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The Impact of Eye Loss and Prosthetic Eye Wear on Recreational, Occupational and Social Areas of Functioning



Background: This study aims to explore the impact of eye loss and prosthetic eye wear on recreational, occupational and social areas of functioning. Methods: Two hundred and seventeen anophthalmic patients who had worn a prosthetic eye for at least two years and were older than 16 years responded to an invitation to complete an anonymous questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to investigate differences between variables. Content analysis was used to analyse participants’ open responses. Results: Participants reported a range of difficulties in occupational, social and recreational areas of functioning. Those who experienced problems in these areas reported stronger negative feelings and were more concerned about their appearance and visual perception than those who had developed strategies to overcome these problems. Conclusion: This study identified recreational activities, social functioning and workplace activities as the main areas where functional difficulties are experienced by prosthetic eye wearers. The study (often using patients’ own words) describes the impact of unilateral eye loss on these activities and demonstrates how eye loss and prosthetic eye wear can negatively affect anophthalmic patients’ behaviour and cognitive processing. It is important to prepare patients for this and to provide coping strategies that address patients’ appearance and visual perception concerns due to their negative impact on functioning.
Journal of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Open Access
Citation: Pine NS, de Terte I and Pine KR. The Impact of Eye Loss and Prosthetic Eye Wear on Recreational,
Occupational and Social Areas of Functioning. J Ophthalmol & Vis Sci. 2017; 2(1): 1016.
J Ophthalmol & Vis Sci - Volume 2 Issue 1 - 2017
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Pine et al. © All rights are reserved
Background: This study aims to explore the impact of eye loss and
prosthetic eye wear on recreational, occupational and social areas of functioning.
Methods: Two hundred and seventeen anophthalmic patients who had worn
a prosthetic eye for at least two years and were older than 16 years responded
to an invitation to complete an anonymous questionnaire. Descriptive and
inferential statistics were used to investigate differences between variables.
Content analysis was used to analyse participants’ open responses.
Results: Participants reported a range of difculties in occupational, social
and recreational areas of functioning. Those who experienced problems in these
areas reported stronger negative feelings and were more concerned about their
appearance and visual perception than those who had developed strategies to
overcome these problems.
Conclusion: This study identied recreational activities, social functioning
and workplace activities as the main areas where functional difculties are
experienced by prosthetic eye wearers. The study (often using patients’ own
words) describes the impact of unilateral eye loss on these activities and
demonstrates how eye loss and prosthetic eye wear can negatively affect
anophthalmic patients’ behaviour and cognitive processing. It is important to
prepare patients for this and to provide coping strategies that address patients’
appearance and visual perception concerns due to their negative impact on
Keywords: Prosthetic eye wearers; Psychology; Functioning; Concerns;
Ocular prosthesis; Psychological difculties; Anophthalmia
A prosthetic eye is used to replace a missing natural eye and
scleral shell prosthesis ts over a disgured non-functioning eye [1].
Previous research has established that losing an eye can negatively
impact one’s psychological wellbeing. In fact, McBain, Ezra, Rose
and New man [2] concluded that a patient’s adjustment to wearing
an ocular prosthesis was associated with psychological variables
rather than clinical or demographic factors. McBain, et al. [2] also
found that prosthetic eye wearers who had a pessimistic outlook,
negative self-image and a perceived lack of acceptance from society
had poorer psychological wellbeing. Another study investigated the
emotional experiences of individuals following eye loss and found
that 32% were preoccupied with hiding their disgurement ‘a great
deal’, 22.5% felt sad and 15% felt shy. At least 10% had ‘a great deal’ of
feelings of shame, insecurity, fear, inferiority and anger [3]. e most
common diculties of those with facial disgurement concern social
interactions, with aected individuals being subjected to intrusive
staring and comments [4].
Almost all the literature on the psychological adjustment of
patients living with a prosthetic eye has focused on appearance issues
[2,5,6], but when an eye is lost or disgured, there are also visual
Research Article
The Impact of Eye Loss and Prosthetic Eye Wear
on Recreational, Occupational and Social Areas of
Pine NS1*, de Terte I2 and Pine KR2
1School of Psychology, Massey University, New Zealand
2School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of
Auckland, New Zealand
*Corresponding author: Pine NS, School of
Psychology, Massey University, New Zealand
Received: March 23, 2017; Accepted: April 20, 2017;
Published: April 28, 2017
perception changes such as impaired depth perception and restricted
visual range as well as a need to cope with the inconvenience of
wearing a prosthetic eye-in particular mucoid discharge from the eye
socket which is reported to aect 91% of anophthalmic patients [7].
Until now, the specic functional impact of eye loss or of wearing
an ocular prosthesis has received minimal research attention. is
study helps to address this by asking prosthetic eye wearers directly
about their experiences of occupational, social and/or recreational
diculties. It is expected that the greater the negative impact on
functioning, the greater the negative impact on psychological
wellbeing (and vice versa). e study covers current functional
impacts as well as those experienced in the past.
e ndings of this study will provide greater insight into the
practical implications of unilateral eye loss, which will hopefully lead
to more targeted psychological support and advice for current and
future prosthetic eye wearers.
Materials and Methods
Once the Massey University Human Ethics Committee granted
ethics approval, a questionnaire was mailed or emailed to potential
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participants from the database of the New Zealand Prosthetic Eye
Service, a private practice with six clinics spread across the North
Island of New Zealand. Of the 540 potential participants contacted
about the research (181 via email), 217 completed the questionnaire
(40% response rate). All participants were at least 16 years old and
had worn an ocular prosthesis for at least 2 years.
e questionnaire included 29 questions and 5 psychological
scales across 4 main categories (demographics, concerns, feelings
and problems, psychological scales). is study covers the problems
section of the questionnaire, which asked participants if they had
any problems in social, occupational and recreational areas of
functioning either currently or in the past. is study also draws
upon demographic information gathered (age, gender, education,
ethnicity, relationship status, occupation, age when eye lost, etiology,
duration of prosthesis wear) and participants’ concerns regarding
appearance, mucoid discharge and visual perception.
Data analysis
e Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Mac (version
23) was used to analyze the quantitative data. Independent t-tests
were used to analyze dierences between: the presence of functional
problems (employment, social, recreational) and levels of concern
(discharge, appearance, visual perception) and the age at time of eye
loss and the presence of functional problems.
Participants’ open responses regarding the functional impacts
of eye loss were analyzed using content analysis. is identied
descriptive themes within the data and their frequencies [8]. e
percentage of responses within each category was computed,
with the most commonly occurring responses being viewed as the
most important [9]. For this reason, only categories that obtained
percentages over 10% were reported in the results.
e majority of participants were New Zealand European (76%),
followed by Maori (13%), other (7%), Asian (3%) and Pacic Islander
(1%). Participants’ average age was 58 years. ey had worn a
prosthetic eye for 27 years on average and 67% were male.
e gender ratio on 67% men in the study population roughly
aligns with the 59% men in a larger survey of prosthetic eye wearers
in New Zealand [10]. e representation of New Zealand Europeans
(76%) and Pacic Islanders (1%) aligns with that in the general
population (75% and 0.08% respectively) [11]. however, there is an
under representation of Maori (13%) and Asian (3%) ethnicities
compared to the general population (16% and 12% respectively) [11],
possibly because it was an English language questionnaire.
Demographic effects
On average, participants with social problems lost their eye
at a younger age (M = 20.4, SD = 18.74) than those without social
problems (M = 32.3, SD = 21.31, p< .001). is may be due to the
developmental period of younger people and the importance of
belonging to social groups and forming intimate relationships
during this time [12]. Participants with social diculties were also
younger at the time of the study (M = 54.2, SD = 13.82) compared
to those without diculties (M = 60.7, SD = 13.83, p = .001). ere
were no signicant relationships between social problems and other
demographic measures or with any demographic measures and
occupational or recreational problems (p> 0.05).
Functional difculties of unilateral eye loss
e most common functional diculties reported by participants
were experienced with recreational activities (57%), social functioning
(40%) and employment or workplace activities (32.4%).
Recreational activities
Of those participants whose free comments identied problems
with recreational activities, 30.5% had stopped playing, or had
particular diculties with ball sports (“Used to play tennis and
squash, still possible but very dierent level, no longer fun for me”),
non-ball sports such as swimming and mountain biking, or contact
sports(“Would not play rugby in case of further injury”). Twenty six
percent commented that their recreational activities were aected by
monocular limitations (i.e., reduced peripheral vision and impaired
distance perception) (“I am not brilliant anymore at coordination
and catching a ball is only average”, “Can’t judge a moving ball”,
“Playing pool has become very dicult - judging distance and angles
has become very handicapping”). Monocular vision also impacted on
other sports or activities (e.g., “I would love to learn to dance, but
scared my sight would make me look silly trying to turn etc and not
seeing on my right side”, “Horse riding judging speed and distance,
also some balance problems”, “Minor problems skiing - have to
constantly look to my right to avoid other skiers”).Nineteen percent
commented that their recreational activities were aected by fear
of their prosthetic eye falling out (e.g., during swimming, surng,
diving, water skiing) and sixteen percent commented that they had
successfully adapted to initial diculties.
Successful adaption’s mentioned by this group included how they
developed strategies or used aids to compensate for problems (“Afraid
that if I came o my water-ski the eye may pop out. So I wear an
eye patch”, “I was scared my eye would fall out in the waves…I have
Concern items Problems No problems Mean difference Sig.
Mucoid discharge 2 1.79 0.21 0.128
Appearance 2.15 1.85 0.3 .035*
Visual perception 2.11 1.64 0.47 .000*
Concern items Problems No problems Mean difference Sig.
Mucoid discharge 2.02 1.86 0.16 0.309
Appearance 2.39 1.87 0.53 .001*
Visual perception 2.07 1.71 0.36 .015*
Concern items Problems No problems Mean difference Sig.
Mucoid discharge 2.2 1.75 0.45 .001*
Appearance 2.48 1.72 0.76 .000*
Visual perception 2.14 1.74 0.4 .003*
Table 1: Differences in mean level of concern items according to the presence or
absence of recreational, employment and social problems.
*The mean difference is signicant at the 0.05 level.
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learnt to turn my back on the waves more and close my eyes hard”, “I
returned to playing rugby 4 months aer I lost my eye, taught myself
to catch the high ball, which was a re-aligning problem”). Others
avoided the activity, removed their eye, or used aids like underwater
Participants with recreational diculties reported signicantly
stronger negative feelings (M = .70, SD = .92) than those without
diculties (M = .41, SD = .79, p< 0.001). ose with recreational
problems were also signicantly more concerned about their
appearance and visual perception (Table 1).
Social functioning
Of the 40% of participants who had experienced problems in their
social lives, 28% reported that this was due to other peoples’ reactions
or behavior, 23% to social interactions, 18% to appearance concerns
and 12.6% to meeting new people.
Other peoples’ reactions mainly included other people staring,
name-calling or making hurtful comments and asking questions
(“At school some teasing, remarks, unkindness”, “Passing snide and
judging comments”, “My partner le me. My family thought it was a
joke. e amount of people that make jokes about ‘where’s ya parrot’
really hurt”).
Social interactions brought on negative feelings such as shyness,
inferiority, embarrassment, insecurity, feeling scared, self-conscious,
dierent from others or less of a person, or lacking condence.
One participant explained that “for a while, confrontations about
the prosthetic eye tended to be quite intimidating and would evoke
feelings of inferiority as I felt less of a person, in turn this lead to
jealousy and pushing people away from me…”.
Worries about appearance included disguisability of their
prosthetic eye such as the movement of the prosthesis, drooping
eyelid, discharge, pupil dilation and feeling unattractive (“e
awareness that I look dierent from others rarely leaves me…”, “It
makes you very conscious and always fretting about whether the eye
looks close to normal”).
Meeting new people or having romantic relationships was cited
as another social diculty (“I took a very long time to move in a social
setting. I regarded the fact that I had only one eye was a drawback in
mixing socially. My mates actively sought female company whereas
I was quite reclusive”, “e moment I wore it and socialized with
friends, it was obvious they were aware of my wearing something
articial that did not seem natural and that in turn made me very
aware…it oen led to my lacking condence, avoiding meeting
people and generally staying away from meeting friends”).
Prosthetic eye wearers who reported experiencing social
problems had signicantly stronger negative feelings (M = .91, SD
= 1.01) than those without (M = .32, SD = .67, p< 0.001). ose with
social diculties also had signicantly higher discharge, appearance
and visual perception concerns than those without (Table 1).
Employment and workplace activities
Of those participants who experienced problems with
employment and workplace activities, 35% reported that this was
because of other peoples’ reactions and 35% reported that monocular
limitations negatively impacted their work.
Other peoples’ reactions included negative responses or
comments, employers’ doubts, jobs not being oered and others’ not
knowing how to respond (“Name-calling”, “Employers are always
doubtful about me having one eye only. Mostly I get declined for the
position that I am applying for. at makes me feel very low”, “I have
been turned down for a job because my eye would be ‘o putting’ to
customers in a front line role”, “People do not know how to meet
your eyes when talking directly to you”, “Workplace bullying”).
Monocular limitations negatively impacted participants’ work
(“Lack of distance and perception of surfaces cost me my employment
as a head green keeper and made some other employments problematic
until I made adjustments”, “Worked in electrical industry working
amongst live overhead wire. Handicapped by peripheral vision
and still have instances with that blind spot”). ere was also some
concern about safety due to monocular vision (“Nail guns and aim”,
“Driving forklis and working at heights”).
Prosthetic eye wearers who have experienced employment
problems reported having signicantly stronger negative emotions
(M = .83, SD = .97) than those with no employment problems (M =
.39, SD = .74, p< 0.001). ey were also signicantly more concerned
about appearance and visual perception than those without
employment problems (Table 1).
e nding that prosthetic eye wearers with occupational,
social and/or recreational diculties experienced stronger negative
emotions is consistent with the idea that when a problem negatively
impacts on functioning, its severity typically increases and its impact
on mood intensies [13].
Participants with employment and recreational diculties
were particularly concerned with visual perception and specically
reported monocular limitations as being a reason for these diculties.
is is especially relevant to occupations or recreational activities
that have high visual demand and require sucient depth perception
and eld of vision, both of which are negatively impacted following
acquired monocular vision [14]. It is important therefore to inform
prosthetic eye wearers that there are strategies available to help them
compensate for these limitations (e.g., turning their head more
towards the side of the lost eye, positioning others on their sighted
side when walking or sitting, placing mirrors on their blindside on
their work desk or in their car [1]).
Participants with recreational, social and occupational diculties
were particularly concerned about appearance, as well as visual
perception. Other peoples’ reactions were also a common source of
stress for these participants. A number of studies have investigated
diculties in social settings for those with facial disgurement. It is
important to note the signicant role eyes have in communication and
‘perceived physical attractiveness’ and in turn, the understandable
impact that damage to them could have on ones social interactions.
In fact, this population typically has high levels of social anxiety and
avoidance of social situations [4,2], which we can now link to not only
appearance concerns but also to the practical impacts of acquired
monocular vision and mucoid discharge. e ndings of the current
study were consistent with previous research, which suggested that
monocular patients experienced social functioning impairment and
J Ophthalmol & Vis Sci 2(1): id1016 (2017) - Page - 04
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role diculty (e.g., diculties with hobbies and job performance and
negative feelings towards social interpersonal relationships) [15-18].
e social impact of eye loss can aect both personal and professional
lives, particularly as this population typically has low self-esteem and
expectations about life chances in employment and relationships [4].
First meetings are also particularly dicult [19], as are forming long-
term friendships [20].
If an individual is repeatedly exposed to negative social events,
behaviour change such as avoidance of social situations (as well as
of recreational activities) can occur; however, it is important to
consider the role of the individual’s beliefs and behaviour during
social interactions. Research has found that in those with facial
disgurements, the expectation of a negative response from others
is sucient for them to report events dierently. at is, their
heightened sensitivity to their disgurement and idea of being treated
negatively leads to the misinterpretation of events or subtle changes
in their behaviour (e.g., poor eye contact, poor posture), which then
produce stronger reactions from the observers [4]. Sensitivity to the
disgurement and tendency to attribute all negative experiences to
appearance is commonly reported amongst the facially disgured
population [21].
Information processing biases have also been reported in that
aected individuals are selective in their interpretation of social
feedback, primarily focusing on information that supports their
internalized views of themselves and ignoring evidence that challenges
it [22]. ese particular beliefs and behaviours are important to
consider when planning psychological intervention. Having good
social skills has been found to be associated with successful adjustment
[23,24], which also highlights the importance of social skills training.
e results of this study demonstrate that eye loss and prosthetic
eye wear can negatively aect the behaviour and cognitive processing
of anophthalmic patients. is can lead to negative impacts on
important areas of functioning, thus increasing the likelihood
of greater psychological diculties. is highlights the need for
psychological support and strategies to be provided, particularly
during the early stages of eye loss and prosthetic eye wear, so to
reduce this potential negative impact and improve the psychological
wellbeing of prosthetic eye wearers.
is study identies recreational activities, social functioning
and employment or workplace activities as the main areas where
functional diculties are experienced by prosthetic eye wearers.
e study (oen using patients’ own words) describes the impact
of unilateral eye loss on these activities and demonstrates how eye
loss and prosthetic eye wear can negatively aect the behaviour and
cognitive processing of anophthalmic patients. It is important to
prepare patients for this and to provide coping strategies that address
patients’ appearance and visual perception concerns due to their
negative impact on functioning.
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... 1,2 Common conditions related to individuals with eye loss are depression, anxiety, altered personality and health perception, negative influence by socioeconomic level, and feelings of insecurity and social rejection. [3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Globally, the number of blind people of all ages is 39 million, of whom 32 million are 50 years or older and 1.26 million are children under 15 years old. [10][11][12] Blindness may cause facial disfigurement and/or pain with consequent indication for eyeball removal, 13 and rehabilitation with an ocular prosthesis to repair esthetics and function, contributing to social reintegration and improvement in quality of life. ...
... 30 Studies have evaluated the quality of life, stress, and anxiety of individuals after eye amputation, [6][7][8][9] as well as studies on adaptation difficulties faced by individuals receiving ocular prostheses and associated factors. [3][4][5][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43] However, most of these studies have been retrospective or transversal. Thus, longitudinal studies should be performed to assess short-, medium-and long-term user needs, as well as the impact of prosthetic rehabilitation on the anophthalmic socket to identify requirements for public sector financing. ...
... 16,40 Additionally, studying the psychological needs of the recipients of ocular prostheses and the influence of time, cause of loss, and clinical difficulty with the prosthesis on the adaptation of the individual is essential to obtain clinically relevant results. 3,4,31,36 It is important to highlight that these evaluations can be realized with specific instruments for the target population. [44][45][46][47][48][49] Therefore, the purpose of this longitudinal clinical study was to evaluate the influence of ocular prosthetic rehabilitation on the quality of life, perceived stress, and clinical characteristics of the anophthalmic socket before and after prosthesis installation and to evaluate patient perceptions and feelings in the period of device usage. ...
Purpose This prospective study evaluated and correlated the impact of ocular prostheses on quality of life and stress with socioeconomic level and clinical characteristics. The clinical difficulties and perceptions of patients after ocular rehabilitation were evaluated. Methods Anophthalmic patients (at least 18 years of age) who were not users of ocular prostheses were recruited. The Medical Outcomes Short‐Form Health Survey (SF‐36) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS‐10) questionnaires were administered before and after 3 and 6 months of prosthesis installation. Clinical characteristics, difficulties, and perceptions were evaluated by quantitative and descriptive analysis (7 days, 3 months, 6 months). Data were analyzed by the Friedman test and Pearson Correlation test (α = 0.05). Results The final sample consisted of 26 patients. Quality of life showed improvement in the “Bodily Pain” and “General Health” domains. Wearing the prosthesis did not influence perceived stress. The clinical evaluation showed clinical discharge over 6 months and presence of pain only at 7 days. A weak correlation occurred between sociodemographic characteristics and the categories ”Role‐Physical" (r = 0.423) and “General Health” (r = 0.494); cause of anophthalmia and “Role‐Physical” (r = ‐0.471); and type of surgery and “General Health” (r = ‐0.432). Conclusions According to the results of this study, the provision of ocular prostheses showed positive influence in 2 domains of quality of life and weak correlations with socioeconomic level, type of surgery, and cause of loss. Ocular rehabilitation did not influence stress. The use and care of the prostheses did not affect tissue inflammation, but the discharge was continuous. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
... Early following eye loss, but also in the longer term (> 2 years later), AEUs are known to suffer from concerns about discharge, visual perception, and appearance, with a loss of self-image [8]. A survey among 217 experienced AEUs (> 2 years) demonstrated negative consequences on recreational, occupational, and social aspects of life [9]. Looking at the very long term, a large sample of adult survivors of retinoblastoma who had undergone enucleation (N = 404) reported persistent physical, intrapersonal, social, relational, and affective problems, at a mean of 42 years after diagnosis [10]. ...
Full-text available
Purpose Artificial eye users (AEUs) can experience a negative impact on psychological and emotional wellbeing, including reduced social functioning, which may be a consequence of living with one eye removed, and/or of having a prosthetic eye. This may have wider consequences for their families. We aimed to explore what it means to live with a prosthetic eye, for both AEUs and their families—and how any quality of life (QoL) issues impact on their day-to-day functioning. Methods A subset of AEUs and their family members taking part in a feasibility randomised controlled trial comparing hand-painted to digitally printed artificial eyes were invited for semi-structured interviews. Transcripts were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Qualitative results related to trial participation are covered elsewhere. Here, we focus on QoL and day-to-day functioning. Results Twelve AEUs (eight males) and five spouses (one male) who had worn artificial eyes for 2–65 years took part, and four themes were identified. (1) Impact on day-to-day life: AEUs and their spouses have to adapt to (partial) sight loss, reduced levels of confidence, and social withdrawal. (2) Impact on psychological and emotional wellbeing: distress among AEUs and their spouses can be severe and prolonged, highlight unmet support needs. (3) Challenges with treatment experiences: AEUs experienced negative impact of fragmentation of care and long waiting times. (4) Worries about the future: AEUs mentioned fragility of remaining sight, and concerns around potential need for further treatment. Conclusion Patients and their family members experience negative impact of being an AEU on their everyday lives and quality of life. There is a potential role for psychosocial support services in supporting AEUs and their families even long after eye loss.
... These findings are consistent with previous research identifying fear of negative evaluation, social anxiety and social stigmatization, as frequent difficulties in those living with appearance altering conditions that can lead to social withdrawal (Clarke et al., 2013;Pine et al., 2017a;Rumsey & Harcourt, 2004). ...
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This study aims to explore the psychosocial factors and challenges affecting the lives of those who wear an ocular prosthesis following a traumatic eye injury. Thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with eight individuals resulted in five themes: emotional devastation in the aftermath; moving forward; fear of negative social evaluation; keeping it normal - protecting self and close others; and threat of injury & blindness. Enucleation or evisceration of an eye causes significant emotional stress. Despite successful prosthetic restoration, many individuals continue to experience ongoing psychosocial challenges, as a consequence of their experiences of visible difference and visual impairment.
... Female single anophthalmic patients with a low level of education and young people overall appear to need careful psychological assessment and specific intervention to avoid undesirable consequences, mainly if the anophthalmic condition is related to trauma. 5,[14][15][16] Older patients suffer less from the impact of eye removal, as they feel to be accepted by their environment more than young people. 17 In any case, the success of the rehabilitation of anophthalmic patients is related to appropriate clinical care of patients and ability to improve their quality of life. ...
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Anophthalmic socket syndrome determines functional deficits and facial deformities, and may lead to poor psychological outcomes. This review aims to comprehensively evaluate the features of the syndrome, based on literature review and authors’ clinical and surgical experience. An electronic database (PubMed,MEDLINE and Google Scholar) search of all articles written in English and non-English language with abstract translated to English on anophthalmic socket syndrome was performed. Data reviewed included demographics, presentations, investigations, management, complications and outcomes. Different types of orbital implants were evaluated; the management of implant exposure was examined; different orbital volume enhancement procedures such as secondary implantation, subperiosteal implants and the use of fillers in anophthalmic patients were described; the problems related to socket contraction were outlined; the treatment options for chronic anophthalmic socket pain and phantom eye syndrome were assessed; the most recent advances in the management of congenital anophthalmia were described. Current clinical evidence does not support a specific orbital implant; late exposure of porous implants may be due to pegging, which currently is seldom used; filler absorption in the orbit appears to be faster than in the dermis, and repeated treatments could be a potential source of inflammation; socket contraction results in significant functional and psychological disability, and management is challenging. Patients affected by anophthalmic socket pain and phantom eye syndrome need specific counseling. It is auspicable to use a standardized protocol to treat children affected by clinical congenital anophthalmia; dermis fat graft is a suitable option in these patients as it helps continued socket expansion. Dermis fat graft can also address the volume deficit in case of explantation of exposed implants and in contracted sockets in both children and adults. Appropriate clinical care is essential, as adequate prosthesis wearing improves the quality of life of anophthalmic patients.
... Again, these findings were consistent with the findings of other studies. 7 Duration since eye loss was another important factor influencing the psychological wellbeing of participants as found by Pine et al who reported that almost all concerns with appearance, discharge, and appearance at time of eye loss significantly reduce after at least two years. 4 This implies that psychological help may be more urgent at time of eye loss but this study has demonstrated that a significant need exists for many experienced prosthetic eye wearers as well. ...
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Background This study explores the role of appearance, mucoid discharge, visual perception and functional problems as indicators for depression, anxiety and stress amongst prosthetic eye wearers. Methods A total of 217 anophthalmic patients who had worn a prosthetic eye for at least two years and were older than 16 years completed an anonymous questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to investigate differences and correlations between variables. Results The mean scores for depression, anxiety, and stress fell within the accepted normal ranges; however, 11% of participants experienced moderate depression, while 7% experienced severe or extremely severe levels. Ten percent were moderately anxious, and 7% were severely or extremely severely anxious. Five percent of participants were moderately stressed, while 7% were severely or extremely severely stressed. Conclusion Social settings are important predictors for depression, whereas anxiety and stress appear to derive more from appearance concerns and practical issues. Prosthetic eye wearers with employment, leisure and social functioning issues are at higher risk of depression, anxiety and stress, as well as appearance, anxiety and not feeling accepted by society. Older patients and those who feel accepted by society appear to suffer less anxiety and stress. It is recommended that psychologists be a part of an integrated team to address the needs of anophthalmic patients.
... [2][3][4] This in turn affects their daily work and recreational and social life. 5 Staring and unkind comments from others can also be stressful with wearers needing to learn coping strategies to manage anxiety 6 that can otherwise lead to loneliness, loss of employment, fear of social withdrawal, insecurity, clinical anxiety and depression. 2,7 Studies comparing various demographics have demonstrated that people living alone experience greater levels of depression or anxiety compared to those living with family. 2 Younger age and less education have been related to greater levels of anxiety and depression. ...
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Clinical relevance Loss of an eye has a negative impact on the psychological health of a person. Background The aims are to: (a) identify the concerns of experienced prosthetic eye wearers in representative areas of India; (b) investigate how they change over time; (c) study how some demographic characteristics influence concerns; and (d) compare prosthetic eye concerns in India versus Germany and New Zealand. Methods This observational multi‐centre study was conducted in the cities of Mumbai, Bengaluru and Delhi. Subjects aged from 18 to 65 years, with experience of at least two years of wearing a prosthetic eye fabricated from polymethyl methacrylate material, completed a validated questionnaire over the telephone. The questionnaire captured demographic data and general and prosthetic eye concerns at the time of eye loss and at the present time. Results At the time of eye loss, the five main concerns of participants were: health of the remaining eye; change in appearance; comfort; colour of the prosthesis; and movement of the prosthesis. However, after at least two years these concerns were significantly reduced (p < 0.05). The main present‐day concern was watering, crusting and discharge, which was experienced by 81.1 per cent of the participants, 55.5 per cent of them on a daily basis. Compared with other demographic groups, blue‐collar workers had higher odds of being concerned about the health of the remaining eye and least odds about prosthesis motility. Homemakers had higher odds of being concerned about wearing comfort and students had higher odds of being concerned about wearing comfort, appearance and health of the remaining eye. Conclusion Initial concerns significantly reduce after two years. Watering, crusting and discharge are the most important current concerns for anophthalmic participants.
The possible complications of anophthalmic eye sockets can occur due to many different pathomechanisms. A differentiation is made between allergic, infectious, inflammatory or mechanical causes. This article gives an overview on the different etiologies of socket complications with their pathophysiology and treatment options.
The purpose of this study is to describe the etiology and effects of acquired monocular vision in older adults and how it can affect clients' daily activities and functional mobility. This study will describe how occupational therapy interventions facilitate functional visual skills, in order to support occupational performance of a client with acquired monocular vision. This case illustrates the potential benefit of providing occupational therapy through low vision evaluation, occupational therapy and intervention specific to this condition, and to incorporate compensatory strategies to facilitate client's occupational performances. It was found that after occupational therapy services, the client had benefitted intervention to address acquired monocular vision condition.
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Purpose To evaluate morphological alterations of meibomian glands (MGs) in the dry anophthalmic socket syndrome (DASS). Methods Fifteen unilateral anophthalmic patients wearing cryolite glass prosthetic eyes were enrolled. All patients with clinical blepharitis or other significant eyelid abnormalities were excluded. In vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) of the MGs in the lower eyelids both on the anophthalmic side and the healthy fellow eye was performed to quantify acinar unit density, acinar unit diameter, acinar unit area, meibum secretion reflectivity, the inhomogeneous appearance of the glandular interstice, and inhomogeneous appearance of the acinar walls. Results The lower eyelids of the anophthalmic sockets revealed a significant reduction of the acinar unit density ( p = 0.003) as well as a significantly more inhomogeneous appearance of the periglandular interstices ( p = 0.018) and the acinar unit walls ( p = 0.015) than the healthy fellow eyelid. However, there were no significant differences regarding the acinar unit diameter, acinar unit area, and meibum secretion reflectivity of the MGs on the anophthalmic side compared to the healthy fellow eyelid ( p ≥ 0.05, respectively). Conclusions The eyelids of anophthalmic sockets without clinical blepharitis demonstrate a reduced density of MG acinar units and a more inhomogeneous appearance of the periglandular interstices and the acinar unit walls. This can cause meibomian gland dysfunction contributing to DASS and suggests early treatment of these symptomatic patients, even in the clinical absence of any blepharitis signs.
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PurposeTo investigate anxiety and depression levels in prosthetic eye–wearing patients using standardized psychometric instruments, to define factors associated with these psychological diseases, and to identify a potential healthcare gap.MethodsA total of 295 prosthetic eye wearers were screened using the 7-item generalized anxiety disorder scale (GAD-7) and the 9-item patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9). Scores of GAD-7 and PHQ-9 were correlated with scores of general physical and mental health functioning, vision-related quality of life, appearance-related distress, appearance-related social function, and further biosocial factors.ResultsFive patients (2%) had a pre-diagnosed anxiety disorder, and 20 patients (7%) had a pre-diagnosed depression. However, our screening revealed 26 patients (9%) with anxiety symptoms, 31 patients (11%) with depression symptoms, and 40 patients (14%) suffering from both anxiety and depression symptoms. This underdiagnosing for both anxiety and depression disorders was significant (p < 0.001, respectively). Higher GAD-7 scores were significantly associated with higher PHQ-9 scores, lower appearance-related social function, lower mental health functioning, and female gender (p ≤ 0.021, respectively). Higher PHQ-9 scores were significantly associated with lower physical and mental health functioning, higher educational degree, and non-traumatic eye loss (p ≤ 0.038, respectively).Conclusions Anxiety and depression disorders seem to be underdiagnosed in prosthetic eye wearers and to have higher incidence compared with the general population. Therefore, a psychometric screening should be routinely implemented in the clinical care. For a successful long-term rehabilitation, integrated care by a multidisciplinary team including ophthalmic plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists, ocularists, general practitioners, and psychologists is essential.
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Objective: Many patients are satisfied with their ocular prosthesis, but some describe problems with social interactions, body image and self-esteem. Although both clinical practice and research suggest that the severity of a disfiguring condition does not predict distress, there has been little research with patients living with an ocular prosthesis. The objective was to explore the psychological impact of living with an artificial eye or cosmetic shell and determine the relationship between psychological well-being and clinical and psychosocial factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study between March and September 2008 at the ocular prosthesis clinic of Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK. The primary outcome measures were mood as measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and appearance-related social anxiety and social avoidance, as measured by the Derriford Appearance Scale (DAS24). Results: Mean scores on the HADS and DAS24 were within normal range, but a considerable proportion of participants were experiencing significant levels of distress. Psychosocial adjustment was unrelated to most clinical and demographic variables, but was associated with a series of cognitive processes. Conclusions: Psychological variables, rather than clinical or demographic factors, are associated with how a patient adjusts to wearing an ocular prosthesis. Such factors might be amenable to change through psychosocial intervention.
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This article explores three different approaches - content analytic, biographical and discursive - to analysing the same data set (women with breast cancer talking about causes, and Blaxter’s classic work on ‘lay aetiology’). It compares these three approaches in relation to the key epistemological problems of ‘context’, ‘footing’ and ‘multiple versions’ - and concludes that a discursive approach offers better solutions to these problems than do the other two approaches. Finally, it suggests that both feminist psychology and health psychology would benefit from increased use of discursive approaches, particularly in relation to theorizing ‘experience’.
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To describe the biosocial profile of New Zealand (NZ) artificial eye wearers and establish a basis for future research and international comparison. This retrospective study surveyed 431 NZ artificial eye wearers to investigate their ethnicity, gender, age, causes of eye loss, age of current prosthesis, ocular prosthetic maintenance regimes and the extent and severity of discharge associated with prosthesis wear. Approximately 3000 people wear artificial eyes in NZ. Accidents were the main cause of eye loss prior to 1990 and medical conditions have been the main cause since. In the 1960s, the ratio of men to women losing an eye from accidents was 5:1, but during the past decade the ratio was 1.4:1. Socket discharge occurred at least twice daily for one-third of the study group. Approximately 1 in 1440 people wear artificial eyes in NZ. Decline of eye loss due to accidents is consistent with decreasing workplace and traffic accidents and may be due to improved medical management, workplace safety standards and safer roads. Mucoid discharge is prevalent in the anophthalmic population of NZ and an evidence based treatment protocol for discharge associated with prosthesis wear is needed. Research into this distressing condition is planned.
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This study aimed to determine the psychosocial and appearance-related concerns of a sample of ophthalmic patients by measuring a range of psychological, social, and demographic factors. Standardized psychological measures including anxiety, depression, appearance-related distress, self-discrepancy, appearance salience and valence were administered to 98 participants attending ophthalmic outpatient clinics in either London, Bristol, Sheffield or Bradford. Differences between groups were explored using t-tests and ANOVA, relationships between all variables were investigated using Pearson's correlation coefficient. Although mean scores for psychological adjustment were within the normal range, some participants were experiencing considerable levels of generalized anxiety. Being older, male, and married or living with a partner was related to significantly better adjustment. Better adjustment was also related to a less visible area of concern, greater disguisability of the affected area, a more positive evaluation of their own appearance, less engagement in comparing themselves with others, greater feelings of being accepted by others, appearance being less important to their self-concept, and a smaller discrepancy between the persons ideal and actual appearance. A majority of ophthalmic patients adjust positively to the demands placed on them. By identifying the variables that are associated with successful adaptation, the specific psychological interventions and appropriate systems of support can be put in place to help those who are adversely affected.
This is the first textbook to offer a comprehensive account of ocular prosthetics and the evidence that underpins and supports this field of healthcare. It does so by bringing together information from ophthalmology, prosthetic eye and contact lens literature and from experts working in these fields. The book describes the psychological, anatomical and physiological aspects of eye loss as well as surgical procedures for removing the eye, patient evaluation, making and fitting prosthetic eyes (including prosthetic and surgical techniques for dealing with socket complications), the socket’s response to prosthetic eye wear, prosthetic eye maintenance and the history of prosthetic eyes. The book is written primarily for ocular, maxillofacial and anaplastology prosthetists, ophthalmologists, ophthalmic nurses, optometrists and students of these disciplines. The book is also a useful resource for other health workers and family members who care for prosthetic eye patients and for those patients who require a deeper understanding of the issues affecting them.
The problems of facial dis® gurement are becoming more widely understood as infor- mation from different research areas becomes better integrated. This paper reviews this research, describing the problems faced by people who have a dis® gurement and the results of intervention studies. Thepackage' of care provided to this population by a lay-led organization is described, and a framework proposed which integrates the development of coping skills with the more traditional role of providing support and information. This framework uniquely recognizes the potential therapeutic role of the ex-patient for the population served, and builds this role into the package. It is proposed as a potentially useful model for health professionals providing a service in other health care settings.
The aim of this study was to assess the improvement in psychosocial awareness of anophthalmic patients wearing ocular prostheses and its relationship with demographic characteristics, factors of loss/treatment, social activity, and relationship between professional and patient. Surveys including a form for evaluation of psychosocial pattern were conducted with 40 anophthalmic patients rehabilitated with ocular prosthesis at the Center of Oral Oncology in the authors' dental school from January 1998 to November 2010. The improvement in psychosocial awareness was assessed by comparing the perception of some feelings reported in the period of eye loss and currently. Wilcoxon tests were applied for comparison of patients' perception between the periods. χ(2) tests were used to assess the relationship between the improvement in psychosocial awareness and the variables of the study. In addition, the logistic regression model measured this relationship with the measure of odds ratio. The feelings of shame, shyness, preoccupation with hiding it, sadness, insecurity and fear were significant for improvement in psychosocial awareness. It was concluded that the anophthalmic patients wearing an ocular prosthesis has significant improvement in psychosocial awareness after rehabilitation.
To identify the concerns of experienced artificial eye wearers and investigate whether these had changed since they lost their eye. A retrospective study of private practice patients. Sixty-three experienced artificial eye wearers. An anonymous questionnaire was posted to participants. Paired Wilcoxon tests were used to investigate changes to concern levels over time. Ordinal logistic regression was used to investigate associations of demographic variables with concern levels. Changes in level of concern over time. At the time of initial eye loss, participants were mainly concerned about the health of their remaining eye, coping with monocularity and receiving good advice. Between initial eye loss and the present, reductions in concern occurred with judging distance, peripheral vision, appearance, receiving good advice, comfort, retention, colour and movement of the artificial eye, fullness of orbit, loss of balance and postoperative pain. Patients whose jobs involved the public were more concerned about appearance and reduced visual range than those in other occupations. Participants' chief present-day concerns were health of the remaining eye and watering, crusting and discharge. All results above had a probability <0.05. The study emphasized patients' concerns about the health of their remaining eye and their need for good advice at time of eye loss. Knowledge that their initial concerns about judging distance, reduced peripheral vision and appearance all decrease over time may help clinicians in counselling these patients. Watering, crusting and discharge was the chief present-day concern after health of the remaining eye.