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Anopheline mosquitoes behaviour and entomological monitoring in Southwestern Ethiopia


Abstract and Figures

Background & objectives: Despite a tremendous expansion in the financing and coverage of malaria control programmes, the disease continues to be a global health threat. This study was conducted to assess the entomological parameters of anopheline mosquitoes, viz. species composition, abundance, longevity, behaviour and infectivity rates in Kersa district, Jimma zone, southwestern Ethiopia. Methods: Mosquito collection was carried out from each selected household in each of the nine selected study villages of Kersa district, using CDC light-traps and pyrethrum spray catches (PSCs) for seven months (June to December 2014). Mosquito count data were log transformed before analysis and the data were analyzed using SPSS software package version 16.0. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to compare means and Tukey’s post-hoc test was used for mean separation. Results: In total, 1559 adult female anopheline mosquitoes, representing at least three species were collected from the study villages. Of these, 1122 were collected by CDC light-traps and the rest 437 were collected by PSCs. Anopheles gambiae s.l. (71.8%) was the most abundant species, followed by An. coustani s.l. (22%) and An. pharoensis (6.2%). The mean monthly density of anopheline mosquito species was highly significant (p < 0.001). Significantly (p
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Despite a tremendous expansion in the nancing and
coverage of malaria control programmes that has led to a
wide-scale reduction in malaria incidence and mortality,
the disease continues to be a global health threat; and has
resulted in 429,000 deaths from the estimated 212 mil-
lion cases in the year 2015, alone1. Furthermore, only 59
out of 103 countries with ongoing malaria transmission
are on the track of meeting the Millennium Development
Goal (MDG) target of reversing the incidence of malaria;
among them 52 were on the track of reducing malaria case
incidence rates by 75% till 20152. Considering substantial
reduction of global funds for malaria control and elimi-
nation in recent years and the overwhelming growing
evidence of antimalarial drug resistance combined with
insecticide resistance of vectors3, there is no assurance
that the recent gains achieved in disease control cannot be
thrown away cheaply.
The disease remains a long-standing problem in
Ethiopia, where all the four human malaria parasites are
prevalent in the country, with Plasmodium falciparum
being the most widely distributed and dominant parasite
species, followed by P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale4. In
Ethiopia, approximately 75% of the total area is estimated
to be malarious, with 68% of the total population being
at risk of infection5. Malaria transmission peaks twice in
a year, from September to December and April to May,
and the transmission is unstable where major epidemics
occurs due to climatological anomalies5. Anopheles ara-
biensis, member of An. gambiae complex, An. funestus
group, An. pharoensis and An. nili, are widely distributed
Anopheline mosquitoes behaviour and entomological monitoring in south-
western Ethiopia
Kidane Lelisa1, Abebe Asale2, Behailu Taye3, Daniel Emana4 & Delenasaw Yewhalaw4-5
1Department of Biology, Dilla University, Dilla; 2Department of Biology, Jimma University, Jimma; 3Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism
Management, Gambella University, Gambella; 4Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences and Pathology; 5Tropical and Infectious Diseases
Research Center, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
Background & objectives: Despite a tremendous expansion in the nancing and coverage of malaria control pro-
grammes, the disease continues to be a global health threat. This study was conducted to assess the entomological
parameters of anopheline mosquitoes, viz. species composition, abundance, longevity, behaviour and infectivity
rates in Kersa district, Jimma zone, southwestern Ethiopia.
Methods: Mosquito collection was carried out from each selected household in each of the nine selected study villages
of Kersa district, using CDC light-traps and pyrethrum spray catches (PSCs) for seven months (June to December
2014). Mosquito count data were log transformed before analysis and the data were analyzed using SPSS software
package version 16.0. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to compare means and Tukey’s post-hoc test
was used for mean separation.
Results: In total, 1559 adult female anopheline mosquitoes, representing at least three species were collected from the
study villages. Of these, 1122 were collected by CDC light-traps and the rest 437 were collected by PSCs. Anoph-
eles gambiae s.l. (71.8%) was the most abundant species, followed by An. coustani s.l. (22%) and An. pharoensis
(6.2%). The mean monthly density of anopheline mosquito species was highly signicant (p < 0.001). Signicantly
(p <0.05) higher population of An. gambiae s.l. were trapped indoor than outdoor. However, outdoor mean densities
of An. pharoensis and An. coustani s.l. were signicantly (p < 0.001) higher than indoor mean densities. The longev-
ity of An. gambiae s.l. was higher in the months of June, July and August (mean 7.32 days) and lower in the months
of October, November and December (mean 2.94 days). Two An. gambiae s.l. specimens were found positive for
Plasmodium vivax 210 polymorphs and the overall infectivity rate was estimated to be 1.04%.
Interpretation & conclusion: This study could contribute to the understanding of anopheline mosquitoes with respect
to their composition, dynamics, distribution and behaviour in Kersa district, for evidence based malaria vector control
programmes, mainly in the appropriate timing of the indoor residual spray programme.
Key words Anopheles; Ethiopia; infectivity rate; malaria; mosquitoes; parity rate
J Vector Borne Dis 54, September 2017, pp. 240–248
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anopheline vector species in the country, with former be-
ing the primary vector 6-10.
Disease control strategy in Ethiopia includes advoca-
cy, community mobilization, and communication activi-
ties for behaviour change in all populations to household
level, creating demand for interventions and utilization of
services through health extension workers (HEWs)11-13.
Furthermore, the Government of Ethiopia has set an am-
bitious national goal in 2005 to provide 100% coverage
of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) in malarious areas, with
a mean of two ITNs per household; to scale-up indoor
residual spraying (IRS) in households with insecticide, to
cover 30% of households targeted for IRS; and scale-up
the provision of case management with rapid diagnostic
tests (RDTs) and artemisinin-based combination thera-
pies (ACTs)14-17.
However, decreased sensitivity of parasites to
drugs18-19, decreased susceptibility of vector(s) to pub-
lic health insecticide(s)20-27, the behavioural plasticity
of vector mosquitoes following the application of long-
lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and IRS28-31 and residual
transmission that is acquired mainly through, out-door
or early biting32 could jeopardize the envisaged disease
control and elimination programme. In addition to this,
better understanding of local malaria vector behaviour,
their ecology and microclimate would permit a better un-
derstanding of malaria transmission in one particular set
up in order to optimize control strategies aimed at reduc-
ing man-vector contact. Such critical information can be
obtained through longitudinal monitoring and evaluation
of vector population before and after the application of
control measures such as LLIN and IRS. Therefore, in this
study an entomological assessment regarding anopheline
mosquito composition, abundance, parity rate, longevity,
resting behaviour, infectivity rates and other entomologi-
cal parameters were carried out pre- and post-IRS opera-
tion in Kersa district, southwestern Ethiopia.
Study area and period
The study was conducted from June to December
2014 in Kersa district, southwestern Ethiopia. It is located
in the southwestern part of Jimma zone, Oromia region-
al state, 333 km southwest of Addis Ababa. The study
area lies between latitudes 7°35–8°00 N and longitudes
36°46–37°14 E. The altitude ranges between 1740 and
2660 m above sea level. The district is malarious; the eco-
logical condition in the district favours the existence of
Anopheles mosquitoes responsible for malaria transmis-
sion. Malaria is the most prevalent seasonal disease in the
area accounting for 77.1% of all the reported diseases in
the health center during 2006 and 2007. The district has
more or less homogenous characteristics of house style
with walls made of wood and mud plastered and roofs
covered with grass. The community practice similar per-
sistent agricultural socioeconomic activity, and majority
of them are Oromo ethnic33. Out of 32 “Kebeles” (smallest
administrative unit in Ethiopia) that existed in the district,
20 of them are categorized as highly malarious, 10 as mild
and two as malaria free district (District Health Oce).
Study design
A longitudinal study was conducted using entomo-
logical parameters such as Anopheles species composi-
tion, density, vector population dynamics, behaviour,
longevity and vector infectivity in nine villages selected
from three sentinel sites in Kersa district of Jimma zone,
southwestern Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, there is routine an-
nual national spray programme and distribution of LLINs
as part of vector control interventions, with replacement
of LLIN being done every three years. Intervention cam-
paign usually start in the second half of August and last for
1 to 2 months. At this particular study site, bendiocarb (0.4
g/m2) has been used for indoor residual spray and LLINs
(PermaNet 2.0) have been distributed since September
2013. The dynamics of vectors was monitored from the
month of June to December 2014.
Monthly mosquito sampling and identication
Three “Kebeles” namely Bulbul, Gelo and Ankaso
were selected randomly from 20 highly malarious “Ke-
beles”. A total of nine villages (three from each “Ke-
bele”) were used for entomological assessment. A total
nine houses were randomly selected (one per village) for
whole night light-trap collections (LTCs) using the Cen-
ter for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) light-traps
(Model 512; John W. Hock Co., Gainesville, FL, U.S.A.).
Adult female Anopheles mosquito collections were car-
ried out indoor and outdoor in each of the selected houses
twice a month from June to December 2014. The CDC
light-trap was set to run between 1800 to 0600 hrs and
was set inside the bed room (untreated bednet were also
provided to the inhabitants), whereas outdoor collection
was set in the radius of 15–20 m surrounding the indoor
collected houses or nearby cattlesheds.
Pyrethrum spray catch (PSC) was employed to collect
indoor resting Anopheles mosquitoes from 0600–0730
hrs in 60 houses, 20 from each of three villages namely,
Sarado, Waddeyi and Warsu which were dierent from
those used for LTCs. Anopheline mosquitoes were sam-
pled from each house once a month, from June to Decem-
Lelisa et al: Anopheline mosquitoes behaviour in southwestern Ethiopia
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J Vector Borne Dis 54, September 2017
ber 2014. Prior to PSC, the inhabitants were instructed to
empty the house, any openings that could allow mosquito
escaping were closed and entire oor was covered with
a white sheet of cloth made of cotton. Then a protected
sprayer (person) sprayed the room with Mobil it (Bioy-
gon SC, Jonhanson and Sun. Inc. USA) for about 5 min
and left closed for 15 min. Subsequently, the sheet was
brought outside the room and knockdown mosquitoes
were inspected and non-anopheline mosquitoes such as
Culex were identied visually using key characters such
as wing and abdominal appearance. The abdominal status
of all collected mosquitoes were observed with exception
of Culex samples and sent to Asendabo Field Vector Biol-
ogy of Jimma University, Jimma for further morphologi-
cal identication using standard keys34-35.
Abdominal status detection
Following the guidelines of WHO36 the blood meal
digestion stages of female Anopheles collected by LTCs
and PSCs were identied by the help of hand lens and
then grouped as unfed, freshly fed, half-gravid, and grav-
id. The unfed and freshly fed groups were used for ovary
dissection, for determining the parity rate and longevity
of mosquitoes. Fed and gravid specimens of An. gambiae
s.l., An. pharoensis and An. coustani were preserved on
silica gel. Head and thorax region of unfed and parous An.
gambiae s.l. were also preserved on silica gel for circum-
sporozoite protein (CSP) detection along with the fed and
gravid specimen of this species36.
Determination of parity
Ovaries of unfed anopheline mosquitoes collected by
LTCs method were dissected36, following specimen iden-
tication at species level, and abdominal status detection
after immobilization using chloroform36. Briey, the legs
and wings of a mosquito were removed, and then placed
on a slide in a drop of phosphate buer saline solution
(PBS). While holding one dissecting needle on the thorax,
under a dissecting microscope, the ovaries were removed
by breaking the abdominal wall in the region of the 7th
to 8th sclerite, and then by pulling the tip of the abdomen
away from the rest of the body with a second needle held in
the right hand. Then the two lobed ovaries were separated
and allowed to air dry and liquid if any was absorbed using
lter paper. The ovaries, were examined for ovary trache-
oles under compound microscope using the 10x objective,
and when necessary, a conrmation was made using 40x
objective. The ovaries in which the terminal skeins of the
tracheoles had become uncoiled were considered to be
parous, while the ovaries with coiled skeins were consid-
ered to be nulliparous36.
Determination of infectivity
Head-thorax of unfed parous, fed, half-gravid and
gravid specimens of An. gambiae s.l. collected by LTCs
and PSCs was used for CSP detection.
The head-thorax of a mosquito was removed with a
sharp clean surgical blade on lter paper and then trans-
ferred to labeled eppendorf tube of 1.5 ml by clean forci-
pes; while the rest parts of the mosquito were preserved
for further study. Then 50 µl of blocking buer (BB)
containing IGEPAL CA-630 (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) was
added to each of the sampled head-thorax; grinded and
homogenized very well through vortexes, handshaking
and using new non-absorbent plastic pestle. About 200
µl BB was added to each labeled eppendorf tube and kept
in –20°C.
About 50 µl of diluted capture monoclonal antibod-
ies (MAb) (CDC, Atlanta, USA) was added to ELISA
plates, and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. Then
the capture MAb was aspirated by multichannel pipettes
and completely drained by banging plates sharply on an
absorbent tissue paper to ensure complete dryness. Fol-
lowing this, each well was completely lled with BB and
incubated for 1 h at room temperature. The plates with BB
were then aspirated using multichannel pipettes and the
remaining buer droplets were drained again by banging
plates sharply on an absorbent tissue paper. About 50 µl
of positive control (recombinant protein antigen, CDC,
Atlanta, USA) and 50 µl (per well) of the negative controls
(homogenate of laboratory reared female An. gambiae
s.l.) were added in the rst two column of each plate. Then,
50 µl of each mosquito homogenate was loaded to the
remaining wells of the plate, with careful crosschecking
of the correct correspondence of codes between the plate
wells and labels on each eppendorf tube containing the
homogenate. Then the plate was covered with aluminum
foil and incubated for 2 h at room temperature in subdued
light. The homogenate was then removed and the wells
were washed twice with 150 µl PBS-Tween 20 through
lling and emptying. Then 50 µl Peroxidase-conjugated
MAb was added and incubated for 1 h at room tempera-
ture. The enzyme conjugate from the wells were aspi-
rated and washed three times with PBS-Tween 20. Then
about 100 μl of 2,2-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-
sulfonic acid) (ABTS) (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) substrate
per well was added to each well and incubated for 30–60
min. Appearance of dark green colour marked positive
reaction as described in a study by Wirtz et al37. Lastly,
the results of each tested mosquito sample were recorded.
The sporozoite rates were calculated as the proportion of
mosquitoes containing malaria sporozoite antigen to the
total samples tested by ELISA.
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Meteorological data
Mean monthly rain fall, relative humidity and tem-
perature were obtained from the Southwestern branch of
Regional Oce of the Ethiopian Meteorological Agency,
Ethical considerations
Permission from the district and respective village
authorities for the study was obtained. Both verbal and
written informed consent was obtained from the head of
the households selected for the study for carrying out the
mosquito collection.
Data analysis
Density data were cleaned then log-transformed in
SPSS and also tested for normality before analysis using
SPSS software version 16 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).
The signicance test was done assuming p < 0.05 for the
analysis. Multiple mean comparisons were done by one-
way ANOVA. For signicant ANOVA, means were sepa-
rated using Tukey’s Post-hoc test. Correlation coecient
was used to determine the monthly mean density of An.
gambiae s.l. along with rain fall, relative humidity and
minimum monthly temperature. Student’s t-tests were
used to analyze dierences in indoor and outdoor biting
Degree of exophily (DE) was calculated as described
by Ameneshewa and Service38: DE = 1−(1/F:HGG) 100,
where, F is the number of fed mosquitoes and HGG is
the sum of the gravid and half-gravid mosquitoes col-
lected by PSCs to determine rates of exophilic behaviour
of collected mosquito species. Parous rates (PR= P/NE),
daily survival rate and longevity (L= 1/–ln p) of
Anopheles mosquitoes were determined following formu-
las developed by Detinova39; where, P=Number of parous
mosquitoes detected, NE=Total number of mosquitoes
examined; and gc=Estimated gonotrophic cycle. Sporo-
gonic cycle and duration of sporogony were calculated
following method developed by WHO36. The sporozoite
infection rate of An. gambiae s.l. was expressed as the
proportion of mosquitoes containing malaria sporozoite
proteins out of the total samples tested by ELISA.
Species compositions and abundance of anopheline
In total, 1559 adult female anopheline mosquitoes
representing at least three species were collected during
the study period, from the nine study villages (Table 1).
Of these 1122 anopheline mosquitoes were collected by
LTCs and the rest 437 were collected by PSCs. Anopheles
gambiae s.l. (71.8%) was observed as the most abundant
species, followed by An. coustani s.l. (22%) and An. phar-
oensis (6.2%). Anopheles gambiae s.l. and An. coustani
s.l. were found in all the study villages.
Comparison of mosquito density among villages
showed that there was no signicant dierence in mean
density of An. gambiae s.l. (F(8, 117) = 0.32, p = 0.96) and
An. coustani s.l. (F (8, 117) = 0.46, p = 0.89). In contrast,
mean density of An. pharoensis among study villages was
signicantly dierent (F (8, 117) = 8.10, p = 0.0) in distribu-
tion (Table 2).
There was signicant dierence in mean monthly
density of An. gambiae s.l. (F (6, 119) = 84.27, p = 0.0), An.
pharoensis (F (6, 119) = 6.99, p = 0.0) and An. coustani s.l.
(F(6, 119) = 28.58, p = 0.0). The highest mean density of An.
gambiae s.l. was in August, and least in December 2014.
Mean density for An. coustani s.l. was highest during Sep-
tember and October 2014 (Table 3).
Table 1. Species composition and abundance of anophelines
in Kersa district, Jimma zone, southwestern Ethiopia
(June to December 2014)
Species Collection method Total
An. gambiae s.l. 777 (69.25) 342(78.26) 1119 (71.78)
An. pharoensis 56 (5) 42 (9.6) 98 (6.3)
An. coustani s.l. 289 (25.75) 53 (12.14) 342 (21.92)
Total 1122 437 1559
Figures in parentheses indicate number of percentages.
Table 2. Mean density of An. gambiae s.l., An. pharoensis and An.
coustani s.l. (per trap/night) by village in Kersa district, Jimma
zone, southwestern Ethiopia
Kebeles Village An. gambiae s.l. An. pharoensis An. coustani s.l.
(Mean ± SE) (Mean ± SE) (Mean ± SE)
Ankaso Sardo 0.45±0.06
Digo 0.40
Ankaso 0.51
Buko 0.45
Bulbul Waddeyi 0.49±0.07
Demitu 0.48
Gelo 0.50
Gelo Warsu 0.52
Sayyo 0.46
Means with superscript ‘a’ in the 1st and 3rd column are not signicantly dif-
ferent from each other at p < 0.05. Means with superscript ‘a’ in II column are
signicantly dierent from the means with superscript ‘b’.
Lelisa et al: Anopheline mosquitoes behaviour in southwestern Ethiopia
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J Vector Borne Dis 54, September 2017
Indoor and outdoor density of anopheline mosquitoes
Table 4 shows indoor and outdoor mean monthly den-
sity of An. gambiae s.l., An. pharoensis and An. coustani
s.l. Overall, the mean monthly indoor density of An. gam-
biae s.l. was signicantly higher (t(1,125) = 2.28, p = 0.023)
than the mean monthly outdoor density. However, mean
outdoor density of An. gambiae s.l. was higher than mean
indoor density during September and October 2014.
Degree of exophily of anopheline mosquito
Out of 342 An. gambiae s.l. mosquitoes collected dur-
ing the study period, 196 were fed specimens while 116
were half-gravid and gravid. Higher number of fed and
half-gravid An. gambiae s.l. specimens were documented
in months between June and August and lower degree
of exophily (23–48%) was recorded in the aforemen-
tioned months. Higher degree of exophily was recorded
in months of September (89%) and October (87%), right
after the spray campaign. However, the trend of exophily
was reversed to lower rate in the following months, i.e.
November (56%) and December (50%). Degree of exoph-
ily for An. pharoensis and An. coustani s.l. however, was
higher throughout the intervention period (Table 5).
Daily survival and life expectancy of anopheline mosqui-
Table 6 shows the monthly parity rates, longevity of
An. gambiae s.l. and probability of sporogonic survival
of P. vivax among study villages. Vector mosquitoes
showed longer life span in months June, July and August.
In contrast, they lived shorter life in months September,
October and November. The highest probability of daily
sporogonic survival of P. vivax was observed in June and
August with 0.42 and 0.32 days, respectively, while the
lowest was September (0.03 days).
Table 4. Mean monthly indoor and outdoor anopheline mosquito
density in Kersa district, Jimma zone, southwestern Ethiopia
(June to December 2014)
Months An. gambiae s.l. An. pharoensis An. coustani s.l.
Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor
June 0.67 0.44 0.02 0.2 0.0 0.0
July 0.93 0.67 0.07 0.2 0.04 0.27
August 1.05 0.81 0.0 0.0 0.08 0.44
September 0.30 0.49 0.06 0.2 0.31 0.65
October 0.25 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.21 0.59
November 0.30 0.20 0.0 0.0 0.09 0.49
December 0.12 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.08
( 5 4 . 7 3 )
Number in parentheses indicate percentages of indoor/outdoor species
Table 5. Monthly anopheline abundance and degree of exophily
(DE) recorded in Sarado, Waddeyi and Warsu villages, Kersa
district, southwestern Ethiopia (June to December 2014)
Months Anopheline
Abdominal status DE =
Total Unfed Fed HGG F:HGG
Jun An. gambiae s.l. 49 5 29 15 1.9 48
An. pharoensis 16 4 10 2 5 80
Jul An. gambiae s.l. 77 9 44 24 1.8 45
An. pharoensis 14 2 10 2 5 80
Aug An. gambiae s.l. 164 6 89 69 1.3 23
An. coustani s.l. 17 4 11 2 5.5 82
Sep An. gambiae s.l. 15 5 9 1 9 89
An. coustani s.l. 22 4 16 2 8 87
An. pharoensis 12 4 7 1 7 86
Oct An. gambiae s.l. 19 2 15 2 7.5 87
An. coustani s.l. 8 1 6 1 6 83
Nov An. gambiae s.l. 16 3 9 4 2.3 56
An. coustani s.l. 6 1 4 1 4 75
Dec An. gambiae s.l. 2 0 1 1 1 50
F—Number of fed mosquitoes; HGG—The sum of the gravid and half-gravid
Infectivity rate of An. gambiae s.l.
Of 192 An. gambiae s.l. tested for Plasmodium para-
site species CSP by sandwich ELISA, two mosquito spec-
imens were found positive for P. vivax 210 polymorphs
with infectivity rate of 1.04%. One of these two positive
specimens was collected in LTCs in the month of June,
while the other was collected in PSCs in August 2014.
Table 3. Mean monthly density/trap-nights of anopheline
mosquitoes in Kersa district, Jimma zone, southwestern Ethiopia
(June to December 2014)
Months An. gambiae s.l.
(Mean ± SE)
An. pharoensis
(Mean ± SE)
An. coustani s.l.
(Mean± SE )
June 0.56±0.04b0.089±0.03a 0.0±0.0e
July 0.81±0.03a 0.13±0.04a 0.16±0.04c,d
August 0.98±0.03a 0.0±0.0b 0.26±0.04b,c
September 0.40±0.04c 0.13±0.04a 0.52±0.04a
October 0.28±0.04c,d 0.0±0.0b 0.40±0.04a
November 0.25±0.03d 0.0±0.0b 0.29±0.04b,c
December 0.08±0.03e 0.0±0.0b 0.04±0.02d,e
Means with the same letter(s) in the same column are not signicantly dier-
ent from each other at p < 0.05; Superscripts refer to the weight of each mean
from highest to lowest starting from ‘a’ to ‘e’.
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Kersa district in Ethiopia has been reported to be
highly malarious area18, 40. In the present study An. gam-
biae s.l. was recorded from all the study villages and the
highest density was recorded in July and August 2014
which are the months of long rainy season. Rainfall, rela-
tive humidity and temperature favoured the density of An.
gambiae s.l. in the present study, similar to the phenomena
reported in a study in Kenya, which indicated that the rainy
months presents favourable environmental conditions
that enhance mosquito breeding and survival, through the
proliferation of larval habitats and improved humidity41.
Similarly, other studies from Nigeria encountered higher
numbers of mosquitoes in the rainy months42-43.
Anopheles coustani s.l. (some of its sibling species
like An. tenebrosus44 incriminated as suspected second-
ary vectors) was also abundant next to An. gambiae s.l.
in the study villages. The study villages Sarado, Digo and
Ankaso, where An. pharoensis was exclusively recorded
were characterized by permanent water body (Gilgel-
Gibe River, Awetu Rivers, Boy pond, and irrigated areas).
Interestingly, this species which is considered as a sec-
ondary vector in Ethiopia, has been reported from other
similar environments like near Awero and Baro Rivers in
Gambella, southwestern Ethiopia10, 45. This indicates that
this species prefers to breed in permanent water bodies
with emergent vegetation.
Anopheles gambiae s.l. in the present study showed
endophagic behaviour, similar to that report of an ento-
mological assessment in Gambella region10 and Mwea,
Kenya45. In contrast, to the present nding, Kibret et al46,
Woyessa et al47 and Tirados et al48 documented that this
species fed more predominantly in outdoors than indoors
in Zeway, Central Ethiopia, Akaki and in Konso, south-
western Ethiopia respectively. Oyewole et al43 in a study
carried out in Nigeria have also reported that popula-
tion of An. gambiae s.l. species prefer outdoor feeding.
Ameneshewa and Service38 have reported that indoor and
outdoor biting behaviour of An. arabiensis in Gergedi
Upper Awash, central Ethiopia depends strongly on the
availability of hosts. However, in this study, the outdoor
density of An. gambiae s.l., were signicantly higher than
indoor density in September and October 2014 post-IRS
operation. This could be attributed to behavioural avoid-
ance of an insecticide20, 38, 49-50. This higher outdoor density
of the population of An. gambiae s.l. post-IRS operation
may enhance outdoor malaria transmission by increas-
ing human-vector contact, as the local people spend the
evening outdoor with their cattle/villagers or the families
gather together and discuss while chewing Khat (Catha
The other two anopheline species documented in
this study (An. pharoensis and An. coustani s.l.) showed
exophagic feeding behaviour, similar to the ndings of
dierent studies from Ethiopia, East Africa and Camer-
oon, West Africa that demonstrated strong exophagic be-
haviour of An. pharoensis and An. coustani s.l.51-54.
Mosquito species varies in their preference of rest-
ing places. The resting behaviour of anophelines has been
shown to be exible and aected by various factors like
vector management methods applied and climate vari-
abilities38, 49, 55. The present study recorded a reduced en-
dophilic preference of An. gambiae s.l. post-IRS interven-
tion. This could be due to irritant and excito-repellency
eect of the insecticide sprayed. In Tanzania, most of the
An. arabiensis were found to exit-trap from DDT-sprayed
houses just after blood meals, compared to houses that
were sprayed with lambdacyhalothrin from which they
left without taking blood meals50. A study conducted in
the Rift Valley of Ethiopia revealed that 43.6% of blood
meal-fed An. arabiensis exiting the DDT sprayed houses
showed exophilic behaviour38. Resting behaviour of vec-
tor is one of the most important factors that determines the
ecacy of IRS. Unfortunately, An. arabiensis, the prin-
cipal vector of malaria in Ethiopia, is partially exophilic
and, thus, poses a greater challenge to malaria control ef-
forts relying on IRS.
During pre-IRS intervention An. gambiae s.l. popula-
tion was observed to show endophilic behaviour. Charl-
wood et al56 in their study carried out in Tanzania and
Maedot et al57 from Eritrea related the increased endo-
philic behaviour of malaria vectors with increased rain-
falls. Fornadel and Norris55 from Zambia indicated that
increased endophily of An. arabiensis could be attributed
to colder or wetter than normal weather which might force
Table 6. Longevity of An. gambiae s.l. and probability of
sporogonic survival of P. vivax in Kersa district, Jimma zone,
southwestern Ethiopia (June to November 2014)
Months Parity P LE (Days) TN (Days) S (Days)
June 0.73 0.9 9.09 27.33 8.18 0.42
July 0.59 0.84 5.88 24.1 10.94 0.15
August 0.71 0.89 8.3 24.92 10.08 0.31
September 0.32 0.68 2.56 26 9.13 0.03
October 0.43 0.76 3.7 27.83 7.88 0.12
November 0.36 0.71 2.94 27.95 7.81 0.07
Mean 0.52 0.79 5.18 26.19 8.98 0.12
P—Probability of daily survival; LE—Life expectancy; T—Atmospheric
temperature; n—Duration of sporogony; S—Probability of daily sporogonic
Lelisa et al: Anopheline mosquitoes behaviour in southwestern Ethiopia
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J Vector Borne Dis 54, September 2017
indoor fed mosquitoes to rest indoor. Long-term use of
DDT in IRS was observed to enhance the behavioural
resistance of this species. The shortest life span of An.
gambiae s.l. in September, suggests that the IRS opera-
tion might have impact on the longevity of the vector spe-
cies. Another possible reason for the low parity rate in late
dry season of the year would be the low temperature and
relative humidity. In the present study, An. gambiae s.l.
showed higher parous rate and longevity during June, July
and August months. Similarly, another study has reported
higher parous rates for An. arabiensis in rainy months38.
The ndings of this study showed that the infectivity
rate of An. gambiae s.l. was low (only 1.04%). Earlier
studies in Ethiopia also indicate low infectivity rates for
the principal malaria vector, An. arabiensis, e.g. sporozo-
ite rates of 1.18 and 1.1% were reported for An. arabiensis
from Sille and Arbaminch city by Habtewold et al58 and
Taye et al52, respectively. Similarly, Oyewole et al43 re-
ported 2.5% sporozoite rate for An. arabiensis in tropical
rain forest of Nigeria. Shililu et al59 also reported 6.3%
sporozoite rates for An. gambiae s.l. in western Kenya.
A CSP negative result in An. gambiae s.l. after IRS in-
tervention might be due to the shorter life expectancy of
the vector species; which implies that, the longer the life
expectancy, the higher the probability of malaria parasite
to reach an infective stage42.
In conclusion, the most predominant malaria vector
recorded in the study area is An. gambiae s.l., the principal
malaria vector in Ethiopia. Higher density of An. gambiae
s.l. was recorded outdoor in September month from all
study villages. The fed to gravid ratio of An. gambiae s.l.
was higher after IRS operation; indicating that the spe-
cies tended to avoid the insecticide and rest outdoor due
to induced pressure. Higher density and longevity of An.
gambiae s.l. was observed in the early months of the wet
season (June, July and August) pre-IRS intervention. The
lowest daily survival rates and therefore shorter longevity
of An. gambiae s.l. in September shows the impact of IRS
operation. Thus, the results of the study could contribute
to the understanding of anopheline mosquitoes, i.e. their
composition, dynamics, distribution, life expectancy,
behaviour and infectivity rates in the study area which
could be used in evidence based malaria vector control
Conict of interest
The authors declare that they have no any conict of
The authors acknowledge the Jimma University,
Jimma, Ethiopia for the nancial support and laboratory
space provision.
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Correspondence to: Dr Abebe Asale, Department of Biology, Jimma University, PO Box–5020, Jimma, Ethiopia.
Received: 9 May 2016 Accepted in revised form: 20 July 2017
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... This could be a mechanism adopted by the vector population to evade indoor intervention (LLINs and IRS) (Thomsen et al., 2016b). Anopheles pharoensis, the less important vector however, showed consistently outdoor feeding behavior as it has been documented in other studies (Lelisa et al., 2017;Kibret et al., 2019;Degefa et al., 2021). ...
... pharoensis has coincided with that of An. arabiensis i.e. increased during early and late night. One study from the Jimma area showed a similar biting pattern (Lelisa et al., 2017), and a study conducted in central Ethiopia (Ziway area) showed slightly different behavior with biting activity for An. pharoensis progressively decreased as the night falls with peak biting activity registered between 19:00 to 20:00 h (Kenea et al., 2016;Degefa et al., 2021). ...
... Blood feeding rate, exophily, endophilly and mortality rate are among key parameters in measuring the efficacy of the ongoing vector control interventions (Asale et al., 2013. Higher proportion of fed mosquitoes were recorded in the months between June and August in Ethiopia in similar study conducted by Lelisa et al. (2017) and a study conducted by Kulkarn and others in Tanzania (Kulkarni et al., 2006). In this study some key entomological parameters such as information pertaining to EIR and blood meal source are not presented due to limited resource. ...
Full-text available
In Ethiopia, malaria incidence has significantly reduced in the past decade through the combined use of conventional vector control approaches and treatment using antimalarial drugs. However, the sustainability of this achievement is threatened by the shift in biting and resting behaviors and emergence of insecticide resistance by the primary malaria vector. Therefore, continuous monitoring of the behaviour of malaria mosquitoes in different sentinel sites is crucial to design effective prevention and control methods in the local context. Entomological investigations were conducted in three sentinel sites for five consecutive months during the major malaria transmission season. The species composition, population dynamics, biting and resting behaviours of malaria vectors were determined using center for disease control and prevention (CDC) light trap, human landing catch (HLC), pyrethrum spray catch (PSC) and Pitfall shelter collection (PFS). Accordingly, 10 households for CDC, 10 households for PSC, 10 households for PFS and 5 households for HLC from each site were randomly enrolled for mosquito collection. A total of 8,297 anopheline mosquitoes were collected from the three sites, out of which 4,525 (54.5 %) were An. gambiae, s.l. 2,028 (24.4 %) were An. pharoensis, 160 (1.9 %) were An. funestus and the rest 1,584 (19 %) were other anophelines (An. coustani, An. cinerus and An. tenebrosus). No significant variation (P = 0.476) was observed between indoor (25.2/trap-night and outdoor collections (20.1/trap-night). Six hundred seventy six (43.3%) of An. gambiae s.l. (primary vector) were collected between 18:00 and 22:00 h. Biting activity declined between 00:00 and 02:00 h. The national malaria control program should pay close attention to the shifting behavior of vector mosquitoes as the observed outdoor feeding tendency of the vector population could pose challenges to the indoor intervention tools IRS and LLINs.
... The reason for this may not be unconnected with the fact that determination of certain aspects of gonotrophic status of mosquito vectors especially the unfed and the blood fed stages are prerequirements for conducting other linking studies such as on parity and blood meal origin (WHO, 2013). Rarely is there data on monthly gonotrophic status of mosquito vector species and when available, are mostly reported in monthly total count and/or percentage abundance (Okorie et al., 2014;Lelisa et al., 2017;Hassan et al., 2019). Furthermore, there is no comprehensive data on gonotrophic status of mosquito vector species in boarding school dormitories and also on their relationships with weather conditions in Benin City, Edo State. ...
... Annulioris) which were collected in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Female Hostel in Awka (Umeanaeto et al., (2017). Similarly, blood fed An. gambiae were reported to have higher abundance values of 196 individuals from southern Ethiopia (Lelisa et al., 2017), 63.2% in Russau village in Jos-North LGA of Plateau State (Njila et al., 2019) and 34.3% in 7 towns/villages in 7 LGAs in 3 ecovegetational zones in Bayelsa State (Ebenezer et al., 2014) compared to other gonotrophic stages The comparatively higher overall proportion of freshly fed blood digestion stage and lower unfeds as reported in the findings of Njila et al. (2019) was attributed to none compliance of sleeping under the mosquito nets by inhabitants of the dwellings and the dearth of an efficient vector control system in place to prevent mosquito bites (WHO, 2015). ...
... This is contrary to the findings of Okorie et al. (2014) LGA of Nasarawa State. On the other hand, Lelisa et al (2017) had no record of higher abundance of the unfed blood digestion stage from June to December 2014 in southwestern Ethiopia. The presence and upsurge in the number of unfed mosquitoes in some of the months in this study is linked with ineffective control of nearby breeding sites larval and indoor adult mosquito vector populations in the areas. ...
Full-text available
Mosquito-borne pathogens are transmitted mainly during blood feeding by infective female mosquito vectors. Blood meals’ digestion stages reveal necessary entomological information for retrospective assessment and future plan for vector control. This study was done to assess the blood digestion stages of Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes and their relationships with climatic conditions in school dormitories in Egor, Oredo and Ikpoba Okha Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Benin City, Edo State. Indoor mosquitoes were collected between 08:00 and 11:00 hours from randomly selected dormitories bi-monthly for 6 months, using sweep net and mechanical aspirator. Female mosquitoes were identified and grouped into various blood digestion stages using relevant keys. A total of 439 adult female mosquitoes identified as An. gambiae (n=28) and Cx. quinquefasciatus (n=411) were examined for gonotrophic status. Total gonotrophic stages of both vector species in the collective LGAs were highly significant (p<0.01). Only Cx. quinquefasciatus revealed significant variation (p<0.01) in monthly mean percentage abundance of the gonotrophic stages across the study months in the combined LGA data. Regarding each LGA, there was significant variation in monthly mean percentage abundance of Cx. quinquefasciatus gonotrophic stages across the study months (p<0.05) in Egor and Ikpoba Okha except Oredo. As for An. gambiae, no significant difference (p>0.05) was observed per LGA. Correlations between gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus vs relative humidity, unfed Cx. quinquefasciatus vs rainfall and An. gambiae vs rainfall were the only associations that correlated significantly (p<0.05). The results indicate the need for deployment of thorough and effective vector management strategy
... Thus, the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) of Ethiopia developed an insecticide resistance management strategy (Messenger et al. 2017) to slow down the development and spread of insecticide resistance and mandated the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) to regularly monitor the vector insecticide resistance profile (resistance mapping), insecticide decay rate, vector species composition, vector species dynamics, vector behavioral information, the entomological inoculation rate, and related entomological parameters to make informed decision (Taye et al. 2016;Lelisa et al. 2017). This may lead to changes in the species composition and their susceptibility to insecticides and possibly changes in behavior (Bayoh et al. 2010). ...
... The richness of Anopheles species in Jabi Tehnan district may be explained by the existence of different mosquito oviposition sites, which are close to the river and human habitats that may provide more food sources and convinient ecological niches for Anopheles species. Anopheles gambiae s.l. was the predominant vector species collected using all methods and was documented from different parts of the country including Southern Ethiopia (Massebo et al. 2015), East central Ethiopia (Kibret et al. 2011), South central Ethiopia (Lelisa et al. 2017), Northern Ethiopia (Yohannes and Boelee 2012) and Western Ethiopia (Jaleta et al. 2013). ...
Background: Effective malaria control programs rely on the implementation of evidence-based interventions. Careful assessment of Anopheles mosquito behavior like population dynamics, biting and resting behavior of mosquito vectors strengthen the sustainability and efficacy of the deployed vector control tools.
... However, it was lower compared to others such as southwestern Ethiopia 17.1% [71] and central Nigeria 31.6% [37]. Conversely, the current result was higher compared to other findings from Sille, Ethiopia 2.6% [75] and southern Ethiopia 1.04% [76], suburbs of Jimma town, Ethiopia 1.8% [72], and central Ethiopia 1.18% [77], Kenya 1.8% [78], Yemen 0.9% [79] and Senegal 0.64% [80]. This variation could be attributed from anopheles vector ecological factors, data collection season, and sample collection techniques, use of ITNs, IRS coverage, and diagnostic technique used. ...
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Although the overall burden of malaria is decreasing in Ethiopia, a recent report of an unpredictable increased incidence may be related to the presence of community-wide gametocyte-carrier individuals and a high proportion of infected vectors. This study aimed to reveal the current prevalence of gametocyte-carriage and the sporozoite infectivity rate of Anopheles vectors for Plasmodium parasites. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from May 01 to June 30/2019. A total of 53 households were selected using systematic random sampling and a 242 study participants were recruited. Additionally,515 adult female Anopheles mosquitoes were collected using Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) light traps and mouth aspirators. Parasite gametocytemia was determined using giemsa stain microscopy, while sporozoite infection was determined by giemsa staining microscopy and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Among the total 242 study participants, 5.4% (95%, CI = 2.9–8.3) of them were positive for any of the Plasmodium species gametocyte. Furthermore, being female [AOR = 15.5(95%, CI = 1.71–140.39)], age group between 15–29 years old [AOR = 16.914 (95%, CI = 1.781–160.63)], no ITNs utilization [AOR = 16.7(95%, CI = 1.902 -146.727)], and high asexual parasite density [(95%, CI = 0.057–0.176, P = 0.001, F = 18.402)] were identified as statistically significant factors for gametocyte carriage. Whereas sporozoite infection rate was 11.6% (95%, CI = 8.2–15.5) and 12.7% (95%, CI = 9.6–16.3) by microscopy and ELISA, respectively. Overall, this study indicated that malaria remains to be an important public health problem in Gondar Zuria district where high gametocyte carriage rate and sporozoite infection rate could sustain its transmission and burden. Therefore, in Ethiopia, where malaria elimination program is underway, frequent, and active community-based surveillance of gametocytemia and sporozoite infection rate is important.
... The results were promising and would indicate a dual action of ivermectin. Nevertheless, data is scarce on potentially relevant Anopheles vectors and Plasmodium combinations, namely An. arabiensis and P. vivax [48]. Hence, the effects of the sublethal concentrations of the MLs on P. vivax oocyst development in An. arabiensis mosquitoes should be investigated. ...
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Background Asymptomatic malaria transmission has become a public health concern across malaria-endemic Africa including Ethiopia. Specifically, Plasmodium vivax is more efficient at transmitting earlier in the infection and at lower densities than Plasmodium falciparum. Consequently, a greater proportion of individuals infected with P. vivax can transmit without detectable gametocytaemia. Mass treatment of livestock with macrocyclic lactones (MLs), e.g., ivermectin and doramectin, was suggested as a complementary malaria vector tool because of their insecticidal effects. However, the effects of MLs on P. vivax in Anopheles arabiensis has not yet been fully explored. Hence, comparative in-vitro susceptibility and ex-vivo studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of ivermectin, doramectin and moxidectin sub-lethal concentrations on P. vivax oocyst development in An. arabiensis. Methods The 7-day sub-lethal concentrations of 25% (LC25) and 5% (LC5) were determined from in-vitro susceptibility tests on female An. arabiensis in Hemotek® membrane feeding assay. Next, an ex-vivo study was conducted using P. vivax gametocytes infected patient’s blood spiked with the LC25 and LC5 of the MLs. At 7-days post-feeding, each mosquito was dissected under a dissection stereo microscope, stained with 0.5% (w/v) mercurochrome solution, and examined for the presence of P. vivax oocysts. Statistical analysis was based on a generalized mixed model with binomially distributed error terms. Results A 7-day lethal concentration of 25% (LC25, in ng/mL) of 7.1 (95% CI: [6.3;8.0]), 20.0 (95%CI:[17.8;22.5]) and 794.3 (95%CI:[716.4;1516.3]) were obtained for ivermectin, doramectin and moxidectin, respectively. Similarly, a lethal concentration of 5% (LC5, in ng/mL) of 0.6 (95% CI: [0.5;0.7]), 1.8 (95% CI:[1.6;2.0]) and 53.7 (95% CI:[ 48.4;102.5]) were obtained respectively for ivermectin, doramectin and moxidectin. The oocyst prevalence in treatment and control groups did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) from each other. Therefore, no direct effect of ML endectocides on P. vivax infection in An. arabiensis mosquitoes was observed at the sub-lethal concentration (LC25 and LC5). Conclusions The effects of ivermectin and doramectin on malaria parasite is more likely via indirect effects, particularly by reducing the vectors lifespan and causing mortality before completing the parasite’s sporogony cycle or reducing their vector capacity as it affects the locomotor activity of the mosquito.
... This outcome is in line with what Tilahun Adugna and his colleagues reported(38). Anopheles gambiae s. l. and Anopheles Pharoensis have been identi ed as primary and secondary vectors in south-western Ethiopia by different researchers, respectively (39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45). ...
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Background Insecticide-based vector control, which comprises the use of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS), is the key method of malaria control in Ethiopia. However, it’s effectiveness is threatened as malaria vectors become resistant to insecticides. Assessing the susceptibility status of these Anopheles mosquitoes at different time is important to complement vector control interventions. However, there is no reports on the insecticide susceptibility status of malaria vectors from Gondar zuria woreda, Northwest Ethiopia. Thus, this study investigated the susceptibility status of malaria vectors in Gondar zuria woreda, Northwest Ethiopia against various insecticides recommended for use in ITNs and/or IRS to provide evidence to suggest alternates for malaria vector control tools. Methods An entomological study was carried out from March 1, 2022, to August 31, 2022. 900 three-day-old adult female Anopheles mosquitoes from larva collected in the field from Gondar zuria district using dipper were used for bioassay and synergist. They were tested for susceptibility to permethrin (0.75%), deltamethrin (0.05%), alpha-cypermethrin (0.05%), propoxur (0.1%), and pirimiphos-methyl (0.25%) by using WHO susceptibility test papers. Baches of 20 and 25 adult female Anopheles mosquitoes were used for both bioassay and synergist assay, respectively. 50%KDT and 90%KDT were determined by logit-probit analysis after 1 hour. One-way ANOVA was used to compare the mean knockdown rates of the Anopheles mosquitoes by insecticides after 60 minutes. An independent sample t-test was used to compare the mean knockdown rates of the Anopheles mosquitoes by pyrethroid insecticide with and without PBO after 60 minutes. Mortality rates pos-24 hours were recorded. Results A total of 900 female Anopheles mosquitoes were examined, of which 878 (97.5%), 15 (1.5%), and 7 (0.7%) were found to be Anopheles Gambae(s.l), Anopheles funestus group, and Anopheles Pharoensis, respectively. They exhibited susceptibility to pirimiphos-methyl (100%) and propoxur (100%), but resistant to permethrin (88.8%), alphacypermethrin (67.5%), and deltamethrin (73.75). Although permethrin restoration was only 96% in permethrin resistant Anopheles mosquitoes, the efficacy of alphacypermethrin and deltamethrin was totally restored by pre-exposure to PBO. Conclusion and recommendation This study demonstrated that malaria vectors are susceptible to pirimiphos-methyl propoxur, and PBO + pyrethroid insecticides but resistant to pyrethroids insecticide-only. It also revealed that Anopheles gambae s.l., Anopheles funestus group, and Anopheles pharoensis group are malaria vectors in Gondar zuria woreda with Anopheles gambae complex predominating. Based on the findings of this study, it is better to use pyrethroids-impregnated mosquito nets with PBO and/or the use of propoxur and primiphos-methyl to control malaria. Further investigations are needed to better understand the molecular basis of pyrethroids insecticide resistant-malaria vectors.
... Vector control is one of the pillar strategies implemented in Ethiopia to reduce malaria burden. Therefore, understanding malaria vector species composition, seasonal dynamics and/or abundance, bionomics and insecticide susceptibility status at local levels is among the important information to better understand malaria transmission pattern in a particular setting in order to design optimal vector control strategy aimed at reducing the disease [17]. Determining mosquito density together with other entomological indices such as infection rate and entomological inoculation rate (EIR) are crucial indicators of malaria transmission intensity [18]. ...
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Background In Ethiopia, malaria is highly seasonal with varying intensity of transmission due to altitudinal and climatic variations. Information on principal, secondary and suspected malaria vector species composition, their seasonal dynamics and/or abundance, bionomics and insecticide susceptibility status at locality levels are important to understand malaria transmission in a particular eco-epidemiological setting in order to design effective vector control strategy. Methods Adult female Anopheles mosquitoes were collected from Lare district of Gambella Regional State and Jimma Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Mosquitoes were collected using CDC light traps and human landing catches (HLC) for 17 months between June 2017 to October 2020. All the collected Anopheles mosquitoes were morphologically identified and properly preserved for further analysis. Larvae and pupae of Anopheles gambiae complex, An. pharoensis and An. coustani were collected from breeding sites and reared to adult under field condition in the field insectary. Bioassays were conducted on non-blood-fed, 3–5 days old adult female mosquitoes emerged from larvae and pupae using discriminating concentrations of WHO insecticide impregnated papers. Randomly selected sub-sample of the morphologically identified An. coustani was molecularly identified via Sanger sequencing (COI and COII mitochondrial gene determination). TaqMan qPCR assay was employed to investigate Plasmodium parasite infection in An. pharoensis and An. coustani. Differences in mean Anopheles mosquito density between outdoor and indoor catches by HLC were compared using t-test. Mean difference among trapping methods and mosquito density were evaluated using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s Post-hoc test. Pearson correlation was used to assess the association between the overall Anopheles mosquito density from Lare district with climatic factors such as rain fall and temperature. Duncan post-hoc test was employed to compare mean mortality rate of mosquitoes exposed to different insecticides. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics for windows v.20.0 and values were considered significant at p < 0.05. Results A total of 11,876 Anopheles mosquitoes belonging to four species were collected using CDC and HLC methods during the study period. An. coustani was by far the most abundant species representing 47.84% (5681/11876) of the total collections and 96.2% of it was sampled using CDC traps. Other Anopheles mosquitoes collected were An. phraoensis (26.90%, n = 3195), An. gambiae complex (16.07%, n = 1909) and An. funestus (9.19%, n = 1091). While all the four Anopheles species were identified from Lare district, An. funestus was not recorded from Jimma zone study sites. The majority (74.22%, n = 8814) of Anopheles were collected using CDC light traps (73 trap nights) while the remaining (25.78%, n = 3062) were captured by HLC (288 person-nights). The mean monthly density of female Anopheles collected by HLC was 5.17 (95% CI 0.67–9.66) mosquitoes per-person-night while the corresponding mean monthly mosquito density by CDC LT was 17.37 mosquitoes (95% CI 3.15–31.59) per trap-night. Of all collected Anopheles mosquitoes by HLC, the number of Anopheles mosquitoes captured outdoor was higher by 1.36 times than the corresponding indoor capture. There was no direct association between Anopheles abundance and rain fall and or mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures in Lare district. Anopheles pharoensis, An. gambiae s.l and An. coustani complex were susceptible to Primiphose methyl (organophosphate) and Propoxur and bendiocarb (carbamate). However, Anopheles pharoensis and An. gambiae s.l were resistant to DDT, deltamethrin, permethrin and malathion. On the other hand, An. coustani complex were resistant to only DDT. Sub-samples of morphologically identified as An. coustani were molecularly confirmed to belong to the An. coustani. No Plasmodium infection was detected in An. coustani and An. pharoensis. Conclusion Anopheles coustani was the most abundant species in this study. High vector density was recorded following rainy seasons. Relatively higher density of the principal vector, An. gambiae s.l. was captured using CDC during October-November 2017, June 2017 and September 2018 following the heavy rainy months (June-August) and/or beginning of the long rains (June). There was higher mean mosquito density outdoor than indoor using HLC. Multiple insecticides resistance was observed in both the principal and secondary malaria vector populations in both Lare and Jimma Zone study sites of Ethiopia. Sub-samples of all the morphologically identified Anopheles coustani mosquitoes were also confirmed by molecular methods.
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Background Although the behavioral flexibility of Anopheles mosquitoes poses challenge to the indoor-based vector control strategies in Ethiopia, this was not well studied in irrigated areas for sugar cane plantations. Hence, the local Anopheles species composition, biting behaviors, feeding site preference, monthly density, and weather variability were evaluated in Wonji Sugar Estate. Methods Adult Anopheles mosquitoes were sampled using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention light traps (CDC LT), Pyrethrum spray catches (PSC), handheld mouth aspirators and artificial pit shelters. Mosquitoes were identified to species using morphological keys. ANOVA was used to compare mean monthly mosquito densities. Correlation was used to test the relationship between hourly density of Anopheles and human activities. Effect of weather variability was tested against Anopheles density. Results A total of 3,504 Anopheles comprising: Anopheles gambiae s.l., An. pharoensis, and An. coustani complex were collected during the study periods. Anopheles gambiae s.l. was the dominant species (75.26%, n = 2,637). Higher number of Anopheles mosquitoes were collected using CDC LT (59.80%, n = 2,098) than those collected using PSC, Pit shelter, and Handheld mouth aspirators (mean = 1.83, CI = 1.68–1.97, P = 0.000). Anopheles gambiae s.l. exhibits overnight biting pattern with peak biting hours of 7:00 to 10:00 PM (Mean = 0.20 ± 0.02, CI = 0.16–0.24, p = 0.000) and 3:00 to 05:00 AM (Mean = 0.13 ± 0.02, CI = 0.09–0.16, p = 0.000) that has a positive correlation with occupants being on activities (r = 0.135, p = 0.00). The regression analysis reveals an increase in one sleeping householder leads to a lower hourly biting density of Anopheles (β -0.037, t= -1.7, p = 0.000). Peak density of Anopheles species was noted in July 2019 followed by June 2019. There exists a positive correlation between mean monthly minimum temperature, rainfall and relative humidity and the mean monthly density of Anopheles mosquitoes at p-value < 0.05. The overall mean densities of host seeking Anopheles mosquitoes indoors (1.97per trap /night) and outdoors (2.58per trap/night) locations (t=-2.113, p = 0.072) were not statistically different. However, greater number of Anopheles gambiae s.l. was collected indoors than outdoors (t = 1.565, p = 0.001) and significant numbers of Anopheles pharoensis were collected outdoors as compared to indoors (t= -5.962, p = 0.000) which signals the differential host seeking behaviors between the two species. Conclusion The peak biting time of Anopheles gambiae s.l. coincides with the active working time of the Estate’s workers (from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM) and this ensures the year-round availability of malaria vector that might result in perennial transmissions of malaria in such ecological settings. This calls for interventions on malaria and its vectors across all months of the year. Moreover, attention on outdoor based mosquito control measures as to be sought.
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Background & objectives Malaria remains a major public health concern in Nigeria and the vectors ( Anopheles species) can only be controlled effectively by having good knowledge of its composition and potential for disease transmission. This work aimed at surveying the indoor malaria vectors, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) in relation to the disease transmission in Toro LGA, Bauchi State, Nigeria. Methods Mosquitoes were collected by Pyrethrum Spray Catch (PSC) between October and December 2019 and were morphologically identified using standard keys. Blood samples were also collected from individuals who slept in the rooms where PSC was conducted. Thick and thin blood smears were made for malaria parasite examination. Questionnaires were administered to 120 participants for the KAP studies. Results Ninety-seven (97) Anopheles mosquitoes were collected and identified as Anopheles gambiae 76(78.35%), An. funestus 20(20.62%) and An. coustani 1(1.03%). The overall malaria prevalence was 15.8%. The KAP studies revealed that measures and treatment-seeking behaviours against malaria varied significantly (P<0.05) among the respondents. Sleeping under net 55(45.8%) and use of insecticides 24(20.0%) were some of the preventive measures highlighted while treatment-seeking behaviours included visit to pharmacy 74(61.7%) and use of local herbs 11(9.2%). Interpretation & conclusion This work revealed that An . gambiae and An . funestus are predominant malaria vectors in the area. The KAP information demonstrated fair knowledge about the disease by the respondents. Therefore, public enlightenment about malaria prevention, control and treatment is recommended to address the few but highly negative impact knowledge gaps about malaria.
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Background Adult mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles are important vectors of Plasmodium parasites, causative agents of malaria. The aim of this review was to synthesize the overall and species-specific proportion of Anopheles species infected with sporozoites and their geographical distribution in the last 2 decades (2001–2021). Methods A comprehensive search was conducted using databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Scopus, African Journals OnLine) and manual Google search between January 1 and February 15, 2022. Original articles describing work conducted in Ethiopia, published in English and reporting infection status, were included in the review. All the required data were extracted using a standardized data extraction form, imported to SPSS-24, and analyzed accordingly. The quality of each original study was assessed using a quality assessment tool adapted from the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal checklist. This study was registered on PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews; registration no. CRD42022299078). Results A search for published articles produced a total of 3086 articles, of which 34 met the inclusion criteria. Data on mosquito surveillance revealed that a total of 129,410 anophelines comprising 25 species were captured, of which 48,365 comprising 21 species were tested for sporozoites. Anopheles arabiensis was the dominant species followed by An. pharoensis and An. coustani complex. The overall proportion infected with sporozoites over 21 years was 0.87%. Individual proportions included Anopheles arabiensis (1.09), An. pharoensis (0.79), An. coustani complex (0.13), An. funestus (2.71), An. demeilloni (0.31), An. stephensi (0.70), and An. cinereus (0.73). Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites accounted 79.2% of Plasmodium species. Mixed infection of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum was only reported from one An. arabiensis sample. Conclusions Anopheles arebiensis was the dominant malaria vector over the years, with the highest sporozoite infection proportion of 2.85% and an average of 0.90% over the years. Other species contributing to malaria transmission in the area were An. pharoensis, An. coustani complex, An. funestus, An. stephensi, and An. coustani. The emergence of new vector species, in particular An. stephensi, is particularly concerning and should be investigated further. Graphical Abstract
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Larval and adult anophelines were sampled around Ziway, Central Ethiopia. Throughout the study period, significantly higher densities of Anopheles pharoensis and An. arabiensis were found in the village with irrigation than in the village without. Canal leakage pools, irrigated fields and irrigation canals were the major sources of Anopheles larvae. Most adult anophelines were found to feed on humans, especially before 22hrs, and up to 1% were infected with malaria parasites. This study demonstrated that due to poor maintenance, irrigation schemes create conducive breeding grounds for malaria vector mosquitoes and hence increase the risk of malaria transmission.
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Over the past decade the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), in combination with improved drug therapies, indoor residual spraying (IRS), and better health infrastructure, has helped reduce malaria in many African countries for the first time in a generation. However, insecticide resistance in the vector is an evolving threat to these gains. We review emerging and historical data on behavioral resistance in response to LLINs and IRS. Overall the current literature suggests behavioral and species changes may be emerging, but the data are sparse and, at times unconvincing. However, preliminary modeling has demonstrated that behavioral resistance could have significant impacts on the effectiveness of malaria control. We propose seven recommendations to improve understanding of resistance in malaria vectors. Determining the public health impact of physiological and behavioral insecticide resistance is an urgent priority if we are to maintain the significant gains made in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality.
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Background: Anopheles arabiensis, the main malaria vector in Ethiopia, shows both anthropophilic and zoophilic behaviours. Insecticide resistance is increasing, and alternative methods of vector control are needed. The objectives of this study were to determine the blood meal origins and the susceptibility to insecticides of An. arabiensis from Chano village near Arba Minch in South-West Ethiopia. Methods: Blood meal sources of anopheline mosquitoes collected using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) light traps and pyrethrum spray catches (PSC) from human dwellings, and hand-held mouth aspirators from outdoor pit shelters were analysed using a direct enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The susceptibility of An. arabiensis to pyrethroid insecticides (alphacypermethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, deltamethrin, and cyfluthrin) and DDT was assessed using females reared from larval and pupal collections from natural breeding sites. Results: The blood meal origins of 2967 freshly fed Anopheles mosquitoes were determined. An. arabiensis was the predominant species (75%), and it fed mainly on cattle. The densities of both freshly fed An. arabiensis and those fed on human blood followed similar seasonal patterns. The overall human blood index (HBI) of An. arabiensis, including mixed blood meals, was 44% and the bovine blood index (BBI) was 69%. The HBI of An. arabiensis from CDC light trap collections was 75% and this was higher than those for PSC (38%) and outdoor pit shelter collections (13%), while the BBI was 65% for PSC, 68% for outdoor pit shelters and 72% for CDC light traps. More freshly fed and human blood-fed An. arabiensis were sampled from houses close to the shore of Lake Abaya (the major breeding site).A high proportion of An. arabiensis was resistant to the pyrethroid insecticides, with a mortality rate of 56% for lambdacyhalothrin, 50% for cyfluthrin and alphacypermethrin, 47% for deltamethrin, and 10% for DDT. Conclusion: Anopheles arabiensis is the predominant species of anopheline mosquito in this region, and cattle are the main source of its blood meals. The greater tendency of this species to feed on cattle justifies the application of insecticides on cattle to control it. However, An. arabiensis has already developed resistance to the available pyrethroid insecticides, and alternative insecticides are needed for malaria vector control.
Mosquito collections were carried out in four villages of southwestern Ethiopia to determine the resting sites, host preference and sporozoite infection rate in members of the Anopheles gambiae complex in the region. Catches of mosquitoes resting indoors were carried out in three types of dwelling: houses, mixed human and cattle habitations, and cattle sheds. Polymerase chain reaction assays showed that 737 of the 800 specimens of An. gambiae complex mosquitoes that were collected indoors were either Anopheles arabiensis (55.5 %) or An. quadriannulatus sp. B (44.5 %). The other 63 specimens were not identifiable due to either DNA degradation or technical problems during tests. The majority of indoor-resting An. arabiensis (74.9 %) and An. quadriannulatus sp. B (94.8 %) were caught in cattle sheds. The proportion of An. arabiensis captured in human dwellings, mixed habitations and cattle sheds was significantly different, indicating strong zoophilic behaviour in this malaria-vector species. The human blood index of An. arabiensis was 7.3 % and only one specimen was positive for Plasmodium parasites, having both P. falciparum and P. vivax sporozoites and giving a sporozoite rate of 0.24 %. The proportion of An. quadriannulatus sp. B captured in human dwellings, mixed habitations and cattle sheds was also significantly different in accordance with the known behaviour of this non-vector species which is predominantly cattle-feeding. The human blood index of An. quadriannulatus sp. B was 1.1 % which was significantly different from that of An. arabiensis. Positive reactions for Plasmodium circumsporozoite proteins were not observed in the An. quadriannulatus sp. B that were tested. Very few mosquitoes were collected in pit traps, indicating that both species are not attracted to pits as outdoor resting places.
The status of insecticide susceptibility of Anopheles arabiensis populations was monitored in northern and southern Ethiopia using one- to three-day-old mosquitoes reared from larval collections. Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes, identified by PCR as An. arabiensis, were exposed to diagnostic concentrations of DDT, malathion, fenitrothion, bendiocarb, propoxur and deltamethrin according to the standard WHO procedure. A heterogeneous and focal distribution of resistance phenotypes was observed in surveyed districts of the country. In Tach Armacho in northern Ethiopia, only resistance to DDT was detected. In the other two northern sites, An. arabiensis populations were susceptible to fenitrothion, resistant to malathion, propoxur and DDT and showed low levels of survival when exposed to bendiocarb requiring further investigations. In three areas of southern Ethiopia, An. arabiensis was susceptible to bendiocarb, propoxur and malathion, with low levels of survival on fenitrothion needing further confirmation. These samples were resistant to DDT and deltamethrin. Analyses for the knockdown resistant (kdr) mutations showed only the L1014F mutation was present with frequencies ranging from 68 to 100 %. The need for routine monitoring and surveillance as part of an insecticide resistance management programme is highlighted.
Background: In recent years malaria is becoming endemic in highland areas beyond its previously known upper limit of transmission. Assessment of the situation of the disease in such areas is necessary in order to institute appropriate control activities. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of malaria, the parasite species involved and Anopheles species responsible in local malaria transmission. Methods: A systematic sampling technique was used to select survey households. Blood films were collected monthly between October and December 1999 from all household members by a trained and experienced laboratory technician. Larval and adult mosquitoes were monthly collected using different methods from September 1999 to October 2000. Results: Among 2136 examined blood films, 78(3.7%) of them were malaria positive of which 54(69%) were due to Plasmodium vivax and 24 (31%) due to P. falciparum. Anopheles gambiae s. l. (presumably An. arabiensis) and An. christyi were the dominant man-biting species, with the former being the major vector in the area. Both these species were found to be more of exophagic and active in the early evening, unlike An. pharoensis, which showed an endophagic tendency. Conclusion: This study indicated that indigenous transmission of malaria occurs in the study area. Transmission is reckoned to be maintained by low density of vector species for short period of time under favorable conditions. Therefore, the acquisition of communal immunity is interrupted by long duration of non-malaria season leading to the occurrence of recurrent malaria epidemics. [Ethiop.J.Health Dev. 2004;18(1):2-7]