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International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research COVID 19: Factors Associated with Implementation and Practice of Covid-19 Prevention

Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2022). 9(9): 37-42
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research
ISSN: 2393-8870
(A Peer Reviewed, Referred, Indexed and Open Access Journal)
DOI: 10.22192/ijamr Volume 9, Issue 9 -2022
Research Article
COVID 19: Factors Associated with Implementation and
Practice of Covid-19 Prevention
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu
Department of Medical Laboratory Science,Kampala International University, Western Campus,
COVID-19 has been reported as an ongoing global epidemic from Wuhan, China,
since it first emerged in December 2019. Coronavirus disease, severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-2), is a zoonotic disease that can be
transmitted from animals to humans and from humans to humans. The main way
COVID-19 spreads is droplets released by an infected person when they sneeze or
cough. This literature provides an overview of incidence, causes, symptoms, and
complications. Lack of personal protective equipment, heavy work, knowledge of
and access to infection prevention, lack of training of health workers, lack of
knowledge of infection and universal standard safety precautions, unmanageable
chronic respiratory illness, and COVID Implementation and Practice-Related
Factors-19 Prevention.
Coronavirus (COV) is an enveloped single-
stranded RNA virus that causes influenza-like
illness characterized by severe acute respiratory
symptoms with morbidity and mortality (Arajuo
2020; Asogwa et al., 2021; Hassan et al., 2022;
Obeagu et al., 2021). These viruses are highly
lethal and contagious, confined to Asia and the
Middle East, and have spread through human
migration in several countries (Kerwant and
Sohrabi, 2019). Clinical symptoms of Covid-19
include fever, body aches, dry cough, fatigue, sore
throat, difficulty breathing, chest pain, decreased
pressure with speech and movement, and
asymptomatic illness in Nigeria and Nigeria.
Includes gastrointestinal syndrome in people with
Other African countries (Enenche and Okeh,
In sub-Saharan Africa, the number of laboratory-
confirmed cases is still relatively low compared to
other continents. This image may be due to low
testing capacity and lack of an active monitoring
Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2022). 9(9): 37-42
system. The small number of confirmed cases
required good isolation centers, waste
management and environmental decontamination,
advice and psychosocial support from mental
health professionals, and public health education
(Rothan and Byrareddy, 2020). Morbidity and
mortality are high in developing countries
because of poor sanitation practices, poverty, poor
infection control measures, and weak immune
systems. Standards for universal infection control
measures and health education efforts have been
identified as key strategies for reducing morbidity
and mortality from the COVID-19 outbreak and
invasion (WHO, 2020). Medical health training
and refresher courses on infection control
measures and universal policy precautions in
healthcare facilities focus on providing healthcare
workers and nurses with the knowledge they need
to ensure successful implementation and practice
is placed.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined
as the disease caused by a new coronavirus
currently called severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS_COV2; previously called
2019 Cov). This was first confirmed in a case of
respiratory disease that occurred in Wuhan, Huber
province, China. First reported to WHO on 31
December 2019. On 30 January 2020, WHO
declared his CONVID-19 outbreak a global health
emergency. On March 11, 2020, WHO declared
her COVID-19 a global pandemic. This was the
first designation since 2009, when an HIV,
influenza, or pandemic was declared. This disease
caused SARS COV2. The name was chosen to
avoid stigmatizing the origin of the virus with
respect to population, geography, or animal
associations. On 11 February 2020, the
Coronavirus Research Group of the International
Commission on Taxonomy of Viruses issued a
statement announcing the official name for acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS
COV2) (WHO and NCDC 2020).
Public health groups managing the 2019
pandemic coronavirus disease (COV19),
including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) and WHO, can appear 2 to
14 days after exposure. Incubation period. Signs
and symptoms of coronavirus include fever,
cough, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, shortness of
breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain,
sore throat, runny nose, headache, conjunctivitis,
chest pain, rash, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
And so on. , and pneumonia. Many health experts
believe that the new strain of coronavirus likely
originated from angorism or bats.The first human
infection occurred in Wuhan, China. Since then,
the virus has spread mainly through personal
contact (Agulanna and Hong Chen 2019).
Coronaviruses belong to a family of viruses that
cause a variety of symptoms such as pneumonia,
fever, difficulty breathing, and lung infections.
These viruses are common in animals worldwide,
but few cases are known to affect humans. The
World Health Organization (WHO) used the 2019
novel coronavirus that affected the lower
respiratory tract of a patient with pneumonia on
December 29, 2019 in Wuhan, China. The current
reference name is severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2). In
December 2019, it was reported that a group of
patients with pneumonia of unknown origin was
involved in the South China Seaford Market in
Wuhan, Hubei Province, China (Hamzah and
Mohammad, 2020).
In response to the outbreak, the China Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)
dispatched a rapid response team to accompany
health authorities in Hubei and Wuhan to initiate
epidemiological and etiological investigations.
The WHO confirmed that the outbreak of the
coronavirus epidemic was linked to the South
China Seaford Marketplace, but did not identify a
specific animal link. Starting to investigate the
origin, on January 10, 2020, the first genome of
COVID-19 was released by a research team led
by Professor Yung Zhen Zhang. Within a month,
the virus spread rapidly across China during the
Chinese New Year. This period is when the
Chinese population exhibits a high degree of
human mobility. Although it is still too early to
predict susceptible populations, early patterns
show trends similar to those seen with severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle
Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2022). 9(9): 37-42
East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses
(Tian and Zixiang, 2020). Susceptibility appears
to be related to age, biological, gender, and other
health conditions. COVID-19 has been declared a
Public Health Emergency of International
Concern by the WHO, given the spread of the
novel coronavirus and its impact on human
health. The research community has responded
quickly to the new virus and many preliminary
research articles on it. The epidemic has already
been published (Zhong and Luoliu, 2020).
Factors associated with implementation and
practice of covid-19 prevention
The World Health Organization declared the 2019
coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020, after
declaring it a public health emergency for 11
days. COVID-19 has been reported as an ongoing
global epidemic from Wuhan, China, since it first
emerged in December 2019. COVID-19 is a
zoonotic disease that is transmitted from animals
to humans and from humans to humans. The main
way COVID-19 spreads is droplets released by an
infected person when they sneeze or cough. And
since the virus can live anywhere, it spreads
through infected surfaces and objects. Covid-19 is
characterized by a wide range of clinical features
ranging from asymptomatic to severe respiratory
illness. Typical signs/symptoms of Covid-19
include difficulty breathing, fever, cough and
shortness of breath. Symptoms such as headache,
muscle pain, sore throat, loss of taste and smell,
hemoptysis, and diarrhea have been occasionally
observed (Kerwan and Sohrabi, 2019).
The burden of Covid-19 is increasing globally in
terms of morbidity, mortality and economic crisis.
As of 27 July 2020, more than 16,249,165
confirmed cases of his Covid-19 and 649,208
deaths have been reported worldwide. While the
prevalence of COVID-19 is highest in Europe and
the Americas, it is increasing at an alarming rate
in Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, the situation can
be exacerbated by high comorbidities (HIV,
tuberculosis, and malaria), poverty, poor quality
of health care and poor access to health facilities.
As of 27 July 2020, 847,628 confirmed cases and
17,757 deaths have been reported from Africa.
The situation is no exception in Ethiopia, where
about 13,968 confirmed cases and 223 deaths
were reported as of 27 July 2020, increasing the
burden of Covid-19 (Hemalatha and Shaik Syed
2020). Healthcare workers are the group most at
risk for COVID-19. Because their work routinely
exposes him to infection with COVID-19. Several
healthcare workers have contracted her Covid-19,
and her work-related COVID-19 has resulted in
deaths worldwide. Unless special precautions are
taken to ensure the safety of health care workers
and their jobs, the system has a large number of
health care workers and, unlike others, is
experiencing her COVID-19 and other illnesses
around the world. It severely affects your ability
to fight infections. A healthcare worker has a dual
source of contracting her COVID-19 from the
community and workplace.
Prolonged exposure is one of the main reasons
healthcare workers become infected with COVID-
19. B. Shortage and poor quality of personal
protective equipment (PPE). Health care workers
are a typical source of infection from family
members, patients and communities (Rothan and
Byrareddy, 2020).
So far, we know a lot about spread, prevention
and support, but there are no recommended
treatments or vaccines for COVID-19. WHO
recommends human-to-human transmission by
avoiding close contact, washing hands frequently
with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer,
wearing PPE (face mask shield and gloves), and
avoiding crowded places. It is also important to
improve the knowledge and prevention practices
of healthcare workers and communities through
regular updates on COVID-19. Healthcare
professionals’ access information resources,
expand their knowledge, apply protective
equipment to prevent COVID-19, and provide
appropriate care to patients, families, and
communities. Recent literature on infection
prevention practices by health professionals at the
international level also indicates the existence of
relatively good knowledge and attitudes about
infection prevention practices. However, the
prevention practices of most health professionals
are not at their level of knowledge and attitude.
Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2022). 9(9): 37-42
It may be related to worker carelessness,
uncomfortable workplaces. Moreover, there is no
recent evidence of pre-existing preventive
practices of health care workers against COVID-
Infection control and prevention
Isolation precautions are guidelines designed to
prevent microbial transmission in hospital
settings. Hospital Infection Control Practices The
NCDC Advisory Committee recommends two
levels of isolation precautions. The first level,
called Standard Precautions, is designed for the
care of all patients in a hospital and represents the
primary strategies for preventing nosocomial
infections. Infectious diseases transmitted by
airborne droplets or contact routes (Hamzah and
Mohammad, 2020).
Standard precautions are the current best model
for best practice in infection control. They are
designed to reduce the risk of nosocomial
transmission of blood-borne and other pathogens
from both recognized and unrecognized sources
and apply to all patients at all times. . Their
implementation requires nurses and other medical
professionals to take appropriate steps. Gloves to
avoid contact with water, blood, all body fluids,
sweaty secretions and excretions. Regardless of
whether they contain visible blood, untouched
skin and mucous membranes. (Bayer and Barbara,
The premise of Standard Precautions is that all
patients, symptomatic or not, are colonized or
infected with the organism and that all patients
should be treated with a consistent level of care.
Medical staff should use additional barriers in the
form of personal protective equipment (PPE),
masks, eye protection, and drapes, depending on
the expected level of exposure to patient
excretions and secretions. . Elements of universal
standard safety practices include hand hygiene,
use of PPE, proper patient handling, equipment
and bedding care, environmental controls,
avoidance of sharps injuries and patient injury
during medical facility assignments. It is
included. Hand hygiene, gloves, prevention and
avoidance of splashes and sprays of bodily fluids
(Dilucca and Souri, 2020).
General precautions provide general guidelines
for infection control. These guidelines are
designed to reduce transmission of blood-borne
pathogens and other pathogens and apply to all
patients regardless of diagnosis. The guidelines
reinforce the idea that all bodily substances are
potential sources of infection. They include
recommendations for avoiding droplet contact,
direct or indirect contact, and airborne
transmission of infectious diseases. Precautions
include washing hands with soap and water and
wearing gloves after contact with patients,
wearing gloves if contagion is present, and a
reasonable expectation that airborne infections are
contagious. This includes wearing a disposable
face mask. Sharps and needles should be placed in
protective disposable containers that can be sealed
with lids, gloves should be worn when handling
specimens, and all specimens should be handled
carefully to minimize spillage. Thoroughly clean
all equipment to remove organic matter prior to
disinfection/sterilization. Nurses are usually
taught clean techniques, although they must
primarily use aseptic techniques when performing
most procedures. Information should be enough to
fight infections safely. Maintain a high level of
health through a balanced diet and adequate sleep,
rest, sunlight, fresh air and exercise. Droplet and
droplet protection Appropriate barriers can be
used when healthcare providers are involved in
activities that may spray/splash body fluids.
Goggles and a face mask are required if splashing
on your face is likely. Health-care workers should
wear protective gowns when they are involved in
procedures that could contaminate their clothing
with biological agents (Fatokun and Khan, 2019).
The most important aspect of reducing the risk of
blood borne infections is preventive injury
avoidance. Great care must be taken in all
situations involving the handling of needles,
scalpels, and other sharp objects. Do not reseal
used needles; place them directly in a puncture-
resistant container near where they will be used.
Nigeria had its first reported case of COVID-19 in
Lagos on 27 February 2020, but the number of
Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. (2022). 9(9): 37-42
cases and deaths has steadily increased. As of
June 12, 2020, his number of COVID-19 cases in
Nigeria has reached 15,181 and his 399 deaths,
including health workers.
Healthcare workers around the world are on the
front lines of containing the COVID-19 outbreak
and diagnosing and managing infected patients.
Unfortunately, healthcare workers are also
sources and means of nosocomial and
community-acquired infections. The burden of
disease in both developed and developing
countries is difficult to address and manage due to
inadequate provision of personal protective
equipment for health workers, contamination,
overcrowding and inadequate provision of
adequate isolation facilities worsening strategy.
Therefore, in order to contain the rising number of
COVID-19 cases, healthcare workers must adhere
to recommended measures to prevent
transmission. These measures are primarily
influenced by frontline knowledge and attitudes.
Precautions and Measures towards Covid-19
Gloves provide an effective barrier to the hands
from the microbiota associated with patient cases.
Gloves should be worn by HCWs when in contact
with patient secretions and discarded after each
contact with patient care. Microorganisms that
colonize the hands of healthcare workers can
thrive in the warm, moist environment provided
by gloves, so gloves should be cleaned or
disinfected after removal. As patient advocates,
healthcare workers play an important role in
promoting hand hygiene and gloves for use by
laboratory staff, technicians, and other hospital
personnel who come in contact with patients.
Some organisms are highly contagious and of
epidemiological importance, and when such
organisms are identified, special precautions
beyond standard precautions should be taken. The
National Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention recommends a second tier or
precaution called contagion-based precautions.
The insulation category is airborne, splash, and
control precautions.
Contact precautions are used against organisms
spread by skin contact. They are designed to
emphasize the use of careful techniques and
biological barriers with serious epidemiological
consequences for organisms that are easily
transmitted by contact. Between medical staff and
patients, patients who require contact isolation are
housed in private rooms whenever possible to
promote hand hygiene and reduce environmental
contamination. Masks do not need to be closed
(Okechukwu and Bolanune, 2012).
The review's conclusions show that there is
sufficient knowledge, implementation, and
attitudes towards COVID-19. Ministries,
stakeholders and medical technologists are
expected to plan programs in line with these
revelations. Proactive interventions should
facilitate the practice of preventive measures.
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How to cite this article:
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu. (2022). COVID 19: Factors
Associated with Implementation and Practice of Covid-19
Prevention. Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. 9(9): 37-42.
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Full-text available
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 is a new type of coronavirus that can cause Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) and is associated with an increased risk of thrombosis-related pulmonary embolism. Globally, doctors have revised their management strategies for suspected and confirmed PD in patients with Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in 2019. Choosing the right drug and the right dose requires consideration of potential comorbidities, which can be explained by the direct and indirect pathological consequences of Covid-19, complement activation, cytokine release, endothelial dysfunction, and the interaction between different types of blood cells. Discuss the pathophysiological events, therapeutic mortality strategies, risk factors and clinical management of patients with Covid-19 pulmonary embolism.
Full-text available
Introduction: The COVID-19 is currently the most horrible issue around the world as there is no proven vaccine or medicine for this rapidly spreading disease. The only way left to this situation is to slow down or eradicate the spreading by adopting preventing measures. Objective: The purpose of the study is to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and preventive practices toward COVID-19 among Bangladeshi internet users. Material and Methods: A total of 441 respondents voluntarily participated in a web-based cross-sectional survey. A structured questionnaire was created using Google Forms and the link was shared through authors' networks. Collected information was analyzed using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate techniques. Results: Respondent of age 30 and above are more optimistic (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] =1.96, 95% Confidence Interval [CI], 1.13 to 3.41; P=0.016) compared to respondent of age 18-29. For 1 unit change in the knowledge score the likelihood of staying home and wearing mask increases by 1.73 (95% CI, 1.43 to 2.09; P<0.01) and 1.54 (95% CI, 1.25 to 1.77; P<0.01) times respectively. From the linear regression analysis, we see that urban residence type (vs. rural, β=0.274; P=0.024) are significantly associated with higher knowledge scores. Additionally, a significant positive correlation exists between the COVID-19 knowledge score and the preventive practice score (r=0.291, P <0.01). Conclusion: Although knowledge and preventive practices among Bangladeshi internet users are encouraging, this study suggests updated knowledge be provided by healthcare authorities to enhance appropriate preventive practices throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.
Full-text available
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning that, although the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) from Wuhan City (China), is not pandemic, it should be contained to prevent the global spread. The COVID-19 virus was known earlier as 2019-nCoV. As of 12 February 2020, WHO reported 45,171 cases and 1115 deaths related to COVID-19. COVID-19 is similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) virus in its pathogenicity, clinical spectrum, and epidemiology. Comparison of the genome sequences of COVID-19, SARS-CoV, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) showed that COVID-19 has a better sequence identity with SARS-CoV compared to MERS CoV. However, the amino acid sequence of COVID-19 differs from other coronaviruses specifically in the regions of 1ab polyprotein and surface glycoprotein or S-protein. Although several animals have been speculated to be a reservoir for COVID-19, no animal reservoir has been already confirmed. COVID-19 causes COVID-19 disease that has similar symptoms as SARS-CoV. Studies suggest that the human receptor for COVID-19 may be angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor similar to that of SARS-CoV. The nucleocapsid (N) protein of COVID-19 has nearly 90% amino acid sequence identity with SARS-CoV. The N protein antibodies of SARS-CoV may cross react with COVID-19 but may not provide cross-immunity. In a similar fashion to SARS-CoV, the N protein of COVID-19 may play an important role in suppressing the RNA interference (RNAi) to overcome the host defense. This mini-review aims at investigating the most recent trend of COVID-19.
Mitigating the Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 in Southern Nigeria
  • E I Asogwa
  • E I Obeagu
  • O S Abonyi
  • C O Elom
  • I C Akamike
  • D U Udeoji
  • C J Egbumike
  • E U Agunwah
  • C N Eze
  • B N Esimai
Asogwa, E.I., Obeagu, E.I., Abonyi, O.S., Elom, C.O., Akamike, I.C., Udeoji, D.U., Egbumike, C.J., Agunwah, E.U., Eze, C.N. and Esimai, B.N. (2021). Mitigating the Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 in Southern Nigeria. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International.; 33(30A): 72-83
Chemical presentation Case management and Outcome for the first 32 convid-19 patients in Nigeria
  • J A Bolanale
  • S Salam
Bolanale, J. A. & Abdus Salam, S.I (2019) Chemical presentation Case management and Outcome for the first 32 convid-19 patients in Nigeria. Afr. Med. J.pp1-4).
Knowledge, Attitude and practice of secondary school students toward convid-19 epidemic in italia A Cross sectional study BioRXW Eneche, H.W & Okoh, O.E (2020) World Health Organization Naming the Coronavirus Disease (Convid-19) and virus that causes it
  • D M Dilueca
  • B G Souli
Dilueca, D.M. & Souli, B. G. (2020). Knowledge, Attitude and practice of secondary school students toward convid-19 epidemic in italia A Cross sectional study BioRXW Eneche, H.W & Okoh, O.E (2020) World Health Organization Naming the Coronavirus Disease (Convid-19) and virus that causes it. Pp 11-16.
Public Knowledge, attitude and Practices towards convid-19: A Cross Sectional study analysis
  • M R Hamzah
  • T J Mohammed
Hamzah, M R. & Mohammed, T. J. (2020) Public Knowledge, attitude and Practices towards convid-19: A Cross Sectional study analysis
Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception towards the
  • B O Okechukwu
  • M A Bolannwa
Okechukwu, B. O. & Bolannwa, M. A. (2020) Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception towards the 2019 Coronavirus Pandemic;
World Health Organization declaes Global Emergencey: a review of 2019 novel coronavirus (CONVID-19)
  • A Z Kerwan
  • N Sihrabi
Kerwan, A. Z. & Sihrabi, N. O (2019) World Health Organization declaes Global Emergencey: a review of 2019 novel coronavirus (CONVID-19) int. J..76. pp91-97.