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Deep Learning (DL) and Big Data (BD) have converged to a hybrid computing paradigm that merges the dynamic processing in DL models with the computational power of the distributed processing of the BD frameworks. In this context, this work aims to conduct an analysis and performance evaluation of DL applications in BD. The experiments evaluate how the application training completion time can be related to the model's precision loss and the impacts of distributed computing in DL models. The experiments were performed in Microsoft Azure using BigDL framework, which allows using both Spark and TensorFlow on top of a Yarn cluster. The outcomes revealed a speedup of up to 8x and accuracy higher than 95%.
Analysis and Performance Evaluation of
Deep Learning on Big Data
Kassiano J. Matteussi, Breno F. Zanchetta, Germano Bertoncello, Jobe D. D. Dos Santos
Julio C. S. Dos Anjos, Claudio F. R. Geyer
Institute of Informatics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil 91509–900
Email: {kjmatteussi, bfzanchetta, gbertoncello, jobe.dylbas, jcsanjos, geyer}
Abstract—Deep Learning (DL) and Big Data (BD) have con-
verged to a hybrid computing paradigm that merges the dynamic
processing in DL models with the computational power of the
distributed processing of the BD frameworks. In this context, this
work aims to conduct an analysis and performance evaluation
of DL applications in BD. The experiments evaluate how the
application training completion time can be related to the model’s
precision loss and the impacts of distributed computing in DL
models. The experiments were performed in Microsoft Azure
using BigDL framework, which allows using both Spark and
TensorFlow on top of a Yarn cluster. The outcomes revealed a
speedup of up to 8x and accuracy higher than 95%.
KeywordsDeep Learning, Distributed Deep Learning, Big
Data, BigDL, Apache Spark, Parallel Processing
The current trends in Data Science contain two main fields:
Big Data (BD) and Deep Learning (DL) - a branch of Artificial
Intelligence (AI). The first attracts many organizations that
seek to obtain value from complex datasets to improve the
business process through data processing and analysis [1]–[4];
The second allows machines to create their own conceptual
knowledge over the data with the use of ML algorithms. In
a more complex concept, it solves problems that are intuitive
for humans, but very difficult to describe in objective terms to
a machine [5].
DL is used in many areas such as image processing (e.g.
facial recognition) [6], [7], object detection [8], robotics [9],
recurrent networks (e.g. autonomous translation) [10]–[12] and
acoustic processing [13], [14]. DL solutions development is
very complex in large-scale and can conduct to errors in
tasks such as data acquisition and partitioning; allocation
and management of resources; workload balancing; model
deployment; fault tolerance and so on [15].
In addition, recent works [16]–[23] investigate the relation
between BD stack and DL benefits. The studies show frame-
works which the main goal is to accelerate the application
training time by exploring specific libraries such as MLIB, and
the performance of BD applications (Sort, Terasort, Wordcount
and so on) whilst using DL features. Also, the union of several
Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions in a combined distributed
execution framework may lead to failures in attending dynamic
response and real-time decision-making requirements. Thus,
these facts demand attention towards the development of better
framework architectures [15]. Therefore, we identify a lack
of comprehensive studies to analyze the impact of distributed
processing in DL scenarios, as well as in the performance
evaluation of structures, models and datasets in deep networks
using local and distributed scenarios.
In this context, this work aims to conduct an analysis
and performance evaluation of DL applications in BD. The
evaluation will measure the impact of distributed computing
of DL models in terms of application training completion time
and model precision. The experiments represent a controlled
real-world test scenario in the Microsoft Azure cloud. The
BigDL framework [18] is instanced to allow to use both Spark
and TensorFlow engines on top of a Yarn cluster.
The main contributions of this paper are: i) to provide a
detailed performance analysis of DL applications distributed
in BD environment; ii) to evaluate the maintenance of models
precision towards distributed training and optimization.
This paper is structured as follows. Section II indicates the
main fields studied in this work. Section III presents the closer
works. The case of study and methodology of this work are
shown in Section IV. The results are present in Section V and
finally, the conclusion is in Section VI.
Big Data (BD) refers to the increase in data volume (which
is hard to process and store in traditional systems), the
data variety (the indistinct data nature), velocity (considerable
computational efforts) to add value with the needed veracity
to the transformation of raw data into valuable and reliable
information [24]. The literature review presents relevant con-
tributions for BD scenarios in several contexts (cloud, energy,
programming models, software, algorithms, security and so
on) [19]. Meanwhile, Machine Learning (ML) introduced a
series of real-world solutions with very complex autonomous
However, ML still relied too much on human interaction
in the readjustment of the algorithm, specially in scenario
where the problem is intuitive for humans but very difficult
to describe in objective terms to machines, thus contradicting
the point of task automation. Then emerged DL as a branch
of ML which allows the machines to create their conceptual
knowledge on the data and combine them into other more
complex self-generated ones [5].
Although BD enables fast data processing, it is important to
consider emerging problems that now are integrated to the ML
and DL models. For instance, there are complex data access
patterns, fast information retrieving, data classification and
semantic indexing. Useful tools can be mentioned in different
areas, such as a set of frameworks based on the MapReduce
programming model in BD processing (e.g. Spark, Hadoop
Yarn and Flink which allows the ML library (MLlib) use).
Second, with the focus in DL, it can be mentioned the main
Neural Networks (NN), such as Feed-Forward Neural Net-
work(FNN), which is composed of computational units based
on Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) united into an acyclic graph;
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) unites convolution op-
erations with FNN’s feature extraction, thus improving image
and video processing; Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) uses
time sequences and internal states to process data sequences,
thus providing great results in text and audio processing;
LSTM(Long-Short Term Memory) is a RNN’s particularity,
that introduces low-term and long-term signals to solve RNN’s
long dependencies issues.
Also, when these NNs are implemented in DL frameworks,
such as TensorFlow, Theano, PyTorch and Caffe, they are
capable of being applied towards BD’s feature learning [25].
Next section shows the recent state of the art on Big Data DL
Analysis. The primary goal is to provide a general vision of the
works that intend to merge both paradigms whilst highlighting
the open problems.
The DL framework is wrapped into BG engines by the
use of specif classes of them and the models of DL are
spread between multiple instances of worker nodes. Thus,
each worker receives a copy of the model and a small batch
of the dataset from the driver node. On follow, the workers
conduct fast and non-precise computations (training) that must
be synchronized and sent to the driver node, meanwhile the
worker nodes stay idle waiting for the next job. After that,
when the master node finishes the average of the models and
their optimization, the cycle starts again with new batches.
In the work DeepSpark [16], the authors proposed a dis-
tributed and parallel DL framework that evaluates the use
of Apache Spark in GPGPU-based commodity clusters. This
approach distributes the workloads and adjusts some param-
eters automatically in order to set test scenarios to deploy
Caffe’s models into Spark framework. The author evaluates the
turnaround time per training, considering 1000 iterations and
presents a speedup analysis. The results revealed that training
time reduced up to 42% using 16 executors and achieved 0.6
of accuracy. Our work uses more epochs in the training of
models, hence achieves better results for the accuracy.
In SparkNet [17], Moritz et al. analyzes a framework for
deep networks training in Spark. The implementation uses a
simple parallelization scheme for Stochastic Gradient Descent
to handle high-latency during communication. The authors
evaluated the speedup of Caffe performed in Spark framework
on top of a GPGPU-based cluster. The goal was to present the
required time to reach an accuracy of 40%. The work evaluated
the precision loss in DL model by the analysis of standalone
and distributed scenarios.
Intel’s BigDL [18] implements a distributed DL framework
for BD with mini-batch synchronous optimization and a
centralized parameter server for model training. BigDL can
incorporate DL tools, such as TensorFlow, Caffe, Keras and
PyTorch. Regarding BD, BigDL is implemented coupled with
Spark. It allows integration in local mode with Apache Storm,
Apache Flink and Apache Kafka due to JVM support. Also,
a key aspect of BigDL is the quantization of 32-bit floating
point into 8-bit integer, which does not significantly affect the
models accuracy, but reduces its size by up to four times and
results in a twofold distributed training speedup.
The author Gupta et al., in [19], shows a framework that
incorporates Apache Spark (using MLIB) and the advanced
ML architecture of a deep MLP, plus cascade learning concept.
The authors evaluated two real-world datasets to measure
the difference from Spark (without modification) experiments
against the proposed Framework. The F1 Score and Accuracy
metrics that were identified and analyzed were not so expres-
sive, but indicated the feasibility to use CPU for this type of
processing. Our work also used CPU, but the main difference
is the evaluation with varied datasets and models.
DLoBD [22] introduces a rich experimental methodology
for DL models and datasets over BD in four study cases, while
also evaluates how the combination of these architectures
work. Even though it evaluates many models and frameworks,
few combinations between frameworks converge in the same
model, therefore its comparisons can be untrustworthy for
inter-modular comparisons. However, the work conducted a
fine-grained analysis of each model and is the most related
work to ours.
In summary, to the extent of our knowledge, we observe
a lack of analysis of the impact of distributed processing in
DL scenarios (for instance, what happens with the accuracy of
the models when they are processed in a distributed fashion)
and of performance evaluation of neural networks, models and
datasets using local and distributed scenarios.
The development and optimization of models, applications,
and frameworks into distributed environments put factors such
as performance and scalability as a challenge. Even though the
state-of-the-art presents studies that demonstrate performance
evaluation in distributed DL, but they do not show clearly
what is the impact that the distributed processing may cause
to DL applications. This work aims to conduct an analysis and
performance evaluation of DL on BD, keeping in mind these
previous considerations. The proposed evaluation measures the
impact of distributed computing of the DL models in terms of
application completion time and model precision loss.
A. BigDL Framework
The proposed evaluation uses the BigDL framework because
it offers a data representation that is common to the DL
frameworks, and is also compatible with BD. To support the
parallel and distributed processing, BigDL is deployed on top
of Apache Spark framework in an optimized way.
Even though BigDL performs the data-parallel training
with synchronous optimizers like TensorFlowOnSpark [20], it
also outperforms that framework, which incorporates Spark’s
datasets preparation in earlier stages of execution and by-
passes the remainder of Spark’s functions, turning to self-
implemented libraries. BigDL [18] focuses to extract the full
extent of Spark’s functionality by using the orchestration
layer to allocate cluster resources, then putting drivers nodes
to schedule and dispatch jobs to workers, which perform
computations and physically store data.
BigDL is different from other synchronous distributed tools
because it reduces life spawn of Spark jobs and can grant
more resilience towards resource alterations (for example,
errors and failures, resource sharing, preemption) along the
time. Also, it can be incorporated to a tool, named Drizzle,
for task scheduling in very large-scale environments, which
agglutinates large amounts of tasks for schedule and therefore
it reduces overheads.
Finally, BigDL softens negative effects in accuracy in dis-
tributed DL due to Model Quantization for the dimensionality
reduction (e.g. moving 2D convolution in NNs to a low-
precision representation). Hence, 32-bit floating point set of
parameters turn into 8-bit integer, thus granting up to fourfold
model size reduction and twofold inference speedup with
models accuracy drop of less than 0.1% [18].
Table I shows the combination of neural networks, models
and datasets into BigDL, which was chosen for our analysis.
Network Model Dataset
CNN Text Classifier (CNN) 20 NewsGroup/GloVe-6B
RNN Text Classifier (LSTM) 20 NewsGroup/GloVe-6B
RNN Tree-LSTM Stanford Sentiment Treebank
The datasets used in this work are presented as follows:
CIFAR-10: It is a set of RGB images separated in 10
distinct classes. This set is sub-divided in 50,000 images
for training and 10,000 for tests, where each image is a
32x32 pixel RGB matrix;
MNIST: It is composed of 70,000 images of 28x28 bilevel
pixel with centralized hand-written digits. This dataset is
classified into 10 distinct classes, with 60,000 images for
training and 10,000 images for tests;
20NewsGroup: It is a collection with 20,000 documents
of discussion groups separated in 20 different topics;
Stanford Sentiment Treebank: Film Criticisms collected
on Rotten Tomatoes and published by [26]. It consists of
about 12,000 sentences and 215,000 unique phrases.
B. Environment
1) Software Stack: The software stack used in this work is
described in Table II.
Operating System Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
Apache Spark v2.2.0
Hadoop YARN v2.6.3
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
Java OpenJDK 8 181
Scala 2.11.8
Python 2.7.15 (NumPy v1.15.4, Six v1.11.0)
BigDL version 0.7.1.
2) Infrastructure: BigDL is CPU optimized through Math
Kernel Library (MKL) for Intel XeonTMprocessor-based clus-
ters. For instance, the work [27] revealed that BigDL delivers
up to 3.83 times speedup on Xeon cluster compared to a GPU
cluster. For this reason, the environment used for experiments
execution is a Microsoft Azure CPU cluster, with node’s
settings shown in Table III.
Component Specification
Processor Intel XeonTME5-2673 4 Core (2,4-3,1 GHz)
Memory 30 GB RAM
Storage SSD 1TB
The driver and worker nodes belong to Microsoft’s D12v2
hyper-threaded general purpose instances. Details about the
clusters configuration can be observed in Table IV.
# Worker Nodes # Cores Memory(GB) Storage(TB)
4 worker Nodes 16 120 4
8 worker Nodes 32 240 8
12 worker Nodes 48 360 12
3) Parameters Configuration: The main Spark parameters
adjusted for the experiments performed on top of YARN are:
Master: it determines the Spark execution mode and can
be set as local or in the Yarn Kernel;
Driver-memory: defines allocated memory for the driver;
Executors-num: sets the number of executors;
Executor-cores: indicates the core’s number by executor;
Executor-memory: defines allocated memory by executor;
Class: sets the applications entry point.
C. Methodology
In this work, we evaluated the performance by a speedup
analysis and measured the impact in TensorFlow models accu-
racy when using parallel and distributed processing paradigm
provided by Spark in BigDL through a short scalability
scenario. The metrics evaluated in this work are time (s) and
accuracy loss (%). The model and datasets test scenarios can
be described as a combination of 5 models with 4 datasets
into 6 distinct possible tests. Moreover, we evaluated the local
(standalone) environment and more 3 different cluster settings,
coming to a total of 6 test scenarios in 4 cluster configurations,
thus resulting in 24 distinct execution sets.
Also, even though Jain’s experimental methodology [28]
defines the ideal number of repetitions as 30 executions for
each configuration, we reduced the tests to 10 repetitions
because our set of results presented low standard deviation.
Still, with this threefold reductions, these experiments ensure
a confidence interval of 95%, with a total of 240 experiments.
A. Performance Analysis
In the next figures the axis-y represents the execution time
measured in seconds and axis-x shows the number of nodes
in each experiment.
1 4 8 12
Number of nodes
Execution time (s)
Fig. 1. Comparison of CNN models: ResNet and VGG on CIFAR-10 Dataset
1 4 8 12
Number of nodes
Execution time (s)
Fig. 2. CNN, LeNet Model - MNIST Dataset
1 4 8 12
Number of nodes
Execution time (s)
Fig. 3. CNN, Text Classifier Model - 20NewsGroup/GloVe-6B Dataset
Figure 1 shows the ResNet and VGG performances when
executed on CIFAR-10 dataset. The VGG model reduced its
training time by 84.6% with 12 worker nodes compared to
baseline, while ResNet model decreased up to 86.1%.
Even though the performance gain is expressive for both
models, ResNet outperforms VGG by a rate of 20% in the
standalone scenario, and by 28% with 12 workers. These
values correlate to a BigDL behaviour that tends to benefit
deeper convolutional models as opposed to models with deeper
feature extraction units in a distributed training.
In other words, the synchronous distributed training process
in BigDL could be less suitable for models with too many neu-
rons in the Fully Connected layer (VGG has twice compared to
ResNet), it occurs due to massive increase in model parameters
length. ResNet is also penalized on the distributed training,
but unlike VGG, it is due to high costs of computations on
many convolutional layers (increases elevenfold compared to
VGG). Still, both scenarios may suffer convolutional and linear
quantization for optimization purposes, and perhaps, ResNet
residual blocks leverage parallelism during multi core training
executions more than VGG’s sequential convolutions, thus
reducing training idle time.
In Figure 2 we present the performance of LeNet model
using MNIST dataset. In comparison with standalone scenario,
LeNet with 12 workers has 74.5% reduction in training time.
It is possible to observe in Figure 2 that the reduction in
training time of LeNet also behaves nearly as a decreasing ex-
ponential curve. Still, even though the execution time was not
reduced as much as in other models, the parallelism ensured
performance gains, which can be verified in Table V. LeNet
was the model with higher accuracy in all configurations to
suffer among the lesser accuracy variations in the experiments.
Figure 3 presents the performance of Text Classifier (CNN
model) on the 20NewsGroup/GloVe-6B dataset. CNN model
reduces the training time up to 86.5% with 12 worker nodes
compared to baseline.
In this case, it seems clear how parallelism supports ap-
plication performance with minimal penalties. The accuracy
penalty from distributed optimization and batch distribution is
a low price due to greater execution time reduction, which can
be put towards more steps of training to mitigate this trade-
off. Also, the workload distribution possibly reduces resource
usage (CPU, memory and other) avoiding interference and
ensuring high data throughput.
Figure 4 shows the performance of Text Classifier (LSTM
model) using 20NewsGroup/GloVe-6B dataset. The processing
time decreases nearly to an exponential behavior until it
reaches 87.4% reduction with 12 workers against the baseline.
Figure 5 shows the execution time of the Tree-LSTM
model using Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset. The model
obtained a reduction of 44.5 % in training time with 12
worker nodes. In addition, we noted that this model did
not show significant performance gains among the distributed
runs, as seen in Table V. We believe that this effect occurs
because LSTM networks require more epochs than regular
CNNs to achieve plausible accuracy, thus the efforts to fixate
a common number of epochs for all experiments -to grant
fairness- generated this disastrous output for LSTM.
1 4 8 12
Number of nodes
Exececution time (s)
Fig. 4. RNN, Text Classifier Model - 20NewsGroup/GloVe-6B Dataset
1 4 8 12
Number of nodes
Execution time (s)
Fig. 5. RNN, Tree-LSTM Model - Stanford Sentiment Treebank Dataset
Complementary, Table V shows the obtained speedup and
efficiency, to provide further data about the same experiments.
Speedup Efficiency
Model 4 8 12 Local 4 8 12
ResNet 3.24 5.08 7.19 1 0.81 0.64 0.60
VGG 2.29 4.43 6.49 1 0.57 0.55 0.54
LeNet 1.43 2.77 3.93 1 0.36 0.35 0.33
TC-CNN 2.65 5.03 7.40 1 0.66 0.63 0.62
TC-LSTM 2.31 4.42 7.94 1 0.58 0.55 0.66
TreeLSTM 1.64 1.61 1.80 1 0.41 0.20 0.15
The obtained speedups indicating a high performance pro-
vided in the parallelism for DL models. Also, the results
present that workload is a threshold for performance gain, i.e.,
the performance can be optimized if an ideal equation or model
is designed taking into account the number of worker nodes,
computational resources, and the datasets. The ResNet model,
for example, does not provide any gain when the distribution
is 8 to 12 worker nodes, indicating an unnecessary level of
parallelism. Another example is TC-LSTM model that always
present benefits as the parallelism grows, meaning an adequate
B. Distributed Deep Learning: a Precision Analysis
Even though BigDL shows expressive feasibility in dis-
tributed DL computing, as can be seen previously, the proper-
ties of DL models (e.g. accuracy) still need to be guaranteed.
Thus, Table VI compares the precision when DL is distributed
along 12 nodes. The Local label stands for average model
precision for a standalone cluster. The node numbers 4, 8 and
12 represent the precision distributed among the nodes and
the label variation (Variation) is a measurement between local
and 12 nodes. BigDL’s precision is available in logs, as an
accuracy measure in percentage during validation steps.
Model Dataset Local 4 8 12 Variation
ResNet CIFAR10 84.14 83.53 82.28 80.124 -4.77
VGG CIFAR10 67,90 60,65 54,12 45,91 -32.38
LeNet MNIST 98.50 98.16 97.27 95.64 -2.9
TC (CNN) 20NewsGroup
85.64 85.63 84.50 84.22 -1.66
TC (LSTM) 20NewsGroup
29.46 31.32 24.20 18.31 -37.85
Tree-LSTM Stanford
46.17 46.56 47.07 45.45 -1.56
It is possible to observe that most models preserved their
precision with low variation, which ensures BigDLs optimiza-
tions for distributed training. This behavior can be analyzed
with the following observations:
The precision loss for ResNet model was: 0.72%, 1.49%,
2.62% for 4, 8 and 12 worker nodes, respectively. On
total, the mean precision loss was 4.77%;
The precision loss for LeNet model was: 0.34%, 1.23%,
1.67% from 4, 8 and 12 worker nodes, respectively. The
total precision loss was just of 2.9%;
Tree-LSTM showed successive precision gains of 0.84%,
1.1% and 3.44% from 4, 8 and 12 worker nodes, respec-
tively. Overall, the mean precision loss on Tree-LSTM
training was 1.56%, and the reasons for this behaviour
will be explained later;
The precision loss for Text Classifier (CNN) model was:
0.01%, 1.32%, 0.33% from 4, 8 and 12 worker nodes,
respectively. On total, precision drop was only 1.6%.
The measure of VGG model, on the other hand, revealed a
mean precision loss of 10.67%, 10.76%, 15.16% for 4, 8 and
12 nodes, respectively. Overall, the causes behind this 32.38%
loss can be explained as follows: Overall, this model came
to a loss of 32.38% between the standalone and 12 workers
configuration. We believe that the causes can be explained
as follows: The sequential convolutions increase and a high
number of fully connected neurons generate an increase of
training parameters, which even applied with quantization
led to a complexity increase in processing, storing and data
transferring. We also noticed that BigDL’s implementation of
VGG contains multiple instances of Dropout between each
convolutional layer -possibly to speed convergence up-. This
finding could explain why VGG’s accuracy is so disappointing,
whilst its high number of parameters contribute to an increase
in training time. In conclusion, VGG needs more training
epochs in order to achieve acceptable precision, and is not
efficient as it is.
Another model that lost accuracy is Text Classifier with
LSTM, which according to VI presented a gain of 6.31%
and a loss between 22.02% and 24.34% for 4, 8 e 12 nodes.
The distributed processing caused an average precision loss
of 37.85%. Even though the 4 nodes configuration introduced
6.31% accuracy gain, the absolute values are so close that
this phenomenon could be explained due to better dataset
shuffling and batching on 4 nodes configuration, i.e. blind
luck. On the other hand, the accuracy drops in the 8 and 12
nodes configuration happens because LSTMs rely on long and
short dependencies for training. Thus, these networks suffer
more penalties when receiving smaller batches, thus forming
inconclusive dependencies. They need many more training
epochs than CNNs to achieve acceptable precision rates. Tree-
LSTM obtained nearly 45% of accuracy on its tests, which
reveals that this model must need more epochs to achieve
higher gains in accuracy.
In this context, this work aimed to conduct an analysis and
performance evaluation of DL applications in BD. Thus, this
was provided in a Microsoft Azure cluster, where computation
was performed by the Apache Spark on top of Hadoop Yarn.
Our evaluation measured the impact caused in TensorFlow DL
applications when processed in a parallel and distributed fash-
ion. Outcomes presented feasibility of distributed processing,
with a speedup of up to ˜
8x and loss in accuracy that was less
than 5% in the best case. In the future, we intend to replicate
the performed experiments using TensorFlowOnSpark and
SparkNet frameworks. In addition, we intend to add more
models and datasets, including ImageNet. Finally, we desire to
develop this study to discover the ideal training distribution for
each study case, that is, to determine the ideal configurations
for each model.
The authors thank the following Brazilian Agencies for
supporting this work: FAPERGS Project ”GREEN-CLOUD
- Computac¸˜
ao em Cloud com Computac¸˜
ao Sustent´
(#16/2551-0000 488-9), ”SmartSent” (#17/2551-0001 195-3),
CAPES (Finance Code 001), CNPq and PROPESQ-UFRGS-
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... The risk of privacy breaches is increasing, as various Big-Data-driven programs are able to analyze the data left on various smart devices [1], which may result in privacy violations [2]. To tackle this issue, Google proposed the federated learning computing paradigm in 2017 [3]. ...
... The following models of wireless communication and local computing will be provided. Each edge server has a maximum bandwidth range of [1,10] MHz, and edge servers with different channel transmission capabilities have different maximum bandwidths. The client has a transmission power of 200 mW and a CPU frequency in the range [1,10] GHz with a power of 600 mW. ...
... Each edge server has a maximum bandwidth range of [1,10] MHz, and edge servers with different channel transmission capabilities have different maximum bandwidths. The client has a transmission power of 200 mW and a CPU frequency in the range [1,10] GHz with a power of 600 mW. The processing density of the learning task is [10,100] cycle/bit. ...
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This research suggests a multi-level federated edge learning algorithm by leveraging the advantages of Edge Computing Paradigm. Model aggregation is partially moved from a cloud center server to edge servers in this framework, and edge servers are connected hierarchically depending on where they are located and how much computational power they have. At the same time, we considered an important issue: the heterogeneity of different client computing resources (such as device processor computing power) and server communication channels (which may be limited by geography or device). For this situation, a client and edge server selection algorithm (CESA) based on a greedy algorithm is proposed in this paper. Given resource constraints, CESA aims to select as many clients and edge servers as possible to participate in the model computation in order to improve the accuracy of the model. The simulation results show that, when the number of clients is high, the multi-level federated edge learning algorithm can shorten the model training time and improve efficiency compared to the traditional federated learning algorithm. Meanwhile, the CESA is able to aggregate more clients for training in the same amount of time compared to the baseline algorithm, improving model training accuracy.
... An International Data Corporation (IDC) report predicts that there will be 41.6 billion IoT devices in 2025 with a potential for data generation up to 79.4 ZB [1]. IoT applications emerged with artificial intelligence, artificial vision, and object tracking in such a context that requires high computing power [2,3]. They usually rely on task processing offload and data storage to remote cloud computing (CC) data centers to boost processing time and reduce battery energy consumption [4]. ...
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Advances in communication technologies have made the interaction of small devices, such as smartphones, wearables, and sensors, scattered on the Internet, bringing a whole new set of complex applications with ever greater task processing needs. These Internet of things (IoT) devices run on batteries with strict energy restrictions. They tend to offload task processing to remote servers, usually to cloud computing (CC) in datacenters geographically located away from the IoT device. In such a context, this work proposes a dynamic cost model to minimize energy consumption and task processing time for IoT scenarios in mobile edge computing environments. Our approach allows for a detailed cost model, with an algorithm called TEMS that considers energy, time consumed during processing, the cost of data transmission, and energy in idle devices. The task scheduling chooses among cloud or mobile edge computing (MEC) server or local IoT devices to achieve better execution time with lower cost. The simulated environment evaluation saved up to 51.6% energy consumption and improved task completion time up to 86.6%.
... International Data Corporation (IDC) report appoints there will be 41.6 billion IoT devices 16 up to 2025 with a potential for data generation up to 79.4 ZB [1]. In such a context, IoT 17 applications have evolved the use of arti cial intelligence, arti cial vision, and object tracking, 18 which require high computing power [2,3]. They usually rely on task processing o oad and 19 data storage to remote Cloud Computing (CC) Data Centers to boost processing time and 20 reduce battery energy consumption [4]. ...
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Advances in communication technologies have made the interaction of small devices, such as smartphones, wearables, and sensors, scattered on the Internet, bringing a whole new set of complex applications with ever greater task processing needs. These Internet of Things (IoT) devices run on batteries with strict energy restrictions. They tend to offload task processing to remote servers, usually to Cloud Computing (CC) in datacenters geographically located away from the IoT device. In such a context, this work proposes a dynamic cost model to minimize energy consumption and task processing time for IoT scenarios in Mobile Edge Computing environments. Our approach allows for a detailed cost model, with an algorithm called TEMS that considers energy, time consumed during processing, the cost of data transmission, and energy in idle devices. The task scheduling chooses among Cloud or Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) server or local IoT devices to better execution time with lower cost. The simulated environment evaluation saved up to 51.6% energy consumption and improved task completion time up to 86.6%.
... The generated latency is the major problem for critical decision-making applications, for instance, in the intrusion detection system where a hacker intrusion can mean financial damage [5]. Furthermore, SP applications can have unpredictable data bursts leading to bandwidth contentions [6], [7]. ...
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The rapid growth of stream applications in financial markets, health care, education, social media, and sensor networks represents a remarkable milestone for data processing and analytic in recent years, leading to new challenges to handle Big Data in real-time. Traditionally, a single cloud infrastructure often holds the deployment of Stream Processing applications because it has extensive and adaptative virtual computing resources. Hence, data sources send data from distant and different locations of the cloud infrastructure, increasing the application latency. The cloud infrastructure may be geographically distributed and it requires to run a set of frameworks to handle communication. These frameworks often comprise a Message Queue System and a Stream Processing Framework. The frameworks explore Multi-Cloud deploying each service in a different cloud and communication via high latency network links. This creates challenges to meet real-time application requirements because the data streams have different and unpredictable latencies forcing cloud providers’ communication systems to adjust to the environment changes continually. Previous works explore static micro-batch demonstrating its potential to overcome communication issues. This paper introduces BurstFlow, a tool for enhancing communication across data sources located at the edges of the Internet and Big Data Stream Processing applications located in cloud infrastructures. BurstFlow introduces a strategy for adjusting the micro-batch sizes dynamically according to the time required for communication and computation. BurstFlow also presents an adaptive data partition policy for distributing incoming streams across available machines by considering memory and CPU capacities. The experiments use a real-world multi-cloud deployment showing that BurstFlow can reduce the execution time up to 77% when compared to the state-of-the-art solutions, improving CPU efficiency by up to 49%.
This survey examines approaches to promote Collaborative Learning in distributed systems for emergent Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS). The study involves a literature review of Intelligent Autonomous Systems based on Collaborative Learning, analyzing aspects in four dimensions: computing environment, performance concerns, system management, and privacy concerns, mapping the significant requirements of systems to the emerging Artificial intelligence models. Furthermore, the paper explores Collaborative Learning Taxonomy for IAS to demonstrate the correlation between IoT, Big Data, and Human-in-the-Loop. Several technological open issues exist in the aforementioned domains (such as in applications of autonomous driving, robotics in healthcare, cyber security, and others) to effectively achieve the future deployment of Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS). This Survey aims to organize concepts around IAS, indicating the approaches used to extract knowledge from data in Collaborative Learning for IAS, and identifying open issues. Moreover, it presents a guide to overcoming the existing challenges in decision-making mechanisms with IAS, providing a holistic vision of Big Data and Human-in-the-Loop.
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A significant rise in the adoption of streaming applications has changed the decision- making processes in the last decade. This movement has led to the emergence of several Big Data technologies for in-memory processing, such as the systems Apache Storm, Spark, Heron, Samza, Flink, and others. Spark Streaming, a widespread open-source implementation, processes data-intensive applications that often require large amounts of memory. However, Spark Unified Memory Manager cannot properly manage sudden or intensive data surges and their related in- memory caching needs, resulting in performance and throughput degradation, high latency, a large number of garbage collection operations, out-of-memory issues, and data loss. This work presents a comprehensive performance evaluation of Spark Streaming backpressure to investigate the hypothesis that it could support data-intensive pipelines under specific pressure requirements. The results reveal that backpressure is suitable only for small and medium pipelines for stateless and stateful applications. Furthermore, it points out the Spark Streaming limitations that lead to in-memory-based issues for data-intensive pipelines and stateful applications. In addition, the work indicates potential solutions.
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In the past decades, a significant rise in the adoption of streaming applications has changed the decision-making process for the industry and academia sectors. This movement led to the emergence of a plurality of Big Data technologies such as Apache Storm, Spark, Heron, Samza, Flink, and other systems to provide in-memory processing for real-time Big Data analysis at high throughput. Spark Streaming represents one of the most popular open-source implementations which handles an ever-increasing data ingestion and processing by using the Unified Memory Manager to manage memory occupancy between storage and processing regions dynamically, which is the focus of this study. The problem behind memory management for data-intensive stream processing pipelines is that the incoming data is faster than the downstream operators can consume. Consequently, the backpressure of Spark acts in the opposite direction of downstream operators. In such a case, the incoming data overwhelms the memory manager and provokes memory leak issues. As a result, it affects the performance of applications generating, e.g., high latency, low throughput, or even data loss. In such a case, the initial intuition motivating our work is that memory management became the critical factor in keeping processing at scale and system stability of Spark. This work provides a deep dive into Spark backpressure, evaluates its structure, presents the main characteristics to support data-intensive streaming pipelines, and investigates the current in-memory-based performance issues.
The rapid growth of IoT devices and applications with data-intensive processing has led to energy consumption and latency concerns. These applications tend to offload task processing to remote Data Centers in the Cloud, distant from end-users, increasing communication latency and energy costs. In such a context, this work proposes a dynamic cost model to minimize energy consumption and total elapsed time for IoT devices in Mobile Edge Computing environments. The solution presents a Time and Energy Minimization Scheduler (TEMS) that executes the cost model, validated through simulation, which resulted in a reduction in energy consumption by up to 51.61% and in task completion time by up to 86.65%.
Conference Paper
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Stream Processing Engines (SPEs) have to support high data ingestion to ensure the quality and efficiency for the end-user or a system administrator. The data flow processed by SPE fluctuates over time, and requires real-time or near real-time resource pool adjustments (network, memory, CPU and other). This scenario leads to the problem known as skewed data production caused by the non-uniform incoming flow at specific points on the environment, resulting in slow down of applications caused by network bottlenecks and inefficient load balance. This work proposes Aten as a solution to overcome unbalanced data flows processed by Big Data Stream applications in heterogeneous systems. Aten manages data aggregation and data streams within message queues, assuming different algorithms as strategies to partition data flow over all the available computational resources. The paper presents preliminary results indicating that is possible to maximize the throughput and also provide low latency levels for SPEs.
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Distributed computing systems (e.g., clouds) have been widely employed to support an expanding range of applications. As the scale of data generation grows in regards to volume, velocity and variety (3Vs of big data), data-intensive processing became essential to extract valuable information from complex datasets. In this scenario, the infrastructure needs to meet the scaling demand of applications and must use resource management techniques to avoid interference problems. Literature review mainly focuses on CPU and memory solutions to handle resource contention problems in data-intensive processing. Complementarily, this paper further analyses and proposes techniques to minimizes disk contention effects in order to improve application performance in virtualized systems - technology that drives the cloud computing environment. For this objective, we present a general-purpose resource management strategy that adjusts dynamically disk I/O utilization rates. Results showed that the proposed approach improves application’s performance by up to 26%.
Conference Paper
ThispaperpresentsBigDL (adistributeddeeplearning framework for Apache Spark), which has been used by a variety of users in the industry for building deep learning applications on production big data platforms. It allows deep learning applications to run on the Apache Hadoop/Spark cluster so as to directly process the production data, and as a part of the end-to-end data analysis pipeline for deployment and management. Unlike existing deep learning frameworks, BigDL implements distributed, data parallel training directly on top of the functional compute model (with copy-on-write and coarse-grained operations) of Spark. We also share real-world experience and "war stories" of users that havead-optedBigDLtoaddresstheirchallenges(i.e., howtoeasilybuildend-to-enddataanalysisanddeep learning pipelines for their production data).
Deep learning, as one of the most currently remarkable machine learning techniques, has achieved great success in many applications such as image analysis, speech recognition and text understanding. It uses supervised and unsupervised strategies to learn multi-level representations and features in hierarchical architectures for the tasks of classification and pattern recognition. Recent development in sensor networks and communication technologies has enabled the collection of big data. Although big data provides great opportunities for a broad of areas including e-commerce, industrial control and smart medical, it poses many challenging issues on data mining and information processing due to its characteristics of large volume, large variety, large velocity and large veracity. In the past few years, deep learning has played an important role in big data analytic solutions. In this paper, we review the emerging researches of deep learning models for big data feature learning. Furthermore, we point out the remaining challenges of big data deep learning and discuss the future topics.
underline xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">D eep L earning o ver B ig D ata (DLoBD) is an emerging paradigm to mine value from the massive amount of gathered data. Many Deep Learning frameworks, like Caffe, TensorFlow, etc., start running over Big Data stacks, such as Apache Hadoop and Spark. Even though a lot of activities are happening in the field, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on analyzing the impact of RDMA-capable networks and CPUs/GPUs on DLoBD stacks. To fill this gap, we propose a systematical characterization methodology and conduct extensive performance evaluations on four representative DLoBD stacks (i.e., CaffeOnSpark, TensorFlowOnSpark, MMLSpark/CNTKOnSpark, and BigDL) to expose the interesting trends regarding performance, scalability, accuracy, and resource utilization. Our observations show that RDMA-based design for DLoBD stacks can achieve up to 2.7x speedup compared to the IPoIB-based scheme. The RDMA scheme also scales better and utilizes resources more efficiently than IPoIB. For most cases, GPU-based schemes can outperform CPU-based designs, but we see that for LeNet on MNIST, CPU + MKL can achieve better performance than GPU and GPU + cuDNN on 16 nodes. Through our evaluation and an in-depth analysis on TensorFlowOnSpark, we find that there are large rooms to improve the designs of current-generation DLoBD stacks.
Conference Paper
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are powerful models that have achieved excellent performance on difficult learning tasks. Although DNNs work well whenever large labeled training sets are available, they cannot be used to map sequences to sequences. In this paper, we present a general end-to-end approach to sequence learning that makes minimal assumptions on the sequence structure. Our method uses a multilayered Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to map the input sequence to a vector of a fixed dimensionality, and then another deep LSTM to decode the target sequence from the vector. Our main result is that on an English to French translation task from the WMT-14 dataset, the translations produced by the LSTM achieve a BLEU score of 34.7 on the entire test set, where the LSTM's BLEU score was penalized on out-of-vocabulary words. Additionally, the LSTM did not have difficulty on long sentences. For comparison, a strong phrase-based SMT system achieves a BLEU score of 33.3 on the same dataset. When we used the LSTM to rerank the 1000 hypotheses produced by the aforementioned SMT system, its BLEU score increases to 36.5, which beats the previous state of the art. The LSTM also learned sensible phrase and sentence representations that are sensitive to word order and are relatively invariant to the active and the passive voice. Finally, we found that reversing the order of the words in all source sentences (but not target sentences) improved the LSTM's performance markedly, because doing so introduced many short term dependencies between the source and the target sentence which made the optimization problem easier.