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Personalized trip recommendation for tourists based on user interests, points of interest visit durations and visit recency


Abstract and Figures

Tour recommendation and itinerary planning are challenging tasks for tourists, due to their need to select points of interest (POI) to visit in unfamiliar cities and to select POIs that align with their interest preferences and trip constraints. We propose an algorithm called PersTour for recommending personalized tours using POI popularity and user interest preferences, which are automatically derived from real-life travel sequences based on geo-tagged photographs. Our tour recommendation problem is modeled using a formulation of the Orienteering problem and considers user trip constraints such as time limits and the need to start and end at specific POIs. In our work, we also reflect levels of user interest based on visit durations and demonstrate how POI visit duration can be personalized using this time-based user interest. Furthermore, we demonstrate how PersTour can be further enhanced by: (i) a weighted updating of user interests based on the recency of their POI visits and (ii) an automatic weighting between POI popularity and user interests based on the tourist’s activity level. Using a Flickr dataset of ten cities, our experiments show the effectiveness of PersTour against various collaborative filtering and greedy-based baselines, in terms of tour popularity, interest, recall, precision and F(Formula presented.)-score. In particular, our results show the merits of using time-based user interest and personalized POI visit durations, compared to the current practice of using frequency-based user interest and average visit durations.
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Accepted for publication in Knowledge and Information Systems
Personalized Trip Recommendation for
Tourists based on User Interests, Points
of Interest Visit Durations and Visit
Kwan Hui Lim*, Jeffrey Chan*, Christopher Leckie*, Shanika Karunasekera*
*Department of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Data61, CSIRO, Australia
School of Science, RMIT University, Australia,, {caleckie, karus}
Abstract. Tour recommendation and itinerary planning are challenging tasks for
tourists, due to their need to select Points of Interest (POI) to visit in unfamiliar
cities, and to select POIs that align with their interest preferences and trip constraints.
We propose an algorithm called PersTour for recommending personalized tours using
POI popularity and user interest preferences, which are automatically derived from
real-life travel sequences based on geo-tagged photos. Our tour recommendation prob-
lem is modelled using a formulation of the Orienteering problem, and considers user trip
constraints such as time limits and the need to start and end at specific POIs. In our
work, we also reflect levels of user interest based on visit durations, and demonstrate
how POI visit duration can be personalized using this time-based user interest. Fur-
thermore, we demonstrate how PersTour can be further enhanced by: (i) a weighted
updating of user interests based on the recency of their POI visits; and (ii) an au-
tomatic weighting between POI popularity and user interests based on the tourist’s
activity level. Using a Flickr dataset of ten cities, our experiments show the effective-
ness of PersTour against various collaborative filtering and greedy-based baselines,
in terms of tour popularity, interest, recall, precision and F1-score. In particular, our
results show the merits of using time-based user interest and personalized POI visit
durations, compared to the current practice of using frequency-based user interest and
average visit durations.
Keywords: Tour Recommendation, Itinerary Planning, User Interests, Personaliza-
tion, Orienteering Problem, Flickr, Wikipedia, Social Networks
Cite this article as:
Kwan Hui Lim, Jeffrey Chan, Christopher Leckie, and Shanika Karunasekera. “Personalized
trip recommendation for tourists based on user interests, points of interest visit durations and
visit recency”. Knowledge and Information Systems (2017). doi:10.1007/s10115-017-1056-y.
Received 15 Dec 2015
Revised 24 March 2017
Accepted 19 April 2017
2 K. H. Lim et al.
1. Introduction
Tour recommendation and itinerary planning are challenging tasks due to the
different interest preferences and trip constraints (e.g., time limits, start and end
points) of each unique tourist1. While there is an abundance of information from
the Internet and travel guides, many of these resources simply recommend indi-
vidual Points of Interest (POI) that are deemed to be popular, but otherwise do
not appeal to the interest preferences of users or adhere to their trip constraints.
Furthermore, the massive volume of information makes it a challenge for tourists
to narrow down to a potential set of POIs to visit in an unfamiliar city. Even
after the tourist finds a suitable set of POIs to visit, it will take considerable
time and effort for the tourist to plan the appropriate duration of visit at each
POI and the order in which to visit the POIs.
To address these issues, we propose the PersTour algorithm for recom-
mending personalized tours where the suggested POIs are optimized to the users’
interest preferences and POI popularity. We formulate our tour recommendation
problem based on the Orienteering problem (Tsiligirides, 1984), which considers
a user’s trip constraints such as time limitations and the need for the tour to start
and end at specific POIs (e.g., POIs near the tourist’s hotel). Using geo-tagged
photos as a proxy for tourist visits, we are able to extract real-life user travel
histories, which can then be used to automatically determine a user’s interest
level in various POI categories (e.g., parks, beaches, shopping) as well as the pop-
ularity of individual POIs. As tourists have different preference levels between
POI popularity and POI relevance to their interests, our PersTour algorithm
also allows tourists to indicate their preferred level of trade-off between POI
popularity and his/her interest preferences. In cases where the tourist prefers to
automate the indication of this trade-off between POI popularity and interest
preference, PersTour is also able to determine the appropriate trade-off based on
the activity level of the tourist relative to the POI visits of the general popula-
Our main contributions2are as follows:
1. We propose the PersTour algorithm for recommending personalized tour/trip
itineraries with POIs and visit duration based on POI popularity, users’ in-
terest preferences and trip constraints. Our tour recommendation problem is
modelled in the context of the Orienteering problem (Section 3).
2. We introduce the concept of time-based user interest for tour recommendation,
where a user’s level of interest in a POI category is based on his/her time spent
at such POIs, relative to the average user. We also compare our time-based
user interest to the current practice of using frequency-based user interest,
and show how time-based user interest results in recommended tours that
more accurately reflect real-life travel sequences (Section 3.1).
3. We also further enhance time-based user interest by implementing an update
rule such that user interests are refined based on the recency of their past POI
visits. This updating works by giving more emphasis to recent POI visits than
those in the more distant past (Section 3.1).
1We use the terms “tourist” and “user” interchangeably, and similarly for the terms “tour”
and “trip”.
2This publication is an extended version of (Lim et al., 2015b) that appeared in IJCAI’15,
with the additional contributions of Points 3, 5 and 7.
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 3
1.) Determine POI Visits (Map photos to POIs)
2.) Construct User Travel History/Sequences
3.) Recommend Tour with PERSTOUR algorithm
List of POIs
Geo-tagged Photos
Travel History
Travel Seq. 1 Travel Seq. 2 Travel Seq. 3
Fig. 1. Tour Recommendation Framework
4. We demonstrate the personalization of POI visit duration using time-based
user interest, for the purpose of tour/trip itinerary recommendation. Our re-
sults show that personalized visit durations more accurately reflect the real-life
POI visit durations of users, compared to the current practice of using average
visit duration (Section 3.1).
5. While the PersTour algorithm gives tourists the flexibility to indicate their
preferred weightage between POI popularity and his/her interests, we also
propose two schemes to automatically determine an appropriate weightage
based on the tourist’s activity level, relative to the general tourist population
(Section 3.2.1).
6. We implement a framework (Fig. 1) for extracting real-life user travel histories
based on their geo-tagged photos, which are then used for training our Per-
sTour algorithm and serve as ground truth for our subsequent evaluation
(Section 4).
7. We evaluate different variants of PersTour against various baselines using
a Flickr dataset spanning ten cities. Our results show that PersTour out-
4 K. H. Lim et al.
performs these baselines based on tour popularity, user interest, recall, preci-
sion and F1-score (Sections 5 and 6).
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses some re-
lated work in tour recommendation; Section 3 introduces some preliminaries and
defines our research problem; Section 4 describes our overall framework for tour
recommendation; Section 5 outlines our experimental methodology; Section 6
discusses our main results and key findings; and Section 7 summarizes and con-
cludes our paper.
2. Related Work
Tour recommendation has been a well-studied field, with many developed appli-
cations (Vansteenwegen and Oudheusden, 2007; Castillo et al., 2008; Brilhante
et al., 2014; W¨orndl and Hefele, 2016; Lim, Wang, Chan, Karunasekera, Leckie,
Chen, Tan, Gao and Wee, 2016) and research ranging from recommending beau-
tiful, quiet, and happy tours (Quercia et al., 2014) to tour recommendation using
random walks with restart (Lucchese et al., 2012). In our review of related work,
we focus on research related to our work, and refer readers to (Souffriau and
Vansteenwegen, 2010) and (Damianos Gavalas, 2014) for an overview on the
general field of tour recommendation. In the following sections, we provide an
overview of the Orienteering problem before highlighting some key works in tour
itinerary recommendations.
2.1. Background on the Orienteering problem
The Orienteering problem (Tsiligirides, 1984) originated from a competition of
the same name. In this Orienteering competition, there are multiple navigational
check-points distributed throughout an area, where each check-point is associated
with a certain score. The main objective of participants in this competition is
to maximize their total score, which is accumulated from visiting the various
check-points. Participants are only given a limited amount of time to maximize
their scores, and the winner is the participant who has accumulated the highest
score. Due to this limitation of time, participants have to strategize and select a
smaller subset of check-points to visit and decide on the sequence to visit these
check-points. For a more in-depth review of the Orienteering problem, we refer
readers to (Vansteenwegen, Souffriau and Oudheusden, 2011) and (Gunawan,
Lau and Vansteenwegen, 2016). In recent years, various works have used the
Orienteering problem to model different variations of the tour recommendation
problem, and we discuss some of these works.
2.2. Tour recommendation based on Orienteering problem and
its variants
Many tour itinerary recommendation works are based on the Orienteering prob-
lem and its variants. For example, (Choudhury et al., 2010) was one of the
earlier tour recommendation studies based on the Orienteering problem, where
recommended tours start and end at specific POIs while trying to maximize
an objective score. Using a modified Orienteering problem, (Gionis et al., 2014)
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 5
utilized POI categories such that recommended tours are constrained by a POI
category visit order (e.g., museum park beach). Similarly, (Lim, 2015)
used a modified Orienteering problem constrained by a mandatory POI cat-
egory, which corresponds to the POI category a user is most interested in.
Based on user-indicated interests and trip constraints (e.g., time budget, start
and end locations), (Vansteenwegen, Souffriau, Berghe and Oudheusden, 2011)
recommended tours comprising POI categories that best match user interests
while adhering to these trip constraints. In the context of theme parks, (Lim
et al., 2017) recommended personalized itineraries with minimal queuing times
at attractions, while maximizing user interests and attraction popularity. Oth-
ers like (Lim, Chan, Leckie and Karunasekera, 2016) and (Anagnostopoulos
et al., 2016) have extended the Orienteering problem for the purpose of rec-
ommending tour itineraries for groups of tourists, with the aim of satisfying the
diverse interest preferences of multiple tourists in a group.
2.3. Tour recommendation based on other combinatorial
optimization problems
In contrast to works based on the Orienteering problem, there are also vari-
ous tour itinerary recommendation works based on other combinatorial opti-
mization and similar problems. For example, (Brilhante et al., 2013) formulated
tour recommendation as a Generalized Maximum Coverage problem (Cohen and
Katzir, 2008), with the objective of finding an optimal set of POIs based on both
POI popularity and user interest. Thereafter, (Brilhante et al., 2015) extended
upon the former by using a variation of the Travelling Salesman Problem, with
the main aim of finding the shortest route among the set of optimal POIs recom-
mended in (Brilhante et al., 2013). In addition to user interests in tour recom-
mendation, (Chen et al., 2014) also considered travelling times based on different
traffic conditions, using trajectory patterns derived from taxi GPS traces. Fo-
cusing on travelling paths based on road segments between POIs, (Sun, Fan,
Bakillah and Zipf, 2015) recommended tour itineraries comprising popular POIs
and interesting routes between these POIs, with POI and route popularity based
on geo-tagged photos. With further considerations for different transport modes,
(Kurashima et al., 2010; Kurashima et al., 2013) used a combined topic and
Markov model to recommend tours based on both user interests and frequently
travelled routes.
2.4. Top-k POI recommendation and next-location prediction
The recommendation of top-k POIs and next-location predictions are also closely
related to our problem of tour itinerary recommendation. For example, LearNext (Baraglia,
Muntean, Nardini and Silvestri, 2013) used Gradient Boosted Regression Trees
and Ranking SVMs to predict the (single) next POI that a tourist will visit,
while (Yamasaki, Gallagher and Chen, 2013) performed a similar next-location
prediction task using Markov models, along with seasonal and temporal informa-
tion. Others like (Shi, Serdyukov, Hanjalic and Larson, 2011) used a category-
regularized matrix factorization approach for recommending individual POIs,
and (Kofler, Caballero, Menendez, Occhialini and Larson, 2011) proposed a sys-
tem prototype for recommending individual POIs that are niche and specialized
6 K. H. Lim et al.
in nature. For top-k POI recommendations, many works utilized variants of ma-
trix factorization or collaborative filtering approaches to recommend a ranked
list of kPOIs, using information such as friendship links (Yao, Sheng, Qin, Wang,
Shemshadi and He, 2015), types of activities/users (Leung, Lee and Lee, 2011)
and temporal patterns in POI visits (Yuan, Cong, Ma, Sun and Thalmann, 2013).
2.5. Other tourism-related work
There are also many interesting tourism-related studies that utilize geo-tagged
photos for purposes ranging from identifying popular POIs to analyzing tourist
behavior. For example, Ji et al. (Ji, Xie, Yao and Ma, 2009) implemented a
graph modeling framework to identify popular POIs based on photos posted
in blogs, while (Popescu, Grefenstette and Mo¨ellic, 2009) used geo-tagged pho-
tos to understand tourist behavior based on their POI visit patterns and time
spent. More generally, geo-tagged photos have been used for other purposes such
as predicting friendship relationships based on spatio-temporal links (Crandall,
Backstrom, Cosley, Suri, Huttenlocher and Kleinberg, 2010), identifying local
clusters of interesting events and places (Kisilevich, Mansmann and Keim, 2010),
and estimating the location where a photo is taken (Li, Qian, Tang, Yang and
Mei, 2013). For a more comprehensive discussion of research that utilizes geo-
tagged photos, we direct readers to (Spyrou and Mylonas, 2016), who presented
a comprehensive review of current applications and identified various interesting
future directions.
2.6. Discussion of differences with previous work
While these previous works are the state-of-the-art in tourism-related research,
our proposed work differs from these earlier works in various aspects. First, we
automatically derive a relative measure of time-based user interest using a user’s
visit durations at POIs of a specific category, relative to the average visit du-
rations of other users, whereas earlier tour recommendation works either use
frequency-based user interest (based on POI visit frequency) or require users
to explicitly indicate their interest preferences for tour itinerary recommenda-
tion. Second, we plan and recommend tour itineraries with personalized POI
visit durations that cater to individual users based on their time-based user
interests, whereas previous works recommend tour itineraries using the same
non-personalized POI visit duration for all users (either the average duration
or a fixed duration, e.g., 1 hour at all POIs) or do not consider POI visit du-
ration at all. Third, although the works on top-k POI recommendation and
next-location prediction are related to our tour itinerary recommendation prob-
lem, our proposed problem involves the additional considerations of user in-
terest preferences, POI popularity, time constraints, starting/ending locations
and more importantly, recommending a connected tour itinerary that satisfies
these considerations, instead of individual POIs. While the other tourism-related
works illustrate many interesting applications of geo-tagged photos, these works
use such photos to study tourist behavior and identify popular POIs, which are
distinctly different from the task of recommending a personalized tour itinerary.
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 7
3. Background and Problem Definition
In this section, we first examine some preliminary definitions, before introducing
a formulation of our tour recommendation problem.
3.1. Preliminaries
If there are mPOIs for a particular city, let P={p1, ..., pm}be the set of POIs
in that city. Each POI pis also labelled with a category Catp(e.g., church, park,
beach) and latitude/longitude coordinates. We denote a function P op(p) that
indicates the popularity of a POI p, based on the number of times POI phas
been visited. Similarly, the function TTr avel(px, py) measures the time needed to
travel from POI pxto py, based on the distance between POIs pxand pyand the
indicated travelling speed. For simplicity, we use a travelling speed of 4km/hour,
i.e., a leisure walking speed.3
Definition 1: Travel History. Given a user uwho has visited nPOIs, we de-
fine his/her travel history as an ordered sequence, Su= ((p1, ta
p1, td
p1), ..., (pn, ta
pn, td
with each triplet (px, ta
px, td
px) comprising the visited POI px, and the arrival time
pxand departure time td
pxat POI px. Thus, the visit duration at POI pxcan be
determined by the difference between ta
pxand td
px. Similarly, for a travel sequence
p1and td
pnalso indicate the start and end time of the itinerary respectively.
For brevity, we simplify Su= ((p1, ta
p1, td
p1), ..., (pn, ta
pn, td
pn)) as Su= (p1, ..., pn).
Definition 2: Travel Sequence. Based on the travel history Suof a user
u, we can further divide this travel history into multiple travel sequences, i.e.,
sub-sequences of Su. We divide a travel history Suinto separate travel sequences
if td
px+1 > τ. That is, we separate a travel history into distinct travel
sequences if the consecutive POI visits occur more than τtime units apart.
Similar to other works (Choudhury et al., 2010; Lim, 2015), we choose τ=
8hours in our experiments. These travel sequences also serve as the ground
truth of real-life user trajectories, which are subsequently used for evaluating
our PersTour algorithm and baselines. For a user uwith ntravel sequences,
we use S1
u, S2
u, ..., Sn
uto denote the different travel sequences in temporal order,
such that S1
utook place before S2
Definition 3: Average POI Visit Duration. Given a set of travel histories
for all users U, we determine the average visit duration for a POI pas follows:
V(p) = 1
where nis the number of visits to POI pby all users and δ(px=p) = {1, px=p
0, otherwise .
V(p) is commonly used in tour recommendation as the POI visit duration for all
users (Brilhante et al., 2013; Brilhante et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2014), while many
earlier works do not factor in POI visit durations at all. In our work, we show
how recommended POI visit durations can be personalized to individual users
3TT ravel (px, py) can be easily generalized to different transport modes (e.g., taxi, bus, train)
and to also consider the traffic condition between POIs (e.g., longer travel times between two
POIs in a congested city, compared to two equal-distanced POIs elsewhere).
8 K. H. Lim et al.
based on their interest (Definition 5), and use ¯
V(p) as a comparison baseline,
i.e., the non-personalized POI visit duration.
Definition 4: Time-based User Interest. As described earlier, the cat-
egory of a POI pis denoted Catp. Given that Crepresents the set of all POI
categories, we determine the interest of a user uin POI category cas follows:
IntT ime
u(c) = X
where δ(Catpx=c) = {1, C atpx=c
0, otherwise . In short, Equation 2 determines the interest
of a user uin a particular POI category c, based on his/her time spent at each
POI of category c, relative to the average visit duration (of all users) at the
same POI. The rationale is that a user is likely to spend more time at a POI
that he/she is interested in. Thus, by calculating how much more (or less) time
a user is spending at POIs of a certain category compared to the average user,
we can determine the interest level of this user in POIs of this category.
Definition 5: Personalized POI Visit Duration. Based on our defini-
tion of time-based user interest (Equation 2), we are able to personalize the
recommended visit duration at each POI based on each user’s interest level. We
determine the personalized visit duration at a POI pfor a user uas follows:
TV isit
u(p) = IntT ime
V(p) (3)
That is, we are recommending a personalized POI visit duration based on user
u’s relative interest level in category Catpmultiplied by the average time spent
at POI p. Thus, if a user is more (less) interested in category Catp, he/she will
spend more (less) time at POI pthan the average user.
Definition 6: Frequency-based User Interest. We also define a simpli-
fied version of user interest, denoted IntF req
u(c), which is based on the number
of times a user visits POIs of a certain category c(i.e., the more times a user
visits POIs of a specific category, the more interested this user is in that cat-
egory). As using IntF req
u(c) is the current practice in tour recommendation re-
search (Brilhante et al., 2013; Lim, 2015; Brilhante et al., 2015), we include it for
a more complete study and as a comparison baseline to our proposed IntT ime
Definition 7: Time-based User Interest with Weighted Updates.
We improve upon the original Time-based User Interest (Definition 4) by giving
more emphasis to recent POI visits and less emphasis to POI visits in the distant
past. Algorithm 1 details our proposed algorithm. In Line 9 of Algorithm 1, we
continuously update user u’s interest by minimizing the error between his/her
recommended and actual POI visit duration, while i
nensures that more emphasis
is given to more recent POI visits. Lines 6 to 8 calculate the error between the
recommended and actual POI visit duration, while Lines 4 and 5 ensure that we
perform this update for all POIs in all travel sequences of user u.
The intuition behind Algorithm 1 is that more recent POI visits are more
relevant to a user, and thus should contribute more to the modelling of this user’s
interest. Similarly, other researchers have also observed people’s preference for
more recent activities/information, and utilized this recency preference for next
check-in location prediction (Lim et al., 2015a), location-based domain expert
identification (Li et al., 2014) and personalized music recommendation (Schedl
et al., 2012).
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 9
Algorithm 1: Time-based User Interest with Weighted Updates
input : {S1
u, S2
u, ..., Sn
u}: The past travel sequences of a user u.
output: IntUpd
u(c): The updated interest levels for user u.
2for POI category cCdo
u(c)IntT ime
4for i1to ndo
5for POI pSi
6recomT ime IntU pd
7actualT ime td
8error r ecomT imeactualT ime
Definition 8: Personalized POI Visit Duration with Weighted Up-
dates. Similar to Definition 5, we can then recommend a personalized POI visit
duration to POI pfor a user ubased on his/her Time-based User Interest with
Weighted Updates, as follows:
TV isitUpd
u(p) = IntUpd
V(p) (4)
Similar to Definition 5, we are personalizing the POI visit duration for user
ubased on his/her updated interest level in category Catpmultiplied by the
average time that users spend at POI p.
3.2. Problem Definition
We now define our tour recommendation problem in the context of the Orienteer-
ing problem and its integer problem formulation (Tsiligirides, 1984; Vansteen-
wegen, Souffriau and Oudheusden, 2011; Lim, 2015). Given the set of POIs P, a
budget B, starting POI p1and destination POI pN, our goal is to recommend an
itinerary I= (p1, ..., pN) that maximizes a certain score Swhile adhering to the
budget B.4In this case, the score Sis represented by the popularity and user
interest of the recommended POIs using the functions P op(p) and Int(C atp),
respectively. The budget Bis based on time spent, and calculated using the
function Cost(px, py) = TT r avel(px, py) + TV isit
u(py), i.e., using both travelling
time and personalized visit duration at the POI. One main difference between
our work and earlier work is that we personalize the visit duration at each recom-
mended POI based on user interest (Definition 5), instead of using the average
4Although we examine POIs in this work, our tour recommendation problem definition can
be easily modified such that a recommended tour itinerary starts and ends at a specific hotel
where the tourist is staying at.
10 K. H. Lim et al.
visit duration for all users or not considering visit duration at all. Formally, we
want to find an itinerary I= (p1, ..., pN) that:
xi,j ηInt(Cati) + (1 η)P op(i)(5)
where xi,j = 1 if both POI iand jare visited in sequence (i.e., we travel directly
from POI ito j), and xi,j = 0 otherwise. We attempt to solve for Equation 5,
such that:
x1,j =
xi,N = 1 (6)
xi,k =
xk,j 1,k= 2, ..., N 1 (7)
Cost(i, j )xi,j B(8)
2piN, i= 2, ..., N (9)
pipj+ 1 (N1)(1 xi,j ),i, j = 2, ..., N (10)
Equation 5 is a multi-objective function that maximizes the popularity and
interest of all visited POIs in the itinerary, where ηis the weighting given to the
popularity and interest components. Equation 5 is also subject to constraints 6
to 10. Constraint 6 ensures that the itinerary starts at POI 1 and ends at POI
N, while constraint 7 ensures that the itinerary is connected and no POIs are
visited more than once. Constraint 8 ensures that the time taken for the itinerary
is within the budget B, based on the function Cost(px, py) that considers both
travelling time and personalized POI visit duration. Given that pxis the position
of POI xin itinerary I, constraints 9 and 10 ensure that there are no sub-tours
in the proposed solution, adapted from the sub-tour elimination used in the
Travelling Salesman Problem (Miller et al., 1960).
Based on this problem definition, we can then proceed to solve our tour
recommendation problem as an integer programming problem. For solving this
integer programming problem, we used the lpsolve linear programming pack-
age (Berkelaar et al., 2004). We denote our proposed algorithm for personalized
tour recommendation as PersTour, and shall describe our overall framework
and the different PersTour variants in the following section.
3.2.1. Adaptive Weighting
As introduced in Equation 5, the ηparameter offers tourists the flexibility to
indicate their preferences for POI popularity and interest alignment. In this
section, we propose two methods that automatically determine an appropriate
value for the ηparameter based on the POI visits by the general user population.
Given all users Uand their set of travel histories SuU, we define the number
of POI visit count for a user uas: Cu=|Su|. Similarly, Cmax denotes the
maximum POI visit count out of all users uU. We determine the ηvalue (i.e.,
adaptive weighting) for a user uusing the following two methods.
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 11
– Adaptive Weights based on Scaling (PT-AS). This method determines
the ηvalue for a user uas follows: η=Cu
Cmax . In short, we are scaling the POI
visit count of a user uby the maximum POI visit count of all users.
– Adaptive Weights based on Cumulative Distribution (PT-AC). This
method determines the ηvalue for a user uas follows: η=P(CCu). That
is, we are building a probability distribution function based on all users’ POI
visit counts, and then calculating the probability that a random variable C
(i.e., the POI visit count) is less than or equal to the POI visit count of user u.
4. Tour Recommendation Framework
Fig. 1 outlines our overall tour recommendation framework. This framework
requires a list of POIs (with lat/long coordinates and POI categories) and a set
of geo-tagged photos (with lat/long coordinates and time taken), which can be
easily obtained from Wikipedia and Flickr, respectively. Thereafter, the main
steps in our framework are:
Step 1: Determine POI visits (Map photos to POIs). We first de-
termine the POI visits in each city by mapping the set of geo-tagged photos to
the list of POIs. In particular, we map a photo to a POI if their coordinates
differ by <200m based on the Haversine formula (Sinnott, 1984), which is used
for calculating spherical (earth) distances. If a photo is within 200m of multiple
POIs, we only map this photo to the nearest POI, i.e., no photo is mapped to
multiple POIs.
Step 2: Construct Travel History/Sequences. Based on the POI visits
from Step 1, we can construct the travel history of each user by sorting their
POI visits in ascending temporal-order (Definition 1). Using each user’s travel
history, we then proceed to group consecutive POI visits as an individual travel
sequence, if the consecutive POI visits differ by <8 hours (Definition 2). Thus,
we are also able to determine the POI visit duration based on the time difference
of the first and last photo taken at each POI.
Step 3: Recommend Tours using PersTour. As described in Section 3.2,
there can be different variants of PersTour, based on the value of ηand the type
of interest function chosen. The value of ηindicates the weight given to either POI
popularity or user interest, while the interest function can be either frequency-
based interest (IntF req
u), time-based interest (IntT ime
u) or time-based interest
with weighted updates (IntU pd
u). We experiment with the following variants:
– PersTour using η=0 (PT-0).PersTour with full emphasis on optimizing
POI popularity, ignoring user interest (i.e., no need to choose between IntT ime
or IntF req
– PersTour using IntF req
uand η=0.5(PT-.5F).PersTour with balanced
emphasis on optimizing both POI popularity and frequency-based user interest.
– PersTour using IntT ime
uand η=0.5(PT-.5T).PersTour with balanced
emphasis on optimizing both POI popularity and time-based user interest.
– PersTour using I ntU pd
uand η=0.5(PT-.5U).PersTour with balanced
emphasis on optimizing both POI popularity and time-based user interest with
weighted updates.
12 K. H. Lim et al.
PersTour using IntF req
uand η=1 (PT-1F).PersTour with full emphasis
on optimizing frequency-based user interest, ignoring POI popularity.
PersTour using IntT ime
uand η=1 (PT-1T).PersTour with full emphasis
on optimizing time-based user interest, ignoring POI popularity.
– PersTour using IntU pd
uand η=1 (PT-1U).PersTour with full emphasis
on optimizing time-based user interest with weighted updates, ignoring POI
– PersTour using IntU pd
uand adaptive weighting ηby scaling (PT-
AS).PersTour with emphasis on optimizing both POI popularity and time-
based user interest with weighted updates, where emphasis is based on adaptive
weighting by scaling of POI visit counts.
PersTour using IntU pd
uand adaptive weighting ηby cumulative distri-
bution (PT-AC).PersTour with emphasis on optimizing both POI pop-
ularity and time-based user interest with weighted updates, where emphasis is
based on adaptive weighting by cumulative distribution of POI visit counts.
These variants allow us to best evaluate the effects of different ηvalues, and
compare between frequency-based interest and time-based interest (with and
without weighted updates). As PT-0 does not consider user interest, there is no
need to choose between time-based or frequency-based user interest. The PT-0,
PT-.5F, PT-.5T, PT-.5U, and PT-1F, PT-1T, PT-1U algorithms allows us
to investigate the effect of different emphasis on POI popularity and the different
types of user interests, i.e., by adjusting the ηparameter. These algorithms
offer tourists the flexibility to explicitly specify their preference between the
two components of POI popularity and user interests. If the tourist prefers to
determine this preference automatically, the PT-AS and PT-AC algorithms
provide alternatives where this emphasis (i.e., the ηparameter) between the two
components of POI popularity and user interests can be automatically learned.
5. Experimental Methodology
In this section, we elaborate on the experimental dataset, baseline algorithms,
and evaluation metrics that are used for our experimental evaluation.
5.1. Dataset
For our experiments, we use the Yahoo! Flickr Creative Commons 100M (YFCC100M)
dataset (Yahoo! Webscope, 2014; Thomee et al., 2016), which consists of 100M
Flickr photos and videos. This dataset also comprises the meta information re-
garding the photos, such as the date/time taken, geo-location coordinates and
accuracy of these geo-location coordinates. The geo-location accuracy range from
world level (least accurate) to street level (most accurate).
Using the YFCC100M dataset, we extracted geo-tagged photos that were
taken in ten different cities, namely: Toronto, Osaka, Glasgow, Budapest, Perth,
Vienna, Delhi, Edinburgh, Tokyo and London. To ensure the best accuracy and
generalizability of our results, we only chose photos with the highest geo-location
accuracy and experimented on ten touristic cities around the world. A more de-
tailed description of our dataset is shown in Table 1. This dataset is also publicly
available at
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 13
Table 1. Dataset description
City No. of No. of # POI # Travel
Photos Users Visits Sequences
Toronto 157,505 1,395 39,419 6,057
Osaka 392,420 450 7,747 1,115
Glasgow 29,019 601 11,434 2,227
Budapest 36,000 935 18,513 2,361
Perth 18,462 159 3,643 716
Vienna 85,149 1,155 34,515 3,193
Delhi 13,919 279 3,993 489
Edinburgh 82,060 1,454 33,944 5,028
Tokyo 55,364 979 15,622 3,798
London 164,812 2,963 38,746 8,373
5.2. Baseline Algorithms
We compare our PersTour algorithms against five different baseline algorithms,
which can be divided into two broad categories. The first category is based
on the popular Collaborative Filtering (CF) recommender systems (Resnick,
Iacovou, Suchak, Bergstrom and Riedl, 1994; Ye, Yin, Lee and Lee, 2011; Yuan
et al., 2013), which utilizes a user’s (tourist’s) rating on the items (POIs) to
recommend a set of item for another user based on their user similarities. Based
on two definitions of user ratings, we implemented two variations of CF-based
baseline algorithms, namely:
Collaborative Filtering based on Photos Uploaded (CF-Pho). The
user/tourist’s rating on each item/POI is based on the number of uploaded
photos of that particular POI he/she has uploaded, i.e., a higher number of
uploaded photos corresponds to a higher rating for that POI.
Collaborative Filtering based on POIs Visited (CF-Bin). The user/tourist’s
rating on each item/POI is based on whether they have visited that particular
POI, i.e., a binary rating of 1 (visited) or 0 (not visited).
As CF-based algorithms recommend the top-K individual POIs instead of
an itinerary of connected POIs, we implemented additional processing steps to
ensure a consistent output result for our tour recommendation problem. Based
on a starting POI p1(like our PersTour algorithm), the CF-Pho and CF-Bin
algorithms will iteratively add in the highest ranked POI from the top-K results,
until either: (i) the budget Bis exhausted; or (ii) the destination POI pNis
The second category of baseline algorithms are variations of greedy-based ap-
proaches that have also been used in other tour recommendation research (Brilhante
et al., 2013; Brilhante et al., 2015; Wang, Leckie, Chan, Lim and Vaithianathan,
2016). Similar to our PersTour approach, these baseline algorithms commence
from a starting POI p1and iteratively choose a next POI to visit until either:
(i) the budget Bis exhausted; or (ii) the destination POI pNis reached. The
sequence of selected POIs thus forms the recommended itinerary, and the three
greedy-based baselines are:
14 K. H. Lim et al.
– Greedy Nearest (GNear). Chooses the next POI to visit by randomly
selecting from the three nearest, unvisited POIs.
Greedy Most Popular (GPop). Chooses the next POI to visit by randomly
selecting from the three most popular, unvisited POIs.
Random Selection (Rand). Chooses the next POI to visit by randomly
selecting from all unvisited POIs.
GNear and GPop are meant to reflect tourists’ behavior by visiting nearby
and popular POIs respectively, while Rand shows the performance of a random-
based approach.
5.3. Evaluation
We evaluate PersTour and the baselines using leave-one-out cross-validation (Kohavi,
1995), i.e., when evaluating a specific travel sequence of a user, we use this user’s
other travel sequences for training our algorithms. Specifically, we consider all
real-life travel sequences with 3 POI visits and evaluate the algorithms using
the starting POIs and destination POIs of these travel sequences. Thereafter,
we evaluate the performance of each algorithm based on the recommended tour
itinerary Iusing the following metrics5:
1. Tour Recall: TR(I).The proportion of POIs in a user’s real-life travel se-
quence that were also recommended in itinerary I. Let Prbe the set of POIs
recommended in itinerary Iand Pvbe the set of POIs visited in the real-life
travel sequence, tour recall is defined as: TR(I) = |PrPv|
2. Tour Precision: TP(I).The proportion of POIs recommended in itinerary I
that were also in a user’s real-life travel sequence. Let Prbe the set of POIs
recommended in itinerary Iand Pvbe the set of POIs visited in the real-life
travel sequence, tour precision is defined as: TP(I) = |PrPv|
3. Tour F1-score: TF1(I).The harmonic mean of both the recall and precision
of a recommended tour itinerary I, defined as: TF1(I) = 2×TP(I)×TR(I)
4. Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of POI Visit Duration: TRM SE (I).
The level of error between our recommended POI visit durations in itinerary I
compared to the real-life POI visit durations taken by the users. Let IsIbe
the recommended POIs that were visited in real-life6, and Drand Dvbe the
recommended and real-life POI visit durations respectively, RMSE is defined
as: TRM SE (I) = qPpIs(DrDv)2
5. Tour Popularity: TPop (I).The overall popularity of all POIs in the recom-
mended itinerary I, defined as: TP op(I) = P
P op(p).
6. Tour Interest: Tu
Int (I).The overall interest of all POIs in the recommended
itinerary Ito a user u, defined as: Tu
Int (I) = P
5Some metrics are rounded off to the same value, but are different values before rounding.
The bold-faced values indicate the best performing metrics.
6We can only compare POI visit durations for POIs in itinerary Ithat were “correctly”
recommended (i.e., visited in real-life).
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 15
Fig. 2. Overview of results (average scores) across all ten cities, in terms of Recall (TR),
Precision (TP) and F1-score (TF1).
7. Popularity and Interest Rank: Ta
Rk.The average rank of an algorithm a
based on its TP op and TI nt scores ranked against other algorithms (1=best,
We selected these metrics to better evaluate the following: (i) time-based
versus frequency-based user interest, using Metrics 1-3; (ii) personalized versus
non-personalized POI visit durations, using Metric 4; and (iii) PersTour versus
baselines, using Metrics 5-7. As personalized POI visit durations only apply to
PersTour and not the baselines, we only report TRMSE scores for the PT-0,
PT-.5F,PT-.5T,PT-.5U,PT-1F,PT-1T and PT-1U algorithms. Our base-
line for comparing TRM SE are variants of PersTour that use non-personalized
POI visit durations, i.e., average POI visit durations.
16 K. H. Lim et al.
6. Results and Discussion
In this section, we discuss our experimental results and highlight our main find-
6.1. Comparison between Time-based and Frequency-based
User Interest
Figure 2 presents an overview of results in terms of the average Recall (TR),
Precision (TP) and F1-score (TF1) across all ten cities, for the different variations
of our PersTour algorithm and the baselines. The results show that all variants
of PersTour out-perform the five baselines in terms of TRand TF1scores. In
terms of TPscores, the PersTour variants of PT-0,PT-.5T,PT-.5U and
PT-.5F out-perform all baselines, while the CF-Pho and CF-Bin out-performs
the PersTour variants of PT-1T,PT-1U and PT-1F. We now examine the
performance of our PersTour algorithm and the baselines in greater detail.
Moving on to the results for individual cities, we study the performance differ-
ence between using time-based user interest and frequency-based user interest,
as shown in Table 2 and 3. Comparing the TF1scores between PT-.5T,PT-
.5U and PT-.5F, and between PT-1T,PT-1U and PT-1F, the results show
that PersTour using time-based user interest (PT-.5T,PT-.5U,PT-1T and
PT-1U) out-performs its counterpart that uses frequency-based user interest
(PT-.5F and PT-1F), in most cases. This observation highlights the effective-
ness of time-based user interest in recommending tours that more accurately
reflect real-life tours of users, compared to using frequency-based user interest.
While PT-1T and PT-1U under-perform PT-1F in terms of TRfor some cities,
we focus more on the TF1scores as it provides a balanced representation of
both TRand TP. Moreover, for all cities, PT-.5T,PT-.5U,PT-1T and PT-1U
(time-based user interest) result in higher TPscores, compared to its PT-.5F
and PT-1F counterparts (frequency-based user interest). Another observation
is that all PersTour variants also out-perform the five baselines for all cities,
in terms of TF1scores.
The reason for the more accurate recommendations of time-based user in-
terest compared to frequency-based user interest is due to its use of POI visit
durations instead of POI visit frequency. Fig. 3 illustrates a toy example that
highlights the difference between time-based user interest and frequency-based
user interest. Consider user Awho only visited two parks but spent three or
more hours at each of them and user Bwho visited five parks but spent less
than 15 minutes at each of them. Frequency-based interest incorrectly classifies
user Bas having more interest in the parks category due to his/her five visits,
compared to user A’s two visits. On the other hand, time-based interest more
accurately determines that user Ahas a higher interest in the parks category due
to his/her long visit duration, despite user Aonly visiting two parks. Further-
more, time-based interest can more accurately capture a user’s level of interest
based on how much longer this user spends at a POI compared to the average
user (e.g., a user is more interested if he/she spends 3 hours at a POI when
the average time spent is only 30 minutes). With the availability of user interest
levels, we can better personalize POI visit duration for each unique user, which
we evaluate next.
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 17
Table 2. Comparison between Time-based User Interest (PT-.5T and PT-1T) and Frequency-
based User Interest (PT-.5F and PT-1F), in terms of Recall (TR), Precision (TP) and F1-score
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .760±.009 .679±.013 .708±.012
PT-.5T .779±.010 .706±.013 .732±.012
PT-.5U .773±.009 .698±.013 .726±.011
PT-1F .737±.010 .682±.013 .698±.012
PT-1T .744±.011 .710±.013 .718±.012
PT-1U .743±.011 .710±.013 .718±.012
CF-Pho .593±.007 .650±.009 .605±.006
CF-Bin .589±.007 .682±.008 .619±.006
GNear .501±.010 .512±.015 .487±.011
GPop .440±.009 .623±.015 .504±.011
Rand .333±.007 .495±.011 .391±.009
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .757±.025 .645±.037 .687±.032
PT-.5T .759±.026 .662±.037 .699±.033
PT-.5U .759±.026 .662±.037 .699±.033
PT-1F .679±.023 .582±.032 .616±.027
PT-1T .683±.025 .622±.032 .641±.029
PT-1U .683±.025 .622±.032 .641±.029
CF-Pho .618±.018 .707±.034 .635±.018
CF-Bin .618±.018 .736±.031 .652±.017
GNear .478±.026 .433±.038 .441±.030
GPop .439±.034 .649±.038 .517±.035
Rand .354±.021 .488±.032 .406±.024
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .819±.017 .758±.024 .780±.021
PT-.5T .826±.017 .782±.022 .798±.020
PT-.5U .829±.017 .783±.022 .800±.020
PT-1F .748±.017 .728±.022 .726±.019
PT-1T .739±.018 .736±.021 .728±.019
PT-1U .739±.018 .739±.021 .730±.019
CF-Pho .600±.010 .720±.021 .631±.011
CF-Bin .604±.011 .709±.022 .627±.011
GNear .498±.020 .519±.028 .490±.022
GPop .418±.015 .592±.024 .480±.017
Rand .340±.012 .462±.017 .386±.013
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .740±.006 .607±.010 .654±.009
PT-.5T .740±.007 .633±.010 .671±.008
PT-.5U .743±.007 .635±.010 .674±.009
PT-1F .678±.007 .572±.009 .605±.008
PT-1T .668±.007 .601±.009 .618±.008
PT-1U .671±.007 .602±.009 .621±.008
CF-Pho .561±.006 .648±.007 .581±.005
CF-Bin .567±.006 .637±.008 .580±.005
GNear .471±.007 .429±.010 .427±.008
GPop .486±.008 .640±.010 .539±.008
Rand .336±.006 .479±.009 .384±.006
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .679±.008 .550±.011 .596±.010
PT-.5T .688±.008 .587±.011 .624±.009
PT-.5U .688±.008 .586±.011 .623±.009
PT-1F .633±.008 .526±.010 .562±.009
PT-1T .624±.009 .571±.010 .587±.009
PT-1U .620±.009 .569±.010 .584±.009
CF-Pho .542±.007 .598±.008 .550±.006
CF-Bin .558±.007 .589±.008 .554±.006
GNear .434±.007 .403±.011 .398±.008
GPop .408±.007 .538±.011 .450±.008
Rand .300±.005 .442±.009 .349±.006
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .798±.030 .697±.045 .735±.039
PT-.5T .809±.029 .725±.043 .757±.037
PT-.5U .792±.024 .723±.032 .749±.028
PT-1F .746±.032 .660±.043 .691±.038
PT-1T .746±.030 .674±.040 .699±.035
PT-1U .736±.024 .685±.030 .702±.027
CF-Pho .612±.022 .681±.024 .634±.019
CF-Bin .605±.017 .621±.026 .601±.016
GNear .463±.030 .432±.047 .428±.035
GPop .427±.029 .561±.038 .477±.031
Rand .365±.024 .543±.039 .428±.028
18 K. H. Lim et al.
Table 3. Comparison between Time-based User Interest (PT-.5T and PT-1T) and Frequency-
based User Interest (PT-.5F and PT-1F), in terms of Recall (TR), Precision (TP) and F1-score
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .711±.008 .600±.011 .636±.010
PT-.5T .713±.009 .630±.011 .656±.010
PT-.5U .714±.009 .632±.011 .658±.010
PT-1F .661±.007 .559±.010 .589±.008
PT-1T .651±.008 .596±.010 .610±.009
PT-1U .651±.008 .593±.010 .607±.009
CF-Pho .523±.007 .656±.009 .561±.006
CF-Bin .515±.007 .661±.009 .559±.006
GNear .469±.007 .429±.011 .426±.008
GPop .404±.008 .584±.012 .465±.009
Rand .309±.006 .461±.010 .361±.007
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .800±.033 .718±.045 .748±.040
PT-.5T .807±.036 .746±.045 .769±.041
PT-.5U .813±.035 .746±.045 .770±.041
PT-1F .671±.031 .611±.038 .631±.034
PT-1T .674±.032 .632±.039 .648±.036
PT-1U .674±.032 .636±.041 .648±.036
CF-Pho .598±.027 .711±.048 .611±.026
CF-Bin .593±.028 .700±.049 .603±.027
GNear .506±.028 .422±.038 .449±.031
GPop .544±.032 .773±.039 .624±.032
Rand .327±.020 .433±.026 .368±.021
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .842±.014 .799±.018 .815±.016
PT-.5T .852±.014 .813±.017 .828±.016
PT-.5U .849±.014 .813±.018 .826±.016
PT-1F .755±.014 .720±.017 .732±.016
PT-1T .763±.015 .736±.017 .745±.016
PT-1U .765±.015 .739±.018 .747±.016
CF-Pho .634±.012 .696±.017 .648±.011
CF-Bin .624±.009 .677±.017 .632±.009
GNear .469±.015 .459±.021 .454±.017
GPop .524±.014 .706±.021 .592±.016
Rand .355±.011 .495±.017 .407±.012
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5F .737±.006 .625±.009 .664±.008
PT-.5T .746±.007 .658±.009 .690±.008
PT-.5U .744±.007 .657±.009 .688±.008
PT-1F .679±.006 .581±.008 .612±.007
PT-1T .675±.007 .614±.008 .632±.007
PT-1U .674±.007 .612±.008 .631±.007
CF-Pho .589±.005 .612±.008 .573±.005
CF-Bin .588±.005 .590±.009 .559±.005
GNear .450±.006 .396±.009 .402±.007
GPop .421±.006 .609±.009 .488±.007
Rand .353±.005 .458±.007 .389±.005
6.2. Comparison between Personalized and Non-personalized
Visit Durations
The TRMSE scores in Tables 4 and 5 show that our recommendation of a person-
alized POI visit duration (Definitions 5 and 8) out-performs the non-personalized
version in 62 out of 70 cases, based on a smaller error in the recommended POI
visit durations. This result shows that personalizing POI visit duration using
time-based user interests more accurately reflects the real-life POI visit duration
of users, compared to the current standard of simply using average POI visit
duration. Apart from recommending accurate POIs (TF1scores), recommending
the appropriate amount of time to spend at each POI is another important con-
sideration in tour recommendation, which has not been explored in earlier works
that also aim to recommend tour itineraries.
Previously, we have observed how time-based interest results in more accu-
rate POI recommendations based on the TF1scores. Our personalized POI visit
duration builds upon this success by customizing the POI visit duration to each
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 19
Table 4. Comparison between Personalized and Non-personalized Visit Durations, in terms
of RMSE (TRMS E ).
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 147.57±10.85
Non-personalized 152.44±9.84
PT-.5F Personalized 146.33±10.85
Non-personalized 152.61±10.09
PT-.5T Personalized 143.56±10.89
Non-personalized 150.65±10.09
PT-.5U Personalized 143.75±10.77
Non-personalized 151.67±10.19
PT-1F Personalized 137.07±11.40
Non-personalized 145.54±10.78
PT-1T Personalized 145.20±11.79
Non-personalized 148.18±11.29
PT-1U Personalized 141.53±11.75
Non-personalized 148.64±11.21
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 51.35±11.41
Non-personalized 54.91±11.91
PT-.5F Personalized 56.71±12.43
Non-personalized 60.06±13.09
PT-.5T Personalized 57.09±12.39
Non-personalized 55.84±13.18
PT-.5U Personalized 57.69±12.39
Non-personalized 55.84±13.18
PT-1F Personalized 56.62±13.21
Non-personalized 62.24±14.60
PT-1T Personalized 53.44±13.05
Non-personalized 58.88±14.63
PT-1U Personalized 54.12±13.06
Non-personalized 58.88±14.63
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 75.98±11.53
Non-personalized 85.76±12.07
PT-.5F Personalized 88.20±13.03
Non-personalized 92.71±12.92
PT-.5T Personalized 76.40±11.34
Non-personalized 90.33±12.35
PT-.5U Personalized 77.14±11.52
Non-personalized 90.33±12.35
PT-1F Personalized 79.67±12.27
Non-personalized 86.24±12.85
PT-1T Personalized 73.29±11.94
Non-personalized 91.06±13.45
PT-1U Personalized 74.08±12.14
Non-personalized 90.04±13.44
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 91.08±4.85
Non-personalized 113.15±5.21
PT-.5F Personalized 84.56±4.96
Non-personalized 99.54±5.14
PT-.5T Personalized 89.76±5.85
Non-personalized 100.15±5.27
PT-.5U Personalized 87.19±5.69
Non-personalized 101.29±5.30
PT-1F Personalized 69.61±5.04
Non-personalized 78.89±5.31
PT-1T Personalized 72.11±6.09
Non-personalized 74.48±5.29
PT-1U Personalized 71.54±5.89
Non-personalized 78.01±5.41
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 66.67±5.35
Non-personalized 68.32±3.46
PT-.5F Personalized 64.79±5.56
Non-personalized 67.36±3.59
PT-.5T Personalized 66.40±5.38
Non-personalized 68.61±3.78
PT-.5U Personalized 67.51±5.56
Non-personalized 68.25±3.75
PT-1F Personalized 64.61±5.71
Non-personalized 67.79±3.92
PT-1T Personalized 68.07±5.95
Non-personalized 70.55±4.31
PT-1U Personalized 68.84±6.28
Non-personalized 70.32±4.30
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 51.12±15.58
Non-personalized 87.03±14.47
PT-.5F Personalized 54.15±16.62
Non-personalized 73.23±13.80
PT-.5T Personalized 54.71±16.08
Non-personalized 73.78±13.61
PT-.5U Personalized 85.80±19.31
Non-personalized 69.88±14.57
PT-1F Personalized 48.78±16.54
Non-personalized 75.46±17.24
PT-1T Personalized 52.84±16.51
Non-personalized 78.74±16.49
PT-1U Personalized 85.85±21.75
Non-personalized 82.07±14.86
20 K. H. Lim et al.
3 hrs
User A User B
3 hrs 27 min
5 min
9 min
14 min 13 min
10 min
IntFreq = 2
IntTime = 6.45
IntFreq = 5
IntTime = 0.34
Park 1 Park 3 Park 5
Park 2 Park 4
Fig. 3. Toy example illustrating the difference between Time-based User Interest and
Frequency-based User Interest
unique user based on his/her relative interest level, i.e., spend more time in a
POI that interests the user, and less time in a POI that the user is less inter-
ested in. Accurate POI visit durations have another important implication in
tour recommendation, where spending less time at un-interesting POIs frees up
the time budget for more visits to POIs that are more interesting to the user.
Similarly, a user might prefer to spend more time visiting a few POIs of great
interest, compared to visiting many POIs of less interest to the user.
6.3. Comparison of Popularity and Interest
We now present an overview of the results in terms of the average Popular-
ity (TP op), Interest (TInt ) and Rank (TRk ) score for all ten cities, as shown
in Figure 4. In particular, we are most interested in the TRk score that is de-
rived from the average rank of an algorithm based on its TP op and TInt scores,
compared to other algorithms. For TRk scores, a value of 1 indicates the best
performance, while 12 indicates the worst performance. Based on this TRk score,
all variants of PersTour out-perform the five baselines, with PT-.5U being the
best performer. We observe a similar performance in terms of TInt scores, where
all variants of PersTour out-performing the baselines. In terms of TP op scores,
the PersTour variants of PT-0,PT-.5T,PT-.5U and PT-.5F out-perform all
baselines, while PT-1T,PT-1U and PT-1F under-performs the GPop base-
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 21
Table 5. Comparison between Personalized and Non-personalized Visit Durations, in terms
of RMSE (TRMS E ).
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 70.71±3.64
Non-personalized 73.81±3.70
PT-.5F Personalized 64.87±3.24
Non-personalized 68.73±3.61
PT-.5T Personalized 69.14±4.07
Non-personalized 70.22±4.55
PT-.5U Personalized 69.68±4.63
Non-personalized 70.19±3.64
PT-1F Personalized 59.92±3.88
Non-personalized 61.37±4.10
PT-1T Personalized 64.64±4.41
Non-personalized 62.96±4.98
PT-1U Personalized 65.26±5.06
Non-personalized 62.99±3.87
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 29.57±6.59
Non-personalized 30.60±6.47
PT-.5F Personalized 27.58±5.73
Non-personalized 31.12±6.61
PT-.5T Personalized 26.83±5.92
Non-personalized 33.92±6.83
PT-.5U Personalized 27.25±5.73
Non-personalized 33.92±6.83
PT-1F Personalized 29.83±6.85
Non-personalized 31.85±7.26
PT-1T Personalized 30.02±7.06
Non-personalized 35.51±7.76
PT-1U Personalized 30.13±7.05
Non-personalized 35.51±7.76
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 130.14±14.14
Non-personalized 142.51±10.22
PT-.5F Personalized 117.78±10.19
Non-personalized 146.38±10.22
PT-.5T Personalized 127.01±13.85
Non-personalized 144.51±10.36
PT-.5U Personalized 130.25±14.07
Non-personalized 146.27±10.29
PT-1F Personalized 112.26±10.05
Non-personalized 144.63±10.52
PT-1T Personalized 100.93±9.20
Non-personalized 138.26±10.46
PT-1U Personalized 106.84±9.54
Non-personalized 139.03±10.42
Algo. V isit Duration RMSE
PT-0 Personalized 24.67±1.80
Non-personalized 27.10±1.84
PT-.5F Personalized 25.08±1.86
Non-personalized 26.64±1.91
PT-.5T Personalized 25.56±1.88
Non-personalized 26.91±1.98
PT-.5U Personalized 25.41±1.90
Non-personalized 26.92±1.98
PT-1F Personalized 24.19±1.94
Non-personalized 25.19±2.00
PT-1T Personalized 25.78±2.16
Non-personalized 22.74±1.84
PT-1U Personalized 26.27±2.21
Non-personalized 22.83±1.83
line. This performance is understandable as the PT-1T,PT-1U and PT-1F
algorithms emphasize fully on user interest preferences, while the GPop base-
line focuses on the most popular POIs thus maximizing the TP op scores for the
latter. Next, we provide a more in-depth discussion of the performance among
the various PersTour variants.
Based on the TRk scores in Table 6 and 7, we observe that PT-.5U (time-
based user interest with weighted updates) is overall the best performer, and
PT-.5T (time-based user interest) is the second best performer.7In addition,
we also observe that PT-1U (time-based user interest with weighted updates)
out-performs its PT-1F counterpart (frequency-based user interest) for eight
out of ten cities, with the same performance for the remaining two cities. These
7PT-.5T out-performs PT-.5U in only one city, performs the same in five cities, and under-
performs in the remaining four cities.
22 K. H. Lim et al.
Tour Popularity
User Interest
Popularity and Interest Rank
Fig. 4. Overview of results (average scores) across all ten cities, in terms of Popularity (TP op),
Interest (TInt) and Rank (TR k). Number within brackets indicate the rank based on Popularity
and Interest scores, where 1=best and 12=worst.
results show the benefits of applying weighted updates to user interests (PT-
.5U and PT-1U), compared to simply using time-based user interest without
weighted updates (PT-.5T and PT-1T).
Next, we examine how PersTour (with and without weighted updates) per-
forms against the various baselines. Both PT-.5U and PT-.5T out-perform all
baselines as well as its PT-.5F counterpart that uses frequency-based user inter-
est. Similarly, PT-1T (time-based user interest) out-performs PT-1F (frequency-
based user interest) for six out of ten cities, with the same performance for the
remaining four cities. These results show the effectiveness of time-based user
interest (both with and without weighted updates) over frequency-based user
interest, based on the TRk scores.
The effects of the ηparameter can be observed in the TP op and TInt scores.
A value of η= 0 (PT-0) results in the best performance in TP op and worst
performance in TI nt, while a value of η= 1 (PT-1F,PT-1T and PT-1U) results
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 23
Table 6. Comparison of PersTour (PT) against baselines, in terms of Popularity (TP op),
Interest (TInt) and Rank (TR k). Number within brackets indicate the rank based on Popularity
and Interest scores, where 1=best and 12=worst.
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 2.204±.069 (1) 0.904±.048 (7) 4
PT-.5F 2.053±.063 (2) 1.088±.060 (6) 4
PT-.5T 1.960±.064 (4) 1.223±.061 (3) 3.5
PT-.5U 1.972±.063 (3) 1.195±.060 (4) 3.5
PT-1F 1.583±.048 (5) 1.137±.061 (5) 5
PT-1T 1.419±.044 (9) 1.351±.069 (1) 5
PT-1U 1.420±.043 (8) 1.319±.069 (2) 5
CF-Pho 0.926±.027 (11) 0.807±.042 (8) 9.5
CF-Bin 1.121±.028 (10) 0.572±.033 (10) 10
GNear 1.424±.049 (7) 0.773±.054 (9) 8
GPop 1.566±.050 (6) 0.443±.029 (12) 9
Rand 0.581±.032 (12) 0.467±.037 (11) 11.5
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 1.263±.094 (1) 0.791±.166 (8) 4.5
PT-.5F 1.126±.095 (4) 1.151±.213 (5) 4.5
PT-.5T 1.144±.093 (3) 1.171±.206 (4) 3.5
PT-.5U 1.144±.093 (2) 1.176±.206 (3) 2.5
PT-1F 0.809±.075 (8) 1.137±.211 (6) 7
PT-1T 0.737±.067 (9) 1.205±.211 (2) 5.5
PT-1U 0.735±.066 (10) 1.207±.211 (1) 5.5
CF-Pho 0.823±.078 (7) 0.707±.136 (9) 8
CF-Bin 0.953±.076 (5) 0.661±.125 (10) 7.5
GNear 0.500±.059 (11) 0.853±.183 (7) 9
GPop 0.837±.062 (6) 0.223±.066 (12) 9
Rand 0.433±.055 (12) 0.305±.089 (11) 11.5
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 1.701±.101 (1) 0.459±.069 (8) 4.5
PT-.5F 1.562±.089 (4) 0.563±.091 (5) 4.5
PT-.5T 1.601±.089 (2) 0.625±.084 (4) 3
PT-.5U 1.594±.088 (3) 0.626±.084 (3) 3
PT-1F 1.128±.069 (6) 0.562±.090 (6) 6
PT-1T 1.001±.052 (7) 0.676±.096 (2) 4.5
PT-1U 0.978±.050 (8) 0.682±.096 (1) 4.5
CF-Pho 0.914±.046 (9) 0.434±.059 (9) 9
CF-Bin 0.874±.045 (10) 0.519±.071 (7) 8.5
GNear 0.874±.064 (11) 0.339±.070 (10) 10.5
GPop 1.399±.075 (5) 0.217±.049 (12) 8.5
Rand 0.483±.048 (12) 0.229±.041 (11) 11.5
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 2.269±.046 (1) 1.047±.053 (7) 4
PT-.5F 2.016±.042 (2) 1.383±.068 (6) 4
PT-.5T 2.012±.043 (3) 1.579±.069 (3) 3
PT-.5U 2.003±.043 (4) 1.575±.070 (4) 4
PT-1F 1.541±.038 (6) 1.430±.070 (5) 5.5
PT-1T 1.336±.034 (8) 1.722±.076 (1) 4.5
PT-1U 1.355±.034 (7) 1.720±.076 (2) 4.5
CF-Pho 0.941±.023 (11) 0.752±.032 (9) 10
CF-Bin 1.056±.023 (10) 0.740±.032 (10) 10
GNear 1.269±.033 (9) 0.939±.054 (8) 8.5
GPop 1.775±.039 (5) 0.577±.033 (11) 8
Rand 0.656±.025 (12) 0.526±.033 (12) 12
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 2.921±.075 (1) 1.366±.075 (7) 4
PT-.5F 2.619±.070 (3) 1.596±.081 (6) 4.5
PT-.5T 2.614±.069 (4) 1.859±.087 (4) 4
PT-.5U 2.622±.069 (2) 1.877±.088 (3) 2.5
PT-1F 2.090±.064 (6) 1.708±.090 (5) 5.5
PT-1T 1.687±.050 (9) 2.076±.091 (2) 5.5
PT-1U 1.687±.051 (8) 2.109±.096 (1) 4.5
CF-Pho 1.243±.026 (11) 0.919±.045 (10) 10.5
CF-Bin 1.309±.027 (10) 1.114±.051 (9) 9.5
GNear 1.746±.057 (7) 1.148±.068 (8) 7.5
GPop 2.209±.053 (5) 0.900±.050 (11) 8
Rand 0.805±.032 (12) 0.572±.040 (12) 12
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 1.854±.154 (1) 1.338±.206 (8) 4.5
PT-.5F 1.732±.146 (4) 1.426±.209 (7) 5.5
PT-.5T 1.744±.152 (3) 1.518±.209 (4) 3.5
PT-.5U 1.773±.127 (2) 1.566±.180 (3) 2.5
PT-1F 1.317±.136 (6) 1.490±.218 (5) 5.5
PT-1T 1.170±.131 (8) 1.663±.219 (1) 4.5
PT-1U 1.313±.121 (7) 1.640±.189 (2) 4.5
CF-Pho 0.824±.065 (11) 0.923±.094 (10) 10.5
CF-Bin 0.942±.071 (10) 0.926±.116 (9) 9.5
GNear 0.958±.115 (9) 1.430±.186 (6) 7.5
GPop 1.401±.115 (5) 0.851±.115 (11) 8
Rand 0.529±.077 (12) 0.617±.103 (12) 12
24 K. H. Lim et al.
Table 7. Comparison of PersTour (PT) against baselines, in terms of Popularity (TP op),
Interest (TInt) and Rank (TR k). Number within brackets indicate the rank based on Popularity
and Interest scores, where 1=best and 12=worst.
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 1.781±.045 (1) 1.067±.069 (7) 4
PT-.5F 1.550±.043 (4) 1.385±.083 (6) 5
PT-.5T 1.563±.043 (3) 1.559±.085 (4) 3.5
PT-.5U 1.571±.043 (2) 1.595±.086 (3) 2.5
PT-1F 1.234±.041 (6) 1.476±.088 (5) 5.5
PT-1T 1.011±.032 (9) 1.676±.087 (2) 5.5
PT-1U 1.030±.033 (8) 1.711±.087 (1) 4.5
CF-Pho 0.676±.018 (11) 0.521±.031 (11) 11
CF-Bin 0.687±.017 (10) 0.382±.023 (12) 11
GNear 1.040±.037 (7) 0.957±.070 (8) 7.5
GPop 1.399±.037 (5) 0.605±.038 (9) 7
Rand 0.470±.021 (12) 0.536±.040 (10) 11
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 1.744±.148 (1) 0.628±.157 (7) 4
PT-.5F 1.620±.142 (2) 0.839±.208 (6) 4
PT-.5T 1.610±.133 (4) 0.954±.252 (3) 3.5
PT-.5U 1.620±.135 (3) 0.945±.248 (4) 3.5
PT-1F 1.142±.119 (6) 0.923±.238 (5) 5.5
PT-1T 1.129±.089 (8) 1.000±.257 (1) 4.5
PT-1U 1.136±.093 (7) 0.964±.252 (2) 4.5
CF-Pho 0.773±.062 (10) 0.605±.132 (9) 9.5
CF-Bin 0.773±.058 (11) 0.618±.134 (8) 9.5
GNear 1.056±.106 (9) 0.524±.120 (10) 9.5
GPop 1.167±.102 (5) 0.419±.094 (11) 8
Rand 0.431±.059 (12) 0.356±.117 (12) 12
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 1.396±.051 (1) 1.256±.108 (7) 4
PT-.5F 1.335±.049 (4) 1.379±.118 (6) 5
PT-.5T 1.341±.049 (3) 1.420±.114 (3) 3
PT-.5U 1.345±.048 (2) 1.409±.115 (4) 3
PT-1F 1.098±.119 (5) 1.388±.118 (5) 5
PT-1T 1.023±.089 (7) 1.451±.119 (1) 4
PT-1U 1.042±.051 (6) 1.434±.119 (2) 4
CF-Pho 0.737±.033 (10) 0.725±.055 (10) 10
CF-Bin 0.948±.036 (9) 0.695±.058 (11) 10
GNear 0.694±.044 (11) 0.905±.101 (8) 9.5
GPop 1.006±.043 (8) 0.820±.077 (9) 8.5
Rand 0.356±.028 (12) 0.396±.045 (12) 12
Algo. P opularity Interest Rk
PT-0 1.592±.034 (1) 1.191±.055 (7) 4
PT-.5F 1.442±.032 (2) 1.426±.062 (6) 4
PT-.5T 1.405±.031 (4) 1.578±.065 (3) 3.5
PT-.5U 1.412±.031 (3) 1.567±.065 (4) 3.5
PT-1F 1.088±.029 (5) 1.464±.062 (5) 5
PT-1T 0.904±.023 (9) 1.672±.067 (1) 5
PT-1U 0.909±.023 (8) 1.656±.066 (2) 5
CF-Pho 0.804±.015 (10) 0.845±.031 (10) 10
CF-Bin 0.766±.013 (11) 0.922±.035 (9) 10
GNear 0.953±.026 (7) 1.050±.052 (8) 7.5
GPop 1.063±.023 (6) 0.481±.024 (12) 9
Rand 0.597±.019 (12) 0.579±.030 (11) 11.5
in the opposite. While we include the TP op and TI nt scores for completeness, we
are more interested in TRk as it gives a balanced measurement of both TP op and
TInt .
6.4. Comparison of PersTour with Adaptive Weights
To evaluate the effectiveness of using adaptive weights, we compare PersTour
without adaptive weights (PT-.5U and PT-1U) against PersTour with adap-
tive weights (PT-AS and PT-AC). We focus mainly on the top and bottom 15%
of users of each city, based on their number of total POI visits. The reason for
choosing these users is that adaptive weights are most beneficial to such outlier
users as we can recommend more personalized tours to users with many POI
visits and popular tours to users with little POI visits.
Our main evaluation metrics are the TR,TPand TF1scores as they indicate
the effectiveness of adaptive weights in recommending tours that correspond to
real-life visits. Table 8 shows that PT-AS has the overall best performance as
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 25
Table 8. Comparison between PersTour with Weighted Updates and PersTour with Adaptive
Weightings, in terms of Recall (TR), Precision (TP) and F1-score (TF1).
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .779±.013 .698±.017 .728±.015
PT-1U .744±.014 .707±.017 .716±.015
PT-AS .767±.012 .685±.017 .715±.015
PT-AC .766±.013 .700±.017 .723±.015
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .765±.034 .654±.056 .694±.047
PT-1U .706±.035 .617±.048 .648±.042
PT-AS .765±.034 .667±.054 .702±.046
PT-AC .746±.038 .654±.056 .684±.048
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .837±.026 .781±.036 .802±.032
PT-1U .732±.027 .718±.032 .715±.029
PT-AS .831±.025 .767±.036 .789±.032
PT-AC .831±.026 .775±.035 .796±.031
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .722±.010 .583±.013 .634±.012
PT-1U .682±.010 .566±.012 .606±.011
PT-AS .736±.010 .595±.014 .646±.012
PT-AC .723±.010 .592±.014 .640±.012
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .695±.014 .573±.018 .617±.016
PT-1U .606±.014 .549±.016 .568±.015
PT-AS .696±.013 .574±.018 .619±.016
PT-AC .664±.015 .579±.018 .610±.016
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .756±.027 .670±.037 .703±.032
PT-1U .732±.026 .660±.033 .687±.029
PT-AS .777±.028 .695±.038 .726±.033
PT-AC .748±.027 .667±.035 .699±.031
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .742±.012 .630±.017 .670±.015
PT-1U .663±.012 .591±.015 .614±.013
PT-AS .744±.012 .628±.017 .668±.015
PT-AC .730±.013 .645±.017 .674±.015
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .750±.056 .639±.073 .677±.065
PT-1U .665±.056 .600±.072 .624±.066
PT-AS .771±.058 .656±.078 .694±.070
PT-AC .722±.057 .637±.075 .670±.068
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .812±.021 .758±.029 .777±.025
PT-1U .758±.023 .717±.028 .732±.025
PT-AS .807±.021 .753±.028 .773±.025
PT-AC .808±.022 .764±.029 .779±.026
Algo. Recall P recision F1-score
PT-.5U .714±.009 .602±.012 .643±.011
PT-1U .675±.009 .589±.011 .618±.010
PT-AS .718±.009 .597±.012 .641±.011
PT-AC .704±.009 .600±.013 .639±.011
indicated by the highest TR,TPand TF1scores for seven, five and six cities,
respectively, out of all ten cities. These results show the effectiveness of imple-
menting adaptive weights for different users, i.e., a different level of emphasis
between POI popularity and user interest preferences for different users.
26 K. H. Lim et al.
7. Conclusion and Future Work
We modelled our tour recommendation problem based on the Orienteering prob-
lem and proposed the PersTour algorithm for recommending personalized
tours. Our PersTour algorithm considers both POI popularity and user in-
terest preferences to recommend suitable POIs to visit and the amount of time
to spend at each POI. In addition, we implemented a framework where geo-
tagged photos can be used to automatically detect real-life travel sequences, and
determine POI popularity and user interest, which can then be used to train our
PersTour algorithm. Our work improves upon earlier tour recommendation re-
search in three main ways: (i) we introduce time-based user interest derived from
a user’s visit durations at specific POIs relative to other users, instead of using
a frequency-based user interest based on POI visit frequency; (ii) we personal-
ize POI visit duration based on the relative interest levels of individual users,
instead of using the average POI visit duration for all users or not considering
POI visit duration at all; and (iii) we introduce two adaptive weighting methods
to automatically determine the emphasis on POI popularity and user interest
Using a Flickr dataset across ten cities, we evaluate the effectiveness of our
PersTour algorithm against various collaborative filtering and greedy-based
baselines, in terms of tour popularity, interest, precision, recall, F1-score, and
RMSE of visit duration. In particular, our experimental results show that: (i)
using time-based user interest results in tours that more accurately reflect the
real-life travel sequences of users, compared to using frequency-based user in-
terest, based on precision and F1-score; (ii) our personalized POI visit duration
more accurately reflects the time users spend at POIs in real-life, compared to
the current standard of using average visit duration, based on the RMSE of
visit duration; (iii) PersTour and its variants out-perform all baselines in most
cases, based on tour popularity, interest, precision, recall and F1-score; and (iv)
our adaptive weighting methods further improve the performance of PersTour,
based on precision, recall and F1-score.
In this work, we focused mainly on recommending tours that are personal-
ized to individual users based on their time-based user interest. Some possible
directions for future work are:
Modeling uncertainty in POI visit duration based on the day of the week
and time of the day. The main consideration for this work is to incorporate
some uncertainty in the amount of time recommended at various POIs due to
delays caused by crowds (e.g., POIs are more crowded during weekends than
weekdays, thus causing possible delays)
Recommending tour itineraries that utilize multiple types of transport (e.g.,
walking, bus, train, taxi, car), instead of a single type of transport. The main
motivation of this future work would be to offer users the flexibility to switch
between different modes of transport, while excluding certain types (e.g., either
bus, train or taxi but no walking).
When using public transport (e.g., bus, train, tram), recommend tour itineraries
that consider the arrival and departure times of public transport to minimize
the waiting time by the tourists for their respective public transport to arrive.
Furthermore, we can also model uncertainty in the arrival times, especially
when there are connections between multiple transport modes.
Personalized Trip Recommendation for Tourists 27
Acknowledgements. This work was supported in part by Data61. We thank the
anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions.
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Author Biographies
Kwan Hui Lim is currently a PhD candidate at the Department of
Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Aus-
tralia. Previously, he was a Research Engineer at the Living Analytics
Research Centre, Singapore Management University. He received his
Master of Science (Research) and Bachelor of Computer Science (1st
Class Honours) degrees from the University of Western Australia. He
is a recipient of the 2016 Google PhD Fellowship in Machine Learning.
His research interests are in Data Mining, Machine Learning, Social
Network Analysis, and Social Computing.
Jeffrey Chan is currently a Lecturer at the RMIT University, Mel-
bourne, Australia. He has a BEng, BSci and PhD, all from the Uni-
versity of Melbourne. He has over 50 publications in graph mining,
social network analysis and data mining and his research interests are
in data analytics, analysing graphs and social networks and learning
about new and exciting research.
30 K. H. Lim et al.
Christopher Leckie received the B.Sc. degree in 1985, the B.E. de-
gree in electrical and computer systems engineering (with first-class
Honors) in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science in 1992,
all from Monash University, Clayton, Vic., Australia. He joined Telstra
Research Laboratories in 1988, where he conducted research and de-
velopment into artificial intelligence techniques for various telecommu-
nication applications. In 2000, he joined the University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Vic., where he is currently a Professor in the Department
of Computing and Information Systems. His research interests include
scalable data mining, network intrusion detection, bioinformatics, and
wireless sensor networks.
Shanika Karunasekera received the B.Sc. degree in electronics and
telecommunications engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Sri
Lanka, in 1990 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., in 1995. From 1995
to 2002, she was a Software Engineer and a Distinguished Member of
Technical Sta with Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs Innovations, USA.
In January 2003, she joined the University of Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia, and currently she is a Professor in the Department of Com-
puting and Information Systems. Her current research interests include
distributed system engineering, distributed data-mining and social me-
dia analytics.
Correspondence and offprint requests to: Kwan Hui Lim, Department of Computing and Infor-
mation Systems, The University of Melbourne, Australia. Email:
... Sehingga rekomendasi rute yang diberikan akan berbeda pada setiap pengguna. Penelitian yang melibatkan personalisasi dilakukan oleh [18], [19], [20]. Personalisasi yang dimaksud seperti demografi pengguna, minat wisatawan pada tempat wisata, waktu perjalanan wisata, dan lain-lain yang didasarkan pada riwayat perjalanan. ...
... Evaluasi pada rekomendasi perjalanan wisata bertujuan untuk melihat kepuasan pengguna terkait dengan hal yang diinginkan pengguna. Terdapat beberapa cara evaluasi yang umum digunakan seperti evaluasi dengan menggunakan matrik information retrieval (IR) seperti recall (Tr), precision (Tp) dan F1-score (F1score) [19], [37]. (10) dengan adalah sekumpulan lokasi yang direkomendasi pada suatu rute perjalanan wisata (I) dan adalah kumpulan lokasi yang dikunjungi pada rute yang sebenarnya (real-life travel sequence). ...
Tourist trip design problems (TTDP) merupakan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan bidang pariwisata. TTDP berkaitan dengan perencanaan pengguna dalam melakukan perjalanan wisata berdasarkan pada tempat wisata yang menarik. Dalam sistem rekomendasi, TTDP merupakan permasalahan yang menarik. Hal ini karena tidak hanya digunakan untuk menemukan tempat wisata yang sesuai dengan pengguna, tetapi juga untuk menggabungkan tempat wisata ke dalam rute perjalanan yang praktis dengan mempertimbangkan batasan. Pada artikel ini bertujuan menyajikan penelitian sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan proses optimasi rekomendasi perjalanan dan bagaimana permasalahan tersebut dimodelkan menggunakan pendekatan yang berbeda untuk mencari solusi yang optimal. Selain itu peluang penelitian yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan performa rekomendasi. Berdasarkan synthetic literatur review (SLR) dalam penelitian ini, didapatkan peluang penelitian yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi rute perjalanan yang optimal seperti kombinasi algoritma metaheuristic atau algoritma bio-inspired. Selain itu pada personalisasi pengguna terkait tempat wisata, terdapat peluang mengimplementasikan algorime deep learning seperti LTSM, Transformer, Bert sebagai nilai tempat wisata dari sisi pengguna
... In reference [23], a personalized route suggestion strategy was proposed by Lim et al. to address challenges related to trip orientation. While the authors tackled issues such as time limitations and the requirement for trips to start and end at specific points of interest, their approach fell short in incorporating essential variables, such as preferred trip periods and travel categories. ...
... A single trip is formed when the time variation among two sequential POI visits is lower than a threshold level; as long as the time variation is higher than the threshold level, these distinct journeys are formed. We utilize an 8-h threshold in our strategy, as in earlier studies [23]. A factor is used to track the periodicity of each trip. ...
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This study introduces an innovative hybrid approach for personalized trip recommendations, aiming to enhance existing recommender systems by leveraging multidimensional data. Our proposed method integrates user preferences and diverse contextual factors to address challenges related to data sparsity effectively. To overcome this hurdle, our methodology employs a clustering approach, streamlining the extraction of Points of Interest (PoI) and reducing computational complexity. The framework comprises three key components: I) a unique strategy for context assessment, achieved by combining contextual information in vector form through the Term-Frequency-Inverse-Document-Frequency technique, II) the incorporation of tourist demographic information to alleviate the Cold Start problem, and III) the implementation of an asymmetric schema that elevates the traditional similarity paradigm. Moreover, our approach utilizes personalized PoIs in consecutive travel patterns, enabling the retrieval and ranking of an optimal list of potential routes. The experimental results based on Flickr and Yelp datasets reveal that the proposed method surpasses prior work on all three metrics, achieving a significant 8% increase in precision and an 11% increase in F-Score, thereby enhancing the quality metrics of personalized trip recommendations.
... In the realm of trip recommendation, a significant amount of research has been conducted focusing on orientation problems, combinatorial optimization problems, or similar paradigms. The primary aim across these studies is to maximize global rewards within user-defined time budgets [3]. Sajal Halder [4], for example, leveraged a variant of the Monte Carlo Tree Search to devise an amusement park itinerary recommendation method, which takes into account factors such as the popularity of scenic spots, user interest levels, and queuing times. ...
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Personalized travel itinerary recommendation algorithms are the focus of research in smart tourism and tourism GIS. Aiming to address issues present in travel itinerary recommendations for the increasingly popular “self-drive tour” mode, this study proposes an algorithm based on comprehensive tourist satisfaction to mitigate problems such as the neglect of important relevant factors and low degree of personalization. First, we construct a model of tourist satisfaction for travel itineraries by comprehensively considering factors including time utilization, the attractiveness of attractions, itinerary feasibility, and the diversity of attraction types. Unlike previous studies, we consider dining and accommodation time during the itinerary, the physical condition of tourists, and the diversity of attraction types, and establish penalty functions to flexibly constrain deviations from the expected conditions in itinerary planning. Then, with the optimization of comprehensive tourist satisfaction as the objective, we design a new algorithm to address the itinerary recommendation problem, supporting tourists in selecting must-visit attractions, restaurants, and hotels, as well as personalized preferences such as the sightseeing sequence. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms two baseline algorithms, providing higher comprehensive tourist satisfaction while also exhibiting greater feasibility in itinerary planning. The proposed algorithm effectively addresses the issue of personalized travel itinerary recommendation, presenting an efficient, feasible, and practical solution.
... The recommendation system is further adopted in multi-cycle scenarios (including multiple pick-up and drop-off procedures) to maximize the driver's daily profit (Gao et al., 2018;Shou et al., 2020;Yu & Gao, 2022;Yu et al., 2019). Similarly, the tourism route recommendation offers the itinerary with the highest user satisfaction based on personal requirements (i.e., time or financial budget), which is affected by multiple factors, such as the point of interest (POI) popularity, opening hours, the transit time, and the personal preference Hu et al., 2020;Lim et al., 2018;Vansteenwegen et al., 2011). ...
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Due to the lack of scientific guidance, most migratory beekeepers currently arrange their migratory beekeeping routes by experience. The production mode is extensive, and the quality and efficiency need to be improved. Therefore, this study investigates a dynamic migratory route recommendation problem considering the stochastic yield of nectar sources and uncertain disastrous weather events, by which the beekeeper can dynamically follow the practical and effective recommended route to cope with production risk to reach a better revenue. To this end, the problem is first formulated as a Markov decision process considering various flowering durations of nectar sources, migration costs and time, the prices of bee products, and, most importantly, uncertain yields. Then, an approximate dynamic programming algorithm incorporated with offline and online learning procedures is proposed to deal with the curse of dimensionality. Several acceleration methods are also provided to solve the problem more efficiently. The conducted numerical study shows that the proposed model and algorithm perform well in approximation precise and computational efficiency. Finally, the computational results show that the proposed migratory beekeeping route recommendation method effectively deals with yield uncertainty and significantly improves the migratory beekeeping revenue.
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This research report consists of informative data on tourism and the approach of new media in the tourism industry. The adaptation to new changes towards technology is a dynamic change. In this research proposal, there is a brief discussion on West Bengal tourism and some of the offbeat places in North Bengal. In the tourism industry, social media plays a significant role in communicating with tourists and guides. This research paper talks about tourism in West Bengal. This research paper initiated to discuss all the repercussions and growths of social media referred to tourism. Therefore, the role of social media platforms has a great impact on the tourism industry.
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Over the past decades, tourism has become a key economic industry for many countries. In today's global economy, it is an essential source of employment and revenue. Tourism as a leisure activity is a very popular form of recreation which involves the movement of people to foreign cities to visit new and unfamiliar places of interest (POIs). The task of recommending personalised tours for tourists is very demanding and time-consuming. The recommended tours must satisfy the tourist's interests and must at the same time be completed within a limited time span and within some budget. In existing itinerary recommender systems, if there is no past visit history about a particular POI, then that POI is not included in the recommended itinerary. To address this challenge, we have devised an algorithm called PIONEER which is based on a genetic algorithm for suggesting an itinerary based on tourist interests, POI popularity, and travel costs. Our algorithm recommends itineraries for tourists who want to visit locations which are unfamiliar to them. We have used the publicly available Flickr dataset in our work. The results demonstrate the superiority of our PIONEER algorithm compared to the baseline algorithms with regards to metrics like precision, recall and F1-Score.
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The right to tourism has become a crucial aspect of society. In that sense, through more accessible tourism, it is possible to improve travel conditions for people with disabilities (PwD). Nonetheless, barriers still exist, with the lack of information about accessibility conditions, as well as communication accessibility itself, representing some of the main obstacles. Information systems (IS) can help overcome these hurdles. However, it is verified, that methodologies to support the development of accessible IS are currently very scarce. Thus, this study intends to develop an accessible IS for accessible tourism and propose a roadmap to support the creation of accessible IS solutions. To obtain the intended accessible tourism solution, an action research methodology was followed, which involved adapting already established frameworks, that combine Agile development and user-centered design techniques. Adjustments were made to incorporate accessibility, taking into consideration the requirements of the accessible tourism market. The methodology resulted in a web-based IS named access@tour by action. This mobile solution is capable of improving information management within the accessible tourism market. From this experimental study, another emerging result was a proposal for a methodological roadmap. This roadmap helps better understand how to develop accessible IS, by demonstrating techniques for gathering accessibility requirements and validating them. The roadmap is adaptable and suitable for IS projects involving accessibility, regardless of the area. Both results provide a better perspective on how to integrate accessibility during the development of IS, possibly supporting future researchers in creating accessible solutions.
Conference Paper
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Personalized itinerary recommendation is a complex and time-consuming problem, due to the need to recommend popular attractions that are aligned to the interest preferences of a tourist, and to plan these attraction visits as an itinerary that has to be completed within a specific time limit. Furthermore, many existing itinerary recommendation systems do not automatically determine and consider queuing times at attractions in the recommended itinerary, which varies based on the time of visit to the attraction, e.g., longer queuing times at peak hours. To solve these challenges, we propose the PersQ algorithm for recommending personalized itineraries that take into consideration attraction popularity, user interests and queuing times. We also implement a framework that utilizes geo-tagged photos to derive attraction popularity, user interests and queuing times, which PersQ uses to recommend personalized and queue-aware itineraries. We demonstrate the effectiveness of PersQ in the context of five major theme parks, based on a Flickr dataset spanning nine years. Experimental results show that PersQ outperforms various state-of-the-art baselines, in terms of various queuing-time related metrics, itinerary popularity, user interest alignment, recall, precision and F1-score.
Conference Paper
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Touring is a popular but time-consuming activity, due to the need to identify interesting attractions or Places-of-Interest (POIs) and structure these POIs in the form of a time-constrained tour itinerary. To solve this challenge, we propose the Personalized Tour Recommendation and Planning (PersTour) system. The PersTour system is able to plan for a customized tour itinerary where the recommended POIs and visit durations are personalized based on the tourist's interest preferences. In addition, tourists have the option to indicate their trip constraints (e.g., a preferred starting/ending location and a specific tour duration) to further customize their tour itinerary.
Conference Paper
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There has been a growing interest in recommending trips for tourists using location-based social networks. The challenge of trip recommendation not only lies in searching for relevant points-of-interest (POIs) to form a personalized trip, but also selecting the best time of day to visit the POIs. Popular POIs can be too crowded during peak times, resulting in long queues and delays. In this work, we propose the Personalized Crowd-aware Trip Recommendation (PersCT) algorithm to recommend personalized trips that also avoid the most crowded times of the POIs. We model the problem as an extension of the Orienteering Problem with multiple constraints. We extract user interests by collaborative filtering and we propose an extension of the Ant Colony Optimisation algorithm to merge user interests with POI popularity and crowdedness data to recommend trips. We evaluate our algorithm using foot traffic information obtained from a real-life pedestrian sensor dataset and user travel histories extracted from a Flickr photo dataset. We show that our algorithm out-performs several benchmarks in achieving a balance between conflicting objectives by satisfying user interests while reducing the crowdedness of the trips.
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Consider a group of people who are visiting a major touristic city, such as NY, Paris, or Rome. It is reasonable to assume that each member of the group has his or her own interests or preferences about places to visit, which in general may differ from those of other members. Still, people almost always want to hang out together and so the following question naturally arises: What is the best tour that the group could perform together in the city? This problem underpins several challenges, ranging from understanding people’s expected attitudes towards potential points of interest, to modeling and providing good and viable solutions. Formulating this problem is challenging because of multiple competing objectives. For example, making the entire group as happy as possible in general conflicts with the objective that no member becomes disappointed. In this paper, we address the algorithmic implications of the above problem, by providing various formulations that take into account the overall group as well as the individual satisfaction and the length of the tour. We then study the computational complexity of these formulations, we provide effective and efficient practical algorithms, and, finally, we evaluate them on datasets constructed from real city data.
Conference Paper
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Recommending and planning tour itineraries are challenging and time-consuming for tourists, hence they may seek tour operators for help. Traditionally tour operators have offered standard tour packages of popular locations, but these packages may not cater to tourist's interests. In addition, tourists may want to travel in a group, e.g., extended family, and want an operator to help them. We introduce the novel problem of group tour recommendation (GroupTourRec), which involves many challenges: forming tour groups whose members have similar interests; recommending Points-of-Interests (POI) that form the tour itinerary and cater for the group's interests; and assigning guides to lead these tours. For each challenge, we propose solutions involving: clustering for tourist groupings; optimizing a variant of the Orienteering problem for POI recommendations; and integer programming for tour guide assignments. Using a Flickr dataset of seven cities, we compare our proposed approaches against various baselines and observe significant improvements in terms of interest similarity, total/maximum/minimum tour interests and total tour guide expertise.
The goal of this work is to design, implement and evaluate a solution to generate routes with places-of-interests for a short city trip. In our scenario, a user enters a start and an end point in a web application along with preferences and gets a walking route with interesting places to visit along the way. The place discovery is based on retrieving rated places from Foursquare. Discovered places are then combined to a practical route using a constraint-free and a constraint-based version of our algorithm. The conducted user study showed that the approach worked very well. In addition, further improvement with regard to user preferences for place categories lead to additional benefits in how well the users were satisfied with the results and the match with their preferences.
Consider a group of people who are visiting a major touristic city, such as NY, Paris, or Rome. It is reasonable to assume that each member of the group has his or her own interests or preferences about places to visit, which in general may differ from those of other members. Still, people almost always want to hang out together and so the following question naturally arises: What is the best tour that the group could perform together in the city? This problem underpins several challenges, ranging from understanding people's expected attitudes towards potential points of interest, to modeling and providing good and viable solutions. Formulating this problem is challenging because of multiple competing objectives. For example, making the entire group as happy as possible in general conflicts with the objective that no member becomes disappointed. In this paper, we address the algorithmic implications of the above problem, by providing various formulations that take into account the overall group as well as the individual satisfaction and the length of the tour. We then study the computational complexity of these formulations, we provide effective and efficient practical algorithms, and, finally, we evaluate them on datasets constructed from real city data.
The Orienteering Problem (OP) has received a lot of attention in the past few decades. The OP is a routing problem in which the goal is to determine a subset of nodes to visit, and in which order, so that the total collected score is maximized and a given time budget is not exceeded. A number of typical variants has been studied, such as the Team OP, the (Team) OP with Time Windows and the Time Dependent OP. Recently, a number of new variants of the OP was introduced, such as the Stochastic OP, the Generalized OP, the Arc OP, the Multi-agent OP, the Clustered OP and others. This paper focuses on a comprehensive and thorough survey of recent variants of the OP, including the proposed solution approaches. Moreover, the OP has been used as a model in many different practical applications. The most recent applications of the OP, such as the Tourist Trip Design Problem and the mobile-crowdsourcing problem are discussed. Finally, we also present some promising topics for future research.