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Evolution of IoT in smart vehicles: An overview

Evolution of IoT in Smart Vehicles: An Overview
Keertikumar M.1, Shubham M.2, R.M. Banakar3,,
1, 2: Research Students 3: Professor, Member IEEE
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering
BVB Campus, KLE Technological University
Hubli, India
Abstract--The journey of IoT from Arpanet to state of art wireless
communication in vehicles is presented. The history of the wireless
standards used in IoT is described which gives the path followed by
the community of IoT using different communication modes. It is
observed that Wi-Fi is the speediest of all the wireless standards used
for IoT. A special observation here, which is design constraint, is that
internet connectivity is mandatory for information communication.
Extensive usage of IoT in Vehicle communication has impacted the
research work to develop new routing and data gathering protocols.
The growth of internet of things in vehicular communication is
discussed. Surveys of the routing protocols are presented. It is
interesting to note that present smart vehicles have data sensing and
gathering (DSG) modules and data fusing models to improve the
services provided to user community. The survey depicts the
advancement in the IoT trends up to date till the year 2015. A brief
overview of the IoT system design is presented with some typical
issues that have to be seen during deployment phase.
KeywordsIoT, Wireless Standards, Smart Vehicles, Wi-Fi.
In the year 1969, Arpanet came into existence which is
older version of internet. In 1990, John Romkey created the
first Internet ‘device’, a toaster that could be turned on and off
over the Internet. At the October '89 INTEROP conference,
Dan Lynch, President of Interop promised Romkey that, if
Romkey was able to "bring up his toaster on the Net," the
appliance would be given star placement in the floor-wide
exhibitors at the conference. The toaster was connected to a
computer with TCP/IP networking. It then used an information
base (SNMP MIB) to turn the power on.
In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee created first web page. In the year
1999, was a big year for IoT, when the term IoT was coined by
Kevin Ashton. The research-oriented successor to the MIT Auto-
ID Center was originally founded by Kevin Ashton, David Brock
and Sanjay Sharma. They helped develop the Electronic Product
Code or EPC, a global RFID based item identification system
intended to replace the UPC bar code.
IoT is now the state of art technology used for many
multimedia applications, smart transport systems and smart
city design and deployment issues. The smart transport system
can be a part of the smart city projection for days to come.
This may be because of the nature of the contents involved in
applying and developing IoT applications.
The popularity of IoT application in the 21st century is due
to the dominance of internet users, development of smart
phone technology and mobile communication standards.
Clearly the internet users across the world has become a
design factor decision to apply IoT in e-Governance, e-Billing
for domestic applications like water and electricity facilities,
e-reservation systems for bus, trains and flights. However a
survey can also be done on infrastructure for IoT, Cloud
computing and the services offered.
In the year 2005, The IoT hit another level when the UNS
International Telecommunications Union ITU published its
first report on the topic. In the year 2008, a group of
companies launched the IPSO Alliance to promote the use of
Internet Protocol (IP) in networks of "smart objects" and to
enable the Internet of Things. The IPSO alliance now boasts
over 50 member companies, including Bosch, Cisco, Ericsson,
Intel, SAP, Sun, Google and Fujitsu. Between the years, 2008-
09, Internet of Things was born, as this was time where more
number of “things or objects” were connected to the internet
than people. Citing the growth of smartphones, tablet PCs, etc.
the number of devices connected to the Internet was brought
to 12.5 billion in 2010, while the world’s human population
increased to 6.8 billion, making the number of connected
devices per person more than 1 (1.84 to be exact) for the first
time in history.
Fig. 1. World Population vs Devices connected to Internet.
[Ref. 25]
Fig. 1 shows the number of objects or devices connected to
the internet is more than the users. It is predicted that by year
2050 the number of devices connected will be 5x times more
than the users. In year 2011 the world has witnessed 2 billion
users of internet technology [10].
ARPANET concept
TCP/IP protocols
APRANET implemented with TCP/IP
Tim Berners- Lee invented www.
IoT was coined.
First device designed with RFID used in IoT
‘Prediction’ 50 Billion Devices in IoT
‘Prediction’ 7.6 Billion people
Table 1: Journey of IoT with Projection in 2020
Table 1 illustrate the growth and progress the world has
seen in the sector of IoT. Although the concept of Arpanet
was evolved in 1969, it took around 8 years to implement the
concept commercially. The TCP/IP protocol which was
developed in 1974, saw its first commercial usage in 1977 in
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).
Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf developed Arpanet packet
switching protocols in 1974. Tim Berners-Lee in the year 1991
introduced World Wide Web (www) which is regarded as a
breakthrough in Internet services. Once Wi-Fi was introduced in
1997 many applications started emerging using internet. In 1999,
when the word IoT was coined, the same year the first
device was designed using RFID communication mode, which
had a range of 10cm-200m.
It is predicted that by year 2020, 50 billion devices will be
connected to internet and 7.6 billion people connected to
Concept of Wi-Fi
Table 2. IoT Communication Modes
Table 2 illustrates the IoT communication media has
evolved from 1972 with the invent of Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) for around 200m as short range wireless
communication media. The concept of GPRS was evolved in
1978, which indicated good amount of research and
development on wireless communication. GSM was designed
and developed in 1987. It was the development of World Wide
Web (WWW) in 1991 clubbed with Wi-Fi standards IEEE
802.11 in 1997 that saw huge potential application scenario of
Wi-Fi applications. Later with the advent of IoT in 1999 and
developmental work till 2007 academicians, researchers and
industry started seeing a new paradigm of IoT applications.
RFID: In this section wireless standards used in IoT are
described [1][2][17]. In the years 1972-75, RFID device were
developed by Kriofsky and Kaplan. Later in the years 1979-
82, Beigel minimized the size of that device. Radio Frequency
Identification System uses tags or labels attached to the
objects to be identified. It has transmitter-receiver, which
sends it signal to the tag and read its response and then this
signal is sent to the computer running RFID software on it.
Frequency is 120-150 kHz (LF), 13.56 MHz (HF) and 433
MHz (UFH). Range is 10cm to 200m.
ZIGBEE: [3][4][5] In the year 1998, Zigbee was invented
which revolutionized the connectivity. The term Zigbee was
evolved from the concept buzzing of bees in Zigzag pattern. In
the year 2000, it became an IEEE standard 802.15.4 for
WPANS. In the year 2004, Zigbee device was released. The
ZigBee standard allows for low-powered devices to send data
along a network, with each device capable of relaying the data
toward its intended destination. This lets to set up a really
806 2015 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT)
effective network. Range of this standard is 1 to 75 m and
bandwidth comes around 20 to 250kbps.
GPRS: [6][7][8] Amateur radio operators invented GPRS in
the year 1978. In the year 1980, AX.25 was the first GPRS
device developed. In the year 1984, V2.0 standard for GPRS,
which was the first Packet switching Network. The migration
of 2G to 3G was possible because of GPRS.
GSM: [9][10][11] In the year 1975, GSM concept has
emerged. In the year 1987, GSM was developed and the year
is considered as Birth of GSM. In the year 1990, Alain
Molabert successfully embedded the GSM technology onto
the phones on move. In the year 1991, SMS concept was
described by Kevin Holey. In 1992, Fred Hillebrand and
Bernard M. who made SMS as service as possible.
BLUETOOTH: [3] Bluetooth is a wireless technology
standard for exchanging data over short range, Jim Kardach
coined the term Bluetooth (Bluetooth 1.0) in 1999. In 2004,
Bluetooth enhanced data rate. Frequency of this
communication media is 2.4GHz and range is about 1 to
100m. Bluetooth was standardized as IEEE 802.15.1, which
was mainly developed to for replacing cable communication.
It has a bandwidth of 720 kbps.
WI-FI: [12][13][14][15] In the year 1988, IEEE standard
802.11 was released. Developed in the year 1997, Wi-Fi was
using IEEE standard 802.11 by Vic Hayes who was
responsible for this. Wi-Fi was developed especially for Web,
Video and for mailing purpose. The bandwidth of Wi-Fi is
more than 11,000 kbps and the range is around 1 to 100m.
Wi-Fi is famous for speed and flexible communication.
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, in short MANETs is an
infrastructure less network, where each node is free to move
around in any direction. Hence it will be disconnecting from one
device and getting connected to another device or node nearby in
the range. In this technology each node has to be routed, so as to
send the information from source to destination. The main
challenge in forming this network is that, nodes created should be
self-updated to latest information flowing in the network.
MANETs network is highly dynamic network topology, as nodes
are not fixed to a point, which may lead to disconnection.
MANETs are used for collections of data read by sensors and
hence they are very useful in variety of applications like
monitoring of air pollution, but problem with this technology is
that nearby sensor node will be collecting similar data which may
lead to data redundancy, which is the main disadvantage of
MANETs. So many algorithms have been developed to rectify
this fault. If there are many nodes in a network between source
and destination nodes, destination node may receive data with
some delay. In MANETs the source node will be simultaneously
and continuously transmitting data packets to the nearby nodes,
which may result in data
redundancy or garbage data, hence resulting into packet loss.
To prevent this flooding of data, many protocols have been
introduced where they are implemented using their own
algorithms to find the shortest path to send the data from
source node to destination node.
In the paper [18], the authors have focused on Mobile adhoc
networks and Vehicle Ad hoc networks. They described the
differences between MANETs and VANETs. They have
discussed architectures and various characteristics of MANETs
and VANETs. Various Routing protocols used in MANETs are
Proactive, Reactive, and Hybrid. In Reactive protocols, there are
again different protocols DSDV and AODV. They have again
brought up differences between DSDV and AODV. Similarly,
they have listed various protocols used in VANETs. Performance
analysis of both MANETs and VANETs are presented.
Performance variable: “Dynamic change of nodes”, is a major
change in these two. Pattern of Result are analyzed and
performance matrix is designed using various Protocols.
VANETS are further used for smart transport system. In
[20], the typical issues identified are car accident, road safety,
and pollution and congestion reduction in city. Evaluation
Approach is placing ITL (intelligent traffic lights) in every
intersection of 4 roads and with the help of VANETs,
communication between vehicles and infrastructures solves
the problems identified.
One more feature e-notify, automated accident detection is
discussed. In this paper, they have come up saying that AODV
protocol is better than GPRS and GOPS in traffic
management. Proposed claim in this paper is Distribution of
ITL is possible in every corner of city. This is useful to update
traffic and weather related information to the vehicles coming
by and also taking info from them as well. This is their smart
city framework that is presented. The authors have written
their own algorithms to manage Traffic management.
The algorithms to manage Warning messages using routing
tables are efficient. In this they have restricted speed of the
vehicles based on weather condition as well as density of traffic.
Data analysis, driver reaction time and distance travelled are
analyzed. Time factor analysis for the traffic and weather, with
and without the proposed claim i.e. ITL, is also discussed.
In [19], typical issues are identified based on quality of
service. Authors are highlighting that centralized, server based
traffic have many drawbacks 1. Lack of privacy 2. Questionable
scalability 3. Inhibited innovation and service quality. Regarding
the evaluation Approach, they have come with overlay-based geo-
cast systems. They have defined an attacker model. It is shown
that without additional protection mechanism, the difficulty for
placing surveillance on individual node is low. They have
discussed possible improvements like Overdrive and Overlay
representative for geo-cast overlays. They have discussed
functionality and privacy concepts of overdrive. For requester to
request about the information of
2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT)
traffic, message is transferred to nearest neighborhood
vehicles based on the algorithms they have developed. Firstly,
as soon as the message enters the geographically portioned
concentric ring, node in the target area answers the query
requested by directly sending a response (via IP) to the
requester. Secondly, as a privacy concept in this
communication, they have formulated and developed
algorithms for data to be transferred in particular direction
using IP protocol. Attacker model, developed with many
assumptions initially assist in surveillance of individual
targets, which helps in deciding nearest neighbor for passing
data. For proofs, they have done simulation, on their proposed
work. And proved their algorithms have better grip on privacy
issues than centralized traffic server.
In [21], typical issues identified are traffic light delay
traffic density and controlling of traffic congestion. Providing
first priority to the emergency vehicles by clearing the road
traffic is also explained. Setup for solution of system contains
IR proximity sensor, embedded processor and Xbee pro are
mounted on either side of roads and on emergency vehicles. In
the evaluation approach IR system is activated whenever any
vehicle passes on road between IR sensor and Xbee.
Embedded processor control node counts the number of
vehicles passing on road. Based on different vehicle counts, it
updates the traffic lights delay, according to the algorithm
mentioned in the paper. Smart traffic congestion is used with
an antenna signal updated from nearest traffic base station, to
follow shortest path route with less traffic jam.
Regarding system implementation, they have used
embedded duemilanove and Ethernet shield, Xbee, IR
proximity sensor, GSM modem, which is used for sending and
receiving SMS and is used for internet connection.
In [22], discusses the functioning of various elements used
in the scenarios. They have simulated the results as proofs of
their work. Typical issues identified are, traffic congestion in
urban areas, high traffic produces air pollution, driving in
traffic congestion, frequent idling and acceleration. Braking
increases energy consumption and wear and tear on vehicles.
Proposed solution is the smart vehicle using model called
Model Predictive Control (MPC). Main point of this paper is
to regulate the host vehicle with MPC by adjusting its safe
headway without aggressive control action. The host vehicle
is called as smart vehicle. Smart vehicle system includes
dynamic behavior of the FV (front vehicle) in the host vehicle
control model such inclusion avoids sudden braking and
collision. It also predicts the future trajectory of the immediate
PV (Previous Vehicle). Using this prediction, each time
system computes the control input for host vehicle & regulates
safe headway. The evaluation approach used is algorithmic
numerical simulation in dense traffic. In this paper, they have
propose smart traffic system, additionally they consider, how
to make vehicles smart for the traffic congestion.
In [23], typical issues are, growing size of city, increasing
population mobility and increased number of vehicles on the
roads, which has resulted in many challenges for road traffic
management. Reducing congestion, accidents and air
pollution. Evaluation approach is this paper has surveyed
various existing Traffic Management System (TMS) and then
it has given its own solution. The TMS has 4 phases: Data
sensing and gathering (DSG), Data fusion, Processing and
aggregation (DFGA), Data exploitation (DE), Service
Delivery (SD). DSG collects data from various heterogeneous
sources and feeds periodically. DFGA fuses and aggregates
the data, DE uses processed data to compute the optimal
routes, various traffic statistics. SD delivers this data to end
users. Later in paper they have discussed various DSGs
techniques and DFGA techniques. They have made a
comparison table of various existing Traffic Prediction
Approaches. Dynamic route planning algorithms to predict
best route for nearby short distance to reach destination during
traffic congestion, are designed.
The performance index in this paper is, time of data sensing to
data delivery to end user. Apart from this, paper has Parking
Management System They have even surveyed characteristics of
Vehicular Routing Protocols using comparisons. Remedies to
improvise the protocols are developed.
The evolution of IoT in this paper is restricted only to the
historical development of the concept of IoT. It is observed
that the concept is speedily picked up by the user community
and industries to make the concept a reality. Since the
conception of IoT in 1999, years 2005 and 2006 saw
academician and industries conducting conferences dedicated
to IoT deployment techniques. Wireless communication is the
main pivot of the wide usage of IoT in recent days.
The journey of wireless communication standards from RFID
(1972) to Wi-Fi (1997) to IoT in smart transport vehicles is
interesting. The range of RFID and Zigbee is 10 to 200m and 1 to
75meters respectively. Bluetooth became a standard in all mobile
and electronic gadgets for smart range communication within 10
meters with a bandwidth of 720kbps.
The mass usage of smart phones in 2012 market had a
great impact on IoT applications [26]. The reason for this is
mainly the ease of app development on smart phones for
applications specific designs. Wi-Fi is the speediest
communication media available as on year 2015 with
bandwidth of around 11000 kbps.
IoT is also witnessing new and innovative application
design in multimedia communication. IoT is penetrating in
green computing, data mining and business data analytics,
scientific data analytics because of cloud computing platform
available as a design entity [30].
808 2015 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT)
IoT has created revolution in smart vehicle technology by
introducing wireless standard communication devices. In smart
transport system if the vehicle is moving at a speed greater than
20km/hr. The GPS communication will not be a right solution
because the bandwidth of GPRS/GSM is in the range of 64 to 128
kilobytes per second. A good solution strategy to be used is a Wi-
Fi communication mode. The key attributes of Wi-Fi namely the
speed and flexibility play an important role.
Characteristics of IoT are as follows:
Effective perception: Any object which wants to be a
“thing” in the “Internet of Things” should have effective
and efficient sensors network which should be able to
comprehensively sense the data where is it placed to do the
required task.
Reliable Transmission: There are variety of available
networks like Radio networks, telecommunication
networks and internet. The selected network should be so
efficient that data sensed by sensor network will be
available anytime so this data has be transmitted when it is
available. Communication here may be wired or wireless.
Smart processing: When the data has been collected into
the cloud by using appropriate transmission medium, data
has to compute in the cloud. So that the system can take
further actions for which the whole system is designed for.
When a team is working on system design of IoT
applications few issues need careful attention. If the IoT
application designer is using all the open sources platforms,
there will not be any problem. IoT as a system design unit
infrastructure for device interface
cloud platform for data storage and data transfer
mobile or display unit as a front end unit network
service for internet connectivity if Wi-Fi is used as a
communication media
As a system designer to have a proof of concept of the
design unit a developer normally uses third party boards,
platform and services. For example, in an IoT application at
present Raspberry-pi and Intel Galileo boards or other boards
are available for development of IoT systems.
During the research stage it is perfectly fine to use a third
party development. During the phase of product development
as a pilot piece also, it is Ok, if the third party development
boards are used. Once the designers plan to commercialize the
product then the permission from the third party is mandatory.
The permission from the vendors will not be granted just
based on wish list. The vendors will give a list of rules which
the developers has to use. One clause in the set of rules will
be, the royalty to be paid to the vendors company per product
For cloud platform for the data storage for prototype design
free open source cloud service can be used. Once the design is
deployed for commercial use the storage space of cloud will
not be sufficient, so the designer as a solution strategy contacts
the cloud service platform. The cloud platforms have their
own tariffs. It may be yearly or on monthly basis.
These points need due attention to avoid copyright issues.
If the copyright issues are violated huge fine has to be given.
The evolution of the IoT has seen tremendous progress in last
8 years. To describe as interesting point that happened in IoT
revolution seems to be appropriate here. In 1990, Dr. Sulivan
and team CSRIO Australia were working on radio astronomy.
They filed a patent on the concept of wireless communication
in 1990. The patent was accorded and the claim of the patent
accepted by the patent scrutiny committee. IEEE committee
USA standardized the 802.11 IEEE standards. In 1985
wireless LANs were implemented by US Federal
Commission. There was some confusion of the origin of Wi-
Fi. By then, US designed a number of internet devices and
started marketing. Subsequently CSRIO Australia with their
patent in radio astronomy for wireless communication filed a
court case against US federal. It was decided in court that an
initial token amount of $230 be paid as a compensation to
CSRIO Australia. The court hearing also fixed certain royalty
per internet devices, Henceforth the royalty has to be paid to
CSRIO. These issues of copyright, royalty should be taken are
of during the design commercialization.
The evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) is presented in the
paper. The progress in wireless communication and different
communication Medias are presented with technical
specifications. The recent trends of IoT applications to develop
smart transport system are discussed. The improvements in the
service protocols in V2V communication are presented. It can be
inferred that the best route to the destination can be obtained by
optimizing the protocols. Royalty and Copyright issues are
important during product commercialization using IoT.
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Com- put., Vol. 14, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2010, pp. 4451. [Online].
810 2015 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT)
... Intelligent transport systems, also referred to as smart transport, smart transportation and mobility, intelligent transportation systems or smart vehicle systems, can be smart roads or smart highways with warning messages and signs for diversion according to weather conditions and unexpected events such as accidents or traffic jams [5]. Intelligent transport systems will become part and parcel of smart cities in the near future; this may be associated with the nature of the contents involved in the implementation and development of loT-based applications [14]. ...
... But providing these services is challenging due to different needs, costs and quantity of services demanded. The concept of Smart Vehicle as a Service (using the acronym SVaaS) is related to the idea of providing continuous vehicular services to those who need them [14]. In Brazil, the rate of urbanization stood at approximately 84.4% in 2018, which is the highest rate recorded since the 1960s. ...
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Technological innovations have pursued to improve the quality of life of people. These innovations have led to the development of high-tech smart equipments, vehicles, monitoring systems, and so on. Smart healthcare monitoring systems have become an important tool for monitoring the health of patients, company employees, athletes, among others. This work is a review of the scientific works and studies of the last ten years, the state of the art regarding the techniques employed for monitoring the health of occupants of smart vehicles. Through a systematic review of the studies reported in the literature, we quantified articles published and identified the most relevant works with the use of the Proknow-C technique. The databases employed for our review were ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Approximately 1337 works were found. Once selected the 16 most relevant papers, we applied the conceptual maps technique to construct a comprehensive overview linking the contributions of works and correlating them to the main research approaches adopted in the literature. This review brings meaningful contributions to help the scientific community to have a comprehensive understanding of the subject and to make advances.
... They can avoid data delays and overload due to multiple nodes between source and destination nodes. The authors compare MANET and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), discussing differences between DSDV and AODV, and the use of Proactive, Reactive, and Hybrid routing protocols in MANETs and VANETs, and creating a performance matrix based on dynamic node modification [3,20]. ...
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The advent of technology has facilitated communication among individuals, structures, and transport, thereby revolutionizing contemporary living. In this regard, the Internet of Things has emerged as a transformative approach. Smart vehicles and the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) play a vital role in the development of smart cities and intelligent mobility systems, relying heavily on connectivity and data exchange. The storage, processing, and collection of data generated by smart cars are presently achievable through cloud computing. This study aims to utilize weight identification and ranking algorithms to explore, evaluate, and prioritize the essential transportation attributes for enhancing intelligent transportation systems. This study uses the VIKOR approach to identify top-ranking options for Intelligent Transportation Systems, focusing on their effectiveness, safety, efficiency, and sustainability in transportation. The VIKOR technique is useful in urban planning and IoV settings, providing a balanced decision-making framework. Future recommendations include refining criteria, integrating AI, fostering collaboration, ensuring security, promoting public awareness, and making transportation reliable, convenient and easy for use.
... In this structure, each node has one or more parents and forwards data toward a root node, typically representing a sink or a gateway to an external network. The DODAG formation optimizes energy efficiency and allows for efficient routing in highly dynamic scenarios [15][16][17][18][19][20]. ...
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The Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is a fundamental routing protocol designed for resource-constrained and lossy networks such as the Internet of Things (IoT). One of the popular platforms for implementing and evaluating RPL is the Contiki operating system due to its lightweight and energy-efficient nature. This review paper provides an overview of the RPL protocol, highlights its key features, and examines its utilization within the Contiki operating system. We delve into various aspects including the protocol’s objectives, working principles, modes of operation, and its interaction with Contiki. Additionally, this chapter discusses the benefits, challenges, and research advancements associated with implementing RPL using the Contiki operating system.
... For example, healthcare wearables and energy grid smart meters are massive-connectivity-intensive. At the same time, self-driving vehicles and remote surgery are latency-intensive, while telemedicine and industrial control and monitoring systems are broadband-intensive [20][21][22][23]. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) constitutes a vast network comprising various components such as physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items equipped with sensors, actuators, and software. These components are interconnected, facilitating the collection and exchange of copious data across networked communications. IoT empowers extensive monitoring and control over a myriad of objects, enabling them to gather and disseminate data that bolster applications, thereby enhancing the system’s capacity for informed decision making, environmental surveillance, and autonomous inter-object interaction, all without the need for direct human involvement. These systems have achieved seamless connectivity requirements using the next-generation wireless network infrastructures (5G, 6G, etc.), while their diverse reliability and quality of service (QoS) requirements across various domains require more efficient solutions. Open RAN (O-RAN), i.e., open radio open access network (RAN), promotes flexibility and intelligence in the next-generation RAN. This article reviews the applications of O-RAN in supporting the next-generation smart world IoT systems by conducting a thorough survey. We propose a generic problem space, which consists of (i) IoT Systems: transportation, industry, healthcare, and energy; (ii) targets: reliable communication, real-time analytics, fault tolerance, interoperability, and integration; and (iii) artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML): reinforcement learning (RL), deep neural networks (DNNs), etc. Furthermore, we outline future research directions concerning robust and scalable solutions, interoperability and standardization, privacy, and security. We present a taxonomy to unveil the security threats to emerge from the O-RAN-assisted IoT systems and the feasible directions to move this research forward.
... The current trends in the development of SCM technologies are defined by the enormous possibilities of the Internet [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. The chains of manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, transport and trading companies are intertwined in the most intimate way and are already real online networks. ...
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To successfully integrate business processes between suppliers and customers, manufacturers must solve the complex problem of information security. IoT is defined as a group of infrastructures interconnecting connected objects and allowing their management, data mining and the access to data they generate. It embodies the next phase toward mass digitization of supply chains to facilitate innovations. IoT encompasses devices such as sensors as well as passive, semi-passive (or semi-active), and active electronics which are connected over a network. This research aims to investigate the current status and future direction of the use of information systems for supply chain management for companies with multicomponent production. Based on data collected from different enterprises, can be concluded that in order to identify the most effective strategies of information support of supply chain the attention should focus on the identification and management of the sources of uncertainties.
... Then, for higher throughput, WiFi is the general option. However, in scenarios with high mobility and security/privacy requirements, like the CCAM applications, cellular communications make the difference in delivering IoT messages [8]. ...
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Vehicles embed lots of sensors supporting driving and safety. Combined with connectivity, they bring new possibilities for Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) services that exploit local and global data for a wide understanding beyond the myopic view of local sensors. Internet of Things (IoT) messaging solutions are ideal for vehicular data as they ship core features like the separation of geographic areas, the fusion of different producers on data/sensor types, and concurrent subscription support. Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) and Cloud infrastructures are key to hosting a virtualized and distributed IoT platform. Currently, the are no benchmarks for assessing the appropriate size of an IoT platform for multiple vehicular data types such as text, image, binary point clouds and video-formatted samples. This paper formulates and executes the tests to get a benchmarking of the performance of a MEC and Cloud platform according to actors' concurrency, data volumes and business levels parameters.
... Vehicles in the 21st century are complex mechatronic devices [40,41]. This means that they contain mechanical and electrical components with electronic control. ...
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The article describes the implementation of road driving tests with a vehicle in urban and extra-urban traffic conditions. Descriptions of the hardware and software needed for archiving the data obtained from the vehicle’s on-board diagnostic connector are presented. Then, the routes are analyzed using artificial intelligence methods. In this article, the reference of the route was defined as the trajectory of the driving process, represented by the engine rotational speed, the driving speed, and acceleration in the state space. The state space was separated into classes based on the results of the cluster analysis. In the experiment, five classes were clustered. The K-Means clustering algorithm was employed to determine the clusters in the variant without prior labelling of the classes using the teaching method and without participation of a teacher. In this way, the trajectories of the driving process in the five-state state space were determined. The article compares the signatures of routes created in urban and extra-urban driving conditions. Significant differences between the obtained results were indicated. Interesting methods of displaying the saved data are presented and the potential practical applications of the proposed method are indicated.
Water holds great significance as a vital resource in our everyday lives, highlighting the important to continuously monitor its quality to ensure its usability. The advent of the. The Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about a revolutionary shift by enabling real-time data collection from diverse sources, thereby facilitating efficient monitoring of water quality (WQ). By employing Machine learning (ML) techniques, this gathered data can be analyzed to make accurate predictions regarding water quality. These predictive insights play a crucial role in decision-making processes aimed at safeguarding water quality, such as identifying areas in need of immediate attention and implementing preventive measures to avert contamination. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the current state of the art in water quality monitoring, with a specific focus on the employment of IoT wireless technologies and ML techniques. The study examines the utilization of a range of IoT wireless technologies, including Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LpWAN), Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), cellular networks, and Bluetooth, in the context of monitoring water quality. Furthermore, it explores the application of both supervised and unsupervised ML algorithms for analyzing and interpreting the collected data. In addition to discussing the current state of the art, this survey also addresses the challenges and open research questions involved in integrating IoT wireless technologies and ML for water quality monitoring (WQM).
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In this paper we have proposed à smart traffic light control and congestion avoidance system during emergencies. The system consists of two parts: Smart traffic light control system and Smart traffic routing system. First part of the system controls the traffic light system smartly for emergency vehicles and second part of the system tries to avoid congestions caused by traffic jams. The overall system is based on Arduino. The Arduino used in the system is Arduino duemilanove atmega which is 328P family based. The system contains IR proximity sensor/distance sensor, Arduino and Xbee pro which are mounted on the either sides of roads and in emergency vehicles respectively. The IR system is activated whenever any vehicle passes on road between IR proximity sensor and Xbee pro. Arduino controls the IR system and counts number of vehicles passing on road. Arduino also store vehicles count in its memory. Based on different vehicles count, the Arduino takes decision and updates the traffic light delays. The traffic light is situated at a certain distance from the IR system. Thus based on vehicle count, Arduino defines different ranges for traffic light delays and updates those accordingly. [URL for download:]
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The enormous pressure towards efficient city management has triggered various Smart City initiatives by both government and private sector businesses to invest in Information and Communication Technologies to find sustainable solutions to the diverse opportunities and challenges (e.g., waste management). Several researchers have attempted to define and characterize smart cities and then identify opportunities and challenges in building smart cities. This short article also articulates the ongoing movement of Internet of Things and its relationship to smart cities.
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The growing size of cities and increasing population mobility have determined a rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, which has resulted in many challenges for road traffic management authorities in relation to traffic congestion, accidents and air pollution. Over the recent years, researchers from both industry and academia were focusing their efforts on exploiting the advances in sensing, communication and dynamic adaptive technologies to make the existing road Traffic Management Systems (TMS) more efficient to cope with the above issues in future smart cities. However, these efforts are still insufficient to build a reliable and secure TMS that can handle the foreseeable rise of population and vehicles in smart cities. In this survey, we present an up to date review of the different technologies used in the different phases involved in a TMS, and discuss the potential use of smart cars and social media to enable fast and more accurate traffic congestion detection and mitigation. We also provide a thorough study of the security threats that may jeopardize the efficiency of the TMS and endanger drivers' lives. Furthermore, the most significant and recent European and worldwide projects dealing with traffic congestion issues are briefly discussed to highlight their contribution to the advancement of smart transportation. Finally, we discuss some open challenges and present our own vision to develop robust TMSs for future smart cities.
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Many technical communities are vigorously pursuing research topics that contribute to the Internet of Things (IoT). Nowadays, as sensing, actuation, communication, and control become even more sophisticated and ubiquitous, there is a significant overlap in these communities, sometimes from slightly different perspectives. More cooperation between communities is encouraged. To provide a basis for discussing open research problems in IoT, a vision for how IoT could change the world in the distant future is first presented. Then, eight key research topics are enumerated and research problems within these topics are discussed.
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The cluster between Internet of Things (IoT) and social networks (SNs) enables the connection of people to the ubiquitous computing universe. In this framework, the information coming from the environment is provided by the IoT, and the SN brings the glue to allow human-to-device interactions. This paper explores the novel paradigm for ubiquitous computing beyond IoT, denoted by Social Internet of Things (SIoT). Although there have been early-stage studies in social-driven IoT, they merely use one or some properties of SIoT to improve a number of specific performance variables. Therefore, this paper first addresses a complete view on SIoT and key perspectives to envision the real ubiquitous computing. Thereafter, a literature review is presented along with the evolutionary history of IoT research from Intranet of Things to SIoT. Finally, this paper proposes a generic SIoT architecture and presents a discussion about enabling technologies, research challenges, and open issues.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has been realized as one of the most promising networking paradigms that bridge the gap between the cyber and physical world. Developing green deployment schemes for IoT is a challenging issue since IoT achieves a larger scale and becomes more complex so that most of the current schemes for deploying wireless sensor networks (WSNs) cannot be transplanted directly in IoT. This paper addresses this challenging issue by proposing a deployment scheme to achieve green networked IoT. The contributions made in this paper include: 1) a hierarchical system framework for a general IoT deployment, 2) an optimization model on the basis of proposed system framework to realize green IoT, and 3) a minimal energy consumption algorithm for solving the presented optimization model. The numerical results on minimal energy consumption and network lifetime of the system indicate that the deployment scheme proposed in this paper is more flexible and energy efficient compared to typical WSN deployment scheme; thus is applicable to the green IoT deployment.
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For smart traffic applications like dynamic route planning, communication between traffic participants is of high importance. Traditional communication architectures for smart traffic are centralized, which leads to major privacy concerns since every service provider gains a global view on the mobility behavior of all participating nodes. Recent publications on decentralized alternatives often claim to remedy privacy issues by getting rid of the centralized entity. In this paper, we test this assumption thoroughly, evaluating the privacy-aspects of overlay-based geocast systems in comparison to centralized approaches. To this means, we define an attacker model and describe two different attacks on privacy. Through simulation we show that without additional protection mechanisms, the difficulty for placing surveillance on individual nodes is low. Based on the results, we discuss possible improvements and alternative communication approaches.
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Traffic management on road networks is an emerging research field in control engineering due to the strong demand to alleviate traffic congestion in urban areas. Interaction among vehicles frequently causes congestion as well as bottlenecks in road capacity. In dense traffic, waves of traffic density propagate backward as drivers try to keep safe distances through frequent acceleration and deceleration. This paper presents a vehicle driving system in a model predictive control framework that effectively improves traffic flow. The vehicle driving system regulates safe intervehicle distance under the bounded driving torque condition by predicting the preceding traffic. It also focuses on alleviating the effect of braking on the vehicles that follow, which helps jamming waves attenuate to in the traffic. The proposed vehicle driving system has been evaluated through numerical simulation in dense traffic.
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Road safety has become a main issue for governments and car manufacturers in the last twenty years. The development of new vehicular technologies has favoured companies, researchers and institutions to focus their efforts on improving road safety. During the last decades, the evolution of wireless technologies has allowed researchers to design communication systems where vehicles participate in the communication networks. Thus, new types of networks, such as Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), have been created to facilitate communication between vehicles themselves and between vehicles and infrastructure. New concepts where vehicular networks play an important role have appeared the last years, such as smart cities and living labs [1]. Smart cities include intelligent traffic management in which data from the TIC (Traffic Information Centre) infrastructures could be reachable at any point. To test the possibilities of these future cities, living labs (cities in which new designed systems can be tested in real conditions) have been created all over Europe. The goal of our framework is to transmit information about the traffic conditions to help the driver (or the vehicle itself) take adequate decisions. In this work, the development of a warning system composed of Intelligent Traffic Lights (ITLs) that provides information to drivers about traffic density and weather conditions in the streets of a city is proposed and evaluated through simulations.
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This paper summarizes the concepts of IOT (the internet of things), introduces the different comprehensions, introduces the history of IOT, illustrates the key technologies of IOT, and describes the applications of IOT.