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Restoration of the coupling process and normalization of bone mass following successful treatment of endogenous Cushing’s syndrome: A prospective, long-term study


Abstract and Figures

Endogenous Cushing's syndrome (CS) is associated with bone loss and an increased risk of fractures. However, the long-term outcome of treatment on bone health has not been adequately clarified. We followed 33 patients with active CS prospectively before and twice after treatment (mean follow-up 33 (n = 25) and 71 months (n = 18), respectively). The patients were compared to age-, sex- and body mass index (BMI)-matched controls, also followed longitudinally. Bone mineral indices (bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral content (BMC) and bone area) were evaluated in the lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN), and total body (TB) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Biochemical markers of bone turnover were assessed by serum levels of osteocalcin and C-terminal telopeptides of Type-1 collagen (CTX-1). Mann-Whitney rank sum tests showed that BMD of the LS, FN and TB was reduced by 14.8% (P < 0.001), 15.7% (P < 0.001), and 9.2% (P < 0.001) in CS vs. controls at baseline, with markedly reduced serum osteocalcin (P = 0.014) and increased CTX-1 (P = 0.012) levels, but no correlation between markers. At first follow-up, BMD was increased in LS (7.9%, P < 0.001) and FN (3.5%, P = 0.003) compared to baseline. The time-dependent rise in BMD (LS (r = 0.59; P = 0.002) and FN (r = 0.52; P = 0.007); Spearman's rank correlation), in CS was paralleled by increased osteocalcin (275%, P < 0.001) and correlation between biochemical markers (r = 0.92, P < 0.001; Pearson's correlation). TB BMD did not increase significantly before the second follow-up, when BMD Z-scores were normalized in all three compartments. Our observations demonstrate restoration of coupled bone remodeling and normalization of bone mineral density in all measured skeletal compartments of treated CS patients after prolonged recovery, first significant in predominantly trabecular bone (i.e. lumbar spine).
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Restoration of the coupling process and normalization of bone
mass following successful treatment of endogenous Cushing’s
syndrome: A prospective, long-term study
`le Kristo
, Rune Jemtland
, Thor Ueland
, Kristin Godang
and Jens Bollerslev
Section of Endocrinology and
Research Institute of Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, N-0027 Oslo, Norway
(Correspondence should be addressed to C Kristo; Email:
Objective: Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is associated with bone loss and an increased risk of
fractures. However, the long-term outcome of treatment on bone health has not been adequately
Design: We followed 33 patients with active CS prospectively before and twice after treatment (mean
follow-up 33 (n¼25) and 71 months (n¼18), respectively). The patients were compared to age-,
sex- and body mass index (BMI)-matched controls, also followed longitudinally.
Methods: Bone mineral indices (bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral content (BMC) and bone
area) were evaluated in the lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN), and total body (TB) by dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Biochemical markers of bone turnover were assessed by serum levels of
osteocalcin and C-terminal telopeptides of Type-1 collagen (CTX-1).
Results: MannWhitney rank sum tests showed that BMD of the LS, FN and TB was reduced by 14.8%
(P,0.001), 15.7% (P,0.001), and 9.2% (P,0.001) in CS vs. controls at baseline, with markedly
reduced serum osteocalcin (P¼0.014) and increased CTX-1 (P¼0.012) levels, but no correlation
between markers. At first follow-up, BMD was increased in LS (7.9%, P,0.001) and FN (3.5%,
P¼0.003) compared to baseline. The time-dependent rise in BMD (LS (r¼0.59; P¼0.002) and
FN (r¼0.52; P¼0.007); Spearman’s rank correlation), in CS was paralleled by increased osteocalcin
(275%, P,0.001) and correlation between biochemical markers (r¼0.92, P,0.001; Pearson’s cor-
relation). TB BMD did not increase significantly before the second follow-up, when BMD Z-scores were
normalized in all three compartments.
Conclusion: Our observations demonstrate restoration of coupled bone remodeling and normalization
of bone mineral density in all measured skeletal compartments of treated CS patients after prolonged
recovery, first significant in predominantly trabecular bone (i.e. lumbar spine).
European Journal of Endocrinology 154 109–118
Glucocorticoid (GC)-induced bone loss is a frequent and
serious complication in patients with endogenous
Cushing’s syndrome (CS) (1, 2 11) as well as in
patients on GC therapy (12), leading to an increased
risk of low-energy fractures (8, 1315). While patients
receiving GC therapy usually suffer from a primary dis-
ease that may have negative influence on bone mass by
itself, CS (i.e. hypercortisolism, caused by a tumor in the
pituitary gland or in the adrenal cortex) is not associ-
ated with an underlying primary condition known to
affect bone metabolism directly. Thus, CS is considered
to be a useful clinical model to investigate the ‘pure’
effects of excess GC on bone metabolism, minimizing
other confounding factors. Previous reports have pro-
vided evidence that bone loss due to hypercortisolism
(exogenous or endogenous) is most pronounced in
areas with trabecular bone such as the lumbar spine
(predominantly trabecular bone) and femoral neck
(FN) (less trabecular bone, more cortical bone)
(1 11, 16). Accordingly, fracture risk appears to be
highest in the vertebrae and ribs of these patients
(8, 13, 14). In contrast, the effect of GC on skeletal sites
with predominantly cortical bone is less well-documen-
ted (5, 9, 16, 17). Few reports have assessed restoration
of bone mass after treatment of patients with active CS
and there is a scarcity of long-term prospective studies
(1, 3, 11, 18), reflecting the low incidence of CS (110
per million per year) (19). Most previous studies have
described partial restoration of bone mass after treat-
ment (1, 3, 11). However, little is known about the
long-term outcome of bone health in CS, because
most studies have re-evaluated the patients after
a short (3 6 months) or intermediate (12 24
months) time of follow-up (3, 6, 11). Moreover, it has
European Journal of Endocrinology (2006) 154 109–118 ISSN 0804-4643
q2006 Society of the European Journal of Endocrinology DOI: 10.1530/eje.1.02067
Online version via
not been established whether bone mass at skeletal sites
with predominantly trabecular or cortical bone is
affected differently by correction of hypercortisolism
after successful surgical treatment.
The exact mechanism by which GC influences bone
metabolism is still not completely understood (12).
While there is evidence that bone loss due to excess
GC, at least in part, may be secondary to hypogonad-
ism, decreased intestinal calcium absorption and
renal calcium reabsorption, in addition to loss of
muscle mass and strength, it is obvious that GCs have
direct potent effects on bone cells. The skeletal effects
of GC excess dominate over those of orchidectomy in
mice, indicating that bone loss in this model occurs
independently of changes in gonadal status (20). A
characteristic feature of GC-induced bone loss is a
depression of bone turnover, which is likely to be related
to reduced bone formation (3, 4, 9, 16, 21 26),
although bone resorption has also been shown to be
increased in some studies (27). Accordingly, animal
studies and in vitro experiments have shown that
chronic GC administration decreases the birth rate
and function of osteoblasts, increases apoptosis of
mature osteoblasts and osteocytes (28, 29 32) and
stimulates and prolongs osteoclast formation, activity
and survival (27, 33, 34).
The aim of the present study was to evaluate long-
term effects of successful surgical treatment on bone
densitometric parameters and bone turnover in
patients with CS. Patients were evaluated longitudin-
ally over an interval of mean 71 months, and were
also compared to a closely matched control group,
also followed longitudinally. Moreover, bone mass and
projected bone area was evaluated in different compart-
ments in order to assess whether GCs exert differential
effects at skeletal sites with predominantly cortical or
trabecular bone. Finally, we estimated alterations in
biochemical markers of bone turnover, to explore poss-
ible mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of GC-
induced bone loss in CS patients with active disease
and during the recovery phase after cure.
Material and methods
CS patients with pituitary adenoma (Cushing’s disease)
or adrenal cortex adenoma diagnosed in our center
between 1994 and 1999 were consecutively recruited
to this study, after giving signed informed consent (5,
16). The study was approved by the local ethical com-
mittee and conducted according to the Declaration of
Helsinki II.
All patients were diagnosed with CS based on a
thorough clinical evaluation and biochemical work-up,
as previously reported (5). Prior to surgical treatment,
a baseline population of 33 CS patients (24 women, 9
men) was systematically evaluated and matched with
33 healthy controls. Of these, 25 patients (17 women,
8 men) were followed longitudinally for a mean of 33
months (range 5 69 months), and among these, 18
patients (13 women, 5 men) were further re-evaluated
at a second follow-up, 71 months (range 43 108
months) after treatment. The controls, whom were
matched for age, sex, and body mass index (BMI), were
evaluated at baseline and then after a mean of 50
months (range 26 –56 months). Prior to operative treat-
ment, none of our patients received medication in order
to block steroid synthesis. Patients with Cushing’s dis-
ease were treated by transsphenoidal microsurgery; of
these, four patients with relapse were subsequently sub-
jected to bilateral adrenalectomy and were substituted
with cor tisone acetate 37.5 mg/day and fludrocortisone
0.1 mg/day. GC substitution was stopped for 24 hours
before blood sampling in the patients on this medication.
At baseline, none of the male patients had hypogonadism
defined as a testosterone/SHBG (sex hormone binding
globulin) ratio of less than 25% (mean ratio in the popu-
lation 55%, normal range ¼25 200%). Six women
diagnosed with CS had regular menstruation, three
had entered menopause (two were hysterectomized)
and fifteen had amenorrhea for a mean of 27 months
(range 6 60 months). None of the patients were substi-
tuted with sex hormones, thyroxine or growth hormone
(GH). At the second follow-up, one of two men who had
developed partial pituitary deficiency was substituted
with testosterone and the other with GH. Five women
had still regular menstruation, whereas two of eight
women who had entered the menopause were substi-
tuted with hormone replacement therapy and two with
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
All patients had clinical and biochemical findings of CS
at baseline. The diagnosis was confirmed by an increase
in daily urinary cortisol excretion, increase in basal
serum cortisol concentrations with lack of physiological
diurnal rhythm, lack of urinary and serum cortisol sup-
pression after 2-day dexamethasone suppression test
(DST, 0.5 mg £4 per day, sampling 2 h after the last
tablet), and a low-dose DST (1.0 or 1.5 mg depending
on weight at follow-up) according to international
standards (35). For patients with Cushing’s disease
the diagnosis was confirmed by inappropriately high
plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) concentrations
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pituitary
gland (eventually followed by sinus petrosus sampling),
and for patients with adrenal cortex adenoma, sup-
pressed plasma ACTH and computed tomography (CT)
scanning of the adrenal glands.
Following treatment (first and second follow-up), all
patients presented with normalized diurnal variation
of serum cortisol, in addition to levels of 24-h urine
free cortisol within the normal range. DST was con-
sidered normal when serum cortisol was suppressed
110 C Kristo and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
to less than 40 nmol/l. For ten patients at first follow-up
and six patients at second follow-up, serum cortisol was
.40 nmol/l at DST. However, none of these patients
showed differences in biochemical parameters or bone
mass indices (bone mineral density (BMD), bone min-
eral content (BMC) and area), as compared to patients
with DST ,40 nmol/l, nor did they present with any
clinical signs of relapse. All patients had normal liver
and kidney function, as judged by serum levels of
ASAT (aspartat aminotransferase), ALAT (alanin ami-
notransferase), albumin and creatinine.
Osteodensitometric measurements
BMD (g/cm
), BMC (g) and projected bone area (cm
were measured in the LS (L2-L4, anterior-posterior pro-
jection), the left FN and total body (TB), using DXA
(Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry; Lunar DPX-L, soft-
ware version 4.6c, Lunar Corporation, Madison, WI)
(36). BMD Z-scores are given with reference to norma-
tive data provided by the manufacturer. The precision
error of LS was about 1%, FN 1.5% and TB 0.5%, inde-
pendent of the operator (16).
Blood sampling
Blood samples were drawn between 0800 h and
1000 h, after overnight fasting. For collection of
serum, blood was drawn into pyrogen-free tubes
(Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA) without additives.
The tubes were immediately immersed in ice water,
allowed to clot for 2 hours, and centrifuged at 1000 g
at 4 C for 10 minutes; serum was stored at 2808C
until analyzed. All samples were thawed three times,
and samples from a given individual were run in the
same assay to minimize run-to-run variability.
Biochemical markers of bone turn-over
Osteocalcin was measured by immunoradiometric assay
(IRMA) with a commercial kit (Incstar Corporation,
Stillwater, MI), that measures intact osteocalcin 1 49
. Degradation products of the C-terminal telopeptides of
Type-I collagen (CTX-1) were measured with an
enzyme immunoassay (EIA) (Crosslaps; Osteometer Bio-
Tech A/S, Herlev, Denmark). Serum and free cortisol in
24-h urine was measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA),
using commercial kits from Orion Diagnostica, (Espoo,
Finland). Cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone levels
were analysed using standard laboratory methods.
The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were
,7% for all assays.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed by SPSS forWindows
(version 12.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Wilcoxon signed
rank sum test was used to analyze changes in bone
mass at different observation times. Mann Whitney
Rank-Sum test was used to compare variables of patients
and controls. Relationships between two variables in
BMD, BMC and bone area were tested using Spearman’s
rank correlation test and Pearson’s correlation test for
bone turnover markers. P,0.05 was considered stat-
istically significant.
The clinical characteristics and biochemical findings of
the study populations at baseline and at regular intervals
throughout the observation period are given in Table 1.
Time-dependent changes in bone mass indices
at multiple skeletal sites before and after
successful treatment of CS
BMD, BMC and bone area were determined in
CS patients by DXA at baseline and at two consecutive
follow-ups (means 33 and 71 months respectively)
Table 1 Clinical characteristics and laboratory data before and after surgical treatment of CS patients, and during longitudinal follow-up
in controls.
CS Controls
First follow-up
Second follow-up
Follow up
Gender (Female/male) 33 (24/9) 25 (17/8) 18 (13/5) 33 (24/9) 25 (17/8)
Age (years) 43^247^250^343^247^2
Diagnosis (pituitary/adrenal) 26/7 20/5 14/4
BMI kg/m
29.0^1 27.3^1 26.9^1 27.6^1 27.5^1
Body weight (kg) 82.6^2.5 78^3 75.6^4 81.2^2.4 83.8^2.9
Serum cortisol (nmol/l) 0800 h 627^42** 259^28† 422^47 409^33 393^361
Urinary cortisol (nmol/24 h) 1446^345 193^21 179^15
DHEAS (mg/dl) 298^58*60^11 142^13
Osteocalcin (mg/L) 3.1^0.3*13.5^1.6†† 11.0^1.1 4.26^0.4 6.97^0.4
CTX-1 (Crosslaps) (ng/ml) 0.53^0.04*0.75^0.13
0.73^0.08 0.39^0.03 0.58^0.06
Data are presented as mean^S.E.M. DHEAS, dehydroepiandrosterone. *P,0.05, **P,0.001, CS patients vs. controls at baseline.
P,0.001, CS patients vs. controls at first follow-up. ns, not significant.
Bone mass and turnover in Cushing’s syndrome: a prospective study 111EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
after surgical treatment, as shown in Fig.1 and Table 2.
At baseline, bone mass (BMD and BMC) was reduced in
all compartments of CS patients relative to controls, as
was the TB projected area (13%, P¼0.01) (Table 2).
Already at the first follow-up (Fig. 1), highly significant
improvements were demonstrated at the LS (BMD, 7.9%
(P,0.001); BMC, 17.5% (P¼0.001); area, 3.1%
(P¼0.022)) and FN (BMD, 3.5% (P¼0.003); BMC,
5.0% (P¼0.025); area, 24.5% (ns)) relative to pre-
treatment values. Further gain in bone mass indices
were observed at the second follow-up (relative to the
first follow-up) at the LS (BMD, 10.7% (P¼0.039);
BMC, 7.8% (P¼0.001); area, 6.9% (P¼0.003)) and
FN (BMD, 4.6% (P¼0.004); BMC, 3.6% (P¼0.001);
area, 20.2% (ns)). Whereas a trend towards increased
BMC (12.6%, (ns)) and bone area (11.8%, (ns)) was
observed for TB at first follow-up (relative to baseline),
BMD was unaltered (0.9%, (P¼0.16)). By the second
follow-up, a highly significant increase was observed
in TB BMD (5.1%, (P,0.001)), with unchanged or
only modest alterations in BMC (0.8%, (ns)) and bone
area (21.8%, (ns)). Thus, increases in BMD were
observed at all measured skeletal sites in patients after
treatment, however the changes (P,0.05) appeared
earlier at the LS and FN compared to TB, where the
improvements reached statistical significance at the
second follow-up.
A highly significant positive correlation between the
changes in BMD and time after surgical treatment
(mean 33 months) was demonstrated in the LS
(r¼0.59; P¼0.002) and FN (r¼0.52; P¼0.007),
but not in TB (r¼0.27; P¼0.30) (Fig. 2).
At baseline there was no correlation between serum
cortisol 0800 h and osteodensitometric measurements.
At the first follow-up we found a negative correlation
between serum cortisol 0800 h and BMC at TB
(r¼20.48; P¼0.017), TB projected bone area
(r¼20.47; P¼0.021) and serum osteocalcin
(r¼20.41; P¼0.04). Moreover, there was a negative
correlation between serum cortisol and LS BMD at the
second follow up (r¼20.50; P¼0.03) (data not
Normalization of bone mineral density at
multiple skeletal sites in patients with CS
after prolonged recovery
Data are presented as Z-scores (25, 75 percentiles) BMD
Z-scores for the various bone compartments in patients
and healthy controls are given in Fig. 3. Patients with
active CS had reduced BMD Z-scores at all measured
sites (LS, 21.50 (22.49, 20.76); FN, 21.23
(21.95, 20.52); and TB, 21.37 (22.00, 20.71)) at
baseline. By comparison, BMD Z-scores for the controls
Figure 1 BMD (A-C), BMC (D-F) and
projected bone area (G-I) before treat-
ment and during longitudinal follow-up
(mean 33 and 71 months, respectively)
after surgical treatment of patients with
CS. BL, baseline; 1.FU, first follow-up;
2.FU, second follow-up. Data are given
as median and 25 and 75 percentiles.
*P,0.05, **P,0.01, ***P,0.001;
first follow-up vs. baseline.
P,0.001; second vs.
first follow-up.
112 C Kristo and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
Table 2 Osteodensitometric parameters at various skeletal sites (see methods) before and after surgical treatment in CS patients and age-, sex-, and BMI-matched controls.
Cushing’s Controls
Osteodensitometry Baseline (n¼33) First follow-up (n¼25) Second follow-up (n¼18) Baseline (n¼33) Follow-up (n¼25) CS vs. controls
LS BMD (g/cm
) 1.05 (0.94, 1.13) 1.15 (1.03, 1.26) 1.22 (1.11, 1.39) 1.23 (1.09, 1.33) 1.20 (1.06, 1.35) P,0.001 (BL)
P¼0.149 (FU)
LS Z-score (S.D.)21.50 (22.49, 20.76) 20.50 (21.45, 0.25) 0.30 (20.80, 1.33) 20.03 (20.934, 0.87) 20.10 (20.95, 1.15) P,0.001 (BL)
P¼0.159 (FU)
LS BMC (g) 45.73 (37.81, 53.72) 53.09 (41.88, 62.81) 56.87 (46.44, 66.10) 59.46 (48.61, 66.52) 60.65 (46.61, 68.190 P¼0.001 (BL)
P¼0.051 (FU)
LS (area (cm
) 42.42 (39.44, 50.25) 43.83 (41.66, 52.47) 46.58 (41.21, 55. 52) 46.15 (41.19, 52.39) 46.36 (41.33, 53.13) P ¼0.17 (BL)
P¼0.135 (FU)
FN BMD (g/cm
) 0.86 (0.74. 0.91) 0.88 (0.76, 0.96) 0.92 (0.80, 1.00) 0.95 (0.88, 1.11) 1.00 (0.90, 1.09) P,0.001 (BL)
P¼0.001 (FU)
FN Z-score (S.D.)21.23 (21.95, 20.52) 20.70 (21.40, 0.05) 0.10 (20.85, 0.63) 0.28 (20.76, 0.67) 0.10 (20.95, 0.70) P,0.001 (BL)
P¼0.008 (FU)
FN BMC (g) 4.27 (3.83, 4.65) 4.20 (3.84, 4.89) 4.32 (3.94, 5.69) 5.26 (4.46, 5.7) 5.10 (4.66, 5.50) P,0.001 (BL)
P¼0.001 (FU)
FN area (cm
) 5.12 (4.76, 5.49) 4.97 (4.58, 5.44) 4.86 (4.63, 5.56) 5.9 (4.88, 5.99) 5.07 (4.37, 5.62) P,0.462 (BL)
P¼0.613 (FU)
TB BMD (g/cm
) 1.10 (1.01, 1.13) 1.09 (1.04, 1.15) 1.17 (1.12, 1.22) 1.19 (1.13, 1.28) 1.19 (1.14, 1.26) P,0.001 (BL)
n¼23 n¼16 n¼11 n¼23 n¼16 P,0.001 (FU)
TB Z-score (S.D.)21.37 (22.00, 20.71) 20.70 (21.55, 0.05) 0.45 (20.60, 1.13) 0.22 (20.35, 0.89) 0.40 (20.35, 1.20) P,0.001 (BL)
n¼23 n¼16 n¼11 n¼23 n¼16 P¼0.002 (FU)
TB BMC (g) 2348 (2035, 2635) 2511 (2197, 2798) 2544 (2354, 3293) 2828 (2557, 3366) 2783 (2491, 3181) P¼0.001 (BL)
n¼23 n¼16 n¼11 n¼23 n¼16 P¼0.006 (FU)
TB area (cm
) 2091 (1892, 2422) 2260 (2094, 2499) 2218 (2072, 2734) 2396 (2223, 2693) 2387 (2160, 2601) P¼0.010 (BL)
n¼23 n¼16 n¼11 n¼23 n¼16 P¼0.062 (FU)
Patients were evaluated at baseline and at two successive follow-ups, mean 33 and 71 months after surgical treatment respectively. Controls were also followed longitudinally and evaluated at baseline and
follow-up, mean 50 months after inclusion. Data are given as median and 25 and 75 percentiles. Cross-sectional data: differences between CS patients and controls at baseline (BL) and first follow-up (FU),
respectively, are presented as Pvalues in the last column.
Bone mass and turnover in Cushing’s syndrome: a prospective study 113EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
were not significantly different from the normative data
of the reference population throughout the study. Fol-
lowing treatment, BMD Z-scores for the patients
increased at the LS (20.50 (21.45, 0.25),
P,0.001) and FN (20.70 (21.40, 0.05),
P,0.001) during the first follow-up (relative to base-
line), with a trend towards an improvement also in TB
20.70 (21.55, 0.05), P¼0.083). Thus, at the first
follow-up there were no significant (P¼0.16) differ-
ences between LS BMD Z-score values in CS patients
and controls, indicating normalization of bone mass
at this site, whereas Z-scores were still significantly
lower at FN (P¼0.010) and TB (P¼0.001). At the
second follow-up, we observed a further rise in BMD
Z-score at the LS (0.30 (20.80, 1.33), P,0.001),
FN (0.10 (20.85, 0.63), P,0.001), and TB (0.45
(20.60, 1.13), P,0.001), indicating normalization
of BMD in all measured skeletal compartments with
Biochemical markers of bone turnover:
restoration of the bone remodeling process
after successful treatment of CS
To determine the rate of bone turnover, we also
measured serum levels of osteocalcin (OC), a marker
for bone formation, and cross-laps (CTX-1), a marker
for bone resorption, both during longitudinal follow-
up in CS patients (Fig. 4), and in relation to matched
controls (Table 1). Compared to controls at baseline,
serum OC levels were reduced by 26.9% (P¼0.014)
in the patients, whereas their serum CTX-1 levels
were increased by 35.9% (P¼0.012). At follow-up,
levels of OC were markedly elevated (approx. 2-fold)
in CS patients compared to controls (P,0.001),
whereas CTX-1 levels were only moderately enhanced
(29.1%, P¼0.68). The longitudinal data (Fig. 4)
show that serum osteocalcin levels increased markedly
in the patients (275%, P,0.001) at the first follow-up
compared to baseline, and were sustained at high levels
throughout the observation period. However, serum
levels of CTX-1 tended to increase only modestly
during the same time period. Notably, while no corre-
lation was found between levels of bone formation
and resorption markers before treatment in the patients
(r¼0.32, P¼0.19), serum levels of osteocalcin
and CTX-1 were significantly correlated both at
first (r¼0.92, P,0.001) and second follow-up
(r¼0.90, P,0.001) after treatment, indicating that
coupling between formation and resorption had been
The present study, which contains both longitudinal
and cross-sectional data is, to our knowledge, the first
to demonstrate normalization of bone mineral density
in multiple skeletal compartments of patients with
endogenous Cushing’s syndrome after prolonged recov-
ery time (mean 71 months). Whereas biochemical mar-
kers of bone turnover indicated uncoupled remodeling
in the state of active disease, coupling seemed to be
restored following treatment, leading to a marked
increase in bone mass first appreciated in
compartments rich in the metabolically active trabecu-
lar bone as in the LS, and most recently in the TB skel-
eton constituting of mainly (80%) cortical bone.
Our baseline data demonstrate that patients with
active CS displayed marked deficits in bone mass not
only at the spine and FN, as generally appreciated
(3 7, 9, 11, 16, 23), but also in the TB skeleton. The
most pronounced bone loss was observed at the LS,
consistent with the view that trabecular bone is a prin-
cipal target for the detrimental effects of excess GC in
the skeleton (12). Our longitudinal data demonstrating
improvement in bone mass following treatment of
CS extend previous findings by showing that the gain
in LS BMD and FN BMD was positively related to
follow-up time (r¼0.59 and r¼0.52, respectively).
Figure 2 Correlations (r) between changes in BMD in (A) LS, (B) FN and (C) TB, and recovery time (mean 33 months) after surgical
treatment in patients with CS. Data are given as individual observations.
114 C Kristo and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
This suggests that bone loss in CS is reversible after suc-
cessful treatment, and is supported by normalization of
BMD Z-scores in both sexes at all measured sites in CS
patients with prolonged recovery (mean 71 months).
This occurred despite the expected physiological age-
dependent bone loss, which was relatively modest in
the study population (Fig.3) consisting mainly of pre-
menopausal women. However, the time for significant
measurable improvement in bone mass differed
between the various skeletal compartments, and
became significant first in the LS (mainly trabecular
bone), then in the FN (less trabecular bone, more corti-
cal bone), and lastly in TB (mainly cortical bone), poss-
ibly reflecting that a higher remodeling rate at the
spine may have caused an earlier bone recovery than
at cortical sites in the appendicular skeleton.
Interestingly, TB projected area was reduced com-
pared to controls at baseline. In the follow-up period
bone area increased significantly in the LS (and a simi-
lar trend in TB) throughout the observation period
most likely reflecting periosteal apposition of new
bone, in accordance with the persistent increase in
serum levels of the bone formation marker osteocalcin.
Decreased bone area has previously been demonstrated
in active CS (5, 16), and altered bone area has also
been found in other endocrine disorders (37 39).
While we are not aware of any earlier reports showing
that successful cure of CS affects bone area, treatment
with parathyroid hormone was recently shown to
increase vertebral cross-sectional area in postmenopau-
sal women with GC-induced osteoporosis (40). The
anabolic effect of parathyroid hormone in their study
was explained by increased bone turnover and in par-
ticular bone formation, similar to the changes in bone
turnover markers observed in our study after correction
of excess cortisol levels. However, it is important to con-
sider that investigations by DXA are limited by its two-
dimensional acquisition plane (of a 3 dimensional
structure) for determining structure and geometric par-
ameters, and that a threshold effect on edge determi-
nation due to changes in body composition can not
be ruled out. Moreover, in relation to BMD measure-
ments and Z-scores patients with CS are especially
prone to vertebral fractures, most often manifested
clinically as back pain or loss of height due to com-
pression of the vertebrae, DXA measurements may
record inappropriately high BMD values in the spine.
While not all the patients fulfilled strict criteria for
cure according to the low dose DST, all patients in
the present study were without clinical symptoms of
active disease at follow-up, with normal diurnal vari-
ation in serum cortisol levels and normal urinary
excretion of free cortisol. Moreover, biochemical par-
ameters (Table 1) and bone mass indices (BMD, BMC,
area) showed no differences between patients with
DST ,40 nmol/l as compared to those with DST
.40 nmol/l. Interestingly however, indices of bone
mass and turn-over were not correlated to cortisol
levels at baseline, whereas negative correlations were
demonstrated after treatment for various indices
of bone mass and osteocalcin. The limited size of
the study population did not allow for stratification
of eugonadal and hypogonadal patients. However, we
did not find evidence for a high bone-turnover state
in CS patients as seen in patients with postmenopausal
osteoporosis caused by estrogen deficiency. On the con-
trary, we observed a low bone turnover state and indi-
cations of un-coupling of the remodeling process in
patients with active CS. Thus, the principal mediator
of bone loss in active CS is likely to be excess GC and
not hypogonadism. This is in accordance with obser-
vations in an experimental mouse model in which
Figure 3 Z-score BMD values for (A) LS, (B) FN and (C) TB
before (i.e. baseline) and after longitudinal follow-up in patients
with CS (B), and in age-, sex-, and BMI-matched controls (A) also
evaluated longitudinally. Data are presented as median ^S.E.M.
P,0.05, **P,0.01, ***P,0.001; first follow-up vs. baseline in
P,0.001; second vs. first follow-up
in patients with CS (see Table 2).
P¼ns; CS patients vs. controls.
Bone mass and turnover in Cushing’s syndrome: a prospective study 115EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
excess GC seems to override the effect of sex-steroids on
the skeleton (20). Moreover, we did not find evidence
for anabolic skeletal effects of the androgen DHEAS in
our CS population, as was suggested by a recent
study in adrenal vs. pituitary CS (8), because DHEAS
levels did not correlate (data not shown) with measured
bone mass parameters in our study. However, these
results must be interpreted with caution as we were
not able to match controls and patients according to
gonadal status.
Our data further suggest that the observed bone loss
in active CS is due to uncoupled bone remodeling and
suppressed bone formation. This is in agreement with
previous reports that excess GCs cause reduction in
bone formation and, to a lesser degree, increased
bone resorption, implying a state of low bone turnover
(24, 9, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25). While the importance of
suppressed bone formation secondary to reduced osteo-
blast number and/or activity is considered to be a cen-
tral component in GC-induced bone loss, reports on
effects on bone resorption have been less consistent,
as there is evidence for increased (3, 9), decreased (4,
23), or unchanged (11) bone resorption. The apparent
controversy as to the importance of increased bone
resorption as an important component of GC-induced
bone loss may in part be related to the study popu-
lation; in contrast to hospitalized patients starting up
GC therapy, patients with CS are likely to have
manifested disease long (several years) before diagnosis
and treatment. Hence, the initial resorptive phase may
easily have been missed in the large majority of CS
patients when they are diagnosed and selected for clini-
cal studies. Whereas the biochemical markers of bone
turnover showed no relationship at baseline, a highly
significant correlation between the formative and
resorptive serum markers was observed during follow-
up, suggesting a normalization of the coupling process
with the balance in favor of increased bone formation
after treatment.
In conclusion, this study demonstrates generalized
pronounced bone loss in active CS, not only at sites con-
sisting mainly of trabecular bone, but also in predomi-
nantly cortical bone compartments. Biochemical
markers of bone turnover indicate uncoupling of the
remodeling process in active CS and association of
reduced bone mass with suppressed bone formation
and increased resorption. Our longitudinal data add
to previous findings by showing a positive correlation
between gain in BMD and follow-up time after cure at
the LS and FN respectively. The accompanying changes
in bone turnover markers, showing restoration of the
coupling process and a marked increase in serum osteo-
calcin levels, indicate that enhanced bone formation is
mainly responsible for improvement of bone mass after
correction of excess cortisol levels. Finally, our data
demonstrating successive normalization of BMD first
Figure 4 Longitudinal changes in serum levels of (A) osteocalcin and (B) CTX-1 at baseline (BL) and first follow-up (1.FU) after surgical
treatment in CS patients (n ¼25). Correlations (r) between serum levels of osteocalcin and CTX-1 (C) before and (D) after surgical
treatment, respectively. Data are given as individual observations.
116 C Kristo and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
at the LS, then at the FN, and finally in TB, suggest that
bone loss in active CS is reversible in all measured bone
compartments after prolonged recovery.
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Received 20 June 2005
Accepted 12 October 2005
118 C Kristo and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2006) 154
... i. Control (C): Middle aged healthy volunteers; n = 9 (20,(31)(32)(33). ii. ...
... CS is a disorder characterized by increased endogenous cortisol production that commonly induces the development of an osteoporotic-like condition (20,24,32,33). As glucocorticoids are known to promote differentiation of SSPCs towards the adipogenic lineage (38,39), alterations in BMAT in the bones of patients with CS are common (20,25,(30)(31)(32). ...
... CS is a disorder characterized by increased endogenous cortisol production that commonly induces the development of an osteoporotic-like condition (20,24,32,33). As glucocorticoids are known to promote differentiation of SSPCs towards the adipogenic lineage (38,39), alterations in BMAT in the bones of patients with CS are common (20,25,(30)(31)(32). However, little is known about the differential effect of increased endogenous vs. exogenous glucocorticoids on BMAT content, and its effect of bone remodeling. ...
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Background Skeletal stem/progenitor cells (SSPCs) in the bone marrow can differentiate into osteoblasts or adipocytes in response to microenvironmental signalling input, including hormonal signalling. Glucocorticoids (GC) are corticosteroid hormones that promote adipogenic differentiation and are endogenously increased in patients with Cushing´s syndrome (CS). Here, we investigate bone marrow adiposity changes in response to endogenous or exogenous GC increases. For that, we characterize bone biopsies from patients with CS and post-menopausal women with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GC-O), compared to age-matched controls, including postmenopausal osteoporotic patients (PM-O). Methods Transiliac crest bone biopsies from CS patients and healthy controls, and from postmenopausal women with GC-O and matched controls were analysed; an additional cohort included biopsies from women with PM-O. Plastic-embedded biopsies were sectioned for histomorphometric characterization and quantification of adipocytes. The fraction of adipocyte area per tissue (Ad.Ar/T.Ar) and marrow area (Ad.Ar/Ma.Ar), mean adipocyte profile area (Ad.Pf.Ar) and adipocyte profile density (N.Ad.Pf/Ma.Ar) were determined and correlated to steroid levels. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of adipocytes in relation to trabecular bone was characterized and correlations between bone marrow adiposity and bone remodeling parameters investigated. Results Biopsies from patients with CS and GC-O presented increased Ad.Ar/Ma.Ar, along with adipocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia. In patients with CS, both Ad.Ar/Ma.Ar and Ad.Pf.Ar significantly correlated with serum cortisol levels. Spatial distribution analyses revealed that, in CS, the increase in Ad.Ar/Ma.Ar near to trabecular bone (<100 µm) was mediated by both adipocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia, while N.Ad.Pf/Ma.Ar further into the marrow (>100 µm) remained unchanged. In contrast, patients with GC-O only presented increased Ad.Ar/Ma.Ar and mean Ad.Pf.Ar>100 µm from trabecular bone surface, highlighting the differential effect of increased endogenous steroid accumulation. Finally, the Ad.Ar/Ma.Ar and Ad.Ar/T.Ar correlated with the canopy coverage above remodeling events. Conclusion Increased cortisol production in patients with CS induces increased bone marrow adiposity, primarily mediated by adipocyte hypertrophy. This adiposity is particularly evident near trabecular bone surfaces, where hyperplasia also occurs. The differential pattern of adiposity in patients with CS and GC-O highlights that bone marrow adipocytes and their progenitors may respond differently in these two GC-mediated bone diseases.
... Most studies have shown that GC bone loss and GIO are potentially reversible after successful surgical treatment, although the time to bone recovery is relatively long and variable and restoration is not always complete [45][46][47][48][49]. An improvement in BMD was noted 3 to 6 months after hypercortisolism remission, generally slower at the femoral neck than at the lumbar spine [46,49]. ...
... A long-term prospective study showed normalization of BMD at the lumbar spine and femoral neck in patients with endogenous CS after successful surgical treatment after a mean follow-up of 71 months [45]. While in endogenous CS, resolution of the underlying disease can resolve the problem of bone damage, in exogenous GIO, patients are often unable to taper off therapeutic doses of GC. ...
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Prolonged exposure to an excess of glucocorticosteroids (GCs), both endogenous and exogenous, leads to a wide range of comorbidities, including cardiovascular, metabolic, psychiatric, and musculoskeletal disorders. The latter comprise osteopenia and osteoporosis leading to skeletal fractures and myopathy. Although endogenous hypercortisolemia is a rare disorder, GCs are among the most frequently prescribed drugs, often administered chronically and despite multiple side effects, impossible to taper off due to therapeutic reasons. The pathophysiology of the effect of GC excess on bone often leads to fractures despite normal or low-normal bone mineral density and it includes direct (mainly disturbance in bone formation processes, through inactivation of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway) and indirect mechanisms (through suppressing the gonadal and somatotrophic axis, and also through antagonizing vitamin D actions). Glucocorticosteroid-induced fast-twitch, glycolytic muscles atrophy occurs due to increased protein catabolism and impaired synthesis. Protein degradation is a result of activation of the ubiquitin proteasome and the lysosomes stimulated through overexpression of several atrogenes (such as FOXO-1 and atrogin-1). This review will discuss pathophysiology, clinical presentation, prevention, and management of GC-induced osteoporosis (including calcium and vitamin D supplementation, and bisphosphonates) and myopathy associated with GC excess.
... This leads to a reduction in final height and a decrease in peak bone mass, increasing the risk of osteoporosis (42). The decreased bone mass appears to improve after the remission of hypercortisolemia (43). However, even patients in remission, there is an increased incidence of spinal injury, especially if the disease has developed before growth is complete (15). ...
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Endogenous Cushing syndrome (CS) leading to an overproduction of cortisol is a major cause of secondary osteoporosis. Bone complications in CS, despite the fact that they not only reduce the quality of life, but also increase mortality, are still underdiagnosed. Hypercortisolemia results, among others, in a reduced bone mineral density (BMD). However, an increased risk of fracture in CS may occur in bones with only a slight reduction or even normal BMD. The disease is usually insidious, prolonging the period of hypercortisolemia before diagnosis. Therefore, skeletal complications such as reduced BMD, osteoporosis and fractures are common in CS. Osteoporosis has a prevalence of 40-70%, osteopenia 80-85% and fractures 30-70% in patients with CS (1, 2). Fractures usually involve the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae, hips, ribs and pelvis as the trabecular bone is mainly affected. The most common pathogenesis of CS leading to bone lesions remains a topic of researches. Chronic hypercortisolemia leads not only to the reduction of BMD but also to changes in bone microarchitecture. Increased resorption and inhibited bone formation are the main mechanisms described in CS. Reversal of changes in bone mineral density after recovery from CS has been observed. Surgical treatment of pituitary or adrenal tumours should be the first line of treatment. However, vitamin D and calcium supplementation as well as treatment with antiresorptive drugs seems to be also essential. In this paper we presents a review of the current literature on bone complications in endogenous CS.
Background Hypercortisolism in Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is associated with bone loss, skeletal fragility and altered bone quality. No studies evaluated bone geometric and strain-stress values in CS patients after remission thus far. Patients and methods Thirty-two women with CS in remission [mean age (±SD) 51 ± 11; BMI, 27 ± 4 Kg/m2; mean time of remission, 120 ± 90 months] and 32 age-, BMI- and gonadal status-matched female controls. Quantitative computed tomography (QCT) was used to assess volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and buckling ratio, cross sectional area and average cortical thickness at the level of the proximal femur. Finite Element (FE) models were generated from QCT to calculate strain and stress values [Maximum Principal Strain (MPE), maximum Strain Energy Density (SED), maximum Von Mises (VM) and Maximum Principal Stress (MPS)]. Areal BMD (aBMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) were assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (2D DXA). Results Trabecular vBMD at total hip and trochanter were lower in CS as compared with controls (p < 0.05). Average cortical thickness was lower and buckling ratio was greater in CS vs. controls (p < 0.01). All strain and stress values were higher in CS patients vs. controls (p < 0.05). 2D DXA-derived measures were similar between patients and controls (p > 0.05). Prior hypercortisolism predicted both VM (β 0.30, p = 0.014) and MPS (β 0.30, p = 0.015), after adjusting for age, BMI, menopause, delay to diagnosis and duration of remission. Conclusions Women with prior hypercortisolism have reduced trabecular vBMD and impaired bone geometrical and mechanical properties, which may contribute to an elevated fracture risk despite long-term remission.
It is held that the condition of endogenous chronic hypersecretion of cortisol (Cushing syndrome, CS), causes several comorbidities, including cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal alterations, as well as cognitive and mood impairment. Therefore, CS has an adverse impact on the quality of life and life expectancy of affected patients. What remains unclear is whether disease remission may induce a normalization of the associated comorbid conditions. In order to retrieve updated information on this issue, we conducted a systematic search using the Pubmed and Embase databases to identify scientific papers published from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2022. The initial search identified 1907 potentially eligible records. Papers were screened for eligibility and a total of 79 were included and classified by the main topic (cardiometabolic risk, thromboembolic disease, bone impairment, muscle damage, mood disturbances and quality of life, cognitive impairment, and mortality). Although the limited patient numbers in many studies preclude definitive conclusions, most recent evidence supports the persistence of increased morbidity and mortality even after long-term remission. It is conceivable that the degree of normalization of the associated comorbid conditions depends on individual factors and characteristics of the conditions. These findings highlight the need for early recognition and effective management of patients with CS, which should include active treatment of the related comorbid conditions. In addition, it is important to maintain a surveillance strategy in all patients with CS, even many years after disease remission, and to actively pursue specific treatment of comorbid conditions beyond cortisol normalization.
The pituitary is considered the master gland of the organism since it controls a multiplicity of biological processes, including growth, reproduction, whole-body metabolism, or stress. This gland is comprised by two main structurally and functionally distinct areas named adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis. These regions have different developmental origins and exert diverse functional roles in whole human physiology through the secretion of a variety of hormones, including growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thyrotropin-stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), oxytocin, and vasopressin. In this context, the secretion of pituitary hormones is a complex physiological process finely regulated by a plethora of signals. Initially, it was thought that the synthesis and release of pituitary hormones was mainly controlled by central signals. However, it is now known that each pituitary cell type has a particular profile of receptors for a wide variety of central and peripheral neuroendocrine signals, which are intracellularly integrated to finely regulate the secretion of all the types of pituitary hormones. This chapter will comprehensively review the most relevant information regarding the physiology and regulation of the secretion of the different pituitary hormones.
Cushing’s disease (CD), a pituitary corticotroph-producing adenoma, is the most common cause of endogenous Cushing’s syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by chronic exposure to excess glucocorticoids leading to multisystemic comorbidities and increased mortality. The low incidence of CD makes it difficult to get accurate and exhaustive data on many aspects of the disease, like clinical features, diagnosis, management, and long-term outcome. Clinical presentation can be unspecific and highly variable, so that diagnosis is often challenging. Pituitary surgery is the first-line treatment, but remission is not always achieved. Radiotherapy, medical therapy, or lastly bilateral adrenalectomy might be necessary as additional therapeutic options. Although normalization of hypercortisolism significantly improves the glucocorticoid (GC)-related comorbidities (i.e., cardiovascular risk, osteopenia, and psychopathology), some of them are not completely reversible at long-term follow-up. A multidisciplinary and individualized approach is essential to choose the best approach to control hypercortisolism and treat comorbidities. Recurrence may occur even years after initial remission. All patients with CD should have ongoing surveillance to identify recurrences, need for additional treatment, and therapy for residual comorbidities. This chapter will review the main aspects on the diagnosis and management of CD.
Pituitary adenomas are relatively rare endocrine conditions; approximately two-thirds of the tumors are hormone secreting. Although, in general, pituitary adenomas are histologically benign, patients experience severe morbidity due to mass effects of the tumor, systemic complications of hormonal overproduction, and hypopituitarism, resulting in an increased overall mortality and decreased quality of life in these patients. Early diagnosis and effective treatment are cornerstones in the management of functioning pituitary tumors, since appropriate therapy can improve many systemic comorbid conditions considerably. However, during the last years, there is increasing awareness for late manifestations of transient hormone excess despite long-term remission, as is the case for skeletal complications. In this chapter, we outline the skeletal manifestations of patients with functioning pituitary tumors, focusing on osteoporosis and arthropathy. We summarize current pathophysiological ideas, the clinical picture with its determinants before and after adequate treatment, and a disease-specific approach to the skeletal complications.
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Although steroid-induced negative effects on bone and collagen have been well described in corticosteroid-treated patients, few studies have extensively evaluated bone and collagen turnover in patients with endogenous Cushing's syndrome. In this work serum bone-Gla protein (BGP), C-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP) and N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen (PIIINP) levels were determined in patients with active (n = 12) and preclinical (n = 6) Cushing's syndrome, adrenal incidentalomas (n = 35) and in healthy controls (n = 28). In patients with overt Cushing's syndrome, serum BGP (0.9+/-0.2 ng/ml), ICTP (2.7+/-0.2 ng/ml) and PIIINP (1.9+/-0.2 ng/ml) levels were significantly lower (P < 0.0001) than in controls (5.5+/-0.2, 3.9+/-0.2 and 3.2+/-0.2 ng/ml respectively). In preclinical Cushing's syndrome, serum BGP (2.5+/-0.8 ng/ml), ICTP (2.2+/-0.1 ng/ml) and PIIINP (2.2+/-0.2 ng/ml) levels were significantly lower than in normal subjects (P < 0.0001, P < 0.0001 and P < 0.02 respectively), being similar to those recorded in overt Cushing's syndrome. In patients with adrenal incidentaloma, serum BGP (4.2+/-0.5 ng/ml) and ICTP (2.9+/-0.2 ng/ml) levels were significantly lower than those found in controls (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001 respectively), while serum PIIINP levels (3.6+/-0.2 ng/ml) did not differ from those of normals. In particular, 9/35 patients with adrenal incidentaloma had markedly depressed BGP levels (<2.0 ng/ml; mean 0.8+/-0.1 ng/ml): all patients of this subgroup showed an exaggerated 17-hydroxyprogesterone increase after ACTH administration. In the same patients, serum ICTP (3.0+/-0.4 ng/ml) and PIIINP (3.6+/-0.2 ng/ml) levels did not differ from those found in the incidentaloma group. In conclusion, our study indicates that bone and collagen turnover are markedly affected in patients with overt and preclinical Cushing's syndrome. Although patients with adrenal incidentaloma do not show any signs or symptoms of overt hypercortisolism, the presence of reduced BGP and ICTP levels might be considered a further index of an 'abnormal' pattern of steroid secretion in some of them. As a consequence, the presence of early alterations in markers of bone turnover might be useful for selecting those patients who need more accurate follow-up of the adrenal mass.
Glucocorticoids depress bone formation by inhibiting osteoblastogenesis and increasing, osteoblast apoptosis. However, the role of bone resorption in the initial rapid phase of bone loss characteristic of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is unexplained, and the reason for the efficacy of bisphosphonates in this condition remains unknown. We report that in murine osteoclast cultures, glucocorticoids prolonged the baseline survival of osteoclasts and antagonized bisphosphonate-induced caspase activation and apoptosis by a glucocorticoid receptor-mediated action. Consistent with the in vitro evidence, in a murine model of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, the number of cancellous osteoclasts increased, even though osteoclast progenitor number was reduced. Moreover, in mice receiving both glucocorticoids and bisphosphonates, the expected proapoptotic effect of bisphosphonates on osteoclasts was abrogated, as evidenced by maintenance of osteoclast numbers and, additionally, loss of bone density. In contrast, bisphosphonate administration prevented glucocorticoid-induced osteoblast apoptosis. These results indicate that the early loss of bone with glucocorticoid. excess is caused by extension of the life span of pre-existing osteoclasts, an effect not preventable by bisphosphonates. Therefore, the early beneficial effects of these agents must be due, in part, to prolonging the life span of osteoblasts.
Glucocorticoids at pharmacological concentrations cause osteoporosis and aseptic necrosis, particularly in the proximal femur. Several mechanisms have been proposed, but the primary events are not clear. We studied changes in the bone structure and cellular activity in femora of glucocorticoid-treated rabbits before the occurrence of fracture or collapse. In rabbits treated 28 days with 4 μmol/kg·day of methylprednisolone acetate, changes in the cortical bone were minor. However, metabolic labeling showed that bone formation was virtually absent in the subarticular trabecular bone, and scanning electron microscopy showed resorption of 50–80% of the trabecular surface. Thus, reduction in bone synthesis and increased resorption were involved in bone loss. Vascular changes, which have been hypothesized to mediate glucocorticoid damage, were not seen, but histological changes suggested that trabecular bone was damaged. Matrix integrity was examined using laser scanning confocal microscopy to detect passive tetracycline adsorption. In treated animals, but not controls, tetracycline was adsorbed, in a novel lamellar pattern, in 50–200 μm regions extending deep into trabeculae. This showed that the matrix, which is normally impervious, was exposed at these sites. TUNEL assays showed that matrix damage correlated with cell death in the subarticular trabecular bone of treated animals. The pattern of cell death involving cohorts of osteoblasts and osteocytes comprised up to half of the bone volume in affected regions and is consistent with an apoptotic mechanism. Small numbers of TUNEL-labeled osteoblasts, but no osteocytes, were detected in control bone. We conclude that exposure of bone matrix permeability and that regional cell death consistent with apoptosis is an early event in glucocorticoid-induced bone damage.
Chronic corticosteroid treatment is known to induce bone loss and osteoporosis. Osteoclasts are specialised bone-resorbing cells that are formed from mononuclear phagocyte precursors that circulate in the monocyte fraction. In this study we have examined the effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, on human osteoclast formation and bone-resorbing activity. Human monocytes were cultured for up to 21 days on glass coverslips and dentine slices, with soluble receptor activator for nuclear factor KB ligand (RANKL; 30 ng/ml) and human macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF; 25 ng/ml) in the presence and absence of dexamethasone (10 -8 M). The addition of dexamethasone over a period of 7 and 14 days of culture of monocytes (during which cell proliferation and differentiation predominantly occurred) resulted in a marked increase in the formation of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive multinucleated cells and an increase in lacunar resorption. The addition of dexamethasone to monocyte cultures after 14 days (when resorptive activity of osteoclasts had commenced) reduced the extent of lacunar resorption compared with cultures to which no dexamethasone had been added. The addition of dexamethasone to osteoclasts isolated from giant cell tumours of bone significantly inhibited resorption pit formation. Our findings indicate that dexanietliasone has a direct effect on osteoclast formation and activity, stimulating the proliferation and differentiation of human osteoclast precursors and inhibiting the bone-resorbing activity of mature osteoclasts.
Both endogenous and exogenous glucocorticoid excess are well established as causes of osteoporosis. However, there are few data describing bone mineral density in these subjects following the restoration of normal steroid levels. The present study addresses this issue. A cross-sectional assessment of bone mineral density in patients cured of Cushing's syndrome, and comparison of each with four normal subjects matched by age, sex, weight, menopausal status and race, was used. Seventeen adults cured of Cushing's syndrome 8.6 +/- 1.6 years (mean +/- SEM) took part. The bone mineral density of the lumbar spine and proximal femur was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Bone mineral densities, relative to control, were 100 +/- 16, 98 +/- 14, 97 +/- 19 and 98 +/- 16% (mean +/- SD), in the lumbar spine, femoral neck, Ward's triangle and trochanteric regions, respectively. There was a positive relationship between bone density and time since cure (r = 0.24-0.59, in the four regions). In contrast, bone density was significantly reduced in five subjects with active Cushing's disease when similarly matched (BMD = 87 +/- 4, 83 +/- 4, 75 +/- 6 and 82 +/- 6%, in the respective regions; 0.01 less than P less than 0.05). Bone density is reduced in subjects with Cushing's syndrome but not in those having undergone cure some years previously. This implies that steroid-induced osteoporosis is substantially reversible, though long-term prospective studies will be necessary to establish this definitively.
Osteocalcin (OC) is a vitamin K-dependent protein which is synthesized by osteoblasts and is present in the circulation. We measured serum OC concentrations in 10 patients receiving corticosteroids (CS) for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and in 9 hyperthyroid (HT) patients. Mean values ( +/- SE) were as follows: There was a significant correlation between OC and alkaline phosphatase (r = 0.607; P = 0.006) when CS and HT groups were combined. Elevated serum OC concentrations in hyperthyroid patients may reflect increased osteoblastic activity, while decreased levels in corticosteroid-treated patients may reflect decreased osteoblastic activity.