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Modulation of Nuclear Factor-κB by Human T Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Tax Protein: Implications for Oncogenesis and Inflammation


Abstract and Figures

Activation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) transcription factor family by different stimuli, such as inflammatory cytokines, stress inducers, or pathogens, results in innate and adaptive immunity. While the main function of NF-kappaB is to promote the host's immune response, the NF-kappaB pathway is frequently dysregulated by invading viral pathogens. Human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the causative agent of a fatal malignancy known as adult T cell leukemia (ATL) and an inflammatory disease named tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM). HTLV-1 encodes an oncoprotein, Tax, which plays a significant role in the initiation of cellular transformation and the elicitation of the host's inflammatory responses. Here, we review current thinking on how Tax may affect both diseases through activation of NF-kappaB signaling.
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Many of the molecular alterations associ-
ated with carcinogenesis occur in cell signaling
pathways that regulate cell proliferation and
differentiation. HTLV-1 is the etiological agent
for ATL, an aggressive human T-cell malig-
nancy, and for inflammatory pathologies vari-
ously named as HTLV-1 associated myelopathy
or tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM or TSP)
(1–4). ATL develops in 2–5% of HTLV-1
infected individuals after a prolonged disease-
free period (5,6). This long latency for ATL
suggests that multiple discrete events in a
normal cell are subverted by HTLV-1 in the
virus process of cellular transformation. How
HTLV-1 transforms T cells remains incom-
pletely understood. However, the expression of
virus-encoded protein early in infection likely
plays an important role (7–9).
Activation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) transcription
factor family by different stimuli, such as inflammatory cytokines,
stress inducers, or pathogens, results in innate and adaptive immu-
nity. While the main function of NF-κB is to promote the host’s
immune response, the NF-κB pathway is frequently dysregulated by
invading viral pathogens. Human T cell leukemia virus type 1
(HTLV-1) is the causative agent of a fatal malignancy known as
adult T cell leukemia (ATL) and an inflammatory disease named
tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1 associated myelopathy
(TSP/HAM). HTLV-1 encodes an oncoprotein, Tax, which plays a
significant role in the initiation of cellular transformation and the
elicitation of the host’s inflammatory responses. Here, we review
current thinking on how Tax may affect both diseases through acti-
vation of NF-κB signaling.
Key Words
Human T cell leukemia virus
Adult T cell leukemia (ATL)
HTLV-1 Tax
Kuan-Teh Jeang
Building 4, Room 306
9000 Rockville
Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892-0460
© 2006
Humana Press Inc.
Modulation of Nuclear Factor-κB
by Human T Cell Leukemia Virus
Type 1 Tax Protein
Implications for Oncogenesis and Inflammation
Immunologic Research 2006;34/1:1–12
Jean-Marie Peloponese Jr.
Man Lung Yeung
Kuan-Teh Jeang
Molecular Virology Section,
Laboratory of Molecular
Microbiology National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-0460
HTLV-1 encodes several regulatory pro-
teins in its pX region located between Env and
the 3LTR; these proteins are translated from
four partially overlapping open reading
frames (ORF) including p12I(ORF-1), p13II
(ORF-2), p30II (ORF-2), Rex (ORF-3), and
Tax (ORF-4) (10). Among these proteins, Tax
is a potent transcriptional activator that drives
the transcription of all HTLV-1 transcripts
from the viral LTR. Tax activates LTR-
directed transcription by recruiting members
of the CRE-binding/activating transcription
factors (CREB/ATF) family to the viral pro-
moter (11). In addition, Tax activates other
cellular transcription factors such as nuclear
factor kappa B (NF-κB) and activator protein-
1 (AP-1), promoting accelerated cell prolif-
eration and cell survival (12).
There is conclusive evidence including
results from transgenic mice that the 40-kDa
nuclear HTLV-1 Tax protein is the entity
responsible for cellular transformation
(8,13,14). When expressed singularly, Tax is
sufficient to immortalize primary human T
lymphocytes and to transform rodent cells
(9,15). In part, cellular transformation by
HTLV-1 is explained by Tax’s ability to dereg-
ulate cellular signaling pathways and perturb
cellular gene expression (16). Tax can also
override normal cell cycle controls via multi-
ple means including transcriptional activation
and direct binding to cell cycle regulators
(17). Specifically, Tax upregulates the expres-
sion of several cyclins (cyclin C, D2, and E)
and CDK inhibitors such as CDK2, CDK4,
and p21Waf1/Cip1 (8). In addition, HTLV-1
infected cells avoid growth arrest and/or
apoptosis because Tax inhibits the functions
of the p53 tumor suppressor (18). En toto, Tax
utilizes multiple mechanisms from activation
of pro-proliferation genes to dysregulation of
checkpoints and DNA damage repair path-
ways to influence genomic instability, which
may form the basis for transformation (13). In
this review, we limit our focus to the role of
Tax-activation of NF-κB and discuss, in a
non-exhaustive manner, how this activity
relates to oncogenesis and inflammation.
The NF-κB Pathways
First described over 20 yr ago, the nuclear
factor kappa B (NF-κB) family of transcrip-
tional factors comprises a group of important
regulators of innate and adaptive immune
response (19,20). NF-κB promotes the
expression of well over 100 target genes,
including cytokines and chemokines, recep-
tors for immune recognition, and proteins
involved in antigen presentation (13,21,22).
NF-κB is viewed as a central mediator of
immune responses (20,23). Gene knockout
studies have established roles for NF-κB in
the ontogeny of the immune system and at
multiple steps during normal and abnormal
cellular proliferation as well as in cell survival
and programmed cell death (24–28). Perhaps
because it sits at the nexus of multiple path-
ways, NF-κB is frequently targeted by viral
pathogens that infect cells. Indeed, many
viruses exploit NF-κB in order to enhance
viral replication, host cell survival, and eva-
sion of immune responses.
The NF-κB family contains five members:
NF-κB1(p105/p50), NF-κB2(p100/p52), RelA
(p65), RelB, and cRel (Fig. 1) (19,29,30).
RelA , RelB, and cRel are expressed as tran-
scriptionally active proteins, whereas NF-κB1
and NF-κB2are synthesized as precursor pro-
teins that are processed to counterpart smaller,
transcriptionally active subunits, p50 and p52,
respectively (19,29,30). NF-κB members have
an approx 300-amino-acid Rel-homology
domain (RHD) at their amino-termini that con-
tain sequences used for dimerization, DNA
binding, nuclear transport (NLS), and interac-
tion with the cytoplasmic inhibitory IκB pro-
teins (Fig. 1) (19,30,31). With the exception of
Peloponese, Yeung, and Jeang
RelB, NF-κB proteins form homo- and het-
erodimers when activated. Examples include a
p50/52 heterodimer, which lacks transcrip-
tional activation domains, and a p50/p65 het-
erodimer, which is transcriptionally competent.
NF-κB is inactive in the cytoplasm of
latent or unstimulated cells because of its
association with inhibitors of kappa B (IκB)
proteins (Fig. 2) (21,29,32). IκB proteins
include IκBα,IκBβ,IκBε, Bcl-3, and C-ter-
minal subunits of p105 (NF-κB1) and p100
(NF-κB2) (32,33). IκB proteins conserve
ankyrin-like repeat domains, which regulate
the subcellular localization of Rel-NF-κB
Modulation of Nuclear Factor-κB3
Fig. 1. Schematic representations of NF-κB and IκB family members. (A) NF-κB family members are
characterized by a Rel Homology Domain (RHD) important for DNA binding, dimerization, and nuclear
localization. p105 and p100 are processed by the proteasome (processing site is indicated by arrow) to give
rise to the NF-κB proteins p50 and p52 respectively. (B) IκB family contains a series of ankyrin repeats that
allow for interaction with the RHD of NF-κB. (C) IKKα(IKK1) and IKKβ(IKK2) contain N-terminal kinase
domains, central leucine zippers, and a C-terminal helix-loop-helix domain. IKKγ/NEMO contains an N-ter-
minal α-helix (α), two coiled-coil domains, and a C-terminal zinc finger. Transactivation domain (TAD),
leucine zipper (LZ), glycine rich region (GRR), leucine zipper (LZ), helix-loop-helix (HLH), coiled-coil (CC),
and zinc finger (ZF).
proteins by masking the NLS, located in the
latter’s RHD (34–37). The IκB proteins show
different affinity and specificity for NF-κB
dimers. For example, IκBβinhibits the
p50/p65 heterodimer more efficiently than
the p50/RelB or p50/cRel complexes. By
contrast, IκBαrecognizes all three com-
plexes similarly.
Cytoplasmic NF-κB complexes can be
activated by a variety of stimuli, including
viral and bacterial pathogens, cytokines, and
stress-inducing agents, through two discrete
signaling routes: the canonical and non-
canonical pathways (Fig. 2) (21,29,32). The
canonical pathway is governed by an IκB
kinase (IKK) complex that phosphorylates
IκB molecules (32,38). The IKK complex
consists of three subunits: the enzymatic
IKKα, IKKβ, and the regulatory IKKγ(also
termed the NF-κB essential modulator
Peloponese, Yeung, and Jeang
Fig. 2. Mechanisms of Tax activation of the canonical and non-canonical NF-κB pathways. The canon-
ical pathway (right) consists of IKK-mediated phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and degradation of IκB pro-
teins leading to ubiquitination and degradation by the proteasome, and the nuclear translocation of RelA and
c-Rel-containing heterodimers. Tax activates the canonical pathway through its interaction with IKKγ. Tax
may recruit upstream activators to trigger IKK activation such as PI3K. The non-canonical pathway (left
panel) consists of NIK and IKKα-mediated p100 processing and nuclear mobilization of RelB/p52 het-
erodimers. Tax triggers activation of this NIK-downstream pathway by activating and recruiting IKKαto p100
stimulating phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and processing to p52.
[NEMO]) subunit (39–44). IKK phosphory-
lates specific serines (S32 and S36) in the N-
terminus of IκB, targeting the phosphorylated
moieties for ubiquitination and proteasomal
degradation and compelling IκB molecules to
release otherwise sequestered NF-κB pro-
teins. After being activated, NF-κB translo-
cates to the nucleus, where it stimulates
transcription of genes containing the consen-
sus sequence 5-GGGRNNYYCC-3(R is a
purine,Y is a pyrimidine, and N is any nucleic
acid) (Fig. 2) (45).
The non-canonical pathway does not
require the complete IKK complex but does
utilize IKKαand the NF-κB inducing kinase
(NIK) (46,47). In this pathway, unprocessed
full-length NF-κB2 (p100) can dimerize with
RelB and act as a cytoplasmic IκB molecule
preventing the nuclear translocation of RelB.
In this setting, proteolytic processing that
cleaves the ankyrin repeats removes p100’s
IκB function while generating an active
RelB/p52 complex, which can then translo-
cate into the nucleus (Fig. 2) (46,47).
RelB/p52 dimers recognize a novel NF-κB
sequence (5-RGGAGAYTTR-3, where R is
a purine and Y is a pyrimidine) (48). In gen-
eral, the canonical pathway is considered to
be important for the generation of inflamma-
tory and adaptative immune responses,
whereas the non-canonical NF-κB pathway
largely serves specific cell types such as B
lymphoid stromal cells and contributes to B-
cell maturation.
HTLV-1 Co-opts the Cell’s Canonical
NF-κB Pathway
Canonical NF-κB activation in T cells is
generally transient. Brief NF-κB activation
required for proliferation and survival of stim-
ulated T-cells is achieved through strictly
controlled feedback regulation. Hence, upon
stimulation by antigen, the T-cell receptor
(TCR) and its proximal signaling molecules
are downregulated to prevent sustained sig-
naling through the cell surface receptor. Fur-
thermore, activation of NF-κB induces the
expression and de novo synthesis of IκBα
which can enter the nucleus and halt NF-κB’s
transcriptional function. In distinction to its
strict physiologically regulated control, the
NF-κB family of transcription factors are
known to be constitutively activated in vari-
ous human malignancies, including leukemias
(49), lymphomas (50,51), and solid tumors
(52). Of relevance to this review, HTLV-1
transformed T cell lines and freshly isolated
ATL cells both show persistently unchecked
activation of NF-κB (53,54). In transformed
cell lines, Tax is the intracellular NF-κB
inducer. However, in cells from ATL patients,
NF-κB remains activated despite the eventual
shut-down of Tax expression, suggesting that
Tax may be needed to initiate but not to main-
tain NF-κB activation (55). In a recent study,
Higuchi et al. (56) proposed that CD30 can
play a role in Tax-independent activation of
NF-κB. CD30 is a member of the tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily
and is used as a marker of malignancy in
Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) (57). Overex-
pression of CD30 in HL cell contributes to
constitutive NF-κB activation in these cells.
Similar to HL cells, ATL cells line and fresh
ATL cells also show elevated expression of
CD30 (56).
Different models have been proposed to
explain how Tax activates NF-κB. Initially, it
was thought that Tax directly interacted with
a latent NF-κB/IκBαcomplex to trigger acti-
vation (58). Following the identification of
IKK-mediated phosphorylation of IκBα,it
was reconsidered that Tax might activate NF-
κB by signaling through the IKK complex
(58). Indeed, inside cells, expression of Tax is
closely followed first by the phosphorylation
and then the degradation of IκBαand IκBβ
Modulation of Nuclear Factor-κB5
(58). A clue to how Tax interdigitates with the
IKK complex came from the unexpected find-
ing that this viral oncoprotein failed to acti-
vate NF-κB in either IKKγ–/– knocked-out
mouse embryonic fibroblasts or in mutant
Jurkat T-cells inactivated for IKKγ(59). A
mechanistic explanation was offered by the
discovery that Tax physically associates with
IKKγin mammalian cells (58,60), and that
Tax/IKK association causally activated NF-
κB (61).
Extensive mutagenesis studies have defined
several Tax point mutants that cannot activate
NF-κB (62,63) When investigated further, it
was verified that Tax point mutants inactive for
NF-κB were also unable to bind IKKγ(9,64).
Tax was found to associate directly with the
201–250 region in IKKγ(60,61). Interest-
ingly, while IKKγs function is also triggered
by proinflammatory cytokines (60,61), such as
TNFα, this latter activity maps to a C-terminal
zinc finger domain in IKKγseparate from its
Tax-relevant site. Thus, signaling through
IKKγby viral oncoprotein or cytokine appears
to be discrete and independent (60).
Recent studies by Jeong et al. (65) and
Tanaka et al. (66) provide insights into the
mechanism employed by Tax to active NF-
κB using kinase(s) upstream of IKK. In this
regard, Tax appears to interact with an
upstream kinase in the phosphatidylinositol-
3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway. The PI3K/Akt
signaling pathway is activated by numerous
growth-factor and immune receptors and
regulates fundamental cellular functions
such as transcription, translation, prolifera-
tion, growth, and survival (67,68). Akt, also
called protein kinase B (PKB), is a Ser/Thr
kinase bearing some homology with protein
kinase C (PKC) and protein kinase A (PKA).
Akt is the cellular homolog of the viral onco-
protein v-Akt, which is responsible for a sub-
population of leukemias in mice (69).
Activated Akt modulates the function of
numerous substrates related to cell prolifer-
ation such as glycogen synthase kinase-3
(GSK-3), cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors
P21Waf1/Cip1 and P27Kip2, and mammalian
target of rapamycin (mTOR) (67,68). Akt
also phosphorylates and activates IKKα,
which, in turn, phosphorylates IκBα, target-
ing it for degradation (70). Perturbation of
the PI3k/Akt pathway has been associated
with the development of diseases such as
cancer, diabetes, and autoimmunity
(67,71,72). Recently, Jeong et al. (65) sug-
gested that Akt is activated in HTLV-1-trans-
formed cells and that NF-κB activation is
linked to Tax activation of Akt. Interest-
ingly, inhibition of endogenous Akt with the
PI3K/Akt inhibitor LY294002 or anti-Akt
siRNA in Tax-expressing cells not only pre-
vented NF-κB activation but also impaired
p53 regulation. These findings suggest that
Akt plays a role in the activation of pro-sur-
vival pathways in HTLV-1-infected cells,
possibly through NF-κB activation and inhi-
bition of p53. Interestingly, Tanaka et al. (66)
showed that independent of Akt activation,
the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein
kinase-1 (PDK1) directly phosphorylates
IKKβat Ser 181 to induce NF-κB activation.
Direct phosphorylation of p65 in response
to proinflammatory cytokines and Tax pro-
vides another way for NF-κB activation.
O’Mahony et al. (73) showed that IKK phos-
phorylates p65 on S529 and S536 in response
to TNFαtreatment. Tax expression also
enhances IKKα-mediated p65 phosphoryla-
tion. Phosphorylation of Ser536 is required
for a complete NF-κB-response to Tax,
whereas phosphorylation of Ser529 appears to
be less important for Tax responsiveness (73).
Thus, Tax can not only modulates upstream
degradation of IκB in the cytoplasm, but can
also facilitate transcriptionally proximal
nuclear modifications of p65 to maximize the
activation of NF-κB target genes.
Peloponese, Yeung, and Jeang
Tax and the Non-canonical
NF-κB Pathway
Unlike the canonical pathway, non-canoni-
cal NFκB activation occurs in B cells and lym-
phoid stromal cells. Until now, a very limited
number of p100 processing inducers [lym-
photoxin beta (LT-β) (47,74), B-cell activating
factor (BAFF) (75,76), and CD40 ligand (77)],
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-like weak inducer
of apoptosis (TWEAK) (78) and receptor acti-
vator of NF kappa B ligand (RANKL) (79)
have been identified. Ligation of these induc-
ers to their cognate receptors activates NFκB-
inducing kinase (NIK). Activated NIK triggers
IKKαkinase activity by phosphorylating the
latter’s activation loop (80). In addition, NIK
also functions as an adaptor molecule that
enhances the binding of IKKαand p100 (80).
Once bound to p100, activated IKKγphos-
phorylates S99, S108, S115, S123, and S872
of p100 facilitating β-transducin repeat-con-
taining protein (β-TrCP)–mediated ubiquiti-
nation and proteasome-mediated degradation
(81). The newly form p52/RelB dimer then
translocates into the nucleus and activates
expression of target genes such as chemokines
BLC, ELC, and SDF-1 (48).
Under physiological conditions, processing
of p100 is tightly regulated. This is reflected
by the low ratio of p52 to p100 in resting cells.
Dysregulated expression of p52 leads to
severe abnormalities in lymphoid develop-
ment (75–77). Moreover, constitutive pro-
cessing of p100 has been linked to various
lymphomas and leukemia (82–85), including
ATL (86,87). It has been suggested that T-cell
transformation by HTLV-1 may correlate with
inappropriate induction of p100 processing by
Tax (86). Tax physically interacts with two
short amino-terminal helices (αA and αB) in
p100 (86,88). Like NIK, Tax is thought to act
as an adaptor protein that assembles an
IKKα/p100 complex (80). Either NIK- or
Tax-mediated IKKαbinding to p100 requires
a recognition site formed by the latter’s serine
866 and 870. Subsequent to protein-complex
assembly, phosphorylation of p100 by IKKα
triggers the ubiquitination and processing of
p100 by the 26s proteasome (80). Of note,
IKKγis also required for Tax-induced p100
processing. It is hypothesized that IKKγacts
as an adaptor for Tax to recruit IKKαto p100
(Fig. 2) (61,64,89–91). Hence, in the absence
of IKKγ, neither Tax’s activation of the canon-
ical NF-κB pathway nor Tax’s induction of
non-canonical p100 processing (86) occurs.
While NIK-induced p100 processing
depends absolutely on β-TrCP, this mechanism
only partially explains Tax-induced p100 pro-
cessing (92). It is noteworthy that increasing
p100 nuclear translocation also enhances its
processing. This suggests that p100 could be
processed in the nucleus through a yet identi-
fied mechanism (93). Since Tax is predomi-
nantly a nuclear protein that binds p100
(86,88), the above finding suggests that Tax
might ferry p100 into the nucleus facilitating a
nuclear β-TrCP-independent p100 processing.
HTLV-1 and Chronic Inflammation
HTLV-1 infection is associated with ATL
(6,94) and a chronic inflammatory disease
variously manifested as HTLV-1 associated
myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis
(HAM/TSP), HTLV-1 uveitis (HAU), HTLV-
1 associated arthropathy (HAAP), rheumatoid
arthritis, and dermatitis (4,95,96). While it is
not fully understood how HTLV-1 infection
causes chronic inflammation, it is believed
that the efficiency of the host’s CD8+cyto-
toxic T cell (CTLs) response to HTLV-1 plays
an important role in determining the proviral
load of HTLV-1 and a consequential chronic
inflammatory outcome (97). Interestingly,
most of the CTL response in an infected indi-
vidual is directed to the Tax protein (97,98).
Modulation of Nuclear Factor-κB7
The main roles of CD8+cytotoxic T cells
during viral infection are to eliminate infected
cells and to suppress viral replication by pro-
ducing inflammatory cytokines such as inter-
feron-γ(IFNγ) or tumor necrosis factor-α
(TNFα). Infiltrations of CD8+ T cells have
been found in inflammatory lesions in patients
with HAM/TSP (99). It is widely assumed
that tissue damage observed in the HTLV-1
associated inflammatory diseases such as
HAM/TSP is due to bystander damage caused
by the infiltrating lymphocytes. In their model,
Asquith and Bangham (100), proposed that in
patients with HAM/TSP, Tax expressing CD4+
T cells infiltrate the CNS and attract pro-
inflammatory CD8+T cells. Because of the
high viral load and the presence of abundant
Tax antigen, CTLs can simultaneously kill
the target cells and produce inflammatory
cytokines, resulting in collateral damage to the
CNS tissue (98,100). A recent transgenic
mouse study by Kwon et al. (101) provides
strong support for this model. Kwon et al.
(101) generated mice conditionally expressing
two different Tax mutant, Tax M22 and Tax
M47, which have NF-κB/CREB+and NF-
κB+/CREBfunctional phenotypes, respec-
tively. They observed that Tax and Tax M47
but not Tax M22 transgenic mice developed a
progressive dermatitis. The skin lesions were
characterized by the infiltration of T cells and
the local increase of inflammatory cytokines
such as TNFα, IL-6, IL-1α, IL-1β, lympho-
toxin-βand IFNγ. Of note, many of those
genes are NF-αB inducible chemokines. Inter-
estingly, similar inflammatory changes have
been observed in mice with up-regulated NF-
κB signaling (102).
Since the HTLV-1’s discovery 25 yr ago
(6,94), significant progress has been made
toward understanding the virus’ oncogenic
and inflammatory properties. Activation of
NF-κB plays an important role in the both
oncogenesis and inflammation. Through Tax,
HTLV-1 has devised multiple strategies to
activate efficiently both canonical and non-
canonical NF-κB pathways. Despite important
findings such as the identification of IKK as a
cellular target of Tax and an essential compo-
nent in Tax-stimulated NF-κB signaling, some
unanswered questions remain. How does
physical interaction of Tax with IKK trigger
activation of this kinase complex? What are
the role(s) of kinase(s) upstream of IKK such
as Akt or PDK1 in Tax-mediated NF-κB acti-
vation and in ATL progression? What are the
NF-κB downstream events that contribute to
Tax-related inflammation? These and other
questions will keep researchers busy for the
next 25 yr and beyond.
We thank members of the Jeang laboratory
for critical readings of manuscript. Our labo-
ratory is supported by intramural funds from
the NIAID, NIH. We apologize to investiga-
tors who we were unable to cite due to space
Peloponese, Yeung, and Jeang
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Peloponese, Yeung, and Jeang
... The formation of a composition with TAX, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), and IKKc form a stable ternary structure to degrade IjB. Canonical and non-canonical NF-jB pathways are the most crucial target for HTLV-1 Tax implicated in cell survival and transformation in cell lines and freshly isolated ATLL [107,127,128]. These events in the infected T cells initiate cell transformation and inflammation [127,[129][130][131][132]. Thus, by inducing this pathway, the viral TAX oncoprotein plays a pivotal role in the infected cell's survival by inhibiting apoptosis, cellular proliferation, and transformation During cellular stress, such as HTLV-1 infection, DNA damage, and deprivation from growth-factor, the intrinsic apoptosis pathway (mainly by p53) is activated. ...
... Canonical and non-canonical NF-jB pathways are the most crucial target for HTLV-1 Tax implicated in cell survival and transformation in cell lines and freshly isolated ATLL [107,127,128]. These events in the infected T cells initiate cell transformation and inflammation [127,[129][130][131][132]. Thus, by inducing this pathway, the viral TAX oncoprotein plays a pivotal role in the infected cell's survival by inhibiting apoptosis, cellular proliferation, and transformation During cellular stress, such as HTLV-1 infection, DNA damage, and deprivation from growth-factor, the intrinsic apoptosis pathway (mainly by p53) is activated. ...
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) is an aggressive malignancy of CD4⁺ T lymphocytes caused by human T lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) infection. HTLV-1 was brought to the World Health Organization (WHO) and researchers to address its impact on global public health, oncogenicity, and deterioration of the host immune system toward autoimmunity. In a minority of the infected population (3–5%), it can induce inflammatory networks toward HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), or hijacking the infected CD4⁺ T lymphocytes into T regulatory subpopulation, stimulating anti-inflammatory signaling networks, and prompting ATLL development. This review critically discusses the complex signaling networks in ATLL pathogenesis during virus–host interactions for better interpretation of oncogenicity and introduces the main candidates in the pathogenesis of ATLL. At least two viral factors, HTLV-1 trans-activator protein (TAX) and HTLV-1 basic leucine zipper factor (HBZ), are implicated in ATLL manifestation, interacting with host responses and deregulating cell signaling in favor of infected cell survival and virus dissemination. Such molecules can be used as potential novel biomarkers for ATLL prognosis or targets for therapy. Moreover, the challenging aspects of HTLV-1 oncogenesis introduced in this review could open new venues for further studies on acute leukemia pathogenesis. These features can aid in the discovery of effective immunotherapies when reversing the gene expression profile toward appropriate immune responses gradually becomes attainable.
... For example, inactivated microorganisms (e.g., Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Akkermansia), microbial cell components and metabolites (e.g., EPS and SCFA) can inhibit the expressions of pro-inflammatory, thereby preventing MetS Larasati et al. 2019;Yoshitake et al. 2021;Zhao et al. 2022). NF-κB is a multidirectional transcription factor playing a key role in inflammation through regulating inflammatory cytokines (Peloponese, Yeung, and Jeang 2006). TLR4 is an upstream of the inflammatory pathway, which can active NF-κB through a cascade of signal transduction, including the phosphorylation of inhibitor of NF-κB kinase subunit α/subunit β (IKKα/β) and inhibitor of NF-κB (IκBα) (Zhang and Ghosh 2001). ...
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Postbiotics are defined as "preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host". Postbiotics have unique advantages over probiotics, such as stability, safety, and wide application. Although postbiotics are research hotspots, the research on them is still very limited. This review provides comprehensive information on the scope of postbiotics, the preparation methods of inanimate microorganisms, and the application and mechanisms of postbiotics in metabolic syndrome (MetS). Furthermore, the application trends of postbiotics in the food industry are reviewed. It was found that postbiotics mainly include inactivated microorganisms, microbial lysates, cell components, and metabolites. Thermal treatments are the main methods to prepare inanimate microorganisms as postbiotics, while non-thermal treatments, such as ionizing radiation, ultraviolet light, ultrasound, and supercritical CO2, show great potential in postbiotic preparation. Postbiotics could ameliorate MetS through multiple pathways including the modulation of gut microbiota, the enhancement of intestinal barrier, the regulation of inflammation and immunity, and the modulation of hormone homeostasis. Additionally, postbiotics have great potential in the food industry as functional food supplements, food quality improvers, and food preservatives. In addition, the SWOT analyses showed that the development of postbiotics in the food industry exists both opportunities and challenges.
... In particular, the importance of Tax and Hbz in tumorigenesis of infected cells was highlighted. There are many reports demonstrating the transforming activity of Tax and Hbz in vitro and in vivo (36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45). However, given that most infected individuals do not develop ATL, HTLV-1 may have a mechanism to downregulate the transforming activities of Tax and Hbz. ...
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HTLV-1 is an oncovirus causing ATL and other inflammatory diseases such as HAM/TSP and HU in about 5% of infected individuals. It is also known that HTLV-1-infected cells maintain a disease-free, immortalized, latent state throughout the lifetimes of about 95% of infected individuals. We believe that the stable maintenance of disease-free infected cells in the carrier is an intrinsic characteristic of HTLV-1 that has been acquired during its evolution in the human life cycle. We speculate that the pathogenesis of the virus is ruled by the orchestrated functions of viral proteins. In particular, the regulation of Rex, the conductor of viral replication rate, is expected to be closely related to the viral program in the early active viral replication followed by the stable latency in HTLV-1 infected T cells. HTLV-1 and HIV-1 belong to the family Retroviridae and share the same tropism, e.g., human CD4⁺ T cells. These viruses show significant similarities in the viral genomic structure and the molecular mechanism of the replication cycle. However, HTLV-1 and HIV-1 infected T cells show different phenotypes, especially in the level of virion production. We speculate that how the activity of HTLV-1 Rex and its counterpart HIV-1 Rev are regulated may be closely related to the properties of respective infected T cells. In this review, we compare various pathological aspects of HTLV-1 and HIV-1. In particular, we investigated the presence or absence of a virally encoded “regulatory valve” for HTLV-1 Rex or HIV-1 Rev to explore its importance in the regulation of viral particle production in infected T cells. Finally, wereaffirm Rex as the key conductor for viral replication and viral pathogenesis based on our recent study on the novel functional aspects of Rex. Since the activity of Rex is closely related to the viral replication rate, we hypothesize that the “regulatory valve” on the Rex activity may have been selectively evolved to achieve the “scenario” with early viral particle production and the subsequent long, stable deep latency in HTLV-1 infected cells.
... The oncogenic capacity of Tax-1 is highly correlated to its capability to modulate this particular signaling pathway. In addition, the alteration of NF-κB signaling pathway could also be associated with the inflammatory state observed in HAM/TSP [12]. Interestingly, at protein level, we have demonstrated that Tax-1 is found in 100% of HTLV-1 AC, and in 75% of HAM/TSP cases but rarely in ATL cases. ...
... 47 Further, NF-κB signaling is activated by Tax protein associated with HTLV-1 infection. 48 In addition to PTEN, NIK, which is an important factor in the non-canonical NF-κB pathway, is considered a target protein for dephosphorylation via the recruitment of the NDRG2/PP2A complex (Figure 3). 15 In ATLL cells, NIK is highly expressed when the expression of miR-31 is reduced. ...
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N‐myc downstream‐regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) is a candidate tumor suppressor in various cancers, including adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL). NDRG2, as a stress‐responsive protein, is induced by several stress‐related signaling pathways and NDRG2 negatively regulates various signal transduction pathways. Although it has not been found to function alone, NDRG2 binds serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), generating a complex that is involved in the regulation of various target proteins. The main function of NDRG2 is to maintain cell homeostasis by suppressing stress‐induced signal transduction; however, in cancer, genomic deletions and/or promoter methylation may inhibit the expression of NDRG2, resulting in enhanced tumor development via overactivated signal transduction pathways. A wide variety of tumors develop in Ndrg2‐deficient mice, including T‐cell lymphoma, liver, lung and other tumors, the characteristics of which are similar to those in Pten‐deficient mice. In particular, PTEN is a target molecule of the NDRG2/PP2A complex, which enhances PTEN phosphatase activity by dephosphorylating residues in the PTEN C‐terminal region. In ATLL cells, loss of NDRG2 expression leads to the failed recruitment of PP2A to PTEN, resulting in the inactivation of PTEN phosphatase with phosphorylation, ultimately leading to the activation of PI3K/AKT. Thus, NDRG2, as a PP2A adaptor, regulates the global phosphorylation of important signaling molecules. Moreover, the downregulation of NDRG2 expression via long‐term stress‐induced methylation is directly correlated with the development of ATLL and other cancers. Thus, NDRG2 might be important for the development of stress‐induced leukemia and other cancers and has become an important target for novel molecular therapies.
... protein [5][6][7] . However, Tax is the target of a strong anti-Tax immune response 8,9 resulting in the removal of infected cell with high levels of Tax expression 10 . ...
Le virus T lymphotropique humain de type 1 (HTLV-1) est l’agent étiologique d’une forme rare et très agressive de leucémie de l’adulte (ATL). Le processus leucémogène a longtemps été attribué à la seule action de l’oncoprotéine Tax. Cependant, une nouvelle protéine virale, appelée HBZ (HTLV-1 bZIP factor), a été découverte en 2002. Elle est codée par le brin complémentaire du génome proviral et transcrite en antisens à partir du LTR3’. HBZ s’est avéré être un acteur clef de la prolifération et de la transformation des cellules T infectées, et donc du développement de l’ATL. La présente étude propose de nouvelles pistes quant aux mécanismes par lesquels HBZ induit la survie et la prolifération cellulaire. Nous avons montré que la protéine HBZ stimule l’expression de la neurotrophine BDNF et que les cellules de patients ATL surexpriment à la fois BDNF et son récepteur TrkB. De plus, ces patients présentent une concentration sérique anormalement élevée de la forme mature de BDNF, suggérant l’existence d’une boucle autocrine/paracrine BDNF/TrkB. L’activité de cette boucle a été confirmée in vitro et promeut la survie des cellules infectées par HTLV-1. D’autre part, nous avons découvert qu’HBZ dérégule l’expression du suppresseur de tumeur JunD dans les cellules T infectées, et induit celle de l’isoforme potentiellement oncogène ΔJunD. La production de ΔJunD résulterait d’une altération des mécanismes d’initiation de la traduction par HBZ. Nos résultats montrent aussi que ΔJunD promeut la prolifération et la transformation cellulaire en l’absence de sérum. Nous proposons donc que son expression pourrait contribuer à l’évolution des cellules T infectées en cellules leucémiques.
Bone implant outcome and bone regeneration properties can be improved by the immunomodulation of exosomes (Exos) derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs), which contain cytokines, signaling lipids, and regulatory miRNAs. Analysis of miRNAs in BMSCs-derived exosomes showed that miR-21a-5p exhibited the highest expression and was associated with the NF-κB pathway. Hence, we developed an implant with miR-21a-5p functionality to promote bone incorporation by immunoregulation. Mediated by the potent interaction between tannic acid (TA) and biomacromolecules, the tannic acid modified mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles coated with miR-21a-5p (miR-21a-5p@T-MBGNs) were reversibly attached to TA-modified polyetheretherketone (T-PEEK). Cocultured cells could phagocytose miR-21a-5p@T-MBGNs slowly released from miR-21a-5p@T-MBGNs loaded T-PEEK (miMT-PEEK). Moreover, miMT-PEEK boosted macrophage M2 polarization via the NF-κB pathway to increase BMSCs osteogenic differentiation. In vivo testing of miMT-PEEK in the rat air-pouch model and rat femoral drilling model indicated effective macrophage M2 polarization, new bone formation, and excellent osseointegration. Overall, the osteoimmunomodulation of the miR-21a-5p@T-MBGNs-functionalized implant promoted osteogenesis and osseointegration.
Immunomodulatory imide drugs (IMiDs), such as lenalidomide and pomalidomide, exert pleiotropic effects, e.g., antitumor effects in multiple myeloma, by binding the protein Cereblon and altering its substrate specificity. Lenalidomide is approved for the treatment of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) caused by human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), although the precise mechanisms responsible for its effectiveness have not been fully elucidated. Here, we used HTLV-1-infected cell lines to investigate how IMiDs exert anti-ATL effects. In three of four tested HTLV-1-infected cell lines, the cells treated with lenalidomide or pomalidomide exhibited mild growth suppression without apoptosis, which was associated with decreased IRF4, c-Myc, and phosphorylated STAT3 levels as well as enhanced SOCS3 expression. Additionally, the levels of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) and trimethyl histone 3 Lys27 (H3K27me3) were decreased following IMiD treatment in all three susceptible cell lines. An IMiD-mediated reduction of EZH2 and H3K27me3 levels was also observed in a multiple myeloma cell line. Furthermore, treatment with an EZH2-inhibitor reproduced the IMiD-mediated effects in HTLV-1-infected cells and multiple myeloma cells. These findings strongly suggest that a reduction of EZH2 expression is involved in the mechanism underlying the antitumor effects of IMiD.
Oxidative stress and inflammation have been considered the main factors in the liver injury of clofibrate (CF). To obtain a novel antihyperlipidemic agent with antioxidant, anti-inflammation and hepatoprotection, the combination of sesamol and clofibric acid moieties was performed and achieved sesamol-clofibrate (CF-Sesamol). CF-Sesamol showed significant hypolipidemia effects in hyperlipidemia mice induced by Triton WR 1339, reducing TG by 38.8% (P<0.01) and TC by 35.1% (P<0.01). CF-Sesamol also displayed an alleviating effect on hepatotoxicity. The hepatic weight and hepatic coefficient were decreased. The amelioration of liver function was observed, such as aspartate and lactate transaminases (AST and ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and total proteins (TP) levels. Liver histopathological examination showed that hepatocyte necrosis, cytoplasmic loosening, nuclear degeneration and inflammatory cell infiltration reduced obviously by treatment with CF-Sesamol. Related molecular mechanisms on hepatoprotection showed that CF-Sesamol up-regulated Nrf2 and HO-1 expression and down-regulated p-NF-κB p65 expression in hepatic tissues. CF-Sesamol has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Plasma antioxidant enzymes such as SOD and CAT increased, anti-lipid peroxidation product MDA decreased. The expression of TNF-α and IL-6 inflammatory cytokines in liver was significantly lower than that in the CF group. The results indicated that CF-Sesamol exerted more potent antihyperlipidemic effects and definite hepatoprotective activity partly through the Nrf2/NF-κB-mediated signaling pathway.
Le rétrovirus HTLV-1 qui infecte principalement les lymphocytes T CD4+ est responsable du développement de la leucémie T de l'adulte et d'une pathologie inflammatoire du système nerveux central appelée Paraparésie Spastique Tropicale. Le pouvoir oncogène de ce virus est du à l'expression de deux oncoprotéines virales, les protéines Tax et HBZ. La production de Tax ainsi que de toutes les autres protéines du virus à l'exception d'HBZ est contrôlée par le promoteur sens du virus localisé dans le LTR (Long Terminal Repeat) 5' du virus. La transcription antisens du virus, régulée par le LTR3' donne naissance à deux transcrits l'un épissé, sHBZ, l'autre non, usHBZ. Ces deux ARN une fois traduits permettent la synthèse de deux protéines HBZ différant de quelques acides aminés seulement en N-terminal. Alors que Tax et HBZ provoquent la prolifération accrue des lymphocytes infectés, l'accumulation d'anomalies génétiques, l'immortalisation des lymphocytes, etc.. paradoxalement l'expression de Tax est perdue dans la plupart des cas de leucémie T de l'adulte. Cette perte d'expression passe souvent par la répression de l'expression sens du virus. Ainsi alors que Tax et HBZ participent activement à l'émergence des clones leucémiques, la balance transcriptionnelle est dérégulée en faveur de HBZ au stage final de la transformation par le HTLV-1. Afin de mieux comprendre la pathogenèse associée à HTLV-1 il est donc primordial de comprendre comment la balance entre transcription sens et antisens du virus est régulée dans les premiers temps de l'infection. Alors que l'effet inhibiteur d'HBZ sur la transcription sens est bien décrit, l'effet de la transcription sens et de Tax sur la transcription antisens est encore mal caractérisé. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que dans le contexte de provirus intégrés, le promoteur de sHBZ est moins actif en présence d'une transcription sens. Afin de confirmer ce phénomène, nous avons utilisé deux inhibiteurs pharmacologiques de la transcription sens, la Spironolactone et la Chaetocine pour analyser l'effet d'une diminution du niveau de transcription sens sur la production de sHBZ et usHBZ. Il est montré que l'inhibition de la transcription sens entraine une diminution de la transcription d'usHBZ et une augmentation de la transcription de sHBZ. Les deux transcrits antisens présentent donc une évolution opposée vis à vis de la transcription sens. Pour mieux définir le mécanisme de perturbation de la transcription antisens par la transcription sens, un nouveau modèle a été mis point. Des lignées stables de Jurkat ont été constituée soit avec un plasmide au sein duquel la transcription sens est contrôlée par le CMV, soit ne permettant pas de transcription sens. Ce modèle permettra l'analyse précise des promoteurs du LTR3' et la caractérisation du mécanisme d'inhibition de la transcription de sHBZ par la transcription sens.
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The Tax protein of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), an oncoprotein that transactivates viral and cellular genes, plays a key role in HTLV-1 replication and pathogenesis. We used cDNA microarrays to examine Tax-mediated transcriptional changes in the human Jurkat T-cell lines JPX-9 and JPX-M which express Tax and Tax-mutant protein, respectively, under the control of an inducible promoter. Approximately 300 of the over 2000 genes examined were differentially expressed in the presence of Tax. These genes were grouped according to their function and are discussed in the context of existing findings in the literature. There was strong agreement between our results and genes previously reported as being Tax-responsive. Genes that were differentially expressed in the presence of Tax included those related to apoptosis, the cell cycle and DNA repair, signaling factors, immune modulators, cytokines and growth factors, and adhesion molecules. Functionally, we provide evidence that one of these genes, the mixed-lineage kinase MLK-3, is involved in Tax-mediated NF-κB signaling. Our current results provide additional insights into Tax-mediated signaling.
The nf-kb2 gene encodes the cytoplasmic NF-κB inhibitory protein p100 from which the active p52 NF-κB subunit is derived by proteasome-mediated proteolysis. Ligands which stimulate p100 processing to p52 have not been defined. Here, ligation of CD40 on transfected 293 cells is shown to trigger p52 production by stimulating p100 ubiquitylation and subsequent proteasome-mediated proteolysis. CD40-mediated p52 accumulation is dependent on de novo protein synthesis and triggers p52 translocation into the nucleus to generate active NF-κB dimers. Endogenous CD40 ligation on primary murine splenic B cells also stimulates p100 processing, which results in the delayed nuclear translocation of p52–RelB dimers. In both 293 cells and primary splenic B cells, the ability of CD40 to trigger p100 processing requires functional NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK). In contrast, NIK activity is not required for CD40 to stimulate the degradation of IκBα in either cell type. The regulation of p100 processing by CD40 is likely to be important for the transcriptional regulation of CD40 target genes in adaptive immune responses.
We have characterized a flat cellular variant of HTLV-1 Tax-transformed rat fibroblasts, 5R, which is unresponsive to all tested NF-κB activating stimuli, and we report here its genetic complementation. The recovered full-length cDNA encodes a 48 kDa protein, NEMO (N F-κB E ssential MO dulator), which contains a putative leucine zipper motif. This protein is absent from 5R cells, is part of the high molecular weight IκB kinase complex, and is required for its formation. In vitro, NEMO can homodimerize and directly interacts with IKK-2. The NEMO cDNA was also able to complement another NF-κB–unresponsive cell line, 1.3E2, in which the protein is also absent, allowing us to demonstrate that this factor is required not only for Tax but also for LPS, PMA, and IL-1 stimulation of NF-κB activity.
Processing of the nfκb2 gene product p100 to generate p52 is an important step in NF-κB regulation. We show that this step is negatively regulated by a processing-inhibitory domain (PID) within p100 and positively regulated by the NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK). While the PID suppresses the constitutive processing of p100, NIK induces p100 processing by stimulating site-specific phosphorylation and ubiquitination of this precursor protein. Further, a natural mutation of the gene encoding NIK in alymphoplasia (aly) mice cripples the function of NIK in p100 processing, causing a severe defect in p52 production. These data suggest that NIK is a specific kinase regulating p100 processing and explain why the aly and nfκb2 knockout mice exhibit similar immune deficiencies.
Almost exactly ten years following the first publication on NF-κB (Sen and Baltimore 1986), researchers working on transcriptional regulation by NF-κB/Rel and IκB proteins gathered for the third time to discuss recent developments in the field (Madrid, July 8-10, 1996). The first meeting of its kind was a Howard Hughes workshop at the NIH in November 1992 and the second one a Banbury Conference held at Cold Spring Harbor in October 1993. This year's meeting was organized by R. Bravo (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton) and P. S. Lazo (Universidad de Oviedo) and held at the Juan March Foundation in Madrid, Spain.
Activation of the transcription factor NF-κB by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) requires the NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK). In a yeast two-hybrid screen for NIK-interacting proteins, we have identified a protein kinase previously known as CHUK. Overexpression of CHUK activates a NF-κB-dependent reporter gene. A catalytically inactive mutant of CHUK is a dominant-negative inhibitor of TNF-, IL-1-, TRAF-, and NIK-induced NF-κB activation. CHUK associates with the NF-κB inhibitory protein, IκB-α, in mammalian cells. CHUK specifically phosphorylates IκB-α on both serine 32 and serine 36, modifications that are required for targeted degradation of IκB-α via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. This phosphorylation of IκB-α is greatly enhanced by NIK costimulation. Thus, CHUK is a NIK-activated IκB-α kinase that links TNF- and IL-1-induced kinase cascades to NF-κB activation.
Human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) Tax protein persistently stimulates the activity of IκB kinase (IKK), resulting in constitutive activation of the transcription factor NF-κB. Tax activation of IKK requires physical interaction of this viral protein with the IKK regulatory subunit, IKKγ. The Tax/IKKγ interaction allows Tax to engage the IKK catalytic subunits, IKKα and IKKβ, although it remains unclear whether this linker function of IKKγ is sufficient for supporting the Tax-specific IKK activation. To address this question, we have examined the sequences of IKKγ required for modulating the Tax/IKK signaling. We demonstrate that when fused to Tax, a small N-terminal fragment of IKKγ, containing its minimal IKKα/β-binding domain, is sufficient for bringing Tax to and activating the IKK catalytic subunits. Disruption of the IKKα/β-binding activity of this domain abolishes its function in modulating the Tax/IKK signaling. We further demonstrate that direct fusion of Tax to IKKα and IKKβ leads to activation of these kinases. These findings suggest that the IKKγ-directed Tax/IKK association serves as a molecular trigger for IKK activation.