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Short-term variation of central corneal thickness measurements in keratoconus using the Tono-Pachymeter NT530P (Tonopachy™)

S Afr Optom 2012 71(3) 102-108
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
Short-term variation of central corneal thickness
measurements in keratoconus using the Tono-
Pachymeter NT530P (Tonopachy™)
KP Mashigea, OA Oduntanb and NM Gcabashec
a, b, c Discipline of Optometry, School of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville
Campus, Private Bag X54001, Durban, 4000 South Africa
Received 13 March 2012; revised version accepted 31 August 2012
a BSc BOptom CAS MOptom
b BSc(Hons)Optom PhD
c BOptom
Keratoconus is a disease of unknown etiology which
is characterized by thinning and protrusion of the central
or paracentral cornea1, 2. This corneal thinning can be
measured easily in humans by pachymetry and this
measurement is used for diagnosis and management
of keratoconus and other ectasias. Corneal thickness
measurement in the human eye is also important in
monitoring and planning of corneal graft3, accurately
measuring eye pressure4-7, and as an indicator of corneal
tissue hydration in the eye8. Corneal thickness can be
evaluated with a variety of optical or ultrasound based
methods such as Scheimpug imaging, ultrasound and
optical coherence tomography9, 10. One of the most
important issues relates to whether the measurements
by an instrument are valid, reliable and repeatable.
Over the years, several studies10-13 have investigated
the reliability and repeatability of various pachymeters.
Such studies have shown that pachymeters provide
reasonably accurate and repeatable measures of corneal
thickness in normal subjects10-13.
Although ultrasound pachymetry is often regarded as
the gold standard for measurement of corneal thickness
Repeatability of values is a crucial reliability in-
dex in any instrument used to measure ocular param-
eters. The purpose of this study was to investigate
short-term variability of central corneal thickness
(CCT) measurements in keratoconic eyes. The To-
no-Pachymeter NT530P (Tonopachy™) was used
to take fty successive automatic measurements of
CCT of the right eyes of ten keratoconic subjects
(six females and four males), aged 19 to 41 years
(mean = 30.4 ± 6.8 years). The means, standard
deviations and variances of the measurements
showed little variation with good repeatability. The
inter-subject or overall mean values and standard
deviations of the measurements were 452.1 ± 30.3
μm. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S), Lilliefors
and Shapiro-Wilks (S-W) tests showed that gener-
ally the data was normally distributed, with a few
exceptions. The results of this study suggest that
over short periods of time, the Tonopachy™ pro-
vides repeatable measures of CCT in keratoconic
corneas. (S Afr Optom 2012 71(3) 102-108)
Key words: Tonopachy™, central corneal thick-
ness, keratoconus, repeatability, univariate nor-
S Afr Optom 2012 71(3) 102-108 KP Mashige, OA Oduntan and NM Gcabashe -Short-term variation of central corneal thickness... (Tonopachy™)
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
due to its high degree of intra-examiner, inter-examiner
and inter-instrument reproducibility10-14 the procedure is
invasive and shows “variability of measurements caused
by probe misalignment or decentering and changes in the
speed of sound in corneal tissues with different degrees
of hydration”14. Several non-contact methods have
been introduced in order to overcome the limitations
of ultrasound pachymetry. Also, some studies15, 16 have
examined the repeatability and agreement of several
non-contact methods for the measurement of CCT in
normal and post LASIK subjects. Among these, the
Tonopachy™ (Nidek, Japan) was introduced recently
which simultaneously measures CCT and IOP values.
A recent study17 compared the CCT values measured
with Tonopachy™ to those measured with Pentacam
and ultrasound pachymeters. The results showed that
values from ultrasound pachymetry were lowest (mean
= 541.7 ± 30.6 µm) whereas those by Tonopachy™
and Pentacam were similar (means = 557.3 ± 34.3
and 558.0 ± 33.7 µm respectively). Tonopachy™
overestimated CCT by 13.9 µm when compared
with those of ultrasound pachymetry in 104 subjects
with normal corneas17. The authors17 concluded that
Tonopachy™ is a reliable instrument for evaluating
CCT, however, careful attention should be paid when
comparing Tonopachy™ CCT measurement with
ultrasound pachymetry as the values may not be
interchangeable. Lomoriello et al18 and Mashige et
al19 reported that the Tonopachy™ provides accurate
and reliable CCT measurements in healthy corneas.
However, its reliability in assessing CCT in eyes with
corneal diseases such as keratoconus has not been
established. The purpose of this study therefore, was to
evaluate short-term variability in CCT measurements in
keratoconic eyes using the Tono-Pachymeter NT530P
The study was performed in accordance with the
ethical standards stated in the Declaration of Helsinki
and the protocol was approved by the Research and
Ethics Committee of the University of KwaZulu-
Natal. Written informed consent was obtained from
all the participants after the nature and intent of the
study had been fully explained to them. Ten subjects
with keratoconus (varying from early to advanced
keratoconus) as veried with refraction, keratometry,
characteristic topographic patterns and slit-lamp
examination participated in the study. The Bausch and
Lomb keratometer™ has a range20 of 36.00 D to 52.00
D, measured in increments of 0.12 D. The advanced form
of keratoconus (>52.00 D) exceeded the keratometer’s
measuring ability. Therefore, a +1.25 D lens was placed
over the keratometer aperture to extend20 the range
by approximately 9.00 D. Slit-lamp ndings included
one or more of the following signs: conical protrusion,
Fleischer’s ring, Vogt’s striae or anterior stromal
thinning. All subjects reported excellent general health
and apart from keratoconus, none of participants had
any other ocular abnormalities, history of eye disease
or prior refractive surgery. To minimize possible contact
lens-induced swelling, the participants were instructed
not to wear their contact lenses from the evening before
the data collection day until after the data collection.
Fifty CCT automatic measurements of the right eye
of each subject were taken by one examiner between
12 pm and 2 pm. The measurements were obtained
in approximately 10 to 15 minutes for each eye due
to the auto-alignment function of the instrument and
the measurements were printed out for recording. The
testing room was set up in one of the Optometry clinics
at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and all the tests
were performed by the same operator with the eyes in
an undilated state.
The Statistica Ver8 software programme was used
for all statistical analysis. The distributions of the CCT
measurements were plotted using box and whisker plots,
histograms and normal probability plots. The ranges,
means and standard deviations were determined. The
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S), Lilliefors and the Shapiro-
Wilks (S-W) tests were done to explore univariate
normality of the data and p-values were obtained to
determine whether samples were normally distributed
and whether parametric statistical tests were appropriate.
The subjects included seven Indians and three Blacks,
aged between 19 and 41 years (mean = 30.4 ± 6.8
years). The mean keratometric values obtained with the
Bausch and Lomb keratometer ranged from 47 to 61 D
(mean = 50 ± 3.50 D) and corneal astigmatism ranged
from 3.00 to 7.50 D (mean = 4.50 ± 1.50 D). Table 1
shows the descriptive statistics such as means, standard
deviations minimum and maximum values for the CCT
measurements for all the subjects.
Figure 1 shows the box and whisker plots for the CCT
(μm) values of the right eyes of the 10 subjects. The
CCT means (see Table 1) are indicated by lines through
the middle of the box part of the box and whisker plot
while the ends of the box depict the standard deviations
of the distribution. The whiskers represent the minimum
and maximum values for each subject.
Figure 1: The box and whisker plots for CCT measurements in
micrometers (y-axis) for the right eyes of the 10 subjects.
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
S Afr Optom 2012 71(3) 102-108 KP Mashige, OA Oduntan and NM Gcabashe -Short-term variation of central corneal thickness... (Tonopachy™)
Table 1: Means, standard deviations, maxima and minima for CCT measurements in micrometres (µm) for the 10 subjects are given. A
negative sign indicates negative skewing or platykurtosis. The last two columns are unit-less.
Figure 2: Proles of short-term variation of the 50 measurements
of the CCT for 10 subjects are indicated. The CCT prole of subject
7 (bottom light blue colour) appears to be more variable (401 to 426
µm) than the others.
The temporal proles for the samples of CCT values
for all subjects (N = 50 per sample) are shown in Figure
2 to allow the reader to inspect the repeatability and
variation of the measurements of each subject. Some but
not all of the proles appear relatively at.
The CCT samples for all participants except subjects
3 and 8 were normally distributed. Figures 3 and 4 show
histograms and normal probability plots for the samples
of CCT for subjects 5 and 6, which were randomly
selected from the eight CCT samples that were normally
distributed. Normality of the samples was also tested
using the K-S, Lilliefors and S-W tests (see the relevant
gure captions for such results).
S Afr Optom 2012 71(3) 102-108 KP Mashige, OA Oduntan and NM Gcabashe -Short-term variation of central corneal thickness... (Tonopachy™)
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
Figure 3: Histograms (a) and normal probability (b) plots for the CCT sample of subject 5. The samples were normally distributed (the
p-values for the K-S, Lilliefors and S-W tests were all greater than 0.05).
Figure 4: Histograms and normal probability plots for subject 6. The histogram shows the frequency distribution for the CCT measurements.
a) b)
Figure 5: Histograms and normal probability plots for the CCT sample of subject 3. The sample for CCT was not normally distributed
(the p-values for the K-S, Lilliefors and S-W tests were < 0.05).
S Afr Optom 2012 71(3) 102-108 KP Mashige, OA Oduntan and NM Gcabashe -Short-term variation of central corneal thickness... (Tonopachy™)
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
Figure 6: Histogram and normal probability plot for the CCT of subject 8. The samples were not normally distributed according to the
p-values for the K-S, Lilliefors and S-W tests. The p-values for all the three tests were < 0.05, suggesting rejection of the null hypothesis
that the sample is from a normally distributed population.
The data for subjects 3 and 8 demonstrated departure
from normality. Figures 5 and 6 include histograms
and normal probability plot for subjects 3 and 8 that
demonstrated departure from normality for the CCT.
The measurement of CCT is useful in identifying
corneal thinning disorders such as keratoconus1, 2.
Ultrasound biometry has been the most common
method for measuring CCT10-13. A major advantage of
ultrasound biometry is that it requires minimal observer
judgment and is therefore consistent and repeatable
between observers10-13. However, the use of a topical
anesthetic agent, its invasive nature (which may
increase the risk for infection), exact alignment at the
centre of the cornea and proper handling of the probe
perpendicular to the corneal surface are some of the
limitations of this technique10-13. It is also not advised
to rely exclusively on ultrasonic pachymetry to exclude
or diagnose keratoconus10-13. These potential limitations
stimulated the development of possibly more reliable,
repeatable and operator independent non-contact ocular
biometry techniques including the Tonopachy™,
Pentacam, Orbscan, optical coherence tomography
and other optical methods for imaging and measuring
the CCT10. This study is the rst to investigate short-
term variation of CCT in keratoconic eyes using the
Although the sample size in this study was not as large
as that used in recent studies18, 19 with the Tonopachy™ it
was similar to that of previous studies with Scheimpug
photography via the Oculus Pentacam10. However,
the 50 consecutive measurements taken and analysed
per eye seemed sufcient to determine the short-term
variation of the Tonopachy™ in keratoconic eyes. The
measured keratometric and CCT values indicate that the
eyes studied had keratoconus that varied from moderate
to severe1, therefore covering a wide range of corneal
In cases of keratoconus, several devices are
used to assess the CCT and the repeatability of the
measurements is very important for diagnosis of
the disease and monitoring of its progression. The
Tonopachy™ allows fast, non-contact measurement
of the CCT of the individual while providing
good comfort and avoiding application of topical
anesthesia18, 21. The instrument provides the CCT via
Scheimpug camera principles18, 21. An additional
advantage is that this instrument also provides automatic
and simultaneous measurements of the individual’s
intra-ocular pressure18, 21.
The box and whisker plots for the CCT (see Figure
1) showed that the standard deviations were small
suggesting that multiple measurements of CCT in
keratoconus with the Tonopachy™ were similar for
S Afr Optom 2012 71(3) 102-108 KP Mashige, OA Oduntan and NM Gcabashe -Short-term variation of central corneal thickness... (Tonopachy™)
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
each of the subjects. The line plots of the short-term
variation shown in Figure 2 are also mainly relatively
at, further suggesting that there is minimal variation in
CCT measurements of the keratoconic eyes. Therefore,
the CCT measured with Tonopachy™ are largely
repeatable within individuals. This suggests that the
instrument is a potentially useful clinical and research-
oriented device. However, some CCT proles were
more variable than others. For instance, CCT of subject
7 ranged from 401 to 426 µm with a mean of 411.7 µm
and a standard deviation of 5.7 µm. This subject had
severe keratoconus (61 D). It is therefore possible that
variations in CCT in the short-term may occur in severe
keratoconus. Further investigation is recommended
wherein repeated CCT measures are undertaken on
multiple subjects with severe keratoconus. All samples
were also investigated for normality using the K-S,
Lilliefors and S-W tests. Probabilities were used in
determining whether these statistics were signicant and
whether there was departure from univariate normality.
Probabilities were greater than 0.05 for most, but not all,
indicating that most samples were essentially normal
Positive values for the skewness indicate data that are
positively skewed towards larger values and negative
values for the skewness indicate data that are negatively
skewed. Similarly, positive values for kurtosis indicate
leptokurtosis and a negative value indicates platykurtosis.
As shown in Table 1, in the 10 eyes studied, CCT
measurements showed minimal variation. No sample
showed profound skewness and only subject 9 showed
some leptokurtosis (2.8) while subject 4 demonstrated a
statistical measure that indicates a distribution that has
some platykurtosis (_1.2).
In conclusion, Tonopachy™ provides measurements
of CCT that are repeatable and it is therefore suitable
to aid in the diagnosis and monitor the progression of
keratoconus when measurements are repeated over
a short time. A possible limitation of this study is the
limited number of cases and therefore, future studies
including repeated measures on a large population
sample are recommended.
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Full-text available
The purpose of this study was to investigate short-term variation and intra-subject repeatabil-ity of human central corneal thickness (CCT) and axial anterior chamber depth (AACD) measure-ments obtained using the Oculus Pentacam. Forty consecutive images of the right eye of the anteriorsegment of 10 young and healthy individuals were measured with the Pentacam. Measurements of CCT and AACD were ob-tained from these images and means, standard deviations,variances and repeatability of the measurements were investigated. Both parameters (CCTand AACD) showed small variation with good orexcellent repeatability for all eyes. The inter-subject or overall means and standard deviations for CCT and AACD of the 10 right eyes were 0.555 ±0.05 millimeters (or 555 ± 50 microns) and 3.206± 0.04 millimeters, respectively. The individual or intra-subject averages for samples of CCT and AACD measurements are also provided in this paper. Univariate normality of the data was explored with Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Lilliefors and ShapiroWilks tests and we found that generally the data was normally distributed although there were some exceptions. Based on the results of this study, the Oculus Pentacam appears to provide repeatable and reliable measures for both CCT and AACD in young,normal eyes. Further research is, however, needed to determine short-term variation and repeatability of CCT and AACD with the Pentacam in more com- plicated eyes with, say, corneal scarring or ectasia or where refractive surgery may be an issue.
Full-text available
To examine the repeatability of intra-ocular pressure (IOP) and central corneal thickness (CCT) measurements provided by the Tono-Pachymeter NT530P (Nidek, Japan), and to assess agreement of the device with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) and ultrasound pachymetry (UP). Sixty-two normal eyes of 62 subjects were included in the study. Three sessions of measurements, each consisting of three sets of measurements, were completed with each device. Repeatability was determined with the coefficient of variation (CoV) and the coefficient of repeatability (CoR) values. Agreement between devices was examined by Bland-Altman analysis and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) analyses. The CoV and CoR for IOP values were 18.4% and 5.5 mmHg with the NT530P and 16.6% and 4.3 mmHg with the GAT respectively. On average, NT530P overestimated the IOP compared with GAT by 1.3 mmHg. The 95% limits of agreement between the methods ranged from -5.9 to +3.3 mmHg, and the ICC for average IOP measures between devices was 0.64 (P < 0.001). The CoV and CoR for CCT measurements were 5.5% and 59.8 μm with the NT530P and 5.5% and 60.5 μm with UP. NT530P CCT readings were on average 13 μm thinner than those obtained with UP. The 95% limits of agreement (LoA) ranged from -7.4 to +33.1 μm, and the ICC for average CCT measures between devices was 0.93 (P < 0.001). The NT530P demonstrated high IOP and CCT measurement repeatability in the normal population studied. The device tended to slightly overestimate IOP compared to GAT. CCT values provided by NT530P were interchangeable with those of UP.
Purpose: To assess the efficacy of intrastromal rings for management of keratoconus (KCN). Methods: This prospective non comparative case series includes 14 eyes of 11 contact lens intolerant patients with KCN. Corneal thickness of at least 450 µ at the site of segment insertion was required for enrollment. Uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), refraction, pachymetry, endothelial cell count and anterior chamber depth were measured pre and post operatively. Results: Fourteen eyes of 11 patients (7 male and 4 female) with mean age of 32 years (21-40) were operated and followed 3 to 8 months (mean 6.1 months). UCVA increased from 0.76 ± 0.40 LogMAR preoperatively to 0.45 ± 0.30 post operatively and BCVA from 0.29 ± 0.10 to 0.23 ± 0.20 (P= 0.001). Mean preoperative spherical equivalent was -4.19 ± 1.70 D which decreased to -2.10±2.30 D post-operatively. Mean pre and post operative keratometry was 48.64 ± 3.1 and 45.21 ± 3.0, respectively. Major complications included segment displacement in 3 eyes (21%) with severe vascularization in 2. Lipoid deposition occurred in the tunnel in 4 eyes (29%) and one broken segment was noticed 3 days after the operation. Conclusion: INTACS are effective for the treatment of mild to moderate KCN, however it can not be an alternative to deep lamellar keratoplasty or penetrating keratoplasty.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test is used in many applications for testing normality in climate research. This note shows that the test usually leads to systematic and drastic errors. When the mean and the standard deviation are estimated, it is much too conservative in the sense that its p values are strongly biased upward. One may think that this is a small sample problem, but it is not. There is a correction of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test by Lilliefors, which is in fact sometimes confused with the original Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Both the Jarque-Bera and the Shapiro-Wilk tests for normality are good alternatives to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. A power comparison of eight different tests has been undertaken, favoring the Jarque-Bera and the Shapiro-Wilk tests. The Jarque-Bera and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests are also applied to a monthly mean dataset of geopotential height at 500 hPa. The two tests give very different results and illustrate the danger of using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
The Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus (CLEK) Survey represents the largest sample of clinic-based keratoconus patients to date. Data were collected at 38 clinical centers on 1,579 keratoconus patients. This article reports demographic variables, ages, self-reported ages at diagnosis, keratometry, slit-lamp findings, systemic disease, family history of keratoconus, and best spectacle-corrected and contact lens-corrected visual acuity of this sample group. The average age of this clinic-based sample group was 37 years (range 10-89 years), with 84% between 20 and 49 years old. Thirteen percent of patients had unilateral keratoconus, defined as unilateral corneal irregularity. More advanced disease (steeper average keratometric reading) was associated with a greater likelihood of Vogt's striae, Fleischer's ring, and/or corneal scarring. Fifty-eight percent of the eyes in this group of patients had >=40/40 visual acuity with manifest refraction. Penetrating keratoplasty was reported in 12.3% of eyes. This prospective survey identifies the association between the presence of Vogt's striae, Fleischer's ring, and/or corneal scarring and increasing steepness, as measured by keratometry. (C) Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
This study examined the repeatability of and agreements between central corneal thickness measurements obtained by four different non-contact pachymetry devices. Seventy-eight eyes of 39 subjects were included. Central corneal thickness of each eye was measured by Visante optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, CA), Pentacam (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany), Orbscan IIz topography (Bausch & Lomb Surgical Inc., San Dimas, CA), and slit-lamp OCT (SL-OCT) (Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany). Inter-device agreements and correlations and repeatability of each device were examined. All measurement methods correlated well with each other with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.90 and P value of less than .001 for all comparisons. However, Pentacam overestimated central corneal thickness: 546.7 ± 38.2, 535.5 ± 42.7, 531.7 ± 37.6, and 531.2 ± 36.0 μm for Pentacam, Orbscan IIz, Visante OCT, and SL-OCT, respectively (P < .001 for all comparisons versus Pentacam). Despite good correlation, magnitude of differences was high and this bias was proportional (ie, not constant across a range of corneal thickness values) for the following pairs: Orbscan versus Visante OCT, Orbscan versus SL-OCT, and Orbscan versus Pentacam (P < .001 for all comparisons). Although measurements obtained by various non-contact methods correlate well, numerical agreement of the results may not be sufficient for their interchangeable use in clinical practice.
To assess the repeatability and reproducibility of central corneal thickness (CCT) measurements by high-resolution rotating Scheimpflug imaging (Pentacam, Oculus) and Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (RTvue-100, Optovue) after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and to compare the agreement with ultrasound pachymetry (USP). Forty-seven eyes of 47 patients after LASIK were included in the study. The first examiner took two successive Pentacam and RTvue CCT measurements, and this was repeated once again by the second examiner to assess intraobserver and interobserver repeatability and reproducibility. After performing non-contact examinations, the corneas were measured by USP to compare the level of agreement among the three devices. All Pentacamcenter, Pentacamapex, Pentacamthinnest, and RTvue CCT measurements demonstrated high intraobserver repeatability, with respective precision (1.96 within-subject standard deviation) and intraclass correlation coefficients of 7.52, 7.43, 7.55, and 3.81 μm and 0.985, 0.986, 0.986, and 0.997; interobserver repeatability results were similar. All coefficients of variation were low: <1% for all measures. Compared with Pentacam and USP measurements, the RTvue measurement significantly underestimated CCT by a mean of 10.52 to 15.28 μm (p < 0.001) and 9.17 μm (p < 0.001), respectively. The agreement of USP with Pentacam and RTvue by Bland-Altman analysis spanned over 30 μm. The agreement of Pentacam with RTvue spanned approximate 20 μm. Both Pentacam imaging and RTvue Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography provide reliable and interchangeable measurement of CCT in post-LASIK corneas. However, they cannot be considered to be clinically interchangeable with USP.
This study aimed to compare central corneal thickness (CCT) measurement by Tonopachy to that by Pentacam and ultrasound pachymetry, and intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement to that by Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT). The reproducibility of CCT and IOP measurements by Tonopachy was also evaluated. In 104 eyes of 104 patients, CCT was measured by Tonopachy, Pentacam, and ultrasound pachymetry, and IOP was measured by Tonopachy and GAT. Each CCT and IOP measurement was compared using Pearson correlation, repeated measures analysis of variance, and Bland-Altman plots. In 30 subjects, CCT and IOP measurements by Tonopachy were repeated to evaluate intrasession and intraobserver variability. Both CCT and IOP measurements were highly correlated among all instruments used in this study. CCT measurements by three pachymeters were statistically different (p<0.0001). CCT measured by ultrasound pachymetry was lowest (541.7 ± 30.6 μm) whereas those by Tonopachy and Pentacam showed no difference (557.3 ± 34.3 and 558.0 ± 33.7 μm, respectively). Tonopachy overestimated CCT by 13.9 μm when compared with ultrasound pachymetry. There was a statistically significant difference between IOP measurements by two tonometers (p<0.0001); IOP measurement was higher by Tonopachy than by GAT (13.9 ± 4.2 and 12.5 ± 3.2 mm Hg, respectively). Tonopachy overestimated IOP measurements by 1.2 mm Hg compared with GAT. Intersession agreements for IOP and CCT measurements by Tonopachy were excellent (intraclass correlation, 0.902 and 0.962, respectively) with 95% limits of agreement ranging from -1.4 to 2.2 mm Hg and from -12.9 to 12.1 μm, respectively. Although CCT and IOP measurements obtained by Tonopachy were reproducible and showed close agreement with ultrasound pachymetry and Pentacam, and GAT, careful attention should be paid when comparing Tonopachy CCT measurement to ultrasound pachymetry or its IOP measurement to GAT as the values may not be interchangeable. Tonopachy is a reliable instrument for evaluating CCT and IOP.
Estimates of intraocular pressure (IOP) are influenced directly by the central corneal thickness (CCT). We assume and apply a single value for CCT (520 μm) in applanation tonometry estimates, although there is compelling evidence that CCT varies between individuals. To determine the influence of CCT and other factors on IOP among Ethiopians. A cross sectional study was conducted among 300 sampled individuals from June to July 2006. The CCT was measured using OcuScan® R×P Ophthalmic Ultrasound and readings of IOP were made with Goldmann applanation tonometer. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 12 and S-Plus 2000 of statistical packages. Out of 300 individuals, 184 (61.3%) were males. The mean age was 42.57 years (SD±16.71), mean IOP 13.39 mm Hg (SD±2.81), and mean CCT 518.68 μm (SD±32.92). There was statistically significant relationship between CCT and IOP (r=0.199, P<0.001) and a borderline statistically significant detectable change of CCT with age (r=0.012, P=0.057) with a downward trend of at least 0.001 mm decrease in CCT/decade starting from age 30 years but with pronounced change from 50 years onward. For every 30 μm difference in CCT from the mean in either way, there was an approximately 1.1 mm Hg difference in the estimated IOP from the mean IOP (13.40 mm Hg). No significant relationship was found between IOP and age, sex or ethnicity (P>0.05). The CCT of Ethiopians is thin and hence can result in underestimation of IOP measured by GAT.
Orbscan scanning-slit optical pachymetry was introduced over a decade ago and yielded higher central corneal thickness (CCT) values to the "gold standard" of contact ultrasound pachymetry (U/S). An acoustic correction factor (AF) was introduced later to compensate for this difference. The goal of this review was to assess the magnitude and consistency of the difference, as well as to assess how useful the AF had been. Using PubMed (Medline)-sourced citations, published articles were identified that included data on CCT from U/S and Orbscan, with the latter data checked to see whether an AF had been applied. Main comparisons were made between (1) Orbscan data without AF and U/S, and (2) Orbscan data with a 0.92 AF applied and the U/S data. From 46 studies involving a total of 6136 eyes (average number per study of 133, range 6-1214), the average CCT values by U/S ranged from 0.520 to 0.580, for a group mean of 0.545 mm. For Orbscan without AF, the average CCT values ranged from 0.557 to 0.624 mm, for a mean of 0.582 mm, a net difference of 0.037 mm from U/S, with all Orbscan data (average values from any particular study) being higher than U/S. With a 0.92 AF applied, the net difference was -0.009 mm. The calculated limits of agreement between the two methods ranged from 0.004 to 0.073 without AF, but from -0.041 to + 0.023 mm with the AF. The overall outcome was essentially the same if weighted for cohort size and sample variability, or if only studies reporting on one eye were considered. Orbscan pachymetry can be expected to yield CCT data that is approximately 7% higher than U/S. The global application of a 0.92 AF does not robustly align the Orbscan CCT data to that of U/S and, in fact, can easily result in the data being as much as 7% lower. Overall, the level of agreement between Orbscan and U/S is limited, and Orbscan data should simply be reported as measured without any adjustment.