Kerem Toker

Kerem Toker
Bezmialem Vakıf University · Health Management

Doctor of Business Administration
His research interests are logistics management, sustainability, business management, circular economy, and strategy.


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Supply networks, organizational theory, sustainability and circular economy.


Publications (62)
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Governments, organizations, and researchers discuss the policies necessary for people and societies to lead a happy life in the 21st century as a critical issue. Although researchers expect a positive relationship between the happiness levels of communities and their social development levels, it is necessary to question the direction, the strength...
Purpose The Emotional Communication in Hearing Questionnaire (EMO-CHeQ) is designed to evaluate awareness of vocal emotion information and perception of emotion. This study sought to translate the EMO-CHeQ into Turkish in accordance with international standards and to ascertain its validity and reliability statistically by administering it to nativ...
Purpose This research aims to reveal the working principles of the decision mechanism that affects the use of neural implant acceptance and to discuss the leading role of digital literacy in this mechanism. In addition, it aimed to examine the theoretical connections of the research model with the conservation of resources (COR) and technology acce...
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This research examines the “employee experience improvement” human resources policy applied to increase organizational commitment in a university hospital and discusses its results. It also aims to give healthcare managers different insights into employee experience and practical solutions to increase employee commitment. The study was planned and...
The resource recovery business model (RRBM) involves producing and utilizing secondary raw materials from waste streams. Overcoming the barriers small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) face in developing countries during the transition to the RRBM is a considerable challenge. RRBM has quite different barriers than other circular economy business models...
Digitalization is revolutionary for the health sector, which has recently struggled with problems such as increased health expenditures, quality, and access to services. Wearable technology and other digital processes called positive technology are becoming a regular part of the system in ensuring sustainability in health. Positive technologies hav...
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The structural basis of the social economy is non-profit organizations. Therefore, understanding the structure and management principles of non-profits is essential to create a global economy based on solidarity. However, despite the critical importance and role of non-profit organizations, studies on non profit organizations are not holistic from...
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As our planet moves towards the middle of the 21st century, it faces a dizzying digital transformation process. This transformation brings along with it unique and innovative solutions to numerous social, organizational, and managerial issues. The most tangible of these solutions so far is the vision of Society 5.0 announced by the Japanese governm...
Despite the discussion of social sustainability, which has been a crucial component of sustainable development for decades, unfortunately, the desired successful outcomes have not been realized in practice. This failure caused the need to examine the concept of social sustainability differently than ever before. Social entrepreneurship is a valuabl...
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Bu çalışmanın amacı eğitim, sağlık ve teknoloji sektöründe faaliyette bulunan işletmelerin sosyal sürdürülebilirlik uygulamaları ile bilgi paylaşımı süreçleri arasında ilişkiyi incelemek ve bu ilişki bağlamında kendini yetiştirmenin aracılık rolünü saptamaktadır. Bu çerçevede İstanbul ilinde eğitim, sağlık ve teknoloji sektöründe faaliyet gösteren...
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This article presents empirical research that aimed to determine the direction and strength of the relationships between emotional contagion and organisational identifi cation. Our study examined the eff ect of aviation sector employees' emotional contagion levels on organisational identifi cation and the moderating role of career characteristics,...
Conference Paper
Problem of Research: The inpatient care average length of stay (ICALS) refers to the time from the patient's admission to discharge from the hospital. For the World Health Organization, ICALS is a critical criterion that shows the effectiveness of hospital management and resource use efficiency. In addition, ICALS is a crucial determinant of health...
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The 2020 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created a global health crisis that profoundly impacts how we perceive our world and daily lives. The mass media plays a significant role in shaping the public’s perception of the risks, influencing the public’s level of participation in preventive measures. False information should never be shared, but...
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While the circular economy has recently been the subject of considerable theoretical debate, the discussion has yielded limited insight into how its implementation should look. Developing countries’ inadequate regulation and policy hinder the circular economy’s implementation in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with resource, strategy, an...
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This paper aims to test the mediating role of turnover intention as well as the moderating role of transformational leadership in the relationship between perceived overqualification and innovative work behaviour in the telecommunications industry. Data were collected using questionnaires from three main telecommunications companies in Turkey. A to...
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, sosyal girişimcilik kavramını incelemek, tartışmak ve uygulama örnekleri ile sosyal girişimcilik alanında farkındalık yaratmaktır. Bu amaçla, çalışmada ilk olarak literatür incelenmiş ve sosyal girişimcilik kavramının farklı anlamları tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca, sosyal girişimciliğin amacı, önemi, boyutları ve faaliyet alanları açı...
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Bir organizasyonun temel zenginliği, sahip olduğu bilgidir (Sathiadas ve Wikramanayake, 2003). Bilgi son derece kritik bir stratejik güçtür ve iyi yönetilmesi gerekmektedir. Organizasyonların rekabet üstünlüğü elde etmeleri için karar verme üstünlüğüne, karar verme üstünlüğünü elde etmeleri için de bilgi üstünlüğüne sahip olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu...
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Problem of Research: Technological developments in the health sector in recent years have caused extraordinary changes in individual and public health. In particular, digital health applications are the use of information and communication technologies in monitoring individuals’ health and risk conditions, in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases...
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Problem of Research: Artificial intelligence is a technology by which machines and computers can make decisions like humans. Artificial intelligence methods are techniques developed by researchers and practitioners for the effective use of this technology. In the global digitalization process, artificial intelligence is being discussed more and mor...
This study aims to identify and define the relationships among knowledge sharing, innovative work behaviour, and ethical climate. We examine the mediating role of ethical climate in knowledge sharing and innovative business behaviour based on a case study of a Turkish cement factory with 495 employees. A hierarchal regression results demonstrated t...
Despite the discussion of social sustainability, which has been a crucial component of sustainable development for decades, unfortunately, the desired successful outcomes have not been realized in practice. This failure caused the need to examine the concept of social sustainability differently than ever before. Social entrepreneurship is a valuabl...
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Bu araştırmanın amacı işletmelerin tedarik zinciri entegrasyon düzeyinin işletme performansı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda İstanbul Sanayi Odası’nın her yıl açıklamakta olduğu en büyük 500 üretim işletmesinden (İSO 500) anket aracılığı ile veri toplanmış ve işletmelerin entegrasyon ve performans düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. Topl...
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Objective: This study aimed to identify and define the relationships among the median ages of countries, their death cases, and current health expenditures [percentage (%) of gross domestic product (GDP)] during the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: We analyzed the mediating role of current health expenditures (% of GDP) in the...
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Amaç – Bu araştırmanın amacı, ülke ekonomilerinin inovasyon kabiliyeti ile küresel rekabetçilik düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkide ekonomik serbestliğin düzenleyici rolünü saptamaktır. Yöntem – Araştırma modelini test etmek amacıyla 2019 yılına ait üç farklı küresel rapordan (Küresel İnovasyon Endeksi, Ekonomik Serbestlik Endeksi ve Küresel Rekabetçilik...
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Örgütsel adalet çalışanların örgüt içerisinde karşılaştıkları tutum ve davranışları algılaması şeklinde ifade edilebilir. Başka bir ifadeyle örgütsel adalet, eşitliğin ve doğruluğun otorite tarafından korunması, çalışanlara etik davranılması ve çalışanın bireysel ve örgütsel sonuçları adil olarak algılamasıdır. Örgütsel sinizm ise çalışanların için...
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INTRODUCTION: In modern societies, occupational image perception affects the decision of individuals to choose whether to pursue a career choice or not. The purpose of this research is to identify health management education at the graduate students of occupational image perception level in Turkey. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted with...
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Goal: This paper aims to demonstrate the mediating effect of internal integration in the relationship between long-term connections with customers/suppliers and operating performance. Businesses that want to improve operating performance often try to establish long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. However, at this stage, they neglec...
Circular economics (CE) is increasingly discussed among researchers, practitioners, and politicians. The discussions between the parties and the confusion about the concept cause the issue to remain on the agenda. According to the general view, CE is the slowing, shrinking, and closing of the welding flow to increase the welding efficiency. However...
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Amaç: Günümüzde rekabetin artması ve kaynak kullanımında verimlilik, etkinlik gibi kavramların önem kazanması sağlık sektöründe strateji teriminin sıklıkla kullanılır hale gelmesi sonucunu doğurmuş ve stratejik yönetimin gerekliliğini ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca rekabet ortamında sağlık kurumlarının yenilikçilik yetisine sahip olması, rekabet üstünlüğ...
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Amaç – IATF 16949 Otomotiv Kalite Yönetim Sistemi-KYS (bilinen adıyla ISO/TS 16949 standardı) dünyanın lider otomobil üreticilerinin bir araya gelerek oluşturdukları Uluslararası Otomotiv İş Gücü platformu tarafından geliştirilmiş olan küresel bir sistem standardıdır. Bu standart, tasarım geliştirme, imalat, montaj ve ilişkili servisleri kapsayan s...
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The purpose of this study is to identify the managerial and operational problems common to family businesses and to provide solutions for these problems. For this purpose, the analysis of the current situation of a medium-sized family production business in terms of production processes and organizational structure was performed with case study met...
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In global economic conditions, the ability of businesses to sustain their entities depends on their competitive advantage and their ability to protect it. The main objective of the practises realized within the scope of lean manufacturing is; to achieve customer satisfaction through continuous improvement and to achieve a competitive advantage thro...
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Problem: Modern toplumlarda mesleki imaj algısı bireylerin hem meslek seçimini hem de var olan mesleklerini sürdürüp sürdürmeme kararını etkilemektedir. Türkiye’de özellikle son yıllarda üniversitelerin lisans düzeyindeki sağlık yönetimi bölümlerine olan talep önce artmış daha sonra ise azalma eğilimi göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda sağlık yönetimi bölüm...
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Bu çalışmanın amacı işletmelerin her yıl yayınlamış oldukları sürdürülebilirlik raporlarının sosyal sürdürülebilirlik konularına dair içerik kalitesini Küresel Raporlama Girişimi (GRI) standartları çerçevesinde incelemektir. Bu bağlamda Borsa İstanbul Sürdürülebilirlik Endeksi’nde yer alan ve on farklı sektörde faaliyette bulunan on beş işletmenin...
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Background: Contributing to the innovative behavior of individuals in the health management process is a desirable condition for increased health institution performance. The relationship between the sense of loneliness and individual innovation behaviors has not been studied and relevant literature is extremely limited. The purpose of this resear...
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Amaç: Bu araştırma kamu ve özel hastane yöneticilerinin stratejik yönetim araçlarını bilme ve kullanım düzeylerinin örgütsel inovasyon üzerine etkisini belirlemek ve yöneticilerin stratejik yönetim araçlarını bilme ve kullanımı ile örgütsel inovasyona yönelik görüşlerini değerlendirmek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi.Gereç ve Yöntem:Betimleyici tipte ola...
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Özet: Bu araştırmada Borsa İstanbul'da (BİST) işlem gören teknoloji işletmelerinden oluşan BİST Teknoloji Endeksi (XUTEK) ile Türkiye'nin ihracatın ithalatı karşılama oranı arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, Borsa İstanbul'un sunmuş olduğu XUTEK verileri ve Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu'ndan elde edilen Mart 2016-Şubat 2018 dış ticaret veril...
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Günümüzde yaşanan küresel değişimler, işletmeleri sert bir rekabet ortamında varlıklarını sürdürmeye zorlamaktadır. Böyle bir ortamda faaliyette bulunan işletmeler, değişime ve gelişime uyum sağlamak için insan kaynaklarına daha fazla önem vermelidir. Söz konusu yıkıcı rekabet koşulları karşısında insan kaynağı faktörünün taklit edilemez, kopyalana...
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Background: The determination and fulfillment of the spiritual needs of the individual in times of crisis can be realized by the health care professionals having the knowledge and skills to provide individual-specific care. This research was conducted to determine the perceptions of health professionals about spirituality and spiritual care. Method...
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Sustainability is a recent increasing importance term, and it is seen an important topic for both public and private sectors in their operations. Within the globalizing economy, the health sector is one of the most important sectors that have taken human life as a focus. The survey examined whether the governance processes of private and public-sec...
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GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Hemşirelik mesleği tıp alanında yaşanan gelişmelerle birlikte yeni teknolojilerin geliştiği ve sürekli değişim içerisinde olan bir meslektir. Bunun yanında toplumsal değerler ve etik kurallar ile birlikte, hemşirelik alanında değişim ve değişime açıklık önemli kavramlardır. Bu çalışmada ameliyathane hemşirelerinin değişime açıklık al...
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z 2013 yılında Alman Ulusal Bilim ve Mühendislik Akademisi tarafından yayınlanan Endüstri 4.0 bildirgesi ekonomideki dijital dönüşüme vurgu yapmaktadır. Fabrikaların dijitalleşmesi ile birlikte daha hızlı, esnek ve düşük maliyetli üretim yapılması planlanmaktadır. Bu sayede üretim gücünü Uzak Doğu ekonomilerine kaptıran Batı ekonomileri, Batı menşe...
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Örgütler kendilerini oluşturan bireylerin ortak amaçlarına ulaşmalarını sağlamak amacı güden sosyal ve fiziksel yapılardır. Örgütlerin sosyal bir özelliğe sahip olmalarından dolayı örgüt bireylerinin yetki ve sorumluluklarının açık ve net olarak tanımlanması, birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerinin belirlenmesi, bu ilişkilerin koordine edilmesi ve denetle...
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In 1987, The World Commission on Environment and Development report on our Common Future formulated the definition of sustainable development and put forward the issue that caused the conflict between environment and development (Harris, 2000). It was proposed for the first time that the use of the concept of sustainable development, which is the m...
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With a long and complicated history with Turkey's EU relations began in 1963 with Ankara Agreement. Turkey has been engaged the full membership since 2005 but nevertheless it could not have achieved results during the negotiations. Behind the slow pace of Turkey's membership, many political and cultural barriers can be shown. The events showed that...
With the process of globalization being experienced nowadays the operations of business have spread to all regions of the world. Both geographical distances and different cultural, legal and political structures in different countries of activity make it difficult for enterprises to control their activities in these regions. The control system esta...
The importance of innovation for enterprises increases each passing day. As a result of globalization, enterprises are under intense competitive pressure. They have to make innovation for increasing \ market share or for protecting it. Non-innovative firms lose their customers and their existence faces a threat from other innovative actors in the m...
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İşletmelerin lojistik faaliyetlerinin etkin yönetimi, organizasyonların amaçlarına ulaşmasında belirleyici bir unsurdur. Özellikle küresel ölçekteki lojistik operasyonlarında, uygun ulaştırma alternatifinin seçimi kritik önem arz etmektedir. Ulaştırma modu seçimi; çeşitli alternatiflerin yer aldığı, sayısallaştırılması zor olan faktörleri içeren, ç...
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Today's technology advances at such a pace that we can no longer keep up with it. Computers, Internet and communication technologies have brought into our lives some benefits as well as some problems. Ethics and ethical behavior that has been subject to discussion since the old ages have gained a very different dimension with the introduction of th...
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Today, the importance of innovation for enterprises, increase each passing day. As a result of globalization, enterprises are under intense competitive pressure. They have to make innovation for increasing to market share or for protecting to it at least. Non-innovative firms lose their customers and their existence is face to threat from other inn...
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Quality is a main driver in a customer's choice of products and service. Improvement of quality is a extremely desired objective in the brutally competitive industrial world. There are many methods for quality improvement. Pareto analysis is one of the major technics of statistical process control. It is a broadly applicable method that used for id...
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Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis is a commonly used tool which examines strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) of a company or industry together with opportunities and threats (external factors) of the marketplace environment. SWOT analysis provides the basic outline in which to perform analysis of decision situ...
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Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis is a commonly used tool which examines strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) of a company or industry together with opportunities and threats (external factors) of the marketplace environment. SWOT analysis provides the basic outline in which to perform analysis of decision situ...
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Son yıllarda teknolojik, ekonomik, siyasal, ekolojik ve toplumsal alanlarda yaşanan hızlı ve güçlü değişim, işletmelerin varlıklarını derinden tehdit etmektedir. Sınırların ortadan kalktığı, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin bütün örgütsel süreçlere müdahale ettiği yeni ekonomik düzende, işletmelerin kendilerini tehdit eden değişim olgusunu fırsat...
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The fast and powerful change in technological, economical, political, ecological and social areas that arise in recent years, deeply threatens the existence of organizations. It becomes to be an important task to turn the threats of the changing process into opportunities for organizations themselves. However there may be great resistance in the or...
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The need of change in order to be more economic and innovative ist the most important issue in our continuously changing world. Industrial organizations that take plays in today's business world, behave as open systems that dependent to the environmental dynamism due to the effect of communication technology and social changes. For this reason the...


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