Krishan Berwal

Krishan Berwal

Doctor of Philosophy


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Presently, Dr. Krishan Berwal is working as associate Professor after relieved from National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. Prior to this assignment, Dr. Kumar spent about 8.5 years at NIT Uttarakhand as a faculty member where, he served as a coordinator of Campus Wide Networking from July 2016 to June 2019, as a Head of department from March 2019 to February 2022 and as a Coordinator of Career Counselling and Placement from March 2022 to November 2022
Additional affiliations
July 2014 - present
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Uttarakhand
  • Professor (Assistant)
July 2014 - present
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Uttarakhand
  • Professor (Assistant)
July 2015 - March 2019
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
Field of study
  • Computer Science & Engg.


Publications (87)
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In the digital world, text data is produced in an unstructured manner across various communication channels. Extracting valuable information from such data with security is crucial and requires the development of techniques in text mining, information retrieval, and natural language processing (NLP). To solve this issue, we introduce two novel appr...
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Video security has emerged as an essential study inultimedia security in recent years because videos are the most effective and widely used multimedia format and immediately establish a connection with users. It is necessary to prevent sensitive information from being stolen or destroyed in various domains, including the military, finance, and educ...
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Video security has emerged as a critical study issue in multimedia security in recent years as videos are the most effective and widely used multimedia format. They immediately establish a connection with users. It is necessary to prevent this sensitive information from being stolen or destroyed in various domains, including the military, finance,...
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Security of multimedia content on the Cloud has emerged as the major research area in today’s era of the internet. Most exchange of multimedia content across the globe is done over the Cloud. Such communication is done openly in a cloud environment where anyone can quickly access the data. Therefore, it should provide reliable security mechanisms a...
The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to continue striking havoc on society and the economy throughout the world, causing significant morbidity and mortality. Various degrees of restriction have been required to stop, but it impacts an incalculable number of individuals and economic lives in addition to those directly affected by the disease. Governmen...
The goal of human activity recognition (HAR) is to characterize activities based on a series of observations on people’s actions and surroundings variables. The relevance of vision-based HAR research is growing, not just in terms of security and surveillance but also due to psychological interests in understanding human behavior responses. The purp...
This paper aims to detect car license plates in challenging scenarios such as distorted, high or low light, and dusty environments. This paper uses a deep learning network to extract information from a vehicle’s license plate efficiently. The Number Plate Identification System (NPIS) offers a wide range of applications in today’s digital world. Bec...
Detecting sleepiness in drivers while driving is essential in order to prevent accidents and reduce the number of mortality caused by drivers sleeping behind the wheels. With the rapid growth of the population, the number of accidents on the roads has increased dramatically, and many people have died as a result of those accidents. It’s a serious i...
n smart grid communication, tampering and illegally accessing power data can lead to ambiguous decisions that disturb power demand management and may lead to system failure. Hence, an efficient security protocol is required to secure smart grid communications. This paper proposes a secure authenticated key agreement scheme to establish a session ke...
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In recent years, there has been a rapid development in the digital world of image communication over unsecured networks. Many domains, including military, medical, government, and education, require transmitting sensitive data through images. Hence, it raises the primary concern of its secrecy with the advancement of technologies. Traditional metho...
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Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) enables the effective implementation of product-based online business transactions. In this paper, we categorize the dataset consisting of Amazon reviews into positive and negative. Consumers are able to choose a product solely on these binary text categorizations, neglecting the manual rating provided in the review...
A huge volume of data generated by the video surveillance creates a variety of problems when utilized for different purposes such as video indexing, retrieval, analysis and summarization. The exponential growth of video content needs an effective video summarization which can help in efficient indexing and retrieval of data. The video summariza-tio...
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One of the critical multimedia analysis problems in today’s digital world is video summarization (VS). Many VS methods have been suggested based on deep learning methods. Nevertheless, These are inefficient in processing, extracting, and deriving information in the minimum amount of time from long-duration videos. Detailed analysis and investigatio...
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Human activity recognition is a theme commonly explored in computer vision. Its applications in various domains include monitoring systems, video processing, robotics, and healthcare sector, etc. Activity recognition is a difficult task since there are structural changes among subjects, as well as inter-class and intra-class correlation between act...
The recent development of disability studies in academic bodies has expedited the promotion of investigation on disability. With computer-aided tools, communication between the impaired person and someone who does not understand sign language could be accessible. A large number of people across the world are using sign language (e.g., British Sign...
Advanced Driver Assistant System(ADAS) is a critical component of self-driving cars, and lane detection is one of its applications. Convolution Neural Network(CNN) has exhibited its potential to devise state-of-the-art solutions for various computer vision problems and lane detection. However, different scales of lane lines, partial visibility of l...
On-demand provisioning of computing resources using the network over the Cloud consumes a tremendous amount of energy. The energy consumed does not scale out efficiently with the computational use of the resources. A large portion accounts for the power consumption to drive the hardware and cooling facilities for the hardware resources. Nowadays, e...
Conference Paper
The deadliest COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is expanding steadily and internationally due to which the nation economy almost come to a complete halt; citizens are locked up; activity is stagnant and this turn toward fear of government for the health predicament. Public healthcare organizations are mostly in despair need of decision-making emerging technolo...
In this digital world, technology mainly revolves around multimedia content, which is massive. The existing techniques are inadequate to capture the movement of the human upper body parts in real-time. Therefore, a system is urgently required to track the human upper body parts movements from image and video content. The Viola–Jones algorithm based...
Due to the growing popularity of digital currencies like Bitcoin, criminals have begun producing and marketing ransomware to obtain virtual currency. This work focuses on the main category (crypto-ransomware) of ransomware attacks, making the victim's data impossible to recover once it has been encrypted. It encrypts its victim's files with an encr...
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In recent days, cloud computing data centres are considerably involved in performing operations. It accounts for the enormous energy consumption, which increases with an increase in computing capacity. Thinking with respect for the environment, reducing operating costs and energy consumption can prove to be beneficial. Previous works in data-centre...
In the Multimedia era, the production of video data is massive due to advancements in computing and network infrastructure. To summarize the video events, the entire video needs to be watched, which may take a few hours to summarize events in the video. Manually generating a summary of the video events requires considerable human time and effort. I...
The COVID-19 pandemic presents the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community with many obstacles. Healthcare organizations are in desperate need of technology for decision-making to tackle this virus and allow them to get timely feedback in real-time to prevent its spread. With the epidemic now being a global pandemic, AI tools and technology can be u...
Conference Paper
Human Action Recognition (HAR) is a rapidly growing study area in computer vision due to its wide applicability. Because of their varied appearance and the broad range of stances that they can assume, detecting individuals in images is a difficult undertaking. Due to its superior performance over existing machine learning methods and high universal...
On 11 March 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) recorded the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID‐19) pandemic outbreak and reiterated the call for countries to take decisive action and scale up their response to treat, identify, and minimize transmission in order to save the lives of people. Healthcare organizations have an immediate need for decisi...
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The communication between a person from the impaired community with a person who does not understand sign language could be a tedious task. Sign language is the art of conveying messages using hand gestures. Recognition of dynamic hand gestures in American Sign Language (ASL) became a very important challenge that is still unresolved. In order to r...
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Text analysis has gained immense popularity due to the widespread use of the internet and unrestricted access to people’s opinions provided by social media. Analyzing public emotions in real-time can enable us to predict problematic situations like civil unrest that may arise in the future allowing us to take measures to prevent or handle them. Thi...
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Background We have recently witnessed incredible interest in computer-based, internet web-dependent mechanisms and artificial intelligence (AI)-dependent technique emergence in our day-to-day lives. In the recent era of COVID-19 pandemic, this nonhuman, machine-based technology has gained a lot of momentum. Main body of the abstract The supercompu...
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Malaria is now a lethal, contagious, mosquito‐borne critical disease spawn by Anopheles mosquito bitten spread through Plasmodium parasites. Modern information technology, along with biomedical research and political efforts, plays an important role in many attempts to combat the disease. Automating the diagnostic process would allow for precise di...
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In the digital era, the growth of multimedia data is increasing at a rapid pace, which demands both effective and efficient summarization techniques. Such advanced techniques are required so that the users can quickly access the video content, recorded by multiple cameras for a certain period. At present, it is very challenging to manage and search...
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Recognition of plant disease is significantly a difficult challenge in agriculture farming field. Faster and more accurate prediction of leaf diseases in plants will help to improve crop production and market value in an effective management strategy while dramatically reducing environmental damage. Disease detection in plant needs a lot hard work,...
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The growing amount of data has necessitated the use of Intrusion Detection Systems in the modern days. The performance of an IDS is determined by the feature selection and classifiers. The traditional IDS fail to give satisfactory performance in today’s world of growing data. We, in this paper, have propose a hybrid, two step approach for intrusion...
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In this multimedia era, the security of the multimedia content over Cloud becomes a crucial research area. There are several modes of communication available for transmitting the information over the Cloud from one place to another place around the globe. Such communication networks are open to all, where anyone can access very easily. To abate the...
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The stock market or equity market has a significant impact on our world. An increment or the decrement in the share price determines whether an investor is going to be in gain or not. The existing prediction models with the help of both dynamic and definite algorithms focuses on foreseeing the stock value of a single organization using the daily op...
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Cancer is a dreadful heterogeneous disease that refers to abnormal growth of cell tissue. Millions of people die every year due to unnoticed recognition or late detection of the disease. Hence, detecting presence of cancer cells correctly becomes important. Putting into attention the number of people affected by cancer, we need to find better ways...
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Machine Learning today in data analysis field robotize interperative model framework. Classification algorithms in Machine learning have grown to be among the leading research topics and its utilization in therapeutic datasets are in discussion all over. Acknowledging the fact that combining multiple predictions leads to more accurate results than...
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The information technology era or the third industrial revolution began around the 1960s; has changed the ways we live, work, and play; and brought substantial challenges that include loss of privacy, fake news, digital divides, and significant information security risks. With billions of connections and systems, security vulnerabilities are abunda...
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Sign language is the art of communicating using hand gestures. The communication between an impaired person and the one who doesn't understand sign language could be easy using the computer as a tool. Inconsistent previous works in the field posed a need for more stable and effective model. We take an efficient step in order to tackle the problem o...
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In this multimedia era, the security of multimedia content over the Cloud becomes a crucial research area. There are several modes of communication available for transmitting the information over the Cloud from one place to another place around the globe. Such communication networks are open to all where anyone can access the data very easily. Ther...
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Transfer of data over a network is one of the most endangered things to look for. As the cases of data leaks and theft are increasing exponentially, there is a need of a secure gateway that can prevent the data from getting misused. In group-oriented application such as video conferencing and multi-player gaming, it is necessary that only the trust...
Conference Paper
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Depression is a mental health issue that once used to be experienced by grandparents and great-grandparents, is so common today even among the youth. Over the years, methods have been developed to counter this mental health issue. But the biggest problem that is being faced is people find it hard to admit that they are suffering from depression. Al...
In this automation era, video surveillance becomes an essential component and omnipresent at ATMs, public places, airports, railways, roadways, etc. There are many challenges to store and access such massive data generated by video surveillance. Therefore, a novel technique is required to manage the comprehensive view of the content. In this work,...
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Nowadays, the video surveillance systems may be omnipresent, but essential for supervision everywhere, e.g., ATM, airport, railway station and other crowded situations. In the multi-view video systems, various cameras are producing a huge amount of video content around the clock which makes it difficult for fast browsing, retrieval, and analysis. A...
Conference Paper
In this current age of digital photography, the digital information is expanding exponentially. The use of such information in fields like research, automation, etc. has experienced a rise over the last decade. Also, employing machines to automate any task has been performed since forever. This leads to extensive use of the machine in solving the t...
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In this digital era, events based video summarization has become an emerging topic in the field of computer vision which finds its applications in video data management, highlights of a game, video surveillance, etc. In this work, we propose a novel network-based approach for event summarization. First, the scale-free network is mapped to a neural...
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The rapid growth of video data demands both effective and efficient video summarization methods so that users are empowered to quickly browse and comprehend a large amount of video content. It is a herculean task to manage access to video content in real time where the humongous amount of audiovisual recorded data is generated every second. In this...
In this work, we propose an unsupervised learning network model based on Self-Organizing Map (SOM) to detect and summarize the events in multi-view surveillance videos. Action recognition in multi-view surveillance videos can be a primary element of a multimedia surveillance systems. The basic elements: Feature extraction, structuring, mapping, and...
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The recognition of player in the soccer game is a challenging task due to the continuous variation in the position, view, orientation and distance of the players as well as the camera. In order to resolve this problem, the player's identification number (which is printed on their jersey) is recognized and based on the number, players are identified...
Conference Paper
All people can not do as they plan, it happens because of their habits. Therefore, habits and moods may affect their productivity. Hence, the habits and moods are the important parts of person's life. Such habits may be analyzed with various machine learning techniques as available nowadays. Now the question of analyzing the Habits and moods of a p...
Conference Paper
Automatic Plate Number Recognition (APNR) has important applications in traffic surveillance, toll booth, protected parking lot, No parking zone, etc. It is a challenging problem, especially when the license plates have varying sizes, the number of lines, fonts, background diversity etc. This work aims to address APNR using deep learning method for...
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In this digital era, the complexity-efficient anomaly concentration becomes a major concern for the surveillance systems. This paper addresses the issue with an efficient and rapid technique for anomaly concentration and detection in the crowded scenes. Our model is trained by a concept of the deep learning (i.e. convolutional neural networks) fram...
Conference Paper
The huge population of India poses a challenge to government, security and law enforcement. What if we could know beforehand the consequences of any events. Social spaces, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Personal blogs, enable people to show their thoughts regarding public issues and topics. Public emotion regarding future and past events, like publ...
In the multimedia era, a large volume of video data can be recorded during a certain period of time by multiple cameras. Such rapid growth of video data requires both effective and efficient multi-view video summarization techniques. The users can quickly browse and comprehend a large amount of audiovisual data. It is very difficult in real time to...
Conference Paper
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The rapid growth of video data demands both effective and efficient video summarization methods so that users are allowed to speedily browse and comprehend a large amount of video content. Hence, it is very challenging to store and access such audiovisual information in real time where an immense amount of recorded video content is rising within on...
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In computing era, a virtual version of a stratagem or resource, such as computer network resources, server, storage device, or a combination of these usually refers as virtualization where the framework segregates the resources into one or more execution instances. A Virtual Machine (VM) created on the host hardware as a software is called a hyperv...
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