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Advancing Science and Practice for Vicarious Traumatization/Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Research Agenda


Abstract and Figures

Professionals working in the fields of trauma, victim assistance, mental health, law enforcement, fire response, emergency medical services, and other professions are exposed to traumatic events on a regular basis; in some cases, workers are exposed every day. Vicarious trauma (VT) refers to the exposure to the trauma experiences of others, considered an occupational challenge for all of these professions. Research can assist in development of strategies to avoid being left vulnerable to negative impacts of this work, known as vicarious traumatization or secondary traumatic stress (STS). This article reviews existing research and outlines a research agenda for addressing vicarious traumatization/STS in the workplace. The review is organized by the 4 steps of a public health approach: (a) defining the problem including measuring the scope or prevalence, (b) identifying risk and protective factors for negative outcomes, (c) developing interventions and policies, and (d) monitoring and evaluating interventions and policies over time. A research agenda for the field is put forward following these same steps.
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Advancing Science and Practice for Vicarious Traumatization/Secondary
Traumatic Stress: A Research Agenda
Beth E. Molnar
Northeastern University Ginny Sprang
University of Kentucky
Kyle D. Killian
Capella University Ruth Gottfried
Georgia State University
Vanessa Emery
Northeastern University Brian E. Bride
Georgia State University
Professionals working in the fields of trauma, victim assistance, mental health, law enforcement, fire
response, emergency medical services, and other professions are exposed to traumatic events on a regular
basis; in some cases, workers are exposed every day. Vicarious trauma (VT) refers to the exposure to the
trauma experiences of others, considered an occupational challenge for all of these professions. Research
can assist in development of strategies to avoid being left vulnerable to negative impacts of this work,
known as vicarious traumatization or secondary traumatic stress (STS). This article reviews existing
research and outlines a research agenda for addressing vicarious traumatization/STS in the workplace.
The review is organized by the 4 steps of a public health approach: (a) defining the problem including
measuring the scope or prevalence, (b) identifying risk and protective factors for negative outcomes, (c)
developing interventions and policies, and (d) monitoring and evaluating interventions and policies over
time. A research agenda for the field is put forward following these same steps.
Keywords: vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress, first responders, victim services, compassion
The expectation that we can be immersed in suffering and loss daily
and not be touched by it is as unrealistic as expecting to be able to
walk through water without getting wet.
(Rachel Naomi Remen, 1996,Kitchen Table Wisdom,p.52)
Professionals working in the fields of trauma, victim assistance,
mental health, law enforcement, fire response, emergency medical
services, and other professions are exposed to traumatic events on
a regular basis; in some cases, workers are exposed every day.
These exposures can include both mass casualty events such as the
2012 Boston Marathon bombings and the September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks, or chronic exposure to ongoing incidents of sexual
assaults, intimate partner violence, child maltreatment, homicides,
and suicides, among others. First responders and other profession-
als bear witness to traumatic experiences and damaging, cruel
treatment experienced by others, as one author put it, “shattering
assumptions of invulnerability” (Janoff-Bulman, 1992). What she
is referring to here is the transformation of a person’s world view
from one that the world is “consistently benevolent and meaning-
ful” to a realization that malevolent, hostile events happen as
exemplified by those who have experienced trauma. While this is
a regular occupational challenge for many professions, a new
public health approach is needed to prevent and mitigate the
negative impacts of these exposures in the workplace.
Taking a public health approach to preventing negative impacts
on professionals exposed to vicarious or secondary trauma requires
four steps: (a) defining the problem including measuring the scope
or prevalence, (b) identifying risk and protective factors for neg-
ative outcomes, (c) developing interventions and policies, and (d)
monitoring and evaluating interventions and policies over time.
Editor’s Note. Cambria Walsh served as the action editor for this
Beth E. Molnar, Institute on Urban Health Research and Practice, Bouvé
College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University; Ginny Sprang, De-
partment of Psychiatry, Center on Trauma and Children, University of
Kentucky; Kyle D. Killian, Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Harold
Abel School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Capella University; Ruth
Gottfried, School of Social Work, Georgia State University; Vanessa
Emery, Institute on Urban Health Research & Practice, Bouvé College of
Health Sciences, Northeastern University; Brian E. Bride, School of Social
Work, Georgia State University
We acknowledge the funding provided to Beth E. Molnar for the Vicarious
Trauma Toolkit project, Office for Victims of Crime, from the Department of
Justice (Grant VF-GX-K011). Ruth Gottfried also acknowledges her postdoc-
toral fellowship from the Haruv Institute in Jerusalem, Israel.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Beth E.
Molnar, Institute on Urban Health Research and Practice, Northeastern
University, 360 Huntington Avenue, Mail Stop 314 INV, Boston, MA
02115. E-mail:
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Traumatology © 2017 American Psychological Association
2017, Vol. 23, No. 2, 129–142 1085-9373/17/$12.00
Previously, the professional fields where vicarious or secondary
trauma is likely to occur have been more reactive than prevention
oriented, as much of the existing research base focuses on the
aftermath of negative reactions to the exposure to the trauma of
At present, the fields are poised to move beyond an expectation of
automatic resilience for workers, defined as an assumption that work-
ers possess strengths to overcome stress or crisis, either on their own
or by seeking out the appropriate resources. Instead the fields are
moving toward social norms that obligate organizations to recognize
the inevitability of vicarious/secondary exposure to trauma in these
professions, and to provide resources proactively to prevent profes-
sionals from having deleterious effects. To make these changes, a
rigorous scientific base in multiple areas must be developed. The
purpose of this article is to outline a research agenda for moving each
of these public health steps forward, starting with the state of research
evidence currently available as it applies to first responders and other
professionals who provide services to trauma exposed populations.
The proposed research agenda will build a scientific foundation for
effective intervention and policy development to mitigate the conse-
quences of vicarious/secondary trauma before they occur, in addition
to continuing to build the evidence base for effective treatments.
VT refers to the exposure to the trauma experiences of others.
Charles Figley (1995) declared that stress is a “normal and natural
byproduct of working with traumatized people” (p. 573). It makes
sense that listening to traumatic material (e.g., a case of severe war
trauma, or a survivor’s detailed, harrowing account of political
torture, or sexual assault, or investigating online child pornogra-
phy) for 40 hours a week or longer could lead to acute distress for
the listener/viewer. VT is an occupational challenge for the fields
of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law
enforcement and other professionals. It is also a challenge for the
medical profession, but that research is beyond the scope of this
article. Working with victims of violence and trauma has been
shown to change the worldview of responders and can also put
individuals and organizations at risk for a range of negative con-
sequences, such as changing responders’ perception of safety and
their ability to trust others (Bell, Kulkarni, & Dalton, 2003;
Knight, 2013;McCann & Pearlman, 1990;Newell & MacNeil,
2010;Pearlman & Saakvitne, 1995;Vicarious Trauma Institute,
Vicarious traumatization is a term that some in the field use to
refer to the impact of indirect trauma exposure (Canfield, 2005;
McCann & Pearlman, 1990;Pearlman & Saakvitne, 1995). A
vicarious trauma-informed organization recognizes these chal-
lenges and assumes the responsibility for proactively addressing
the impact of vicarious trauma through policies, procedures, prac-
tices, and programs.
STS, synonymous (for purposes of this article) with vicarious
traumatization, has been defined as a constellation of symptoms
that may run parallel to those of posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), including symptoms of intrusion (Herman, 1992;Mc-
Cann & Pearlman, 1990), avoidance, arousal (Cloitre et al., 2009;
Courtois, 1988;Dutton & Rubinstein, 1995;Figley, 1995;Mc-
Cann & Pearlman, 1990), and emotional numbing (Klari´
c, Kvesi´
c, Petrov, & Francˇiškovi´
c, 2013;Nelson-Gardell & Harris,
2003;Zimering, Munroe, & Gulliver, 2003). According to Smith
Hatcher, Bride, Oh, Moultrie King, and Franklin Catrett (2011)
“STS is increasingly viewed as an occupational hazard of provid-
ing direct services to trauma survivors” (p. 210).
Compassion fatigue (CF) is another term used in the literature to
describe negative impacts of trauma-focused work, especially
among clinicians. Figley (1995) referred to it as when the work of
clinicians suffers from the negative impact of trauma experienced
by clients, to a point where they are no longer able to effectively
help those seeking their services (Figley, 1995). A related positive
phenomenon discussed in the field is compassion satisfaction,
which is the sense of reward, efficacy, and competence one feels
in one’s role as a helping professional (Sprang, Clark, & Whitt-
Woosley, 2007;B. H. Stamm & Figley, 1996). The concept of
vicarious transformation takes the concept of compassion satis-
faction a step deeper. It acknowledges a positive transformation in
one’s worldview and spirituality in response to helping others live
through trauma (Sanders, Kirby, Tellegen, & Day, 2014). A visual
depiction of VT, vicarious traumatization, STS, and related con-
cepts are depicted in Figure 1.
Steps 1 and 2 of a Public Health Approach: Defining
the Problem, Identifying Risk/Protective Factors
Defining the problem is the first step in taking a public health
approach to addressing vicarious traumatization/STS/CF (VT/
STS/CF) in the workplace. As consciousness around these issues
continues to grow, researchers have begun to study predictors and
correlates of traumatization among helping professionals (Smith
Hatcher et al., 2011). This section first describes the instruments
currently available for measuring VT/STS/CF, and follows with a
presentation of the prevalence and risk/protective factor studies
currently available involving first responders, victim services pro-
viders, and others.
Instruments for Measurement of VT/STS/CF
A widely used instrument in the field is the Secondary Trau-
matic Stress Scale (STSS), developed to specifically tap secondary
trauma symptoms in helping professionals. The 17-item STSS
contains three subscales (Intrusion, Avoidance, Arousal) and as-
sesses the frequency of STS symptoms experienced by clinicians
in the past 7 days using a 5-point, Likert-type response format,
congruent with the DSM–IV–TR definition of PTSD (Bride, Rob-
inson, Yegidis, & Figley, 2004). The STSS shows strong psycho-
metric properties including high internal consistency reliability
(.93 to .95 for the total scale; Kintzle, Yarvis, & Bride, (2013).),
convergent and discriminant validity (Bride et al., 2004), factorial
validity (Bride et al., 2004;Ting, Jacobson, Sanders, Bride, &
Harrington, 2005), and multiple methods of scoring (Bride, Radey,
& Figley, 2007).
The Compassion Fatigue Self-Test (CFST) was developed
based on clinical experience and designed to assess both compas-
sion fatigue and job burnout with two subscales (Compassion
Fatigue and Burnout). It uses a 5-point Likert-type response scale
producing scores ranging from extremely low risk to extremely
high risk (Figley, 1995) Reported internal consistency estimates
range from alphas of .86 to .94 (Figley, 1995;B. H. Stamm &
Figley, 1996).
A revised version of the CFST includes positively worded
questions about compassion satisfaction, making it a 66-item in-
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
strument (B. H. Stamm & Figley, 1996). Pilot work on this revised
instrument shows ample evidence of internal consistency for each
of the three sections: Compassion Satisfaction (.87), Burnout (.90),
and Compassion Fatigue (.87; B. Stamm, 2002). Continued devel-
opment of this version of the CFST resulted in a renamed instru-
ment, the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL), discussed
Gentry, Baranowsky, and Dunning (2002) also reported using a
different version of the CFST, which they call the Compassion
Fatigue Scale—Revised (CFS-R). R. E. Adams, Boscarino, and
Figley (2006) identified multiple underlying factors, calling into
question the factor validity of the CFST, and made refinements to
the instrument resulting in a revised instrument called the Com-
passion Fatigue-Short Scale (CF-Short Scale; which has good
internal consistency and correlated with the longer 30-item CFS-R
Scale (r.83, p.001; Beck, 2011).
The 30-item Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL-V)
includes three subscales: Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout, and
Compassion Fatigue (B. Stamm, 2009) where respondents indicate
how frequently they have experienced that item in the past 30 days.
This instrument shows good alpha reliability scores on each sub-
scale (Compassion Satisfaction, 0.88; Burnout, 0.75; and Trauma/
Compassion Fatigue, 0.81; Steinberg, Brymer, Decker, & Pynoos,
2004). The ProQOL is the most commonly used scale for deter-
mining a helper’s quality of life, and has been cited in over 200
published papers (Perkins & Sprang, 2013).
The Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale (TABS; Pearlman,
2003), previously known as the Traumatic Stress Institute Belief
Scale (Pearlman, 1996), is a measure based in constructivist self-
development theory. The 84-item instrument assesses the long-
term impact of trauma on beliefs about self, others, and relation-
ships (Pearlman, 2003). It is administered through self-report
format for children ages nine and up, and “assesses beliefs about
self and others that are related to five needs commonly affected by
traumatic experience: safety, trust, self-esteem, intimacy, and con-
trol” (Pearlman, 2003, p. 3). Sample items on the TABS include “I
can keep myself safe,” and “People don’t keep their promises.”
Respondents rate each item on a 6-point scale (1 Disagree
Strongly to 6 Agree Strongly). Higher scores indicate more
disturbances of beliefs. Though the TABS was designed for use
with persons who directly experienced traumatic events, it has also
been used to assess vicarious traumatization. Overall internal con-
sistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) for the TABS has been
reported at .98 (Pearlman, 1996), with subscale reliabilities rang-
ing by study (Jenkins & Baird, 2002;Roth, Newman, Pelcovitz,
van der Kolk, & Mandel, 1997) and a median internal consistency
estimate of .79 (Pearlman, 2003).
Regarding construct validity, Dutton, Burghardt, Perrin, Chrest-
man, and Halle (as cited in Pearlman, 2003, p. 40) found a
correlation between TABS scores and measures of PTSD for
female victims of abuse. The construct validity of the TABS was
supported through tests of convergent and discriminant validity
although other investigators have found less support for conver-
gent, discriminant, and factor validity of the TABS (K. B. Adams,
Matto, & Harrington, 2001;Matto, Adams, & Harrington, 2000).
The Vicarious Resilience Scale (VRS) is a tool to measure the
ways in which helping professionals can be positively influenced
by exposure to the resilience displayed by their clients (Engstrom,
Hernández, & Gangsei, 2008;Hernández, Gangsei, & Engstrom,
2007;Hernandez-Wolfe, Killian, Engstrom, & Gangsei, 2014).
While helping professionals may be subject to cumulative effects
of working with traumatized clients through STS or VT, they may
also “experience personal and professional growth by being wit-
ness to and inspired by their clients’ processes of resilience” and
recovery (Hernandez-Wolfe et al., 2014, p. 5). The construct of
vicarious resilience emerged from observation, was built on
grounded theory and has been articulated through resilience and
vicarious learning theory (Bandura, 1986;Luthar, 2003;2006;
Walsh, 2006).
Figure 1. A conceptual model of vicarious trauma and its spectrum of impacts on workers.
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Given vicarious resilience represents a positive phenomenon, a
study was initiated to develop a measure of the construct as a
potential resource for clinical training and supervision. This tool,
the VRS, is in the process of development and validation. Forty-
eight items tapping professional’s increased resilience, client-
based inspiration, self-care practices, and consciousness around
the importance of power and privilege in therapeutic work were
written and revised based on the feedback of experts on traumatic
stress and resilience in the fields of psychology and family therapy.
Following factor and reliability analyses, Killian, Hernandez-
Wolfe, Engstrom, and Gangsei (2017) found the shortened 27-item
VRS possessed a normal-like distribution and seven dimensions
and subscales: (a) client-inspired hope, (b) changes in life goals/
perspective, (c) increased recognition of spirituality as a client
resource, (d) increased resourcefulness, (e) increased self-
awareness and self-care practices, (f) increased consciousness
about social location and power, and (g) increased capacity for
remaining present while listening to trauma narratives. The study
also found that the total VRS, as hypothesized, correlated with
posttraumatic growth, compassion satisfaction and work morale.
The VRS did not correlate with compassion fatigue or burnout,
suggesting VR is not merely “the opposite of” these constructs, but
instead a unique construct.
Prevalence of VT/STS/CF in Helping Professions
This section incorporates the work of authors who have
published comprehensive reviews and meta-analyses that ad-
dress the prevalence of VT/STS/CF, and adds studies that have
been published more recently. This article is working with the
definition that VT/STS/CF is an occupational hazard across all
the helping professions described. The research base and, ulti-
mately, prevention efforts, are focused on the presence or
absence of negative or positive impacts of doing trauma-
focused work, including compassion satisfaction and vicarious
resilience in newer literature.
There are notable challenges to capturing the prevalence of
VT/STS/CF, and cross-study comparisons highlight several of the
methodological issues. For example, there is wide variability
across studies as to how the constructs of VT/STS/CF are defined
and operationalized, and conflicting definitions make comparison
of these conditions difficult. Differences in research methodolo-
gies (e.g., study designs, measurement instruments, response rates,
sample sizes, data analysis, and study limitations), variations as-
sociated with the studied work-related trauma (e.g., type, severity,
duration, repetition and length of time elapsed since exposure), and
dissimilarities in data presentation need likewise to be taken into
consideration when assessing the prevalence of vicarious trauma-
tization across different professional groups. Noteworthy for the
field is that the diagnostic criteria for PTSD have changed over
time in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM), first incorporating indirect trauma (also synonymous with
VT) as a qualifying traumatic event in the Diagnostic and Statis-
tical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5;American
Psychological Association, 2013;May & Wisco, 2016). A smaller
literature on risk and protective factors is described within this
section as well.
Prevalence Among First Responders
The prevalence of VT/STS/CF among first responders, includ-
ing fire services, law enforcement, emergency medical services,
and other professions related to personnel first on an emergency
rescue scene, has thus far been measured primarily using PTSD
instruments to estimate the prevalence of either posttraumatic
symptoms or full PTSD diagnoses. Currently there are no studies
that clearly delineate the effects of direct trauma from those of
secondary trauma. As such, these estimates likely reflect the men-
tal health effects of not only first responders’ exposure to duty-
related and personal primary trauma but their work-related sec-
ondary exposure to trauma as well (Lawrence, 2017). In the future,
separate screening tools for STS/VT/CF will be useful for under-
standing the separate and combined effects of STS/VT/CF and
primary trauma.
There are studies that have been done on the prevalence of
PTSD among first responders that likely include a mix of primary
and secondary trauma effects though they are not delineated that
way. For example, a systematic review and meta-analysis con-
ducted by W. Berger et al. (2012) estimated the pooled current
international probable prevalence rate of PTSD in rescue workers
as a group. A total of 28 studies over a 45-year period were
selected, reporting on 40 samples with 20,424 rescuers from 14
countries and all continents. Selected studies encompassed such
occupational groups as ambulance personnel, canine handlers,
firefighters, and policemen who took part in disaster rescue oper-
ations; less studied professionals, such as body handlers and mil-
itary medical workers were not included. The estimated pooled
worldwide PTSD prevalence among these rescuers was reported as
10% for full PTSD. As discussed by the authors, the 10% rate is
most likely an underestimate, as first responders may limit their
disclosures due to fear of personal and/or professional conse-
quences of suffering from PTSD, a mental illness to which stigma
is attached. Of particular note, W. Berger and colleagues (2012)
did not find a significant difference in PTSD prevalence between
rescue workers investigated after exposure to a major disaster and
those assessed in their daily occupational routines. In comparison
to this figure of 10% among global rescuers, an estimate of
diagnosable PTSD among general developed country populations
is 4.4% (Kessler et al., 2011).
Again not distinguishing between primary and secondary expo-
sure to trauma, Thormar et al. (2010) reported higher rates (24
46%), in volunteer rescue workers, from nine selected studies with
cohorts ranging from 24 to 3,055 participants (Thormar et al.,
2010). Voluntary rescue workers were found to suffer from symp-
toms of PTSD more frequently than their professional counterparts
as reported by Haraldsdóttir et al. (2014) and Zhang et al. (2016).
Rates reported in the latter study by Zhang and colleagues were
cross-cultural (i.e., 176 Oklahoma City professional bombing res-
cue workers (10%), 52 Nairobi volunteer bombing rescue workers
(22%), and 105 Nairobi civilian bombing survivors (36%), as-
sessed via the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Zhang et al., 2016).
Relatedly, associations between traumatic exposure and PTSD
symptoms were shown to be weaker in responders as compared
with civilians, in a study by Liu, Tarigan, Bromet, and Kim (2014).
First responders to the 2011 Norway twin terrorist attacks scored
low on the PTSD Checklist-Specific (1% above 50, 3% above 35)
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showing minimal symptomology (Bogstrand, Skogstad, & Eke-
berg, 2016).
In a review of PTSD treatment studies among first responders,
Haugen, Evces, and Weiss (2012) used national data on employ-
ment to identify approximately 1.5 million United States workers
in first responder occupations. Applying W. Berger et al.’s (2012)
estimate of 10% among rescue workers, and the estimated relative
proportion (77%) between partial and full PTSD by Weiss et al.
(1992), they estimated the total number of United States first
responders potentially needing treatment for PTSD to be 250,000.
In addition to the previously mentioned occupational groups, Hau-
gen et al.’s (2012) estimate incorporated sheriff patrol officers,
transit and railroad police, forest fire inspectors and prevention
specialists, detectives and criminal investigators, as well as foren-
sic science technicians. Again, this body of work does not separate
out the effects of direct and indirect trauma but all are professions
where both occupational challenges exist.
Wilson (2015), focusing on PTSD among first responders in the
aftermath of human-made mass violence, reported a prevalence
range of 1.3% to 22% for probable PTSD across 20 studies
(cohorts ranged from sample sizes of 41 to 11,701), 15 of which
focused on first responders following the World Trade Center
(WTC) terrorist attacks (Wilson, 2015). The majority of rates
reviewed by Wilson were consistent with the average 10% prev-
alence reported by W. Berger et al. (2012). Relatedly, a meta-
analysis by Liu et al. (2014), focusing on probable PTSD associ-
ated with WTC exposure, demonstrated a prevalence range of
5.4% to 29.2% (Liu et al., 2014). Included were 10 studies,
comprising cohorts ranging from 3,271 to 20,294, focusing on first
responders and/or civilians, at time frames ranging from a few
months to 9 years postdisaster. All but one of the included studies
incorporated the PTSD Checklist-Civilian (PCL) measure.
Additional results from studies of WTC rescuers, based on
various PCL versions utilized in longitudinal studies, are cited
below. Maslow et al. (2015), studying 16,488 WTC rescue and
recovery professional and volunteer workers, reported PTSD prev-
alence over an 8–9 year postdisaster period ranging from 4.0%
(most severe) to 53.3% (least severe; Maslow et al., 2015). As-
sessing the relationship between human remains exposure and
persistent probable PTSD 10–11 years after the WTC disaster,
Fairclough et al. (2015) reported an overall prevalence of 7.4% in
a sample of 1,592 cleanup and recovery workers (i.e., sanitation
workers, firefighters, and police; Fairclough et al., 2015). By
comparison, in a 12-year longitudinal study by Yip et al. (2015)
focusing on 2,281 fire department emergency medical service
workers (i.e., paramedics and emergency medical technicians), a
probable PTSD prevalence of 7% was found. Emergency medical
service workers who arrived earliest at the WTC site demonstrated
nearly seven times the risk for probable PTSD—as compared with
those who never worked at the disaster site (Yip et al., 2015).
PTSD findings 11–13 years post-WTC have also been studied.
Bromet et al. (2016), examining 3,231 responders, of whom the
majority (70.4%) worked in law enforcement, reported the follow-
ing: 9.7% current, 7.9% remitted, and 5.9% partial probable PTSD.
There are a few examples of research studies where STS-
specific instruments have been used in crime investigators. STS
has been studied in Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC)
personnel, commonly police officers and federal agents. Their job
is finding online victims and perpetrators of child pornography and
other violent crimes committed against children. Prevalence of
high STS symptoms in this population has been shown to range
from 18–33%; Bourke and Craun (2014) found 25% of the 600
ICAC respondents reported symptoms that met the criteria for high
to severe STS in a self-reported survey (Bourke & Craun, 2014;
Cornille & Meyers, 1999). Perez, Jones, Englert, and Sachau
(2010) found 18% high and 18% moderate symptoms in another
survey of 33 child abuse investigators using the STSS. Most
recently, Tehrani (2016) found prevalence varied according to the
online child abuse investigator’s gender, extroversion, and neurot-
Though the term “first responders” traditionally refers to the afore-
mentioned professional groups, a broader description of responders
may likewise include postdisaster and humanitarian relief workers
and researchers who also experience VT/STS/CF and may have
negative reactions (e.g., Connorton, Perry, Hemenway, & Miller,
2012;Dominey-Howes, 2015;Flannelly, Roberts, & Weaver, 2005;
McLennan, Evans, Cowlishaw, Pamment, & Wright, 2016;Pearlman,
2014;Wee & Myers, 2002). Another notable group exposed to
vicarious trauma are sexual assault nurse examiners (or SANE nurses)
who collect forensic evidence and provide specialized care to survi-
vors of sexual assault presenting in medical settings; a recent study
recruiting subjects from two professional nursing organizations
showed SANE nurses had significantly higher levels of vicarious
traumatization than other nurses working in women’s health. When
personal trauma was taken into account statistically, SANE nurses
without personal trauma had similar VT scores to non-SANE nurses
with personal trauma (Raunick, Lindell, Morris, & Backman, 2015).
Prevalence Among Social Work/Mental Health/Victim
Services Providers
Prevalence of STS has been studied more extensively among
professionals who work with survivors of trauma in therapeutic
professions. These professions include rape crisis and domestic
violence counselors and volunteers, social workers, mental health
professionals (some of whom work within first responder agen-
cies), victim services organizations such as child or adult protec-
tive services, child advocacy center personnel, and victim advo-
cates working within the legal system, among others. As in the
previous section, we focus on review studies wherever possible.
In a meta-analysis of 38 studies by Hensel, Ruiz, Finney, and
Dewa (2015), 17 risk factors for STS among professionals who do
therapeutic work with trauma victims were identified across stud-
ies. These risk factors included caseload volume, caseload fre-
quency, caseload ratio, and having a personal trauma history.
Among the studies they reviewed, prevalence of STS was reported
as 34% among child protective service workers (Bride, Jones, &
Macmaster, 2007) and 15.2% among licensed social workers using
the STSS (Bride, 2007). More than half (55%) of Bride’s sample
likewise met at least one of the core criteria for PTSD. Relatedly,
in a comparable study by Choi (2011), also assessed by the STSS,
findings indicated a 21% STS prevalence in a national sample of
social workers treating survivors of family or sexual violence (N
154; Choi, 2011). About 65% of Choi’s sample also met at least
one of the core PTSD criteria. Participants in a study of mental
health therapists (i.e., 320 licensed mental health professionals
assessed via the STSS) reported comparable STS symptoms to
Bride (2007) and Choi (2011), with a mean score of 32.1 (SD
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10.0; Bride, Jones, et al., 2007;Choi, 2011;Robinson-Keilig,
2014). A 19.2% STS prevalence was also reported for mental
health providers working with military patients (N224; STSS
assessment; Cieslak et al., 2013). Hensel et al. (2015), noted that
there may be differences between occupational groups with respect
to indirect trauma severity, citing Sprang, Craig, and Clark’s
(2011) study whereby child welfare workers were shown to be
more severely affected by compassion fatigue (i.e., assessed via
the ProQOL measure; N577) compared with all other types of
behavioral health professionals examined. Recently Bogstrand et
al. (2016) found 40.9% of licensed clinical social workers met
criteria for PTSD (N256; STSS assessment; Caringi et al.,
2016). Conrad and Kellar-Gunther (2006) found the prevalence of
CF as high as 50% in a group of 363 child protection workers
using the Compassion Satisfaction/Fatigue Self-Test (Conrad &
Kellar-Guenther, 2006).
This finding is similar to that of W. Berger et al. (2012)
discussed above, who reported that ambulance personnel showed
higher estimated PTSD prevalence rates compared with firefight-
ers and police officers (W. Berger et al., 2012). Hensel et al. (2015)
likewise suggest that mental health professionals, similar to first
responders, may be reluctant to disclose personal details due to
concerns about stigma, confidentiality, and job security (Hensel et
al., 2015).
Individual studies focusing on the impacts of vicarious trauma
among other related professional and/or volunteer groups, listed in
order of publication year, include: Kiyimba and O’Reilly (2016)
for qualitative transcriptionists; Coleman, Delahanty, Schwartz,
Murani, and Brondolo (2016) for medical examiner office employ-
ees; Becker and McCrillis (2015) for health sciences librarians;
Lusk and Terrazas (2015) for para-professionals working with
refugees; Mehus and Becher (2016) for spoken-language interpret-
ers; Ewer, Teesson, Sannibale, Roche, and Mills (2015) for alcohol
and other drug workers in Australia; Dasan, Gohil, Cornelius, and
Taylor (2015) among emergency medical consultants; Fisackerly,
Sira, Desai, and McCammon (2016) among certified child life
specialists; Mishori, Mujawar, and Ravi (2014) for asylum evalu-
ators; Johnson, Bertschinger, Snell, and Wilson (2014) for military
psychologists; Furlonger, and Taylor (2013) for telephone and
online counselors, Želeskov-Ðori´
c, Hedrih, and Ðori´
c (2012) for
psychotherapists; Levin et al. (2011) for attorneys and their ad-
ministrative support staff; Negash and Sahin (2011) for marriage
and family therapists; Robertson, Davies, and Nettleingham (2009)
for jurors; and Figley and Roop (2006) for animal caregivers.
Steps 3 and 4: Development/Monitoring of
Interventions and Policies
Trauma treatment research studies point to a range of interven-
tions, including cognitive-behavioral treatments (Bryant, Sack-
ville, Dang, Moulds, & Guthrie, 1999), eye movement desensiti-
zation and reprocessing (EMDR; Chen et al., 2014;Shapiro &
Maxfield, 2002), critical incident stress debriefing (CISD; Pack,
2013), and psychological first aid (PFA; Everly, Barnett, & Links,
2012), as efficacious in reducing the incidence of PTSD in those
who are experiencing subthreshold symptoms of traumatic stress
following direct exposure. Several studies found these approaches
superior in reducing trauma symptoms compared with informal
supportive services (e.g., Bryant et al., 1999). However, the inter-
ventions most frequently recommended to address the effects of
indirect exposure, or VT/STS/CF among victim services providers
and first responders, fall under the category of health promotion
and wellness. These include supportive services, training as treat-
ment, and psychoeducation among others. A review of treatment
research studies for VT/STS/CF follows here.
A literature review by Bercier and Maynard (2015) demon-
strates the shortage of trauma-informed STS interventions. Their
systematic literature review examined interventions for reducing
the negative effects of STS for mental health professionals; after
reviewing over 4,000 citations and 159 full-text reports, no studies
were found to meet inclusion criteria. According to the authors:
The empirical research related to CF, STS, and VT seems to be indicative
of an emerging field as the research tends to focus on the nature,
prevalence, measurement, and etiology of CF, STS, and VT rather than
effects of interventions. (Bercier & Maynard, 2015,p.84)
The types of interventions currently available are discussed in
this section, including the limited evidence of their benefits and
limitations on VT/STS/CF.
Health Promotion and Wellness
Supportive, self-directed, and nontherapeutic approaches are by
far the most utilized methods of addressing STS from a prevention
perspective, and for those who are already symptomatic. Health
promotion or wellness strategies (i.e., self-care approaches) such
as yoga, meditation, relaxation, achieving a work-life balance,
physical activity, proper nutrition, and so forth are endorsed by
some authors as the most effective means of guarding against the
development of STS or addressing those who are symptomatic
(Coetzee & Klopper, 2010;Dane, 2000;Hesse, 2002;Iliffe &
Steed, 2000;Neville & Cole, 2013;Zadeh, Gamba, Hudson, &
Wiener, 2012).
Many of the current approaches to addressing STS in clinical
therapeutic settings involve the use of self-care strategies to protect
the clinician and counteract the potential negative impact of em-
pathic engagement with a highly symptomatic trauma client
(Burke & Van Dernoot Lipsky, 2009;Figley, 2002;Mathieu,
2012;Pearlman & Saakvitne, 1995). This perspective implicitly
espouses that the provision of trauma treatment is unavoidably
depleting, and that recovery must occur during periods of nonex-
posure. There is little in the practice literature that specifies how,
or if, the empathic encounter could be modified to attenuate these
effects and still offer maximum therapeutic benefit to the client.
Bober and Regehr (2006) used a cross-sectional design to in-
vestigate if the most commonly recommended methods for pre-
venting STS were associated with lower levels of distress. In this
sample (N259) they found that despite high reported beliefs that
leisure activities, self-care practices, and supervision are benefi-
cial, this did not translate into time spent engaging in these
activities. Notably, they also found no evidence that time spent
engaging in these coping strategies impacted trauma scores. Cor-
roborating these findings, Killian (2008) found that only one
personal resource, emotional self-awareness, ameliorated symp-
toms of compassion fatigue in family therapists (N104) work-
ing with trauma survivors (Killian, 2008).
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR; Kabat-Zinn, 2003)
is a specific type of self-care approach that has been operational-
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
ized into an evidence-based, protocol driven intervention to ad-
dress a variety of conditions including chronic fatigue, pain asso-
ciated with cancer, anxiety disorders, depression, and daily stress
(Grossman, Niemann, Schmidt, & Walach, 2004;Kabat-Zinn,
2003). It is increasingly recommended for preventing and treating
STS (Goodman & Schorling, 2012;Thieleman & Cacciatore,
Limited research on MBSR includes a survey administered to 41
trauma workers (paid and volunteer) that found an inverse corre-
lation between mindful attention awareness (a component of mind-
fulness) and reported levels of STS (Thieleman & Cacciatore,
2014). A meta-analysis of studies on MBSR, including seven
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), revealed no investigations of
STS as an outcome, but revealed a moderate effect size when
considering its impact on overall physical and mental health
(Grossman et al., 2004). More recently, studies have found support
for MBSR for women with PTSD (Dutton, Bermudez, Matas,
Majid, & Myers, 2013), combat veterans (King et al., 2013), and
child abuse survivors (Kimbrough, Magyari, Langenberg,
Chesney, & Berman, 2010). In a rare use of a longitudinal study
design, Williams, Ciarrochi, and Deane (2010) followed 60 police
department recruits in Australia for 1 year and found a correlation
between identifying feelings (using mindfulness, emotional aware-
ness, and resiliency) and depression, and between lower mindful-
ness and depression.
Miller and Sprang (2016) have offered a model of clinical
practice, components for enhancing clinician experience and re-
ducing trauma (CE-CERT), that proposes concrete skills that the
clinician can use during treatment, to maintain their own emotional
regulation, and metabolize reactions to indirect trauma exposure in
real time. These skills draw upon the core elements of evidence-
based trauma treatment—affective and cognitive regulation, con-
struction of a narrative, and attending to parasympathetic recov-
ery—along with experiential engagement and reducing emotional
labor (Miller & Sprang, 2016). The Resilience Alliance, a product
of the New York City Administration for Children’s Services and
New York University Children’s Trauma Institute, is another ex-
ample of organizational leadership to address STS and uses health
promotion and wellness, professional skills training, and psychoedu-
cation. The program is structured around twelve 60–90 min training
modules that teach child welfare workers about STS, self-efficacy,
optimism, self-care, and workplace dynamics through discussion,
goal-setting, and reflection activities. Like the CE-CERT, these prac-
tice models employ evidence-based measures, but remain largely
untested and have primary applicability to those working in clinical
therapeutic settings.
The accelerated recovery program (ARP) was developed by
Gentry et al. (2002) as a five-session model for treating STS that
involves building resiliency skills, self-management and self-care,
connection with others, skills acquisition or gaining a sense of
professional mastery, and internal and external conflict resolution.
A criticism of this program is that a pathway for addressing
primary traumatic stress symptoms appears to fall outside the
intervention model. Furthermore, no published study results were
located that provide the details of any investigations into the
effectiveness or efficacy of ARP; only a mention that pre- and
posttest ProQOL Scale scores improved after ARP in a book
published by the ARP team (Gentry et al., 2002).
Professional Skills Training
Professional skills training as a form of prevention and treat-
ment for STS is a strategy that is supported by correlational studies
suggesting that individuals who received instruction in evidence-
based practices for treating traumatic stress conditions had lower
levels of STS (Sprang et al., 2007). In addition, research by Prati,
Pietrantoni, and Cicognani (2010) found that increased self-
efficacy moderates the relationship between stress appraisal and
professional quality of life (including STS). Ortlepp and Friedman
(2002) noted that the stronger lay counselor’s perceptions that they
possessed the skills needed to do their job, the lower their STS
symptoms. A study of mental health professionals working in
communities near the Gaza Strip, with populations exposed to
rocket attacks, compared risk factors for PTSD symptoms and
vicarious traumatization; both were correlated with lower profes-
sional self-efficacy and VT was further correlated with fewer years
of education (Finklestein, Stein, Greene, Bronstein, & Solomon,
2015). Although these studies are only reporting correlates of STS,
the findings are consistent with the basic tenets of social cognitive
theory, which posits that individuals with high self-efficacy are
less affected by stressful events because of their perceived ability
to master their personal functioning and environmental demands
(Bandura, 1997).
In a rare RCT, R. Berger and Gelkopf (2011) combined the
strategy of professional skill development around service delivery
with increased knowledge and skills to identify and manage one’s
own STS responses. This intervention provided 90 pediatric nurses
in war- and terror-affected areas with 12 weeks of psychoeduca-
tion regarding identifying trauma in infants and young children,
how to use trauma-specific training tools, stress management tech-
niques that could be used with the children and their parents, as
well as self-maintenance tools, self-regulation strategies, and ways
to enhance peer support and team cohesiveness. In this RCT, the
intervention group improved on STS symptoms at posttest com-
pared with the wait-list control group. Furthermore, decreases in
STS scores covaried with improvement on professional self-
efficacy assessments, lending further support for the importance of
self-efficacy in reducing STS.
Gentry, Baggerly, and Baranowsky (2004) used the concept of
“training as treatment” to improve an individual’s understanding
and competency to identify and manage their own STS (Gentry et
al., 2004). This module focuses on self-regulation, intentionality,
perceptual maturation/self-validation, connection, and self-care.
An effectiveness study of 73 emergency nurses found statistically
significant decreases in STS scores at posttest, though the study is
limited by its nonrandomized design.
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
CISM is an approach used by multiple disciplines that seeks to
prevent posttraumatic stress symptoms in the aftermath of a critical
event (Mitchell & Everly, 2000). Some organizations embed their
CISM program within employee assistance programs. A major
component of CISM is the idea of holding psychological debrief-
ings between peers after an event, referred to as CISD. This is
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
typically a group intervention in use since the 1970s for people in
the same professional group, or with similar exposure to trauma, to
process their experiences using a specific seven-step psychotherapy-
and education-based model (Adler et al., 2008;Tuckey & Scott,
2014). Most studies have focused on the use of CISM/CISD for
primary, not secondary, trauma exposure (Adler et al., 2008). The
evidence base for both CISM and CISD is mixed due to several
factors including methodological inconsistencies, negative or mixed
findings, and a shortage of RCTs (Adler et al., 2008;Pack, 2013;
Tuckey & Scott, 2014).
A 2009 literature review by Pender and Prichard (2009) found a
shortage of empirical evidence to support particular CISD proto-
cols; however, most positive studies did support the use of CISD
for group interventions for homogenous groups (i.e., occupational
groups) with similar exposure to trauma (Pender & Prichard,
2009). According to the review, “Hobfoll et al.’s (2007) analysis of
essential elements in post-trauma work support the conclusion that
recovery is enhanced when people trust themselves to handle what
happened and then trust those around them to do the same”
(Pender & Prichard, 2009, p. 188). However, CISD is not recom-
mended as an intervention to prevent long-term adverse psycho-
logical outcomes by authors of several studies (Gray, Maguen, &
Litz, 2004;Mayou, Ehlers, & Hobbs, 2000;McNally, Bryant, &
Ehlers, 2003;Rose, Bisson, & Wessely, 2003;Ruzek et al., 2007).
First implemented in 1981 after a police-involved shooting in
Los Angeles, peer assistance programs are commonly found in
first responder organizations, sometimes as an element of a CISM
plan. They are based on the premise that peers are in the best
position to help others in their organization recognize and inter-
vene regarding work-related stress (Grauwiler, Barocas, & Mills,
2008). Para-professionals within organizations are trained to offer
immediate and ongoing peer support after a stressful situation with
the belief that if left unaddressed, the stress may lead to serious
substance, mental health or other problems. It is also thought that
peer support programs help ameliorate the stigma associated with
help-seeking among law enforcement officers and other first re-
sponders (Greenstone, 2000;Woody, 2005).
A literature review of the research on peer support and peer
assistance programs for police and other first responders published
between 1997 and 2007 found only three published studies focused
on workplace peer assistance and support for police, and none of
them evaluated efficacy of the programs (Grauwiler et al., 2008).
Similar to the research on CISM, efficacy studies are made more
difficult by inconsistent program designs. All three studies found
that peer support services were reported by utilizers of the program
as reducing the stigma associated with seeking professional help.
In one of them Stephens and Long (2000) found an association
between perceptions of social support and lower work-related
traumatic stress among police officers in New Zealand.
PFA (Ruzek et al., 2007) dates back to the mid-20th century
(Thorne, 1952) but has recently been used more frequently as a
method of reducing postexposure distress and supporting adaptive
functioning, especially since the Institute of Medicine recom-
mended it for postdisaster contexts in 2003 (Institute of Medicine,
2003). Guidelines and trainings are now available, some of which
are empirically based on cognitive/affective theories such as the
Johns Hopkins PFA model (Everly et al., 2012). It does not require
mandatory processing of trauma material in a group setting, which
fits with some of the mixed findings about group debriefing (Pack,
2013). A review of the literature published from 1990–2010 fo-
cused on PFA in the aftermath of a disaster or mass casualty event
found no evidence yet for its efficacy but wide support by expert
opinion (Fox et al., 2012). Studies of its efficacy for VT/STS/CF
were not found to date.
Discussion and Recommendations for Further Study
Increased interest in the impact of indirect trauma exposure in
the workplace has captured the attention of researchers, clinicians,
organizational leaders, and policymakers across a variety of ser-
vice systems. In fact, the occupational hazards of delivering ser-
vices to a traumatized and violence exposed population has be-
come a public health issue threatening workforce stability.
Attempts to document the prevalence of this phenomenon in
contemporary work life are still plagued by stigma attached to
self-disclosure of professional distress, and a lack of conceptual
clarity between related, overlapping, but perhaps distinct terms
that have been used to describe the experience of working with
trauma-exposed and victimized populations. Responses to the in-
cidence of indirect trauma exposure have spawned the application
of interventions that have grown primarily out of the health pro-
motion and wellness literature, despite the fact that vicarious
traumatization or STS is at its core a trauma response that may be
best addressed using a wide range of available traumatization
prevention and treatment strategies. The issue also remains that
repeated ongoing exposure to indirect trauma, as a natural course
of the professional’s daily work life, may require modification of
existing direct trauma treatments. Returning to the public health
approach, we recommend the following research agenda for ad-
vancing each of the steps of addressing vicarious traumatization
for the fields of first responders and victim service providers.
Step 1: Understanding the Problem
We described a number of instruments that have been developed
and tested for psychometric properties, but at present a validated
instrument that gets at the full range of VT/STS/CF symptoms is
not available in one measure. This is due to a lack of conceptual
clarity regarding the underlying constructs represented by these
terms. For example, some professionals use compassion fatigue as
synonymous to STS, while others use the term to describe a broad
range of symptoms that include STS as well as burnout. Future
research should focus on empirically disentangling and operation-
alizing the concepts of vicarious traumatization/STS from com-
passion fatigue so that assessment tools can be tailored to be
sensitive to these distinctions. With distinct naming conventions,
an appropriate theoretical framework, epidemiological research,
diagnostic criteria and interventions can be applied.
Second, the prevalence of VT/STS/CF must be measured using
consistent screening tools and population-based sampling frames
rather than treatment or convenience samples. For example, there
is currently difficulty estimating the extent that mental health
clinicians are affected. Elwood, Mott, Lohr, and Galovski (2011),
in their review of 41 studies focusing on indirect trauma primarily
in mental health clinicians who provide trauma-focused treatment,
concluded that there was no consensus regarding VT prevalence
among professional caregivers. See also Kadambi and Ennis’s
(2004) review for a discussion of difficulties in the operational-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
ization and measurement of VT, as well as an earlier review by
Sabin-Farrell and Turpin (2003) for a discussion of the lack of
consistent evidence for VT in the field of mental health. The
varying levels of reported severity in STS and CF rates among
clinicians exposed to traumatic experiences through therapy pro-
vision are likewise emphasized by Kadambi and Ennis (2004),
exemplifying the frequency with which nonclinical ranges of in-
direct traumatization have been reported (Kadambi & Ennis,
One solution is to have researchers determine a clinically mean-
ingful threshold/subthreshold of distress on the tool developed as
recommended above, then conduct prevalence studies with that
tool. The literature on STS and related conditions documents
symptom expression that can be characterized as mild to extreme.
Furthermore, there is an implicit assumption in some interventions
that STS can be prevented, while other approaches focus on
addressing existing symptoms. The issue of whether or not the
terminology of STS or VT is representative of a continuum of
distress responses that culminate in a disorder and if certain
interventions can prevent even mild symptoms from occurring is
an empirical question that has yet to be answered.
Finally, STS must be distinguished from primary traumatic
stress for first responder populations including fire services, law
enforcement, and emergency medical services, in order to under-
stand the separate and combined effects of primary and secondary
trauma and advance toward appropriate interventions that are
feasible and efficacious for particular types of organizational set-
Step 2: Identification of Risk and Protective Factors
for Having Negative or Positive Reactions to
Vicarious Trauma
We found there is very little research that has been conducted to
identify salient risk and protective factors. This is a key step in
addressing a public health problem, because it provides ideas for
both the etiology of these reactions and for the development of
preventive interventions. Certain fields have made progress toward
identifying risk and protective factors, although they have been
determined using observational studies. For example, multiple
studies among online child abuse investigators show that social
support and supervisory support are correlated with fewer symp-
toms of STS, while increased exposure is correlated with greater
symptoms (Bourke & Craun, 2014). Risk factors like caseload
volume and frequency, caseload ratio, having a personal trauma
history, and 13 other risk factors for STS were identified by Hensel
et al. (2015), as well as among child abuse professionals (Hensel
et al., 2015). Further studies are needed to identify risk and
protective factors for the wide range of additional occupations at
risk for VT/STS/CF.
Steps 3 and 4: Intervention Development and
While there are promising interventions for improvement in
vicarious traumatization symptoms from the fields discussed
above, there is need for rigorous study designs to demonstrate the
efficacy and effectiveness of these interventions. Much of our
review of the research has shown that the benefits to preventing or
reducing STS have not been adequately established for the inter-
ventions identified (Drewnowski & Evans, 2001;Duren, Cress, &
McCully, 2008;Gordon et al., 2008;Penedo & Dahn, 2005;Pullen
et al., 2008;Ross & Thomas, 2010;Stuck, Meyer, & Rigotti, 2003;
Zeisel, 2009). The differential impact of self-care on burnout and
STS as noted in the Ringenbach (2009) study seems to support the
notion that health and wellness promotion may not be as effective
at reducing trauma-related symptoms as they are at ameliorating
other types of organizational stress symptoms. More comparative
research such as this study is needed.
Similarly, as the research findings on the efficacy of CISM/
CISD have been mixed, additional research must be done with
rigor to be more definitive, especially given the very widespread
use among first responder organizations. Research to show the
efficacy of peer support programs is needed for the same reason.
One of the unique challenges across treatment types is that
individually tailored interventions lack consistency in how ap-
proaches are delivered or applied. This creates challenges for
researchers who are trying to investigate the efficacy and utility of
essential components. Articulation of the specifics of intervention
delivery is important so that studies may be replicated. The other
issue that remains is that repeated ongoing exposure to indirect
trauma, as a natural course of the professional’s daily work life,
may require modification of existing trauma treatments that as-
sume or require that the discrete exposure event(s) is not ongoing.
The efficacy of trauma treatments tested exclusively with those
exposed to direct trauma, including cognitive-behavioral therapy
and EMDR and others, should have their efficacy/effectiveness
with vicarious traumatization studied and established and be
adapted as necessary based on these results.
Two important themes emerged regarding barriers to addressing
Steps 3 and 4. The first is the subject of stigma, which came up in
many contexts in this research review. Clearly additional work
must be done to continue to change the social norms of profes-
sional life that creates fear of personal and/or professional conse-
quences of reporting struggles with their reactions to the work they
do that exposes them to the trauma of others.
The other limitation of interventions for preventing and treating
STS is that they may unduly individualize the problem and fail to
address the contextual factors that may impact the worker. Orga-
nizational milieu and resources (or the lack thereof) may determine
how individuals understand and respond to their environments, and
the type of interventions that may be most appropriate for the
setting. Investigations into the efficacy or effectiveness of preven-
tion or intervention strategies should consider organizational level
variables as potential mediators or moderators of outcomes as well
as the level of intervention (Killian, 2008).
An organizational strategy that needs empirical testing is the use
of screening for VT/STS/CF in workplaces as part of regular
routines. Assessment of VT/STS in work settings with high rates
of indirect trauma exposure is not the norm. But, a current practice
approach in the trauma field more broadly is to take a “screen and
treat” perspective (Brewin, 2001); that is, to help those who are
having transient reactions to exposure and those most likely to
develop serious and/or chronic problems self-identify so they can
take independent action (if needed) to address their unique situa-
tion. As these conceptual and technical distinctions are made, the
development of construct specific measures can occur, the tempo-
ral sequencing of symptoms can be established and prevention
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
services (if indicated) and interventions can be designed and tested
that are rigorous and phenomenon specific.
Longitudinal studies, especially those that employ random as-
signment to intervention or control conditions, are the most ap-
propriate design for evaluation of interventions and policies. How-
ever, almost no studies in this review used this level of rigor.
First responders, mental health care workers, and the other
professional groups discussed throughout this paper often work
long hours to serve the most vulnerable in our society, often people
suffering from trauma. Without a concerted response from re-
searchers, policymakers, and organization leaders, these profes-
sional groups are left vulnerable to the shared burden of trauma,
accrued from chronic or acute hardship, known as VT or STS. The
importance of pursuing this agenda in a logical, sequenced manner
cannot be minimized if the public health aim of improving the
health and safety of the public and the workforce is to be achieved.
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Received December 9, 2016
Revision received March 30, 2017
Accepted May 9, 2017
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... In this regard, the scientific literature identifies vicarious trauma (VT) and secondary traumatic stress (STS) as two of the most important processes that can affect psychotherapists intervening in trauma (Crivatu et al., 2023;Leung et al., 2022). However, because of their similarity, these terms are often confused with each other and are often used interchangeably (Bell et al., 2003;Merriman & Joseph, 2018;Molnar et al., 2017;Leung et al., 2022;Sutton et al., 2022), despite there being important differences between them. VT comprises those negative cumulative changes arising from the therapist-patient interaction, especially when the therapist experiences intense empathy (Branson, 2019;McCann & Pearlman, 1990). ...
... Sabin-Farrell and Turpin (2003) even concluded in their review that VT and STS describe the same phenomenon. The scientific literature consists of reviews focused on the study of protective factors against VT in the case of healthcare workers, firefighters, and other professionals who provide assistance to accident victims (Molnar et al., 2017). However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there have been no reviews focused exclusively on studying the protective and predisposing factors influencing these processes in psychotherapists in the last decade. ...
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The impact on psychotherapists’ mental health when addressing traumas is an area of research that has scarcely been investigated. This review focuses on the protective and predisposing factors of vicarious trauma in psychotherapists. Out of 202 indexed articles in Proquest, Web of Science, Scopus, and Pubmed databases, 22 met the inclusion criteria. Predisposing factors were identified such as limited experience, treating a high number of trauma cases, psychotherapists’ prior traumas, young age, female gender, limited sense of self and meaning of life, having religious beliefs, and professional practice in the private sector. Protective factors that emerged were perceived social support, coping strategies, having clinical supervision, and some personality-linked factors. Additionally, the potential interrelation between vicarious trauma and secondary post-traumatic stress is demonstrated and discussed. The findings underscore the impact of indirect trauma exposure on psychotherapists’ mental health, emphasizing the need to implement prevention and intervention programs for those professionally dedicated to healing the traumatic wounds of others.
... Al respecto, la literatura científica identifica el trauma vicario (TV) y el estrés postraumático secundario (EPS) como dos de los procesos más importantes que pueden afectar a los psicoterapeutas que intervienen en trauma (Crivatu et al., 2023;Leung et al., 2022). Sin embargo, debido a su similitud, estos términos suelen confundirse entre sí y a menudo se usan indistintamente (Bell et al., 2003;Merriman y Joseph, 2018;Molnar et al., 2017;Leung et al., 2022;Sutton et al., 2022), aunque existen diferencias importantes entre ellos. El TV comprende aquellos cambios acumulativos negativos surgidos de la interacción terapeuta-paciente, especialmente cuando el terapeuta manifiesta una intensa empatía (Branson, 2019;McCann y Pearlman, 1990). ...
... Al respecto, Sabin-Farrell y Turpin (2003) concluyeron en su revisión que TV y EPS describen incluso el mismo fenómeno. La literatura científica alberga revisiones centradas en el estudio de los factores protectores frente al TV en el caso de personal sanitario, bomberos y otros profesionales que prestan asistencia a víctimas de accidentes (Molnar et al., 2017). Sin embargo, hasta donde alcanza el conocimiento de los autores, en la última década no se han efectuado revisiones enfocadas exclusivamente en estudiar los factores protectores y predisponentes que influyen en estos procesos en psicoterapeutas. ...
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El impacto en la salud mental de los psicoterapeutas que abordan traumas representa un campo de estudio escasamente investigado. Esta revisión se centra en los factores protectores y predisponentes del trauma vicario en psicoterapeutas. De 202 artículos indexados en las bases de datos Proquest, Web of Science, Scopus y Pubmed, 22 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se identificaron factores predisponentes tales como menor experiencia, tratar un elevado número de casos de trauma, traumas previos del psicoterapeuta, juventud, género femenino, limitado sentido de sí mismo y de la vida, tener creencias religiosas y ejercicio profesional en el sector privado. En contraste,surgieron como protectores el apoyo social percibido, diversas estrategias de afrontamiento, disponer de supervisión clínica y factores ligados a la personalidad. Adicionalmente, se evidencia y discute la posible interrelación entre el trauma vicario y el estrés postraumático secundario. Los hallazgos resaltan el impacto de la exposición indirecta al trauma en la salud mental de los psicoterapeutas, subrayando la necesidad de implementar programas de prevención e intervención para quienes se dedican profesionalmente a sanar las heridas traumáticas de otros.
... These strategies constitute at best a form of primary prevention, where the focus lies on impeding the indirect traumatization from happening. Even so, caregivers are still extremely vulnerable in the face of indirect trauma, a situation that will hardly change unless policymakers and organizations take the initiative on the matter (Molnar et al., 2017). It is important to acknowledge that addressing mental health in professional trauma caregivers is not a solely individual matter as it is not a solely organizational matter. ...
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Objective: The present meta-analysis aimed to investigate which are the most efficient psychological and physical interventions for professional caregivers. Method: The study was realized using information extracted from 28 randomized controlled trials, totaling 2,168 participants, with mean ages between 22.88 and 48.54, of which 64.7% were females. The records were identified in relevant international databases of scientific articles, such as Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Cochrane, and dissertation databases ProQuest Dissertations, DART-Europe E-theses Portal, and EThOS, for gray literature. The targeted population was represented by professional trauma caregivers, a group consisting of medical personnel, psychologists, and social workers. Results: Out of the 28 trials included, 16 studies were performed on medical personnel, four on mental health personnel, two on social workers, and six on mixed groups. The statistical analysis revealed a main effect size of g = 0.541, 95% CI [0.383, 0.700], p < .001, which indicates an overall medium effect of the interventions. Effect sizes were compared and analyzed based on continuous and categorical moderators, which did not prove significant except for the female percentage. Conclusions: The current findings support that all interventions are adequate and outperform control groups. Based on the literature review that was made before the onset of this meta-analysis, there seems to be no other study realized in such an exhaustive format. The implications predominantly target practitioners in how to approach professional trauma caregivers who seek treatment. Future research should further investigate this population as a whole and consider including culture as a moderator.
... However, it is assumed that exposure to trauma usually entails both its negative and positive consequences (Cohen & Collens, 2013). This is also pointed out by Molnar et al. (2017), who distinguish negative, neutral, and positive consequences in their conceptualization of the vicarious trauma model. Hence, there is a need to seek more complex relationships between STS and SPTG and the factors determining their occurrence. ...
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Professionals working with people after traumatic experiences are indirectly exposed to the consequences of trauma. The aim of the study was to establish the role of spirituality and optimism in the occurrence of secondary traumatic stress and growth among 104 Polish Catholic nuns caring for people with a disability. The study used 4 standard measurement tools. A multidimensional analysis identified four types of consequences. Nuns caring for people with disabilities are as vulnerable to secondary traumatization as other professionals working with traumatized people, but they are more likely to experience positive consequences of care, and this is thanks to their spirituality.
This qualitative study explores the experiences of mid-level higher education professionals navigating workplace changes post-Coronavirus-19 Pandemic and during the subsequent Great Resignation. The study, framed by the theory of ambiguous loss to interpret the impacts of unresolved losses, underscores the importance of equipping higher education to adapt to ongoing transitions. To capture these nuanced dynamics, data were collected through individual interviews and participant photography using photo-narrative methodology. Eight participants, all mid-level student affairs professionals employed at a public research university in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, completed a total of 15 interviews and submitted 53 photos for the study. The data were analyzed using narrative, thematic, and symbolic methods. Findings revealed four key themes: compensation challenges, the dynamics of coworker relationships, the need for flexibility in role management, and the impact of the office environment on well-being. These themes highlight the complexity of workplace transitions, marked by both challenges and opportunities for growth. The photo-narrative approach effectively captured these experiences, offering rich insights into the participants' professional journeys. The study highlights the resilience of higher education professionals and suggests the necessity of supportive policies and practices that acknowledge their unique workplace experiences.
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Background: Grieving is a life-long process, and children in the grieving process are faced with memories of a loved one, which act as a trigger for emotional reactions that may hinder the grieving process. Most children are able to cope with loss and complete the grieving process with the support of people close to them, however, some grieving children need the help of experts during the grieving process and adjustment to their loss, because they are at risk of developing long-term psychological difficulties. Aims: The aim of this paper is to provide information to experts in the field of mental health on effective counselling and psychotherapeutic methods and techniques, as well as practical guidelines in work with grieving children. Methods: Four databeses were searched on November 1, 2023 for peer-reviewed literature on therapeutic approaches for working with bereaved children. The key search terms were: “Child” OR “Children” OR “Adolescents” AND “Grief” OR “Grieving process” OR “Childhood bereavement” OR “Loss and trauma” OR “Traumatic grief” AND “Therapeutic techniques” OR “Psychotherapy” OR “Counselling” OR “Therapy” OR “Interventions”. The search was conducted in English. Twenty-eight articles/books published up until November 2023 that matched the inclusion requirements were found. Results: Two “category” of psychotherapy approach were identified, namely, evidence-based psychotherapy techniques and creative (expressive) techniques. The psychotherapy techniques are based on individual or group treatment, psycho-education and work with family members and peers. Alongside evidence-based psychotherapy treatments, it is useful to use creative or expressive techniques as a supplement. Conclusion and implications: The effectiveness of psychotherapy and counselling intervention has been proven beyond doubt through a great deal of research, and therefore counselling and psychotherapy should be seen as the first choice in treatment of children in the grieving process. The presented review results could guide clinicians in selectively implementing grief therapy in a way that will be the most helpful to bereaved children, adolescents, and their families.
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This brief book brings together researchers and practitioners from medicine, nursing, psychiatry, psychology, social work, marriage and the family and others to explain, measure, prevent, and treat compassion fatigue. This the introduction and other front matter for the book.
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Will be published online on OCT 16: Objective: Attending to the potential impacts, both positive and negative, of clinical work with trauma survivors on professionals themselves is a crucial aspect of clinical training and supervision. Vicarious resilience refers to unique, positive effects that transform therapists in response to witnessing trauma survivors’ resilience and recovery process. This study describes the development and exploratory factor analysis of the first instrument to assess vicarious resilience. Method: The Vicarious Resilience Scale (VRS) was developed and administered via electronic survey to 190 helping professionals from around the globe working with survivors of severe traumas, such as torture. Results: Exploratory factor analysis yielded seven factors: Changes in life goals and perspective, client-inspired hope, increased recognition of clients' spirituality as a therapeutic resource, increased capacity for resourcefulness, increased self-awareness and self-care practices, increased consciousness about power and privilege relative to clients' social location, and increased capacity for remaining present while listening to trauma narratives. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability of the VRS was .92 and, as hypothesized, the VRS was moderately and positively correlated with posttraumatic growth and compassion satisfaction, indicating convergent validity. The VRS was not significantly correlated with compassion fatigue (CF) or burnout, indicating discriminant validity and that vicarious resilience is a unique construct that is not merely “the opposite” of CF or burnout. Conclusion: The VRS possesses sound psychometric properties and can be utilized in supervision and training contexts and for self-assessment by professionals working with trauma survivors to aid the recognition and cultivation of vicarious resilience.
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Objectives: Prior research has examined the incidence of posttraumatic stress stemming from either direct or indirect trauma exposure in employees of high-risk occupations. However, few studies have examined the contribution of both direct and indirect trauma exposure in high-risk groups. One particularly salient indirect trauma often endorsed as the most stressful by many occupational groups is interacting with distressed family members of victims of crime, illness, or accidents. The present study examined the extent to which interacting with distressed families moderated the impact of cumulative potentially traumatic event (PTE) exposure on depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in 245 employees of medical examiner (ME) offices. Method: Employees from 9 ME office sites in the United States participated in an online survey investigating the frequency of work place PTE exposures (direct and indirect) and mental health outcomes. Results: Results revealed that cumulative PTE exposure was associated with higher PTSD symptoms (PTSS) for employees who had higher frequency of exposure to distressed family members. After controlling for cumulative and direct PTE exposure, gender, and office site, exposure to distressed families was significantly associated with depressive symptoms, but not PTSS. Conclusions: Findings of our research underscore the need for training employees in high-risk occupations to manage their reactions to exposure to distraught family members. Employee training may buffer risk for developing PTSD and depression. (PsycINFO Database Record
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This study examines levels of secondary traumatic stress (STS), compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in social workers in the State of Montana. It also seeks to explain how specific organizational factors or peer support can potentially reduce the impact of these phenomena. A mixed methodology was utilized. Respondents (N = 256, response rate = 56%) completed 4 short measures: (a) the Social Work Demographics/Workplace Questionnaire, (b) the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (STSS; Bride, Robinson, Yegidis, & Figley, 2004), (c) the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) (Stamm, 2010), and (d) an original peer support survey. A smaller sample (N = 15) of follow-up interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data. A theory-based approach guided the qualitative data analysis, for which ATLAS-Ti software was used. Findings indicate that social workers in the sample experience significant levels of STS (M = 33.63, SD = 11.30), with 40.9% (n = 105) meeting the criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder, using the STSS (α = .92) as a proxy measure. ProQOL (α = .76) results confirm the presence of high levels of burnout and compassion fatigue on subscale scores, with t tests indicating that individuals performing case management reported lower levels than other groups. Age and time in current job were not found to be significant factors, whereas lower levels of job satisfaction and intent to look for other work were predictive of higher burnout and compassion fatigue scores. Qualitative data analysis revealed themes related to worker perceptions of factors that contributed to their levels of STS. Implications for policy and practice changes are offered.
Background: The aim of this study was to assess whether the use of alcohol and medicinal drugs among rescue workers as a consequence of the 22 July terrorist attack was associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms, and explore if there were differences between affiliated and unaffiliated rescue workers. Methods: Ten months after the bombing in the Oslo government district and the shooting at the youth camp on Utøya Island, a cross-sectional study of 1790 rescue and healthcare workers was conducted. The questionnaire included information on medicinal drug and alcohol use, experiences during rescue work and PTSS. Results: Few rescue workers reported alcohol (6.8% n = 119) or medicinal drug (5.5% n = 95) use as a consequence of participation in the 22 July terror attacks. Alcohol and medicinal drug use was associated with an elevated level of PTSS among the rescue workers who reported to use medicinal drugs (11.1 95% CI: 5.7-21.8) or alcohol (10.0 95% CI: 5.2-19.0) as a consequence of the terror attacks. Conclusion: The study found a low level of post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and alcohol and medicinal drug use among the rescue workers after the terror attacks in Norway on 22 July 2011. There was a strong association between both medicinal drug and alcohol use and elevated PTSS.
The purpose of this article is to describe examples of near-death and other transpersonal experiences occurring during catastrophic events like floods, wars, bombings, and death camps. To date, researchers have limited their investigations of these transpersonal events to those occurring to seriously ill patients in hospitals, those dying from terminal illnesses, or to individuals experiencing a period of grief after the death of a loved one. Missing is awareness by first responders and emergency healthcare professionals about these transpersonal experiences and what to say to the individuals who have them. Some responders experience not only deaths of the victims they assist, but also deaths of their colleagues. Information about these transpersonal experiences can also be of comfort to them. The examples in this article include a near-death experience during the Vietnam War, an out-of-body experience after a bomb explosion during the Iraq War, a near-death visit to a woman imprisoned at Auschwitz, and two after-death communications, one from a person killed in Auschwitz and another from a soldier during World War I. Also included are interviews with two New York City policemen who were September 11, 2001 responders. It is hoped the information will provide knowledge of these experiences to those who care for those near death, or dying, or grieving because of catastrophic events, and encourage researchers to further investigate these experiences during disasters.
Background: Working with victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse has been shown to cause secondary traumatic stress (STS) in child protection professionals. Aims: To examine the role of gender and personality on the development of secondary trauma responses. Methods: A study of Internet child abuse investigators (ICAIs) from two UK police forces. Participants completed a personality test together with tests for anxiety, depression, burnout, STS and post-traumatic stress disorder to assess secondary trauma. The data were normally distributed and the results were analysed using an independent t-test, Pearson correlation and linear regression. Results: Among 126 study subjects (50 females and 75 males), there was a higher incidence of STS in investigators who were female, introverted and neurotic. However, there were lower levels of STS in the participants in this study than those found in other studies. Conclusions: Psychological screening and surveillance of ICAI teams can help to identify risk factors for the development of STS and identify where additional support may be required.
Background: To examine the prevalence of psychopathology in 52 male rescue workers responding to the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya, comparing them with 176 male rescue workers responding to the 1995 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, bombing and with 105 directly exposed male civilian survivors of the Nairobi bombing. Methods: The Diagnostic Interview Schedule/Disaster Supplement assessed pre-disaster and post-disaster psychiatric disorders and variables related to demographics, exposure, disaster perceptions, and coping in all 3 disaster subgroups. Results: The most prevalent post-disaster disorders were posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (22%) and major depressive disorder (MDD) (27%) among Nairobi rescue workers, which were more than 2 and 4 times higher, respectively, than among Oklahoma City rescue workers. Alcohol use disorder was the most prevalent pre- and post-disaster disorder among Oklahoma City rescue workers. Nairobi rescue workers had a prevalence of PTSD and MDD not significantly different from Nairobi civilian survivors. Conclusions: Nairobi rescue workers were more symptomatic than Oklahoma City rescue workers and were as symptomatic as Nairobi civilian survivors. The vulnerability of Nairobi rescue workers to psychological sequelae may be a reflection of their volunteer, rather than professional, status. These findings contribute to understanding rescue worker mental health, especially among volunteer rescue workers, with potential implications for the importance of professional status of rescue workers in conferring protection from adverse mental health outcomes.