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An estimate of the public health impact and cost-effectiveness of universal vaccination with a 9-valent HPV vaccine in Germany

Taylor & Francis
Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research

Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Since 2007, the German Standing Vaccination Committee recommends HPV vaccination for girls aged 12-17 with a 2- (Cervarix®) or 4-valent (Gardasil®) vaccine. A 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9®) recently received a European market authorization in 2015. Methods: A dynamic transmission model was calibrated to the German setting and used to estimate costs and QALYs associated with vaccination strategies. Results: Compared to the current vaccination program, the 9-valent vaccine extended to boys shows further reductions of 24% in the incidence of cervical cancer, 30% and 14% in anal cancer for males and females, as well as over a million cases of genital warts avoided after 100 years. The new strategy is associated with an ICER of 22,987€ per QALY gained, decreasing to 329€ when considering the vaccine switch for girls-only. Conclusion: Universal vaccination with the 9-valent vaccine can yield significant health benefits when compared to the current program.
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Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes
ISSN: 1473-7167 (Print) 1744-8379 (Online) Journal homepage:
An estimate of the public health impact and cost-
effectiveness of universal vaccination with a 9-
valent HPV vaccine in Germany
Nathalie Largeron, Karl Ulrich Petry, Jorge Jacob, Florence Bianic, Delphine
Anger & Mathieu Uhart
To cite this article: Nathalie Largeron, Karl Ulrich Petry, Jorge Jacob, Florence Bianic,
Delphine Anger & Mathieu Uhart (2016): An estimate of the public health impact and cost-
effectiveness of universal vaccination with a 9-valent HPV vaccine in Germany, Expert Review of
Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2016.1208087
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Published online: 01 Jul 2016.
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Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Journal: Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research
DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2016.1208087
An estimate of the public health impact and cost-effectiveness of universal vaccination with a 9-valent
HPV vaccine in Germany
Nathalie Largeron [1], Karl Ulrich Petry [2], Jorge Jacob [3], Florence Bianic [4], Delphine Anger [4],
Mathieu Uhart [1]
1. Sanofi Pasteur MSD - Health Economics, 162 avenue Jean Jaurès, CS 50712, Lyon Cedex 07, Lyon
69367, France
2. Klinikum Wolfsburg – OBGYN, Sauerbruchstr. 7, Wolfsburg 38440, Germany
3. Mapi Group Ringgold - RSW&A, 3rd floor, Beaufort House, Crisket Field Road, Uxbridge, London
4. Mapi Group - RSW&A, 41 rue des Trois Fontanot, Nanterre 92000, France
Corresponding author: Mathieu Uhart
This manuscript was funded by Sanofi Pasteur MSD (SPMSD).
Declaration of Interest
N Largeron and M Uhart are employees of SPMSD. KU Petry has an institutional grant from SPMSD and
works as an occasional advisor for SPMSD and Roche Diagn. J Jacob, F Blanc and D Anger are employees
of Mapi Group, which received funding from SPMSD to conduct this study. The authors have no other
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relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or
financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those
Introduction: Since 2007, the German Standing Vaccination Committee recommends HPV vaccination
for girls aged 12-17 with a 2- (Cervarix®) or 4-valent (Gardasil®) vaccine. A 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9®)
recently received a European market authorization in 2015.
Methods: A dynamic transmission model was calibrated to the German setting and used to estimate
costs and QALYs associated with vaccination strategies.
Results: Compared to the current vaccination program, the 9-valent vaccine extended to boys shows
further reductions of 24% in the incidence of cervical cancer, 30% and 14% in anal cancer for males and
females, as well as over a million cases of genital warts avoided after 100 years. The new strategy is
associated with an ICER of 22,987€ per QALY gained, decreasing to 329€ when considering the vaccine
switch for girls-only.
Conclusion: Universal vaccination with the 9-valent vaccine can yield significant health benefits when
compared to the current program.
Keywords: cost-effectiveness, Germany, HPV, cervical cancer, vaccination
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1. Introduction
Human papilloma virus (HPV) infections are responsible for nearly all cases of cervical cancers (4,647 per
year in Germany), 19% of vulvar cancers (605 per year), 71% of vaginal cancers (360 per year), 88% of
anal cancers (1,627 per year) and 90% genital warts (113,039 per year).[1, 2] HPV is a family of viruses
that infect epithelial tissues including skin and moist membranes.[3] For this reason, HPV is one of the
most common sexually transmitted infections.[3] Among the over 100 different types of HPV identified,
some are referred as high-risk because they increase the probability of developing anogenital cancers.
This group includes types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. High-risk types 16 and 18 alone contribute for
70% of invasive cervical cancers and high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).[4] Low-risk types
6 and 11 account for 85% of genital warts cases.[5, 6]
The economic burden that HPV infections and related diseases cause in Germany is heavy on healthcare
system and society.[7, 8] Screening and vaccination strategies against HPV represent the primary
method to prevent HPV-related pre-cancers and cancers.
Early detection of cervical cancer was introduced in Germany is 1971. Currently, all woman aged 20
years or older are entitled to an annual free-of-charge Pap smear, with no age limit for cessation. The
German screening program is a self-referring screening policy without an invitation and regulation
system. Insurance data shows that around 15 million smears are currently taken every year, which
implies a compliance with annual screening of around 50% of the target population.[9, 10] In 2015, the
national health institution Gemeinsamer Bndesausschuss (G-BA) decided to change the screening policy
to include HPV testing every five years for woman older than 30 years. However for an interim period,
these woman will be allowed to choose annual Pap smear screening instead. Since there is a lot of
uncertainty around the impact of this policy in the cost of screening in Germany, the base case analysis
is based on the current screening practice.[11]
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Currently two vaccines are commercially available: Gardasil® (Sanofi Pasteur MSD) which is a
recombinant vaccine with protection against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18, and Cervarix®
(GlaxoSmithKline) that offers protection against the HPV types 16 and 18.[12-14] While Cervarix® is
indicated for the prevention of cervical pre-cancerous lesions and cervical cancer caused by HPV types
16 and 18, the 4-valent vaccine indication also includes vulvar, vaginal and anal cancers, and respective
precancerous dysplastic diseases (Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN), vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
(VaIN) and anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN)) as well as genital warts.[13, 14] In 2007, the German
Standing Vaccination Committee (STIKO) recommended vaccination with either Gardasil® or Cervarix® in
a three-dose schedule for girls aged 12-17. The vaccines are free of charge in the target age group,
although reimbursement is also available for women aged 18-26.[15-17] Although both vaccines are
equally reimbursed, Gardasil® holds the majority of the market share (up to 90%).[9] A recent update
shifted the target age group to 9-14, and limited the recommended number of doses to two. A third
dose is scheduled for girls 14 or older or for catch-up vaccinations.[18] Official figures for vaccination
coverage rates (VCR) in light of the new recommended age-classes are not yet available. The latest
figures from Robert Koch Institute (RKI) show compliance rate of 55.6% among the target population (12
to 17 year old girls).[19]
Gardasil 9® is a new vaccine that offers protection against HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58.
Gardasil 9® is expected to prevent infection from the majority of the HPV types with carcinogenic
properties, since types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 are amongst the most commonly detected.[20]
Hartwig et al (2015) estimate that 89% of the HPV positive cervical, vaginal vulvar and anal cancers are
attributable to the 7 oncogenic HPV types for which Gardasil 9® offers protection, whereas the high risk
types 16 and 18 included in the previous vaccines (Gardasil® and Cervarix®) account for 75% of HPV
related cancers. Therefore, the new vaccine significantly broadens the protection offered by the first
generation of HPV vaccines.[1]
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In the United States, Gardasil 9® has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in December
2014, for females aged 9-26 and males aged 9-15.[21] The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human
Use of the European Medicine Agency recommended the marketing authorisation of Gardasil 9® that
received approval from the European Commission on June 2015.[22] The indication is for individuals of
at least nine years of age and the dosing schedule is fully aligned with the national recommendations on
HPV vaccination, with 2 doses below 15 years of age and 3 doses above.
While HPV vaccination was originally focused on the prevention of cervical cancer and targeted girls
only, more and more countries recommended the HPV vaccination for girls and boys. Indeed, the
burden of HPV-related diseases is heavy on the male population. In Germany, about 800, 740 and
12,000 new cases of penile, anal and head & neck (H&N) cancers are reported each year.[2] The
economic burden is important as well. It was shown in Europe that non-cervical cancers accounted for a
substantial proportion of the economic burden of HPV-related cancers, and that this burden was mainly
driven by men (about 70%).[7] Although female vaccination can indirectly protect males, it does not
reach the homosexual population. In addition, evidence shows that a reasonable protection in the male
population is only achievable when the VCR is high on females.[9] However, to increase the coverage in
females may be challenging especially in countries like Germany where the vaccination is done by self-
referral. Furthermore, some experts argue that universal (boys and girls) vaccination can greatly
contribute to contain the virus propagation and that it is the only way to ultimately eradicate it.[23]
Accordingly, universal vaccination is being recommended and introduced in several European countries
(Austria, Norway, Switzerland and 9 regions in Italy).
Cost-effectiveness studies of the 9-valent vaccine in the United States showed that universal vaccination
is likely to be cost saving when compared to the current strategy.[24-26] In Canada, the HPV-ADVISE-
CAN model showed that the 9-valent vaccine is cost effective with respect to the 4-valent vaccine if the
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price increment does not exceed $24.[27] A recently published paper concluded that universal
vaccination with the 9-valent vaccine in Austria could reduce the cervical cancer incidence by an
additional 17%, compared to vaccination with the 4-valent vaccine and be a cost-effective or cost-saving
strategy, depending on the price per dose.[28]
In Germany, cost-effectiveness studies of the new vaccine are not available in the literature; however
studies regarding HPV vaccination have been published. Hillemanns et al. (2008) used an empirically
calibrated Markov model of the natural history of HPV to assess the cost-effectiveness of the 4-valent
vaccine administered to 12-year-old girls alongside existing cervical screening programmes in
Germany.[29] The authors estimated that 2,835 cervical cancer cases and 679 deaths could be
prevented in a cohort of 400,000, at an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of 10,530€ per
quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) gained.[29] Schobert et al. (2012) used an HPV dynamic transmission
model in the German context.[30] They found that vaccination with the 4-valent vaccine of girls aged 12-
17 was cost-effective (ICER 5,525€/QALY) and that the ICER would increase substantially (10,293€/QALY)
when the vaccine effects on HPV6/11 diseases were excluded.[30] Horn et al. (2013) developed a
dynamic mathematical model for the natural history and transmission of HPV infections. They found
that over 100 years, a 4-valent HPV vaccination program could prevent around 37% of cervical cancer
cases assuming a 50% VCR in the 12 years old girls.[9]
Although cost-effectiveness evidence for a new technology is not mandatory in Germany, the STIKO
might consider available studies in their recommendations. In accordance, the scope of the current
study is to provide an epidemiological and cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of the 9-
valent vaccine in Germany in comparison of the current practice. As the 4-valent vaccine holds the vast
majority of the German HPV vaccine market, the current practice is represented in our model by a 4-
valent vaccination program targeted to girls aged from 9 to 17 years old.
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2. Methods
2.1. Mathematical model
Elbasha et al. (2007) developed a deterministic SIRS (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible) model
to assess the cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination.[31] The first version of the model simulated the
epidemiology of HPV 6/11/16/18 infections and related diseases (CIN, cervical cancer and genital warts).
A German adaptation of this model was performed by Schobert et al. (2012).[30] The model structure
was first updated in 2010 to take into account all HPV-related diseases, adding to the original model the
indication on vaginal, vulvar, anal, H&N and penile cancers as well as respiratory papillomatosis) and
more recent data on the natural history of the infections.[32, 33] In 2014 the effect of HPV types 31, 33,
45, 52, and 58 were added to the original four (types 6, 11, 16, and 18) in order to be suitable for the 9-
valent vaccine. However, the model uses a conservative assumption considering that the types
33/33/45/52/58 are only responsible for cervical diseases and anal cancer. The contribution of the five
additional types to the burden of other diseases (vaginal, vulvar, penile, H&N cancers, genital warts, and
recurrent respiratory papillomatosis [RRP]) is not modelled currently.
The current model features a high level of detail, involving hundreds of inputs and several thousand
ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Sub-models are evaluated successively: an initialization
demographic and epidemiologic model informs an economic model that can compare vaccination
strategies and evaluates the epidemiological impact and cost effectiveness of the implementation of a
new vaccination program.
The demographic model defines the characteristics of the population being simulated and describes
how persons enter, age, and exit various categories. The population is divided into 17 age groups,
classified into three levels of sexual activity. Persons then move between successive age groups and exit
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the model upon death. Cancer patients have an additional age and stage-dependent death rate. Patients
with CIN or genital warts do not face an additional risk for death.
The epidemiologic model simulates HPV transmission and the occurrence of consequential diseases. The
acquisition of infection and progression of persons from infection to disease follow a natural history
structure that remains similar across the versions. The population was divided into distinct
epidemiologic categories, according to the person’s status with respect to infection, disease, screening,
and treatment over time. The epidemiologic module includes one HPV6-specific model (RRP, genital
warts and CIN1), one HPV11-specific model (RPP and genital warts), one separate model for each
disease related to HPV16 or HPV18 (cervical precancerous lesion and cancer, vulvar precancerous lesion
and cancer, vagina precancerous lesions and cancer, anal precancerous lesion and cancer, penile
precancerous lesions and cancer, and H&N cancer). The 5 additional types (HPV31, 33, 45, 52 and 58)
have been merged together and one separate model has been created for them: one for cervical
diseases and another one for anal diseases.[28]
Finally the economic model considers the implementation of screening and vaccination strategies that
will impact the infection transmission among the population and the development of the diseases. By
assigning costs and utilities to each health state (defined by the person’s status), the model will
generate cost-effectiveness results along with the epidemiological results.
The adaptation to the German setting was carried out by informing the model with German-specific
inputs. This study evaluates two strategies using a two-dose schedule of the 9-valent vaccine: a universal
vaccination program covering equally boys and girls in the recommended age group, and a girls-only
vaccination scenario. Both are compared to the current practice of a two-dose vaccination with the 4-
valent vaccine covering girls aged between 9 and 17 years.
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2.2. Epidemiological model inputs
The parameters are divided in five distinct sections: demographics, sexual behaviour, disease and
treatment patterns, screening, and natural history of disease. The parameter groups are summarised in
Table 1 along with the references. Demographics
Age-stratified population figures and all-cause mortality rates were retrieved from the German Federal
Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt).[48, 49] Sexual behaviour
German-specific sexual behavioural data is not available in the literature. Previous German and Austrian
cost-effectiveness models relied on the second UK National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle
(NATSAL-2) [9, 30, 50], as sexual behaviour patterns are similar in Germany and the UK.[51] As a new
version of this study (NATSAL-3) was published in 2014, we used the updated figures in the model. Since
results were not reported per model requirements, NATSAL authors were contacted.[35] The amount of
sexual mixing among members of different age cohorts (a value between 0 and 1 with 0 representing no
mixing) and the amount of sexual mixing among members of different sexual activity groups requested
in the model were extracted from Elbasha et al. (2010).[32, 33] The sexual behaviour parameters are
displayed in Table 2. Natural history of disease
We assume that the natural history of the disease in Germany follows the same patterns as in the US, as
the WOLVES study shows comparable data between California and Lower Saxony.[52-54] Therefore we
relied on the extensively calibrated parameters previously described and reported by Elbasha et al
(2010).[32] For the transmission rates, calibration techniques were used to obtain the best set of
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parameters for Germany. The model parameters on the natural history of disease can be found in
Appendix. Disease and treatment patterns
Calibration was used to estimate the parameters related to the percent of treated CIN, VaIN, VIN, and
Carcinoma in Situ (CIS), as well as the percentage of females with cancer recognising their symptoms
and seeking treatment.
The hysterectomy rates were derived from a 2013 publication by the German Federal Statistical Office
(DRG related hospital statistics - Fallpauschalenbezogene Krankenhausstatistik) reporting the total
number of hysterectomies performed. We calculated the hysterectomy rates using population numbers
by age class from 2013.[36, 49] Cancer mortality
The model requires HPV-related cancers associated mortality (i.e. the fraction of individuals with cancer
who are expected to die over the course of 1 year) stratified by age and stage (local, regional, and
distant). Since survival data were only available by age class, an extrapolation to estimate the stage-
stratified data as required by the model was performed. UK data from Cancer Research UK was used to
calculate the relative risk of each stage and applied to the German specific survival statistics (assumed to
be representative of regional stage) in order to calculate survival rates for local and distant cancers.[55]
To estimate HPV-related cancers associated mortality, we used survival data from the European Cancer
Registry (EUROCARE-5) and the German Centre for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD).[2, 56] The ZfKD was
preferred where possible because data were more recent and more representative of the German
population.[2] EUROCARE-5 data were used for H&N and penile cancers. Assumptions were necessary to
conform to the model inputs: mortality for vaginal cancer was assumed equal to vulvar cancer, mortality
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for anal cancer was assumed equal to colon and rectum pooled. The five-year mortality rates were then
converted to one-year death probabilities (Table 3). Screening
Age-specific screening adherence was calculated from a report from the Central Institute for ambulatory
health care in the Federal Republic of Germany.[39] Those values were used to inform the percent of
females screened for cervical cancer in the model (Table 4). From the same source we retrieved the
percentage of females receiving a follow-up screening test after abnormal Pap smear diagnostics. The
percentage of woman screened at least once every three years was found in a retrospective cohort
study from Rϋckinger et al. (2008).[38]
2.2.2 Economic model inputs
Inputs of the economic model include the vaccination strategy, vaccine properties, costs, and utilities. Vaccination strategy
The most recent report on the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and
Adolescents (KiGGS Wave 1) of the Robert Koch institute was used to inform the vaccination strategy
section.[19] As the recommendation regarding HPV vaccination shifted recently, (from the age group 12-
17 to 9-14, with catch up vaccination until the age of 17) coverage rates in light of the new vaccination
schedules are not yet available. Thus we adapted the figures from the KiGGS Wave 1 to fit the new
recommended age classes as shown in the Table 5.
A compliance rate of 90% was assumed for the second dose. Vaccine properties
Clinical trial data provide values for the prophylactic efficacy of the vaccine.[57-62] The duration of
protection was assumed to be lifelong in the base case, the relative effectiveness of the vaccine was
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assumed as zero if less than the full regimen of two doses is received, and no herd immunity was
considered. Table 6 summarizes the vaccine efficacy parameters related to the protection against
transient and persistent infections. Costs
All costs collected from the literature were inflated to 2014€, using the German Consumer Price Index
(CPI).[64] A discount rate of 3% is considered for costs as per indication of the Institute for Quality and
Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). All costs used in the model are listed in Table 7.
The cost of vaccination in Germany varies across federal states according to the availability of office
supply. For the purpose of this analysis, a cost of 140€ for a dose of was considered for the 4-valent
vaccine.[65] This corresponds to a tenth of the price of a 10 dose pack (1400€). A cost of 146.5€ was
used for the 9-valent vaccine corresponding to a tenth of the price of a 10 dose pack.[66] Vaccination
administration costs also differ across federal states. An average administration cost of 9€ per dose was
considered for both vaccines.
No publications reporting German specific costs per episode of care of cervical cancer were identified.
Siebert et al (2004) reported 5-year treatment costs for cervical cancer stratified by stage.[67] Schobert
et al (2012) used these figures to inform cost per episode of care parameters, therefore, we applied the
same assumption.[30] Cost of CIN 1, 2, 3, VaIN and CIS were collected from two German studies.[68, 69]
Costs per episode of care for non-cervical cancers could not be found as literature on the economic
burden of non-cervical cancers in Germany is scarce. In a cost-effectiveness study from Brisson et al
(2013) [70], the authors calculated the ratio between costs of each non-cervical cancer and cervical
cancer using published literature. They applied these ratios to Canadian cervical cancer cost data to get
estimates for vaginal, penile and oropharyngeal cancers. We retrieved the ratios calculated in this
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publication and applied them to the German cervical cancer costs to estimate the costs of the remaining
HPV related cancers.
Unit costs of screening and diagnostic tests were retrieved from a cost-effectiveness model from
Hillemans et al (2008).[29] Health-related quality of life
Hinz et al. (2005) used the EQ-5D questionnaire in a large cohort (N=2,022) between 16 and 93 years
old, which informed the utilities for the general population.[71] No German-specific utilities for health
states were found, hence the health utility values for cancer patients were derived from several sources.
In the absence of UK-specific stage-stratified data in the population with HPV-related diseases, a
combination of best available UK and US data were used to calculate the required utilities. (Table 7)
2.3. Model calibration and validation
The ZfKD provided most of the calibration targets required to validate the inputs. Annual numbers of
incident cases and deaths as well as incidence and mortality rates for all cancers were retrieved from
this source.[2] The registry did not report data for H&N cancers, therefore a cluster of sites was used as
a proxy (HPV-related oral cancers, oropharynx cancers and larynx cancers).[75] Genital warts values
were retrieved from Kraut et al. (2010).[75, 76] The proportions of diseases attributable to HPV infection
were collected from two publications.[1, 77] Regarding the incidence of CIN, we chose to use incidence
rates observed in the UK, as Germany does not have a systematic screening registry and the existing
literature shows that the epidemiology of these lesions are similar across both countries.[53, 54] These
incidence rates were calculated using the most recent statistics for the Cervical Screening Programme
and population figures in the UK.[78, 79]
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The epidemiological model produces the incidence rates of the diseases related to the 4 HPV types
included in the 4-valent vaccine and to the 9 types included in the 9-valent vaccine. As a consequence,
the overall incidences collected in the literature were adjusted using the HPV-attribution reported in
Hartwig et al (2015), as shown in Table 8.[1]
In the calibration process, the model inputs were iteratively modified in order to get model outcomes
closer to the validation targets. The targets with greatest impact on overall cost-effectiveness and the
targets with best quality data were prioritized. Since the natural history parameters used in the model
followed an extensive calibration process in the original US model, they were not modified. We focused
on other parameters such as transmission rates. To fine-tune the results to match each target, local
variables such as mortality rates and proportion of individuals of seeking treatment, were adjusted.
2.4. Model analyses
With the set of inputs previously described, we estimated the total number of events, incidence and
mortality of HPV-related diseases (cervical cancer, CIN, anal cancer and genital warts) as well as costs
and QALYs per person over a time horizon of 100 years. Incremental ICERs were then calculated with the
quotient: Incremental costs / Incremental QALYs.
In Germany, HPV vaccination is delivered through the statutory health insurance (SHI) plans, and
purchase is done through several sickness funds. All analyses were performed from the SHI perspective.
A deterministic sensitivity analysis (DSA) was conducted in order to access the robustness of the results.
The parameters modified in the DSA were: vaccine price, VCR, duration of protection, utilities, and
discount rates, inclusion of cross protection and inclusion of H&N and penile indication. Sensitivity
analyses were performed deterministically, modifying the value of one base case parameter at a time
and recording the corresponding ICER.
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Additional exploratory analyses were performed in order to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the 9-
valent vaccine against the 2-valent vaccine.
3. Results
3.1. Model Calibration
The summary of the incidence targets collected from the literature and the model outcomes are
summarized in Table 9. After calibration, the model shows a good fit on the estimated incidence of
cervical, anal and penile cancers, as well as genital warts. The main obstacle of the calibration relates to
the incidence of CIN, which is significantly underestimated by our model.
In addition, the incremental proportion of CIN cases attributable to the 5 additional genotypes included
in the 9-valent vaccine is also underestimated. Hartwig et al. (2015) showed that the HPV6/11/16/18 are
responsible for about 24% of CIN1 and 45% of CIN2 cases whereas HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58
targeted by the 9-valent vaccine account for 48% and 82% of CIN 1 and CIN 2+, respectively.[1] This
means that the 9-valent HPV infections were responsible for twice as much of CIN1 and 1.8 times more
for CIN2+ compared to the 4-valent. Our calibrated model estimates that the 9-valent HPV accounts for
1.3 times more for CIN1 and 1.25 times more for CIN2+ the 4-valent HPV.
3.2. Epidemiological results
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the epidemiological impact of the different scenarios over a time horizon of
100 years. The curves show that the incidence and mortality rates of HPV-related diseases stabilize
before the end of the analysed time horizon (100 years).
These results show the added benefits of the 9-valent vaccine. Considering the scenarios with
vaccination coverage only for girls, 9-valent vaccine is associated with a reduction of 31,500 additional
cases and 7,408 additional deaths of cervical cancer over 100 years. Furthermore, when compared to
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the current vaccination program, the new vaccine shows an additional reduction of 21% and 19% on CIN
1 and CIN 2+ incidence, respectively. This represents a reduction of 234,899 cases of CIN 1 and 399,410
cases of CIN 2+ over 100 years, as reported in Table 10.
Adopting a vaccination program with universal coverage is associated with further epidemiological
benefits. This reflects the indirect benefits, through herd immunity effects, of vaccinating boys. Over 100
years, the universal coverage scenario is associated with a reduction of 14,954 cases of cervical cancer,
90,330 cases of CIN 1 and 171,603 cases of CIN 2+ when compared to a girl-only coverage with the same
vaccine. When compared to the current vaccination program, universal coverage with the 9-valent
vaccine can avoid up to 46,454 cases of cervical cancer, 325,229 cases of CIN 1 and 571,013 cases of CIN
2+, as shown in Table 11. The universal coverage also shows added benefit in the incidence of genital
warts and anal cancer; the model estimates that anal cancer incidence can be reduced by 12% and 29%
in females and males, respectively. In addition, we observe a reduction of 20% and 22% in the incidence
of genital warts for males and females respectively, when comparing 9-valent universal vaccination with
the current practice. This corresponds to 1.5 million cases of genital warts and 8,456 cases of anal
cancer avoided over 100 years.
3.3. Cost-effectiveness results
The model estimates showed that switching for the 9-valent vaccine in Germany is highly cost-effective
with an ICER of 329€/QALY (Table 12). The ICER increased to 22,987€/QALY when universal vaccination
with the 9-valent vaccine was considered.
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Both strategies show an estimated ICER below the threshold commonly used by the National Institute
for Health and Clinical excellence (NICE) in the UK (£30,000/QALY or 40,000 €/QALY).1 We use this value
as a reference since there is not a fixed threshold for the ICER in Germany.
When considering universal coverage with the 9-valent vaccine, there are considerable health benefits
and cost savings in all diseases considered in the model. CIN and anal cancer are associated with the
most significant cost savings and additional health benefits. In the instance of girls only coverage, the
benefits can only be seen in cervical diseases and anal cancer.
The effect of the new vaccine price on its cost-effectiveness is graphically represented in Figure 3. All
threshold analyses were performed considering the base case price of the 4-valent vaccine (140 €). The
results show that changing the vaccination strategy to the 9-valent vaccine when targeting girls only
remains under the NICE cost effectiveness threshold if incremental price of the new vaccine does not
exceed 126€. The same strategy can be cost-saving if the price increment per dose of the new vaccine
does not exceed 5€. As for universal vaccination the threshold analysis shows that this strategy can be
cost effective if the price increment per dose of the new vaccine does not exceed 60€.
3.4. Sensitivity analyses
The results of the DSA are summarized in the tornado diagrams represented in Figure 4. The ICER of the
switch to a 9-valent HPV vaccine remained below the NICE cost-effectiveness threshold of 40,000€/QALY
in all the sensitivity analyses.
Decreasing the duration of protection of the vaccines (assumed lifelong in the base case) to 20 years
improves the ICER in both comparisons. For the scenarios with girl-only vaccination (HPV9 Girls vs HPV4
Girls), the 9-valent vaccine becomes a cost saving strategy while the same alteration causes a reduction
1 Converted to Euros. Rate: 1.35869 Reference: date: 06/01/2016 17:00 UTC and rounded to
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in the ICER from 22,987 €/QALY in the base case to 14,827€/QALY in the scenario with 9-valent
universal vaccination. This alteration produces higher costs and lower QALYs per person for the three
Assuming a lower discount rate for outcomes (1.5% in spite of 3% in the base case), causes an overall
decrease of the ICER for both comparisons. The lower discount rate translates in higher QALYs per
person while the costs remain unchanged, thus resulting in a lower ICER. A lower discount rate for
outcomes has greater impact on universal vaccination compared to the current practice, where the ICER
drops to 8,748 €/QALY.
Boosting the VCR to 70% increases the ICER in both comparisons. HPV 9 girl-only vaccination vs. current
practice increases to 707 €/QALY whereas universal vaccination with the 9-valent vaccine vs. current
practice increases to 27,986 €/QALY. The increment in the costs due to the additional number of
vaccines administered is higher than the QALY benefits, regardless of the target population of the
Using utilities from Elbasha et al. (2010) causes a small increase in the ICER for both comparisons. The
utilities associated with the different health states are lower than the ones used in the base case.
Therefore the QALYs per person are lower.
Including all diseases simulated by the model (base case only includes the diseases disclosed in the
vaccine label), accounts for the costs and QALYs associated with H&N and penile cancers as well as RRP.
The benefits of a universal program with the 9-valent vaccine are greatly enhanced if the analysis
includes the additional diseases, as the ICER decreases to 14,286 €/QALY. If the vaccination is targeted
only to girls, the inclusion of the additional diseases has a negligible impact on the ICER.
(Figure 4)
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3.5. Scenario analysis
The additional scenario analysis results show that the 9-valent vaccine is a dominant strategy against the
2-valent vaccine when only girls are covered in the vaccination program. Similarly to the base case, the
ICER increases to 11,596 €/QALY for a universal vaccination program with the 9-valent vaccine,
compared to girls only coverage with the 2-valent vaccine.
4. Discussion
We present the first cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of a vaccination program with the
new 9-valent HPV vaccine extended to boys in Germany. All analyses were performed in a model
originally designed for the US. The adaptation for the German context was achieved through an
extensive data collection and calibration. After the calibration process, the model accurately estimated
indicators such as incidence and mortality of HPV-related diseases in Germany. The impact on health
outcomes and costs were estimated through various scenarios allowing testing of different vaccination
strategies and assumptions.
The results from this analysis show that, in the current German setting, replacing the current 4-valent
vaccine with the new 9-valent technology in the vaccination program is highly cost-effective with an
ICER of 329 €/QALY. The very low ICER (329 €/QALY), along with the assumption that the coverage rate
would remain the same (i.e. same number of vaccine doses administered) and the very similar price of
both vaccines, suggests that the net budget impact of the switch to the 9-valent vaccine would be low. If
the vaccination programme is extended to boys (in the same age groups recommended for girls) the
ICER remains cost-effective with a ratio equal to 22,987 €/QALY. It is noteworthy the ICER reported in
the base case considers the indicated diseases only. The inclusion of all diseases in the analysis
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decreases the ICER between universal vaccination with the 9-valent vaccine and the current practice to
14,286 €/QALY.
These results are in line with the conclusions reported in three US studies presented during the ACIP
(Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) meeting. All studies estimated that a universal
vaccination programme with the 9-valent vaccine was likely to fall within an acceptable range of cost-
effectiveness or even become cost saving compared to the current universal vaccination programme
with the 4-valent vaccine.[24-26] In Canada, the new vaccine was shown to be cost-effective for a price
increment lower than +CAN$24.[27]
Our model predicts that replacing the current vaccine recommendation with the 9-valent vaccine could
lead to further reductions of 17%, 21% and 19% in the incidence of cervical cancer, CIN 1 and CIN 2+,
respectively. Universal vaccination would allow to further reduce the incidence in 24% for cervical
cancer, 21% for CIN 1 and 24% for CIN 2+. Several studies regarding the effects of the 9-valent vaccine
report the same trend, although they do not concern the German population. [24, 25]
The effect of universal vaccination in Germany was discussed by Horn et al. (2013). Vaccination of girls
only was generally more effective than vaccination both genders. They estimated that 83,567 cases of
cervical cancer were prevented assuming a VCR of 40% among girls, while vaccinating 20% of both boys
and girls resulted in 75,152 cases avoided.[9] These results are consistent with our model, which
predicts additional health benefits in the scenario where a higher coverage rate (70%) is assumed for
girls only, compared to the base case scenario with universal vaccination (cumulative VCR of 55.6% at
the age of 17 years for each gender). However, increasing the vaccination coverage in girls may be very
difficult to achieve since the majority of vaccines in Germany are administered by private physicians,
rather than school delivery programs as it happens in other European countries. Furthermore, universal
vaccination would provide additional benefits by protecting men exposed to male partners and
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unvaccinated females. On the other hand, a universal vaccination schedule against HPV would allow for
a more efficient way to stop the virus transmission and ultimately achieve the virus eradication.[23]
Lastly, universal vaccination may contribute to raise awareness to the prevention of HPV-related
diseases. Overall, universal vaccination is justified by epidemiological, equity and vaccination efficiency
factors. With this study we demonstrate that it is also economically viable.
Regarding screening strategies, the HPV-DNA test was not considered in the model as it was only
recently recommended; the Pap smear test remains the current practice and data on the
implementation of the HPV-DNA test are still scarce; moreover the model does not allow for a flexibility
in the use of mixed screening strategies.
It must be noted that the base case estimates account only for the diseases mentioned in the vaccine
SPC (Summary of Product Characteristics). As shown in the sensitivity analysis, the health and economic
benefits of a universal vaccination program with the 9-valent vaccine are substantially increased if H&N
and penile cancers are considered in the analysis. Besides, the results presented underestimate the
additional benefits of 9-valent vaccination on CIN. The estimates from the calibrated model show a
significant underestimation on the incidence of both grades of CIN. Furthermore, due to lack of German-
specific data, our model was calibrated towards CIN incidence rates observed in the UK. Since this
country has an organized screening program and higher VCR, CIN incidence rates may be higher in
Germany. In turn, our calibrated model underestimates the CIN attribution to the 5 additional types
included in the 9-valent vaccine. In addition, we do not account for neonatal morbidity and mortality
due to cervical lesions. It is widely accepted that women who undergo excisional treatments are at
increased risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight.[80, 81] A German study showed that HPV
vaccination could be cost-effective considering only the decrease in neonatal morbidity and mortality
due to the lower number of conisations.[82] Finally, the indirect costs related to productivity losses
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were not considered in this study. However HPV-related cancers affect productivity. Lerner et al. (2010)
showed that women with HPV-related cervical lesions had higher absence rates and productivity loss
compared with healthy woman.[83]
In conclusion, a 9-valent vaccination program can yield significant incremental public health benefits and
was shown to be cost-effective when compared to the current 4-valent vaccination program. Inclusion
of boys in the 9-valent vaccination program would constitute an efficient and cost-effective strategy to
further reduce HPV-related cancers and diseases in the German population.
5. Key Issues
The 9-valent vaccine yields significant incremental public health benefits and is shown to be
cost-effective when compared to the current 4-valent vaccination program.
Inclusion of boys in the 9-valent vaccination program would constitute an efficient strategy to
further reduce HPV-related cancers and diseases in both sexes in Germany.
Some potential benefits are concealed by the underestimation on the CIN incidence and the
attribution of HPV diseases related to the new genotypes included in the vaccine.
All vaccination strategies evaluated remained within an acceptable range of cost-effectiveness
and the sensitivity analyses show robustness of the results across various assumptions on the
vaccine duration of protection and the VCR.
Including all the HPV-related diseases without limiting to the ones indicated in the SPC,
improves the cost-effectiveness of the 9-valent vaccine, especially when considering the
universal vaccination strategy.
This study accounts only for the direct medical costs. A wider societal perspective may yield
additional advantages of the new vaccine, as HPV-related diseases are associated with long-
term maternal consequences and productivity losses.
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*of interest
**of considerable interest
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6. Appendix
(Table 13)
Figure 1: Epidemiological impact of three vaccination strategies on the incidence and mortality of cervical diseases
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Figure 2: Epidemiological impact of three vaccination strategies on the incidence of genital warts and anal cancer
Figure 3: Price threshold analysis of HPV9 vaccination vs HPV4 Girls vaccination with the 4-valent vaccine priced at €140
Downloaded by [Sanofi Pasteur MSD], [Mathieu Uhart] at 00:30 04 July 2016
Figure 4: Tornado diagrams
Table 1: Summary table on the epidemiological input groups with some of the references used
Parameter References
Annual all-cause mortality rate
[34] Female and male population
Female and male population >12yo
Sexual behavior
Percent of population in low/medium/high sexual activity category
Mean number of sexual partners by activity category
Mean number of sexual partners by age group
Sexual mixing among activity categories
Sexual mixing among age groups
Disease and treatment patterns
Female population receiving hysterectomy each year [36]
Age- and stage- specific mortality rates [2]
Population recognising their symptoms and seeking treatment by disease Calibration
Percent of cases treated
Percent of females receiving a follow-up screening test after abnormal Pap
smear [37]
Percent of females screened every 3 years [38]
Age-specific percent of females screened in the past year [39]
Diagnostic performance of PAP test and colposcopy [40-42]
Natural history of disease
Probability of transmitting genital, anal, penile, and head and neck HPV infection
per sexual partnership, by sex and HPV genotype [43]
Recurrence rate of treated CIN, by stage
Rate of cancer progression, by stage [44, 45]
Fraction of persistent cervical HPV infections, by type 16 or 18 [32, 33]
Clearance rate of cervical HPV infections, by type 16 or 18 [43]
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Fraction of people who seroconvert following a cervical HPV infection, by type 16
or 18 [46, 47]
Degree of protection against cervical HPV infections provided by natural
immunity following seroconversion, by type 16 or 18 [32, 33]
Fraction of females transiently infected who progress to CIN over the course of
one year, by type 16 or 18 [43]
Table 2: Summary table on sexual behaviour
Definition of sexual activity categories Mean number of sexual partners per year
Low mean number of sexual partners/year: 1 Age group Male Female
Medium mean number of sexual partners/year: 2-4 13-14 0.0001 0.0001
High mean number of sexual partners/year: 5+ 15-29 1.7 1.4
Size of categories and mean number of partners 30-34 2.0 1.6
Percent of population Mean number of partners 35-44 1.7 1.3
Male Female Males Females 45-49 1.5 1.2
Low 85.10% 90.70% 0.79 0.75 50-54 1.5 1.0
Medium 11.90% 7.60% 2.54 2.52 55-59 1.1 1.5
High 3.00% 1.70% 9.8 9.66 60-64 1.1 1.0
Sexual mixing 65-69 1.1 0.9
Among members of different age cohort 70-74 1.0 0.7
Between debut and cessation 0.4 75-79 0.9 0.6
After cessation 0.1 80-84 0.8 0.5
Among members of different sexual activity groups 0.5 85+ 0.5 0.3
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Table 3: Summary table on cancer mortality
Cancer type Age group Annual probability of death
(years) Local Cancer Regional Cancer Distant Cancer
Cervical cancer
15-44 0.010 0.032 0.081
45-54 0.022 0.069 0.173
55-64 0.031 0.097 0.224
65-74 0.039 0.123 0.309
75+ 0.069 0.219 0.552
Vaginal cancer
15-44 0.013 0.023 0.041
45-54 0.017 0.030 0.053
55-64 0.035 0.061 0.109
65-74 0.053 0.091 0.162
75+ 0.095 0.163 0.291
Vulvar cancer
15-44 0.011 0.023 0.050
45-54 0.014 0.030 0.064
55-64 0.028 0.061 0.132
65-74 0.042 0.091 0.197
75+ 0.075 0.163 0.353
Anal cancer
15-44 0.030 0.066 0.114
45-54 0.032 0.072 0.123
55-64 0.032 0.072 0.123
65-74 0.041 0.091 0.157
75+ 0.077 0.172 0.295
Anal cancer
15-44 0.032 0.072 0.123
45-54 0.038 0.085 0.147
55-64 0.040 0.088 0.152
65-74 0.049 0.109 0.188
75+ 0.081 0.180 0.310
Penile cancer
15-44 0.008 0.037 0.080
45-54 0.015 0.072 0.159
55-64 0.017 0.083 0.183
65-74 0.027 0.130 0.286
75+ 0.038 0.181 0.398
Head & Neck
15-44 0.052 0.075 0.094
45-54 0.071 0.104 0.130
55-64 0.080 0.116 0.145
65-74 0.088 0.128 0.160
75+ 0.149 0.216 0.271
Head & Neck
cancer (Males)
15-44 0.093 0.134 0.168
45-54 0.107 0.155 0.194
55-64 0.121 0.176 0.220
65-74 0.141 0.204 0.255
75+ 0.176 0.255 0.319
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Table 4: Cervical cancer screening rates
Age group Percentage of females screened in the past year (%) Reference
0-19 0.00
20-24 54.62
25-29 55.93
30-34 53.90
35-39 52.09
40-44 50.29
45-49 49.51
50-54 48.80
55-59 46.94
60-64 43.76
65-69 37.63
70-74 27.50
75-79 19.26
>80 9.02
Table 5: Vaccination Coverage Rates
Age group Vaccination coverage rate (%) Reference
9 – 10 16.3
11 – 12 37.7
13 – 14 45.6
15 – 17 55.6
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Table 6: Summary table on vaccine assumptions
Vaccine assumptions HPV
HPV 31, 33, 45, 52
and 58
Cervical cancer
Vaccine efficacy for preventing cervical HPV16/18/31/33/45/52/58 infections:
- Male* 0.411 0.621 0.411
- Female** 0.760 0.963 0.760
Degree of protection of the vaccine against cervical HPV16/18 infections becoming
persistent 0.988 0.984 0.988
Degree of protection of the vaccine against HPV16/18 -related CIN 0.979 1.000 0.979
Vaginal and vulvar cancers
Vaccine efficacy for preventing vaginal/vulvar HPV16/18 infections:
- Male* 0.411 0.621
- Female** 0.760 0.963
Degree of protection of the vaccine against vaginal/vulvar HPV16/18 infections
becoming persistent 0.988 0.984
Degree of protection of the vaccine against HPV16/18-related /VaIN/VIN 1.000 1.000
Anal cancers
Vaccine efficacy for preventing anal infections
- Male* 0.411 0.621 0.621
- Female** 0.760 0.963 0.963
Degree of protection of the vaccine against anal infections becoming persistent
- Male* 0.787 0.960 0.960
- Female** 0.988 0.984 0.984
Degree of protection of the vaccine against HPV16/18 -related AIN neoplasia 0.000 0.000 0.000
Penile and H&N cancers
Vaccine efficacy for preventing penile and H&N infections
- Male* 0.411 0.621
- Female** 0.760 0.963
Degree of protection of the vaccine against penile and H&N infections becoming
- Male* 0.787 0.960
- Female** 0.988 0.984
Degree of protection of the vaccine against HPV16/18 -related PIN and H&N
neoplasia 0.000 0.000
* Preventing male genital infections through male vaccination is assumed to prevent transmission of genital infections to females
** Preventing female genital infections through vaccination is assumed to prevent transmission of genital infections to males
***The efficacy against anal, Head and Neck, Penile and RRP diseases is conferred through protection against infection only.
Females: Future II study group 2007 [63] and Joura 2007 [61] for disease endpoints, Internal data file (protocol 007 and 012 combined per
protocol) and Elbasha (2010) [32] for transient and persistent infections
Males: Giuliano et al. (2011) [60] and Elbasha (2010) [32]
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Table 7: Costs and utilities
HPV-related disease Costs (€) References Utilities References
Females Males Females Males
CIN 1 363.30
[32, 72, 73]
CIN 2 0.822
CIN 3, CIS 1,619.50 0.822
Cervical cancer, local disease 8,812.70
Cervical cancer, regional disease 18,331.70 0.732
Cervical cancer, distant disease 20,092.30 0.542
Cervical cancer, cancer survivor 0.822
VaIN 2 1,117.40 [69] 0.822
VaIN 3, CIS 0.822
Vaginal cancer, local disease 7,667.00
[67, 70]
Vaginal cancer, regional disease 15,948.60 0.732
Vaginal cancer, distant disease 17,480.30 0.542
Vaginal cancer, cancer survivor 0.822
Vulvar cancer, local disease 7,667.00 0.822
Vulvar cancer, regional disease 15,948.60 0.732
Vulvar cancer, distant disease 17,480.30 0.542
Vulvar cancer, cancer survivor 0.822
Penile cancer, local disease 6,168.90 0.751
Penile cancer, regional disease 12.832.20 0.661
Penile cancer, distant disease 14,064.60 0.471
Penile cancer, cancer survivor 0.751
Anal cancer, local disease 8,988.90 0.645
Anal cancer, regional disease 18,698.30 0.555
Anal cancer, distant disease 20,494.20 0.365
Anal cancer, cancer survivor 0.645
Head & Neck cancer, local disease 10,575.20 0.756
Head & Neck cancer, regional disease 21,998.00 0.666
Head & Neck cancer, distant disease 24,110.80 0.476
Head & Neck cancer, cancer survivor 0.756
Genital warts 633.80 [74] 0.900
Table 8: HPV attribution rates
Females Males
Cervical cancer 72.8% 89.0% NA NA
CIN 1 24.0% 48.5% NA NA
CIN 2+ 45.5% 82.3% NA NA
Vaginal cancer 50.7% 60.6% NA NA
Vulvar cancer 14.2% 16.2% NA NA
Anal cancer 76.3% 78.7% 76.3% 78.7%
Head & Neck cancers 17.8% 17.8% 18.5% 18.5%
Penile cancer NA NA 34.4% 34.4%
Genital warts 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0%
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Table 9: Overview of the calibration incidence targets
Incidence rates (per 100,000)
HPV 16,18, 6, 11 related HPV-9 related (adding 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58)
Target Calibration Target Calibration
Cervical cancer 7.21 7.14 8.81 8.82
CIN 1 72.61 30.20 146.74 39.23
CIN 2+ 71.22 61.97 128.82 77.68
Vaginal 0.30 0.19 0.36 0.19
Vulvar 0.45 0.26 0.52 0.26
Anal 1.14 1.14 1.18 1.17
Genital warts 171.99 169.76 171.99 169.76
Penile cancer 0.45 0.44 0.45 0.44
Anal cancer 0.84 0.85 0.87 0.86
Genital warts 132.89 133.26 132.89 133.26
Table 10: Disease events prevented with HPV9 Girls in comparison with the current strategy (HPV4
Disease event Years since start of vaccination programme
25 50 100
Cervical cancer 378 5,210 31,500
CIN 1 14,894 72,335 234,899
CIN 2/3 23,364 119,048 399,410
Anal cancer 2 47 438
Anal cancer 1 22 240
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Table 11: Disease events prevented with HPV9 Universal in comparison with the current strategy (HPV4
Disease event Years since start of vaccination programme
25 50 100
Cervical cancer 692 8,546 46,454
CIN 1 38,882 141,381 398,993
CIN 2/3 40,312 183,373 571,013
Vaginal cancer 2 45 315
Vulvar cancer 3 65 429
Genital warts 75,189 172,001 364,313
Anal cancer 16 381 3,036
Genital warts 182,712 470,841 1,084,422
Anal cancer 37 804 5,420
Table 12: Cost effectiveness results in the base case analysis
Scenarios Strategies
Costs / person
costs (€)
Cost per
QALY gained
Scenario 1 HPV9 Girls 336,41 28.36934 0.24 0.00073 328.77
HPV4 Girls 336,17 28.36861 - 0.00157 -
Scenario 2 HPV9 Universal 372.26 28.37018 36.09 0.00073
HPV4 Girls 336.17 28.36861 - 0.00157 -
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Table 13. Natural history of disease related parameters (Appendix)
Probability of transmitting genital HPV infection [84]
Transmission HPV 16 HPV 18 HPV 6 HPV 11 HPV 31, 33, 45,
52 or 58
To males 0.1109 0.1109 0.415* 0.415* 0.076
To females 0.1109 0.1109 0.415* 0.415* 0.076
Stage Recurrence rate Reference Cancer progression
CIN 1 0.05 Assumption Direction Rate
CIN 2 0.05 Assumption local->regional 0.1
CIN 3 0.05 Assumption regional->distant 0.3 [44, 45]
Parameters HPV 16 HPV 18
Fraction of persistent cervical HPV infections (Elbasha[31]) 0.25 0.075
Clearance rate of cervical HPV infections (Insinga[43])
Male 0.3955 0.37755
Female 0.354 0.348
Fraction of people seroconvert following a cervical HPV infection (Ho[46] and Onda[47])
Male 0.6 0.6
Female 0.6 0.6
Degree of protection against cervical HPV infections provided by natural immunity following
seroconversion (Elbasha[31])
Male 0.5 0.5
Female 0.8 0.8
Fraction of females transiently infected with HPV16 progress to CIN over the course of one
year (Insinga[43])
CIN 1 0.105 0.068
CIN 2 0.045 0.055
CIN 3 0.024 0.009
Probability of transmitting anal HPV infection (Calibration)
To males 0.16 0.16
To females 0.173 0.173
Probability of transmitting penile HPV infection (Calibration)
To males 0.123 0.123
To females 0.123 0.123
Probability of transmitting head and neck HPV infection (Calibration)
To males 0.14118 0.13228
To females 0.14118 0.13228
*Adjusted during the calibration process
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... To date, however, very few studies have directly compared the public health and health economics benefits of HPV vaccination using 9vHPV versus 2vHPV. Modeling studies specific to the epidemiology and health care costs of HPVassociated diseases in Singapore and Germany have predicted that implementation of a 9vHPV-based vaccination strategy would prevent additional cases of HPV-associated cancers and AGWs and would be more cost-effective than use of the 2vHPV or 4vHPV vaccine in these countries [41,42]. In the Dutch context, a 2013 modeling study that compared the cost-effectiveness of 2vHPV-and 4vHPV-based vaccination strategies for a cohort of 100,000 women found that 2vHPV had a favorable ICER in terms of the prevention of cervical cancer, due to superior cross-protection against oncogenic strains other than HPV16 and 18; the 4vHPV-based strategy was slightly more favorable when both cervical cancer and AGW-related outcomes were considered [43]. ...
... The estimated Dutch ICERs compared favorably to the ICER of a gender-neutral 9vHPV vaccination strategy versus the status quo of 4vHPV vaccination of girls in Germany, which was predicted to be €22,987/QALY [41]. A similar study in Singapore estimated that 9vHPV vaccination of girls would have an ICER of SGD929/QALY (~€642 at the 31 March 2023 exchange rate) compared with 2vHPV vaccination of girls; however, only cervical cancer and AGW-related outcomes were included in the model [42]. ...
... In the current study, the ICER of 9vHPV versus 2vHPV was most sensitive to the disease utility parameter. In previous studies conducted in Germany and Singapore, similar models were most sensitive to the duration of vaccine-mediated protection; this parameter was not included in the current sensitivity analyses as there is now strong evidence for prolonged protection [41,42]. ...
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Background A bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (2vHPV) is currently used in the Netherlands; a nonavalent vaccine (9vHPV) is also licensed. Research design and methods We compared the public health and economic benefits of 2vHPV- and 9vHPV-based vaccination strategies in the Netherlands over 100 years using a validated deterministic dynamic transmission metapopulation model. Results Compared to 2vHPV, the 9vHPV strategy averted an additional 3,245 cases of and 825 deaths from 9vHPV-strain-attributable cancers, 4,247 cases of and 190 deaths from recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP), and 1,009,637 cases of anogenital warts (AGWs), with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of €4,975 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained. The ICER increased in a scenario with increased HPV vaccination coverage rates and was relatively robust to one-way deterministic sensitivity analyses, with variation in the disease utility parameter having the most impact. When catch-up vaccination for individuals ≤26 years of age was added to the model, vaccinating with 9vHPV averted additional cancers and AGWs compared to 2vHPV vaccination. Conclusion Our analyses predict that transitioning from a 2vHPV- to a 9vHPV-based vaccination strategy would be cost-effective in the Netherlands.
... Most high-income countries that implemented 9v vaccina on used the quadrivalent (4v) vaccine (targe ng HPV genotypes 6, 11, 16 and 18) before. Cost-effec veness then followed directly from weighing the extra cost of the 9v vaccine to the extra protec on afforded against the five addi onal HR-HPV types, as cross-protec on was typically not considered for the 4v vaccine [20][21][22][23][24][25]. However, it is widely recognized that the 2v vaccine provides durable cross-protec on against genotypes phylogene cally related to HPV 16 or 18, par cularly HPV 31, 33, and 45 [7,[26][27][28][29][30][31], which should be considered in the comparison with the HR-HPV types targeted by the 9v vaccine. ...
... Dynamic modelling studies that did not account for cross-protec on invariably concluded that 9v vaccina on would be cost-effec ve or even cost-saving rela ve to 2v vaccina on, both in girls-only and in sex-neutral vaccina on programs [12,13,17,18,23,24]. In dynamic modelling studies that did allow for cross-protec on, conclusions were less straigh orward [11,[14][15][16]19]. ...
Background The national immunization program in the Netherlands currently uses the bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, targeting HPV genotypes 16 and 18. It is not yet clear whether it is cost-effective to switch to the nonavalent vaccine, targeting an additional seven HPV genotypes. This study compares the health and economic effects of both vaccines for the Dutch setting of sex-neutral vaccination with tender-based procurement and HPV-based screening for cervical cancer. Methods We estimated the population effects under bivalent or nonavalent HPV vaccination in a cohort of girls and boys, invited for vaccination at 10 years of age. The differential impact of nonavalent versus bivalent HPV vaccination was obtained by projecting type-specific risk reductions, obtained by an HPV transmission model, onto type-specific outcomes of HPV-based screening, incidence of HPV-related cancers in both men and women, as well as treatment for anogenital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Bayesian analysis was applied to translate the uncertainty of the data into credible intervals (CI) for health and economic outcomes, under specific scenarios regarding long-term vaccine uptake, efficacy and cost. The base-case scenario assumed 50% uptake at age 10, life-long vaccine protection with cross-protective efficacy to HPV 31, 33 and 45 from the bivalent vaccine, and an additional cost of EUR 35 per 2-dose vaccination schedule for the nonavalent vaccine. Results In the base-case scenario, nonavalent vaccination is expected to prevent 1090 additional cases of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2/3), 70 additional cases of HPV-related cancer, 34 000 episodes of anogenital warts and 28 onsets of RRP, relative to bivalent vaccination per cohort of 100 000 girls and 100 000 boys. These health effects translate into an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of EUR 2048 (95% CI: 716 to 3141) per life-year gained, under annual discounting of 1.5% and 4% for future health and economic effects, respectively. The ICER remained below the local threshold for cost-effective preventive interventions in all investigated scenarios, except when assuming waning efficacy for non-16/18 oncogenic HPV types with either vaccine or cross-protection to non-31/33/45 types for the bivalent vaccine. Conclusions Sex-neutral vaccination with the nonavalent vaccine is likely to be cost-effective relative to the currently used bivalent vaccine in the Netherlands. Monitoring long-term type-specific vaccine effectiveness is key to update projections on the impact and cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination.
... HPV vaccines have been approved for male vaccination in many countries [22] but not in China. A previous study found that extending HPV vaccination to men is cost-effective and could further reduce the burden of HPV-related diseases for both sexes [23][24][25]. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that HPV vaccination be administered preferentially for men aged 13 to 21 who have not been vaccinated before, as well as for men who have sex with men and those who are immunocompromised [22]. ...
... The evidence of the cost-effectiveness of extending HPV vaccination to boys is ambiguous and has not verified worldwide [40], while researches claimed that a gender-neutral strategy would be cost-effective (or marginally cost-effective) in some countries [23][24][25]41]. Before adoption the strategy of including the male HPV vaccine in national immunization program, China should carry out further cost-effectiveness analyses. ...
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Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease, and it is associated with anogenital warts and oropharyngeal and anogenital cancers. Among female malignant tumors in China, the incidence of cervical cancer ranks second, with only breast cancer being more prevalent. HPV infection and related diseases affects both women and men. HPV vaccination is an optimal prevention strategy in preventing HPV infection and related diseases. The inclusion of the HPV vaccine in the national immunization program is an effective way to increase immunization coverage, reduce the burden of HPV related diseases, and increase national life expectancy. Objective: This study aimed to explore the factors influencing the attitudes of Chinese men toward the inclusion of the HPV vaccine in males included in the national immunization program, thus providing reference for launching the national immunization program policy. Methods: We invited men aged 20 to 45 to participate in an online survey. The participants were requested to complete a questionnaire, including sociodemographic characteristics, sexual behavior characteristics, knowledge of HPV and the HPV vaccine, and attitudes toward the HPV vaccine. A logistic regression model was constructed to analyze the influencing factors of attitudes. Results: A total of 660 males in China participated in this survey, and 80.45% supported the inclusion of HPV vaccines in national immunization programs. Participants earning CNY 100,000-200,000 (dds ratio (OR): 0.63, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.39-1.00) or ≥200,000 (OR: 0.34, 95% CI: 0.17-0.68) were more likely to disapprove this strategy. Compared with people without a history of HPV infection, those with a history of HPV infection (OR: 1.84, 95% CI: 1.17-2.90) were more likely to approve. Men who had better knowledge of HPV were more likely to approve than men with less knowledge about HPV (OR: 1.44, 95% CI: 1.17-1.79). Compared with participants who did not know when the HPV vaccine should be given, those who knew that the ideal time of vaccination is before an individual becomes sexually active (OR: 1.75, 95% CI: 1.04-2.95) were more likely to approve. Conclusion: One in five men did not support the inclusion of HPV vaccines in national immunization programs, and they are likely to be from higher socioeconomic background and have poor knowledge of HPV. In order to implement comprehensive immunity, targeted actions need to be taken at national and public levels. In addition, when implementing measures, more attention needs to be paid to lower income men, men without a history of HPV infection and with poor knowledge of HPV, as well as young men.
... 23 Their results were consistent with studies conducted for other settings. [24][25][26] ...
... The results reported in this study are generally consistent with those of previously published studies on the relative health and economic outcomes of the 9-valent vaccine when compared with the 4-valent vaccines in different settings. [24][25][26] Datta et al 23 used an individual-based model to assess girls only and universal vaccination strategies using 2vHPV (bivalent HPV vaccine), 4vHPV, and 9vHPV vaccines in the UK setting. Although these investigators 23 included and examined threshold prices for both 4vHPV and 9vHPV vaccines, their results were reported relative to "halted" and "girls-only" vaccination programs. ...
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**Background:** The United Kingdom (UK) switched from using the 4-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (Gardasil®) to the 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9®) in 2021. **Objective:** To estimate and compare the health and economic outcomes of 2 HPV vaccination programs in the UK targeting girls and boys aged 12-13 years from the perspective of the UK National Health Service. The 2 vaccination strategies were (1) universal vaccination 4-valent (UV4V), using the 4-valent HPV vaccine (4vHPV), and (2) universal vaccination 9-valent (UV9V), using the 9-valent HPV vaccine (9vHPV). **Methods:** A deterministic heterosexual compartmental disease transmission model was used to track health and economic outcomes over a 100-year time horizon. Outcomes were discounted at an annual rate of 3.5% and 1.5%. All costs were adjusted to 2020 British pounds (£). Health outcomes were measured in quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and the summary results were presented as incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (£/QALY gained) when comparing UV4V with UV9V. **Results:** Using the same vaccine coverage for both programs, the total cumulative cases of HPV-related health outcomes tracked over the 100-year horizon indicated that the relative number of cases averted (UV9V vs UV4V) ranged from 4% (anal male cancers and deaths) to 56% (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN1]). Assuming that 9vHPV cost £15.18 more than 4vHPV (a cost differential based on discounted list prices), the estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £8600/QALY gained when discounted at 3.5%, and £3300/QALY gained when discounted at 1.5%. The estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios from the sensitivity analyses remained
... Various types of HPV infections persist, almost every cervical cancer patient is associated with high-risk HPV infection, and HPV infection is also associated with various other types of malignant cancers, including vulvar, vaginal, anal and penile cancers, as well as genital warts [6]. Cervical cancer remains a major public health problem, ranking as the fourth most common cause of cancer incidence and mortality in women worldwide. ...
One of the most important achievement in medicine, vaccinations are the most effective prophylactic measures against infectious illnesses. The number of vaccine candidates is steadily growing since vaccine development is always changing. However, the majorities of novel vaccines have decreased immunogenicity and are unable to elicit robust and long-lasting immune responses. Therefore, we require adjuvants and creative delivery systems that boost their immunogenicity in order to obtain current and efficient vaccines. The application of nanotechnology in vaccination is giving researchers the chance to overcome these challenges and create efficient vaccines. In particular, nanoparticles (NPs) utilized as delivery systems for vaccine components can boost the host’s immune response and, because of their small size, can target certain cellular regions. A small number of nanovaccines have been authorized for use in humans to this point, and many more are undergoing clinical or preclinical research. Several different types of nanoparticles are being studied as potential vaccination antigen delivery systems. These artificial delivery methods based on nanoparticles, which vary in size from 20 to 200 nm, prevent antigen from degrading, improve its presentation and make it easier for professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to accept the antigen absorption. The most researched of these systems include polymers, liposomes, micelles, virus-like particles (VLPs), self-assembled proteins, inorganic nanoparticles and inorganic nanoparticles. In this chapter, we have given a broad overview of the types, synthesis techniques, characterizations, characteristics and uses of nanoparticles in the manufacture of vaccines.KeywordsVaccinesNanotechnologyNanoparticlesNanovaccinology
Objectives: Economic evaluations of vaccines should accurately represent all relevant economic and health consequences of vaccination, including losses due to adverse events following immunization (AEFI). We investigated to what extent economic evaluations of pediatric vaccines account for AEFI, which methods are used to do so and whether inclusion of AEFI is associated with study characteristics and the vaccine's safety profile. Methods: A systematic literature search (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Systematic Reviews and Trials, Database of the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination of the University of York, EconPapers, Paediatric Economic Database Evaluation, Tufts New England Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry, Tufts New England Global Health CEA, International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment Database) was performed for economic evaluations published between 2014 and 29 April 2021 (date of search) pertaining to the five groups of pediatric vaccines licensed in Europe and the United States since 1998: the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, the meningococcal vaccines (MCV), the measles-mumps-rubella-varicella (MMRV) combination vaccines, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) and the rotavirus vaccines (RV). Rates of accounting for AEFI were calculated, stratified by study characteristics (e.g., region, publication year, journal impact factor, level of industry involvement) and triangulated with the vaccine's safety profile (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP] recommendations and information on safety-related product label changes). The studies accounting for AEFI were analyzed in terms of the methods used to account for both cost and effect implications of AEFI. Results: We identified 112 economic evaluations, of which 28 (25%) accounted for AEFI. This proportion was significantly higher for MMRV (80%, four out of five evaluations), MCV (61%, 11 out of 18 evaluations) and RV (60%, nine out of 15 evaluations) compared to HPV (6%, three out of 53 evaluations) and PCV (5%, one out of 21 evaluations). No other study characteristics were associated with a study's likelihood of accounting for AEFI. Vaccines for which AEFI were more frequently accounted for also had a higher frequency of label changes and a higher level of attention to AEFI in ACIP recommendations. Nine studies accounted for both the cost and health implications of AEFI, 18 studies considered only costs and one only health outcomes. While the cost impact was usually estimated based on routine billing data, the adverse health impact of AEFI was usually estimated based on assumptions. Discussion: Although (mild) AEFI were demonstrated for all five studied vaccines, only a quarter of reviewed studies accounted for these, mostly in an incomplete and inaccurate manner. We provide guidance on which methods to use to better quantify the impact of AEFI on both costs and health outcomes. Policymakers should be aware that the impact of AEFI on cost-effectiveness is likely to be underestimated in the majority of economic evaluations.
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All EU countries have introduced Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination for adolescent girls and many countries are expanding the strategy to include adolescent boys. There is uncertainty about the cost-effectiveness and epidemiological impact of a gender-neutral HPV vaccination strategy. Here we present the results of an economic model adapted for Spain. Five vaccination strategies were compared from the Spanish healthcare system perspective, combining two vaccines (4-valent and 9-valent) in a gender-neutral or girls-only programme in a dynamic population-based model with a discrete-time Markov approach. Costs and benefits were discounted at 3%. The benefits of immunization were measured with quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), which are achieved by reducing the incidence of diseases attributable to HPV. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was compared with the willingness-to-pay threshold in Spain. The two most effective strategies were compared: gender-neutral 9-valent vaccination vs. girls-only 9-valent vaccination, resulting in an ICER of € 34,040/QALY, and an important number of prevented cases of invasive cancers and anogenital warts. The sensitivity analysis revealed that gender-neutral 9-valent vaccination would become cost-effective if protection against oropharyngeal and penile cancers was included or if the price per dose decreased from €45 to €28. The gender-neutral 9-valent HPV vaccination in Spain offers more benefits than any other modeled strategy, although in the conservative base case it is not cost-effective. However, certain plausible assumptions would turn it into an efficient strategy, which should be borne in mind by the decision makers together with equity and justice arguments.
s Objectives This study aimed to estimate the epidemiologic and economic impact of a nonavalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program for 13- to 14-year-old females compared with that of the bivalent vaccine in Taiwan. Methods A previously developed dynamic transmission model for the nonavalent HPV vaccine was adapted to the Taiwan setting. The natural history of cervical cancer and genital warts was simulated by the HPV model assuming an 80% vaccination coverage rate in girls aged 13 to 14 years of age with a 2-dose schedule for the nonavalent and bivalent HPV vaccines. A lifetime duration of vaccine protection was assumed for the HPV vaccine types. Results The model estimated that the nonavalent HPV vaccine would prevent an additional 15 951 cervical cancer cases, 6600 cervical cancer-related deaths, 176 702 grade 2 or grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia cases, 103 959 grade 1 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia cases, and 1 115 317 genital warts cases compared with the bivalent HPV vaccine. The nonavalent HPV vaccination program was projected to cost an additional New Taiwan dollars (NTD) 675.21 per person and to produce an additional 0.00271 quality-adjusted life-year per person over 100 years compared with the bivalent HPV vaccine. Thus, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of the nonavalent HPV vaccine versus the bivalent HPV vaccine was NTD 249 462/quality-adjusted life-year. Conclusions A nonavalent HPV vaccination program for 13- to 14-year-old girls would have additional public health and economic impacts and would be highly cost-effective compared with the bivalent HPV vaccine, relative to per capita gross domestic product, which is estimated at NTD 746 526 for Taiwan.
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Background: The United Kingdom (UK) switched from using the 4-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (Gardasil®) to the 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9®) in 2021. Objective: To estimate and compare the health and economic outcomes of 2 HPV vaccination programs in the UK targeting girls and boys aged 12-13 years from the perspective of the UK National Health Service. The 2 vaccination strategies were (1) universal vaccination 4-valent (UV4V), using the 4-valent HPV vaccine (4vHPV), and (2) universal vaccination 9-valent (UV9V), using the 9-valent HPV vaccine (9vHPV). Methods: A deterministic heterosexual compartmental disease transmission model was used to track health and economic outcomes over a 100-year time horizon. Outcomes were discounted at an annual rate of 3.5% and 1.5%. All costs were adjusted to 2020 British pounds (£). Health outcomes were measured in quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and the summary results were presented as incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (£/QALY gained) when comparing UV4V with UV9V. Results: Using the same vaccine coverage for both programs, the total cumulative cases of HPV-related health outcomes tracked over the 100-year horizon indicated that the relative number of cases averted (UV9V vs UV4V) ranged from 4% (anal male cancers and deaths) to 56% (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN1]). Assuming that 9vHPV cost £15.18 more than 4vHPV (a cost differential based on discounted list prices), the estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £8600/QALY gained when discounted at 3.5%, and £3300/QALY gained when discounted at 1.5%. The estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios from the sensitivity analyses remained <£28000/QALY over a wide range of parameter inputs and demonstrated that disease utilities, discount rate, and vaccine efficacy were the 3 most influential parameters. Discussion: Consistent with other published studies, the results from this study found that the 9vHPV vaccine prevented a substantial number of cases when compared with the 4vHPV vaccine and was highly cost-effective. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that replacing universal 4vHPV with 9vHPV can prevent a substantial additional number of HPV-related cases/deaths (in both women and men) and remain cost-effective over a range of 9vHPV price premiums.
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Background: HPV is a major cancer-causing factor in both sexes in the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, penis, oropharynx as well as the causal factor in other diseases such as genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatis. In the context of the arrival of a nonavalent HPV vaccine (6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58), this analysis aims to estimate the public health impact and the incremental cost-effectiveness of a universal (girls and boys) vaccination program with a nonavalent HPV vaccine as compared to the current universal vaccination program with a quadrivalent HPV vaccine (6/11/16/18), in Austria. Method: A dynamic transmission model including a wide range of health and cost outcomes related to cervical, anal, vulvar, vaginal diseases and genital warts was calibrated to Austrian epidemiological data. The clinical impact due to the 5 new types was included for cervical and anal diseases outcomes only. In the base case, a two-dose schedule, lifelong vaccine type-specific protection and a vaccination coverage rate of 60 % and 40 % for girls and boys respectively for the 9-year old cohorts were assumed. A cost-effectiveness threshold of €30,000/QALY-gained was considered. Results: Universal vaccination with the nonavalent vaccine was shown to reduce the incidence of HPV16/18/31/33/45/52/58 -related cervical cancer by 92 %, the related CIN2/3 cases by 96 % and anal cancer by 83 % and 76 % respectively in females and males after 100 years, relative to 75 %, 76 %, 80 % and 74 % with the quadrivalent vaccine, respectively. Furthermore, the nonavalent vaccine was projected to prevent an additional 14,893 cases of CIN2/3 and 2544 cases of cervical cancer, over 100 years. Depending on the vaccine price, the strategy was shown to be from cost-saving to cost-effective. Conclusion: The present evaluation showed that vaccinating 60 % of girls and 40 % of boys aged 9 in Austria with a 9-valent vaccine will substantially reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, CIN and anal cancer compared to the existing strategy. The vaccination strategies performed with the 9-valent vaccine in the current study were all found to be cost-effective compared to the current quadrivalent vaccination strategy by considering a cost-effectiveness threshold of 30,000€/QALY gained.
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Introduction A second generation HPV vaccine has been developed for the prevention of anogenital cancers and precancerous lesions of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus and of genital warts due to nine HPV types. We estimated the annual burden of these diseases attributable to the nine HPV types compared to HPV types from first generation vaccines in women and men in Europe. Material and methods Incidence rates from the IARC database, cancer registries, the literature and Eurostat population data were used. The burden attributable to the HPV types targeted by both vaccines was estimated by applying the relative contribution of the respective HPV types from epidemiological studies. Results In 2013, the number of new anogenital HPV-attributable cancers was 44,480 with 39,494 of these cases related to second vs. 33,285 to first generation vaccine types. Among the 284,373 to 541,621 new HPV-attributable anogenital precancerous lesions 235,364–448,423 and 135,025–256,830 were estimated to be related to second and first generation vaccine types, respectively. The annual number of new genital warts was 753,608–935,318, with 90% related to HPV6/11. Conclusions These data demonstrate how the large public health impact that was achieved by the first generation HPV vaccines could be further increased by second generation vaccines.
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HPV infections can cause substantial burden in females and males as it is associated with several genital cancers, in addition to genital warts. Traditional economic evaluations often focus on quantifying cost-effectiveness, however, it is increasingly recognized that vaccinations may generate broader benefits not captured in cost-effectiveness analysis. Τhe aim of this study was to evaluate the broader economic consequences associated with HPV vaccination in males and females and to conduct a lifetime cost-benefit analysis of investing in universal vaccination in Germany from the perspective of government. Methodologies from generational accounting, human capital and health economics were combined to estimate the broader economic consequences of HPV vaccination including the fiscal impact for the government. A cohort model was developed simulating the medical costs and average lifetime fiscal transfers between the government and 12-year-old immunized and non-immunized males and females. To estimate tax revenue attributed to vaccination-related changes in morbidity and mortality, direct and indirect tax rates were linked to differences in age- and gender-specific earnings. Based on HPV vaccination costs, the base case cost-benefit analysis demonstrated that investing €1 in universal HPV vaccination could yield €1.7 in gross tax revenue over the lifetime of the cohorts. After taking into consideration the governmental transfers, universal HPV vaccination in Germany could result in incremental positive net discounted taxes (i.e. tax revenue-transfers) from €62 million for the German government. The vaccination of males and females with the quadrivalent HPV vaccine is likely to have positive effects on public finances. JEL codes: H7, H51, H57, I12, I18.
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BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus types 16 (HPV-16) and 18 (HPV-18) cause approximately 70% of cervical cancers worldwide. A phase 3 trial was conducted to evaluate a quadrivalent vaccine against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 (HPV-6/11/16/18) for the prevention of high-grade cervical lesions associated with HPV-16 and HPV-18. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind trial, we assigned 12,167 women between the ages of 15 and 26 years to receive three doses of either HPV-6/11/16/18 vaccine or placebo, administered at day 1, month 2, and month 6. The primary analysis was performed for a per-protocol susceptible population that included 5305 women in the vaccine group and 5260 in the placebo group who had no virologic evidence of infection with HPV-16 or HPV-18 through 1 month after the third dose (month 7). The primary composite end point was cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3, adenocarcinoma in situ, or cervical cancer related to HPV-16 or HPV-18. RESULTS: Subjects were followed for an average of 3 years after receiving the first dose of vaccine or placebo. Vaccine efficacy for the prevention of the primary composite end point was 98% (95.89% confidence interval [CI], 86 to 100) in the per-protocol susceptible population and 44% (95% CI, 26 to 58) in an intention-to-treat population of all women who had undergone randomization (those with or without previous infection). The estimated vaccine efficacy against all high-grade cervical lesions, regardless of causal HPV type, in this intention-to-treat population was 17% (95% CI, 1 to 31). CONCLUSIONS: In young women who had not been previously infected with HPV-16 or HPV-18, those in the vaccine group had a significantly lower occurrence of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia related to HPV-16 or HPV-18 than did those in the placebo group.
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BACKGROUND: The investigational 9-valent viruslike particle vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) includes the HPV types in the quadrivalent HPV (qHPV) vaccine (6, 11, 16, and 18) and five additional oncogenic types (31, 33, 45, 52, and 58). Here we present the results of a study of the efficacy and immunogenicity of the 9vHPV vaccine in women 16 to 26 years of age. METHODS: We performed a randomized, international, double-blind, phase 2b-3 study of the 9vHPV vaccine in 14,215 women. Participants received the 9vHPV vaccine or the qHPV vaccine in a series of three intramuscular injections on day 1 and at months 2 and 6. Serum was collected for analysis of antibody responses. Swabs of labial, vulvar, perineal, perianal, endocervical, and ectocervical tissue were obtained and used for HPV DNA testing, and liquid-based cytologic testing (Papanicolaou testing) was performed regularly. Tissue obtained by means of biopsy or as part of definitive therapy (including a loop electrosurgical excision procedure and conization) was tested for HPV. RESULTS: The rate of high-grade cervical, vulvar, or vaginal disease irrespective of HPV type (i.e., disease caused by HPV types included in the 9vHPV vaccine and those not included) in the modified intention-to-treat population (which included participants with and those without prevalent infection or disease) was 14.0 per 1000 person-years in both vaccine groups. The rate of high-grade cervical, vulvar, or vaginal disease related to HPV-31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 in a prespecified per-protocol efficacy population (susceptible population) was 0.1 per 1000 person-years in the 9vHPV group and 1.6 per 1000 person-years in the qHPV group (efficacy of the 9vHPV vaccine, 96.7%; 95% confidence interval, 80.9 to 99.8). Antibody responses to HPV-6, 11, 16, and 18 were noninferior to those generated by the qHPV vaccine. Adverse events related to injection site were more common in the 9vHPV group than in the qHPV group. CONCLUSIONS: The 9vHPV vaccine prevented infection and disease related to HPV-31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 in a susceptible population and generated an antibody response to HPV-6, 11, 16, and 18 that was noninferior to that generated by the qHPV vaccine. The 9vHPV vaccine did not prevent infection and disease related to HPV types beyond the nine types covered by the vaccine. (Funded by Merck; number, NCT00543543). Comment in HPV "coverage". [N Engl J Med. 2015]
The Gynecology Oncology Working Group (AGO e. V.) unequivocally welcomes the decision taken by the German Federal Joint Commission (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, G-BA) on March 19, 2015 regarding screening for cervical cancer. AGO is convinced that, in view of recent medical advances, this evidence-based decision will improve screening for cervical cancer.
Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of conventional and new methods of Papanicolaou (Pap) testing when used to detect cervical cancer and its precursors. Data Sources: Systematic search of English-language literature through October 1999 using MEDLINE, EMBASE, other computerized databases, and hand searching. Study Selection: All studies that compared Pap testing (conventional methods, computer screening or rescreening, or monolayer cytology) with a concurrent reference standard (histologic examination, colposcopy, or cytology). Data Extraction: Two reviewers independently reviewed selection criteria and completed 2 x 2 tables for each study. Data Synthesis: 94 studies of the conventional Pap test and three studies of monolayer cytology met inclusion criteria. No studies of computerized screening were included. Data were organized by cytologic and histologic thresholds used to define disease. For conventional Pap tests, estimates of sensitivity and specificity varied greatly in individual studies. Methodologic quality and frequency of histologic abnormalities also varied greatly between studies. In the 12 studies with the least biased estimates, sensitivity ranged from 30% to 87% and specificity ranged from 86% to 100%. Conclusions: Insufficient high-quality data exist to estimate test operating characteristics of new cytologic methods for cervical screening. Future studies of these technologies should apply adequate reference standards. Most studies of the conventional Pap test are severely biased: The best estimates suggest that it is only moderately accurate and does not achieve concurrently high sensitivity and specificity. Cost-effectiveness models of cervical cancer screening should use more conservative estimates of Pap test sensitivity.
Objectives In Germany, vaccination against HPV infection has been recommended for girls aged 12–17 years since 2007. The aim of this paper was to provide an overview of the current status and determinants of HPV vaccination uptake in Germany. Methods Analyses included data from 14- to 17-year-old girls (n = 1,337) of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents – First Follow-up Survey (KiGGS Wave 1). Standardized telephone interviews included questions for girls on the number of HPV vaccine doses and visits to a gynecologist. Parents were asked about their socioeconomic status (SES) and the girls’ participation in the J1 adolescent health check-up. Descriptive analyses of the HPV vaccination status with respect to social, demographic, and health-care utilization factors were performed. Factors associated with vaccination were identified and odds ratios (OR) were estimated by means of logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence of vaccination with at least one HPV vaccine dose was 52.6 % (95 % confidence interval 48.5–56.6). Three-dose HPV vaccination coverage was 39.5 % (35.3–43.9). Vaccine uptake increased with age, was higher in girls with middle and low SES compared with high SES, with residence in eastern Germany, in those who had already seen a gynecologist, and who participated in the J1. Multivariable logistic regression revealed a twofold increased chance of being vaccinated for girls with middle SES (OR 1.9) compared with high-SES girls and for those who had yet seen a gynecologist (OR 2.1). Conclusions School-based vaccination programs and multi-tier vaccination campaigns have led to high vaccination rates in some European and non-European countries. In Germany, however, such high vaccination rates have not been achieved. To fully realize the potential of HPV vaccinations to reduce HPV-related cancer incidence at the population level, vaccination coverage in Germany must be increased. In absence of school-based vaccination programs, medical doctors should use each visit to check and complete the girl’s vaccination status.