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Autonomous Optical Sensing for Space-Based Space Surveillance


Abstract and Figures

Space debris population has increased dramatically in the past decades posing a threat to the future of space operations. Traditionally, Resident Space Objects (RSO) are tracked and catalogued using ground-based observations. However, Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) is a promising technology to complement the ground-based observations as it offers greater performance in terms of detectability, accuracy and weather independency. A Distributed Satellite System (DSS) architecture is proposed for a SBSS mission equipped with dual-use star trackers and inter-satellite communication links to interact and cooperate with each other to accomplish optimized RSO tracking tasks while assumed to simultaneously perform earth observation tasks.This paper focuses on stereovision-based tracking algorithms with higher detectability and tracking accuracy in SBSS tasks in order to identify an optimal tracking solution for Space Domain Awareness (SDA), which could support future Space Traffic Management (STM) operations. Navigation and tracking uncertainties are analyzed in representative conditions to support the optimal selection and processing of individual observations and to determine the actual confidence region around the detected objects. Additionally, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is implemented on-board the satellites to grant the DSS autonomous trajectory planning and Collision Avoidance (CA) manoeuvring capabilities.
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Autonomous Optical Sensing for Space-Based Space
Khaja Faisal Hussain1, Kathiravan Thangavel2, Alessandro Gardi1,2, Roberto Sabatini1,2
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE
2 School of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Aviation, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia
AbstractSpace debris population has increased dramatically
in the past decades posing a threat to the future of space
operations. Traditionally, Resident Space Objects (RSO) are
tracked and catalogued using ground-based observations.
However, Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) is a promising
technology to complement the ground-based observations as it
offers greater performance in terms of detectability, accuracy
and weather independency. A Distributed Satellite System
(DSS) architecture is proposed for a SBSS mission equipped
with dual-use star trackers and inter-satellite communication
links to interact and cooperate with each other to accomplish
optimized RSO tracking tasks while assumed to simultaneously
perform earth observation tasks.This paper focuses on
stereovision-based tracking algorithms with higher detectability
and tracking accuracy in SBSS tasks in order to identify an
optimal tracking solution for Space Domain Awareness (SDA),
which could support future Space Traffic Management (STM)
operations. Navigation and tracking uncertainties are analyzed
in representative conditions to support the optimal selection and
processing of individual observations and to determine the
actual confidence region around the detected objects.
Additionally, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is
implemented on-board the satellites to grant the DSS
autonomous trajectory planning and Collision Avoidance (CA)
manoeuvring capabilities.
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1
2. AIM OF THE ARTICLE ............................................. 3
3. SBSS MISSION ARCHITECTURE ............................ 3
4. SBSS TRACKING ALGORITHM ............................... 4
5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................... 6
6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ........................ 8
REFERENCES............................................................... 8
BIOGRAPHY ................................................................ 9
The population of space debris has increased exceedingly in
the past decade. Despite growing awareness of the orbital
debris problem, recent developments such as growth in the
availability of small launch vehicles and mega-constellation
are majorly contributing to densifying orbital domain.
Further exacerbating the space situation are a chain of
undesirable events such as Anti-Satellite (ASAT) weapons
tests, on orbit collisions, and satellite breakups[1]. Moreover,
several commercial entities are planning to launch larger
constellations (5004,000 spacecraft each) in the coming
days. Currently, the space domain usage is unsustainable. As
a result, the number of space objects will increase multifold
due to a phenomenon called the Kessler Syndrome, resulting
in the cessation of space activities in the near future. A recent
ESA publication [2] emphasizes the alarming situation in the
current space domain. Figure.1 illustrate the current space
situation in terms of the number of launches and space debris
To prevent further collisions in Earth orbit, spacecraft
operators need to possess a better awareness of the potential
threats arising from the existing RSO (Resident Space
Objects). This includes tracking, catalogue maintenance of
RSO and continuously calculating the chances of other
accidental collisions to avoid creating additional debris.
Unfortunately, neither of these tasks is trivial and requires
considerable tracking resources (Optical telescopes and
radar), computing power, and sophisticated software to
calculate numerous satellitesatellite or satellitedebris
conjunctions on a daily basis. In space, these tasks are
referred to as Space Domain Awareness (SDA). Currently,
conventional satellite systems do not effectively contribute
towards SDA because of their exclusive dependence on
ground-based systems. Generally, these tasks are undertaken
by the US Department of Defense (DoD)[3] through the
Space Surveillance Network (SSN), a network of ground-
based observation stations. Also contributing to SDA are a
variety of ground-based space surveillance systems[4]. Even
though these ground-based radars, lasers, and telescopes play
an important role in providing SDA, it is still unclear whether
they can effectively achieve this goal adapting to the rapidly
evolving space domain for the following reasons.
Most of the ground-based systems are able to perform
regional surveillance and then randomly look at other
They lack persistence in surveillance. In order to achieve
true surveillance, it is necessary to monitor objects or
regions for extended periods of time.
Due to space perturbations, there is an on-orbit change in
the RSOs. This will decrease the revisit frequency of the
RSO within the field of view of the sensors on the
Weather conditions are still a significant concern for
ground-based systems. In typical ground-based
observation sites, weather restricts visibility more than
half the time, with some sites having a visibility of no
more than 25%.
Almost without exception, objects are extremely
difficult to monitor as they pass between the Earth and
the Sun. Daylight observations, in general, pose a
significant challenge for ground-based optical sensors.
Figure 1: (a) Space environment statistics by ESA; (b) Space debris population estimation by ESA.
As a result of the gaps associated with ground-based
measurements, it is possible to exploit spaceborne
measurements to track RSOs [5] and this approach is termed
as Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS). SBSS is a
successful solution because space-borne sensors provide
better accuracy, a wider field of view, and weather
independence. Further, space-based observation technologies
are not affected by atmospheric scattering, turbulence, and
aberrations [6]. SBSS has already been attempted in the past,
the reader is directed to [7] which summarizes various SBSS
missions attempted so far.
Space Traffic Management (STM) applications will continue
to be increasingly dependent on accurate knowledge of the
RSO's position and velocity. These estimations can be
provided using two approaches. Cooperative surveillance
relies on state estimates from on-board Time and Space
Position Information (TSPI), navigation systems (e.g.,
GNSS, INS) and on the collaborative exchange of
information among all other vehicles in the course of a
potential collision. Whereas Non-cooperative surveillance is
typically carried out by ground or space-based radar or
electro-optical sensors that do not require communication
with the observed object. These systems are prone to errors
caused by physical phenomena or by the mathematical
extrapolation itself. In other words, a non-cooperative
scenario is described as an encounter between a host platform
and an RSO or possibly a non-cooperative spacecraft, with
only the host spacecraft capable of preventing a potential
collision. A cooperative scenario, on the other hand, is
described as all potentially colliding RSO being capable of
communicating position data and, if necessary, averting
collisions by conducting maneuvers[8].
Recent technological advances have led to the concept of
multiple spacecraft operating in optimal coordination to
accomplish desired mission goals. Considering this,
Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) is a promising concept
for the future of SSA and STM. DSS mission architectures
move away from the monolith system concept to adopt
multiple elements that interact, cooperate, and communicate
with each other leading to new systemic properties and/or
emerging functions [9], [10]. DSS can be classified into
different types, such as constellations[11], clusters, swarms,
trains, fractionated spacecraft, and federated satellites [12]
[14]. In contrast to the conventional ground-based systems
whose observations are conducted from accurately surveyed
locations, SBSS platforms are subjected to positional errors
and tracking errors caused by onboard TSPI/Navigation
systems and tracking sensors respectively. These errors can
be represented geometrically in the form of ellipsoids which
can be combined to form the total uncertainty volume that
determines the total position uncertainty of the tracked RSO
to support Separation Assurance (SA) and Collision
Avoidance (CA) [15] which is later on followed by the
application of relevant CA maneuvers. In this paper a non-
cooperative SBSS scenario is analyzed, in which DSS
spacecrafts track a RSO subject to specific errors in tracking
and navigation systems for positioning that will ultimately
determine the uncertainty volume.
This article addresses tracking and detection of RSO
using vision-based sensors with an aim to realize trusted
autonomy in heterogenous DSS platforms for autonomous
navigation and CA capabilities to achieve SDA. The
remaining article is structured as follows. Section 3 describes
the SBSS mission concept and system architecture. Section 4
defines the triangulation problem, equations corresponding to
the triangulation problem and the Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Section 5 presents the results
and discussion obtained from the verification case studies.
Section 6 comprises conclusions and scope for future
Figure 2. SBSS mission concept employing DSS.
Recent studies have investigated the use of star trackers as an
alternative sensor for monitoring debris[16]. The
participating spacecrafts in the DSS are assumed to
simultaneously perform Earth observation operations and
debris tracking for SBSS. The major focus is to come up with
a suitable mission architecture that accomplishes SSA
mission objectives expeditiously. The mission architecture is
scrutinized based on the following criteria.
The proposed system configuration must be flexible to
support multiple applications envisioned in the future,
for instance, point-to-point suborbital transport.
As opposed to conventional satellite systems, DSS
satellites should form an ad-hoc or optional teams that
make autonomous decisions and maximize mission
objectives without involving the ground control
As illustrated in Figure 2, the participating spacecrafts in the
DSS are placed in a nearly circular LEO orbit at an altitude
of 400 km, which results in a federated system configuration
that tracks and detects RSO autonomously. It is possible to
extend the current DSS architecture by placing multiple
satellites in more than one orbital plane, thus taking
advantage of a wide variety of occurrences and visibility
conditions during observations.
For the proposed SBSS mission architecture the following
assumptions are adopted: (1) the star trackers on board track
the RSO’s with the stars in the background; (2) the
participating spacecrafts are equipped with GPS for
positioning and navigation that provide full set of navigation
data; (3) the RSO position is estimated by simultaneous
optical measurements obtained from two different
spacecrafts; (4) the participating spacecrafts share their
position information and the estimated RSO position through
a network; and (5) mutual separation between the spacecrafts
belonging to the DSS constellation is guaranteed using
intersatellite links and continuous monitoring from the
ground stations.
The proposed autonomous navigation system comprises of
the following components:
Navigation hardware comprises of the state-of-the-art
GPS to obtain a full set of navigation data comprising of
the DSS satellites positions, velocities, and attitude rates.
Tracking hardware comprises of star trackers that track
the RSO by simultaneous optical measurements.
The obtained data from the hardware is used as inputs by
the On-Board System (OBS) to obtain the RSO position
estimates, error measurement budget and to generate the
uncertainty ellipsoids.
The guidance system exploits the data generated by the
OBS for trajectory planning and optimization to generate
the steering commands.
Actuators use the steering commands to perform the
collision avoidance maneuvers in order to avoid a
collision with the RSO.
Figure.3 illustrates the system architecture and its individual
A single angles-only sensor is inadequate to obtain
range information. In contrast, using two angles-only sensors
Figure 3. Space debris Collision Avoidance (CA) system architecture.
allows one to determine the range and thus the 3D location of
an object via simple triangulation [17], [18]. Since the sensors
do not exactly point towards the RSO, an error in the sensor
measurement always prevails, so it is necessary to find the
most probable RSO position. In the absence of measurement
error, triangulation becomes trivial. The current section
introduces a suitable tracking algorithm to track the RSO and
the corresponding equations required to estimate the position
of the RSO, and the errors associated with the measurements.
The resulting errors from the triangulation equations are
represented in the form of co-variance matrices which are
further used to generate the total uncertainty volume.
To determine the 3D location of a RSO, the information
regarding the sensor location Line of Sight (LOS) azimuth
and elevation pointing angles is necessary. Errors in the
knowledge of these ten parameters will lead to an inaccurate
3D position estimate of the RSO. Furthermore, the
relationship between measurement error and errors in the
estimated target location is a function of the sensor-target-
sensor geometry, where a sensor-target-sensor separation of
90° results in the lowest error sensitivity, while a sensor
separation of or 180° results in impossible solutions (as
seen from the target).To define the triangulation problem, we
need to define the positions of the sensors and the RSO in a
right-handed coordinate system as illustrated in Figure.4. The
and axis forms the horizontal plane and axis pointing
out of plane vertically with Earth’s centre as the origin.
and are the azimuth angles of the corresponding sensors
measured clockwise measured from positive y axis towards
positive x axis. The corresponding elevation angles are
denoted by and which increases from in  plane
to  pointing vertically. The horizontal ranges from the x-
y components of the sensor to the  components of the
RSO are denoted by and respectively. The separation
angle  is measured from sensor 1 through RSO to sensor
2. The sensor positions (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) and the Line of
Sight (LOS) from sensor to target allows the 3D target
position computation. The equations that relate the target
location (xt ,yt, zt) to measurements of the sensor position and
LOS from the sensors to the target aiding the target position
estimation are defined below [18].
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 (1)
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 (2)
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (3)
Figure 4. Geometry for Multi-sensor RSO tracking.
The error propagation equations corresponding to the
respective position coordinates are derived in [19] with a key
assumption that the error generated by each sensor follows
gaussian distribution. The sigmas for each are
complex sums of various partial derivatives that are further
simplified in [20].
 (5)
 (6)
 (7)
 (8)
The various c’s mentioned in the equations are the error
coefficients. For instance, the  indicates the error
coefficient for the x coordinate of the target position. 
corresponds to error coefficient for azimuth error in .
Equations (5)-(8) relate the target position uncertainties to the
standard deviation in measurement errors , , where,
is the standard deviation in the position measurement.
is the standard deviation in the azimuth measurement.
is the standard deviation in the elevation measurement.
Equation (8) indicates the error in single sensor measurement
of . But since the tracking of the RSO during triangulation
is performed using two sensors, the error estimate is
calculated as follows:
󰇛󰇜 (9)
where: 󰇛󰇜
The steps for obtaining the covariance matrix corresponding
to the navigation error are described in detail in the
literature[15]. In this case, an on-board GNSS system is
assumed to be providing navigational measurements, and the
uncertainty values are derived from an experiment on LEO
GPS accuracy published in literature [21]. The tracking error
can be expressed in terms of the associated co-variance
Where , , are obtained using equations (5), (6), (9).
The total co-variance matrix is determined by using the Gauss
Helmert formulation [22], [23] in order to relate the sensor
measurement errors  to final
RSO position (). The vectors of estimated
observations and estimated parameters are denoted as L, X
respectively and contain the following elements:
󰇟󰇠T (12)
[]T (13)
The total co-variance matrix can then be expressed as
󰇛󰇜 (14)
Where is the co-variance matrix of the observations. For
matrix B the function F (X, L) = 0 needs to be defined.
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 = 0;
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜  󰇛󰇜 = 0;
= 0 (15)
Then B can be defined as 
 which gives rise to a 3x10 matrix.
The feasibility of performing on-board optimization routine
depends on computation time and cost. Hence PSO technique
is chosen as a primary optimization routine due to its
capability of global convergence and robustness to solve
highly non-linear problems with greater computational
efficiency. Moreover, this technique is used widely to solve
diverse spacecraft trajectory optimization problems and its
on-board implementation was verified through various case
studies for adequate convergence time and low computation
cost [24], [25]. The particles move iteratively until they
converge onto a global optimal solution considering the goal
of optimality, minimizing the cost function which describes
the quality of the solution and the imposed constraints. The
position of the particles iterates according to:
󰇛k+1󰇜 (16)
where  is the velocity required to move from kth iteration
to 󰇛󰇜 iteration, which is given by:
is the best position of particle i at time k;
is the global best solution for all particles at time k;
and are random numbers between 0 and 1;
 and  are cognitive and scaling parameters respectively
and are assigned with a value 2.
Typically, satellite motion in an orbit can be modelled
using the classical orbital elements based on Gaussian
variational equations. However, these equations result in
ambiguity in certain scenarios especially, for the orbits with
low eccentricities or inclinations [26]. In order to avoid this
ambiguity a new model is used that employs a set of Modified
Equinoctial Parameters (MEE) [27] that include second order
zonal harmonics or perturbation effects (i.e. change in
Right Ascension of the Ascending Node (RAAN) and
argument of perigee with time), specifically the set of MEE
developed in [28] are adopted to solve the low thrust transfer
problem. The optimal CA maneuver is chosen based on
models that are incorporated into the PSO algorithm[29].
Figure 5. Uncertainty Volumes in SBSS.
The results obtained from the simulation case study in the
SBSS scenarios are discussed in this section. To estimate the
target position using the algorithm defined in section 4, we
define the satellite orbital elements in ECI frame (Table 1)
and a conversion to cartesian frame is performed (Table 2).
Table 1. Sensor orbital state elements.
Orbital parameters
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Table 2. Corresponding sensor state vectors
Cartesian Coordinates
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
 (km/sec)
 (km/sec)
VZ (km/sec)
Azimuth (deg)
Elevation (deg)
The target position estimates, and the ranges obtained from
the algorithm are tabulated in Table 3.
Table 3. RSO position estimates in km.
The values of the corresponding error coefficients must be
computed to calculate the errors in the target position
estimates. The error coefficients are complex sums of partial
derivatives that are simplified in [19]. The sigmas for each
are calculated using Equations (5) to (10).
Table 4. Error estimates for target position parameters.
r (km)
Total Error (m)
Assuming that the state-of-the-art star trackers can provide
the sigma position = 0.5m, sensor angular error = 0.0022
degrees we obtain the sigmas tabulated in Table 4. Figure 5
illustrates the uncertainty ellipsoid corresponding to
navigation, tracking, and total errors. The DSS performs a
collision avoidance maneuver to reorient its initial orbit to a
modified orbit with a semimajor axis increased to 10 km to
avoid the uncertainty volume. It is assumed that the
spacecraft that performs the orbit raising maneuver is
equipped with Nano Avionics: EPSSC1 that can generate a
thrust of with a specific impulse of 213 seconds [30].
Table 5 tabulates the orbital parameters of the spacecraft
before and after the maneuver.
Table 5. Initial and final orbital parameters of the
spacecraft after collision avoidance maneuvers.
Final state
The solution converged after 1,884,000 iterations with a total
run time of 16,763 seconds in a MATLAB environment on
an Intel Core  generation processor.
Table 6. Generated control parameters for thrust
Figure 6. Change in Semi major axis from initial to final
trajectory in time (SBSS).
Figure 7. Change in Thrust control angles in time.
The change from the initial trajectory to the final optimal
trajectory is illustrated in Figure 6 and the control parameters
for the constant thrust directions illustrated in Figure 7 are
tabulated in Table 6 for the SBSS scenario.
The research presented in this article addressed the
envisioned implementation of Distributed Satellite Systems
(DSS) in a Space-Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) mission
using star trackers in the context of Space Domain Awareness
(SDA) for Space Traffic Management (STM). In order to
obtain range data, the measurements from single angle-only
sensors are insufficient. In contrast, performing triangulation
using simultaneous measurements from multiple sensors
provides a satisfactory solution for the tracking problem.
Following this, the satellite can perform a CA maneuver with
the help of the host platform. A simulation case study is
presented in the SBSS scenario, and the results substantiate
the validity of the proposed mathematical framework.
Current research is addressing the development of Artificial
Intelligence (AI)-based autonomous navigation/guidance
algorithms and integration of SBSS and ground-based
tracking sensors towards maximizing DSS performance in
different applications and operational conditions.
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[26] J. T. Betts, Practical Methods for Optimal Control and
Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming, Second
Edition. Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, 2010. doi: 10.1137/1.9780898718577.
[27] G. Baù, J. Hernando-Ayuso, and C. Bombardelli, “A
generalization of the equinoctial orbital elements,”
Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron., vol. 133, no. 11, pp. 129,
[28] S. Eves, “Applied Nonsingular Astrodynamics: Optimal
Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer J. A. Kéchichian Cambridge
University Press, University Printing House,
Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS, UK. 2018.
xvii; 461 pp. ISBN 978-1-108-47236-4.,” Aeronaut. J.,
vol. 124, no. 1282, pp. 20362037, Dec. 2020, doi:
[29] E. Lagona, S. Hilton, A. Afful, A. Gardi, and R. Sabatini,
“Autonomous Trajectory Optimisation for Intelligent
Satellite Systems and Space Traffic Management,” Acta
Astronaut., vol. 194, pp. 185201, May 2022, doi:
[30] “CubeSat Propulsion System EPSS,” NanoAvionics.
propulsion-system-epss/ (accessed Jan. 02, 2023).
Khaja Faisal Hussain has received his
joint bachelor’s degree from GRIET,
India and Karabuk University, Turkey.
He graduated with his master’s in
aerospace engineering from Sapienza
University of Rome, Italy and is currently pursuing a PhD
in Aerospace engineering at Khalifa University, UAE. His
current research deals with Autonomous Systems for Space
Domain Awareness (SDA) and Distributed Satellite
Systems (DSS).
Kathiravan Thangavel is a Ph.D
candidate at RMIT University's Cyber-
Physical and Autonomous System
Research Group, and his research is
funded by SmartSat CRC and the Andy
Thomas Space Foundation. He graduated from Anna
University in Chennai, India, with a bachelor's degree in
aeronautical engineering. Following that, he pursued a
master's degree in Aerospace Engineering at Rome's La
Sapienza University. Kathiravan completed the
International Space University Space Studies Program
2019. He is excited about research in space and the
potential of exploring space to the benefit of humanity, and
his key areas of interest are Distributed Satellite Systems,
Artificial Intelligence, Autonomy, Earth Observation,
Space Domain Awareness, Space Traffic Management,
Thermomechanical Analysis.
Dr. Alex Gardi obtained his BSc and MSc
degrees in Aerospace Engineering from
Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and a PhD in
the same discipline from RMIT University
(Australia). Dr Gardi is currently an
Assistant Professor at Khalifa University (UAE) and
Associate of RMIT University, focusing on aerospace
cyber-physical systems (UAS, satellites, ATM systems and
avionics). In this domain, he specialises in multi-objective
trajectory optimization with emphasis on optimal control
methods, multidisciplinary design optimization and
AI/metaheuristics for air and space platforms.
Dr. Rob Sabatini is a Professor of
Aeronautics and Astronautics with three
decades of experience in Aerospace,
Defense and Robotics/ Autonomous Systems
research and education. Prof. Sabatini holds a PhD in
Aerospace/Avionics Systems (Cranfield University) and a
PhD in Space Geodesy/Satellite Navigation (University of
Nottingham). His research addresses key contemporary
issues in digital and sustainable aerospace systems design,
testing and certification, with a focus on: Avionics and
CNS/ATM; Autonomous Navigation and Guidance;
Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Distributed Space Systems;
Space Domain Awareness and Space Traffic Management.
... The standard operational procedures for space launches in the European airspace are still being formulated, expectations are they will be ready in a couple of years [4; 8]. A space surveillance and tracking (SST) system is a network of ground-and space-based sensors, surveying and tracking space objects [9], aiming to provide data services on space objects that orbit the Earth; there remains, however, a lack of appropriate sensors in terms of sensitivity, number and system integration. The 'SST Partnership' and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme, are working together to develop the European SST capability 4 . ...
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There is a rapid growth of national space launch ambitions and capabilities, e.g. delivering satellites into low-earth and sun-synchronous orbits. With vertical and horizontal delivery methods, and numerous locations under consideration in several continents, the industry has faced early challenges, such as failed launches and licencing timescales. This paper explores the increasing intersection between aviation and air traffic management (ATM) with higher airspace operations (HAOs). It introduces the background and principles of space launches, before addressing the particular impacts on aviation and ATM. The strategic challenges of planning launch windows to align both with orbiting asset congestion and ATM demands, plus promulgating such information to airspace users, is discussed. In the tactical phase, the consequences of impacts on airspace users (such as the re-routing of flights) and on air navigation service providers (such as the demands of coordinating airspace closures in the context of considerable re-entry/splashdown uncertainty) are discussed. A key contribution we make in this paper is the first aircraft-specific, fuel and operating cost analysis of HAO impacts, and the first such European cost assessment, with basic impact geometries. We also propose improved aircraft-specific impact models, which include passenger-centric costs.
... In the past decade, the number of space debris has sharply increased [1], [2]. The continuous entry of small launch vehicles and large constellations into orbit has led to a high density of space orbiters, exacerbating the space situation, such as anti-satellite weapon testing, in-orbit collisions, and satellite explosions [3]. ...
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A wide-field surveillance system with a long exposure time has a stronger detectability for dim space targets. However, with the increase in exposure time and working temperature, complex non-uniform background noise containing hot pixels of the detector cannot be ignored, seriously affecting the background and imaging quality. This article studies and proposes a high-performance denoising method, which does not use any prior knowledge of the target and can automatically remove noise from the image. This method is based on an improved total variation model to remove hot pixels and other background mixed noise in wide-field system images. Firstly, using the idea of the traditional local contrast method (LCM), we utilize the significant difference in grayscale values between contaminated pixels and neighboring pixels to detect impulse noise, such as the hot pixels in the image. And then, we designed an improved adaptive maximum filtering algorithm to remove unwanted contamination, which protected target information from being lost and optimized pixels that were attacked by impulse noise. Finally, the total variation algorithm is used to eliminate residual background noise, the detector’s readout noise, and non-uniform response. The method proposed in this article can effectively filter out hot pixels and non-uniform background noise while preserving the details of target edges. We conducted experiments on a large number of simulated and original images. For star maps captured in long exposure mode, the method proposed in this article has obvious advantages over several competing algorithms. The experimental results show that, compared to competitive algorithms, the algorithm proposed in this article improves PSNR by at least 13.1%, SSIM by at least 0.4%, IEF by at least 5 times, and IQI by at least 9.2%. At the same time, the algorithm in this article achieved a moderate level of computation time.
... 4-5], [8] and automated propulsion and navigation systems. [9, p. 2], [10], [11] Further applications include weather and atmospheric monitoring, analysis of vegetation and ground cover, [9, p. 1] large-scale climate modelling, [12], [13] object detection and tracking, [7, p. 3] as well as reducing data downlink volume to enhance the analysis of spaceacquired data on Earth. [14]- [19] With the maturation of in situ 'edge computing' platforms even more applications for the use of AI in the space industry are coming to fruition. ...
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Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are enabling a plethora of new applications across many industries. There are already a multitude of applications for AI systems in the space industry, but as the AI and space industries continue to grow in size and value rapidly, further use-cases will become apparent and proliferate to all corners of space operations and data analytics. Such space-based AI systems will bring many economic, scientific, and environmental benefits; however, they could also enable harm to individuals, organisations, and the environment if they are not developed and managed properly. Potential breaches of privacy through AI-assisted analysis of Earth observation imagery and collisions between objects in orbit due to malfunctioning automated maneuvering systems are examples of the harms that could eventuate if poorly designed AI systems are deployed in the space-sector. Responsible AI practices are needed to ensure such risks do not eventuate. 'Responsible' (or 'ethical') AI has emerged as a discipline designed to guide responsible AI development wherein the goal is to maximise the benefits of AI systems for individuals and society while mitigating against any potential harm that they may cause. Commonly accepted Responsible AI principles include accountability, contestability, fairness, security, privacy, transparency, explainability, and reliability. At times notions of 'do-no-harm' and generating 'net benefits' for society and the environment are also included. These principles of Responsible AI are generalizable and industry agnostic; however, they should be carefully considered in the context of the unique physical, economic, political, and technological characteristics of the space domain before being adopted wholesale by the space industry. While concepts such as security and reliability can be readily applied to applications of AI systems in the space domain, other ideals such as contestability, fairness, and explainability may not be as relevant to the use cases found within the space industry. This paper introduces the concept of Responsible AI and Responsible AI principles and then examines the applicability and appropriateness of widely accepted Responsible AI principles in the context of existing and emerging regulatory instruments relevant to the space industry. This serves as a first step towards creating a standardized regulatory framework for the responsible development of space-based AI systems and preventing harms associated with such systems occurring.
... [5][6][7] Some of the advances have been proposed in the field of reliable Autonomous Orbital Control (AOC) [8][9][10] for Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS). 11,12 This has several advantages, and in particular can mitigate the complexity in the operation of several satellites flying in formation. 13 Moreover, TASO capabilities [14][15][16][17] have been demonstrated through the use of Artificial Intelligence. ...
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Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) require new advanced navigation and control functionalities to meet the ever more stringent mission requirements of Earth Observation (EO) missions. In particular, Autonomous Orbit Determination and Control (AODC) can significantly reduce operational costs and enable continuous feedback without being limited by ground station link availability. Recent advancements in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) navigation in space, coupled with high-efficiency low-thrust electric propulsion, have made it possible to leverage autonomous and continuous operations to optimise propellant mass and thruster power, improve orbital accuracy, reduce collision risks, and develop new services through distributed operations. Within this framework, we propose a novel concept for a DSS that implements a Constellation of Formations (COF) architecture for EO missions, offering the advantage of combining single-pass multiple acquisitions with high revisit frequencies. However, maintaining the formation geometry and constellation parameters may conflict with each other. To address this challenge, we propose a control architecture that incorporates suitable loops for the (absolute) constellation orbit control and the (relative) formation orbit control using inter-satellite communication links within each formation.
... Numerous spacecraft/modules interact, collaborate, and coordinate with one another in iDSS mission architectures, leading to the development of novel system features and/or functions [8]. The primary objective of iDSS is to provide a more responsive and resilient solution to meet the growing needs of the research community and the defence sector by aiding in the monitoring and forecasting of different missions such as Earth Observation (EO) [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16], Space Domain Awareness (SDA) [17][18][19][20] and Astronomy [21][22][23]. One of the primary focuses of SmartSat CRC and Australia's space strategy is developing and deploying satellite-based information capabilities to enhance Australia's disaster resilience. ...
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Volcanic eruptions are a natural hazard that can devastate people and property. In recent years, the number of volcanic eruptions has been on the rise, and the effects of climate change are making them more frequent and more powerful. This research proposes a new methodology for monitoring volcanoes in real-time or very close to real-time using an intelligent Distributed Satellite System (iDSS). The iDSS is made up of a constellation of satellites that are all connected to one another by means of Inter-Satellite Links (ISL). This allows the data to be processed and distributed in real-time, which is essential for early warning of volcanic eruptions. In previous studies, the on-board volcanic eruption detection was proven to be possible and feasible by utilising appropriate Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Multispectral optical data were used to assess if an active volcanic eruption was captured in the image. The proposed iDSS architecture is practical and can be used to monitor volcanoes in real-time or near real-time. The system has been tested by taking Mount Etna as a case study and the results have been reported. The findings and conclusions of this research can be applied to and expanded upon in the context of similar natural disasters occurring around the globe.
... Recent technological advances have led to the concept of multiple spacecraft operating in optimal coordination to accomplish desired mission goals [20]. Considering this, distributed satellite systems (DSS) is a promising concept for the future of SSA and STM. ...
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Autonomous navigation (AN) and manoeuvring are increasingly important in distributed satellite systems (DSS) in order to avoid potential collisions with space debris and other resident space objects (RSO). In order to accomplish collision avoidance manoeuvres, tracking and characterization of RSO is crucial. At present, RSO are tracked and catalogued using ground-based observations, but space-based space surveillance (SBSS) represents a valid alternative (or complementary asset) due to its ability to offer enhanced performances in terms of sensor resolution, tracking accuracy, and weather independence. This paper proposes a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for DSS AN and manoeuvring, specifically addressing RSO tracking and collision avoidance requirements as an integral part of the overall system design. More specifically, a DSS architecture employing hyperspectral sensors for Earth observation is considered, and passive electro-optical sensors are used, in conjunction with suitable mathematical algorithms, to accomplish autonomous RSO tracking and classification. Simulation case studies are performed to investigate the tracking and system collision avoidance capabilities in both space-based and ground-based tracking scenarios. Results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed AN technique and highlight its potential to supplement either conventional (ground-based) or SBSS tracking methods.
Multi-spacecraft cooperative visual 3D sensing is an essential technique in space-based optical space situational awareness to acquire the 3D pose and structure of orbital targets, and how to optimize spacecraft deployment to improve sensing performance receives wide research concern. This paper establishes a statistical framework for multi-spacecraft cooperative visual 3D sensing of orbital targets under the natural fly-around mode from a perspective of information gains, and studies both the sensing information evolution during orbital motion and the optimal orbit deployment of multiple spaceborne camera sensors on spacecrafts. Specifically, a Fisher information matrix (FIM)-based metric is first proposed to evaluate the anisotropic sensing property of spaceborne camera sensors. Then the evolution of sensing information during orbital motion is characterized by closed-form expressions for the FIM contributed by visual observations captured by each spacecraft, with geometric interpretations given by information ellipsoid in the eigenspace. Based on the spatiotemporal complementarity of visual observations, we also determine the optimal orbit deployment of all the spaceborne camera sensors to improve cooperative sensing performance of the orbital target, and give a lower bound for sensing error through an extension without motion constraints. Numerical results validate the effectiveness of our theoretic results and the performance of our sensor deployment schemes, and also reveal the impacts of orbital motion on visual sensing. Our work provides guidelines for subtle cooperative orbit design for specific sensing tasks.
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Recent advances in small, connected and intelligent satellite systems have created a wide range of opportunities for the adoption of intelligent Distributed Satellite Systems (iDSS) in communication, navigation and Earth Observation (EO) missions. iDSS are goal-oriented systems comprising of multiple satellites or modules that interact, communicate and/or cooperate with each other to accomplish the desired mission goals. The ability to mass-produce low-cost small satellites and contemporary developments in avionics/astrionics technology have spurred interest in iDSS, especially for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations and regional clusters. The SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) and Australian space roadmap, as well as the landmark National Space Programme strategy and priorities, encompass EO. To date, insufficient progress and no conclusive outcome was made in terms of how contemporary Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) models and tools can be best tailored to the new capabilities and specificities of iDSS. The MDO of iDSS is challenging because it introduces new variables and highly non-linear interactions. In this context, we propose an MDO methodology to optimize an iDSS for persistent coverage over the entire Australian landmass. Several aspects of the iDSS are considered in this work, including the constellation model, subsystem models and the coupling interactions between different satellite subsystems and constellation design parameters. The constellation configuration, as well as the subsystems, are modelled using OpenMDAO, which is used to analyze and visualize the planned iDSS EO mission. The iDSS is then optimized using the Multidisciplinary Feasible (MDF) architecture approach and the iDSS interdependencies are numerically treated using the Nonlinear Block Gauss-Seidel (NLBGS) iterative solver. The resulting N^2 diagrams are presented and the proposed solution is both spatially and temporally optimized, demonstrating that the proposed iDSS will enable near real-time persistent coverage over the entire Australian continent.
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Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) for aerospace applications have brought about new opportunities for the fast-growing satellite industry. The progressive introduction of connected satellite systems and associated mission concepts is stimulating the development of intelligent CPS (iCPS) architectures, which can support high levels of flexibility and resilience in an increasingly congested near-Earth space environment. The need for higher levels of automation and autonomy in satellite operations has stimulated numerous research initiatives in recent years, focusing on the progressive enhancement of systemic performance (e.g., addressing safety, integrity and cyber-physical security metrics) and associated monitoring/augmentation approaches that can support Trusted Autonomous Satellite Operations (TASO). Despite these advances, in most contemporary satellite platforms, autonomy is restricted to a specific set of rules and cases, while the transition to TASO requires a paradigm shift in the design of both space vehicles and ground-based systems. In particular, the use of AI is seen as an essential enabler for TASO as it enhances system performance/adaptability and supports both predictive and reactive integrity augmentation capabilities, especially in Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS). This article provides a critical review of AI for satellite operations, with a special focus on current and likely future DSS architectures for communication, navigation and remote sensing missions. The aim is to identify key contemporary challenges and opportunities associated with space iCPS design methodologies to enhance the performance and resilience of satellite systems, supporting the progressive transition to TASO. A comprehensive review of relevant AI techniques is presented to critically assess the potential benefits and challenges of each method for different space applications. After describing the specificities of DSS and the opportunities offered by iCPS architectures, the co-evolution of space and control (ground and on-board) segments is highlighted as an essential next step towards enabling TASO. As an integral part of this evolutionary approach, the most important legal and regulatory challenges associated with the adoption of AI in TASO are also discussed.
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Large constellations of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are expected to play a key role in a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from communication and Internet of Things (IoT) to Earth Observation (EO) and navigation augmentation services. One important application area is that of cooperative and non-cooperative surveillance for Resident Space Object (RSO) tracking and Collision Avoidance (CA). Currently, various commercial entities have plans to deploy groups of compact to moderate-sized satellites, reaching a cumulative count of more than 20,000 satellites. This poses an unprecedented challenge to satellite operators, emphasizing the need for advanced sensing and tracking techniques that provides real-time information about RSO. In this context, the use of Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) for Space-Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) has recently received much attention, thanks to their flexibility, responsiveness and adaptability to structural and functional changes. This paper proposes a novel method for non-cooperative surveillance of RSOs using connected and intelligent DSS (iDSS). This will assist in mitigating the risk of collisions, thereby contributing to enhanced Space Domain Awareness (SDA) and to safer, more sustainable near-Earth space operations. The integration of our proposed SBSS with ground-based SDA techniques is very promising, laying the foundations for a future Space Traffic Management (STM) framework, whose primary task would be ensuring Separation Assurance (SA) and Collision Avoidance (CA), largely without a direct intervention of human ground-station operators. The validity of the proposed SBSS techniques is verified through simulation case studies performed in representative conditions.
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Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensing and computing technologies have led to the development of new promising concepts for the safe and efficient operation of Distributed Space Systems (DSS) in near-Earth orbits. The combined use of these technologies allows higher levels of autonomy in small satellite constellations or clusters, facilitating a more responsive and resilient approach to Space-Based Space Surveillance (SBSS), both in terms of data collection and data processing. This article presents an innovative DSS mission management approach exploiting multiple heterogeneous space platforms capable of autonomously calculating attitude and orbit raising manoeuvres to maximise mission efficiency and minimise the risk of collision with resident space objects. Furthermore, it addresses the development of reactive mission planning capabilities and lays foundations for introducing predictive system functionalities, by adopting heuristic multiple-direct-shooting trajectory optimisation algorithms based on the particle swarm technique. These functionalities provide DSS with higher levels of autonomy and support the introduction of new mission concepts while mitigating the threats of the space environment. The first verification case study addresses the problem of an orbit raising manoeuvre for debris collision avoidance, where the thrust activation and vectoring angle profiles are optimised to achieve the orbital semi-major axis increment which reduces the probability of collision to an acceptable level. An inverse-dynamic method is employed in the second case study, which addresses an optimal attitude reorientation problem for initial debris target tracking. Typical attitude constraints and forbidden pointing zones are considered, highlighting the suitability and general applicability of the proposed DSS functionalities for the intended SBSS mission.
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A single electro-optical (EO) sensor used in space debris observation provides angle-only information. However, space debris position can be derived using simultaneous optical measurements obtained from two EO sensors located at two separate observation sites, and this is commonly known as triangulation. In this paper, we propose a new triangulation algorithm to determine space debris position, and its analytical expression of Root-Mean-Square (RMS) position error is presented. The simulation of two-site observation is conducted to compare the RMS positioning error of the proposed triangulation algorithm with traditional triangulation algorithms. The results show that the maximum RMS position error of the proposed triangulation algorithm is not more than 200 m, the proposed triangulation algorithm has higher positioning accuracy than traditional triangulation algorithms, and the RMS position error obtained in the simulation is nearly consistent with the analytical expression of RMS position error. In addition, initial orbit determination (IOD) is carried out by using the triangulation positioning data, and the results show that the IOD accuracy of two-site observation is significantly higher than that of the single-site observation.
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We introduce six quantities that generalize the equinoctial orbital elements when some or all the perturbing forces that act on the propagated body are derived from a potential. Three of the elements define a non-osculating ellipse on the orbital plane, other two fix the orientation of the equinoctial reference frame, and the last allows us to determine the true longitude of the body. The Jacobian matrices of the transformations between the new elements and the position and velocity are explicitly given. As a possible application, we investigate their use in the propagation of Earth’s artificial satellites, showing a remarkable improvement compared to the equinoctial orbital elements.
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This paper researches the ascent trajectory optimization problem in view of multiple constraints that effect on the launch vehicle. First, a series of common constraints that effect on the ascent trajectory are formulated for the trajectory optimization problem. Then, in order to reduce the computational burden on the optimal solution, the restrictions on the angular momentum and the eccentricity of the target orbit are converted into constraints on the terminal altitude, velocity, and flight path angle. In this way, the requirement on accurate orbit insertion can be easily realized by solving a three-parameter optimization problem. Next, an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is developed based on the Gaussian perturbation method to generate the optimal trajectory. Finally, the algorithm is verified by numerical simulation.
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This is the first of two companion papers that investigate the operations of distributed satellite systems. This first article presents a survey of conventional methods of operations of spacecraft constellations, investigates its scalability for growing number of spacecraft, and identifies operational paradigms shift. The second article focuses on the classification of distributed satellite systems and evaluates commercial tools for automated spacecraft operations. The trend of using distributed space systems such as satellite constellation instead of monolithic systems has been growing in the last decade. Recently, a variety of large satellite constellations were announced and the production of some has started. Several of these announced constellations feature more than 1000 satellites. While the “mass production” of satellites is feasible and has already started, there are no effective solutions existing for the “mass operations” of satellites. In some instances, conventional spacecraft operations involve manual control by skilled human operators, following at least a 4-eyes principle. Even when operators batch multiple telecommands together, the scheduling process is still challenging for growing spacecraft numbers. This approach is not (linearly) scalable to large satellite constellations: new operational methods need to be established and the automation level of the constellation increased. To motivate the research activities in this framework and pave the way for automated management of large distributed satellite systems, this paper gives an overview of some conventional methods of spacecraft operations. From this description, the weakness areas in terms of scalability are deduced, identifying potential bottlenecks for the operations of such systems. Following, based on four use case studies, the operational paradigms shift related to the operation of large distributed satellite systems are identified.
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Abstract—Due to many technical and programmatic changes, Distributed Spacecraft Missions (DSM) and constellations are becoming more common, both in national space agencies as well as in industry and academia. These changes are the results of various driving factors such as maturing technologies, minimizing costs and new science requirements. But they are also made possible by the availability of easier and more frequent launches and the capability to handle increased requirements in terms of scalable mission operations and “big” data analytics on the ground and onboard. With the increase in this type of missions and with the need to connect and inter-relate all the data that will be generated by these various missions as well as with the data acquired from ground and airborne sensors, there is a need to define more accurately all the terms used in relation to DSM. This paper presents a terminology including various definitions that describe DSM and related concepts, their organization, physical configuration and functional configuration, as well as a taxonomy from which DSM can be designed.
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This paper presents a sensor-orientated approach to on-orbit position uncertainty generation and quantification for both ground-based and space-based surveillance applications. A mathematical framework based on the least squares formulation is developed to exploit real-time navigation measurements and tracking observables to provide a sound methodology that supports separation assurance and collision avoidance among Resident Space Objects (RSO). In line with the envisioned Space Situational Awareness (SSA) evolutions, the method aims to represent the navigation and tracking errors in the form of an uncertainty volume that accurately depicts the size, shape, and orientation. Simulation case studies are then conducted to verify under which sensors performance the method meets Gaussian assumptions, with a greater view to the implications that uncertainty has on the cyber-physical architecture evolutions and Cognitive Human-Machine Systems required for Space Situational Awareness and the development of a comprehensive Space Traffic Management framework.
Space-based optical (SBO) space surveillance has attracted widespread interest in the last two decades due to its considerable value in space situation awareness (SSA). SBO observation strategy, which is related to the performance of space surveillance, is the top-level design in SSA missions reviewed. The recognized real programs about SBO SAA proposed by the institutions in the U.S., Canada, Europe, etc., are summarized firstly, from which an insight of the development trend of SBO SAA can be obtained. According to the aim of the SBO SSA, the missions can be divided into general surveillance and space object tracking. Thus, there are two major categories for SBO SSA strategies. Existing general surveillance strategies for observing low earth orbit (LEO) objects and beyond-LEO objects are summarized and compared in terms of coverage rate, revisit time, visibility period, and image processing. Then, the SBO space object tracking strategies, which has experienced from tracking an object with a single satellite to tracking an object with multiple satellites cooperatively, are also summarized. Finally, this paper looks into the development trend in the future and points out several problems that challenges the SBO SSA.
Conference Paper
The deployment of a microsatellite constellation around the Moon is collecting growing interest, driven by the possibility to offer communication and navigation support to both probes and manned exploration missions. The primary focus of the study is to design a mission profile which allows transferring and deploying the satellites of such a constellation from one single launch opportunity, considering deployment conditions equivalent to those expected for the Artemis-1 mission. In particular, the major challenge consists in transferring the satellites into multiple orbit planes, which differ by the value of the RAAN and the inclination, compatibly with the constraints set by the propulsion and power systems currently available for microsatellites. This goal is achieved by taking advantage of the Sun-Earth-Moon multi-body dynamics. In the first phase of the mission the microsatellites are captured along a highly eccentric lunar capture orbit, with the apocenter in the neighbourhood of the Earth-Moon libration point L1. In this region, the linear dynamics expressed using the Hamiltonian formalism can be characterized by a set of 6 parameters. Previous works by the authors showed that these 6 parameters are related to the osculating orbit elements of low-energy lunar capture orbits and can be adjusted using relatively small Delta-V to achieve the desired orbit elements at capture. This technique is used to modify the semimajor axis, inclination and RAAN for the microsatellites, producing their deployment into the desired orbit plane. Using this strategy, the deployment of the constellation is possible within 28 days from the capture at the Moon. The designed mission profile is verified using numerical analysis, propagating the nonlinear equations of motion in the DE405 ephemeris model, simulating the real behaviour of thrusters and control devices. The analysis allows estimating the propellant usage and the stability of the constellation coverage properties, indicating that the solution proposed is compatible with current microsatellite technology.