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CT and MRI appearance of mitochondrial encephalopathy



A case is reported of a 20-year-old female presenting with confusion and progressive sensory aphasia. CT and MRI showed bilateral and symmetric acute necrosis of the basal ganglia and of the left temporal and occipital lobe, besides chronic spinocerebellar degeneration. The imaging findings suggested a mitochrondrial encephalopathy. Genetic examination confirmed a MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactate acidosis and stroke like episodes).
JBR–BTR, 2007, 90: 288-289.
Mitochondrial encephalomyo-
pathy can manifest in multiple
syndromes with considerable radio-
logical, anatomopathological and
biochemical overlapping. These are
chronic disorders with acute necrot-
ic and, therefore, diffusion-hyperin-
tense episodes. Necrosis takes place
in different vascular territories and
both grey and white matters are
affected. There is typical bilateral
and symmetrical infestation of the
basal ganglia. All these features
were present in this case of a 20-
year-old female, who presented at
the neurology department with con-
fusion and progressive sensory
Case report
A 20-year-old Caucasian female
presented at the neurology depart-
ment with confusion and progres-
sive sensory aphasia. Anamnesis
revealed occipital headache of a few
days duration, radiating to the left
cranial hemisphere. For two years,
she was known at the department of
pediatrics with progressive external
ophtalmoplegy, impairment of gait
and ataxia. EMG showed signs of
myopathy. Laboratory examination
revealed lactate acidosis and
increased alanine and organic acid
levels. This suggested a secondary
mitochondrial dysfunction, but at
that time, MRI of the brain showed
no anomalies. There were no
contributive antecedents in family
Because of the acute deteriora-
tion of the patient, a new CT scan
(Fig. 1) was performed. The left tem-
poral lobe was hypodense with
mass-effect on the lateral ventricle
(Fig. 1A,B). There was bilateral and
symmetrical hypodensity of the
basal ganglia (Fig. 1C). The cerebel-
lum and the brainstem were atroph-
ic (Fig. 1A,B). Further MRI examina-
tion (Fig. 2) showed on FLAIR
images a diffuse hyperintense left
temporal lobe with cortical thicken-
ing and compression of the lateral
ventricle (Fig. 2A), hyperintensity
and thickening of the cortex around
the left calcarine fissure and bilater-
al and symmetrical hyperintensity of
the striatal corpora and innominate
substance (Fig. 2A). All these lesions
were hyperintense on the diffusion
sequences (Fig. 2C,D) and hypo-
intense on the T1-weighted images
without contrast. No enhancement
was seen after contrast administra-
tion. The coronal T1 inversion recov-
ery images displayed the perfect
symmetry of the infestated striatal
corpora and innominate substance
(Fig. 2E).
Lateralisation to the left was seen
on EEG. Color-Doppler examination
of the carotid arteries and ECG were
In summary, imaging showed
acute lesions of the basal ganglia
and innominate substance bilateral-
ly, acute white and grey matter
lesions of the left temporal and
occipital lobe, which are different
vascular territories, and chronic
spinocerebellar degeneration. A
chronic disorder with acute
episodes was suspected. A key fea-
ture to the differential diagnosis is
the bilateral basal ganglia infesta-
tion, which had to be integrated with
the acute white and grey matter
lesions in different vascular territo-
ries, the chronic spinocerebellar
degeneration and the clinical pre-
sentation and history. The diagnosis
of mitochondrial encephalopathy
was proposed.
Genetic screening of the blood
revealed a 3243 A to G mutation in
the lymfocytes, which is found in
MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial
myopathy, encephalopathy, lactate
acidosis and stroke like episodes).
Mitochondrial encephalopathy
has to be considered as one entity,
consistent with multiple variants or
syndromes as there are MELAS,
Leighs disease (subacute necrotic
K. Geldof
, K. Ramboer
, J.-M. Goethals
, L. Verhaeghe
A case is reported of a 20-year-old female presenting with confusion and progressive sensory aphasia. CT and MRI
showed bilateral and symmetric acute necrosis of the basal ganglia and of the left temporal and occipital lobe,
besides chronic spinocerebellar degeneration. The imaging findings suggested a mitochrondrial encephalopathy.
Genetic examination confirmed a MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactate acidosis and
stroke like episodes).
Key-words: Brain, diseases — Brain, MR.
1. Department of Radiology, AZ St.- Lucas, Assebroek, Belgium, 2. Department
of Psychiatry-Neurology, AZ OLV Ter Linden, Knokke-Heist, Belgium.
Address for correspondence:
Dr K. Geldof, Wilselsesteenweg 10, B-3010 Kessel-Lo,
Belgium. E-mail: or
Fig. 1.
— CT shows on axial scan through the posterior fossa and temporal lobes (A)
atrophy of the cerebellum with dilatated fourth ventricle (open arrow) and a hypo-
dense left temporal lobe (arrows). Axial scan more cranial through the posterior fossa
and temporal lobes (B) shows atrophy of the brainstem (open arrow) and a hypodense
left temporal lobe with compression of the lateral ventricle due to oedema (arrows).
Axial scan through the basal ganglia (C) shows bilateral and symmetrical hypodensi-
ty of the basal ganglia (arrows).
encephalitis), MERRF (myoclonus,
epilepsy and ragged red fibers),
Kearnes-Sayre (chronic external
ophtalmoplegia with retinal pig-
mentary abnormalities) and Alpers
disease (progressive infantile
poliodystrophy). Pathogenesis in
these syndromes are similar (1) and,
therefore, radiological, anato-
mopathological and biochemical
overlapping is the rule. Encoding for
(co)enzymes in the Krebs-cycle is
disturbed due to mitochondrial DNA
mutations with impaired ATP pro-
duction as result. This energy deple-
tion leads to cellular death. The most
affected tissues are brain, muscle
and eye, leading respectively to
necrotic encephalopathy, myopathy
and ophtalmo- or retinopathy. Two
main hypotheses have been put for-
ward in the physiopathology of
MELAS (2, 3). The vascular hypothe-
sis holds that metabolic damage to
the endothelium leads to small-ves-
sel occlusion and secundary neu-
ronal death. The defect in neuronal
metabolism hypothesis states that
mitochondrial dyfunction results in
anaerobic metabolism and neuronal
death from acidosis.
These acute necrotic episodes
present on diffusion weighted imag-
ing (DWI) as hyperintense lesions.
DWI displays regional mobility of
protons and it is claimed that it can
help distinguish between cellular
and extracellular oedema. In gener-
al, the apparent diffusion coefficient
(ADC), presenting intercellular diffu-
sion of protons, is restricted or
reduced in ischaemic infarcts, giving
dark areas on ADC mapping.
Decreased ADC values correspond
to cellular oedema, whereas
increased ADC values correspond to
an increase in the extracellular space
or extracellular oedema (2). More
recent studies (2-5) support the
metabolic rather than the ischemic
hypothesis by showing no signifi-
cant ADC restriction in acute lesions
caused by mitochondrial dysfunc-
tion, which has been attributed to
smooth muscle and endothelial cell
damage of small arteries and pial
arterioles, causing increased perme-
ability of the blood-brain barrier, and
therefore vasogenic or extracellular
oedema. This phenomenon can help
us to differentiate these stroke-like
episodes from real stroke. Normal or
increased ADC values within
48 hours of a neurological deficit of
abrupt onset should raise the possi-
bility of MELAS, especially if conven-
tional MR images show infarct-like
lesions (2). Unfortunately, ADC map-
ping was not done in our patient,
nevertheless, there are other key
imaging features besides this typical
DWI characteristics, which lead to
diagnosis and they can be detected
by CT as well. Necrosis in the brain
takes place in different vascular terri-
tories and both grey and white mat-
ter are affected (1, 4, 6). The combi-
nation of deep grey matter involve-
ment and peripheral white matter
involvement in young adults or
children should suggest the diagno-
sis (7, 8). Bilateral and symmetrical
infestation of the basal ganglia is
very common (4, 6-8) and chronic
spinocerebellar degeneration is
often a predominant neuroradiolog-
ic finding in patients with respiratory
chain defects (8).
Inheritance is non-Mendelian (1)
because mitochondria contain
unique mitochondrial DNA that the
ovum has exclusively contributed to
the zygote. The trait can, therefore,
only be inherited from the mother.
Characteristic variability in the
expression of the trait is due to the
proportion of normal and abnormal
mitochondrial DNA in each cell.
Prognosis is poor and often leads to
death, as was the case in this young
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Mitochondrial disorders.
, 2004,
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2. Oppenheim C., Galanaud D.,
SamsonY., et al.: Can diffusion weight
ed magnetic resonance imaging help
differentiate stroke from stroke-like
events in MELAS?
J Neurol Neuro-
surg Psychiatry
, 2000, 69: 248-250.
3. Abe K., Yoshimura H., Tanaka H.,
Fujita N., Hikita T., Sakoda S.:
Comparison of conventional and dif-
fusion-weighted MRI and proton MR
spectroscopy in patients with mito-
chondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic
acidosis, and stroke-like events.
, 2004, 46: 113-117.
4. Majoie C.B., Akkerman E.M.,
Blank C., et al.: Mitochondrial
encephalomyopathy: comparison of
conventional MR imaging with
diffusion-weighted and diffusion ten-
sor imaging: case report.
2002, 23: 813-816.
5. Kiminobu Y., Yasuhiro H., Kazumi K.,
Kazuo M., et al.: Diffusion-weighted
MR Imaging in a Case of
Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalo-
pathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Strokelike
, 2001, 22: 269-272.
6. Valanne L., Ketonen L., Majander A.,
Suomalainen A., Pihko H.: Neuro-
radiologic findings in children with
mitochondrial disorders.
19: 369-377.
7. Barkovich A.J., Good W.V., Koch T.K.,
et al.: Mitochondrial disorders: analy-
sis of their clinical and imaging char-
,1993, 14: 1119-1137.
8. Scaglia F., Wong L.J., Vladutiu G.D.,
Hunter J.V.: Predominant cerebellar
volume loss as a neuroradiologic
feature of pediatric respiratory chain
, 2005, 26: 1675-1680.
Erratum in:
, 2005, 26: 2165.
Fig. 2.
— MRI – Axial FLAIR
image through the temporal
lobe shows (A) a diffuse hyper-
intense left temporal lobe with
cortical thickening (open arrow)
and compression of the lateral
ventricle (arrow). Axial FLAIR
image through the basal gan-
glia (B) shows hyperintensity
and thickening of the cortex
around the left calcarine fissure
(open arrow) and bilateral and
symmetrical hyperintensity of
the striatal corpora (arrows).
Diffusion-weighted sequence at the same level as fig. 2A (C) shows hyperintensity of
all focal lesions.Diffusion-weighted sequence at the same level as fig. 2B (D) shows
hyperintensity of all focal lesions. Coronal T1-weighted inversion recovery sequence
(E) shows perfect symmetry of the striatal corpora and innominate substance lesions
... Cortical atrophy may also develop in the chronic stage of LCN 46 . Cortical atrophy is associated with cognitive impairment on neuropsychological testing in the majority of the cases 47,48 . Diffuse cortical atrophy occurs in up to one third of the patients with encephalomyopathy 10 . ...
... Calcifications are most frequently located within the basal ganglia, uni-or bilaterally, but may occasionally occur in other locations. Basal ganglia calcifications are not restricted to a particular MCD but may occur with most of the known syndromes, most frequently, however, with MELAS or KSS 48,54 . In MELAS the most frequent location of the calcifications is the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, or thalamus 51 . ...
Imaging of central-nervous-system (CNS) abnormalities is important in patients with mitochondrial disorders (MCDs) since the CNS is the organ second most frequently affected in MCDs and some of them are potentially treatable. Clinically relevant imaging techniques for visualization of CNS abnormalities in MCDs are computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and MR-spectroscopy. The CNS abnormalities in MCDs visualized by imaging techniques include stroke-like lesions with cytotoxic or vasogenic edema, laminar cortical necrosis, basal ganglia necrosis, focal or diffuse white matter lesions, focal or diffuse atrophy, intra-cerebral calcifications, cysts, lacunas, hypometabolisation, lactacidosis, hemorrhages, cerebral hypo- or hyperperfusion, intra-cerebral artery stenoses, or moyamoya syndrome. The CNS lesions may proceed with or without clinical manifestations, why neuroimaging should be routinely carried out in all MCDs to assess the degree of CNS involvement. Some of these lesions may remain unchanged for years, some may show contiguous spread and progression, but some may even disappear, spontaneously or in response to medication. Dynamics of Stroke-like lesions may be positively influenced by L-arginine, dichloracetate, steroids, edavarone, or antiepileptics. Symptomatic treatment of CNS abnormalities in MCD patients may positively influence their outcome.
... 98,99 Focal atrophy may concern various cerebral regions. Predominant cerebellar atrophy with or without cerebral atrophy has been reported in some patients with LS. 41,100 Isolated cerebellar atrophy has been particularly described in KSS, CPEO, MERRF, NARP, LBSL, LS, pontocerebellar hypoplasia type-6, Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome, and MIMODS. 34,42 Atrophy of the corpus callosum, the caudate nucleus, the basal ganglia, or the parietal, temporal, or frontal lobe are also typical representations of focal atrophy. ...
Objectives: Because the central nervous system (CNS) is the second most frequently affected organ in mitochondrial disorders (MIDs) and since paediatric MIDs are increasingly recognised, it is important to know about the morphological CNS abnormalities on imaging in these patients. This review aims at summarising and discussing current knowledge and recent advances concerning CNS imaging abnormalities in paediatric MIDs. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted. Results: The most relevant CNS abnormalities in paediatric MIDs on imaging include white and grey matter lesions, stroke-like lesions as the morphological equivalent of stroke-like episodes, cerebral atrophy, calcifications, optic atrophy, and lactacidosis. Because these CNS lesions may be seen with or without clinical manifestations, it is important to screen all MID patients for cerebral involvement. Some of these lesions may remain unchanged for years whereas others may be dynamic, either in the sense of progression or regression. Typical dynamic lesions are stroke-like lesions and grey matter lesions. Clinically relevant imaging techniques for visualisation of CNS abnormalities in paediatric MIDs are computed tomography, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, MR spectroscopy, single-photon emission computed tomography, positron-emission tomography, and angiography. Conclusions: CNS imaging in paediatric MIDs is important for diagnosing and monitoring CNS involvement. It also contributes to the understanding of the underlying pathomechanisms that lead to CNS involvement in MIDs.
... Also, ME/cfs is characterized by signs of hypoperfusion of selected brain areas and diminished cerebral blood flow and oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex during exercise (Biswal et al. 2011;Patrick Neary et al. 2008). MRI results in people with syndromic and non syndromic mitochondrial diseases display similar patterns to ME/cfs (Geldof et al. 2007;Lerman-Sagie et al. 2005). The use of Proton MRI spectroscopy has shown abnormally high levels of cerebral lactate in patients with ME/cfs (Mathew et al. 2009;Shungu et al. 2012;Murrough et al. 2010). ...
Myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/cfs) is classified by the World Health Organization as a disorder of the central nervous system. ME/cfs is an neuro-immune disorder accompanied by chronic low-grade inflammation, increased levels of oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), O&NS-mediated damage to fatty acids, DNA and proteins, autoimmune reactions directed against neoantigens and brain disorders. Mitochondrial dysfunctions have been found in ME/cfs, e.g. lowered ATP production, impaired oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial damage. This paper reviews the pathways that may explain mitochondrial dysfunctions in ME/cfs. Increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α, and elastase, and increased O&NS may inhibit mitochondrial respiration, decrease the activities of the electron transport chain and mitochondrial membrane potential, increase mitochondrial membrane permeability, interfere with ATP production and cause mitochondrial shutdown. The activated O&NS pathways may additionally lead to damage of mitochondrial DNA and membranes thus decreasing membrane fluidity. Lowered levels of antioxidants, zinc and coenzyme Q10, and ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in ME/cfs may further aggravate the activated immuno-inflammatory and O&NS pathways. Therefore, it may be concluded that immuno-inflammatory and O&NS pathways may play a role in the mitochondrial dysfunctions and consequently the bioenergetic abnormalities seen in patients with ME/cfs. Defects in ATP production and the electron transport complex, in turn, are associated with an elevated production of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in mitochondria creating adaptive and synergistic damage. It is argued that mitochondrial dysfunctions, e.g. lowered ATP production, may play a role in the onset of ME/cfs symptoms, e.g. fatigue and post exertional malaise, and may explain in part the central metabolic abnormalities observed in ME/cfs, e.g. glucose hypometabolism and cerebral hypoperfusion.
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) are common types of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. The involved muscular pathology is characterized by typical changes of mitochondrial abnormalities. Gene screening has been the gold diagnostic standard for MELAS diagnosis. This study presents three primary MELAS patients, with an age of onset from 13 to 18 years, including one patient with seizure, and two with headache and vomiting. All patients had a family history of disease, with maternal inheritance. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging revealed abnormally high signals in T2-weighted images: temporal lobe in three cases, occipital lobe in two cases, and parietal lobe in one case. Migrating stroke-like lesions were confirmed in one patient. Muscle biopsy revealed several strongly succinate dehydrogenase-reactive vessels scattered in muscle sections of three patients, but ragged-red fibers and cytochrome c oxidase-negative/dense (COX-/+) fibers were not observed. Mitochondrial DNA A3243G mutation was identified in all three cases. MELAS syndrome has obvious clinical heterogeneity, and muscle weakness was not prominent in some of the cases. Muscle pathological changes did not accompany ragged-red fibers or COX-/+ fibers, but succinate dehydrogenase reactive vessels are important for MELAS diagnosis.
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactacidosis and stroke-like episode (MELAS) syndrome is a phenotypically and genetically heterogenous mitochondrial disorder with a clinical onset between the first and third decade. The clinical hallmark is the stroke-like-episode, which mimicks ischemic stroke but is usually transient and non-disabling in nature. The morphological equivalent on MRI is a T2-hyperintensity, predominantly over the temporo-parieto-occipital region, not confined to a vascular territory, which is also hyperintense on diffusion weighted imaging and on apparent diffusion coefficient sequences (vasogenic edema, stroke-like lesion). Additional features include seizures, cognitive decline, psychosis, lactic acidosis, migraine, visual impairment, hearing loss, short stature, diabetes, or myopathy. Muscle biopsy typically shows ragged-red fibers, COX-negative fibers, SDH hyperreactivity, and abnormally shaped mitochondria with paracristalline inclusions. The diagnosis is confirmed by demonstration of a biochemical respiratory chain defect or one of the disease-causing mutations, of which 80 % affect the mitochondrial tRNALeu gene.
Under certain conditions or at certain stages of the disease course, multiple sclerosis (MS) and mitochondrial disorder (MID) may be differential diagnoses and thus may be confused with each other. In a 30 years old female MS was diagnosed at age 16 year upon recurrent sensory disturbances of the right lower leg, an "inflammatory" cerebrospinal fluid, and a cerebral MRI with multiple non-enhancing white matter lesions. Steroids were repeatedly given but because of rapid deterioration treatment was switched to interferon and mitoxantrone, without improvement. Fourteen years after onset the patient additionally presented with a history of rhabdomyolysis, hypothyroidism, ophthalmoparesis, anarthria, tetraspasticity, tetraparesis, and joint contractures. After MID had been diagnosed in her mother she was re-evaluated and elevated resting lactate, axonal polyneuropathy, and empty sella were additionally found. Muscle biopsy revealed myophagy, fat deposition, and type-II predominance, and biochemical investigations showed a deficiency of complex I and IV of the respiratory chain. MID was diagnosed also in the index patient. It is concluded that even if CSF investigations or imaging studies suggest MS, differentials such as MIDs need to be excluded before prescribing medication possibly toxic to a MID. An "inflammatory CSF" may also occur in MIDs.
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Our knowledge of mitochondrial biology has advanced significantly in the last 10 years. The effects of mitochondrial dysfunction or cytopathy (MC) on the heart and neuromuscular system are well known, and its involvement in the pathophysiology of several common clinical disorders such as diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and hypertension, is just beginning to emerge; however, its contribution to renal disease has received much less attention, and the available literature raises some interesting questions: Why do children with MC commonly present with a renal phenotype that is often quite different from adults? How does a mutation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lead to disease at the cellular level, and how can a single mtDNA point mutation result in such a variety of renal- and non-renal phenotypes in isolation or combined? Why are some regions of the nephron seemingly more sensitive to mitochondrial dysfunction and damage by mitochondrial toxins? Perhaps most important of all, what can be done to diagnose and treat MC, now and in the future? In this review we summarize our current understanding of the relationship between mitochondrial biology, renal physiology and clinical nephrology, in an attempt to try to answer some of these questions. Although MC is usually considered a rare defect, it is almost certainly under-diagnosed. A greater awareness and understanding of kidney involvement in MC might lead to new treatment strategies for diseases in which mitochondrial dysfunction is secondary to toxic or ischaemic injury, rather than to an underlying genetic mutation.
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The precise mechanism of neurological symptoms in patients with mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) is still controversial. The diffusion weighted MR findings at the acute phase of a neurological event in MELAS are described and the pathophysiology of stroke-like lesion in the light of diffusion changes is discussed. Brain MRI was performed 2 days after the sudden onset of cortical blindness in a 25 year old patient with MELAS. Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images showed multifocal cortical and subcortical hyperintensities located bilaterally in the frontobasal and the temporo-occipital lobes. Diffusion weighted images showed normal to increased apparent diffusion coefficient values in the acute left temporooccipital lesion and increased values in the older stroke-like lesions. These diffusion weighted findings support the metabolic rather than the ischaemic pathophysiological hypothesis for stroke-like episodes occurring in MELAS. Normal or increased apparent diffusion coefficient values within 48 hours of a neurological deficit of abrupt onset should raise the possibility of MELAS, especially if conventional MR images show infarct-like lesions.
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Conventional MR imaging, MR spectroscopy, diffusion-weighted imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging were performed in a 5-month-old male patient with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. On conventional T2-weighted MR images, symmetric, confluent high signal intensity was found in the temporoparietal white matter. A large lactate peak and decreased N-acetylaspartate were found in this region on proton MR spectroscopic images. Diffusion-weighted imaging showed increased apparent diffusion coefficient, representing vasogenic edema. Diffusion tensor imaging revealed decreased anisotropy, consistent with injury to the oligodendro-axonal unit. A muscle biopsy specimen revealed an isolated complex III enzyme respiratory chain deficiency. Diffusion-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging are valuable techniques for the characterization of hyperintense lesions on T2-weighted MR images in cases of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy.
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Predominant cerebellar involvement has not been previously reported as a common neuroradiologic feature in pediatric mitochondrial cytopathies. Here we report the neuroradiologic findings of predominant cerebellar volume loss in children with various mitochondrial disorders. A retrospective analysis of the medical records of 400 consecutive patients referred for evaluation of mitochondrial encephalomyopathies was performed. In 113 cases, definite diagnosis of mitochondrial disease was based on the modified adult criteria that include clinical, histologic, biochemical, functional, molecular, and metabolic parameters. Predominant cerebellar volume loss with progressive cerebellar atrophy and, less often, cerebellar hypoplasia were found in a heterogeneous group of patients with mitochondrial disease that consisted of four patients with complex I deficiency; four patients with multiple respiratory chain deficiencies; two patients with combined complex I + III and II + III deficiencies, including one patient with partial coenzyme Q10 deficiency; three patients with complex II deficiency; two patients with complex IV deficiency; one patient with mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy; and two patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and strokes. Our retrospective study shows that isolated or predominant cerebellar involvement can be found in various respiratory chain defects or mitochondrial disorders expanding the classical neuroradiologic findings observed in mitochondrial encephalomyopathies. The diagnostic workup in patients with neuromuscular features whose brain MR imaging exhibits cerebellar volume loss should include the evaluation for mitochondrial encephalomyopathies.
We report the neuroradiologic findings in 25 children with various mitochondrial diseases. Twenty-two children with a mitochondrial disorder had MR imaging of the brain and three children had CT studies. In all cases, the diagnosis was based on examination of muscle morphology, analysis of oxygen consumption and respiratory chain enzyme activity in isolated muscle mitochondria, and analysis of rearrangements of the mitochondrial DNA. Fifteen patients were found to have the classical syndromes of mitochondrial diseases. Four children had Kearns-Sayre syndrome, but only one had the typical neuroradiologic findings of basal ganglia and brain stem lesions, T2 hyperintensity of the cerebral white matter, and cerebellar atrophy; the others had nonspecific or normal findings. Eight patients had Leigh syndrome, and all showed changes in the putamina. Involvement of the caudate nuclei, globus pallidi, thalami, and brain stem was common, and diffuse supratentorial white matter T2 hyperintensity was seen in two of these patients. Three patients had mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes (MELAS), with infarctlike lesions that did not correspond to the vascular territories. Ten children with complex I or IV deficiencies and abnormal muscle morphology had nonspecific imaging findings, such as atrophy and abnormal or delayed myelination. One patient with combined complex I and IV deficiency had extensive white matter changes. None of the patients with clinical encephalopathy had normal findings. MR imaging is helpful in the diagnosis of the classical mitochondrial diseases; however, nonspecific findings are common.
Investigation of the clinical, imaging, and in vivo MR spectroscopy (MRS) characteristics of disorders of mitochondrial function. Clinical, imaging (five CT and 20 MR examinations), and MRS (six studies in five patients) findings in 19 patients with mitochondrial disorders were retrospectively reviewed. Results were critically analyzed and, when applicable, compared with results in the literature. Patients included four with mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS), two with myoclonus, epilepsy, and ragged red fibers (MERRF), two with Kearns-Sayre syndrome, seven with Leigh syndrome, one with progressive cerebral poliodystrophy (Alpers syndrome), and three with trichopoliodystrophy (Menkes disease). MELAS, MERRF, and Kearns-Sayre tended to occur in older children and adults, whereas Leigh syndrome, Alpers syndrome, and Menkes disease occurred in infants and young children. All diseases involved gray matter early in their course, manifest primarily as T2 prolongation, with the deep cerebral nuclei being involved more often than the cerebral cortex. When T2 prolongation was seen in the white matter (MELAS, MERRF, Kearns-Sayre, Leigh), the peripheral and retrotrigonal white matter showed early involvement. Patients with Menkes disease showed rapidly progressive atrophy accompanied by large subdural hematomas. Proton MRS showed an elevated lactate level in involved regions of the brain; the lactate peak disappeared in old areas of T2 prolongation. Mitochondrial disorders have a wide range of both clinical and imaging findings. Although no one set of findings is diagnostic of these disorders, the combination of deep gray matter involvement and peripheral white matter involvement in young adults or children should suggest the diagnosis, especially when associated with an elevated lactate level on proton MRS.
Mitochondria, the organelles devoted to energy production, have unique genetic features. They possess their own genome encoding several subunits of the respiratory chain, the majority of which are encoded by nuclear DNA, as well as factors involved in replication, transcription and translation of mitochondrial DNA. In the past few years, molecular lesions of mitochondrial DNA have been reported with increasing frequency as a source of human disorders. Several mutations of mitochondrial DNA, either as sporadic large scale rearrangements (deletions, duplications) or maternally-inherited point mutations, have been associated with well defined clinical syndromes. Furthermore, because of the nuclear DNA contribution to the synthesis of respiratory chain enzymes, phenotypes transmitted as Mendelian traits have also been identified and associated with qualitative (multiple deletions) and quantitative (depletion) lesions of the mitochondrial genome. The clinical manifestations of mitochondrial DNA mutations are extremely heterogeneous, ranging from myopathies, encephalomyopathies, cardiopathies, to complex multisystem syndromes. Clinical, morphological, biochemical and molecular genetic data are necessary for diagnosis. The recent advances in genetic studies provide both diagnostic tools and new pathogenetic insights into this rapidly expanding area of human pathology.
In a patient with mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and strokelike episodes (MELAS), both T2- and diffusion-weighted MR imaging revealed lesions as hyperintense areas in the occipital lobes early after strokelike episodes. In these lesions, no significant reduction in apparent diffusion coefficient was noted. Apparent diffusion coefficient mapping may help to differentiate strokelike episodes in MELAS from acute ischemic stroke. The strokelike episodes may be related to vasogenic edema and hyperperfusion, which were suggested by our single-photon emission CT and MR imaging studies.
The mechanism of neurological disturbances in patients with mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) is controversial. We studied 12 patients with MELAS using conventional and diffusion weighted MRI (DWI) and MR spectroscopy (MRS), to look at the physiopathology of the stroke-like events. Although conventional MRI showed lesions in all patients, DWI was more sensitive. One patient did not show high signal on DWI 48 h after a from stroke-like episode, but MRS demonstrated a lactate peak in left occipital lobe; 2 weeks after the attack, high signal was demonstrated on the right frontal lobe where MRS had shown a lactate peak. Our findings suggest a possible predictive ability of (1)H-MRS, in showing early MELAS lesions and supports the hypothesis that mitochondrial metabolic dysfunction may precedes abnormalities on DWI.
In the medical literature the term 'mitochondrial disorders' is to a large extent applied to the clinical syndromes associated with abnormalities of the common final pathway of mitochondrial energy metabolism, i.e. oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Faulty oxidative phosphorylation may be due to overall dysfunction of the respiratory chain, a heteromultimeric structure embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane, or can be associated with single or multiple defects of the five complexes forming the respiratory chain itself. From the genetic standpoint, the respiratory chain is a unique structure of the inner mitochondrial membrane formed by means of the complementation of two separate genetic systems: the nuclear genome and the mitochondrial genome. The nuclear genome encodes the large majority of the protein subunits of the respiratory complexes and most of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and expression systems, whereas the mitochondrial genome encodes only 13 respiratory complex subunits, and some RNA components of the mitochondrial translational apparatus. Accordingly, mitochondrial disorders due to defects in OXPHOS include both mendelian-inherited and cytoplasmic-inherited diseases. This review describes human genetic diseases associated with mtDNA and nuclear DNA mutations leading to impaired OXPHOS.
  • M Zeviani
  • Di Donato
Zeviani M., Di Donato S.: Mitochondrial disorders. Brain, 2004, 127: 2153-2172.