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Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research: Integrating meteorology, geology and land cover


Abstract and Figures

Intermittent rivers, those channels that periodically cease to flow, constitute over half of the total discharge of the global river network and will likely increase in their extent owing to climatic shifts and/or water resources development. Burgeoning research on intermittent river ecology has documented the importance of the meteorologic, geologic and land-cover components of these ecosystems on structuring ecological communities, but mechanisms controlling flow permanence remain poorly understood. Here, we provide a framework of the meteorologic, geologic and land-cover controls on intermittent streamflow across different spatio-temporal scales and identify key research priorities to improve our understanding of intermittent systems so that we are better able to conserve, manage and protect them.
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Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research:
Integrating meteorology, geology and land cover
Katie H. Costigan1,2; Kristin L. Jaeger1; Charles W. Goss1; Ken M. Fritz3; P. Charles Goebel1
1School of Environment and Natural Resources
Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center
The Ohio State University
1680 Madison Ave.,
Wooster, Ohio 44691
2Current address:
School of Geosciences
University of Louisiana at Lafayette,
611 McKinley Street,
Lafayette, Louisiana 70504
3Ecological Exposure Research Division
National Exposure Research Laboratory
Environmental Protection Agency,
26 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.,
Cincinnati, OH 45268
Running head: Integrating science to understand flow intermittence.
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Intermittent rivers, those channels that periodically cease to flow, constitute over half of the
total discharge of the global river network and will likely increase in their extent due to
climatic shifts and/or water resources development. Burgeoning research on intermittent river
ecology has documented the importance of the meteorologic, geologic, and land-cover
components of these ecosystems on structuring ecological communities, but mechanisms
controlling flow permanence remain poorly understood. Here we provide a framework of the
meteorologic, geologic, and land cover controls on intermittent streamflow across different
spatiotemporal scales and identify key research priorities to improve our understanding of
intermittent systems so that we are better able to conserve, manage, and protect them.
Keywords: temporary streams, flow cessation, network expansion, connectivity, continuity
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Intermittent rivers are those fluvial landforms that periodically cease to flow and include
temporary, ephemeral, seasonal, and episodic streams and rivers in defined channels. The
character of surface water presence in intermittent rivers here referred to as flow
permanence encompasses a wide range of spatiotemporal patterns in timing, frequency, and
duration that defines streamflow continuity through time and connectivity across space from
the mesohabitat to network spatial scales (Jaeger et al., 2014; Jaeger and Olden, 2012).
Estimates of total length and discharge of intermittent rivers are difficult to determine but
conservative estimates suggest that intermittent rivers constitute more than 30%, and
reasonably can be extended to >50%, of the total length and discharge of the global river
network (Datry et al., 2014). Intermittent rivers drain all terrestrial biomes and can occur due
to natural (figure 1a, b, c) or anthropogenic (figure 1d, e) drivers in all areas of the river
network continuum from small headwater to large mainstem rivers (Kennard et al., 2010).
The prevalence of intermittent rivers is likely to increase in regions subject to water resources
development and/or climate shifts (Rupp et al., 2008; Stanley et al., 1997; Larned et al.,
2010b). For example, networks with shifts towards increased aridity or snow-to-rain
dominated events will likely be unable to support current or historic flows (Buttle et al.,
Intermittent rivers, like all rivers, possess geomorphic features that reflect the
dominance of erosion by moving water that include defined banks, presence of scour, and,
generally, convergence of channels. However, intermittent rivers demonstrate greater
variation between and within rivers in the size of their drainage areas and characteristics of
their hydrology, morphology, and substrate (Buttle et al., 2012; Adams and Spotila, 2005;
Tooth and Nanson, 2011) relative to perennial rivers (figure 2). For example, discontinuous
channels and downstream hydraulic geometry relationships that are different from perennial
systems can occur as a result of downstream decreases in streamflow volume from
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transmission losses or the combined effect of variable discharges, erodible substrate, and
large amounts of bedload, particularly in drier systems (Tooth, 2000; Merritt and Wohl,
2003). Intermittency can occur in narrow, steep rivers with coarse grains (figure 2(a)) as well
as in wider, gradual, alluvial rivers with fine grains (figure 2(b)).
The recognized prevalence of intermittent rivers and their expected extension due to
climatic shifts and/or water resources development have resulted in a growing awareness of
the ecological importance of these systems (Datry et al., 2014; Larned et al., 2010b; Acuna et
al., 2014; Datry et al., 2014; Datry et al., 2011; Larned et al., 2011). Intermittent river
systems undergo periodic transitions between aquatic and terrestrial phases (figure 3, 4),
potentially enabling them to support a high level of biodiversity when both wet and dry
habitats (e.g., lentic, lotic, and terrestrial) are collectively taken into account (Datry et al.,
2014; Allen et al., 2013). Aquatic taxa of intermittent rivers possess traits enabling them to
persist in these harsh environments (e.g., high dispersal ability, rapid development, dormant
stages) (Williams 2006). This typically results in lower aquatic species richness when
compared to more perennial systems (Datry et al., 2014; Arscott et al., 2010) supporting the
notion that stream drying (i.e., the loss of surface water) is a principal driver of community
structure in river networks. Terrestrial/riparian taxa have life histories, strategies, and
adaptations to take advantage of limiting resources, avoid and/or endure hydrological
changes, in particular inundation and current forces when flow returns to intermittent streams
(Lambeets et al., 2008; O'Callaghan et al., 2013; McCluney and Sabo, 2014). The faunal
composition of assemblages that colonize intermittent stream beds can change markedly
within and between years (wet-dry cycles) and include taxa distinct from those in perennially
flowing stream beds or adjacent terrestrial habitats (Stromberg et al., 2009; Dell et al., 2014;
Steward et al., 2011) but the effect of drying on adjacent riparian communities may not be as
distinct (Corti and Datry, 2014).Only those taxa that have adaptations enabling them to
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tolerate harsh drying conditions or exploit newly available aquatic habitat (e.g., burrowing or
dormant stages) can persist locally (Williams 2006). Organisms inhabiting historically
perennial rivers that become intermittent may not possess adaptations that enable them to
persist in intermittent systems.
Intermittent rivers function differently from their perennial counterparts with respect
to biogeochemical fluxes and may have substantial impacts on carbon and nutrient fluxes at
the network, regional, and global scales (Datry et al., 2014; Pisani et al.). The periodic
transitions between aquatic and terrestrial phases in intermittent river beds, particularly
immediately at their transitions have been identified as hot spots and hot moments for
biogeochemistry (McClain et al., 2003) and have been further described as “punctuated
biogeochemical reactors” (Larned et al., 2010b). The physiochemical changes stemming
from changes in water availability, including redox state, temperature, and retention are key
in controlling the sequence of biogeochemical functions (Ademollo et al., 2011). During the
dry phase, processing is slow, and materials accumulate and transform through
photodegradation, evaporation, and desorption (McLaughlin, 2008; Dieter et al., 2013; Kerr
et al., 2010). The nature of the rewetting will largely determine the subsequent function.
When flow resumes through advancing fronts much of the stored material (leaf litter,
dissolved nutrients, terrestrial organisms) is transported downstream (Obermann et al., 2009).
During the recession or where flow resumes gradually (upwelling groundwater) local
material processing is fast (Tzoraki and Nikolaidis, 2007; Gallo et al., 2013). As flow
contracts, isolated pools can lead to further biogeochemical heterogeneity controlled by
factors at smaller scales (Fellman et al., 2013).
Despite the recognized importance of their character on river-riparian ecosystem
structure and function, a fundamental and largely overlooked component of intermittent river
ecology is a quantitative understanding of the controls on wetting and drying cycles. The
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strong longitudinal, vertical, and lateral shifts in hydrologic connectivity associated with
these cycles affect movement of organisms and exchange of materials and energy across
aquatic habitats and aquatic-terrestrial interfaces (i.e., riparian areas). Flow attributes,
including antecedent conditions, duration, magnitude, frequency, and rate of change (Poff et
al., 1997), can be used to describe discharge patterns and spatiotemporal variations during
low flow conditions. Recent ecological research has developed principles of low-flow
conditions that describe how these flow attributes influence river ecosystems (Rolls et al.
2012). For example, particular characteristics of flow conditions in all rivers, but especially
intermittent rivers, impacts the extent and quality of available aquatic habitat and the
connectivity and exchange of materials through a river network (Jaeger et al., 2014) with
implications for metacommunity and metaecosystem dynamics (Larned et al., 2010b;
Whitney et al., 2015).
Seminal work in fluvial geomorphology occurred in intermittent, dryland systems of
the American Southwest (e.g., Bull, 1997; Schumm, 1979), but the emphasis did not extend
to controls on flow permanence. More recent hydrologic and geologic research on
intermittent rivers has largely been constrained to identifying physical indicators of
intermittent rivers (Fritz et al., 2008; Snelder et al., 2013), with few exceptions that address
mechanisms driving flow permanence (Godsey and Kirchner, 2014). The scarcity of research
that integrates meteorologic, geologic, land cover, and biologic processes (Allen et al., 2014)
may be attributed to the challenge of integrating different disciplines that maintain specific
research methodologies, timescales, and spatial extents of interest.
There is a need for ecologists to recognize the broader and more holistic freshwater
and terrestrial context in which intermittent rivers function (Datry et al., 2014). This
understanding requires an even broader integration beyond ecology that includes hydrologic
and geologic disciplines in order to identify and quantify the mechanisms and thresholds in
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hydrologic response that drive spatiotemporal patterns of flow permanence. Although there is
growing recognition of the importance of intermittent rivers from scientific (e.g., Datry et al.,
2014; Jaeger et al. 2014) and policy (e.g., the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean
Water Rule; perspectives, implementations of
management objectives are still subject to key knowledge gaps that leave rivers vulnerable to
further degradation and misuse (Acuña et al. 2014). Consequently, there is an urgency to
understand the mechanisms controlling flow permanence in order to predict anthropogenic
impacts on intermittent river ecological processes, including their resiliency, responses to
climatic shifts, and other ongoing water-resource pressures (Leibowitz et al., 2008; Doyle
and Bernhardt, 2010). While other recent reviews include or can be extended to intermittent
rivers (e.g., Tooth 2000, Smakhtin 2001; Gomi et al. 2002, Levick et al. 2008; McDonough et
al 2011; Bracken et al. 2013), the present work integrates the full suite of meteorologic,
geologic, and land-use processes across spatiotemporal scales within a context pertinent to
biological applications. In addition, we provide research priorities for intermittent river
science that will elucidate the relative controls of meteorology, geology, and land cover on
flow permanence.
Particularly characteristic of river networks are expansion and contraction cycles in response
to variations in the amount of available water, which are most extreme for intermittent rivers,
oscillating between terrestrial and aquatic states. River networks expand when moisture
conditions increase and more of the network supports streamflow; networks contract when
moisture reserves are depleted (figure 4; Stanley et al., 1997; Godsey and Kirchner, 2014).
Figure 4 may be modified or adapted for those systems that are supported by hydrologic
processes other than a fluctuating water table, like the humid region, or by upstream
streamflow generation that outpaces downstream losses, like the arid region. In particular,
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some systems rapidly transition from completely dry to fully inundated (i.e., flash flood)
where surface flows can be connected because surface water volumes exceed losses to the
subsurface. This example may not have any effect on water table elevations so may not
include all steps within the illustrated sequence of wetting and drying. In addition, the
patterns described here may be interrupted or initiated at any time in the sequence, as
indicated by the arrows. For example, short dry spells interrupted by precipitation events can
transition from contraction to expansion before a channel reaches the completely dry state.
The proximate cause of intermittent streamflow in those channels with more
persistent flows is, generally, water table fluctuations relative to riverbed elevation; flows
occur when water tables intersect riverbeds and cease when the water table drops below the
riverbed (Konrad 2006b, Larned et al. 2010a, von Schiller et al. 2011). Rivers may be
perennially flowing with no connection to groundwater if the upstream flow generation
volumes exceed losses to groundwater, which may be the case for dryland, mountainous
rivers (Larned et al., 2011; Larned et al., 2007) but may occur in alpine, tropical, and
temperate regions as well (Steward et al., 2012). Drying processes at all spatiotemporal scales
may be interrupted at any stage by rewetting associated with precipitation and runoff (Stanley
et al. 1997). Network expansion and contraction cycles in intermittent river networks can
range in complexity, that result in dynamic spatiotemporal gradients of flow continuity (i.e.,
continuous flow at a specific location through time) and flow connectivity (i.e., continuous
flow across space and time) (Jaeger and Olden, 2012). The dynamic spatiotemporal patterns
of flow continuity and connectivity create mosaics of aquatic and terrestrial habitats that
influence physical, chemical, and biological processes in rivers (Larned et al., 2010b). Those
channels having streamflow generated only from overland flow or direct channel interception
will generally have lower flow permanence (Gomi et al. 2002) and therefore may not
experience the complexity of network expansion described above.
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Flow permanence reflects the interactions between inputs of water and the basin
conditions that mediate how water moves to and through the river network (Montgomery,
1999). River networks are nested, hierarchically organized systems (Frissell et al., 1986).
Patterns of streamflow are at least partially controlled by processes acting at small
spatiotemporal time scales (Snelder et al., 2013; Fleckenstein et al., 2006; Dodds, 1997). It is
important to look at the full range spatiotemporal conditions and the interactions between
spatiotemporal scales to understand patterns of streamflow. Water inputs and basin
conditions, including geologic and land cover characteristics, interact across spatiotemporal
scales that range from the watershed to sub-meter and millennia to hours.
Here we propose a framework that describes the three dominant controls on flow
permanence meteorology, geology, and land cover across spatiotemporal scales that we
consider pertinent to biological processes in intermittent rivers systems (figure 5). We
introduce the framework at the broadest scale, recognizing that broad-scale structure controls
finer scale processes (Montgomery, 1999; Frissell et al., 1986) that affect flow permanence.
The spatio-temporal (e.g., x-axis) scale should be interpreted as nested hierarchical levels and
the tendency towards intermittent or perennial flow (e.g., y-axis) should be interprested that
those with a larger arrow have a greater influence than those with a smaller arrow.
Hydrologic processes at the hillslope are applicable and can be extended to understanding
mechanisms driving flow permanence in intermittent rivers and can be coupled with
conventional catchment hydrology. Therefore, we apply hillslope and catchment hydrology in
addition to studies on perennial rivers and a few well studied intermittent rivers. We build
upon and expand on previous work with attention to spatiotemporal scales that transcend
hydroclimatic regimes and are meaningful to biological research. We do this by applying
knowledge obtained through hillslope and watershed hydrology work as the foundation to our
assertions, coupled with the few well-studied intermittent rivers. Our goals are to: (1) provide
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a conceptual framework that appropriately describes flow permanence and (2) provide a
foundation to evaluate anticipated changes in flow permanence under climate change and/or
water resources development scenarios.
Climate, multi-annual phenomena, weather, and events are the meteorologic processes that
govern inputs of precipitation and energy, which are first-order controls on streamflow
(figure 5a). Climate is the longer term (>100 years) averages of environmental conditions
(e.g., precipitation, temperature, and humidity). Multi-annual phenomena are the inter-annual
or decadal variability in climate. Weather is the inter- and intra-annual variations in
environmental conditions. Events are unique occurrences of rain, snowstorm, or meltwater at
a discrete location and point in time.
Proximity of the river channel to the water table is a control in determining the
spatiotemporal pattern of streamflow in intermittent rivers (Larned et al., 2010a; Konrad,
2006; Von Schiller et al., 2011; Goulsbra et al., 2014). All of the meteorologic scales
(climate, multi-annual phenomena, weather, and event) presented here influence the location
of the water table. Shallow water table depths occur under wetter antecedent conditions;
depth to water table increases under drier antecedent conditions. While the location of the
water table is a key control on streamflow, groundwater resources must be of sufficient size
and have the hydraulic properties that are conducive to contribute to streamflow (Smakhtin,
The climatic regime, juxtaposed against evapotranspiration (ET) demands, is the
overarching control on the occurrence of intermittent rivers. Precipitation can exceed or be
exceeded by ET, depending on availability of solar radiation within the system. Arid and
semi-arid biomes have low but highly variable precipitation that is often exceeded by
potential ET due to high energetic inputs that result in both a higher proportion of and higher-
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ordered intermittent rivers (Snelder et al., 2013; Levick et al., 2008). Conversely, temperate
or humid regions are characterized with higher and more consistent mean annual precipitation
that is not often exceeded by ET resulting in decreased frequency of and generally lower-
ordered intermittent rivers. Multi-annual phenomena have oscillations that strongly influence
inter- and intra-annual patterns in precipitation and ET. Multi-annual phenomena influence
average flow permanence patterns that extend over multiple years or decades. Drought
periods extending over several years may result in increased drying and reduced flow
permanence. Perennial rivers may transition to intermittent rivers under prolonged and/or
intense droughts (e.g., the Arkansas River at Great Bend, KS, figure 1d). Ecological
responses to potentially catastrophic disturbances (Beisner et al., 2003) such as drought can
include fundamental and sustained changes to community composition (e.g., Bêche et al.,
2009), which in turn will influence how the broader ecosystem functions (Leberfinger et al.,
2010; Bruder et al., 2011). Over large spatial scales, the filtering effects of drought results in
more homogeneous community composition among different locations (Chase, 2007).
The finer scales of weather and event influence the immediate duration, timing, and
frequency of continuity and connectivity of streamflow. Weather patterns of precipitation,
meltwater, ET, and aquifer recharge influence streamflow and water table relationships
(Konrad, 2006; Doering et al., 2007). Intermittency occurs if there are sufficient precipitation
deficits (Buttle et al., 2012) and can manifest as changes in the spatial extent of streamflow as
a consequence of decreased precipitation between years (Jaeger et al., 2007). Variations in
weather (e.g., energy inputs) control meltwater generation, which will control the timing and
magnitude of water delivery to the channels draining areas with snowpack and/or glaciers.
The character of individual precipitation or meltwater events will determine flow continuity
and connectivity at the shortest temporal scale but can affect both small and intermediate
spatial scales (Jaeger and Olden, 2012). Precipitation events of higher frequencies, higher
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intensities, and longer durations promote flow permanence compared to those of low
frequency, low intensity, and shorter durations. During prolonged dry periods, the channel
will require longer and higher intensity precipitation events to support streamflow compared
to instances when time periods between precipitation events are short and antecedent
moisture conditions are wet (Zimmerman et al. 2014).
River networks are multi-scaled, non-linear, hierarchically nested systems that may be
organized geologically, at a coarse scale, by watershed, reach, functional set, and mesohabitat
(Frissell et al., 1986). The watershed, reach, functional set, and mesohabitat scales are useful
scales because they are often the scales over which various fluvial geomorphic and river
ecologic research is conducted. Watersheds are the areas draining to a specific point in a river
network. Reaches are large lengths of rivers with integrated geologic units with generally
similar characteristics of valley confinement and channel sinuosity. Functional sets are
hydromorphologic units or bedform combinations with characteristic channel dimension and
hydraulic relationships (pool-riffle, step-pool, etc.) as a function of flow depth, velocity, and
bed material. Mesohabitats are discrete bedforms or patches within the functional set (e.g., an
individual pool or riffle) with relatively homogenous flow depth, velocity, and bed material.
Watersheds are fixed at the broadest spatiotemporal level, barring instances of low frequency,
extreme magnitude events (e.g., tectonic uplift, volcanism, sudden climatic shifts); whereas,
at the finest level, mesohabitats are highly dynamic.
Lithology governs the types of rock and soils that develop at the watershed scale,
which exerts critical controls on hillslope water movement, to and through the subsurface,
and its eventual delivery to the river. Permeable soils and preferential flowpaths facilitate
rapid water delivery to channels and rapid expansion and contraction cycles (Doering et al.,
2007). Highly permeable surficial geology and soils with rapid infiltration enhance flow
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permanence whereby water infiltrates during wet periods and re-emerges to contribute to
streamflow during drier periods (Jencso and McGlynn, 2011). Impermeable bedrock mantled
by a thin layer of permeable surficial geology and soil results in insufficient storage to sustain
flows and thus reduced flow permanence. Transitions in surficial geology alter subsurface
storage capabilities (Payn et al., 2009) that can either promote or reduce hydrologic
connectivity and flow permanence (Jencso and McGlynn, 2011). Basin shape will also
influence flow permanence. For example, small, elongated watersheds with steep slopes tend
to more often support intermittent flows as a consequence of rapid water delivery to (e.g.,
short flowpath distances) and processing through rivers (Snelder et al., 2013).
Local slope influences river-aquifer exchanges, which promotes flow intermittency or
permanence at the reach and functional set scales (Goulsbra et al., 2014). Incising rivers with
slopes steeper than the regional groundwater table slope induce hydraulic gradients that drive
groundwater towards the river (Konrad, 2006). Aggrading reaches with riverbed elevations
above the regional water table produce hydraulic gradients that force surface water from the
river into the aquifer (Konrad, 2006), promoting drying and decreased flow permanence.
Preferential flow paths are, potentially, key controls on flow permanence (Payn et al., 2012)
and the spatiotemporal variability in water sources (Payn et al., 2009). Springs and seeps that
flow along fractures can serve as dominant and consistent sources of streamflow (Payn et al.,
2012), which promotes flow permanence. Soil macropores are preferential flow paths that
develop by action of soil fauna and plant roots, physical or chemical weathering of materials,
and/or by subsurface flows or piping (Beven and Germann, 1982). Macropores can
temporarily but fundamentally alter the hillslope-river hydrologic relationships by producing
a desynchronization between streamflow and precipitation that will vary inter- and intra-
annually and can promote or diminish flow permanence (Zimmermann et al., 2014; Costigan
et al., 2015)).
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Riverbed permeability is a primary control on flow permanence at the functional set
and mesohabitat scales. The residence time of water in intermittent rivers is brief over
permeable substrates (Bull, 1997) as a consequence of higher transmission losses to
groundwater (Levick et al., 2008). The relative importance of transmission losses in
governing streamflow is largely unknown (Smakhtin, 2001) but likely plays a substantial role
in the persistence of local surface water (Buttle et al., 2012). Local hydraulic gradients
attributed to local changes in bed slope variations occur within and between mesohabitats
(e.g., pool, riffle, run) and will drive the movement of surface water into and out of rivers
(Stanley et al., 1997; Konrad, 2006). For example, streamflow goes subsurface at the
downstream extent of pools and upstream extent of riffles and resurfaces at the downstream
extent of riffles. At the mesohabitat scale, as water vacates the channel the tops of rocks are
the first to dry and the last to become wet when the water returns to the channel.
Land cover
Land cover is the material that covers the surface of the Earth and reflects the interactions
between meteorologic, geologic, ecologic, and anthropogenic activities on that landscape. We
organize land cover as a function of distance from the river into biome, land use, riparian
zone, and in-channel engineered structures (figure 5c). At the broadest levels, climate and
lithology regulate the natural biome of the region. The natural biome of a region will, in part,
determine the particular land uses that may occur, the composition and structure of riparian
zones that can include engineering activities, and the types of engineered structures present
within the river. Land use is the anthropogenic management and modification of natural
biomes. Riparian zones are the interface between terrestrial and aquatic systems, which can
include substantial anthropogenic activities such as levee construction, mining, and other
activities across the floodplain and adjacent terraces and hillslopes. In-channel engineered
infrastructure involve direct river manipulations (e.g., dams, culverts, weirs).
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Intermittency occurs in all terrestrial biomes but is more likely to occur in dryland
areas such as grasslands (figure 1a), deserts (figure 1b), and tundra (Dodds, 1997; Poff,
1996). The agent, severity, and frequency of land cover disturbances, both natural and
anthropogenic, will influence flow permanence at the biome, land use, and riparian zone
levels. Understanding these natural as well as anthropogenic influences is critical to
understand how human related activities will change these systems. Land-cover disturbances
influence streamflow (or change hydrologic regime) by altering infiltration capacity, ET, and
canopy interception of water. Intermittent headwaters have, in particular, been extensively
disturbed by anthropogenic actives such as being filled or diverted to support development
activities (Roy et al., 2009). Large-scale timber harvesting or large stand-replacing wildfires
will lower ET losses, which promote perennial flow; whereas, large-scale afforestation will
raise ET losses, which promote intermittent flows. Impervious surfaces from urban land use
can decrease flow permanence by reducing groundwater recharge (due to reduced infiltration
capacity); however, leaky infrastructure and increased riverbed incision as a consequence of
alterations in runoff and streamflow patterns may sustain surface flows in urban intermittent
rivers (Fritz et al., 2013; Lerner, 2002). For example in the southwestern US, the duration and
number of flow events in urbanized areas were greater than in less disturbed areas, which was
attributed to reductions in infiltration capacities and subsequent increases in runoff events
within the watershed (Gungle, 2006). Urbanization causes increases in impervious surface
covers that reduce groundwater recharge and infiltration, which has resulted in intermittent
rivers having particularly flashy hydrographs (Rheinhardt et al., 2009). Water is routed to and
through the river more rapidly when impervious surfaces comprise riparian zones or roads
intersecting the river. Soil compaction associated with large-scale anthropogenic activities
(e.g., surface and subsurface mining, heavy machinery traffic) changes the natural
meteorologic and geologic structure and results in rapid delivery of water to rivers, which can
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either promote or reduce flow permanence (Peirce and Lindsay, 2015). Groundwater
extraction promotes intermittency by depleting aquifers.
Water resource development at the land use and riparian zone scales alter
streamflows. Perennial rivers may transition to an intermittent regime if there is substantial
drawdown of an aquifer (Falke et al., 2011). For instance, the Arkansas River, which flows
across the Ogallala Aquifer, has sections that have recently gone dry (figure 1d) as a result of
extensive and intensive irrigation practices (Falke et al., 2011). Anthropogenic delivery
systems (e.g., tile drainage systems, sewers, irrigation systems) can usurp catchment
characteristics in controlling the patterns of water delivery to rivers (Helton et al., 2010). A
common agricultural practice is artificial subsurface drainages systems (e.g., tile drainage)
that remove of near-surface soil moisture that can rapidly deliver water to the channel
(Schilling and Helmers, 2008; Klaus et al., 2013).
In-channel structures, whether natural (e.g., large wood) or engineered, mediate
whether or not water is able to persist in the river at the smallest spatiotemporal scales. Direct
importation or exportation of water via inter-basin transfers can substantially restructure
natural flow regimes (Larned et al., 2010b; Steward et al., 2012). Diversion structures, weirs,
and dams intercept flows and inundate upstream sections and may cause downstream portions
of streams to become intermittent (Steward et al., 2012; Caruso and Haynes, 2011). In cases
where dam releases are consistent and constant or when water is discharged from mining or
sewage treatment facilities intermittent rivers may transition to perennial (Steward et al.,
2012; Hassan and Egozi, 2001).
Understanding meteorologic, geologic, and land-cover controls of intermittency has
significant implications for the ecology and management of intermittent networks (Allen et
al., 2014). Here we identify critical knowledge gaps in our understanding of the controls of
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flow permanence and provide practical and field-based approaches to strengthen insights on
the relative importance of meteorologic, geologic, and land cover controls on intermittency
by linking information across multiple spatiotemporal scales. Many of the controls on flow
permanence were inferred from the literature of perennial river systems; intermittent river-
targeted research is necessary to test and validate these assertions.
There have been numerous studies on hillslope and watershed hydrology. The key to
understanding intermittent streams is to identify the threshold behavior of channelized
surface flow generation and the patterns in space and time of when that threshold is crossed.
Future studies investigating the influence of surface-groundwater interactions on flow
permanence are especially important since transmission losses, infiltration, and effluence are
primary controls on streamflow in those intermittent rivers influenced by water table
fluctuations (Shanafield and Cook, 2014). Applying what we know about boundary
conditions from streamflow generation (i.e., hillslope/watershed hydrology) studies to new
research on alluvial systems that focuses on understanding the threshold behavior of surface
water flow in the channel is necessary in order to gain new insight into predicting the
spatiotemporal patterns of intermittent flow. Future research addressing the timing and
pathways of water within intermittent rivers will be of particular importance.
Effects of urban land use on flow permanence represent another area of needed
research given the extent and continued increase of urbanization and the confounding
interactions and inconsistent directionality of streamflow changes in response to urbanization
(Fritz et al., 2013). Lag times may hinder the ability to detect the effects of recent land-use
change on river morphology because intermittent rivers may only flow briefly (Miller and
Doyle, 2014; Benda et al., 2005; Rendell and Alexander, 1979). Concurrent research on the
influence of natural disturbances on flow permanence is also necessary to disentangle the
complexity associated with the effects of human land use, particularly as water resources are
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
managed more intensively. With projected growing demand on water resources, other land-
use activities such as inter-basin transfers may play an increasing role and could have
substantial impact on larger rivers from which water is being transferred, as well as the
receiving channel (Larned et al., 2010b; Steward et al., 2012).
Models and remote sensing are also frontiers in hydrologic sciences that have
considerable potential when the cost for widespread, long-term monitoring becomes
prohibitive. Field data are necessary to build and validate models and remote sensing. Two
methods for future field research that we believe will help elucidate the complex interaction
of meteorology, geology, and land cover include: (1) use of environmental tracers and
isotopes for identifying age, sources, and pathways of water within a riverscape that includes
both the aquatic and associated terrestrial regions of a river network and (2) monitoring
networks for assessing spatiotemporal patterns of flow within intermittent river networks.
Meteorologic, geologic, and land cover watershed characteristics interact in complex ways
which influence flow pathways and how water is routed through landscapes. Isotopes (e.g.,
18O, 2H, 3H) provide information about transit time and environmental tracers (e.g., Si, Ca, F)
provide information about the sources of water and flow pathways of hydrologic systems
(McDonnell et al., 2010). Multi-tracer approaches are necessary to fully characterize the
sources and timing of water intermittent rivers. The use of environmental tracers and isotopes
to assess hydrological characteristics of a system is particularly beneficial, requiring less a
priori information, and can integrate heterogeneity within the system (Bracken et al., 2013).
Environmental tracers used in conjunction with isotopes are able to integrate small-scale
hydrological processes and large-scale catchment responses (Soulsby et al., 2006).
Traditional gages (e.g., located at a single station) are unlikely to capture the
spatiotemporal variability of intermittent rivers (Snelder et al., 2013). Field mapping of
expansion and contraction has been conducted (Godsey and Kirchner, 2014; Day, 1978; Day,
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
1980; Turner and Richter, 2011) but the accuracy is limited by subjectivity of interpretation
and the frequency of site visits. Electrical resistivity (ER) sensors are increasingly used to
characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics of flow connectivity and continuity of intermittent
rivers. ER sensors provide a low cost, high performance, and minimal data interpretation
method to monitor intermittent river spatiotemporal dynamics (Chapin et al., 2014). Aspects
other than timing, duration, and frequency of flow such as the resumption (i.e., advancing)
and recession (i.e., retreating) rates or magnitudes can be characterized with ER sensor arrays
(Jaeger et al., 2014; Goulsbra et al., 2014; Peirce and Lindsay, 2015; Chapin et al., 2014;
Blasch et al., 2002; Goulsbra et al., 2009; Bhamjee and Lindsay, 2010; Adams et al., 2006;
Bhamjee et al., 2015) or other instrumentation (e.g., video, photographs, audio, temperature;
Larned et al., 2010a; Gungle, 2006; Constantz et al., 2001; Spence and Mengistu, 2015;
Quinlan et al., 2015). A combined approach of instrumentation with piezometers to
determine groundwater table elevations, soil water probes, and ER sensor arrays would
facilitate an understanding of expansion and contraction cycles at an unprecedented
resolution over large spatial scales. However, ER sensors and piezometers alone are only able
to determine presence/absence of water and cannot provide information about the source of
water within a network, which would require tracer methods. Integrating piezometers, soil
water probes, and ER sensors remain intellectual and practical issues in translating massive
datasets in to scientific knowledge (Porter et al., 2012). Using field-based measurements of
flow permanence in conjunction with model simulations may provide valuable insight into
how flow continuity and connectivity may change as a function of climatic shifts (Jaeger et
al., 2014).
Quantifying characteristics of streamflow continuity and connectivity are important
for understanding ecological responses to this hydrologic disturbance. The degree of
continuity will influence the ability of aquatic and riparian zone biota to endure and/or avoid
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
a drying disturbance (i.e., resistance). Connectivity will influence the ability of biota
dependent on water to recolonize from refuges (e.g., perennial reaches, groundwater, isolated
pools) when water returns (i.e., resilience). Variability of flow permanence characteristics
within and among networks may influence the harshness of meteorologic, geologic, and land-
cover conditions at local and regional scales, constraining the diversity of aquatic organisms
that can persist at a given locality and the overall pool of species available to recolonize after
drying. Hydrologic variation can be better characterized by using recently developed tools
such as ER sensors that would enhance our ecological understanding of these transient
systems and enable better predictions of ecological dynamics across a range of
spatiotemporal scales.
Bridging disciplinary-specific methods and spatiotemporal scales of studies to
produce a more consistent, synthetic understanding of intermittency is a primary challenge of
studying intermittent rivers. Intermittent rivers are complex systems with various influences
on the manner through which flow is distributed over time and space. Integrating
environmental tracers, isotopes, piezometers, and ER sensors provides an exciting
opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the timing, pathways, and sources of
water and the expansion and contraction cycles that are exemplified in intermittent rivers. If
this integrated methodological approach is deployed long-term with high spatiotemporal
resolution, we can more thoroughly understand the meteorology, geology, and land-cover
characteristics that give rise to the presence and source of water within intermittent river
The conceptual models and future research directions described in this paper are aimed at
moving us toward a more comprehensive understanding of the complex
hydromorphodynamics of intermittent rivers. Research focusing on intermittent rivers has
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
increased rapidly with respect to the number of published studies and the maturity of the
science within the last decade. We have classified research around intermittent rivers into
three primary controls that represent distinct disciplines with discipline-specific concepts,
methods, and spatiotemporal scales of study. It is timely for researchers to begin unifying
research on the meteorologic, geologic, and land-cover aspects of intermittent rivers with
biological studies of intermittent rivers across spatial and temporal scales that range from the
watershed to sub-meter and millennial to hours.
Research design approaches that capture the structure as well as the functions that
control the presence and absence of surface water and/or groundwater in intermittent river
networks will contribute substantially to this field of study. Research integration from the
fields of meteorology, geology, and ecology will provide exciting opportunities for exploring
the interactions of multiple spatiotemporal controls on intermittency and their implications
for river ecosystems. An understanding of each scale of influence on the character of flow
permanence provides a useful framework to appropriately describe flow permanence and
better anticipate hydrological and ecological responses under changing climate change
scenarios and/or water resources development. Coupling surface-water monitoring using ER
sensors and piezometers with the use of environmental tracers and isotopes are necessary
tools to assess intermittent rivers resulting in information gained that is a high research
priority for the hydrological and ecological community. The temporal resolution and storage
capacity of the latest generation of ER sensors enable long term (i.e., multiple years)
deployment and capture of network expansion and contraction dynamics. The conceptual
models and future research directions described here are aimed at moving us toward a more
comprehensive understanding of the complex hydromorphodynamics of intermittent river
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Support for this research was provided by The Ohio State University’s Climate, Water, and
Carbon Program. Joshuah Perkin provided thoughtful ideas for figure generation. Although
this work was reviewed by USEPA and approved for publication, it might not necessarily
reflect official Agency policy. This manuscript was improved by the thoughtful comments of
Robert Payn and four anonymous reviewers.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Fig. 1. Examples of intermittency patterns for natural (left column) and anthropogenically
altered (right column) rivers in the USA. The grey area represents the 95% confidence
intervals on mean daily discharge from 1980-2009 and the black line represents mean daily
discharge from 2012. Area is provided by the USGS but is unavailable for Willow Creek
Floodway Channel.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Fig. 2. Examples of the highly variable morphologic forms among intermittent rivers: (A)
small, steep, cobble- and gravel-bed river, (B) large, gradual, sand-bed river. Approximate
coordinates of where the photos were taken are given in the figure. Photograph A was taken
by Katie Costigan of an unnamed river in the Killbuck River watershed, Ohio, USA. Joshuah
Perkin provided photograph B of the Salt Fork Arkansas River, Kansas, USA.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Fig. 3. An example of an intermittent river during (A) terrestrial and (B) aquatic states. The
white arrows in the photo mark the same location. Approximate coordinates of where the
photos were taken are given in the figure. The photo was taken by Ken Fritz of Sycamore
Branch, Hoosier National Forest, Indiana, USA.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Fig. 4. Expansion and contraction cycles of intermittent rivers at the mesohabitat, functional
set, and network scales. Flow is from left to right in the functional set and longitudinal profile
and top to bottom in the network scale. The insets at the mesohabitat and functional set scale
are planviews of a pool and of pool-riffle sequence, respectively. We have included the
location of the insets in the network scale for arid and humid regions. This figure is adapted
after Datry et al. 2014b, McDonough et al. 2011, and Stanley et al. 1997.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Fig. 5. Spatiotemporal hierarchy of the (a) meteorologic, (b) geologic, and (c) land-cover
characteristics that control streamflow regimes. The direction of influence are assigned, either
promoting intermittent flow (upper half with black arrows) or perennial (lower half with grey
arrows), with the understanding that alternative cases exist as well as unknown directions of
influence, which are denoted in text along the center line of the graph where arrows radiate
from. The x-axis is hierarchically nested. The tendency towards promoting perennial or
intermittent flows is along the y-axis.

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... Streams along which water is not flowing all year round are usually defined as non-perennial or temporary (Costigan et al., 2016;Fritz et al., 2020;Skoulikidis et al., 2017;Williamson et al., 2015). They represent at least half of the stream networks worldwide (Costigan et al., 2016;Datry et al., 2014;Messager et al., 2021) and play an important role in the ecosystem by providing a high level of biodiversity, owing to periodic transitions between wet and dry conditions (Costigan et al., 2016;Coulson et al., 2022;Datry et al., 2014;Messager et al., 2021;Van Meerveld et al., 2019;Zimmer et al., 2022). ...
... Streams along which water is not flowing all year round are usually defined as non-perennial or temporary (Costigan et al., 2016;Fritz et al., 2020;Skoulikidis et al., 2017;Williamson et al., 2015). They represent at least half of the stream networks worldwide (Costigan et al., 2016;Datry et al., 2014;Messager et al., 2021) and play an important role in the ecosystem by providing a high level of biodiversity, owing to periodic transitions between wet and dry conditions (Costigan et al., 2016;Coulson et al., 2022;Datry et al., 2014;Messager et al., 2021;Van Meerveld et al., 2019;Zimmer et al., 2022). Climate change and anthropogenic activities such as water abstractions and impoundments are likely to increase the frequency and extent of dry periods of already existing non-perennial rivers and cause numerous perennial streams to become intermittent Larned et al., 2010;Sarremejane et al., 2022;Zipper et al., 2021). ...
... Streams along which water is not flowing all year round are usually defined as non-perennial or temporary (Costigan et al., 2016;Fritz et al., 2020;Skoulikidis et al., 2017;Williamson et al., 2015). They represent at least half of the stream networks worldwide (Costigan et al., 2016;Datry et al., 2014;Messager et al., 2021) and play an important role in the ecosystem by providing a high level of biodiversity, owing to periodic transitions between wet and dry conditions (Costigan et al., 2016;Coulson et al., 2022;Datry et al., 2014;Messager et al., 2021;Van Meerveld et al., 2019;Zimmer et al., 2022). Climate change and anthropogenic activities such as water abstractions and impoundments are likely to increase the frequency and extent of dry periods of already existing non-perennial rivers and cause numerous perennial streams to become intermittent Larned et al., 2010;Sarremejane et al., 2022;Zipper et al., 2021). ...
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Understanding the spatio‐temporal dynamics of runoff generation in headwater catchments is challenging, due to the intermittent and fragmented nature of surface flows. The active stream network in non‐perennial rivers contracts and expands, with a dynamic behavior that depends on the complex interplay among climate, topography, and geology. In this work, CATchment HYdrology, an integrated surface–subsurface hydrological model (ISSHM), is used to simulate the stream network dynamics of two virtual catchments with the same, spatially homogeneous, subsurface characteristics (hydraulic conductivity, porosity, water retention curves) but different morphology. We run two sets of simulations to reproduce a sequence of steady‐states at different catchment wetness levels and transient conditions and analyze the joint variations of the stream length (L) and discharge at the outlet (Q) with high spatio‐temporal resolutions. The shape of the L(Q) curves differs in the two catchments but does not depend on the climate forcing, as it is mainly controlled by the underlying topography. We then analyzed the suitability of the topographic wetness index and the contributing area to identify the spatial configuration of the maximum stream length in the two catchments. These two morphometric parameters provided a good estimate of the spatial distribution of the maximum flowing network in both the study catchments. Our numerical simulations indicate that ISSHMs have the potential to accurately describe the spatio‐temporal variations of the stream networks and the processes driving such dynamic behavior and that, overall, they can be useful tools to gain insights into the main physical drivers of non‐perennial streams.
... The main controls on streamflow intermittence integrate climatic conditions, that is, precipitation, evapotranspiration, recharge Leibowitz et al., 2018;McDonough et al., 2011) and geomorphological properties-that is, topography, landscape geomorphology (Jencso & McGlynn, 2011;Prancevic & Kirchner, 2019;Snelder et al., 2013) and subsurface properties-that is, lithology, soil types (Carlier et al., 2018b;Costigan et al., 2017;Smakhtin, 2001) and anthropogenic activities-that is, land use and water management . The dynamics of intermittence depend on the processes occurring at different spatiotemporal scales (Costigan et al., 2016;Gómez-Gener et al., 2021). In arid regions, flow intermittence is generated by fast hydrological processes through the generation of an upstream flow that exceeds the downstream flow, such as flash floods or flows generated mainly by surface runoff from the direct interception of precipitation (Zimmermann et al., 2014). ...
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Non-perennial streams play a crucial role in ecological communities and the hydrological cycle. However, the key parameters and processes involved in stream intermit-tency remain poorly understood. While climatic conditions, geology and land use are well identified, the assessment and modelling of groundwater controls on streamflow intermittence remain a challenge. In this study, we explore new opportunities to calibrate process-based 3D groundwater flow models designed to simulate hydrographic network dynamics in groundwater-fed headwaters. Streamflow measurements and stream network maps are considered together to constrain the effective hydraulic properties of the aquifer in hydrogeological models. The simulations were then validated using visual observations of water presence/absence, provided by a national monitoring network in France (ONDE). We tested the methodology on two pilot unconfined shallow crystalline aquifer catchments, the Canut and Nançon catchments (Brittany, France). We found that both streamflow and stream network expansion/ contraction dynamics are required to calibrate models that simultaneously estimate hydraulic conductivity K and porosity Φ with low uncertainties. The calibration allowed good prediction of stream intermittency, both in terms of flow and spatial extent. For the two catchments studied, Canut and Nançon, the hydraulic conductivity is close reaching 1.5x10-5 m/s and 4.5x10-5 m/s, respectively. However, they differ more in their storage capacity, with porosity estimated at 0.1% and 2.2%, respectively. Lower storage capacity leads to higher groundwater level fluctuations, shorter aquifer response times, an increase in the proportion of intermittent streams and a reduction in perennial flow. This new modelling framework for predicting head-water streamflow intermittence can be deployed to improve our understanding of groundwater controls in different geomorphological, geological and climatic contexts. It will benefit from advances in remote sensing and crowdsourcing approaches that generate new observational data products with high spatial and temporal resolution.
... Similar to water salinity, drying acts as a natural stressor shaping the structure and composition of aquatic invertebrate communities (e.g., Sánchez-Montoya et al. 2007Vidal-Abarca et al. 2013;Gutiérrez-Cánovas et al. 2015;Schriever et al. 2015). Drying turns both lotic and lentic ecosystems into a changing mosaic of aquatic and terrestrial habitats due to the alternation between wet (presence of surface water) and dry phases (absence of surface water) detached by a contraction phase (surface water retraction) (Alcorlo and Baltanás 1999;Boix et al. 2004;Mormul et al. 2015;Costigan et al. 2016;Datry et al. 2016). In the Mediterranean Basin, the contraction phase typically begins from late spring to early summer, followed by a long dry phase that can extend beyond the summer (Sánchez-Montoya et al. 2018). ...
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In inland aquatic ecosystems, drying and salinity can co-occur as natural stressors, affecting aquatic invertebrate communities. Despite recent appreciation of the importance of temporary waterbodies for terrestrial invertebrates, knowledge about the effects of drying on dynamics of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate communities is scarce, especially in saline ecosystems. This study analyzed structural and compositional responses of both communities to the coupled effects of drying and salinity in two streams and two shallow lakes in Spain, during three hydrological phases: wet, contraction, and dry. In the two studied saline streams, the contraction phase presented the highest aquatic and terrestrial abundance and richness, and the main compositional changes were mainly due, to an increase in aquatic lentic taxa (e.g., Coleoptera), and Araneae and Formicidae as terrestrial taxa. In shallow lakes, which presented highly variable salinity conditions, the highest abundance and diversity values were found at the wet phase for aquatic invertebrates and at the dry phase for terrestrial invertebrates. Compositional invertebrate community changes were due to a decrease in Rotifera and Anostraca (aquatic taxa) in the contraction phase for aquatic communities, and to an increase of Araneae, Coleoptera, and Formicidae (terrestrial taxa) at the dry phase for the terrestrial. Our study evidences the significant effect of drying on both aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates communities in natural inland saline waters and the need to integrate aquatic and terrestrial perspectives to study temporary inland waters.
... The temporal instability of flow conditions in streams plays a crucial role in shaping the habitat patchiness within the streambed, both longitudinally, vertically, and laterally, driven by hydrological, climatic, and geomorphological factors (Steward et al. 2012). The reduction in surface water during intermittent flow creates a mosaic of habitats and microhabitats that can support diverse aquatic and terrestrial biota, including microbiota (Costigan et al. 2016). The dynamic nature of intermittent streambeds and their boundaries, constantly changing as the stream contracts or expands, allows for the occupation of distinct communities in different spots within the streambed, increasing overall biodiversity and compensating for the decrease observed during no-flow conditions (Larned et al. 2010). ...
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Hydrological drought, characterized by a significant deficiency in rainfall events, promotes natural desiccation processes. The reduction in water recharge and the loss of freshwater ecosystems pose urgent challenges in the face of increasing global population and the escalating demand for water resources. The variability in the duration of no-flow periods can have profound implications for ecosystem functioning, specifically impacting the microbiota residing in streambed sediments and the vital processes they perform. The streambed serves as an ecotone where microorganisms form biofilms, playing critical roles in in-stream biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, prolonged desiccation periods and subsequent rewetting episodes can disrupt, limit, or alter the functions and structure of microbial communities, thereby compromising the overall functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Understanding how streambed microbial communities respond to prolonged desiccation events is crucial. This revision manuscript provides a synthesis of recent empirical and experimental studies that have explored various aspects of streambed microbial communities in the context of diverse drying-rewetting periods. A special focus is placed on highlighting key microbial community structural and functional responses that could be used as endpoints of responses to desiccation. In particular, we showed the greater expression of the phenol-oxidase activity among the intermittent streambeds submitted to long-term drought. This result suggested a potential begin of transition from freshwater to terrestrial systems. Additionally, we observed a tendency of decreasing bacterial diversity in the dry conditions together with a change in the relative abundance of certain microbial taxa and a general shift from Gram-negative to Gram-positive bacteria. All of these evidences strengthened the similarity between the dry streambed systems studied and a (dry)-soil environment, suggesting that prolonged and unusual dry periods could boost the terrestrial transition of the aquatic intermittent ecosystem. By summarizing these findings, we aim to enhance our understanding of the responses exhibited by streambed microbiota in the face of desiccation events. The synthesized results may further provide potential diagnosis and/or management tools for intermittent freshwater ecosystems functioning.
... Nesse entendimento, alguns estudos vêm sendo desenvolvidos problematizando os impactos negativos ocasionados pelos crescentes processos de urbanização em bacias hidrográficas, impactando física e biologicamente os cursos fluviais e suas dinâmicas, como por exemplo: Carvalho (2004;; Amaral, Ribeiro (2009);Jorge (2011); Oliveira, Vestena (2012); Girão, Corrêa (2015); Queiroz, Freitas, Guedes (2018); Jorge, Guerra (2020); Carvalho (2020); Frutuoso (2020); Canil, Lapis e Santos (2020); Rocha, Carvalho, Guedes (2021); Braga (2022). No entanto, apesar dos constantes esforços para contribuir com o entendimento a essa temática, o que se observa são as complexidades que envolvem os processos de expansão das cidades no âmbito da dinâmica das bacias hidrográficas, quanto aos usos e cobertura das margens e em calhas de canais fluviais, especialmente quando se tratam daquelas bacias hidrográficas com seus cursos d'água de regime intermitente (COSTIGAN et al. (2016) Os usos e cobertura, ao desconsiderar os parâmetros regulamentares estabelecidos pelas leis para o planejamento urbano e ambiental referentes à preservação de ambientes aquáticos, têm gerado impactos negativos na dinâmica hidrológica. Essa falta de conformidade resulta em alterações na morfologia fluvial, afetando também os componentes químicos e biológicos desses ambientes, dada a Revista da Casa da Geografia de Sobral, Sobral/CE, v. 25, n. 3, p. 178-205, 2023 (TUCCI, 2001;STEVAUX, LATRUBESSE, 2017;TAVEIRA, 2018;HEIDARI et al., 2021;BRAGA, 2022 Os cursos d'água de regime intermitentes, em áreas urbanas podem passar por uma série de desafios e problemas, pois esses rios, com seus períodos alternados de vazão e seca, representam uma incerteza hidrológica que impacta diretamente no planejamento e na gestão das cidades. ...
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O processo desordenado de urbanização no Brasil vem gerando problemas de inundações e alagamentos nas cidades, especialmente nas áreas margeantes e sob os cursos d'água. Em Assú, município potiguar localizado no Semiárido nordestino, os cursos d’água intermitentes vem sendo transformados a partir do processo de expansão urbana, com isso, tornando-se cenário de discussões a partir dessa interligação entre expansão urbana e recursos hídricos.esse sentido, essa pesquisa busca discutir diretrizes ambientais e de planejamento territorial para o uso e preservação dos cursos d'água na zona urbana de Assú, tendo como objetos de observação, quatro microbacias hidrográficas mais densamente ocupadas pelo processo de urbanização. Portanto, fundamenta-se a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica e documental, tendo como base o Plano Diretor Municipal (Lei complementar N° 015/06), a Lei Nº 12.651/2012, a Lei N° 6.766/1979 e a Lei N° 14.285/2021; uso de imagens de satélite trabalhados no ambiente SIG e por fim, a pesquisa de campo para identificar, reconhecer os canais fluviais e registrar os canais fluviais. Os resultados demonstram a partir do Plano Diretor Municipal (Lei complementar N° 015/06) e com o Código Florestal (Lei Nº 12.651/2012) que as microbacias hidrográficas observadas na área urbana de Assú apresentam características de uso e cobertura do solo que não estão alinhadas com o Plano Diretor e com o Código Florestal no que trata às áreas de preservação permanente, contribuindo com os problemas atuais de enchentes, alagamentos e inundações locais.
Intermittent streams exhibit regular patterns of drying and are widespread, but the patterns of drying among streams within geographic proximity are not fully understood. We compared annual patterns of flow and drying among 10 intermittent streams within a single drainage basin and assessed how traditional hydrologic metrics described variation between streams. We installed stream intermittency sensors and evaluated stage height using low‐cost methods and evaluated landscape factors as potential drivers of flow patterns. Intermittent streams varied based on both high‐ and low‐flow metrics, driven by a variety of landscape‐level factors, especially watershed size. Additionally, we compared the observed flow regimes within our system with predictions generated using an established Soil and Water Assessment Tool, finding that modeled streamflow patterns generally underrepresented observed drying within the system.
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The structure, function, and dynamics of Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems are profoundly influenced by the frequency and duration that they are inundated with water. A diverse array of natural and human engineered systems experience temporally variable inundation whereby they fluctuate between inundated and non-inundated states. Variable inundation spans from extreme flooding and droughts to predictable sub-daily cycles. Variably inundated ecosystems (VIEs) include hillslopes, non-perennial streams, wetlands, floodplains, temporary ponds, tidal systems, storm-impacted coastal zones, and human engineered systems. VIEs are diverse in terms of inundation regimes, water chemistry and flow velocity, soil and sediment properties, vegetation, and many other properties. The spatial and temporal scales of variable inundation are vast, ranging from sub-meter to whole landscapes and from sub-hourly to multi-decadal. The broad range of system types and scales makes it challenging to predict the hydrology, biogeochemistry, ecology, and physical evolution of VIEs. Despite all experiencing the loss and gain of an overlying water column, VIEs are rarely considered together in conceptual, theoretical, modeling, or measurement frameworks/approaches. Studying VIEs together has the potential to generate mechanistic understanding that is transferable across a much broader range of environmental conditions, relative to knowledge generated by studying any one VIE type. We postulate that enhanced transferability will be important for predicting VIE function under future, potentially non-analog, environmental conditions. Here we aim to catalyze cross-VIE science that studies drivers and impacts of variable inundation across Earth’s VIEs. To this end, we complement expert mini-reviews of eight major VIE systems with overviews of VIE-relevant methods and challenges associated with scale. We conclude with perspectives on how cross-VIE science can derive transferable understanding via a ‘continuum approach’ in which the impacts of variable inundation are studied across multi-dimensional environmental space.
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Headwater streams often experience intermittent flow. Consequently, the flowing drainage network expands and contracts and the flowing drainage density (DD) varies over time. Monitoring the DD dynamics is essential to understand the processes controlling it. However, our knowledge of the event‐scale DD dynamics is limited because high spatial and temporal resolution data on the DD remain sparse. Therefore, our team monitored the DD dynamics and hydrologic variables in two 5‐ha headwater catchments in the Swiss pre‐Alps in the summer of 2021, through mapping surveys of the flow state and a wireless streamwater level sensor network. We combined the two data sources to calculate the DD at the event‐time scale. Our so‐called CEASE method assumes that flow in a channel reach occurs above a set of water level thresholds, and it determined the DDs with accuracies >94%. DD responses to events differed for the two catchments, despite their proximity and similar size. DD ranged from 2.7 to 32.2 km km ⁻² in the flatter catchment (average slope: 15°). For this catchment, the discharge‐DD relationship became steeper when DD exceeded 20 km km ⁻² and DD increased substantially with relatively small increases in discharge. For rainfall events during dry conditions, the discharge‐DD relationship showed counterclockwise hysteresis, likely due to initially high groundwater discharge from the area near the catchment outlet; once rainfall stopped, DD remained high during the streamflow recession due to rising groundwater levels throughout the catchment. For events during wet conditions, the discharge and DD responded synchronously. In the steeper catchment (average slope: 24°), the DD varied only from 7.8 to 14.6 km km ⁻² and there was no hysteresis or threshold behaviour in the discharge‐DD relationship, likely because multiple groundwater springs maintained streamflow throughout the network during the monitoring period. These results highlight the high variability in DD and its dynamics across small headwater catchments.
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The idea that alternative stable states may exist in communities has been a recurring theme in ecology since the late 1960s, and is now experiencing a resurgence of interest. Since the first papers on the subject appeared, two perspectives have developed to describe how communities shift from one stable state to another. One assumes a constant environment with shifts in variables such as population density, and the other anticipates changes to underlying parameters or environmental “drivers”. We review the theory behind alternative stable states and examine to what extent these perspectives are the same, and in what ways they differ. We discuss the concepts of resilience and hysteresis, and the role of stochasticity within the two formulations. In spite of differences in the two perspectives, the same type of experimental evidence is required to demonstrate the existence of alternative stable states.
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Ephemeral streamflow events have the potential to transport sediment and pollutants downstream, which, in predominently agricultural basins, is especially problematic. Despite the importance of ephemeral streamflow, the duration and timing of the events are characteristics that are rarely measured. Ephemeral streamflow sensors have been created in the past with varying degrees of success and this paper presents a solution which minimizes previous shortcomings in other designs. The design and setup of the sensor network in two agricultural basins, as well as considerations for data processing are explored in this paper with regard to monitoring ephemeral streamflow at high spatial and temporal resolutions.
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Understanding large-scale patterns in flow intermittence is important for effective water resource management. We used daily flow records from 628 gauging stations on rivers with minimally modified flows distributed throughout France to predict regional patterns of flow intermittence. For each station we calculated two annual times-series describing flow intermittence; the frequency of zero-flow periods (consecutive days of zero-flow) in each year of record (FREQ; yr<sup>−1</sup>), and the total number of zero-flow days in each year of record (DUR; days). These time series were used to calculate two indices for each station, the mean annual frequency of zero-flow periods (mFREQ; yr<sup>−1</sup>), and the mean duration of zero-flow periods (mDUR; days). Approximately 20% of stations had recorded at least one zero-flow period. Dissimilarities between pairs of gauges calculated from the annual times-series (FREQ and DUR) and geographic distances were weakly correlated, indicating that there was little spatial synchronization of zero-flow. A flow-regime classification for the gauging stations discriminated intermittent and perennial stations, and an intermittence classification grouped intermittent stations into three classes based on the values of mFREQ and mDUR. We used Random Forest (RF) models to relate the flow-regime and intermittence classifications to several environmental characteristics of the gauging station catchments. The RF model of the flow-regime classification had a cross-validated Cohen's kappa of 0.47, indicating fair performance and the intermittence classification had poor performance (cross-validated Cohen's kappa of 0.35). Both classification models identified significant environment-intermittence associations, in particular with regional-scale climate patterns and also catchment area, shape and slope. However, we suggest that the fair-to-poor performance of the classification models is because intermittence is also controlled by processes operating at scales smaller than catchments, such as groundwater-table fluctuations and seepage through permeable channels. We suggest that high spatial heterogeneity in these small-scale processes partly explains the low spatial synchronization of zero-flows. While 20% of gauges were classified as intermittent, the flow-regime model predicted 39% of all river segments to be intermittent, indicating that the gauging station network under-represents intermittent river segments in France. Predictions of regional patterns in flow intermittence provide useful information for applications including environmental flow-setting, estimating assimilative capacity for contaminants, designing bio-monitoring programs and making preliminary estimates of the effects of climate change on flow intermittence.
Technical Report
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Frequency, timing, and duration of streamflow were monitored in 20 ephemeral-stream channels across the Sierra Vista Subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro Basin, southeastern Arizona, during an 18-month period. One channel (Walnut Gulch) had Agricultural Research Service streamflow-gaging stations in place. The sediments of the remaining 19 ephemeral-stream channels were instrumented with multiple temperature loggers along the channel lengths. A thermograph-interpretation technique was developed in order to determine frequency, timing, and duration of streamflow in these channels. Streamflow onset was characterized by exceedance of a critical minimum drop in temperature within the channel sediments during any 15-minute interval, whereas streamflow cessation was identified by the local temperature minimum that immediately followed the critical temperature drop. All data for the 18-month period from December 1, 2000, to May 31, 2002, were analyzed in terms of monsoon (June 1 to September 19) and nonmonsoon (September 20 to May 31) periods. Nonmonsoon precipitation during the 2000–2002 study period (excludes October and November 2000) was 82 percent and 39 percent of the 30-year average, respectively, whereas monsoon precipitation during 2001 was 99 percent of the 30-year average. Ephemeral streamflow was detected at least once during the monitoring period at 87 percent of the monitoring sites (45 of the 52 sites that returned useful data; includes 4 streamflow-gaging stations). The summer monsoon period accounted for 82 percent of all streamflow events by number and 71 percent of all events by total streamflow duration. Nonmonsoon streamflow events peaked in number, total streamflow duration, and mean streamflow duration midway between the Huachuca Mountains and the San Pedro River on the west side of the subwatershed. These three streamflow parameters dropped off sharply about 10 kilometers from the mountain front. The number and total duration of nonmonsoon streamflows on the east side of the subwatershed trended downward with increased distance from the mountain fronts. Monsoon streamflow events were more evenly distributed across the subwatershed than nonmonsoon events, and the number and duration of streamflows generally trended upward with distance from the mountain fronts. Additional years of data are needed to determine whether these patterns are consistent year to year, or were due to randomness in the spatial distribution of precipitation. Streamflows in three ephemeral-stream channels were analyzed in detail. More than two-thirds of the streamflow events detected in each of these channels occurred at no more than one monitoring site along the channel length. In only one of the three channels—Garden Canyon—was a streamflow event detected at all logger sites along its length. Five temperature loggers provided data from urbanized areas, and these loggers detected streamflow more than 50 percent more often and of a duration nearly three times greater than did temperature loggers across the rural parts of the subwatershed. Because historical records do not indicate that more precipitation occurs in the urbanized area than in the rural areas, the increased frequency of flow detection in the urban area is attributed to an increase in runoff from the impervious surfaces throughout the urbanized area.
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Temporary streams represent a significant yet understudied and particularly vulnerable portion of river networks. While the vast majority of stream and river research to date has focused on perennial flowing waters, recent work reveals that temporary streams are not only abundant and widely distributed, but also play a significant role in the hydrological and ecological integrity of lotic networks. In this chapter, we seek to summarize the current state of the science of these ubiquitous portions of river networks while simultaneously stressing the need for their future investigation. We begin by defining temporary streams and their hydrology and highlighting their abundance and extent. We then consider the ecological significance of temporary streams, including their role as faunal and floral habitat providers, biogeochemical processors, and connectivity corridors within river networks. The chapter concludes with a discussion of policy issues surrounding temporary streams and the anthropogenic disturbances they face.
Temporary waters are found throughout the world, including intermittent streams and ponds, episodic rain puddles, seasonal limestone lakes, and the water-retaining structures of plants, such as bromeliads and pitcher plants. They are populated by a variety of plant, animal, and microscopic communities ranging from the very simple to the highly complex. As such, they represent fascinating and significant arenas to study the properties of species, as the latter deals with the rigours of living in highly variable environments. Obligate temporary water species display a remarkable array of adaptations to the periodic loss of their primary medium that largely sets them apart from the inhabitants of permanent water bodies. The survival of individuals frequently depends upon exceptional physiological tolerance or effective migrational abilities that are timed to appropriate habitat phases. However, apart from their inherent biological interest, temporary waters are now in the limelight from a conservation perspective as these habitats come more and more into conflict with human activities. Traditionally, many temporary waters - be they ponds, pools, streams, or wetlands - have been considered as 'wasted' areas of land, potentially convertible to agriculture once drained. In reality, they are natural features of the global landscape representing distinct and unique habitats for many species - some that are found nowhere else, others that reach their maximum abundance there. Temporary waters are also very important from a human health perspective, since they function as breeding places for the vectors of many disease organisms.
Small rivers and streams are ecologically important because they contribute to the export of organic carbon to coastal environments, likely influencing the global carbon cycle. While organic matter (OM) dynamics in large rivers has been studied in quite some detail, less is known about small streams. Sources of OM in streams ultimately determine its availability to the food web and downstream transport. In this study, sediment samples were collected from the King’s Creek watershed in Konza Prairie (Kansas, USA) and analyzed using molecular biomarkers and bulk 13C stable isotopes with the objective to comparatively assess OM inputs between riparian forest vegetation and watershed grassland to small, intermittent streams. We are interested in the potential influence of woody riparian expansion that has been ongoing at the site. Biomarkers typical of the local C4 grasses (branched n-alkanes, phytadienes) were more abundant in some of the sediments of the upper reaches. The sediments of the lower reaches contained biomarkers of algae (short-chain aliphatic compounds, C25:5 highly branched isoprenoid, brassicasterol) and vascular plant-derived material (triterpenols). Degraded OM (triterpene/triterpenol ratio) was found throughout the watershed with no pattern between the upper and lower reaches. Bulk 13C isotope analysis showed that the upper reaches of the watershed receive significant OM inputs from the C4 grasses (74–99 %) while the lower reaches are more strongly influenced by riparian trees (26–27 %) and algae (21–22 %). These results suggest that the environmental dynamics of bulk OM and the biomarker composition of small prairie streams are highly complex and likely a function of several factors such as light availability, riparian vegetative composition and density, and varying degrees of OM storage, retention and transport along the river continuum.
The objectives of our research were to examine commonness–rarity patterns in fish communities in networks of intermittent streams. We quantified species abundance distributions and the importance of nestedness and turnover to community dissimilarity and then related commonness to colonisation, extinction and physiological tolerance. Patterns and relationships were evaluated spatially among sites and temporally within sites during non‐drought and drought periods in tallgrass prairie streams of eastern Kansas, U.S.A. Supra‐seasonal drought during 2011–2013 resulted in complete or partial drying of some sites and provided an opportunity to evaluate whether commonness was predictive of rather than predicted by colonisation and extinction. Abundance was used to predict re‐colonisation in desiccated reaches and persistence in drying pools. Few species were common, while most were rare regardless of drought, and nestedness drove community dissimilarity across sites. Common species had higher colonisation and lower extinction than rarer species, but physiological tolerance was unrelated to commonness. Abundant species were generally the first to re‐colonise desiccated reaches, but pre‐drought abundance did not predict persistence in partially desiccated reaches. Although common species were the first to colonise and the last to go extinct, we were unable to determine whether commonness was predictive of rather than predicted by colonisation and extinction. Regardless, our study demonstrates linkages among commonness, colonisation and extinction.