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Prevalence and predictors of death and severe disease in patients hospitalized due to COVID-19: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of 77 studies and 38,000 patients


Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Progression of COVID-19 to severe disease and death is insufficiently understood. Objective: Summarize the prevalence of risk factors and adverse outcomes and determine their associations in COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized. Methods: We searched Medline, Embase and Web of Science for case-series and observational studies of hospitalized COVID-19 patients through August 31, 2020. Data were analyzed by fixed-effects meta-analysis using Shore's adjusted confidence intervals to address heterogeneity. Results: Seventy-seven studies comprising 38906 hospitalized patients met inclusion criteria; 21468 from the US-Europe and 9740 from China. Overall prevalence of death [% (95% CI)] from COVID-19 was 20% (18-23%); 23% (19-27%) in the US and Europe and 11% (7-16%) for China. Of those that died, 85% were aged≥60 years, 66% were males, and 66%, 44%, 39%, 37%, and 27% had hypertension, smoking history, diabetes, heart disease, and chronic kidney disease (CKD), respectively. The case fatality risk [%(95% CI)] were 52% (46-60) for heart disease, 51% (43-59) for COPD, 48% (37-63) for chronic kidney disease (CKD), 39% for chronic liver disease (CLD), 28% (23-36%) for hypertension, and 24% (17-33%) for diabetes. Summary relative risk (sRR) of death were higher for age≥60 years [sRR = 3.6; 95% CI: 3.0-4.4], males [1.3; 1.2-1.4], smoking history [1.3; 1.1-1.6], COPD [1.7; 1.4-2.0], hypertension [1.8; 1.6-2.0], diabetes [1.5; 1.4-1.7], heart disease [2.1; 1.8-2.4], CKD [2.5; 2.1-3.0]. The prevalence of hypertension (55%), diabetes (33%), smoking history (23%) and heart disease (17%) among the COVID-19 hospitalized patients in the US were substantially higher than that of the general US population, suggesting increased susceptibility to infection or disease progression for the individuals with comorbidities. Conclusions: Public health screening for COVID-19 can be prioritized based on risk-groups. Appropriately addressing the modifiable risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, and diabetes could reduce morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19; public messaging can be accordingly adapted.
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Prevalence and predictors of death and
severe disease in patients hospitalized due to
COVID-19: A comprehensive systematic
review and meta-analysis of 77 studies and
38,000 patients
Kunchok DorjeeID
*, Hyunju Kim
, Elizabeth BonomoID
, Rinchen Dolma
1School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases, Center for TB Research, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America, 2Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public
Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America, 3Center for Alcohol and
Addiction Studies, Brown University School of Public Health, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island,
United States of America
Progression of COVID-19 to severe disease and death is insufficiently understood.
Summarize the prevalence of risk factors and adverse outcomes and determine their asso-
ciations in COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized.
We searched Medline, Embase and Web of Science for case-series and observational
studies of hospitalized COVID-19 patients through August 31, 2020. Data were analyzed
by fixed-effects meta-analysis using Shore’s adjusted confidence intervals to address
Seventy-seven studies comprising 38906 hospitalized patients met inclusion criteria; 21468
from the US-Europe and 9740 from China. Overall prevalence of death [% (95% CI)] from
COVID-19 was 20% (18–23%); 23% (19–27%) in the US and Europe and 11% (7–16%) for
China. Of those that died, 85% were aged60 years, 66% were males, and 66%, 44%,
39%, 37%, and 27% had hypertension, smoking history, diabetes, heart disease, and
chronic kidney disease (CKD), respectively. The case fatality risk [%(95% CI)] were 52%
(46–60) for heart disease, 51% (43–59) for COPD, 48% (37–63) for chronic kidney disease
(CKD), 39% for chronic liver disease (CLD), 28% (23–36%) for hypertension, and 24% (17–
33%) for diabetes. Summary relative risk (sRR) of death were higher for age60 years
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 1 / 27
Citation: Dorjee K, Kim H, Bonomo E, Dolma R
(2020) Prevalence and predictors of death and
severe disease in patients hospitalized due to
COVID-19: A comprehensive systematic review
and meta-analysis of 77 studies and 38,000
patients. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243191. https://doi.
Editor: Davide Bolignano, Universita degli Studi
Magna Graecia di Catanzaro, ITALY
Received: July 13, 2020
Accepted: November 17, 2020
Published: December 7, 2020
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: ©2020 Dorjee et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
information files.
[sRR = 3.6; 95% CI: 3.0–4.4], males [1.3; 1.2–1.4], smoking history [1.3; 1.1–1.6], COPD
[1.7; 1.4–2.0], hypertension [1.8; 1.6–2.0], diabetes [1.5; 1.4–1.7], heart disease [2.1; 1.8–
2.4], CKD [2.5; 2.1–3.0]. The prevalence of hypertension (55%), diabetes (33%), smoking
history (23%) and heart disease (17%) among the COVID-19 hospitalized patients in the US
were substantially higher than that of the general US population, suggesting increased sus-
ceptibility to infection or disease progression for the individuals with comorbidities.
Public health screening for COVID-19 can be prioritized based on risk-groups. Appropriately
addressing the modifiable risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, and diabetes could
reduce morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19; public messaging can be accordingly
Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome- coronavi-
rus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) that first emerged in Wuhan, China in late December 2019 has spread
with such rapidity and efficiency that in less than 10 months, it has caused more than 36 million
cases and million deaths globally [1]. Driven by an urgency to solve the crisis, studies are being
published at an unprecedented pace. However, across the publications, prevalence of death,
severe disease and their association with epidemiological risk factors have greatly varied [2,3],
with studies showing conflicting results for association of key risk factors such as sex [48],
smoking [912], hypertension [4,7,8,13,14] and diabetes [4,7,8,13,14] with COVID-19 dis-
ease severity and death. Whether or how cardiovascular risk factors, especially prior hyperten-
sion, diabetes and heart disease are associated with acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 and progression
to severe disease or death is not understood well [1518]. Meta-analyses conducted so far on
prevalence of epidemiological risk factors and association with disease progression were mostly
based on studies from China [9,11,1820] and many of the analyses on prevalence estimates
included studies focused on critically ill patients [9,19], which can overestimate the prevalence
and affect generalizability of results. To our knowledge, none of the analyses were restricted to
hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Restricting our analysis to hospitalized patients provides an
efficient sampling frame to investigate disease progression in relation to risk factors.
Therefore, we undertook a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis to investi-
gate the association between key epidemiological factors–age, gender, smoking, hypertension,
diabetes, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic kidney disease
(CKD) and chronic liver disease (CLD)–and progression to death and severe disease in
patients hospitalized due to COVID-19. We additionally compared the 1) the prevalence of
risk factors and death in the US-Europe with that of China; 2) the prevalence of co-morbidities
at baseline with the general population prevalence, and 3) prevalence of cardiovascular disease,
COPD and CKD at baseline with corresponding organ injuries (acute cardiac injury, acute
lung injury, and acute kidney injury) during hospital admission.
Literature search, study selection and data abstraction
We searched Medline, Embase, Web of Science and the WHO COVID-19 database to identify
studies published through August 31, 2020 that investigated the risk of severe disease or death
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 2 / 27
Funding: Dr. Dorjee is supported by grants from
the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases of the National Institute of Health (Grant #
K01AI148583); Johns Hopkins Alliance for a
Healthier World (Grant # 80045453); STOP TB
PARTNERSHIP TB REACH (Grant # 134126); the
Pittsfield Anti-TB Association and dedicated private
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
in hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 disease. We used search terms, ‘coronavi-
rus disease 19’, ‘COVID-19’, ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ and ‘SARS-
CoV-2’ for COVID-19 and the string ((characteristics) OR (risk factors) OR (epidemiology)
OR (prevalence) OR (intensive care) OR (ventilator) OR (mechanical ventilator) OR (mortal-
ity) OR (survivor) OR (smoking) OR (smoker)) AND ((COVID-19) OR (COVID) OR
(coronavirus)) for studies published between December 15, 2019 and August 31, 2020. We
started the search on March 18, 2020 with biweekly search thereafter and final search on
August 31, 2020. We included case series and observational studies that described the preva-
lence of death or severe disease in adult population stratified by risk factors: age, sex, hyperten-
sion, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, CKD and CLD. We excluded studies that included non-
consecutive patients or exclusively focused on pregnant women, children, and elderly patients.
We excluded studies that exclusively studied critically ill patients from calculation of preva-
lence of death but included them for calculating the association of risk factors with death.
Screening of abstracts and full-text reviews were conducted using Covidence (Melbourne,
Risk factors and outcomes
Primary outcomes were prevalence of death and association of risk factors with death.
We extracted data on death as recorded in the publications. We measured prevalence
of severe disease and association with risk factors as secondary outcomes. We defined out-
come as severe disease for any of 1) the study classified COVID-19 disease as severe or criti-
cal, 2) intensive care unit (ICU) admission, 3) acute respiratory distress syndrome, or 4)
mechanical ventilation. Severe disease was defined by studies as respiratory rate30 per
minute, oxygen saturation93%, and PaO
<300 and/or lung infiltrates>50% within
24–48 hours [3]. Critical illness was defined as respiratory failure, shock and/or multiple
organ dysfunction or failure [3]. Heart disease as a pre-existing condition was broadly
defined by most studies as ‘cardiovascular disease’ (CVD). Additional outcomes were
acute cardiac and kidney injury in the hospitalized patients that were defined as such by the
Statistical analysis
We calculated and reported summary estimates from fixed-effects models [21]. We assessed
heterogeneity across studies using Cochran’s Q-test (χ
p value <0.10) [22] and I
>30%) [23]. In the presence of heterogeneity, we adjusted the confidence intervals for
between-study heterogeneity using the method described by Shore et al. [24]. We presented
the results from random effects meta-analysis as well. The meta-analysis was performed in
Excel 2020 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA). We analyzed publication
bias using funnel plots and Egger’s tests. Quality of each study was assessed using the New-
castle-Ottawa assessment scales using the PRISMA guidelines. We calculated the following
as a part of our analyses: 1) prevalence of severe disease or death, 2) prevalence of risk fac-
tors, and 3) relative risk for the association of age, sex, and comorbidities with outcome.
When not reported or when unadjusted odds ratio was presented, we calculated the relative
risk (95% CI) using the frequencies provided. Adjusted estimates were used where available.
Case fatality risk (and case severity risk) for a specific risk factor was calculated as number
of deaths (or severe disease) in patients with a risk factor out of all patients possessing the
risk factor.
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
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Study characteristics
Initial search yielded 30133 citations. Articles were then screened (Fig 1). We identified 410
articles for full text review, of which 77 studies met inclusion criteria (Table 1) [48,13,14,
2594]. The studies were conducted in: China (n = 35), USA (n = 18), Europe (n = 10), rest of
Asia (n = 5) and Africa (n = 1). Two studies were prospective, five cross-sectional, and remain-
ing retrospective in nature.
Population and demographics
There were 38,906 total COVID-19 hospitalized patients including 21468 patients from the US
and Europe (87% from the US), and 9740 patients from China. Median age was 59 years [IQR:
57–62 years; I
= 58%; n = 62 studies] and 48% [95% CI: 44–53%; I
= 98%; n = 41] were
aged60. Fifty-nine percent [95% CI: 57–60%; I
= 98%; n = 75] of the patients were males.
Prevalence of death and severe disease
We calculated an overall prevalence of death of 20% [95% CI: 18–23%; I
= 96%; n = 60],
ranging from 1% to 38% across the studies, and of severe disease of 28% [95% CI: 24–33%;
= 98%; n = 60] for all patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 (Tables 2and 3). Data on
Fig 1. PRISMA flow diagram for selection of studies.
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
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Table 1. Characteristics of studies to determine prevalence of risk factors and death or severe disease and their associations in patients hospitalized for COVID-19
Author, year of
Country Region Study
Study Design Size Epidemiological Risk Factor Outcome Measures of
Aggarwal S et al.,
2020 (Diagnosis)
USA Des Moines 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 16 Age, sex, smoking, substance
use, obesity, HTN, DM,
CVD, COPD, CKD, Cancer
Prevalence of death
and primary end point
(death, shock, or ICU
Association of risk
factors with outcome
Unadjusted RR
Argenziano M. G
et al., 2020 (BMJ)
USA New York City 3-11-2020
to 4-6-2020
Retrospective 1,000 Age, sex, ethnicity, obesity,
smoking, HTN, DM, CVD,
COPD, CKD, cancer, HIV,
viral hepatitis, cirrhosis
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Adjusted HR
Brill S. E et al., 2020
(BMC Medicine)
UK Barnet 3-10-2020
to 4-8-2020
Retrospective 450 Age, race, sex, smoking,
Prevalence of death. Unadjusted RR
Association of
comorbidities with
disease severity.
Cao Z et al., 2020
China Beijing 1-21-2020
to 2-12-
Retrospective 80 Sex, age, HTN, CVD, DM,
COPD, smoking
Association of risk
factors with disease
Unadjusted RR
CDC (MMWR) USA National 2-12-2020
to 3-28-
Retrospective 5285 Age, Current Smoker, DM,
Prevalence of ICU
Association of risk
factors with severe
disease (ICU
Unadjusted RR
Chen G et al., 2020
(Journal of Clinical
China Wuhan December
2019 to 01-
Retrospective 21 Age, sex, Huanan sea food
market exposure, HTN, DM
Prevalence of severe
disease. Compared
moderate and severe
cases based on risk
Unadjusted RR
Chen J et al., 2020
(Journal of
China Shanghai 1-20-2020
to 2-6-2020
Retrospective 249 Age, sex Prevalence of ICU
Association of age and
sex with ICU
Adjusted OR
reported for age
and sex
Chen Q et al., 2020
China Zhejiang
1-1-2020 to
Retrospective 145 Age, sex, smoking, exposure
history, BMI, HTN, DM,
COPD, CKD, Solid tumor,
Heart disease, HIV infection
Prevalence of severe
disease. Association of
risk factors with severe
Unadjusted RR
Chen T et al., 2020
China Wuhan, Hubei 1-13-2020
to 2-28-
Retrospective 274 Age, sex, sea food market
exposure, contact history,
smoking HTN, DM, CVD,
CHF, heart failure, cancer,
Association of risk
factors with death.
Unadjusted RR
Compared death and
recovered group.
Presently hospitalized
patients excluded
from study.
Chilimuri S et al.,
2020 (West J Emerg
USA New York City 3-9-2020 to
Retrospective 375 Age, sex, ethnicity, HTN,
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Adjusted OR
reported for age,
sex and
Ciceri F et al., 2020
Italy Milan 2-25-2020
to 5-1-2020
Retrospective 410 Age, sex, ethnicity, BMI,
CKD, cancer
Prevalence of death. Adjusted HR
Association of risk
factors with disease
(Continued )
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
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Table 1. (Continued)
Author, year of
Country Region Study
Study Design Size Epidemiological Risk Factor Outcome Measures of
Cummings MJ et al.,
2020 (The Lancet)
USA New York City 3-2-2020 to
Prospective 257 Age, sex, race, BMI, HTN,
DM, chronic cardiac disease
(CHD and CHF), CKD,
smoking history, COPD,
cancer, HIV, cirrhosis
Association of risk
factors with death.
Adjusted HR
Deng Y et al., 2020
(Chin Med J)
China Wuhan 1-1-2020 to
Retrospective 116
Age, sex, HTN, DM, Heart
Disease, Cancer
Association of risk
factors with death.
Unadjusted RR
Compared death and
recovered group.
Presently hospitalized
patients excluded
from study.
Du R-H et al., 2020
China Wuhan, Hubei 1-25-2020
to 2-7-2020
Retrospective 179 Age, sex, HTN, DM, CVD,
TB, cancer, CKD or CLD
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with death.
Adjusted OR for
age65 and
CVD. Unadjusted
RR calculated for
other variables
et al., 2020(Infez
Bolivia Nationwide 3-2-2020 to
Retrospective 107 Age, HTN, CVD, DM,
obesity, sex
Prevalence of death. Adjusted OR
Association of risk
factors with disease
reported for age,
sex and risk
Feng Y et al., 2020
China Wuhan,
1-1-2020 to
Retrospective 476 Age, age groups, sex, Wuhan
exposure, smoking, alcohol,
HTN, anti-hypertensives,
CVD, DM, cancer, COPD,
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with severe
Adjusted HR for
Unadjusted RR
calculated for
other variables
Ferguson J et al.,
2020 (EID)
USA Northern
to 04-11-
Retrospective 72 Sex, race, smoking, HTN,
DM, CKD, Heart Disease,
Prevalence of ICU
Association of risk
factors with severe
disease (ICU
Unadjusted RR
Galloway J.B et al.,
2020 (Journal of
UK London 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 1,157 Age, sex, ethnicity, cancer,
Prevalence of death. Adjusted HR
reported for age
and sex
Association of risk
factors with disease
Garibaldi B et al.,
2020 (Ann Intern
USA Maryland 3-4-2020 to
Retrospective 832 Age, sex, alcohol, smoking,
BMI, cancer, CVD, COPD,
HTN, liver disease, CKD,
Association of risk
factors with disease
Adjusted HR
reported for age,
ethnicity and
Giacomelli A et al.,
2020 (Pharmacol
Italy Milan 2-21-2020
to 4-20-
Prospective 233 Sex, age, smoking, obesity Prevalence of death. Adjusted HR
Association of risk
factors with disease
reported for sex,
age, and obesity
Gold J et al, 2020
USA Georgia 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 305 Age, sex, race, HTN, DM,
Heart Disease, COPD, CKD,
Prevalence of patient
characteristics, death,
and ICU.
Unadjusted RR
Goyal P et al. 2020
USA New York City 3-3-2020 to
Retrospective 393 Age, sex, race, smoking,
HTN, DM, COPD, Heart
Disease, Asthma
Prevalence of severe
disease (mechanical
Association of risk
factors with severe
Unadjusted RR
(Continued )
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 6 / 27
Table 1. (Continued)
Author, year of
Country Region Study
Study Design Size Epidemiological Risk Factor Outcome Measures of
Gregoriano C
et al.,2020 (Swiss
Medical Weekly)
Switzerland Aarau 2-26-2020
to 4-30-
Retrospective 99 Age, sex, smoking, HTN,
cancer, CVD, COPD,
obesity, DM, rheumatic
disease, organ transplant
recipient, obstructive sleep
Prevalence of disease
endpoints (transfer to
ICU and in-hospital
Unadjusted OR
Association of
comorbidities with
disease endpoints.
Guan et al., 2020
China Nationwide 12-11-2019
to 01-31-
Retrospective 1099 Age, sex, smoking, exposure
to transmission source,
COPD, Cancer, HBV,
cerebrovascular disease,
Prevalence of death,
composite outcome,
and severe disease.
Association with
severe disease and
composite outcome.
Unadjusted RR
Guan Wei-Jie, 2020
China Nationwide 12-11-2019
to 1-31-
Retrospective 1590 Age, sex, smoking, CKD,
Cancer, HBV
Prevalence of patient
characteristics, death
and composite
outcome (Death, ICU,
Adjusted HR
Hewitt J et al., 2020
UK Nationwide
to 4-28-
Prospective 1,564 Age, sex, smoking, DM,
Prevalence of death. Adjusted HR
Italy Modena (Italy) Association of risk
factors with disease
Hsu H. E et al., 2020
(Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly
USA Boston 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 2,729 Age, sex, ethnicity, COPD,
cancer, CKD, cirrhosis,
HTN, obesity, substance use
Association of risk
factors with disease
Unadjusted RR
Hu L et al., 2020
China Wuhan 1-8-2020 to
Retrospective 323 Age, sex, current smoker,
CKD, CLD, Cancer
Prevalence of severe
(severe and critical)
disease. Association of
risk factors with
disease severity.
Unadjusted RR
Huang C et al., 2020
(The Lancet)
China Wuhan 12-16-2020
to 1-2-2020
Prospective 41 Age, sex, Huanan seafood
market exposure, smoking,
CVD, Cancer, CLD
Association of risk
factors with severe
disease (ICU care).
Unadjusted RR
Hur K et al., 2020
(Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg)
USA Chicago 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 486 Age, sex, BMI, smoking,
cancer, immunosuppression,
Association of risk
factors with disease
Adjusted HR (for
age, sex, ethnicity
Iaccarino G et al.,
2020 (Hypertension)
Italy Nationwide 3-9-2020 to
1,591 Age, sex, HTN, obesity, DM,
COPD, CKD, CVD, cancer
Prevalence of death. Adjusted OR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Inciardi R et el.,
2020 (Eur Heart J)
Italy Lombardy 3-4-2020 to
Retrospective 99 Sex, smoking, HTN, DM,
coronary artery disease,
COPD, CKD, cancer
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with death.
Unadjusted RR
Jang J.G et al., 2020
(Journal of Korean
Medical Science)
South Korea Daegu 2-19-2020
to 4-15-
Retrospective 110 Age, sex, CVD,
cerebrovascular disease,
COPD, dementia, DM,
HTN, connective tissue
disease liver disease,
malignancy, Parkinson’s
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Adjusted OR
(Continued )
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 7 / 27
Table 1. (Continued)
Author, year of
Country Region Study
Study Design Size Epidemiological Risk Factor Outcome Measures of
Javanian M et al.,
2020 (Rom J Intern
Iran Mazandaran
to 3-12-
Retrospective 100 Age, sex, HTN, DM, CVD,
CKD, cancer, CLD
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with death.
Unadjusted RR
Kalligeros M et al.,
2020 (Obesity
USA Rhode Island 2-17-2020
to 4-5-2020
Retrospective 103 Age, sex, ethnicity, smoking,
BMI (obesity), cancer, CKD,
cirrhosis, DM, heart disease
(CVD), HTN, lung disease
(COPD), transplant
Association of risk
factors with disease
Adjusted OR
(for age, sex,
ethnicity, BMI,
DM, HTN, heart
disease, lung
Khalil K et al., 2020
(Journal of
UK London 3-7-2020 to
Prospective 220 Age, sex, ethnicity, smoking,
hyperlipidemia, DM, CKD,
CVA, dementia, liver
disease, cancer
Prevalence of death. Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Khamis F et al., 2020
(Journal of Infection
and Public Health)
Oman Muscat 2-24- 2020
to 4-24-
Retrospective 63 Age, sex, smoking, substance
use, HTN, DM, CKD, CVD
Prevalence of severe
disease and death.
Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Lendorf M.E et al.,
2020 (Danish
Medical Journal)
Denmark North Zealand 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 111 Age, sex, BMI, cancer, HTN,
immunosuppression, CKD,
DM, smoking
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Unadjusted RR
Li X et al., 2020 (J
Allergy Clin
Wuhan, Hubei 1-26-2020
to 2-5-2020
Retrospective 548 Age, sex, smoking, HTN,
DM, Heart Disease, CKD,
Cancer, COPD
Prevalence of death
and severe disease.
Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with severe
Liu S et al., 2020
(BMC Infectious
China Jiangsu
to 3-15-
Retrospective 625 Sex, age, HTN, DM, CVD Association of risk
factors with disease
Adjusted OR
(for age and
Liu W et al. 2020
(Chin Med J)
China Wuhan 12-30-2019
to 01-15-
Retrospective 78 Age, sex, smoking history,
exposure to Huanan seafood
market, HTN, diabetes,
COPD, cancer
progression group and
stabilization group.
Progression group
defined by progression
to severe or critical
disease or death.
Unadjusted RR
Nikpouraghdam M
et al., 2020 (J Clin
Iran Tehran 2-19-2020
to 4-15-
Retrospective 2,964 Age, sex, DM, COPD, HTN,
CVD, CKD, cancer
Prevalence of death. Adjusted OR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Nowak B et al., 2020
(Pol Arch Intern
Poland Warsaw 3-16-2020
to 4-7-2020
Retrospective 169 Sex, smoking, HTN, DM,
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with death.
Unadjusted RR
Okoh A.K et al.,
2020 (Int J Equity
USA Newark 3-10-2020
to 4-20-
Retrospective 251 Age, sex, ethnicity, BMI,
HIV, CKD, cancer
Prevalence of death. Adjusted OR
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Palaiodimos L et al.,
2020 (Metabolism)
USA New York 3-9-2020 to
Retrospective 200 Age, sex, race, smoking,
HTN, DM, coronary artery
disease, COPD, CKD, cancer
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with death.
Adjusted OR
(provided by the
(Continued )
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 8 / 27
Table 1. (Continued)
Author, year of
Country Region Study
Study Design Size Epidemiological Risk Factor Outcome Measures of
Pellaud C et al., 2020
(Swiss Medical
Switzerland Fribourg 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 196 Sex, age, HTN, DM, obesity,
CVD, COPD, cancer,
Prevalence of death. Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Richardson S et al.,
2020 (JAMA)
USA New York 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 5700 Age, sex, race, smoking,
HTN, DM, COPD, asthma,
coronary artery disease,
kidney disease, liver disease,
obesity, cancer
Prevalence of ICU
admission and death.
Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with death.
Rivera-Izquierdo M
et al., 2020 (PLOS
Spain Granada 3-16-2020
to 4-10-
Retrospective 238 Sex, age, smoking, HTN,
active neoplasia, medications
Prevalence of death. Adjusted HR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Shabrawishi M et al.,
2020 (Plos One)
Mecca 3-12-2020
to 4-8-2020
Retrospective 150 Age, sex, HTN, DM, CVD,
CKD, hypothyroidism,
cancer, CVA, COPD, CLD
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Unadjusted RR
Shahriarirad R et al.,
2020 (BMC
Infectious Diseases)
Iran Fars Province 2-20-2020
to 3-20-
113 Age, sex, HTN, DM, CVD,
COPD, CKD, malignancy,
other immunosuppressive
Prevalence of death. Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Shekhar R et al.,
2020 (Infectious
USA New Mexico 1-19-2020
to 4-24-
Cohort 50 Age, sex, HTN, DM, COPD,
alcoholic cirrhosis, alcohol
use, obesity
Association of risk
factors with disease
Unadjusted RR
Shi Y et al., 2020
(Crit Care)
China Zhejiang
specified to
Retrospective 487 Age, sex, smoking, HTN,
Prevalence of and
association of risk
factors with severe
Unadjusted RR
Suleyman G et al.,
2020 (JAMA
USA Metropolitan
3-9-2020 to
Retrospective 463 Age, sex, ethnicity, COPD,
obstructive sleep apnea, DM,
HTN, CVD, CKD, cancer,
rheumatologic disease, organ
transplant, obesity, smoking
Association of risk
factors with disease
Adjusted OR
Sun L et al., 2020
(Journal of Medical
China Beijing 1-20-2020
to 2-15-
Retrospective 55 Age, sex, exposure, HTN,
DM, CVD, Lung Disease,
Prevalence of severe
disease. Association of
risk factors with severe
Unadjusted RR
Tambe M et al.,
2020 (Indian J
Public Health)
India Pune 3-31-2020
to 4-24-
197 Age, sex, HTN, DM, COPD,
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Unadjusted RR
Tian S et al., 2020
(Journal of
China Beijing 1-20-2020
to 2-10-
Retrospective 262 Age, sex, contact history,
exposure to Wuhan.
Prevalence of death.
Association of severe
disease with risk
Unadjusted RR
Tomlins J et al.,
2020 (Journal of
UK Bristol 3-10-2020
to 3-30-
Retrospective 95 Age, sex, HTN, DM, COPD,
CVD, cancer, renal disease,
gastrointestinal disease,
neurological disease
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with death.
Unadjusted RR
Turcotte J.J et al.,
2020 (PLOS ONE)
USA Maryland 3-1-2020 to
Retrospective 117 Age, BMI, sex, DM,
obstructive sleep apnea,
smoking, alcohol use, liver
Association of risk
factors with disease
severity and death.
Adjusted OR
(Continued )
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 9 / 27
Table 1. (Continued)
Author, year of
Country Region Study
Study Design Size Epidemiological Risk Factor Outcome Measures of
Wan S et al., 2020
(Journal of Medical
China Northeast
to 2-8-2020
Retrospective 135 Age, sex, smoking, CKD,
Cancer, CLD, exposure,
travel history
Prevalence of severe
disease. Association of
risk factors with severe
Unadjusted RR
Wang D et al., 2020
China Wuhan 1-1-2020 to
Retrospective 138 Age, sex, Huanan Seafood
Market Exposure, HTN,
DM, CVD, COPD, Cancer,
Prevalence of death
and ICU admission.
Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with severe
disease (ICU care)
Wang R et al., 2020
(Internal Journal of
Infectious Diseases)
China Fuyang 1-20-2020
to 02-09-
Retrospective 125 Age, sex, CVD, Cancer Prevalence of critical
disease. Association of
age, sex, and smoking
with critical disease.
Unadjusted RR
Wang Z et al., 2020
China Wuhan 1-16-2020
to 01-29-
Retrospective 69 Age, sex, HTN, DM, CVD,
COPD, Cancer, HBV,
Prevalence of death
and severe disease
Association of risk
factors with severe
Unadjusted RR
Wei Y et al., 2020
(BMC Infectious
China Hubei
to 3-22-
Retrospective 276 Age, sex, smoking, obesity,
cerebrovascular disease,
Association of risk
factors with disease
Unadjusted RR
Wu C et al., 2020
(JAMA Intern Med)
China Wuhan 12-15-2019
to 01-26-
Retrospective 201 Age, sex, HTN, DM, CVD,
CKD, Chronic Lung Disease,
Cancer, CLD, Sea Food
Market Exposure.
Prevalence of ARDS,
ICU admission and
death. Association of
risk factors with severe
disease (ARDS) and
Unadjusted RR
Yang X et al, 2020
(Lancet Respir Med)
China Wuhan 12-24-2019
to 1-26-
Retrospective 52 Age, sex, exposure, COPD,
diabetes, chronic cardiac
disease, smoking,
Association of risk
factors with death.
Unadjusted RR
Yao Q et al., 2020
(Pol Arch Intern)
China Huanggang,
to 2-11-
Retrospective 108 Age, sex, smoking, HTN,
DM, CVD, CLD, cancer
Prevalence of severe
disease and death.
Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with severe
disease and death.
Young BE et al.,
2020 (JAMA)
Singapore Singapore 1-23-2020
to 2-3-2020
Retrospective 18 Age, sex Prevalence of severe
disease (receiving
supplemental O2).
Association of severe
disease with age and
Unadjusted RR
Yu T et al., 2020
China Guangdong January to
95 Age, sex, current smoker Prevalence of ARDS. Unadjusted RR
Association of age,
sex, and smoking with
Yu X et al., 2020
(Transboundary and
Emerging Diseases)
China Shanghai Up to 2-19-
Retrospective 333 Age, sex, BMI, smoking,
alcohol, exposure, HTN,
Prevalence of death
and severe disease
Association of risk
factors with severe
Adjusted OR for
age group, sex,
(Continued )
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 10 / 27
prevalence of death, severe disease, and risk factors (S1 Table), and association of the risk fac-
tors with death (S2 Table) and severe disease (S3 Table) for the individual studies are presented
in the supplemental tables.
Predictors of death and severe disease (Tables 2and 3)
Age and sex. Median age for people who died was 79 years [IQR: 77–80; I
= 89%; n = 28]
and who had severe disease was 61 years [IQR: 59–63; I
= 48%; n = 26]. Eighty-five percent
[95% CI: 80–89; I2 = 76%; n = 18] of the deaths were in people aged 60 years and 66% [95%
CI: 64–69; n = 34] were in males. The CFR (95% CI) was 35% (28–43%) for age60 years and
26% (21–32%) for males. Patients aged60 years [summary relative risk (sRR): 3.61; 95% CI:
Table 1. (Continued)
Author, year of
Country Region Study
Study Design Size Epidemiological Risk Factor Outcome Measures of
Zhan T et al., 2020 (J
Int Med Res)
China Wuhan 1-12-2020
to 3-8-2020
Retrospective 405 Age, sex, smoking, alcohol
history, CVD,
gastrointestinal disease,
Association of risk
factors with disease
Unadjusted RR
Zhang G et al., 2020
BMC Respiratory
China Wuhan 1-16-2020
to 2-25-
Retrospective 95 Age, sex Prevalence of severe
disease, composite end
point, and death.
Association with
severe disease.
Unadjusted RR
Zhang J et al., 2020
(Clin Microbiol
China Wuhan 1-11-2020
to 2-6-2020
Retrospective 663 Age, sex, COPD, CVD,
gastrointestinal disease,
CKD, cancer
Prevalence of death. Adjusted OR
Association of risk
factors with disease
Zhang JJ et al., 2020
China Wuhan 1-16-2020
to 2-3-2020
Retrospective 140 Age, sex, current smoker,
past smoker, exposure
history, HTN, DM, CVD,
Prevalence of severe
disease. Association of
risk factors with severe
disease (ICU
Unadjusted RR
Zhao X-Y et al.,
2020 (BMC Inf Dis)
China Hubei (Non-
to 2-10-
Retrospective 91 Age, sex, DM, COPD,
Cancer, Kidney disease
Prevalence of death.
Association of risk
factors with severe
Unadjusted RR
Zheng S et al., 2020
China Zhejiang
to 2-15-
Retrospective 96 Age, sex, HTN, DM, CVD,
lung disease, Liver disease,
renal disease, malignancy,
viral Load,
Prevalence of death
and severe disease.
Unadjusted RR
Association of risk
factors with severe
Zheng Y et al., 2020
China Shiyan, Hubei 1-16-2020
to 2-4-2020
Retrospective 73 Age, sex, exposure, smoking
history, DM, CVD
Prevalence of severe
(severe/ critical)
disease. Association of
smoking and diabetes
with severe disease.
Unadjusted RR
Zhou F et al., 2020
(The Lancet)
China Wuhan 12-29-2019
to 1-31-
Retrospective 191 Age, sex, current smoking,
exposure history, HTN, DM,
CVD, COPD, cancer, CKD
Prevalence of severe
disease (ICU
admission) and death.
Association of risk
factors with death.
Adjusted OR for
age and CVD.
Unadjusted RR
calculated for
other variables.
CVD, cardiovascular disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CLD, chronic liver disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HTN, hypertension; DM,
diabetes mellitus; ICU, intensive care unit; BMI, body mass index; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; RR, relative
risk; HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio.
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 11 / 27
2.96–4.39; I
= 77%; n = 24] and males [sRR: 1.34; 95% CI: 1.22–1.40; I
= 18%; n = 36] had
higher risk of death. The risk of severe disease was similarly higher for age>60 [sRR: 1.57; 95%
CI: 1.36–1.80; I
= 85%; n = 29] and males [sRR: 1.26; 95% CI: 1.18–1.35; I
= 38%; n = 47].
Hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension in the COVID-19 patients was 50% [95%
CI: 46–54% I
= 98%; n = 64], with a CFR in hypertensive patients of 28% [95% CI: 23–36%;
= 97%; n = 29] and a CSR of 44% [95% CI: 37–53%; I
= 95%; n = 39]. Of the COVID-19
patients that died, 66% [95% CI: 61–70%; I
= 83%; n = 29] had hypertension. Hypertensives
had higher relative risk of death [sRR: 1.76; 95% CI: 1.58–1.96; I
= 56%; n = 32] and severe
disease [sRR: 1.46; 95% CI: 1.28–1.65; I
= 77%; n = 40] compared to non-hypertensives
(Fig 2A).
Diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes was 28% [95% CI: 25–31%; I
= 97%; n = 67] with a
CFR of 24% [95% CI: 17–33%; I
= 98%; n = 29] and CSR of 43% [95% CI: 38–49%; I
= 99%;
n = 30] in the diabetics. Of the COVID-19 patients that died, 33% [95% CI: 32–44%; I
= 83%;
n = 29] were diabetics. Diabetics had higher relative risk of death [sRR: 1.50; 95% CI: 1.35–
1.66; I
= 58%; n = 33] and severe disease [sRR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.35–1.63; I
= 59%; n = 44] com-
pared to non-diabetics (Fig 2B).
Cardiovascular disease. The pooled prevalence of CVD was 17% [95% CI: 15–20%; I
96%; n = 65] with a CFR of 52% [95% CI: 46–60%; I
= 81%; n = 29] and CSR of 56% [95% CI:
48–65%; I
= 91%; n = 37] among cardiac patients. Of the patients that died, 37% [95% CI: 32–
Table 2. Pooled prevalence of death stratified by epidemiological risk factors in COVID-19 patients hospitalized between December 2019-August 2020.
Risk factor or
Overall prevalence of risk
across studies
Pooled Prevalence of Death (Case Fatality Risk) and
Risk Factor
Summary Relative Risk of Death
No. of
Pooled prevalence
of risk factor and
No. of
Case fatality risk
(Prevalence of death
in risk group),
Prevalence of risk
factor in persons
who died,
No. of
Fixed Effects Random
Summary relative
risk; 95% CI
(Shore adjusted)
sRR; (95%
; c
; p value
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI)
Death 60 20 (18–23) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Age 60 years 41 48 (44–53) 18 35 (28–43) 85 (80–89) 24 3.61 (2.96–4.39) 1.29 (1.03–
77%; 99;
Male 75 59 (57–60) 31 26 (21–32) 66 (64–69) 36 1.31 (1.22–1.40) 1.34 (1.24–
18%; 43;
p = 0.17
Smoking history 41 26 (22–31) 11 27 (24–32) 44 (38–50) 13 1.28 (1.06–1.55) 1.41 (1.12–
68%; 37;
Current smoker 21 10 (7–13) 7 21 (14–29) 13 (7–24) 8 1.43 (91–2.26) 1.53 (95–
78%; 32;
COPD 52 9 (8–11) 20 51 (36–71) 12 (7–19) 22 1.70 (1.42–2.04) 1.74 (1.43–
66%; 61;
Hypertension 64 50 (46–54) 29 28 (23–36) 66 (61–70) 32 1.76 (1.58–1.96) 1.88 (1.66–
56%; 70;
Diabetes 67 28 (25–31) 29 24 (17–33) 39 (35–44) 33 1.50 (1.35–1.66) 1.60 (1.42–
58%; 77;
65 17 (15–20) 29 52 (46–60) 37 (32–43) 34 2.08 (1.81–2.39) 2.25 (1.92–
69%; 106;
Chronic kidney
47 13 (11–16) 18 48 (37–63) 27 (21–34) 23 2.52 (2.11–3.00) 2.39 (1.91–
72%; 79;
Chronic Liver
31 2(2–3) 8 39(31–50) 6 (4–8) 9 2.65(1.88–3.75) 1.99 (1.26–
77%; 35;
Case fatality risk of represent total number of people that died in the specific risk group divided by total population in the risk group.
Prevalence of risk group in dead represent total number of people having the risk group divided by total population that died.
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 12 / 27
43%; I
= 83%; n = 29] had CVD. Patients with CVD had higher relative risk of death [sRR:
2.08; 95% CI: 1.81–2.39; I
= 69%; n = 34] and severe disease [sRR: 1.54; 95% CI: 1.39–1.72; I
= 77%; n = 38] compared to patients without CVD (Fig 2C).
Smoking and COPD. The prevalence of any history of smoking in the patients was 26%
[95% CI: 22–31%; I
= 98%; n = 41]. For patients with smoking history, the CFR was 27%
[95% CI: 24–32%; I
= 61%; n = 11] and CSR was 39% [95% CI: 34–46; I
= 78%; n = 27]. Com-
pared to never smokers, patients with smoking history had higher relative risk of death [sRR:
1.28; 95% CI: 1.06–1.55; I
= 68%; n = 13] and severe COVID-19 disease [sRR: 1.29; 95% CI:
1.18–1.42; I
= 33%; n = 27] (Fig 3A). The prevalence of COPD was 9% [95% CI: 8–11%; I
94%; n = 52]. Patients with COPD had a CFR of 51% [95% CI: 43–59%; I
= 0%; n = 21]; CSR
of 43% [95% CI: 35–52%; I
= 84%; n = 24]; a sRR of death of 1.70 [95% CI: 1.42–2.04; I
66%; n = 22] and of severe disease of 1.71 [95% CI: 1.49–1.97; I
= 84%; n = 29] (Fig 3B).
Chronic kidney disease. The prevalence of CKD was 13% [95% CI: 11–16%; I
= 96%;
n = 47] with a CFR of 48% [95% CI: 37–63%; I
= 89%; n = 18] and CSR of 36% [95% CI: 33–
40%; I
= 56%; n = 22] in CKD patients. CKD was present in 27% [95% CI: 21–34%; I
= 79%;
n = 18] of all COVID-19 patients that died. CKD patients had higher relative risk of death
[sRR: 2.52; 95% CI: 2.11–3.00; I
= 72%; n = 23] and severe disease [sRR: 1.56; 95% CI: 1.31–
1.86; I
= 85%; n = 27] compared to non-CKD patients (Fig 3C).
Chronic liver disease. The prevalence of CLD was 2% [95% CI: 2–3%; I
= 72%; n = 31]
with a CFR of 39% [95% CI: 31–50%; I
= 0%; n = 8] and CSR of 43% [95% CI: 32–57%; I
5%; n = 12] in CLD patients. CLD was present in 6% [95% CI: 4–8%; I
= 0%; n = 8] of the
Table 3. Pooled prevalence of severe disease stratified by epidemiological risk factors in COVID-19 patients.
Risk group or
Prevalence of Severe Disease (Case Severity Risk) and Risk Factors Summary Relative Risk of Severe Disease
No. of
Prevalence of severe disease
and case severity risk, % (95%
Prevalence of risk factor in
people with severe disease, %
(95% CI)
No. of
Fixed Effects Random
sRR; 95% CI
(Shore adjusted)
sRR; (95%
; c
; p value
Severe disease 25 20 (16–25) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Age 60 years 26 48 (39–59) 56 (52–61) 29 1.57 (1.36–1.80) 1.76 (1.50–
85%; 184;
Male 45 40 (34–47) 63 (61–66) 47 1.26 (1.18–1.35) 1.33 (1.22–
38%; 75;
Smoking history 27 39 (34–46) 26 (21–32) 27 1.29 (1.18–1.42) 1.32 (1.18–
33%; 39;
p = 0.05
Current smoker 13 38 (28–53) 13 (9–20) 15 1.52 (1.21–1.91) 1.25 (94–
75%;56; p<0.01
COPD 24 43 (35–52) 14 (12–17) 29 1.71 (1.49–1.97) 1.83 (1.54–
Hypertension 39 44 (37–53) 55 (50–61) 40 1.46 (1.28,1.65) 1.54
Diabetes 43 43 (38–49) 33 (30–38) 44 1.48 (1.35–1.63) 1.64 (1.47–
37 56 (48–65) 28 (24–33) 38 1.54 (1.39–1.72) 1.74 (1.52–
Chronic kidney
22 36 (33–40) 26 (19–37) 27 1.56 (1.31–1.86) 1.42 (1.15–
85%; 176;
Chronic Liver
12 43(32–57) 5 (3–7) 15 1.63 (1.23–2.15) 1.66 (1.16–
82%; 76;
Case severity risk represent total number of people developing severe disease in the specific risk group divided by total population in that risk group.
Prevalence of risk factor in severe disease represent total number of people with the risk factor divided by total population with severe disease.
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 13 / 27
COVID-19 patients who died. Patients with CLD had higher relative risk of death [sRR: 2.65;
95% CI: 1.88–3.75; I
= 77%; n = 9] and severe disease [sRR: 1.63; 95% CI: 1.23–2.15; I
= 82%;
n = 15] compared to non-CKD patients (Fig 3D).
COVID-19 related organ system injury
To understand how pre-existing health conditions may be correlated with the risk of specific
organ injury, we calculated the prevalence of acute injury to lung, heart and kidney for studies
that reported prevalence of both the pre-existing condition(s) and corresponding organ injury
(Fig 4A). Pooled across 12 studies [14,25,32,45,48,49,52,54,60,62,79], the prevalence of
COPD at baseline was 6% [95% CI: 4–11%] and the proportion of patients developing ARDS
during hospitalization was 48% [32–73%]. The pooled prevalence of baseline CVD (n = 13
studies) was 11% [95% CI: 9–15%] and that of acute cardiac injury (ACI) during hospitaliza-
tion was 21% [95% CI: 15–28%] [6,14,25,32,35,43,48,49,54,79,84]. The prevalence of
CKD (n = 12 studies) was 14% [95% CI: 8–26%] and that of acute kidney injury during hospi-
talization (AKI) was 27% [95% CI: 21–34%] [6,14,25,32,45,48,65,79].
Regional difference in prevalence of death and risk factors
Upon sub-group analysis, we noted significantly higher prevalence of death and risk factors
among COVID-19 patients in the US and Europe than in China (Fig 4B). The prevalence of
death was 23% [95% CI: 19–27%; I
= 97%; n = 29] in the US and Europe, and 11% [95% CI:
7–16%; I
= 94%; n = 24] in China. Prevalence of severe disease was 20% [95% CI: 16–25%;
Fig 2. Association of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease with death in COVID-19 patients.
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 14 / 27
= 98%; n = 25] for US and Europe, and 39% [95% CI: 32–47%; I
= 97%; n = 30] for China.
Median age of patients was 65 years [IQR: 63–67 years; I
= 0%; n = 24] for the US and Europe
and 55 years [IQR: 52–58 years; I
= 57%; n = 27] for China. Fifty-two percent [95% CI: 46–
59%; I
= 98%; n = 16] of the patients hospitalized were aged 60 years in the US and Europe
as compared to 36% [95% CI: 30–43%; I
= 96%; n = 22] for China. The prevalence of co-mor-
bidities between US-Europe and China differed as follows: 1) US-Europe: HTN = 55% [95%
CI: 52–57%]; diabetes = 31% [95% CI: 29–34]; CVD = 18% [95% CI: 15–21%]; smoking his-
tory = 15% [95% CI: 11–21%]; COPD = 9% [95% CI: 6–13%] and 2) China: HTN = 23% [95%
CI: 20–26%]; diabetes = 12% [95% CI: 10–14%]; CVD = 16% [95% CI: 12–22%]; smoking his-
tory = 11% [95% CI: 9–13%]; CKD = 2.3% [95 CI: 1.6–3.4%] and COPD = 4% [95 CI: 3–5%].
Comorbidities in COVID-19 patients and the general populations in the
US and China
In order to gain some understanding of whether patients with comorbidities are at higher risk
of COVID-19 infection or hospitalization, we compared the prevalence of comorbidities
between COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US and the prevalence of comorbidities in the
general US population. We observed that the prevalence of hypertension (55%), diabetes
(33%), CVD (17%), and smoking history (23%) were substantially higher in the COVID-19
patients than in the general US population (Fig 4C). For the Chinese population, the overall
prevalence of hypertension (23%) and diabetes (12%) in the COVID-19 patients were similar
Fig 3. Association of smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease and chronic liver disease with death in COVID-19
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 15 / 27
to that of the general Chinese population. However, the prevalence of smoking history (11%),
COPD (4%), CKD (2%), and heart disease (16%) in the COVID-19 patients hospitalized in
China were unexpectedly lower as compared to their corresponding prevalence in the general
Chinese population (Fig 4D).
Sensitivity analyses
The positive associations of age65 years, male sex, smoking history, COPD, hypertension
and diabetes with the risk of death in the COVID-19 patients were relatively homogenous
<70%). However, we carried out sensitivity analyses to assess the effects of outliers. For the
risk of death for hypertension and smoking history, we removed the study by Yao et al. [86]
which showed significantly higher risk compared to other studies; the results for both hyper-
tension [sRR = 1.74; 95% CI: 1.58–1.94] and smoking [sRR:1.24; 95% CI: 1.08–1.42] remained
significant. Guan et al. [13] had published a second study with additional patients and reported
adjusted estimates for COPD, diabetes and hypertension. We used the adjusted risk estimates
for the analyses. For the risk of death with other risk factors (CVD, CKD, and CLD) for Guan
et al. [45], we conducted sensitivity analyses by using the counts only from the original study.
Fig 4. Prevalence of acute organ injuries during hospital stay and regional difference in prevalence of death and comorbidities in patients
hospitalized for COVID-19. ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ACI, acute cardiac injury; CVD,
cardiovascular disease; AKI, acute kidney injury; CKD, chronic kidney disease; HTN, hypertension.
Predictors of COVID-19 adverse outcomes: A meta-analysis
PLOS ONE | December 7, 2020 16 / 27
The results [sRR (95% CI)] were similar as: CVD = 2.06 [95 CI: 1.80–2.36], CKD = 2.48 [95%
CI: 2.09–2.94] and CLD = 2.67 [95% CI: 1.85–3.85].
Small study effects and quality assessment
We observed asymmetry in the funnel plot for studies that reported prevalence of death in
COVID-19 patients (Egger’s test p = 0.001) (S1 Fig). On further analysis, the plot remained
asymmetrical when restricted to studies from China (Egger’s p = 0.003) but was symmetrical
for studies from US-Europe (Egger’s p = 0.160). We observed symmetrical funnel plots with
no bias for pooled prevalence severe disease (Egger’s p = 0.128). On average, prospective or
retrospective studies scored a score of 6 out of 9 and cross-sectional studies scored 6 out of 10.
Many studies did not get a full score because they did not adjust for confounders (age, sex, or
other risk factors) or patients remained hospitalized even after the follow-up ended, suggesting
inadequate follow-up period (S4 Table).
We carried out a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of 77 studies that
included 38906 hospitalized patients to investigate the prevalence and risk factors for death
and severe disease in COVID-19 patients. We calculated an overall prevalence of death of 20%
and severe disease of 28%. Nearly 50% of the patients admitted to hospitals due to COVID-19
were 60 years of age and 59% were males. We observed high prevalence of hypertension and
diabetes of 50% and 28%, respectively, for the patients. The risk factors were more prevalent
in patients who died and were distributed as: age 60 years: 85%; males: 66%; hypertension:
66%; diabetes: 39%; heart disease: 37%; CKD: 27%; smoking history: 44%; COPD: 12%, and
CLD: 9%. In comparison with the overall prevalence of death of 20% for all COVID-19 hospi-
talized patients, the CFR was higher for male patients (26%) and for patients having the follow-
ing risk factors: age60 years (35%), heart disease (52%), COPD (51%), CKD (48%), CLD
(39%), hypertension (28%), diabetes (24%), and smoking history (27%). The elevation in the
risk of death was statistically significant for age 60 (sRR = 3.6; 95% CI: 3.0–4.4), male sex 1.3
(95% CI: 1.2–1.4), smoking history (sRR = 1.3; 95% CI: 1.1–1.6), COPD (sRR = 1.7; 95% CI:
1.4–2.0), heart disease (sRR = 2.1; 95% CI: 1.8–2.4), CKD (sRR = 2.5; 95% CI: 2.1–3.0), hyper-
tension (sRR = 1.8; 95% CI: 1.7–2.1), and diabetes (sRR = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.4–1.7). All of the risk
factors we analyzed were positively associated with progression to severe disease as well. The
results suggest that older age, male sex and the co-morbidities increase the risk of progression
to severe disease and death in COVID-19 patients.
We observed significant difference in the prevalence of death between US-Europe (23%)
and China (11%). This lower risk of death from COVID-19 for the hospitalized patients in
China may be explained by the lower median age as well as lower prevalence of co-morbidities
for COVID-19 patients in China. However, this >200% lower prevalence of death in China
is incommensurate with our finding of a higher prevalence of severe disease observed for
patients in China (39%) as compared to patients in the US-Europe (20%). Notably, we
observed asymmetry in the funnel plot and a statistically significant tests for publication bias
or small study effects for the prevalence of death for studies from China that could suggest
selective outcome reporting. As such, while the lower median age and prevalence of co-mor-
bidities for COVID-19 patients in China may explain the lower prevalence of death, it is also
possible that a selective under-reporting of death had occurred for studies from China. The
death toll in China was initially under-reported and later updated on April 17, 2020 [95].
Whether or not cigarette smoking has been associated with SARS-CoV-2 acquisition or
progression to severe disease has been strongly debated with studies showing both positive,
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null, and inverse association between smoking and COVID-19 [10,11,9698]. We found that
patients with any history of smoking have both a higher risk of death (RR: 1.28; 95% CI: 1.06–
1.55) and severe disease (1.29; 95% CI: 1.18–1.42). The case fatality risk for those with smoking
history (27%) was also higher than the overall CFR of 20%. Whereas a higher COVID-19 mor-
tality and morbidity among smokers may be due its causal association with COPD and CVD,
Cai et al. [99] has also observed upregulation of pulmonary Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2
(ACE2) gene expression and hence, pulmonary ACE2 receptors in smokers suggesting a direct
effect of smoking on COVID-19 susceptibility and disease progression. ACE2 receptors are
used by SARS-CoV-2 to translocate intracellularly [15,100104].
Our results of higher risk of death and severe disease associated with hypertension, diabetes
and CVD in COVID-19 patients concurred with most studies conducted to date including
studies that specifically investigated these associations [14,65,105,106]. However, it is unclear
if cardiovascular risk factors including smoking, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and
CKD increases the susceptibility toward SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population [15,100,
101,107]. On one hand, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)–by blocking the renin
angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) and decreasing or countering the vasoconstrictive,
proinflammatory and profibrotic properties of angiotensin-II through catalysis of angiotensin-
II to angiotensin-(1–7)–have been shown to exert cardiovascular protective effect and prevent
acute lung injury from SARS-CoV-2 [15,100,101]. However, on the other hand, a possible
greater expression of ACE2, the functional receptor mediating cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2
in humans, in patients with cardiovascular disease and other comorbidities can lead to
increased susceptibility towards infection with SARS-CoV-2 [108,109]. In this context, it
would be reasonable to posit that a substantially higher prevalence of cardiovascular comor-
bidities in the hospitalized patients compared to the prevalence in the general population may
suggest elevated risk of acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 for patients with cardiovascular risk fac-
tors. To this end, we found that the prevalence of smoking history (23%), hypertension (55%),
diabetes (33%) and heart disease (17%) in the hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the US were
substantially higher than the corresponding prevalence of smoking (14%) [110], hypertension
(29%) [111], diabetes (13%) [112] and heart disease (9%) [113] in the general US population
that could suggest an association between these comorbidities and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infec-
tion or disease progression. However, we note that if the prevalence of these comorbidities in
the asymptomatic individuals with COVID-19 in the general population is similar to that of
their prevalence in the non-COVID-19 general population, then this difference–the higher
prevalence of comorbidities in the hospitalized patients compared to the general population–
could simply imply a higher risk of symptomatic infection or hospitalization for individuals
having SARS-CoV-2 infection. The prevalence of other risk factors i.e. COPD (9%) and CKD
(15%) in the COVID-19 patients in the US was similar to the overall prevalence of COPD (7%)
[114] and CKD (15%) [115] in the country. Generally, we noted a lower prevalence of comor-
bidities for patients in China. The prevalence of hypertension (23%) and diabetes (12%) in the
hospitalized patients in China, which were lower than that of the US, approximate the respec-
tive prevalence of hypertension (23%) [116] and diabetes (15%) [117] in the general population
of China. A previous meta-analysis also noted this observation [19]. Surprisingly, the preva-
lence of smoking (11%) in the COVID-19 patients hospitalized in China are inexplicably lower
than the corresponding prevalence of smoking (23%) among COVID-19 patients in the US
despite a higher prevalence of smoking (47% in Chinese males) [118] in the general Chinese
population is significantly higher than that of the US. The prevalence of CVD (16%), COPD
(4%) and CKD (2%) among COVID-19 patients in China are substantially lower than the cor-
responding prevalence of CVD (21%) [119], COPD (14%) [120], and CKD (11%) [121] in the
general Chinese population. Given these discrepancies, we are unsure whether the lower
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prevalence of comorbidities noted for the COVID-19 patients in China are representative of
the true prevalence. There was a great sense of urgency and a race to publish data in the early
phase of the outbreak. As such, there exists the possibility of substantial under-recording of
data on covariables. Had there been under-reporting, the implication would be a higher true
prevalence estimate. We do not see reason for any systematic difference in reporting of risk
factors based on outcome, or vice-versa, and hence, our summary relative risk estimates for
association of risk factors with death or severe disease should not have been affected.
We assessed if patients with specific co-morbidities at baseline had higher risk of specific
organ injury from SARS-CoV-2 during hospitalization. While the available data did not allow
direct assessment of this relation, we compared the prevalence of comorbidities with the preva-
lence of corresponding organ system injury for studies that reported both baseline comorbid-
ity and corresponding organ injury. We observed that the risk of acute lung injury/ARDS
(48%), ACI (21%), and AKI (27%) were substantially higher than the baseline prevalence of
COPD (6%), heart disease (11%) and CKD (14%), respectively. The higher prevalence of acute
organ injury than the prevalence of baseline comorbidity simply indicates that ARDS, ACI
and AKI were also occurring in patients who did not have a corresponding comorbidity at
baseline in addition to people having the comorbidities.
Most studies reported only frequencies of risk factors and did not present adjusted mea-
sures for disease severity or death. Given this limitation, the risk ratio we calculated from the
frequencies are largely unadjusted estimates. Future studies could additionally present, at the
least, age- and sex-adjusted measures for association of risk of comorbidities with death or
severe disease. Many studies reported odds ratio for the measure of association between pre-
existing conditions and risk of severe disease or death. Odds ratio poorly approximates risk
ratio when the disease prevalence is high at baseline. For example, Zhou et al. [14] calculated
an odds ratio of 5.4 (95% CI: 0.96–30.4) for risk of death from COPD in COVID-19 patients
whereas the risk ratio we calculated from the frequencies presented is RR = 2.47 (95% CI:
1.34–4.55). Prevalence of severe disease or death in COVID-19 patients was high in several
studies. Similarly, several meta-analyses calculated odds ratios instead of risk ratios to summa-
rize the risk of disease severity or death in association with risk factors such as smoking, diabe-
tes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease [10,11,18], often to be interpreted by media and
even by researchers as a measure of relative risk. Lack of rigor in research design, analysis and
interpretation could generate inconsistent and ungeneralizable results across studies leading to
controversy and confusion around serious public health issues such as that existing for associa-
tion (or not) of smoking with COVID-19 disease acquisition, severity or death. As publications
evolve at a pace that could be overwhelming for researchers and practitioners, we attempted to
present a meaningful summary and inference for association of risk factors with death or
severe disease from literatures published globally. Additionally, we provide an epidemiological
framework for the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 based on presence of cardiovascular risk
factors. This analysis can inform public health measures for COVID-19 screening and preven-
tion, risk stratification and management of patients in clinical practice, analysis and presenta-
tion strategies for research data and inspire etiological investigations.
Epidemiological risk factors for progression of COVID-19 to severe disease and death and for
acquisition of SARS-CoV-2, the causal agent for COVID-19, based on presence of pre-existing
conditions have been insufficiently understood. Meta-analysis of 77 studies including 39023
COVID-19 patients hospitalized globally revealed case fatality risk of 52% for those having heart
disease, 51% for COPD, 48% for CKD, 39% for CLD, 28% for hypertension, 27% for smoking
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history, 24% for diabetes, 35% for age60 years, and 26% for males. Of all the patients who
died, an overwhelming majority (85%) were in people aged60 years. Also, of the people who
died, 66% were males, 66% had hypertension, 44% had history of smoking, 39% had diabetes,
37% had CVD, 27% had CKD, and 6% had CLD. All of the above risk factors were significantly
associated with death and severe disease in the patients hospitalized for COVID-19. The preva-
lence of ARDS was 48%, ACI 21%, and AKI 28% in the hospitalized patients. A higher preva-
lence of hypertension, diabetes, smoking and heart disease in the COVID-19 inpatients as
compared to that of the general population could imply a higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection
or disease progression for patients having these risk factors. These findings could inform public
health strategies for targeted screening and appropriate control of modifiable risk factors such
as smoking, hypertension, and diabetes to reduce morbidity and mortality. Finally, based on the
published literature, there were vast differences in the prevalence of death and risk factors for
the populations in China and in US-Europe that should be further investigated.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Prevalence of death, severe disease and risk factors in COVID-19 patients
(December 2019-August 2020).
S2 Table. Prevalence of death stratified by risk factors in COVID-19 patients (December
2019-August 2020).
S3 Table. Prevalence of severe disease stratified by risk factors in COVID-19 patients (Dec
2019-August 2020).
S4 Table. Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment (modified) for studies
Award of Points:
Selection: points were awarded based on representativeness of the exposed group and unex-
posed group (2 points), ascertainment of exposures (1 point), and demonstration that outcome
of interest was not present at the start of the study (1 point). Comparability (2 points): points
were awarded based on whether the analyses were adjusted for age, sex, and other risk factors
(2 points for adjustment to age and sex). Outcome (3points): points were awarded based on
ascertainment of outcome through record linkage or independent blind assessment (1 points);
duration of follow-up (1 point) (hospitalization till discharge); and adequacy of follow up for
study population (complete follow up for the patients (vs whether patients were currently
under treatment at the time of study report) (1 point), or if the patients currently under admis-
sion are excluded from outcome assessment (1 point).
S1 Fig. Publication bias or small study effects for prevalence of death and severe disease.
S1 Checklist. PRISMA 2009 checklist.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Kunchok Dorjee.
Data curation: Kunchok Dorjee, Hyunju Kim, Elizabeth Bonomo, Rinchen Dolma.
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Formal analysis: Kunchok Dorjee, Hyunju Kim, Elizabeth Bonomo.
Investigation: Kunchok Dorjee, Hyunju Kim, Elizabeth Bonomo, Rinchen Dolma.
Methodology: Kunchok Dorjee, Hyunju Kim, Elizabeth Bonomo, Rinchen Dolma.
Project administration: Elizabeth Bonomo.
Software: Kunchok Dorjee, Elizabeth Bonomo, Rinchen Dolma.
Validation: Hyunju Kim, Elizabeth Bonomo, Rinchen Dolma.
Visualization: Elizabeth Bonomo.
Writing – original draft: Kunchok Dorjee.
Writing – review & editing: Kunchok Dorjee, Hyunju Kim, Elizabeth Bonomo, Rinchen
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... As the elderly population was severely hit by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, age was immediately identified as one of the main risk factors for the development of severe COVID-19 6,7 . Data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that the hospitalisation rate for COVID-19 in American people between 65 to 74 years of age was five times higher than the 18-29-year-old age group (chosen as the reference group since it accounts for the largest cumulative number of cases). ...
... Article npj Vaccines | (2024) 9:48 the elderly population was severely hit 6,30 . As soon as the first SARS-CoV-2 vaccines became available, the elderly, immunosuppressed and people with comorbidities were prioritised 9 . ...
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Age is associated with reduced efficacy of vaccines and linked to higher risk of severe COVID-19. Here we determined the impact of ageing on the efficacy of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine based on a stabilised Spike glycoprotein (S-29) that had previously shown high efficacy in young animals. Thirteen to 18-month-old golden Syrian hamsters (GSH) and 22–23-month-old K18-hCAE2 mice were immunised twice with S-29 protein in AddaVax TM adjuvant. GSH were intranasally inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 either two weeks or four months after the booster dose, while all K18-hACE2 mice were intranasally inoculated two weeks after the second immunisation. Body weight and clinical signs were recorded daily post-inoculation. Lesions and viral load were investigated in different target tissues. Immunisation induced seroconversion and production of neutralising antibodies; however, animals were only partially protected from weight loss. We observed a significant reduction in the amount of viral RNA and a faster viral protein clearance in the tissues of immunized animals. Infectious particles showed a faster decay in vaccinated animals while tissue lesion development was not altered. In GSH, the shortest interval between immunisation and inoculation reduced RNA levels in the lungs, while the longest interval was equally effective in reducing RNA in nasal turbinates; viral nucleoprotein amount decreased in both tissues. In mice, immunisation was able to improve the survival of infected animals. Despite the high protection shown in young animals, S-29 efficacy was reduced in the geriatric population. Our research highlights the importance of testing vaccine efficacy in older animals as part of preclinical vaccine evaluation.
... Many of the characteristics that were associated with abnormal lung function and chest imaging post-Covid in our cohort were similar to those reported to be associated with the development of more severe illness during initial acute infection [13][14][15]. Predictors of the development of long Covid itself are less well defined, though in one interesting study, diabetes did seem to be a risk, along with initial level of viremia, reactivation of prior Epstein-Barr virus infection by SARS-CoV-2 infection, and generation of autoantibodies [13]. ...
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The available medical literature on lung function and corresponding clinical characteristics among symptomatic survivors of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (long COVID) is sparse. Primary physicians referred patients who manifested persistent dyspnea months after their index case of infection to a designated clinic. Patients underwent symptom-driven, quality-of-life, physical, and focused respiratory [pulmonary function tests and computed tomography (CT) of the chest] evaluations and were followed over time. In this paper, we present our findings. Patients with abnormal CT imaging were more likely to be of advanced age and to have been hospitalized during their COVID-19 infection. Forced exhaled volume in the first second, forced vital capacity (FVC), total lung capacity, and diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide measurements were found to be significantly lower in patients with abnormal CT imaging. Multivariate regression of clinical characteristics uncovered a significant association between FVC, body mass index, history of hospitalization, and diabetes mellitus. In conclusion, longer-term studies will help further our understanding of the risk factors, disease course, and prognosis of long COVID patients.
... It ranges from asymptomatic to severe acute respiratory syndrome with a variety of complications. Such variability is not random as predictive factors of mortality are identified such as obesity, chronic conditions or malignancies, age > 60 years and immunocompromised hosts (2). Furthermore, geographical singularities must be considered. ...
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Introduction: The overcrowding of intensive care units during the corona virus pandemic increased the number of patients managed in the emergency department (ED). The detection timely of the predictive factors of mortality and bad outcomes improve the triage of those patients. Aim: To define the predictive factors of mortality at 30 days among patients admitted on ED for covid-19 pneumonia. Methods: This was a prospective, monocentric, observational study for 6 months. Patients over the age of 16 years admitted on the ED for hypoxemic pneumonia due to confirmed SARS-COV 2 infection by real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) were included. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to investigate the predictive factors of mortality at 30 days. Results: 463 patients were included. Mean age was 65±14 years, Sex-ratio=1.1. Main comorbidities were hypertension (49%) and diabetes (38%). Mortality rate was 33%. Patients who died were older (70±13 vs. 61±14;p<0.001), and had more comorbidities: hypertension (57% vs. 43%, p=0.018), chronic heart failure (8% vs. 3%, p=0.017), and coronary artery disease (12% vs. 6%, p=0.030). By multivariable analysis, factors independently associated with 30-day mortality were age ≥65 years aOR: 6.9, 95%CI 1.09-44.01;p=0.04) SpO2<80% (aOR: 26.6, 95%CI 3.5-197.53;p=0.001) and percentage of lung changes on CT scan>70% (aOR: 5.6% 95%CI .01-31.29;p=0.04). Conclusion: Mortality rate was high among patients admitted in the ED for covid-19 pneumonia. The identification of predictive factors of mortality would allow better patient management.
... mortes em todo o mundo.(LLAURADÓ,2022;MALEKNIA, 2022;DORJEE, 2020) A COVID-19 é uma infecção respiratória altamente contagiosa, as células epiteliais pulmonares infectadas secretam um grupo de quimiocinas e citocinas, que desencadeia tempestades de citocinas. Em pacientes graves com o sistema imunológico se manifesta por meio de linfopenia e anormalidades de monócitos e granulócitos. ...
O coronavírus-19 é causado pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2. E é uma infecção respiratória, transmitida por gotículas respiratórias. Ao infectar as vias aéreas pode induzir desde infecção leve das vias aéreas superiores à síndrome respiratória aguda grave. Ainda não está totalmente esclarecido se os desfechos graves estão relacionados à infecção viral, à resposta imunológica, às doenças subjacentes ou a uma combinação de outras variáveis. Portanto, o objetivo foi obter evidências a respeito dos fatores prognósticos de mortalidade em pacientes admitidos em UTI devido ao SARS- CoV-2. Estudo observacional e transversal, com coorte retrospectiva de pacientes com COVID-19. Foram coletadas informações epidemiológicas, e clínico-laboratoriais por meio de um formulário semiestruturado, de pacientes com sintomas respiratórios e teste Rt-PCR para infecção. Os dados foram tabulados em software Microsoft Excel®. Análise estatística realizada em pacote estatístico para ciências sociais, para verificar os fatores associados ao desfecho clínico, o odds ratio (OR) e o intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC). Adotou-se (P 0,05) como significância. Participaram do estudo 200, com idade média de 57,7 (± 15,8 anos). Esses foram divididos de acordo com desfecho clínico, observando uma prevalência de 29,0% com pior desfecho, e 71,0% alta hospitalar. Aqueles que evoluíram para óbito apresentaram idade significativamente maior em relação àqueles com alta (65,5 ± 15,0 vs 54,4 ± 14,9) respectivamente. Pacientes com pior desfecho clínico apresentaram maior tempo de internação (p = 0,022), com média de 13 dias, maior número de comorbidades (p = 0,002), nas quais foram categorizadas por número de eventos, sendo a presença de 2 comorbidades ou mais significativamente estatística. Outra variável relacionada à mortalidade é o tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativado (p = 0,027) em relação àqueles que receberam alta. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os marcadores de atividade inflamatória, ferritina, lactato, d-dímero, plaquetas, fibrinogênio e o tempo de protrombina (p 0,05). A idade avançada (47,4%, p 0,001), necessidade de ventilação mecânica (53,5%, p 0,001),presença de 2 ou mais comorbidades (50,5%, p 0,001), sepse (56,6%, p 0,001), e ter realizado culturas (81,5%; p = 0,001) estiveram significativamente associados razão de chance de óbito. Considerando mortalidade, foi significativamente estatística a presença de diabetes mellitus (p 0,036) e doenças renais (p 0,002. A maior parte dos pacientes apresentou resultados negativos para cultura, e ausência de infecção secundária (39,8%). A presença de Candida albicans foi a mais expressiva na amostra (11,7%), seguida de Klebsiella pneumoniae (11,3%). Não foram observadas associações significativas dos eventos tromboembólicos com o óbito. Maior tempo de internação (p = 0,018) e maior valor do D-dímero (p 0,001) foram variáveis que apresentaram relação positiva com presença de eventos trombóticos. Os resultados estatísticos obtidos podem ajudar a prever risco de gravidade, mortalidade e a determinar efetivamente os protocolos preventivos e tratamento necessários. Portanto, o prognóstico precoce e o cuidado para paciente com chance de mortalidade elevada são importantes para limitar a progressão da doença e a morte.
... Studies assessing mild cases of wild-type native infections, followed by standard of care (i.e., rest, isolation, and OTC medications) guidelines from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2022), World Health Organization (2022), and local health authorities (Brigham and Women's Hospital, 2020), varied in their estimates of symptom duration to recovery (Velavan et al., 2021;Sakurai et al., 2020;Zhen-Dong et al., 2020;Sun et al., 2021;Skipper et al., 2020), due in part to insufficient tracking systems and registries (Alwan, 2020) and a general emphasis on hospitalized cases (Guan et al., 2020;Dorjee et al., 2020;Huang et al., 2020). Several outpatient studies did track symptoms during native wild-type infections (Tenforde et al., 2020;Sun et al., 2021;Bergquist et al., 2020;Wei et al., 2020;Yan et al., 2020;Clemency et al., 2020;Lapostolle et al., 2020;Joffily et al., 2020;Zimmerman et al., 2021;Zayet et al., 2021;Huang et al., 2021;Logue et al., 2021;Mancuso et al., 2020;Makaronidis et al., 2021;Woodruff et al., 2020). ...
Objectives: This study assessed the clinical effectiveness of the combination of nirmatrelvir and ritonavir (NMV-r) in treating nonhospitalized patients with COVID-19 who have preexisting psychiatric disorders. Methods: Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and psychiatric disorders between 1 March 2020, and 1 December 2022, were included using the TriNetX network. The primary outcome was the composite outcome of all-cause emergency department (ED) visits, hospitalization, or death within 30 days. Results: Propensity score matching yielded two cohorts of 20,633 patients each. The composite outcome of all-cause ED visits, hospitalization, or death within 30 days was 3.57% (737 patients) in the NMV-r cohort and 5.69% (1176) in the control cohort, resulting in a reduced risk in the NMV-r cohort (HR: 0.657; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.599-0.720). The NMV-r cohort exhibited a lower risk of all-cause hospitalization (HR: 0.385; 95% CI: 0.328-0.451) and all-cause death (HR: 0.110; 95% CI: 0.053-0.228) compared with the control group. Conclusion: NMV-r could mitigate the risk of adverse outcomes in nonhospitalized patients with COVID-19 and preexisting psychiatric disorders. However, only a limited number of patients in this population received adequate treatment, thus emphasizing the importance of promoting its appropriate use.
Background Patients with COVID-19 that had diagnosed chronic diseases — including diabetes — may experience higher rates of hospitalisation and mortality relative to the general population. However, the burden of undiagnosed co-morbidities during the pandemic has not been adequately studied. Methods We developed a model to estimate the hospitalisation and mortality burden of patients with COVID-19 that had undiagnosed type 1 and type 2 diabetes (UD). The retrospective analytical modelling framework was informed by country-level demographic, epidemiological and COVID-19 data and parameters. Eight low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) were studied: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, and South Africa. The modelling period consisted of the first phase of the pandemic — starting from the date when a country identified its first COVID case to the date when the country reached 1% coverage with one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. The end date ranged from Jan 20, 2021 for China to June 2, 2021 for Nigeria. Additionally, we estimated the change in burden under a scenario in which all individuals with UD had been diagnosed prior to the pandemic. Findings Based on our modelling estimates, across the eight countries, 6.7 (95% uncertainty interval: 3.4–11.3) million COVID-19 hospitalised patients had UD of which 1.9 (0.9–3.4) million died. These represented 21.1% (13.4%–30.1%) of all COVID-19 hospitalisations and 30.5% (14.3%–55.5%) of all COVID-19 deaths in these countries. Based on modelling estimates, if these populations had been diagnosed for diabetes prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 1.7% (−3.0% to 5.9%) of COVID-19 hospitalisations and 5.0% (−0.9% to 14.1%) of COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented, and 1.8 (−0.3 to 5.0) million quality-adjusted life years gained. Interpretation Our findings suggest that undiagnosed diabetes contributed substantially to COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths in many LMICs. Funding This work was supported, in part, by the 10.13039/100000865Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [INV-029062] and FIND.
Objective Our objective was to investigate soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme (sACE) levels in pediatric patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and to identify factors associated with the occurrence and severity of pediatric COVID-19. Methods This was a prospective cohort study conducted between April 2020 and July 2020. The study population consisted of 143 children (between 1 month and 18 years old), 103 of whom had COVID-19 and 40 of whom were negative for COVID-19 (randomly selected). The sACE levels and other laboratory data of all participants were measured at admission (day 0, baseline). Repeat measurements were performed in patients on the 5th day. Disease severity was documented at baseline and on the 5th day, and the change in severity between these time points was recorded. Results Age and sex distribution were similar in the two groups. At baseline, 31 (30.1%) of the patients were asymptomatic, 58 (56.3%) had mild disease, and 14 (13.6%) had moderate disease. Baseline sACE levels were similar in the groups (p = 0.120). Higher weight was independently associated with low sACE levels in children (p = 0.037). The sACE level of patients on the 5th day was significantly lower compared with baseline (p = 0.007). Patients who experienced a decrease in disease severity were compared with those who did not demonstrate a decrease. Baseline sACE levels were significantly lower in those who experienced decreased severity (p = 0.039). Multiple linear regression revealed that COVID-19 severity at baseline was independently associated with the low sACE level at baseline (p = 0.023). Conclusion Lower sACE at diagnosis was associated with COVID-19 severity in children. However, no strong evidence was found that could suggest the sACE level as an important predictor for the occurrence or severity of COVID-19 in children.
We investigate risk factors for severe COVID-19 in persons living with HIV (PWH), including among racialized PWH, using the U.S. population-sampled National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) data released from January 1, 2020 to October 10, 2022. We defined severe COVID-19 as hospitalized with invasive mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, discharge to hospice or death. We used machine learning methods to identify highly ranked, uncorrelated factors predicting severe COVID-19, and used multivariable logistic regression models to assess the associations of these variables with severe COVID-19 in several models, including race-stratified models. There were 3 241 627 individuals with incident COVID-19 cases and 81 549 (2.5%) with severe COVID-19, of which 17 445 incident COVID-19 and 1 020 (5.8%) severe cases were among PWH. The top highly ranked factors of severe COVID-19 were age, congestive heart failure (CHF), dementia, renal disease, sodium concentration, smoking status, and sex. Among PWH, age and sodium concentration were important predictors of COVID-19 severity, and the effect of sodium concentration was more pronounced in Hispanics (aOR 4.11 compared to aOR range: 1.47–1.88 for Black, White, and Other non-Hispanics). Dementia, CHF, and renal disease was associated with higher odds of severe COVID-19 among Black, Hispanic, and Other non-Hispanics PWH, respectively. Our findings suggest that the impact of factors, especially clinical comorbidities, predictive of severe COVID-19 among PWH varies by racialized groups, highlighting a need to account for race and comorbidity burden when assessing the risk of PWH developing severe COVID-19.
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Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an ongoing pandemic associated with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Limited data are available describing the clinical presentation and outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Europe. Methods: This was a single-centre retrospective chart review of all patients with COVID-19 admitted to the North Zealand Hospital in Denmark between 1 March and 4 May 2020. Main outcomes include major therapeutic interventions during hospitalisation, such as invasive mechanical ventilation, as well as death. Results: A total of 115 patients were included, including four infants. The median age of adults was 68 years and 40% were female. At admission, 55 (50%) patients had a fever, 29 (26%) had a respiratory rate exceeding 24 breaths/minute, and 78 (70%) received supplemental oxygen. The prevalence of co-infection was 13%. Twenty patients (18%) (median age: 64 years; 15% female) were treated in the intensive care unit. Twelve (10.4%) received invasive mechanical ventilation and three (2.6%) renal replacement therapy. Nine patients (8%) developed pulmonary embolism. Sixteen patients (14%) died. Among patients requiring mechanical ventilation (n = 12), seven (6.1%) were discharged alive, four (3.4%) died and one (0.9%) was still hospitalised. Conclusion: In this cohort of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, mortality was lower than in other Danish and European case series.
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Objective This study was performed to investigate the clinical characteristics of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Methods We analyzed the electronic medical records of 405 hospitalized patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in the Third Hospital of Wuhan. Results The patients’ median age was 56 years, 54.1% were female, 11.4% had a history of smoking, and 10.6% had a history of drinking. All cases of COVID-19 were community-acquired. Fever (76.8%) and cough (53.3%) were the most common clinical manifestations, and circulatory system diseases were the most common comorbidities. Gastrointestinal symptoms were present in 61.2% of the patients, and 2.9% of the patients were asymptomatic. Computed tomography showed ground-glass opacities in most patients (72.6%) and consolidation in 30.9%. Lymphopenia (72.3%) and hypoproteinemia (71.6%) were observed in most patients. About 20% of patients had abnormal liver function. Patients with severe disease had significantly more prominent laboratory abnormalities, including an abnormal lymphocyte count and abnormal C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, D-dimer, and albumin levels. Conclusion SARS-CoV-2 causes a variety of severe respiratory illnesses similar to those caused by SARS-CoV-1. Older age, chronic comorbidities, and laboratory abnormalities are associated with disease severity.
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Background The Covid-19 pandemic threatens to overwhelm scarce clinical resources. Risk factors for severe illness must be identified to make efficient resource allocations.Objective To evaluate risk factors for severe illness.DesignRetrospective, observational case series.SettingSingle-institution.ParticipantsFirst 117 consecutive patients hospitalized for Covid-19 from March 1 to April 12, 2020.ExposureNone.Main outcomes and measuresIntensive care unit admission or death.ResultsIn-hospital mortality was 24.8% and average total length of stay was 11.82 days (95% CI: 10.01 to 13.63 days). 30.8% of patients required intensive care unit admission and 29.1% required mechanical ventilation. Multivariate regression identified the amount of supplemental oxygen required at admission (OR: 1.208, 95% CI: 1.011-1.443, p = .037), sputum production (OR: 6.734, 95% CI: 1.630-27.812, p = .008), insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (OR: 11.873, 95% CI: 2.218-63.555, p = .004) and chronic kidney disease (OR: 4.793, 95% CI: 1.528-15.037, p = .007) as significant risk factors for intensive care unit admission or death. Of the 48 patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit or died, this occurred within 3 days of arrival in 42%, within 6 days in 71%, and within 9 days in 88% of patients.Conclusions At our regional medical center, patients with Covid-19 had an average length of stay just under 12 days, required ICU care in 31% of cases, and had a 25% mortality rate. Patients with increased sputum production and higher supplemental oxygen requirements at admission, and insulin dependent diabetes or chronic kidney disease may be at increased risk for severe illness. A model for predicting intensive care unit admission or death with excellent discrimination was created that may aid in treatment decisions and resource allocation. Early identification of patients at increased risk for severe illness may lead to improved outcomes in patients hospitalized with Covid-19.
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Background: Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become a major health event that endangers people health throughout China and the world. Understanding the factors associated with COVID-19 disease severity could support the early identification of patients with high risk for disease progression, inform prevention and control activities, and potentially reduce mortality. This study aims to describe the characteristics of patients with COVID-19 and factors associated with severe or critically ill presentation in Jiangsu province, China. Methods: Multicentre retrospective cohort study of all individuals with confirmed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections diagnosed at 24 COVID-19-designated hospitals in Jiangsu province between the 10th January and 15th March 2020. Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and radiological data were collected at hospital admission and data on disease severity were collected during follow-up. Patients were categorised as asymptomatic/mild/moderate, and severe/critically ill according to the worst level of COVID-19 recorded during hospitalisation. Results: A total of 625 patients, 64 (10.2%) were severe/critically ill and 561 (89.8%) were asymptomatic/mild/moderate. All patients were discharged and no patients died. Patients with severe/critically ill COVID-19 were more likely to be older, to be single onset (i.e. not belong to a cluster of cases in a family/community, etc.), to have a medical history of hypertension and diabetes; had higher temperature, faster respiratory rates, lower peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2), and higher computer tomography (CT) image quadrant scores and pulmonary opacity percentage; had increased C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and D-dimer on admission; and had lower white blood cells, lymphocyte, and platelet counts and albumin on admission than asymptomatic/mild/moderate cases. Multivariable regression showed that odds of being a severe/critically ill case were associated with age (year) (OR 1.06, 95%CI 1.03-1.09), lymphocyte count (109/L) (OR 0.25, 95%CI 0.08-0.74), and pulmonary opacity in CT (per 5%) on admission (OR 1.31, 95%CI 1.15-1.51). Conclusions: Severe or critically ill patients with COVID-19 is about one-tenths of patients in Jiangsu. Age, lymphocyte count, and pulmonary opacity in CT on admission were associated with risk of severe or critically ill COVID-19.
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Background Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a rapidly spreading global pandemic. The clinical characteristics of COVID-19 have been reported; however, there is limited research investigating the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in the Middle East. This study aims to investigate the clinical, radiological and therapeutic characteristics of patients diagnosed with COVID19 in Saudi Arabia. Methods This study is a retrospective single-centre case series study. We extracted data for patients who were admitted to the Al-Noor Specialist Hospital with a PCR confirming SARS-COV-2 between 12th and 31st of March 2020. Descriptive statistics were used to describe patients’ characteristics. Continuous data were reported as mean ± SD. Chi-squared test/Fisher test were used as appropriate to compare proportions for categorical variables. Results A total of 150 patients were hospitalised for COVID-19 during the study period. The mean age was 46.1 years (SD: 15.3 years). The most common comorbidities were hypertension (28.8%, n = 42) and diabetes mellitus (26.0%, n = 38). Regarding the severity of the hospitalised patients, 105 patients (70.0%) were mild, 29 (19.3%) were moderate, and 16 patients (10.7%) were severe or required ICU care. Conclusion This case series provides clinical, radiological and therapeutic characteristics of hospitalised patients with confirmed COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia.
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Introduction: Rapid spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States, especially in New York City (NYC), led to a tremendous increase in hospitalizations and mortality. There is very limited data available that associates outcomes during hospitalization in patients with COVID-19. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we reviewed the health records of patients with COVID-19 who were admitted from March 9-April 9, 2020, to a community hospital in NYC. Subjects with confirmed reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of the nasopharyngeal swab for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) were included. We collected data related to demographics, laboratory results, and outcome of hospitalization. Outcome was measured based on whether the patient was discharged home or died during hospitalization. Results: There were 888 consecutive admissions with COVID-19 during the study period, of which 513 were excluded with pending outcome or incomplete information. We included a total of 375 patients in the study, of whom 215 (57%) survived and 160 (43%) died during hospitalization. The majority of patients were male (63%) and of Hispanic origin (66%) followed by Blacks (25%), and others (9%). Hypertension (60%) stands out to be the most common comorbidity followed by diabetes mellitus (47%), cardiovascular disease (17%), chronic kidney disease (17%), and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (9%). On multiple regression analysis, increasing odds of mortality during hospitalization was associated with older age (odds ratio [OR] 1.04; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01-1.06 per year increase; p < 0.0001), admission D-dimer more than 1000 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) (OR 3.16; 95% CI, 1.75-5.73; p<0.0001), admission C-reactive protein (CRP) levels of more than 200 milligrams per liter (mg/L) (OR 2.43; 95% CI, 1.36-4.34; p = 0.0028), and admission lymphopenia (OR 2.63; CI, 1.47-4.69; p 0.0010). Conclusion: In this retrospective cohort study originating in NYC, older age, admission levels of D-dimer of more than 1000 ng/mL, CRP of more than 200 mg/L and lymphopenia were associated with mortality in individuals hospitalized for COVID-19. We recommend using these risk factors on admission to triage patients to critical care units or surge units to maximize the use of surge capacity beds.
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Background: We aimed to report the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) in Zengdu District, Hubei Province, China. Methods: Clinical data on COVID-19 inpatients in Zengdu Hospital from January 27 to March 11, 2020 were collected; this is a community hospital in an area surrounding Wuhan and supported by volunteer doctors. All hospitalized patients with COVID-19 were included in this study. The epidemiological findings, clinical features, laboratory findings, radiologic manifestations, and clinical outcomes of these patients were analyzed. The patients were followed up for clinical outcomes until March 22, 2020. Severe COVID-19 cases include severe and critical cases diagnosed according to the seventh edition of China's COVID-19 diagnostic guidelines. Severe and critical COVID-19 cases were diagnosed according to the seventh edition of China's COVID-19 diagnostic guidelines. Results: All hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 276 (median age: 51.0 years), were enrolled, including 262 non-severe and 14 severe patients. The proportion of patients aged over 60 years was higher in the severe group (78.6%) than in the non-severe group (18.7%, p < 0.01). Approximately a quarter of the patients (24.6%) had at least one comorbidity, such as hypertension, diabetes, or cancer, and the proportion of patients with comorbidities was higher in the severe group (85.7%) than in the non-severe group (21.4%, p < 0.01). Common symptoms included fever (82.2% [227/276]) and cough (78.0% [218/276]). 38.4% (106/276) of the patients had a fever at the time of admission. Most patients (94.9% [204/276]) were cured and discharged; 3.6% (10/276) deteriorated to a critical condition and were transferred to another hospital. The median COVID-19 treatment duration and hospital stay were 14.0 and 18.0 days, respectively. Conclusions: Most of the COVID-19 patients in Zengdu had mild disease. Older patients with underlying diseases were at a higher risk of progression to severe disease. The length of hospital-stay and antiviral treatment duration for COVID-19 were slightly longer than those in Wuhan. This work will contribute toward an understanding of COVID-19 characteristics in the areas around the core COVID-19 outbreak region and serve as a reference for decision-making for epidemic prevention and control in similar areas.
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Aims of the study: To describe admission characteristics, risk factors and outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) hospitalised in a tertiary care hospital in Switzerland during the early phase of the pandemic. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included adult patients with a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing and hospitalised at the cantonal hospital Aarau (Switzerland) between 26 February 2020 and 30 April 2020. Our primary endpoint was severe COVID-19 progression defined as a composite of transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU) and in-hospital mortality. Results: A total of 99 patients (median age 67 years [interquartile range 56–76], 37% females) were included and 35% developed severe COVID-19 progression (24% needed ICU treatment, 19% died). Patients had a high burden of comorbidities with a median Charlson comorbidity index of 3 points and a high prevalence of hypertension (57%), chronic kidney disease (28%) and obesity (27%). Baseline characteristics with the highest prognostic value for the primary endpoint by means of area under the receiver operating characteristic curve were male gender (0.63) and initial laboratory values including shock markers (lactate on ambient air 0.67; lactate with O2 supply 0.70), markers of inflammation (C-reactive protein 0.72, procalcitonin 0.80) and markers of compromised oxygenation (pO2 0.75 on ambient air), whereas age and comorbidities provided little prognostic information. Conclusion: This analysis provides insights into the first consecutively hospitalised patients with confirmed COVID-19 at a Swiss tertiary care hospital during the initial period of the pandemic. Markers of disease progression such as inflammatory markers, markers for shock and impaired respiratory function provided the most prognostic information regarding severe COVID-19 progression in our sample.
Background: Risk factors for progression of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) to severe disease or death are underexplored in U.S. cohorts. Objective: To determine the factors on hospital admission that are predictive of severe disease or death from COVID-19. Design: Retrospective cohort analysis. Setting: Five hospitals in the Maryland and Washington, DC, area. Patients: 832 consecutive COVID-19 admissions from 4 March to 24 April 2020, with follow-up through 27 June 2020. Measurements: Patient trajectories and outcomes, categorized by using the World Health Organization COVID-19 disease severity scale. Primary outcomes were death and a composite of severe disease or death. Results: Median patient age was 64 years (range, 1 to 108 years); 47% were women, 40% were Black, 16% were Latinx, and 21% were nursing home residents. Among all patients, 131 (16%) died and 694 (83%) were discharged (523 [63%] had mild to moderate disease and 171 [20%] had severe disease). Of deaths, 66 (50%) were nursing home residents. Of 787 patients admitted with mild to moderate disease, 302 (38%) progressed to severe disease or death: 181 (60%) by day 2 and 238 (79%) by day 4. Patients had markedly different probabilities of disease progression on the basis of age, nursing home residence, comorbid conditions, obesity, respiratory symptoms, respiratory rate, fever, absolute lymphocyte count, hypoalbuminemia, troponin level, and C-reactive protein level and the interactions among these factors. Using only factors present on admission, a model to predict in-hospital disease progression had an area under the curve of 0.85, 0.79, and 0.79, at day 2, 4, and 7, respectively. Limitation: The study was done in a single health care system. Conclusion: A combination of demographic and clinical variables is strongly associated with severe COVID-19 disease or death and their early onset. The COVID-19 Inpatient Risk Calculator (CIRC), using factors present on admission, can inform clinical and resource allocation decisions. Primary funding source: Hopkins inHealth and COVID-19 Administrative Supplement for the HHS Region 3 Treatment Center from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.