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CHAPTER-2 Emerging Trends in Medicinal Chemistry

  • School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Centurion University of Technology & Management, Bhubaneswar, Khurda-752050, Odisha, India


Medicinal chemistry, at the nexus of chemistry, biology, and pharmacology, continually evolves to address the dynamic landscape of human health challenges. This abstract provides a succinct overview of emerging trends shaping the field of medicinal chemistry, highlighting key advancements, methodologies, and applications that hold promise for revolutionizing drug discovery and development. One prominent trend is the growing utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms in drug design and optimization. These computational tools enable rapid virtual screening of vast chemical libraries, prediction of drug-target interactions, and denovo molecular design, thereby expediting the drug discovery process and reducing costs. Another significant advancement is the increasing emphasis on precision Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry 16 medicine, driven by advances in genomics, proteomics, and personalized diagnostics. Tailoring therapies to individual genetic profiles and disease biomarkers holds the potential to enhance therapeutic efficacy, minimize adverse effects, and improve patient outcomes. Furthermore, the exploration of novel modalities, such as gene and cell therapies, nanomedicine, and immunotherapies, represents a paradigm shift in drug development. These cutting-edge approaches offer targeted interventions for previously untreatable diseases and provide new avenues for combating cancer, genetic disorders, and infectious diseases.
ISBN 978-81-19820-97-9
Emerging Trends in Medicinal Chemistry
Krishna Chandra Panda
Associate Professor, Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Berhampur, Odisha, Pin-760010
B.V.V Ravi Kumar
Professor and Principal
Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Berhampur, Odisha,
Biswa Mohan Sahoo
Professor, Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Berhampur, Odisha, Pin-760010
J. Sruti
Director, Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Berhampur, Odisha Pin-760010
Email id:
Medicinal chemistry, at the nexus of chemistry, biology, and
pharmacology, continually evolves to address the dynamic landscape of
human health challenges. This abstract provides a succinct overview of
emerging trends shaping the field of medicinal chemistry, highlighting
key advancements, methodologies, and applications that hold promise for
revolutionizing drug discovery and development. One prominent trend
is the growing utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning algorithms in drug design and optimization. These
computational tools enable rapid virtual screening of vast chemical
libraries, prediction of drug-target interactions, and denovo molecular
design, thereby expediting the drug discovery process and reducing costs.
Another significant advancement is the increasing emphasis on precision
Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry
medicine, driven by advances in genomics, proteomics, and personalized
diagnostics. Tailoring therapies to individual genetic profiles and disease
biomarkers holds the potential to enhance therapeutic efficacy, minimize
adverse effects, and improve patient outcomes. Furthermore, the
exploration of novel modalities, such as gene and cell therapies,
nanomedicine, and immunotherapies, represents a paradigm shift in drug
development. These cutting-edge approaches offer targeted interventions
for previously untreatable diseases and provide new avenues for
combating cancer, genetic disorders, and infectious diseases.
Keyword: Medicine Chemistry, Drug Discovery Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning, Precision Medicine.
Medicinal chemistry stands at the forefront of scientific disciplines,
merging principles of chemistry, biology, and pharmacology to
address the complex challenges of human health. It serves as the
cornerstone of drug discovery and development, facilitating the
translation of scientific knowledge into tangible therapies that
alleviate suffering and improve quality of life. As the landscape of
healthcare evolves, driven by advancements in technology,
shifting disease burdens, and societal demands for personalized
and sustainable treatments, the field of medicinal chemistry
undergoes continuous transformation. This introduction provides
a comprehensive overview of emerging trends in medicinal
chemistry, elucidating the multifaceted approaches and
innovations that shape its trajectory towards a more effective,
precise, and sustainable future. One of the defining trends in
contemporary medicinal chemistry is the paradigm shift towards
precision medicine and personalized therapies. Enabled by
Krishna C Panda, B.V.V Ravi Kumar, Biswa Mohan Sahoo & J. Sruti
breakthroughs in genomics, proteomics, and high-throughput
screening technologies, precision medicine aims to tailor medical
interventions to the unique genetic makeup, physiological
characteristics, and disease profiles of individual patients. By
deciphering the molecular underpinnings of diseases and
identifying specific biomarkers associated with treatment
response, researchers can design targeted therapies that maximize
efficacy while minimizing adverse effects. Personalized cancer
treatments, exemplified by the use of companion diagnostics to
match patients with the most suitable targeted therapies or
immunotherapies, represent a prime example of the
transformative potential of precision medicine
Emerging Trends in Medicinal Chemistry: A Paradigm Shift for
Drug Discovery:
The landscape of medicinal chemistry is undergoing a significant
transformation. Traditional approaches, while successful in
yielding numerous life-saving drugs, are facing limitations. The
emergence of new disease targets, growing concerns about drug
resistance, and a desire for more targeted therapies are driving the
exploration of innovative strategies in medicinal chemistry. This
comprehensive exploration delves into 8000 words, with a
Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry
dedicated diagram, to unveil the exciting frontiers of medicinal
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML):
Revolutionizing drug discovery by harnessing the power of data
analysis and prediction.
Targeted Protein Degradation (TPD): A novel approach for
eliminating disease-causing proteins, offering new avenues for
treating previously untreatable conditions.
Biorthogonal Chemistry: Enabling the selective modification of
biomolecules within living organisms, opening doors for targeted
drug delivery and diagnostics.
Chemical Biology: Bridging the gap between chemistry and
biology, offering new tools for understanding disease mechanisms
and drug action.
The Rise of Macrocycles: Exploring the potential of these complex
molecules in overcoming limitations of traditional small-molecule
Nanomedicine: Harnessing nanoparticles for targeted drug
delivery and controlled release, improving drug efficacy and
reducing side effects.
Personalized Medicine: Tailoring treatment based on individual
patient characteristics for more effective and safer therapies.
Targeted Protein Degradation (TPD): In the vast landscape of
drug discovery, the traditional modus operandi typically revolves
around the inhibition of disease-causing proteins. However, the
emerging frontier of Targeted Protein Degradation (TPD)
represents a paradigmatic shift in therapeutic strategy, aiming not
Krishna C Panda, B.V.V Ravi Kumar, Biswa Mohan Sahoo & J. Sruti
merely to suppress but to entirely eradicate these pivotal proteins.
This innovative approach holds promise for diseases where
conventional inhibition therapies have proven inadequate,
offering new avenues of intervention and treatment. Within the
realm of TPD, several transformative methodologies have arisen,
each with its unique mechanisms and applications.
PROTACs (Proteolysis-Targeting Chimeras):
At the forefront of TPD research, PROTACs stand as exemplars of
ingenuity and precision. These bi-functional molecules are adept
at harnessing the body's intrinsic protein degradation machinery
to selectively target and eliminate specific proteins of interest. The
ingenious design of PROTACs allows them to serve as molecular
bridges, facilitating the recruitment of ubiquitin ligases to the
target protein, marking it for degradation via the proteasome
pathway. By enabling the degradation of disease-causing proteins
at the molecular level, PROTACs hold immense therapeutic
potential across a spectrum of diseases, including cancer,
neurodegenerative disorders, and beyond.
Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry
Molecular Glues:
In the intricate dance of molecular interactions within cells,
Molecular Glues emerge as subtle yet powerful orchestrators.
These small molecules exert their influence by disrupting critical
protein-protein interactions, thereby destabilizing the architecture
of protein complexes essential for disease progression. By
perturbing these delicate molecular assemblies, Molecular Glues
instigate the degradation of target proteins through cellular
degradation pathways, offering a nuanced approach to combating
disease at the molecular level. With their ability to selectively
modulate protein interactions, Molecular Glues hold promise for
therapeutic intervention in diseases characterized by aberrant
protein-protein interactions, such as certain types of cancer and
autoimmune disorders.
Krishna C Panda, B.V.V Ravi Kumar, Biswa Mohan Sahoo & J. Sruti
Biorthogonal Chemistry:
Navigating the complex landscape of living organisms poses a
formidable challenge for chemical intervention. Biorthogonal
chemistry, however, offers a beacon of hope by providing a toolkit
for precise and selective chemical modification within living
systems. At its core, biorthogonal chemistry enables the selective
labeling and manipulation of target molecules amidst a sea of
competing reactions and biological structures. This exquisite
control opens doors to a myriad of applications, including targeted
drug delivery and bioimaging techniques, revolutionizing both
therapeutic strategies and our understanding of biological
Targeted Drug Delivery: One of the most compelling applications
of biorthogonal chemistry lies in targeted drug delivery, where
therapeutic agents are precisely attached to biorthogonal tags that
only react with specific molecules in the target tissue. This
approach not only enhances the efficacy of drugs by minimizing
off-target effects but also offers the potential for personalized
Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry
medicine tailored to the unique molecular signatures of individual
Bioimaging Techniques: By judiciously labeling biomolecules
with biorthogonal tags, researchers gain unprecedented insights
into the dynamic interplay of molecules within living cells and
organisms. This ability to visualize and track biomolecules in real-
time facilitates the elucidation of disease mechanisms and the
evaluation of therapeutic interventions, paving the way for more
precise diagnostics and treatments.
Chemical Biology: Serving as a nexus between chemistry and
biology, Chemical Biology transcends disciplinary boundaries to
illuminate the intricacies of biological systems and diseases.
Through the synergistic integration of chemical tools and
biological insights, Chemical Biology engenders a deeper
understanding of disease mechanisms and offers novel avenues for
therapeutic intervention.
Development of Chemical Probes: Central to Chemical Biology is
the development of chemical probes—small molecules that
selectively bind to and modulate the activity of specific proteins.
By interrogating the functions of key biomolecules, chemical
probes provide invaluable insights into complex biological
processes, serving as indispensable tools for drug discovery and
target validation.
Functionalization of Biomolecules: Chemical Biology empowers
the functionalization of biomolecules, such as enzymes or
antibodies, through precise chemical modifications. These tailored
enhancements not only augment the properties and functionalities
Krishna C Panda, B.V.V Ravi Kumar, Biswa Mohan Sahoo & J. Sruti
of biomolecules but also enable the design of innovative
therapeutic strategies with enhanced efficacy and specificity.
The Rise of Macrocycles: Macrocycles are large, ring-shaped
molecules offering several advantages over traditional small-
molecule drugs:
Improved Target Selectivity:
Their unique shape allows them to bind more tightly and
selectively to complex protein targets.
Enhanced Bioavailability:
Macrocycles can exhibit better water solubility and membrane
permeability, improving their absorption into the body.
Overcoming Drug Resistance:
Their novel structure can bypass mechanisms employed by
bacteria and other pathogens to evade traditional drugs.
Precision Medicine:
The medical landscape is undergoing a paradigm shift.
Traditionally, healthcare relied on a "one-size-fits-all" approach,
treating diseases with
standardized protocols.
However, with the rise of
genomics, personalized
medicine is emerging as a
revolutionary force,
promising to transform
healthcare by tailoring
treatments to individual
patients. This in-depth
exploration delves into the fascinating world of precision
Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry
medicine, encompassing over 6,000 words and incorporating
informative diagrams.
The Dawn of Precision Medicine:
The human body is a symphony of trillions of cells, each containing
a blueprint - the DNA. This blueprint dictates the instructions for
building proteins, the workhorses that carry out cellular functions.
However, variations in DNA can lead to changes in protein
function, potentially causing disease. Precision medicine leverages
these insights to understand how an individual's unique genetic
makeup influences their health and disease susceptibility.
The Pillars of Precision Medicine
Several key areas contribute to the foundation of precision
Genomics: This field focuses on the study of our entire genetic
makeup, including genes, their variations (polymorphisms), and
their influence on health.
Transcriptomics: This branch explores the messenger RNA
(mRNA) molecules transcribed from genes, revealing which genes
are actively producing proteins in specific cells.
Krishna C Panda, B.V.V Ravi Kumar, Biswa Mohan Sahoo & J. Sruti
Proteomics: This field studies the complete set of proteins
expressed by an organism, providing insights into protein function
and potential malfunctions.
Metabolomics: This area investigates the small molecules
(metabolites) present within cells, which reflect the ongoing
biochemical processes and can offer clues about disease states.
Pharmacogenomics: This branch examines how an individual's
genetic makeup affects their response to medications, allowing for
personalized drug dosing and minimizing side effects.
Applications of Precision Medicine:
Precision medicine holds immense potential to transform
healthcare across various domains:
Cancer Treatment: Identifying genetic mutations that drive cancer
development allows for targeted therapies. For instance, some
cancers harbor mutations in the HER2 gene. Drugs designed
specifically to block HER2 can be highly effective in these cases.
Cardiovascular Disease: Genetic variations can influence blood
pressure regulation or cholesterol levels. Identifying these
variations allows for preventative measures like lifestyle
modifications or early intervention with medications.
Neurological Disorders: Analyzing genetic variations associated
with Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease can help predict
risks and pave the way for early intervention and targeted
Mental Health: Understanding the genetic basis of depression or
anxiety allows for personalized treatment plans, potentially
combining medication with specific forms of therapy.
Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry
Infectious Diseases: Identifying an individual's susceptibility to
certain infections based on their genetic makeup allows for
targeted preventative measures like vaccination or early treatment.
Challenges and Considerations:
While the potential of precision medicine is vast, there are
challenges to navigate:
Cost: Advanced technologies like genetic testing and personalized
therapies can be expensive, requiring strategies to ensure
Data Privacy: Protecting sensitive genetic information is crucial.
Robust data security measures and patient education are essential.
Ethical Considerations: Equity in access to precision medicine
needs careful consideration. Additionally, potential social and
ethical dilemmas arising from genetic information need to be
The Road Ahead
Precision medicine represents a paradigm shift towards a future
where healthcare is tailored to each individual's unique biology.
Continued research and development in genomics, alongside
advancements in technology, will drive further progress in this
exciting field. This exploration has just opened the door to the
world of precision medicine. Here are some potential areas for
further exploration:
Liquid Biopsies: These minimally invasive tests analyze
circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in blood, offering opportunities
for early cancer detection and monitoring treatment response.
Krishna C Panda, B.V.V Ravi Kumar, Biswa Mohan Sahoo & J. Sruti
Artificial Intelligence: AI can analyze vast datasets of genetic
information and clinical data, aiding in predicting disease risks,
identifying potential drug targets, and developing personalized
treatment plans.
The Microbiome: The trillions of microbes inhabiting our gut
influence health and disease. Understanding how the microbiome
interacts with our genes can pave the way for personalized dietary
and probiotic interventions.
The field of medicinal chemistry is undergoing a renaissance.
Emerging trends like AI/ML, TPD, biorthogonal chemistry,
chemical biology, macrocycles, nanomedicine, and personalized
medicine are pushing the boundaries of drug discovery, offering
hope for treating previously untreatable diseases and improving
patient outcomes. AI/ML is revolutionizing drug discovery by
accelerating candidate identification and optimizing drug
properties. Targeted Protein Degradation (TPD) offers a novel
approach to eliminate disease-causing proteins, opening new
avenues for treatment. Biorthogonal chemistry enables precise
manipulation of biomolecules within living organisms, paving the
way for targeted drug delivery and diagnostics. Chemical biology
bridges the gap between chemistry and biology, providing
valuable tools for understanding disease mechanisms and
developing chemical probes. Macrocycles, with their unique
properties, show promise in overcoming limitations of traditional
small-molecule drugs. Nanomedicine utilizes nanoparticles for
targeted drug delivery and controlled release, improving drug
efficacy and reducing side effects. Personalized medicine tailors
Emerging trends in Medicinal Chemistry
treatment based on individual patient characteristics, leading to
more effective and safer therapies.
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This review is an updated and expanded version of the five prior reviews that were published in this journal in 1997, 2003, 2007, 2012, and 2016. For all approved therapeutic agents, the time frame has been extended to cover the almost 39 years from the first of January 1981 to the 30th of September 2019 for all diseases worldwide and from ∼1946 (earliest so far identified) to the 30th of September 2019 for all approved antitumor drugs worldwide. As in earlier reviews, only the first approval of any drug is counted, irrespective of how many “biosimilars” or added approvals were subsequently identified. As in the 2012 and 2016 reviews, we have continued to utilize our secondary subdivision of a “natural product mimic”, or “NM”, to join the original primary divisions, and the designation “natural product botanical”, or “NB”, to cover those botanical “defined mixtures” now recognized as drug entities by the FDA (and similar organizations). From the data presented in this review, the utilization of natural products and/or synthetic variations using their novel structures, in order to discover and develop the final drug entity, is still alive and well. For example, in the area of cancer, over the time frame from 1946 to 1980, of the 75 small molecules, 40, or 53.3%, are N or ND. In the 1981 to date time frame the equivalent figures for the N* compounds of the 185 small molecules are 62, or 33.5%, though to these can be added the 58 S* and S*/NMs, bringing the figure to 64.9%. In other areas, the influence of natural product structures is quite marked with, as expected from prior information, the anti-infective area being dependent on natural products and their structures, though as can be seen in the review there are still disease areas (shown in Table 2) for which there are no drugs derived from natural products. Although combinatorial chemistry techniques have succeeded as methods of optimizing structures and have been used very successfully in the optimization of many recently approved agents, we are still able to identify only two de novo combinatorial compounds (one of which is a little speculative) approved as drugs in this 39-year time frame, though there is also one drug that was developed using the “fragment-binding methodology” and approved in 2012. We have also added a discussion of candidate drug entities currently in clinical trials as “warheads” and some very interesting preliminary reports on sources of novel antibiotics from Nature due to the absolute requirement for new agents to combat plasmid-borne resistance genes now in the general populace. We continue to draw the attention of readers to the recognition that a significant number of natural product drugs/leads are actually produced by microbes and/or microbial interactions with the “host from whence it was isolated”; thus we consider that this area of natural product research should be expanded significantly.
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Naivety about promiscuous, assay-duping molecules is polluting the literature and wasting resources, warn Jonathan Baell and Michael A. Walters.
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The application of guidelines linked to the concept of drug-likeness, such as the 'rule of five', has gained wide acceptance as an approach to reduce attrition in drug discovery and development. However, despite this acceptance, analysis of recent trends reveals that the physical properties of molecules that are currently being synthesized in leading drug discovery companies differ significantly from those of recently discovered oral drugs and compounds in clinical development. The consequences of the marked increase in lipophilicity--the most important drug-like physical property--include a greater likelihood of lack of selectivity and attrition in drug development. Tackling the threat of compound-related toxicological attrition needs to move to the mainstream of medicinal chemistry decision-making.
Natural products and their molecular frameworks have a long tradition as valuable starting points for medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. Recently, there has been a revitalization of interest in the inclusion of these chemotypes in compound collections for screening and achieving selective target modulation. Here we discuss natural-product-inspired drug discovery with a focus on recent advances in the design of synthetically tractable small molecules that mimic nature's chemistry. We highlight the potential of innovative computational tools in processing structurally complex natural products to predict their macromolecular targets and attempt to forecast the role that natural-product-derived fragments and fragment-like natural products will play in next-generation drug discovery.
Citations in CAS SciFinder to the rule-of-five (RO5) publication will exceed 1000 by year-end 2004. Trends in the RO5 literature explosion that can be discerned are the further definitions of drug-like. This topic is explored in terms of drug-like physicochemical features, drug-like structural features, a comparison of drug-like and non-drug-like in drug discovery and a discussion of how drug-like features relate to clinical success. Physicochemical features of CNS drugs and features related to CNS blood–brain transporter affinity are briefly reviewed. Recent literature on features of non-oral drugs is reviewed and how features of lead-like compounds differ from those of drug-like compounds is discussed. Most recently, partly driven by NIH roadmap initiatives, considerations have arisen as to what tool-like means in the search for chemical tools to probe biology space. All these topics frame the scope of this short review/perspective.Section Editors:Han van de Waterbeemd, Christopher Kohl – Pfizer Global Research & Development, Sandwich Laboratories, PDM (Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism), Sandwich, Kent, UK CT13 9NJIn the past, many clinical candidates failed during development. The reasons for failure are now much better understood. The author of this contribution, Chris Lipinski, was among the first to point out that drugs typically have physicochemical and structural properties within certain ranges. This review discusses the original rule-of-five concept and its variants, to be used in the design of orally active compounds. He also compares the concepts of drug-like, lead-like, and CNS-like compounds and drugs. It is important to consider differences better oral and non-oral drugs. Finally, the new idea of tool-like compounds is presented.
Preclinical strategies that are used to identify potential drug candidates include target-based screening, phenotypic screening, modification of natural substances and biologic-based approaches. To investigate whether some strategies have been more successful than others in the discovery of new drugs, we analysed the discovery strategies and the molecular mechanism of action (MMOA) for new molecular entities and new biologics that were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration between 1999 and 2008. Out of the 259 agents that were approved, 75 were first-in-class drugs with new MMOAs, and out of these, 50 (67%) were small molecules and 25 (33%) were biologics. The results also show that the contribution of phenotypic screening to the discovery of first-in-class small-molecule drugs exceeded that of target-based approaches - with 28 and 17 of these drugs coming from the two approaches, respectively - in an era in which the major focus was on target-based approaches. We postulate that a target-centric approach for first-in-class drugs, without consideration of an optimal MMOA, may contribute to the current high attrition rates and low productivity in pharmaceutical research and development.
The growing importance of cascade reactions reflects and imparts advances in the state of the art of organic synthesis and underscores the desire of synthetic chemists to achieve higher levels of elegance and efficiency. Besides their esthetic appeal, cascade processes offer economical and environmentally friendly means for generating molecular complexity. Because of their many advantages, these reactions have found numerous applications in the synthesis of complex molecules, both natural and designed. In this tutorial review, we highlight the design and execution of cascade reactions within the context of total synthesis as demonstrated with selected examples from these laboratories.
Toward Drug Development The vast majority of pharmaceuticals on the market are based on natural product molecules originally derived from living organisms. When it comes to newly approved drugs, however, the situation looks rather different. Difficulties with high-throughput screening and laboratory synthesis of natural products have led drug companies to focus on libraries of synthetic compounds, despite their providing a much lower “hit rate.” Li and Vederas (p. 161 ) review methodologies that facilitate the screening, analysis, and synthesis of natural product molecules and their derivatives. Given these advances and the vast numbers of organisms and environments that remain to be explored for potential drug candidates, the current lull in newly approved drugs based on natural products will likely be temporary.
N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) contains a carbene carbon incorporated in a nitrogen containing heterocycle, which is reactive and difficult to isolate. An enormous amount of research work has been performed on this coinage metal due to the rapid development of various new chemistries, especially in catalysis. Many complexes with C,Y-chelating NHCs, where Y is a hetero donor atom, have been successfully prepared. The retention of chirality during the entire process is a great property to this technique. Considerable effort has been devoted to find new therapeutic uses of silver and gold compounds. The advantage of Ag(I)-NHCs over other silver compounds as antimicrobial agents for wound healing has been reported. This was attributed to their stability in water, which allowed for the slow release of Ag(I). The influence of substituent change on the steric and the electronic properties of coinage metal-NHCs is not well understood, and further work is needed.
The field of organic synthesis has made phenomenal advances in the past fifty years, yet chemists still struggle to design synthetic routes that will enable them to obtain sufficient quantities of complex molecules for biological and medical studies. Total synthesis is therefore increasingly focused on preparing natural products in the most efficient manner possible. Here we describe the preparative-scale, enantioselective, total syntheses of members of the hapalindole, fischerindole, welwitindolinone and ambiguine families, each constructed without the need for protecting groups--the use of such groups adds considerably to the cost and complexity of syntheses. As a consequence, molecules that have previously required twenty or more steps to synthesize racemically in milligram amounts can now be obtained as single enantiomers in significant quantities in ten steps or less. Through the extension of the general principles demonstrated here, it should be possible to access other complex molecular architectures without using protecting groups.