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Intelligent Based Waste Management Awareness Developed by Transfer Learning

Intelligent Based Waste Management Awareness
Developed by Transfer Learning
Krishna Mridha
Computer Engineering
Marwadi University
Rajkot, Gujarat, India
AbstractUrban India produces 62 million tons of garbage
(MSW) per year, with projections of 165 million tons by 2030.
Annually, 43 million tons of urban solid wastes are collected,
with 31 million being discarded in landfills and just 11.9
million being handled. In India, many people litter the
highways as well. They probably just filled the road with
banana leaves or dried leaf bowls a few years ago; those types
of litter were not particularly dangerous because they were
environmentally friendly and could even be eaten by
abandoned animals. However, in today's India, plastic is the
most commonly littered object and cultural change is difficult
to achieve in any society. If it continues like this, India will
become an unsuitable country for living. To overcome this
crucial problem, our research will be the best solution. We
analysis on nine different classes so that the recycling authority
can recycle these easily and reduced the wastes. Our proposed
model has been designed with three different tasks. In the
beginning step, we have to capture any particular wastes. In
the second step, we have to classify these captured images with
the help of web applications that have been developed by the
Transfer Learning model (VGG16) and according to the
classification name, we have to put them into the same type
bucket so that every bucket contains only one unique type of
wastes. Finally, we have to call the authority who is involved
with recycling so that they can easily recycle them and
adequately reduce the waste. Our model accuracy is almost
95%. Even though these works are initialization stage done by
the web application but in the future, we will develop a mobile
application to make it easier and user friendly.
Keywordsgarbage, dangerous, recycle, vgg16, application.
India's waste management faces various problems
because of improper awareness of recycling. As a
consequence, its huge and increasing amount is affecting the
heavily populated regions. India is the world's second-most
populous country and the world's twelfth most heavily
inhabited country. Between 2015 and 2020, the expected
urban population growth rate is 5 percent. Waste
management is becoming more of a concern as the
population grows, particularly in the larger cities. Other than
that, there have been recycling techniques that can handle
segregated by gender and high moisture-low calorie waste,
which can be very useful for a country like India as
briquettes are often used in waste treatment projects.
In this context, waste management involves a wide
variety of waste bins with significant filling fluctuations
(over days, seasons, or location) and differing conditions for
emptying, ranging from occasional (a few times per week) to
very routine (daily, weekly, or monthly) (several times a
day). Other waste types (agricultural, biomedical,
pharmaceutical, mechanical, mineral, organic/inorganic, and
nuclear, to name a few) are characterized by distinct
collecting points, constant and predictable production, and
equal, usually long filling times.
Delhi is reportedly one of the most contaminated cities in
the world, according to a UNFPA survey, and one of the
problems at hand is urban waste management. Though it is
tough to control wastes, wastes can be recycled. Now, the
question will arise, how we can recycle them because wastes
are in different forms and diluted. So, to come up with a
solution, we are proposing a newer way. Our proposing
model is divided into three small different steps. In the first
step, we have to capture any particular wastes. In the second
step, we have to classify these captured images with the help
of web applications that have been developed by the Transfer
Learning model (VGG16) and according to the classification
name, we have to put them into the same type bucket so that
every bucket contains only one unique type of wastes.
Finally, we have to call the authority who are involved with
recycling so that they can easily recycle them and adequately
reduce the waste. Through, this unique way we can protect
India from serious environmental and health hazards.
The effective labeling and arrangement of wastes into
separate classes (such as light bulbs, paper, plastic, organic,
glass, batteries, clothes, metal, e-waste) aids in waste
utilization and disposal. Image recognition does provide
expense solutions for sustainable segregation by identifying,
classifying, and separating waste from massive piles of
garbage and trash. The classification and detection of
hazardous materials have been allowed due to
unprecedented developments in the field of image
recognition, which have provided for the use of a range of
object detection methods to identify and detect waste. Deep
learning architectures, such as deep convolutional neural
networks, are a form of deep learning algorithm, typically
resolve the disadvantages of traditional image detection
systems (based on the Haar cascade classifier, SVMs
(Support Vector Machines), or Sliding Window methods)
(DCNNs). Researchers all over the world are focused on
advances in deep learning methods for difficult object
detection tasks as a result of ground-breaking developments
in object recognition and image processing [610]. Different
deep learning techniques (such as CNN [11], R- family,
SSD family [12,13], YOLO [14], as well as other
classification methods (such as SVM and MLP, or Multi-
layer Perceptron) [15]) as well as other classifiers (such as
SVM and MLP, or Multi-layer Percept Researchers have
demonstrated the abilities of different deep learning
techniques in the classification and identification of rubbish
in the form of waste segregation [4,5,18,19].
The following is how the remainder of the paper is
organized: A similar analysis and its results are discussed in
Section II. Section III delves further into the methodology
and techniques used in transfer learning. Analyze the datasets
and include a performance evaluation of the outcomes in
section IV. Section V concludes by summarizing the whole
The key idea behind smart waste disposal is to tackle all
of the garbage while still keeping track of the entire
operation. The proposed device environment is depicted in
Figure 1. We proposed a smart waste management design to
help improve the ecosystem. A smart waste management
system includes a smart app for Android and smart
communication. The comprehensive design framework for
smart waste management can be found here.
Figure 1: Proposed Model Architecture
This paper proposed a method that integrates hardware,
software, and interaction into solutions that aims at
minimizing waste, reuse waste, and recycle waste generated
in cities through a methodology that protects India from
dangerous health risks, helps the environment and facilitates
In terms of education methods, this review takes a case
study method focused on real-world implementation of the
proposed approach. The final product (a real-world version
of a smart waste management app combined with database
middleware) is displayed, demonstrated, and tested. The
suggested solution is summarized below.
With this noble model, we can classify nine types of
waste materials. All classification names are light bulbs,
paper, plastic, organic, glass, batteries, clothes, metal, e-
waste. As a human, we also can classify waste but some
types of materials are very confused to identify that
particular type of waste and for that, only the recycle may be
hampered. To remove this problem we introduced the unique
model. With the help of artificial intelligence, we can easily
classify all types of waste without any confusion so that the
recycling system should be productive. As we mentioned
that every type of waste should be put into a separate bucket.
So, for keeping nine types of waste, we need nine buckets.
This will help to raise awareness for people to reduce and
recycle waste.
A. DatasetCollections and Descriptions:
The current study looks at urban wastes that are often
discarded near public areas by commuters, shoppers, and
sometimes during commercial events. There are 8514 jpg
images in this dataset. Some photos were sourced from
Google, while others were taken from a real-life scenario by
me. These photos were divided into nine categories in this
study, as shown in Table 1, including light bulbs, paper,
plastic, organic, glass, batteries, clothes, metal, e-waste.
Besides, Figure 2 depicts a detailed description of the waste
items allocated to these specified classes, as well as the
number of quantity and picture, as well as their class
Table 1: Sample images with their associated classes are
Class 0 (Battery)
Class 1(Cloth)
Class 2 (E-waste)
Class 3 (Glass)
Class 4(Light-bulb)
Class 5 (Metal)
Class 6 (Organic)
Class 7(Paper)
Class 8(Plastic)
Table 2: Class Items with Numbers of Item Quantity
Small sealed lead-acid
batteries, nickel_cadmium
chiffon, cotton, Crepe,
Denim, Lace, Leather, Linen,
ICT and Telecommunications
equipment, office electronics
Float Glass, Toughened
Glass, Tinted Glass,
Obscured Glass.
Fluorescent Lamps, Compact
Fluorescent Lamps (CFL),
Halogen Lamps, Light
Emitting Diode (LED)
Ferrous Metals, Copper,
Brass, Tin, Lead, Bronze,
vegetables, fruits, fast food,
bread, rice, grass, leaves
white office paper,
newspaper, colored office
paper, cardboard, white
computer paper, magazines,
catalogs, and phone books.
Polyethylene Terephthalate,
High-Density Polyethylene,
Polyvinyl Chloride, Low-
Density Polyethylene,
Polypropylene, Polystyrene
Miscellaneous Plastics.
Figure 2: Statistical Analysis of Classes
B. Data Augmentation:
A lack of data makes it difficult to use deep learning
models like convolutional neural networks. In certain cases,
imbalanced classes may be a further stumbling block;
although there might be enough data for certain classes,
under-sampled classes may suffer from low class-specific
accuracy. This is a natural phenomenon. When a model is
trained on only a few instances of a class, it is less likely to
predict class invalidation and test applications.
Image augmentation was designed to produce training
data from an existing collection to avoid the high cost of
collecting hundreds of training images. Image augmentation
is the method of editing images already in a training dataset
to produce several altered versions of the same image. This
not only gives us more photos to train on, but it also exposes
our classifier to a broader range of lighting and color
conditions, making it more robust.
However, before using any technique, first, we have to
resize the images. The dimensions of the images gathered
from the web can vary. Since most neural networks have
fully connected layers, the images fed to the network must
be of a specific size. As a result, before we begin image
augmentation, let us first preprocess the images to the size
that our network requires. We get the advantages of filtering
them in pipelines with reasonable quantities.
To begin, we must first construct an image generator by
calling the ImageDataGenerator () function and passing it a
set of examining the changes we want to be made to the
picture. We'll then use our image generator's fit () tool to
add the improvements to the photos batch by the group. By
default, the changes are applied at variance, which means
that not every picture will be modified each time. Should
you wish, we can also use Keras. preprocessing to distribute
enhanced image files to a folder to create a large dataset of
modified photos. We can pass more parameters in
ImageDataGenerator () function. For instance, Scaling,
Translation, Rotation (at 90 degrees), Rotation (at finer
angles), Flipping, Adding Salt and Pepper noise, lighting
condition Perspective transform. The motive of using these
extra parameters to increasing the numbers of training
images so that our desired accuracy will be stable.
C. Transfer Learning
In machine learning methods, supervised learning will
fail to create correct classification models due to a lack of
labeled data. To fix the lack of labeling problem, transfer
learning was developed [1]. It aims to improve learning
performance by transferring data from multiple source
domains to a single target domain [2]. With just a few
labeled training images, image recognition, for example, can
be modeled as a target learning exercise. Fortunately, such
texts relating to pictures, such as picture explanations or
marks around photographs, may be captured and used to
classify images in a target domain using text data (a source
domain). In transfer learning, the source and target domains
often have function vector spaces. A comparison of classic
machine learning and knowledge transfer approaches is
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3: Basic ML Approach vs Transfer Learning
When opposed to other approaches, convolutional neural
networks are superior in image recognition [3]. Even if
they're not invariant to scale and fermentations, pre-trained
CNN models trained on a broad image dataset (i.e.
ImageNet) will produce an image features map vector to
rotating and shape changes [16]. Any of these deep models
are open-source, easy to use, and modify.
Figure 4: The VGG16 Model consists of 16
Convolutional and Max Pooling layers, 3 Dense layers
for the Fully-Connected layer, and a 1,000-node output
Now, the process of pre-defined model VGG16 is
established by the Transfer Learning way. For Transfer
Learning we do not require the fully connected layer (Dense
Layer) so that we have to remove the dense layer and have
connected with VGG16. The ImageNet data set has 1000
categories but in our case, we have only two labels. So we
have to develop our output as 2 labels.
1. Pre-trained weights from a learning algorithm on a
large dataset are loaded in.
2. Freeze all weights in the lower (convolutional)
layers: the layers to freeze are determined by how
closely the current task resembles the original
3. Replace the network's upper layers with a custom
classifier with the same number of outputs as
4. Just train the custom classifier layers for the
mission, allowing the model to be optimized for
smaller datasets.
In this result section, we are showing our desired
accuracy against training and testing images. Even though
we have gotten 95% accuracy, it is the best accuracy yet.
Because there is no such type of research is happed till no.
All types of classes are made by me and also I added more
class images as well as developed a web application. With
the help of a web application, users can take the images of
the waste and upload these images for classification. After
knowing this waste type, the users can keep this waste in a
particular waste bucket. And finally, they will call the
authority for collecting these wastes so that the authority can
be recycled these waste.
The motive of this paper is to create awareness about the
curse of waste among the peoples in India. India is going to
fall into a huge environmental problem after few years. To
overcome this crucial problem, we have developed this
unique application. This application is very user-friendly
and less complex. This application will help a lot to manage
the wastes and also help to collaborate with recycle
authority. By this application, the user can request the
nearest authority to collect the wastes by submitting an
online form. The online form should be collect the user
information related to address, contact number, and so on.
In this paragraph, we are going to show the user
interface of our developing application and we will mention
the life cycle of this application also. The way of using this
application is mentioned below.
First, take the images by clicking the Classify
your waste material” button (Red Arrow).
Figure 5: First step: Taking Image
After taking images, the machine automatically
showing the class name in the right block of the
same page. There will be showing the class name
as well as more details about the particular class.
Figure 6: Second Step: Classify the Image and see the
The last step is according to class, we have to keep
this particular waste into the same particular
Figure 7: Third step: Keep waste to the particular
An intelligent-based waste management system was
a dream for everyone. But now with the help of Artificial
Intelligent, it has become a narrow work. The field of
Artificial Intelligent is very wide and stable. Our developing
model is also a part of AI. This is the very fast starting of
our research. This is the very first step to increase the
awareness of waste and in the future, we can work deeply.
Now, our proposed model is implemented by Transfer
Learning Method (VGG16) and deployed as a web
application and we have a plan to available in Android and
IOS operating systems so that from low society people to
high society people can take this opportunity. The very first
time, we want to work with the municipal area so that we
can realize our drawbacks. If we face any difficulties then
we may overcome all of the difficulties and after that, we
can start the project with full force all over India.
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Human beings have been using all kinds of devices to perform diverse things since their evolution. The human brain’s imagination contributed to the creation of numerous devices. This devises human existence simply by empowering individuals to fulfill diverse needs for existence, including transport, industries, houses, and computers. Current custom online search mechanisms do not take into consideration specific sites that are unvisited by the customer and could be direct responses to the information needs of the consumer. Furthermore, pages in the outcome package, while not explicitly applicable to the need for user knowledge, may include a connection to relevant pages. Only through doing semantic analysis will certain connections be established. This paper aims to classify certain related sites by semantic review of the quest route and offers an efficient customized site search. This facilitates online search by offering content and the relationship between the search question and the related web pages dependent on individuals.
Myocardial Infarction (MI) is a life-threatening heart disease, timely medical intervention of which can reduce the mortality rate. It can be detected from Electrocardiogram or ECG. Diagnostic methods of this disease by clinical approaches are typically invasive. They also do not fulfill the detection accuracy, and there is a chance of human error. In the medical field, machine learning techniques have great potential for disease diagnosis. We can achieve accurate detection from ECG by using deep learning methods. In this paper, we did a comprehensive comparative study of a few existing proposals with different approaches to detect and predict Myocardial infarction. And then we proposed a deep learning approach for future implementation in order to achieve superior performance.
In today’s world, where technology is advancing every single day, new methodologies are being developed, and are brought in everyday use making our lives simpler, faster, safer, and powerful. Similarly, Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is getting more popular with all the revolutions made in the technologies. Sensor Network Technology is used in industrial applications, smart homes and system. A massive amount of data can be obtained from these sensors which are linked to the human body. Recognition of Human Activities using these sensors, and wearable technologies has been actively studied. Behavior Recognition seeks to distinguish one or more people’s activities and goals through a collection of observations on the actions and environmental conditions of the person. Health surveillance, aged treatment, and plenty of other domains can be used to automatically understand the behavioral context. An existing dataset consisting of 10 subjects (5 females, 5 males) is being used in the paper, which incorporates both young and old volunteers between 19 and 60 years of old with weights ranging from 55 to 85 kg. The dataset reflects motion data collected when subjects are engaged in 11 separate (static and dynamic) smart home activities: computer usage (1 min), telephone conversation (1 min), vacuum cleaning (1 min), book reading (1 min), TV watching (1 min), ironing (1 min), walking (1 min), exercise (1 min), cooking (1 min), drinking (20 times), hair brushing (1 min) (20 times). Most of the activities are similar because of the multi sensor environment which makes it more difficult. Using three tri axial IMU (inertial measurement unit), Magnetometer, Accelerometer, Gyroscope sensors attached to the subject area of the hand, chest, and thigh, using Machine Learning we introduced a better model to prognosticate the human activity. We have applied various machine learning classification algorithms like Random Forest Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree, Multi-layer Perceptron Classifier, Extra Tree Classifier, Ensemble Extra Trees Classifier, Label Propagation and Label Spreading. The experimental results are tabulated and analyzed, and might be effectively accustomed to recognize human activities in terms of efficiency and accuracy.
The fundamental point of this work is the advancement of a model that depends on deep learning-based examination for the plan and conclusion of a flaw of a ball bearing. In this work, we will be modeling the ball bearing with the help of mathematical equations used in the literature. We will be using open-source data of “Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT bearing fault dataset)” for training and then some data will be used for testing also. A variant of the deep learning method, 1D convolutional neural network, is applied with the data for recognition of flaws and also for classification of flaws or faults at the ball bearing’s inner raceway. The advantage of this approach is less computational complexity and higher accuracy of results.
The process of controlling various operating equipment, machinery, etc., automatically can be termed as automation. This is an efficient method to use in every field to reduce manpower, energy usage, and also for improving the quality, accuracy, precision, and efficiency of any system. The home automation system helps in automating various aspects of life. The invention of advanced technologies and computing methodology helps in automating various activities in the home, often termed as a smart home. Through this automated process, the user can easily closely monitor various activities at home. The computing technologies like the Internet of Things, evolutionary algorithm, data science, and machine learning (ML) algorithms help to analyze, predict, and smartly monitor the home activities. The integration of ML and artificial intelligence (AI) is increasing day by day in managing a smart home. Home automation can help in managing energy consumption, intruder detection, fire detection, gas leakage, and any abnormal activities in and surrounding the home. For example, our home kitchens can be upgraded with the integration of AI and ML to improve the functioning of pantries, fridges, stoves, cooking, and energy efficiency. Smart fridges, cooking technology, and stoves are already emerging in the home automation industry. In this chapter, we have discussed various projects, uses, and applications of AI and ML techniques in various domains.
Robots are becoming ubiquitous: from industrial application to high-precision robotic surgery. One of the most challenging issues to grapple with regarding the deployment of these robots is how to accurately place the end effectors to the target in the minimum time. Further end effector position is decided by how joints are oriented. In the textbooks, we find analytical solutions for these robots but there are very limited numbers of robots for which analytical solutions can be obtained. In this chapter, we have analyzed a 7-degree of freedom robotic manipulator with the help of D-H convention by establishing different parameters of robotic manipulators. Further, we have used Catia V5 Pro software for modeling and positioning different end-effector and manipulator position. We have taken a number of end effectors positions (target) to calculate the joint angles. We have employed two swarm optimization: Particle Swarm Optimization and Firefly Algorithm to find the joint angels for a given target. With the selection of random points in the workspace we have run the simulation to achieve the predetermined accuracy.
Living in the twenty-first century, there has been a massive growth in the number of autonomous vehicles present on the streets. Technology which once seemed impossible is being used in increasing number of vehicles day-by-day. With the technical advancement also comes challenges, it is not at all easy to develop and safely deploy these self-driving vehicles. So, in this chapter, a particular problem is being tackled, which is to predict future coordinates of all agents like cars, pedestrians, cyclists, etc., around AV. The main motive of this particular chapter is to measure the result efficiency of different deep learning models by evaluating the root mean square error (MSE) score. The models take as input the present state of the surroundings and based on that predicts the movement of the agents.
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) provides significant support for observing and controlling industrial machinery. In this paper, a novel hierarchical feature enhancement network (HFEN) is proposed by combining signal processing and representation learning. The signal processing is based on frequency and time frequency analysis, which extracts features with definite physical significance, whereas representation learning improves the representability of the physical features by connecting stacked denoising autoencoders and squeeze-and-excitation networks. A novel two-stream architecture is designed for HFEN to fuse two types of features. Consequently, HFEN can extract features that can be analyzed for physical significance and that are also representative in terms of recognizable patterns. The experimental results prove that the performance of HFEN is satisfactory in terms of accuracy and efficiency when compared to other methods. Finally, this study also aims to demonstrate the potential of a new pairing that fuses the model- and data-driven strategies for IIoT.