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High-Performance Modulators and Switches for Silicon Photonic Networks-on-Chip


Abstract and Figures

The stringent on- and off-chip communications demands of future-generation chip multiprocessors require innovative and potentially disruptive technology solutions, such as chip-scale photonic transmission systems. A space-switched, wavelength-parallel photonic network-on-chip has been shown to equip users with high-bandwidth, low-latency links in an energy-efficient manner. Here, experimental measurements on fabricated silicon photonic devices verify a large set of the components needed to construct these networks. The proposed system architecture is reviewed to motivate the demanding performance requirements of the components. Then, systems-level investigations are delineated for multiwavelength electrooptic modulators and photonic switching elements arranged in 1 ?? 2, 2 ?? 2, and 4 ?? 4 formations. Compact (~10 ??m), high-speed (4 Gb/s) modulators, having a large degree of channel scalability (four channels demonstrated), are demonstrated with excellent data integrity (bit error rates (BERs) <10<sup>-12</sup>). Meanwhile, switches are shown to transfer extensive throughput bandwidths (250 Gb/s) with fast switching speeds (<1 ns) and sufficient extinction ratios (>10 dB). Data integrity is also verified for the switches (BERs < 10<sup>-12</sup>) with power penalty measurements amid dynamic operation. These network component demonstrations verify the feasibility of the proposed system architecture, while previous works have verified its efficacy.
b)] coupled to the same bus waveguide. Independent p-i-n junctions are included for independent data modulation capabilities. The rings are spaced by approximately 0.5 mm to make room for contact pads for electrical probing, but much closer spacing is possible when contact pads are not required. The rings were designed with radii of 4.98, 5.00, 5.02, and 5.04 µm to distribute a resonance mode of each ring across one freespectral range (FSR) within the C-band (around 3.6 nm channel spacing by design). The full-widths at half maximum (FWHM) of the rings' transmission spectra are all approximately 0.1 nm (Fig. 4). The extinction ratios of each of the resonators' modes vary from 5 to 16 dB. The microring with the worst extinction displays a double dip in the shape of the ring's resonance limiting performance (inset of Fig. 4). Such a resonance splitting has been shown to result when a counterpropagating mode is induced via backscattering within the waveguide [59], [60]. Further improvements in sidewall roughness will likely mitigate future occurrences of such phenomena. Experimental setup: The experimental setup involves four lasers multiplexed onto a single fiber and inserted into an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). The CW light is coupled to an inverse-tapered waveguide through a tapered fiber. Once on chip, it traverses a number of waveguide bends before encountering the four-ring modulator cascade. As the encoded, wavelength-parallel signal exits the chip, it passes through a polarizer. Next, the signal enters an EDFA preamplifier followed by a wavelength-tunable bandpass filter. A high-speed receiver with a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and a limiting amplifier (LA) sends the detected channel to a BER tester (BERT) and a communications signal analyzer (CSA) for evaluation. To drive the ring modulators, a pulse pattern generator (PPG) supplies four electrically decorrelated 4-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) ON-OFF keyed (OOK) signals encoded with a 2 7 − 1 pseudorandom bit sequence (PRBS). The space-parallel electronic signals receive amplification and bias adjustments before being injected into the contact pads through high-speed RF probes with a ground-signal-ground configuration. Because of the relatively large impedance mismatch (several kilohms for the
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High-Performance Modulators and Switches
for Silicon Photonic Networks-on-Chip
Benjamin G. Lee, Member, IEEE, Aleksandr Biberman, Student Member, IEEE,
Johnnie Chan, Student Member, IEEE, and Keren Bergman, Fellow, IEEE
(Invited Paper)
Abstract—The stringent on- and off-chip communications de-
mands of future-generation chip multiprocessors require in-
novative and potentially disruptive technology solutions, such
as chip-scale photonic transmission systems. A space-switched,
wavelength-parallel photonic network-on-chip has been shown to
equip users with high-bandwidth, low-latency links in an energy-
efficient manner. Here, experimental measurements on fabricated
silicon photonic devices verify a large set of the components needed
to construct these networks. The proposed system architecture is
reviewed to motivate the demanding performance requirements
of the components. Then, systems-level investigations are delin-
eated for multiwavelength electrooptic modulators and photonic
switching elements arranged in 1 ×2, 2 ×2, and 4 ×4forma-
tions. Compact (10 µm), high-speed (4 Gb/s) modulators, hav-
ing a large degree of channel scalability (four channels demon-
strated), are demonstrated with excellent data integrity (bit error
rates (BERs) <1012 ). Meanwhile, switches are shown to transfer
extensive throughput bandwidths (250 Gb/s) with fast switching
speeds (<1 ns) and sufficient extinction ratios (>10 dB). Data in-
tegrity is also verified for the switches (BERs <1012) with power
penalty measurements amid dynamic operation. These network
component demonstrations verify the feasibility of the proposed
system architecture, while previous works have verified its efficacy.
Index Terms—Charge injection devices, circuit switching, com-
puter networks, multiprocessor interconnection, optical res-
onators, photonic switching systems, supercomputers.
MICROPROCESSORS have enjoyed many decades of
steady performance gains and speed increases due in
large part to progress in CMOS device integration and increased
instruction-level parallelism. Nevertheless, as a result of dimin-
ishing returns in traditional performance-scaling techniques and
practical power limitations, modern chip design is shifting fo-
cus away from continued advancements in uniprocessor perfor-
Manuscript received May 4, 2009; revised June 29, 2009. First published
October 6, 2009; current version published February 5, 2010. This work was
supported by the National Science Foundation under Contract ECS-0725707 and
Contract CCF-0811012, by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office under Contract ARL W911NF-08-
1-0127, and by the Interconnect Focus Center, one of five research centers
funded under the Focus Center Research Program, a Semiconductor Research
Corporation and DARPA program.
B. G. Lee was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia Uni-
versity, New York, NY 10025 USA. He is now with IBM T. J. Watson Research
Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail:
A. Biberman, J. Chan, and K. Bergman are with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10025 USA
(e-mail:;; bergman@
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2009.2028437
mance toward processor-level parallelism. Chip multiprocessors
(CMPs), which leverage parallelism to perform the program ex-
ecution by integrating two or more processor cores onto the
same chip, have emerged as the new paradigm [1]–[4]. Con-
sequently, new fields of research are emerging to address the
many challenges in implementation and scaling brought about
by the growing number of cores in the processor—challenges
that can be fundamentally different from those faced during the
uniprocessor era.
One of the largest changes in focus is the new emphasis on
intrachip communications. As the number of on-chip communi-
cators grows, and as programmers learn to more efficiently uti-
lize the chip’s parallel resources, the communication throughput
must rapidly scale to maintain global performance. Therefore,
networks-on-chip (NoCs) have become a vital focus of emerg-
ing research [5], and significant attention has been given to
implementing mesh and torus network topologies (e.g., [6]),
due to their ease in directly mapping to a 2-D processor plane.
Additionally, electronic signaling methods have been the sta-
tus quo for on-chip communication, but these solutions require
significant amounts of power to interconnect even just several
cores together. As a result, creative new topologies leverage
large-radix switches to reduce hop counts of electronic message
transfers, thereby alleviating, to some extent, the overconsump-
tion of power and latency caused by these sizable NoCs [7].
Electrical links induce growing signal losses and distortions
as the data rate is increased. Although complex equalization
techniques can compensate over relatively short distances, ulti-
mately repeaters are required at regular intervals along an elec-
tronic link, dissipating more power as the link grows in distance,
and as the signals increase in data rate. The problem is exacer-
bated in the longer links required for off-chip communication.
For this reason, NoC solutions that rely on electronic signal-
ing alone may not be able to provide adequate on- and off-chip
bandwidths for future CMP generations while remaining within
allotted power budgets.
It is envisioned that photonics may provide a solution to the
daunting problems facing future CMP scaling [8]–[16]. Optical
communications have been exploited for decades in long-haul
systems due in part to the inherently low loss and low sig-
nal distortion arising from data rate transparency and minimal
dispersion and nonlinearity. These properties lead to superior
performance in signal integrity. Optical media are capable of
transporting tremendous bandwidths (tens of terahertz for both
optical fibers and silicon waveguides); these bandwidths can
be realized through wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM).
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Furthermore, optical transport latencies are limited only by the
optical time-of-flight.
Optical technologies are continually being leveraged in sys-
tems with shorter characteristic distances, such as local- and
metro-area networks, as well as high-performance computing
(HPC) environments. Commercial HPC systems commonly em-
ploy optical fiber in rack-to-rack links [17], and significant
research into shorter distance optical technologies is occur-
ring as well, including card-to-card backplane interconnects
using optical printed circuit boards [18]–[20]. Advancements
in CMOS-compatible silicon photonics, including the develop-
ment of compact, energy-efficient, and high-bandwidth modula-
tors and switches, have now provided the path toward chip-scale
optical transmission.
The goal of this paper is to motivate and showcase the use of
silicon photonic devices for modulating and switching within
photonic NoCs. Initially, a few of the many investigations by
other research groups into chip-scale photonic interconnection
networks are briefly reviewed in Section II. Then, in Section III,
our proposed photonic NoC architecture is explained in order
to provide context to the device-related measurements. Exper-
imental investigations of devices that make up many of the
photonic components required to construct such systems are
described in Section IV. In this section, works on passive de-
vices and detectors are reviewed, but special attention is given
to modulators and switches. Subsequently, concluding remarks
are disclosed in Section V.
Photonic NoCs are gaining significant attention as a plausible
means of alleviating on- and off-chip bandwidth bottlenecks
and power limitations in scaled CMP systems. Architectures for
both on- and off-chip photonic infrastructures and access points,
along with specific network topologies, are being developed by
many different research groups, which are leveraging silicon
photonic device advancements to envision novel systems that
can meet critical performance requirements in future CMPs.
Kirman et al. explore hierarchical optoelectronic bus archi-
tectures with a moderate number (4–12) of wavelength channels
per waveguide [8]. Although the photonic bus design is a fairly
straightforward extrapolation of modern homogeneous elec-
tronic interconnects, the investigation elucidates that the perfor-
mance improvements gained by using optics on-chip are related
to the depth at which the photonic components penetrate into
the bus and the amount of electronics that can be avoided within
the communications pathway. These pioneering results show the
potential performance benefits that are available when optical
communications are brought into the chip’s infrastructure.
Another group proposes Corona, a system architecture that
uses on-chip photonic components to address both intercore
and off-stack memory communications [9], [10]. Corona con-
tains several optically enabled topologies, one of which is a
wavelength-routed crossbar arranged in a serpentine fashion
that interconnects up to 256 cores. Other independent topolo-
gies implement broadcast mechanisms for cache coherency and
optically activated arbitration schemes.
Several other groups have proposed network designs aimed
exclusively at addressing challenges in off-chip memory access
using silicon photonics. Optically connected dual inline memory
module (OCDIMM), an architecture proposed by Hadke et al.
for optically connected memory, uses a single loop employing
wavelength-selective routing to transmit to the intended receiver
[11]. Batten et al. focus their attention on how on-chip optics
can ameliorate the off-chip communication problem, with the
design of a wavelength-routed optoelectronic crossbar switch
that interconnects up to 256 processing cores with up to 16
dynamic RAM modules using monolithically integrated silicon
photonics [12].
One commonality between all the proposed network archi-
tectures in Section II is the use of wavelength-selective routing
to direct messages from source to destination. The advantage of
such a scheme is that routing can be accomplished through de-
terministically selected transmission wavelengths using passive
wavelength-selective optics that are tuned to the specific wave-
lengths required. While this provides low latency, messages are
restricted to a single wavelength channel per waveguide.
The architecture studied here, which we have previously
proposed and investigated [13]–[16], takes an alternative ap-
proach aggregating multiple wavelength channels into a single
extremely high bandwidth optical message that is routed using
active switches. The space-switched system leverages the opti-
cal domain to: 1) reduce power consumption through transpar-
ent optical routing and 2) increase message bandwidth through
wavelength parallelism (rather than wavelength-routed systems
in which wavelength parallelism is leveraged to provide in-
creased granularity). Meanwhile, the electronic domain remains
a vital part of the system, providing decentralized routing con-
trol for the photonic network. In this section, we will describe
how the hybrid (i.e., photonic and electronic) architecture is
envisioned and designed.
A. Physical Implementation
The proposed hybrid interconnection network is envisioned
to overlay the CMPs in a three-dimensionally stacked mono-
lithically integrated structure, providing low-latency and low-
power access into the network for the on-chip cores. Much
progress has been achieved in 3-D integration (3DI) of CMOS
systems [21], [22]. This important research area attempts to ex-
tend the scaling of Moore’s law into the third dimension by
physically stacking traditionally planar chip layers, maximizing
the area allotted to CMOS devices over the limited chip foot-
print, as well as decreasing the critical wiring distance between
communicators. In a purely traditional CMOS environment, 3DI
has practical advantages such as reductions in required link di-
mensions, which ultimately reduce power dissipation, noise,
and latency in conventional electrical wiring. Moreover, the dif-
ferent planes in a stack can take on more specialized roles,
allowing, for example, the integration of dedicated memory
planes that overlay the processors for high-capacity local cache.
In addition, 3DI makes practical the inclusion of revolutionary
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Fig. 1. Illustration of a 3DI stack with dedicated computation, storage, and
communication planes (not to scale).
technologies within the CMOS stack. CMOS-compatible pho-
tonics are uniquely poised to take advantage of this opportunity
due to demonstrated physical performance and their potential
to greatly impact system performance. In this scenario, one or
more planes of the 3DI stack would be entirely dedicated to
the communication links and enabling photonic and electronic
The critical enabling technologies for 3DI are the advance-
ments in high density through silicon vias (TSV), which elec-
trically connect the layers within a stack. 3DI utilizing TSVs
showcases inherently short interconnect paths with reduced re-
sistance and capacitance, as well as lower power consumption.
According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semi-
conductors, TSVs for the 32 nm technology node are expected
to scale to 1.4 µm contact pitches, 0.7 µm diameters, almost
5×107cm2maximum densities, and 15 µm maximum layer
thicknesses [23]. Of course, there are yet many challenges for
3DI, including power dissipation and heat flow solutions as
well as process manufacturability, but the potential advantages
of success for such a system merit continued analysis.
The vision for our system, proposed for the 32 nm CMOS
technology node, is depicted in Fig. 1. The bottom plane in
the figure illustrates the CMOS layer, containing all the tradi-
tional processing elements. As Moore’s law continues to scale
the size of the transistor to this technology node, this layer is
envisioned to comprise an array of the ever-smaller CMPs. Sub-
sequent planes directly above the CMOS plane (shown in the
center of the stack in the figure) are dedicated on-chip memory
planes, enabling shorter memory access latencies and reducing
the off-chip bandwidth requirement. The final plane (shown on
top of the stack in the figure) is the dedicated global commu-
nications plane, housing the photonic and electronic networks
interconnecting all the users in the CMOS plane. The commu-
nication plane provides both intra- and interplane connectivity,
while also interfacing the three-dimensionally stacked chip with
external resources such as main memory.
B. Routing Algorithm
Within the communication plane, responsibilities are dele-
gated to electronic and photonic technologies by weighing the
relative costs and benefits of each for a given task. While elec-
Fig. 2. Schematic of a 4 ×4 torus topology. The gateway switches (G),
injection switches (I), routing switches (X), and ejection switches (E) are cor-
respondingly labeled in the diagram. Thick lines represent the transmission
network, while thin lines represent the access network.
tronic solutions provide extensive buffering and processing, they
are limited in transmission bandwidth and efficiency. On the
other hand, photonics can transmit high-quality high-speed sig-
nals, virtually irrespective of distance at the chip scale. Never-
theless, buffering and processing, especially on chip, is not cur-
rently feasible. Consequently, we advocate executing message
transmissions in the photonic domain and control and process-
ing in the electronic domain.
The outcome is a circuit-switched hybrid NoC, where pho-
tonic pathways are reserved before transmission begins. This
is accomplished via electronic control packets, which set the
proper states of the photonic switching elements making up the
photonic NoC as they route themselves through the network. As
a result, a very low bandwidth (and thus, low power) electronic
network overlays the high-bandwidth photonic NoC. Since the
electronic control packets are self-routing, no central arbiter is
required to map transmission requests into service grants over a
specific traffic pattern.
C. Network Topologies
Previous works have shown performance and power benefits
of these hybrid NoCs over equivalent purely electronic solu-
tions [13], [14]. The photonic and electronic layers of the hy-
brid NoC are logically arranged as 2-D folded-torus topologies.
By combining waveguides and switching elements together, a
complete transmission network (arranged in a torus topology)
and access network (for enabling messages to enter and exit
the torus) are formed (Fig. 2). Note that the rows and columns
forming the grid of the 2-D torus each form a ring, rather than
The correct propagation of an optical message between the
access points, or gateways, of its source and destination is
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accomplished through the use of four distinct photonic switching
elements. Transmitted messages originate from a gateway (not
shown in Fig. 2) that contains an arrangement of modulators and
receivers that are electrically connected to an underlying pro-
cessing core through the 3DI structure. The set of modulators
transmit data concurrently on different wavelengths, enabling
high-bandwidth WDM transmission. The resulting message is
first routed from the gateway at a gateway switch (G), which
handles inbound and outbound photonic traffic to and from the
access point. Messages are routed toward a nearby injection
switch (I), which places the messages onto the rows of the torus.
The torus implements dimension-ordered routing, which sends
a message fully along one dimension of the grid before sending
it along the other. A message traverses the network along the row
on which it was injected until it reaches a 4 ×4routing switch
(X) located in the same column as the destination. The message
then propagates in the column to the appropriate ejection switch
(E), where it exits the torus and enters the destination’s gateway
switch. The message is then detected within the gateway. In this
example, there is a one-to-one mapping of gateways to routing
switches, such that exactly one routing switch and one gate-
way are located over each of the tiles, which represent network
users (e.g., processing cores). However, overprovisioning may
be useful in certain cases to increase path diversity.
Careful attention has been placed on the design of the 4 ×4
routing switch, which is a critical component to the performance
of the network [15]. Former iterations of the switch exhibited
blocking behavior. This occurs when a message is not allocated a
path through the switch due to the existence of a second message,
which requests a separate input and output port, but occupies
desired resources within the switch (e.g., a waveguide). The use
of nonblocking switches simplifies routing and allows improved
system performance in terms of throughput and latency [15]. In
addition, they enable the design of strictly nonblocking networks
via overprovisioning, providing a source with a path to any idle
destination, regardless of the current network traffic load.
Various arrangements of the 4 ×4 nonblocking switch have
been proposed. Each has unique optical properties, affecting
metrics such as the network’s aggregate optical insertion loss
in different ways for a given traffic pattern. These variations,
in turn, affect the topology scalability for a specific application
or routing algorithm [16]. Here, we focus on one arrangement
only, but future topology implementations will require similar
design decisions to optimize performance.
Advances in nanoscale fabrication and dense integration of
silicon devices has led to the development of many viable
photonic integrated circuit (PIC) solutions for short-reach ap-
plications currently dominated by electronics. The silicon-on-
insulator (SOI) material system is attractive for realizing PIC-
based interconnection networks due to its high index contrast
and compatibility with the well-developed CMOS fabrication
process. Furthermore, microring resonators enable the assem-
bly of many valuable building blocks, including passive fil-
ters [25], [26], [34], [66], [69]–[71], [73], electrooptic modula-
tors [73], [52]–[58], and multifarious broadband switches and
routers [61], [63]–[65], [67], [68], [72], [74].
In order to achieve a full link between communicating ac-
cess points, many passive and active components are neces-
sary. Spatially parallel electrical signals from the source are
first translated into the wavelength-parallel optical domain us-
ing electrooptic modulators. Once the data are in the optical
domain, the cohesive WDM signal is spatially routed using
broadband electrooptic switches, which consist of the afore-
mentioned gateway, injection, routing, and ejection switches.
Along with the required passive components (e.g., waveguides,
waveguide crossings, and waveguide-to-fiber couplers for off-
chip destinations), the switches direct the signal eventually to
the destination’s photodetectors, which subsequently translate
the wavelength-parallel optical signal back into the spatially par-
allel electrical domain for processing. In this section, the exper-
imental progress of the passive components (Section IV-A) and
photodetectors (Section IV-B) is outlined. Then, recent demon-
strations of fabricated modulators (Section IV-C) and switches
(Section IV-D) based on silicon ring resonator technology are
A. Passive Components
Low-loss (<2 dB/cm) rectangular single-mode waveguides
have been shown to operate over large spectral bandwidths in the
1.5 µm wavelength region [24]–[26]. These waveguides are well
suited for intrachip photonic communication, and are a neces-
sary part of more complex passive and active NoC components.
Recently, an etch-less approach to fabrication has brought about
slightly less confined waveguides that have demonstrated propa-
gation loss as low as 0.3 dB/cm [27]. In addition to waveguides,
photonic NoCs will require numerous waveguide crossings and
I/O couplers for interfacing to off-chip resources. Compact, low-
loss, and low-crosstalk waveguide crossings have been demon-
strated [28]–[30]. Using a double-etched structure, the insertion
loss has been reduced to 0.16 dB with a crosstalk of 40 dB
and a footprint of 6 ×6µm2[30]. Two approaches to I/O
coupling—horizontal [31]–[33] and vertical [34], [35]—have
achieved fruitful results. The horizontal couplers have demon-
strated efficiencies as low as 1.0 dB, and may operate over a
large spectral bandwidth.
B. Detectors and Receivers
Another vital technology development for chip-scale sil-
icon photonic communications has been CMOS-compatible
photodetectors, which are required to transfer data back into
the electronic domain at the destination. Detectors employ-
ing either silicon–germanium (SiGe) or germanium-on-silicon
(Ge-on-Si) technologies are likely candidates, since germanium
provides absorption at near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. Fur-
ther, germanium is already employed, at least in low concen-
trations, within CMOS fabrication lines. Ge-on-Si detectors
have demonstrated bandwidths and responsivities up to 40 GHz
and 1 A/W, respectively, though not simultaneously [36]–[41].
These detectors have also been integrated with CMOS receiver
postamplifier circuits showing near picojoules per bit energy
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dissipation in addition to high-data-rate operation at 15 Gb/s
[42]. More energy improvements are still required in CMOS-
compatible receiver circuit designs; as a result, many researchers
foresee receiver-less operation of SiGe detectors, obtained by
achieving very low detector capacitance, as a feasible means of
drastically reducing the energy/bit contribution of the optoelec-
tronic conversion [43].
Other material options for detectors include ion-implanted
all-silicon detectors, which experience more NIR absorption
than crystalline silicon. These detectors have shown 0.8 A/W
responsivities at wavelengths near 1550 nm and bandwidths up
to 10 GHz [44]. Finally, III–V compound semiconductor in-
tegration with the silicon platform has recently been realized.
Although it is not yet clear whether these exotic materials may
feasibly be included in the back-end CMOS process, the detec-
tor performance is quite good. Since it is possible to directly
integrate preamplifiers with the detector and receiver, demon-
strations of 5.7 A/W at 1550 nm wavelengths and 17.5 dBm
sensitivities at 2.5 Gb/s have been shown [45], [46].
C. Modulators
The conversion of data from the electrical domain into the
optical domain is an essential process for hybrid NoCs, mak-
ing modulator performance crucial to the feasibility of chip-
scale photonic communications. Ideally, the modulator is fast,
compact, low-power, scalable, and reliable. As the modulator
will likely become one of the most recurring photonic elements
on-chip, any gains achieved through simplicity within the elec-
trooptic interface will be multiplied many times throughout the
system. Typically, electronic links scale in data capacity by
increasing the number of parallel wires in a bus [1]–[4]. Alterna-
tively, optical signal capacity may scale by increasing the num-
ber of parallel wavelengths on a single waveguide [47]. There-
fore, the electrooptic translating device should convert between
space-parallel electronics and wavelength-parallel photonics as
simply and directly as possible.
Previously, modulators based on both the thermooptic [48]
and free-carrier [49] effects have been demonstrated in silicon.
Thermooptic modulators, however, are limited to low-speed op-
eration (on the order of a few megahertz) by the thermal time
constant of silicon. Fast electrooptic modulators have been de-
veloped using carrier injection/depletion to modulate silicon’s
refractive index [50]–[56]. Since this effect is relatively weak,
lengthy carrier injection/depletion regions are required to ac-
cumulate appreciable changes in phase. This limits both the
minimum footprint and the minimum power consumption of
modulators based on linear phase accumulation, such as Mach–
Zehnder interferometers [50], [51]. To circumvent this limi-
tation, resonator-based devices may be employed, enhancing
the effects of the index modulation by circulating the photonic
pathway recursively through the same compact region, allowing
small-area devices to achieve high-speed modulation with low
power consumption [52]–[56].
Microring-resonator-based modulators consist of a ring
waveguide coupled to a single straight bus waveguide [Fig. 3(a)].
Wavelengths that resonate within the ring are extracted from the
Fig. 3. (a) Schematic of space-parallel (x) electronic to wavelength-parallel
(λ) photonic translation using cascaded microring modulators. Dashed out-
lines signify doping regions, solid lines depict photonic waveguides, and dotted
lines represent electronic links. (b) Microscope image showing two rings of a
fabricated four-ring modulator cascade.
waveguide and scattered in the ring. Carrier injection or deple-
tion may be instigated by integrating a p-i-n diode across the
microring waveguide, shifting the ring’s resonance via index
modulation. Functionally, the wavelength of a probe signal is
aligned in the center of a transmission minimum with no ap-
plied bias. The change in carrier concentration then shifts the
resonance mode away from the probe. Consequently, the probe
signal, with no change in wavelength, experiences increased
transmission. Electrooptic modulation results as carrier concen-
trations are varied at high speeds. Microdisk modulators with
4µm diameter using carrier depletion have been demonstrated
at 10 Gb/s, consuming a measured 85 fJ/bit [56], while micror-
ing modulators with 12 µm diameter using carrier injection have
been demonstrated at speeds up to 18 Gb/s [55]. As a result, the
microresonator-based modulators show promising performance
in terms of speed, size, and power consumption.
Leveraging the narrow-band properties of the resonators pro-
vides a path toward achieving simplicity in the interface between
electronic and photonic links as well. Because each modulator
occupies a narrow spectral bandwidth (often designed with ap-
proximately 10 GHz bandwidths), the entire message translation
can be implemented without wavelength multiplexing and de-
multiplexing by cascading a series of ring modulators along
a single bus waveguide. The wavelength-parallel continuous-
wave (CW) lightwaves are incident on the bus waveguide, and
each ring modulator encodes data onto one of the wavelength
channels, ideally without affecting the other channels. As a re-
sult, no complex wavelength multiplexing and demultiplexing
is required, minimizing the footprint and reducing the optical
insertion loss. Furthermore, the spatially parallel electrical con-
nections can be directed to a series of cascaded rings in close
proximity [Fig. 3(a)].
Device: To demonstrate the performance of the cascaded mi-
croring modulator with respect to data integrity, measurements
were taken on a four-ring cascade fabricated at the Cornell
Nanofabrication Facility [57]. The device, originally reported
in [58], contains four microrings [two of which are shown in
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Fig. 4. Transmission spectrum of the bus waveguide, displaying the four
resonances associated with the four-ring cascade under no applied voltage.
Fig. 3(b)] coupled to the same bus waveguide. Independent p-i-n
junctions are included for independent data modulation capa-
bilities. The rings are spaced by approximately 0.5 mm to make
room for contact pads for electrical probing, but much closer
spacing is possible when contact pads are not required. The
rings were designed with radii of 4.98, 5.00, 5.02, and 5.04 µm
to distribute a resonance mode of each ring across one free-
spectral range (FSR) within the C-band (around 3.6 nm channel
spacing by design). The full-widths at half maximum (FWHM)
of the rings’ transmission spectra are all approximately 0.1 nm
(Fig. 4). The extinction ratios of each of the resonators’ modes
vary from 5 to 16 dB. The microring with the worst extinc-
tion displays a double dip in the shape of the ring’s resonance
limiting performance (inset of Fig. 4). Such a resonance split-
ting has been shown to result when a counterpropagating mode
is induced via backscattering within the waveguide [59], [60].
Further improvements in sidewall roughness will likely mitigate
future occurrences of such phenomena.
Experimental setup: The experimental setup involves four
lasers multiplexed onto a single fiber and inserted into an
erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). The CW light is cou-
pled to an inverse-tapered waveguide through a tapered fiber.
Once on chip, it traverses a number of waveguide bends before
encountering the four-ring modulator cascade. As the encoded,
wavelength-parallel signal exits the chip, it passes through a po-
larizer. Next, the signal enters an EDFA preamplifier followed
by a wavelength-tunable bandpass filter. A high-speed receiver
with a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and a limiting ampli-
fier (LA) sends the detected channel to a BER tester (BERT)
and a communications signal analyzer (CSA) for evaluation.
To drive the ring modulators, a pulse pattern generator (PPG)
supplies four electrically decorrelated 4-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero
(NRZ) ONOFF keyed (OOK) signals encoded with a 271
pseudorandom bit sequence (PRBS). The space-parallel elec-
tronic signals receive amplification and bias adjustments before
being injected into the contact pads through high-speed RF
probes with a ground–signal–ground configuration. Because of
the relatively large impedance mismatch (several kilohms for the
Fig. 5. BER bathtub curves for the longest wavelength channel modulated by
one ring of the four-ring cascade, both while only one ring and all four rings are
being driven.
particular device), the voltage supplied is approximately 5 VPP.
More details of the experimental setup can be found in [57].
Results: For each of the four modulated optical signals, error-
free operation (defined as a BER <1012) at 4 Gb/s is observed
during simultaneous operation of the four rings. The BER tim-
ing margin is then recorded for the eye diagram corresponding
to the longest wavelength resonance (Fig. 5). The measurement
investigates the eye sampling margin with and without modu-
lation on the other three rings. This provides information about
the degradation that results when one wavelength channel passes
by an active microring intended to modulate another channel.
Despite some added jitter at high error rates (BER >107), the
results indicate that near the error rates of interest, the eye mar-
gin is not significantly degraded by operating the three other
microring modulators.
The primary challenge to such a modulation scheme is the
sensitivity of the modulator performance to temperature vari-
ations, evidenced in Fig. 5 by the somewhat narrow error-free
sampling region. A solution to this problem is necessary, as
the microrings cannot operate in a CMP environment without
some degree of temperature insensitivity. Possible directions
for alleviating thermal instability in the microrings are twofold.
First, through feedback, designers can implement control cir-
cuitry to monitor and tune the temperature of the rings actively
during operation. This path is feasible because of the large ther-
mooptic time constant in silicon. However, the drawbacks of
this method include the added power consumption of tuners and
control circuitry. Second, multiple rings can be coupled together
to form a single modulator, creating higher order transmission
responses [61]. The resulting broader bandwidths implement a
more thermally stable device, as heat fluctuations will have to
vary over a wider range to move the resonance completely away
from the channel wavelength. Disadvantages of this method are
the added complexity and increased channel spacing. Fortu-
nately, the two approaches are not mutually exclusive and can
be used in combination to provide additional thermal tolerance
while meeting the design constraints of a particular system.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 19,2010 at 11:02:55 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
In doing so, the microring modulator cascades will be able to
achieve their best performance, making conversion of data from
the electrical computation layers into the photonic communica-
tion layer fast, compact, low-power, scalable, and reliable.
D. Switches and Routers
One of the most important components of space-switched
systems is the broadband switch. Not surprisingly, the perfor-
mance of the switch can greatly affect the throughput, latency,
and power consumption of the network. The switch may be char-
acterized by metrics related to the time domain (e.g., switching
speed and latency), frequency domain (e.g., throughput band-
width), or space domain (e.g., footprint), in addition to power
performance and data integrity.
The simplest ring resonator switch is constructed from a ring
resonator with two coupled bus waveguides, in contrast to the
previous discussion of modulators that only require a single bus
waveguide. The resonances are shifted in wavelength to create a
state change so that a signal originally exiting the on-resonance
(drop) port is redirected to the off-resonance (through) port. The
state change allows space switching, and is implemented phys-
ically by way of the free-carrier plasma dispersion effect [62],
which provides an index change within the waveguide as the
electronic carrier concentration is varied. Ultimately, this can
be implemented in a manner similar to the ring-based modula-
tors [52]–[56], using diode structures around the waveguides to
inject or extract carriers. Experimentally, the switching can also
be implemented by injecting carriers optically via absorption,
avoiding complex fabrication procedures for initial proof-of-
concept devices. The absorption may be initiated using photons
with energies above the bandgap of silicon, or it may be carried
out through two-photon absorption (TPA) by photons between
the half-bandgap and full-bandgap of silicon, so that the flex-
ibility and availability of telecommunications components can
be used to generate the control signals at the sacrifice of some
These switches leverage comb-switching to support
wavelength-parallel message formats over broad optical-domain
bandwidths [63]. Many wavelengths simultaneously satisfy the
resonance condition within a ring resonator, and rings with
larger circumference provide more resonance modes over a
given optical bandwidth. Since all of the resonance wave-
lengths are shifted simultaneously as carriers are injected into
the ring waveguide, the switch can route a wavelength-parallel
message—despite the narrow-band properties of each resonance
mode—when the wavelength channels of the optical message
are aligned to the resonance wavelengths of the ring. Further-
more, all of the ring’s resonances are shifted, with or without
a wavelength channel aligned to the mode, when carriers are
injected so that additional throughput bandwidth is provided
without additional power dissipation.
1) 1 ×2 Ring-Resonator Switch: Now,asimple1×2ring
resonator switch is described. Then, measurements showing
nanosecond-scale switching speeds and hundreds of gigabits-
per-second of throughput bandwidths are reviewed.
Fig. 6. (a) Microscope image of the fabricated 1 ×2 switch with dimensional
labels [63], courtesy Michal Lipson. (b) Experimental transmission spectrum of
the through and drop ports of the device [64].
Device: This device was fabricated at the Cornell Nanofab-
rication Facility, and consists of a 200-µm-diameter ring, de-
signed for transmission along the quasi-TM polarization (Fig. 6)
[63]. The waveguide cross sections are 250 nm in height and
450 nm in width. Inverse-taper mode converters are used at the
waveguide ends for efficient coupling to fiber.
To demonstrate the comb-switching concept, Dong et al. ini-
tially injected two CW probe beams aligned in wavelength to
two separate resonance modes of the ring, while simultane-
ously directing a femtosecond pulsed pump beam operating at
a wavelength of 415 nm onto the ring from a vertically inci-
dent fiber [63]. The light from both tunable lasers is initially
transmitted through the drop port. When the pump pulse hits
the ring, carriers are generated within the ring waveguide, and
both probe channels are redirected to the through port. As the
free carriers recombine, the resonance of the ring is restored to
its original value, and the input signals return to the drop port.
The measured impulse response of the ring switch demonstrates
20%–80% rise and fall times of 100 ps and 0.93 ns, respectively.
However, the measured rise time is detector-limited, and is theo-
retically expected to be only 15 ps. The dual wavelength-channel
demonstration was an initial confirmation of multiwavelength
Leveraging the relatively small FSR provided by the device,
many channels can be switched simultaneously for multiwave-
length network routing. Since the FSR of the ring resonator
(104 GHz) is not precisely the same as the channel spacing
Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 19,2010 at 11:02:55 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
of the dense WDM (DWDM) used to combine the laser outputs
onto a single fiber (100 GHz), the overlap of the passbands is
limited. This misalignment creates bands of utilizable channels
approximately six or seven channel slots wide.
Experimental setup: Pump and probe signals are combined
onto a single fiber, passed through the switch, and analyzed.
The pump and probe wavelengths are not limited to the
C-band theoretically, but the wavelengths are chosen in this re-
gion in order to take advantage of amplification readily available
from EDFAs. The probes are obtained from 20 distributed feed-
back (DFB) lasers, occupying wavelength channels C21–C27,
C33–C38, and C46–C52 of the International Telecommunica-
tions Union (ITU) C-band. These CW outputs are multiplexed
together using the 32-channel, 100-GHz-spaced DWDM. The
channels are modulated at data rates up to 12.5 Gb/s with an
NRZ-OOK signal, encoded using a PRBS of length 271,
which has been generated by a PPG. Leaving the modulator,
the wavelength-parallel signal travels through a 25-km single-
mode-fiber (SMF) decorrelator and couples into the chip. Af-
ter exiting the chip, the signal is passed through an EDFA, a
wavelength-tunable bandpass filter, and a variable optical at-
tenuator (VOA), and is then received by a high-speed receiver
with a TIA/LA. The signal is analyzed with a CSA and a BERT
synchronized to the PPG through a clock source. A power tap
directly following the chip allows spectral monitoring on an
optical spectrum analyzer (OSA).
Here, the switching is performed using copropagating high-
speed optical control signals within the C-band, leveraging TPA
to inject carriers into the ring waveguide. The copropagating
pump, located at channel C41, is provided by a tunable laser,
and is externally modulated with a user-defined signal generated
by a 625-MHz data timing generator (DTG), which is synchro-
nized to the PPG. The pump is amplified using an EDFA, and
combined with the probe signal before injection into the chip.
The pump signal is composed of 12.8 ns pulses with a period
of 102.4 ns, and has an approximate average power of 20 dBm
before waveguide injection. More details of the experimental
setup can be found in [64].
Steady-state results: Initially, the interchannel crosstalk
within the device is tested with channels on resonance [64].
All channels are first verified to operate at BERs below 1012
while simultaneously passing through the drop port of the de-
vice at 10 Gb/s. To measure the increase in power penalty due
to wavelength-channel crosstalk within the ring, a BER curve
is taken for channel C36 at the drop port when 16 channels
are enabled (C21–C27, C34–C38, and C49–C52). The probe
channels have average powers of 6 dBm before injection. The
same measurement is then repeated after turning off all channels
in the second group (C34–C38) except C36, leaving 12 chan-
nels, and taken again after turning off all channels except C36.
No significant penalty due to wavelength crosstalk is observed
(Fig. 7), indicating the possibility of further signal bandwidth
Dynamic results: Multiwavelength switching is demonstrated
at the nanoseconds scale by simultaneously passing the 20 chan-
nels through the drop port in the presence of the modulated pump
waveform (Fig. 8) [64]. Here, the probes bypass the modulator
Fig. 7. BER plots recorded at the drop port showing no observable power
penalty due to wavelength crosstalk as the number of channels are increased.
Fig. 8. Switched waveforms exiting the drop port with corresponding ITU
channels and measured active extinction ratios labeled. A 32-point average and
50-ns time span is used in each window. No LA is used.
in the setup, injecting CW light so that the switching envelope
may be clearly seen. The active extinction ratios are measured
from the CSA screen images, and are labeled in Fig. 8. Al-
though the resonator modes have passive extinction ratios (i.e.,
the ratio of transmission through a given port at wavelengths
on and off resonance) ranging from 15 to 30 dB, significantly
degraded extinction ratios are observed during active operation,
with an average over the 20 channels of 5.6 dB. Although am-
plified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise from the EDFA is
a partial contributor to the rise in the OFF-state level, much of
the degradation is expected to result from insufficiently shifted
resonances due to the inefficient optical pumping scheme. Nev-
ertheless, the concept of multiwavelength comb-switching is
demonstrated over 20 channels simultaneously.
The concerns about what limits the active extinction ratios
using the optical pumping scheme led us to investigate the ex-
tinction ratios on both ports as a function of injected optical
pump power [65]. Replacing the multichannel data source with a
Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 19,2010 at 11:02:55 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 9. Measured active extinction ratios versus time-averaged optical pump
power inserted into the tapered fiber for both output ports. Insets show: 1)
sample CSA traces using a 16-point average and 2) the geometrical layout and
port labels of the switching device.
single CW wavelength channel, active extinction ratios are mea-
sured at both ports for varying injected pump powers (Fig. 9).
The extinction ratios continue to improve on both ports as pump
power is increased until the extinction ratio measurement accu-
racy is exceeded (for the through port) or the maximum injection
power limits of the experimental setup are reached (for the drop
port). The through port performs remarkably better than the
drop port. At the drop port, the extinction ratio reaches 7 dB at
the maximum pump power, and the steepness of the curve near
this region suggests that more improvements are possible with
increased pump power. At the through port, the extinction ratio
is improved beyond the measurement ability of the setup with
pump powers 5 dB below the maximum injection levels.
The next experiment attempts to dynamically switch the max-
imum throughput bandwidth that the experimental setup can
provide to the ring switch [65]. Consequently, at the expense
of slightly higher power penalty due to a higher degree of
narrow-band filtering, the individual channel modulation rate
is increased to 12.5 Gb/s, again using the 20 wavelength chan-
nels, achieving an aggregate data rate of 250 Gb/s on the probe
signal. The pump consists of 20-ns pulses that recur every 80 ns.
BER measurements are taken on the through and drop ports with
back-to-back measurements taken on a reference port consisting
of a single waveguide. The appropriate BERT gating signals are
provided from the DTG for each port. Curves are recorded for 5
of the 20 wavelength channels spanning the spectrum (Fig. 10).
Measured power penalties at the drop port for the five channels
range from 2.5 to 4.1 dB, with an average of 3.3 dB, and at the
through port, from 2.3 to 4.1 dB, with an average of 3.2 dB.
From simulations consistent with those reported in [66], at least
1.2 dB of each measured drop port power penalty is expected
to result from narrow-band filtering imposed by the resonator
modes on the channel’s signal spectrum at the increased data
2) 2 ×2 Ring-Resonator Switch: Next, a 2 ×2ringswitch,
utilizing the same high-speed multiwavelength comb-switching
Fig. 10. BER curves recorded for the through (), drop (), and reference ()
ports on 5 of the 20 dynamically switched wavelength channels. A per-channel
data rate of 12.5 Gb/s is used.
technique described earlier, is experimentally investigated [67],
Device: The device here is also fabricated at the Cornell
Nanofabrication Facility. The waveguides have cross sections
of 250 nm ×450 nm (height ×width), and inverse-taper mode
converters are used at each edge of the chip. The switch geome-
try [similar structure shown in Fig. 17(c)] consists of a crossing
between two straight waveguides with two ring waveguides cou-
pled to vertical angles of the intersection. The waveguides un-
dergo adiabatic tapering at the crossing, expanding over a length
of 30 µmtoawidthof2µm prior to the 90waveguide inter-
section, in order to reduce reflection losses at the crossing. The
resonator modes have 3 dB bandwidths of 0.1 nm (12.5 GHz)
on average, designed to accommodate 10 Gb/s optical data. The
present device may also be designed with a much smaller foot-
print by implementing the resonators in noncircular geometries,
because the high confinement afforded by the SOI waveguides
permits very small bending radii [26]. Moreover, the adiabat-
ically tapered waveguide crossing may be replaced with more
compact crossings, such as the one demonstrated in [30].
Ideally, the two rings have a series of resonator modes that
coincide in wavelength. As with the previous 1 ×2 switch,
when no pump is applied, the input signal wavelength is set to
overlap one of these modes. As the light enters on resonance,
it is coupled into the first ring resonator, then through the ring
to the alternate waveguide, where it exits the switch. Therefore,
without an applied pump, the switch implements the bar state.
As before, an optical pump signal is used to change the state
of the switch. Thus, when the pump is applied, the input light-
wave is no longer affected by either of the two ring resonators,
and as a result, propagates through the waveguide crossing.
Consequently, when the pump is enabled, the switch imple-
ments the cross state. Once again, rings with relatively large
diameters (100 µm) are employed to maximize the bandwidth
of the wavelength-parallel signal. Consequently, the resonator
FSR and system channel spacing are 1.6 nm.
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Experimental setup: The assumption that the resonator modes
of the two rings in the switch overlap may not always be
realized due to fabrication tolerances. Improvements may be
made along this front with careful fabrication calibrating tech-
niques [69], and by the addition of ohmic heaters placed over the
ring waveguides to provide localized thermal tuning [70], [71].
For these experiments, light is simply directed from a 532-nm
diode-pumped solid-state laser over one of the two rings using
an optical fiber vertically incident to the chip. The appropri-
ate ring is heated, red-shifting its resonator modes to overlap
those of the unheated ring. In addition to this localized tuning,
global tuning is achieved by mounting the chip on a thermo-
electric cooler (TEC). The TEC provides aggregate alignment
of the rings’ resonances with off-chip resources, such as the
As with the 1 ×2 switch, carrier injection is performed with
a TPA-inducing 1.5-µm-wavelength optical control signal. In
the 2 ×2 switch, the pump must be applied to both rings si-
multaneously for proper operation. Therefore, we employ one
copropagating and one counterpropagating pump signal (with
respect to the probe signal’s direction of propagation).
Generally, the experimental setup is very similar to the one
used for the 1 ×2 switch experiments, with the addition of the
second optical pump. The setup consists of:
1) probe signal generation;
2) pump signal generation;
3) fiber–waveguide coupling;
4) test and measurement.
The probe signals are again generated by DFB lasers
and occupy six ITU C-band channels: C22 (1559.8 nm),
C24 (1558.2 nm), C33 (1550.9 nm), C35 (1549.3 nm), C37
(1547.7 nm), and C43 (1542.9 nm). The outputs are combined
with the 32-channel DWDM, and are then simultaneously en-
coded with a 10-Gb/s NRZ-OOK signal that carries a PRBS of
length 231 1generated by a PPG. The channels are decorre-
lated by 25 km of SMF.
The pump signals are generated, modulated, and amplified
using tunable lasers, modulators, and EDFAs, respectively.
Pump 1, which copropagates with the probe channels, occu-
pies channel C51 (1536.6 nm). It is combined with the probes
using a single-channel 100-GHz WDM. Pump 2, located on
channel C18 (1563.1 nm), is injected using an optical circula-
tor such that it counterpropagates with the probes. The pump
waveforms are again provided by the DTG.
The signals are coupled to and extracted from waveguides
using tapered fibers. The multichannel output is monitored us-
ing an OSA, while one probe channel propagates through a
wavelength-tunable bandpass filter, an EDFA, a second filter,
and a VOA, before being received by a p-i-n photodetector and
a TIA/LA. The output is observed on a CSA and analyzed us-
ing a BERT, which is directly synchronized to the PPG. For
the dynamic BER measurements only, a semiconductor optical
amplifier (SOA) is used to gate the optical signal into 9.6 ns
packets, recurring every 12.8 ns. When the SOA is used, it is
driven by a signal generated from the DTG, and the DTG sends
an additional signal to gate the BERT over the arrival of the
packetized data. A VOA precedes the SOA to prevent satura-
Fig. 11. BER curves depicting the steady-state power penalty of a six-channel
WDM signal in the (a) bar state and (b) cross state. Each character corresponds to
measurements on one ITU channel. The back-to-back measurements are shown
using dashed lines and open characters, while the switched measurements are
shown using solid lines and filled characters.
tion and minimize crosstalk between the WDM channels. More
details of the experimental setup can be found in [68].
Steady-state results: Initially, the switching state is toggled
manually by enabling and disabling the pump, rather than pro-
viding modulated pump signals. Dynamic measurements on the
2×2 switch are discussed subsequently.
The steady-state power penalty is measured for each of the
six channels in bar-state [Fig. 11(a)] and cross-state [Fig. 11(b)]
configurations. When the signal exits from the switch in the bar
state, the pump is not activated; therefore, we expect the power
penalty to result mostly from insertion loss and narrow-band
spectral filtering. When the signal exits from the switch in the
cross state, the pump is activated. Since the probe signals do
not couple to the resonator, only a simple waveguide crossing
is encountered in the optical pathway. We therefore expect the
power penalty to result mostly from effects induced by the pump
signals, such as TPA, free-carrier absorption (FCA), and ASE
noise emitted from the EDFA.
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Fig. 12. BER curves depicting the interchannel crosstalk for varying multi-
channel injection powers. Curves are shown for a six-channel (solid lines, filled
symbols) and single-channel (dashed lines, open symbols) signal propagating
through the bar state. All measurements are taken on channel C35. The inset
plots the points at which the trendlines intersect a BER of 109as a function of
the injection power of channel C35.
To measure the bar-state power penalties, the input signal
wavelengths are aligned along the resonator modes while no
pump is applied, and six BER curves are recorded, one for each
channel. The back-to-back curves are obtained by cooling the
TEC on which the chip is mounted until the resonator modes
are shifted away from the signal wavelengths so that the signals
no longer pass through the ring. The output is then gathered
from the cross-state port, and six back-to-back BER curves are
recorded. An attenuator is inserted prior to the EDFA for the
back-to-back curves to compensate the ring insertion losses,
ensuring that consistent powers enter the EDFA.
The cross-state power penalties are measured using the same
channels at the same wavelengths. The pump is activated, shift-
ing the resonator mode wavelengths, and the signals are col-
lected from the switch in the cross state. Six BER curves are
recorded. The back-to-back curves are obtained in the same
manner as before. The resulting power penalties range between
0.1 and 1.2 dB for the bar state and between 0.0 and 0.5 dB for
the cross state. The larger bar-state power penalties are consis-
tent with previous measurements [64]–[66].
Next, the interchannel crosstalk within the ring is character-
ized as a function of injected optical power. Since the optical in-
tensities are increased within ring resonators due to constructive
interference, which lowers the input power thresholds required
to observe nonlinear phenomena, the bar-state paths will have
the strongest opportunity for interchannel wavelength crosstalk.
Therefore, BER curves are taken for channel C35, as it prop-
agates through the switch in the bar state during two cases:
1) with the other five wavelength channels enabled and 2) with
the other channels disabled (Fig. 12). Here, the probe channels
propagate through a VOA, an EDFA, and a second VOA before
injection into the chip. The first VOA is set to provide appropri-
ate input power levels to the EDFA, while the second is varied
Fig. 13. CSA traces showing the switched CW single-channel probe through
the (left) bar and (right) cross states. The CSA uses a time and amplitude scale of
10 ns/division (80 ns span) and 100 µW/division (800 µW span), respectively,
with a 16-point average. The zero-power level is emphasized by overlaying a
lighter trace that was taken with the input disconnected.
over five settings. A BER curve is recorded for channel C35 for
each of the five settings. Then, all channels are disabled except
C35, and a BER curve is recorded for five new settings that
match the five previous injection powers of channel C35. (The
five VOA settings differ slightly between the one-channel and
six-channel experiments because the EDFA provides more gain
in the single-channel case than it does in the six-channel case.)
The power values listed in Fig. 12 represent the time-averaged
power using a 50% duty cycle for PRBS-encoded data. The
values listed in the legend show the sum of the powers over
the six channels (total time-averaged power) before injection
into the tapered fiber. The inset of Fig. 12 plots the receiver
sensitivity at a BER of 109for each of the ten BER curves
as a function of the power of channel C35 before injection into
the tapered fiber. The inset shows that the receiver sensitivity
curve shifts inconsequentially (about 0.1 dB on average) when
the five additional channels are enabled, indicating negligible
interchannel crosstalk in the switch for total injection powers
up to 23 mW. The measurement was limited in the maximum
injection power by the saturation output power of the available
multichannel EDFA.
Dynamic results: To take nanosecond-scale dynamically
switched measurements, the two pump signals are modulated
with square pulses having duration of 12.8 ns and periodicity of
102.4 ns, giving a 12.5% duty cycle. The two pumps are syn-
chronized so that the pulses coincide in time at the switch. By
inserting a single-channel CW probe signal into the device, we
observe the envelope profile of the switched signal on the CSA.
From the scope traces (Fig. 13), it can be seen that the rise and
fall times are less than 2 ns each for both switch outputs. The
ringing in the signal, seen just after the pumps are disabled, is
attributed to undershoot in the waveform of the drive voltage
supplied to the modulator. The ringing observed over the dura-
tion of the state in which the pumps are enabled is caused by
instability in the optical pumping scheme. As the high-power
pump changes the ring waveguide’s index of refraction, it not
only provides switching of the probe signal, but also simulta-
neously decouples itself from the resonator, because the pump
is of fixed wavelength. As a result, the ring index returns to its
previous state when the injected carriers decay, and the pump is
again coupled to the ring, restarting the process.
The active extinction ratios and relative insertion losses of the
switch are determined from the CSA traces. Extinction ratios of
Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 19,2010 at 11:02:55 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 14. CSA traces of packetized data encoded on C35 (a) before injection;
(b) at the output of the switch under the bar state; and (c) at the output of the
switch under the cross state. The time scale is 20 ns/division; no averaging is
used. The apparent eye diagram is a digital sampling artifact.
11.5 (bar) and 7.8 dB (cross) are observed. The insertion loss
through the cross state is about 4 dB higher than that observed
through the bar state. This is believed to occur mostly because of
the TPA-induced FCA generated by the high-power pumps. The
absorption causes higher losses for the probe during the section
of the scope trace representing when the probe coincides with
the pump in time. In the present case, the probe copropagates
with one of the pump signals over centimeter-scale distances in
the cross state. Much of this loss can be avoided in electronic
injection schemes, where the carrier injection will be localized
near the ring waveguide.
In addition to affecting the switch path uniformity, the non-
linear loss also degrades the interport crosstalk. The interport
crosstalk is defined for a 2 ×2 switch with input ports A and
B and output ports C and D, while injecting on port A with
the switch configuration set as A-to-C (or A-to-D). It is defined
as the ratio of the leakage power through A-to-D (A-to-C) to
the transmitted power through A-to-C (A-to-D). This metric is
important for characterizing the effect of the finite extinction ra-
tios on other messages in the switch, as it describes the amount
of power that may be leaked to the undesired port adversely
affecting another message in the switch. The interport crosstalk
experienced for the cross-state path (the path degraded by the
nonlinear loss) is 7.0 dB; in the case of the bar-state path, the
interport crosstalk is 12.3 dB.
Finally, the dynamic power penalty of the switch is mea-
sured using the same six-channel probe source. Here, the probe
Fig. 15. BER curves depicting the dynamic power penalty of a six-channel
WDM signal propagating through the bar and cross states.
channels are gated into 9.6-ns packets recurring in 12.8-ns slots
using an SOA, giving a packet duty cycle of 75%. The same
pump signal is used so that every eighth packet is switched to
the cross-state output port, while the rest travel through the bar
state (Fig. 14). The back-to-back curves (Fig. 15) are taken with
the pumps disabled and the resonances realigned to the wave-
length channels using the TEC controller. The BERT is also
gated over the arrival of the switched data packets, separately
for each measurement (cross and bar states). The results show
approximately 1.1 dB of difference between the two back-to-
back curves, attributed to the narrow-band filtering penalty since
one port passes through a ring and one does not. An additional
bar-state power penalty of 1.9 dB is incurred under dynamic
operation. This is caused by slight power fluctuations imposed
on the switched data packets, which exist under the dynamic
operation of the switch and likely result from small thermal
variations. Since the thermal time constant is longer than the
pump periodicity, these variations occur slowly across many
pumping cycles, but affect parameters such as the optimal re-
ceiver threshold setting over the course of measuring one BER
For the cross state, an overall power penalty of 3.5 dB is mea-
sured. The causes of this penalty are divided between the non-
linear losses, the ASE noise from the pumps, and the dynamic
operation. Note that the nonlinear losses and ASE accumulation
were also present during the static BER measurements, which
resulted in power penalties of less than or equal to 0.5 dB. How-
ever, the power fluctuations within the packets that are switched
into the cross state, which are manifest by the declining power
seen across the switched packet [Fig. 14(c)], are now observable
over the duration of a single packet. Therefore, the fluctuations
must be attributed to carrier dynamics, as they occur much too
fast for thermal effects. Thus, the pump signal is not able to
maintain an adequate level of charge over the entire length of
the 9.6 ns data packet. This is validated by the opposite shape of
the suppressed packet in Fig. 14(b), and is clearly an example of
the performance problems that can be mitigated using electronic
means of carrier injection. As in [54], voltage waveforms may
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Fig. 16. (a) Schematic of the original 4 ×4 photonic router with four 2 ×2
switches and an electronic router (ER). (b) Schematic of the redesigned 4 ×4
photonic router with two 2 ×2 switches, four 1 ×2 switches, and an ER.
be shaped to provide a constant level of carriers within the ring
waveguide over a given length of time. Furthermore, when elec-
tronic injection is used, the instabilities of the in-plane optical
pumping scheme are not encountered.
3) 4 ×4 Nonblocking Photonic Router: In our former work
[13], a 4 ×4 switch was created using an arrangement of the
2×2 ring switches. A 4 ×4 switch is highly desirable given
the usefulness of 2-D grid-based network topologies for com-
munications systems that will be laid out in a single physical
plane of a CMP. In initial 4 ×4 switch designs, simplicity was
the primary goal, and the arrangement shown in Fig. 16(a) was
adopted. Ports are labeled geographically (north,south,east,
and west) for convenience. In this structure, 2 ×2 switches are
arranged into four quadrants and interconnected by waveguides.
Each quadruplet of 2 ×2 switches is controlled by an electronic
router, forming a 4 ×4 switch. Electronic control packets are
received in the electronic router, where they are processed, and
sent to their next hop along the electronic network layer, while
the individual rings within the 4 ×4switchareset(
ON or OFF)
according to the information in the control packet. Once an elec-
tronic control packet completes its journey through a sequence
of electronic routers, an optical pathway is established through
a series of rings and waveguide crossings to route the optical
message from source to destination.
The previously studied 4 ×4 switch was internally block-
ing, requiring the implementation of network-level routing al-
gorithms in order to obtain acceptable performance [13], [14].
Fig. 17(a) demonstrates a case of internal blocking that may
occur when multiple messages are routed through the initial
Fig. 17. (a) Schematic of the original 4 ×4 photonic router highlighting a
contention state where one signal, represented by the white arrows, requests
the path east-to-north, while another signal, represented by the black arrows,
requests the path north-to-west. A contention exists on the lower horizontal
waveguide. Images of the fabricated 4 ×4 switch: (b) optical microscope image
showing gold contacts to nichrome heaters placed above the ring waveguides
and (c) scanning electron microscope image showing the details of one of the
2×2 switches within the device before metal deposition.
4×4 switch simultaneously. A new strictly nonblocking switch
[Fig. 16(b)] has been designed by increasing the number of
internal paths [14]. However, the number of ring resonators
remains the same, which implies that the electrical power dissi-
pation may not be increased. Moreover, the maximum number
of times a signal may pass through a ring resonator drop port
within a single 4 ×4 switch is still only once, which is important
for meeting the optical loss budget.
The redesigned switch guarantees an internal path from any
input port to any output port, as long as no two packets are
destined for the same output (output port contention), and as
long as packets are not allowed to ingress and egress from the
same port (U-turn). Due to the small footprint of the individual
components and the simplicity of the electronic router, which
only handles small control packets, the new routing switch can
still occupy a very small area.
Device: The photonic elements of the 4 ×4switchwerefab-
ricated on a monolithic SOI platform at the Cornell Nanofab-
rication Facility by Sherwood-Droz et al. [72]. Ohmic heaters
were constructed over each ring to allow low-speed switching
and postfabrication tuning of the resonators [Fig. 17(b)]. All the
waveguides have dimensions of 450 nm ×250 nm, and the rings
have a 10 µm radius. The waveguide crossings are implemented
with tapers to expanded widths at the intersecting region, reduc-
ing losses and reflections [Fig. 17(c)]. The crossing is simulated
to have an insertion loss of 0.18 dB with crosstalk to the in-
tersecting waveguide below 20 dB [72]. Experimentally, the
rings’ resonances have a 3 dB bandwidth of about 0.3 nm.
Experimental setup: In previous experiments, a single input
path and a single output path have been used to characterize
the devices, due to the large physical size of the fiber holders
and positioners relative to the chip, which make it infeasible
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Fig. 18. CSA images showing pattern traces on each output port (columns)
and in each switching state (rows) with a single-wavelength signal injected at
the north input port. Each trace window spans 5 ns in time, and has amplitude
scales of 100 µW/division, except for the input pattern and the east output under
the north-to-east configuration, both of which have 200 µW/division amplitude
scales. A PRBS pattern with a length of 271is used to lock the CSA to the
pattern trace.
to mount two or more fibers on the same side of the chip.
Nevertheless, the redesigned 4 ×4 switch is fabricated with
both north and both west waveguides directed to one side of the
chip, and both south and both east waveguides directed to the
other side. As a result, the former coupling setup is inadequate
to fully characterize the switch operation. To circumvent this
limitation, a modification to the experimental coupling setup is
carried out that allows three coupling paths. The modification
involves replacing the tapered fiber on one side of the chip with
free-space coupling, as in [73], so that one side of the chip is
coupled with a tapered fiber, and the other side of the chip uses
a single lens to couple two free-space beams to two waveguides.
The modification, while increasing coupling losses, allows the
full investigation of all three output ports when injecting into a
single input port [74].
The experimental setup includes three tunable laser sources
with the outputs combined using a 33/33/33% directional cou-
pler. The lightwaves are simultaneously modulated with a
10-Gb/s NRZ-OOK signal, decorrelated by 3.4 ns between ad-
jacent channels, and amplified in an EDFA; the optical message
is subsequently injected into the chip. At the output of the chip,
part of the extracted signal is monitored on an OSA, while the
remainder is preamplified by another EDFA, filtered to select
the desired wavelength channel, and received. The signal is eval-
uated on a CSA and a BERT. More details of the experimental
setup can be found in [74].
Steady-state results: The operation of the device is demon-
strated by evaluating the signal that egresses from the east,
south, and west ports while injecting into the north port. The
rings are tuned statically via the heaters to change the switch
state. Pattern traces of the signal exiting the destination ports,
along with crosstalk observed on the other ports, are illustrated
for all switch configurations (Fig. 18).
Fig. 19. Eye diagrams for the three wavelength-parallel channels (columns)
routed through the three switch configurations (rows), with a time span of 200 ps
each and a PRBS pattern length of 231 1.
Fig. 20. BER curves for the three wavelength-parallel channels routed through
the three switch configurations. The top, center, and bottom plots represent the
shortest, center, and longest wavelength channels, respectively.
Utilizing three consecutive resonance modes of the ring
resonators, a three-channel wavelength-parallel signal is routed
through the aforementioned switch configurations. Wavelengths
of 1538, 1546, and 1554 nm are employed. Eye diagrams before
injection into the chip and at each destination port are recorded
for all three wavelength channels (Fig. 19). Additionally, BER
curves are taken for the three wavelength channels in each switch
configuration (Fig. 20). The back-to-back curves are taken by
replacing the chip with a VOA set to mimic the minimum
fiber-to-fiber losses through the chip, which are observed for
the path from north to east. Power penalties are approximately
1.3 dB for the north-to-west configuration, which observed the
largest fiber-to-fiber losses due to passing through the free-space
coupling portion of the setup twice. Both of the other states
Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 19,2010 at 11:02:55 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
demonstrate power penalties below 1 dB for each wavelength
We have experimentally demonstrated the functionality and
practicability of multiple subsystems required for photonic on-
chip networks, showing the ability of modulators and switches to
surpass the speeds and bandwidths required by next-generation
CMPs. Meanwhile, increasing levels of silicon photonic inte-
gration have been displayed, with devices scaling from one to
eight resonators. Substantial opportunities for innovation remain
within this effort to integrate CMOS-compatible photonics with
commercial processing systems, however. Creative solutions for
thermal management, optical packaging, and process flow will
be required. Although the future integration of these subsys-
tems, and the joining of electronic and photonic elements, will
present a formidable set of challenges, the potential rewards in
terms of CMP performance will be well worth the effort for a
large class of computing applications.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 19,2010 at 11:02:55 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Benjamin G. Lee (S’04–M’09) received the B.S. de-
gree from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, in
2004, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia
University, New York, in 2006 and 2009, respectively,
all in electrical engineering.
He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at IBM
T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights,
NY. His research interests include silicon photonic
devices, integrated optical switches and networks for
high-performance computing systems, and all-optical
processing systems.
Dr. Lee is a member of the IEEE Photonics Society and the Optical Society
of America.
Aleksandr Biberman (S’05) received the B.S. de-
gree (with honors) in electrical and computer and
systems engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic In-
stitute, Troy, NY, in 2006, and the M.S. degree in
electrical engineering in 2008 from Columbia Uni-
versity, New York, where he is currently working to-
ward the Ph.D. degree at the Department of Electrical
Johnnie Chan (S’08) received the B.S. degree in
computer engineering and the M.S. degree in elec-
trical engineering from the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He is
currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the De-
partment of Electrical Engineering, Columbia Uni-
versity, New York.
Keren Bergman (S’87–M’93–SM’07–F’09) re-
ceived the B.S. degree from Bucknell University,
Lewisburg, PA, in 1988, and the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
grees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, in 1991 and 1994, respectively, all in
electrical engineering.
She is currently a Professor of electrical engineer-
ing at Columbia University, New York, where she is
also the Director of the Lightwave Research Labora-
tory. Her current research interests include optical in-
terconnection networks for advanced computing sys-
tems, photonic packet switching, and nanophotonic networks-on-chip. She is
the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Optical Networking.
Prof. Bergman is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and an Associate
Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 19,2010 at 11:02:55 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
... Indeed, the higher the information densities to support, the stricter become the design constraints to be fulfilled, especially in terms of i) electromagnetic compatibility issues, ii) maximum distances which electronic signals can cover without regeneration, and iii) power requirements. On the other hand, recent breakthroughs in CMOS-compatible silicon photonic integration [2] are boosting the penetration of optical technologies into interconnection systems [3,4]. In fact, photonic technologies can transport huge information densities, their performance is roughly independent of the bit rate, and they offer the possibility to cover larger distances without regeneration. ...
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Optical microring resonators can be integrated on a chip to perform switching operations directly in the optical domain. Thus they become a building block to create switching elements in on-chip optical interconnection networks, which promise to overcome some of the limitations of current electronic networks. However, the peculiar asymmetric power losses of microring resonators impose new constraints on the design and control of on-chip optical networks. In this work, we study the design of multistage interconnection networks optimized for a particular metric that we name the degradation index, which characterizes the asymmetric behavior of microrings. We also propose a routing control algorithm to maximize the overall throughput, considering the maximum allowed degradation index as a constraint.
... Optical communication development relies heavily on optical modulators, which have experienced significant advancements in recent years; for instance, their bandwidth has increased from a few megahertz to several gigahertz within three decades. To optimize the performance of modulators, it is crucial to minimize device size and energy consumption while increasing bandwidth and ER within the acceptable operating temperature and optical spectral width ranges Lee et al. 2010;Liu et al. 2004;Xu et al. 2005;Bogaerts et al. 2011;Baqir et al. 2021). Graphene offers exceptional electro-optic properties that make it ideal for use in optical modulators. ...
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This paper presents a novel design of an optical electro-absorption modulator based on a hybrid plasmonic structure with a graphene layer on the generic InP platform. Graphene-based optical modulators have the potential to revolutionize the field of optical communications. They enable high-speed data transfer and facilitate advancements in quantum computing. Developing a highly compact modulator on the InP platform represents a significant objective for photonics researchers aiming to achieve large-scale photonic integration technology. In the proposed design, a metal layer on top of a ridge waveguide creates a hybrid plasmonic structure. At the same time, light modulation is accomplished by applying a bias voltage to the graphene layer. By manipulating the optical absorption properties through changes in the Fermi level of the graphene layer, calculations demonstrate a 3 dB bandwidth exceeding 70 GHz at λ = 1.55 μm for a 1 µm length. Furthermore, the impact of metal and SiO 2 dielectric layer thicknesses and chemical potential on the real part of the effective index, optical absorption, 3 dB bandwidth, extinction ratio, and insertion loss are quantitatively determined.
... Among various photonic platforms, silicon photonics offers an outstanding pathway to realize large-scale, highly functional photonic chips due to its tight light confinement and already existing mature fabrication technology, providing a reliable and scalable platform for large-scale integration and commercialization [5][6][7]. Siliconbased components like waveguides, resonators, modulators, photodetectors, (de)multiplexers, couplers/splitters, and switches [8][9][10][11][12][13][14] have seen significant advancement. On-silicon laser sources have also been demonstrated, such as those based on Raman gain [15], Si nanocrystals in SiO 2 [16], germanium [17], and rare earths [18], although these approaches find difficulty in the improvement of laser performances. ...
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We demonstrate a hybrid integrated laser by transfer printing an InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) amplifier on a Si waveguide with distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs). The QD waveguide amplifier of 1.6 mm long was patterned in the form of an airbridge with the help of a spin-on-glass sacrificial layer and precisely integrated on the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguide by pick-and-place assembly using an elastomer stamp. Laser oscillation was observed around the wavelength of 1250 nm with a threshold current of 47 mA at room temperature and stable operation up to 80°C. Transfer printing of the long QD amplifiers will enable the development of various hybrid integrated laser devices that leverage superior properties of QDs as laser gain medium.
... Optical computations are established on photonic logic circuits. Utilizing the thermo-optic effect, free carrier dispersion effect, and Pockels electro-optic effect, intensive research in the direction of efficient optical switches, optical modulators, and optical logic circuits has been presented [85][86][87][88]. All these tools are volatile, requiring constant voltage to manage, and as a result, they consume a lot of power. ...
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For many years, optics has been employed in computing, although the major focus has been and remains to be on connecting parts of computers, for communications, or more fundamentally in systems that have some optical function or element (optical pattern recognition, etc.). Optical digital computers are still evolving; however, a variety of components that can eventually lead to true optical computers, such as optical logic gates, optical switches, neural networks, and spatial light modulators have previously been developed and are discussed in this paper. High-performance off-the-shelf computers can accurately simulate and construct more complicated photonic devices and systems. These advancements have developed under unusual circumstances: photonics is an emerging tool for the next generation of computing hardware, while recent advances in digital computers have empowered the design, modeling, and creation of a new class of photonic devices and systems with unparalleled challenges. Thus, the review of the status and perspectives shows that optical technology offers incredible developments in computational efficiency; however, only separately implemented optical operations are known so far, and the launch of the world’s first commercial optical processing system was only recently announced. Most likely, the optical computer has not been put into mass production because there are still no good solutions for optical transistors, optical memory, and much more than acceptance to break the huge inertia of many proven technologies in electronics.
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Photonic switches play a vital role in optical communications and computer networks for establishing and releasing connections of optical signals. With the growing demand for ultra‐compact switches in high‐speed optical computing and communications, thermally reconfigurable optical switches have gained significant attention. These switches offer simplicity, ease of fabrication, and leverage a wide range of thermo‐optic materials. Silicon remains an ideal platform for making photonic devices including the switches due to its compatibility with complementary metal‐oxide‐semiconductor (CMOS) technology and cost‐effectiveness. The article presents a drop cast sub‐stoichiometric vanadium oxide (VO2−x) nanoparticles combined with a silicon ridge waveguide to make a compact thermally reconfigurable optical switch with low transition temperature and accelerated phase transition. Furthermore, the design achieves high modulation depth in addition to its scalability and simplicity. This study demonstrates the potential of solution‐based VO2−x nanoparticles in combination with silicon waveguides for efficient optical switch design for various applications.
A 2 × 2 photonic crystal (PC) wavelength router unit (WRU) is proposed. Different from traditional WRUs composed of a cross waveguide and one or two microring resonators, it only consists of a single X-shaped cross waveguide. The refractive index of four key PC rods produced with a phase-change material can be adjusted to realize a flexible optical routing function. Four WRUs of this structure are combined to realize a 4 × 4 non-blocking wavelength selective router, which has a device size of only 520 μm2. As far as the non-blocking routing function is concerned, the signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the 4 × 4 PC router are 19.43–23.3 dB at 1550 nm. As to the wavelength selective routing function, the 4 × 4 PC router achieves the maximum insertion loss of 0.451 dB at 1550 nm and the maximum crosstalk of −17.514 dB at 1420 nm, respectively. Not only is the device structure greatly simplified, but its size is notably reduced and the device performance is also improved. The proposed PC router unit can be easily scaled to realize a higher radix non-blocking optical routing system, which is useful in optical networks-on-chips (ONoCs).
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A phase shift electro-optic semiconductor structure that features a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) is numerically analyzed. The interferometer structure considers a highly-doped Si-based waveguide that can control the phase shift by varying the refractive index through the carrier concentration while applying a control voltage. To analyze the structure, Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations, the effective index method and the Drude model are implemented within a finite element software. As a result, for an optical waveguide structure with a 9 mm length and 10 V, it is possible to obtain a phase shift by that allows, at the output of the MZI, total interference that is required to modulate an optical communication link.
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A novel integrated mode size converter for single-mode Si wire waveguides is presented. The mode size converter is constructed with two-dimensional tapered Si waveguides and overlaid high-index polymer waveguides. We calculated the proposed mode size converter characteristics, and fabricated 1.09 mm length Si wire waveguides with the converters. The measured loss of the mode size converter was 0.8 dB per conversion, and the total insertion loss through the sample with an Si wire waveguide was 3.5 dB.
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An erratum is presented to add the proper acknowledgements for this work.
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Global interconnect design for three-dimensional integrated circuits is a crucial task. Despite the importance of this task, limited results related to global issues have been presented. Challenges in reliably distributing power, ground, and the clock signal within a multi-plane integrated system are discussed in this pa-per. The design of two 3-D test circuits addressing these issues is described. Candidate 3-D topologies for both power and clock distribution networks are also pre-sented. Design implications due to the different design approaches are discussed. Experimental and simulation results of the 3-D clock and power distribution architec-tures, respectively, are provided. Both of the test circuits are fabricated by the 3-D fabrication process developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratories (MITLL). The design of the clock and power distribution networks is discussed. I. CLOCK DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS FOR 3-D ICS Distributing the clock signal in 3-D ICs is a complex and challenging task as sequential elements synchro-nized by the same clock signal can be located on mul-tiple planes [1]. In 2-D circuits, symmetric interconnect structures, such as H-and X-trees, are widely utilized to distribute the clock signal across a circuit [2]. An exten-sion of an H-tree to three dimensions does not guarantee equidistant interconnect paths from the root to the leaves of the tree. The impedance of the TSVs can increase the time for the clock signal to arrive at the leaves of the tree on specific planes as compared to the time for the clock signal to arrive at the leaves of the tree located on the same plane as the clock driver [3]. Consequently, asymmetric topologies can be potential candidates for distributing the clock signal in a 3-D integrated system. Another fundamental issue in the design of clock dis-tribution networks is low power consumption, since the clock network dissipates a significant portion of the total power consumed by a synchronous circuit [2]. This de-mand is stricter for 3-D ICs due to the increased power density and related thermal concerns. A test circuit investigating the distribution of the clock signal has been recently designed. The test circuit is fabricated by the MITLL process which is a fully dep-leted silicon-on-insulator process (FDSOI). The mini-mum feature size of the devices in this test circuit is 180 nm, with one polysilicon layer and three metal layers interconnecting the devices on each wafer. The dimen-sions of the TSVs in this test circuit are 1.75 µm × 1.75 µm [5]. Each block contains about 30,000 transistors and includes the same logic circuit but implements a different clock distribution architecture. The function of the logic circuit common to the three blocks is to emulate different switching patterns and load conditions for the clock distribution networks under investigation. Random switching patterns are generated in each block by combining pseudorandom number ge-nerators and several groups of four-bit counters that switch current loads over different time intervals. Each of the three blocks includes a different clock distribution structure, which are schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. The dashed lines depict vertical interconnects implemented by TSVs. These architectures combine different topologies, such as H-trees, rings, and meshes [2]. The fabricated 3-D test circuit is illustrated in Fig. 2. The highest operational frequency is 1.4 GHz. Clock skew measurements indicate that the topology in Fig. 1a produces, on average, the lowest skew as compared to the other two topologies. The clock skew among the planes is greater for the local mesh topology (see Fig. 1b) as compared to the H-tree topology, primarily due to the unbalanced clock load for certain local meshes. Al-ternatively, the clock distribution network that includes the global rings exhibits the highest clock skew among all topologies due to the greater difference in distance that the clock signal traverses on each plane [7].
Conference Paper
We demonstrate the first tunable, high-order channel add-drop filters based on silicon microring resonators. They meet rigorous, telecom-grade spectral requirements for microphotonic R-OADMs (reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers). The design addresses 100 GHz-spaced, 40 GHz-wide channels over 16-32 nm. (2 pages)
We fabricated a low loss elliptical intersection of Si photonic wire waveguides on a silicon-on-insulator substrate. An insertion loss of less than 0.1 dB was achieved at a wavelength of 1.55 mum. The experimental loss characteristic closely agreed with the theoretical one. We also used this intersection as a suspension of an air-bridge-type waveguide and evaluated a low loss characteristic similar to that mentioned above.
We demonstrate fast and efficient germanium-on-silicon p-i-n photodetectors for optical communications, with responsivities as high as 0.89 and 0.75 A/W at 1.3 and 1.55 μm, respectively, time response <200 ps and dark currents as low as 1.2 μA. Ge was epitaxially grown on Si by chemical vapor deposition, employing a low temperature buffer and cyclic thermal annealing to reduce the dislocation density. The overall performance is well suited for >2.5 Gb/s integrated receivers for the second and third fiber spectral windows. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.
On-chip optical buffers based on waveguide delay lines might have significant implications for the development of optical interconnects in computer systems. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) submicrometre photonic wire waveguides are used, because they can provide strong light confinement at the diffraction limit, allowing dramatic scaling of device size. Here we report on-chip optical delay lines based on such waveguides that consist of up to 100 microring resonators cascaded in either coupled-resonator or all-pass filter (APF) configurations. On-chip group delays exceeding 500 ps are demonstrated in a device with a footprint below 0.09 mm2. The trade-offs between resonantly enhanced group delay, device size, insertion loss and operational bandwidth are analysed for various delay-line designs. A large fractional group delay exceeding 10 bits is achieved for bit rates as high as 20 Gbps. Measurements of system-level metrics as bit error rates for different bit rates demonstrate error-free operation up to 5 Gbps.
Recent advances in silicon nanophotonics, including demonstrations of ultracompact modulators1, 2, 3, 4, germanium waveguide photodetectors5, 6, 7 and wavelength-division multiplexers8, 9, 10, indicate the feasibility of on-chip optical interconnects integrated with multicore microprocessors11, 12, 13, 14. Studies13, 14 have suggested that direct replacement of part or all of the electrical interconnect wiring with point-to-point optical links11, 12 may not provide sufficient power savings to make this approach attractive to chip designers. However, if high-bandwidth optical signals can be switched and routed using an on-chip silicon nanophotonic interconnection network, significant performance gains can be expected13, 14. Here we show an ultracompact (40 12 m2) wavelength-insensitive switch based on cascaded silicon microring resonators, which may bring this vision closer to reality by serving as a critical basic element for scalable on-chip optical networks. Fast (<2 ns) error-free (bit error rate < 1 10- 12) switching of multiple (up to 9) 40-Gbit s- 1 optical channels is demonstrated in a temperature-insensitive (15 °C) device.