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Extended phylogrouping of pathogenic and non- pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates of avian origin



Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC) is the causative agent of avian colibacillosis, accounting for vast economic losses to the poultry industry in form of morbidity, mortality, and carcass condemnation The E. coli strains of the various phylogroups also differ in their genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, their ability to cause disease and their ecological niche. In the present study, 64 E. coli isolates comprising of APEC (n=50) and non-APEC (n=14) were phylogrouped. The combination of phylogenetic markers viz., chuA, yjaA, DNA fragment TspE4.C2, arpA and trpA was used to amplify target specific fragments using PCR for phylogrouping. The results classified E. coli isolates (n=64) into A (28.1%), B1 (12.5%), D (10.9%), F (7.9%), B2 (6.2%), E (1.6%) and Clade I (1.6%). Sixteen E. coli isolates (25%) were untypable/unknown and none of E. coli isolates belonged to phylogroup C. A total of 6.2% E. coli isolates were either grouped to Clade I or Clade II. The phylogrouping of APEC isolates indicated that most of APEC isolates were untypable/unknown category (30%) followed by phylogroup A (24%). None of APEC isolates in the present study fall under phylogroup E and C. Similarly, among non-APEC isolates phylogroup A dominance was observed (6/14) followed by phylogroup B1 (3/14). The study revealed that phylogroup A is widely circulating among APEC as well as non-APEC pathotypes in Haryana. The circulation of unknown phylogroups warrants further investigation in phylogrouping protocols and methods, as there might be possibility of existence of newer phylogroups of APEC. The study further provided insight to the newer phylogroups of APEC as well as non-APEC isolates, generating valuable data which may be helpful in perceiving the origin and pathogenicity of APEC isolates on the basis of phylogrouping.
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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; SP-11(1): 265-269
ISSN (E): 2277- 7695
ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23
TPI 2022; SP-11(1): 265-269
© 2022 TPI
Received: 01-11-2021
Accepted: 03-12-2021
Dinesh Mittal
Assistant Professor, Department of
Veterinary Public Health and
Epidemiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Hisar, Haryana,
Kushal Grakh
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of
Veterinary Public Health and
Epidemiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Hisar, Haryana,
Manesh Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of
Veterinary Public Health and
Epidemiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Hisar, Haryana,
Anand Prakash
Assistant Disease Investigating
Officer, Department of Veterinary
Public Health and Epidemiology,
Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Hisar, Haryana, India
Ramesh Kumar
Assistant Disease Investigating
Officer, Department of Veterinary
Public Health and Epidemiology,
Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Hisar, Haryana, India
Pankaj Kumar
Assistant Disease Investigating
Officer, Department of Veterinary
Public Health and Epidemiology,
Lala Lajpat Rai University of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Hisar, Haryana, India
Corresponding Author
Kushal Grakh
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of
Veterinary Public Health and
Epidemiology, Lala Lajpat Rai
University of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Hisar, Haryana,
Extended phylogrouping of pathogenic and non-
pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates of avian origin
Dinesh Mittal, Kushal Grakh, Manesh Kumar, Anand Prakash, Ramesh
Kumar and Pankaj Kumar
Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC) is the causative agent of avian colibacillosis, accounting for vast
economic losses to the poultry industry in form of morbidity, mortality, and carcass condemnation The E.
coli strains of the various phylogroups also differ in their genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, their
ability to cause disease and their ecological niche. In the present study, 64 E. coli isolates comprising of
APEC (n=50) and non-APEC (n=14) were phylogrouped. The combination of phylogenetic markers viz.,
chuA, yjaA, DNA fragment TspE4.C2, arpA and trpA was used to amplify target specific fragments using
PCR for phylogrouping. The results classified E. coli isolates (n=64) into A (28.1%), B1 (12.5%), D
(10.9%), F (7.9%), B2 (6.2%), E (1.6%) and Clade I (1.6%). Sixteen E. coli isolates (25%) were
untypable/unknown and none of E. coli isolates belonged to phylogroup C. A total of 6.2% E. coli
isolates were either grouped to Clade I or Clade II. The phylogrouping of APEC isolates indicated that
most of APEC isolates were untypable/unknown category (30%) followed by phylogroup A (24%). None
of APEC isolates in the present study fall under phylogroup E and C. Similarly, among non-APEC
isolates phylogroup A dominance was observed (6/14) followed by phylogroup B1 (3/14). The study
revealed that phylogroup A is widely circulating among APEC as well as non-APEC pathotypes in
Haryana. The circulation of unknown phylogroups warrants further investigation in phylogrouping
protocols and methods, as there might be possibility of existence of newer phylogroups of APEC. The
study further provided insight to the newer phylogroups of APEC as well as non-APEC isolates,
generating valuable data which may be helpful in perceiving the origin and pathogenicity of APEC
isolates on the basis of phylogrouping.
Keywords: APEC, avian, Haryana, phylogroup, non-APEC
1. Introduction
Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) are the causative agent for extraintestinal infections in
poultry birds. APEC infections in poultry birds produce diverse array of lesions from localized
to systemic, which results in huge economic losses to poultry industry in term of mortality,
morbidity, treatment cost and carcass condemnation [1]. Also, APEC is recognized as an
important zoonotic pathogen and can cause foodborne urinary tract infection in humans due to
the consumption of contaminated poultry carcasses [2]. Traditionally APEC classification was
based on serotyping with a limitation that it allows only for the classification of a limited
number of APEC isolates because of overlapping serogroups among member of extraintestinal
pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) [3]. Virulence genotyping using PCR has enabled rapid
classification of APEC and their differentiation from non-APEC isolates including commensal
E. coli. However, owing to huge geographical variations and diversity among APEC isolates
some studies failed to classify APEC on the basis of virulence genes [4]. The suitability of
virulence markers for discriminating pathogenic and non-pathogenic groups within E. coli is
questionable for certain regions of the world due to geographical variations and coinfections
by otherwise commensal E. coli [4]. Additionally, the genome of E. coli strains frequently
undergoes additions, deletions, and recombinations as a reaction to natural selective pressure,
leading to divergence [5,6]. Consequently, there are diverse genetic substructure within the E.
coli, comprised of at least eight phylogenetic groups segregated into three clusters:
phylogroups B2, G, and F, phylogroups A, B1, C and E, and phylogroup D [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. Each
phylogenetic group is broadly associated to an ecological niche, for instance strains belonging
to phylogroups B2 and D are commonly associated with virulent extra-intestinal infection,
strains from phylogroup A are often categorized as of commensal origin, and phylogroup B1
associated with environmental reservoirs [8, 12, 13, 14].
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The extended Clermont classification is an update to the
previous classification of four phylogroups (A, B1, B2 and D)
and has used a combination of phylogenetic markers viz.,
chuA, yjaA, DNA fragment TspE4.C2, arpA, trpA and arpA
(ArpAgpE) to amplify target specific fragments using PCR [7].
This phylotyping method, is a top-level, rapid, and
inexpensive technique for classification of E. coli to
phylogenetic groups and shows high correlation with other
reference methods including multi-locus sequence type
(MLST) analysis [7].
The association between various phenotypic traits of APEC
and non-APEC with reference to biofilm formation,
antimicrobial resistance and virulence gene repertoire has
been explored in our previous study [15] however, the potential
of pathogenic traits associated with phylogenetic types
warrants consideration into the potential role of virulence
genes and their linkage with specific phylogenetic types. The
purpose of the current study was to assess the usefulness of
the phylogenetic typing tools in subtyping various APEC and
non-APEC isolates.
2. Material and Methods
2.1 Source of samples
The samples were collected from avian colibacillosis affected
broiler chicken farms in five districts in the state of Haryana,
and isolation was carried out by standard methods using
MacConkey agar, brain heart infusion broth, EMB agar,
Gram’s staining and further confirmation using Vitek 2
Compact and uspA gene amplification by PCR [15]. A total of
64 E. coli isolates differentiated as APEC (n=50) and non-
APEC (n=14) were used in the study for phylogroup analysis.
2.2 Preparation of DNA Template
The genomic DNA extraction from isolated colonies was
carried out using a heat lysis/snap-chill method [16]. Briefly,
loopful of colonies were dispensed into 250 μl of nuclease
free water in 0.6 ml eppendorf tube. The Eppendorf tubes
with bacterial suspension were placed on a heating block at 98
for 10 minutes followed by snap chilling at -20 ℃. Then
after thawing at room temperature centrifugation was carried
out at 12,000 rpm for 7 minutes. The supernatant was taken
and stored as DNA for further use at -20 ℃.
2.3 Phylogenetic Typing PCR Protocols
Samples of the DNA stock were subjected to phylogenetic
typing using the revised protocols described [7]. The primer
pairs used for the current study are summarized in Table 1.
The PCR reaction used a 25 µl reaction volume with the
following PCR conditions: denaturation for 4 min at 94
followed by 30 cycles of 5 s at 94 ℃; 30 s at 52 ℃ (group E),
or 60 ℃ (quadruplex) or 62 ℃ (group C) and 30 s at 72
with a final extension at 72 ℃ for 5 min. PCR products
generated were subjected to electrophoresis in 1.5% (w/v)
agarose gels in 1X TAE buffer and run at 120 V for 2 h. A
100 bp molecular weight marker (GeNei, India) was used as
the size standard. Gels were stained with ethidium bromide,
and bands corresponding to each gene present were digitized
using a gel documentation system (Zenith, India).
Table 1: Primers used in the phylogenetic typing PCR assays
Primer name
Product size
288 bp
[3, 17]
211 bp
152 bp
AceK F
400 bp
ArpA1 R
Group E
ArpAgpE F
301 bp
ArpAgpE R
Group C
219 bp
Internal Control
trpBA F
489 bp
trpBA R
2.4 Cluster analysis
A clustered heat map/double dendrogram was constructed
using PCR results of phylogrouping analysis of APEC and
non-APEC isolates. Data were processed in a binary matrix
using the NCSS (trial version) (NCSS, LLC, USA) software
package. Grouping of the isolates was made by agglomeration
method, based on the unweighted average distance.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Phylogenetic Typing
All the E. coli isolates were analyzed using protocol described
[7]. Table 2 summarized the assignments and distribution of
different phylogroups among APEC and non-APEC isolates.
Overall, phylogroup A (28.1%) was dominant among E. coli
isolates used in the study followed by unknown/untypable
group (25%), B1 (12.5%), D (10.9%), F (7.9%), B2, Clade
I/II (6.2% each) and E and Clade I (1.6% each). None of the
E. coli isolates belonged to phylogroup C in the current study.
Table 2: Distribution of different phylogroups among APEC and
non-APEC pathotypes
Phylogroup/Clade assigned
Clade I
Clade I/II
On analyzing the results based on the individual pathotype
(APEC and non-APEC), it was observed that most of the
APEC isolates (30; 60.0%) were assigned to at least one
phylogroup (A, B1, B2, D, E, F) and some others were
assigned to either Clade I or II (8.0%) and Clade I (2.0%);
whereas, significantly high number of APEC isolates
remained untypable/unknown (15; 30.0%) based on the
Clermont protocols. None of the studied APEC isolates get
assigned under phylogroup E and C. Phylogroup A (24.0%)
was dominant among APEC isolates followed by B1 and D
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The Pharma Innovation Journal
(10.0% each), B2 and F (8.0% each). In a study conducted [20]
it was observed that majority of the APEC were assigned to
groups A and D and less than 20% assigned to group B2,
whereas dominance of phylogroup C followed by B1 among
APEC isolates was observed in other [21]. The absence of
phylogroup C and E in current study might be attributed to the
huge diversity and geographical variations among these
isolates [22,15]. Moreover, a larger number of samples used in
other studies might also be the reason for the diverse
phylogroups they have obtained and for absence of these
phylogroups among E. coli isolates in our study. The studies
conducted so far indicate that phylogroup A generally
contained commensal strains and its dominance among APEC
isolates point out the probable evolution of these pathogenic
strains from commensal strains of E. coli in poultry [23]. The
phylogrouping results indicated that most of the APEC were
assigned to phylogroup A unlike E. coli of other animals and
humans as also reported [20]. Phylogroups B2 and D are
commonly associated with virulent extra-intestinal infection
and their less occurrence among non-APEC as compared to
APEC isolates in current study points this aspect evidently [8].
Phylogroup B1 is mainly associated with environmental E.
coli, and its distribution among both APEC and non-APEC
isolates indicates the possible acquisition of pathogenic traits
by these E. coli and adoption to cause disease in poultry birds
[14, 21]. Similarly, most of the non-APEC isolates (6; 42.8%)
were of phylogroup A followed by B1 (21.4%), D (14.3%), E
and F (7.1% each), and one isolate remained
untypable/unknown. Phylogroup B2 was not detected among
non-APEC isolates in the current study and similarly none of
the non-APEC isolates were assigned under Clade I and Clade
II. As discussed earlier, the occurrence of phylogroup A
among non-APEC or commensal E. coli seems to be
admissible. Similarly, absence of phylogroup B2 among non-
APEC isolates indicates about specificity of B2 phylogroup
towards APEC isolates [8]. As the E. coli isolates from
colibacillosis affected birds as well as their environment were
investigated for research, a higher occurrence of B1
phylogroup was expected among non-APEC isolates [14].
Phylogroup C is a group of strains closely related to, but
distinct from, phylogroup B1 and was not found in our study
as opined by [24]. Several novel lineages (new species) of
Escherichia have been reported that are genetically distinct
but phenotypically indistinguishable from E. coli [25]. At least
one of these cryptic lineages, Escherichia clade I, should also
be considered a phylogroup of E. coli based on the extent of
recombination detected between strains belonging to clade I
and E. coli [26]. Therefore, currently, there are eight
recognized phylogroups of E. coli, belonging to E. coli sensu
stricto (A, B1, B2, C, D, E, F and G) excluding Escherichia
clade I, however most recently discovered phylogroup G was
not investigated in present work. The protocol described by
[7], assigned phylogroups to most of the E. coli isolates
studied, however, few remained untypable or unknown. There
may be various reasons for this viz. some E. coli strains
cannot be get assigned to any phylogroup as these untypable
strains either represent phylogroups that are extremely rare or,
more likely, are the result of large-scale recombination events
where the donor and recipient originated from two different
phylogroups [7]. Another possibility of highly variable gene
content of E. coli driven by the frequent addition and deletion
of genes also exists [27]. Consequently, grouping of few E. coli
isolates to unknown or untypable category is not surprising.
On analyzing the combination pattern of four genes (arpA,
chuA, yjA, TspE4.C2) and chi square analysis of
phylogroup/clade assigned with the presence of genes it was
observed that presence of arpA gene was significantly
associated with phylogroup A, B1 and D (p< 0.01). Similarly,
significant association was present between chuA gene and
phylogroups B2, D and F (p< 0.01), yjA with Clade I/II,
TspE4.C2 with the phylogroup B1, B2 and untypable isolates.
Table 3: Association of presence and absence of genes (arpA, chuA,
yjA, TspE4.C2) and phylogroups
Genotype combination
Number of
A (18)
arpA + chuA - yjA + TspE4.C2 -
arpA + chuA - yjA - TspE4.C2 -
B1 (8)
arpA + chuA - yjA - TspE4.C2 +
B2 (4)
arpA - chuA + yjA + TspE4.C2 +
arpA - chuA + yjA - TspE4.C2 +
Clade I (1)
arpA + chuA + yjA + TspE4.C2 -
Clade I/II (4)
arpA - chuA - yjA + TspE4.C2 -
D (7)
arpA + chuA + yjA - TspE4.C2 +
arpA + chuA + yjA - TspE4.C2 -
E (1)
arpA + chuA + yjA + TspE4.C2 -
F (5)
arpA - chuA - yjA + TspE4.C2 -
Untypable (16)
arpA + chuA + yjA + TspE4.C2 +
arpA + chuA - yjA - TspE4.C2 +
arpA - chuA yjA + TspE4.C2 +
3.2 Cluster analysis
The double dendrogram (Fig. 1) defined 2 distinct clusters
and reflected the diversity of E. coli isolates in terms of
phylogroup assigned to these isolates based on PCR results.
Both the clusters (A and B) contained both APEC as well as
non-APEC pathotypes. The gene arpA, yja and chuA were
more consistently observed among isolates in cluster B as
compared to cluster A. A large number of untypable isolates
(13/16) were clustered in cluster B. These isolates
consistently amplified four fragments (arpA, yja, chuA and
TspE4.C2) indicating towards the virulence of these isolates.
All the isolates with phylogroup B1, D and F clustered in
cluster ‘A’ and maximum isolates with phylogroup A (15/18)
got clustered in cluster ‘B’. In summary, cluster ‘A’
comprised B1, D and F phylogroups and cluster ‘B’
comprised A and E phylogroup along with untypable, Clade I,
Clade I/II isolates. B2 phylogroup was equally distributed
among cluster ‘A’ and ‘B’. Evolutionary, the closely related
sister species of E. coli, phylogroups B2, F and D appear the
most basal and their clustering together in current study
implies the same (Fig. 1) [9, 28]. Subsequently, phylogroup E
emerges, followed by most recently diverged phylogroups C,
B1 and A [8]. The lifestyle or ecological niche of strains can be
linked to phylogenetic history of the species. The most
anciently diverged phylogroups B2, F and D comprises most
of ExPEC strains, whereas the strains responsible for severe
intestinal pathologies such as hemolytic and uremic syndrome
(HUS) and dysentery belongs to the recently diverged
phylogroups such as C, B1 and A [29, 9]. This suggests the role
of the genetic background in virulence and emphasizes the
need to identify and discover the novel E. coli phylogroups.
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Fig 1: A double dendrogram on the basis of results of PCR analysis of APEC and non-APEC isolates. Left most portion of this figure is the
dendrogram resulting from cluster analysis. There appear two clusters (A and B) of isolates. Cluster A contained E. coli isolates with B1, D and
F phylogroup. Cluster B contained E. coli isolates of phylogroup A and E, untypable isolates, Clade I and Clade I/II E. coli isolates. Just to the
right of the dendrogram are columns 1 to 5 which shows the genotype of each isolate tested. Each column in this group shows the results for a
single gene amplification using PCR. The identity of each gene is shown on the top of diagram. Dark yellow color indicates that gene is present,
and red indicates that a gene is absent. Column 6 indicates the pathotype of E. coli isolates (APEC or non-APEC), where green indicates APEC
and dark blue indicates non-APEC pathotype. Column 7 contained the isolate number/ids, where source of isolation is: F; Feed, H; Heart, LT;
Litter, L; Liver, Lung, FL; fecal/cloacal swab, FS; Feeder swab, Water, DS; Drinker swab, TW; Water source surface, PVC; pipe swab. Column
8 indicates the phylogroup assigned to individual isolate as described in the legends
4. Conclusions
In this study, attempt was made to classify APEC and non-
APEC isolates of avian origin into six phylogroups viz., A,
B1, B2, D, E and F. Phylogroup A was found as dominant
group among E. coli isolates of avian origin. Despite of using
recent method for phylogrouping, a significant number of E.
coli isolates do not get assigned under any phylogroup and
remained either as untypable or in E. coli clade I or clade I/II
indicating that further investigations are required to explore
the existence of more novel phylogroups.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors are thankful to Head of the Department of
Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, LUVAS for
support in smooth conduction of the study.
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Infection and Immunity. 1999;67(2):546-53.
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The uncontrolled usage of antibiotics, especially colistin as growth promoter in poultry and the manures utilized as fertilizers in vegetable farming serve as the fundamental causes of mobilized colistin resistance (mcr) gene emergence in Escherichia coli (E. coli). This study was conducted to determine the prevalence, antibiotic susceptibility profile and phylogroups of colistin resistant E. coli isolated from poultry farm (217 chicken cloacal swab), 200 raw chicken meat and 100 vegetables samples from markets in Kelantan, Malaysia. The samples were processed using routine microbiological method, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect colistin resistant E. coli isolates, disk diffusion antimicrobial susceptibility tests with 13 antibiotics, colistin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test and PCR based phylogroups detection. The overall E. coli prevalence was 71.0% (367/517) and 3.9% (20/517) isolates harboured multiple mcr-genes (mcr-1, mcr-3, mcr-6, mcr-8 and mcr-9) from chicken origin only, while no mcr detected was in vegetables. The findings revealed that 89 – 100% E. coli isolates from chickens were resistant towards tetracycline, ampicillin, amoxicillin, and chloramphenicol with multiple antibiotic resistance index score of more than 0.2 yet the vegetable isolates were showing higher sensitivity towards these antibiotics. The ten mcr-harbouring isolates exhibited phenotypic colistin resistance at MIC ≥ 4 µg/ml. Meanwhile, phylogroup A (45.1%) and phylogroup B1 (20%) were predominating in chicken whereas phylogroup A (59.4%) was highlighted in vegetable origin isolates. These findings underscore the emerging threat of multidrug resistance and increasing trends of mcr in E. coli, mainly in food animals in Malaysia.
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Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is responsible for colibacillosis in poultry. APEC remains a constant problem for the poultry industry, despite the use of antimicrobials and disinfectants in farms. The endemicity of APEC in poultry farms is associated with its biofilm-forming ability, which is further aggravated by various virulence factors and resistance to multiple drugs that help bacteria to thrive under different environmental conditions. To characterize APEC from affected broiler chickens and their environments, samples (n=114) from dead birds (heart, liver, lungs, and cloacal swab) and surrounding environments such as feeder, drinker, litter, PVC pipe, water tank wall, feed, and water were collected. The collected samples were subjected to microbial isolation using MacConkey Lactose agar (MLA) and Eosin Methylene Blue agar (EMB), which led to the isolation of 62 E. coli isolates. This was confirmed by uspA gene amplification and Vitek 2 Compact. These isolates were characterized using a set of five virulence genes (hlyF, ompT, iroN, iss, iutA), which yielded 47 (75.80%) isolates as APEC and the remaining as non-APEC. Furthermore, all the 62 isolates were subjected to microtiter plate assay for biofilm detection and the result showed that 36 (58.06%) isolates were able to form moderate to strong biofilms in Trypticase soy broth (TSB) at 72h of incubation. Of the 36 biofilm-producing isolates, 30 were APEC. Biofilm-related genes (crl, csgA, fimH, luxS, and papC) were also detected with higher prevalence among APEC isolates. Antimicrobial susceptibility test using Vitek 2 Compact revealed 43 (91.48%) of 47 APEC isolates as multiple drug resistant (MDR) and 8 (17.02%) as ESBL positive. This study reveals that APEC with biofilm formation ability is present in poultry farms. Further studies are needed to understand the role of biofilms in the pathogenesis and antimicrobial resistance of APEC.
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Chickens are the most common birds on Earth and colibacillosis is among the most common diseases affecting them. This major threat to animal welfare and safe sustainable food production is difficult to combat because the etiological agent, avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC), emerges from ubiquitous commensal gut bacteria, with no single virulence gene present in all disease-causing isolates. Here, we address the underlying evolutionary mechanisms of extraintestinal spread and systemic infection in poultry. Combining population scale comparative genomics and pangenome-wide association studies, we compare E. coli from commensal carriage and systemic infections. We identify phylogroup-specific and species-wide genetic elements that are enriched in APEC, including pathogenicity-associated variation in 143 genes that have diverse functions, including genes involved in metabolism, lipopolysaccharide synthesis, heat shock response, antimicrobial resistance and toxicity. We find that horizontal gene transfer spreads pathogenicity elements, allowing divergent clones to cause infection. Finally, a Random Forest model prediction of disease status (carriage vs. disease) identifies pathogenic strains in the emergent ST-117 poultry-associated lineage with 73% accuracy, demonstrating the potential for early identification of emergent APEC in healthy flocks.
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Significance Pathogens ensure infection of favored sites in the body by responding to chemical signals. One chemical abundant in urine, the amino acid d -Ser, is toxic to EHEC and reduces expression of the machinery used for host cell attachment, making the bladder an unfavorable environment. We observed that under d -Ser stress, EHEC acquires genetic changes that lead to blocking d -Ser uptake into the cell or activating a silent enzyme for degrading d -Ser. This prevents growth inhibition and, critically, inhibits the repression of attachment machinery normally caused by d -Ser. These findings highlight the importance of pathogen evolution in determining how host molecules regulate colonization. These interactions underpin a process known as niche restriction that is important for pathogen success within the host.
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Background: Phylogenetic analyses of the bacterial genomes based on the simple classification in core- genes and accessory genes pools could offer an incomplete view of the evolutionary processes, of which some are still unresolved. A combined strategy based on stratified phylogeny and ancient molecular polymorphisms is proposed to infer detailed evolutionary reconstructions by using a large number of whole genomes. This strategy, based on the highest number of genomes available in public databases, was evaluated for improving knowledge of the ancient diversification of E. coli. This staggered evolutionary scenario was also used to investigate whether the diversification of the ancient E. coli lineages could be associated with particular lifestyles and adaptive strategies. Results: Phylogenetic reconstructions, exploiting 6220 available genomes in Genbank, established the E. coli core genome in 1023 genes, representing about 20% of the complete genome. The combined strategy using stratified phylogeny plus molecular polymorphisms inferred three ancient lineages (D, EB1A and FGB2). Lineage D was the closest to E. coli root. A staggered diversification could also be proposed in EB1A and FGB2 lineages and the phylogroups into these lineages. Several molecular markers suggest that each lineage had different adaptive trajectories. The analysis of gained and lost genes in the main lineages showed that functions of carbohydrates utilization (uptake of and metabolism) were gained principally in EB1A lineage, whereas loss of environmental-adaptive functions in FGB2 lineage were observed, but this lineage showed higher accumulated mutations and ancient recombination events. The population structure of E. coli was re-evaluated including up to 7561 new sequenced genomes, showing a more complex population structure of E. coli, as a new phylogroup, phylogroup I, was proposed. Conclusions: A staggered reconstruction of E. coli phylogeny is proposed, indicating evolution from three ancestral lineages to reach all main known phylogroups. New phylogroups were confirmed, suggesting an increasingly complex population structure of E. coli. However these new phylogroups represent < 1% of the global E. coli population. A few key evolutionary forces have driven the diversification of the two main E. coli lineages, metabolic flexibility in one of them and colonization-virulence in the other.
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The genus Escherichia is composed of Escherichia albertii, E. fergusonii, five cryptic Escherichia clades and E. coli sensu stricto. Furthermore, the E. coli species can be divided into seven main phylogroups termed A, B1, B2, C, D, E and F. As specific lifestyles and/or hosts can be attributed to these species/phylogroups, their identification is meaningful for epidemiological studies. Classical phenotypic tests fail to identify non-sensu stricto E. coli as well as phylogroups. Clermont and colleagues have developed PCR assays that allow the identification of most of these species/phylogroups, the triplex/quadruplex PCR for E. coli phylogroup determination being the most popular. With the growing availability of whole genome sequences, we have developed the ClermonTyping method and its associated web-interface, the ClermonTyper, that allows a given strain sequence to be assigned to E. albertii, E. fergusonii, Escherichia clades I-V, E. coli sensu stricto as well as to the seven main E. coli phylogroups. The ClermonTyping is based on the concept of in vitro PCR assays and maintains the principles of ease of use and speed that prevailed during the development of the in vitro assays. This in silico approach shows 99.4 % concordance with the in vitro PCR assays and 98.8 % with the Mash genome-clustering tool. The very few discrepancies result from various errors occurring mainly from horizontal gene transfers or SNPs in the primers. We propose the ClermonTyper as a freely available resource to the scientific community at:
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Possible external reservoirs for extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) strains that cause infections in humans are poorly defined. Because of the tremendous human health importance of ExPEC infections, we assessed surface waters and domesticated and wild animals in Minnesota and Wisconsin as potential reservoirs of ExPEC of human health relevance. We characterized 595 E. coli isolates (obtained from 1999 to 2002; 280 from seven surface water sites, 315 from feces of 13 wild and domesticated animal species) for phylogroup and virulence genotype, including inferred ExPEC status, by using multiplex PCR-based methods. We also compared the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of the isolates with a large private PFGE profile library. We found a predominance of non-ExPEC strains (95% and 93% among water and animal isolates, respectively), which were mainly from phylogroups A and B1, plus a minority of ExPEC strains (5% and 7% among water isolates and animal isolates, respectively), predominantly from phylogroup B2. The ExPEC strains, although significantly associated with cats, dogs, and turkeys, occurred in several additional animal species (goat, horse, chicken, pig) and were distributed broadly across all surface water sites. Virulence gene content among the animal source ExPEC isolates segregated significantly in relation to host species, following established patterns. PFGE analysis indicated that 11 study isolates closely matched (94% to 100% profile similarity) reference human clinical and fecal isolates. These findings imply what probably is a low but non-zero risk to humans from environmental and animal source E. coli isolates, especially those from specific human-associated animal species. IMPORTANCE Our detection of potentially pathogenic strains that may pose a health threat to humans among E. coli isolates from surface waters and wild and domesticated animals suggests a need for heightened attention to these reservoirs as possible sources for human acquisition of disease-causing E. coli. Although cats, dogs, and turkeys were especially high-prevalence sources, the presence of such strains in other animal species and at all sampled water sites suggests that this potential risk may be widespread.
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Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) cause disease primarly in poultry; however, the link between APEC and infections in humans is questionable. In this current study, a total of 100 APEC strains isolated from chickens in Delmarva were evaluated for the presence of virulence genes to investigate their zoonotic potential in humans. A total of 28 isolates possessed one Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) virulence factor each and 87 isolates possessed up to 5 extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) virulence factors. Five APEC isolates exhibited stronger attachment to chicken breast than both human E. coli outbreak strains tested. Ten APEC isolates exhibited stronger attachment to human epithelial cells (HCT-8) than both E. coli outbreak strains. While the APEC isolates in this study were not found to possess all the virulence genes necessary to cause clinical illness in humans, their potential to acquire these genes in the environment as well as their ability to attach to food surfaces and human cells warrants further attention.
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The Clermont scheme has been used for subtyping of Escherichia coli since it was initially described in early 2000. Since then, researchers have used the scheme to type and sub-type commensal E. coli and pathogenic E. coli, such as extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC), and compare their phylogenetic assignment by pathogenicity, serogroup, distribution among ExPEC of different host species and complement of virulence and resistance traits. Here, we compare assignments of human and avian ExPEC and commensal E. coli using the old and revised Clermont schemes to determine if the new scheme provides a refined snapshot of isolate classification. 1,996 E. coli from human hosts and poultry, including 84 human neonatal meningitis E. coli isolates, 88 human vaginal E. coli, 696 human uropathogenic E. coli, 197 healthy human fecal E. coli, 452 avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), 200 retail poultry E. coli, 80 crop and gizzard E. coli from healthy poultry at slaughter and 199 fecal E. coli from healthy birds at slaughter. All isolates were subject to phylogenetic analysis using the Clermont et al. (2000, 2013) schemes and compared to determine the effect of the new classification on strain designation. Most of the isolates’ strain designation remained where they were originally assigned. Greatest designation change occurred in APEC where 53.8% of isolates were reclassified; while classification rates among human strains ranged from 8 to 14%. However, some significant changes were observed for UPEC associated strains with significant (P < 0.05) designation changes observed from A to C and D to E or F phylogenetic types; a similar designation change was noted among NMEC for D to F designation change. Among the APEC significant designation changes were observed from A to C and D to E and F. These studies suggest that the new scheme provides a tighter and more meaningful definition of some ExPEC; while the new typing scheme has a significant impact on APEC classification. A comparison of phylogenetic group assignment by content of virulence, resistance, replicon and pathogenicity island genes in APEC suggests that insertion of pathogenicity islands into the genome appears to correlate closely with revised phylogenetic assignment.
Escherichia coli is a commensal of the vertebrate gut that is increasingly involved in various intestinal and extra-intestinal infections as an opportunistic pathogen. Numerous pathotypes that represent groups of strains with specific pathogenic characteristics have been described based on heterogeneous and complex criteria. The democratization of whole-genome sequencing has led to an accumulation of genomic data that render possible a population phylogenomic approach to the emergence of virulence. Few lineages are responsible for the pathologies compared with the diversity of commensal strains. These lineages emerged multiple times during E. coli evolution, mainly by acquiring virulence genes located on mobile elements, but in a specific chromosomal phylogenetic background. This repeated emergence of stable and cosmopolitan lineages argues for an optimization of strain fitness through epistatic interactions between the virulence determinants and the remaining genome. Escherichia coli is a commensal of the vertebrate gut as well as an opportunistic pathogen. In this Review, Denamur and colleagues explore the emergence of virulence during the evolution of E. coli, with a focus on the main ExPEC, InPEC and hybrid clones.
The phylogeny of the Escherichia coli species, with the identification of seven phylogroups (A, B1, B2, C, D, E and F), is linked to the lifestyle of the strains. With the accumulation of whole genome sequence data, it became clear that some strains belong to a group intermediate between the F and B2 phylogroups, designated as phylogroup G. Here, we studied the complete sequences of 112 strains representative of the G phylogroup diversity and showed that it is composed of one main sequence type complex (STc)117 and four other STcs (STc657, STc454, STc738 and STc174). STc117, which phylogeny is characterised by very short internal branches, exhibits extensive O diversity, but little H‐type and fimH allele diversity while the other STcs are characterised by a main O, H and fimH type. STc117 strains possess many traits associated with extra‐intestinal virulence, are virulent in a mouse sepsis model and exhibit multi‐drug resistance such as CTX‐M production. Epidemiologic data on 4524 Australian and French strains suggest that STc117 is a poultry associated lineage that can also establish in humans and cause extra‐intestinal diseases. We propose an easy identification method that will help to trace this potentially virulent and resistant phylogroup in epidemiologic studies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.