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An Intelligent System for Remote Monitoring of Patients Health and the Early Detection of Coronary Artery Disease



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An Intelligent System for Remote Monitoring
of Patients Health and the Early Detection
of Coronary Artery Disease
Sheetalrani R Kawale
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Karnataka State Akkamahadevi
Women's University,
Vijayapura, Karnataka, India.
KDV Prasad
Assistant Professor (Research),
Symbiosis Institute of Business
Management, Hyderabad
Symbiosis International (Deemed
Pune, India
Satish Dekka
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science and
Lendi Institute of Engineering and
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Dankan Gowda V
Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering,
BMS Institute of Technology and
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Rama chaithanya Tanguturi5
Department of Computer Science and
Pace Institute of Technology and
Ongole, Andhra Pradesh.
Galiveeti Poornima6
Assistant Professor,
School of CSE & IS,
Presidency University,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Abstract: India is a country where number of death occur
due to road accidents and thus because of the bad health
condition of the driver’s. To overcome this issue the remote
patient monitoring system has to be deployed to find the
conditions of patients and update their health information. A
new system has been developed, that monitors the activities of
the user their behavior, health monitoring and detection of
stress this device helps in accessing all those conditions and
provides better results for the healthier living of the user or
patients. The ability of predicting the prevalence of diabetes
and hypertension in the Indian women using the specific
thresholds indices are examined. The cut off point for waist
circumstances is 35% thresholds, 12% have more than WC
threshold in hypertension and 13% in case of diabetic patients.
The body mass index cut point threshold value is 25.02 kg/m2
and 34% people have more than BMI cut-point in case of
hypertension and 25% have more than BMI cut point in case of
diabetes. In case of waist to height ratio cutoff only 1% have
missed the cutoff in hypertension and 0% in case of diabetes,
from these three parameters have the same ability in predicting
the hypertension and diabetes in Indian women. The health
monitoring system is proposed using decision tree.
Keywords: Health care System, IoT, Diabetes, Sensor, Health
Monitoring and Intelligence System.
The plausibility of Smart devices incorporates the
hardware contraptions that captures data segments and those
are connected with the cloud, empowering them to regularly
provoke certain case. It draws all in all gadgets to chat with
one another or possibly with people, engages challenge sense
and control as regularly as conceivable is intimated. It is an
exceedingly exceptional and essentially streamed dealt with
the framework, made out of unlimited articles. The Smart
gadgets is a uber pattern in cutting edge progresses that can
affect the whole business expand and can be thought of as the
interconnection of particularly conspicuous amazing articles
and contraptions inside the present web structure with
broadened focal points[1]. Central focuses ordinarily solidify
the moved the device availability, structures, and associations
that goes beyond M2M circumstances along these lines, this
shows mechanization in the all the fields. Significance of
human services as demonstrated by the WHO is - A
condition of finish eternal, psychological and socio events
flourishing. There are numerous story and non account
disease which plays noteworthy come in therapeutic issue.
Essential in consideration - The second main issue is poor
sanitation. As indicated by one examination of WHO, just
30% of individuals of India get quality helpful organizations.
Much research is going on to develop an automatic wheel
chair system to the elderly people. The automatic wheel chair
can be possible [2]. Healthcare applications for automatic
wheel chair systems have been proposed to provide medical
help to the needed people. This proposed model provides a
vibration control button with the help of this we can check
the status of the wheel chair. If the patient is fallen from the
wheel chair the vibration button will send the information to
the care taker and the vibration will occur till the patient has
been placed back to the wheel chair. In present, there are
many technologies so preparing a list for enabling
technologies are a tough task. Many research works is going
on to find the enabling technologies for Smart Device. With a
specific genuine target to fathom a framework which joins a
few base layer and capably diverts information snippets of
data to the detached servers, the paper proposed an
arrangement called Remote Health Monitoring (IReHMo).
The general building of IReHMo includes five layers,
specifically recognizing layer, home entryway, sort out
system, appropriated specification and apparatus layer [3].
IoMT enables M2M association and continuous mediation
plans which will radically change the human administrations
transport, sensibility and steady quality in not all that
removed future. Additionally, extended patient commitment
in fundamental administration will bolster the human
2022 International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON)
arnataka, India. Dec 23-25, 2022
978-1-6654-5499-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 1
2022 International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON) | 978-1-6654-5499-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SMARTGENCON56628.2022.10083623
Authorized licensed use limited to: BMS Institute of Technology. Downloaded on April 08,2023 at 03:35:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
administrations advantage consistence [4]. The term IoMT, a
social protection utilization of the advancement, includes an
arrangement of related devices that sense basic data
continuously. IoMT grows human-machine association
which improves the continuous prosperity watching courses
of action and patient commitment is an essential authority.
Various health care trends are depicted in Figure.1.
Fig. 1. Healthcare Trends
Smart Device enables the consistent prosperity checking,
data selection and prosperity record backing to help the data-
driven decisions. These may give the altered prosperity
organization to the patient. Wearable contraptions expect a
major part in steady checking of patient’s prosperity, health
and activities, Information created from this condition is
reliably taken care of to give distinctive clinical organizations
to the patients and general prosperity [5]. The predictable
prosperity data is in like manner used to perceive step by step
typical and physical assessment. Various healthcare devices
are made to screen the individual’s natural components,
circulatory strain, blood course volume and sugar volume and
body torment. Recently, progressively number of ambulances
is used each day by a regularly expanding number of people
[6]. This would make greater movement and inconveniences
to pick the best crisis vehicle to give clinical organizations.
The best salvage vehicle concern is researched as one of the
key issues in the healthcare therapeutic administration’s
condition. Moreover, IoE is likewise used to in human
wellbeing it incorporate individual well-being checking of
patients, savvy medicate suggestion framework and brilliant
clinical consideration framework. People can utilize keen
gadgets, for example, savvy and brilliant band to watch their
status of wellbeing. The gathered information from the
different keen social insurance gadgets are transmitted to the
specialist and clinical consideration framework to take
essential activities [7]. These days, different shrewd wearable
gadgets are recognized to gather different wellbeing status it
incorporate circulatory pain, glucose level in human body,
pulse value, temperature, physical development. What’s
more, IoE is likewise utilized in different keen home
applications, for example, entryway control, support to the
room temperature, and security alerts.
The huge volume of data produced has large moral
values, the mining algorithms are used to extract useful info
from hidden data. In proposed approach a model is developed
to find the hidden data using application, knowledge and
technique view. The data mining algorithms like the
Association algorithm, clustering algorithms, classification
algorithm and time series algorithm are analyzed in this
paper. If the number of devices increases the volume of the
data also increases in case of huge volume amount the
analysis of data becomes harder.
Fig. 2. Overview of Data Mining
Figure.2. represents an overview of Data mining [8].
Healthcare Applications connects with lot of sensors and that
sensors provide huge amount data with help of net. So there
is no necessary need to build the architecture. In recent years
many researchers have suggested a reference architecture
model. There are many researchers they try to develop
architecture from the basic input of people as input, as of now
it has as three-layered architecture namely Application,
Presentation and transport layer. The Bigdata technologies
and strategies are used when the problem exceeds the
processing capacity of the single machines. The definition of
bigdata varies from one to other. Generally, it is large
datasets and the techniques and technologies employed to
handle the computations of those large datasets [9]. The
process in the Bigdata involves four stages, ingesting the
data, storing the data, analysing and computing and
visualizing the data. Accordingly, there is a need for huge
data progressions to process such unstructured data. In
addition, contraptions are produced by various types of data
with no break. In this way, it is watched that there is a need
for impel data taking care of contraptions and advances to
process such kinds of spouting data. Of late, there has been a
perceptible addition to the number of wearable contraptions
for watching the patient’s prosperity, wellbeing and activities
on continue with reason. This has profound take influence in
accounts of prosperity, association and clinical help of
patient’s physical information [10]. This progress moreover
helps the game plan of more focal points relating to the
regular ordinary and physical assessment. In the midst of the
prosperity watching length, devices associated with the
physical to follow the diverse prosperity estimations that join
circulatory strain, heart advance, temperature, beat rate, vein
stream volume, intense and sucrose volume. The data
assembled from the wearable contraptions is to taken care of
in a medicinal database for significant movement when the
patient’s prosperity condition debilitates. With everything
taken into account, standard composed inquiry lingo based
databases are used as a piece of prosperity checking system
to hold medicinal data. An extension in the variety and
measure of prosperity checking devices are late. Accordingly,
the standard data from the devices are not been used by
gadgets to minimize the data produced by the sensor.
Versatile NOSQL (non composed request vernacular)
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databases must be used as a piece of the prosperity watching
structure. The usage of NO SQL has been increased [11].
Model has been proposed to monitor the patient’s health and
the stores the data about the patients medical conditions [12].
In this, the disseminated calculation based flexible
methodology is used for making the fundamental move when
conditions of emergency rise. Models have been made
prosperity checking structure to watch prosperity constants,
for instance, Haemoglobin (HB), Blood Pressure (BP),
glucose and bizarre cell advancement. The present strategies
use simply ordinary databases and instruments to advance the
huge scope of sensor data made from contraptions.
Therefore, deprived to develop a capable and adaptable plan
that stores and furthermore analyze the tremendous size of
clinical data. This model proposes a versatile immense data-
based prosperity watching system for keeping an eye on this
criticality. The proposed structure is interlinked with
appropriated calculation development to manufacturing
versatility and availability. Furthermore, the proposed
structure uses Hbase to reserve the monstrous scope of the
data in the Virtual Server [13]. The Devices, for instance,
ECG, accelerometer and SpO2 joined the body in the primary
level stage. The second level spotlights viewing the
characteristic constants, for instance, warm, sogginess,
advancement and magnificence [14]. Common contraptions
associated with livings watch environmental Constants. Level
3 plans are used for giving the framework organize between
the gateways. Level three phases use the web show (IP) -
based framework to engage the remote relationship among
source and objective. The fundamental degree of Alarm is
used in recognizing constants from undesirable and trading
the clinical data from the single-hop to the subsequent level
stage. The subsequent level spotlights on moving the clinical
data from level two to the third level using the briefest way at
first coordinating show. This endeavor is commonly used for
predicting the emergency conditions of the patients
dependent on the previous prosperity records [15]. These
days, because of the progression in remote topologies, for
example, 4G systems, 5G systems [16]. M2M
intercommunication finds enormous applications it
incorporate savvy home, e-wellbeing, mechanical
technology, brilliant urban communities and wearable
medicinal gadgets. Sensors, actuators, switches, Wi-Fi and
4G/5G versatile systems assume an imperative job in M2M
correspondence systems. In a decade ago, there is need an
outer domain or stage to help the correspondence between the
sensor gadgets to the server, It would make more calculation
cost and overhead. To express these imperatives, M2M
correspondence systems are related to propel correspondence
innovations. This headway is utilized to empower the divert
correspondence among starting point and Host with no extra
stage or condition. Bigdata is the term used commonly for
technologies and techniques to collect, organize, process and
offer insights on a huge dataset. The Bigdata technologies
and strategies are used when the problem exceeds the
processing capacity of the single machines [17]. The
definition of bigdata varies from one to other. Generally, it is
large datasets and the techniques and technologies employed
to handle the computations of those large datasets. These
services are offered over the internet and on-demand. The
term on-demand indicates that the user needs to pay only for
the devices or the services they use [18]. The hybrid clouds
give a great flexibility in the business by offering multiple
deployment choices, assists in optimizing the infrastructure.
Also, it is secure than the other two clouds. Bigdata is the
term used commonly for technologies and techniques to
collect, organize, process and offer insights on a huge dataset
[19]. The Bigdata technologies and strategies are used when
the problem exceeds the processing capacity of the single
machines. The definition of bigdata varies from one to other.
Generally, it is large datasets and the techniques and
technologies employed to handle the computations of those
large datasets.
In recent years the use of wearable devices has increased
enormously to their personal use and it is used in fitness
evaluation and remote patient monitoring. Researchers also
proposed new technologies that are used for applications like
long-time remote patient monitoring, access to the medical
records of the patient. The remote patient monitoring system
consists of three types namely (i) body sensor network tier
in the body sensor network tier is kind of wearable device
that consists of sensors like motion sensor, respiratory rate
sensor and heart rate sensor. (ii) Communication and
networking- in communication and networking tier is
responsible for collecting and storing the patient data in a
secure manner because its important (iii) processing and
analyzing tier, here the stored data are analyzed and
processed to predict the disease present in the humans.
Fig. 3. Smart Device in Healthcare
Some researchers used hypertext transfer protocol but it
provides high overhead and it cannot be used for the limited
resource. Developers use the Advanced Encryption Standard
algorithm for security because it uses keys for sending and
receiving the information between the sender and receiver
and it cannot be used because of its complex calculations and
high overhead and it requires a large number of resources.
Figure.3. represents healthcare in Smart Device. Different
authentication algorithms have been developed to provide
credentials, an enhanced authentication model has been used
proposed using radio frequency identification number
frequency waves for the distributed environment and they
modified it and made it useful for a controlled environment.
For the wireless sensor networks in the environment an two-
phase authentication protocol has been proposed.
The algorithm that has been proposed has three-phase (i)
registration phase (ii) pre-computing and login phase (iii)
authentication phase. In registration phase, the sensors and
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devices are interconnected and the data are stored in the
cloud server and the cloud server in back sends the cookie
and that has been stored in the devices which are embedded.
In the pre-computing and login phase, before the connection
occurs between the smart device and server, the device has to
send a request to the server. In the authentication phase, the
smart device and the cloud are inter connected using ECC
algorithm. The proposed model has the five main modules (i)
module for the distribution of key (ii) module for updation of
the key (iii) module for generation of group credit (iv)
module for listener authentication (v)module for decryption.
Medical IoT is a group of devices that are connected together
to provide healthcare services. Medical IoT is a vastly
growing technology that collects information like oxygen
sensor, gyroscope sensor and blood glucose level monitor
sensor by using wearable devices and sensors and that can be
used for further process. The medical IoT provides better
results for the people’s health and it can be used for various
healthcare applications from the many devices to the wireless
body area networks. The medical IoT consists of three-layer
they are (i) perception layer (ii) network layer and (iii)
application layer. The perception layer is in charge of
gathering the data from the different gadgets and stores the
information, the system layer comprises of wired and remote
framework and that procedure the info got from the
recognition layer of different innovation, this protocol not
only increases the efficiency but also reduces the energy
required for the communication and provides better security
and privacy. The application layer, provides the services
required for the user and it satisfies their needs, according to
the request from the user. The security and privacy are the
two different concepts and the security is stored data is
transferred securely and privacy means, people who have the
right can access those data. The various strategies for
protecting the data can be developed according the
requirements, medical IoT provides better security for the
devices present in the network. The main thing is information
security and privacy, in many hospitals the patient record is
not maintained properly in many hospitals the information is
paper-based. So its not easy to store the patients data and use
them for various purposes, because with the help of a medical
history diagnosis of a disease is easy and it can be done using
information technology with the help of electronic health
records. The electronic health records are not used because of
their complex nature and they are not easy to use. PHM
offers healthcare in four different ways. Figure.4. illustrates
the numerous aspects of healthcare. We provided the design
for the data mining system in Figure.5. based on the services
performed on data mining; the recommended or proposed
architecture has five levels,
Fig. 4. Dimension of Healthcare
Fig. 5. Suggested Architecture
The model has been proposed called a simple and
pragmatic employable electronic health record. The simple
and pragmatic employable health record provides web
connectivity that is used to share and maintain the data.
Healthcare is the basic need of every patient the doctors are
not transparent in case of care of money and care and it varies
for the people and the important disadvantage is the medical
facilities that can be used to track the patient history and
provide the necessary treatment when its required. Cloud
computing model is proposed to overcome the disadvantages
in the medical field and this model provides an approach to
integrate the data of small and large size under one category
so the maintenance of patient records is made easy. This
model not only reduces the error but also it finds the
government hospitals whether they are performing their
duties and provides the medical data this model provides
wireless patient monitoring for all the patients in the
hospitals, this model gets the oxygen and pulse rate from all
the patients in the network. It also say’s the possibilities of
using the wireless sensor network in the hospitals the strength
of the Indian healthcare system is their staff and error are
made in diagnosing the disease of the patients this model
says the step required to develop the medical healthcare
system in India. The increase in disease and the elderly
people and there occurs the necessity for the development of
the E-health systems. It shows how wearable technology can
be used for monitoring system. The objective is to develop
patient monitoring system with sensors and smart devices.
The prevalence of cardio vascular disease increases by
8% in women and 7% in men. For HBP it increases 2.5% in
female and 5% in males. The presence of CVD and HBP is
found to increasing in the year after 2010 and before 2016.
The disease prevalence is checked on the basis of seven
attributes while taking place of living attribute the city people
have more percentage of disease while compared to people
live in village areas. From the obtained data, from the year
1992-2021 the disease increases from 3.25 (5-5.9) to 16.0
(0.8-18.8) in women and in men it found to be increasing
from 5.5% (3.5 7.6) to 18.8% (0.5-21.4). from the data’s
the predicted values of cardio vascular disease is 23.34 in
female and 37.80 for male at the average of an 24.89. In case
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of High Blood Pressure the predicted value in women are
32.45 and in men are 36.89 and with overall percentage is
35.67. The predicted values on different attributes like
education, gender, economic status, place of living and
annual income. The prevalence of HBP are more in male
living in urban areas and cardio vascular disease is more in
women in rural areas. The people of more BMI are at more
risk of the CVD and HBP. The presence of Cardio Vascular
Disease is predicted using BMI and the BMI is categorized in
to four types they are Underweight, Normal, Overweight and
Obese. The high blood pressure can be predicted using the
blood glucose level and they are categorized into two types
like SBP and DBP. Younger age city people have 13% CVD
and 26% HBP; the mean value of finding the disease is
modified based on the 8 attributes like living area, economic
status, education, annual income and gender. The proposed
model that can be used to predict heart disease is shown in
Fig. 6. Health Monitoring System
From the obtained data its clear age modified group has a
greater impact in predicting the CVD and HBP in people and
it is altered to 20mg. The cut off point for cardio vascular
disease in men is 20.05 kg/m2 with a sensitivity of 57.5%
and specificity of 58.34%. In the case of women the cutoff
point is 23.05 kg/m2 with a specificity value of 67.5 % and
sensitivity value of 56.8% in women. The body mass index
values vary according to attributes like a living place,
education and age, for example BMI value of people at the
age 23-40 is 22.6% and 21.7% for people in the age group of
above 50. The receiver operating curve value for men is 0.65
and for women, it is 0.64 these values are used in predicting
the CVD and HBP. To get better results optimal point is
altered for the male is 22.05% and for women it is
23.06%.The survey-based on healthcare was done in the year
2011, based on the various result obtained the prevalence of
cardio vascular disease is found to be 26% overall and for
HBP the overall value is found to be 34% in both men and
women. The cardio vascular disease is more for more in the
Fig. 7. Waist to Height Ratio
city area and for women it’s found to be high in village areas.
As the value of body mass value increases thereby increases
the prevalence of cardio vascular disease. For type 2 cardio
vascular disease the value is 24% in women and 25% in men.
A WHtR of above 0.5 is considered as risky and it has
advantages like it does not need parameters like age, name,
gender, place of living. For the people aged 40 years the cut
point is 0.5, for people above 40 the cut point is 0.5 to 0.6
and above 60 the cut point is above 0.6 the values higher than
this is risky. Figure7. represents Waist to the height ratio. The
main objective is diagnosing the presence of CVD and HBP
from the data obtained by the population the overall ratio of
cardio vascular disease is 12% and the overall value for high
blood pressure is 24%. ROC Curve for Different Classifiers
as presented in Figure.8.
Fig. 8. ROC Curve for Different Classifiers
From the available data the presence of CVD and HBP in
different countries are in China (11%), Pakistan (23%),
Bangladesh (12%) and Korea (9%) for HBP the cut-off point
are China (24%), Pakistan (31%), Bangladesh (26%) and
Korea (21%). The values of CVD and HBP vary based on
their attributes. The prevalence of cardio vascular disease is
found to increase 14% for female and 13% in the male in the
year 2016 and it’s found to increase around 25% for female
and 35% for male in 2030. Based on the data obtained by
survey the presence of CVD and HBP is 24% and 34%
overall. The body mass index is high for men in city areas
and for women in the village area. For type 2 cardio vascular
disease, the value is 24% in women and 25% in men. The
main objective is to find the presence of cardio vascular and
HBP from the data obtained by the population the overall
ratio of cardio vascular disease is 12% and the overall value
for HBP is 24%.The Performance Metrics are displayed in
Fig. 9. Performance Metrics
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This exploration study would be helpful for building up a
persistent observing framework for illness reconnaissance.
The objective of this sickness reconnaissance framework is to
gather the steaming information from different sources and
anticipating the ailment utilizing different expectation
calculations. The cardio tube-shaped structure malady and
high-pressure level are claimed to possess if they need their
BMI quite 22.5 kg/m2. The best bring to a halt purpose for
men is 21.5 kg/m2 and for women is 22.9 kg/m2. In this
period, wearable sensors would ceaselessly watch and store
the patient’s wellbeing information into an information store.
This would enable specialists in productive conclusion of the
patient’s wellbeing to condition. Arrangement of these issues
requires the improvement of a productive framework for
capacity and handling of voluminous huge information and
advancement of a compelling activity control framework
with the assistance of IoT innovation.
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... Imagine a system where a patient's symptoms are instantly matched against millions of clinical cases to suggest potential diagnoses or where predictive analytics flags potential health risks before they become critical (K. Prasad and G. Poornima, 2022). By integrating AI, EHRs can be transformed from mere digital repositories to intelligent systems offering actionable insights. ...
The extensive use of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) and electronic health records (EHR) has significantly altered the landscape of healthcare. Medical professionals now have access to priceless tools that transform patient data management and help them make wise clinical judgments. However, as we seamlessly incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) solutions into EHR and CDSS, a new era of healthcare is beginning. The incorporation of AI technologies is thoroughly explored in this chapter, shedding light on how they might improve clinical operations and patient outcomes. The chapter opens by emphasizing the crucial role played by EHR in centralizing medical records, digitizing patient data, and enabling effective data sharing between healthcare providers. The chapter conducts an in-depth exploration of how machine learning algorithms are applied to unearth patterns in patient data, identify disease risks, and provide personalized treatment recommendations.
In recent years, the application of machine learning techniques has brought about a profound transformation in the field of bioinformatics. This chapter is dedicated to examining the latest developments in both bioinformatics and machine learning while also exploring potential future directions. Within these pages, the authors delve into the potential advantages of employing machine learning to enhance critical bioinformatics tasks, such as the analysis of genomic sequences and the prediction of protein structures through modeling. The chapter also addresses the challenges faced by researchers when integrating these diverse fields. Nevertheless, optimism prevails in the realm of bioinformatics research, driven by the ever-expanding wealth of biological data and the potential for the development of more sophisticated machine learning models.
Essential to the development of AI and machine learning, this chapter explores the complex areas of few-shot and zero-shot learning. There have been great advancements towards more efficient and adaptive AI systems with few-shot learning and zero-shot learning, respectively, which can learn from minimal data and infer from particular data instances without previous exposure. Nevertheless, there are several limits and difficulties associated with these procedures. This chapter delves deeply into the theoretical foundations of both techniques, explaining how they work and what problems they solve in different ways. It examines the semantic gap, domain adaptation problems, and model bias, as well as the computational restrictions, overfitting, and model generalizability that are intrinsic to few-shot learning and zero-shot learning, respectively. We may better understand the ideas' potential use in different real-world contexts by comparing and contrasting them.
This chapter presents a novel method for improving zero-shot learning in ML by using fully connected weighted bipartite graphs. Problems with generalizability and adaptability plague zero-shot learning, a method that lets models identify and categorize things or ideas without any explicit training. To overcome these obstacles and greatly enhance machine learning models' ability to absorb and comprehend unknown input, this chapter investigates how fully linked weighted bipartite graphs may be integrated. A thorough introduction to zero-shot learning is provided at the outset of the investigation. It describes the method's value in the machine learning field while drawing attention to the problems with and restrictions on current approaches. Anyone involved with machine learning, whether as a researcher, practitioner, or hobbyist, will find this chapter to be an invaluable resource. It lays out the theory and some practical considerations for improving zero-shot learning with fully connected weighted bipartite graphs.
The emerging and novel field of utilizing quantum physics in the world of machine learning, with applications customized for biomedical data, is explored in detail in this chapter. The discussion begins with an introduction to quantum physics and machine learning, before going on to explain how the two fields can work together to revolutionize biomedical data processing. Quantum-enhanced algorithms and their ability to process massive and intricate biomedical datasets are discussed in depth. In applications such as protein folding prediction, genomic data processing, and real-time diagnostics, the inherent parallelism and superposition capabilities of quantum machine learning are on full display. Finally, the technical and ethical difficulties of combining quantum machine learning with biomedical data are assessed in depth. The authors also provide an outlook on the promising interdisciplinary subject of quantum-powered machine learning and its potential to radically alter the field of biomedical research and healthcare solutions.
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Healthcare in general refers to services provided for preservation or enhancement of health through anticipation, finding, treatment, recovery, or healing of disease, illness, injury, or any physical and mental impairment in humans. Quality of Services in Healthcare Systems may be characterised broadly through parameters such as accuracy of data, speed of decision-making, timely treatment, security of data, real-time monitoring and controlling of the health systems, failure handling and quality of life. In this research work, an attempt is made to achieve the Quality of Services in Healthcare through IoT and Fog Computing, considering optimization of one or more of these parameters. An integrated hardware system with software programs is developed for EHS safety using microcontroller. The Processing Packages are designed to communicate through the Internet of Things (IoT) based on the Accident Reduction Model (ARM) and Augmented Data Recognition (ADR) system.When ECG signals are sensed through IoT and sent to the cloud for the analysis purpose, delays are caused by the time results reach the medical staff. This delay in decision making is due to the transmission delay and processing delays. To overcome these issues, Fog Computing can be used.
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Clinical Surveillance Solutions are the most significant in the concise non-industrial nation people improves requests for caretaking. Coronavirus is as a substitute infectious it is vital to isolation Corona virus people however at the equivalent time clinical analysts need to really take a look at wellness of Corona virus victims additionally. With the helping sort of occurrences it's miles transforming into extreme to safeguard a tune on the wellbeing and prosperity issues of a few isolated people. Underneath the empowered machine plan of a Wi-Fi sensor network in light of IOT development. It is typically utilized for gathering just as moving the special sensors following information in regards to the individuals in medical services communities. This product comprises of Wireless basically based organization (Wi-Fi), having totally outstanding detecting devices connected with the transmitter region the ones are Heart thump detecting unit, Temperature stage detecting unit circulatory strain sensor and heartbeat oximeter. These sensors are straight away associated with the impacted man or lady and amass the client issues by utilizing method of the utilization of detecting gadgets. Similar measurements are conveying remotely to the beneficiary area this is with the clinical specialist and via that collector inconvenience he'll harvest all refreshes in their clients. Furthermore moreover it will really convey voice word to people to take their prescriptions reasonable time. What's more one sharp ringer will indeed there at patient so as to essentially advocate crisis situation of clients. At the point when patient will squeeze crisis button then the ringer will be ON.
In the era of modern medical imaging communal, huge volume of medical image data are being acquired and need to be transmitted and archived which necessitate the development of efficient image compression techniques on both 2D and 3D images. The compression of medical images is an essential process to support remote healthcare services. The medical diagnostics through these services require more accurate information from an image. As the property of inverse proportionality between the compression rate and quality of the image takes place in any kind of compression method, there is a need to sacrifice any one of those credentials (Quality or Compression Rate). With this context, Region of Interest (ROI) codecs are emerging and reduces this proportionality that yields more compression rate without compromising the quality. In this paper, presents an ROI based near lossless image compression method that incorporates the Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) and Vector Quantization coding for medical images.
In this research work, a secured routing technique is developed based on the LEACH algorithm. Many secure routing algorithms were proposed in the past by modifying the LEACH algorithm with trust management techniques, key generation, and distribution technique and intrusion detection algorithms. Most present solutions are unable to address the issue of modifying and intercepting assaults. To tackle this problem, a new secured routing algorithm is developed in this work that divides the image and messages into sub-components, represent them in a matrix format and add them to get a steganographic image which is encrypted using a suitable encryption algorithm selected by the rule system developed in this research work. Moreover, intelligent agents are incorporated in all the sensor nodes in the network to communicate the encrypted images to the neighbor nodes more reliably.
e21689 Background: Patients with advanced cancer experience significant distress. Timely identification and treatment of distress can improve outcomes and quality of life. Domains of distress (i.e. pain, fatigue, physical function) can be assessed using patient reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires. However, PROs can be burdensome to patients, particularly when performed serially. Given the relationship between physical activity and sleep with domains of distress, wearable activity monitors may assist in the real-time detection of distress in advanced cancer patients. Methods: We conducted a prospective, observational study at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and enrolled patients with measurable stage 3+ cancer, ≥18yr, English speaking, ambulatory, with a smartphone, and prognosis of > 3 months. Patients wore a Fitbit Charge HR continuously through 3 consecutive clinic visits, and completed NIH PROMIS tools (Physical Function, Pain, Sleep, Fatigue, and Emotional Distress) during visits. Fitbits recorded average daily step counts, stairs climbed, and sleep time. We conducted regression analyses that adjusted for baseline confounding variables and accounted for correlated responses. Results: 35 patients (Mean age 62; 53% males; 82% GI cancers) were evaluated. Patients had ECOG PS of 0 (20%), 1 (40%), 2 (23%), and 3(17%). The table below displays regression coefficients for steps, floors, and sleep in each PROMIS distress domain. Conclusions: There is a significant association between steps and floors climbed with multiple domains of distress and physical functioning. The lack of association between total sleep time and these PROs, may suggest that other metrics of sleep quality (i.e. awakenings), may be more relevant. These findings support further exploration of wearable data as a continuously monitored PRO surrogate in advanced cancer patients; wearable data should be further validated for use in both clinical and therapeutic trial settings. Clinical trial information: NCT02659358. [Table: see text]