L. V. Teteryuk

L. V. Teteryuk
Komi Scientific Center · Flora and Vegetation Department (with scientific herbarium)



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Publications (50)
The article presents data on the discovery of two rare species in the Unya River basin (Northern Urals), on the territory of the complex reserve “Uninsky”. Since 1994, it has been part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site “Virgin Komi Forests”. As a result of research in 2022, the taxon Astragalus karelinianus, new for the Northern Urals, was...
The low number of pollinating insects is the limiting factor for entomophilous plants in the north, and the situation is exacerbated by a short growing season and often unfavorable weather conditions for their life. The paper presents the results of studying the complex of pollinators of the specialized melittophilic species Veronica spicata at the...
ENG: The paper presents modern data on the demographic structure and population size of C. calceolus on the territory of European Russia. The assessment of the species distribution and population size is based on the classification of the terrestrial ecoregions of the World. The long-term dyn amics of the number and age structure (150 populations)...
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The purpose of the data paper was to introduce into scientific literature the results of scientific work carried out for the third edition of the 'Red Data Book of the Komi Republic'. The article reflects methodological approaches to the formation of a list of rare and in need of protection species and describes the corresponding datasets published...
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By the method of data re-collection and re-assessment, we here test the completeness of distribution areas of the species and species aggregates of Rosa in Eastern Europe as mapped in volume 13 of Atlas Florae Europaeae (AFE), and discuss insights into the issues connected with the data. We found many new occurrences which are additions to the publ...
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Here, we report the data on modern state and protection prospects of plant species Anemone altaica Fisch. ex C.A.Mey., Anemone nemorosa L., Anemone ranunculoides L., Ficaria verna Huds. (Ranunculaceae), Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv. (Papaveraceae) and Gagea samojedorum Grossh. (Liliaceae) in the taiga zone of the Komi Republic. These ephemeroid spe...
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The results of an analysis of the taxonomic and typological structure of the flora in small reservoirs of the Vychegda River basin (Komi Republic) are presented. It is found that the composition of the combined flora of the reservoirs includes 160 species and hybrids (including 28 species of bryophytes and 3 species of charophyte algae). In the pre...
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Abstract The results of an analysis of the taxonomic and typological structure of the flora in small reservoirs of the Vychegda River basin (Komi Republic) are presented. It is found that the composition of the combined flora of the reservoirs includes 160 species and hybrids (including 28 species of bryophytes and 3 species of charophyte algae). I...
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Lycopodiella inundata expands its areal on the European NorthEast of Russia. In the subzone of the middle taiga of the Komi Republic in 2017-2018, four local populations of this species were found, associated with anthropogenic ecotopes, poor and acidic sands, or peat, varying in moisture regime. Obligatory satellites of L. inundata in plant commun...
В данной работе представлены данные о составе и особенностях распространения на территории национального парка «Югыд ва» редких и находящихся под угрозой исчезновения видов сосудистых растений, занесенных в Красную книгу Рос-сийской Федерации, Красную книгу Республики Коми и Приложения к ним. Показано, что на терри-тории национального парка «Югыд в...
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Yugyd va National Park is one of the largest Protected Areas in Russia and Europe, created in 1994. In 1995 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage site «Virgin Komi Forests». Due to its large area (about 20 000 km2 ) and remoteness, the flora of the Yugyd va National Park still remains insufficiently studied. Systematic studies of its natural...
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We studied the allopatric complex Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. s.lat. (Ranunculaceae) in northeastern Euro-pean Russia and the Urals. In this region, there are two kinds of P. patens with different perianth colours in monochrome and polychrome populations. To clarify their taxonomic boundaries, we used the sequences of chloroplast DNA (rbcL and mat...
Национальный парк «Югыд ва» – один из крупнейших природоохранных объектов России и Европы, включенный в список Всемирного наследия природы ЮНЕСКО в составе объекта «Девственные леса Коми». Ввиду значительной площади (около 20 000 км2) и труднодоступности территории флора национального парка «Югыд ва» оставалась недостаточно изученной, планомерная и...
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Приведен список и анализ флоры каньона р. Ния-ю, насчитывающей 238 видов из 127 родов 53 семейств, более 140 из которых указаны для флоры каньона впервые. Более 17% флоры (43 вида) относятся к редким и охраняемым растениям, представленным в основном реликтами или видами с дизъюнктивными ареалами. Специфику флоры каньона подчеркивают 36 кальцефильны...
В статье приведены данные о составе и распространении редких и охраняемых сосудистых растений в южной части национального парка “Югыд ва” (Северный и При- полярный Урал). На ключевых участках в предгорной и горной частях выявлено 106 видов, подлежащих федеральной и региональной охране или нуждающихся в надзоре за состоянием их популяций. Многие вид...
Conference Paper
European North East of Russia is the overlapping areas of Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. and P. flavescens (Zucc.) Juz. (or P. uralensis (Zam.) Tzvel.). A presence of transitional forms (in flower color, leaf form) and heterogeneity of populations in the region requires the Pulsatilla genus inspection with molecular genetic methods. A colour of petal...
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В среднем и нижнем течении р. Подчерем (южная часть национального парка «Югыд ва»)произрастает более 50 редких и охраняемых видов высших сосудистых растений. Выявлены растения, новые для флоры Республики Коми и бассейна р. Подчерем. Распространение редких видов связано прежде всего с выходами пермских и каменноугольных пород. Проведены популяционны...
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Molecular genetic methods (AFLP and ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 rDNA analysis) have been used to study the level and structure of genetic diversity in relict populations of the Ural endemic Gypsophila uralensis Less. in the northeast of European Russia. Intraspecific genetic differentiation is most clearly manifested between G. uralensis Less. subsp. pinegensis...
Conference Paper
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Данная работа посвящена анализу экотопической, морфологической и онтогенетической дифференциации G. conopsea var. alpinа Rchb. f. ex Beck от G. conopsea subsp. conopsea на известняках Тимана. Сочетание традиционного анализа морфологических признаков особей с данными об онтогенетическом развитии и экологической приуроченности предоставило нам возмож...
Conference Paper
Genetic differentiation of Gymnadenia conopsea (Orchidaceae) in the limestones of the European North-East of Russia: Using AFLP analysis was shows genetic differentiation between Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea and G. conopsea var. alpinа on limestones in the Northeast of European Russia.
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Приведены данные о численности, структуре и динамике гемипопуляций прото-кормов и автотрофных особей G. conopsea на северной границе ареала. Динамика онтогенетической структуры ценопопуляций G. conopsea носит флуктуационный характер. Реакция на неблагоприятные погодные условия проявляется в кратко-временном снижении плотности и повышении возрастнос...
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Individual, intra- and interpopulation, ecological, and geographic variation has been studied in G. conopsea populations on limestones of the Timan Range. The results show that the response of plants to deterioration of growing conditions manifests itself in a decrease in the values of individual morphometric characters and the strength of correlat...
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Data are presented on the abundance, structure, and dynamics of hemipopulations of G. conopsea protocorms and autotrophic individuals at the northern boundary of the species range. The dynamics of ontogenetic structure of G. conopsea cenopopulations have a fluctuating pattern. Their response to adverse weather conditions is manifested in short-term...
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The life form of G. conopsea (short-lived perennial with annual vegetative renewal) makes it possible to combine the long-term, complete ontogeny and polycarpy of the genet with the short life span and monocarpy of individual daughter ramets. Annual changes in the structural organization of daughter individuals allow the plants to adapt to changing...
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Жизненная форма G. conopsea (вегетативный малолетник с ежегодным возобновлением) позволяет сочетать максимально длительный полный онтогенез генеты и ее поликарпичность с непродолжительной жизнью и монокарпичностью отдельных дочерних рамет. В результате ежегодных изменений структурной организации дочерних особей растения способны адаптироваться к ме...
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Integrated studies on the temperature regime in a limestone outcrop area have been performed, including analysis of the latitudinal trends and dynamics of direct solar radiation input onto slopes of different exposures and the redistribution of temperatures depending on mesotopographic features of the slopes. Assessment of the diversity of ecologic...
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The contents of phenolic substances and flavonoids as well as antioxidant activity was determined in six species of Thymus (T. bashkiriensis Klok. et Shost., T. guberlinensis Iljin, T. kytlymiensis Klok., T. punctulosus Klok., T. paucifolius Klok., T. talijevii Klok. et Schost.) growing in Ural Mountains and in two introduced individuals of T. serp...
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The contents of phenolic substances and flavonoids as well as antioxidant activity was determined in six species of Thymus (T. bashkiriensis Klok. et Shost., T. guberlinensis Iljin, T. kytlymiensis Klok., T.punctulosus Klok., T. paucifolius Klok., T. talijevii Klok. et Schost. growing in Ural Mountains and in two introduced individuals of T. serpyl...
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The studies on different aspects of C. calceolus reproduction biology in the European North-East of Russia (Komi Republic) in 1995-2010 have shown that seed reproduction plays an important role in populations of this species on its northern distribution border. Weather conditions insert the principal negative influence on seed reproduction of the s...
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First studied the composition of essential oils of endemic plants of the genus Thymus European North-East of Russia and the Urals - T. hirticaulis, T. talijevii, T. paucifolius, T. guberlinensis, T. punctulosus. Were found not characteristic of the genus Thymus compounds but known for Mentha piperita - azulene and trans-4-isopropyl-1-methyl-2-cyclo...
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The article contains the data on the Orchidaceae family species in the European North-East of Russia (Komi Republic). The data on distribution, ecology, morphology, and structure (magnitude, density, age spectra) of populations of 14 protected orchid species in Komi Republic are given. В статье приведены данные о видах семейства Orchidaceae на е...
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For the first time the data on a chemical composition of the Thymus guberlinensis Iljin (thyme guberlinsky) essence is reported. Samples of plants from three natural population in Southern Ural Mountains, growing in different conditions (on the expositions of limestones, serpentines, metamorphyc crystal slates) are analysed. In essence Th. guberl...
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В связи с проблемой сохранения биологического разнообразия представители семейства Orchidaceae издавна привлекают внимание исследователей. Особенности развития и размножения, стенотопность многих видов, слабая устойчивость к антропогенному воздействию являются основными причинами их редкости. Несмотря на важность консортивных связей для их успешног...
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The results of comprehensive morphophysiological and population studies on Ajuga reptansL., a species of the nemoral floristic complex, at the northern boundary of its range (in the middle taiga subzone of the Komi Republic) are reviewed. Adaptations at the cell, organism, and biocenotic levels are revealed. The maintenance and survival of the spec...
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The ecological phytoindication scales proposed by Tsyganov (1983) were used for characterizing biotopes at the northern limit of the distribution of three nemoral species:Ajuga reptans, Asarum europaeum, andPulmonaria obscura. Regional ecological amplitudes of the model species were determined. The environmental factors approaching the lower limit...
В настоящее время большое значение приобретают исследования, направленные на выявление, сохранение и охрану «горячих точек биоразнообразия». К таким центрам на северо-востоке европейской части России относятся выходы известняков разного возраста по берегам рек Тимана и Урала. Они являются рефугиумами флоры и растительности, сохранившихся со времен...


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