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Diverse communities of Bacteria and Archaea flourished in Palaeoarchaean (3.5-3.3 Ga) microbial mats



Limited taxonomic classification is possible for Archaean microbial mats and this is a fundamental limitation in constraining early ecosystems. Applying Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a powerful tool for identifying vibrational motions attributable to specific functional groups, we characterized fossilized biopolymers in 3.5-3.3 Ga microbial mats from the Barberton greenstone belt (South Africa). Microbial mats from four Palaeoarchaean horizons exhibit significant differences in taxonomically informative aliphatic contents, despite high aromaticity. This reflects precursor biological heterogeneity since all horizons show equally exceptional preservation and underwent similar grades of metamorphism. Low methylene to end-methyl (CH 2 /CH 3) absorbance ratios in mats from the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker horizon signify short, highly branched n-alkanes interpreted as isoprenoid chains forming archaeal membranes. Mats from the 3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg Chert H5c, 3.334 Ga Footbridge Chert, and 3.33 Ga Josefsdal Chert exhibit higher CH 2 /CH 3 ratios suggesting mostly longer, unbranched fatty acids from bacterial lipid precursors. Absorbance ratios of end-methyl to methylene (CH 3 /CH 2) in Hooggenoeg, Josefsdal and Footbridge mats yield a range of values (0.20-0.80) suggesting mixed bacterial and archaeal architect communities based on comparison with modern examples. Higher (0.78-1.25) CH 3 / CH 2 ratios in the Middle Marker mats identify Archaea. This exceptional preservation reflects early, rapid silicification preventing the alteration of biogeochemical signals inherited from biomass. Since silicification commenced during the lifetime of the microbial mat, FTIR signals estimate the affinities of the architect community and may be used in the reconstruction of Archaean ecosystems. Together, these results show that Bacteria and Archaea flourished together in Earth's earliest ecosystems.
Dipartimento Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali, Universit!
a di Bologna, via Zamboni 67, I-40126, Bologna, Italy; keyron.hickman-lewis@
CNRS Centre de Biophysique Mol"
eculaire, Rue Charles Sadron, 45071, Orl"
eans, France
Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa
Typescript received 9 April 2020; accepted in revised form 15 July 2020
Abstract: Limited taxonomic classification is possible for
Archaean microbial mats and this is a fundamental limitation
in constraining early ecosystems. Applying Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a powerful tool for identifying
vibrational motions attributable to specific functional groups,
we characterized fossilized biopolymers in 3.53.3 Ga micro-
bial mats from the Barberton greenstone belt (South Africa).
Microbial mats from four Palaeoarchaean horizons exhibit
significant differences in taxonomically informative aliphatic
contents, despite high aromaticity. This reflects precursor
biological heterogeneity since all horizons show equally
exceptional preservation and underwent similar grades of
metamorphism. Low methylene to end-methyl (CH
absorbance ratios in mats from the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker
horizon signify short, highly branched n-alkanes interpreted
as isoprenoid chains forming archaeal membranes. Mats from
the 3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg Chert H5c, 3.334 Ga Footbridge
Chert, and 3.33 Ga Josefsdal Chert exhibit higher CH
ratios suggesting mostly longer, unbranched fatty acids from
bacterial lipid precursors. Absorbance ratios of end-methyl to
methylene (CH
) in Hooggenoeg, Josefsdal and Foot-
bridge mats yield a range of values (0.200.80) suggesting
mixed bacterial and archaeal architect communities based on
comparison with modern examples. Higher (0.781.25) CH
ratios in the Middle Marker mats identify Archaea. This
exceptional preservation reflects early, rapid silicification pre-
venting the alteration of biogeochemical signals inherited
from biomass. Since silicification commenced during the life-
time of the microbial mat, FTIR signals estimate the affinities
of the architect community and may be used in the recon-
struction of Archaean ecosystems. Together, these results
show that Bacteria and Archaea flourished together in Earth’s
earliest ecosystems.
Key words: Precambrian, Barberton greenstone belt, in-
frared spectroscopy, microbial mat, geobiology, biosignature.
PALAEOARCHAEAN microbial mats preserved in chert are
the oldest and most robust evidence for life on Earth.
The biological affinities and metabolisms of their architect
organisms are, however, subject to enduring debate (Nis-
bet & Fowler 1999; Tice & Lowe 2006; Bosak et al. 2007,
2010). They are assumed to have been anoxygenic and
photosynthetic (Tice & Lowe 2006; Tice 2009; Noffke
2010; Noffke et al. 2013; Westall et al. 2011; Homann
et al. 2015, 2018; Trower & Lowe 2016; Hickman-Lewis
et al. 2018a) but their phylogenetic placement and most
aspects of their palaeobiology remain unconstrained
because the Archaean fossil record is altered by processes
of maturation and metamorphism, at times susceptible
to ambiguity in interpretation, and lacks modern
environmental analogues. This lack of biological speci-
ficity is a fundamental limitation for constraining the nat-
ure of the earliest ecosystems. In this contribution, we
study taxonomically indicative signals using transmission
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses
of multiple microbial mat horizons (c. 3.473.33 Ga;
Figs 1, 2) from the Barberton greenstone belt, southern
Africa. We evaluate statistically significant differences in
the compositions of these carbonaceous microbial hori-
zons to distinguish aliphatic (and aromatic) groups
indicative of precursor biomolecules that provide infor-
mation about the biological affinities of the architect
microbial communities. The objective of this study is, for
the first time, to place unambiguous taxonomic and
©The Palaeontological Association doi: 10.1111/pala.12504 1
[Palaeontology, 2020, pp. 1–27]
phylogenetic constraints on the organisms inhabiting
Earth’s earliest ecosystems. Our finding that microbial
mats in Palaeoarchaean rocks preserve spectral vestiges of
their diverse architect communities represents a major
step toward reconstructing the ecologies of the earliest
ecosystems and the metabolic networks that regulated
Archaean biogeochemical cycling.
FTIR as a tool for palaeobiological characterization
FTIR is a vibrational spectroscopy technique that irradi-
ates samples with polychromatic IR light and quantifies
changes in dipole moment during molecular vibrational
motion (e.g. stretching, bending and rotating). The
absorption of IR light during these motions allows the
FIG. 1. A, generalized stratigraphic column of the ~3.53.3 Ga Onverwacht Group, Barberton greenstone belt, indicating the position
of the four studied horizons: the Middle Marker horizon (MM), Hooggenoeg Chert H5c (HC), Footbridge Chert (FC) and Josefsdal
Chert (JC); inset shows sampling localities within the context of the Barberton greenstone belt and Kaapvaal craton; adapted from
Byerly et al. (2018) and Homann et al. (2015). B, Middle Marker horizon outcrop (samples MM1 and MM2). C, Hooggenoeg Forma-
tion H5c chert outcrop (samples HC1 and HC2). D, Footbridge Chert outcrop (sample FC1). E, Josefsdal Chert outcrop (samples JC1
and JC2). Scale bars in cm; lens cap approx. 50 mm wide. Colour online.
identification of atomic bonding in such chemical species
as molecules, functional groups and cationanion pairs
(Benning et al. 2004; Chen et al. 2015; Olcott Marshall &
Marshall 2015). Among the most powerful uses of FTIR
is its ability to characterize cell compounds and struc-
tures, thereby taxonomically differentiating organisms
according to their dominant biomolecules (Naumann
et al. 1991, 1996; Helm & Naumann 1995; Choo-Smith
et al. 2001). Bacteria and Archaea, the two domains of life
relevant to deep time palaeobiology, have strikingly differ-
ent cell envelope compositions: bacterial membrane lipids
are composed of ester lipids (e.g. fatty acids), whereas
archaeal lipids are composed of ether lipids (e.g. iso-
prenoids) (Atlas 1989; Albers & Meyer 2011). These
chemical differences are identifiable by FTIR, as are other
features characteristic of either of these domains, for
instance the proteinaceous S-layer and glycosylated extra-
cellular proteins that are associated with Archaea (Helm
& Naumann 1995; Igisu et al. 2012).
In light of these potentials, FTIR has been demon-
strated as an effective means for non-destructive chemical
characterization of Phanerozoic organic materials (Gupta
et al. 2007; Steemans et al. 2010; Fraser et al. 2012; Hack-
ley et al. 2017) and Precambrian organic microfossils
(Marshall et al. 2005; Igisu et al. 2006, 2009, 2018; Javaux
& Marshall 2006; Qu et al. 2015). Reviews of the applica-
tion of FTIR to geological and palaeontological specimens
are given in Chen et al. (2015) and Olcott Marshall &
Marshall (2015). Transmission FTIR on thin sections (e.g.
Igisu et al. 2009, 2018; this study) is an in situ IR
FIG. 2. Petrographic characterization of microbial mat horizons in Palaeoarchaean biolaminites. AB, Middle Marker horizon;
A, MM2; B, MM1. CF, Hooggenoeg Formation H5c chert: C, E, HC1; D, F, HC2. G, Footbridge Chert; FC1. H, Josefsdal Chert; JC1.
Mats exhibit deformation fabrics resulting from the in vivo plasticity of EPS-bound microbial mats and are preserved in three dimen-
sions, a testament to the rapidity of their silicification. Scale bars represent: 4 mm (A); 1 mm (B); 300 lm (C, D, G, H); 50 lm (E,
F). Colour online.
approach that mitigates the potential contamination by
volatile hydrocarbons in laboratory air inherent to studies
of powdered samples (e.g. Derenne et al. 2008). In
micropalaeontological specimens, comparison with pub-
lished spectral libraries may be used to identify, for exam-
ple, functional groups attached to the molecular
framework of carbonaceous materials (Bellamy 1954;
Socrates 1980; Painter et al. 1985; Lin & Ritz 1993; Mar-
shall et al. 2005; Igisu et al. 2009; Steemans et al. 2010).
IR spectroscopy is generally applied to minimally altered
materials of low thermal maturity (Arouri et al. 1999;
Marshall et al. 2005; Steemans et al. 2010; Olcott Mar-
shall & Marshall 2015; Hackley et al. 2017), however,
studies on older palaeontological materials of higher
metamorphic grade (Igisu et al. 2006, 2009, 2018) have
also yielded informative palaeobiological datasets unavail-
able through other vibrational spectroscopy approaches.
Most FTIR vibrations of relevance to biology are the
organic spectral features occurring within the mid-IR
region between wavenumbers 700 and 4000 cm
1954; Socrates 1980; Painter et al. 1985; Helm & Naumann
1995; Naumann et al. 1996). This range includes aromatic,
aliphatic, hydroxyl, carboxyl and carbonyl functional
groups, as well as amides, polysaccharides and nucleic
acids. Regions of particular interest include the aliphatic
stretching region between 2800 and 3050 cm
, and the
aromatic-alkenic-carbonyl region between 700 and
1800 cm
, which contains information on both biological
compounds and their interactions with mineral substrates,
including silicates and carbonates (Benning et al. 2004; Yee
et al. 2004; Igisu et al. 2009, 2018; Guido et al. 2013).
Membrane lipid composition distinguishes biological
The CH
ratio (Eqn 1; Lin & Ritz 1993) provides
both an estimation of the length of aliphatic chains and a
branching index such that an increase in the CH
ratio indicates longer or less branched aliphatic chains.
Marshall et al. (2005) used this ratio to approximate dif-
ferent n-alkane chain lengths in Meso-Neoproterozoic
acritarchs, thus quantifying structural variation in their
membrane biopolymers. Steemans et al. (2010) later used
the ratio to make taxonomic distinctions between Silurian
miospores. Herein, we use the CH
ratio to deduce
the n-alkane chain length of preserved biopolymers in
microbial mat material. It has been demonstrated that
differences in the absorbance (Abs) ratio of aliphatic CH
and CH
moieties after linear baseline correction, i.e. the
and CH
ratios (Eqns 1, 2) highlighted in
Lin & Ritz (1993), Marshall et al. (2005) and Igisu et al.
(2006, 2009, 2012, 2018), can distinguish the nature of
precursor membrane lipids. As noted above, the
composition of membrane lipids is considered the most
fundamental distinction between extant Archaea and Bac-
teria (Albers & Meyer 2011).
¼Abs #2925 cm!1
Abs #2960 cm!1
¼Abs#2960 cm!1
Abs#2925 cm!1
In terms of FTIR spectral distinctions of CH
and CH
archaeal lipids are composed of mostly highly branched
isoprenoid chains with higher R
absorbance ratios,
whereas bacterial lipids consist of longer, straighter, fatty
acid-like hydrocarbons with lower aliphatic R
(Atlas 1989; Igisu et al. 2009). Igisu et al. (2009, 2012)
validated the logic of this approach. Igisu et al. (2009)
demonstrated a similarity in R
ratios between fossil and
extant cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp. PCC6803) and sug-
gested that the CH
ratio of membrane lipids usually
controls the CH
ratio of the whole cell. Igisu et al.
(2012) used cultured Bacteria and Archaea to prove that
the R
ratio varies between the two domains, and
between cellular components. This approach has been
applied to distinguishing fossilized organisms, for instance
by demonstrating that the R
values of microfossils from
the 1.88 Ga Gunflint Formation (including Gunflintia
spp. and Huroniospora) and the 850 Ma Bitter Springs
Formation (including Cephalophytarion and Glenobotry-
oidion) are consistent with a bacterial affinity (Igisu et al.
2009), corroborating their palaeobiological determination
as cyanobacteria (Barghoorn & Tyler 1965; Schopf &
Blacic 1971; Awramik & Barghoorn 1977).
FTIR spectra change little with maturation and
Experimental approaches have demonstrated that FTIR
spectra evolve during maturation and metamorphism, pri-
marily through the addition of heat (Fraser et al. 2014; Jar-
dine et al. 2015); however, well-preserved biomolecules
have been identified in identical extant and extinct species
(Fraser et al. 2012; Hackley et al. 2017). Generally, the peak
intensities of aliphatic bands are observed to reduce in
magnitude, whereas aromatic bands show limited relative
change (Fraser et al. 2014; Jardine et al. 2015). Conse-
quently, the ratio of the intensity of the aliphatic CH
stretching region (28003050 cm
) to that of the aromatic
ring stretch (~1600 cm
) reflects the degree of aromaticity
of the carbonaceous material (Eqn 3), which generally
increases with metamorphic grade. Thus, Archaean micro-
fossils subjected to lower greenschist metamorphism are
largely composed of aromatic carbonaceous materials. This
can be compared with Raman spectral characteristics, par-
ticularly the relative intensities of the D and G-bands,
which denote the thermal maturity (i.e. syngenicity) of car-
bonaceous materials and the nature of their non-polar aro-
matic frameworks. Raman spectroscopy of Palaeoarchaean
carbonaceous materials suggests that they are composed of
heterogeneous, but generally poorly ordered, weakly
graphitized, mixed sp
and sp
carbon (Marshall et al.
2007, 2010). Relics of other carbon-bearing groups, for
example amides, carbonyl (C=O) and carboxyl (RCOOH)
groups, may be also present in fossilized carbonaceous
materials (Steemans et al. 2010; Jardine et al. 2015). The
relative proportions of carbon-bearing groups are assessed
using the following three equations:
Aromatic ¼Absal
¼Abs3000!2800 cm!1
Abs1600 cm!1
Carbonyl ¼Abs2925 cm!1
Abs1710 cm!1
Aromatic ¼Abs1710 cm!1
Abs1600 cm!1
Since organic matter has a tendency to remain stable dur-
ing diagenesis due to the insolubility of the lipid fraction in
water (Peters et al. 2005), low-maturity organic materials
have the potential to preserve IR spectral characteristics
diagnostic of the precursor material (Igisu et al. 2009;
Guido et al. 2012; Olcott Marshall & Marshall 2015) even
through low-grade metamorphism (Igisu et al. 2018). Natu-
rally matured kerogens have been shown to undergo only a
small initial change in aliphatic compositions due to scis-
sion of the CC bond adjacent to aromatic moieties (Lin &
Ritz 1993; Lis et al. 2005; Igisu et al. 2009). This chain
shortening can, nonetheless, be compensated by simultane-
ous breakage of a CC bond next to a tertiary carbon atom
(Lis et al. 2005). Thus, the aliphatic chemistry accessible
through FTIR analyses may undergo no measurable change
during diagenesis. Increasing metamorphic alteration (sub-
greenschist facies) nonetheless leads to muting (i.e.
decreased intensity) of the FTIR peaks associated with bio-
logical materials (Guido et al. 2013; Igisu et al. 2018).
Sampling and fundamental characterization
Samples were collected during field campaigns to the Bar-
berton greenstone belt between 2003 and 2012 and all
sampling locations may be re-located by means of their
global positioning system (GPS) co-ordinates. All samples
are stored at the Lithoth!
eque of the CNRS Centre de Bio-
physique Mol"
eculaire, Orl"
eans, France. Samples of
banded, carbonaceous, microbial mat-rich cherts were
obtained from the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker horizon,
3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg Formation H5c chert, 3.334 Ga
Footbridge Chert and ~3.33 Ga Josefsdal Chert (Figs 1,
2). The petrography and microbial fossils in these cherts
are described in detail elsewhere (Walsh & Lowe 1999;
Westall et al. 2011, 2015; Hickman-Lewis et al. 2018a,b,
The palaeoenvironmental settings of these four hori-
zons were addressed in detail by Hickman-Lewis et al.
(2020a), who used a combination of bulk ICP-MS and
in situ laser ablation ICP-MS to determine that these
microbial mats flourished under complex aqueous
regimes resulting from the confluence of anoxic marine,
hydrothermal and terrigenous (riverine) contributions. It
was found that the Hooggenoeg and Josefsdal mats grew
in conditions relatively more influenced by marine and
hydrothermal activity than the Middle Marker and Foot-
bridge mats. Trace and rare earth element geochemistry
showed that the mats flourished in variably restricted
coastal basins with strong continental influences from
mixed ultramafic, mafic and felsic sources, which presum-
ably provided essential nutrients, particularly transition
metals, to sustain mat growth (Hickman-Lewis et al.
2020a). The microbial mats themselves have been inter-
preted as originating from anoxygenic photosynthetic
microbes due to their occurrence in anoxic shallow-water
sedimentary successions (Walsh & Lowe 1999; Westall
et al. 2011, 2015; Hickman-Lewis et al. 2018a,b, 2020a).
Previously reported Raman spectra of these microbial
mats show bands at ~1350 and ~1600 cm
, correspond-
ing to disordered and graphitic carbonaceous material;
i.e. poorly ordered, randomly layered, polyaromatic
domains that have undergone metamorphic temperatures
of 285400°C (e.g. Xie et al. 1997; Tice et al. 2004; Wes-
tall et al. 2011, 2015; Hickman-Lewis et al. 2018a, 2020b).
We will not focus further on these Raman spectra in this
contribution. It suffices to say that this characterization
demonstrates that, while this carbonaceous material has
undergone some degree of maturation, it has not been
completely graphitized; thus, based upon well-constrained
experimental work, it is plausible to identify CH and
other bonds within its structure (Fraser et al. 2014; Jar-
dine et al. 2015).
Transmission Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Transmission FTIR was performed on microbial mats
from the above-mentioned Middle Marker horizon,
Hooggenoeg Chert H5c, Footbridge Chert and Josefsdal
Chert. Representative microbial fabrics are detailed in
the photomicrographs shown in Figure 2. Optical micro-
scopy was used both to identify mat fabrics in thin sec-
tion and to confirm that all regions of interest were free
from oxidative weathering, percolative chemical alter-
ation or post-diagenetic remineralization that may influ-
ence FTIR spectra (see Jardine et al. 2015). Samples
were prepared as detached doubly polished thin sections,
which were removed from their glass slides by dissolu-
tion of cyanoacrylate adhesive. High-magnification opti-
cal microscopy was again used after detachment to
confirm that all adhesive had been removed from the
regions of analysis.
FTIR measurements were conducted at the Centro
Interdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti (Universit!
a degli
studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy) using a
Bruker VERTEX 70 instrument equipped with a GLOBAR
(silicon carbide) source and a deuterated triglycine sul-
phate (DTGS) detector with a KBr window. Several
microbial mats were analysed within each detached sec-
tion and multiple regions of interest (between 4 and 20)
were measured within each mat. Representative complete
spectra are shown in Figure 3. Each reported FTIR spec-
trum is an average of 16 spectra accumulated within the
studied area (<1 mm
; i.e. completely within the micro-
bial mat horizon) within a spectral range of 7500
370 cm
with a 4 cm
spectral resolution. Therefore,
between 64 and 320 spectra were obtained for each sam-
ple. A reference background spectrum in air (T
) was
taken before each analysis and subtracted from the sample
spectrum to remove environmental noise from the signal.
FTIR spectra for samples (T
) are reported as absor-
bance (Abs =log
[1/transmittance]) relative to the refer-
ence (absorbance =log
]). All spectra
presented are reported as absorbance versus wavenumber
). To derive characteristic frequencies and compare
relative intensities, the studied regions of each back-
ground-corrected spectra were baseline-corrected. The
baseline correction was applied as a two-point straight
line between two end-points of the desired frequency
region according to the methods of Benning et al. (2004),
Marshall et al. (2005) and Igisu et al. (2006, 2009, 2018).
First-order derivative spectra were calculated to identify
any spectral features occluded by adjacent or overlapping
peaks (Fraser et al. 2012).
Systematic band identifications were made in spectral
regions crucial for determining the composition of car-
bonaceous material (Figs 47). Peak identification took
into consideration the variable wavenumbers associated
with similar or identical features in previous publications,
e.g. wavenumbers between 2920 and 2930 cm
have been
attributed to the antisymmetric methylene CH
(Bellamy 1954). Peak identifications are indicated in Fig-
ure 4 for the aliphatic region and Figure 5A for the aro-
matic-alkenic region. Increasing maturity can lead to
changes in peak position, for example, aromatization of
lipids leads to the movement of their diagnostic peaks to
lower frequencies (Benning et al. 2004; Fraser et al. 2014;
Jardine et al. 2015). Given the often highly controversial
nature of suggesting biomolecular complexity in traces of
ancient life, we have identified IR bands as corresponding
to specific molecular features only where no plausible alter-
natives (such as matrix mineralogy) exist, following listings
in Bellamy (1954), Socrates (1980), Painter et al. (1985),
Benning et al. (2004), Yee et al. (2004), Marshall et al.
(2005), Chen et al. (2015) and Igisu et al. (2009, 2018).
Numerous peaks within the 14002000 cm
range are
interpreted as SiO (Igisu et al. 2009; Fig. 6B) therefore,
although first-order derivative spectra enable the distinc-
tion of certain peaks in this region (Fig. 6), identifications
were made in a highly conservative fashion.
Spectra were also obtained for the cyanoacrylate adhe-
sive, finding major absorption bands at 2988, 2944, 2908,
and 2876 cm
within the aliphatic CH stretching
region and weak bands at 1450 and 1375 cm
(Fig. 7H),
consistent with cautions raised by Igisu et al. (2009).
All FTIR data for this study are available in Hickman-
Lewis et al. (2020c).
3.472 Ga Middle Marker horizon
Crinkly microbial laminations exhibiting local micro-
tufted morphologies were analysed in two samples, MM1
and MM2 (07SA21 and 07SA23 in the Orl"
eque classification), representative photomicro-
graphs of which are shown in Figure 2AB. In the alipha-
tic CH stretching region (28003050 cm
; Fig. 4A),
both samples exhibit bands at 2960 cm
FIG. 3. Representative selections of transmission Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorbance spectra in the range 5004000 cm
A, Middle Marker horizon sample MM2. B, Hooggeoneg Formation H5c sample HC1. C, Footbridge Chert sample FC1. D, Josefsdal
Chert sample JC1; highlighted zones are relevant to the composition of the aromatic and aliphatic moieties in carbonaceous materials
(after Socrates, 1980; Painter et al. 1985; Marshall et al. 2005; Igisu et al. 2009; Guido et al. 2013; Chen et al. 2015). The region
around 2300 cm
is discounted from discussion, since it results from ambient CO
end-methyl CH
stretching), and weak peaks at 2920
2925 cm
(asymmetrical methylene CH
stretching) and
2850 cm
(symmetrical CH
stretching). Sample MM2
shows a further broad, high-intensity band at 2870
2875 cm
, i.e. symmetrical CH
stretching. Although this
band may be interpreted to result from the adhesive
(Fig. 7H), the absence of bands at 2944 and 2908 cm
in addition to the ubiquitous presence of the band at
2960 cm
, lead us to attribute the band at 2870
2875 cm
to an indigenous CH
In the aromatic/alkenic region (~13001800 cm
Fig. 5A) sample MM1 exhibits weak bands at 1338 and
1360 cm
that are also attributable to CH
and an intense
band at 1456 cm
assigned to asymmetrical CH
Bands at 1444 and 1464 cm
are attributed to CHstretch-
ing with a contribution from aromatic ring stretching. The
bands at 1394, 1415 and 17281743 cm
are assigned to the
symmetrical stretch of CO, COO and the >C=Oester
stretch, respectively, of carboxyl groups. A distinct feature at
1473 cm
and a shoulder at 17701778 cm
are both
attributed to ester C=O, while bands at 16331651 cm
indicate highly conjugated C=O. A weak feature around
1537 cm
may reflect aliphatic COOH. Olefinic and aro-
matic groups, together with contributions from carboxyl
COOH account for the peaks at 1554, 1568 and 1574 cm
Furthermore, carbonyl C=O and carboxyl COOH (1689 and
1703 cm
) are superposed onto the SiO peak 1682 cm
Carbonyl and carboxyl groups also account for well-defined
bands on the shoulder of this peak at 1710 and 1720 cm
Further weak shoulders to this SiO peak at 1666 and
1672 cm
probably result from alkyl and/or phenyl groups.
Bands at 1487 and 1493 cm
correspond to aromatic ring
stretches with a contribution from SiO, and the bands at
1504 and 1600 cm
, the latter particularly prominent, are
FIG. 4. Representative transmission Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorbance spectra in the range 28003050 cm
. A, Middle Mar-
ker horizon sample MM1. B, Hooggenoeg Formation H5c sample HC2. C, Footbridge Chert sample Fc1. D, Josefsdal Chert sample JC1.
attributed to aromatic ring stretching (C=C). Finally, a weak
shoulder on the 1600 cm
C=C band at 1618 cm
may be
dNH. Other peaks within the 14002000 cm
range at
15141527 and 17901792 cm
are interpreted as SiOafter
Igisu et al. (2009). It should be noted that the FTIR absorp-
tion intensity of samples from the Middle Marker is one
order of magnitude lower than in the other samples analysed.
Sample MM2 exhibits additional peaks at 1373 cm
attributed to CH
, at 1430 cm
, also attributed to ali-
phatic CH stretching, and at 1732 cm
, attributed to
the >C=O ester stretch. These spectra do not exhibit the
bands at 1568 cm
and 1770 cm
indicating lower con-
tributions from C=O. The ester C=O moves to a lower
wavenumber (1469 cm
), whereas the weak dNH feature
on the 1600 cm
C=C band moves to a higher
wavenumber (1622 cm
). All other peak identifications
remain the same as in MM1.
3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg Chert H5c
Two sequences of microbial laminations from the same
outcrop of Hooggenoeg Formation unit H5c were stud-
ied: HC1, containing flat-laminated biofilm sequences
several millimetres in thickness; and HC2, in which the
laminations are undulatory (representative examples in
Fig. 2CF) (03SA15 and 03SA15B in the Orl"
eque). Both samples show absorption bands in the
aliphatic CH stretching region at 2850, 2920 and
2960 cm
(spectra of HC2 given in Fig. 4B) attributed
to symmetrical and asymmetrical CH
and CH
as detailed above. Some spectra in HC2 also show a very
weak feature at 28702875 cm
corresponding to the
symmetrical CH
stretch. In spectra from HC1, the broad
feature centred on 2925 cm
probably incorporates a
minor contribution from the band at 2890 cm
FIG. 4. (Continued)
stretch), which forms a shoulder. Additionally, the aro-
matic CH feature at 3010 cm
is visible in a limited
number of spectra from both samples, although is close
to being within the noise of the spectra.
In the aromatic/alkenic region, sample HC1 exhibits weak
bands at 1340, 1348, 13561360 and 1433 cm
are attribu-
ted to CH
and a deviation at 1456 cm
assigned to asym-
metrical CH
stretching. Bands at 1433 and 1456 cm
attributed to CH stretching from polysaccharides. Bands at
1392, 1415 and 1691 cm
are assigned to the symmetrical
stretch of CO, COO and the >C=O ester stretch, respec-
tively, of carboxyl groups. The band at 1547 cm
is attrib-
uted to amide II, comprising CN and NH. Distinct bands
at 16351649 cm
indicate highly conjugated C=O. Olefi-
nic and aromatic groups, together with contributions from
carboxyl COOH may account for the weak band at
1560 cm
. Carbonyl and carboxyl groups also account for
well-defined bands at 1710 and 17201722 cm
, and weak
features in some spectra at 1730 cm
, on the shoulder of
the 1684 cm
SiO peak. A band at 1481 cm
reflects an
FIG. 5. Representative transmission Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorbance spectra in the range 13001800 cm
. A, Middle Mar-
ker horizon sample MM1. B, Hooggenoeg Formation H5c sample HC2. C, Footbridge Chert sample FC1. D, Josefsdal Chert sample JC1.
aromatic ring stretch with a contribution from SiO, and
the bands at 1502 and 1604 cm
are attributed to aromatic
ring stretching (C=C). A weak shoulder on the 1600 cm
C=C band at 1622 cm
may be dNH. Other peaks within
the 14002000 cm
range at 15141527 and 1788
1792 cm
are interpreted as SiO.
Sample HC2 (Fig. 5B) does not exhibit the CH
at 1348 cm
, but rather exhibits two peaks at 1543 and
1550 cm
attributed to CH and NH in amide II. HC2
exhibits additional features at 14891491 cm
, assigned
to aromatic ring stretching, a wider array of bands reflect-
ing highly conjugated C=O at 1628, 1643 and 1651 cm
and two additional bands at 1714 and 1739 cm
, which
are attributed to the >C=O ester stretch of carboxyl or
carbonyl groups.
3.334 Ga Footbridge chert
Sample FC1 (03SA09 in the Orl"
eans Lithoth!
eque), com-
prising black-grey-white cherts with exceptionally well-
preserved biofilm-like microbial horizons, exhibits weak,
but consistently present, absorption bands in the aliphatic
CH stretching region at 2850, 29202925 and
2960 cm
(Fig. 4C) attributed to symmetrical and asym-
metrical CH
and CH
In the aromatic/alkenic region (Fig. 5C), sample FC1
exhibits weak bands at 1338, 1360 and weak features at
1435 cm
attributed to CH
. Bands at 1435 and
1454 cm
are attributed to CH stretching from
polysaccharides. Bands at 13901394, 1415 and 1684
1689 cm
are assigned to the symmetrical stretch of C
O, COO and the >C=O ester stretch, respectively, of car-
boxyl groups. An additional band around 1739 cm
also assigned to the >C=O ester stretch. Distinct bands at
16301649 cm
indicate highly conjugated C=O. Olefi-
nic and aromatic groups may account for the weak band
at 1554 cm
. Carbonyl and carboxyl groups are candi-
date identifications for weak bands at 17241732 cm
on the shoulder of the 1684 cm
SiO peak. A band at
14881491 cm
reflects an aromatic ring stretch with a
contribution from SiO. The bands at 1502 and
FIG. 5. (Continued)
FIG. 6. Mathematical first-order derivative spectra averaged from each sample in the ranges: A, 13001800 cm
; B, 2800
3050 cm
. Spectral characteristics indicate similarity in biopolymer composition but differences in biopolymer concentrations, i.e. the
absorbance ratio differs depending upon the sample. Deviations around 2850, 2880, 2925 and 2960 cm
indicate between-sample
variation in aliphatic biochemistry.
1600 cm
are also attributed to aromatic ring stretching
(C=C). Other peaks within the 14002000 cm
range at
15161523 and 1788 cm
are interpreted as SiO.
3.33 Ga Josefsdal chert
FTIR spectra of sample JC1 (12SA18), a flat-laminated
microbial mat with well-preserved individual laminae,
show absorption bands of moieties in the aliphatic CH
stretching region (Fig. 4D) centred on 2850 (symmetrical
stretching), 2920 (asymmetrical methylene CH
stretching) and 29502960 cm
(asymmetrical CH
stretching), with a small number of spectra also showing a
minor feature at 28702875 cm
corresponding to the
symmetrical CH
stretch. A very minor band at 2890 cm
(CH stretch) may exist as a shoulder to the broad feature
centred on 2925 cm
. Two spectra from JC1 also exhibit
the aromatic CH bands at 3010 and 3030 cm
. JC2
(12SA36) shows only minor peaks at 2850 and 2925 cm
and weak deviations around 2960 cm
, suggesting a more
minor aliphatic component.
In the aromatic/alkenic region (Fig. 5D), sample JC1
features bands at 1340, 1360 and 1433 cm
attributed to
. Features at 1450, 1466 and 1470 cm
are also
attributed to CH stretching from polysaccharides. Bands
at 1394 and 1714 cm
are assigned to the CO and sym-
metrical >C=O ester stretch of carboxyl or carbonyl
groups. The strong band at 1415 cm
is attributed to
COO from carboxylate, while bands at 1572, 1682 and
1705 cm
reflect C=O and COOH from carboxyl, aug-
mented by an SiO band. Bands at 17301734 and
1747 cm
(on the shoulder of the 1684 cm
peak) are further evidence for a strong carbonylcarboxyl
contribution to JC1. The band at 1540 cm
is attributed
to amide II, comprising CN and NH. Bands at 1635
1653 cm
denote highly conjugated C=O bonds. Fur-
thermore, a small feature at 1670 cm
is attributed to
alkyl or phenyl groups. Olefinic and aromatic groups,
together with contributions from carboxyl COOH may
account for the weak band at 15541558 cm
. A band at
1490 cm
reflects an aromatic ring stretch with a contri-
bution from SiO, and the bands at 1502 and 1600 cm
provide evidence of aromatic ring stretching (C=C).
Other peaks within the 14002000 cm
range at 1518
1522 and 1788 cm
are interpreted as SiO.
In general, the intensity and diversity of peaks, particu-
larly within the aliphatic stretching region, are consider-
ably higher in JC1 than JC2, indicating superior
preservation of structural variation in the former. A smal-
ler complement of bands in the aromatic/alkenic region
of JC2 also supports this. JC2 exhibits only a single weak
feature at 1454 cm
attributable to CH stretching in
polysaccharides and limited weak features at 16841687
and 1734 cm
, suggesting lower concentrations of pre-
served carboxyl and carbonyl groups. The 1710 cm
ture attributed to the >C=O ester stretch of carboxyl or
carbonyl groups is very minor and the features at 1540,
15541558 and 1572 cm
are absent.
FTIR spectra may be evaluated both qualitatively, to iden-
tify preserved molecular complexity, and quantitatively,
since the intensity of an absorption band increases pro-
portionally with its frequency in the corresponding mole-
cule or functional group (Marshall et al. 2005; Chen et al.
2015). FTIR spectra from the studied mats show similar
overall spectral characteristics (Fig. 3), but fine-scale dif-
ferences, particularly the variable concentrations and
compositions of aliphatic moieties (CH
and CH
; Figs 4,
5). Averaging the mathematical first-order derivative spec-
tra of each horizon reveals strong similarities amongst the
samples, indicating that the same or similar range of
chemical components are present in all carbonaceous
materials (Table 1). The major source of variability
occurs in the aromatic and especially aliphatic regions
(Fig. 6), best explained as differential peak intensity
reduction due to the metamorphic maturation of car-
bonaceous materials (Fraser et al. 2014; Jardine et al.
2015). The many spectral features identified indicate that
relics of diverse molecules and functional groups are pre-
sent in this carbonaceous material.
The following discussion initially addresses the origin
of the FTIR signals and evaluates whether diagenetic over-
printing can account for the spectral variation observed.
Secondly, we describe the (bio)polymer compositions pre-
served, and use the aliphatic chain length and branching
model of Lin & Ritz (1993) to determine the lengths and
degree of branching of aliphatic moieties. Using this
information, we follow the approach of Igisu et al. (2009,
2018), complemented by a detailed set of statistical tests,
to distinguish the contributions of the domains Bacteria
and Archaea to these microbial mats and demonstrate
measurable differences between individual mat-bearing
horizons. We conclude with a brief discussion of the
implications of this exceptional biopolymer preservation
for microbial silicification rates.
Origin of FTIR signals: biology vs diagenesis
FTIR spectra, although preserving a unique biochemical
record, are not immune to the effects of organic material
maturation through diagenesis; even the FTIR spectra of
recalcitrant molecules begin to alter at around 250300°C
(Fraser et al. 2014). Since the samples studied herein have
undergone metamorphic temperatures of 285400°C (Xie
et al. 1997; Tice et al. 2004; Hickman-Lewis et al. 2020b)
it is necessary to evaluate whether original biochemistry
or post-depositional maturation dominates the FTIR
Igisu et al. (2009) and Fraser et al. (2014) conducted
experimental maturation of carbonaceous materials and
noted three trends in spectral evolution: (1) aliphatic/aro-
matic ratios reduced due to decreased peak intensities
particularly within the aliphatic region (consistent with
low absorption intensities in Fig. 4); (2) spectral detail
becomes increasingly simplified with increasing maturity
due to the loss of various water-soluble groups (consis-
tent with overall spectral form in Fig. 3); and (3) relative
changes in spectral characteristics (e.g. relative concentra-
tions of aliphatic vs aromatic molecules) change pre-
dictably with increasing maturation. Jardine et al. (2015)
also found that chemical alteration under heat led
towards a general homogenization (simplification) of
spectral characteristics, and concomitant weakening of the
taxonomically indicative aliphatic peaks. Critically, how-
ever, it remains possible to recover taxonomic signals
even after extensive alteration and time (e.g. Palaeozoic
sporopollenin; Steemans et al. 2010; Fraser et al. 2012)
and chemically distinguish taxa even after alteration (Jar-
dine et al. 2015). Although some studies have suggested
that aliphatic molecules may be produced during diagene-
sis (e.g. Kodner et al. 2009), this is not sustained by
either experimental work or observation (Gupta et al.
2007; Igisu et al. 2009; Fraser et al. 2014), and is thus
more logically explained as the selective preservation of
non-hydrolysable aliphatic macromolecules derived from
the original biomass (de Leeuw et al. 2006). Oxidative
polymerization of non-fossilized organic materials, advo-
cated as a method of diagenetic aliphatic increase by Ver-
steegh & Blokker (2004), could not have occurred in the
studied silicified sediments since microquartz (chert) is
impermeable; there is therefore no possibility for sec-
ondary organic moieties to form on or within this already
fossilized biomass. As highlighted in the Introduction,
membrane lipid compositions generally dominate the tax-
onomically indicative aliphatic window of FTIR spectra
even after fossilization (Marshall et al. 2005; Igisu et al.
2006, 2009, 2018).
Overall, alterations in FTIR spectra primarily occur
within the oil window or zeolite-grade conditions of
metamorphism (Igisu et al. 2009; Fraser et al. 2014;
Hackley et al. 2017) after which longer-term maturation
produces only minor changes (Igisu et al. 2009; Jardine
et al. 2015). Selective preservation of lipids relative to
other cellular components may occur during post-mor-
tem diagenesis, but the relative preservation of the alipha-
tic CH
and CH
bands that enable membrane lipid
identification is similar (Igisu et al. 2009). Therefore,
despite the muting of spectral characteristics during dia-
genesis, variation in spectra from silicified microbial mats
is overwhelmingly explained by diversity in original bio-
mass composition. The fact that aliphatic, aromatic and
other carbon-bearing groups are identified (Figs 4, 5) in
this unambiguously microbial material evidences partial
degradation and kerogenization consistent with the ther-
mal history of the host rock (Bonneville et al. 2020). All
of the above evidence is singularly supportive of our FTIR
spectra being dominated by biology, not diagenesis, and
justifies the use of these spectra for taxonomic distinction.
This is consistent with recent findings using advanced
geochemistry demonstrating that diagenesis does not
obliterate all biochemical specificity in even the most
ancient fossils (Marshall et al. 2005; Igisu et al. 2006,
2009, 2012, 2018; Westall et al. 2011, 2015; Alleon et al.
2016a; Hickman-Lewis et al. 2017, 2018a, 2020b; Wacey
et al. 2017).
Statistically significant differences in biopolymer composition
between microbial mats
In order to evaluate variation in biopolymer compositions
between and within samples and between horizons, we
conducted a number of statistical analyses to demonstrate
the variation of spectral parameters (Figs 810; Table 2).
Even simple statistical treatments (box plots and scatter
graphs) evince a clear variation in aliphatic molecules and
functional groups in spite of the highly aromatized
FIG. 7. Details and interpretation of IR spectra from the studied samples. A, summarized band identification in the aliphatic stretch-
ing region (28003050 cm
), with aliphatic CH
(methylene) and CH
(end-methyl) bonds identified. B, summarized band identifica-
tion in the aromatic/alkenic region (13001800 cm
); lines indicate band identification; see main text and Figure 5A for details. C
G, examples of the aliphatic stretching region for mats from: C, the Middle Marker horizon (sample MM1); DE, the Hooggenoeg
Formation H5c (samples HC1 and HC2, respectively); F, the Footbridge Chert (sample FC1); G, the Josefsdal Chert (sample JC1).
H, FTIR characterization of the carbon-based cyanoacrylate adhesive used within the same region (28003050 cm
) demonstrating
that all bands identified in Figure 3 and parts AG of this figure are not contaminated by adhesive, which is characterized by high-
intensity absorption bands at 2988, 2944, 2908, and 2876 cm
within the aliphatic CH stretching region (shown) and weaker bands
at 1450 and 1375 cm
in the aromatic-alkenic region (not shown). All horizontal axes represent wavenumber and vertical axes repre-
sent absorbance.
structure of the carbonaceous materials. This is evident
from the large ranges in CH
, CH
, Abs
and Abs
ratios, whereas the aliphatic/
aromatic ratio remains uniformly low in all samples
(Fig. 8). Comparison of the R
ratio with measured val-
ues from extant biology (bacterial and archaeal cell com-
ponents), microfossils from Proterozoic horizons and
organic materials from the contemporaneous Dresser For-
mation (Fig. 8A; Igisu et al. 2009, 2012, 2018, 2019; Qu
et al. 2015; Bonneville et al. 2020) indicates that most of
the microbial mats studied exhibit a wide range in this
ratio and significant overlaps both with extant and extinct
biology, probably reflecting a community signal. The pre-
cise meaning of this signature for microbial diversity in
the Palaeoarchaean is addressed below. Whereas the
Josefsdal and Footbridge cherts (samples JC1, JC2 and
FC1) show considerable overlap in R
and CH
values (Fig. 8A, B; considering the range between the
25th and 75th percentiles), the ratios in the Middle Mar-
ker and Hooggenoeg Chert mats (especially HC2) show
significantly different values. Taken together, CH
and CH
ratios suggest that the Hooggenoeg and
Middle Marker mats were dominated by Bacteria (charac-
terized by long, unbranched membrane lipids) and
TABLE 1. Band and peak identifications in FTIR spectra.
Wavenumber (cm
) Designation Occurrence (sample number)
1338, 1340, 1348, 1356
MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1, JC1
14331435, 14541456,
,CH stretch from polysacharides MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1, JC1
1444, 1464 CH stretching with aromatic ring stretching MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1
14891491 Aromatic ring stretching HC2
1373 CH
13901394 CO MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1, JC1
1415 COO MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1, JC1
1430, 1433 Aliphatic CH stretching MM2, HC2
14691473 Ester C=O MM1, MM2
1481, 14871493 Aromatic ring stretches with a contribution from Si
MM1, MM2, FC1, JC1
15021504 C=C All
15141527 SiO All
1537 Aliphatic COOH MM1(?), MM2(?)
15401543, 1547, 1550 Amide II (CN and NH) HC1, HC2, JC1
15541560, 1568, 1572
Olefinic and aromatic groups, with carboxyl COOH MM1, MM2, HC1(?), HC2(?), FC1(?), JC1,
16001604 C=C All
16181622 dNH MM1(?), MM2(?), HC1(?), HC2(?)
16281653 Highly conjugated C=O MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1
1666, 1672 SiO All
1670 Alkyl and/or phenyl groups MM1(?), MM2(?), JC1
1682 SiO All
16841689, 1691, 1703
Carbonyl C=O and carboxyl COOH MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, JC1, JC2
1710, 1714, 17201722 Carbonyl and carboxyl groups; >C=O ester stretch MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1, JC1, JC2(?)
17281747 >C=O ester stretch MM1, MM2, HC1(?), HC2, FC1, JC1, JC2
17701778 Ester C=O MM1, MM2
17881792 SiO All
2850 Symmetrical CH
stretch All
28702875 CH
MM2, HC2(?)
2890 CH stretch HC1(?), JC1(?)
29202925 Asymmetrical methylene CH
stretch All
2960 Asymmetrical end-methyl CH
stretch MM1, MM2, HC1, HC2, FC1, JC1, JC2(?)
3010, 3030 Aromatic CH JC1
Identifications were made after Socrates (1980), Painter et al. (1985), Benning et al. (2004), Marshall et al. (2005), Igisu et al. (2009),
Guido et al. (2013) and Chen et al. (2015).
Archaea (characterized by shorter, highly branched mem-
brane lipids), respectively, whereas the other mats were
inhabited by mixed consortia. Concentrations of aliphatic
moieties are relatively similar throughout all samples and
lower than in reported datasets for Proterozoic material;
all aliphatic/aromatic ratios measured were below 0.07
(Fig. 8C). Abs
ratios vary widely between and
within samples (Fig. 8D), whereas Abs
vary widely between, but to a lesser extent within, sam-
ples (Fig. 8E). In summary, box plots indicate diverse ali-
phatic and carbonyl/carboxylic compositions in the
studied carbonaceous materials. Aliphatic ratios resemble
the biopolymer compositions detected in contemporane-
ous (Igisu et al. 2018) and younger (Marshall et al. 2005;
Igisu et al. 2006, 2009; Javaux & Marshall 2006; Qu et al.
2015) biogenic organic materials.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) found significant differ-
ences in CH
and CH
with high coefficients of
determination (0.767 and 0.820, respectively) and
p<0.01 (Table 2). Samples were grouped using Tukey’s
and REGWQ (RyanEinotGabrielWelsh Studentized
Range Q) tests; in all but two cases (the CH
of HC2 and JC2) these groupings were identical for the
two tests (Table 2). A confidence interval of p <0.05 was
not attained in comparisons of the aliphatic/aromatic,
and Abs
ratios, indicating that
the means of these ratios are not statistically distinct
across the seven studied samples; this concurs with the
lack of sample-specific grouping in box plots (Fig. 8D, E).
Two-sample Student’s t-tests were conducted on all
spectral parameters from all pairs of samples. These tests,
determining whether mean values between samples are
significantly different, invariably support the distinction
of samples by the other tests. Three illustrative examples
follow. Comparing samples HC2 and MM2, which are
the most distinct based on box plots and PCA (see
below), and joint most distinct based on ANOVA, the Stu-
dent’s t-test finds that the null hypothesis can be rejected
at a confidence level of p <0.01 for CH
, CH
and Abs
ratios, but cannot be
rejected for the aliphatic/aromatic ratio; i.e. the two sam-
ples are significantly distinct in four out of five tested
spectral parameters. Comparing MM1 and MM2, which
directly overlap in all other tests (box plots, ANOVA, PCA),
no spectral parameters, except for the Abs
ratio, enable rejection of the null hypothesis; i.e. the two
samples are similar in four out of five parameters. Com-
paring HC1 and JC1, which partly overlap in box plots,
scatter plots, ANOVA and PCA, the Student’s t-test finds
significant differences in the CH
and Abs
ratios but is unable to reject the null hypothesis
for the CH
, aliphatic/aromatic and Abs
ratios; i.e. the samples are similar in three out of five
Scatter plots further sustain these distinctions: the
ratio (and by extension its reciprocal CH
) shows sample-specific grouping independent of ali-
phatic/aromatic ratios (Fig. 9A), whereas overlapping
groupings of ratios incorporating aliphatic and carbonyl/
carboxylic groups (Fig. 9BF) suggests that most
between-sample and within-sample variation (even in the
same chert) results from the relative concentrations of ali-
phatic and, to a lesser extent, carbonyl/carboxylic groups.
Since, in fossilized microbial mats, carbonyl/carboxylic
groups are more likely to be derived from extracellular
polymeric substances whereas aliphatic compounds derive
from cell membranes, we add statistical support to the
findings of Igisu et al. (2009) that variations in the taxo-
nomic indices of FTIR spectra (and by extension, car-
bonaceous materials) are dominated by membrane lipids.
Finally, all spectral data were subjected to principal
component analysis (PCA), an ordination technique
based on an orthogonal transformation to convert a set
of observations into a minimal number of possibly corre-
lated dimensions (the eponymous principal components).
Considering the CH
, Abs
and Abs
ratios as the key spectral data from which taxo-
nomic conclusions can be made, the first two PCA axes
account for 89.65% of total variance in the dataset
(Fig. 10A). Since the aliphatic/aromatic ratio is relatively
constant (Fig. 8C), this indicates very clear differences
between the aliphatic fractions of each sample. PCA axis
1, accounting for 68.03% of the variance, clearly separates
samples with high (MM1, MM2) and low (HC2, JC1 and
ratios, whereas some overlap exists
between samples FC1, JC1, JC2 (to a lesser extent) and
HC1. FC1, exhibiting the widest 25th75th percentile
range in CH
, predictably overlaps with both groups.
A second PCA analysis, as above but excluding the CH
ratio, explained only 78.89% of variance (Fig. 10B),
confirming that most variance is captured within the ali-
phatic fractions and that higher intra-sample variability
occurs in the carbonyl/carboxylic groups (Figs 8DE, 9D
F). This is expected since these biomass components are
localized within specific portions of microbial mats and
would thus be heterogeneously distributed in the aliphatic
residues. Since an overwhelming percentage of total vari-
ance (almost 90%) can be explained through the PCA
analyses that reflect the CH
ratios, we advocate
these as the crucial parameters for explaining sample dif-
ferences related to composition and taxonomy.
In conclusion, a suite of statistical techniques shows
similarities and differences between the spectral character-
istics of the studied samples. Particularly strong distinc-
tions emerge in the CH
and CH
ratios which,
as outlined above, are derived directly from the Palaeoar-
chaean organisms that constructed these microbial mats
and thus have taxonomic significance for their
classification (see Lin & Ritz 1993; Marshall et al. 2005;
Igisu et al. 2009, 2012).
Biopolymer composition, aliphatic chain length and
Peak identifications of the following molecules and func-
tional groups were made: (1) CH
, CH
and other CH
stretching attributed to polysaccharides; (2) CO, COO
and the >C=O ester stretch of carboxyl groups; (3) ali-
phatic carboxyl COOH; (4) ester C=O and highly conju-
gated carbonyl C=O; (5) olefinic and aromatic groups;
(6) diverse carbonyl and carboxyl groups; (7) alkyl and/or
phenyl groups; (8) aromatic ring stretches (C=C); and (9)
dNH. Other peaks were interpreted as SiO. Although
absorption intensity varies between samples, the consis-
tency of wavenumbers attributable to specific moieties
and the large number of band identifications that support
other band identifications, for example numerous car-
bonylcarboxyl and aliphatic groups, confirm the preser-
vation of biomolecular diversity. No other reasonable
explanation exists for the recurrent observation of spectral
diversity in microbial structures. This demonstrates that,
despite their great age and more than 3 Ga of geological
processing, even the most ancient microbial mats preserve
a rich complement of biomolecules testament to a wealth
of biological diversity in their architect communities.
The carbonaceous materials constituting these mats
therefore comprise predominantly polyaromatic hydrocar-
bon frameworks with small amounts of aliphatic CH
groups, among others. All horizons show features in the
aliphatic stretching region between 2800 and 3050 cm
namely bands at 2850 cm
(symmetrical CH
ing), 29202925 cm
(asymmetrical methylene CH
stretching) and 29502960 cm
(asymmetrical CH
stretching), with many spectra also showing a minor fea-
ture at 28702875 cm
corresponding to the symmetri-
cal CH
stretch (Fig. 7A). Other minor peaks, e.g.
2988 cm
, which are represented in only a small number
of spectra (e.g. MM1, Fig. 7C), are more challenging to
identify. The peak at 2988 cm
is also exhibited by the
spectra of the carbon-based cyanoacrylate adhesive used
in thin section preparation (Fig. 7H), and could be con-
tamination. We do not believe, however, that this is the
case, primarily because the significant differences in
absorption intensity (an order of magnitude) between the
spectra of the adhesive and those of the carbonaceous
materials suggest that the 2988 cm
has different origins
in each instance. Secondly, spectra exhibiting the
2988 cm
band exhibit a second band at 3010 cm
which is also attributable to the CH aromatic stretch.
Thirdly, no other bands characterizing the spectrum of
the adhesive (2944, 2908, and 2876 cm
) exist in these
spectra. We consider that to find only one adhesive band
at such low intensity is inconsistent with contamination
and interpret the 2988 cm
band as indigenous to bio-
genic carbonaceous matter.
The CH
ratio described by Lin & Ritz (1993)
provides an estimate of the chain length of the aliphatic
hydrocarbon moiety bridging the aromatic structure,
together with its degree of branching. Naturally matured
kerogens, when compared with artificially matured kero-
gens, indicate that the CH
ratio undergoes only a
minor initial decrease during maturation (Lin & Ritz
1993; Lis et al. 2005), suggesting that aliphatic chains
become only slightly shorter and/or more branched dur-
ing low-grade metamorphism. This is due to the slight
preferential degradation of methylene CH
over end-
methyl CH
under similar thermal alteration conditions
(Igisu et al. 2009). The CH
ratios observed in the
studied mats fall within the range of other micropalaeon-
tological samples (Arouri et al. 1999; Marshall et al. 2005;
Igisu et al. 2009) and, as with R
ratios, show statisti-
cally significant variation between samples (Fig. 8B).
Using the simplified n-alkane model of Lin & Ritz (1993),
we calculate that the Middle Marker mats are character-
ized by aliphatic biopolymers with short, highly branched
n-alkanes with chain lengths of between 5 and 6; the
Hooggenoeg Chert H5c mats are characterized by longer,
less branched chains of 713 units; and the Footbridge
and Josefsdal cherts by broadly similar intermediate val-
ues of 59 and 69, respectively (Fig. 8B; Table 3). An
outlier point in Josefsdal Chert sample JC1 (Fig. 8B) may
represent a region of increased concentration of long
(chain length 1112), unbranched aliphatic biopolymers.
Microbial diversity within Palaeoarchaean mats
Understanding microbial diversity in mat-building com-
munities from the Archaean is a critical outstanding ques-
tion in Precambrian palaeobiology. The aliphatic fraction
(between 2850 and 2960 cm
) is a taxonomically indica-
tive signal, and our statistical analyses above have demon-
strated that this fraction exhibits clear differences between
the studied samples and horizons (Figs 4, 6B, 7). The ali-
phatic composition of membrane proteins varies between
the three domains of life: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya
(Atlas 1989; Igisu et al. 2012; Albers & Meyer 2011). This
differential signal can be applied to the fossil record, evi-
denced, for example, by FTIR signals of cyanobacterial
microfossils that are consistent with bacterial affinities
(Igisu et al. 2006, 2009, 2018) but inconsistent with
archaeal or eukaryotic affinities (Marshall et al. 2005;
Bonneville et al. 2020). FTIR analyses of Palaeoarchaean
FIG. 8. Box plots showing distributions of spectral characteristics. A, CH
) with measured values from extant biology
(bacterial and archaeal cell components), microfossils from Proterozoic horizons and organic materials from the contemporaneous
Dresser Formation (compiled after Igisu et al. 2009, 2012, 2018, 2019; Qu et al. 2015; Bonneville et al. 2020). B, aliphatic ratio
shows considerable overlap for Josefsdal (JC) and Footbridge (FC) samples and significantly different values in the Middle
Marker (MM) and Hooggenoeg chert (HC) mats (especially sample HC2). C, the aliphatic/aromatic ratio (Abs
) is
similar throughout all samples. D, Abs
ratios vary widely between and within samples. E, Abs
ratios vary widely
between, but to a lesser extent within, samples. In all box plots, the cross indicates the mean value, the horizontal line indicates the
median value, and circles outside the box denote outliers.
FIG. 9. Bi-dimensional scatter plots showing variation in spectral characteristics between samples. A, R
ratio vs aliphatic/aromatic
) ratio showing that while the former is highly variable between samples, the latter is essentially constant. B, R
ratio vs aliphatic/carbonylcarboxyl (Abs
) ratio, indicating a weak positive correlation. C, R
ratio vs carbonylcarboxyl/
aromatic (Abs
) ratio, indicating a weak positive correlation. D, carbonylcarboxyl/aromatic (Abs
) ratio vs ali-
phatic/carbonylcarboxyl (Abs
) ratio, showing no meaningful correlation. E, aliphatic/carbonylcarboxyl (Abs
ratio vs aliphatic/aromatic (Abs
) ratio, showing no meaningful correlation. F, carbonylcarboxyl/aromatic
) ratio vs aliphatic/carbonylcarboxyl (Abs
) ratio, showing no meaningful correlation. Taking all scatter
plots into consideration, we find that only the R
ratio exhibits significant and meaningful variation between samples.
FIG. 10. Principal components analysis (PCA) of spectral parameters, considering: A, the CH
, Abs
and Abs
ratios, explaining 89.65% of variance in the dataset; PCA axes 1 and 2 were sufficient to explain most variance in the data; per-
centages in parentheses indicate the variance explained by that axis; B, the Abs
(aliphatic/aromatic), Abs
and Abs
ratios, explaining only 78.89% of variance in the data. Insets show loadings plots; blue diamonds denote the fac-
tors (Abs
in A and R
in B). Coloured regions were drawn to conservatively include all data from a single sample, discount-
ing outliers. This indicates both similarities (overlap) and differences between the spectral characteristics of the samples approximately
following the PCA axes. Coloured points indicate individual analyses and grey/white symbols (triangles, squares, diamonds, circles)
indicate the centroid of each point cloud.
mats presented herein thus provide a means of linking
taxonomy and phylogeny to mat fabrics through in situ
chemistry. Since FTIR spectral features diagnostic of pre-
cursor biology are resilient to diagenetic degradation (Lin
& Ritz 1993; Peters et al. 2005; Lis et al. 2005; Steemans
et al. 2010; Fraser et al. 2014), the aliphatic moieties pre-
served reflect compositional variation in precursor (archi-
tect) biological materials at the moment of fossilization of
the microbial mat.
Calculated end-methyl to methylene CH
ratios suggest significant diversity in mat-builders from
different horizons, however, all ratios fall within the range
of extant prokaryotes (Fig. 8A; Table 3). In the Josefsdal
Chert, R
ratios varying between 0.195 and 0.769, with
25th and 75th percentiles of 0.337 and 0.568, respectively,
are consistent with both bacterial and archaeal origins
(Igisu et al. 2009, 2018), however, the many low values
below 0.4 necessitate a strong input from bacterial mem-
brane lipids. Although higher values between 0.45 and
0.75 are consistent with archaeal lipid origins (Atlas 1989;
Igisu et al. 2012) and thus suggest a mixed ecosystem, we
nonetheless find that the Josefsdal Chert mats were bacte-
rially dominated. Mats of the Footbridge Chert tell a sim-
ilar story: R
ratios between 0.337 and 0.796 (with one
outlier at 1.270), with 25th and 75th percentiles at 0.426
and 0.754 respectively, are consistent with mixed bacterial
and archaeal origins. The wider distribution of points and
lack of low R
ratios when compared to the Josefsdal
Chert suggest that at least some carbonaceous material is
derived from archaeal membrane lipids; however, a con-
centration of points around 0.60.7 also indicates a
bacterial cellular signal. In the Hooggenoeg Chert sam-
ples, the limited range of low R
ratios of between 0.184
and 0.506, is consistent with a signal dominated by bacte-
rial membrane lipids. Finally, the Middle Marker horizon
shows a distribution unlike the other three formations,
with higher R
ratios between 0.779 and 1.249, and 25th
and 75th percentiles at 0.824 and 1.023 respectively,
potentially diagnostic of a near-pure archaeal consortium.
Although the R
ratio may not necessarily be applicable
to archaeal material (due to the fact that the highly sim-
plified n-alkane model of Lin & Ritz (1993) upon which
it is based has no direct link to isoprenoids) the R
ues for the Middle Marker chert mats are inconsistent
with bacterial membrane lipid origins. In the absence of
other logical solutions, we follow the extrapolation of the
n-alkane model by Igisu et al. (2009), who suggested that
the R
ratio of archaeal lipids would average 1.16, not
dissimilar to our own measurements in mats from the
Middle Marker horizon. Nonetheless, measurements of
archaeal lipids by Igisu et al. (2012) found that values
could be lower (R
=0.500.75), while archaeal cells
had much higher values (R
=0.751.10). We there-
fore suggest a strong contribution from archaeal cell
material in the Middle Marker mats. The outlier point
=1.270) in the Footbridge Chert mats may also
reflect an archaeal cell contribution, perhaps evidencing
within-mat heterogeneity. This is supported by the con-
centration of elevated R
ratios in Footbridge Chert
material relative to the conspicuously bacterially domi-
nated Hooggenoeg and Josefsdal cherts. PCA (Fig. 10),
scatter plots (Fig. 9AC) and ANOVA of coupled to the
TABLE 2. ANOVA results.
Unit Sample Grouping based
on Tukey’s test
Grouping based on
REGWQ test
Coefficient of
Middle Marker horizon MM1 D D 0.767 5.12 910
Hooggenoeg Chert H5c HC1 B B
Footbridge Chert FC1 CDCD
Josefsdal Chert JC1 B B
Middle Marker horizon MM1 A A 0.820 2.13 910
Hooggenoeg Chert H5c HC1 CDCD
Footbridge Chert FC1 B B
Josefsdal Chert JC1 C C
Groupings of samples are based on Tukey’s and RyanEinotGabrielWelsh Studentized Range Q (REGWQ) tests. The coefficient of
determination is high in each case, and all sample differences are deemed statistically significant with a p-value much lower than 0.01.
Tukey’s and REGWQ tests (Table 2) all note a higher
degree of similarity between R
in the Footbridge Chert
and Middle Marker mats than between any other samples
and the Middle Marker mats. We thus suggest that the
Footbridge Chert mats were home to a well-mixed bacte-
rialarchaeal consortium.
Palaeoarchaean mats thus reflect diverse microbial con-
sortia in which Bacteria and Archaea flourished alongside
one another in shallow-water anoxygenic environments
(Fig. 11; Table 3). The Middle Marker mats may reflect an
unusual, uniquely archaeal system. Convincing fossil evi-
dence for Archaea is extremely rare and primarily consists
of either very negative carbon isotopes consistent with the
archaeal clade conducting anaerobic oxidation of methane
(Ueno et al. 2006) or Fe and Ni-enriched carbonaceous
materials that may preserve co-factors from the palaeo-
metallome of archaeal biomass (Hickman-Lewis et al.
2020b). Alternatively, and in accordance with the lower
intensity of FTIR spectral characteristics in the Middle
Marker horizon, the difference in Bacteria-dominated and
Archaea-dominated systems may indicate that while Bacte-
ria were the most common primary producers, Archaea
were the most common heterotrophic degraders, and the
Middle Marker mats have simply undergone further degra-
dation prior to silicification; i.e. their silicification was less
rapid. This alternative, however, rests on the assumption
that the relative microbial compositions of producer and
degrader niches have been constant through time.
We have thus demonstrated, for the first time, unequivo-
cal distinctions between the bacterial and archaeal commu-
nities constructing microbial mats in Earth’s early
ecosystems and have shown that taxonomic specificity may
be preserved in FTIR spectra for more than 3 Gyr.
Rapid silicification allows exceptional preservation of FTIR
FTIR spectral features diagnostic of the precursor materials,
for example the CH
ratio, may be preserved through
diagenesis and catagenesis (Peters et al. 2005; Igisu et al.
2006, 2018; Guido et al. 2013; Hackley et al. 2017). Post-
mortem biological reworking combined with deep burial at
depths greater than 3 km and temperatures higher than
250°C, however, appear to cause diagenetic modification of
IR bio-indicators (Peters et al. 2005; Lis et al. 2005; Fraser
et al. 2014). The samples studied herein have undergone
lower greenschist metamorphism (~34 kbar, 285400°C)
i.e. alteration higher than that presupposing the preserva-
tion of IR spectral heterogeneity. In spite of this, we have
unambiguously demonstrated that variance in FTIR spectra
is due to biomolecular diversity in the original biomass.
Furthermore, there is no evidence for post-diagenetic bio-
logical recombination of the carbonaceous materials within
samples, which were obtained from clean, unweathered
cherts free of textural or chemical alteration. This inconsis-
tency requires explanation. Why, contrary to expectations,
do the carbonaceous materials within these cherts preserve
primary bio-indicative signals?
We suggest that silicification, which was suggested to
be early and rapid in Palaeoarchaean cherts due to the
elevated concentrations of Si in the oceans of the time
TABLE 3. Summary of measured parameters from FTIR spectra with inferences made regarding the composition of relic biopolymers
and the architect microbial community, reflecting the community composition of the mats at the time of fossilization.
Unit Sample CH
) Biological
07SA21 0.7850.994 Archaea-
1.0331.284 56 0.0140.047
07SA23 0.8111.249 Archaea-
0.8131.233 56 0.0080.053
Chert H5c
03SA15 0.2870.506 Bacteria-
1.9753.593 710 0.0320.066
03SA15B 0.1840.370 Bacteria-
2.7065.447 913 0.0240.046
03SA09 0.3770.796 (outlier discounted) Mixed
0.7872.652 59 0.0240.048
12SA18 0.1950.769 Mixed
1.3003.044 (outlier discounted) 69 0.0190.042
12SA36 0.3640.586 Mixed
1.7062.750 79 0.0240.037
(Maliva et al. 2005; Westall et al. 2015; Alleon et al.
2016a; Hickman-Lewis et al. 2020a) inhibits the alteration
of even fine-scale biomolecular heterogeneity in organic
material. Microbes can also mediate their own silicifica-
tion within extracellular polymeric substances (Moore
et al. 2020) which, being a major component of microbial
mats, may account for the exceptional diversity of
biopolymers observed in these mats relative to individual
microfossils in previous studies. This corroborates previ-
ous experimental determination that early diagenetic sili-
cification preserves relics of original biomolecular
composition at up to zeolite facies (150170°C; Alleon
et al. 2016a) and even as far as sub-greenschist facies
(250°C and 250 bars; Alleon et al. 2016b). We here pro-
pose that, when the silicification of biomass is exception-
ally rapid, as was the case for these rocks, biochemical
moieties reflecting palaeobiology may endure through
even lower greenschist metamorphism. Furthermore, since
silicification began during the life cycle of the organisms
building these microbial mats, hence the volumetric
preservation of biofilms, (Walsh & Lowe 1999; Walsh &
Westall 2003; Hickman-Lewis et al. 2018a) and three-
dimensional preservation of micromorphologies within
(Hickman-Lewis et al. 2017, 2019), the IR signal pre-
served is that of the architect mat-building community at
the moment of silicification. Differentiating between the
IR signals preserved in microbial mats of various mor-
phologies and within various palaeoenvironmental set-
tings could aid both in constraining their original
biological communities and in the eventual reconstruction
of the biomes of Archaean life of which they were a part.
Palaeoarchaean surface productivity was distributed
throughout systems of basins teeming with microbial life,
the fragmentary records of which are preserved in green-
stone belts. Constraining the microbial communities
within is one of the principal outstanding challenges fac-
ing Archaean palaeontology.
Applying FTIR spectroscopy to multiple microbial mat
horizons from the Palaeoarchaean of the Barberton green-
stone belt, we have demonstrated that spectral character-
istics can delineate relics of the biopolymer compositions
of their architect anoxygenic photosynthetic communities
and, more critically, the relative proportions of the
domains of life in these mats. The range of biomolecular
relics preserved in these mats is considerably greater than
in individual microfossils and reflects the organic compo-
sition of original biomass, i.e. cells and extracellular prod-
ucts. Using the CH
and CH
ratios, together
with qualitative assessments of absorption band intensity,
we have quantitatively compared the architect communi-
ties of four horizons (the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker,
3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg Chert H5c, 3.334 Ga Footbridge
Chert and the 3.33 Ga Josefsdal Chert) and shown statis-
tically significant differences between them. Whereas mats
of the Middle Marker horizon appear to reflect domi-
nantly archaeal communities, the Hooggenoeg mats result
from dominantly bacterial sources. The Josefsdal mats,
some Hooggenoeg mats and, especially, the Footbridge
mats were built by mixed consortia, indicated by wider
ranges of CH
and CH
ratios, which show evi-
dence for bacterial and archaeal precursor material.
Such exceptional preservation of biomolecular relics is
largely inconsistent with the lower greenschist metamor-
phism experienced by these rocks. The retention of spec-
tral characteristics demands almost immediate
syndepositional preservation, which is consistent with
early, rapid silicification of these horizons. Chertified fos-
siliferous horizons provide an unparalleled window on
the primitive biosphere and serve as palaeobiological tes-
tament to the diversity of Archaean microbial ecosystems.
We suggest that Bacteria and Archaea were already flour-
ishing together in these ecosystems by 3.5 Ga.
Acknowledgements. This work was funded by the INACMa
(Inorganic Nanoparticles in Archaean Carbonaceous Matter a
key to early life and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions) pro-
ject (EU-FP7 Grant no. 618657) to BC. FTIR analyses were con-
ducted with Fabio Bergamini (Centro Interdipartimentale
Grandi Strumenti, Modena, Italy). We thank Assimo Maris
FIG. 11. Venn diagram qualitatively summarizing the results
of all measurements and statistical analyses. Samples can clearly
be categorized along a shifting scale from bacterial to archaeal
ecosystem dominance. Most microbial mats comprised a variably
mixed community.
a di Bologna), for valuable comments on the statistical
analyses and Sylvain Janiec (Institut des Sciences de la Terre
eans, France) for producing all thin sections. Four review-
ers provided many helpful comments and suggestions that led to
significant improvement of the paper.
Author contributions. KHL and BC conceived the research. FW
collected the samples. KHL performed the experiments and anal-
ysed the data. All authors contributed to discussion of the data.
KHL wrote the paper, to which all authors contributed.
FTIR Data for this study are archived at the Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, France, and are available from the Dryad
Digital Repository:
Editor. Barry Lomax
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... [21][22][23][24][25]). Very few studies have attempted a more integrative approach using a limited number of semi-quantitative parameters [8,[26][27][28][29][30]. ...
... Analyses of microfossils in rock thin sections (e.g., [26,27,30,31]) are limited in the application of semi-quantitative calculation. Functional group absorptions of minerals, such as carbonate or silica, are known to vibrate at wavenumber similar to C-C, C-H bonds and carbonyl or ether groups within kerogen [30,32,33], leading to a superimposition of signals and a loss of exploitable information. ...
... Analyses of microfossils in rock thin sections (e.g., [26,27,30,31]) are limited in the application of semi-quantitative calculation. Functional group absorptions of minerals, such as carbonate or silica, are known to vibrate at wavenumber similar to C-C, C-H bonds and carbonyl or ether groups within kerogen [30,32,33], leading to a superimposition of signals and a loss of exploitable information. To circumvent this problem, acid demineralization and extraction of the organic fraction is an efficient way to obtain isolated organic material on which to measure full infrared spectra without further altering the original signal [7,34]. ...
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) provides a rapid non-destructive molecular characterization of organic and inorganic material in geological samples. Combination of qualitative and semi-quantitative approaches are routinely used in FTIR study of kerogen and coals. A diversity of descriptors provides straightforward tools to characterize kerogen type, composition and structure. However, only a few of these descriptors are applied in the chemical investigation of Precambrian organic-walled microfossils. Synchrotron radiation-based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (SR-FTIR) permits high spatial resolution investigations of organic matter in a large range of applications in biology, geochemistry and cosmochemistry, but remains rarely applied in Precambrian microfossils studies. Here we show that SR-FTIR spectroscopy combined with an integrative approach of kerogen description is particularly relevant for the study of minute organic-walled microfossils of unknown biological origin. The analyses of five morphospecies from three different Proterozoic formations in northwestern Canada highlight kerogen signatures rich in aromatic, aliphatic and oxygenated moieties. This is evidenced by the combined use of spectrum qualitative descriptions (band assignments and positions) and the calculations of semi-quantitative parameters using intensities and integrated areas of absorption bands (CH2/CH3, R3/2, Al/C=C, C=O/C=C, A factor, C factor). Altogether, this study demonstrates the interest of an integrative approach when investigating the chemistry of organic-walled microfossils with FTIR spectroscopy.
... Early microbial fingerprints can be found in marine, hydrothermal, and cryptic environments (Cavalazzi et al., 2021;Djokic et al., 2017;Duda et al., 2018;Hickman-Lewis et al., 2018;Philippot et al., 2007;Ueno et al., 2006). Rather complex microbial ecosystems probably existed in some settings, involving metabolisms using light or chemical energy sources (Hickman-Lewis et al., 2020b;Morag et al., 2016;Westall et al., 2011). However, it is challenging to assess the diversity of early microbial ecosystems in detail, as the oldest geological archives on Earth, including potential biosignatures, are only rarely preserved due to constant recycling of the Earth's crust. ...
... Thus, the Buck Reef Chert preserved one of the most diverse microbial ecosystems known from the Paleoarchean. Microbial diversity was also reported from other Paleoarchean environments (Hickman-Lewis et al., 2020b;Morag et al., 2016;Westall et al., 2011), underlining that complex microbial ecosystems were already widely established during these early times. ...
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Microbial life on Earth was well established in the Paleoarchean, but insight into early ecosystem diversity and thus, the complexity of the early biological carbon cycle is limited. Here we investigated four carbonaceous chert samples from the lower platform facies of the ca. 3.42-billion-year-old Buck Reef Chert, Barberton greenstone belt. The analysis on multiple scales revealed exceptionally well-preserved carbonaceous matter, even on molecular level (aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons), resulting from rapid silicification. Geochemical evidence from stable carbon and multiple sulfur isotopes supports the presence of different microbial metabolisms in the Paleoarchean ecosystem. The local biological carbon cycle was dominated by photoautotrophs, but autotrophic sulfate reducers and methane-or acetate-producing microbes were also present. In areas of microbial methane or acetate release, methanotrophs or acetotrophs contributed to the overall biomass. These results highlight the metabolic diversity in the lower platform environment of the Buck Reef Chert, and underline that an advanced biological carbon cycle already existed in the early Archean.
... Arguments against biogenicity presented in Lowe (1994) Buck Reef Chert ~3.4 Carbonaceous materials correlated with specific depositional environments (Tice and Lowe, 2006), carbonaceous microfossils and biofilms (Cavalazzi et al., 2021). Support for synsedimentary hydrothermalism presented in de Vries et al. (2010) Hooggenoeg Chert ~3.45 Microfossils (Walsh, 1992) and microbial mats (Walsh, 1992;Hickman-Lewis et al., 2020) associated with hydrothermal activity (Hofmann and Bolhar, 2007;Hickman-Lewis et al., 2020) Middle Marker Horizon ~3.47 Microbial mats and geochemical evidence for hydrothermalism Pilbara Craton, Western Australia Strelley Pool Formation ~3.43 Stromatolites (Lowe, 1980;Van Kranendonk et al., 2003;Allwood et al., 2006b;Sugitani et al., 2010;Wacey, 2010), biological sulfur isotope fractionations (Bontognali et al., 2012), functional groups associated with biology in kerogen (De Gregorio et al., 2011), carbonaceous matter of biological origin (Allwood et al., 2006a), and microfossils Alleon et al., 2018). Arguments against biogenicity via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Lollar and McCollom, 2006;McCollom and Seewald, 2006), and arguments against biogenicity of stromatolites presented in Lowe (1994) Apex Basalt ~3.46 Microfossils (Schopf, 1983(Schopf, , 1993Schopf et al., 2007;Schopf and Kudryavtsev, 2012), microbial mats and MISS-like structures (Hickman-Lewis et al., 2016). ...
... Similarly, FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics have been applied in chemotaxonomy 11,12 , the determination of kerogen maturity (see review in ref. 13 ), the characterization of individual microfossils (e.g., refs. 2,[14][15][16][17] ) and the identification of bacterial, eukaryotic and archaeal lipid fossilization products in various Precambrian successions 3,[18][19][20] . ...
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The affinities of extinct organisms are often difficult to resolve using morphological data alone. Chemical analysis of carbonaceous specimens can complement traditional approaches, but the search for taxon-specific signals in ancient, thermally altered organic matter is challenging and controversial, partly because suitable positive controls are lacking. Here, we show that non-destructive Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) resolves in-situ molecular fingerprints in the famous 407 Ma Rhynie chert fossil assemblage of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, an important early terrestrial Lagerstätte. Remarkably, unsupervised clustering methods (principal components analysis and K-mean) separate the fossil spectra naturally into eukaryotes and prokaryotes (cyanobacteria). Additional multivariate statistics and machine-learning approaches also differentiate prokaryotes from eukaryotes, and discriminate eukaryotic tissue types, despite the overwhelming influence of silica. We find that these methods can clarify the affinities of morphologically ambiguous taxa; in the Rhynie chert for example, we show that the problematic “nematophytes” have a plant-like composition. Overall, we demonstrate that the famously exquisite preservation of cells, tissues and organisms in the Rhynie chert accompanies similarly impressive preservation of molecular information. These results provide a compelling positive control that validates the use of infrared spectroscopy to investigate the affinity of organic fossils in chert.
... 4b and 5). The bands at 2850 and 2925 cm -1 are designated to symmetric and asymmetric C -H stretching vibrations, respectively, in aliphatic chainmethylene CH 2 , and those bands at 2870 and 2960 cm -1 are respectively assigned to symmetric and asymmetric C -H stretching vibrations in aliphatic end-methyl CH 3 (Fig. 4b) (Bellamy, 1954;Igisu et al., 2009Igisu et al., , 2012Chen et al., 2015;Hickman-Lewis et al., 2020). All the spectra have been normalized by linear baseline in the region of 2890-3000 cm -1 to obtain the relative intensity of aliphatic bands (Fig. 4b). ...
The search for organic matter on Mars is one of the major objectives of Mars exploration. However, limited detection of organic signals by Mars rovers to date demands further investigation on this topic. The Curiosity rover recently discovered numerous nodules in Gale Crater on Mars. These nodules have been considered to precipitate in the neutral-to-alkaline and saline diagenetic fluids and could be beneficial for organic preservation. Here, we examine this possibility by studying the carbonate nodules in the western Qaidam Basin, NW China, one of the terrestrial analog sites for Mars. Fourier transform infrared spectra of the carbonate nodules reveal that the aliphatic and aromatic molecules can be readily preserved inside nodules in Mars-like environments. The chain-branching index of the Qaidam nodules suggests that the diagenetic fluids where nodules precipitated were able to support diverse microbial communities that could vary with the water salinity. Findings of this study provide new perspectives on the astrobiological significance of nodules in Gale Crater and the further detection of organic matter on Mars.
... The development of oxygenic photosynthesis by CB which flourished together with archaea in Earth's earliest ecosystems, 3.5 to 3.2 Ga. (Hickman-Lewis et al. 2020), caused the great oxygenation event (GOE) of the atmosphere during the early Proterozoic, 2.5-2.3 Ga, and led to evolutionary changes on earth (Schirrmeister et al. 2015). ...
Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) are low-molecular-weight (< 400 Da) water-soluble secondary metabolites that are attributed many functions such as antioxidants, compatible solutes, nitrogen reservoirs and especially, photostable UV protectants. Recently, they are attracting attention due to their biotechnological and industrial potential for anti-aging and wound healing properties as well. In this study, we explored the metal chelating capacity of selected MAAs (4-deoxygadusol, mycosporine-glycine, mycosporine-taurine, palythine, poryphyra-334, shinorine, mycosporine-2-glycine and euhalothece-362) making use of density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We report model structures of ferrous and ferric ion–MAA complexes and their binding affinities in relation to their structural differences and multiple sites available for chelation on the MAAs. We also investigated calcium ion complexes for mycosporine-glycine, shinorine, porphyra-334 and mycosporine-2-glycine. Our findings support suggestions made to explain some experimental results obtained in previous studies on MAAs. Lastly, we briefly mention the findings in the context of early life and hence relevance to astrobiology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first data report on MAAs metal chelation ability and ascribes them a new role as “metal chelators.”
The NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is actively exploring Jezero crater to conduct analyses on igneous and sedimentary rock targets from outcrops located on the crater floor (Máaz and Séítah formations) and from the delta deposits, respectively. The rock samples collected during this mission will be recovered during the Mars Sample Return mission, which plans to bring samples back to Earth in the 2030s to conduct in-depth studies using sophisticated laboratory instrumentation. Some of these samples may contain traces of ancient martian life that may be particularly difficult to detect and characterize because of their morphological simplicity and subtle biogeochemical expressions. Using the volcanic sediments of the 3.45 Ga Kitty's Gap Chert (Pilbara, Australia), containing putative early life forms (chemolithotrophs) and considered as astrobiological analogues for potential early Mars organisms, we document the steps required to demonstrate the syngenicity and biogenicity of such biosignatures using multiple complementary analytical techniques to provide information at different scales of observation. These include sedimentological, petrological, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses to demonstrate macro- to microscale habitability. New approaches, some unavailable at the time of the original description of these features, are used to verify the syngenicity and biogenicity of the purported fossil chemolithotrophs. The combination of elemental (proton-induced X-ray emission spectrometry) and molecular (deep-ultraviolet and Fourier transform infrared) analyses of rock slabs, thin sections, and focused ion beam sections reveals that the carbonaceous matter present in the samples is enriched in trace metals (e.g., V, Cr, Fe, Co) and is associated with aromatic and aliphatic molecules, which strongly support its biological origin. Transmission electron microscopy observations of the carbonaceous matter documented an amorphous nanostructure interpreted to correspond to the degraded remains of microorganisms and their by-products (extracellular polymeric substances, filaments…). Nevertheless, a small fraction of carbonaceous particles has signatures that are more metamorphosed. They probably represent either reworked detrital biological or abiotic fragments of mantle origin. This study serves as an example of the analytical protocol that would be needed to optimize the detection of fossil traces of life in martian rocks.
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The NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is currently exploring Jezero crater, a Noachian-Hesperian locality that once hosted a delta-lake system with high habitability and biosignature preservation potential. Perseverance conducts detailed appraisals of rock targets using a synergistic payload capable of geological characterization from kilometer to micron scales. The highest-resolution textural and chemical information will be provided by correlated WATSON (imaging), SHERLOC (deep-UV Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy), and PIXL (X-ray lithochemistry) analyses, enabling the distributions of organic and mineral phases within rock targets to be comprehensively established. Herein, we analyze Paleoarchean microbial mats from the ∼3.42 Ga Buck Reef Chert (Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa)-considered astrobiological analogues for a putative ancient martian biosphere-following a WATSON-SHERLOC-PIXL protocol identical to that conducted by Perseverance on Mars during all sampling activities. Correlating deep-UV Raman and fluorescence spectroscopic mapping with X-ray elemental mapping, we show that the Perseverance payload has the capability to detect thermally and texturally mature organic materials of biogenic origin and can highlight organic-mineral interrelationships and elemental colocation at fine spatial scales. We also show that the Perseverance protocol obtains very similar results to high-performance laboratory imaging, Raman spectroscopy, and μXRF instruments. This is encouraging for the prospect of detecting microscale organic-bearing textural biosignatures on Mars using the correlative micro-analytical approach enabled by WATSON, SHERLOC, and PIXL; indeed, laminated, organic-bearing samples such as those studied herein are considered plausible analogues of biosignatures from a potential Noachian-Hesperian biosphere. Were similar materials discovered at Jezero crater, they would offer opportunities to reconstruct aspects of the early martian carbon cycle and search for potential fossilized traces of life in ancient paleoenvironments. Such samples should be prioritized for caching and eventual return to Earth.
Ancient martian organic matter is likely to take the form of kerogen-like recalcitrant macromolecular organic matter (MOM), existing in close association with reactive mineral surfaces, especially iron oxides. Detecting and identifying a biological origin for martian MOM will therefore be of utmost importance for life-detection efforts at Mars. We show that Type I and Type IV kerogens provide effective analogues for putative martian MOM of biological and abiological (meteoric) provenances, respectively. We analyze the pyrolytic breakdown products when these kerogens are mixed with mineral matrices highly relevant for the search for life on Mars. We demonstrate that, using traditional thermal techniques as generally used by the Sample Analysis at Mars and Mars Organic Molecule Analyser instruments, even the breakdown products of highly recalcitrant MOM are transformed during analysis in the presence of reactive mineral surfaces, particularly iron. Analytical transformation reduces the diagnostic ability of this technique, as detected transformation products of both biological and abiological MOM may be identical (low molecular weight gas phases and benzene) and indistinguishable. The severity of transformational effects increased through calcite < kaolinite < hematite < nontronite < magnetite < goethite. Due to their representation of various habitable aqueous environments and the preservation potential of organic matter by iron, it is not advisable to completely avoid iron-rich strata. We conclude that hematite-rich localities, with evidence of extensive aqueous alteration of originally reducing phases, such as the Vera Rubin Ridge, may be relatively promising targets for identifying martian biologically sourced MOM.
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Modern biological dependency on trace elements is proposed to be a consequence of their enrichment in the habitats of early life together with Earth's evolving physicochemical conditions; the resulting metallic biological complement is termed the metallome. Herein, we detail a protocol for describing metallomes in deep time, with applications to the earliest fossil record. Our approach extends the metallome record by more than 3 Ga and provides a novel, non-destructive method of estimating biogenicity in the absence of cellular preservation. Using microbeam particle-induced X-ray emission (µPIXE), we spatially quantify transition metals and metalloids within organic material from 3.33 billion-year-old cherts of the Barberton greenstone belt, and demonstrate that elements key to anaerobic prokaryotic molecular nanomachines, including Fe, V, Ni, As and Co, are enriched within carbonaceous material. Moreover, Mo and Zn, likely incorporated into enzymes only after the Great Oxygenation Event, are either absent or present at concentrations below the limit of detection of µPIXE, suggesting minor biological utilisation in this environmental setting. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy demonstrates that metal enrichments do not arise from accumulation in nanomineral phases and thus unambiguously reflect the primary composition of the carbonaceous material. This carbonaceous material also has δ 13 c between −41.3‰ and 0.03‰, dominantly −21.0‰ to −11.5‰, consistent with biological fractionation and mostly within a restricted range inconsistent with abiotic processes. Considering spatially quantified trace metal enrichments and negative δ 13 C fractionations together, we propose that, although lacking cellular preservation, this organic material has biological origins and, moreover, that its precursor metabolism may be estimated from the fossilised "palaeo-metallome". Enriched Fe, V, Ni and Co, together with petrographic context, suggests that this kerogen reflects the remnants of a lithotrophic or organotrophic consortium cycling methane or nitrogen. Palaeo-metallome compositions could be used to deduce the metabolic networks of Earth's earliest ecosystems and, potentially, as a biosignature for evaluating the origin of preserved organic materials found on Mars. "The system of cell chemistry…cannot be divorced from the environment any more than it can be separated from a code. All the basic chemicals and energy come from the environment and this remains true to this day" R. J. P. Williams and J. J. R Fraústo da Silva (Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2003).
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Palaeoarchaean cherts preserve the most ancient direct traces of life, but this palaeobiological testament is rarely assimilated into ecosystem or biome models. Trace and rare earth element plus yttrium (REE+Y) compositions reliably decode the palaeodepositional settings of these cherts, and thus constrain the environments within which early microbial life flourished. Herein, we present systematic comparisons between bulk inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) of four fossiliferous cherts from the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa (the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker horizon, 3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg H5c chert, 3.334 Ga Footbridge Chert, and ∼3.33 Ga Josefsdal Chert), and in situ laser ablation (LA) ICP-MS transects through microbial laminations therein. Normalised bulk ICP-MS analyses generally exhibit fractionated REE+Y patterns typical of anoxic hydrogenous sedimentation, supporting previous assertions that the Palaeoarchaean habitable realm was a hydrothermally influenced ocean. Suppressed La, Eu and Y anomalies, together with supra-chondritic Y/Ho ratios, however, indicate restriction from the open ocean and influences from non-marine waters. In situ LA ICP-MS transects through fossiliferous layers yield flat, light REE-enriched REE+Y patterns and chondritic Y/Ho ratios indicating major contributions from terrigenous, riverine fluids, i.e. continental weathering. Resurgences of marine chemistry (increased Y/Ho ratios, La and Y anomalies) occur within microbial laminations themselves. Combined, these results evidence the presence of emergent, volcanic landmasses in the Palaeoarchaean, and highlight the importance of epicontinental basins atop these landmasses as loci for microbial biomes up to 250 Ma before large-scale terrestrial ecosystems. Increased riverine weathering of mafic-felsic continental material, together with periodic seawater recharge into these basins, generated disequilibrium redox conditions under which microbial life flourished. Emergent landmasses may thus have catalysed the flourishing of widespread productive photosynthetic biomes. Charting the relative dominance of biomes through time could illuminate microbial evolutionary trajectories through the lens of environmental reconstruction. Furthermore, we advocate the use of correlated bulk and in situ geochemical approaches in reconstructing ancient environments, since signals relating to small-scale palaeoenvironmental fluctuation can evidently be masked by bulk rock chemistry.
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Precambrian fossils of fungi are sparse, and the knowledge of their early evolution and the role they played in the colonization of land surface are limited. Here, we report the discovery of fungi fossils in a 810 to 715 million year old dolomitic shale from the Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup, Democratic Republic of Congo. Syngenetically preserved in a transitional, subaerially exposed paleoenvironment, these carbonaceous filaments of ~5 μm in width exhibit low-frequency septation (pseudosepta) and high-angle branching that can form dense interconnected mycelium-like structures. Using an array of microscopic (SEM, TEM, and confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy) and spectroscopic techniques (Raman, FTIR, and XANES), we demonstrated the presence of vestigial chitin in these fossil filaments and document the eukaryotic nature of their precursor. Based on those combined evidences, these fossil filaments and mycelium-like structures are identified as remnants of fungal networks and represent the oldest, molecularly identified remains of Fungi.
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Morphologically diverse organo-sedimentary structures (including microbial mats and stromatolites) provide a palaeobiological record through more than three billion years of Earth history. Since understanding much of the Archaean fossil record is contingent upon proving the biogenicity of such structures, mechanistic interpretations of well-preserved fossil microbialites can reinforce our understanding of their biogeochemistry and distinguish unambiguous biological characteristics in these structures, which represent some of the earliest records of life. Mechanistic morphogenetic understanding relies upon the analysis of geomicrobiological experiments. Herein, we report morphological-biogeochemical comparisons between micromorphologies observed in growth experiments using photosynthetic mats built by the cyanobacterium Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes (formerly Microcoleus) and green anoxygenic phototrophic Chloroflexus spp. (i.e., Coleofasciculus–Chloroflexus mats), and Precambrian organo-sedimentary structures, demonstrating parallels between them. In elevated ambient concentrations of Cu (toxic to Coleofasciculus), Coleofasciculus–Chloroflexus mats respond by forming centimetre-scale pinnacle-like structures (supra-lamina complexities) associated with large quantities of EPS at their surfaces. μPIXE mapping shows that Cu and other metals become concentrated within surficial sheath-EPS-Chloroflexus-rich layers, producing density-differential micromorphologies with distinct fabric orientations that are detectable using X-ray computed micro-tomography (X-ray μCT). Similar micromorphologies are also detectable in stromatolites from the 3.481 Ga Dresser Formation (Pilbara, Western Australia). The cause and response link between the presence of toxic elements (geochemical stress) and the development of multi-layered topographical complexities in organo-sedimentary structures may thus be considered an indicator of biogenicity, being an indisputably biological and predictable morphogenetic response reflecting, in this case, the differential responses of Coleofasciculus and Chloroflexus to Cu. Growth models for microbialite morphogenesis rely upon linking morphology to intrinsic (biological) and extrinsic (environmental) influences. Since the pinnacles of Coleofasciculus–Chloroflexus mats have an unambiguously biological origin linked to extrinsic geochemistry, we suggest that similar micromorphologies observed in ancient organo-sedimentary structures are indicative of biogenesis. An identical Coleofasciculus–Chloroflexus community subjected to salinity stress also produced supra-lamina complexities (tufts) but did not produce identifiable micromorphologies in three dimensions since salinity seems not to negatively impact either organism, and therefore cannot be used as a morphogenetic tool for the interpretation of density-homogeneous micro-tufted mats—for example, those of the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker horizon. Thus, although correlative microscopy is the keystone to confirming the biogenicity of certain Precambrian stromatolites, it remains crucial to separately interrogate each putative trace of ancient life, ideally using three-dimensional analyses, to determine, where possible, palaeoenvironmental influences on morphologies. Widespread volcanism and hydrothermal effusion into the early oceans likely concentrated toxic elements in early biomes. Morphological diversity in fossil microbialites could, therefore, reflect either (or both of) differential exposure to ambient fluids enriched in toxic elements and/or changing ecosystem structure and tolerance to elements through evolutionary time—for example, after incorporation into enzymes. Proof of biogenicity by deducing morphogenesis (i.e., a process preserved in the fossil record) overcomes many of the shortcomings inherent to the proof of biogenicity by descriptions of morphology alone.
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Conventional and synchrotron radiation‐based (SR) Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopies (micro‐FTIR) were applied to four types of ~ 810 Ma organic‐walled microfossils together with diffuse organic matter (OM) and one irregularly shaped structure from the Fifteenmile Group, in Yukon, Canada, for their chemical characterization. The microfossils comprised one filamentous type and three coccoidal types. Micro‐FTIR mapping analysis revealed the micrometer‐scale, spatial distribution of organic components (aliphatic C‐H bonds) and carbonate in the microfossils. Based on comparisons of CH 3 /CH 2 peak height ratios (R 3/2 ) and morphologies of the microfossils (without the diffuse OM) to those of previously described Proterozoic microfossils, possible affinities of the microfossils are suggested, as follows. Palaeolyngbya ? and Glenobotrydion belong to bacteria. Myxococcoides is not clearly characterized due to the significant mixing with diffuse OM containing abundant aliphatic C‐H groups. The irregularly shaped structure may represent a eukaryote. The diffuse OM may represent a mixture of decomposed microbial cells and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). SR micro‐FTIR measurements of two coccoid types ( Glenobotrydion and Unnamed Coccoid Form D) revealed that the R 3/2 values of the internal spots with wall structures are similar to those without wall structures in Glenobotrydion : those values from Unnamed Coccoid Form D were different. The results suggest that these two coccoids are different chemically as well as morphologically. Micro‐FTIR characterization of the organic‐walled microfossils together with morphological analysis provides new insight into their biological affinities.
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Carbonaceous matter in ~ 3.5 Ga hydrothermal vein deposits from the Dresser Formation, Western Australia, was analyzed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy. Based on the spectroscopy, the carbonaceous matter was mainly composed of disordered aromatic structures, with minor aliphatic C–H functional groups. Spatially resolved analysis supports that the aliphatic C–H signatures are derived from kerogenous macro-molecule and not from free bitumen or other artificial sources. The intensity ratios of the asymmetric aliphatic CH3 to the asymmetric aliphatic CH2 (R3/2 value) in the carbonaceous clots range from 0.22 to 0.51. Thermal alteration may increase or not change the R3/2 value of organic matter, as suggested by previous experiments, but it is unlikely to be the cause of the substantially lower R3/2 values when compared with those of primary organic matter. In particular, the low R3/2 values (< ~ 0.4) suggest that the carbonaceous matter mainly contains aliphatic C–H bonds derived from bacterial cells. The carbonaceous clots may have been possibly produced by abiotic reaction such as Fischer-Tropsch-type (FTT) synthesis. However, the organic matter source only produced by the FTT synthesis is inconsistent with the R3/2 values for the analyzed carbonaceous clots. The results obtained by combining these spectroscopic features of the carbonaceous clots together with the previously reported isotopic features may possibly suggest that both bacteria and archaea were colonized in the ~ 3.5 Ga Dresser hydrothermal system. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].
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The colonization of emergent continental landmass by microbial life was an evolutionary step of paramount importance in Earth history. Here we report direct fossil evidence for life on land 3,220 million years ago (Ma) in the form of terrestrial microbial mats draping fluvial conglomerates and gravelly sandstones of the Moodies Group, South Africa. Combined field, petrographic, carbon isotope and Raman spectroscopic analyses confirm the synsedimentary origin and biogenicity of these unique fossil mats as well as their fluvial habitat. The carbon isotope compositions of organic matter (δ13Corg) from these mats define a narrow range centred on −21‰, in contrast to fossil mats of marine origin from nearby tidal deposits that show δ13Corg values as low as −34‰. Bulk nitrogen isotope compositions (2 < δ15N < 5‰) are also significantly different from their marine counterparts (0 < δ15N < 3‰), which we interpret as reflecting denitrification in the terrestrial habitat, possibly of an atmospheric source of nitrate. Our results support the antiquity of a thriving terrestrial biosphere during the Palaeoarchaean and suggest that a complex and microbially driven redox landscape existed during the deposition of the Moodies Group, with distinct biogeochemical cycling occurring on land by 3,220 Ma.
Silicification was a major mode of fossilization in Proterozoic peritidal environments, but marine silica concentrations and the chemical and biological mechanisms that drove microbial silicification and formation of early diagenetic chert in these environments remain poorly constrained. Here, we use taphonomy experiments to demonstrate that photosynthetically active cyanobacteria that are morphologically analogous to the oldest cyanobacterial fossil, Eoentophysalis, mediate the formation of magnesium-rich amorphous silica in seawater that is undersaturated with respect to silica. These results show that microbes in Proterozoic tidal environments may have mediated their own silicification at lower silica concentrations than previously assumed.