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Imai K, Takaoka AComparing antibody and small-molecule therapies for cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 6(9): 714-727



The 'magic bullet' concept of specifically targeting cancer cells at the same time as sparing normal tissues is now proven, as several monoclonal antibodies and targeted small-molecule compounds have been approved for cancer treatment. Both antibodies and small-molecule compounds are therefore promising tools for target-protein-based cancer therapy. We discuss and compare the distinctive properties of these two therapeutic strategies so as to provide a better view for the development of new drugs and the future direction of cancer therapy.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
The term ‘magic bullet’, coined by bacteriologist Paul
Ehrlich in the late 1800s, originally described a chemi-
cal with the ability to specifically target microorgan-
isms. His concept (specific targeting) was expanded
thereafter to include cancer treatments, and has been
successfully applied to the development of innova-
tive cancer-treatment strategies with different, more
specific mechanisms of action than conventional
chemotherapeutic agents
. Such molecular targeting
include monoclonal antibodies (mAbs),
small molecules, peptide mimetics and antisense
oligonucleotides. With the advances in understand-
ing of aberrant signalling pathways in various types
of cancer cells, many pivotal regulators of malignant
behaviour in cancer cells have emerged as candidates
for molecular target-based cancer therapy. Such strat-
egies have improved the management of cancers
A crucial challenge in the development of targeted
agents is to choose an appropriate approach. The two
main approaches discussed here are therapeutic mAbs
and small-molecule inhibitors
(TABLE 1).
Key signalling molecules, such as protein tyrosine
kinases, have proven to be good targets for small-
molecule inhibitors that compete with ATP and
inhibite kinase activity
. Such inhibitors have clini-
cally effective responses in chronic myeloid leukaemia
CML), gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs)
and non-small-cell lung cancer (
. Another
group of targets is represented by tumour-selective
cell-surface proteins, which can be recognized by
antibodies. The therapeutic application of mAbs has
improved response rates in patients with malignant
lymphomas and is currently being assessed in other
tumour types
Many small-molecule agents and mAbs that target
growth-factor receptors and their signalling pathways have
been developed and subjected to clinical trials. Some mol-
ecules are targeted by both types of inhibitors, including
members of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases
(RTKs). The ErbB family comprises four members: epider-
mal growth factor receptor (
EGFR, also known as ERBB1),
ERBB2 (also known as HER2), ERBB3 and ERBB4
(REFS 8,9). Both gene amplification and overexpression of
EGFR and ERBB2 are frequently observed in
breast, lung
colorectal cancers, and the deregulated activation
of intracellular mitogenic signalling by the ErbB family
has been implicated in various cancers
. Therefore, these
receptors have been a focus of molecular-targeting ther-
. To compare mAbs and small-molecule inhibitors,
this Review will highlight EGFR-targeted agents that have
shown clinical success.
Accumulating clinical-trial results are showing that
monotherapy with a target-specific agent might need to
be reassessed. Most tumours, particularly solid tumours,
are multifactorial and are frequently linked to defects in
more than one signalling pathway
. Therefore, a dual-
targeting or multi-targeting therapy might be more
rational, not only to efficiently eliminate cancer cells, but
also to limit the emergence of drug resistance. Which
class of targeted agent will provide the best solution to
this problem? Considering the differences in specificity
or selectivity between mAbs and small-molecule inhibi-
tors might lead to the further improvement of targeting
strategies for cancer therapy.
In this Review we will describe the development of
mAbs and small-molecule inhibitors, and then compare
and contrast these two strategies using EGFR-targeted
*Sapporo Medical University,
South 1, West 17, Chuo-ku,
Sapporo, 060-8556, Japan.
Department of Immunology,
Graduate School of Medicine
and Faculty of Medicine,
University of Tokyo,
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan.
Correspondence to K.I.
Comparing antibody and
small-molecule therapies for cancer
Kohzoh Imai* and Akinori Takaoka
Abstract | The ‘magic bullet’ concept of specifically targeting cancer cells at the same time
as sparing normal tissues is now proven, as several monoclonal antibodies and targeted
small-molecule compounds have been approved for cancer treatment. Both antibodies and
small-molecule compounds are therefore promising tools for target-protein-based cancer
therapy. We discuss and compare the distinctive properties of these two therapeutic
strategies so as to provide a better view for the development of new drugs and the future
direction of cancer therapy.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
Bacteriophage display
A display method for
identifying proteins or peptides
that recognize and bind to a
target molecule(s).
Bacteriophages that display
the antibody of interest are
selected by antigen binding
and are propagated in
bacteria. This helps identify
therapeutic antibodies with
high binding affinity.
The release of the extracellular
domain of a cell-membrane
protein, such as a growth-
factor receptor, from the cell
surface. ERBB2 is
proteolytically cleaved,
possibly by a matrix
metalloproteinase activator,
although this proteolysis does
not seem to be mediated by a
general shedding system that
can be activated by protein
kinase C. ERBB2 cleavage
generates a membrane-
associated receptor fragment
with potentially increased
tyrosine kinase activity.
Monoclonal antibodies for cancer therapy
The ‘magic bullet’ concept became a reality a quarter of
a century after the discovery of somatic cell hybridiza-
tion, a technique for generating mAbs pioneered by
Milstein and Köhler in 1975
(REF. 11). Early clinical trials
with murine mAbs failed owing to their short half-life,
xenogenicity and limited activity
. During this interven-
ing period, the application of genetic recombination for
humanizing rodent mAbs
made large-scale production
feasible, and enabled mAbs to be designed with better
affinities, efficient selection, decreased immunogenic-
ity and optimized effector functions. Furthermore,
proteomics and genomics combined with
enabled the rapid selection of high-affinity
mAbs. Genetic engineering has made it possible to
design chimeric mouse–human mAbs, among which
the anti-
CD20 mAb rituximab (Rituxan) has revolu-
tionized lymphoma treatment
(TABLE 1 and FIG. 1). A
humanized mAb has provided new prospects for the
treatment of breast cancer. Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is
the first clinically approved mAb against an ErbB family
member (ERBB2)
(TABLE 1 and FIG. 1). It has excellent
anti-tumour activity, particularly when combined with
the cytotoxic agents doxorubicin and paclitaxel
Trastuzumab is approved for the treatment of
patients with metastatic breast cancer who carry an
increased ERBB2 copy number. Another anti-ERBB2
mAb, pertuzumab (Omnitarg), is also under evaluation
in phase II trials
. Unlike trastuzumab, which affects
, pertuzumab sterically interferes
with ERBB2 homo- and heterodimerization and sub-
sequent signalling events
. On the other hand, trastu-
zumab cannot prevent the formation of ligand-induced
ERBB2-containing heterodimers
. So, pertuzumab is
effective against trastuzumab-insensitive tumours that
do not have ERBB2 amplification
. Therefore, pertu-
zumab might be effective over a broad range of cancers
with either normal or increased ERBB2 levels.
In parallel with the development of trastuzumab, our
group also developed CH401, a mouse–human chimeric
mAb directed against ERBB2
, by a unique procedure
that used a mouse-mutant hybridoma with no mouse
immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chains and a human Ig
expression vector. CH401 has been evaluated in a pre-
clinical study, and it significantly reduced the in vivo
growth of various ERBB2-expressing tumour cells
Of note, CH401 has shown an apoptosis-inducing effect,
presumably through the activation of p38 mitogen-
activated protein kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun N-terminal
kinase (
. Our results showed that it is significantly
more effective than trastuzumab
These ERBB2-targeted therapeutic mAbs have used
three distinct strategies for signal blockade includ-
ing interference with ligand interactions and receptor
downregulation (trastuzumab), inhibition of receptor
dimerization (pertuzumab), and induction of apoptosis
EGFR is also overexpressed in various cancers, includ-
ing colon and breast, and mAbs directed against EGFR
have also been developed
. Cetuximab (also known as
At a glance
The concept of specific molecular targeting has been applied to the development of innovative cancer-treatment
strategies. At present, two main approaches are available for use in clinical practice: therapeutic monoclonal
antibodies (mAbs) and small-molecule agents.
We focus on the ErbB receptor family, particularly epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, also known as ERBB1) as
an example of a target in our comparison of mAbs and small-molecule inhibitors. Cetuximab, a mAb, and gefitinib
and erlotinib, which are small-molecule inhibitors, differ markedly in their basic properties and their underlying
mechanisms of action.
The presence of activating mutations within the ATP-binding cleft of the EGFR kinase domain is associated with the
sensitivity of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to gefitinib, but not to cetuximab. By contrast, cetuximab shows
a clinical benefit for colorectal cancers that overexpress EGFR in a manner independent of EGFR mutations.
In malignant glioma, the sensitivity to gefitinib is closely related to deletions within the ectodomain of EGFR.
In contrast to these drug-sensitivity mutations, the appearance of the T790M mutation confers resistance to
gefitinib in NSCLC.
There are unique immune-effector mechanisms that are only triggered by therapeutic mAbs, such as antibody-
dependent cellular cytotoxicity, complement-dependent cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cell-mediated
cytotoxicity. By contrast, the effects of small-molecule agents are not directly linked to the activation of an immune
response against tumour cells.
In general, mild adverse effects such as dermatological complications are commonly observed with these two classes
of EGFR inhibitors. Although interstitial lung diseases or diarrhoea are more commonly associated with small-
molecule therapies, therapeutic murine mAbs or chimeric mAbs can cause immunogenicity, leading to the production
of human anti-mouse antibodies or human antichimeric antibodies, respectively.
It has been shown that mAbs such as trastuzumab and cetuximab exert synergistic anti-tumour effects in combination
with chemotherapeutic agents more frequently than small-molecule inhibitors.
The combination of distinct classes of EGFR inhibitors could not only increase their efficacy, but also contribute to
overcoming resistance to one class of EGFR inhibitor.
Further investigation into the distinct properties of these two classes of targeted agents should not only contribute
to the development of new targeted agents but also provide an optimal therapeutic strategy for cancer treatment,
thereby leading to the improvement of dual-targeted or multi-targeted therapy.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
This is one of the antigen-
elimination processes that is
mediated by immunoglobulins
(Ig). When IgM and certain IgG
subclasses (IgG1 and IgG3)
bind to an antigen, one of the
complement factors is strongly
activated. Then, a sequence of
cleavage reactions of other
complement factors (classical
pathway of complement
activation) is triggered to
activate their cytotoxic
function, which leads to the
destruction of the target cells.
C225; Erbitux) is a chimeric IgG1-isotype mAb that binds
to EGFR with high affinity and abrogates ligand-induced
EGFR phosphorylation
. In addition, panitumumab
(ABX-EGF) was developed as a fully human IgG2-isotype
mAb against EGFR, and a recent randomized phase
III trial has shown that panitumumab monotherapy
improved the progression-free survival of patients with
previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer
Putative mechanisms of mAb-based cancer therapy
can be classified into two categories. The first is direct
action, which can be further subcategorized into three
modes of action. One mode of action is blocking the
function of target signalling molecules or receptors.
This can occur by blocking ligand binding, inhibiting
cell-cycle progression or DNA repair
, inducing the
regression of angiogenesis
, increasing the internaliza-
tion of receptors
or reducing proteolytic cleavage of
. Other modes of direct action are stimulat-
ing function, which induces apoptosis, and targeting
function. In the case of targeting function, mAbs can be
conjugated with toxins, radioisotopes, cytokines, DNA
molecules or even small-molecule agents
to selec-
tively target tumour cells (
TABLE 1 and FIG. 1). The second
mechanism of mAb therapy is indirect action mediated
by the immune system. The elimination of tumour cells
using mAbs depends on Ig-mediated mechanisms,
complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) and
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), to activate
immune-effector cells
(FIG. 2).
Small-molecule agents for cancer therapy
RTKs and non-RTKs are crucial mediators in signalling
pathways of cell proliferation, differentiation, migra-
tion, angiogenesis, cell-cycle regulation and others
and many are deregulated during tumorigenesis.
Small-molecule inhibitors target these kinases by direct
effects on tumour cells, rather than by causing immune
responses as mAbs do. Most small-molecule inhibitors
of tyrosine kinases are
ATP mimetics. Imatinib mesylate
(Glivec), one of the first successful small-molecule
inhibitors, inactivates the kinase activity of the
ABL fusion protein in CML
(TABLE 1). It has shown
Table 1 | Two classes of FDA-approved targeted agents and the spectrum of targeted cancers
Agent Target for agent
Targeted cancer
Solid tumours Haematological tumours
Cetuximab (Erbitux) EGFR
Trastuzumab (Herceptin)
Bevacizumab (Avastin)
Rituximab (Rituxan)** CD20
Ibritumomab tiuxetan
(Bexxar)* CD20
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin
Alemtuzumab (Campath) CD52
Small-molecule inhibitors
Imatinib mesylate (Glivec) TKs (BCR-ABL, KIT, PDGFR)
Gefitinib (Iressa) TK (EGFR)
Erlotinib (Tarceva) TK (EGFR)
Sunitinib (Sutent ) TKs (VEGFR, PDGFR, KIT, FLT3)
Sorafenib (Nexavar) Kinases (B-Raf, VEGFR2, EGFR,
Bortezomib (Velcade) 28S protease
Agents are shown as generic names with trade names in parentheses. The table lists cancers to which each targeted agent is approved. *Radiolabelled with
or Iodine
In combination with irinotecan or administered as a single agent.
In combination with radiation therapy or administered as a single agent.
In combination with paclitaxel or administered as a single agent.
In combination with 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy. ** In combination with CHOP
(cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone) or other anthracycline-based chemotherapy regimens.
This mAb is linked to N-acetyl-γ
calicheamicin, a bacterial toxin. After internalization of the mAb, the released toxin binds to DNA and causes double-strand DNA breaks.
In combination with
gemcitabine. AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; CML, chronic myeloid leukaemia; CRC, colorectal cancer; EGFR, epidermal
growth factor receptor; FLT3, Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3; GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumour; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; PDGFR, platelet-derived growth
factor receptor; HNSCC, head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma; TK, tyrosine kinase; VEGFR, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
Ibritumomab tiuxetan
(CD20); IgG1κ
(CD20); IgG2aλ
Cetuximab (EGFR);
Panitumumab (EGFR);
Rituximab (CD20);
Trastuzumab (ERBB2);
Bevacizumab (VEGF); IgG1
Alemtuzumab (CD52); IgG1κ
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin
(CD33); IgG4κ
Murine Chimeric Humanized HumanType of mAb
cellular cytotoxicity
This reaction can be initiated
by the Fc portion of
immunoglobulins (Ig).
Phagocytes such as
dendritic cells, natural killer
cells and neutrophils take up
IgG-coated target cells through
binding with Fcγ-receptors on
the surface of the phagocytes.
This is eventually followed by
the elimination of target cells.
ATP mimetics
These small-molecule inhibitors
competitively bind to the ATP-
binding cleft at the activation
loop of target kinases, thereby
inhibiting their kinase activity.
remarkable efficacy for the treatment of patients with
Philadelphia chromosome-positive CML
. It is also a
multi-targeted inhibitor of other tyrosine kinases, includ-
KIT, which is key to the pathogenesis of metastatic
GISTs, and the platelet-derived growth factor receptors
PDGFRα and PDGFRβ, which are key to the patho-
genesis of PDGF-driven tumours such as glioblastoma
and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
EGFR is also a rational target for small-molecule
. Gefitinib (Iressa)
and erlotinib (Tarceva)
selectively inhibit EGFR, and both are efficacious against
EGFR-expressing cancers such as NSCLC and head and
neck squamous-cell carcinoma (
Phase II studies of these agents have also shown their
efficacy with or without concurrent chemotherapy
in HNSCC, and several phase III trials of gefitinib
are ongoing
. Erlotinib in combination with an anti-
metabolite, gemcitabine, is also approved for treating
advanced pancreatic cancer.
Unlike mAbs, small-molecule agents can trans-
locate through plasma membranes and interact with
the cytoplasmic domain of cell-surface receptors and
intracellular signalling molecules. Therefore, various
small-molecule inhibitors have been generated to target
cancer-cell proliferation and survival by inhibiting Ras
, Raf–MEK kinase
, phosphatidylinositol
3-kinase (
PI3K), the mammalian target of rapamycin
mTOR) pathway or heat shock protein 90 (HSP90)
(REF. 45); cancer-cell adhesion and invasion by inhibiting
SRC kinase
or matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
; or
neovascularization by inhibiting the vascular endothelial
growth factor RTK (
As a new type of small-molecule agent, sorafenib
(Nexavar) is known to exert its inhibitory effect on not
only different isoforms of Raf serine kinase but also
various RTKs such as VEGFR, EGFR and PDGFR
. This
dual-action kinase inihibitor shows broad-spectrum anti-
tumour activity by inhibiting tumour proliferation and
. Another new anti-angiogenesis small-
molecule drug, sunitinib malate (Sutent), is also a multi-
targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor of VEGFR, PDGFR,
KIT and Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (
. Potential
targets for the development of small-molecule agents
have also been identified in the ubiquitin–proteasome
Figure 1 | The classification of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) by the different antibody types —
murine, chimeric, humanized and human. Advances in genetic engineering techniques have contributed to the
development of humanized therapeutic mAbs. The fundamental structure of an intact, single immunoglobulin G (IgG)
molecule has a pair of light chains (orange/red) and a pair of heavy chains (yellow/pink). Light chains are composed of two
separate regions (one variable region (V
) and one constant region (C
)), whereas heavy chains are composed of four regions
, C
1, C
2 and C
3). The complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) are found in the variable fragment (Fv) portion of
the antigen-binding fragment (Fab). Chimeric mAbs such as cetuximab and rituximab are constructed with variable regions
and V
) derived from a murine source and constant regions derived from a human source. Humanized therapeutic mAbs
are predominantly derived from a human source except for the CDRs, which are murine. There are currently four approved
humanized mAbs. Both murine and human mAbs are entirely derived from mouse and human sources, respectively.
Panitumumab (ABX–EGF) is a fully human anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mAb, but has not yet been
approved. Furthermore, several mAbs (marked with an asterisk) are armed with cytotoxins including radionucleotides or a
bacterial toxin (see text for further details). There is a significant difference between the IgG subclasses in terms of their
half-lives in the blood (IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 approximately 21 days; IgG3 approximately 7 days) and in terms of their
capability to activate the classical complement pathway and to bind Fcγ-receptors (see the legend of
FIG. 2). The choice of
an IgG subclass is a key factor in determining the efficacy of therapeutic mAbs. Most of the approved mAbs shown here
belong to the IgG1 subclass, which has a long half-life and triggers potent immune-effector functions such as complement-
dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), complement-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CDCC) and antibody-dependent
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). On the other hand, panitumumab is an IgG2 subclass that does not show potent CDC and
ADCC, but it has recently shown its efficacy in a phase III trial as a monotherapy for the treatment of metastatic colorectal
cancer. VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
natural killer cell
Target tumour cell
Natural killer
mAbs (IgG1 subtype)
Chymotryptic protease in
the 26S proteasome
The 26S proteasome is a
multicatalytic complex, which
is composed of the 20S
catalytic core subunit and the
19S regulatory subunit that
recognize and degrade
ubiquitylated proteins. A
chymotrypsin-like proteolytic
activity is one of the catalytic
activities of this core subunit
for the hydrolysis of peptide
pathway, which is crucial in processes including cell-
cycle arrest and apoptosis. Bortezomib (Velcade), which
was first developed as a selective, reversible inhibitor
of the
chymotryptic protease in the 26S proteasome, has
been reported to be effective against various cancers,
particularly haematological malignancies
(TABLE 1).
Comparison between mAbs and small-molecules
Many preclinical and clinical studies have indicated that
targeting EGFR could represent a significant contribu-
tion to cancer therapy. Because both mAb and small-
molecule EGFR inhibitors have been approved as cancer
therapies, we will use them as our primary example to
compare mAbs and small-molecule inhibitors. There is
no clear difference in the spectrum of cancers targeted by
the one mAb and the two small-molecule inhibitors that
are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and specifically target EGFR
(TABLE 1). Further
comparison between these two classes of targeted agents
will be discussed below.
Basic drug properties and development. The timelines
for the development of mAbs versus small-molecule
inhibitors seem to differ. Following the establishment of
mouse hybridoma technology, the mAb approach was
first applied to block EGFR-mediated signalling for can-
cer treatment in the early 1980s. About 10 years behind
this, the potential of EGFR-targeted therapy contributed
to the development of small-molecule EGFR tyrosine
kinase inhibitors (TKIs)
Although therapeutic mAb development requires
relatively complex processes with huge monetary costs
compared with small-molecule inhibitors, many bio-
tech and pharmaceutical firms are vying to develop
therapeutic mAbs after the advent of humanization
techniques and human antibodies
. Furthermore,
chimeric and humanized mAbs, which have been the
predominant mAbs entering clinical studies, have
higher approval success rates (18% and 24%, respec-
than new chemical entities (NCEs) including
small-molecule agents (5%)
, especially in the field of
. On the other hand, small-molecule agents
are less expensive and more convenient to administer
than mAbs.
mAbs and small-molecule inhibitors differ in sev-
eral pharmacological properties. Anti-EGFR mAbs
are large proteins (around 150 kDa) and are generally
intravenously administered, whereas EGFR TKIs are
orally available, synthetic chemicals (approximately
500 Da). The large molecular weight of mAbs is
probably the cause of their inefficient delivery into
brain tissues because of the blood–brain barrier, so
therapeutic mAbs for brain cancer are usually deliv-
ered intra-tumorally
. In addition, we speculate that
owing to the difference in molecular size, intact Igs
such as IgG subclasses might be less efficient for tis-
sue penetration, tumour retention and blood clearance
than small-molecule agents. In fact, there are marked
differences between these two classes of agents in
several pharmacokinetic properties. According to
FDA labelling, the mAb half-lives (that is, cetuximab:
3.1–7.8 days, allowing for once-weekly dosing) are
much longer than those of small-molecule agents (that
is, gefitinib, approximately 48 hrs; erlotinib, approxi-
mately 36 hrs; allowing for once-daily dosing). Also,
pharmacokinetic studies showed that plasma concen-
trations of small-molecule agents can vary at a given
dose between patients
. This might be explained by the
oral administration of small-molecule agents versus
the intravenous administration of mAbs. Furthermore,
it might also be speculated that the degradation sys-
tem for small-molecule agents (chemicals) might vary
more in individuals than that for mAbs (proteins).
Because of their inability to pass through the cellular
membrane, mAbs can only act on molecules that are
expressed on the cell surface or secreted
. Bevacizumab
Figure 2 | Schematic model of antibody action by immune mechanisms.
Following the binding of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to a specific target on a tumour
cell, C1q complement factor interacts with the C
2 constant region of the mAb, which
leads to the activation of a proteolytic cascade of the complement classical pathway and
consequently induces the formation of a membrane-attack complex (MAC) for the lysis
of tumour cells; this effect is termed complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC). C3b,
which is generated during this cascade reaction, functions as an
opsonin to facilitate
phagocytosis and cytolysis through its interaction with the C3b receptor (C3bR) on a
macrophage or natural killer (NK) cell
; this activity is termed complement-dependent
cell-mediated cytotoxicity
(CDCC). In addition, mAb-binding to tumour cells induces
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC); immune-effector cells such as
macrophages and NK cells are recruited and interact with the C
3 region of the mAbs
through FcγRIIIa expressed by both effector cells. Then, mAb-coated tumour cells are
phagocytosed by macrophages or undergo cytolysis by NK cells. On the other hand,
there is a negative regulation to modulate the cytotoxic response against tumours
through FcγRIIb, which is expressed on the cell surface of macrophages. Immunoglobulin
G1 (IgG1) and IgG3 can activate the classical complement pathway and interact with Fcγ
receptors more potently than IgG2 or IgG4. In particular, IgG4 cannot activate the
classical complement pathway.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
Abnormal activities
Invasion and metastasis
Cell survival
Cell-cycle progression
of downstream
Excess ligand
(EGF) or ligand-
kinase domain
Inhibition of
of the receptor
Inhibition of
Inhibition of
Therapeutic mAb
Inhibition of tyrosine
phosphorylation of
the receptor
Activation of immune
responses (ADCC
and CDC)
cellular cytotoxicity
This is a cell-mediated effector
mechanism for target cell
killing. As similarly observed in
CDC, complement activation is
triggered in CDCC by the
interaction of C1 q to the Fc
regions of antibodies bound to
target antigens. During this
process, several complement
components, such as C3b, are
generated and recognized by
effector immune cells through
their complementary
receptors, which leads to
phagocytosis and cytotoxicity.
Opsonins are any molecules
with which antigens are coated,
such as IgG and components of
complement factors (C1 q,
C3b, iC3b, and C4b), to
become more susceptible to
phagocytosis by macrophages
or neutrophils.These
phagocytes bind opsonin
molecules through Fcγ
receptors or complement
receptors that are expressed
on their surface membrane.
(Avastin) is the main mAb agent to have been developed
against the secreted pro-angiogenic protein VEGF, and
it improves survival when combined with 5-fluorourocil
(5-FU)-based chemotherapy in patients with meta-
static colorectal cancer (
TABLE 1 and FIG. 1). However,
small-molecule inhibitors can pass into the cytoplasm,
and can therefore be developed to target any molecules
regardless of their cellular location
. So, mAbs possess
biological activities that are not shared by small-molecule
inhibitors, and vice versa.
Typically, the advantage of therapeutic mAbs in can-
cer treatment is thought to depend on their capability to
bind antigens expressed on the tumour-cell surface with
a highly specific selectivity. The antigen-binding affin-
ity of an antibody is also associated with its biological
. Therefore, it is presumed that mAbs might
Figure 3 | Distinct mechanisms of small-molecule inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies for targeting receptor
tyrosine kinases in cancer cells. a | Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-
dependent growth signalling in cancer cells. The extracellular region of EGFR consists of four domains, the ligand-binding
domains (L1 and L2) and the cysteine-rich domains (CR1 and CR2), and the C-terminal domain of EGFR contains six
tyrosine residues (Y; only two are depicted here for simplicity). Following the activation of EGFR by ligand binding or
ligand-independent dimerization, the Ras–Raf–MEK–MAPK pathway is activated through the growth factor receptor-
bound protein 2 (GRB2)–SOS complex. EGFR-mediated signalling also activates the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–
AKT pathway, which contributes to anti-apoptotic effects of EGFR activation. Additionally, signal transducer and activator
of transcription (Stat) proteins (STAT1, STAT3 and STAT5) are also activated. The coordinated effects of these EGFR
downstream signalling pathways lead to the induction of cellular responses including proliferation, differentiation, cell
motility, adhesion and angiogenesis. The deregulation of EGFR-mediated signalling in some cancer cells leads to aberrant
proliferation, invasion, metastasis and neovascularization
. b | Small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as
gefitinib function as ATP analogues and inhibit EGFR signalling by competing with ATP binding within the catalytic kinase
domain of RTKs. As a result, the activation of various downstream signalling pathways is blocked. Each TKI has a different
selectivity for RTKs, and some are dual- or multi-selective, which might provide a therapeutic advantage. c | By contrast,
therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) bind to the ectodomain of the RTK with high specificity (for example,
cetuximab binds to the L2 domain of EGFR, and thereby inhibits its downstream signalling by triggering receptor
internalization and hindering ligand–receptor interaction. Unlike small-molecule inhibitors, mAbs also activate Fcγ-
receptor-dependent phagocytosis or cytolysis by immune-effector cells such as neutrophils, macrophages and natural
killer cells by inducing complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) or antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)
MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; MEK, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
NSCLC Glioblastoma
ATP-binding cle
of the kinase
L858R, L861Q
be more effective against circulating cancer cells than
against solid tumours, possibly because of their poor
ability to penetrate into tissues and tumours, although
there might be other contributing factors such as the
availability of effector cells. This might be partly linked
to the high approval rates and marketing successes of
both armed and unarmed mAbs for haematological
(TABLE 1). However, three mAbs have been
approved by the FDA for the treatment of solid tumours.
Most of the FDA-approved small-molecule agents are
more frequently used for the treatment of solid tumours,
whereas only two small-molecule agents are indicated
for use against haematological tumours.
Anti-EGFR mAbs and EGFR TKIs target distinct
domains of EGFR, the extracellular ligand-binding
domain and intracellular tyrosine kinase domain of
the receptor, respectively
(FIG. 3). Following interaction
with the receptor, the small-molecule TKIs gefitinib and
erlotinib specifically inhibit EGFR phosphorylation and
downstream signalling pathways. By contrast, recent
structural analysis by Li et al. showed that the interac-
tion of the mAb cetuximab with EGFR results in the
partial occlusion of the ligand-binding region (L2) and
steric hindrance preventing the receptor from adopting
the extended conformation required for dimerization
In another example, trastuzumab, the mAb directed
against ERBB2, distinctively binds to the juxtamem-
brane domain (CR2) of ERBB2, eventually leading to the
inhibition of downstream signalling
Specificity. Small-molecule inhibitors are generally
thought to be less specific than therapeutic mAbs
However, this lower specificity is potentially advanta-
geous, albeit with some risk of increased toxicity, in
that it confers the ability to inhibit several signalling
pathways at plasma concentrations that are clinically
. In particular, small-molecule EGFR TKIs
show varying degrees of cross-reactivity for the ErbB
family members, which might account for their potent
anti-tumour effects when used in combination with a
more selective mAb against EGFR
. Supporting this,
Huang et al.
showed significant tumour regression
following treatment with cetuximab plus gefitinib or
erlotinib in a xenograft model with a human NSCLC
cell line. Both combinations reduced tumour volume
by approximately 75%, whereas monotherapy with
cetuximab or the EGFR TKIs reduced tumour volume
by approximately 50% or 20%. Similarly, another study
by Matar et al.
with an epithelial carcinoma cell line
showed that combination treatment increased the inhi-
bition of cell and tumour xenograft growth, possibly
through shared and complementary mechanisms of
action with gefitinib and cetuximab.
Although gefitinib is relatively mono-selective, with
a 200-fold greater affinity for EGFR than for ERBB2
several multi-selective EGFR inhibitors have been devel-
oped. Canertinib (CI-1033)
is a multi-selective EGFR
inhibitor that rapidly and irreversibly inhibits all ErbB
family members. Another multi-selective EGFR inhibi-
tor is lapatinib (GW-572016)
, which reversibly and
specifically inhibits both EGFR and ERBB2. A phase III
study in patients with advanced trastuzumab-resistant
breast cancer indicated that lapatinib might offer sig-
nificant benefits in combination with capecitabine. The
median progression-free survival was twice as long (36.9
weeks) with combination therapy than with capecitabine
. Based on the acceptable tolerability and
efficacy of this combination therapy, a Biologics License
Application (BLA) submission is currently pending
The efficacy of lapatinib has also been reported in
advanced renal cancer (phase III study)
(phase I study)
. The cooperative inhibitory effects of
multi-targeting might enable broader anti-tumour activ-
ity and improve efficacy. In addition, it might follow that
the development of resistance is less likely. On the other
hand, no therapeutic mAbs with such cross-reactivity
have yet been reported.
Figure 4 | EGFR mutations correlated with clinical response to EGFR inhibitors.
Two types of EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) mutations have been reported so
far in relation to the sensitivity and resistance to gefitinib of non-small-cell lung cancer
(NSCLC; left)
, both of which occur in the ATP-binding cleft. First, missense
mutations that are detected within the nucleotide triphosphate binding domain (P-loop,
exon 18; red) of the tyrosine kinase (G719S and G719C); or within the activating loop
(A-loop, exon 21; yellow) (L858R and L861Q). Second, in-frame deletions with or without
the insertion of a serine residue (exon 19), which are clustered in the region between
codon 746–759; for example, E746–A750, L747–T751insS, L747–P753insS.
Mutations clustered within the ATP-binding cleft would be predicted to stabilize the
interaction of ATP or an inhibitor molecule with this pocket, consequently leading to the
more intense and sustained activation or inhibition of EGFR than that of the wild-type
receptor. However, a recent report
has shown that such mutations of EGFR do not
affect the binding affinity of gefitinib or erlotinib to the ATP-binding pocket of the
receptor, which contrasts with other activating catalytic domain mutations that have a
profound effect on the interaction with imatinib mesylate, another small-molecule
inhibitor. On the other hand, a resistance-related mutation, T790M, was also found within
the ATP-binding cleft of the EGFR kinase domain. This mutation leads to steric hindrance
to the accessibility of an inhibitor into the cleft due to the bulkiness of the methionine
side chain. Unlike NSCLC, glioblastomas (right) do not frequently have mutations in the
EGFR kinase domain but rather in the extracellular domain of EGFR
. A recent study
showed that in glioblastomas, EGFRvIII, a constitutively active genomic-deletion variant
of EGFR (6–273), preferentially activates the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)– AKT
pathway and, in tumours with intact PTEN expression, confers sensitivity to EGFR kinase
. Other EGFR mutations reported in glioblastomas include the deletion of
exons 14–15, which leads to the expression of a short-form mutant partly lacking the CR2
domain (521–603)
. However, the functional role of this mutant form remains unknown.
CR1, cysteine-rich domain 1; L1, ligand-binding domain 1; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
Sensitivity and resistance mechanisms. An important
issue remains whether a relationship exists between EGFR
expression and clinical outcome with EGFR-targeted
agents. Several preclinical studies with cetuximab
and gefitinib showed that both were potent in human
cancer cells with highly variable EGFR levels
. In a
retrospective evaluation, there was no significant asso-
ciation between EGFR expression and clinical response
to gefitinib in NSCLC
. In addition, the results of a ran-
domized, placebo-controlled phase III study in patients
with advanced NSCLC showed that EGFR expression
did not predict survival benefit with erlotinib
. Several
factors other than the level of EGFR expression have
therefore been shown to be involved in predicting the
clinical response to EGFR-targeted therapeutics
Certain subsets of patients also seem to be refractory to
EGFR-inhibitor treatment despite high levels of EGFR
expression in their tumours. Furthermore, cancer cells
often acquire resistance to EGFR inhibitors, but different
mechanisms seem to underlie sensitivity to mAbs and
Recent clinical studies have shown that mutations
in EGFR significantly affect, with a positive or negative
correlation, clinical responses to small-molecule TKIs
in patients with NSCLC
. Highly responsive NSCLC
contains somatic mutations of EGFR, including small
deletions (amino acids 747–750) or point mutations (most
commonly a L858R replacement)
(FIG. 4). These muta-
tions seem to result in the repositioning of crucial residues
that surround the ATP-binding cleft of the EGFR tyrosine
kinase domain, thereby stabilizing the interactions of the
inhibitor with the kinase domain
. Therefore, these muta-
tion types increase the sensitivity of tumour cells to gefit-
inib; the autophosphorylation of mutant EGFR is inhibited
at gefitinib concentrations 10–100-fold lower than those
necessary to inhibit wild-type EGFR
. Furthermore,
NSCLC cells with the L858R mutation undergo apoptosis
following gefitinib treatment, whereas cells that contain
wild-type EGFR undergo cell-cycle arrest
. In addition,
more recent reports have indicated that other factors
have a role in determining responsiveness to gefitinib in
patients with NSCLC, including amplifications of EGFR
and ERBB2
(REFS 84,85), as the ERBB2 status (determined
by the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)) is
a validated marker for the clinical benefit of trastuzumab
for breast cancer
Despite the positive correlation between EGFR muta-
tions and sensitivity to TKIs, it seems that most patients
with NSCLC who are treated with these compounds
develop resistance, in part because of additional EGFR
mutations, particularly the T790M mutation, which
leads to the steric hindrance of gefitinib or erlotinib
binding due to the presence of the bulkier methionine
in the catalytic cleft
(FIG. 4). By contrast, malignant
glioma frequently shows deletions within the extra-
cellular domain of EGFR but infrequent mutations in the
kinase domain. The presence of these deletions might
increase the sensitivity of gliomas to gefitinib therapy
wherein the co-expression of EGFR deletion mutant
variant III and the tumour-suppressor protein
affect sensitivity
It is unclear whether mutations in the intracellular
domains of EGFR affect the response to therapeutic
mAbs. Mukohara et al.
compared the efficacy of gefitinib
and cetuximab on NSCLC with EGFR mutations.
Gefitinib was more effective than cetuximab at inhibit-
ing not only in vitro growth, but also the induction of
apoptosis in EGFR-mutant NSCLC cell lines. Gefitinib
consistently suppressed EGFR phosphorylation in
EGFR-mutant cell lines, whereas cetuximab had less of
an inhibitory effect. Of note, even high concentrations of
cetuximab failed to show any inhibitory effect on EGFR
phosphorylation in EGFR-mutant cells
89, 90
. Clinical
data indicate that mutant EGFRs are more sensitive to
gefitinib than to cetuximab, which suggests that EGFR
mutations in NSCLC cells are associated with gefitinib,
but not cetuximab, sensitivity.
In colorectal cancers it has been reported that EGFR
mAbs are more effective than small-molecule inhibi-
. The difference in the effectiveness of the two
classes of agents on colorectal cancer might therefore
be partially explained by the lower frequency of activat-
ing EGFR mutations
such as those found in NSCLC.
However, the efficacy of therapeutic mAbs in colorectal
cancer does not seem to correlate with EGFR expres-
. Cetuximab has been shown to be effective even
in patients with EGFR-negative colorectal cancer,
as determined by immunohistochemistry
. In fact,
this remains an emerging issue for cetuximab-based
therapy for colorectal cancer; there are currently no
adequate markers that can efficiently predict the benefit
from EGFR-targeted therapy. This issue might be partly
related to the limited ability of the immunohistochemi-
cal detection method. Moroni et al.
showed that eight
out of nine panitumumab or cetuximab responders with
colorectal cancer had an increased EGFR copy number.
Therefore, the evaluation of EGFR amplification status
by FISH could help select patients for cetuximab therapy
in colorectal cancer.
EGFR phosphorylation does not seem to correlate
exactly with the effect of cetuximab on tumour-cell
growth. Despite no inhibitory effect on EGFR phospho-
, cetuximab potently inhibited the growth of
HCC827 NSCLC cells, which contain a deletion muta-
tion in exon 19 of EGFR. By contrast, the growth of
three different EGFR-mutant NSCLC cell lines was not
inhibited by cetuximab
. Therefore, factors other than
the modification of EGFR phosphorylation by mutations
might affect the anti-tumour efficacy of mAbs in some
types of NSCLC. If EGFR phosphorylation is not always
coupled with the sensitivity of these inhibitors, then it is
possible that cetuximab could have an inhibitory effect
on the activation of downstream pathways mediated
by ERK1/2 and AKT, thereby producing anti-tumour
effects. Several lines of evidence support the impor-
tant role of AKT in EGFR-mediated cell survival
Furthermore, Amann et al.
suggest that in addition to
EGFR mutations, other factors in NSCLC cells such as
high expression levels of other ErbB family members
might contribute to the sensitivity to both types of EGFR
inhibitors, possibly through the deregulated activation of
the AKT pathway downstream of EGFR. The possible
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
Cancer stem cells
A small subpopulation of
quiescent tumour cells within a
tumour that have properties
similar to normal stem cells,
such as the capability to
undergo self-renewal and to
maintain tumour growth and
heterogeneity. According to the
stem-cell-based model,
conventional therapies
typically target actively
proliferating cells but spare
drug-resistant cancer stem
cells, which might contribute to
therapeutic failure and
eventual relapses.
A dermatological symptom
(itching) that is often observed
in cutaneous lesions caused by
allergy and infections.
A general feeling of weakness
or lack of vigour, which can be
associated with various
involvement of determinants other than EGFR muta-
tions needs to be addressed to clarify the mechanism(s)
that underlie resistance to EGFR inhibitors, as supported
by several recent reports
Cancer stem cells could be a source of tumour relapse
and drug resistance during treatment with targeted
. Recent CML studies quantitatively vali-
date the model whereby imatinib affects differentiated
leukaemic cells but not leukaemic stem cells, which are
eventually linked to relapse
. No such stem-cell-related
resistance has been reported for mAb-based therapies.
On the other hand, the resistance mechanisms to mAbs
not shared by TKIs are intrinsically host related. For
instance, the impairment of ADCC, possibly through
a defective immune system or other mechanisms, could
result in resistance to treatment with mAbs
ADCC is a unique in vivo mechanism of action for
these agents.
Immune mechanisms. There are important differ-
ences between the effects of mAbs and small-molecule
inhibitors on immune responses. The mechanisms that
underlie the therapeutic effects of small-molecule agents
are not directly linked to the activation of the immune
response against tumour cells, whereas mAbs exert not
only direct inhibitory effects on tumour growth but
also have the ability to activate indirect accessory anti-
tumour activities such as ADCC and CDC
(FIG. 2).
Because of these properties, one can envisage that
in vitro growth inhibition by mAbs might not accurately
reflect the in vivo efficacy of mAb treatment compared
with small-molecule agents. In fact, cetuximab is less
effective at inhibiting the proliferation of NSCLC cell
lines than gefitinib, whereas the inhibitory effect of
cetuximab on in vivo tumour growth seems to be more
significant than that of gefitinib
. Although no effect
of gefitinib on immunological responses has, to our
knowledge, been described, the engagement of the acti-
vation antibody receptor (FcγRIII) on effector cells such
as natural killer (NK) cells or monocytes/macrophages
(FIG. 2) is a dominant component of in vivo cytotoxic
activity mediated by cetuximab against tumours. There
have also been reports on the pharmacogenetic associa-
tion of FcγR polymorphisms and the clinical response
to rituximab in patients with follicular
, which supports the contribution of
FcγR-mediated ADCC to the clinical effect of mAbs.
However, an F(ab´)
form of cetuximab that lacks FcRγ-
chain interaction still has an inhibitory effect on in vivo
tumour growth, although half of the activity is induced
by native cetuximab
. A partially reduced response
was also observed in FcRγ-chain-deficient mice
By contrast, a regulatory mechanism by the inhibitory
antibody receptor (FcγRIIb) was also reported
(FIG. 2).
In syngeneic and xenograft models with three different
tumours, Clynes et al. clearly showed more robust anti-
tumour effects of the therapeutic mAbs trastuzumab
and rituximab in FcγRIIb-deficient mice
. Therefore,
Fc-receptor-dependent mechanisms contribute substan-
tially to the anti-tumour activities of mAbs, but their
interference with signalling pathways and the engagement
of other immune-effector mechanisms including CDC
are also putatively involved.
Regarding the contribution of CDC to immune
mechanisms, the role of complement factors as an
effector mechanism
is still controversial. The observa-
tion that at least 10 times more mAbs are required to
trigger CDC on the
cell surface than to trigger ADCC
suggests that most mAbs are engaged in an ADCC event
during treatment, whereas mAbs are unlikely to reach
the surface density on target cells sufficient
to activate
the classical complement pathway. In support of this, the
therapeutic activity
of rituximab does not correlate with
either the susceptibility of lymphoma cells to in vitro
complement-mediated lysis induced by rituximab or
the expression levels
of the complement-regulatory
. On the other hand, some evidence supports
the involvement of CDC in mAb-mediated immune
. In vivo data showed that rituximab,
which redistributes CD20 into membrane rafts
, is
bound efficiently by C1q and deposits C3b, which acti-
vates CDC
. In addition, the in vivo role of CDC in the
action of rituximab is suggested by evidence that com-
plement depletion
or C1q-deficient mice
reduced or abolished efficacy of rituximab in lymphoma
models. Complement-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
(CDCC) might also be a mechanism of tumour-cell
(FIG. 2). During the complement activation
cascade, C3b generation triggers phagocytosis and cel-
lular lysis through the engagement with C3b-receptor
macrophages, NK cells and polymorphonuclear leuko-
cytes. Other activated complement factors such as CD3a
and C5a might also facilitate inflammatory responses to
efficiently eliminate tumour cells.
Several strategies have been explored to increase
antibody-mediated effector functions and optimize effi-
. To increase FcγR-mediated ADCC activity, the
amino-acid sequence or glycosylation of the C
2 region
of mAbs has been manipulated by computational design
or mutational analysis to improve its interaction with
. New CD20 mAbs with strikingly potent CDC
activity have also been developed using human Ig trans-
genic mice
or through engineering the amino-acid
sequence of the C1q-binding site
Adverse effects. In general, the adverse effects associ-
ated with small-molecule inhibitors are mild. The most
frequently observed adverse effects of gefitinib are cuta-
neous (for example, rash, acne, dry skin and
and gastrointestinal symptoms (for example, diarrhoea,
nausea, vomiting and anorexia)
34, 124
. Similar to small-
molecule agents, most of the observed adverse effects of
mAb therapies are mild, including dermatological (for
example, acne, rash, dry skin and pruritus) and other
manifestations (for example, fever, chill and
without the bone-marrow suppressive properties of
The most common symptom associated with both
classes of anti-EGFR agents is an acneiform skin rash
resulting from the effects of EGFR inhibition, not from
a drug-related allergic reaction
, possibly due to the
expression of EGFRs in the epidermis. Interestingly, a
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
Anaphylactoid reactions
Systemic immunological hyper-
responses that mimic
anaphylaxis. In contrast to IgE-
mediated anaphylactic
reactions, these are triggered
by an IgE-independent
mechanism, frequently appear
as allergic reactions to drugs,
foods and exercise, and
manifest as potentially life-
threatening symptoms such as
hypotension, bronchospasm
and laryngeal oedema.
A cutaneous symptom that
primarily manifests as a rash
and pruritus. This manifestation
is caused by IgE- or non-IgE
hypersensitivity with histamine
and other vasoactive
chemicals released from mast
cells as a result of exposure to
drugs and foods.
Interstitial pneumonitis
A form of pneumonia that is
characterized by non-infectious
inflammation and fibrosis in
the space between the
epithelial and endothelial
basement membranes of the
lower respiratory tract. This is
caused by unknown and known
factors such as drugs (gefitinib,
lefluomide or irinotecan) or
environmental factors, and can
be observed in association with
other diseases (for example,
connective tissue diseases).
Patients with this disorder
typically present with cough
and shortness of breath.
Human anti-mouse
HAMAs are antibodies that are
produced by the human
immune system against
therapeutic murine monoclonal
antibodies (mAbs)
Human anti-chimeric
HACAs are antibodies that are
produced against murine
components of chimeric or
humanized mAbs. HAMAs and
HACAs are often related to
immunogenicity problems
associated with a lack of
efficacy and rapid clearance
during mAb therapy.
growing number of reports show a positive correlation
between skin rash and clinical outcome in EGFR-targeted
therapies with cetuximab and erlotinib, although this
effect is less consistent for gefitinib
. Therefore, skin
rash might be a possible marker for evaluating and mon-
itoring the efficacy of anti-EGFR agents. This skin rash is
not thought to be dose-limiting, and completely resolves
following treatment cessation
. Dermatological toxic-
ity is not significantly different between both types of
inhibitors. On the other hand, diarrhoea is not com-
mon in patients treated with mAbs but is in patients
treated with small-molecule inhibitors
, and it can
be dose-limiting
. This might be linked to the oral
administration of small-molecule inhibitors, although
direct evidence has not been provided for such an asso-
ciation. Unlike small-molecule inhibitors, mAbs can
trigger allergic reactions such as
anaphylactoid reactions
, but these are manageable by conventional
treatments and are not clinically limiting
The only severe toxicity reported to date with any of
these agents is gefitinib-related
interstitial pneumonitis,
the highest incidence of which was observed in Japanese
patients at 1–2% (3–4 times higher than that for patients
. Over 170 patients died from this pul-
monary disease after treatment with gefitinib
. Recent
analyses of chest radiographic and computer tomography
(CT) findings showed that the imaging of gefitinib-related
interstitial lung disease is similar to that of pulmonary
damage caused by conventional antineoplastic agents
We speculate that pulmonary toxicity with gefitinib might
be due to a direct cytotoxic effect, although its aetiology
is not yet clear. Japanese patients with NSCLC also show
a higher response to gefitinib, which is associated with a
more frequent detection of EGFR mutations
. Therefore,
differences in genetic background could underlie the high
incidence of gefitinib-induced interstitial lung disease
among Japanese patients. Furthermore, gefitinib inter-
acts with the ATP-binding cassette transporter
which might be involved in the efflux of gefitinib from
. Therefore, the genetic alteration of ABCG2 might
affect the absorption, tissue distribution and toxicities of
gefitinib. The development of new inhibitors that can
discriminate between wild-type and tumour-specific
mutant EGFRs might provide a solution to the adverse
effects described above.
Distinct from small-molecule agents, any protein
therapeutic is potentially immunogenic. Previously, the
development of therapeutic murine mAbs was hindered
by problems such as a lack of efficacy and rapid clear-
ance by
human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMAs). Such an
immunogenicity problem does not disappear by using
chimeric or humanized mAbs, and even human mAbs
pose this problem. As cetuximab is a mouse–human
chimeric mAb containing 5–10% murine protein it has,
although less frequently than fully murine mAbs
, the
potential to induce the production of
human anti-chimeric
(HACAs), which might interfere with its
efficacy. However, the generation of HACAs occurs
in only a small fraction (3%) of patients treated with
cetuximab, so HACA responses are not thought to be
clinically limiting
Response rates. In a series of clinical trials, gefitinib
and erlotinib caused objective responses in 10–20%
of previously treated patients with NSCLC
. In a
recent placebo-controlled phase III clinical trial
erlotinib significantly prolonged the survival of
patients with NSCLC, whereas gefitinib did not sig-
nificantly improve survival. As for monotherapy with
therapeutic mAbs, both preclinical and clinical studies
have shown efficacy in some patients with colorectal
cancer, NSCLC and other solid tumours
. No
remarkable difference in the overall rate of response
to monotherapy is apparent between these two classes
of agents, which is supported by previous preclinical
data that show that the induction of cell-cycle arrest
and cytotoxic activity is almost the same between
small-molecule inhibitors and mAbs. To improve
the efficacy of these agents, therapeutic strategies in
combination with chemotherapy or radiotherapy have
been investigated.
Combination with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Clinical trials using mAbs or small-molecule inhibitors
combined with chemotherapy have shown a paradoxical
distinction between these two classes of agents in lung
cancer. The combination of gefitinib with two different
chemotherapy regimens in advanced NSCLC did not result
in any additive effects over chemotherapy alone in two
large randomized studies
. By contrast, anti-tumour
effects were increased by the addition of cetuximab
to chemotherapy in advanced NSCLC
. We think
that the underlying mechanisms for this synergy might
include the interruption of EGFR-activated survival
and proliferation signalling
, which makes tumour
cells more vulnerable to chemotherapy, but this cannot
account for the distinction between these two classes of
targeted agents. The discrepancy might be explained
partly by some positive, direct action of mAbs on apop-
totic pathways. In addition, some in vivo, specific role of
therapeutic mAbs might also contribute to a synergistic
effect with cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents. In this
regard, we presume that mAbs but not small-molecule
inhibitors show advantageous activity because of their
indirect actions, for example, the activation of immune
responses such as ADCC. This activity might be fur-
ther increased by some immunostimulatory process,
such as the activation of macrophages, in response to
cytotoxic-agent-induced cell death.
A difference in responsiveness to these two types of
inhibitors is not observed in every type of cancer. Several
clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of cetuximab
combined with irinotecan-based chemotherapy in
metastatic colorectal cancer
. However, in contrast
to the lack of synergy in NSCLC, it has been reported
that gefitinib has a synergistic effect in combination
with chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer
Kuo and Fisher argued that the differences between
NSCLC and colorectal cancer with respect to EGFR
expression and mutation status do not completely
explain this dichotomy
. Therefore, the mechanism that
underlies the synergistic effects of these EGFR inhibitors
seems to be multifactorial.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
In HNSCC, accumulating preclinical and clinical
studies have shown an increased effect of cetuximab in
combination with radiotherapy
, therefore contribut-
ing to its approval by the FDA. In addition, a recent
early-phase trial has also shown encouraging data for
the combination of gefitinib with chemoradiation
In metastatic colorectal cancer, another FDA-approved
mAb, bevacizumab, also significantly improved
response rates and overall survival of patients in com-
bination with 5-FU-based chemotherapy
. Although
the underlying mechanism is still unclear, we specu-
late that these augmentative effects of mAbs might be
partially due to their possible role in increasing p53-
dependent apoptosis, which is an important apoptotic
pathway activated by genotoxic agents
. Analogous
to this, we reported a similar mechanism for the syn-
ergistic effect of interferon-α (IFNα) and IFNβ with
genotoxic stresses such as 5-FU or γ-irradiation: IFNα
and IFNβ treatment contributes to the increase of DNA-
damage-induced apoptosis by activating TP53 expres-
. Nevertheless, the association of TP53 status with
responsiveness to the combination of bevacizumab and
5-FU-based chemotherapy in colorectal cancer remains
, whereas p53 loss of function seems
to predict resistance to the combination of gefitinib with
chemotherapy, particularly in colorectal cancers with
intact p21 expression
Synergistic effects of the combination of monoclonal
antibodies with small-molecule inhibitors. When one
envisages potential synergism of the non-redundant
properties of targeted mAbs and small-molecule
inhibitors, another interesting question is raised: can
the combination of distinct classes of inhibitors to the
same target molecule, for example, anti-EGFR mAbs
and EGFR TKIs, augment their efficacy for cancer
therapy compared with using a single EGFR inhibitor?
Huang et al. studied the effect of combination treat-
ment with cetuximab and either gefitinib or erlotinib
They found that the phosphorylation of EGFR and its
downstream signalling molecules, ERK and AKT, is
more severely inhibited by combined treatment, which
induced apoptosis in HNSCC cell lines. In addition,
gefitinib or erlotinib still retained the capacity to inhibit
EGFR-mediated signalling and in vitro proliferation of
lung and HNSCC cells, which are highly resistant to
cetuximab. Furthermore, combined treatment with
cetuximab and gefitinib or erlotinib significantly inhib-
ited the growth of human tumour xenografts, whereas
treatment with a single agent produced only modest
growth inhibition. Their findings suggest that the com-
bination of distinct classes of EGFR inhibitors might not
only increase their efficacy through non-overlapping
mechanisms of action, but also assist in overcoming
resistance to one class of EGFR inhibitor
. Consistent
with this, other groups have shown that therapeutic
mAbs can lower the effective dose of small-molecule
inhibitors such as gefitinib or lapatinib, which might
contribute to the reduction of toxicity without compro-
mising efficacy
. Preclinical studies
have shown
increased efficacy when trastuzumab is combined with
lapatinib in ERBB2-positive breast cancer cells, which
might support the encouraging phase I study results
of these agents in a combined regimen
. Although
antibody-related immune activation might explain this
synergy, several reports showed direct actions against
cancer cells. Treatment with lapatinib and trastuzumab
increased apoptosis of ERBB2-overexpressing breast
cancer cells
, and trastuzumab might sensitize cancer
cells to treatment with lapatinib during combination
. Further clarification of the mechanism of
action of each class of agents will be required to validate
the efficacy of combinations.
Conclusion and future directions
The recent clinical successes of therapeutic mAbs and
small molecules in cancer treatment have established
these agents as the first cornerstone of molecular target-
ing therapy for cancers. However, the issues that have
arisen during the development of targeted agents must
be addressed, and on the basis of these data an appro-
priate approach should be chosen to develop targeted
drugs with greater efficacy and safety. In particular, dur-
ing preclinical drug development it is crucial to predict
how potent and selectively targeted drugs will function
in eventual clinical applications. However, the biochemi-
cal criteria for target validation
have yet to be decided.
Knight et al. have recently used a systematic approach
for parallel evaluation using a chemically diverse panel
of small-molecule inhibitors that target the PI3K fam-
. Such integrated approaches should be useful for
the mapping of drug targets.
The activation of anti-tumour immunity is probably
crucial for efficiently eliminating tumour cells. In this
regard, small-molecule agents that do not directly act
on the immune system should be combined with drugs
with immunostimulatory activities to maximize thera-
peutic effects. As such, efforts have been made to target
a molecule with combinations of different classes of
agents, and several reports have provided evidence for
the potential synergistic effects of mAb therapies and
small-molecule inhibitors for cancer treatment
Although the efficient doses or schedules for combina-
tion therapies need to be optimized, and the predictive
criteria for the selection of patients that might benefit
from dual-agent therapy need to be established, a role
for therapeutic mAbs and small-molecule inhibitors
in combination therapies is emerging. Therefore, the
simultaneous use of distinct classes of agents that tar-
get one specific molecule could be thought of as one
of the promising strategies for maximally inhibiting
target molecule(s) and overcoming the limitations of
any single blockade.
However, in most solid tumours oncogenic progres-
sion is a multistep process and molecular pathogenesis
is not linked to the defect of a single target. In this con-
text, a single targeted therapy seems theoretically to
be an unfavourable strategy and cannot be expected
to yield optimal outcomes, which is paradoxical to the
original concept that a single targeted therapy would be
ideal, with fewer side effects due to its high specificity.
Therefore, the establishment of multi-targeted therapies
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
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A thorough review that gives an overview of the
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inhibitors as targets of molecular-based cancer
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through the combination of agents targeted to several
distinct molecules might be one of the goals for cancer
treatment in the immediate future. This could over-
come issues of tumour heterogeneity at the same time
as maintaining the selectivity of treatment. In addition,
monotherapy is further evolving with new single inhibi-
tors that target several molecules simultaneously. Several
bi- or multi-selective ErbB inhibitors are now in clini-
cal trials and await further comparative analyses with
mono-selective ErbB inhibitors.
Furthermore, a new aspect of cancer-targeted therapies
has been provided by recent findings with cancer stem
cells that show that mTOR inhibition by rapamycin selec-
tively eliminates leukaemic stem cells without affecting
normal haematopoietic stem cells
. Therefore,
targeting cancer stem cells or aberrant signalling
pathway(s) in those cells might offer a rational, effective
approach of targeting therapies.
Targeted mAb and small-molecule inhibitor
combinations should be further studied so that the
advantageous properties of both classes of agent can be
exploited to maximize their efficacy. A better under-
standing of targeted therapeutics in the context of a
cancer-stem-cell-directed strategy might lead to the
design of new, effective combitation therapy protocols,
which will hopefully improve the prognoses of cancer
patients. Further investigations and the development of
small-molecule inhibitors and mAbs will be required to
optimize the next generation of both molecular and cellular
target-directed therapies.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
55. Li, S. et al. Structural basis for inhibition of the
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The above two reports (references 75 and 76)
show the identification of somatic mutations in
exons 18–21 of the EGFR gene in NSCLC. These
results indicated these EGFR mutations as
possible determinants of gefitinib sensitivity to
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second mutation (T790M) in NSCLC bearing an
activating EGFR mutation, which might be related
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An interesting report of a comparative evaluation
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NSCLC cell lines that habour EGFR mutations, and
consistent data by retrospective analysis of NSCLC
patients with EGFR mutations treated with both
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We would like to thank T. Ishida for his continuous support of
the work in our laboratory described in this Review. The work
in our laboratory was supported in part by a grant for
Advanced Research on Cancer from the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan. We also
thank Z. Wang for his assistance with this manuscript.
Competing interests statement
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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... Medications synthesized through chemical processes have a well-established history in medicine, providing benefits such as cost-effectiveness in manufacturing and market availability, ease of oral administration, and efficient penetration of cell membranes. In contrast to peptides and biologics (proteins or antibodies), chemically or naturally derived small molecules present similar economic advantages (Imai and Takaoka, 2006). Oral administration of small molecules enhances patient adherence and safety, allowing them to penetrate cell membranes and target intracellular compounds. ...
Conference Paper
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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are host defense peptides. AMPs are commonly found in a large diversity of species, including both microbes and mammals. Natural antimicrobial compounds from plants and animals such as AMPs, are a valuable source of defense against microorganisms. Animals contain a variety of antimicrobial peptides that act as innate natural barriers to prevent microbial infection in some cases, as essential factors of the immune system's response to disease or inflammation. Animals include small types of anionic antimicrobial compounds, but all animals contain a significantly larger group of cationic antimicrobial compounds. The anionic peptides also known as defensins and cathelicidins are helical, proline-rich peptides composed of linear and cysteine-stabilized peptides with beta sheets. These peptides typically have a wide range of activities against fungi, Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria. AMPs have been synthesized and transformed using biological and chemical techniques, as well as advanced delivery and design technologies, which have helped overcome the significant weaknesses of peptides and have permitted the continuous growth of this area. Multiple therapeutic areas have been researched using a wide range of synthetic and natural peptides. Plants can produce substances to defend themselves from the hostile environment. The use of naturally derived plant antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) to study their efficacy against plant, food, and human infections has benefited from this. The popularity of chemically creating these peptides has increased in recent years. This review highlights significant developments in the areas of AMP drug development, therapeutic applications, and stability based on plant and animal-derived antimicrobial peptides.
... These limitations can turn into advantages, especially in terms of toxicity, given that they are catabolized into amino acids that can be readily incorporated into cellular metabolism after acting on target molecules. Moreover, peptide biotherapeutics do not accumulate significantly in organs or tissues when compared to organic molecules [45]. Additionally, peptides' higher specificity entails lower cytotoxicity due to off-target interactions, and their larger size (compared to non-biological, chemical entities) allows the inhibition of larger protein-protein interaction (PPI) pockets [16]. ...
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Peptides are attracting a growing interest as therapeutic agents. This trend stems from their cost‐effectiveness and reduced immunogenicity, compared to antibodies or recombinant proteins, but also from their ability to dock and interfere with large protein–protein interaction surfaces, and their higher specificity and better biocompatibility relative to organic molecules. Many tools have been developed to understand, predict, and engineer peptide function. However, most state‐of‐the‐art approaches treat peptides only as linear entities and disregard their structural arrangement. Yet, structural details are critical for peptide properties such as solubility, stability, or binding affinities. Recent advances in peptide structure prediction have successfully addressed the scarcity of confidently determined peptide structures. This review will explore different therapeutic and biotechnological applications of peptides and their assemblies, emphasizing the importance of integrating structural information to advance these endeavors effectively.
... TKIs are small molecules and, unlike mAbs, they can easily enter the cell (16,17). ...
... Drug formulations derived from natural sources or chemically synthesized compounds, which are characterized as small molecules used today for CAD, constitute a large part of the pharmaceutical market today due to their low production cost, ease of oral intake and good membrane permeation profile (Imai and Takaoka 2006). In addition to their advantages, these small molecule formulations are inadequate for inhibiting protein-protein interactions that occur over extensive surface areas and have low specificity (Wang et al. 2022). ...
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Many drug formulations containing small active molecules are used for the treatment of coronary artery disease, which affects a significant part of the world’s population. However, the inadequate profile of these molecules in terms of therapeutic efficacy has led to the therapeutic use of protein and peptide-based biomolecules with superior properties, such as target-specific affinity and low immunogenicity, in critical diseases. Protein‒protein interactions, as a consequence of advances in molecular techniques with strategies involving the combined use of in silico methods, have enabled the design of therapeutic peptides to reach an advanced dimension. In particular, with the advantages provided by protein/peptide structural modeling, molecular docking for the study of their interactions, molecular dynamics simulations for their interactions under physiological conditions and machine learning techniques that can work in combination with all these, significant progress has been made in approaches to developing therapeutic peptides that can modulate the development and progression of coronary artery diseases. In this scope, this review discusses in silico methods for the development of peptide therapeutics for the treatment of coronary artery disease and strategies for identifying the molecular mechanisms that can be modulated by these designs and provides a comprehensive perspective for future studies.
... Synergistic effects and overcoming resistance are important DFSP management considerations (Imai and Takaoka, 2006). Synergistic effects occur when two or more treatment modalities or drugs enhance each other's therapeutic efficacy and tumor control. ...
... Second, compared to the high specificity of antibodies, small molecule drugs synergistically target and regulate numerous anti-tumor pathways 11 . Third, due to greater oral availability and lack of immunogenicity, most patients are more tolerant to small molecule drugs 12 . Fourth, in consideration of the economy, the cost to manufacture, store, and transport small molecule drugs is generally cheaper because of the stable structure 13 . ...
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Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are used to relieve and refuel anti-tumor immunity by blocking the interaction, transcription, and translation of co-inhibitory immune checkpoints or degrading co-inhibitory immune checkpoints. Thousands of small molecule drugs or biological materials, especially antibody-based ICIs, are actively being studied and antibodies are currently widely used. Limitations, such as anti-tumor efficacy, poor membrane permeability, and unneglected tolerance issues of antibody-based ICIs, remain evident but are thought to be overcome by small molecule drugs. Recent structural studies have broadened the scope of candidate immune checkpoint molecules, as well as innovative chemical inhibitors. By way of comparison, small molecule drug-based ICIs represent superior oral bioavailability and favorable pharmacokinetic features. Several ongoing clinical trials are exploring the synergetic effect of ICIs and other therapeutic strategies based on multiple ICI functions, including immune regulation, anti-angiogenesis, and cell cycle regulation. In this review we summarized the current progression of small molecule ICIs and the mechanism underlying immune checkpoint proteins, which will lay the foundation for further exploration.
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The PD-1/PD-L1 complex is an immune checkpoint responsible for regulating the natural immune response, but also allows tumors to escape immune surveillance. Inhibition of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis positively contributes to the efficacy of cancer treatment. The only available therapeutics targeting PD-1/PD-L1 are monoclonal antibody-based drugs, which have several limitations. Therefore, small molecule compounds are emerging as an attractive alternative that can potentially overcome the drawbacks of mAb-based therapy. In this article, we present a novel class of small molecule compounds based on the terphenyl scaffold that bind to PD-L1. The general architecture of the presented structures is characterized by axial symmetry and consists of three elements: an m-terphenyl core, an additional aromatic ring, and a solubilizing agent. Using molecular docking, we designed a series of final compounds, which were subsequently synthesized and tested in HTRF assay and NMR binding assay to evaluate their activity. In addition, we performed an in-depth analysis of the mutual arrangement of the phenyl rings of the terphenyl core within the binding pocket of PD-L1 and found several correlations between the plane angle values and the affinity of the compounds towards the protein.
5543 Background: Concurrent chemotherapy/radiation therapy (RT) improves treatment outcome in pts with locally advanced unresectable squamous cancers of the head and neck. We previously reported a 51% 3-year disease-free survival with induction paclitaxel/carboplatin/5-FU followed by concurrent paclitaxel/carboplatin/RT. In this phase II trial, we added gefitinib, an EGFR inhibitor, to a similar chemoradiation regimen. Methods: All pts had squamous carcinoma of the head and neck, with at least one of the following: N 1 -N 3 disease, T 3 or T 4 primary lesion, nasopharynx primary (except T 1 N 0 M 0 ). Additional eligibility: no previous therapy, ECOG PS 0 or 1, adequate bone marrow, kidney, liver function; informed consent. All pts received initial docetaxel 60mg/m ² D1, 22; carboplatin AUC 5.0 D1, 22; 5-FU 200mg/m ² , 24-hour CI, D1–43; gefitinib 250mg PO qd, D1–43. Beginning week 8, pts received RT, 1.8Gy single daily dose to total 68.4 Gy, and concurrent docetaxel 20mg/m ² weekly × 6 doses + gefitinib 250mg PO daily. At completion of therapy, pts were reevaluated with CT scans and endoscopy. Results: 45 pts entered this trial between 8/04 and 8/05. Pertinent clinical characteristics: clinical T 3 /T 4 , 17; N 2 /N 3 , 23. 42 pts (93%) completed induction chemotherapy. 34 pts (76%) have completed combined modality therapy and have been restaged. Response to treatment: 11 CR (32%); 18 PR (53%); 5 stable/progression (15%). After median follow-up 7 months, 9 patients (20%) have developed progressive cancer. Actuarial PFS and OS at 1 year are 68% and 86%, respectively. Grade 3/4 myelosuppression was common, and grade 3/4 mucositis occurred in all pts during combined modality therapy. One pt had a treatment-related death during combined modality therapy. The addition of gefitinib did not substantially increase toxicity. Conclusions: This combined modality regimen was feasible and produced high response rates in pts with locally advanced head and neck cancer. Toxicity was consistent with other effective combined modality regimens for these pts. Further follow-up is needed to better assess the benefit of this approach. [Table: see text]
4502 Background: Lapatinib is an orally-active, reversible inhibitor of EGFR/ErbB2 tyrosine kinases. In Phase I/II trials, lapatinib has demonstrated activity in patients (pts) with advanced breast cancer. We report the first results of a randomized open-label Phase III trial ( EGF20001 ) of lapatinib vs. hormone therapy (HT) in pts with advanced RCC that express EGFR and/or ErbB2 by immunohistochemistry (IHC). The main endpoints were time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS). Methods: Pts with advanced RCC of any histology who had failed first-line cytokine therapy were stratified by Karnofsky performance score (KPS) and number of metastatic sites. Pts were randomized to receive oral lapatinib 1250 mg OD or HT. The primary efficacy endpoint was TTP, with 90% power to detect a 50% increase (i.e. 4 vs. 6 months) at a two-sided 5% significance level. All pt scans were interpreted by independent radiologic review. Results: At the time of the TTP analysis, 417 pts were randomized and 298 TTP events were reported. Demographic and baseline characteristics were similar between both arms; pooled results were: median age: 61 yrs; Stage IV disease: 97%, KPS 90–100: 59%, metastatic sites >2: 49%, prior nephrectomy: 94%, prior interferon therapy: 64%. No unexpected toxicities were observed, and drug-related AE (all grades) for lapatinib vs. HT included rash (44%:3%), diarrhoea (40%:3%). When results from all pts were analysed, median TTP was 15.3 weeks for lapatinib vs. 15.4 weeks for HT (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.94; p = 0.60), and median OS was 46.9 weeks for lapatinib vs. 43.1 weeks for HT (HR=0.88; p=0.29). In the major subgroup of 241 pts with EGFR overexpressed disease (3+ by IHC), median TTP was 15.1 weeks for lapatinib vs. 10.9 weeks for HT (HR = 0.76; p = 0.06), and median OS was 46.0 weeks for lapatinib vs. 37.9 weeks for HT (HR = 0.69; p = 0.02). These results were confirmed by Cox Regression analysis, and additional biomarker evaluation, including FISH, is underway. Conclusions: The EGFR/ErbB2 dual targeted inhibitor, lapatinib, appears to prolong overall survival compared to hormone therapy in advanced RCC pts with overexpressed EGFR who failed prior therapy. [Table: see text]
5553 Background: Lapatinib is a selective and potent dual, competitive inhibitor of EGFR and ErbB2. A high level of expression of EGFR is reported in SCCHN (ranging from 55% to 90%), which is a negative prognostic factor, whereas ErbB2 expression ranges between 40% to 60%. The rationale for EGFR inhibition in combination with fractionated radiotherapy is to enhance radiosensitivity and inhibit cellular proliferation, including accelerated repopulation, during treatment. Methods: Patients (pts) with locally advanced SCCHN were enrolled at escalating dose levels of lapatinib (500–1,500 mg/d) in combination with radiotherapy (66–70 Gy/6–7 weeks given 5 days a week in 2 Gy daily fractions) and intravenous cisplatin (100 mg/m ² , days 1, 22 and 43 of radiotherapy). Each cohort was to include 3 pts, with expansion to 6 in the event of dose-limiting toxicity (DLT). Main eligibility criteria were confirmed SCCHN, excluding nasopharynx, stage III, IVa,b, and adequate organ function. Regular safety assessments were performed during therapy and follow-up period. Cardiac assessments using MUGA or ECHO scans were also performed. Results: Seventeen pts were treated (500 mg - 7; 1,000 mg - 7; 1,500 mg - 3; expanded cohort of 9 additional pts is currently recruiting). The most common side effects were Grade 1-3 dysphagia, mucositis and dermatitis, typically observed with cisplatin and radiotherapy in this population. Lapatinib-related adverse events were minor. In the 500mg cohort: 2 pts had diarrhea (Gr 1), 1 pt had tinnitus (Gr 1); in the 1,000mg cohort: 2 pts had nausea (Gr 2) and vomiting (Gr 2), 1 pt had transient elevated liver enzymes (Gr 3); in the 1,500mg cohort 2 pts had nausea (Gr 1) and 3 pts vomiting (1 pt Gr 1, and 2 pts Gr 2). One DLT was reported both at 500 mg and 1,000 mg dose levels; no further DLT were reported at the final 1,500 mg dose level. The optimally tolerated regimen was lapatinib 1,500 mg OD, given concurrently with conventional radiotherapy and cisplatin. Preliminary evidence of clinical activity was encouraging. Conclusions: The combination of lapatinib and concomitant chemoradiation is well tolerated, has demonstrated encouraging clinical activity in this population of locally advanced SCCHN patients, and warrants phase II studies in this disease. [Table: see text]
IDEC-C2B8 is a chimeric monoclonal antibody (MoAb) directed against the B-cell–specific antigen CD20 expressed on non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL). The MoAb mediates complement and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and has direct antiproliferative effects against malignant B-cell lines in vitro. Phase I trials of single doses up to 500 mg/m2 and 4 weekly doses of 375 mg/m2 showed clinical responses with no dose-limiting toxicity. We conducted a phase II, multicenter study evaluating four weekly infusions of 375 mg/m2 IDEC-C2B8 in patients with relapsed low-grade or follicular NHL (Working Formulation groups A-D). Patients were monitored for adverse events, antibody pharmacokinetics, and clinical response. Thirty-seven patients with a median age of 58 years (range, 29 to 81 years) were treated. All patients had relapsed after chemotherapy (median of 2 prior regimens) and 54% had failed aggressive chemotherapy. Infusional side effects (grade 1-2) consisting of mild fever, chills, respiratory symptoms, and occasionally hypotension were observed mostly with the initial antibody infusion and were rare with subsequent doses. Peripheral blood B-cell depletion occurred rapidly, with recovery beginning 6 months posttreatment. There were no significant changes in mean IgG levels and infections were not increased over what would be expected in this population. Clinical remissions were observed in 17 patients (3 complete remissions and 14 partial remissions), yielding an intent to treat response rate of 46%. The onset of these tumor responses was as soon as 1 month posttreatment and reached a maximum by 4 months posttreatment. In the 17 responders, the median time to progression was 10.2 months (5 patients exceeding 20 months). Likelihood of tumor response was associated with a follicular histology, with the ability to sustain a high serum level of antibody after the first infusion, and with a longer duration of remission to prior chemotherapy. One patient developed a detectable but not quantifiable immune response to the antibody that had no clinical significance. IDEC-C2B8 in a dose of 375 mg/m2 weekly for 4 weeks has antitumor activity in patients with relapsed low-grade or follicular NHL. Results with this brief, outpatient treatment compare favorably with results with standard chemotherapy, and IDEC-C2B8 has a better safety profile. Further studies evaluating IDEC-C2B8 in other types of lymphoma either alone or combined with chemotherapy are warranted.
7022 Background: In phase II studies, erlotinib has shown single agent activity in a number of tumor types, including NSCLC. NCIC CTG BR.21 is a randomized, placebo-controlled trial undertaken to determine if the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) inhibitor erlotinib (Tarceva) prolongs survival in NSCLC patients after 1st or 2nd line chemotherapy. Methods: Eligibility criteria included stage IIIB/IV NSCLC, PS 0–3, 1–2 chemotherapy regimens (at least 1 combination regimen if < 70 yrs). Patients were stratified by center, PS (0,1 v 2,3), response to chemo (CR, PR v SD v PD), number of prior regimens (1 v 2), platinum (yes v no), and were randomized 2:1 to receive erlotinib 150 mg po/day or placebo. The 10 endpoint was survival with 20 endpoints of progression free survival (PFS), response, toxicity and QOL. Results: From Nov/01-Feb/03, 731 pts entered the study (median age 61y; 64% male; 67% PS 0,1). 50% had received 2 prior regimens, 93% had received platinum and 37% prior taxanes. Patient characteris...
5507 Background: The majority of head and neck cancers overexpress the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is associated with aggressive tumor behavior and poor clinical outcome. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo model systems demonstrate radiosensitization following molecular inhibition of EGFR signaling. Promising phase I/II clinical results were achieved when radiation was combined with the EGFR blocking antibody, cetuximab, in patients with locoregionally advanced squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the head and neck (H&N). This phase III international trial was designed to examine the impact of combining cetuximab with high dose radiation on locoregional disease control and survival in patients with locally advanced H&N cancer. Methods: Patients with locoregionally advanced SCC of the oropharynx, hypopharynx or larynx with measurable disease were eligible to enroll. Patients were stratified by Karnofsky score 60–80 vs. 90–100, node positive vs. negative, T1–3 vs. T4, radiation fractionation re...