
Fig. 5. The distribution of colours from all three altitude
groups appear to overlap heavily, and indeed the MANOVA
reveals no difference between the groups of points (Wilks’
lambda, F = 0.247, P = 0.911, hdf = 4.0, edf = 140),
indicating that the distributions of reflectance spectra present
in each elevation group are statistically indistinguishable, at
least with the sample sizes available to us.
Effect of phylogeny on flower colour
The phylogenetic tree of the flower species present at the
study site is shown in Fig. 6, with the colours included for
reference purposes. The tree length when maximum ele-
vation was mapped on to the tree is significantly shorter
than chance (Elevation versus Phylogeny analysis, n = 71,
actual tree length = 24, P = 0.029), indicating that
growing at high elevations is a trait that occurs non-ran-
domly with respect to phylogeny. By contrast, in this
analysis, the tree length for colour did not differ signifi-
cantly from random (Elevation versus Phylogeny analysis,
n = 71, actual tree length = 27, P = 0.250), giving no
evidence in this particular analysis of a pattern of colour
relative to phylogeny, perhaps because our sample included
mostly distantly related species, where the phylogenetic
signal is weak.
When we compared a matrix of phylogenetic distances
with a matrix of colour distances based on raw flower
spectra, there was also no significant correlation between
the matrices (Mantel test, r = 0.0169, n = 71, P = 0.174).
Although at certain scales there are inevitably constraints
of evolutionary history on flower colour, the effect in this
sample is not significant.
We also found no significant correlation between the
matrix of colour distances and the aggregated matrix of
phylogenetic distance and dissimilarity in altitude range
when the colour distances were derived from raw spectra
(Mantel test, r = 0.0215, n = 71, P = 0.123). This indi-
cates that phylogenetic distance across the data set does not
interact with altitude to affect flower colour.
Previous authors have made observations about the colours
of flowers in alpine areas, stating that the colour compo-
sition of high altitude and arctic communities differs from
those at lower elevations (Kevan 1972; Savile 1972;
Weevers 1952). In this study of flower colours along a
single transect in the Norwegian alpine flora, we sought to
test whether any of these observations can be supported
statistically. Unlike the studies by Savile (1972) and
Weevers (1952), we considered the flower colours as they
would be seen by insect pollinators, as this better reflects
the selective pressures on those flowers. We also analysed
how spectral properties of flowers were distributed over a
range of altitudes, making no a priori assumptions about
the visual systems viewing any of the flower species.
Fig. 5 Principal components analysis of spectral reflectance data.
Here, flowers are classified as low, medium or high elevation based
on the maximum elevation at which they were recorded (\1,000 m,
\1,300 m and \1,600 m, respectively). Variation accounted for by
principal component 1: 45.177%; principal component 2: 25.871%
34 S. E. J. Arnold et al.
We have focused on the visual systems of bees and flies
because these are the two dominant pollinator types in
Norwegian alpine habitats. However, other pollinators are,
of course, present in plant communities. The recent study
by La
zaro et al. (2008) noted that butterflies in the Nor-
wegian mountains are of relatively minor importance when
compared to the above groups (constituting just 2% of the
flower-visiting insects at the lowest altitude study site,
increasing to 7.9% at the highest altitudes). Butterflies’
innately preferred colours can vary vastly depending on
species and individual so it is difficult to generalise (Lunau
and Maier 1995; Neumayer and Spaethe 2007); diurnal
lepidopterans also have very variable numbers of photo-
receptor types (Briscoe 2000; Briscoe and Bernard 2005;
Sison-Mangus et al. 2006). For these reasons, we have
chosen not to include a quantitative analysis of flower
colours as seen by butterflies here.
The diversity of butterfly visual systems, species-to-
species differences in colour preferences and the compar-
atively small contribution they make to the total pollinator
visitation relative to that of bees and flies means that
attempting to model the flowers according to their visual
system was not feasible. Equally, there is insufficient
information about beetle colour vision to be able to make
predictions about how they view flowers, and this group
makes a very small contribution to pollination in Norwe-
gian alpine habitats (La
zaro et al. 2008).
The study by La
zaro et al. (2008) found an association
between pollinator type (e.g. bees, flies, butterflies, etc.)
and flower colour and other aspects of morphology in
Norwegian habitats at various altitudes. Given this, and the
fact that the pollinator community changes in composition
at different elevations, a possible prediction arising from
this is that as different pollinator types change in
Fig. 6 Phylogenetic tree of the
species recorded at the study
site. We used published rbcL
(the large subunit of the
carboxylase) gene sequences
from the GenBank database to
resolve relationships to the
genus level, and ITS1
(ribosomal internal transcribed
spacer 1) sequences to resolve
species within genera where
Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators 35
importance at different elevations, and each group is
associated with particular colours of flower, then the col-
ours of flower species present should also vary in
accordance with these preferences. Although visit fre-
quency taken alone does not perfectly assess an insect’s
contribution to pollination of a particular plant, visit fre-
quency is one measure of total interaction (Va
zquez et al.
2005) and therefore a colour that is associated with more
visits from a pollinator is probably also receiving more
benefit from that pollinator than a flower of another colour
visited less frequently. This could apply regardless of
whether the colour association is based on innate prefer-
ences (Lunau and Maier 1995) or the result of pollinators
learning which flowers are most suitable for them (Raine
et al. 2006), given flower morphology and rewards.
However, our analysis provides no evidence for altitude
variation in the distribution of flower colours, either as
perceived by bees or by flies. Indeed, even when consi-
dering the flower colours without any model of insect
perception, no differences between the altitude groups
emerged; the PCA indicates that the distributions of spec-
tral reflectance properties in the three altitude categories
are statistically indistinguishable. The lack of association
between elevation and colour is unlikely to be a result of
insufficient data: all species found along our transect dur-
ing a full week’s careful survey were recorded, and the
length of the transect spanned sufficient distance that there
were substantial changes in the habitat type, from wood-
land and stream beds to unstable, rocky high-alpine
substrates. Although the transect began at around 700 m,
and did not extend to such low elevations as in La
zaro et al.
(2008), the change in habitat types suggests a significant
change in pollinator composition, such that a change in
flower colour composition of the communities could be
It is known from other studies that evolutionary history
constrains flowers’ colours (Kalisz and Kramer 2008;
Menzel and Shmida 1993), since not all families have the
biochemical pathways to produce particular pigments.
Some plant lineages only contain particular floral pigments,
and therefore flowers in those groups can only assume a
limited range of colours. However, most plant families are
ultimately capable of producing a variety of colours
(Chittka 1997), and in our study there is no evidence of a
combined effect of phylogeny and elevation predicting
flower colour similarities according to relatedness and
shared elevation range.
There are a number of reasons why such a lack of
change in the proportions of flower colours with changing
elevation, even when the effect of phylogeny is factored
into the analysis, may be observed. The first is the phe-
nomenal learning ability of insect pollinators. Even though
certain pollinator types have specific innate preferences for
colours of flowers (Giurfa et al. 1995; Lunau et al. 1996;
Raine et al. 2006), many are able to learn to overcome
these preferences easily if a flower is sufficiently rewarding
(Menzel 1985). Therefore, simply because a flower’s col-
our matches the innate preference of a dominant pollinator,
this may not necessarily constitute a fundamental selective
advantage for the flowers, since the vast majority of pol-
linator visits will be by experienced individuals (Raine and
Chittka 2007). The pollination market hypothesis, in fact,
advocates that a range of distinct and discriminable colours
in a habitat would be most advantageous to plants (Fried-
man and Shmida 1995; Gumbert et al. 1999). Even if the
diversity of pollinators decreases with elevation, rather
than appealing to the innate preferences of those remaining
pollinator types, a plant species may benefit more from
displaying floral signals that are distinctive and recognis-
able (Chittka et al. 1999).
There can also be selection for certain pigments for
reasons other than pollinator preference, particularly
because of their protective ability on the plant. Examples
include protecting against desiccation, cold, drought, her-
bivory or UV damage (Ben-Tal and King 1997; Chalker-
Scott 1999; Chittka et al. 2001; Fineblum and Rausher
; Mori et al. 2005; Warren and Mackenzie 2001), and
to other challenges such as herbivory (Johnson et al. 2008),
all factors which are likely to differ in importance at dif-
ferent elevations. Similarly, the increase in ultraviolet at
high elevations can be damaging to some plant cells, and it
has been found that floral pigments such as anthocyanins
(usually conferring a blue or red colouration) may also
confer protection against UV damage (Mori et al. 2005). It
is therefore conceivable that in some cases the pigments
favoured by physical factors conflict with those that poll-
inators may favour, resulting in an overall observation that
colour frequencies at different altitudes do not differ, in
spite of various selection pressures favouring particular
colours in particular circumstances. Based on current
knowledge of the protective effects of anthocyanin pig-
ments, one might expect that the flowers of plants
subjected more often to extreme environmental conditions
such as high altitude would bear such pigments in
increased quantities. However, at high altitudes, selection
according to the concept of fly pollination syndrome might
dictate that flowers would be principally pollinated by flies
and therefore ‘should’ be white or yellow (La
zaro et al.
2008). This could result in a trade-off situation in which
flowers must compromise between the colours that appeal
to pollinators’ innate preferences, and those which serve
other protective functions. Analogous trade-offs in which
traits or behaviours are beneficial in some contexts and
disadvantageous in others are relatively abundant in nature,
for example when zooplankton face trade-offs between
risks of UV damage and risk of predation when migrating
36 S. E. J. Arnold et al.
between depths in lakes or developing protective pigments
(Boeing et al. 2004; Hansson 2000).
Overall, our study demonstrates that there is no simple
pattern to the colours of flowers in mountainous areas as
elevation increases, whether flowers are considered
according to either of two insect colour vision models or
based only on their reflectance spectra, and that the polli-
nator types present cannot account for the lack of
differences if considered purely within the context of the
pollination syndrome concept.
Acknowledgements The raw data for this study were col-
lected when LC worked under the auspices of the Institute of
Neurobiology, Free University of Berlin. Financial support came
from a Leibniz Award from the German Research Foundation
(DFG) to R. Menzel. We wish to thank Simen Bretten for help with
identification of the plants, and Neal Williams and three anonymous
reviewers for their helpful comments on the manuscript. SEJA was
supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
Council/Co-operative Award in Science and Engineering (CASE)
studentship in association with Kew Enterprises (BBS/S/L/2005/
See Tables 1, 2 and 3.
Table 1 List of plant species analysed, including colour information (as seen by bees, and also humans, after categorising the flower colour into
one of six human colours) and elevation of collection (in m a.s.l.)
Family Species name Bee colour Human colour Fly colour Elevation
Campanulaceae Campanula rotundifolia Blue Blue p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–800
Caryophyllaceae Silene dioica Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–1,200
Caryophyllaceae Viscaria alpina Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,050–1,180
Fabaceae Astragalus alpinus Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–1,500
Fabaceae Oxytropis lapponica Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Fabaceae Trifolium pratense Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Fabaceae Vicia cracca Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–800
Lentibulariaceae Pinguicula vulgaris Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–1,300
Onagraceae Chamerion angustifolium Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Plantaginaceae Veronica alpina Blue Blue p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,100
Polemoniaceae Polemonium caerulum Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–1,000
Primulaceae Primula stricta Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Primulaceae Primula scandinavica Blue Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,050–1,150
Ranunculaceae Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. septentrionale Blue Pink/purple p- y?
(‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Violaceae Viola canina Blue Blue p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Apiaceae Anthriscus sylvestris Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–920
Asteraceae Achillea nobilis Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–900
Asteraceae Antennaria dioica Blue–green Pink/purple p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 920–1,200
Asteraceae Erigeron borealis Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,400–1,500
Boraginaceae Myosotis decumbens Blue–green Blue p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 800–1,000
Brassicaceae Draba incana Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–1,500
Brassicaceae Draba oxycarpa Blue–green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,600
Caryophyllaceae Cerastium alpinum Blue–green White p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–1,100
Caryophyllaceae Silene acaulis Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,000–1,600
Caryophyllaceae Silene vulgaris Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–900
Caryophyllaceae Stellaria nemorum Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–900
Crassulaceae Sedum annuum Blue–green Red p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 800–900
Diapensiaceae Diapensia lapponica Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,040–1,100
Dipsacaceae Knautia arvensis
Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Ericaceae Andromeda polifolia Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,040–1,260
Ericaceae Harrimanella hypnoides Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,040–1,160
Ericaceae Kalmia procumbens Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,040–1,160
Ericaceae Phyllodoce caerulea Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–1,500
Ericaceae Vaccinium vitis-idaea Blue–green Pink/purple p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–900
Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators 37
Table 1 continued
Family Species name Bee colour Human colour Fly colour Elevation
Ericaceae Vaccinium myrtillus Blue–green Red p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,000–1,100
Fabaceae Trifolium repens Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–900
Orchidaceae Dactylorhiza maculata Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700
Orchidaceae Dactylorhiza fuchsii Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700
Orobanchaceae Pedicularis lapponica Blue–green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–800
Orobanchaceae Pedicularis oederi Blue–green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 920–1,600
Papaveraceae Papaver radicatum Blue–green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 900
Polygonaceae Bistorta vivipara Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 960–1,100
Polygonaceae Rumex acetosa Blue–green Red p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–800
Polygonaceae Rumex acetosella Blue–green Red p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Primulaceae Trientalis europaea Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 900–1,200
Ranunculaceae Pulsatilla vernalis Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,000–1,200
Ranunculaceae Ranunculus glacialis Blue–green Pink/purple p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,600
Rosaceae Dryas octopetala Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 900–1,500
Rosaceae Prunus padus Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–800
Rubiaceae Galium boreale Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–900
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga stellaris Blue–green Pink/purple p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,400–1,500
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga oppositifolia Blue–green Pink/purple p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 1,400–1,500
Saxifragaceae Saxifraga cespitosa Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,100–1,600
Tofieldiaceae Tofieldia pusilla Blue–green White p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,400
Asteraceae Tanacetum vulgare Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 800
Brassicaceae Erysinum strictum Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–900
Crassulaceae Rhodiola rosea Green Green p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 1,160–1,600
Fabaceae Astragalus frigidus Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–1,000
Fabaceae Lathyrus pratensis Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–800
Orobanchaceae Melampyrum sylvaticum Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–960
Orobanchaceae Melampyrum pratense Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–800
Ranunculaceae Trollius europaenus Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 900
Rosaceae Alchemilla glabra Green Green p
- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 700–1,000
Rosaceae Potentilla crantzii Green Yellow p- y- (‘‘yellow’’) 900–1,600
Rosaceae Geum rivale UV Pink/purple p? y? (‘‘UV’’) 700–1,000
Geraniaceae Geranium sylvaticum UV-blue Pink/purple p? y? (‘‘UV’’) 700–1,000
Orobanchaceae Bartsia alpina UV-blue Pink/purple p? y? (‘‘UV’’) 700–1,500
Plantaginaceae Veronica fruticans UV-blue Blue p- y? (‘‘blue’’) 700–900
Asteraceae Hieracium spec. UV-green Yellow p? y- (‘‘purple’’) 900
Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale UV-green Yellow p? y- (‘‘purple’’) 700–1,000
Ranunculaceae Caltha palustris UV-green Yellow p? y- (‘‘purple’’) 900–1,000
Ranunculaceae Ranunculus acris UV-green Yellow p? y- (‘‘purple’’) 700–1,500
Rosaceae Potentilla erecta UV-green Yellow p? y- (‘‘purple’’) 700–900
Violaceae Viola biflora UV-green Yellow p? y- (‘‘purple’’) 800–1,500
Species names are as in Norsk Flora (Lid and Lid 2005)
38 S. E. J. Arnold et al.
Table 2 Details of the rbcL sequences used to build the phylogenetic tree, including accession and citation details for the species providing rbcL
Species measured Species sequence used Family Accession Citation
Achillea nobilis Achillea millefolium Asteraceae EU384938 Panero and Funk (2008)
Aconitum septentrionale Aconitum racemulosum Ranunculaceae AY954488 Wang et al. (2005)
Alchemilla glabra Alchemilla mollis Rosaceae AMU06792 Soltis et al. (1993)
Andromeda polifolia Andromeda polifolia Ericaceae AF124572 Kron et al. (1999)
Antennaria dioica Dimorphotheca sinuata Asteraceae EU384966 Panero and Funk (2008)
Anthriscus sylvestris Anthriscus aemula Apiaceae D44554 Kondo et al. (1996)
Astragalus alpinus/frigidus Astragalus membranaceus Fabaceae EF685978 Guo et al. (2007)
Bartsia alpina Bartsia alpina Orobanchaceae AF190903 Olmstead et al. (1992)
Bistorta vivipara
(syn. Polygonum viviparum)
Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonaceae AB019031 Inamura et al. (1998)
Caltha palustris Caltha palustris Ranunculaceae AY395532 Silvertown et al. (2006)
Campanula rotundifolia Campanula trachelium Campanulaceae DQ356118 Antonelli (2008)
Harimanella hypnoides
(syn. Cassiope hypnoides)
Cassiope mertensiana Ericaceae L12603 Kron and Chase (1993)
Cerastium alpinum Cerastium glomeratum Caryophyllaceae M83542 Manhart et al. (1991)
Chamerion angustifolium
(syn. Epilobium angustifolium)
Epilobium rigidum Onagraceae AF495763 Levin et al. (2003)
Dactylorhiza maculata/fuschii Platanthera ciliaris Orchidaceae AF074215 Cameron et al. (1999)
Diapensia lapponica Diapensia lapponica Diapensiaceae L12612 Kron and Chase (1993)
Draba incarna/oxycarpa Draba nemorosa Brassicaceae NC_009272 Hosouchi et al. (2007)
Dryas octopetala Dryas drummondii Rosaceae U59818 Swensen (1996)
Erigeron borealis Erigeron tenuis Asteraceae EU384973 Panero and Funk (2008)
Erysimum hieracifolium Erysimum capitatum
Brassicaceae AY167980 Cummings et al. (2003)
Galium boreale Galium mollugo Rubiaceae AY395538 Silvertown et al. (2006)
Geranium sylvaticum Geranium albanum Geraniaceae DQ452884 Fiz et al. (2008)
Geum rivale Geum macrophyllum Rosaceae U06806 Soltis et al. (1993)
Hieracium spec. N/A
Knautia arvensis Knautia intermedia Dipsacaceae Y10698 Backlund and Bremer (1997)
Lathyrus pratensis Lathyrus pratensis Fabaceae AY395544 Silvertown et al. (2006)
Kalmia procumbens Kalmia procumbens Ericaceae U49288 Kron and King (1996)
Melampyrum sylvaticum/pratensis Melampyrum sylvaticum Orobanchaceae AM503854 Li et al. (2008)
Myosotis decumbens Myosotis discolor Boraginaceae AY395552 Silvertown et al. (2006)
Oxytropis lapponica Oxytropis anertii Fabaceae EF685981 Guo et al. (2007)
Papaver radicatum Papaver sp. Goldblatt 12541 Papaveraceae AM235045 Forest et al. (2007)
Pedicularis oederi/lapponica Pedicularis coronata Orobanchaceae AF206803 Soltis et al. (1999)
Phyllodoce caerulea Phyllodoce caerulea Ericaceae AF419829 Kron (2001)
Pinguicula vulgaris Pinguicula caerulea Lentibulariaceae L01942 Albert et al. (1992)
Polemonium caerulum Polemonium reptans Polemoniaceae L11687 Olmstead et al. (1992)
Potentilla erecta/crantzii Potentilla fruticosa Rosaceae U06818 Soltis et al. (1993)
Primula stricta/scandinavica Primula stricta Primulaceae AF394975 Trift et al. (2002)
Prunus padus Prunus padus Rosaceae AF411485 Jung et al. (2001)
Pulsatilla vernalis Pulsatilla cernua Ranunculaceae AY954492 Wang et al. (2005)
Ranunculus acris/glacialis Ranunculus acris Ranunculaceae AY395557 Silvertown et al. (2006)
Rumex acetosa and acetosella Rumex acetosella Polygonaceae D86290 Yasui and Ohnishi (1996)
Saxifraga stellaris/
Saxifraga stellaris Saxifragaceae AF374732 Soltis et al. (2001)
Sedum anuum and Rhodiola rosea
(syn. Sedum rosea)
Sedum rubrotinctum Crassulaceae L01956 Albert et al. (1992)
Silene acaulis/dioica/vulgaris Silene dioica Caryophyllaceae EF646928 Muir and Filatov (2007)
Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators 39
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Species Accession Citation
Saxifraga cespitosa AF087604 Conti et al. (1999)
Saxifraga oppositifolia AF087592 Conti et al. (1999)
Saxifraga stellaris AF374827 Soltis et al. (2001)
Silene acaulis U30949 Desfeux et al. (1996)
Silene dioica U32568 Desfeux et al. (1996)
Silene vulgaris U30969 Desfeux et al. (1996)
Table 2 continued
Species measured Species sequence used Family Accession Citation
Stellaria nemorum Stellaria media Caryophyllaceae AF206823 Soltis et al. (1999)
Tanacetum vulgare N/A
Taraxacum officinale Taraxacum officinale Asteraceae AY395562 Silvertown et al. (2006)
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Vaccinium vitis-idaea/myrtillus Vaccinium vitis-idaea Ericaceae AF419837 Kron (2001)
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Vicia cracca Vicia cracca Fabaceae AY395566 Silvertown et al. (2006)
Viola biflora/canina Viola philippica Violaceae AB354436 Tokuoka (2008)
Viscaria alpina N/A
‘N/A’ indicates that a suitable sequence from a species in the same genus or a closely related genus was not available
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Flower colours along an alpine altitude gradient, seen through the eyes of fly and bee pollinators 43
... success (Chittka et al. 1997;Spaethe et al. 2001;Dyer and Chittka 2004) (but see Jiménez-López et al. 2019). Flower colour is an evolutionarily labile trait that shows low phylogenetic inertia (Arnold et al., 2009;McEwen & Vamosi, 2010;Shrestha et al., 2014;Ortiz et al. 2021), and colour changes are frequent within flowering plant clades (e.g., Beardsley et al., 2003;McEwen & Vamosi, 2010;van der Kooi and Stavenga, 2019). Thus, co-occurring species may be under selective pressure for flower colour divergence because strong flower colour differences facilitate floral constancy and thus enable heterospecific pollen transfer to be avoided Chittka, 2004, van der Kooi et al. 2016). ...
... The fact that related co-occurring species maintain a similar colour may be due to a pollination advantage or phylogenetic inertia. However, in other communities, including the Mediterranean shrubland studied here, a lack of phylogenetic signal in flower colour has previously been reported (Arnold et al. 2009;McEwen & Vamosi, 2010;Shrestha et al. 2014;Ortiz et al. 2021). Flower colour is evolutionarily labile, and changes commonly occur due to mutations in the anthocyanin or carotenoid biosynthetic pathways; thus, the maintenance of new colour phenotypes is usually attributed to selection mediated by pollinators (e. g., Hopkins & Rausher, 2012;Irwin & Strauss, 2005;Narbona et al. 2018). ...
Within a community, co-occurring plant species are expected to diverge in floral display or flowering phenology to decrease interspecific competition and thus increase intraspecific pollination. However, co-occurring species can also benefit from floral signal standardisation (similar colour signals among flowers of different species) because it facilitates pollinator attraction. Considering the interaction of flower colour display and flowering phenology, we investigated the visual similarity of rewarding flowers among species from highly diverse tropical and temperate vegetation types. For six groups of co-occurring, closely related bee-pollinated species with similar floral displays from Brazilian campo rupestre (51 species) and Spanish Mediterranean vegetation (30 species), we first investigated whether flower colours can be discriminated by bees based on colour locus distance in the bee vision hexagon. We then tested whether flowering phenology overlapped or was segregated. We found that within both vegetation regions, flower colour was generally not distinguishable within groups by bees. The small perceptual distance of colour loci in the bee visual space did not enable discrimination. The flowering periods of the Mediterranean species overlapped, while the Brazilian campo rupestre species tended to have segregated phenologies. Mediterranean species may benefit from the increased standardisation of signals displayed during the short flowering season, while the sequential flowering phenology of campo rupestre species may decrease interspecific competition and help maintain a recognizable signal for bees over time, favouring flower constancy. We concluded that the standardisation of the floral colour signal within these two species-rich plant communities is advantageous for most of the species studied, despite having different flowering phenologies.
... It is difficult to define color as a variable for phylogenetic analyses, especially to avoid bias of human vision, so several studies approach evolutionary history from alternative methods. While some studies found phylogenetic signal in flower coloration (Ng & Smith 2016;Reverté et al. 2016;Shrestha et al. 2013), others did not (Smith et al. 2008;Arnold et al. 2009a;McEwen & Vamosi 2010;Weber et al. 2018). Inasmuch as phylogenetic effect varies across groups, it is important to include phylogeny as a possible cause for patterns of flower coloration. ...
... Higher altitude gradients are an interesting study system because they vary in biotic and abiotic factors such as ambient light, with higher altitudes having higher UV (Gray et al. 2018); and in pollinator assemblage (Shrestha et al. 2013). At first, a study in Norway (Arnold et al. 2009a), with altitudes varying from 700-1600 m above sea level (a.s.l.), found no effect of altitude on flower color. The same data was re-evaluated latter and found within community convergence of flower colors in higher elevations (Bergamo et al. 2018). ...
Full-text available
Diversity and distribution of flower coloration is a puzzling topic that has been extensively studied, with multiple hypotheses being proposed to account for the functions of coloration, such as pollinator attraction, protection against herbivory, and prevention of damage by ultraviolet light. Recent methodologies have allowed studies to consider the visual system of animals other than humans, helping to answer questions regarding the distribution of flower coloration. A survey of keywords in Web of Science shows floral color to be mainly studied in relation to macroevolutionary traits and biochemistry of pigments, focusing on pollination and anthocyanins, respectively. The present paper reviews mechanisms that determine the color of flowers. First, it is discussed how pigment, visual systems and signaling environments influence flower color; secondly, patterns of convergent evolution of flower color is debated, including evolutionary history, pollinator preference, flower color change, flowering season, and habitat. Third and last, patterns of flower coloration that have been found around the globe are addressed. In short, the aim is to contribute to ongoing research, by underlining mechanisms that lead to global patterns of coloration and indicating perspectives for future study on the topic. Keywords: floral color; flower coloration; color vision; pollination ecology; sensory drive; flower color change; pollinator preference; color preference; flowering season
... This strategy has been used to assess flower color perception and discrimination by bees in multiple studies e.g. (Kevan et al., 1996;Reisenman and Giurfa, 2008;Arnold et al., 2009;Aguiar et al., 2020;Shrestha et al., 2024). ...
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Invasive plants represent a significant global challenge as they compete with native plants for limited resources such as space, nutrients and pollinators. Here, we focused on four invasive species that are widely spread in the French Pyrenees, Buddleja davidii, Reynoutria japonica, Spiraea japonica and Impatiens glandulifera, and analyzed their visual advertisement signals with respect to those displayed by their surrounding native species using a perceptual approach based on the neural mechanisms of bee vision given that bees are regular pollinators of these plants. We collected 543 spectral reflections from the 4 invasive species, and 66 native species and estimated achromatic and chromatic similarities to the bee eye. R. japonica, S. japonica and B. davidii were inconspicuous against the foliage background and could be hardly discriminated in terms of color from their surrounding native plants. These characteristics promote generalization, potentially attracting pollinators foraging on similar native species. Two morphs of I. glandulifera were both highly salient in chromatic and achromatic terms and different from their surrounding native species. This distinctive identity facilitates detection and learning in association with rich nectar. While visual signals are not the only sensory cue accounting for invasive-plant success, our study reveals new elements for understanding biological invasion processes from the perspective of pollinator perceptual processes.
... exist in Taiwan and have created topographically isolated habitats below and above the treeline and fast-changing climatic zones (from tropical low land forest to alpine vegetation) along the elevation changes. Mountains are high value sites for understanding how abiotic or biotic factors may influence flower colour signalling (Arnold et al., 2009). The multiple origins of Taiwan flora (Huang, 2011) and complex island habitats (Li et al., 2013) thus may have potentially generated specific floral colour diversity at different elevations. ...
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The diversity of flower colours in nature provides quantifiable evidence for how visitations by colour sensing insect pollinators can drive the evolution of angiosperm visual signalling. Recent research shows that both biotic and abiotic factors may influence flower signalling, and that harsher climate conditions may also promote salient signalling to entice scarcer pollinators to visit. In parallel, a more sophisticated appreciation of the visual task foragers face reveals that bees have a complex visual system that uses achromatic vision when moving fast, whilst colour vision requires slower, more careful inspection of targets. Spectra of 714 native flowering species across Taiwan from sea level to mountainous regions 3,300 m above sea level (a.s.l.) were measured. We modelled how the visual system of key bee pollinators process signals, including flower size. By using phylogenetically informed analyses, we observed that at lower altitudes including foothills and submontane landscapes, there is a significant relationship between colour contrast and achromatic signals. Overall, the frequency of flowers with high colour contrast increases with altitude, whilst flower size decreases. The evidence that flower colour signaling becomes increasingly salient in higher altitude conditions supports that abiotic factors influence pollinator foraging in a way that directly influences how flowering plants need to advertise.
... Rather than assessing fly behaviour based on human colour categorization, we grouped colours based on wavelengths to distinguish fly behaviour better in terms of the ability of their photoreceptors to absorb categorical wavelengths of light (Morante & Desplan 2008;Jersáková et al. 2012). Fly vision extends beyond human colour detection, and this study does not allow us to measure potential UV reflection by flowers that would be visible to the fly eye (Arnold et al. 2009). As flies have only two kinds of photoreceptor cells, their inability to perceive one colour from another (i.e., yellow from white), a possible consequence of any associated UV absorption (Woodcock et al. 2014;Inouye et al. 2015), may explain the similar rates of pollen carrying for flies visiting yellow-green and white flowers. ...
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Flies (Diptera) represent one of the largest and most important groups of pollinators on the planet; however, little is known about the interactions between flies and flowers compared to well-known pollinators, such as bees. Understanding pollinator assemblages is key to conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services, but monitoring Diptera is time and cost intensive. Using photographs of blooming flowers taken by photographers worldwide and uploaded on internet repositories, we built a dataset of 1,275 images of fly-flower visitations and extracted fly and flower taxonomic information, flower characteristics (shape and color), and fly activity (pollen carrying and foraging). The resulting dataset shows taxonomic and other biases but can still provide an initial overview of factors that affect pollination by Diptera. We identified 22 families of flies, with blow flies (Family Calliphoridae) as the largest representative (29%) and 63 families of flowers, with Asteraceae (42%) and Apiaceae (21%) as the most abundant. Using logistic regression models, we found that the likelihood of flies visibly carrying pollen in images was determined by the interaction between flower color and shape: pollen-carrying was more likely when elongate cluster flowers were green-yellow. Fly foraging on flowers was mainly determined by flower color: flies were more likely to feed on green-yellow and white flowers. Overall, Syrphidae flies were less likely to forage for nectar than non-Syrphidae, but they were more likely to be visibly carrying pollen. While biases exist in crowdsourced fly and flower data, we show that image data collected through citizen science can offer potentially valuable information for monitoring pollinator-flower interactions and augment our understanding of
... Secondly, a heterogeneous thermal pattern on the flower surface can help pollinators to locate or identify their nectar resources; for example, bees can learn and detect temperature differences of >2 ℃ (Hammer et al., 2009). The contribution of flower temperature to reproductive success would be critical in alpine plants, which often experience both very low and highly variable temperatures (Arnold et al., 2009, Dietrich and Körner, 2014, Fabbro et al., 2004, Garcia et al., 2021. However, there is still insufficient information with which to assess flower thermal ecology in alpine plants. ...
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Although flower temperature plays an important role in plant reproduction, how it varies spatially on the flower surface is unclear, especially in alpine plants. To characterize spatial variation in flower surface temperature, we examined thermal images of flowers of 18 species along an altitudinal transect from 3200 to 4000 m on Lenglong Mountain on the north-eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The surface temperature varied considerably within a flower or floral unit in all plants under sunlight, and was about 1 ℃ with a maximum of 11 ℃ higher in the center than at the edges. Solar radiation and flower shape significantly affected the temperature range and standard deviation and the ratio of flower center to edge temperature. The spatial variability of temperature increased with flower size. Flowers in the Asteraceae had higher surface temperatures, greater spatial variability of temperature, and consistently higher and more stable temperatures in the center than at the edge. The ratio of flower center to edge temperature increased with altitude in most species. Heat build-up at the flower center is likely to be widespread in alpine plants; further studies are needed to explore its ecological and evolutional roles.
... The majority of the pollinators at an altitude of 1,522-1,915 m a.s.l. were wasps and bee species and the home gardens at highest altitude (2,457 to 2,503 m a.s.l.) were mostly dominated by the flies (Syrphidae) as supported by Arnold et al. (2009), andZhao &Wang (2015). The bee species (Apidae) were the least dominant as opposed to the findings by The home gardens (G1, G2, G3, G5 and G10) located within and close to forest cover recorded high species richness. ...
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Altitudinal gradient influences plant and pollinator diversity in mountain ecosystems. Small home gardens in these ecosystems are highly dependent on pollinators for fruit-vegetable production. The study evaluated the change in fruit-vegetable diversity, their pollinator species richness, abundance, crop yield and, income in the home gardens along the altitudinal gradient. Correlation between pollinator species diversity, abundance and species of fruit-vegetables and yield were studied and statistically tested for their significance. The study recorded 25 species of pollinators belonging to Vespidae, Syrphidae, Apidae, Andrenidae, Colletidae, Ichneumonidae and Scoliidae. 12 species of fruit vegetables were recorded from Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae. Correspondingly, the pollinator and vegetable species richness were found to decrease with increasing altitude, with significant negative correlation. As with increasing altitude, the vegetable yield was found to decrease significantly, affected by the decreasing pollinators. Income from the fruit-vegetables were lower at places with low diversity (i.e., higher altitudes), which is influenced by decreased yield. The fruit-vegetable and pollinator species richness and abundance, fruit set, yield and income decreased with increasing altitude, having a significant negative correlation.
... These scenarios remind us to consider that the response of pollinators to flowers should depend on the community context, i.e., the similarity of coflowering species (see Kagawa and Takimoto, 2016;Benadi and Gegear, 2018). Studies on floral colour in communities mainly focused on the inter-specific difference (McEwen and Vamosi, 2010) and its correlation with environment gradients ( (Arnold et al., 2009). Intraspecific colour variation received far less attention and almost exclusively on discrete variation, i.e., colour polymorphism or colour change. ...
... Showy purple or pink flowers are characteristic of species like Campanula patula, C. glomerata, Centaurea jacea, C. scabiosa, Scabiosa columbaria or Calluna vulgaris (Van Treuren et al. 1994;Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke 2000;Denisow and Wrzesień 2015). Other species such as Taraxacum officinale, Senecio jacobaea and Caltha palustis have yellow-coloured flowers (Andersson 1996;Arnold et al. 2009;Lázaro and Totland 2010). Archaeologists suggest that the islands may have played a sacred role, so the plants mentioned above could have been used as decorations during the festivities held there. ...
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Continuation of archaeobotanical and palaeoecological research on three semi-artificial lake islands, Nowy Dworek, Chycina and Lubniewice, has provided new information on the history, development and use of grasslands in Ziemia Lubuska (Lubusz land) in western Poland during the early Middle Ages. Pollen analysis reveals that the reduction in woodland and opening up of the regional landscape and the appearance of grassland communities there began around the 7th century ad , which preceded the construction of the islands in the lakes. The analysis of plant macroremains collected from the settlement layers on these islands, of pollen from cores in the lakes and studies of the phytosociological plant communities of recent vegetation have helped to describe the botanical composition of these past meadows and pastures. The results show strong similarities between the three sites, which suggests that the local populations were using the same grassland types, which were on soils ranging from damp to rather dry and sandy. The main grassland in the vicinity of the islands included the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea syntaxonomical class of communities, although Festuco-Brometea grasslands were also present. The presence of plant remains associated with various other types of meadows and pastures shows the diversity of habitats represented by the plant remains.
This study highlights the importance of flower color variation and attraction as a mechanism for pollination and protection of floral parts. As part of this study, a survey relating to flower color variation and differences in spotting pattern (nectar guides) was conducted on Rhododendron arboreum , a widespread tree species in the mountainous region of Uttarakhand state, at 43 different altitudinal locations. Seven original color morphs of flowers and five types of spot variation in the nectar guide were observed. The study underlines the role of flower color polymorphism in both pollination and adaptation to varied environmental conditions. Further, the significance of nectar guides in directing the visitor to the reward is discussed. This study has the potential to enhance existing knowledge about flower color variation and attraction to the environment.
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In alpine habitats, butterfl ies constitute one of the major pollinator groups, yet little is known about their foraging behavior and fl ower preferences. At three experimental sites located between 1750 m and 2350 m asl in the Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria, fl ower visitation behavior of butterfl ies was observed between spring and late summer. The question addressed was: do butterfl ies search randomly among available fl owers, or do they prefer certain color types or highly rewarding fl owers. In particular, the hypothesis to be tested was that red non-UV-refl ecting fl owers, which are assumed to be particularly adapted to butterfl y vision, are visited disproportionately compared to other fl ower colors. Differences in the proportion of infl orescences of a particular color visited by butterfl ies could not be simply attributed to differences in frequency or to differences in nectar standing crop. For instance, red non-UV-refl ecting infl orescences which were prevalent (between 20–50% of all infl orescences) exhibited the highest nectar standing crop per infl orescence. However, butterfl ies did not frequent red infl orescences over other differently colored and less rewarding infl orescences. In fact, in spring and late summer butterfl ies visited red infl orescences less frequently than expected from random visitation. When viewed from the species level, only two of the 6 species, which were selected for individual analysis, showed a preference for red fl owers (Erebia nivalis and Pieris rapae). One species, Colias palaeno, restricted 94% of all observed visits to yellow UV-refl ecting infl orescences which were rare and exhibited a low nectar standing crop per infl orescence; in contrast, Boloria pales visited infl orescences in accordance to their frequency. The two remaining species revealed no distinct pattern of fl ower visitation. A detailed discussion of possible reasons for the apparent discrepancy between observed foraging behavior and predictions based on hypotheses of maximization of individual nectar foraging rate is provided.
Important breakthroughs have recently been made in our understanding of the cognitive and sensory abilities of pollinators: how pollinators perceive, memorise and react to floral signals and rewards; how they work flowers, move among inflorescences and transport pollen. These new findings have obvious implications for the evolution of floral display and diversity, but most existing publications are scattered across a wide range of journals in very different research traditions. This book brings together for the first time outstanding scholars from many different fields of pollination biology, integrating the work of neuroethologists and evolutionary ecologists to present a multi-disciplinary approach. Aimed at graduates and researchers of behavioural and pollination ecology, plant evolutionary biology and neuroethology, it will also be a useful source of information for anyone interested in a modern view of cognitive and sensory ecology, pollination and floral evolution.
Pollination biology at the community level was investigated using quantitative techniques, comparative methodology, measurements of the physical habitat, and consideration of floral characteristics. The frequency of insect visits to flowers was investigated in three contrasting communities: a deciduous woodland-meadow site in eastern Massachusetts, alpine tundra in New Hampshire, and Mediterranean scrub (fynbos) in South Africa. Visits to flowers were most common in woodland-meadow, followed by alpine tundra, and least frequent in fynbos. Bees were the most common visitor in the woodland-meadow and the fynbos, but flies were the most common visitor in the tundra. Flower color often influenced visitation rates and had a weak but significant effect on the type of insect that visited flowers. Preferences for color by different types of insects often changed in different communities, which suggests that floral syndromes may be community-specific. In all communities, tubular flowers were visited less often than open flowers. Less specialized insects were more common on open than tubular flowers, but large variances made few differences statistically significant. Combining measurements of temperature, light, humidity, wind speed, time of day, and season (using cluster analysis) with the shape of a flower, it was predicted that a 10-minute observation would include at least one visit. Flower shape, temperature, light, and season appear to be the most important variables influencing insect visitation rates. Results of this study indicate that relationships between insects and flowers are nonspecific and vary among communities.
Pollination mechanisms and pollinators are reported for a total of 137 species (75% of the non‐abiotically pollinated flora) as they occur at three altitudinal levels (subandean scrub: 2,200–2,600 m; cushion‐plant zone: 2,700–3,100 m; subnival feldfield: 3,200–3,600 m) in the Andean (alpine) zone on the Cordon del Cepo (33°17'S) in central Chile as part of community oriented research in reproductive biology in the high temperate Andes of South America. Only around 4% of the species studied failed to be visited by potential pollinators. Hymenopterans (principally bees) are important pollinators of 50% of the biotically pollinated flora, butterflies of 24% and flies of 46%. Other vectors include beetles, moths, and hummingbirds. An estimated 17% of the flora is anemophilous. Bee species‐richness, specialist feeding, and melittophily reach maxima in the subandean scrub; thereafter, bees diminish rapidly in number, with bees pollinating only 13% of the subnival flora as contrasted with 68% of the subandean flora. Although fly and butterfly species‐richness also decline with increasing altitude, the proportions of species pollinated by these vectors actually increases. High‐altitude populations of melittophilous species with broad altitudinal ranges are invariably serviced by fewer bee species as compared with lower populations. The rich bee fauna at the lower end of the Andean zone in central Chile appears to have resulted from upward colonization from that of the subtending lowland Mediterranean sclerophyllous woodland vegetation. Altitudinal variation in pollination spectra is discussed in relation to contrasting life history characteristics and different modes of thermoregulation in the insect groups involved.
To circumscribe Saxifragaceae sensu stricto better, as well as to elucidate generic relationships within this group, we sequenced the chloroplast gene rbcL and its 3' flanking region (yielding 1,471 bp) from 19 genera considered to represent core members of Saxifragaceae. In addition, we conducted a restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) for 21 core genera using 23 restriction endonucleases. Phylogenetic analyses using both data sets corroborate the results obtained from surveying the distribution of the loss of the intron in the chloroplast gene rp/2 in delimiting a well-defined Saxifragaceae sensu stricto. Within the Saxifragaceae s.s. clade, a number of poorly resolved, basal phylogenetic branches supports the hypothesis that Saxifragaceae s.s. radiated rapidly very early in its evolutionary history. Molecular data also indicate the presence of several strongly supported groups of genera, such as the Boykinia group (Boykinia, Suksdorfia, Bolandra, Sullivantia, Jepsonia, and Telesonix), the Heuchera group (Heuchera, Bensoniella, Conimitella, Eìmera, Lithophragma, Mitella, Tellima, Tiarelia, and Tolmiea) the Leptarrhena/Tanakaea group, and the Darmera group (Darmera, Astilboides, Mukdenia, Bergenia, and Rodgersia). Significantly, molecular data suggest that the very large, taxonomically complex genus Saxifraga may not be monophyletic. DNA data have also helped to resolve the generic relationships of problematic taxa, indicating, for example, that Telesonix and the enigmatic Jepsonia are sister taxa. In addition to its phylogenetic implications, this study provides insight into basic trends in morphological, chemical, and cytological evolution within Saxifragaceae s.s. The molecular-based phylogenies suggest multiple origins and/or losses of several classes of flavonoid compounds, as well as several independent instances of reduction in stamen and petal number, hypanthium-ovary fusion, and aneuploidy. This study also illustrates the ability of rbcL sequence data to resolve generic-level relationships in some taxonomic groups.
According to morphologically based classification systems, actinorhizal plants, engaged in nitrogen-fixing symbioses with Frankia bacteria, are considered to be only distantly related. However, recent phylogenetic analyses of seed plants based on chloroplast rbcL gene sequences have suggested closer relationships among actinorhizal plants. A more thorough sampling of chloroplast rbcL gene sequences from actinorhizal plants and their nonsymbiotic close relatives was conducted in an effort to better understand the phylogenetic relationships of these plants, and ultimately, to assess the homology of the different actinorhizal symbioses. Sequence data from 70 taxa were analyzed using parsimony analysis. Strict consensus trees based on 24 equally parsimonious trees revealed evolutionary divergence between groups of actinorhizal species suggesting that not all symbioses are homologous. The arrangement of actinorhizal species, interspersed with nonactinorhizal taxa, is suggestive of multiple origins of the actinorhizal symbiosis. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of nodules from different actinorhizal hosts were mapped onto the rbclL-based consensus tree to further assess homology among rbcL-based actinorhizal groups. The morphological and anatomical features provide additional support for the rbcL-based groupings, and thus, together, suggest that actinorhizal symbioses have originated more than once in evolutionary history.