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Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites in India: A Comparative Study Using TAW and GTMetrix


Abstract and Figures

Websites constitute a vital role in the development of the technological world. The utilization of online platforms is increasing rapidly in healthcare and e-learning sites. So, it becomes necessary to appraise the accessibility and performance of these sites to ensure universal access and practical use. This paper intends to inspect ten websites from two different domains in which the first five are healthcare sites, whereas others are from e-learning sites. A tool named TAW is used for accessibility evaluation in terms of perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust against the conformance of WCAG 2.0 level AA. In addition, GTMetrix is utilized to test the performance in terms of page speed metrics. The results show that both domain sites cannot fulfill the minimum requirements of accessibility. However, E-learning sites performed better than healthcare sites concerning performance perspective. Moreover, some suggestions are recommended to improve the lacking factors in accessibility and performance of the sites. Furthermore, this work can be extended by employing an intelligent accessibility tool based on AI-powered methodology like machine learning technologies.
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Accessibility and Performance Evaluation
of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites in India:
A Comparative Study Using TAW and GTMetrix
Kumari Sarita1(B), Parminder Kaur1, and Satinder Kaur2
1Department of Computer Science, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India
2Department of Computer Engineering and Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar,
Punjab, India
Abstract. Websites constitute a vital role in the development of the technologi-
cal world. The utilization of online platforms is increasing rapidly in healthcare
and e-learning sites. So, it becomes necessary to appraise the accessibility and
performance of these sites to ensure universal access and practical use. This paper
intends to inspect ten websites from two different domains in which the first five
are healthcare sites, whereas others are from e-learning sites. A tool named TAW
is used for accessibility evaluation in terms of perceivable, operable, understand-
able, and robust against the conformance of WCAG 2.0 level AA. In addition,
GTMetrix is utilized to test the performance in terms of page speed metrics. The
results show that both domain sites cannot fulfill the minimum requirements of
accessibility. However, E-learning sites performed better than healthcare sites con-
cerning performance perspective. Moreover, some suggestions are recommended
to improve the lacking factors in accessibility and performance of the sites. Fur-
thermore, this work can be extended by employing an intelligent accessibility tool
based on AI-powered methodology like machine learning technologies.
Keywords: Accessibility ·Performance ·Healthcare ·e-Learning ·TAW ·
GTMetrix ·WCAG 2.0
1 Introduction
Online education is the most imperative constituent in today’s competitive life of stu-
dents, and they prefer to use e-learning through computers, multimedia, and internet
technologies [5]. Besides, online medical platforms have also become the most signif-
icant part of our daily life. Due to busy schedules, people feel more comfortable going
online for the consultants to any health-related problem [17]. Hence, this is the primary
requirement to make e-learning and healthcare sites fully accessible and performance
effective. Web Accessibility is the primary concern with universal access of the web to all
kinds of people regardless of their disability [11]. To achieve the target of accessibility,
a few standards or guidelines like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: WCAG 1.0,
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022
B. Iyer et al. (Eds.): ICCET 2022, SIST 303, pp. 172–187, 2022.
Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites 173
WCAG 2.0, and WCAG 2.1 have been framed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
[26,28,29]. The first version, WCAG 1.0, has been outlined based on the priority levels,
checkpoints, and conformance levels, while the higher versions WCAG 2.0 and WCAG
2.1 have been distributed with principles, success criteria, checkpoints, and conformance
levels [28,29].
Moreover, performance is also one of the essential requirements for site evaluation
[18]. It can be measured in First Contentful Paint, Speed Index, Total Blocking Time,
etc. This paper compares the top five e-learning sites with India’s top five healthcare sites
concerning accessibility and performance. The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Sect. 2illuminates related studies on web accessibility and performance assess-
ment and limitations. It also gives an overlook of the essential objectives of the study.
Section 3depicts the methodology adopted for evaluation. Section 4expresses the eval-
uation results and highlights some significant issues and suggestions to improve acces-
sibility and performance. Finally, Sect. 5concludes the paper depending on significant
findings and provides recommendations for further work.
2 Literature Review
Websites’ universal accessibility and effective performance are a significant concern [11,
13,18]. Table 1provides an overlook of previous studies on automated evaluation of
websites from different domains. Gilberto et al. [21] conducted a comparative study of
Spanish, American, and British healthcare sites, and after comparison, it was found that
not all sites passed the basic requirements of accessibility guidelines. Kaur et al. [17]
carried out a study on the 280 healthcare websites in the metro cities of India, and various
accessibility problems were found during the evaluation. Additionally, Salarvand et al.
[22] recorded a very low-quality score for the public healthcare sites in Tehran.
Furthermore, Acosta et al. [1] investigated the accessibility of healthcare websites
and found that the sites were unable to fulfill the accessibility requirements. Kumar
et al. [20] carried out a study on e-learning accessibility, and it was observed that the
outcomes were not so effective. Further, Akgul conducted a study on MOOC’s websites
to evaluate the accessibility using automated testing. Although, Seale and Jane [24]
carried out a study on e-learning and disability. Furthermore, Ismail and Kuppusami
[11] conducted an exploratory study on the accessibility of university homepages. The
results were disclosed with various issues related to accessibility, speed, navigability,
contents during the assessment. In recent studies, Akgul [4],AlMerajetal.[6], Barricelli
et al. [7] investigated the accessibility of educational websites. The results revealed that
the websites were not created per the rulesets specified for accessibility. Adepoju et al. [2]
used TAW to assess the accessibility of four Nigerian MNO’s websites. The outcomes
indicated that no site fulfilled the WCAG 2.0 guidelines completely. However, Dani
and Kaur [16] used TAW against Indian banking websites, while Agrawal et al. [3]
utilized TAW against Indian Airline Websites. According to an investigation by Inal and
Karaim [15], all the websites failed to fulfill the conformance level of WCAG during
the accessibility evaluation of Libyan government websites when evaluated by TAW. In
addition, the authors [2,25] emphasized the use of TAW for accessibility assessment.
However, some researchers used the GTMetrix tool to test the page performance of
174 K. Sarita et al.
websites as it provides a detailed performance evaluation report by covering each aspect
of page performance. Kaur et al. [19] used GTMetrix to evaluate different university
Moreover, Hungarian government websites were evaluated using the GTMetrix tool
[9]. Although, Ismail et al. [12,14] utilized the GTMetrix tool to evaluate the ency-
clopedia websites and social media sites. It is evident from the previous studies that
the websites were poorly designed and developed as these were failed to satisfy the
requirements of accessibility and performance factors completely.
2.1 Limitations of the Studies
Certain limitations are disclosed from the studies reviewed in the literature. The past
studies focused on the site evaluation of a single domain. So, the previous studies lacked
a comparison of websites belonging to different domains. As per the literature reviewed,
the number of studies conducted to evaluate healthcare and e-learning sites is meager.
The current study is not limited to a single domain, and it compares the sites from two
different domains.
2.2 Research Objectives
The study aims to evaluate and compare ten websites from two different domains. Overall
objectives are as follows:
To explore the sites based on popularity using Alexa Rank.
To evaluate the sites using automated testing.
To find the current status of the sites in terms of accessibility and performance.
To analyze and compare the results.
To highlight the significant issues and some suggestions impacting the accessibility
and performance of the sites.
To provide some future recommendations based on result findings.
3 Methodology
This paper expects to appraise and compare five e-learning and five healthcare sites.
These sites are picked by evaluating the Alexa traffic ranking in Table 1. The testing can
be started by entering the site URL into the respective tool’s address bar. The user gets
the assessment report when the testing process is over.
Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites 175
Table 1. Sites with Alexa rank
Sr. no. Healthcare sites Rank E-learning sites Rank
1 460 103
2 929 185
3 1868 261
4 2216 293
5 6215 962
3.1 Automated Tools
Several methodologies are used for site accessibility evaluation purposes like automated
evaluation, user, and expert or manual evaluation methods. The current study adopts the
methodology of automated testing compared to other methodologies to determine the
accessibility level of websites as it is easy to use and time-effective. Therefore, the two
automated tools are chosen for evaluation in the present study: TAW for accessibility
and GTMetrix for performance evaluation.
TAW: TAW is known as Test de Accessibilidad Web published by the Spanish Foun-
dation Centre for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies
in Asturias (CTIC) [10]. It can be found at https://www.tawdisnet/ [10]. It frames the
accessibility evaluation results in the form of problems, warnings, and not reviewed [10]
against the conformance of WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline), WCAG
2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline), WCAG 1.0 (Web Content Accessibility
Guideline) [10].
Problems: Such errors are easily detectable and resolvable by the automated tool itself
without any human assistance.
Warnings: Warnings are challenging to resolve without human intervention.
Not Reviewed: These types of errors are almost impossible to identify by automated
GTMetrix: GTMetrix is an analytical tool usable at [8]. This
tool is used for the performance evaluation of the websites. It provides the evaluation
results in performance grading, scoring, and page loading metrics [8]. In addition, it
grades the web pages to evaluate complete page performance and evaluate page loading
176 K. Sarita et al.
3.2 Accessibility and Performance Metrics
(See Table 2)
Table 2. Metrics for evaluation
Accessibility Metric Meaning
Perceivable The content, interface, and components should be findable by each
person [27]
Operable All controls, buttons, navigation, and other components must be usable
by all [27]
Understandable All users must understand, utilize and learn the interface [27]
Robust There should be an option for disabled people to select the technology to
communicate with the sites [27]
Performance Metric Meaning
First Contentful
Paint (FCP)
The time in which the text or an image gets painted on a web page [8]
Largest Contentful
Paint (LCP)
It is time for the most extensive content to appear on visitors’ viewports
Time To Interactive
This is the duration for which the webpage remained blocked [8]
Speed Index (SI) The time in which the page contents get visibly populated [8]
Total Blocking
Time (TBT)
This is the duration for which the webpage remained blocked [8]
Cumulative Layout
Shift (CLS)
It arises when a visible element on a page is shifted unexpectedly by
changing its size or position [8]
Method to Find the Level of Accessibility
A Five-Level Accessibility Criteria (FLAC), as in Table 3, is used to determine the
accessibility level of both domain sites [23]. A particular site is assigned the accessibility
level according to the range of error percentage as per FLAC.
Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites 177
Table 3. FLAC
Level of accessibility Error percentage
Maximal (0–10)%
High (11–30)%
Moderate (31–60)%
Low (61–90)%
Minimal (91–100)%
Method to Find Average Values of Performance Metrics
Average values of performance metrics are calculated by using the following methods:
Average FCP =(Sum of FCP of all sites)/(Total number of sites)
Average TTI =(Sum of TTI of all sites)/(Total number of sites)
Average SI =(Sum of SI of all sites)/(Total number of sites)
Average TBT =(Sum of TBT of all sites)/(Total number of sites)
Average LCP =(Sum of LCPs of all sites)/(Total number of sites)
Average CLS =(Sum of CLS of all sites)/(Total number of sites)
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Accessibility Evaluation
Figure 1gives how the accessibility evaluation tool TAW generates the results. These
results are presented as problems, warnings and not reviewed. As per the results in Table
4, healthcare sites are found with the most significant violations in the case of perceiv-
ability, while the e-learning sites create the most significant number of errors concerning
robustness. On the other hand, the understandability factor is the most negligible violated
factor in both healthcare and e-learning sites, as shown in Table 5. Further, by continu-
ing with the criteria, the accessibility results are compiled as per FLAC [23] in Table 6.
According to FLAC, the three sites achieve the maximal level of accessibility, and two
sites are moderately accessible. However, all the five e-learning sites achieve only a high
level of accessibility, and no site can attain the maximal level of accessibility. Although,
no site from both domains falls under the low and minimal level of accessibility. Over-
all, healthcare sites are more violated as they generate many errors. TAW’s combined
accessibility results produced by TAW are expressed in Fig. 2and Fig. 3(Fig. 2).
178 K. Sarita et al.
Fig. 1. Screenshot of accessibility evaluation tool TAW
Table 4. Detailed results by TAW
Principle Error type Healthcare sites E-learning sites
Perceivable Problems 277 15
Warnings 953 243
Not reviewed 19 19
Total 1249 277
Operable Problems 154 23
Warnings 314 282
Not reviewed 31 37
Total 499 342
Understandable Problems 48 7
Warnings 66 48
Not reviewed 27 23
Total 141 78
Robust Problems 378 171
Warnings 77 208
Not reviewed 0 2
Total 455 381
Table 5. Most and least violated factors
Violation type Healthcare sites E-learning sites
Most violated Perceivable Robust
Least violated Understandable Understandable
Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites 179
Table 6. Accessibility results as per FLAC
Level of accessibility Healthcare sites E-learning sites
Maximal practo, mohfw, onlymyhealth None
High None udemy, w3schools, coursera,
geeksforgeeks, edx
Moderate Medindia, healthkart None
Low None None
Minimal None None
Fig. 2. Results by TAW
Fig. 3. POUR results
180 K. Sarita et al.
Fig. 4. Screenshot of performance evaluation tool GTMetrix
Significant Issues Impacting Site Accessibility
(See Table 7)
Table 7. Violated success criteria
Guideline Success criteria Level
1.1 Non-text content A
1.2 Audio-only and video-only (prerecorded) A
1.2 Captions (prerecorded) A
1.2 Audio description or media alternative (prerecorded) A
1.2 Audio description (prerecorded) A
1.3 Info and relationships A
1.3 Meaningful sequence A
1.3 Sensory characteristics A
1.4 Use of color A
1.4 Audio control A
1.4 Contrast (minimum) AA
1.4 Resize text AA
1.4 Images of text AA
2.1 Keyboard A
2.1 No keyboard trap A
2.2 Timing adjustable A
Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites 181
Table 7. (continued)
Guideline Success criteria Level
2.2 Pause, stop, hide A
2.3 Three flashes or below threshold A
2.4 Bypass blocks A
2.4 Page titled A
2.4 Focus order A
2.4 Link purpose (in context) A
2.4 Multiple ways AA
2.4 Headings and labels AA
2.4 Focus visible AA
3.1 Language of page A
3.1 Language of parts AA
3.2 On focus A
3.2 On input A
3.2 Consistent navigation AA
3.2 Consistent identification AA
3.3 Error identification A
3.3 Labels or instructions A
3.3 Error suggestion AA
3.3 Error prevention (legal, financial, data) AA
4.1 Parsing A
4.1 Name, role, value A
Suggestions to Reduce Violations in Success Criteria
Some tips can help a developer reduce the most common success criteria violations.
There should be the provision of an option for any image or time-based content for
visually impaired users.
Content should be presentable in more than one way.
Color should not be the only medium to interact with a visual element.
There must be an alternative to stop the video that plays itself.
All users must be able to perform all kinds of keyboard functionalities.
The content should not be lost even after zooming more than 100%.
It should be easy for the users to navigate from one page to other.
There must be some assistance that helps the user prevent an error.
182 K. Sarita et al.
4.2 Performance Evaluation
While evaluating the performance by GTMetrix, some average values of six performance
metrics are calculated. Table 8demonstrates the comparative status of both domain sites
in terms of their average metric values. E-learning sites don’t exceed the normal range of
values and score very well. Besides, healthcare sites exceed the normal range and need
immediate improvement. The overall page performance is expressed in Table 9to grade
and scores in percentage. According to GTMetrix, e-learning sites performed better as
compared to healthcare sites. Figure 5,Fig.6, and Fig. 7present the overall results of
the performance evaluation generated by GTMetrix.
Table 8. Comparative status of average values of performance metrics
Sr. no. Metrics Normal value E-learning
Status Healthcare
1FCP Less than or
equal to 0.9 s
0.6 s No action
0.4 s No action
2TTI Less than or
equal to 2.5 s
2.5 s No action
3.2 s Action
3SI Less than or
equal to 1.3 s
0.7 s No action
2.1 s Action
4TBT Less than or
equal to 0.1 s
0.1 s No action
0.4 s Action
5LCP Less than or
equal to 1.2 s
0.8 s No action
1.2 s No action
6CLS Less than or
equal to 0.1 s
0.05 s No action
0.1 s No action
Table 9. Performance grading and scoring
E-learning sites Performance
Udemy B88% Practo A97%
W3schools A100% Medindia B95%
Courser C62% healthkart F31%
Geeksforgeeks A100% mohfw A 99%
Edx A93% onlymyhealth A92%
Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites 183
Fig. 5. E-learning sites results by GTMetrix
Fig. 6. Healthcare sites results by GTMetrix
184 K. Sarita et al.
Fig. 7. Combined results by GTMetrix
Major Issues Impacting Performance
(See Table 10)
Table 10. Performance issues
Impact level Type of issue
Med-High Large DOM size
Med-Low No use of Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Med-Low Use of HTTP/1
Low Improper size of images
Med-Low Use of document.write()
Low Outdated image formats
High Significant initial server response time, especially for the main document
Med-Low Use of CSS@imoport
Low Text Compression is disabled
Suggestions to Resolve Performance Issues
Following tips are suggested to improve and resolve performance-related issues:
DOM size should be as small as possible to avoid memory wastage.
Make use of Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Prefer to use HTTP/2 over HTTP/1.
Images should be sized properly.
Avoid document. write() to reduce the page load delay.
Accessibility and Performance Evaluation of Healthcare and E-Learning Sites 185
Use next-gen formats rather than png or jpeg for better compression and fast download.
In addition, the initial server response time should be short.
Avoid using CSS@import to reduce additional delays in webpage load time.
Enable text compression.
As per the analysis of past studies, the researchers evaluated only single-domain web-
sites simply by using an automated tool, whereas the current study focuses on evaluating
ten websites from two different domains. Furthermore, the current automated evaluation
methodology analyzes the results based on the Five-Level Accessibility Criteria (FLAC)
proposed in a recent study [23]. Therefore, unlikely from the previous findings, the most,
highly, moderately, least and not acceptable levels of sites accessibility can be evaluated
by present study. Although, another performance metric for evaluation is considered,
which is measured on average using the method is proposed. Moreover, no researcher
has taken both metrics for evaluation in a single study.
5 Conclusion and Future Recommendations
The current study has evaluated and compared the sites from two different domains
regarding accessibility and performance. The practical contributions of the study are
evaluating sites accessibility using TAW against the conformance of WCAG 2.0 level
AA and understanding the status of the sites by calculating the average values of per-
formance metrics. In addition, the current study contributes by evaluating two different
domains rather than a single domain and considering another performance metric for
evaluation in a single study. The outcome discoveries revealed that none of the websites
from both domains had zero accessibility error. Hence, the site makers are strictly recom-
mended to follow the accessibility guidelines and make more needful efforts to optimize
the user interfaces for impaired users. As per the result findings, the e-learning sites
performed better than healthcare sites when evaluated by GTMetrix. The current evalu-
ation considers only two domains that can be extended by including a more significant
number of domains for further evaluation in the future.
Moreover, this study provides some suggestions to improve the level of violations
related to accessibility and performance. Further, this work can be extended by employing
an intelligent accessibility tool based on the methodology of Artificial Intelligence like
machine learning techniques. Furthermore, it is also recommended to include other
methodologies such as user testing, expert testing, and automated testing to refine the
evaluation for more consistent and enhanced results.
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... Kaur et al. [28] evaluated and compared the performance of a number of universities in Punjab, using automated tools such as GTMetrix, Website Grader Pingdom and Site Speed Checker Tool, finding that few of the selected websites achieved a maximum performance score. Sarita [29] assessed 10 websites, five from the healthcare sector and five from e-learning, using GTMetrix based on page speed metrics. E-learning websites were shown to have superior performance to those from the healthcare sector. ...
... These findings concur with those of [8,28,31,33] which identified poor levels of performance in higher education websites. However, they are not in line with [3,29]. This may be attributed to the small sample of websites targeted by the latter studies which may not reflect the actual level of performance. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate the current state of accessibility, performance and engagement of higher education institution websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Using four tools, namely AChecker, WAVE, PageSpeed Insights and Similarweb, a total of 58 higher education homepages were evaluated from both the public and private sectors. The results show that only 8% of the evaluated websites conformed fully to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. Ninety-five percent of the websites had poor performance or needed further improvement, and interestingly, 60% had a good bounce rate. The results also show that users significantly spent more time and visited more pages on the websites of the public institutions compared to the private ones. These findings call for an urgent need to address web accessibility and performance violations in higher education institution websites in Saudi Arabia to make them more accessible for all their potential users. Recommendations are offered toward the end of the paper.
... Performance testing will involve analysis of SIMPKB's response speed, and system availability, this performance analysis will be measured with the help of GT Metrix. GT Metrix will provide information related to page load times, total page size, and suggestions for improvements to improve performance (Sarita et al., 2022). Thus, the use of GT Metrix in SIMPKB performance testing will provide an accurate picture of the extent to which the system is able to provide a fast and efficient response to users. ...
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This study comprehensively analyzes the performance and usability of the SIMPKB website in the context of teacher professional development. This research carries a qualitative descriptive approach with the aim of deeply understanding the performance and usability of the SIMPKB website. This research consists of two complementary stages, the first involves performance testing using GT Metrix software, and the second phase focuses on in-depth interviews with 5 driving teachers in Kabupaten Jember by applying the concept of the Five Dimensions of Usability (5E) model. Through performance testing using GT Metrix and 5E interviews with driving teachers, significant findings have been revealed. Although SIMPKB shows relatively good response speeds, there are areas of improvement that can be improved, especially in terms of loading times and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). The 5E evaluation of the mobilizing teacher provides an in-depth perspective on the effectiveness, efficiency, engagement, errors, and ease of learning on the platform. The test and interview results complement each other, providing a holistic picture of SIMPKB's condition and potential improvement. Improvement recommendations, which involve improving response speed and improving usability, can be a foothold for improving the user experience. Further research is recommended to explore optimizing technical performance, implementing more intuitive interface designs, and evaluating the impact of implementing improvements on user effectiveness. By adopting these recommendations, SIMPKB can continue to develop as an effective, efficient, and user-friendly platform in supporting teacher professional development.
... Gtmetrix tests the performance in terms of page speed metrics. The application measures several performance metrics that reflect what a site visitor would actually experience as the page loads [71]. ...
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The spatial planning system in Poland is undergoing a fundamental reform. It emphasises the digital representation of spatial data. Low performance of geoportals, no Internet access, or poor connectivity can contribute to the exclusion from the spatial planning process, and consequently to the exclusion from a specific part of public life. Considering these developments, the present study seems relevant by pointing out the issue with geoportal performance and availability of quality Internet in rural areas. The primary contribution of the article is (1) results of performance measurements for selected geoportals; (2) presentation of measuring tools and performance indices combined with methods for ad-hoc performance measuring; and (3) presentation of potential actions to improve geoportal performance on the device with which it is used. The article offers case studies where the performance of selected geoportals was tested in rural mountainous areas with limited Internet access. Five geoportals were tested with PageSpeed Insights (PSI), WebPageTest, GTmetrix, Pingdom, and GiftOfSpeed. Core Web Vitals indices were analysed: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and First Contentful Paint (FCP). The author verified values of the Speed Index and Fully Loaded Time along with other performance indices, like GTmetrix Structure. The study failed to provide unambiguous evidence that radio link users in rural areas could experience problems with geoportal performance, although the results seem to suggest it indirectly. PSI Lab Data and Field Data tests revealed a relatively low performance of the geoportals. The Performance index remained below 50 in most cases, which is ‘Poor’ according to the PSI scale. The fully loaded time exceeded 10 s for all the geoportals and 20 s in some cases (Lab Data). It means that the perceived performance of the tested geoportals on a radio link in rural areas is most probably even lower. The case studies demonstrated further that the user has limited possibilities to speed up map applications. It is possible to slightly improve the geoportal experience through the optimisation of the device locally, but the responsibility to ensure geoportal performance is mainly the publisher’s.
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The objective of this studyis to evaluate the current state of accessibility of higher education institution websites in the State of Kuwait. Using a quantitative approach, websites of higher education institutions were evaluated for their conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) standard. A total of 41 higher education homepages and college landing pages were evaluated. The following software conformance tools and metrics were used: AChecker, Total Validator, WAVE and HTML/CSS/ARIA. The evaluation was followed by a systematic analysis of the results, a comparison to other areas of accessibility research, and putting forth a set of recommendations for the improvement in higher education website accessibility. None of the higher education websites fully conformed to the WCAG 2.0 Level A standard across all tools used. The lowest ranking pages (24% of all pages) had an error rate above 35% across all aspects of the WCAG 2.0 guidelines. The majority of errors, at both WCAG 2.0 levels A and AA, fell under the perceivable criteria. Overall, the analysis suggested that accessibility was not accounted for during the website development and that careful re-design and repair of current issues should be a top priority. There is an urgent need to solve accessibility violations in higher education institution websites in Kuwait to support people with disabilities. Educational institutions should develop and enforce policies and laws as well as increase awareness of the WCAG standard amongst IT managers and developers. The institutions should also invest in their developers’ accessibility training and research as well as account for routine reviews of their web pages by people with disabilities and experts.
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Today, the web constitutes an essential segment of higher education institutions. Using their websites, universities can effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily provide information and services to their target groups, regardless of disabilities. As the number of disabled students in higher education rises, universities have to make the necessary design modifications to ensure web content accessibility. This paper presents an evaluation of accessibility, usability, quality performance, and readability aspects of all Turkish state and private university websites. The majority did not meet WCAG 2.0 accessibility criteria. Out of 110 state university websites and 69 private university websites, only 10 state and four private university websites attained conformance Level A. These results indicate low usability, quality performance, and readability that highlights the need for Turkish universities to devote more resources for making their websites more accessible, usable, high-quality performance, and readable for all their potential users.
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Public sector bodies are increasingly relying on the Internet. On this channel, indispensable information is transmitted to the public and a wide range of services is already available. Therefore, the usability, accessibility, and the security of these websites are very important. Accessibility is particularly crucial for persons with disabilities. The accessibility of public service websites is regulated by a number of laws; among others, the directive "on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies" adopted by the European Parliament in 2016. This obliges all European Union member states to make all public sector websites and mobile applications accessible by 23 September 2021. In practice, this means that websites must fulfil the level AA recommendations in WCAG 2.1. In our study, a website assessment method is developed by comparing different analytical tools. With this method, we analysed how Hungarian websites of public sector bodies fulfil the requirements of the directive. We have also investigated how well they comply with usability and security guidelines. The results showed that none of the 25 websites of the examined Hungarian public sector bodies could completely fulfil the recommendations of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and that half of the websites had only the lowest level of compliance in usability tests. From the security point of view, almost half of the websites use outdated server versions and programming language, which is very critical. We have proposed several suggestions to address the major problems , so website developers and administrators can improve the accessibility, usability, and security aspects of these websites.
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The website has become an important factor in digitization. In recent years the airline industry has moved to online channels to increase customer base and provide timely information and services to the users. Persons with cognitive, mental, physical, sensory impairment also access these websites. To make these websites equally accessible to these disabled people, website designers should include the accessibility options in their design. An accessible website not only increases the participation of the disabled person in the digital environment but also make it more usable to everyone. Web quality parameters like usability and accessibility play an important role in customer attraction and retention. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to evaluate the quality of websites of airlines based in India. The evaluation is done on the basis of accessibility, usability, and readability of the website using online automated tools. Usability of the Indian airline websites is evaluated on various parameters of the website such as page size, page load time, number of broken links on the page. Accessibility evaluation of the website is done by checking the compliance of Indian airline website with web accessibility guideline 2.0 and evaluating the color contrast errors which makes the website inaccessible to cognitively disabled persons. Finally, the mobile-friendliness of websites is evaluated using online tools. The result of the study shows that none of the Indian airline websites satisfies the WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines and suffers from serious usability issues.
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Massive Open Online Courses are emerged by the use of developing technologies for distance learning. With the aid of these systems, millions of people have an opportunity to attend academic lectures and obtain certificate. In recent years, most of the well known universities have supported these type of studies. Thus, number of open courses have been increased. In this study, specifically in context of Turkey, three most commonly used MOOC platforms evaluated the level of accessibility of localized MOOCs using automatic accessibility checking and provide some recommendations to improve its accessibility and usability.
Usability is an important aspect that every website should focus more. It tells us how well and success website will function with real users. Many people often think usability tests are expensive and time-consuming. It can be a cost-effective and time saver with usability testing instead of spending more time fixing an unusable website. This study evaluates the usability of encyclopedia websites by using automated usability testing tools and questionnaire methods. The questionnaire was developed based on a standard form called Website Analysis and Measurement Inventory (WAMMI) that identified 20 common usability questions divided into five categories. Each category deals with one aspect of usability. Simultaneously, the automated usability testing tools used in this study were Pingdom and GT Metrix to calculate and analyse the website performance of selected encyclopedia websites based on website components including page load time, media size and overall web performance grades. This study could help web designer, developer, and practitioners design better and more user-friendly encyclopedia websites.
With the increasing spread and usage of Internet technologies, the challenge of ensuring Web accessibility for all, including anyone with a form of disability, has become an hot issue, pursued both by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and by governments in different countries. In particular, W3C has developed technical Web accessibility guidelines (WCAG), while governments have legally addressed the problem, by emanating specific laws and policies. In Italy, the Stanca Act, a law regulating the design and creation of governmental and public sector websites, recently updated according to last WCAG 2.1 was enacted in 2004. To analyze its impact, this paper presents a study about the accessibility of Italian public universities websites, by particularly analyzing their conformance to the Stanca Act. The reported analysis shows that, despite that the Stanca act dates back 15 years ago, Italian public universities are still struggling to satisfy all its requirements.
In today’s information age, many universities around the world utilize their websites as a key platform for interaction with various stakeholders. As a result, it is of crucial importance for these websites to be highly accessible so that they can be effectively used by all stakeholders. However, there has been growing evidence over the years indicating that most university websites are unable to meet accessibility criteria. This study had as objective to evaluate the accessibility of South African (SA) university websites. An accessibility evaluation of the homepages of all 26 SA university websites showed that none of the websites met all the WCAG 2.0 accessibility criteria. The websites violated an average of eight rules, of which many are fundamental Level A criteria that ideally must be addressed by all websites. Additionally, all the websites had broken links, while four of the websites failed the Google Mobile-friendly Test. These findings suggest the need for SA universities to devote the necessary financial and human resources to enhance the accessibility of their websites.