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Obesity, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder compared with typically developing peers


Abstract and Figures

Decreased engagement in beneficial physical activity and increased levels of sedentary behavior and unhealthy weight are a continued public health concern in adolescents. Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder may be at an increased risk compared with their typically developing peers. Weekly physical activity, sedentary behavior, and body mass index classification were compared among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder. Analyses included 33,865 adolescents (autism spectrum disorder, n = 1036) from the 2016–2017 National Survey of Children’s Health (United States). After adjustment for covariates, adolescents with autism spectrum disorder were found to engage in less physical activity and were more likely to be overweight and obese compared with their typically developing peers ( p’s < 0.05). As parent-reported autism spectrum disorder severity increased, the adjusted odds of being overweight and obese significantly increased and physical activity participation decreased ( p-for-trends < 0.001). The findings suggest there is a need for targeted programs to decrease unhealthy weight status and support physical activity opportunities for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder across the severity spectrum.
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2020, Vol. 24(2) 387 –399
© The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1362361319861579
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have
been shown to have delays in motor development as well
as deficits in motor skills, lack of engagement in daily
activities, and decreased motivation to engage in benefi-
cial physical activity (Pan, 2008, 2009; Pan, Tsai, & Hsieh,
2011; Stanish et al., 2015). Recent research has shown that
physical activity can be beneficial to deficits present in
those with ASD and improve negative behaviors such as
aggression and stereotypical behaviors (Celiberti, Bobo,
Kelly, Harris, & Handleman, 1997; Elliott, Dobbin, Rose,
& Soper, 1994; Lang et al., 2010; Rosenthal-Malek &
Mitchell, 1997; Sowa & Meulenbroek, 2012).
It is recommended that children and adolescents
(defined as individuals aged 6–17 years), both in the
United States (US) and globally, participate in 60 min or
more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA)
each day and to include vigorous intensity physical activ-
ity, as well as muscle and bone-strengthening activities on
at least 3 days per week (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, 2008). The most recent objective accel-
erometry data from the US National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey presented in the 2016 Report Card on
Physical Activity for Children and Youth demonstrates
that US children and adolescents received a “D” in physi-
cal activity participation. Overall, only 21.6% of 6- to
19-year-old US children and adolescents met the federal
recommendation on at least 5 of 7 days (Katzmarzyk et al.,
2016). Specifically, for those with ASD, several studies
have sought to examine physical activity behaviors using
both subjective means and objective measurement.
Subjective measurement of physical activity behaviors
(parent-report) have shown that children and adolescents
with ASD are less likely to participate in physical activity
behaviors compared with their typically developing peers.
Using the 2011–2012 National Survey of Children’s
Health (NSCH) from the US, which used an analysis simi-
lar to this study, McCoy, Jakicic, and Gibbs (2016) found
Obesity, physical activity, and sedentary
behaviors in adolescents with autism
spectrum disorder compared with
typically developing peers
Stephanie M McCoy and Kristen Morgan
Decreased engagement in beneficial physical activity and increased levels of sedentary behavior and unhealthy weight are
a continued public health concern in adolescents. Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder may be at an increased
risk compared with their typically developing peers. Weekly physical activity, sedentary behavior, and body mass index
classification were compared among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder. Analyses included 33,865
adolescents (autism spectrum disorder, n = 1036) from the 2016–2017 National Survey of Children’s Health (United
States). After adjustment for covariates, adolescents with autism spectrum disorder were found to engage in less physical
activity and were more likely to be overweight and obese compared with their typically developing peers (p’s < 0.05).
As parent-reported autism spectrum disorder severity increased, the adjusted odds of being overweight and obese
significantly increased and physical activity participation decreased (p-for-trends < 0.001). The findings suggest there
is a need for targeted programs to decrease unhealthy weight status and support physical activity opportunities for
adolescents with autism spectrum disorder across the severity spectrum.
adolescents, autism, obesity, physical activity, sedentary behavior
University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Corresponding author:
Stephanie M McCoy, School of Kinesiology & Nutrition, University of
Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 39406, USA.
861579AUT0010.1177/1362361319861579AutismMcCoy and Morgan
Original Article
388 Autism 24(2)
that adolescents (aged 10–17 years) with ASD were 60%
less likely to engage in regular physical activity compared
with their peers of typical development (McCoy et al.,
2016). Using the same survey, Dreyer Gillette et al. (2015)
found that adolescents (aged 10–17 years) with ASD were
statistically more likely than their typically developing
peers to have 0 days a week in which they engaged in at
least 20 min of physical activity that made them sweat or
breathe hard (Dreyer Gillette et al., 2015). Using objective
measurement of physical activity, Bandini et al. (2013)
found that typically developing children (aged 3–11 years)
accumulated more time spent in MVPA on weekdays com-
pared with children with ASD, with only 23% of those
with ASD engaging in the federal recommendation com-
pared with 43% of those with typical development (Bandini
et al., 2013). Among adolescents, Stanish et al. (2017)
found adolescents with ASD spent less time in MVPA
compared with typically developing adolescents (Stanish
et al., 2017). Among adolescent boys alone, Pan et al.
(2016) found that those with ASD were less physically
active and engaged in MVPA for a lower percentage of
time compared with peers of typical development (Pan
et al., 2016).
In the US, more boys (26%) than girls (16.9%) are con-
sidered physically active. Furthermore, physical activity
levels are higher in younger children compared with older
adolescents, with 42.5% of 6- to 11-year-olds meeting the
recommendation, but only 7.5% and 5.1% of 12- to
15-year-olds and 16- to 19-year-olds, respectively, meet-
ing the recommendation (Katzmarzyk et al., 2016).
Children and adolescents specifically with ASD follow
similar physical activity patterns in which boys are more
physically active than girls, and children are more physi-
cally active than adolescents (Jones et al., 2017; Scharoun,
Wright, Robertson-Wilson, Fletcher, & Bryden, 2017).
There is a positive association between physical activity
and health throughout the lifespan (Blair et al., 1989). In
adults, regular physical activity participation has been
shown to decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular
disease, obesity, type II diabetes, certain types of cancer,
and depression (American College of Sports Medicine,
2013; Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006). In children and
adolescents, the benefits of physical activity include
improvements in cardiovascular health, improved fitness,
improved metabolic health, and decreased obesity (Daniels,
Benuck, & Christakis, 2011; Strong et al., 2005). In addi-
tion to the physical benefits of physical activity, there are
many mental and social benefits of physical activity, includ-
ing decreased levels of anxiety and depression, as well as
self-concept (Strong et al., 2005). Furthermore, participa-
tion in sport may be associated with improved psychosocial
health above and beyond those associated with leisure-time
physical activity due to the social nature of sport participa-
tion (Eime, Young, Harvey, Charity, & Payne, 2013). These
social benefits include improved emotional control,
confidence, making new friends, improved relationships
and social skills, as well as greater social competence (Holt,
Kingsley, Tink, Scherer, & exercise, 2011; Snyder et al.,
2010). The social benefits associated with physical activity
and sport may be of particular importance to those with
ASD as they display deficits in social interaction (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). Furthermore, the relation-
ship between physical activity and health outcomes is typi-
cally dose-repose such that greater physical activity
participation leads to greater improvements in risk for all-
cause mortality, cardiorespiratory health, metabolic health,
weight loss, musculoskeletal health, colon and breast can-
cer, and mental health (American College of Sports
Medicine, 2013). Given this information, it is important to
understand if children and adolescents are meeting the min-
imal recommended levels of beneficial physical activity,
which can inform the need for further research and pro-
grams targeting this population.
Physical inactivity is a continued global health issue.
Increased physical inactivity and sedentary behaviors such
as TV viewing time, has been associated with increased
weight gain in children and adolescents (Sisson, Broyles,
Baker, & Katzmarzyk, 2010). However, there are currently
no quantitative guidelines for sedentary behavior for chil-
dren and adolescents. The US National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute and the American Academy of Pediatric
recommend that children and adolescents should limit
their total entertainment screen time to less than 2 h/day
(American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001). In the US, only
37.2% of US children and adolescents 2- to 19-year-olds
are currently meeting this recommendation.
Given the social impairments as well as deficits in
motor development and motor skills, these barriers may
limit the opportunities for children and adolescents with
ASD to participate in physical activity and promote
unhealthy increases in sedentary behaviors. Many physical
activity behaviors, especially sport, require social interac-
tion, making friends, and turn-taking, which may prove
difficult for those with ASD (Pan & Frey, 2006). In return,
the preferred hobbies and activities of children and adoles-
cents with ASD are generally those that are solitary, require
less physicality, and involve screen time (Memari et al.,
2015; Russell, 2018; Stiller & Mößle, 2018).
In the 2011–2012 NSCH iteration, McCoy et al. (2016)
found adolescents aged 10–17 years with ASD were sig-
nificantly more likely to be overweight (27%) and obese
(72%) in comparison with their typically developing peers
(McCoy et al., 2016). More recently, Healy, Aigner, and
Haegele (2019) examined overweight and obesity in the
2016 round of NSCH data collection and found after con-
trolling for age, race/ethnicity, income, and sex, adoles-
cents aged 10–17 years with ASD had significantly higher
odds of overweight and obesity compared with their typi-
cally developing peers, though they did not examine phys-
ical activity behaviors (Healy et al., 2019).
McCoy and Morgan 389
Since the release of the 2011–2012 NSCH data, the sur-
vey has gone through a complete overhaul in the 2016 ver-
sion, particularly the questions regarding physical activity
participation. Previous iterations of the survey contained a
question for only 20 min or more per day of MVPA
(2011/12 National Survey of Children’s Health, 2012), and
previous papers published examining physical activity in
ASD using NSCH used 20 min on 3 days or more per week
as an indication of “regular physical activity” (Dreyer
Gillette et al., 2015; McCoy et al., 2016), which is equiva-
lent to only 1 day of the current recommendation for chil-
dren and adolescents. Additionally, in the 2016 survey,
ASD medication is included as its own question, whereas
previous versions included just a general medication ques-
tion. Given the update to the physical activity and ASD
questions in the 2016 version of the NSCH, this study
uniquely adds to the literature on ASD in that it uses the
most updated nationally representative data from the US,
includes the current recommendation of physical activity
in children (60 min or more per day) as a question within
the survey, and includes ASD medication specifically as
well as ASD severity. Additionally, this study adds to the
literature by determining if meeting the current physical
activity guidelines of 60 min or more daily mediates the
relationship between ASD and BMI classification.
The purpose of this secondary analysis was to deter-
mine, within adolescents with ASD compared with their
typically developing peers, the relationship between seden-
tary behaviors, weekly physical activity, and body mass
index (BMI). A secondary objective for this study included
looking at potential mediation between physical activity
and BMI in adolescents with ASD as well as determining
the odds of being overweight and obese, engaging in regu-
lar physical activity, and sedentary behaviors in association
with autism severity. Finally, we sought to determine if the
adjusted odds of physical activity participation were differ-
ent between adolescents with ASD of different age groups
(10–12 and 13–17 years), and sex. We hypothesized that
adolescents with ASD would have higher levels of over-
weight and obesity defined by BMI classification, higher
levels of sedentary behavior, and lower levels of weekly
physical activity compared with their typically developing
peers. We also hypothesized that as autism severity
increased, overweight and obese levels would increase,
levels of sedentary behavior would increase, and physical
activity levels would decrease. Furthermore, we hypothe-
sized that younger adolescents aged 10–12 years would be
more likely to engage in regular physical activity compared
with 13–17-year-olds, and males would be more likely to
engage in regular physical activity compared with females.
Survey design and participants
This secondary data analysis used de-identified data from
the combined 2016–2017 NSCH from the US. The NSCH
recruited a nationally representative from non-institution-
alized youth aged 0–17 years in the US. The NSCH is
jointly sponsored by the National Center for Health
Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (both US). In
2016, the survey was updated and conducted either online
or by mail. Further study details have been published else-
where (Ghandour et al., 2018). For the purposes of this
study, the sample was limited to adolescents between the
ages of 10 and 17 years (n = 37,409) as BMI classification
was only assessed in this age group, and to be consistent
with the World Health Organization definition of adoles-
cence, 10–19 years (World Health Organization, 2019). In
addition, adolescents were also excluded if they had miss-
ing data on outcome variables including autism classifica-
tion (n = 205), BMI classification (n = 2165), weekly
physical activity (n = 589), TV viewing time (n = 180),
computer usage (n = 67), sport participation (n = 250), or
if parents classified their adolescents as not currently hav-
ing ASD (n = 88), yielding a final sample size of n =
33,865. The National Center for Health Statistics Research
Ethics Review Board and the National Opinion Research
Center Institutional Review Board (both US) approved all
the study procedures. Informed consent was collected
from all parents or guardians.
Autism classification. Autism classification was determined
by parent response to the questionnaire item “has a doctor
or other healthcare provider EVER told you that this child
has Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Include
diagnoses of Asperger’s Disorder or Pervasive Develop-
mental Disorder (PDD).” If parents responded “yes” they
were asked if the child currently had the condition. ASD
was defined as a “yes and current” response and typically
developing was defined as “no.” Adolescents placed in the
category “has been told by a doctor, but currently does not
have condition” were excluded from the sample to prevent
Autism severity. Autism severity was determined by parent
response to the questionnaire items “has a doctor or other
healthcare provider EVER told you that this child has
Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Include
diagnoses of Asperger’s Disorder or Pervasive Develop-
mental Disorder (PDD).” Parents were then asked, “If yes,
does this child currently have the condition.” If parents
responded “yes” they were asked the follow-up question “If
yes,” is it: “mild,” “moderate,” or “severe.”Autism severity
was then defined as “mild,” “moderate,” or “severe.”
BMI classification. BMI classification was calculated using
parent-reported child height and weight, and then classi-
fied using the Expert Committee Recommendations (US):
underweight (BMI < 5th percentile), normal weight (BMI
390 Autism 24(2)
> 5th percentile and <85th percentile), overweight (BMI
85th percentile and <95th percentile), and obese (BMI
95th percentile) (Barlow & Expert Committee, 2007).
Physical activity. Regular physical activity was determined
based on parent-response to the question “During the past
week, on how many days did this child exercise, play a
sport, or participate in physical activity for at least 60 min-
utes.” Responses ranged on a 4-point scale (“none,” “1–3
days,” “4–6 days,” and “every day”). A dichotomous clas-
sification of “regular physical activity” was defined as
“everyday,” congruent with the physical activity recom-
mendations for adolescents (U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, 2008).
TV viewing time. Parents were asked “on an average week-
day, about how much time does this child usually spend in
front of a TV watching TV programs, videos, or playing
video games.” Responses ranged on a 6-point scale
(“none,” “less than 1 hour,” “1 hour,” “2 hours,” “3
hours,” and “4 or more hours”). TV viewing time was then
dichotomized to <2 h/day, and 2 h/day, which is based
in the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations
for children and adolescents (American Academy of Pedi-
atrics, 2001).
Computer usage. Parents were asked, “On an average
weekday, about how much time does this child usually
spend with computers, cell phones, handheld video games,
and other electronic devices, doing things other than
school work.” Responses ranged on a 6-point scale
(“none,” “less than 1 hour,” “1 hour,” “2 hours,” “3
hours,” and “4 or more hours”). Computer usage was then
dichotomized to <2 h/day, and 2 h/day to match TV
viewing time (Barlow & Expert Committee, 2007).
Sports participation. Parents reported whether their child
took sports lessons or participated in a sports team outside
of school (after school and/or weekends) within the past 12
Covariates. Age, sex, race, household income, highest
level of education in the household, and current ASD med-
ication were included as covariates in the analysis. Covari-
ates were chosen based on the potential for confounding
and previous literature on physical activity behaviors and
ASD (Curtin, Anderson, Must, & Bandini, 2010; McCoy
et al., 2016).
Statistical analysis
Analyses were completed using Stata 15.1 (Stata
Corporation, College Station, TX, USA). Adjusted logistic
regression models were used to determine the associations
between ASD and BMI classification, weekly physical
activity, TV viewing time, computer usage, and sports par-
ticipation. Further analyses were conducted to determine if
physical activity and/or sport participation mediated the
association between ASD and BMI classification. A sec-
ondary analysis was conducted after stratification by ASD
severity to examine associations between ASD and our out-
come variables. Furthermore, associations between gender,
sex, and regular physical activity were examined among
individuals with ASD. Each model was adjusted for the
covariates: age, sex, race, household income, highest level
of education in the household, and ASD medication.
Analyses included 33,865 adolescents, 1036 with ASD
and 32,829 typically developing adolescents. Sample
descriptives by ASD classification are presented in
Table 1. Compared with typically developing adolescents,
those with ASD were more likely to be male (80% vs 50%;
p < 0.001), were more likely to live in a household 133%
of the federal poverty level (18% vs 13%; p<0.001), and
were more likely to have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) (55% vs 1 3%; p<0.001).Of those with
ASD, 53% had “mild” ASD, 37% had “moderate” ASD,
and 10% had “severe” ASD, and 35% were currently on
medication for ASD. Broken down by age group (10–12
and 13–17), approximately 15% of 10–12-year-olds with
ASD engaged in 60 min or more of physical activity each
day versus 11% of 13–17-year-olds with ASD. Broken
down by gender, approximately 12% of males with ASD
engaged in 60 min or more of physical activity each day
versus 11% of females.
For adolescents with ASD, the adjusted odds of being
underweight, overweight or obese were significantly
higher than their typically developing counterparts as
shown in Table 2. Adolescents with ASD were more likely
to be underweight [odds ratio (OR) = 1.53, 95% CI (1.15,
2.03)], more likely to be overweight [OR = 1.37, 95% CI
(1.10, 1.70)], and more likely to be obese than typically
developing adolescents [OR = 1.94, 95% CI (1.60, 2.36)].
In addition, adolescents with ASD were less likely to
engage in 60 min or more of physical activity everyday
[OR = 0.42, 95% CI (0.33, 0.55)] and less likely to have
participated in a sport in the past 12 months [OR = 0.19,
95% CI (0.16, 0.23)]. Additionally, adolescents with ASD
were more likely to engage in 2 h/day of television view-
ing [OR = 1.25, 95% CI (1.07, 1.47)]. Odds of computer
use 2 h/day was not significantly different among those
with ASD versus their typically developing peers.
The adjusted ORs of BMI classification in those with
ASD compared with their typically developing peers after
further adjustment for physical activity behaviors are
shown in Table 3. Associations between ASD and BMI
classification were attenuated in each separate model
adjusting for physical activity behaviors one-by-one. After
McCoy and Morgan 391
the full adjustment (weekly physical activity and sport par-
ticipation), there was an attenuation in the relationship
between ASD and BMI classification with the odds of
obesity remaining significantly increased in those with
ASD compared with their typically developing peers
[OR = 1.44, 95% CI (1.18, 1.75)].
Table 1. Demographic characteristics in typically developing adolescents and adolescents with ASD.
Characteristics Typically developing adolescents
(n = 31,168)
Adolescents with ASD
(n = 1144)
p value
Age, years: M (SD) 13.8 (2.3) 13.7 (2.2) 0.091
Sex, male (%) 49.9 80.4 <0.001
Race, White non-Hispanic (%) 71.4 73.6 0.223
Household incomea (%) <0.001
Poor 13.4 18.1
Near poor 7.7 8.9
Not Poor 78.9 73.0
Highest educationb (%) 0.137
<12 years 2.6 2.0
12 years 13.0 13.4
>12 years 84.4 84.0
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (%) 12.8 55.4 <0.001
Autism severity (%)
Mild 52.7 –
Moderate 36.7 –
Severe 9.7 –
Type of healthcare provider for ASD diagnosis (%)
Primary care provider 13.0
Specialist 32.2 –
School psychologist/counselor 10.9
Other psychologist (non-school) 16.8
Psychiatrist 13.9 –
Other 9.0 –
Currently on medication for ASD (%) 35.0
Weight status (%) <0.001
Underweight 6.1 7.7 –
Normal weight 67.3 52.4
Overweight 14.1 16.6 –
Obese 12.5 23.3 –
Television viewing time (%) <0.001
<2 h/day 47.8 37.5
2 h/day 52.2 62.5
Computer use (%) 0.739
<2 h/day 34.0 33.5
2 h/day 66.0 66.5
Physical activity, 60 min or more (%) <0.001
<7 days/week 82.1 88.0
Everyday 17.9 12.0 –
Physical activity, 60 min or more everyday (%)
10–12 years old 21.6 14.9
13–17 years old 16.2 10.6
Physical activity, 60 min or more everyday (%)
Male 22.0 12.2 –
Female 13.8 10.8 –
Sports participation (%) 67.6 31.6 <0.001
ASD: autism spectrum disorder.
aIncome is grouped into three categories based on household federal poverty level: “poor,” <133% poverty; “near poor,” 133% poverty, but
<185% poverty; “not poor,” 185% poverty.
bHighest level of education in family.
Bold indicates statistically significant at p < .05.
392 Autism 24(2)
Figures 1 and 2 show the ORs of the main outcome
variables stratified by parent-reported autism severity. In
terms of BMI classification, Figure 1 shows that as par-
ent-reported ASD severity increased, the odds of adoles-
cents with ASD being underweight, overweight, and
obese significantly increased. For obesity, those with
“mild” ASD were 83% more likely to be obese, those with
“moderate” ASD were 2.14 times more likely to be obese,
and those with “severe ASD were 2.21 times more likely
to be obese (p-for-trend = 0.002). This pattern was also
seen in physical activity behaviors. Figure 2 shows that as
parent-reported severity increased, the odds of adoles-
cents with ASD engaging in regular weekly physical
activity and participating in sports significantly decreased.
Those with “mild” autism were 59% less likely to engage
in 60 min of physical activity daily, those with “moder-
ate” autism were 53% less likely to engage in regular
physical activity, and those with “severe” ASD were 56%
less likely to engage in regular physical activity compared
with their typically developing peers (p-for-trend <0.001).
Those with “mild” autism were 76% less likely to have
participated in a sport in the past 12 months, those with
“moderate” autism were 84% less likely to have partici-
pated, and those with “severe” ASD were 94% less likely
to have participated in a sport compared with their typi-
cally developing peers (p-for-trend < 0.001).
Among the sample with ASD, after stratification by
age group (10–12 and 13–17 years), the adjusted ORs of
regular physical activity participation for 13–17-year-olds
with ASD was significantly lower compared with
10–12-year-olds with ASD [OR = 0.68, 95% (0.46,
0.99)]. After stratification by gender, the adjusted odds
regular physical activity participation was not statistically
different between males and females with ASD [OR =
0.89, 95% CI (0.55, 1.46)].
This study sought to examine the relationships between
BMI classification, physical activity behaviors, and seden-
tary behaviors in adolescents with parent-reported ASD
compared with their typically developing peers. We
hypothesized that the adolescents with ASD would be
more likely to be overweight or obese, less likely to engage
in physical activity behaviors such as weekly physical
activity and organized sports, and more likely to engage in
sedentary behaviors such as TV viewing and leisure com-
puter use (2 h/day). The findings in this study support
the hypotheses that adolescents with ASD were more
likely to be overweight or obese and less likely to engage
Table 2. Adjusteda odds ratios of BMI classification, physical
activity, and sedentary behaviors in ASD versus typically
developing adolescents.
Variable OR 95% CI
Weight statusb
Underweight 1.53 [1.15, 2.03]
Normal weight Reference
Overweight 1.37 [1.10, 1.70]
Obese 1.94 [1.60, 2.36]
Television viewing time
<2 h/day Reference
2 h/day 1.25 [1.07, 1.47]
Computer use
<2 h/day Reference
2 h/day 1.08 [0.91, 1.28]
Physical activity
<7 days/week Reference
Everyday 0.42 [0.33, 0.55]
Sports participation
No participation Reference
Participated in a sport 0.19 [0.16, 0.23]
ASD: autism spectrum disorder; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence
aModels adjusted for age, sex, race, gender, household education,
household income, and ASD medication.
bTypically developing adolescents and normal weight category used as
reference groups.
p < 0.05 in boldface.
Table 3. Odds ratios for underweight, overweight, and obese in adolescents with ASD versus typically developing adolescents.
Weight status Model 1a Model 1 + adjustment
for physical activity
Model 1 + adjustment
for sport participation
Fully adjustedb
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Underweight 1.53 [1.15, 2.03] 1.50 [1.12, 2.00] 1.30 [0.97, 1.73] 1.29 [0.96, 1.72]
Normal weight Reference Reference Reference Reference
Overweight 1.37 [1.10, 1.70] 1.32 [1.06, 1.65] 1.22 [0.98, 1.52] 1.20 [0.96, 1.49]
Obese 1.94 [1.60, 2.36] 1.83 [1.50, 2.22] 1.49 [1.22, 1.81] 1.44 [1.18, 1.75]
ASD: autism spectrum disorder; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.
aModel 1 adjusted for age, sex, race, gender, household education, household income, and ASD medication.
bModel adjusted for all Model I covariates, physical activity, and sport participation.
p < 0.05 in boldface.
McCoy and Morgan 393
in physical activity behaviors. However, the results from
this study do not support our hypothesis that adolescents
with ASD would be more likely to participate in sedentary
The findings of this study uniquely contribute to the lit-
erature on adolescents with ASD in that we were able to
determine the relationship between ASD and BMI classifi-
cation, physical activity behaviors, and sedentary behaviors
by autism severity adjusting for autism medication.
Additionally, with the updates to the NSCH in the 2016
round of data collection, we were able to determine if meet-
ing the current federal guideline for physical activity in
children and adolescents (60 min or more per day) medi-
ated the relationship between ASD and BMI classification.
Adolescents with ASD were 41% more likely to be
overweight and 84% more likely to be obese compared
with their typically developing counterparts. These results
are consistent with the previous research showing that
those with ASD have higher odds of being overweight or
obese compared with their typically developing peers
(Broder-Fingert, Brazauskas, Lindgren, Iannuzzi, & Van
Cleave, 2014; Healy et al., 2019; Hill, Zuckerman, &
Fombonne, 2015; McCoy et al., 2016; Segal et al., 2016).
Broder-Fingert et al. (2014) examined a large integrated
healthcare database of 6672 individuals with and without
ASD aged 2–20 years, and found that after adjusting for
age and sex, children and adolescents with ASD had sig-
nificantly higher odds of being overweight [OR = 2.24,
95% CI (1.74, 2.88)] and obese [OR = 4.83, 95% CI (3.85,
6.06)] compared with those without ASD. More specifi-
cally, after adjustment, it was found that adolescents with
ASD aged 12–15 years had significantly higher odds of
Figure 1. Adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of BMI classification in ASD by parent-reported ASD severity versus
typically developing adolescents.
Figure 2. Adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of physical activity behaviors in ASD by parent-reported ASD severity
versus typically developing adolescents.
394 Autism 24(2)
being obese [OR = 1.87, 95% CI (1.33, 2.630] compared
with those without ASD (Broder-Fingert et al., 2014). One
study found a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity
in children and adolescents with ASD compared with their
typically developing peers. Compared with a general US
population sample from the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Study (NHANES), adolescents aged 12–17
years with ASD had a significantly higher prevalence of
being overweight (42.7% vs 35.3%) or obese (26 % vs
19.5%) (Hill et al., 2015). Additionally, from the 2011–
2012 NSCH round of data collection, McCoy et al. (2016)
found adolescents aged 10–17 years with ASD were 27%
more likely to be overweight (p < 0.001) and 72% more
likely to be obese (p < 0.001) in comparison with their
typically developing peers (McCoy et al., 2016). More
recently, Healy et al. (2019) examined overweight and
obesity in the 2016 round of NSCH data collection and
found after controlling for age, race/ethnicity, income, and
sex, adolescents aged 10–17 years with ASD had signifi-
cantly higher odds of overweight (OR = 1.48, p = 0.04)
and obesity (OR = 1.49, p = 0.02) compared with their
typically developing peers (Healy et al., 2019). This pat-
tern is also seen in children and adolescents with intellec-
tual disabilities. Segal et al. (2016) examined the
2011–2012 NSCH dataset and found after adjustment for
demographic characteristics, those aged 10–17 years with
an intellectual disability were 89% more likely to be obese
[OR = 1.89, 95% CI (1.14, 3.12)]. After adjustment for
ASD status, those with intellectual disability were 92%
more likely to be obese [OR = 1.92, 95% CI (1.14, 3.21)]
(Segal et al., 2016). This suggests that ASD status was a
confounder in the relationship between obesity and intel-
lectual disability. Another study examining unhealthy
weight in 9612 adolescents with and without any develop-
mental disability aged 12–17 years from the 2008–2010
National Health and Interview Survey (US) and found that
adolescents with learning and behavioral disabilities were
60% more likely to be underweight than typically develop-
ing adolescents, which is similar to our results which
results showed adolescents with ASD were 67% more
likely to be underweight compared with typically develop-
ing adolescents. Additionally, the prevalence of obesity in
adolescents with any developmental disability was 20.4%
compared with 13.1% of adolescents without developmen-
tal disabilities. However, in contrast to our findings, the
prevalence of being overweight was 17.5% for both ado-
lescents with and without developmental disabilities
(Phillips et al., 2014).
Unhealthy weight in individuals with ASD could poten-
tially be multifactorial. These potential mechanisms include
eating and drinking patterns, and medication usage.
Adolescents with ASD could have atypical food selectivity
which may promote unhealthy weight status. Adolescents
with ASD have a significantly different diet composition
compared with their typically developing peers (consuming
more sugary beverages, snack foods, and less fruits and
vegetables) (Evans et al., 2012). Food presentation (i.e. on
a special plate with special utensils) can limit food intake in
those with ASD. This atypical selectivity is also seen with
avoidance of certain food types, textures, color, smells, and
temperatures. Adolescents with ASD eat a significantly
narrower range of foods and prefer more calorically dense
foods (Ahearn, Castine, Nault, & Green, 2001; Schreck,
Williams, & Smith, 2004). This food selectivity may con-
tribute to an increase in rates of underweight, overweight,
and obesity.
Medication usage may also play a part in the increased
rates of unhealthy weight status in adolescents with ASD.
An adverse effect of taking atypical antipsychotics that
may be routinely prescribed to those with ASD include
weight gain. A systematic review showed that those taking
risperidone had an average weight gain of 2.7–2.8 kg com-
pared with a placebo group, and those taking aripiprazole
had an average weight gain of 1.3–2.0 kg compared with
the placebo (McPheeters et al., 2011). This study controlled
for general ASD medication usage, which allowed us to
look at the influence of medication on obesity in ASD.
However, specific medications names are not reported.
The odds of participating in regular physical activity
were found to be significantly lower in adolescents with
ASD compared with their typically developing peers.
Adolescents with ASD were 62% less likely to participate
in regular weekly physical activity. Additionally, we found
that adolescents with ASD were 81% less likely to have
participated in an organized sport within the past 12
months. Our findings are consistent with the previous
research examining physical activity behaviors in this pop-
ulation (McCoy et al., 2016; Pan et al., 2016; Stanish et al.,
2017). In a study conducted using the 2011–2012 NSCH,
adolescents of the same age as in this study with ASD were
less likely to participate in weekly physical activity [OR =
0.40, 95% CI (0.34, 0.46)], and less likely to participate in
organized sports [OR = 0.26, 95% CI (0.21, 0.29)] com-
pared with their peers without ASD (McCoy et al., 2016).
Although these data were parent-reported, similar results
have been found with accelerometer measurement of
physical activity. A study examining physical activity dif-
ferences between adolescents 13–21 years old with and
without ASD showed that those with ASD (n = 35) spent
significantly less time in moderate and vigorous physical
activity (29 min/day vs 50 min/day, p < 0.001) compared
with adolescents without ASD (n = 60). Additionally,
fewer adolescents with ASD (14% vs 29%, p <0.05) met
the 60 min/day Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
(Stanish et al., 2017). Another study examining differences
in objectively measured physical activity between adoles-
cent males with and without ASD aged 12–17 years
showed those with ASD were less physically active overall
and engaged in MVPA for a lower percentage of overall
activity. Additionally, for those with ASD, only 37% met
McCoy and Morgan 395
the federal recommendation compared with 68% of typi-
cally developing adolescents (Pan et al., 2016). In contrast,
Bandini et al. (2013) examined MVPA via accelerometry
in children aged 3–11 years with and without ASD and
found that after adjustment for age and sex, daily physical
activity was similar in children with ASD compared with
those without (50 min/day vs 57.1 min/day). However,
parents reported that children with ASD participated in
fewer types of physical activities compared with their typi-
cally developing peers (6.9 vs 9.6, p < 0.001) (Bandini
et al., 2013). This is consistent with the results from this
study that adolescents with ASD were significant less
likely to participate in sports compared with their typically
developing peers, suggesting that differences in sport par-
ticipation between those with ASD compared with those
without persists through the transition from childhood into
Uniquely, this study examined the potential mediation
of physical activity behaviors on BMI classification.
Adjusting for physical activity behaviors decreased asso-
ciations between ASD and overweight and obesity. Among
both children and adolescents (4–17 years), BMI has been
found to be inversley related to physical activity, suggest-
ing that as BMI increases, physical activity decreases
(Lawson & Foster, 2016). This suggests that an interven-
tion targeting physical activity behaviors may potentially
impact unhealthy weight status in the population.
Additionally, this study examined age and sex differ-
ences in regular physical activity among adolescents with
ASD. After stratification by age group, the adjusted odds
of physical activity participation were significantly lower
among 13–17-year-olds compared with 10–12-year-olds.
This pattern is seen in both adolescents of typical develop-
ment (Katzmarzyk et al., 2016) and adolescents with ASD
(Memari et al., 2013; Pan & Frey, 2006). Memari et al.
(2013) examined physical activity among 80 children and
adolescents with ASD found that the overall levels of
objectively measured daily physical activity decreased
with age, with 7–8-year-olds engaging in more physical
activity compared with 11–12-year-olds and 13–14-year-
olds (Memari et al., 2013). Additionally, Pan et al. (2006)
found that elementary school-aged children with ASD
engaged in significantly more MVPA (132.58 ± 79.36
min/day) compared with both middle-school-aged chil-
dren (75.18 ± 32.72 min/day) and high-school-aged ado-
lescents with ASD (39.67 ± 18.69 min/day) (Pan & Frey,
2006). However, we did not find a statistically significant
difference in the odds of physical activity participation
between males and females. This is contrary to a previous
review that suggests males are more physically active than
females (Scharoun et al., 2017).
Low engagement in physical activity for adolescents
with ASD could potentially be explained by several mech-
anisms. Engaging in physical activity and team sports (e.g.
football and soccer), requires a more advanced level of
motor skills. However, it has been shown that both chil-
dren and adolescents with ASD have deficits in motor
skills (Green et al., 2009; Pan, Tsai, & Chu, 2009; Staples
& Reid, 2010). Green et al. (2009) found that 79% of ado-
lescents aged 10–14 years with ASD (n = 109) have
movement impairments on the Movement Assessment
Battery for Children consistent with <5th percentile
(Green et al., 2009). Similarly, another study found chil-
dren aged 6–10 years with ASD (n = 28) had significantly
lower scores on tests of gross motor skill, object control,
and locomotor skills compared with typically developing
children (Pan et al., 2009). Furthermore, team sports and
physical activities become more competitive as children
get older. The competitive atmosphere may be less condu-
cive to adolescents with ASD compared with their typi-
cally developing peers (Nicholson, Kehle, Bray, & Heest,
2011). Another aspect of physical activity and sport that
may contribute to decreased participation for adolescents
with ASD is the social aspect. Fewer adolescents with
ASD feel that sport and exercise are good ways to make
friends (68% vs 97%, p<0.001) in comparison with typi-
cally developing adolescents (Stanish et al., 2015). While
the sports climate, including both competition and social,
could potentially act as a barrier toward participation in
physical activity and organized sports, some parents and
caregivers of adolescents with ASD may believe there are
additional barriers limiting physical activity opportunities.
Parents of children with ASD aged 3–11 years have
reported barriers including the physical activity itself, the
physical and social environment, supervision, knowledge
and skills, as well as exclusion from peers (Must, Phillips,
Curtin, & Bandini, 2015). Based on the parent-report, 60%
of children with ASD required too much supervision com-
pared with those without ASD (p < 0.001). Additionally,
parents of children with ASD were more likely to report
that adults lack the skills needed to include their child in
physical activities (58%), their child had few friends
(45%), and that their child was excluded by the other chil-
dren (23%). Furthermore, it was found that the number of
barriers reported was inversely correlated with physical
activity participation (Must et al., 2015). Adolescent par-
ticipants themselves also report barriers to participating in
physical activity. Compared with their peers without ASD,
adolescents with ASD reported more frequent occurrence
of barriers limiting physical activity such as fear of injury
(54% vs 33%, p = 0.07), weather (94% vs 39%, p <
0.001), and that sports and exercise were too difficult to
learn (16% vs 0%, p < 0.01) (Stanish et al., 2015). In
another study, examining barriers to physical activity par-
ticipation in children and adolescents (aged 8–14 years),
the most commonly reported barriers were intrapersonal
such as playing video games or watching TV (27% and
17%, respectively), as well as interpersonal barriers such
as lack of peer exercise partner (friends, siblings)
(Obrusnikova & Cavalier, 2011).
396 Autism 24(2)
Additionally, adolescents with ASD may not find as
much enjoyment in physical activities compared with their
typically developing peers. One study compared enjoy-
ment in physical activity, perceived barriers, beliefs, and
self-efficacy in adolescents aged 13–21 years with and
without ASD. Adolescents with ASD enjoyed team sports
(65% vs 95%, p < 0.001) and physical education (84% vs
98%, p = 0.02) significantly less than peers without ASD.
Likewise, fewer adolescents with ASD would choose to
participate in physical activities in their freetime (25% vs
58%, p < 0.01) in comparison with their peers without
ASD (Stanish et al., 2015). Similar results were found in
an examination of hobby preference of 9-year-old children
with (n = 49) and without ASD (n = 49). These results
demonstrate that barriers to physical activity participation
persist as those with ASD transition from childhood to
adolescence. Although not examined in the NSCH and in
this study, barriers reported by both the parents and adoles-
cence with ASD may limit opportunities and engagement
in physical activities and sport.
Our results on sedentary behaviors were mixed. We
found that adolescents with ASD were significantly more
likely to engage in more than 2 h/day of watching TV and
playing video games compared with their typically devel-
oping peers, but computer use was not statistically signifi-
cant. Published research on this topic is mixed, with some
studies showing that individuals with ASD are more likely
to engage in sedentary behaviors, and others that show ado-
lescents with ASD spend equal to less time in sedentary
behaviors compared with typically developing peers,
though each study examined sedentary behaviors with dif-
ferent age ranges (2–5 years, 3–11 years, and 10–17 years,
respectively) (Ketcheson, Hauck, & Ulrich, 2018; McCoy
et al., 2016; Must et al., 2014). Must et al. (2014), using
parent-report, found that TV viewing time, computer time,
and total screen time were higher in children aged 3–11
years with ASD on both weekdays and weekends compared
with their typically developing peers (Must et al., 2014). In
comparison, Ketcheson et al. (2018), using accelerometers,
found that young children aged 2–5 years with ASD spent
less time in sedentary behaviors compared with peers with-
out ASD (t(52) = 4.57, p < 0.001) (Ketcheson et al., 2018).
Moreover, no statistical differences were found examining
TV viewing time and computer usage within the 2011–
2012 NSCH data set between adolescents (10–17 years)
with and without ASD, consistent with the results found in
this study (McCoy et al., 2016). However, differences may
be explained by the lack of consistency with the measure-
ment of sedentary behavior in this population as well as
examination within different age groups. Future research is
needed to further examine sedentary behaviors of both chil-
dren and adolescents with ASD in comparison with typi-
cally developing with an objective device, such as an
accelerometer to further clarify if differences in sedentary
behavior change with age or remain consistent.
The strengths of this study include a large, nationally
representative data set from the US. The large data
set allowed for an original analysis among BMI classifica-
tion, physical activity behaviors, and sedentary behaviors in
adolescents with parent-reported ASD compared with their
typically developing peers. Another strength of this study is
including the most recent data, which includes the update to
the physical activity and ASD questions in the 2016 version
of the NSCH. This study uniquely adds to the literature on
ASD in that it uses the most updated nationally representa-
tive data, includes the current recommendation of physical
activity in children (60 min or more per day), and includes
ASD medication as well as ASD severity. However, there
are several limiting factors that should be considered. All
data from the NSCH is provided based on parental self-
report including ASD status. Variables included in our anal-
yses (i.e. autism classification, ASD medication, ASD
severity, BMI classification, weekly physical activity, tele-
vision viewing time, computer usage, and sport participa-
tion,) were all parent-reported, which could have resulted in
measurement error. Parent-reported measures may lead to
error as parents may not understand what constitutes physi-
cal activity, especially chores or activities that may not
induce visible sweating or heavy breathing. In addition, par-
ents may not have knowledge of physical activities and sed-
entary behaviors completed while their child was away from
home, at school, or with a caregiver. Parent-reported meas-
ures of ASD status may lead to missed cases in areas that
have limited access to healthcare or decreased levels of
health literacy. Additionally, the parent-report of ASD sever-
ity (mild, moderate, severe) could include error as parents
may not understand the levels of physician-diagnosed ASD
severity and parents may have reported an ASD severity
based on their own perception. Furthermore, as the NSCH is
a survey, unavailability of information regarding specific
mediation usage (name and/or type), pubertal status, or
school setting from the NCSH limited the interpretation of
our results. Further research should employ objective meas-
ures of variables to provide a more detailed description of
the population. Since parent-reported measurements of
physical activity are subjective, accelerometer data could
provide an objective measure of physical activity and seden-
tary behaviors along with physical measures of height and
weight. Physician diagnosed severity of ASD alongside
with specific medication usage for ASD would provide fur-
ther evidence supporting any relationships found between
ASD severity and medication usage with physical activity
levels and sedentary behaviors.
This study purports that adolescents with ASD are more
likely to be overweight and obese as measured by BMI, less
likely to engage in the recommended amount of beneficial
physical activity each week, and more likely to engage in
sedentary behaviors such as TV viewing. These findings
highlight the need for intervention in this population that
includes increasing physical activity and monitoring of
McCoy and Morgan 397
sedentary behaviors to increase the overall health (both
physical and social) of this population, as well as research
determining the effectiveness of these interventions. It is
known that regular participation in physical activity is
related to healthy growth and development throughout life
(Blair et al., 1989). There is strong evidence supporting the
benefits of physical activity on physical health including
improvements in musculoskeletal health, cardiovascular
health, improved fitness, improved metabolic health, and
decreased obesity, as well as reductions in the risk of devel-
oping chronic disease (American College of Sports
Medicine, 2013; Daniels et al., 2011; Strong et al., 2005;
Warburton et al., 2006). Furthermore, there are many men-
tal and social benefits of physical activity that may be par-
ticularly beneficial to those with ASD, including decreased
levels of anxiety and depression, improvements in self-
concept, improved emotional control, confidence, making
new friends, improved relationships and social skills, as
well as greater social competence (Holt, Kingsley, Tink, &
Scherer, 2011; Snyder et al., 2010; Strong et al., 2005).
However, adolescents with ASD may have to overcome
barriers specific to their ASD such as deficits in motor
skills, communication, and social skills that may limit their
ability to participate in physical activity behaviors and may
in fact lead to greater participation in solitary sedentary
behaviors. Ryan, Fraser-Thomas, and Weiss (2018) found
that significant predictors to having a social sport experi-
ence includes socio-communicative abilities, coach–ath-
lete relationships, and parent support (Ryan et al., 2018).
Given the results, this study provides evidence for indi-
vidualized sporting and physical activity opportunities for
adolescents with ASD across the severity spectrum.
Additionally, program directors should be accommodating
to the parent- and participant-reported barriers that may
potentially limit physical activity and sport participation in
this population. Although more research is needed to
determine the feasibility and effectiveness of increasing
physical activity in adolescents with ASD across the spec-
trum, targeted programs are needed to support healthy life-
styles in adolescents with ASD.
Author Contributions
S.M.M. and K.M. contributed equally to this study.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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... While some young autistic children may engage in physical activities at a similar level to their peers (Thomas et al., 2019), as autistic children age and become adults they tend to engage in physical activity less frequently when compared to their neurotypical counterparts (Jones et al., 2017;McCoy & Morgan, 2020;McCoy et al., 2016;Rech et al., 2022;Thompson et al., 2022). Yet many autistic people express a desire to engage in more sports and exercise (Stanish et al., 2015). ...
... We found that the vast majority of autistic children (as reported by parents and retrospectively as reported by adults) have engaged in some form of organized physical activity, yet only about half of the autistic adults surveyed in this sample were actively engaged in organized physical activity. The rates of participation during childhood reported in our study at first glance are encouraging and are much higher than findings in previous studies which have ranged from approximately 30 to 50% (McCoy & Morgan, 2020;McCoy et al., 2016). However, this most likely reflects differences in time periods assessed i.e., "ever participated" in the current study versus "past 12 months" in previous studies (McCoy & Morgan, 2020;McCoy et al., 2016). ...
... The rates of participation during childhood reported in our study at first glance are encouraging and are much higher than findings in previous studies which have ranged from approximately 30 to 50% (McCoy & Morgan, 2020;McCoy et al., 2016). However, this most likely reflects differences in time periods assessed i.e., "ever participated" in the current study versus "past 12 months" in previous studies (McCoy & Morgan, 2020;McCoy et al., 2016). The pattern of reduced participation in organized physical activities into adulthood is consistent with the general population (Dumith et al., 2011), as adults may seek out opportunities outside organized/club-based settings (Eime et al., 2020). ...
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Engagement in organized physical activities offers numerous benefits for autistic people, yet persistent barriers hinder participation, especially as individuals age. This Australian study employed a mixed methods approach to investigate the experiences of organized physical activities among 103 autistic adults and 169 parents of autistic children. Although most autistic children were involved in such activities, participation significantly declined among autistic adults, with both groups expressing a desire for increased involvement. This research identified barriers spanning intrapersonal (anxiety, physical challenges), interpersonal (social communication difficulties), and societal (limited inclusive opportunities, insufficient autism awareness) domains. Key facilitators to enhanced participation included sensory accommodations, inclusive policies, improved accessibility, personalized coaching, and enhanced autism education for staff. These findings are consistent with international research and hold particular relevance within the Australian cultural context. This study represents a significant empirical contribution, shedding light on the intricate barriers and potential support mechanisms necessary to bridge the gap between the aspirations for organized physical activity and actual participation among autistic individuals throughout their lives. Realizing progress demands comprehensive changes across various levels, encompassing policies, programs, attitudes, and accessibility. Such transformations are essential to cultivate inclusive sporting cultures and counteract the disengagement observed from childhood through adulthood. Lay abstract Sports and physical activities can be really beneficial for autistic people, but they often encounter challenges, especially as they get older. In our Australian study, we surveyed 103 autistic adults and 169 parents of autistic children to better understand these challenges. We discovered that many autistic children take part in sports and activities, but as they become adults, it becomes harder for them to stay involved. Both the adults and parents expressed a desire for more opportunities for autistic individuals to participate. We also identified some common problems that make it difficult for autistic people to engage in these activities. These challenges include personal issues like anxiety and physical difficulties, difficulties with social communication, and broader societal issues such as a lack of inclusive opportunities and insufficient awareness about autism. On a positive note, we found effective strategies to make participation easier for autistic individuals. These include creating sensory-friendly environments, implementing inclusive rules, ensuring that places are easy to access, offering personalized support, and educating staff about autism. Importantly, our findings are not unique to Australia; they align with research from other countries. This study sheds light on the obstacles autistic people face in sports and activities and provides solutions to improve their experiences. To bring about meaningful change, we must adjust policies, programs, attitudes, and overall accessibility. This will foster inclusive sports and activities for autistic individuals from childhood through adulthood.
... Previous studies have rmly established the links between both OW and OB and ASD (190,192,196,206). Moreover, many factors have been suggested to underpin this association, such as medications (207), genetic predispositions (208,209), obesogenic environments (196), parent feeding practices (210,211), physical limitations (212,213), and unusual dietary patterns (214,215). ...
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Background Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) during adolescence is crucial for optimal physical and mental well-being. This investigation sought to examine the relationships between extreme BMI values and self-reported experiences of pain, somatic diseases, and psychiatric disorders in adolescents. Methods A cohort of 5132 adolescents (average age of 16.69 ± 1.02 years; 62.1% girls/) was gathered from five countries using an online survey. The data collection took place as part of the Mental and Somatic Health without borders project, from September 2020 to February 2021. The participants were categorized into four groups based on their BMIs. Through the application of nonparametric tests, this study explored variations in gender and the prevalence of somatic diseases/complaints, diagnosed psychiatric disorders, and perceived pain across distinct BMI groups. Results BMIs in the underweight and overweight categories were more common in male participants than in female participants (p = 0.04 and p = 0.001, respectively, with weak effect sizes). Underweight individuals demonstrated elevated rates of cancer and epilepsy (p ≤ 0.01), while overweight individuals exhibited higher rates of depression, asthma, diarrhea, and thyroid diseases (p ≤ 0.01). Obesity was linked to significantly increased frequencies of attention-deficit disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, allergies, asthma, and constipation (p ≤ 0.02). The strengths of these associations ranged from weak to moderate. Adolescents with obesity reported significantly higher levels of pain intensity (p < 0.001), albeit with a small effect size. Conclusion BMIs in the overweight and obese categories are connected to asthma and digestive issues, while those in the underweight category are associated with cancers and epilepsy. Adolescents with obesity are more susceptible to pain (both intensity and frequency), and those with extreme BMIs experience ADHD, anxiety, and depression at a higher rate than those with BMIs in the normal range. These findings underscore the crucial need to deepen our understanding of the intricate relationships between BMI and health outcomes in adolescents. This knowledge will inform targeted interventions and strategies aimed at enhancing both physical and mental well-being in this vulnerable population.
... Furthermore, it is not uncommon for children and adolescents to be diagnosed with more than one NDD [8]. Literature has shown that adolescents with NDDs are less likely to engage in OPA than neurotypical peers [9][10][11]. It is well known that individuals with NDDs often have difficulties in physical movement and mobility. ...
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Background Organized physical activity programs have been shown to provide wide benefits to participants, though there are relatively few studies examining the impact of these programs for individuals with developmental disabilities. This pilot study was conducted to determine the feasibility and impact of an undergraduate-led dance intervention program for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. We evaluated the impact of the dance program on motor ability and social skills. Methods The study design was a waitlist control clinical trial in which participants were randomized to active and control groups. Eligible participants included male and female children and adolescents between the ages of 4 and 17 years with neurodevelopmental disabilities. The Motor Assessment Battery for Children Checklist and the Social Responsiveness Scale were used to assess change in motor and social skills, respectively. After gathering baseline data, the active group completed 1 h of online dance classes per week for 10 weeks, while the control group entered a 10-week waiting period. All participants then returned for a follow-up visit. Pre- and post-intervention data were analyzed using linear mixed-effects modeling adjusting for age and class attendance with subject random intercept. Results We recruited and randomized 43 participants with neurodevelopmental disabilities (mean age = 8.63, SD = 2.98), of which 30 participated in dance classes. The attendance rate was 82.6% for the active group and 61.7% for the control group. The active group demonstrated a significant improvement in motor skills in an unpredictable environment, as indicated on the Motor Assessment Battery for Children Checklist (n = 21, p = 0.05). We also observed positive trends in social skills that did not reach significance. Conclusions Our results indicate that it is feasible to develop and implement a fully digital dance intervention program for individuals with developmental disabilities. Further, we find that change in motor skills can be detected after just 10 h of low-intensity participation. However, a lack of significant change in social skills coupled with limitations in study implementation suggests further research is needed to determine the full impact of this dance program. Trial Registration Protocol Registration System: Protocol ID 20-001680-AM-00005, registered 17/2/2021 – Retrospectively Registered,
... For example, Tybor et al. (2019) noted a significantly higher obesity prevalence among ASD children aged 10 to 17 years compared to those without ASD [64]. Similarly, McCoy et al. (2019) reported that ASD adolescents aged 10 to 17 years were more likely to exhibit unhealthy weight statuses, including underweight, overweight, and obesity, compared to their typically developing counterparts [65]. Moreover, Evans et al. (2012) investigated the body mass index of ASD and control individuals aged 3 to 11 years and found no discernible differences in BMI z-scores or BMI cut-points between the two groups [66]. ...
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The occurrence of overweight and obesity among individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has become a worldwide epidemic. However, there is limited research on this topic in the Lebanese population. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the differences in anthropometric measurements and body composition variables among Lebanese children, pre-adolescents, and adolescents diagnosed with ASD in contrast to typically developing peers across various developmental stages. Additionally, it aimed to investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity within this population. A total of 86 participants with ASD and 86 controls were involved in this case–control study, conducted between June 2022 and June 2023. Anthropometric measurements and body composition variables were assessed, followed by statistical analyses to examine the differences between these two groups. The results revealed a significantly higher prevalence of overweight and obesity among individuals with ASD, particularly evident during childhood and pre-adolescence. Additionally, this group exhibited a higher body fat mass and total body fat percentage compared to controls. However, there were no significant differences observed between the two groups during adolescence. These findings emphasize the significance of monitoring and addressing weight status in individuals with ASD to improve their overall health outcomes. Future research directions could focus on investigating the underlying mechanisms contributing to the heightened prevalence of overweight and obesity in this population, ultimately enhancing their quality of life and well-being.
... Overall, a consensus among several studies attributes the onset of obesity in children with autism to their eating behaviors (Cermak et al., 2010;Mayes & Zickgraf, 2019;Sharp et al., 2013). Moreover, some researchers have linked obesity in this population to low levels of physical activity (Healy et al., 2019;McCoy et al., 2016;McCoy & Morgan, 2020), leading to interventions aimed at improving fitness through increased physical activity (Dickinson & Place, 2014;Ferreira et al., 2019;Howells et al., 2019). Age has also been explored as a contributing factor to obesity, with suggestions that reduced physical activity as children with autism grow older may play a role (Healy et al., 2020;Jones et al., 2017). ...
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This research aims to explore the impact of a specially tailored food program on the weight changes experienced by children with autism. This food program was implemented both within specialized centers and under direct maternal supervision at home. The intervention spanned two months and consisted of three main meals and two snacks daily for the children with autism. Prior to the program’s initiation, an assessment of the children’s weight status revealed a spectrum ranging from extremely underweight to underweight, with only a small fraction of the sample exhibiting normal weight and one child falling into the obese category. The study findings indicated that a diet free from gluten, casein, sugar, and monosodium glutamate proved beneficial for children with autism. Notably, the results demonstrated a positive trend in weight among underweight children, with weight gains ranging from 1 to 3 kilograms, contingent upon age. The research also highlighted that younger participants tended to exhibit a more pronounced response to the program. Moreover, the program exhibited success in reducing obesity, with a notable 4-kilogram reduction in weight observed among obese children. Based on the outcomes, it is suggested that programs of this nature should be consistently implemented within specialized centers. This study’s keywords encompass autism children, overweight, underweight, and normal body weight
Background Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can experience issues in motor development and fall short of physical activity (PA) recommendations. Family members, especially parents and siblings, play important roles in influencing their motor behaviors. Objective This study investigated motor behaviors (i.e., levels of PA, parent‐perceived motor competence, and related family dynamics) in children with ASD during a historical event—the COVID‐19 pandemic—during which most service approaches were not being used, and children with ASD were staying at home with their parents and neurotypical (NT) siblings. Methods This cross‐sectional study recruited 17 ASD–NT–parent triads (51 participants in total). Motor behaviors were all measured by questionnaires and surveys, with levels of PA also measured objectively using ActiGraph GT3X. Descriptive analyses were conducted. Results Children with ASD participated in more types of sedentary activities than leisure‐time and sports activities. Parents perceived a low level of motor competence in their children with ASD, and compared with siblings, they perceived more interactions and higher self‐efficacy in supporting PA in children with ASD. Conclusion The findings of this study can be helpful to us as we evolve our understanding and strategies to influence motor behaviors in children with ASD, ultimately to advance our service‐delivery model to include family‐based approaches. Implications This study should inform future ASD studies of the importance of providing quality family‐based PA/education programs for children with ASD and boosting parents' and NT siblings' self‐efficacy in supporting PA in children with ASD.
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En niños diagnosticados con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) la práctica de actividad física en el contexto escolar (clase de educación física) es una estrategia viable para mejorar la aptitud física y habilidades motoras, combatir el sobrepeso y obesidad y disminuir comportamientos inapropiados. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el impacto de una intervención multimodal de 12 semanas en la clase de Educación Física sobre el rendimiento motor y estado nutricional de estudiantes de una Escuela Especial de Copiapó. La investigación corresponde a un enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño cuasiexperimental sin grupo control. Participaron 12 estudiantes diagnosticados con TEA (9 hombres y 3 mujeres), cuya edad fue de 12.91±1.12 años. Los escolares participaron de un programa multimodal con frecuencia de dos sesiones por semana. Se utilizó el Test de caminata 6 minutos, salto horizontal sin impulso, test MABC-2, fuerza de prensión manual, peso, estatura e Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC). De acuerdo con los resultados no es posible modificar el estado nutricional de los estudiantes, se logran mejoras significativas en el puntaje escalar general de la Batería MABC-2; test de salto horizontal sin carrera y test de caminata de 6 minutos. En conclusión, una intervención multimodal de 12 semanas en la clase de educación física en un establecimiento de educación especial no logró disminuir los niveles de malnutrición por exceso, en cambio, se lograron efectos relevantes en la aptitud física, siendo un tipo de intervención con altas posibilidades de ser replicada en contextos similares.
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Increased medical attention is needed as the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) rises. Both cardiovascular disorder (CVD) and hyperlipidemia are closely associated with adult ASD. Shank3 plays a key genetic role in ASD. We hypothesized that Shank3 contributes to CVD development in young adults with ASD. In this study, we investigated whether Shank3 facilitates the development of atherosclerosis. Using Gene Set Enrichment Analysis software (Version No.: GSEA-4.0.3), we analyzed the data obtained from Shank3 knockout mice (Gene Expression Omnibus database), a human population-based study cohort (from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database), and a Shank3 knockdown cellular model. Shank3 knockout upregulated the expression of genes of cholesterol homeostasis and fatty acid metabolism but downregulated the expression of genes associated with inflammatory responses. Individuals with autism had higher risks of hyperlipidemia (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR): 1.39; p < 0.001), major adverse cardiac events (aHR: 2.67; p < 0.001), and stroke (aHR: 3.55; p < 0.001) than age- and sex-matched individuals without autism did. Shank3 downregulation suppressed tumor necrosis factor-α-induced fatty acid synthase expression; vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 expression; and downstream signaling pathways involving p38, Jun N-terminal kinase, and nuclear factor-κB. Thus, Shank3 may influence the development of early-onset atherosclerosis and CVD in ASD. Furthermore, regulating Shank3 expression may reduce inflammation-related disorders, such as atherosclerosis, by inhibiting tumor necrosis factor-alpha-mediated inflammatory cascades.
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Motor competence is important for lifelong physical activity (PA). The current study aimed to examine associations between PA and motor competence. In total, 43 children aged 7-12 years with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder completed anthropometric measures, the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2, and wore a wrist accelerometer to capture total PA, moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), average acceleration, and intensity gradient. No significant associations were found between PA outcomes and motor competence. Motor competence performance was commonly 'below average' or 'average'. The weakest subtests were upper limb coordination and strength. The strongest subtest was running speed and agility. Total weekly MVPA was 336.1 ± 150.3 min, higher than UK recommendations of 120-180 per week for disabled children and young people. Larger scale studies are needed to better understand the relationship between PA and motor competence. Future research should also consider the influence of environmental factors on PA in this group.
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Introduction Since 2001, the Health Resources and Services Administration's Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HRSA MCHB) has funded and directed the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), unique sources of national and state-level data on child health and health care. Between 2012 and 2015, HRSA MCHB redesigned the surveys, combining content into a single survey, and shifting from a periodic interviewer-assisted telephone survey to an annual self-administered web/paper-based survey utilizing an address-based sampling frame. Methods The U.S. Census Bureau fielded the redesigned NSCH using a random sample of addresses drawn from the Census Master Address File, supplemented with a unique administrative flag to identify households most likely to include children. Data were collected June 2016-February 2017 using a multi-mode design, encouraging web-based responses while allowing for paper mail-in responses. A parent/caregiver knowledgeable about the child's health completed an age-appropriate questionnaire. Experiments on incentives, branding, and contact strategies were conducted. Results Data were released in September 2017. The final sample size was 50,212 children; the overall weighted response rate was 40.7%. Comparison of 2016 estimates to those from previous survey iterations are not appropriate due to sampling and mode changes. Discussion The NSCH remains an invaluable data source for key measures of child health and attendant health care system, family, and community factors. The redesigned survey extended the utility of this resource while seeking a balance between previous strengths and innovations now possible.
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Screen media has become an intrinsic feature in the daily lives of children and youths with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This systematic review provides a current overview concerning the significance of screen media in the lives of children and youths with ASD. For the years 2005 to 2016, we identified 47 studies covering media use among children and youths with ASD. These studies concordantly showed screen media as being a preferred leisure activity for children and youths with ASD, and reported mixed evidence compared to children without ASD. Further research on content, functionality, problematic media use, other leisure time activities, and quality of life is recommended.
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Background: Little is known about sport participation in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The current study examined sport characteristics (frequency, diversity, positive social experiences [PSE]) for youth with ASD and intellectual disability compared to youth with intellectual disability alone and explored the personal and contextual correlates of involvement. Method: Parents (N = 409) completed an online survey, and multiple mediation analyses were used to examine the factors that explained the relationships between sport involvement in youth with ASD and intellectual disability. Results: No significant main effects of ASD status were found for frequency or diversity, but youth with intellectual disability alone had higher scores for PSE compared to youth with ASD and intellectual disability. Sociocommunicative abilities, coach relationship and resources mediated the relationship between ASD status and PSE. Conclusions: A better understanding of the factors related to sport is essential for allowing families, service providers and policy makers to improve involvement for youth with ASD.
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Autism spectrum disorder is the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States. As such, there is an unprecedented need for research examining factors contributing to the health disparities in this population. This research suggests a relationship between the levels of physical activity and health outcomes. In fact, excessive sedentary behavior during early childhood is associated with a number of negative health outcomes. A total of 53 children participated in this study, including typically developing children (mean age = 42.5 ± 10.78 months, n = 19) and children with autism spectrum disorder (mean age = 47.42 ± 12.81 months, n = 34). The t-test results reveal that children with autism spectrum disorder spent significantly less time per day in sedentary behavior when compared to the typically developing group (t(52) = 4.57, p < 0.001). Furthermore, the results from the general linear model reveal that there is no relationship between motor skills and the levels of physical activity. The ongoing need for objective measurement of physical activity in young children with autism spectrum disorder is of critical importance as it may shed light on an often overlooked need for early community-based interventions to increase physical activity early on in development.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder affects up to 2.5% of children and is associated with harmful health outcomes (e.g. obesity). Low levels of physical activity and high levels of sedentary behaviors may contribute to harmful health outcomes. To systematically review the prevalence and correlates of physical activity and sedentary behaviors in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, electronic databases (PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, EMBASE, Medline) were searched from inception to November 2015. The review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42014013849). Peer-reviewed, English language studies were included. Two reviewers screened potentially relevant articles. Outcomes of interest were physical activity and sedentary behaviour levels and their potential correlates. Data were collected and analysed in 2015. Of 35 included studies, 15 reported physical activity prevalence, 10 reported physical activity correlates, 18 reported sedentary behavior prevalence, and 10 reported sedentary behavior correlates. Estimates of children’s physical activity (34–166 mins/day, average 86 mins/day) and sedentary behavior (126–558 mins/day in screen time, average 271 mins/day; 428–750 mins/day in total sedentary behavior, average 479 mins/day) varied across studies. Age was consistently inversely associated, and sex inconsistently associated with physical activity. Age and sex were inconsistently associated with sedentary behavior. Sample sizes were small. All but one of the studies were classified as having high risk of bias. Few correlates have been reported in sufficient studies to provide overall estimates of associations. Potential correlates in the physical environment remain largely unexamined. This review highlights varying levels of physical activity and sedentary behavior in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research is needed to consistently identify the correlates of these behaviors. There is a critical need for interventions to support healthy levels of these behaviors.
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We compared time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA), type, and frequency of participation in physical activities between adolescents with ASD (n = 35) and typically developing (TD) adolescents (n = 60). Accelerometers measured MVPA and participants were interviewed about engagement in physical activities. Adolescents with ASD spent less time in MVPA compared to TD adolescents (29 min/day vs. 50 min/day, p < 0.001) and fewer met the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (14 vs. 29%, p > 0.05). Among adolescents <16 years old, those with ASD participated in fewer activities than TD adolescents (5.3 vs. 7.1 activities, p < 0.03). Walking/hiking and active video gaming were among the top activities for both groups. Findings support the need for interventions that meet the needs of youth with ASD.
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Background: The 2016 United States (U.S.) Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth provides a comprehensive evaluation of physical activity levels and factors influencing physical activity among children and youth. Methods: The report card includes 10 indicators: Overall Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, Active Transportation, Organized Sport Participation, Active Play, Health-related Fitness, Family and Peers, School, Community and the Built Environment, and Government Strategies and Investments. Nationally representative data were used to evaluate the indicators using a standard grading rubric. Results: Sufficient data were available to assign grades to 7 of the indicators, and these ranged from B- for Community and the Built Environment to F for Active Transportation. Overall Physical Activity received a grade of D- due to the low prevalence of meeting physical activity guidelines. A grade of D was assigned to Health-related Fitness, reflecting the low prevalence of meeting cardiorespiratory fitness standards. Disparities across age, gender, racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups were observed for several indicators. Conclusions: Continued poor grades suggest that additional work is required to provide opportunities for U.S. children to be physically active. The observed disparities indicate that special attention should be given to girls, minorities, and those from lower socioeconomic groups when implementing intervention strategies.
The purpose of this study was to examine current overweight and obesity prevalence rates among US youth (aged 10–17 years) with and without autism spectrum disorder, based on the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health. Analyses of weight status, derived from parent-reported height and weight measures, were conducted for a weighted sample of 875,963 youth with autism spectrum disorder and 31,913,657 typically developing youth. Controlling for age, race/ethnicity, income, and sex, youth with autism spectrum disorder had significantly higher odds of overweight (odds ratio = 1.48, p = 0.04) and obesity (odds ratio = 1.49, p = 0.02) compared to typically developing youth. Among youth with autism spectrum disorder, 19.4% were overweight and 23.05% were obese. Among typically developing youth, 14.9% were overweight and 15.91% were obese. Higher odds of obesity were reported for youth with severe autism spectrum disorder (odds ratio = 3.35, p < 0.01), compared to those with mild autism spectrum disorder.
Obesity is a public health concern for the population in general and for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) specifically. The purpose of this study was to understand relationships between sensory patterns, obesity, and physical activity engagement of children with ASD (N = 77) sampled from a specialized community-based swimming program. This retrospective correlational study analyzed program data. Results show that almost half (42.2%) of the children were overweight or obese, and sensory avoiding behaviors were related to higher body mass index (BMI). Children participated in few formal and informal physically active recreation activities. Sensory seeking behaviors were associated with increased participation in informal activities, and higher BMI was associated with less participation in both formal and informal activities. Practitioners should consider sensory processing patterns and BMI when developing community-based programs to promote physical activity of children with ASD.