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A formally verified blockchain-based decentralised authentication scheme for the internet of things


Abstract and Figures

With the proliferation of intelligent devices in the Internet of Things (IoT), the security of IoT devices is becoming a major concern as an attacker can exploit network services via network capture or deployment of malicious devices. Therefore, IoT device authentication is a key security requirement. Conventional authentication approaches have proved insufficient in dealing with a large number of IoT devices because of various shortcomings, such as centrally designed architectures and expensive cryptographic primitives. Blockchain technology has led to the creation of decentralised IoT authentication solutions with their desirable characteristics. Due to the integration of IoT and Blockchain technology, however, performance is one of the significant challenges. Existing Blockchain-based authentication schemes create extra storage, computing and communication overheads on the Blockchain which restricts its use for different IoT networks. In this paper, we design an efficient decentralised Blockchain-based authentication scheme aimed at achieving a secure authentication for IoT devices using the token mechanism. We design the Ethereum Blockchain network model to implement our scheme, in which smart contracts provide secure connectivity between miner nodes and IoT devices. We demonstrate our proposed scheme with an IoT-based smart home case study, which shows significant performance in computation and communication overheads compared with existing Blockchain-based authentication schemes. The modelling, analysis and verification of the proposed scheme, using high level Petri nets (HLPNs) and Z3 SMT solver are also provided to prove correctness and to verify the claims of our model.
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The Journal of Supercomputing
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised
authentication scheme fortheinternet ofthings
KhizarHameed1 · SaurabhGarg1· MuhammadBilalAmin1· ByeongKang1
Accepted: 22 April 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
With the proliferation of intelligent devices in the Internet of Things (IoT), the
security of IoT devices is becoming a major concern as an attacker can exploit net-
work services via network capture or deployment of malicious devices. Therefore,
IoT device authentication is a key security requirement. Conventional authenti-
cation approaches have proved insufficient in dealing with a large number of IoT
devices because of various shortcomings, such as centrally designed architectures
and expensive cryptographic primitives. Blockchain technology has led to the crea-
tion of decentralised IoT authentication solutions with their desirable characteristics.
Due to the integration of IoT and Blockchain technology, however, performance is
one of the significant challenges. Existing Blockchain-based authentication schemes
create extra storage, computing and communication overheads on the Blockchain
which restricts its use for different IoT networks. In this paper, we design an efficient
decentralised Blockchain-based authentication scheme aimed at achieving a secure
authentication for IoT devices using the token mechanism. We design the Ethereum
Blockchain network model to implement our scheme, in which smart contracts pro-
vide secure connectivity between miner nodes and IoT devices. We demonstrate our
proposed scheme with an IoT-based smart home case study, which shows significant
performance in computation and communication overheads compared with existing
Blockchain-based authentication schemes. The modelling, analysis and verification
of the proposed scheme, using high level Petri nets (HLPNs) and Z3 SMT solver are
also provided to prove correctness and to verify the claims of our model.
Keywords Internet of things· Blockchain· IoT Device· Authentication· Security·
Formal modelling· Verification
* Khizar Hameed
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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1 Introduction
Today’s world is becoming digital by integrating various intelligent physical objects
that are connected and working together to build a network known as the Internet of
Things (IoT) [1]. IoT is a suite of different types of devices, ranging from personal
computers to autonomous smart objects equipped with sensors, actuators and a vari-
ety of software capabilities [2]. This technology can make conventional Internet-
based work models smart and automated with a wide range of applications, such
as smart homes, smart cities, smart vehicles, smart health services [3] and smart
industries [46].
The main objective of these collaborative and intelligent applications is twofold:
(i) perform the desired features in the underlying field and (ii) provide secure com-
munication between interactive objects. With the massive growth and accessibility
of smart devices on the IoT network, attackers have been able to deploy malicious
devices and perform fraudulent operations in order to gain full control over the net-
work [7]. Therefore, the most critical challenge for IoT networks is to protect IoT
devices from adversaries sending malicious data [8, 9].
Authentication is a key requirement for the security of IoT devices, including
the identification of devices, users and applications across multiple organisations.
Authentication is an essential step that can restrict unauthorised user access to the
deployment of invalid or malicious network services [10]. Most authentication
approaches are specifically designed for high performance computing infrastructures
and are, therefore, not suitable for resource-intensive IoT devices due to their limited
power, storage and battery capacity [11]. Thus, lightweight authentication solutions
need to be designed and implemented for the security of IoT devices [12, 13].
Another major problem identified in existing authentication schemes is the use
of single server and centralised cloud authorities for network-wide registration, sur-
veillance and authentication of IoT devices [14]. However, most centralised systems
have a single point of failure problem in which an attacker can compromise the
entire system by capturing or installing duplicate devices on the network in order to
perform malicious activities. This action enables the attacker to take control of the
IoT network, with the main aim of capturing the network information and the per-
sonal data of the users [15, 16].
Blockchain technology has received substantial attention in recent years from
both academics and research industries in which it can provide a secure way to
address problems such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), misuse of data
and content manipulation in existing centralised security schemes [1719]. Block-
chain is a growing list of secure records, famous for their main characteristics such
as decentralisation, distributed tamper-proof ledger, transparency and auditability
[20]. Based on the characteristics of Blockchain technology, many investigators have
expanded and replaced existing IoT architectures, which required trusted parties to
regulate and validate records [21, 22].
The Blockchain-based decentralised authentication system facilitates peer-to-
peer (P2P) security for IoT devices, instead of depending on the central server
that may lead to network interruption and failure issues [23]. In addition, the
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
centralised server may also sometimes involve the manipulation of stored data;
this has had an impact on the accountability of the network. However, in a few
cases, centralised servers can perform better and make various tasks easier, as
decentralised and hierarchical network management is not a trivial task. Block-
chain-based IoT security systems replace existing centralised IoT security models
that allow future connected devices to interact and share data directly with each
other, in a transparent and tamper-proof manner [24, 25]. In Blockchain, trust is
established and managed through a variety of consensus algorithms between dis-
tribution parties [26, 27].
Although the integration of Blockchain technology into IoT has numerous advan-
tages, such as decentralisation, transparency, security, autonomy and immutability, it
also faces numerous challenges in terms of performance scalability and data storage
[28]. For example, few Blockchain-based IoT systems have been proposed with the
aim of authenticating IoT devices for secure communication through the network but
the proposed schemes are creating additional overheads in terms of system storage,
communication and computing [17, 29, 30]. For example, [31] proposed a Block-
chain-based IoT device authentication scheme for secure communication; however,
the scheme creates additional system storage, communication and computing over-
heads due to the use of multiple and repeated device attributes. In another scheme
[29], which is designed to create and store digital identities for IoT devices on a
distributed ledger, the identity creation mechanism introduces processing overheads
in the system.
In this paper, we propose an efficient Blockchain authentication scheme for IoT
devices to resolve shortcomings in existing IoT authentication systems. We have
used Ethereum Blockchain as the primary Blockchain network that enables smart
contracts to ensure secure communication between IoT devices. To authenticate and
validate IoT devices on the network, we use a token mechanism that contains unique
credentials for each device, such as device IDs, addresses, public and private keys.
Our experimental findings show that the proposed scheme has improved functional-
ity, performance and efficiency for large IoT networks.
To design the Blockchain-based efficient authentication scheme for IoT devices,
the following are the contributions to this paper.
We highlight the issue of device authentication in IoT scenarios and then explore
the significance of integrating Blockchain technology into IoT-based security
We develop an Ethereum Blockchain-based token authentication mechanism for
IoT devices.
We design smart-contract-based efficient device authentication algorithms for
secure connectivity between miner nodes and IoT devices.
We provide a comparison of the proposed authentication scheme with state-of-
the-art Blockchain-based IoT authentication schemes in terms of computation
overhead, communication overhead and financial cost.
– We also provide formal modelling, analysis and verification using high level
Petri nets (HLPNs) and Z3 solver to verify the claims of our proposed authenti-
cation model.
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The rest of the paper is structured accordingly: The background and related work
of existing systems and their shortcomings are discussed in Sect.2. We provide a
detailed description of our proposed methodology with the network and attacker
models, proposed algorithms and execution flow in Sect. 3. The formal model-
ling, analysis and verification of our proposed methodology is described in Sect.4.
In Sects. 5 and 6, the evaluation framework and performance evaluation are then
described accordingly. Finally, we summarise our work in Sect.7 and discuss future
research work.
2 Background andrelated work
This section describes Blockchain technology and Ethereum Blockchain as a pre-
liminary or background to our work and then provides an overview of the existing
Blockchain-based IoT authentication schemes in the related work subsection.
2.1 Preliminaries
2.1.1 Blockchain
The basic concept of Blockchain technology was to ensure the processing of pay-
ments between two parties without the need for a trusted third party and to maintain
a tamper-proof ledger for secure transactions. The first “Bitcoin” cryptocurrency
Blockchain application to become popular was originally launched by Satoshi Naka-
moto in 2008 [18]. Blockchain technology incorporates P2P networking, in which
individual nodes called “miner nodes” accept and verify transactions before being
added to the Blockchain. Each block can contain a number of transactions that are
structured in the Merkle hash tree. In addition to transactions, time stamps, previous
block hash value and block version information are also part of each block structure.
The previous block hash value is stored in the next consecutive block to create an
entire Blockchain in order to ensure that the stored data remains unchanged [19].
2.1.2 Ethereum
Ethereum Blockchain is the most popular, open and public platform for the develop-
ment of decentralised applications. The design of the Ethereum Blockchain consists
of thousands of virtual machines, formally known as the Ethereum Virtual Machine
(EVMs) [25]. The EVM is responsible for the execution of functionalities written in
smart contracts to satisfy all the tasks required. In addition, since the introduction
of Bitcoin, Ethereum has been used to transfer funds without requiring third parties.
Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum used its cryptocurrency known as Ether to consolidate
funds across numerous applications [27].
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
2.2 Related work
This section discusses the integration of Blockchain technology into the IoT con-
text in terms of self-configuration and self-management, as well as the challenges
and limitations associated with current Blockchain authentication schemes for IoT
devices. Finally, this section analyses the different security issues associated with
Blockchain systems and the recently suggested solution for addressing these con-
cerns at various levels.
IoT networks are made up of a large number of heterogeneous mobile devices
that are connected to the internet, promising a myriad of opportunities for a mas-
sive selection of distributed applications and services. However, the IoT fundamen-
tally alters the internet paradigm, owing to the millions or even billions of embed-
ded devices that would almost certainly be unable to be handled centrally by cloud
providers due to their lack of scalability. Therefore, in such situations, when cloud
providers are unable to meet the requests of all IoT devices, these IoT devices must
self-manage their software/hardware configuration and resource usage. One such
mechanism. Self-configuration and self-management systems can be achieved by the
use of measurement-based learning and adaptation to changing system environment
and application requirements. However, current methods have some trust-related
drawbacks and therefore extensive research on self-optimisation and self-configura-
tion issues is needed [32].
One major limitation of current authentication systems for IoT is that they are
predominantly centralised-controlled, resulting in device hacking, compromised
authentication mechanism and information sharing issues. Since authentication of
IoT devices is vital in registering IoT devices before entering the network to perform
various activities. As a result, authentication is a crucial challenge for securing IoT
devices, requiring substantial effort to propose efficient solutions. Based on multiple
mechanisms, various methods have been proposed for authenticating IoT devices in
various settings, ranging from home security to large-scale industrial setups. The
following is a description of the various proposed authentication mechanisms based
on Blockchain technology [33].
For example, Huh etal. [34] suggested a Blockchain-based IoT framework for
monitoring and maintaining a wide range of network devices. Smart contracts are
written and deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain for key management and fine-
grained access policies. However, the RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) cryptosys-
tem used to generate public and private keys to handle the various operations of
devices has been proven costly for resource-constrained IoT devices. Authentication
and authorisation of IoT systems using the web trust models are difficult tasks since
various cases are managed collaboratively and interactively. Durand etal. [35] thus
suggest the concept of a Blockchain-based public key infrastructure (PKI) interface
for a restricted network environment, in order to achieve scalability, security and
openness. However, the scheme only emphasises the theoretic scenario of the pro-
posal and provides no implementation in real-time IoT scenarios so as to test its
In a further study, Li etal. [36] proposed the decentralised authentication Block-
chain framework for IoT devices to eliminate data tempering and data spoofing
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vulnerabilities in current centralised certification schemes. The secure and tamper-
proof feature of Blockchain technology makes it possible to keep a device record
securely in a distributed ledger. In the proposed framework, the users are provided
with a unique identity against a single IoT device which is saved in the distributed
ledger in order to authenticate without a central authentication authority. However,
this proposed method focused on the theoretical analysis in the proposed framework
and did not provide the evaluation results to assess the applicability of performance
in terms of computation and communication.
Almadhoun etal. [37] have put forward a Blockchain-based user authentication
system that allows fog nodes to communicate with Ethereum Blockchain through
smart contracts. The proposed system verifies by providing the user with proper
access and control of the administrative tasks, such as addition or deletion of devices
to the IoT ecosystem. Nevertheless, the proposed system is restricted to the extent
that it was only developed and tested with the Remix IDE and did not provide real-
time computing and communication analysis.
Fayad etal. [30] proposed a Blockchain-based IoT gateway authentication and
authorisation scheme to assign core responsibility to the gateway for the authentica-
tion of IoT devices in different cases. The proposed scheme can verify the mobility
of IoT devices via a Blockchain gateway. Lau etal. [17] suggested the authenticated
application configuration protocol (ADCP) to store structured data and files on the
Blockchain, in order to manage the security problem of a large number of IoT based
devices. In this proposed method, a single ID number is assigned for the verification
process in which the Blockchain provides an immutable database to store the IDs.
The suggested scheme, however, creates increased overhead computation and stor-
age needs in order to move the data of a device into a Blockchain.
Hammi et al. [31] proposed the Bubble of Trust, a decentralised Blockchain
authentication system for authenticating and recognising IoT devices. In this pro-
posed scheme, device registration and secure communication are the responsibility
of each secure area called the “Bubble”. The limitation of the proposed mechanism
is that it only considers the device association cost with the Blockchain and does not
focus on the registration process for the IoT devices, thereby limiting its applicability
for the larger IoT networks. Lee [38] proposed a new Blockchain-based identity ser-
vice called BIDaaS to secure contact with telecommunication providers for mobile
users. The secured connectivity between mobile users and service providers in the
BIDaaS system is accomplished without prior certificates. The downside of the pro-
posed approach is not, however, the measurement of performance which hinders the
implementation of the proposed method to actual IoT situations. Lee and Kim [39]
use the zero-knowledge-proof technique to protect IoT-data and address information
in the Blockchain. The methodology is used on the intelligent metering system to
check the details without disclosing information like a public key. The schema, how-
ever, was only checked via Remix IDE without offering scenarios in real-time and
simulation. Patwary etal. [40] proposed a decentralised device-to-device authentica-
tion model based on Blockchain technology wherein the Fog devices authenticate
each other at the Fog side by using Blockchain. This approach made use of the fog-
based framework to authenticate and manage IoT devices. This approach, however,
has limitations in terms of adding additional computation to the fog layer. Further,
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
Shen etal. [41] presented an efficient Blockchain-assisted secure device authenti-
cation method for cross-domain IIoT. A consortium Blockchain establishes trust
between numerous areas and the authentication process using an identity-based sig-
nature. Khalid etal. [42] proposed a decentralised authentication and access control
system that is applicable to a wide variety of scenarios for lightweight IoT devices.
The mechanism is based on fog computing technology and the principle of a public
Blockchain. However, this scheme has drawbacks in terms of performance since it
only considers computation as a primary measuring criterion and does not consider
storage constraints.
Apart from incorporating Blockchain technology’s features into a variety of
applications such as financial systems, IoT, smart grid and healthcare, Blockchain
systems have been subjected to numerous outside attacks from the internet [43]. For
instance, Blockchain technology is traditionally applied using conventional comput-
ers and networks and attacks on this infrastructure may compromise the Blockchain
system’s protection. Internet attackers can intercept the security procedure for data
and transactions on the Blockchain, which frequently has to deal with a variety of
malicious external and internal attacks, as well as peripheral and unintended attack
vectors. As a result, the security of Blockchain technology remains critical, poten-
tially requiring defence in terms of threat identification, prevention and effective
response. One such approach is proposed in which the Blockchain security research
is conducted on three levels, namely the process level, the data level and the infra-
structure level, with the various levels being quantified using security policies and
tools. To summarise, Blockchain protection is a significant problem that must be
addressed during the system’s lifecycle, from requirements specification to develop-
ment and maintenance [44].
Considering the problems and drawbacks of current Blockchain-based IoT
authentication and security systems, this paper aims to deliver a decentralised, effi-
cient IoT device authentication scheme, while focusing on reducing the overhead for
storage, computing and communication of devices to the Blockchain.
3 Proposed methodology
This section describes our proposed methodology to authenticate IoT devices effi-
ciently using the network model built on Ethereum Blockchain. We also outline
the assumptions for our proposed methodology in the attacker model. We have
developed algorithms to secure interaction between IoT devices and miner nodes
via smart contracts. This section also explains the execution flow of our proposed
scheme between different components of the network model.
3.1 Network model
The network model of the proposed authentication scheme based on Ethereum
Blockchain is shown in Fig. 1. In our network model, we have the following
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communicating components: user, simple device, full device, smart contract and
Ethereum Blockchain. The following are the details for each component.
3.1.1 User
A user is a person responsible for initiating the overall process and creating a
smart contract on the Blockchain.
3.1.2 Simple device
A simple device is a battery-powered device with limited processing, mem-
ory and power capacity in the IoT network. In simple terms, it is a battery-
powered end node device that performs a limited set of operations. Therefore,
it is always controlled and managed by other sets of nodes in the IoT network
(in our case, the miner node) to perform any kind of logic or function. A sim-
ple device in our architecture is a battery-powered device that interacts with
the full device or a miner node for authentication, without additional stor-
age and computers. We use the term “IoT device or node” in all the follow-
ing, as an alternative to the term “simple device”. Our scheme contains a num-
ber of IoT devices with a unique IDs =
representing device uniqueness in the network. In addition, the device addresses
D_Addr ={D_Addr1,D_Addr2,D_Addr3,,D_Addrn}
are in hexadecimal values
which are 20 bytes long used to represent the public addresses of the IoT devices.
Fig. 1 Network model
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
3.1.3 Full device
A full device in the IoT network can be a gateway to the connected devices and,
overall, the network aims to verify the integrity of data before network transmis-
sion. A full device does not limit computing, storage and battery compared with
a simple device and it is supposed to be available always and working with full
power. A full device in our architecture is used as a mining node to manage the
authentication process of simple IoT devices. In our proposed solution, the func-
tionality of the miner nodes is twofold: (i) Grouping and managing IoT devices
as clusters and (ii) Providing an interface for Ethereum network interaction. The
benefit of mapping IoT devices to the mining node is that processing time and
response times are reduced during decentralised validation of IoT devices. The
term “miner node” is used in all subsequent sections as an alternative to “full
The miner nodes also have a unique
IDs ={M_ID1,M_ID2,M_ID3,,M_IDn}
similar to the IDs for IoT devices. We grouped the miner nodes in a subset of nodes
to group the IoT devices for authentication. Each miner node
can be made up of
a large number of IoT devices
representing as
i=1, 2, 3, n
. Finally, miner nodes also have IoT device-like addresses,
represented as
’s =
3.1.4 Smart contract
In our proposed solution, we used smart contracts to achieve decentralised
authentication of IoT devices, initiated by miner nodes. Our smart contract
includes various features, mapping of addresses, conversions and events, enabling
miner nodes to manage IoT devices securely in a decentralised fashion.
3.1.5 Ethereum blockchain
Miner nodes use external calls to execute the functions written in smart contracts
to communicate with Ethereum network systems, in which each function is asso-
ciated with certain computing costs. In the Ethereum Blockchain, computational
cost is referred to as the gas used in the smart contract for each process.
3.2 Attacker model
The objective of our proposed scheme is to ensure that IoT devices are authen-
ticated in an efficient and decentralised manner. There are two types of nodes/
devices in our network; one is a miner node that is responsible for managing and
authenticating IoT devices. The other types of devices are IoT devices which must
be validated before joining the network and interacting with other nodes. The
attacker model for the proposed authentication scheme is shown in Fig.2.
In our attacker model, we made the following assumptions.
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The IoT device is an unreliable node that wants to gain control of the network.
Miner is a fully trusted node that is responsible for generating tickets and manag-
ing IoT devices.
The communication channel can be distrusted when the attacker can listen to the
communication between the miner nodes and the IoT devices.
3.3 Proposed algorithms
Along with defining the network and attacker models for our proposed authentica-
tion scheme, we proposed various algorithms to demonstrate how the authentication
mechanism of IoT devices works in an effective and decentralised manner by using
the Ethereum Blockchain. Our work includes algorithms for user registration, miner
registration, token generation and token verification. The working of each proposed
algorithm is defined as follows. The notations and their descriptions used in the
algorithms 1–4 are shown in Table1.
3.3.1 User registration
The process of the authentication scheme begins with the design and execution of
smart contracts on the Blockchain. Algorithm 1 explains the user interaction pro-
cess (or registering) on the Ethereum Blockchain. Firstly, the user initiates and
deploys smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain. Upon successful deployment,
Ethereum returns the “msg.sender” Blockchain address representing the contract
owner. In this scenario, the first Ethereum address from available accounts is allo-
cated to a user.
Fig. 2 Attacker model
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
3.3.2 Miner registration
Algorithm 2 explains how the miner nodes are added to a Blockchain. Each
miner node allocates unique credentials such as the miner’s id and the public
address, described as
respectively. The public address is an
Ethereum generated address which is the last 20 bytes of the keccak hash of
the public key. The registration process of the miner node acknowledges
from the user and searches for the miner nodes’ credentials. When
Blockchain already has credentials, smart contracts reverse the transaction and
give the user the error “Miner not Added” to inform the user of the existence of
Table 1 Notations Notations Description
Miner ID
Device ID
Miner Node Public Address
IoT Device Public Address
T Token
Signed Token
Miner Node Private Key
Miner Node Public Key
msg.sender Represents the contract owner
Signature() Elliptic Curve Digital Signature function
Hash() SHA256 function
isExisting() Checking the existence of attributes
isAddressExist() Checking the existence of Ethereum Addresses
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3.3.3 Token generation
The process of token generation and the integration of an IoT device is shown in
Algorithm3. To generate the token, the miner node accepted the token request which
included the unique device identifier (
) and the device address (
) from
the node added to the Blockchain. Upon the token request, the miner node firstly
verified the existence of the Blockchain credentials. If the token credentials are
already stored in the Blockchain, the request for the token is denied and the transac-
tion is returned to the user.
However, if the token request includes unique credentials of new devices, the
miner node successfully registers the devices with its own Identity (
) in the
Blockchain. Each new device, with its respective miner node ID, is registered in
the Blockchain. Finally, the miner node generates a token that includes unique
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
credentials such as
, signs the token (
) with its private
key and sends it to the desired device for authentication. We used the elliptic curve
digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) to generate and sign the tokens before send-
ing them to the IoT devices. A private key can be generated by a random seed of 32
bytes in the elliptic curve cryptography algorithm. In our case, we used Ganache’s
private keys provided by the Ethereum Blockchain network.
3.3.4 Token verification
Algorithm 4 defines a mechanism of token verification and IoT device authentica-
tion, in which each IoT device is issued with a signed Blockchain token,
, for
secure communication in the IoT network. The token assigned to the IoT device is
generated by the miner device with its private key and validated using the public
keys of the respective miner nodes that generate the signed token. The public key
is derived in the elliptic curve by multiplying the corresponding private key with
the generator point of each curve. If the allocated token is successfully validated via
Blockchain, the devices are accessed and become part of the IoT network. However,
if the token is not successfully authenticated from the Blockchain, the request for
access to the network will be denied.
3.4 Execution flow
In a decentralised environment, the authentication of IoT devices is carried out
using the various interlinked modules involved in the authentication process. Our
Blockchain-based decentralisation scheme includes the following system entities:
user, smart contract, miner node, IoT device and authenticated devices which com-
municate with each other to authenticate the IoT device successfully. Figure3 shows
the execution flow of our proposed model that illustrates the association (successful/
failed) between the above system entities. The execution flow demonstrates the flow
process for a decentralised authentication scheme according to the system design
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The process begins with the user who writes the smart contract in a solidity lan-
guage first and then compiles and carries out those contracts using the Blockchain
addresses accessible at Ethereum Blockchain. The user makes a system call with
smart contract parameters such as IP address, port number, application binary
interface (ABI) and byte code, in order to connect with Ethereum Blockchain. In a
successful case, it returns the smart contract address as a further validation address;
otherwise, it returns the revert function as an error. When the user retrieves the
Ethereum address via the Ethereum Blockchain system call, it enables users to inter-
act and communicate with the Ethereum Blockchain and the other elements of the
system in a proper way. The second step is to register the miner nodes to the network
by utilising their unique credential, such as
. Such credentials are
unique to each of the miner nodes in the system. If the credentials of a new device
match the credentials of existing miner node, the user is
shown an error with the same device credentials. After successfully integrating the
miner node into the network, it enables a group of IoT nodes to connect for secure
In the token generation process, the miner node receives a token request from
an IoT device that wants to authenticate and communicate with other nodes in a
Blockchain-based decentralised network. The token request consists of IoT device
credentials such as
which must be unique to others to obtain
tokens successfully. Similar to a miner node, the matching function “alreadyEx-
ist ()” is used to check the existence of the IoT device with the same credentials
on the Blockchain. If the credentials for the new IoT devices are
already registered in the Blockchain, the error about the existence of the device will
be shown to the user. When the IoT device credentials do not match the existing
credentials, the miner node attaches an IoT device (
) and
its corresponding miner’s node ID to build the IoT devices. A miner node can have
Fig. 3 Execution flow of proposed scheme
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
several IoT nodes with the same
. The miner node generates a unique token
after successful registration of the IoT device and signs it with its key, before being
sent to a registered IoT device.
In the last step, IoT devices now connect to the IoT network after the acquisition
of the signed token. The Blockchain checks the authenticity of the issuers and signa-
tures, using the respective miner’s node public key. Once a Blockchain has success-
fully validated the token, IoT devices are given access to the authentication network.
However, if IoT devices do not provide the correct token, access to the network will
not be granted. It is, therefore, easy to find reliable or unsecured devices through the
proper issuance of a token.
4 Modelling, analysis andverication ofproposed scheme
Formal verification is a systematic approach that uses logical reasoning and evidence
to verify the proposed system or algorithm in terms of design and implementation
and tests whether or not the proposed system meets the specified requirements [45].
The formal verification process of our proposed scheme consists of three main steps:
modelling, analysis and verification. In the modelling step, we modelled the pro-
posed scheme using HLPNs that show the design of the system and its internal rela-
tionship with all other components, in detail. In the analysis step, we designed our
proposed HLPNs using the PIPE+ tool and then calculated the incidence markings
and confidence interval values. In the verification stage, we carried out two activi-
ties; one is to define the transition rules using the Z formal specification language;
the other is to transform those rules into one of the widely used theories called “the
array theory” supported by the SMT-Lib. Regarding the verification results, we per-
formed a bounded model checking technique on our proposed scheme and then veri-
fied the algorithms to prove the logic formulae and the satisfiability.
4.1 The high level petri nets
The HLPN provides a way to evaluate system behaviour using modular design and
mathematical properties. The benefit of HLPN is that it can be used for the mod-
elling of different systems, including parallel, distributing, synchronous, pseudo-
deterministic, concurrent and stochastic systems [46, 47]. Each stated system has its
analytical capabilities, as well as its limitations. It is, therefore, important to define
fine-grained modularity and generality for protocol analysis and, in particular, for
large systems. HLPNs are also referred to as Petri nets and are known as the best
method of designing and modelling the system for testing and evaluation purposes.
The HLPN can be defined as an array N which consists of seven elements (or tuples)
such as
in which each individual tuple is defined as fol-
lows [48, 49]:
P is a collection of a finite number of places
K.Hameed et al.
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T is a collection of a finite number of transitions, so P and T are two distinct col-
lections represented as P
T =
F is a directed flow from place to transition or transition to place, so F
is the mapping function that maps the defined places P to data types such as
Data types
R is a set of finite rules that map T to some degree of the logical formula or rea-
soning, such as R : T
Formula or Logical reasoning
L is the label mapped on each flow as F, so that L : F
is the initial state in Petri Net that starts flow and generates tokens M : P
The three elements (P, T, F) are the basic elements used in the construction of the
Petri nets and provide details about their structures. In addition, three elements (
R, L) provide information on the Petri net metadata used for implementation and
validation. In HLPNs, we firstly describe the places and transitions and then estab-
lish the relationship between them. The following illustrations are used to complete
the HLPN. For example, places can be depicted as circles, transitions as rectangles
and directed arrows used to connect places and transitions and vice versa. How-
ever, there can be no relationship between places or transitions. For each HLPN,
the “Start” transition used to initialise the HLPN and the “Inputs” places carry the
tokens that can enter into the model and transfer to multiple locations and transitions
before they reach the end place. The R (Input) =
X |. x =
rule is used to gen-
erate tokens and initialise the flow from the input place.
The proposed authentication scheme was divided into four HLPNs based on user
registration, miner node registration, token generation and token verification algo-
rithms. Figure4 demonstrates the HLPN of the process of user registration of the
proposed authentication scheme. In Petri nets, the process begins with the “Start”
transition, which is considered to be a starting point for any HLPN is and responsi-
ble for generating tokens that pass through all other transitions. “Inputs” and “User
Registration” places are used to store the initial data (or variables) before and after
the transformations are handled, such as the available Ethereum addresses and the
registered Blockchain users.
The Petri net of the miner node registration process in our proposed authentica-
tion scheme consists of two working transitions and two places, as shown in Fig.5.
Transitions include “Start” and “Check Miner Node Credentials”, while places
include “Inputs” and “Miner Node Registration”. “Start” transition initiates the
miner node registration process and as well as verifying the miner node credential
with the miner node credentials stored in the Blockchain. Additionally, the “Inputs”
place include unique credentials such as miner node ID and device addresses related
to the miner node. Finally, the registered miner nodes in the proposed scheme are
stored at the “Miner Node Registration” place.
Figure 6 displays the HLPN of the token generation process in the proposed
scheme. The HLPN includes several transitions, such as “Start”, “Check Token
Request”, “Registered IoT Device” and “Token Generation”. On the other side, the
places consist of the “Inputs”, “Get Device Credentials”, “Registered IoT Devices”
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
and “Token Granted”. The token generation process begins with the “Start” transi-
tion, taking unique credentials from users who are linked to the IoT devices and stor-
ing them at the inputs site. Following this, the transition called the “Check Token
Request” verifies the token request to be sent from the IoT device and stored at the
“Get Device Credentials” place. Next, the “Register IoT Device” transition con-
ducts the IoT device registration process with unique credentials such as miner node
ID, IoT device ID and device address and stores their credentials in a Blockchain.
Finally, the “Token Generation” transition produces a unique token for those IoT
devices that successfully pass the entire process and store their tokens in the token
granted place.
The HLPN for the token verification function is shown in Fig.7. The HPLN con-
sists of three transitions, that is, “Start”, “Token Verification”, “Access Checked”
and three places that are “Inputs”, “Stored Credentials” and “Access Granted”. The
“Start” transition initiates the overall verification process of the token by taking the
device credential from the “Stored Credentials” place and by providing access or
permission to the system, using the verification mechanism of the token.
The complete HLPN of the proposed authentication scheme is shown in Fig.8
and the detailed working mechanism is then described using a set of rules from 17.
Table2 explains the places, mappings and description of each place used in the
proposed authentication scheme in detail. Since our proposed authentication scheme
consists of several steps or procedures, from user registration to token verification,
we define different algorithms for each step, as defined in the Sect.3.3. Each step of
the authentication scheme is associated with a different algorithm1–4 that describes
the operation of each component (user, miner node, IoT node) and their interaction
with others in the scheme as a whole. In the user registration Petri net, two places
are used: inputs and user registration. The inputs place is used to store available
Ethereum addresses, while a user registration place is used to store user-related cre-
dentials after users have successfully registered with Blockchain. The miner node
registration Petri net is divided into two places: inputs and miner node registra-
tion, which are used to store miner node attributes. In this case, the inputs place
is used to store miner node credentials such as miner ID and miner address. After
successfully registering miner nodes with Blockchain, the credentials are stored in
the miner node registration place. Furthermore, in the token generation Perti net,
Fig. 4 User registration—Petri Net
K.Hameed et al.
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multiple places such as inputs, get device credentials, registered IoT devices and the
token granted are combined to generate the tokens. All unregistered device-related
credentials are stored in the inputs place. In get device credentials place, the data-
base is used to compare the existing credentials. The registration IoT device place
is used to store the registered device credentials. The token granted place is used
to store the signed tokens issued to IoT devices as well as the miners’ private keys.
Finally, the token verification Petri net consists of three places: inputs, stored cre-
dentials and access granted. In this case, the inputs place is used to store the miner’s
public keys as well as signed tokens for verification. All device credentials are saved
in the stored credentials place. The access granted place is used to store the final
credentials of IoT devices.
The data types used in the proposed scheme and their definition are shown in
Table3. For instance, EA is the byte data type used to represent available addresses
in Blockchain. U is a byte data type used in Blockchain to represent the addresses of
the registered users.
is an integer data type used to represent the miner node’s
is a byte data type used to represent the addresses of the miner node.
Fig. 5 Miner node registration—Petri Net
Fig. 6 Token generation—Petri Net
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
is an integer data type used to represent the IoT device’s ID.
is a byte data type
used to represent the addresses of the IoT device. T is a byte data type used to repre-
sent the tokens allocated to IoT devices.
byte data type used to represent the
signed tokens generated for IoT devices.
is byte data type used to represent the
private key of a miner node. Finally,
is byte data type used to represent the pub-
lic key of a miner node.
The authentication process begins with the registration of the user in the system
when the users register with the Ethereum available addresses provided by the
Blockchain. Generally, the “msg.sender” feature of the smart contract returns the
address of the smart contract user in the Ethereum Blockchain. The test Ethereum
function compares the address of the registered user with the “msg.sender” as shown
in Rule 1.
Rule 2 explains the procedure for registering the miner node in the Blockchain net-
work. The user registers the miner node to the system with unique data such as the
miner node ID and the device address. The “check miner node credential” func-
tion is used to verify the existence of already stored credentials on the Blockchain.
𝐑(Check Ethereum Address)=∀ea EA,uEU|
[1] ∶= msg.sender(ea)
[2] ∶= ethereum.address(ea)
[3] ∶= Check Ethereum Address(u[1],u[2
ea[2]=u[3]}}Verified�� U=U{u}
}}Not Verified
𝐑(Check Miner Node Credentials)=∀mc MC,mr MR|
mr[1] ∶= miner id (mc)
mr[2] ∶= miner address(mc)
mr[3] ∶= Check Miner Node Credentials(mr[1],mr[2
mc[2]=mr[3]}}Verified�� MR=MR {mr}
Fig. 7 Token verification—Petri Net
K.Hameed et al.
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Upon successful execution, the function returns the existence or non-existence of the
already registered miner node to the user.
In Rule 3, the function called “check token request” verifies the request token from
the user who wants to connect the IoT device to the network. The request for a token
is checked against unique credentials such as miner node ID, device ID and device
address for the new IoT device added to the Blockchain.
Upon checking the request for the token and verifying the credential from the Block-
chain, the new IoT device is added to the Blockchain, as shown in Rule 4.
Check Token Request
dc[1] ∶= miner id (tr)
dc[2] ∶= device id(tr)
dc[3] ∶= device address(tr)
[4] ∶= Check Token Request(dc[1],dc[2],dc[3
=DC {dc[1],dc[2],dc[3],dc[4]}
𝐑(Register IoT Device)=∀dr DR,mr MR,rit RIT |
rit[1] ∶= dr[1
rit[2] ∶= mr[1
rit[3] ∶= Register IoT Device(rit[1],rit[2
Fig. 8 A compelete HLPN of the TokenAuth scheme
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
Table 2 Places, mappings and description of TokenAuth scheme
Places Mappings Description
User Registration
(Inputs) P(EA) Holds the available ethereum addresses
(User Registration) P(U) Store registered users integrated with the TokenAuth scheme
Miner Node Registration
(Inputs) P(
M_ID ×M_Addr
) Holds the credentials of miner node such as miner ID and miner address
(Miner Node Registration) P(
U×M_ID ×M_Addr
) Stores the miner node credentials with the registered user
Token Generation
(Inputs) P(
M_ID ×D_ID ×D_Addr
) Holds the device credentials such as miner ID, device ID, and device address
(Get Device Credentials) P(
D_ID ×D_Addr
) Check device credentials from database
(Registered IoT Device)
P(M_ID ×D_ID ×D_Addr)
Stored device credentials with miner ID
(Token Granted)
pr )
Stores signed tokens and miner private keys
Token Verification
(Inputs) P(
) Holds miners public keys and signed tokens
(Stored Credentials)
P(M_ID ×D_ID ×D_Addr)
Stored device credentials
(Access Granted)
P(Tsig ×T)
Access Granted to device
K.Hameed et al.
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Rule 5 defines the process of the generation of tokens for IoT device authentication
in the system. The system generates a token for the IoT device after checking its
credentials from the Blockchain. Upon successful verification, the miner node signs
the token with its private key and sends it to the IoT device for the authentication
Rule 6 defines the process of verification of tokens already issued to the IoT device
in Rule 5. During the verification process, the token given to the IoT system is veri-
fied with the public key of the miner node.
𝐑(Token Generation)=∀tT,st ST|
st[1] ∶= private key (t)
st[2] ∶= hash (t)
st[3] ∶= Token Generation(st[1],st[2
=ST {st[1],st[2],st[3]}
(Token Verification)=∀tg TG,st ST ,tv TV
tv[1] ∶= st[1
tv[2] ∶= public key (tg)
tv[3] ∶= Token Verification(tv[1],tv[2
=TV {tv[1],tv[2],tv[3]}
𝐑(Access Checked)=∀ac AC,ag AG|
ag[1] ∶= Token (ac)
ag[2] ∶= signed Token (ac)
ag[3] ∶= Access Checked(ag[1],ag[2
ac[2]=ag[3]}}Access Granted�� AG=AG {ag}
}}Access Not Granted
=AG {ag}
Table 3 Data types used in proposed scheme
Data Types Description
EA A byte type for the representation of available addresses in Blockchain
U A byte type for the representation of addresses of registered users
M_ID An integer type for the representation of ID of miner node ID
A byte type for the representation of the address of the miner node
D_ID An integer type for the representation of ID of IoT device
D_Addr A byte type for the for the representation of address of IoT device
T A byte type for the representation of tokens allocated to IoT devices
A byte type for the representation of signed tokens to IoT devices
A byte type used to represent the private key of the miner nodes
A byte type used to represent the public key of the miner nodes
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
Finally, in Rule 7, after successful verification of the token, the IoT device creden-
tials are compared with those credentials which are already stored on the Block-
chain. If the access check function is successfully executed, the device is then acti-
vated to access the system resource for additional system options.
4.1.1 Analysis
We model our proposed authentication scheme using one of the popular modelling
tools named PIPE+, which is widely used for the implementation and analysis of
the Petri nets built under bounded model checking (BMC). The formal modelling of
HLPNs ensured that our proposed scheme was ultimately executable for the spec-
ified rules and parameters. To analyse our model, we obtained simulation results
based on two evaluation parameters, such as incidence marking and confidence
intervals (minimum and maximum threshold values).
4.1.2 Incidence marking
We calculate the different types of incidence marking matrices, such as forward,
backward, combined and inhibition, which are used to describe the relationship
between places and transitions. Forward and backward incidence matrices are used
to define the relationship between places and transition in HLPNs. The arc from
position P to transition T only leads to value (P, T) > 0 if the desired input is trans-
ferred from place to transition. The forward incidence matrix represents the total
number of tokens generated from the places and fires towards the transition. In con-
trast, the backward incidence matrix represents the total number of tokens available
at the place P, used to allow the transaction T. In forward and backward incidence
matrices, the 1s show the interactions between places and transitions and the 0s
show no interaction between places and transitions.
The combined incidence matrix I combines the incidence results, such as 0s and
1s of both forward and backward incidence matrices, in order to provide an over-
view of the token generated at different locations and to find the difference between
them. Finally, we calculated the inhibition matrix H of the Petri Nets given, which
describes the weak relation between the places in the given graph, if any. In our
case, the Os in the inhibition matrix indicate the connectivity of all places to others,
confirming the connectivity and reachability of the places.
These matrices are used to improve the visibility of Petri nets and enhance the
confidence level of any model in relation to verifiability and correctness. Moreover,
these matrices tend to offer the best accuracy and reliability of the results of any
protocol or method. We use the PIPE+ editor to calculate and provide the matrices
above, for each Petri net included in the proposed authentication scheme.
Table4 displays the results of forward, backward, combined and inhibition matri-
ces for the scenario of user registration. For the forward incidence matrix, the place
is the transition’s output location, while for the backwards incidence matrix, the
place is the transition’s input location. If no relation exists, the matrix entry is 0. As
we can see, the flow of the “Start” transition is towards the “Inputs” place, which
is represented by 1 and it has no direct relation to the “Check Ethereum Address”
K.Hameed et al.
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transition, which is represented by 0. Similarly, the “User Registration” place
receives the transition flow from the “Check Ethereum Address” transition and is
depicted in 1. For backward incidence matrix, the “Inputs” place is only connected
to the “Check Ethereum Address” transition. Other places and transitions, on the
other hand, have no relationship with one another and are thus represented by 0s.
In the case of a combined incidence matrix,
represents the backwards relation
direction from the transition to the place. In this Petri net, for example, the “Check
Ethereum Address” is flowing towards the back “Inputs” place and is thus defined
. The 1 depicts a direct link from transition to place, such as flow from the
“Start” transition to the “Inputs” place. However, 0 indicates that there is no relation
between the transition and the place. As previously mentioned, the inhibition matrix
defines the weak relationship, if any, between the places in the given table. In our
case, the Os in the inhibition matrix show the connectivity of all places to others,
confirming the places’ connectivity and reachability.
The results of forward, backward, combined and inhibition incidence matrices for
the miner node registration Petri net are shown in Table5. As can be seen, the flow
of the “Start” transition is towards the “Inputs” place, which is represented by 1 and
it has no direct relation to the “Check Miner Node Credentials” transition, which is
represented by 0. Similarly, the “Miner Node Registration” place receives the transi-
tion flow from the “Check Miner Node Credentials” transition and is shown in 1.
For backwards incidence matrix, the “Inputs” place is only connected to the “Check
Miner Node Credentials” transition. Other places and transitions, on the other hand,
have no relationship with one another and are thus represented by 0s. For the com-
bined incidence matrix, the “Check Miner Node Credentials” value is
because it
is flowing back towards the “Inputs” place. The 1 depicts a direct link from transi-
tion to place, such as flow from the “Start” transition to the “Inputs” place. However,
0 indicates that there is no relation between the transition and the place. In our case,
the Os in the inhibition matrix shows the connectivity of all places to others, con-
firming the places’ connectivity and reachability.
Table6 shows the results of forward, backward, combined and inhibition matrices
for the token generation Petri net. As we can see, the flow of the “Start” transition
is towards the “Inputs” place, which is represented by 1 and it has no direct relation
to the other transitions such as “Check Token Request”, “Register IoT Device” and
“Token Generation”, which are represented by 0. Similarly, the flow of the “Check
Token Request” is towards the “Get Device Credentials” transition, which is repre-
sented in 1 and it has no direct connection to the other transitions such as “Start”,
“Register IoT Device” and “Token Generation”, which are represented in 0. Further-
more, transitions such as “Register IoT Device” and “Token Generation” flow from
“Registered IoT Device” and “Token Granted” places. In the backward incidence
matrix, the “Inputs” place is associated with the “Check Token Request” transition
and is represented by 1; it has no direct relation to the other places. Similarly, the
“Get Device Credential” place is only associated with the “Register IoT Device”.
The transitions from “Registered IoT Device” to “Token Generation” is related.
Finally, the “Token Granted” place is not connected to any other place in the Petri
net, so it displays all 0s. For the combined incidence matrix, the following flows
from transitions to places occur, such as from “Check Token Request” to “Inputs”,
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
from “Register IoT Device” to “Get Device Credentials” and from “Token Genera-
tion” to “Registered IoT Devices”, all of which are expressed in
. The 1 depicts
a direct link from transition to place, such as flow from the “Start” transition to the
“Input” place. However, 0 indicates that there is no relation between the transition
and the place. In our case, the Os in the inhibition matrix shows the connectivity of
all places to others, confirming the places’ connectivity and reachability.
Forward, backward, combined and inhibition incidence matrices for the token
verification scenario are shown in Table7. As can be shown, the flow of the “Start”
transition is towards the “Inputs” place, which is represented by 1 and it has no
direct relationship to the “Token Verification” and “Access Checked” transitions,
which are represented by 0. Similarly, the “Token Verification” transition received
the transition flow from the “Inputs” place and stores the credentials in the “Stored
Credentials” place and represented 1. Finally, the “Access Checked” transition only
receives the flow from “Stored Credentials” and directs it to the “Access Granted”
place, which is denoted by 1. The “Inputs” place in the backwards incidence
matrix is linked to the “Token Verification” transition and thus represented in 1.
The “Access Checked” transition is correlated with the “Stored Credentials” place.
The “Access Granted” place, on the other hand, has no relationship to the transitions
in the Petri net and is thus represented by 0s. The following flows from transition
to place occur in the combined incidence matrix, such as “Token Verification” to
“Inputs” and “Access Verified” to “Stored Credentials” and are thus all represented
. The 1 represents a direct connection from one transition to another, such as
flow from the “Start” transition to the “Inputs” place. However, a value of 0 means
that no relationship exists between the transitions and the places. In our case, the Os
in the inhibition matrix demonstrates the connectivity of all places to others, con-
firming the connectivity and reachability of the places.
4.1.3 Confidence interval
For a confidence interval, the minimum and maximum threshold values for each
Petri net are calculated in the proposed authentication scheme. Minimum thresh-
old values are calculated by passing 100 firings and five replications to the Petri
nets and the maximum threshold value is calculated by passing 1000 firings and 50
Table 4 High level Petri Net incidences–User Registration
Start Check
Start Check
Forwards incidence matrix
+Backwards incidence matrix
1 0
0 1
(User Registration) 0 1
(User Registration) 0 0
Combined incidence matrix I Inhibition matrix H
1 −1
(Inputs) 0 0
(User Registration) 0 1
(User Registration) 0 0
K.Hameed et al.
1 3
replications. The simulation results show the minimum and maximum threshold val-
ues calculated for the 95% confidence interval and presented in terms of the average
number of tokens, which are produced at each place, as well as the acceptable level
of error during each processing state.
The confidence interval is derived from the probability value of each processing
state and reflects the confidence range from 1 to
. The confidence interval is also
expressed as a percentage and informs the reader of the occurrence of accurate find-
ings within the given range. In our simulation results, we set the parameter
to determine the minimum and maximum threshold, using (1-
) which gives a 95%
confidence value in terms of the probability of accurate results.
In our HLPNs, the confidence interval values is determined by the average num-
ber of tokens generated at each transition T and the positive value represents the
highest confirmation of the accuracy of the proposed authentication scheme. Fig-
ures9, 10, 11 and 12 indicate the minimum and maximum threshold values for each
Petri net under the proposed scheme.
Figure9 depicts the confidence interval of a user registration scenario calculated
using the minimum and maximum threshold values. As previously mentioned, we
determined the minimum threshold values of the user registration Petri net by pass-
ing 100 firings and five replications. We pass 1000 firings and 50 replications to
the Perti net for user registration for maximum threshold values. As the “Inputs”
place includes all of these credentials for registering a user on the Blockchain, the
minimum and maximum thresholds exhibit a confidence interval between two and
twenty on the confidence interval scale. The “user registration” place, on the other
hand, only contains the credentials of registered users, with their minimum and
maximum thresholds displaying a confidence interval between zero and ten on the
confidence interval scale.
Figure10 depicts the confidence interval for a miner node registration scenario
on the Blockchain. In the miner node registration Petri net, two places are used:
inputs and miner node registration. Since the “Inputs” place stored the credentials
of the miner node that will be registered on Blockchain, the minimum and maxi-
mum threshold values measured on the confidence interval scale are three and 19,
Table 5 High level Petri Net incidences—Miner Node Registration
Start Check Miner
Node Creden-
Start Check Miner
Node Cre-
Forwards incidence matrix
+Backwards incidence matrix
1 0
0 1
(Miner Node Registra-
0 1
(Miner Node Registra-
0 0
Combined incidence matrix I Inhibition matrix H
1 −1
0 0
(Miner Node Registra-
0 1
(Miner Node Registra-
0 0
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
Table 6 High level Petri Net incidences—Token Generation
Start Check Token
Register IoT
Forwards Incidence Matrix
1 0 0 0
(Get Device Credentials) 0 1 0 0
(Registered IoT Devices) 0 0 1 0
(Token Granted) 0 0 0 1
Backwards Incidence Matrix
0 1 0 0
(Get Device Credentials) 0 0 1 0
(Registered IoT Devices) 0 0 0 1
(Token Granted)
0 0 0 0
Combined Incidence Matrix I
1 −1 0 0
(Get Device Credentials) 0 1 −1 0
(Registered IoT Devices) 0 0 1 −1
(Token Granted)
0 0 0 1
Inhibition Matrix H
0 0 0 0
(Get Device Credentials) 0 0 0 0
(Registered IoT Devices) 0 0 0 0
(Token Granted) 0 0 0 0
Table 7 High level Petri Net
incidences—Token Verification Start Token Verifi-
Forwards Incidence Matrix
(Inputs) 1 0 0
(Stored Credentials) 0 1 0
(Access Granted) 0 0 1
Backwards Incidence Matrix
(Inputs) 0 1 0
(Stored Credentials) 0 0 1
(Access Granted) 0 0 0
Combined Incidence Matrix I
(Inputs) 1 −1 0
(Stored Credentials) 0 1 −1
(Access Granted) 0 0 1
Inhibition Matrix H
(Inputs) 0 0 0
(Stored Credentials) 0 0 0
(Access Granted) 0 0 0
K.Hameed et al.
1 3
respectively. The “miner registration” place, on the other hand, stores the data of
the only registered miner nodes on Blockchain and displays the minimum and maxi-
mum values between one and ten on the scale.
Figure11 depicts the confidence interval for a token generation scenario for IoT
devices. In the token generation Petri net, four places are utilized: inputs, get device
credentials, registered IoT devices and token granted. Since the “Inputs” place
stored the credentials of both miner nodes and IoT devices, the minimum and maxi-
mum threshold values calculated on the confidence interval scale are between three
and twenty, respectively. The “get device credentials” place retrieves the data and
stores the IoT device credentials and displaying the minimum and maximum val-
ues between one and ten on a scale. Similarly, the scale values for “registered IoT
devices” place range from 1 to 7. Finally, the “token granted” place stores the signed
token of the IoT devices and displays values ranging from 2 to 8 on a scale.
Figure12 depicts the confidence interval for a token verification scenario for IoT
devices. Three places are used in the token verification Petri net: inputs, stored cre-
dentials and access granted. Since the “Inputs” place stored the credentials of both
miner nodes and IoT devices to verify the registered IoT devices to the Blockchain,
the minimum and maximum threshold values calculated on the confidence interval
scale are between eight and 27, respectively. The “stored credentials” place store
the IoT device-related credentials such as signed tokens and therefore displaying
the minimum and maximum values between seven and 25 on a scale. Similarly, the
scale values for “access granted” place range from 3 to 15.
The simulation results obtained from the maximum and minimum threshold val-
ues for HLPNs show the precision of the proposed scheme in terms of the accessi-
bility of different places and states using the specified rules.
4.2 Formal verification
To verify and prove the correctness of any protocol or underlying system, verifica-
tion is a commonly used method that demonstrates and checks the validity of the
system against specified requirements and other parameters. These requirements
and parameters can be specified for each system state and represent their internal
procedure or mechanism. For verification, system modelling and interpretation, as
well as automatic logic and decision-making problems, a variety of solvers are avail-
able that offer an extensive range of functions for system verification. One such type
of solver is the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) [50] solver which provides users with
feedback on system evaluation and conformity with given proposition logic formu-
lae using Boolean predicates or statements. In simpler terms, Boolean Satisfiability
is a process by which a Boolean formula is assessed as being satisfactory or not.
Generally, the SAT used to solve nondeterministic polynomial-time complete (NP
completeness) problems means that there are no polynomial-time algorithms avail-
able to solve SAT problems. However, the drawback of the Boolean Satisfiability
solver is that it only solves decision problems with Boolean logic, in which com-
plexity can be scaled up with system-level difficulties and therefore cannot extend to
a widely distributed network [51].
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
Fig. 9 Minimum and maximum threshold values (User Registration)
Fig. 10 Minimum and maxi-
mum threshold values (Miner
Node Registration)
Fig. 11 Minimum and maximum threshold values (Token Generation)
Fig. 12 Minimum and maximum threshold values (Token Verification)
K.Hameed et al.
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To solve large decision-making problems, Satisfiability Modulo Theories [45]
is a widely used decision process that solves multiple problems based on first-
order logic formulae and provides system satisfaction, using a wide variety of
dynamically typed theorems. The benefit of SMT is that it can support a wide
variety of theories in conjunction with multiple decision problem ranges, such
as linear and non-linear problems with integers, reals, rationales, arrays and even
supported equality, as well as bit vectors and uninterrupted functions [52]. To cir-
cumvent these theories and functions, SMT-Lib is used to provide the verification
facility for many other solvers. In SMT-Lib, the first behavioural requirements of
the proposed system specified the use of abstract models and then bounded model
tests were performed using bounded symbolic execution. SMT-Lib is a library
developed by Microsoft Research, which can support or incorporate a variety of
solvers, such as [53], Boolector [54], Beaver [55] and Z3 [56].
We used the Z3 SMT solver to verify our proposed authentication scheme. Z3
SMT Solver is considered to be an efficient solver and widely used for the evalu-
ation and analysis of algorithms, applications or complete systems under one or
more theories [56]. From the above theories, we used array theory to validate and
fulfill our logic rules (or formulae) and specifications, as described in our pro-
posed scheme.
In order to verify the proposed authentication scheme, we have specified the fol-
lowing properties that represent our designed algorithms for the proposed scheme.
User Registration The property specified for the user registration algorithm
is shown in Rule 8 in which users are registered with the available Ethereum
addresses provided by the Blockchain. The comparison function is used to
compare the available Ethereum addresses with the msg.sender function for
the registration of the user to the Blockchain.
Miner Node Registration In the miner node registration property, the attributes
associated with the miner node are selected and asserted in the system. If the
asserted attributes are already stored in the system, the device will not be able
to register with the Blockchain. The property for the registration of the miner
node is shown in Rule 9.
Token Generation The property for the generation of a token is shown in Rule
10. In this property, a token is generated for the registration and authentication
of IoT devices on the Blockchain system. This token is generated and signed by
the respective miner nodes. If the credential for IoT devices is already registered
with the relevant miner nodes, the token will not be issued to IoT devices.
(assert (not(or (= (select msg.sender 1)
(select ethereum.address 2))))) (check-sat)
(assert(not(or (= (select miner id 1)(select
miner address 2
) (= (select miner id verified)
(select miner address verified)))))) (check-sat)
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
Token Verification In the token verification property, the task is to validate
the token issued to the IoT device before adding and providing access to the
system. In this step, the token assigned to the IoT device is verified correctly
by the system. The IoT device is allowed to communicate with the system
and other devices based on verified tokens. The property for verification of
the token is shown in Rule 11.
4.2.1 Results
In the verification phase, both the proposed model and the transition rules
or properties are defined and converted to SMT. We used the logic of “QF
AUFLIA” available in SMT-Lib to transform the rules. This logic offers quanti-
fied free logic formulae and free sort functions that can be easily incorporated
into various theories, such as integer arrays. Further, Z3 solver is then used to
test whether or not the proposed model satisfies the specified properties. The
results of the system modelling and the specified properties imply the correct-
ness of the proposed scheme as regards validity and reliability in the underlying
scenario. The Z3 solver takes the stated properties as an input parameter, per-
forms the computation on them and then produces the results in the Boolean sat-
isfiers form, such as “sat” and “unsat”. Unsatisfactory results are shown as “sat”
and lead to imprecision or violation of the specified properties, while “unsat”
results are shown as leading to the verifiability and correctness of the proposed
scheme in terms of system modelling and properties.
The verification results of the proposed authentication scheme are obtained in
terms of the execution time that the solver takes and spends on the verification
of the specified properties of the proposed algorithms. The execution time (in
seconds) of the specified properties is shown in Table8. The verification results
of the specified properties are carried out in a finite time and provide confirma-
tion and satisfaction of the properties in terms of correctness. The listed verifi-
cation properties such as user registration and miner node registration take 0.01
second to execute on the Z3 solver, as shown in the table. The token generation
property takes slightly longer than the other properties because it takes the cre-
dentials of both the miner node and the IoT device and then generates a token for
the IoT device. Finally, the token verification property verifies the results in 0.02
(assert(not(or(= (select miner id 1)(select
device id 2
)(select device address 3) (= (
select private key
)))))) (
(assert(not(or (= (select tv 1)(select public key 2))
(= (
select token
select signed token
))))) (
K.Hameed et al.
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5 Evaluation framework
Our evaluation framework consists of various implementation paradigms such as
Ethereum Blockchain, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Python,, Ganache,
JSON-RPC, Solidity and Truffle Suite, as shown in Fig.13. These implementation
paradigms help us to develop the underlying functions of our proposed solution and
to evaluate them efficiently. The details about these paradigms are as follows: for
example, we used the Ethereum Blockchain to implement our proposed decentral-
ised authentication prototype because it is a commonly used platform for building
decentralised apps (dApps) and it provides a secure way to perform transactions
using the elliptic curves cryptography protocol.
In addition, the Ethereum Blockchain facilitates the process of deploying and run-
ning smart contracts that are an important part of our proposed authentication mech-
anism. We created our prototype interfaces (user, miner node, simple IoT device)
using the Python language, which is considered a dynamic and scalable language
across multiple platforms. We used the library, which is a Python-based
library and enabled us to interact with Ethereum clients to request functions writ-
ten in smart contracts. The Ganache is a Blockchain emulator (a personal Ethereum
client or node) to test a decentralised application without the actual set-up of the
Ethereum network. JSON-RPC is a client-side library or communication protocol
intended for JavaScript application communication. Our smart contract functions,
enabling the miner nodes to authenticate and validate IoT devices securely, are based
on solidity language. Finally, we use the Truffle Suite to write, deploy and execute
smart contracts in the Ethereum Blockchain.
6 Performance evaluation
In performance evaluation, we compare firstly the computational and communica-
tion overhead of the proposed system with the current authentication schemes based
on Blockchain [31, 36, 37] and then measure the approximate financial cost for
using Ethereum Classic (ETC) cryptocurrency to execute our scheme on a public
Blockchain. As an example for the evaluation, we consider an IoT-based smart home
case. Our experiments are performed on a system with the requirements shown in
the Table9. We conducted our experiments on 64-bit Ubuntu 18.4 operating sys-
tems. The central processing unit (CPU) architecture used in the 64-bit operating
system was x86_64 with a clock cycle of 2.11 GHz. Our experimental specification
included 8 GB of RAM.
6.1 A case study ofIoT based smart home
A smart home system is made up of a range of linked smart home appliances,
with the IoT serving as a key enabler in the smart home environment, allowing
for home automation and improving quality of life. In an IoT-based smart home,
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
smart devices, also referred to as IoT devices, are installed across the house to
provide the homeowner with a secure environment. For instance, security alarms
and motion detectors equipped with intelligent functions can operate intelligently
and alert the homeowner in the event of a security breach occurred. However,
the security of smart home devices is a significant concern, as hackers often tar-
get IoT devices, the protection of smart home devices is a major concern. These
devices must be authenticated to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of
data transmitted via the IoT network. The absence of advanced authentication
measures on IoT devices is often overlooked, allowing intruders to deploy unreg-
istered devices and compromise existing devices in order to gain complete control
of the home. As a result, adequate authentication of these smart home-enabled
IoT devices becomes increasingly critical, as unauthorised access can result in
resource mismanagement, home invasion attacks, or the disclosure of private
As IoT-based smart home applications are becoming increasingly popular for
complete home automation and security, we demonstrate the applicability of our
proposed Blockchain-based authentication scheme in an IoT-based smart home
scenario. An IoT-based smart home scenario in which a user deploys miner nodes
Table 8 Execution time of the
specified properties Specified properties Execution
time (sec)
User Registration 0.01
Miner Node Registration 0.01
Token Generation 0.03
Token Verification 0.02
Fig. 13 Evaluation framework
K.Hameed et al.
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for validating and authenticating IoT devices, in order to test the efficiency of
our proposed authentication scheme. In our case, miner nodes can be powerful
devices (mobile phones and laptops) for various computing tasks, such as cre-
ating public/private keys and tokens. However, IoT devices are resource-con-
strained devices with low power, battery and memory and therefore must authen-
ticate using an Ethereum Blockchain. IoT devices can include thermostat, video
cameras, air monitoring devices, security alarms and smoke detectors.
We consider three different cases based on miner nodes and IoT devices in our
performance evaluation scenario. In all three cases, the miner nodes are controlling
and managing 3, 5 and 10 different IoT devices, respectively.
6.2 Computational overhead
Computational overhead or computational time is the time required for carrying out
different system operations. The computational overhead is split into two main cat-
egories, namely on-chain and off-chain, for Blockchain IoT applications. The opera-
tions performed on Blockchain are included in the category of on-chain operations,
such as initialisation and association of IoT devices and miner nodes on the Block-
chain. On the other hand, off-chain operations are local operations, which are not
related to Blockchain operations, for example, the generation of public and private
keys and tokens. In this paper, we only consider on-chain operations because the
costs of off-chain operations vary from system to system, depending on the system
specification. We conducted each operation 100 times and then collected the average
time (in seconds) of each operation for accurate results of operations.
We first initialise miner nodes on the network, following the IoT-based smart
home scenario. The user creates a transaction to add the first miner node with a min-
er’s ID and device address and sends it to the Ethereum Blockchain. The user also
initialises the other miner nodes by sending the transactions to Blockchain. If the
miner node is already on the Blockchain with the same information, the transaction
is discarded. We then calculate the execution time for each transaction on the Block-
chain, after the deployment of the miner’s nodes. We compare the computation over-
head of initialising the miner nodes (or devices) to the proposed schemes with the
current Blockchain-based authentication schemes [31, 36, 37] and concluded that
our method generates less overhead in the system. The analysis of the computation
overhead of our proposed scheme with the current Blockchain schemes is revealed
in Fig.14(a).
We begin our process in the second step with the integration of IoT devices. As indi-
cated in our case study scenario, each miner node can handle many IoT devices. Once
a token request is received from the IoT device, the miner node creates a transaction
Table 9 System specifications
Operating systems Operating systems mode CPU architecture CPU clock cycle RAM
Ubuntu 18.04 64-bits
2.11 GHz 8 GB
1 3
A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
with the miner ID, device ID and device address and transmits it to the Blockchain. A
comparison between our scheme and existing schemes to deploy IoT devices on the
network is shown in Fig.14(b). Finally, the overall statistics for the deployment of the
miner nodes and IoT device in the system are illustrated in Fig.14(c). In contrast to the
current Blockchain-based systems [31, 36, 37], our proposed system achieves signifi-
cant computation performance and takes less time in processing and mining transac-
tions for the initialisation of miner nodes and IoT devices on the Blockchain.
6.3 Communication overhead
In communication overhead, the two communication scenarios are considered: (i)
between the user and miner nodes and (ii) between miner nodes and IoT devices. In
each case, the overhead measurement depends on the number of transactions and the
parameters used for each transaction to customise Blockchain tools. In each case, the
overhead communication depends on the number of transactions and the parameters
used to initialise the devices on Blockchain. We measure the duration of each transmis-
sion to and from the Blockchain. We measure each transaction time at least 100 times
in the computation overhead and then obtain the average value for precise results.
In the former scenario, we calculate the communication cost of adding miner
nodes to the Ethereum Blockchain, in which the user transmits a transaction con-
taining unique credentials to the Blockchain and then returns the association’s trans-
actions for purposes of comparison with the Blockchain. The computation overhead
of adding miner nodes to the Blockchain is shown in Fig.15(a). Simultaneously, for
the latter scenario, we send and receive initialisation and association transactions
(requests) for various IoT devices under different miner nodes and then calculate the
communication cost, as shown in Fig.15(b). An analysis of results shows that our
system achieves communication efficiency and interaction with different IoT devices
in the Blockchain system. Fig.15(c) describes the overall communication overhead
through both the initialisation and association transactions for all miner nodes and
IoT devices. In each case, we compare the proposed scheme with existing authen-
tication systems based on Blockchain [31, 36, 37] and conclude that our scheme
is also effective in communication overhead, taking less time for communication
between IoT devices and Blockchain set-up.
6.4 Financial cost
We estimate the approximate financial cost of using the Ethereum network for
implementing an IoT based smart home. Given that our scheme is based on a public
Blockchain, we must pay the price (in gas) to validate and store all transactions in
Blockchain. This cost is determined using an Eq.12 in [31] and the cost for a single
transaction with ETC is about $45.45.1 The equation to calculate the financial cost is
given below.
1 1 ETC = $45.45 (AUD)- Writing a paper on Apr 20, 2021.
K.Hameed et al.
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Table 10 describes the estimated total financial cost of deploying the IoT smart
home scenario for the number of transactions on the Blockchain. We count the num-
ber of transactions required to initialise and associate miner nodes and IoT devices
in the Blockchain. Firstly, we calculate the financial cost of all cases (from Case 1 to
Case 3) and then the sum of the costs of all cases to present the total cost. The finan-
cial cost is calculated in AUD.
We used Gwei2 as an ether unit since it is the most commonly used gas price unit in
Ethereum Blockchain. We set each transaction approximation cost in Gas as 50000.
Financial Cost =No. of Transaction (s)×
Transaction (s) cost in Gas
×Gas cost in ETC
ETC cost in AUD
Proposed Scheme [31] [36] [37]
Blockchain-based Schemes
Time (Seconds)
Proposed Scheme [31] [36] [37]
Blockchain-based Schemes
Time (Seconds)
3 Devices
5 Devices
10 Devices
Proposed Scheme [31] [36] [37]
Blockchain-based Schemes
Time (Seconds)
Fig. 14 a Computational overhead (miner nodes) b computational overhead (IoT devices) c overall com-
putational overhead (miner and IoT devices)
2 1 Ether = 0.000000001 Gwei.
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A formally verified blockchain‑based decentralised…
7 Conclusion andfuture work
This paper proposes an efficient and decentralised Blockchain-based authentica-
tion scheme for IoT devices that uses smart contracts to ensure secure communica-
tion between miner nodes and IoT devices. We designed a secure token mechanism
for authenticating IoT devices for secure interaction and communication with other
devices using the Ethereum Blockchain. We discussed each component in the archi-
tecture of the system and demonstrated the working of the proposed scheme, using
the algorithms and sequence diagram. We have set up the Ethereum Blockchain for
simulation, in which the experimental results show the significance and performance
of the proposed scheme for large IoT networks, while reducing the computational
and communication complexity at the initialisation stage. The complete system is
modelled, analysed and verified using the HLPN and Z3 solver to demonstrate the
correctness of the proposed authentication scheme. In our future work, we plan to
investigate IoT network attacks leading to infected authenticated IoT devices and to
propose a solution for detecting and mitigating this scenario.
Proposed Scheme [31] [36] [37]
Blockchain-based Schemes
Time (Seconds)
Proposed Scheme [31] [36] [37]
Blockchain-based Schemes
Time (Seconds)
3 Devices
5 Devices
10 Devices
Proposed Scheme [31] [36] [37]
Blockchain-based Schemes
Time (Seconds)
Fig. 15 a Communication overhead (miners) b communication overhead (IoT devices) c overall commu-
nication overhead (miner and IoT devices)
K.Hameed et al.
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Table 10 Estimated financial cost for an IoT-based smart home
Cases Miner nodes IoT devices Total No.
of devices
No. of transactions for ini-
tialization and association
Each transaction
approx. cost (In
Total gas consumed Gas cost (ETC) Price (AUD)
Case 1 1 3 4 4 50000 400000 0.0004 0.01818
Case 2 1 5 6 6 50000 600000 0.0006 0.02727
Case 3 1 10 11 11 50000 1100000 0.0011 0.049995
Total cost = 0.095445
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Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Authors and Aliations
KhizarHameed1 · SaurabhGarg1· MuhammadBilalAmin1· ByeongKang1
Saurabh Garg
Muhammad Bilal Amin
Byeong Kang
1 Syndicate ofTechnology, Environments andDesign, College ofSciences andEngineering,
University ofTasmania, Hobart, Australia
... Thusly, we propose a blockchain-based system with brilliant agreements to produce constant cautions to really recognize sensor hubs associated with corrupting LNL configuration information. Hameed et al. [57] have proposed an effective decentralized blockchainbased confirmation plot pointed toward accomplishing secure validation for IoT gadgets utilizing a symbolic instrument. Displaying, examination, and approval of this task using huge level Petri nets (HLPNs) and the Z3 SMT arrangement are introduced to confirm model cases perpetually. ...
... The precision of K-means clusters blockchain [60] is very high which is 711.54%, 5.173%, 7.296%, 2.488%, 12.41%, 6.945%, 4.865%, 6.988% and 4.865% higher than other blockchain based IDS schemes are DNN, CNN blockchain [51], optimal blockchain [52], CA of multiple-PKI trust [53], SEA-blockchain [54], decentralized authentication blockchain [55], attack graph blockchain [56], high level Petri nets [57], IBE-BCIOT [58], and blockchain with mapping [59], respectively. The recall of K-means clusters blockchain [60] is very high which is 9.728%, 1.858%, 8.741%, 3.59%, 10.966%, 2.318%, 5.464%, 2.055% and 9.366% higher than other blockchain based IDS schemes are DNN, CNN blockchain [51], optimal blockchain [52], CA of multiple-PKI trust [53], SEA-blockchain [54], decentralized authentication blockchain [55], attack graph blockchain [56], high level Petri nets [57], IBE-BCIOT [58], and blockchain with mapping [59], respectively. ...
... 5.173%, 7.296%, 2.488%, 12.41%, 6.945%, 4.865%, 6.988% and 4.865% higher than other blockchain based IDS schemes are DNN, CNN blockchain [51], optimal blockchain [52], CA of multiple-PKI trust [53], SEA-blockchain [54], decentralized authentication blockchain [55], attack graph blockchain [56], high level Petri nets [57], IBE-BCIOT [58], and blockchain with mapping [59], respectively. The recall of K-means clusters blockchain [60] is very high which is 9.728%, 1.858%, 8.741%, 3.59%, 10.966%, 2.318%, 5.464%, 2.055% and 9.366% higher than other blockchain based IDS schemes are DNN, CNN blockchain [51], optimal blockchain [52], CA of multiple-PKI trust [53], SEA-blockchain [54], decentralized authentication blockchain [55], attack graph blockchain [56], high level Petri nets [57], IBE-BCIOT [58], and blockchain with mapping [59], respectively. The specificity of K-means clusters blockchain [60] is very high which is 9.156%, 9.279%, 7.838%, 0.022%, 5.505%, 0.123%, 7.090%, 9.167% and 6.599% higher than other blockchain based IDS schemes are DNN, CNN blockchain [51], optimal blockchain [52], CA of multiple-PKI trust [53], SEA-blockchain [54], decentralized authentication blockchain [55], attack graph blockchain [56], high level Petri nets [57], IBE-BCIOT [58], and blockchain with mapping [59], respectively. ...
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In the Internet of Things (IoT), heterogeneous actual gadgets and the Web are connected and empower correspondence. Utilizing IoT innovation, an enormous number of gadgets can be interconnected, collecting sensitive information, ranging from industrial controls to medical devices. Increasing dangers in our everyday lives have provoked a worry with security in IoT networks containing an enormous number of items. To guarantee the security of the IoT foundation, proficient, strong cryptographic methods are created and expected to deal with information confirmation, information protection, classification, and respectability. Lightweight operations are being used to reinvent cryptographic solutions. After witnessing the growth of quantum computers, conclude that cryptography based on mathematical problems fails to provide sufficient security. Therefore, solutions for the post-quantum world should be developed that are easy to resist adversarial effects. This paper discusses recent security issues related to IoT addresses a few research questions. There have been several studies recently that propose advanced defense methods for security solutions in IoT environments. Most of examination articles accessible in this field community on the broad field of security solutions in IoT environments. We were able to collect around 80 research articles relevant to security solutions in IoT environments for systematic review in this survey. Our review also covers the open research difficulties and future examination bearings. Furthermore, we talk about the difficulties and headings for creating different protection security arrangements in view of the aftereffects of this review.
... These protocols make use of blockchain technology and fog computing. The use of Ethereum smart contracts for secure connectivity between miner nodes and IoT devices [18] and random forest learning for authorization and key management [19] are two further elements that have improved these protocols. The security and functionality of token-based authentication in the IoT have greatly enhanced as a result of these developments. ...
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Due to the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), securing communications between a huge number of devices has become very difficult. Access controls and authentication secure the connection between IoT devices and protect sensitive data from unauthorized users or malicious attackers. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review to emphasize the critical role of authentication and access control in securing IoT environments. This paper explores different types of access controls, like Attribute-Based Access Control and Role-Based Access Control. Furthermore, it demonstrates different authentication techniques, like passwords and biometrics. Based on the previous mechanisms, we discuss different IoT security challenges regarding authentication and access control mechanisms and highlight future directions. In addition, this paper investigates the integration between access control and authentication to safeguard IoT communications.
... The authentication protocol proposed by Zhang et al. [22] uses industrial Data Blockchain. Hameed et al. [23] proposed a decentralized authentication scheme using the Ethereum blockchain. Some researchers studied the use of the Blockchain concept in the Healthcare Industry. ...
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Nowadays, research efforts are strongly directed toward integrating Blockchain into Smart Healthcare Systems to achieve distribution, transparency, and immutability within the system. The IoT-based Healthcare System incorporates numerous Smart Devices to gather extensive data. The Hospital Authority collects this vital information for diverse analyses via an intermediary data collector. The healthcare data is very crucial and requires secure data transmission from Smart Devices to the Hospital Authority to prevent unauthorized access. The traditional authentication scheme faces challenges such as a single point failure, heavy reliance on the Trusted Third Party, and the absence of channel communication. This can increase the computational load and system latency. The proposed solution introduces the Blockchain-based Shareable Authentication Scheme (BSAS) for Smart Healthcare. The BSAS scheme leverages a Consortium Blockchain which is implemented by using Hyperledger Fabric that supports channel communication among different hospital departments. This eliminates the burden of repetitive registration across all departments and reduces computational overhead. Moreover, a mutual authentication and key agreement scheme employing lightweight operations ensures the secure transmission of data from smart devices to the hospital authorities. The formal analysis using the ROR model and informal analysis confirm the security of the BSAS scheme. Additionally, formal simulations with the Scyther tool reveal no attacks within the bounds. The evaluation of performance using Hyperledger Caliper indicates a consistent and maximum throughput of 100 transactions per second for read operations or an increasing trend for certain operations with a rise in transaction count. The latency remains consistently minimal for read operations and is below 6.5 s for other operations. This comprehensive analysis underscores that the scheme is resilient to various attacks, has computational efficiency, and additional security enhancements, including data immutability, confidential communication through channels, and a distributed system.
... The physiological identifiers rely on facial recognition, fingerprints, finger geometry, iris recognition, vein recognition, retina scanning, and voice recognition. Whereas, behavioral-based identifiers rely on unique individual acts, such as typing patterns, walking gait, and drawing a specific pattern on the mobile screen [35]. • Location factor: In this type, which refers to where the user is, a user who is in a specific location can access the application, services, network, or system. ...
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Internet of Things (IoT) as an emerging technology is based on the idea that smart things can connect to the Internet and exchange the collected data in a peer-to-peer paradigm. Due to its inherent features, IoT can be utilized in real-world scenarios and its expansion can improve human well-being. Internet of things is applied quite closely to humans and transmits serious information such as healthcare information, financial data, and private information through an insecure communication platform. Since almost all tasks are performed with minimal human intervention, and adversary may deploy its nodes among other legitimate elements of IoT, providing an effective mutual authentication is vital. In this Systematic Literature Review, authentication of IoT and its literature are reviewed systematically. In particular, it has endeavored that the collected literature covers the papers conducted from 2018 to 2022. Moreover, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive answer to six important Research Questions in the context of authentication of IoT that often engage the minds of scholars. It is hoped that this survey will be an effective guide for future research by addressing the relevant challenges, analyzing open issues, and providing future research directions.
... There are many other authentications available,i.e, RFID based authentication [28], diamond authentication [29] and many decentralized authentications also [30,31]. All the existing works have discussed that single entity verification and delivery confirmation may be handled maliciously without public verification. ...
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Supply chain management speeds up the delivery system and product flow towards customers. It is required to update the delivery system and fulfill the customers’ needs. Still, Centralized delivery management approaches are very risky and unsatisfactory, so nowadays, decentralized models are more secure and customer friendly. However, delivering a particular customer in decentralized models is a rigorous task with anonymity or pseudonym. Therefore we propose a location-based decentralized delivery system that provides accurate delivery of products to customers. It is crucial for sellers, Buyers, and Transport service providers that the claimed location is trustworthy and publicly verifiable. The proof of location guarantees the correct geographic location, and the witnesses provide location confirmation to the prover. Further, We introduce an off-chain multiparty payment channel with a supply chain for quicker and more secure payment, and it is free from “flood and loot attacks” and intermediary insecurities. The proposed scheme is protected against malicious activities all involved entities attempt, and smart contracts solve the monopoly. The implementation result uses the ethereum network and shows the gas consumption of different smart contracts with execution costs. Finally, we proved that location verification, disputes solved and successful payment completion are much better than all existing models.
... Ambiguous trading rights that the trading authority owned by members is not clearly defined, and there is no fine-grained authority division. Traditional identity authentication methods are various, but they all have problems with complex keys, high certificate management overhead, or centralized storage [7,8], which undoubtedly affects authentication efficiency and brings security risks such as privacy leakage and user tracking analysis [9]. ...
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With the increase in the market share of data trading, the risks such as identity authentication and authority management are increasingly intensified. Aiming at the problems of centralization of identity authentication, dynamic changes of identities, and ambiguity of trading authority in data trading, a two-factor dynamic identity authentication scheme for data trading based on alliance chain (BTDA) is proposed. Firstly, the use of identity certificates is simplified to solve the problems of large calculation and difficult storage. Secondly, a two-factor dynamic authentication strategy is designed, which uses distributed ledger to achieve dynamic identity authentication throughout the data trading. Finally, a simulation experiment is carried out on the proposed scheme. The theoretical comparison and analysis with similar schemes show that the proposed scheme has lower cost, higher authentication efficiency and security, easier authority management, and can be widely used in various fields of data trading scenarios.
... Therefore, reducing the authentication time is the main goal of the Internet of Vehicles authentication scheme. To achieve this goal, blockchain, as a distributed ledger, effectively solves the problem of vehicle cross-domain authentication [35][36][37]. However, the security authentication mechanism involves many encryption algorithms, bringing high computing costs to users. ...
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Due to the high mobility of vehicles and the high dynamics of SIoV network topology, the communication between users will be frequently interrupted, thus affecting the service quality of users. In addition, due to the open nature of the SIoV wireless channel, any user can broadcast messages in the system. However, unreliable users pose serious security threats to other users on the network. In order to solve these problems, we propose a feature cluster-based secure data transmission method (FC-SDTM) to ensure safe and stable data transmission between vehicles. This method creates feature clusters according to the feature similarity of users, which provides the stability of communication between users and improves users’ reliability in the cluster. Second, consortium blockchains store the transmission data sent by the sender in the cluster for the receiver to verify, further ensuring the security of intra-cluster communication. Finally, the random number key reduces the running time of the proposed method and solves the security problem caused by cluster topology updates. The experimental results demonstrate that this method can reduce the system running time and the message exposure rate, while also improving transmission accuracy.
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The combination of blockchain-enabled smart contracts and the Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging research area with a potential for far-reaching impact on our daily lives. While existing literature reviews explore current and future research states, most do not investigate the intellectual foundation. This study is a database-assisted narrative review of the smart contract and IoT combination using the TCM (Theme-Context-Method) framework that explores the past, present, and future. By reviewing 227 relevant peer-reviewed articles across 69 Scopus-listed journals, the authors profile the existing research, identify the foundational roots of literature, review the current state of research, and identify implications for research, practice, and society. The origins of the literature include themes such as decentralised data management, service orchestration, and distributed trust management. Themes in current research include the convergence of blockchain and the IoT, security, and privacy. Open research directions along the technology-legal-organisational triad, such as interoperability, dispute resolution, and skill gap assessment, have also been elucidated. This study synthesises extant literature to serve as a foundation for future academic research and practitioner exploration.
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The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is the network of medical devices, software applications, and healthcare information systems used for remote monitoring and delivery of healthcare services. Despite the several advantages of IoMT for today smart healthcare, security issues are growing due to the inadequate computation, limited storage and insufficient self-protection capabilities of IoMT devices. Authentication of IoMT devices is the main requirement to secure IoMT systems. Although, the recent authentication schemes based on tamper-proof decentralized architecture of blockchain technology are robust and enjoy a high level of security, yet they require high computation, more storage, and long authentication time. These issues lead to reduced scalability and time efficiency, which are necessary for large-scale, time-sensitive IoMT systems. To this end, this paper proposes a novel group authentication framework for IoMT Systems. The group authentication scheme is implemented through a four-phase process, including setup, registration, secret construction, and authentication. To enhance both efficiency and scalability, the proposed group authentication framework employs a combination of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), Shamir's secret sharing (SSS) algorithm, and blockchain-based fog computing technologies. We simulated the proposed framework through the Ethereum platform and Solidity language and its performance is evaluated using the Hyperledger Caliper tool. The simulation experiments of the proposed framework showed that the average latency of authenticating IoMT devices was 0.5 second and the throughput was 400 transactions per second. Our analysis of the proposed framework's performance against other cutting-edge blockchain-based authentication techniques showed that it outperformed them in terms of latency and throughput. A security analysis of the proposed framework was conducted using the widely accepted Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) tool. The formal and informal security analysis demonstrated that the proposed framework is secure and resistant to potential authentication-related attacks. We also noted that the average latency of the proposed framework maintains a fairly narrow range when the number of submitted transactions rises, indicating that it supports the scalability of the IoMT system.
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This work aims to explore the security convenience of Internet of things (IoT) terminals based on blockchain technology and to enrich the content of IoT terminal applications. The service architecture platform of blockchain technology is proposed for the terminal connection of IoT. First, the characteristics, performance, and fault tolerance of the consensus algorithm are introduced. Then, the construction of blockchain platform is introduced, and the blockchain system and the storage of blockchain data are designed. Next, the consensus algorithm is optimized with the proof of stake equity proof consensus and the improved consensus mechanism of the practical byzantine fault tolerance consensus, to establish a blockchain service architecture platform. Finally, the node connection service architecture and block process are verified and analyzed. The results show that the blockchain-based IoT service architecture constructed under consensus algorithm has high accuracy and safety. The achievements of this study can promote the development of blockchain technology and IoT and play a good role in promoting the combination of blockchain technology and IoT terminal.
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Today, the internet of things (IoT) is becoming more common and finds applications in several domains, especially in the healthcare sector. Due to the rising demands of IoT, a massive quantity of sensing data gets generated from diverse sensing devices. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are vital for providing a scalable and precise analysis of data in real time. But the design and development of a useful big data analysis technique face a few challenges, like centralized architecture, security, and privacy, resource constraints, and the lack of adequate training data. On the other hand, the rising blockchain technology offers a decentralized architecture. It enables secure sharing of data and resources to the different nodes of the IoT network and is promoted for removing centralized control and resolving the problems of AI. This study develops an optimal deep-learning-based secure blockchain (ODLSB) enabled intelligent IoT and healthcare diagnosis model. The proposed model involves three major processes: secure transaction, hash value encryption, and medical diagnosis. The ODLSB technique comprises the orthogonal particle swarm optimization (OPSO) algorithm for the secret sharing of medical images. In addition, the hash value encryption process takes place using neighborhood indexing sequence (NIS) algorithm. At last, the optimal deep neural network (ODNN) is applied as a classification model to diagnose the diseases. The utilization of OPSO algorithm for secret sharing and optimal parameter tuning process shows the novelty of the work. We carried out detailed experiments to validate the outcome of the proposed method, and several aspects of the results are considered. At the time of the diagnosis process, the OPSO-DNN model has yielded superior results, with the highest sensitivity (92.75%), specificity (91.42%), and accuracy (93.68%).
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Threat problem has become more complex in the industrial environment due to the need to secure a large number of devices from attack while maintaining system reliability and real-time response to threats. In such scenario detection of threat in Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) devices becomes an important factor to avoid injection by malicious IIoT devices. The techniques based on the Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are probably the most popular in detecting threat of detection. However, HMM requires extensive training of the models and computational resources. Also, HMM has the drawback of convergence to a local optimum while using Baum–Welch algorithm for parameter estimation. In order to optimize the HMM parameters, global search techniques can be used. This work proposes Genetic algorithms (GA) for optimizing HMM parameters. The other difficulty in threat detection is the dynamic nature of the attack. Several new threats are emerging with many variants which are created from existing attacks, making threat modeling an arduous task. As a result, good features are critical to model traffic and provide an efficient way to detect known and possibly unknown attacks to detect. To achieve a better feature extraction from the network traffic, we propose a dynamic sliding window \(W\) which has a width of \(w\). The proposed multiple-HMM performs well to detect threats. The simulation results are compared to the results obtained by the Baum–Welch algorithm based approach showing higher accuracy and convergences.
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Blockchain is a new generation of secure information technology that is fueling business and industrial innovation. Many studies on key enabling technologies for resource organization and system operation of blockchain-secured smart manufacturing in Industry 4.0 had been conducted. However, the progression and promotion of these blockchain applications have been fundamentally impeded by various issues in scalability, flexibility, and cybersecurity. This survey discusses how blockchain systems can overcome potential cybersecurity barriers to achieving intelligence in Industry 4.0. In this regard, eight cybersecurity issues are identified in manufacturing systems. Ten metrics for implementing blockchain applications in the manufacturing system are devised while surveying research in blockchain-secured smart manufacturing. This study reveals how these cybersecurity issues have been studied in the literature. Based on insights obtained from this analysis, future research directions for blockchain-secured smart manufacturing are presented, which potentially guides research on urgent cybersecurity concerns for achieving intelligence in Industry 4.0.
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Blockchain, an emerging paradigm of secure and shareable computing, is a systematic integration of 1) chain structure for data verification and storage, 2) distributed consensus algorithms for generating and updating data, 3) cryptographic techniques for guaranteeing data transmission and access security, and 4) automated smart contracts for data programming and operations. However, the progress and promotion of Blockchain have been seriously impeded by various security issues in blockchain-based applications. Furthermore, previous research on blockchain security has been mostly technical, overlooking considerable business, organizational, and operational issues. To address this research gap from the perspective of information systems, we review blockchain security research in three levels, namely, the process level, the data level, and the infrastructure level, which we refer to as the PDI model of blockchain security. In this survey study, we first examine the state of blockchain security in the literature. Based on the insights obtained from this initial analysis, we then suggest future directions of research in blockchain security, shedding light on urgent business and industrial concerns in related computing disciplines.
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Sensors and IoT (Internet of Things), which include RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) tags, have witnessed widespread adoption across a wide variety of application domains over the last two decades. These sensors and IoT devices are often a part of distributed sensor networks. As with any distributed processing scenario, there is a need to ensure that these devices provide required security and privacy to the tagged object as well as its bearer. Cryptography has been used to address the security and privacy aspects of RFID tags. Unlike a majority of other IoT devices, the commonly used passive RFID tags are extremely resource-constrained and therefore can accommodate only lightweight operations. Security and privacy concerns still need to be addressed as they remain significant regardless of implementation details. We evaluate RFID-based lightweight mutual authentication protocols that have been recently proposed and identify vulnerabilities.
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The routing protocol for low power and lossy networks works as an effective method for communication in Contiki. However, many security attacks exist in RPL. These attacks affect the traffic or energy of the network. This paper focused on the persistent explorations of Contiki-based IoT networks to examine the effect of three well-known security attacks that exist on RPL. The RPL security attacks are named as: hello flood attack, decreased rank attack and increased version attack. The impact of these security attacks has been evaluated for scalability, energy efficiency and destination-oriented directed acyclic graph construction over simulated IoT networks in Contiki. All three aforesaid attacks are found to be responsible for affecting the DODAG construction, rising the network traffic and power consumption in one way or the other. To investigate the impact of attacks particularly on the scalability, the simulations are accomplished using eight different scenarios. It is found that the throughput of the network increases with the rise in the number of normal nodes (N) up to a critical point, at which N has optimum value. It is found that at N = 40, the critical point appears for many categories in different attacks. Like, “resdm” and “resem” categories possess this critical point through hello flood attack. Similarly, the “rdsdm” category has maximum throughput at N = 40 through increased version attack. Likewise, the decreased rank attack brought this critical point at N = 40 for categories “rdsem” and “resem”. The simulation results show that regardless of the attacks “rese” and “rdse” categories produce more throughput than “resd” and “rdsd” categories. This work also demonstrates the effect of the size of heterogenous packets on multiple throughput metrics.
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Sustainability is a pressing need, as well as an engineering challenge, in the modern world. Developing smart technologies is a critical way to ensure that future manufacturing systems are sustainable. Blockchain is a next-generation development of information technology for realizing sustainability in businesses and industries. Much research on blockchain-empowered sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0 has been conducted from technical, commercial, organizational, and operational perspectives. This paper surveys how blockchain can overcome potential barriers to achieving sustainability from two perspectives, namely, the manufacturing system perspective and the product lifecycle management perspective. The survey first examines literature on these two perspectives, following which the state of research in blockchain-empowered sustainable manufacturing is presented, which sheds new light on urgent issues as part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We found that blockchain-empowered transformation of a sustainable manufacturing paradigm is still in an early stage of the hype phase, proceeding toward full adoption. The survey ends with a discussion of challenges regarding techniques, social barriers, standards, and regulations with respect to blockchain-empowered manufacturing applications. The paper concludes with a discussion of challenges and social barriers that blockchain technology must overcome to demonstrate its sustainability in industrial and business spheres.
Fog computing is an emerging computing paradigm which expands cloud-based computing services near the network edge. With this new computing paradigm, new challenges arise in terms of security and privacy. These concerns are due to the distributed ownership of Fog devices. Because of the large scale distributed nature of devices at the Fog layer, secure authentication for communication among these devices is a major challenge. The traditional authentication methods (password-based, certificate-based and biometric-based) are not directly applicable due to the unique architecture and characteristics of the Fog. Moreover, the traditional authentication methods consume significantly more computation power and incur high latency, and this does not meet the key requirements of the Fog. To fill this gap, this article proposes a secure decentralised location-based device to device (D2D) authentication model in which Fog devices can mutually authenticate each other at the Fog layer by using Blockchain. We considered an Ethereum Blockchain platform for the Fog device registration, authentication, attestation and data storage. We presented the overall system architecture, various participants and their transactions and message interaction between the participants. We validated the proposed model by comparing it with the existing method; results showed that the proposed authentication mechanism was efficient and secure. From the performance evaluation, it was found that the proposed method is computationally efficient and secure in a highly distributed Fog network.
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is considered as one of the most promising revolutionary technologies to prompt smart manufacturing and increase productivity. With manufacturing being more complicated and sophisticated, an entire manufacturing process usually involves several different administrative IoT domains (e.g., factories). Devices from different domains collaborate on the same task, which raises great security and privacy concerns about device-to-device communications. Existing authentication approaches may result in heavy key management overhead or rely on a trusted third party. Thus, security and privacy issues during communication remain unsolved but imperative. In this paper, we present an efficient blockchain-assisted secure device authentication mechanism $\textsf{BASA}$ for cross-domain IIoT. Specifically, consortium blockchain is introduced to construct trust among different domains. Identity-based signature (IBS) is exploited during the authentication process. To preserve the privacy of devices, we design an identity management mechanism, which can realize that devices being authenticated remain anonymous. Besides, session keys between two parties are negotiated, which can secure the subsequent communications. Extensive experiments have been conducted to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed mechanism.