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Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein on Bovine Follicular Dynamics and Embryo Production In Vitro: Associations with the Ovarian Insulin-Like Growth Factor System

  • Keck School of Medicine of USC

Abstract and Figures

Heifers were assigned either low or high (HE) levels of energy intake and low or high concentrations of dietary crude protein. The effect of these diets on the plasma concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and urea on follicular growth and early embryo development is described. We propose that the observed dietary-induced changes in the ovarian IGF system increase bioavailability of intrafollicular IGF, thus increasing the sensitivity of follicles to FSH. These changes, in combination with increased peripheral concentrations of insulin and IGF-I in heifers offered the HE diet, contribute to the observed increase in growth rate of the dominant follicle. In contrast to follicular growth, increased nutrient supply decreased oocyte quality, due in part to increased plasma urea concentrations. Clearly a number of mechanisms are involved in mediating the effects of dietary energy and protein on ovarian function, and the formulation of diets designed to optimize cattle fertility must consider the divergent effects of nutrient supply on follicular growth and oocyte quality.
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BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 64, 1624–1632 (2001)
Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein on Bovine Follicular Dynamics
and Embryo Production In Vitro: Associations with the Ovarian Insulin-Like
Growth Factor System
D.G. Armstrong,
T.G. McEvoy,
G. Baxter,
J.J. Robinson,
C.O. Hogg,
K.J. Woad,
R. Webb,
and K.D. Sinclair
Division of Integrative Biology,
Roslin Institute (Edinburgh), Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9PS, United Kingdom
Department of Applied Physiology,
Scottish Agricultural College, Craibstone Estate, Bucksburn,
Aberdeen AB21 9YA, United Kingdom
University of Nottingham,
Division of Agriculture and Horticulture, School of Biosciences, Loughborough,
Leicestershire LE12 5RD, United Kingdom
Heifers were assigned either low or high (HE) levels of energy
intake and low or high concentrations of dietary crude protein.
The effect of these diets on the plasma concentrations of insulin,
insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and urea on follicular growth
and early embryo development is described. We propose that
the observed dietary-induced changes in the ovarian IGF system
increase bioavailability of intrafollicular IGF, thus increasing the
sensitivity of follicles to FSH. These changes, in combination
with increased peripheral concentrations of insulin and IGF-I in
heifers offered the HE diet, contribute to the observed increase
in growth rate of the dominant follicle. In contrast to follicular
growth, increased nutrient supply decreased oocyte quality, due
in part to increased plasma urea concentrations. Clearly a num-
ber of mechanisms are involved in mediating the effects of di-
etary energy and protein on ovarian function, and the formu-
lation of diets designed to optimize cattle fertility must consider
the divergent effects of nutrient supply on follicular growth and
oocyte quality.
fertilization, follicle, follicular development, gene regulation,
granulosa cells, growth factors, IGF receptor, insulin, IVF/ART,
oocyte development, ovary, ovum, theca cells
Nutritional status is a major factor controlling fertility in
cattle [1–3]. Poor nutrition results in delayed puberty, ab-
errant estrous cycles, lowered conception rates, and reduced
birth weight. Specific effects of undernutrition on ovarian
follicular growth have also been reported. For example the
diameters of preovulatory follicles have been negatively
correlated to weight loss in Bos indicus [4], and in post-
partum dairy cattle the extent of the energy balance deficit
influences follicular growth [5]. Details of mechanisms in-
volved in these changes remain to be characterized fully.
Recently, short-term changes in the plane of nutrition
have been shown to affect ovarian follicular dynamics in
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (contract DSO206) and Bio-
technology and Biological Sciences Research Council supported this
study. Scottish Agricultural Colleges receives funding from the Scottish
Executive Rural Affairs Department. The Medical Research Council fund-
ed K.J.W.
Correspondence: FAX: 0131 440 0434; e-mail:
Received: 19 July 2000.
First decision: 25 August 2000.
Accepted: 16 January 2001.
Q2001 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Inc.
ISSN: 0006-3363.
cattle without any changes in the circulating concentrations
of gonadotropin [6]. This is in direct contrast to the situa-
tion in monogastric species, such as primates, that show
significant changes in LH pulse frequency in response to
short-term changes in nutrient intake [7]. In the case of
ruminants, it is hypothesized that nutritionally induced
changes in circulating metabolic hormones act directly on
the ovary to bring about the observed changes in patterns
of follicular growth [6]. Supporting this hypothesis is the
observation that insulin can influence ovulation rate in en-
ergy-deprived beef heifers [8] and ewes [9]. Moreover,
treatment of lactating cows with growth hormone (GH) in-
creases the number of small and medium-sized follicles [10,
11], an effect most likely due to GH-induced changes in
the circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor
(IGF)-I and/or insulin. The observations that insulin and
IGF-I have potent effects on cultured granulosa cells from
cattle [12] and sheep [13, 14] provide further evidence sup-
porting this hypothesis.
Endocrine and metabolic signals that regulate follicular
growth also are expected to influence oocyte development
either through changes in hormone/growth factor concen-
trations in follicular fluid or via granulosa-oocyte interac-
tion [15]. For example, as well as regulating follicular
growth [6], short-term changes in dietary energy intake in-
fluence both oocyte morphology and developmental poten-
tial [16, 17]. In addition, high levels of highly degradable
protein, as well as increasing plasma ammonia concentra-
tions, increase the concentration of ammonia in bovine fol-
licular fluid [18]. This has been associated with altered fol-
licular growth patterns and a reduction in both the number
of ova that cleave following insemination and the propor-
tion that develop to the blastocyst stage. Clearly there are
a number of mechanisms through which nutrition can act
to influence both follicle dynamics and the developmental
competence of oocytes. Although the precise mechanisms
are unknown, the observations that the intraovarian IGF
system can regulate the response of granulosa and theca
cells to gonadotropin [19–21] implicates this system as a
candidate for mediating the effects of metabolic hormones
on ovarian function.
In this study these mechanisms were analyzed by ma-
nipulating the intake of dietary energy and crude protein to
produce defined changes in circulating concentrations of
metabolic hormones and urea. The resultant changes in the
growth of antral follicles and the developmental compe-
tence of their oocytes were analyzed. To assess the involve-
ment of the intrafollicular IGF system in this process, di-
etary-induced changes in the steady-state concentrations of
FIG. 1. Experimental protocol. See text for details.
mRNA encoding components of the IGF system in bovine
antral follicles was measured and correlated with the ob-
served changes in follicle dynamics and oocyte quality.
Experimental Design and In Vivo Procedures
The experiments described in this paper were approved
by the Animal Experiments Committee of the Scottish Ag-
ricultural College and were conducted under the auspices
and in accordance with the requirements of the Home Of-
fice Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986.
Friesian heifers (n
24) weighing 439
19.9 kg (mean
SD) with a body condition score (scale
1–5) of 2.7
0.14 (mean
SD) were used in this study.
Animals were allocated on the basis of live weight in a 2
2 balanced factorial design. They received diets provid-
ing daily metabolizable energy (ME) intakes of either 408
(low energy, LE) or 816 (high energy, HE) kJ/kg W
day (equivalent approximately to 0.8 and 1.6 times main-
tenance ME requirements, respectively). This was obtained
from rations containing dietary crude protein concentra-
tions of either 20 or 27 g/MJ ME (low protein, LP; and
high protein, HP, respectively). The energy density of all
diets was held constant at 10.4 MJ ME/kg dry matter.
Therefore, the two levels of daily ME intake involved of-
fering these diets at two levels of intake on a metabolic
live-weight basis consistent with the levels of ME intake
detailed above. Protein levels in the diets were adjusted by
altering the level of soya bean meal in the pelleted concen-
trate rations that also consisted of nutritionally improved
straw, barley grain, molassed sugar beet pulp, distillers’
dark grains, and soya bean meal. Diets were offered daily
as two meals at 0800 and 1600 h. The heifers also were
offered 2 kg of barley straw daily, as a source of long
For 4 wk prior to the experiment, all 24 heifers received
the LELP diet. Then, during the study (Days 0–32; see Fig.
1), half of the animals received the LE diets and half the
HE diets. All animals received LP rations from Days 0 to
11 inclusive, with 12 heifers (6 from each of the two levels
of dietary energy intake) switching to the HP diet on Day
12. The delayed introduction of the HP ration was intended
to preclude any confounding effects due to possible phys-
iological adaptation by the heifers assigned to this more
extreme dietary formulation.
During the study, the heifers were managed in two
groups, 2 days apart, with each group comprising half of
the animals on each dietary energy
protein combination.
All were accommodated in individual pens on sawdust-bed-
ded floors within the same building. Intravaginal applica-
tion of a CIDR-B device (controlled internal drug-release;
SmithKline Beecham, Hertfordshire, UK), containing 1.9 g
progesterone for a 10-day period from Day 0, together with
an intramuscular administration of prostaglandin F
logue (15 mg Luprostiol; Prosolvin, Intervet, UK) on Day
6, ensured onset of a reference estrus on Day 12 of the
experimental program. Fourteen days later, a second injec-
tion of the prostaglandin analogue induced a second estrus
that occurred on Day 28. All heifers were artificially insem-
inated on this and the following day (Day 29) using semen
from a single Simmental sire (Fig. 1).
Ovarian follicular growth (diameter) was monitored dai-
ly from Day 17 of the experimental program (Day 5 after
the reference estrus) by transrectal real time B-mode ultra-
sonography using an Aloka SSD-500v scanner (Aloka Co.
Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a 5-MHz linear array
transducer. Blood samples were collected at CIDR-B inser-
tion and removal, at Day 12, and daily from Day 17 onward
by jugular venipuncture into lithium heparin tubes on ice.
On each occasion samples were collected at 0800 h, just
before the animals were fed.
The heifers were slaughtered at a local abattoir on Day
32 of the experimental program (4 days after the second
induced estrus and first insemination), and reproductive
tracts were recovered within 25 min postmortem. The ova-
ries from each animal were examined and the site of the
recent ovulation noted before a small section of one ovary
(approximately 25% of its mass; alternating left or right
ovary from consecutive animals) was removed and imme-
diately processed for in situ hybridization studies. The re-
maining ovarian tissue was kept warm by prompt place-
ment in an insulated flask (30–35
C) while the reproductive
tracts were placed in an insulated, prewarmed (30–35
container before transport to the laboratory.
Collection of Tissue for In Situ Hybridization
A portion of the ovary was collected, as described in the
previous section, taking care not to rupture any exposed
follicles. It was then oriented on a flat surface to expose
the maximum number of follicles. A map of the ovarian
surface was drawn, showing the location of all follicles.
Follicle diameters were recorded before coating with opti-
mal cutting temperature (OCT) compound (Merck, Poole,
Dorset, UK) and frozen above liquid nitrogen before im-
mersion in liquid nitrogen. The ovarian blocks were stored
C until required for subsequent in situ hybridization.
After cutting ovarian sections (14
m), follicles were
classified, morphologically, as healthy, atretic, or grossly
atretic. Healthy follicles had an intact basement membrane
and a healthy granulosa cell layer with only a few pycnotic
nuclei. Atretic follicles had fewer granulosa cells with local
disruption in the basement membrane and cells with pyc-
notic nuclei were identified within the granulosa layer. Fol-
licles with a more extensively disrupted basement mem-
brane, and with a significant reduction in the number of
granulosa cells and increase in the number of pycnotic nu-
clei were classified as grossly atretic [22].
Riboprobes for IGF binding protein (BP)-2 and IGFBP-4
[23] and IGF-II, and type 1 IGF receptor [24] were labeled
S-UTP according to the method described by Arms-
trong et al. [23]. The insulin receptor probe was obtained
by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction using
RNA isolated from bovine luteal tissue. The forward and
reverse primers were: 5
and 5
, respectively, and amplified a 100-base
pair cDNA corresponding to positions 1493–1592 of the
human insulin receptor cDNA [25].
In Situ Hybridization
Frozen sections (14
m) were dehydrated, fixed, and
probed with
S-labeled riboprobes according to the method
described by Xu et al. [22]. After the final high stringency
wash the sections were dipped in autoradiographic K2 pho-
tographic emulsion (Ilford Limited, Mobberley, Cheshire,
UK) and exposed for 3 wk at 4
C. Sections were then de-
veloped (Kodak D-19; H.A. West Watson Cres., Edinburgh,
UK) and fixed using Hypam fixer (Ilford Limited) before
staining in hematoxylin and eosin. The sections were finally
mounted in DPX (R.A. Lamb, London, UK) before micro-
scopic examination using both light- and dark-field illu-
Image Analysis
The intensity of the in situ hybridization signal was an-
alyzed using an NIH-Image analysis system (NIH, Bethes-
da, MD) as described previously [23]. Briefly, the number
of graphic pixels occupied by silver grains (identified by a
set gray threshold) within a defined area of the tissue sec-
tion was counted and presented as a percentage of the total
pixel number within the defined area. The hybridization
intensity is therefore presented as the percentage of occu-
pied pixels to total pixels within a defined area of the tissue.
Background hybridization intensity, measured with the
sense RNA probes, was subtracted from the measurements
obtained with the antisense probes to give the final hybrid-
ization signal. Within each follicle three separate fields
were analyzed for each probe. There was no significant
difference (P
0.05) in hybridization intensity obtained
with antisense and sense RNA probes within a nonexpress-
ing region of a tissue section. Under the conditions de-
scribed here the hybridization signal was proportional to
the length of time the slides were exposed to photographic
emulsion for up to 3 wk.
In Vivo Zygote Collection and Evaluation
On arrival at the laboratory, and not more than 2 h post-
mortem, the uterine horn and oviduct ipsilateral to the cor-
pus luteum were each flushed with 10 ml phosphate-buff-
ered fluid containing 0.4% w/v BSA (Ovum Culture Me-
dium; Imperial Laboratories, Andover, Hampshire, UK) to
retrieve recently ovulated and fertilized eggs for evaluation
of their development in vivo.
Oocyte Retrieval and Embryo Production In Vitro
The collection of ovaries was timed to coincide with
presumptive emergence of the first follicular wave and to
be in advance of establishment of follicular dominance. The
status of all ovaries at slaughter was determined with re-
spect to the numbers of follicles in 1- to 4-mm, 4- to 8-
mm, and
8-mm diameter categories. Follicles in the 1- to
4-mm and 4- to 8-mm categories were aspirated separately,
and all retrieved oocyte-cumulus complexes (OCC) classi-
fied as competent, on the basis of conventional qualitative
evaluation criteria [26] were retained for in vitro oocyte
maturation (within-category). The OCCs were matured on
4-day-old bovine granulosa cell layers in 50-
l droplets of
Medium 199 with Earles salts (Life Technologies, Paisley,
UK) supplemented with 10% v/v heat-inactivated steer se-
rum (Globepharm, Esher, UK). The maturation medium
was overlaid with mineral oil. After 24 h maturation at
C (5% CO
in air), oocytes were fertilized in vitro,
using swim-up-derived frozen-thawed spermatozoa from
the same Simmental sire (20 h) as used for artificial insem-
ination in modified Tyrode, albumin, lactate, pyruvate me-
dium containing 0.6% w/v fatty acid-free BSA (pH
290–310 mOsm). They were then transferred (Day 1) for
further culture, until Day 8, in a modified version of syn-
thetic oviductal fluid [27] containing 0.99 mmol L
um pyruvate and 9.90 mmol L
sodium lactate and sup-
plemented with 10% v/v heat-inactivated steer serum. Post-
fertilization culture was carried out in 50-
l droplets under
mineral oil (5% CO
, 90% N
; 38.5
C), and eggs
were transferred to fresh droplets at 48-h intervals. Inci-
dence of cleavage (Day 3) and blastocyst development
(Days 7 and 8) were determined by visual evaluation (up
to 400
magnification). Embryos at the appropriate stage
of development for the day of culture and of good mor-
phological quality, as determined by the criteria of Lindner
and Wright [28] were classified as viable. All oocyte and
embryo evaluations were carried out by operators who were
unaware of the treatments from which the eggs were de-
Metabolite and Hormone Assays
Plasma samples were analyzed for urea on a
BMD/Hitachi 705 autoanalyzer using a commercially avail-
able kit (Boehringer Mannheim [Diagnostics and Biochem-
icals], Lewes, East Sussex, UK).
Plasma progesterone concentrations were
measured without prior extraction, using an
progesterone double-antibody RIA [29]. The nonextraction
assay was modified and validated to enable the use of a
rabbit antiprogesterone first antibody, donkey antirabbit
IgG, and normal rabbit serum that were obtained as gifts
from Diagnostics Scotland, Carluke, Lanarkshire, UK. The
sensitivity of the assay at an 80% effective dose (ED
was 0.51 ng/ml. The inter- and intraassay coefficients of
variation for low, medium, and high controls were, 15.7%
and 9.5%, 9.3% and 7.8%, and 6.9% and 4.9%, respectively.
Plasma insulin concentrations were measured us-
ing an
I-labeled insulin double-antibody RIA [30]. The
assay was modified to use porcine insulin (I-3505, 24 IU/
mg) obtained from Sigma; guinea pig antiporcine insulin,
normal guinea pig serum, and sheep antiguinea pig IgG
obtained as a gift from Diagnostics Scotland, Law Hospital,
Carluke, UK. The sensitivity of the assay at ED
was 2.50
mIU/L. The inter- and intraassay coefficients of variation
for low, medium, and high controls were 12.6% and 10.8%,
7.6% and 7.5%, and 7.1% and 6.6%, respectively.
Insulin-like growth factor-I.
Plasma IGF-I was measured
by RIA after acid gel filtration to remove IGFBPs [31],
using a rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against human
recombinant IGF-I [32]. The sensitivity of the assay was
22 pg, and the inter- and intraassay coefficients of variation
were 13% and 8%, respectively.
Follicle-stimulating hormone.
Plasma FSH was mea-
sured using an
I-labeled FSH double-antibody RIA [33].
The assay used bovine FSH (USDA-bFSH-1-2, for stan-
dards and USDA-b-1-2, for radioiodination), obtained as a
gift from Dr. D.J. Bolt through the USDA Animal Hormone
FIG. 2. Changes in mean (6SEM) circulating insulin (a) and IGF-I (b)
concentrations throughout the experimental period. High and low energy
intakes (grouped over both dietary protein concentrations) are represented
by open and solid symbols, respectively. The CIDR insertion was between
Day 0 and 10, prostaglandin injections were carried out on Days 6 and
26, and the reference estrus was recorded on Day 12.
Program, Beltsville, MD. Rabbit antiovine FSH-1 antise-
rum was obtained as a gift from Dr. A.F. Parlow through
the program of the National Institute of Diabetes and Di-
gestive and Kidney Diseases, Harbor-UCLA Medical Cen-
ter, Torrance, CA. Normal rabbit serum and second anti-
body, donkey antirabbit IgG were obtained as gifts from
Diagnostics Scotland, Law Hospital, Carluke, UK. The sen-
sitivity of the assay at ED
was 69 ng/L. The inter- and
intraassay coefficients of variation for low, medium, and
high controls were 10.3% and 8.8%, 5.7% and 5.2%, and
6.6% and 6.1%, respectively.
Statistical Analyses
Data relating to plasma insulin, IGF-I, urea, FSH, and
follicular growth were analyzed using repeated-measures
(split-plot) ANOVA (Genstat 5, Version 3.2; Lawes, Ro-
thamstead, 1993). Level of feeding (energy intake) and pro-
tein concentration in the diet (CP/MJ ME) and their asso-
ciated interactions were used as the between-animal stra-
tum. Sample date and associated interactions with energy
intake and dietary protein concentration formed the within-
animal stratum.
Live-weight change and growth rate of the dominant fol-
licle of the second follicular wave following the reference
estrus were analyzed by regressing heifer live weight and
follicle diameter, respectively, to day of experiment foreach
animal and then analyzing the regression coefficients by a
two-way ANOVA.
Oocyte quality and embryo production data, subjected
to square root or arcsine transformation as appropriate,
were also analyzed using split-plot ANOVA with the block-
ing structure comprising slaughter date, animal, and follicle
size category. Thus, the between-animal stratum examined
effects of energy intake and dietary protein concentration
and associated interactions. The within-animal stratum ex-
amined effects of follicle size category and associated in-
teractions with energy intake and dietary protein concen-
tration. In addition, within each follicle size category, sin-
gle-factor ANOVA was used to compare embryo produc-
tion data for animals with contrasting mean plasma urea
concentrations (moderate,
6.0 mmol/L; high,
6.0 mmol/
L) over the 15-day period prior to oocyte collection (Days
17–31 inclusive).
The effects of energy intake and dietary protein concen-
tration on the expression of mRNA encoding components
of the IGF system were analyzed, after arcsine transfor-
mation, using an unbalanced-linear-mixed model according
to the method of residual maximum likelihood (REML;
Genstat 5, Version 3.2; Lawes, Rothamstead, 1993). The
model was constructed using random effects described by
the fixed block structure in which replicate observations
were nested within follicles that were nested within cows
and fixed effects described by the main effects of dietary
energy levels, dietary protein concentrations, and follicle
size plus their interactions. Individual animals were used as
an absorbing factor in the analysis so as to reduce the size
of the matrices involved in the calculation.
Growth Rate
During the course of the experiment, heifers offered the
HE diets gained weight (1.12 kg/day), whereas those of-
fered the LE diets lost weight (
0.14 kg/day; SED
0.001). Growth rate was unaffected by protein level
in the diet. Energy intake and dietary protein concentration
had no effect on body condition score (P
Plasma Insulin and IGF-I Concentrations
Mean plasma insulin and IGF-I concentrations (Fig. 2)
were higher for heifers offered the HE compared to the LE
diets (P
0.001) but were unaffected by the protein con-
centration in the diet (P
0.05). Both hormones showed
similar changes in concentrations during the estrous cycle
with maximum concentrations on the day of ovulation. The
ovulatory increases in plasma insulin and IGF-I concentra-
tions were more pronounced in cattle offered the HE diet.
Plasma FSH and Progesterone Concentrations
Plasma FSH concentrations did not differ significantly
0.05) among dietary treatments. Mean values ranged
from 0.14 ng/ml on the day of the reference estrus up to
maximum values of 0.22 ng/ml during the first and second
waves of follicle growth following the reference estrus.
Mean plasma progesterone concentrations (Fig. 3a) be-
tween Days 17 and 26 of the experiment (Days 5 and 14
of the estrous cycle) were significantly higher in heifers
offered the HE than the LE diets (6.2 vs. 4.8 ng/ml; SED
0.6; P
0.05). However, there was a significant inter-
action (P
0.05) between dietary energy level and protein
concentration with day of cycle for plasma progesterone
levels during this period. As Day 14 of the estrous cycle
approached, progesterone levels in heifers offered the
LEHP and HEHP diets converged, whereas progesterone
levels in heifers offered the LELP and HELP diets di-
verged. Mean plasma progesterone levels between Days 5
FIG. 3. Changes in plasma progesterone concentrations (a) and the di-
ameter of the dominant follicle (b) during the first follicle wave of the
synchronized estrous cycle for heifers offered the LELP (m), LEHP (m),
HELP (), and HEHP (n) diets and during the second follicle wave for
heifers offered the HE (V)orLE(v) diets (averaged over both dietary
protein concentrations). A prostaglandin injection was given on Day 26
of the cycle. The bar represents a pooled standard error of the difference
FIG. 4. Plasma urea concentrations during the experimental period are
shown for heifers offered the LELP (m), LEHP (m), HELP (), and HEHP
(n) diets. The CIDR insertion was between Day 0 and 10, prostaglandin
injections were carried out on Days 6 and 26, and the reference estrus
was recorded on Day 12. The bar represents a pooled standard error of
the difference (SED).
and 14 of the estrous cycle for heifers offered the LELP,
LEHP, HELP, and HEHP diets were 4.3, 5.3, 6.6, and 5.7
ng/ml, respectively (SED
Follicle Dynamics
The mean diameter of the dominant follicle (DF) of the
first follicular wave after the induced reference estrus on
Day 12 of the experimental program (Fig. 3b) was greater
for heifers offered HE rather than LE diets (11.0 vs. 8.1
mm; SED
0.73; P
0.01). There was a significant in-
teraction (P
0.001) between dietary protein concentration
and day of cycle on the diameter of the DF of the first
wave. This indicated that maximum size and subsequent
initiation of atresia of the DF occurred 1–2 days earlier in
heifers offered HP rather than LP diets. Growth rate of the
DF of the second follicular wave was significantly greater
in heifers offered the HE than the LE diets (1.78 vs. 1.22
mm/day; SED
0.20; P
0.05). The diameter of this
follicle at the point of induced ovulation was also greater
in heifers offered HE rather than LE diets (15.6 vs. 12.1
mm; SED
0.8; P
0.001). Dietary protein concentration
had no effect on the growth rate of the DF of the second
follicular wave. Energy intake and dietary protein concen-
tration had no effect on the number of 1- to 4-mm diameter
follicles (P
0.57) or 4- to 8-mm diameter follicles (P
0.61) on the day of slaughter.
Plasma Urea Concentrations
Plasma urea levels increased between Days 0 and 12 of
the experimental program in heifers offered the HE but not
the LE diets (Fig. 4). Plasma urea concentrations increased
further between Days 12 and 17 of the program in heifers
offered the HP but not the LP diets. Mean plasma urea
levels for heifers offered the LELP, LEHP, HELP, and
HEHP diets between Days 17 and 31 of the program were
4.3, 6.3, 6.1, and 7.4 mmol/L, respectively (SED
0.4; P
Fertilization In Vivo
Examination of ovaries postmortem indicated that ovar-
ian follicle populations were similar for all diets and that
all 24 heifers had ovulated recently, one (HELP diet) with
twin ovulations. Native zygotes, fertilized in vivo and col-
lected by flushing the reproductive tracts postmortem, were
retrieved from 19 heifers. Among these, 4 LELP (67%), 3
LEHP (60%), 2 HELP (50%), and 2 HEHP (50%) donor-
derived ova, respectively, had reached the 8-cell stage of
development at collection. The remainder were less ad-
In Vitro Fertilization and Blastocyst Production
Yields of oocytes and the proportions classified as suit-
able for in vitro embryo production, together with subse-
quent postfertilization development data, are presented in
Table 1. Oocyte yields from animals on the contrasting diets
were not significantly different, although follicle size cat-
egory influenced the proportions subsequently classified as
suitable for in vitro embryo production (P
0.005), with
proportionately more OCCs from medium-sized follicles
(4–8 mm) selected. All 24 donors yielded a minimum of
two suitable oocytes each from their 4- to 8-mm follicle
cohorts, whereas three animals, all receiving the HP diet (1
HEHP), failed to yield suitable oocytes from
small (1- to 4-mm) follicles. Zygote cleavage data, recorded
on Day 3 (48 h post-in vitro fertilization) and reflecting
presumptive fertilization incidence among selected oocytes,
were unaffected by either donor diet or follicle size cate-
gory. In contrast, blastocyst production data, expressed as
proportions of zygotes cleaved by Day 3 and classified in
terms of their viability (Table 1), were influenced by dietary
energy (LE
0.032). Moreover, within-animal
data analysis indicated that cleaved ova derived from 1- to
4-mm follicles were less capable of development to blas-
TABLE 1. In vitro oocyte evaluation and blastocyst production from heifers offered rations containing low (LE) and high (HE) dietary energy and low
(LP) and high (HP) protein levels.
Diets over follicle size (mm)
1–4 4–8
1–4 4–8
1–4 4–8
1–4 4–8
No. of aspirated follicles
No. of selected oocytes
Selected oocytes; proportion of col-
lected ova
Cleaved ova; proportion of selected
oocytes (n, if ,6)
Blastocysts; proportion of cleaved ova
(n, if ,6)
Viable blastocysts; proportion of
cleaved ova (n, if ,6)
Data, based on n 56 heifers per diet unless specified otherwise, are presented as untransformed mean values with corresponding within- and
between-animal SED values.
tocysts in vitro than those derived from 4- to 8-mm follicles
0.023). For animals yielding 1- to 4-mm follicle-de-
rived ova that cleaved following fertilization in vitro, blas-
tocysts were generated from five of six LELP (83%), four
of five LEHP (80%), four of six HELP (67%), and one of
three HEHP (33%) donors, respectively. The proportions of
blastocysts classified as viable were higher (P
among ova from the medium-size follicle size category,
while dietary protein concentration tended to influence the
proportions of viable blastocysts that were graded as ex-
cellent or good (grades 1
2/viable: LP
A retrospective analysis of the developmental compe-
tence of blastocysts derived from donors exhibiting mod-
erate or high plasma urea levels in the 14 days prior to
oocyte collection was performed. In respect of blastocysts
produced from selected oocytes derived from small folli-
cles, proportionately more viable blastocysts (0.31
vs. 0.14
0.051; P
0.08) were produced from donors
with moderate (
6 mmol/L) plasma urea concentrations (n
10) than from those exhibiting high (
6 mmol/L) plasma
urea concentrations (n
Ovarian IGF System
The spatial distribution of mRNA encoding components
of the IGF system within bovine antral follicles is shown
in Figure 5. The IGF-II and IGFBP-4 mRNA were confined
to thecal tissue; in contrast, mRNA encoding IGFBP-2 was
located in granulosa cells. Both type 1 IGF receptor mRNA
and insulin receptor mRNA were detected in both granulosa
and thecal tissue with expression in granulosa tissue greater
than in thecal tissue. In addition to granulosa and thecal
tissue, mRNA encoding type 1 IGF receptor was also de-
tected in oocytes from preantral and antral follicles. The
IGF-I mRNA was not detected in bovine ovarian follicular
tissue. The HE diet reduced the steady-state concentrations
of mRNA encoding all the components of the IGF system
in healthy follicles. The reduction was significant (P
0.05) in the case of IGFBP-2, IGFBP-4, and insulin recep-
tor mRNA. No effect of diet was observed in atretic or
grossly atretic follicles (data not shown). All subsequent
statistical analyses were carried out using data from healthy
follicles alone. The interaction between follicle size and
dietary energy and protein is shown in Figure 6. Significant
0.05) reductions in the steady-state concentrations of
mRNA encoding IGFBP-2 and -4 and insulin receptor in
small (
4-mm) follicles were induced by the HE diet.
There was no direct effect of dietary protein on the ex-
pression of mRNA encoding components of the IGF sys-
The overall aim of this work was to analyze mechanisms
through which dietary energy and protein influence follic-
ular dynamics and the developmental competence of oo-
cytes in cattle. It is the first study to demonstrate a direct
effect of dietary intake on the expression of mRNA encod-
ing components of the ovarian IGF system and supports the
hypothesis that the nutritional regulation of follicular
growth is mediated, at least in part, by the action of cir-
culating metabolic hormones on the ovarian IGF system.
The high level of energy intake described in this study
significantly increased plasma insulin and IGF-I concentra-
tions relative to the LE diet. In contrast, dietary protein
concentration had no effect on these metabolic hormones.
The absence of any significant changes in FSH concentra-
tions supports the results of other studies that failed to show
any effects of short-term changes in the plane of nutrition
on FSH concentrations in ruminants [2]. The ovulatory in-
crease in plasma IGF-I concentrations supports results of
related studies in sheep [34] and is probably a consequence
of increased plasma estradiol stimulating hepatic IGF-I pro-
duction because treatment of ovariectomized cattle with es-
tradiol was shown to increase serum IGF-I concentrations
significantly [35].
Although there is no direct evidence of an endocrine role
for insulin and IGF-I in the control of follicular growth,
increasing indirect evidence indicates that such a role ex-
ists. For example, plasma insulin and IGF-I concentrations
have been positively correlated with follicular growth in
postpartum dairy cattle [5, 36], and twinning rate in cattle
is also associated with elevated plasma IGF-I concentration
[37]. The stimulation of antral follicle growth following
recombinant GH treatment of nonlactating heifers was sim-
ilarly associated with increased circulating concentrations
of insulin and IGF-I [38, 39]. Collectively, the available
evidence suggests that the increased size of the dominant
follicle in cattle fed the HE diet in the present study was
due to endocrine actions of both these metabolic hormones
on follicular growth.
Luteal progesterone production during the induced es-
trous cycle was significantly increased in cattle offered the
HE diet and is probably a reflection of increased follicle
FIG. 5. Light-field illumination (a,d,g,j, and m) and dark-field illumination of bovine ovarian tissue sections (14 mm) hybridized with antisense (b,
e,h,k, and n) and sense (c,f,i,l, and o) riboprobes. The probes were designed to detect bovine IGF-II (ac), IGFBP-2 (df), IGFBP-4 (gi), type 1 IGF
receptor (jl), and insulin receptor (mo). T and G represent theca and granulosa tissue, respectively. The arrow indicates expression of mRNA encoding
type 1 IGF receptor in an oocyte. Bar 5180 mm.
FIG. 6. The interaction of dietary energy (a,c,e,g, and i) and protein
(b,d,f,h, and j) intake with follicle size on the expression of mRNA
encoding IGF-II (a,b), IGFBP2 (c,d), IGFBP4 (e,f), type 1 IGF receptor
(g,h), and insulin receptor (i,j). The solid and open bars (a,c,e,g, and
i) represent high and low energy diets (grouped over both protein diets),
respectively. The solid and open bars (b,d,f,h, and j) represent high and
low protein diets (grouped over both energy diets), respectively. Messen-
ger RNA expression is expressed as the percent pixels within a defined
area occupied by a silver grain. SED represents pooled standard error of
the difference within follicles of the same size. *
,0.05 within follicles
of the same size.
size prior to ovulation. This has relevance to embryo sur-
vival in the pregnant cow as increases in luteal progesterone
production as early as Day 5 of pregnancy have been shown
to significantly increase embryo growth and associated in-
production [40].
The spatial patterns of expression of mRNA encoding
components of the ovarian IGF system in antral follicles
support previous observations [24, 26, 41, 42]. The results
also clearly demonstrate the presence of mRNA encoding
type 1 IGF receptor in oocytes from preantral and antral
follicles, confirming that IGF-I can regulate oocyte matu-
ration directly through binding to its own receptor.
Although nutritional status has been shown to regulate
the expression of mRNA encoding components of the he-
patic IGF system [43], the results presented here show, for
the first time, a direct effect of dietary intake on the ovarian
IGF system. Specifically, increased dietary energy signifi-
cantly decreased the steady-state concentration of mRNA
encoding IGFBP-2 and -4 and insulin receptor in small an-
tral follicles. Previous studies [23] have shown that during
the development of dominance there is a significant de-
crease in the steady-state concentration of mRNA encoding
IGFBP-2 in granulosa cells from the dominant follicle. A
reduction in the local level of IGFBP-2 would increase IGF
bioactivity in the dominant follicle that, in turn, would be
expected to increase the sensitivity/response of the domi-
nant follicle to FSH, thus allowing its continued growth in
an environment of decreasing systemic FSH concentrations.
Similarly, in heifers offered the HE compared to the LE
diet in the present study, the reduction in the steady-state
concentration of mRNA encoding IGFBP-2 and -4 in small
antral follicles is expected to increase the bioavailability of
intrafollicular IGF (both locally produced IGF-II and sys-
temically derived IGF-I) in these follicles. The consequent
increase in the sensitivity/response toward FSH would be
expected to result in an increased rate of follicular growth.
The factors involved in regulating IGFBP-2 and -4
mRNA expression in the bovine ovary are not understood.
Although we have shown that FSH decreases IGFBP-2
mRNA expression in cultured granulosa cells [23], the roles
of insulin and IGF-I, the most likely candidates for medi-
ating the effects of dietary energy on the ovarian IGF sys-
tem have not been examined. The decrease in insulin re-
ceptor mRNA expression in cattle offered the HE diet is
most probably due to insulin-mediated receptor downreg-
ulation. The functional significance of this latter observa-
tion, however, is not known.
Oocyte quality in small follicles was negatively corre-
lated with plasma urea concentrations (Table 1 and Fig. 4).
Exposure of follicle-enclosed oocytes to high levels of am-
monia and/or urea has previously been observed to com-
promise their capacity to develop to the blastocyst stage
following a period of in vitro culture [18]. In that study,
however, the detrimental effect of ammonia and/or urea on
oocyte quality was greater for oocytes from medium than
from small follicles. The mechanisms by which oocyte
competence from specific follicle size categories is com-
promised by these nitrogen moieties are not understood,
and the most vulnerable follicle size category may be
linked to the energy status. In the present experiment the
highest levels of urea reflected the combined effects of
feeding a high protein diet at a high level (HEHP). It is
therefore not possible, with the present experimental de-
sign, to ascertain whether energy intake per se may have
modified the known detrimental effect of high plasma urea
on the oocyte.
The ovarian IGF system also has the potential to interact
directly with the oocyte through the type 1 IGF receptor.
Small follicles from heifers offered the HEHP diet in the
present study had significantly reduced levels of mRNA
encoding IGFBP-2 and -4, and as discussed, we expect this
to increase the bioactivity of IGF in these follicles, which
is probably a critical factor controlling oocyte developmen-
tal capacity. Indeed our results indicate that overstimulation
by IGF may be detrimental to oocyte development.
In conclusion we have shown that dietary energy and pro-
tein can directly affect the expression of mRNA encoding
components of the ovarian IGF system. We hypothesize that
the resultant changes in the ovarian IGF system increase the
sensitivity of follicles toward FSH and, in combination with
dietary-induced increases in the concentration of circulating
insulin and IGF-I, contribute to the observed increase in
growth rate of the dominant follicle. Dietary protein concen-
tration also influenced oocyte quality, with developmental
competence being negatively correlated with plasma urea
levels. In addition, we hypothesize that nutritionally induced
changes in the ovarian IGF system may play a key role in
regulating oocyte quality. Finally, the data presented here
indicate that future studies concerned with the formulation
of diets designed to optimize cattle fertility must take into
account the possibility of divergent actions of nutrient supply
on follicular growth and oocyte quality.
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... Level of dietary energy can affect oocyte developmental competence, as shown in Holstein heifers fed with 1.8 of their maintenance energy requirements (M) for 32 days, resulting in decreased blastocyst production in vitro when compared to heifers fed with a 0.8 M diet [76]. This negative effect of a high energy intake on blastocyst formation was associated with high urea concentrations in blood, which are known to be detrimental for oocyte developmental competence [77]. ...
... In the latter study, growing heifers were used (14 months of age), which reached a BCS of 3 by the end of the overfeeding period (18 months of age), suggesting that the nutritional status achieved during overfeeding did not induce a harmful metabolic microenvironment in ovarian follicles even though blood concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) were increased in comparison with restricted heifers [38]. There is an undetermined concentration threshold in which these metabolic hormones and metabolite can be detrimental for oocyte developmental competence [71,76]. It was suggested that further extension of the overfeeding period would have resulted in a detrimental effect on oocyte developmental competence [38], as observed in more matured heifers (20 months of age) with a moderate BCS of 3.5 that were overfed (i.e., 2 M) for three consecutive oestrous cycles, where IVEP was decreased and was associated with a high-diet induced BCS of 4 and hyperinsulinemia [37]. ...
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Simple Summary The nutritional status of oocyte donors plays a significant role in the efficiency of in vitro embryo production (IVEP) in cattle. The available evidence suggests that oocyte donors with a moderate body condition score (i.e., 3 in a 1–5 scale) subjected to ovum pick have an increased chance of providing a metabolic microenvironment in ovarian follicles that will promote embryo formation in vitro. The usefulness of fatty acid and micronutrient supplementation to improve the IVEP of oocyte donors is debatable with the current information available. As such, the supply of maintenance nutritional requirements according to developmental and productive stage seems to be enough to provide bovine oocyte donors with a good chance of producing embryos in vitro. Abstract The ability of bovine oocytes to reach the blastocyst stage (i.e., embryo with around 150 cells in cattle) in vitro can be affected by technical (e.g., culture medium used) and physiological factors in oocyte donors (e.g., age, breed). As such, the nutritional status of oocyte donors plays a significant role in the efficiency of in vitro embryo production (IVEP), and several nutritional strategies have been investigated in cattle subjected to ovum pick-up (OPU). However, there is no clear consensus on the reliability of nutritional schemes to improve IVEP in cattle. Available evidence suggests that a moderate body condition score (i.e., 3 in a 1–5 scale) in cattle is compatible with a metabolic microenvironment in ovarian follicles that will promote embryo formation in vitro. The usefulness of fatty acid and micronutrient supplementation to improve IVEP in cattle is debatable with the current information available. Overall, the supply of maintenance nutritional requirements according to developmental and productive stage seems to be enough to provide bovine oocyte donors with a good chance of producing embryos in vitro. Future nutrition research in cattle using OPU-IVEP models needs to consider animal well-being aspects (i.e., stress caused by handling and sampling), which could affect the results.
... A positive effect of IGF-1 on gonadotropin synthesis and release and ovarian activity has been demonstrated in several species, including pigs [27,29] and cattle [52]. In dairy cows, reduced IGF-1 release mainly reflects energy balance [53,54]. ...
... A positive effect of IGF-1 on gonadotropin synthesis and release and ovarian activity has been demonstrated in several species, including pigs [27,29] and cattle [52]. In dairy cows, reduced IGF-1 release mainly reflects energy balance [53,54]. ...
... According to feed preference tests with Belding's ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi) [43], the animals preferred to feed with a higher protein or water content, which partially agrees with our results, where the ground squirrels also preferred feed with a higher water content and the second highest protein content. Protein is important in animal growth and development [44]. The insects eaten by ground squirrels in nature are rich in protein (30-68% dry matter) and have significant amino acid content. ...
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European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) populations have declined precipitously over the last 70 years. Its protection cannot be ensured solely by protecting its habitat; it is also necessary to protect the animals ex situ. In our study, within a European ground squirrel species protection program, we examined two elements of indoor housing technology. Knowledge of the animals’ needs is essential for captive housing and breeding success, so in our tests, the animals could freely choose both nest-building materials and feed. In the nest material preference test, the animals could choose from three materials with different structures: paper, Lignocel and hay. In the feed preference test, the animals could also choose from three types of feed: commercial rabbit feed, complete rabbit feed and a natural feed mixture. The first two feeds were in granulated format, and the third was a grain feed mix. Among the nesting materials, they preferred hay, which allowed them to build better-quality nests. Among the feeds, they preferred the grain feed mix, the composition closest to their natural feed, and it was the only one that contained animal protein. Our results contribute to the successful maintenance and breeding the European ground squirrel in captivity.
... The effects of high energy intake on follicular dynamics and the developmental competence of oocytes in cattle may be related to increased plasma insulin and IGF-I concentrations, compared to a lowenergy diet. 16 According to Davis et al., 17 owing to a rapid physiological response, the pre-breeding dietary energy supplementation strategy is of particular interest because it may present a method for enhancing the success of assisted reproductive technologies. This suggests that an increase in propionate production may improve reproductive outcomes. ...
In vitro embryos production from prepubertal heifers can help contribute to breeding programs; however, strategies are necessary to increase their embryo production. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two nutritional plans on oocyte recovery, embryo production and growth performance of prepubertal Nelore heifers. Thirty-four Nelore heifers with age of 6.5 months were divided into two feeding treatments (NP1 and NP2). The NP1 diets served as the control and NP2 diets were formulated to contain an average of 1.22-fold more energy than NP1. After 3 months of supplementation, the animals underwent follicular aspiration (ovum pick-up, OPU) every 21 d for 3 months and embryos were produced in vitro. Wither height, chest depth, body weight and subcutaneous fat of animals were measured. The number of retrieved and viable oocytes per OPU were 1.49-fold and 1.42-fold greater in NP2 heifers (p = 0.018 and p = 0.049, respectively) than those in NP1 heifers. Heifers administered NP2 produced 29.7% blastocysts, a percentage higher than NP1 animals that produced 24.40% embryos (p < 0.05). Consequently, females in the NP2 treatment showed improved body development. These results indicate a positive effect of a higher energy diet on assisted reproduction and body development in prepubertal heifers.
... The HF rats had a similar percentage of primord r r ial follicles and more corpora lut u u ea than did the NC rats, suggesting that a high fat diet not only promotes the conservation of corpora lutea given the great a a er amount of cholesterol av a a a v v ilab a le for the biosy s s nthesis of progesterone (16), but also follicle development. Diet supplementation with fat has been shown to increase the total number of follicles and to stimulate the growth and the size of the preovulatory follicles in cows (17) ...
Background and aims: Caloric restriction (CR) extends mammals’ lifespans and suppresses ovary development. Sirtuins are involved in these mechanisms. If, and to what extent CR affects ovarian lifespan and follicle development is largely unknown. We investigated the effects of moderate and severe caloric restriction compared with a high-fat dietary regimen on ovarian follicle reserves in rats. Methods: Female Sprague-Dawley rats (n=48) randomly divided into four groups including normal control (NC), 25% caloric restriction (MCR), 45% CR (SCR) and high-fat diet (HF) were maintained on these regimens for 2 months. Results: Histological analysis showed that both the 25 and 45% CR rats had a significantly higher percentage of primordial follicles and a larger number of healthy follicles than the NC rats, whereas the HF rats did not differ significantly from the NC rats. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that SIRT1 and SIRT6 proteins were present in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the oocytes. The 25% CR diet increased the expression of both SIRT1 and SIRT6 in the ovary, whereas the 45% CR and HF diets caused a decrease in SIRT1 expression. The level of SIRT6 protein did not change with the 45% CR diet, and it appeared slightly lower in the HF than in the NC groups. Conclusions: Caloric restriction may inhibit the transition from primordial to developing follicles and extend the entire growth phase of a follicle to preserve the reserve of germ cells. SIRT1 and SIRT6 are both associated with these effects.
Full-text available
The Ovum Pick-Up (OPU) technique, which is used in in vitro embryo production (IVP) to retrieve immature oocytes from live donor animals, is one of the most important biotechnological procedures used in cattle breeding. The most important advantage of this technology is that it allows for the reproducible retrieval of immature oocytes from living donor animals. It is particularly useful in dairy cattle breeding to address infertility issues and boost the production of superior animals with high genetic value. The OPU technique offers several advantages, including its applicability to cows ranging from six-month-old calves to the first three months of pregnancy, its effectiveness in animals with genital tract infection or acyclic cattle, and its ability to yield a higher number of embryos within the same period compared to the Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET) technique. Understanding and improving the technical and biological factors influencing the OPU procedure is necessary to increase and optimize donor animal use in IVP and the number of quality oocytes obtained. This review aims to examine the specifics of the OPU approach and the factors influencing its performance in light of contemporary literature, as well as to propose fresh ideas to researchers.
Poor reproductive performance is a major problem when considering the sustainability of the modern high yielding dairy cow, with reproductive costs being estimated at £500 million per annum across UK dairy herds (Lamming et al. , 1998). Armstrong et al. , (2001) stated that poor nutrition causes delayed puberty, aberrant oestrous cycles, lowered conception rates and reduced calf birth weight. Excessive and prolonged negative energy balance (NEB) has, on numerous occasions, been suggested as a major contributor to poor fertility and subsequent increased culling rates. In the present study the effects of a range of dietary treatments on energy balance and reproductive performance were evaluated.
This review addresses the reasons for the lack of progress in the control of superovulation and highlights the importance of understanding the mechanisms underlying follicular development. The present inability to provide large numbers of viable embryos from selected females still restricts genetic improvement, whilst variability in ovarian response to hormones limit the present capacity for increasing reproductive efficiency. Females are born with a large store of eggs which rapidly declines as puberty approaches. If these oocytes are normal then there is scope for increasing the reproductive potential of selected females. Oocytes must reach a certain size before they can complete all stages of development and the final changes that occur late in follicular development. It is likely that oocytes that do not produce specific factors at precise stages of development will not be viable. Hence, it is important to characterize oocyte secreted factors since there are potential indicators of oocyte quality. The mechanisms that determine ovulation rate have still not been fully elucidated. Indeed follicular atresia, the process whereby follicles regress, is still not known. A better understanding of these processes should prove pivotal for the synchronization of follicular growth, for more precise oestrous synchronization and improved superovulatory response. Nutrition can influence a whole range of reproductive parameters however, the pathways through which nutrition acts have not been fully elucidated. Metabolic hormones, particularly insulin and IGFs, appear to interact with gonadotrophins at the level of the gonads. Certainly gonadotropins provide the primary drive for the growth of follicles in the later stages of development and both insulin and IGF-1, possibly IGF-2, synergize with gonadotrophins to stimulate cell proliferation and hormone production. More research is required to determine the effects of other growth factors and their interaction with gonadotropins. There is evidence, particularly from studies with rodents, that steroids can also modulate follicular growth and development, although information is very limited for ruminants. There may be a rôle for oestrogens in synchronizing follicular waves, to aid in oestrous synchronization regimes and for removing the dominant follicle to achieve improved superovulatory responses. However more information is required to determine whether these are feasible approaches. Heritability for litter size is higher in sheep than in cattle. Exogenous gonadotropins are a commercially ineffective means of inducing twinning in sheep and cattle. Although there are differences in circulating gonadotropin concentrations, the mechanism(s) responsible for the high ovulation appear to reside essentially within the ovaries. The locus of the Booroola gene, a major gene for ovulation rate, has been established but not specifically identified. However sheep possessing major genes do provide extremely valuable models for investigating the mechanisms controlling ovulation rate, including a direct contrast to mono-ovulatory species such as cattle. In conclusion, the relationship between oocyte quality, in both healthy follicles and those follicles destined for atresia, must be resolved before the future potential for increasing embryo yield can be predicted. In addition, a greater understanding of the factors affecting folliculogenesis in ruminants should ensure that the full benefits ensuing from the precise control of ovarian function are achieved. The improved use of artificial insemination and embryo transfer that would ensue from a greater understanding of the processes of folliculo genesis, coupled with the new technologies of genome and linkage mapping, should ensure a more rapid rate of genetic gain.
The effects of high and low dietary dietary intake on reproduction in female cattle and sheep will be considered at the level of the pituitary gland, ovary and uterus. In sheep, increased dietary intake for a relatively short time will increase ovulation rate, by increasing gonadotropin secretion. Dietary intake can affect steroids such as progesterone and also intra-follicular concentrations of some growth factors such as IGF-1 and IGF-2. The effects of altered energy intake on gonadotropins and steroids in cattle are not as repeatable as those in sheep but follicular growth rates can be altered. High nutrition has a negative effect on oocyte quality, with animals on ad-libitum high energy diets particularly at risk. Overfeeding can decrease embryo quality in both sheep and cattle and it appears that this results from changes primarily at the level of the follicle or oocyte. Restricted nutrition for a short time will enhance pregnancy rates in cattle; most of this benefit appears to occur if food is restricted before insemination. Thus feeding levels before mating are particularly important to subsequent reproductive success. High dietary crude protein may decrease pregnancy rate in lactating cows. In ewes and heifers supplementation with urea failed to have any effect on pregnancy rates when good quality embryos were transferred to recipient animals exposed to high dietary crude protein. In donor ewes there were adverse effects on early embryo development following urea treatment, suggesting that the mechanism affecting the reproductive process was primarily operating at the level of the oocyte. Collectively, these data identify the overall deleterious effects of high dietary intake and excess crude protein on fertility and highlight the importance of dietary intake before ovulation on the likelihood of establishing a viable pregnancy.
The emphasis in nutritional studies on foetal growth has now moved from the last trimester of pregnancy, when most of the increase in foetal size takes place, to earlier stages of pregnancy that coincide with foetal organogenesis and tissue hyperplasia. At these stages absolute nutrient requirements for foetal growth are small but foetal metabolic activity and specific growth rate are high. It is thus a time when nutrient supply interacts with maternal factors such as size, body condition and degree of maturity to influence placental growth and set the subsequent pattern of nutrient partitioning between the gravid uterus and maternal body. Throughout pregnancy the maternal diet controls foetal growth both directly, by supplying essential nutrients and indirectly, by altering the expression of the maternal and foetal endocrine mechanisms that regulate the uptake and utilization of these nutrients by the conceptus. Nutritional effects on the endocrine environment of the embryo during the early stages of cell division can alter the subsequent foetal growth trajectory and size at birth; so too can current in vitro systems for oocyte maturation and embryo culture up to the blastocyst stage. There is increasing evidence that subtle alterations in nutrient supply during critical periods of embryonic and foetal life can impart a legacy of growth and developmental changes that affect neonatal survival and adult performance. Identifying the specific nutrients that programme these effects and understanding their mode of action should provide new management strategies for ensuring that nutritional regimens from oocyte to newborn are such that they maximize neonatal viability and enable animals to express their true genetic potential for production.
Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP) production by the ovine ovary was examined using Western ligand blots and immunoblots. During follicle development, the follicular fluid content of the 39- to 42-kDa binding protein (IGFBP-3) increased, whereas that of the 34-kDa (IGFBP-2), 32-kDa, 30-kDa, and 25-kDa (IGFBP-4) binding proteins decreased. The granulosa and theca cell cultures produced different complements of binding proteins. IGFBP-2 and the 30- and 32-kDa binding proteins were produced by granulosa cells, and there was no obvious effect of the size of follicle from which the cells were isolated. Both FSH and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) were necessary for maximum production of IGFBP-2. The main binding proteins detected in theca cell cultures were IGFBP-4 and -2. The IGFBP-4 concentration increased when the cells were exposed to LH. In contrast, IGFBP-2 concentration in theca cell-conditioned medium decreased when the cells were incubated with LH. Theca cell cultures produced more IGFBP-4 when the cells were isolated from small follicles as opposed to large follicles. Neither granulosa nor theca cell cultures produced significant quantities of IGFBP-3, and the source of this binding protein in the follicular fluid from large ovine follicles is probably the circulation. The results indicate that IGFBP production in the developing ovine ovarian follicle is dependent on both cell type and follicle size and is regulated by IGF-I and gonadotropins.
Improving ewe nutrition even for short periods will increase ovulation rate. The increased nutrients must in some way affect the number of follicles that develop to the pre-ovulatory stage. One possible mechanism is that a nutrient or a metabolic hormone that responds to nutrition might act directly on the ovary to influence follicle development and/or follicle selection. In the study described here, insulin and glucose, alone or together, were infused directly into the ovarian artery of ewes with an autotransplanted ovary, for 13.5 h on day 11 of the oestrous cycle. The pattern of androstenedione and oestradiol secretion in response to a GnRH-stimulated LH pulse was measured 2.5 h before and 12.5 h and 24.5 h after the start of the infusion. Glucose or insulin infused alone had no effect on the secretion of androstenedione and oestradiol. However, when infused together, they decreased significantly the secretion of androstenedione and, to a lesser extent, oestradiol. We suggest that the sudden availability of additional glucose and insulin increases insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by the follicle. This leads to an inhibition of LH-stimulated steroidogenesis by the ovarian follicle which occurs in the absence of any detectable changes in circulating plasma concentrations of FSH. These results show that insulin and glucose act together to influence ovarian function directly and suggest that the effects of short-term nutrition on ovulation rate may be mediated by a direct ovarian action of insulin and glucose.
The objective of the present study was to characterize expression of mRNAs encoding FSH and LH receptors during follicular development and at different stages of the first follicular wave in cattle. Following estrus, groups of heifers (3-5 per group) were ovariectomized on the day of initiation of the first follicular wave (as determined by ultrasonography; Day 0), or on Days 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 after initiation of the first wave. FSH and LH receptor mRNAs were detected within follicles > or = 4 mm and in some smaller follicles by in situ hybridization and were quantified by image analysis. FSH receptor mRNA was expressed in granulosa cells of all growing follicles, starting in some follicles with only one layer of granulosa cells. Irrespective of day of the follicular wave, the level of expression of FSH receptor mRNA in granulosa cells of healthy antral follicles ranging from 0.5 to 14 mm in diameter did not vary significantly with follicular size (r = 0.02, p > 0.10). Expression of LH receptor mRNA was first observed in theca interna cells of follicles shortly after antral formation. Irrespective of day of the follicular wave, the levels of LH receptor mRNA in theca interna cells of healthy antral follicles ranging from 0.5 to 14 mm increased with follicular size (r = 0.39, p < 0.01). In granulosa cells, LH receptor mRNA was expressed only in healthy follicles > 9 mm in diameter and was first observed in the dominant follicles collected on Day 4. Expression of mRNA for LH receptor, but not for FSH receptor, changed (p < 0.01) with the stage of the first follicular wave.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
IGFs regulate gonadotrophin-stimulated proliferation and differentiation of granulosa and theca cells in vitro .H owever, the detailed pattern of mRNA expression of IGFs in bovine follicles remains controversial. The objectives of this study were therefore to describe the temporal and spatial pattern of expression of mRNA encoding IGF-I, IGF-II and the type 1 IGF receptor in bovine follicles in vivo. The expression of mRNA encoding IGF-II was detected in theca tissue from around the time of antrum formation up to and during the development of dominance. No IGF-II mRNA expression was detected in granulosa cells. In the majority of follicles we were unable to detect mRNA encoding IGF-I in either granulosa or theca tissue from follicles at any stage of development. Occasionally low amounts of mRNA encoding IGF-I were detected in the theca externa and connective tissue surrounding some follicles. Type 1 IGF receptor mRNA was detected in both granulosa and theca cells of preantral and antral follicles. Expression was greater in granulosa tissue compared with theca tissue. We also measured IGF-I and -II mRNA in total RNA isolated from cultured granulosa and theca cells using reverse transcriptase PCR. In contrast to the in vivo results, IGF-II mRNA was detected in both granulosa and theca tissue. IGF-I mRNA was detected in theca tissue and in very low amounts in granulosa cells. Using a specific IGF-I RIA we were unable to detect IGF-I immunoreactivity in granulosa conditioned cell culture media. Using immunohistochemistry we detected IGF-I immunoreactivity in some blood vessels within the ovarian stroma. We conclude from these results that IGF-II is the principal intrafollicular IGF ligand regulating the growth of bovine antral follicles. In preantral follicles the expression of mRNA encoding type 1 IGF receptor but absence of endogenous IGF-I or -II mRNA expression, highlights a probable endocrine mechanism for the IGF regulation of preantral follicle growth.