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Cluster Based Triple Threshold Energy Detection for Spectrum Sensing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks



Realization of better transport experience has become a global concern with the growth in the number of vehicles on roads. Various technologies using Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) have been fronted as the solution. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is an ITS technology that can be used to effectively support many vehicular applications for effective traffic control as well as information sharing between vehicles on the same route. With the advancement in wireless technologies, many applications related to vehicular communication are bound to be advanced. These applications will ease the exchange of information from one vehicle to another with the help of modern wireless technologies. The use of cognitive radio system provides additional radio resources in the already crowded licensed spectrum for vehicular communication. Spectrum sensing capability and effectiveness of the nodes is paramount in the vehicular environment. Establishing a reliable threshold level for energy detection has been shown to be essential for efficient spectrum sensing with double energy detection threshold being fronted in the recent past. Small scale primary users too like WIFI span over short range meaning they are not reliable. In this paper, a triple threshold energy detection method is proposed. This method improves the spectrum sensing efficiency as well as addressing the small scale primary users which are unreliable for use in cognitive radio systems.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6, March 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F2649037619/19©BEIESP
Abstract: Realization of better transport experience has become
a global concern with the growth in the number of vehicles on
roads. Various technologies using Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) have been fronted as the solution. Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks (VANET) is an ITS technology that can be used to
effectively support many vehicular applications for effective
traffic control as well as information sharing between vehicles on
the same route. With the advancement in wireless technologies,
many applications related to vehicular communication are bound
to be advanced. These applications will ease the exchange of
information from one vehicle to another with the help of modern
wireless technologies. The use of cognitive radio system provides
additional radio resources in the already crowded licensed
spectrum for vehicular communication. Spectrum sensing
capability and effectiveness of the nodes is paramount in the
vehicular environment. Establishing a reliable threshold level for
energy detection has been shown to be essential for efficient
spectrum sensing with double energy detection threshold being
fronted in the recent past. Small scale primary users too like WIFI
span over short range meaning they are not reliable. In this
paper, a triple threshold energy detection method is proposed. This
method improves the spectrum sensing efficiency as well as
addressing the small scale primary users which are unreliable for
use in cognitive radio systems.
Index Terms: Energy Detection, Cognitive Radios, Spectrum
Sensing, VANET.
As the number of vehicle on major roads, especially in urban
centers increases, related challenges such as traffic
management, accidents, insecurity, and traffic snarl-ups are
bound to increase too. There is need for effective traffic
control using technology as well as information sharing
between vehicles on the same route [1]. In an attempt to
address these challenges, researches as well as car
manufactures have adopted the use of communication
technology with various applications and services for
vehicular environments are being researched and developed.
This is achieved by use of Intelligent Transportation System
(ITS) which employs the use of wireless communication
systems [1][3].
Revised Manuscript Received on March 25, 2019.
K.V. Rop, P.K. Department of Electrical Engineering, Pan African
University, Institute for Basic Science Technology and Innovation, Kenya.
Langat, Department of Telecommunication and Information Engineering,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT, Kenya
H.A. Ouma, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering,
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE) is
therefore an essential part of ITS. Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
(VANET) is a type of WAVE that can effectively support
many vehicular applications. Moving on the road in a
spontaneous and unconstrained manner, vehicles forms an ad
hoc network. These vehicles in VANET act as mobile nodes
in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) thus creating a high
mobility network with free vehicle movements and the
capability to organize and group themselves arbitrary, whilst
exchanging information between themselves [2], [4], [5].
Various VANET applications span from the highly sensitive
road safety to various optimization of the vehiclar traffic like
routes and link optimization, and congestion/traffic jam
control to applications like free space parking reporting,
internet access, and file sharing and that are generally
commercial [5][7]. A VANET can comprise of Vehicular to
Vehicular (V2V), V2P (Vehicular to Person), or Vehicular to
Infrastructure (V2I) Communication [2], [5], [8], [9]. V2V is
cheaper in terms of setting up and managing the
infrastructure thus, it has the potential as the future to
effective vehicle management and communication. There are
various wireless technologies that can be used by vehicles to
communicate with each other or with other communication
devices. The most dominant technology is Dedicated
Short-Range Communication (DSRC). DSRC with 75 MHz
band between 5.850 and 5.925GHz based on IEEE 802.11p
standard is a communication technology set aside to support
various applications that are based on vehicular
communications [2], [10]. Supporting vehicular
communications up to vehicular speeds of 200 km/h, IEEE
802.11p standard uses a reserved frequency band of 5.9 GHz
[8]. With the increase in wireless enabled vehicles, Cognitive
Radio (CR) technology, over the last few years, has been
fronted as the ultimate solution to looming spectral scarcity
disaster [1][11], [12]. CR is a wireless communication
system that is intelligent with capability of adaptively
modifying in real-time its fundamental operating parameters
for efficient and optimized radio spectrum utilization. It has
environmental awareness and learning capability that are
crucial in provision of reliable communication. CRs have the
capability to detect the unused spectrum bands (spectrum
holes also called white spaces), and can subsequently access
these holes when vacant opportunistically [11], [13]. Primary
users (PU) who are the license holders and secondary users
(SU) who are the unlicensed users seeking to
opportunistically use the spectrum are essential members of a
CR system as seen in Figure 1. SU can only temporarily
Cluster Based Triple Threshold Energy
Detection for Spectrum Sensing in Vehicular
Ad-Hoc Networks
K.V. Rop, P.K. Langat, H.A. Ouma
Cluster Based Triple Threshold Energy Detection for Spectrum Sensing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F2649037619/19©BEIESP
occupy unused licensed spectrums when the PUs are not
using and vacate as soon as the PUs start to use them. This
must be done effectively without causing interference to the
PUs [1], [2]. In this paper, PU has been categorized as
reliable and unreliable PUs. Reliable PUs are those users
whose network span over a large geographical area.
Examples are licensed television broadcast frequencies.
Unreliable PUs are the short range frequency users like
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc., and they pose a new challenge of
detection. Many papers have been published on various
methods performing spectrum sensing for effective
cooperation and occupation of spectrum. Most researchers
have concentrated on methods of improving the spectrum
sensing as a whole without factoring in the effect of
unreliable small scale users that span over short distances. In
this paper, a triple energy detection scheme is proposed that
provides effective spectrum sensing as well as eliminating
the unreliable PUs.
Figure 1: Illustration of a VANET with PU and SUs [2]
Observe, Analyze, Reason, and Act are the four main
phases of the CR cognition cycle [13]. Here, the spectrum
should be detected effectively and occupied by adjusting the
node’s operational parameters. Also, this identified spectrum
can be shared with other users by coordinating with them.
The goal is to utilize these spectrum but vacate the band
immediately the PU appears. Therefore, there are four
cognitive radio networks functionalities that are important.
These are the spectrum sensing, sharing, management, and
spectrum mobility or spectrum handoff. In this work, the
process of spectrum sensing is investigated. Spectrum
sensing is the detection of the PUs process undertaken by
sensing the radio frequency (RF) environment. The
objectives of spectrum sensing are [1], [2], [13].
i. No harmful interference should be caused to Pus.
The SUs can reduce interference caused to PUs to an
acceptable level or vacate the band to switch to
another available band.
ii. Efficient and effective identification and
exploitation of the spectrum holes for the required
quality-of service (QoS) and throughput.
In CR, each SU must determine the frequency bands to use
by sensing the spectral environment of its surroundings and
learning about the presence of interferers or incumbents [14].
SUs with limited sensing capabilities in CR ad hoc networks
strive to acquire information from other SUs about the
available spectrum bands and share with them without
impairing the PU transmission. The design objectives for
sensing strategy includes reliable system performance under
high node mobility, high throughput, non-SU competition,
and distributed implementation. All these are further
complicated by the high mobility nature of nodes in VANETs
There are three fundamental requirements for spectrum
sensing [1], [2], [16].
i. Continuous spectrum sensing to monitor the
absence or presence of the PU.
ii. Precautions to avoid interference to potential PUs.
iii. Independent detection of the presence of PUs
without their help.
Such spectrum sensing can therefore be conducted
non-cooperatively (individually), in which each SU conducts
radio detection and makes decisions by itself. Spectrum
sensing can be done by using either energy detection,
cyclostationary based detection, matched filter detection,
and Eigen value based detection methods [13], [17]. For
faster and easy spectrum sensing which is ideal for VANETs
without prior PU information, energy detection method has
been chosen.
As shown in [18][20], local signal sensing using primary
signal detection can be expressed as;
󰇛󰇜=󰇛󰇜 , 0
󰇛󰇜 + (), 1 (1)
where, x(n) is the signal received at the cognitive radio
terminal, w(n) is the Additive White-Gaussian Noise
(AWGN), s(n) - The primary user signal, Ho represents
absence of licensed PU, and H1 represents the presence of
licensed PU
The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), can be given as;
= 2
2 (2)
where, is the SNR, 2 is the variance of the signal, and
is the variance of the noise.
The following performance metrics are used for the
Probability of detection (Pd): This is when the
vacant frequency channel is declared vacant. This
can lead to utilization of the spectrum band.
Probability of false alarm (Pf): This is when the
vacant frequency channel is declared occupied. In
this case, the SUs fails to utilize the free band.
Probability of miss detection (Pm): This is where
the occupied channel is declared vacant. This can
cause interference to the PU.
Higher Pd with a low Pf is the goal of the sensing schemes.
But there is always a trade-off between these two
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6, March 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F2649037619/19©BEIESP
probabilities. A high Pm (low Pd) results in missing the
presence of PU, meaning there is high probability of causing
interferes to the PU. With a high Pf, the SU observes PU
while it does not exists, which turns out to be less spectrum
A band-pass filter in CR system is applied to the received
signal for power measurement in a particular frequency
region in the time domain. The power of received signal
samples is then measured. The received power can be
estimated as;
= 2
=1 (3)
where, E is the received signal, xi is the ith sample of the
received signal, and N = 2TW is the time bandwidth.
Detection probability, missing probability, and false alarm
probability can be given as [13], [18][20];
=󰇝>|1󰇞= 2, (4)
=󰇝|1󰇞= 1 (5)
=󰇝>|0󰇞= 󰇡,2
󰇛󰇜 (6)
where, λ is the threshold value, Q(a, b) is generalized
Marcum function, Γ(a) is complete gamma function, and Γ(a,
b) represents incomplete gamma function.
In [13], [18][20], a cooperative spectrum sensing with a
double threshold detection method was proposed to reduce
the PU interference since single threshold detection has high
interference problems. The double threshold therefore,
avoids the unwanted interference by introducing a fuzzy
region (uncertainty region). [13], [21][24] proposes the
elimination of unreliable small scale users as it spans over a
short distance which can lead to constant reallocation of
spectrum space to SU. In this work, a triple threshold energy
detection is proposed that seeks to provide reliable and
effective spectrum sensing.
The Figure 1 below shows one threshold conventional
detection, double threshold, and triple threshold methods.
Figure 2: Energy Detection Methods. (a) Conventional single threshold,
(b) Double threshold, and (c) Triple threshold
In Figure 2 (a), Decision H0 and H1 is made when there is a
greater or lesser Ei than the threshold value λ, respectively as
shown in Eq. 1. In Figure 2 (b), the user reports H1 if the
energy value exceeds λ2. If Ei is less than λ1, the decision H0
will be made. Otherwise, if Ei is between λ1 and λ2, then the
SU reports its observational energy value Ei for further
decision making at the fusion center.
Local sensing using primary signal detection for double
threshold method can be expressed as;
󰇛󰇜=0, >1
 ,12
1, >2 (7)
By adding two parameters Δ0,i and Δ1,I to represent the
probability of 12 for the ith secondary user under
hypothesis H 0 and H 1 respectively, we have;
1,=󰇝12|1 󰇞 (8)
0,=󰇝12|0 󰇞 (9)
So it can be derived that:
1=󰇝>2|1󰇞= 2,2 (10)
=󰇝1|1󰇞= 1 1,1 (11)
=󰇝>2|0󰇞= 󰇡,22
󰇛󰇜 (12)
In this proposed work, the three threshold levels are used
as shown in Figure 2 (c). The first threshold λ1 undresses the
unreliable small scale users by creating a minimum threshold.
While thresholds λ2 and λ3 applies the same concept as double
threshold detection mentioned above. In this model, two
kinds of information: observational values of the SU i.e. local
energy values and local decisions are received at the fusion
0, 1<<2
 ,23
1, >3 (13)
By adding two parameters Δ0,i and Δ1,I to represent the
probability of 23 for the ith secondary user under
hypothesis H 0 and H 1 respectively, we have;
1,=󰇝23|1 󰇞
=2,2 2,3
0,=󰇝23|0 󰇞=󰇡,22
󰇛󰇜 󰇡,32
󰇛󰇜 (15)
1=󰇝>3|1󰇞= 2,3 (16)
0=󰇝1<<2󰇞= 󰇡,12
󰇛󰇜 󰇡,22
󰇛󰇜 (17)
Cluster Based Triple Threshold Energy Detection for Spectrum Sensing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F2649037619/19©BEIESP
0=󰇝1󰇞= 1 󰇡,12
󰇛󰇜 (18)
=󰇝<2|1󰇞= 2,1 2,2
=󰇝>3|0󰇞= 󰇡,32
󰇛󰇜 (20)
In the simulations, the main emphasis was to show that
triple threshold energy detection method at the local node
stage produces better results in comparison with the single
and double threshold methods. The time bandwidth factor
was chosen as 1000 with the sample points given as N=
=2TW where TW is the time bandwidth factor. A range of
-15dB to 5dB is taken as signal to noise ratio in this work
while the probability of false alarm ranges from 0.01 to 1.
QPSK modulation was also used here with the modulation
index of 4. The minimum threshold λ1 was set at 3W to
eliminate any unreliable small scale PUs since most of these
unreliable PUs have powers of less than 1W. The simulation
results can be seen as follows;
Figure 3: A Plot of SNR vs Pd
From Figure 3, it can be seen that the conventional single
threshold method has low probability of detection as low
SNR. This can be attributed to the fuzzy region which is not
clearly defined.
Figure 4: A Plot of SNR vs Pm
Double and triple energy detection methods performed
relatively better than single threshold method. The double
threshold performed better than triple threshold for very low
SNR but the triple threshold performed better from around
-13dB SNR and reached maximum Pd ahead of the double
threshold method.
Similarly to Figure 3, Figure 4 shows the triple threshold
method had lower probability of missed alarm as compared to
the other two methods.
The use of cognitive radios has been show in various
researches as the solution for the scarcity in spectrum.
Spectrum sensing is an essential component in CR of which
its inefficiencies will lead to interference to the licensed
primary user. In this paper, a proposed triple threshold has
been shown to be able to provide better spectrum sensing
efficiency than the double threshold and single threshold
energy detection methods. Further research to this work is to
show that cooperation of SUs by fusing the sensing results
can provide results for effective allocation and occupation of
spectrum homes when PU is absent and vacating the same
when the PUs resumes using the spectrum.
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: F2649037619/19©BEIESP
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... A cluster-based triple threshold spectrum sensing approach was adopted in [15], to achieve an improved spectrum sensing efficiency and address the unreliable small-scale PUS issues for CR systems. ...
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Dynamic spectrum access has been promoted as a key technology in cognitive radio to achieve better spectrum utilization. It allows unauthorized secondary users to utilize the authorized primary user’s spectrum opportunistically, when primary user is absent. Therefore, it is an important task for secondary users to observe primary user activity in the channel. Implementation of such spectrum access scheme, cognitive radio requires a fast and reliable spectrum sensing technique to monitor primary user activity. Among all the available spectrum sensing schemes, Energy detection is most widely used because of its low complexity. However, the conventional energy detection method produces poor performance in a lower signal regime, resulting in longer sensing duration and low detection probability. To overcome these challenges, we have proposed an adaptive decision threshold approach instead of a fixed decision threshold in a modified Three Event Energy Detection framework. Additionally, a new objective function is formulated prioritizing the PU over SU using a weight factor along with spectrum utilization factor which achieves a better trade-off between the miss detection and false alarm probability. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed approach has improved efficacy in decision error probability and detection performance compared to the existing methods.
... Nowadays, many new methods are continuously proposed for energy detection in spectrum sensing. For example, in [20,21], a triple-threshold energy detection method is proposed to improve the spectrum sensing efficiency as well as addressing the smallscale primary users which are unreliable in cognitive radio systems. Under the framework of random matrix theory, Zhao et al. [22] firstly proposed two enhanced detection algorithms based on the maximum eigenvalue and energy of the signal to achieve performance improvement. ...
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Spectrum sensing is one of the key technologies in the field of cognitive radio, which has been widely studied. Among all the sensing methods, energy detection is the most popular because of its simplicity and no requirement of any prior knowledge of the signal. In the case of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the traditional double-threshold energy detection method employs fixed thresholds and there is no detection result when the energy is between high and low thresholds, which leads to poor detection performance such as lower detection probability and longer spectrum sensing time. To address these problems, we proposed an adaptive double-threshold cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm based on history energy detection. In each sensing period, we calculate the weighting coefficient of thresholds according to the SNR of all cognitive nodes; thus, the upper and lower thresholds can be adjusted adaptively. Furthermore, in a single cognitive node, once the current energy is within the high and low thresholds, we utilize the average energy of history sensing times to rejudge. To ensure the real-time performance, if the average history energy is still between two thresholds, the single-threshold method will be used for the end decision. Finally, the fusion center aggregates the detection results of each node and obtains the final cooperative conclusion through “or” criteria. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper improved detection performance significantly compared with the other four different double-threshold algorithms.
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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are a favorable area of exploration which empowers the interconnection amid the movable vehicles and between transportable units (vehicles) and road side units (RSU). In Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), mobile vehicles can be organized into assemblage to promote interconnection links. The assemblage arrangement according to dimensions and geographical extend has serious influence on attribute of interaction. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are subclass of mobile Ad-hoc network involving more complex mobility patterns. Because of mobility the topology changes very frequently. This raises a number of technical challenges including the stability of the network. There is a need for assemblage configuration leading to more stable realistic network. The paper provides investigation of various simulation scenarios in which cluster using k-means algorithm are generated and their numbers are varied to find the more stable configuration in real scenario of road.
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A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) in which network nodes are vehicles – most commonly road vehicles. VANETs present a unique range of challenges and opportunities for routing protocols due to the semi-organised nature of vehicular movements subject to the constraints of road geometry and rules, and the obstacles which limit physical connectivity in urban environments. In particular, the problems of routing protocol reliability and scalability across large urban VANETs are currently the subject of intense research. Clustering can be used to improve routing scalability and reliability in VANETs, as it results in the distributed formation of hierarchical network structures by grouping vehicles together based on correlated spatial distribution and relative velocity. In addition to the benefits to routing, these groups can serve as the foundation for accident or congestion detection, inforomation dissemination and entertainment applications. This paper explores the design choices made in the development of clustering algorithms targeted at VANETs. It presents a taxonomy of the techniques applied to solve the problems of cluster head election, cluster affiliation and cluster management, and identifies new directions and recent trends in the design of these algorithms. Additionally, methodologies for validating clustering performance are reviewed, and a key shortcoming – the lack of realistic vehicular channel modelling – is identified. The importance of a rigorous and standardised performance evaluation regime utilising realistic vehicular channel models is demonstrated.
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Cognitive radio network and vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are recent emerging concepts in wireless networking. Cognitive radio network obtains knowledge of its operational geographical environment to manage sharing of spectrum between primary and secondary users, while VANET shares emergency safety messages among vehicles to ensure safety of users on the road. Cognitive radio network is employed in VANET to ensure the efficient use of spectrum, as well as to support VANET’s deployment. Random increase and decrease of spectrum users, unpredictable nature of VANET, high mobility, varying interference, security, packet scheduling, and priority assignment are the challenges encountered in a typical cognitive VANET environment. This paper provides survey and critical analysis on different challenges of cognitive radio VANET, with discussion on the open issues, challenges, and performance metrics for different cognitive radio VANET applications.
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Each day, Humanity loses thousands of persons on roads when they were traveling to work, to study or even to distract. The financial cost of these injuries is also terrifying: Some statistics evaluate the financial cost of vehicle accidents at 160 billion Euro in Europe each year. These alarming figures have driven researchers, automotive companies and public governments to improve the safety of our transportation systems and communication technologies aiming at offering safer roads and smooth driving to human beings. In this context, Vehicular Adhoc Networks, where vehicles are able to communicate with each others and with existent road side units, emerge as a promising wireless technology able to enhance the vision of drivers and offer larger telematic horizon. VANETs promising applications are not only restricted to road safety but span from vehicle trafficoptimization like flow congestion control to commercial applications like file sharing and internet access. Safety applications require that their alert information is propagated to the concerned vehicles (located in the hazardous zone) with little delay and high reliability. For these reasons, this category of applications is considered as delay sensitive and broadcast-oriented nature. While classical blind flooding is rapid, its major drawback is its huge bandwidth utilization. In this thesis, we are interested on enhancing vehicular communications under different scenarios and optimizations: First, We focus on deriving a new solution (EBDR) to disseminate alert messages among moving vehicles while maintaining it efficient and rapid. Our proposal is based on directional antennas to broadcast messages and a route guidance algorithm to choose the best path for the packets. Findings confirmed the efficiency of our approach in terms of probability of success and end-to-end delays. Moreover, in spite of the broadcast nature of the proposed technique, all transmissions stop very soon after the arrival of a packet to its destination representing a strong feature in the conception of EBDR. Second, we propose a novel mathematical framework to evaluate the performance of EBDR analytically. Although most of the proposed techniques present in literature use experimental or simulation tools to defend their performance, we rely here on mathematical models to confirm our achieved results. Our proposed framework allows to derive meaningful performance metrics including the probability of transmission success and the required number of hops to reach thefinal destination. Third, we refine our proposed broadcast-based routing EBDR to provide more efficient broadcasting by adjusting the transmission range of each vehicle based on its distance to the destination and the local node density. This mechanism allows better minimization of interferences and bandwidth's saving. Furthermore, an analytical model is derived to calculate thetransmission area in the case of a simplified node distribution. Finally, we are interested on data collection mechanisms as they make inter-vehicle communications more efficient and reliable and minimize the bandwidth utilization. Our technique uses Q-learning to collect data among moving vehicles in VANETs. The aim behind using the learning technique is to make the collecting operation more reactive to nodes mobility and topology changes. For the simulation part, we compare it to a non-learning version to study the effect of the learning technique. Findings show that our technique far outperforms other propositions and achieves a good trade off between delay and collection ratio. In conclusion, we believe that the different contributions presented in this Thesis will improve the efficiency of inter-vehicle communications in both dissemination and data collection directions. In addition, our mathematical contributions will enrich the literature in terms of constructing suitable models to evaluate broadcasting techniques in urban zones
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Cognitive radio (CR) networks have been active area of research because of its ability to opportunistically share the spectrum. A cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing (CCSS) has a tremendous impact on sensing reliability compared with cooperative spectrum sensing. The energy detection (ED) technique requires perfect knowledge of noise power. An eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing has mitigated the noise uncertainty problem. Sensing and reporting time slots are rigidly separated in the conventional ED and eigenvalue-based detection (EVD) schemes. In CCSS, more reporting time slots are required as the number of CR users (CRUs) increases. If the reporting time slots of other CRUs as sensing time slots with a superposition allocation, the more reliable channel sensing can be achieved. In this paper, we propose CCSS using EVD technique with a superposition approach scheme where the reporting time slot is properly utilized to sense the primary user’s (PU’s) signal more accurately by rescheduling the reporting time slot for CRUs and cluster heads (CHs). Simulation result shows that the proposed EVD scheme has better detection probability than the conventional CCSS using both ED and EVD techniques.
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Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) becomes more popular in industry, academia and government. However, Typical VANET is challenged by high speed mobility and insufficient spectrum resources over congested scenarios. To address those serious problems, some articles have introduced Cognitive Radio (CR) technology into VANET and formed CR-VANET. In this article, we propose an overview of CR-VANET by exploring different architectures and features. Moreover, we provide taxonomy of state-of-the-art papers in this emerging field and the key articles are well analyzed respectively. In addition, we illustrate both research and application frameworks of CR-VANET based on our works, and propose some open research issues for inspiring future work.
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The Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) protocol stack has been recently defined to enable vehicular communication on the Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) frequencies. Recent studies have demonstrated that the Control Channel (CCH) of the DSRC protocol on which all vehicular safety messages are sent might not provide sufficient spectrum for reliable exchange of safety information over congested urban scenarios. In this paper, we develop a scheme that calls for collecting spectrum sensing measurements by cars and then aggregating these measurements by Road Side Units (RSUs) to assess the state of the spectrum on road segments. We propose to opportunistically use the white spaces in the spectrum as an extension of the crowded Control Channel (CCH) for the next passing cars. A blind detector is applied and tested on the cars level, which takes advantage of their mobility to span a large area of the roads and deliver more accurate decisions in dynamic vehicular environments. To ensure homogeneity in the sensing samples among cars, we make the sensing rate of the cars dependent on their traveling speed. A fusion and decision algorithm is employed by Road Side Units (RSUs) to aggregate the individual sensing data and decide on the vacancy of the sensed frequency bands. The performance of the sensing and decision algorithms are evaluated and tested in various vehicular scenarios using the network simulator ns2. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of the system in detecting available ISM channels.
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In this paper, the performance assessment of five different detection techniques from spectrum sensing perspective in cognitive radio networks is proposed and implemented using the realistic implementation oriented model (R-model) with signal processing operations. The performance assessment of the different sensing techniques in the existence of unknown or imprecisely known impulsive noise levels is done by considering the signal detection in cognitive radio networks under a non-parametric multisensory detection scenario. The examination focuses on performance comparison of basic spectrum sensing mechanisms as, energy detection (ED) and cyclostationary feature detection (CSFD) along with the eigenvalue-based detection methods namely, Maximum-minimum eigenvalue detection (MMED), Roy’s largest Root Test (RLRT) which requires knowledge of the noise variance and Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) which can be implemented as a test of the largest eigenvalues vs. Maximum-likelihood estimates a noise variance. From simulation results it is observed that the detection performance of the GLRT method is better than the other techniques in realistic implementation oriented model.
One of the most interesting and promising challenges for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) relates to the traffic congestion problem. Congestion is a relevant issue for transportation because it reduces the efficiency of infrastructure and increases travel time, air pollution, and fuel consumption. Nowadays, the most promising technology in support of ITSs is found in the domain of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). In this paper, we propose three protocols that are able to transmit traffic information for routes of interest on VANETs without any Road Side Unit (RSU) support. The proposed protocols adopt strategies to improve the performance of packet routing based on the density and location of vehicles; moreover, they enable an interesting comparison of the performance achievable with either reactive or proactive approaches. The extensive performance results reported show how it is possible to limit the congestion monitoring overhead along Routes of Interest (ROIs), while maintaining a sufficiently high performance in terms of traffic reporting. This may be done by employing context-aware data delivery techniques that autonomously adapt to runtime conditions.