Conference PaperPDF Available

A Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Diabetic Retinopathy Classification



Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a kind of problem which affects diabetic patients, particularly those at their age of working, and can result in vision impairment and possibly irreversible blindness. For diagnosis and to prevent blindness or degeneration, early detection is critical. When ophthalmologists execute the diagnosis step of DR manually, it takes more time, effort, and money, and there are more possibility of misdiagnosis. The scientific community is focusing on developing a computer-aided recognition system for early identification and grading of DR severity. Ongoing AI research has highlighted the growth of the deep learning technique, which is better technique for doing medical image analysis and classification.
11th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies
978-1-6654-8038-3/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 357
DOI: 10.1109/csnt.2022.63
A Convolutional Neural Network Approach for
Diabetic Retinopathy Classification
Nasmin Jiwani
Research Scientist
University of The Cumberlands
Ketan Gupta
Research Scientist
University of The Cumberlands
Neda Afreen
Department of Computer
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi, India
Abstract Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a kind of problem
which affects diabetic patients, particularly those at their age
of working, and can result in vision impairment and possibly
irreversible blindness. For diagnosis and to prevent blindness
or degeneration, early detection is critical. When
ophthalmologists execute the diagnosis step of DR manually, it
takes more time, effort, and money, and there are more
possibility of misdiagnosis. The scientific community is
focusing on developing a computer-aided recognition system
for early identification and grading of DR severity. Ongoing AI
research has highlighted the growth of the deep learning
technique, which is better technique for doing medical image
analysis and classification.
Keywords Convolutional Neural Network, Deep
Learning, Diabetic Retinopathy, IDRiD dataset
In the world of medicine, disease therapy is more feasible
when diagnosed early. Diabetes develops when the body's
glucose levels rise owing to a lack of insulin. The retina,
kidneys, heart, and nerves are all affected by diabetes.
According to a WHO report, diabetes impacted 423 million
people globally in 2014, and the number expected to rise to
700 million by 2050.
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a condition which affects
diabetic patients, particularly those in their working years.
DR is a complication of diabetes that causes the retina veins
to enlarge and leakage of blood and liquids. The problem of
vision is caused by DR. Patients with diabetes who have
been suffering from the disease for a long time are more
likely to develop DR. Patients should have their retinas
screened on a regular basis for analysis and DR treatment in
the early stages to reduce the risk of vision loss. The
presence of several types of signs on a retina image
distinguishes DR. Table 1 lists these symptoms as
Haemorrhages (HM), Microaneurysms (MA), Soft exudates
(EX) and Hard exudates (EX).
Early identification is critical for accurate diagnosis and
the prevention of blindness or degeneration[1]. Diagnosis
takes longer time and is more expensive when performed
manually. Automated detection, on the other hand, makes the
process simple[2]. This study investigated the Convolutional
neural network for DR to overcome this issue and maximize
the result. The main contributions of this work is to apply
deep learning to improve DR classification results on a
publically available dataset, as CNN uses less time and
computation than classical machine learning[3].
Haemorrhages (HM) shows up as huge mark on
the retina and dimension range more than 125
µm with unpredictable edge. HM subdivided
into two types namely blot (deeper HM) and
flame (superficial HM).
Hard exudates shows up as a bright yellow
stain on the retina brought about by spillage of
plasma. `
Soft exudates named as cotton wool also shows
up like white markings on retina and it brought
about having a round or oval shape due to
irritation of the nerve fibre.
Microaneurysms (MA), The first signs of DR
appear as small red round specks on the retina.
The length is less than 125m and there are sharp
edges present.
No DR, mild DR, moderate DR, severe DR, and
proliferative DR are the five stages of DR based on the
occurrence, which are briefly listed in Table 1 and we put
mild, moderate, severe and proliferative DR in one class and
no DR in aother class for creating binary class. Figure 1 and
2 shows a retina image with certain anomalies and its
grading into distinct stages. DR detection via automated
approaches saves time and money, and it is more accurate
than manual analysis. When performed manually, the risk of
misdiagnosis is higher[4].
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Fig. 1. Retina images with grading levels (i) normal, (ii) mild, (iii) moderate,
(iv) severe and (v) proliferative DR
2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT) | 978-1-6654-8038-3/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/CSNT54456.2022.9787577
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of the Cumberlands. Downloaded on June 08,2022 at 23:47:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 2. Normal retinal image and DR related anomalies
Table 1
DR grading on the basis of severity and signs
DR severity grading
There are no anomalies
lesion ranging between MA
and severe DR
With DR
It may be any of them:
Intraretinal HM
number for every 4
quadrants is more
than 20.
Venous beeding in
more than 2 quadrant.
More than one
quadrant has a visible
Pre-retinal or
Vitreous HM
The following is how the paper is laid out: The second
section introduces related literature. Section 3 exhibits the
working model process in detail, Section 4 displays our
dataset together with results, and Section 5 concludes the
Early DR research relied on measurements of optic circle
and veins manually, as well as the presence of flaws such as
microaneurysms, haemorrhages soft exudates and hard
exudates. Then, utilization of several machine learning
approaches such as k-nearest neighbour and support vector
machines (SVM), grading was done by hand built features
(KNN). With the use of support vector machine and K-
nearest neighbour classifier, Jaykumar et al. [5] proposed a
procedure for microaneurysms detection and exudates from
the retina. GLCM feature extraction is used for further
classification after preprocessing. The SVM classifier
outperforms the KNN classifier. Patton et al. [6] investigated
and established standards for retinal imaging evaluation, as
well as the approach for recognizing retinal marker and
indications associated with DR. Jordon et al. [7] provides a
brief introduction to quantifiable methodologies for
reviewing fundus photographs, with a focus on identifying
retinal symptoms and examine retinal illness using automatic
Deep learning reduces the requirement for human
intervention in feature engineering by immediately learning
data depiction at a low level with high level parameters.
Recep et al. [8] proposed a strategy on the basis of AlexNet,
GoogleNet and CNN to improve the outcome of DR
identification using mobile phone and traditional fundus
camera retina photos. The result of emloying photos from
diverse groups is examined by retraining these frameworks
on datasets such as EyePACS, Messidor and IDRiD. On
independent test datasets, these approaches exhibit great
accuracy. Alyoubi et al. [9] revealed state-of-the-art
solutions for DR colour fundus picture localization and
categorization using deep learning process. Furthermore, the
colour fundus retina DR datasets were examined. They also
take on contrast testing difficulties that require greater
investigation. Using a cross disease attention network,
Xiameng et al. [10] described a new approach for rating DR
and DME together. With only picture level inspection, it
analyses the inner links between the diseases. They created
two independent attention modules for disease dependent
and disease specified aspects learning, then combined them
for grading DR and DME to improve grading outcomes. For
testing, they use the Messidor and IDRiD datasets.
This part presents the organization of the used deep learning.
Deep learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence that gets its
inspiration from the human brain structure[11]. Different
layers of hierarchy exist in DL, each of which includes
indiscriminate processing steps for pattern classification and
unsupervised feature learning. Segmentation, classification
and image registration are just a few of the uses of DL in
medical image analysis. DL performs features extraction
from the system using training set photos to learn the
structure. Although this learning ability eliminates the need
for creating particular features, the strategy is based on
comprehensive end-to-end DL training[12].
CNNs are more commonly employed for analysis in
clinical image than other approaches, and are quite efficient.
Convolution layers, pooling layers, and fully connected
(FC) layers are the three primary layers in the CNN
architecture[13]. The CNN's number of layers, size, and
filters are all determined by the vision of author. Every layer
in the CNN architecture has a distinct function. Various
filters performs convolution of an image in the CONV layers
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to extract the features[14]. To minimize the feature maps
size, after CONV layer pooling layer is applied. Various
pooling techniques are there but the most popular are
average pooling and maximum pooling. FC layers are used
to characterize the input image entirely. The frequently
utilized classification function is the SoftMax activation
function[15]. The model summary of CNN is illustrated in
figure 3.
Fig 3. CNN model summary
In general, dataset collection and the necessary pre-
processing to enhance and upgrade the images is the prior
step in the process of detection and classification of DR
using DL. Then, DL technique is applied, which performs
feature extraction and classification of the images as shown
in figure 3.
Fig 4. Classification of DR using DL method
Using the IDRiD dataset, we compare and evaluate the
model's performance in this section.
A. Dataset
The IDRiD dataset was created using real clinical data from
an eye hospital in Maharashtra (Nanded), India. The whole
dataset contains 516 photos with different DR classes which
we have taken as binary class[16]. DR is graded into classes
based on disease severity and here taken as one without DR
and other with DR. There are 413 photos for training and
103 images for testing. Table 2 shows the statistics labelling
inside the IDRiD dataset. The IDRiD dataset is related with
three types of ground truth, which are listed below:
Annotation at the pixel size- This type of notation is
used to locate specific lesions within a photograph, as
well as to split and pinpoint region of interest in data.
A total of eighty one colour fundus pictures with DR
signs and 164 with no sign of DR are included in the
dataset. Color fundus images are available in the
format of .jpg, with binary masks for each lesion type
in .tif format, as well as a specific optic disc mask
(OD) for entire eighty one colour fundus images[17].
These annotations are significant in study because
they allow researchers to examine how lesion
segmentation is computed inside an image.
Diseases Grading of DR- It consists of data that
indicates the risk factor associated with the entire
image. The 516 pictures with varying pathological
stages of DR and DME were rated by a clinical
specialist. The CSV record allows to grade all photos
on a DR severity level. By retaining the desired ratio
of disease stratification, the train and test data consists
of 413 and 103 photos, respectively.
Optic disc and Fovea centre co-ordinates- For the
entire 516 image data, the fovea centre and OD co-
ordinates are stated, and is presented as a CSV record
B. Evaluation Metric
There are various performance standard measurements for
assessing Deep Learning algorithms categorization
performance. The area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity,
accuracy and specificity are the most commonly used
standard measurements[18]. The number of correctly
categorized photos, expressed as a percentage, is used to
determine accuracy. Specificity is the percentage of normal
images that are classified as normal, whereas sensitivity
indicates the percentage of abnormal images which are
labelled as aberrant by the classifier[19]. AUC is a graph
that shows the relationship between specificity and
Input images
DL Method
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Where, TP stands for True Positive which means correctly
classified diseased images. True Negative (TN) refers to
occurrences of non-diseased images that are categorized as
such. False Positive (FP) images are non-diseased images
that are classified as sick, whereas False Negative (FN)
images are diseased images that are classified as normal[20].
C. Result
CNN framework is employed for DR classification. The
system is trained using the ADAM optimizer with a 1e-4
learning rate and a batch size of 10 for 30 epochs, a dropout
layer with a dropout rate of 0.5 is applied after that sparse
categorical loss is used as a loss function[21][22]. Accuracy
of CNN model for DR classification is shown in Table 2.
Here train accuracy is 73% and test accuracy is 68%.
Table 2. Train and test accuracy for DR classification
Test Accuracy
Accuracy and loss in training and validation of DR
grading is given in Fig.5.
Fig 5. (a) Accuracy in training and validation (b) Loss in Training and
Deep learning is used for DR classification based on its
binary grading to increase study in the medical domain,
particularly for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy.
Diabetic Retinopathy is a condition that affects diabetic
patients, particularly those in their working years, and causes
vision impairment and, in some cases, permanent blindness.
For diagnosis and to prevent blindness or degeneration, early
detection is critical. Ongoing AI research has highlighted the
growth of the deep learning technique, which is the best
technique for doing medical picture analysis and
classification. And here, the CNN model classifies DR based
on binary class on the public benchmark dataset IDRiD,
achieving higher training and testing accuracy.
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... The approach [15] has shown effective results in classifying various groups of DME eye diseases, however not proficient in performing well for distorted samples. Jiwani et al. [16] suggested a CNN approach to recognize various types of eye abnormalities. The work [16] introduced a lightweight approach for deep keypoints extraction and classification; however, performance requires further improvements. ...
... Jiwani et al. [16] suggested a CNN approach to recognize various types of eye abnormalities. The work [16] introduced a lightweight approach for deep keypoints extraction and classification; however, performance requires further improvements. Another similar work was discussed in [17] to recognize the DR and DME-effected samples. ...
... The above methods have significant computational costs and are unable to find lesions of different sizes when there are drastic changes in color and light, while the given framework offers an effective attributes set that aids in detecting the abnormalities even in the existence of different attacks, such as noise, blurring, light, and size fluctuations. Saranya et al. [44] 95.65 Wu et al. [45] 80.00 Tang et al. [46] 80.56 Ashwini et al. [49] 90.07 Parsa et al. [50] 71.84 Proposed 98. 16 Furthermore, because of its single-stage network, the suggested method outperforms comparable methods in terms of computational efficiency. Hence, according to the accomplished performance analysis, we can conclude that the presented technique offers an effective and efficient solution to recognize eye ailments. ...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) are both serious eye conditions associated with diabetes and if left untreated, and they can lead to permanent blindness. Traditional methods for screening these conditions rely on manual image analysis by experts, which can be time-consuming and costly due to the scarcity of such experts. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we present the Modified CornerNet approach with DenseNet-100. This system aims to localize and classify lesions associated with DR and DME. To train our model, we first generate annotations for input samples. These annotations likely include information about the location and type of lesions within the retinal images. DenseNet-100 is a deep CNN used for feature extraction, and CornerNet is a one-stage object detection model. CornerNet is known for its ability to accurately localize small objects, which makes it suitable for detecting lesions in retinal images. We assessed our technique on two challenging datasets, EyePACS and IDRiD. These datasets contain a diverse range of retinal images, which is important to estimate the performance of our model. Further, the proposed model is also tested in the cross-corpus scenario on two challenging datasets named APTOS-2019 and Diaretdb1 to assess the generalizability of our system. According to the accomplished analysis, our method outperformed the latest approaches in terms of both qualitative and quantitative results. The ability to effectively localize small abnormalities and handle over-fitted challenges is highlighted as a key strength of the suggested framework which can assist the practitioners in the timely recognition of such eye ailments.
... Data bias happens when the schooling set is biased, an example, by means of which includes only records from one particular source or people with certain backgrounds. Information bias can introduce miscalculations, limit the satisfaction of predictions, and lead to selections based on distorted information [12]. Businesses should use training sets that might be as balanced and diverse as viable. ...
... A key advantage of organizations leveraging AI and ML up-to-date, up-to-date financial predictions and tips is that the procedures could be updated faster and correctly. AI and ML can quickly examine massive quantities of statistics, making it less difficult up-to-date identify developments and issues that could be updated and time-ingesting for people to identify [7]. This automatic evaluation can also inform decisions in which up-to-date invest, updated finance unique projects or merchandise, and what techniques are up to date employed so one can enhance a commercial enterprise's monetary popularity. ...
... Early detection and remedy of cancer can substantially increase the possibilities of survival and improve the general first-rate of lifestyles for sufferers. Traditional methods of cancer detection, inclusive of biopsy and imaging, are time-eating and high priced [22]. However, with the development of computational fashions and artificial intelligence (AI), there was a considerable improvement in automated cancer detection, supplying a promising approach for early prognosis and treatment of most cancers. ...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of visual impairment globally. It occurs due to long-term diabetes with fluctuating blood glucose levels. It has become a significant concern for people in the working age group as it can lead to vision loss in the future. Manual examination of fundus images is time-consuming and requires much effort and expertise to determine the severity of the retinopathy. To diagnose and evaluate the disease, deep learning-based technologies have been used, which analyze blood vessels, microaneurysms, exudates, macula, optic discs, and hemorrhages also used for initial detection and grading of DR. This study examines the fundamentals of diabetes, its prevalence, complications, and treatment strategies that use artificial intelligence methods such as machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), and federated learning (FL). The research covers future studies, performance assessments, biomarkers, screening methods, and current datasets. Various neural network designs, including recurrent neural networks (RNNs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), and applications of ML, DL, and FL in the processing of fundus images, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their variations, are thoroughly examined. The potential research methods, such as developing DL models and incorporating heterogeneous data sources, are also outlined. Finally, the challenges and future directions of this research are discussed.
Heart disease is a critical issue that affects people, causes serious sickness, and is the main cause of mortality worldwide. Early diagnosis of disease plays a significant role in heart disease prediction and is attained by various automation techniques. The availability of automation techniques initiates the necessity for medical data and the storage of medical data becomes a research problem due to its high sensitivity. The emergence of IoT networks formed a promising solution for data storage through the cloud server and preventing the data from various threats is a challenging problem. A secure heart disease prediction system is developed by the utility of the ESVO-based Swish Bessel CNN classifier (Emperor Spheniscidae Vampire Optimization-based Swish Bessel Convolutional Neural Network), and the important significance of the research depends on the ESVO optimization that helps in gaining a deeper insight of the classifier as well as helps in preventing the threatening of data. The security of the cloud server is enhanced by the EDH-ECC (Entropy Diffie Hellman – Elliptic Curve Cryptography) which promotes the information exchange even in unsecured channels. Similarly, the authentication and authorization of the cloud server are carried out using the EAN-13 and salt-based digital signature that initiates strong credentials and enhance data security. Finally, the heart disease is diagnosed using the ESVO-based Swish Bessel CNN classifier. Assessing the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-measure, which provided values of 94.877 %, 95.464 %, 93.293 %, and 95.14 % shows the effectiveness of the research.
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Epilepsy is a common neurological disease that uses electroencephalogram (EEG) data for its detection purpose. Neurologists make the diagnosis by visual inspection of EEG reports. As it is time-consuming and due to the shortage of specialists worldwide, researchers have proposed automated systems to detect the disease. In the past decade, most of the systems were designed using hand-engineered features. However, identifying appropriate features is always a challenging task in the development of a seizure detector system. Deep learning networks eliminate the problem of selecting the best features but suffer from long training time, generally days or weeks. To overcome this problem, the authors have proposed a new 1D convolutional neural network (CNN) that automatically extracts features at an average of seven epochs, only followed by traditional machine learning (ML) classifier. 1D CNN architectures are intrinsically suitable for the processing of EEG time-series data. The proposed model doesn’t require any preprocessing of EEG signal and results in approximately 94% reduced training time than end-to-end deep learning models. Different ML techniques have been applied to extracted features to check the robustness of the proposed 1D CNN. Maximum accuracy of 99.83% has been achieved by most of the classifiers to detect between healthy and seizure patients. The reduced number of processing steps and epochs makes it suitable for real-time clinical applications.
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Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) are complication that occurs in diabetic patient especially among working age group that leads to vision impairment problem and sometimes even permanent blindness. Early detection is very much needed for diagnosis and to reduce blindness or deterioration. The diagnosis phase of DR consumes more time, effort and cost when manually performed by ophthalmologists and more chances of misdiagnosis still there. Research community is working on to design computer aided diagnosis system for prior detection and for DR grading based on its severity. Ongoing researches in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have set out the advancement of deep learning technique which comes as a best technique to perform analysis and classification of medical images. In this paper, research is applied on Resnet50 model for classification of DR and DME based on its severity grading on public benchmark dataset. Transfer learning approach accomplishes the best outcome on Indian Diabetic Retinopathy Image Dataset (IDRiD).
Conference Paper
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Cardiovascular illnesses are the leading cause of mortality worldwide, killing an estimated 27.9 million people each year, accounting for 31% of all fatalities worldwide. Cardiovascular disorders are a common cause of heart failure. It is distinguished by the heart's inability to provide an appropriate amount of blood to the body. All main bodily processes are affected when there is insufficient blood flow. Heart failure is a disease or set of symptoms that causes the heart to weaken. The Main Findings of the research study lies on the three major factors First, the timing of the patient's follow-up appointment for the condition is critical, since early detection of a cardiovascular problem and treatment decreases the likelihood of a death. It has an inverse relationship. The second most significant aspect is the ejection fraction. It is to be anticipated given that it is essentially the efficiency of the heart. At last, the patient's age is the third most linked characteristic. Clearly, as one age, the heart's function deteriorates. The Data is Modeled Using Machine learning with ANN and Accuracy about 80% obtained shows the Framework is fairly useful for the Detection of Cardiac Arrest. Further the Accuracy can be increased to 90-95% by using deep learning Models
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Lung infection or sickness is one of the most common acute ailments in humans. Pneumonia is one of the most common lung infections, and the annual global mortality rate from untreated pneumonia is increasing. Because of its rapid spread, pneumonia caused by the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has emerged as a global danger as of December 2019. At the clinical level, the COVID-19 is frequently measured using a Computed Tomography Scan Slice (CTS) or a Chest X-ray. The goal of this study is to develop an image processing method for analysing COVID-19 infection in CT Scan patients. The images in this study were preprocessed using the Hybrid Swarm Intelligence and Fuzzy DPSO algorithms. According to extensive computer simulations, the persistent learning strategy for CT image segmentation using image enhancement is more efficient and adaptive than the Medical Image Segmentation (MIS) method. The findings suggest that the proposed method is more dependable, accurate, and simple than existing methods.
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Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, generated during the neuron firing, are an effective way of predicting such seizure and it is used widely in recent days for classifying and predicting seizure activity. But EEG signals generated during an epileptic seizure are highly nonstationary and dynamic in nature and contain very crucial information about the state of the brain. Due to this randomness, the accuracy of analysis of EEG data by conventional and visual methods is reduced drastically. This paper aims at enhancing epilepsy seizure detection using deep learning models with an FPGA implementation of the short-time Fourier transform block. Detection of seizure has been achieved in the following stages: (1) time–frequency analysis of EEG segments using STFT; (2) extraction of frequency bands and features of interest; and (3) seizure detection using convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM). For this work, the Bonn EEG dataset has been used. The maximum error of ~ 0.13% was encountered while the comparison of STFT output generated via proposed hardware architecture vs the output generated via simulation was done. The average classification accuracy of 93.9% and 97.2% was achieved by CNN and Bi-LSTM models, respectively, considering all frequency bands for epileptic and non-epileptic patients.
Various research groups are working on the automated detection of epileptic seizures using Electroencephalogram (EEG) data. EEG waveforms are composed of distinct bands of frequencies. Most of the researchers have used a wide range of frequencies or every frequency band of EEG for detection process of epileptic seizures to obtain high accuracy. However, not all frequency bins contain relevant information about seizures, thereby degrading the performance of the detection system. This paper demonstrates the suitability of only delta band (0.5–4 Hz) for the detection of seizures due to epilepsy. The work has been performed in four stages: (1) Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) of EEG data, (2) extraction of delta band from the time–frequency (t–f) plane, (3) calculation of four statistical features (4) performance analysis using Random Forest (RF) classifier. The proposed methodology achieved an average accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of 99.6%, 99.5% and 99.67% respectively between persons suffering from epilepsy and healthy people on Bonn EEG dataset. Proposed work is computationally efficient as it uses only single band which results in small data computation. Its detection time is very short (< 0.5 s) which makes it suitable for real-time clinical application.
This paper presents analysis of Electroencephalograms (EEGs) and subbands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma) using image descriptors for epileptic seizure detection. Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) has been utilized to convert 1-D EEG data into image. All subbands are separated from the time-frequency (t-f) matrix and Haralick features of each subband is fed in the Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis has been used for performance evaluation of classifier. Among all subbands, gamma band alone shows a maximum AUC of 0.98 to classify between ictal and healthy class, while beta band shows a maximum AUC of 0.96 to differentiate between ictal and interictal class. Significance of this work is it shows the medical advantage of different subbands for the detection process.