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Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy. Multivariate Analysis of Risk


Abstract and Figures

We examined prenatal and perinatal factors predicting cerebral palsy, using multivariate analysis to investigate which factors were most important and the proportion of cases for which they accounted. Maternal mental retardation, birth weight below 2001 g, and fetal malformation were among the leading predictors. Breech presentation was also a predictor, but breech delivery was not. A third of the children with cerebral palsy who had breech presentations had a major noncerebral malformation. Among 189 children with cerebral palsy, 40 (21 percent) had at least one of three clinical markers suggestive of asphyxia; only 17 of these 40 children (9 percent of all cases) lacked major congenital malformation or other intrinsic defects that might have contributed to an unfavorable outcome. When all the principal risk factors present by the time labor began were considered, the 5 percent of the population at highest estimated risk was seen to have contributed 34 percent of the cases. When all the risk factors present during the period beginning before pregnancy and extending through the nursery stay were included, the 5 percent at highest risk was seen to have contributed 37 percent of the cases. Thus, the inclusion of information about the events of birth and the neonatal period accounted for a proportion of cerebral palsy only slightly higher than that accounted for when consideration was limited to characteristics identified before labor began.
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Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy and Perinatal
Death in Term and Late Preterm Singletons
Sarah McIntyre, BAppSc,MPS, Eve Blair, PhD, Nadia Badawi, FRACP,PhD, John Keogh, FRCOG,
and Karin B. Nelson, MD
OBJECTIVE: To examine the antecedents of cerebral palsy
and of perinatal death in singletons born at or after
35 weeks of gestation.
METHODS: From a total population of singletons born
at or after 35 weeks of gestation, we identified 494 with
cerebral palsy and 508 neonates in a matched control
group, 100 neonatal deaths, and 73 intrapartum stillbirths
(all deaths in selected birth years). Neonatal death and
cerebral palsy were categorized as without encephalop-
athy, after neonatal encephalopathy, or after neonatal
encephalopathy considered hypoxic–ischemic. We
examined the contribution of potentially asphyxial birth
events, inflammation, fetal growth restriction, and birth
defects recognized by age 6 years to each of these out-
comes and to intrapartum stillbirths.
RESULTS: The odds of total cerebral palsy after potentially
asphyxial birth events or inflammation were modestly
increased (odds ratio [OR] 1.9, 95% confidence interval
[CI] 1.1–3.2 and OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.0–4.2, respectively).
However, potentially asphyxial birth events occurred in
34% of intrapartum stillbirths and 21.6% of cerebral palsy
after hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy. Inflammatory
markers occurred in 13.9% and 11.9% of these outcomes,
respectively. Growth restriction contributed significantly to
all poor outcome groups. Birth defects were recognized in
5.5% of neonates in the control group compared with 60%
of neonatal deaths and more than half of cases of cerebral
palsy without hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy. In chil-
dren with cerebral palsy, a potentially asphyxial birth event,
inflammation, or both were experienced by 12.6%,
whereas growth restriction, a birth defect, or both were
experienced by 48.6% (P,.001).
CONCLUSION: Fetal growth restriction and birth defects
recognized by age 6 years were more substantial contrib-
utors to cerebral palsy and neonatal death than potentially
asphyxial birth events and inflammation.
(Obstet Gynecol 2013;122:869–77)
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e3182a265ab
Two thirds of cerebral palsy arises in the 97% of
singletons born at or after 35 weeks of gestation.
The prevalence of cerebral palsy in these relatively
mature neonates, unlike that of survivors of very pre-
term birth, has not fallen in recent decades.
knowledge of brain lesions in cerebral palsy has
improved with advances in neuroimaging, but the eti-
ology and prognostic value of these lesions remain
imperfectly understood.
Historically, research on
the etiologies of cerebral palsy in term and late pre-
term births has focused on asphyxial birth events.
More recently, the diversity of cerebral palsy etiology
has been explored with studies examining antenatal
factors including inflammation, suboptimal intrauterine
growth, malformations, multiple gestations, genetic fac-
and how risk factors may interact to form causal
pathways to cerebral palsy
; we aimed to build on
this work.
From the University of Sydney, Cerebral Palsy Alliance, University of Notre
Dame Australia, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, the Centre for Child Health
Research, University of Western Australia at the Telethon Institute for Child
Health Research, Perth, and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, University of Notre
Dame Australia, Grace Centre for Newborn Care, the Childrens Hospital at
Westmead, the University of Sydney, and the University of Sydney, Sydney
Adventist Hospital, Sydney, Australia; the Department of Neurology, Childrens
National Medical Centre, Washington, DC; and the National Institute of Neuro-
logical Disorder and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Supported by the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation (S.M.), National Health
and Medical Research Council program grant no. 353514 (CCCP study and
E.B.), and the Macquarie Group Foundation and Cerebral Palsy Research Foun-
dation (N.B.).
The authors thank Linda Watson from the Western Australian Register of
Developmental AnomaliesCerebral Palsy and Professor Carol Bower from the
Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies for providing access to
data from their respective registers.
Corresponding author: Sarah McIntyre, BAppSc, MPS, PhD, University of Sydney,
Cerebral Palsy Alliance, University of Notre Dame Australia, PO Box 560,
Darlinghurst 1300 NSW, Australia; e-mail:
Financial Disclosure
The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
© 2013 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
ISSN: 0029-7844/13
MS NO: AOG203259
The objective of this study was to gain more
specific information concerning pathways to perinatal
death or cerebral palsy in term and late preterm
singletons. We sought to identify etiologically more
homogenous groups of cerebral palsy and neonatal
death by stratifying according to newborn neurologic
status, then quantified the contributions of four major
risk factors: potentially asphyxial birth events, indica-
tors of inflammation, fetal growth restriction, and
birth defects, alone or in combination, to each of these
This article reports on the total population casecontrol
study of cerebral palsy and perinatal death in Western
Australian births from 1980 to 1995.
Cerebral palsy
was defined as a disorder of movement, posture, or
both affecting activities of daily living resulting from
nonprogressive lesions or abnormalities of the develop-
ing brain.
Eligible cases of cerebral palsy for this study
comprised all registrants of the Western Australian
Cerebral Palsy Register (now called the Western Aus-
tralian Register of Developmental AnomaliesCerebral
born in Western Australia between January 1,
1980, and December 31, 1995, excluding those whose
cerebral palsy was acquired postneonatally.
Perinatal and vital outcome data are available for
all Western Australian births in the Maternal Child
Health Research Database, which links statutory birth
and death registries with statutory pregnancy and
delivery information and includes more than 99.5% of
registered births. From this database, we selected
controls (matched for gestational age [within 1 week],
year of birth [within 12 months], and plurality) and
intrapartum stillbirths and neonatal deaths (deaths in
the first 28 days of life) in birth years specified in
Figure 1. We included all 791 children with cerebral
palsy born in or after 1980 (the year that the gesta-
tional age variable was added to the statutory birth
data set) who were available at the time of initiating
data collection. We limited etiologic heterogeneity by
selecting only singletons born at or after 35 weeks of
gestation, resulting in 508 participants in the control
group and 494 cerebral palsy cases. With these num-
bers, and considering that the direction of any associ-
ation would for most exposures be self-evident, we
estimated there was 80% or higher power at P,.05
to detect associations likely to be of clinical impor-
tance (odds ratios [ORs] less than 0.4 or greater than
1.8) if the exposure was observed in 550% of partic-
ipants in the control group.
This study was approved by the Princess Margaret
Hospital/King Edward Memorial Hospital Human
Research and Ethics Committee, individual hospital
and region human research and ethics committees,
ratified by the University of Sydney Human Research
and Ethics Committee and approved by the Confi-
dentiality of Health Information Committee of the
Western Australia Department of Health.
To achieve more homogenous etiologic groups,
we categorized cerebral palsy and neonatal death
according to presence or absence of moderate or
severe neonatal encephalopathy. Moderate or severe
neonatal encephalopathy was defined as any admis-
sion to special or intensive care (for neonatal death)
for 2 days or more (for cerebral palsy) with seizures,
abnormal consciousness (lethargic or comatose), or
abnormal tone.
Neonatal encephalopathy was cat-
egorized as hypoxicischemic only if there was also a
clinical diagnosis of birth asphyxia or hypoxicischemic
encephalopathy in the medical record and is now
referred to as hypoxicischemic encephalopathy.
We considered seven adverse outcomes: intrapar-
tum stillbirth; neonatal death without encephalopathy,
after neonatal encephalopathy, and after hypoxic
ischemic encephalopathy; and cerebral palsy without
encephalopathy, after neonatal encephalopathy, and
after hypoxicischemic encephalopathy; and two com-
bined outcomes all cerebral palsyand all neonatal
deaths(Fig. 1). We examined the association of each
of these outcomes with four repeatedly identified risk
factors: 1) potentially asphyxial birth events: uterine
rupture, amniotic embolism, tight nuchal cord
(described by the treating clinician as tight;eg,
requiring cutting for delivery), cord prolapse, placental
abruption, severe intrapartum hemorrhage (a minimum
of 100 mL fresh blood), maternal cardiac arrest, or
severe shoulder dystocia
; 2) signs of inflammation:
maternal pyrexia (greater than 37.5°C), uterine tender-
ness, malodorous amniotic fluid, high leukocyte count,
maternal or fetal tachycardia, and inflammatory placen-
tal histology
; 3) fetal growth restriction: birth weight at
least two standard deviations below optimal for gesta-
tional age and gender, maternal height and parity,
to a decrease the risk of false-negatives with this restric-
tive criterion, a diagnosis of growth restriction noted in
the medical record; and 4) birth defects: a structural or
functional abnormality that is present at conception or
occurs before the end of pregnancy. We identified birth
defects by linking with the State Registry for birth
defects (Western Australian Register of Developmental
Anomalies), which collects information on defects diag-
For those with cerebral palsy, the predominant
motor impairment was categorized as spastic
hemiplegia, diplegia or quadriplegia, dyskinesia
870 McIntyre et al Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
(dystonia or athetosis), or other (ataxia or isolated
For each outcome group, we estimated frequen-
cies and proportions of each risk factor and pre-
dominant motor impairment. Odds ratios for each
outcome with each risk factor were estimated by
unconditional logistic regression using SAS 9.2 and
SPSS 19. Statistical significance was accepted at
a,.05. The proportion of each outcome group that
would be prevented were the risk factor removed in
isolation was estimated from the OR obtained on uni-
variate analysis using the equation: attributable
fraction5p(OR-1)/(1+p[OR-1]), where p is the pro-
portion of participants in the control group exposed
to that factor.
Median and interquartile ranges were
calculated for 5-minute Apgar scores.
Data were available for 508 participants in the control
group, 494 children with cerebral palsy, 100 neonatal
Western Australian
births 1980–1995
Cerebral palsy
cases from the
Western Australian
cerebral palsy register
(excluding postneonatal
and minimal cases)
Controls without
cerebral palsy
from the Maternal
Child Health Research
Database matched on
gestational age, year
of birth, and plurality
Intrapartum stillbirths
from 1985, 1987, 1989,
1991, 1993, and 1995;
Excluded: n=288
after participant
selection: 12
Medical records not
located: 29
Multiple births and
singletons under
35 weeks of
gestational age: 247
Excluded: n=230
Multiple births
and singletons
under 35 weeks of
gestational age: 230
Excluded: n=216
Multiple pregnancies
and intrapartum
stillbirths under 35 weeks
of gestational age: 216
Neurologic status
in the newborn period:
No encephalopathy;
with clinical diagnosis
of hypoxic-ischemic
Final groups for analysis
Total infants with
cerebral palsy
Neonatal deaths
Intrapartum stillbirths
Neonatal deaths from
1985, 1987, 1991, 1995
Excluded: n=236
Multiple births
and neonatal deaths
at under 35 weeks of
gestational age: 236
No neonatal
No neonatal
Singletons with cerebral
palsy at or above 35
weeks of gestation
Singleton controls at
or above 35
weeks of gestation
Singleton neonatal
deaths at or above 35
weeks of gestation
Singleton intrapartum
Fig. 1. Group selection from Western Australian total population. *Terminations and lethal birth defects excluded.
eight children with missing data for neurologic status in the newborn period.
No hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy; mild
neonatal encephalopathy.
McIntyre. Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy. Obstet Gynecol 2013.
VOL. 122, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2013 McIntyre et al Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy 871
deaths, and 73 intrapartum stillborn singletons born at
or after 35 weeks of gestation. There were no differ-
ences among these four groups with respect to
maternal age, number of previous births and number
of previous pregnancy losses, maternal epilepsy,
intellectual disability or other neurologic disorders,
coagulation disorders, or thyroid disease. Two pre-
conceptional factors were statistically different from
the control group. Of those with nonmissing data,
0.8% of participants in the control group, 1.6% of
cerebral palsy, 3.1% of neonatal deaths, and 1.4% of
intrapartum stillbirths had received treatment for
infertility. Private health insurance was held by
52.8% of mothers of participants in the control group,
46.8% of cerebral palsy, 36% of neonatal deaths, and
34.2% of intrapartum stillbirths and was the only
marker of social status widely available.
Eight children with cerebral palsy and missing
data for neonatal neurologic status were retained for
analyses of all cerebral palsyonly. Of the 486
remaining children with cerebral palsy, 66.5% did
not exhibit encephalopathy, 12.4% exhibited neonatal
encephalopathy, and 21.2% were diagnosed with
hypoxicischemic encephalopathy (Table 1). Of the
100 neonates who died in the neonatal period, 22%
were diagnosed with hypoxicischemic encephalopa-
thy before death, a further 24% exhibited neonatal
encephalopathy, and 54% were not considered
encephalopathic (Table 2). Three participants in the
control group met our criteria for neonatal encepha-
lopathy but none for hypoxicischemic encephalopa-
thy. All 508 participants in the control group were
used as the comparison group. Apgar scores at 5
minutes were consistent with assigned neonatal neu-
rologic status: the median and interquartile range was
9 (interquartile range 99) for participants in the
control group and children with cerebral palsy with-
out encephalopathy, 9 (89) for children with cere-
bral palsy after neonatal encephalopathy, 4 (36) for
children with cerebral palsy after hypoxicischemic
encephalopathy, 9 (69) for neonatal deaths with-
out encephalopathy, 7 (58) for neonatal deaths with
encephalopathy, and 3 (15) for neonatal deaths
with hypoxicischemic encephalopathy.
The value for at least one of the four risk factors
was missing for no participants in the control group,
35 (7.1%) cerebral palsy cases, two (2%) neonatal
deaths, and one (1.4%) intrapartum stillbirth. Of those
with complete data, most (83%) of participants in the
control group, 40.5% of cerebral palsy, 23% of neonatal
Table 1. Distribution, Odds, and Central Estimate of Population-Attributable Fraction of Risk Factors in
Participants in the Control Group and Each Cerebral Palsy Outcome
Risk Factor
Cerebral Palsy
(n5103) All* (n5494)
Potentially asphyxial birth event 24 (4.7) 15 (4.6) 5 (8.5) 22 (21.6) 42 (8.5)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 1.0 (0.5–1.9) 1.9 (0.7–5.1) 5.5 (3.0–10)
1.9 (1.1–3.2)
fraction central estimate (%)
04 17
Inflammation 12 (2.4) 7 (2.3) 3 (5.3) 12 (11.9) 22 (4.8)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 1.0 (0.4–2.5) 2.3 (0.6–8.4) 5.6 (2.4–13)
2.1 (1.0–4.2)
fraction central estimate (%)
03 10
Growth restriction 27 (5.3) 44 (13.7) 21 (35.0) 15 (14.6) 81 (16.5)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 2.8 (1.7–4.7)
9.6 (5.0–18.5)
3.0 (1.6–5.9)
3.5 (2.2–5.5)
fraction central estimate (%)
Birth defect at age 6 y 28 (5.5) 140 (43.3) 40 (66.7) 26 (25.2) 209 (42.3)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 13.1 (8.4–20.4)
34.3 (17.8–66)
5.8 (3.2–10.4)
12.6 (8.3–19)
fraction central estimate (%)
None of the above 424 (83.5) 138 (45.7) 9 (16.1) 39 (39.0) 186 (40.5)
CI, confidence interval.
Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.
Denominators vary with the number of patients for whom the datum was missing; percentages given are those with a known value.
* Includes eight with missing data for neonatal neurologic status.
Statistically significant at P,.05.
872 McIntyre et al Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
deaths and 40.3% of intrapartum stillbirths experienced
none of the four risk factors (Tables 1 and 2).
Potentially asphyxial birth events occurred with a
similar low frequency in control children and those with
cerebral palsy or neonatal death who were not enceph-
alopathic in the newborn period. Potentially asphyxial
birth events occurred most frequently in intrapartum
stillbirths (34.3%) and in children with cerebral palsy or
neonatal death after hypoxicischemic encephalopathy
(21.6% and 22.7%, respectively) (Tables 1 and 2). Tight
nuchal cord, intrapartum hemorrhage (including pla-
cental abruption), and cord prolapse accounted for
87 of the 100 events reported and there were no instan-
ces of amniotic embolism (see Appendix, available on-
line at
Indicators of inflammation showed a similar pat-
tern to potentially asphyxial birth events, being rare in
participants in the control group and in cerebral palsy
with or without neonatal encephalopathy, but occurring
in significantly higher proportions of intrapartum
stillbirths, neonatal deaths, and cerebral palsy with
hypoxicischemic encephalopathy (Tables 1 and 2).
Inflammation occurred in combination with potentially
asphyxial birth events in 8.2% of intrapartum stillbirths
but infrequently in neonatal death or cerebral palsy
(Table 3).
Our criteria for growth restriction (see Appendix, were met by 5.3%
of participants in the control group and at least 13% of
each poor outcome, being highest in poor outcome
groups after neonatal encephalopathy. For each sub-
group of neonatal neurologic status, growth restriction
was associated with higher odds of neonatal death
than of cerebral palsy (Tables 1 and 2).
Birth defects recognized by age 6 years were
associated with significantly elevated ORs and with
the highest attributable fraction of the four risk factors
examined for all outcome groups except for intrapartum
Table 2. Distribution, Odds, and Central Estimate of Population-Attributable Fraction of Risk Factors in
Participants in the Control Group and Each Perinatal Death Outcome
Neonatal Death
Risk Factor
No Neonatal
(n522) All (n5100)
Potentially asphyxial
birth event, n (%)
24 (4.7) 25 (34.3) 4 (7.7) 1 (3.9) 5 (22.7) 10 (10.0)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 10.5 (5.6–20)* 1.7 (0.7–5.0) 0.8 (0.1–6.2) 5.9 (2.0–17)* 2.2 (1.0–4.8)*
attributable fraction
central estimate (%)
31* 3 0 19* 5*
Inflammation, n (%) 12 (2.4) 10 (13.9) 6 (11.3) 1 (3.9) 3 (14.3) 10 (10.0)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 6.7 (2.8–6.1)* 5.4 (1.9–15)* 1.7 (0.2–13.2) 6.9 (1.8–27)* 4.6 (1.9–11)*
attributable fraction
central estimate (%)
12* 10.5* 1.5 12* 8*
Growth restriction, n (%) 27 (5.3) 16 (21.9) 12 (23.5) 11 (42.3) 7 (31.8) 30 (30.3)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 5.0 (2.5–9.8)* 5.3 (2.6–11.7)* 13.1 (5.5–31)* 8.3 (3.1–22)* 7.7 (4.3–13.8)*
attributable fraction
central estimate (%)
17* 19* 41* 28* 26*
Birth defect at age 6 y,
n (%)
28 (5.5) 9 (12.3) 30 (57.7) 22 (84.6) 8 (36.4) 60 (60.0)
Odds ratio (95% CI) Reference 3.1 (1.3–7)* 34 (12.0–46)* 94 (30–292)* 9.7 (3.8–25)* 25.7 (14.9–45)*
attributable fraction
central estimate (%)
10* 55* 84* 32* 54*
None of the above, n (%) 424
29 (40.3) 14 (27.4) 3 (11.5) 6 (28.6) 23 (23.5)
CI, confidence interval.
Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.
Denominators vary with the number of patients for whom the datum was missing; percents given are those with a known value.
* Statistically significant at P,.05.
VOL. 122, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2013 McIntyre et al Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy 873
stillbirths (Tables 1 and 2). They were identified in
almost half of the largest outcome group, cerebral palsy
without encephalopathy. Birth defects occurring in
combination with a potentially asphyxial birth event
or inflammation were seen in only a small proportion
of both cerebral palsy and neonatal death cases. Birth
defects and growth restriction were the most common
combination of risk factors, particularly in neonatal
death and cerebral palsy (Table 3). In children with
cerebral palsy, a potentially asphyxial birth event,
inflammation, or both was experienced by 12.6%,
whereas growth restriction, a birth defect, or both was
experienced by 48.6% (P,.001), making these the dom-
inant antecedents of term and late preterm singletons.
All cerebral palsy subtypes were represented
across all outcome groups (Table 4). Despite confirm-
ing the association between quadriplegia or dyskinesia
and hypoxicischemic encephalopathy, 65% of those
with quadriplegia or dyskinesia were not diagnosed
hypoxicischemic encephalopathy, and conversely
of 103 cases of cerebral palsy after hypoxicischemic
encephalopathy, 36 were not classified quadriplegic
or dyskinetic. Of the four risk factors, only birth
defects (OR 1.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.12.3),
growth restriction (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.12.8), and the
combination of growth restriction and a birth defect
(OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.13.6) significantly predicted quad-
riplegia or dyskinesia.
Table 3. Distributions and Odds of Combinations of Risk Factors in Participants in the Control Group,
Perinatal Deaths, and Cerebral Palsy
Factor Combination Control
Potentially asphyxial birth event and inflammation 1 (0.2) 4 (5.6) 0 2 (0.4)
OR (95% CI) Reference 29.4 (3.2–266)
Growth restriction and potentially asphyxial birth event 2 (0.4) 2 (2.8) 0 0
OR (95% CI) Reference 7.1 (1–51.4)
Growth restriction and inflammation 0 2 (2.8) 2 (2.0) 1 (0.2)
Potentially asphyxial birth event, inflammation and growth
0 2 (2.8) 1 (1.0) 0
Potentially asphyxial birth event and birth defect 1 (0.2) 0 2 (2.0) 11 (2.4)
OR (95% CI) Reference 11.5 (1.5–89)
Inflammation and birth defect 0 1 (1.4) 3 (3.1) 1 (0.2)
Growth restriction and birth defect 3 (0.6) 3 (4.2) 20 (20.4) 38 (8.3)
OR (95% CI) Reference 7.2 (1.4–36) 42.1 (12.2–145) 14 (4.3–45.8)
Growth restriction, birth defect, and potentially asphyxial
birth event
0 0 1 (1.0) 2 (0.4)
Growth restriction, birth defect, and inflammation 0 0 1 (1.0) 3 (0.7)
OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.
Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.
This table shows only statistically significant odds ratios for combinations experienced by participants in the control group.
Table 4. Distribution of Cerebral Palsy Type by Neonatal Neurologic Status
Cerebral Palsy Type
All Cerebral
Hemiplegia, n 125 15 11 154 (31.2)
% hemiplegia 81.2 9.7 7.1
Diplegia, n 69 5 19 94 (19)
% diplegia 73.4 5.3 20.2
Quadriplegia, n 51 25 39 116 (23.5)
% quadriplegia 44 21.6 33.6
Dyskinesia, n 38 8 28 75 (15.2)
% dyskinesia 50.7 10.7 37.3
Ataxia or hypotonia, n 40 7 6 55 (11.1)
% ataxia or hypotonia 72.7 12.7 10.9
Total 323 60 103 494 (100)
* Includes eight children with missing data for neonatal neurologic outcome.
Data are n or n (%).
874 McIntyre et al Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
By defining more etiologically homogenous outcome
groups, limiting study participants to singletons at or
after 35 weeks of gestation, and stratifying by neonatal
neurologic status, our study identified stronger asso-
ciations for these risk factors and cerebral palsy or
perinatal death than previously published.
We were
also able to identify poor outcome groups that had
little or no association with these specific risk factors.
This more informative approach to considering the
etiologic pathways to term and late preterm cerebral
palsy and perinatal death allowed us to see which out-
comes were most related to each of these risk factors.
The term hypoxicischemic encephalopathy is
often understood to imply a uniform etiology. How-
ever, in this population of children with cerebral palsy
who had been diagnosed with neonatal hypoxic
ischemic encephalopathy, only one child in five had
a clinically recognized potentially asphyxial birth
event, whereas one in eight had markers of inflamma-
tion, one in seven was growth-restricted, one in four
had a birth defect recognized by age 6 years, and two
in five had none of these factors. Similar etiologic
heterogeneity was found in neonatal deaths preceded
by a diagnosis of hypoxicischemic encephalopathy.
The most etiologically homogenous groups were neo-
natal death or cerebral palsy after neonatal encepha-
lopathy in which four in five and three in five
children, respectively, had a recognized birth defect.
As anticipated,
potentially asphyxial birth
events were most important for intrapartum stillbirth
with a population-attributable fraction of 31%. How-
ever, population-attributable fractions for cerebral
palsy or neonatal death after hypoxicischemic enceph-
alopathy were higher for birth defects than for poten-
tially asphyxial birth events, an unanticipated finding.
Potentially asphyxial birth events were not associated
with cerebral palsy in the absence of neurologic abnor-
mality in the newborn period, confirming the position
of the consensus statement.
Intrauterine inflammation was the least identified
risk factor but markers of inflammation available in
population studies are neither sensitive nor specific
and may underestimate its role. Inflammation can
produce clinical findings that closely mimic birth
asphyxia, so it is possible that in some children with
a diagnosis of hypoxicischemic encephalopathy, the
initiating pathologic process was inflammatory. Opti-
mal clinical management and strategies for prevention
require distinguishing neonatal neurologic depression
resulting from asphyxial injury from that associated
with inflammation or other processes.
That differential
diagnosis will require incorporation of information
from placental examination and may also require dis-
tinguishing inflammation resulting from infection
(chorioamnionitis or funisitis) from that resulting from
immunologic processes (chronic villitis).
Fetal growth restriction was an important factor in
all examined poor outcome groups and has been
shown in other studies to be an important predictor of
cerebral palsy,
neonatal encephalopathy,
and still-
Growth restriction is itself etiologically heter-
ogenous with maternal, fetal, and placental antecedents
that vary in their strength of association with cerebral
Of note, the majority of neonates with
growth restriction and adverse outcomes in this study
also had a birth defect recognized by early childhood.
Birth defects have been recognized as risk factors
for cerebral palsy at least since 1955
but in the current
study were identified in a far greater proportion than is
usually reported with a population-attributable fraction
of 39% for total cerebral palsy. Only 1.7% considered
deformational, that is, possibly a result of the brain
damage that also caused cerebral palsy. This difference
may be related to our focus on term and late preterm
singletons because defects are identified in greater pro-
portions of term than preterm born children with cere-
bral palsy,
the inclusion of all defects occurring before
delivery (because many studies of cerebral palsy etiol-
ogy exclude birth defects, at least those of the brain and
spinal cord), and the inclusion of defects recognized
up to the age of 6 years.
Acceptance of defects with
delayed recognition raises the possibility of outcome
bias; in an effort to counter this bias, minor defects were
included in these analyses only if they were identified
neonatally, before the outcome of cerebral palsy was
known. The combination of growth restriction and
a birth defect was the strongest predictor of neonatal
death and quadriplegic or dyskinetic cerebral palsy. At
present, both birth defects and marked growth restric-
tion are exclusion criteria for trials of therapeutic hypo-
thermia. Birth defects are also exclusion criteria for
trials to improve neurologic outcomes associated with
growth restriction. Given the considerably elevated risk
this group faces, it may be necessary to investigate ante-
cedents and approaches to management for these two
risk factors, especially when they co-occur.
The strengths of this study include its prospective
design in a total geographically defined population
and ascertainment of birth defects as recorded in the
State Register up to 6 years of age. It includes perinatal
deaths and attempts to identify etiologically more
specific pathways by stratifying by neonatal neurologic
status. Among its limitations, antepartum stillbirths
were not included because retrospective data for these
VOL. 122, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2013 McIntyre et al Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy 875
occurrences were of relatively poor quality. Popula-
tion-attributable fractions estimate the clinically inter-
pretable fraction of the outcome preventable on the
isolated removal of an exposure by considering both
frequency of exposure and relative risk; however, they
must be interpreted cautiously. Our casecontrol study
design necessitates estimation of ORs, which overesti-
mate relative risk particularly when risks are high, re-
sulting in overestimation of population-attributable
fractions even if the exposure is indeed causal. The
medical records from which our data were extracted
were not created for research and certain potentially
important observations were not regularly available,
the most significant omission being placental histology.
Cerebral imaging was not routinely performed in this
era so perinatal stroke, a common cause of hemiplegic
cerebral palsy in term neonates,
is not reported.
Although these data are based on birth years 1980
1995, the rate of cerebral palsy in term and late pre-
term singletons remained constant throughout the
study period and has been unchanged since.
Concurrent investigation of major risk factors in
a total population and categorization of outcomes by
neonatal neurologic status allows a better understand-
ing of the association of specific antecedents with
perinatal death and cerebral palsy than was previously
available. When 33 research priorities for the etiology
and prevention of cerebral palsy were recently agreed
on, more than one third focused on infection or
inflammation and hypoxiaischemia, whereas none
addressed birth defects or growth restriction.
research priorities in cerebral palsy need reconsidera-
tion. This study adds weight to the evidence that in
singletons born at or after 35 weeks of gestation, very
significant proportions of cerebral palsy and of perinatal
death are associated with antenatal maldevelopment.
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Harold A. Kaminetzky Award
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (the College) and Obstetrics & Gynecology
have established the Harold A. Kaminetzky Award to recognize the best paper from a non-U.S.
researcher each year.
Dr. Harold A. Kaminetzky, former College Secretary and President, as well as Vice President,
Practice Activities, has had a long career as editor of major medical journals. His last editorship
was as Editor of the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Dr. Kaminetzky has also had a
long interest in international activities.
The Harold A. Kaminetzky Award winner will be chosen by the editors and a special committee
of former Editorial Board members. The recipient of the award will receive $2,000.
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VOL. 122, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2013 McIntyre et al Antecedents of Cerebral Palsy 877
... More children with these problems can be diagnosed thanks to modern imaging techniques [56][57][58]. CP and congenital abnormalities are closely related [19,38,39,73,74]. In addition, there are more defects outside of the CNS in children with congenital brain deformities [122]. ...
... In a study of preterm newborns, parity of three or more was a factor [57]. There is a connection between CP and past [73,81]. CP is linked to a number of maternal health issues. ...
... CP is linked to a number of maternal health issues. These include intellectual disability [73], seizures [73] and thyroid disease [19,73]. ...
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Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders of movement and postural control caused by a non-progressive defect or lesion of the developing brain. Several pre-pregnancy risk factors have been described including maternal age, parity, and maternal diseases including epilepsy, diabetes, and thyroid disease. There are few in-depth studies on the causes of CP. In the present systematic review, database searched were Google Scholar and PubMed to identify data on determinants of CP in the world. Studies were included if they specifically mentioned CP as an outcome, the study objective is to identify factors associated with cerebral palsy in children and all quantitative observational studies. JBI Critical Appraisal Tools were used to assess the methodological quality of a study. Papers that meet the inclusion criteria were rigorously appraised by two critical appraisers. 40 consistent determinants of cerebral palsy in children from 95 research articles that meet inclusion criteria are included in the review. The majority of studies (24 articles) showed that premature babies and low weight were determinants of cerebral palsy in children, whereas 15 studies showed that low Apgar scores were determinants of cerebral palsy in children. The commonest determinants of cerebral palsy in children are premature babies and low weight, low Apgar scores, intrauterine infection, congenital brain malformations, thyroid disease, premature rupture of membrane, and placental abruption. Preventing preterm delivery, low birth weight and intrauterine infection as well as immediate neonatal resuscitation for newborns with low Apgar scores may help to prevent cerebral palsy in children.
... Abnormal brain development during prenatal life is considered to play a crucial role in certain neurological disorders with a clinical onset later in life. Neuroimaging technology has further emphasized this point (3). Preterm delivery and a low birth weight have been found to be associated with an increased risk of developing cerebral palsy (4), cognitive delay (5) and behavioral disorder (6). ...
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Epilepsy is an enduring predisposition of the brain to generate epileptic seizures and has a worldwide incidence of 21-24 per 100,000 cases among children. Epilepsy is a multifactorial disease; however, certain risk factors are predicted to increase its incidence. Abnormal brain development during prenatal life, particularly during the last trimester, is considered to play a crucial role in the development of certain neurological disorders. The present study evaluated a total of 453 children between the ages of 1 to 18 years, with or without epilepsy. The association between gestational age, birth weight, maternal age and sex, and the risk of developing epilepsy was examined in the children. It was found that children born preterm had a 2.3-fold higher risk of having epilepsy [odds ratio (OR), 2.3; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.4-3.7], and those whose birth weight was <2,500 g had a 2-fold greater risk of developing epilepsy (OR, 2; 95% CI, 1.1-3.6). The male sex appeared to be associated with a lower risk of developing epilepsy and there was a statistically significant association between the female sex and the risk of developing epilepsy only in preterm children (OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.2-8.8). Maternal age was not found to be associated with the risk of developing epilepsy. On the whole, the present study demonstrates that a short gestational age, a low birth weight and the female sex are associated with an increased risk of developing epilepsy.
... The National Collaborative Perinatal Project study noted that the risk of CP is increased by the presence of abnormal neurological signs in the neonatal period, most notably poor respiratory effort, subnormal level of consciousness, seizures and inability to suck, which indicate the syndrome of NE. [46] The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) defines NE as a disturbance in neurological function in the earliest days of life in an infant born at ≥35 weeks of gestation, manifested by a subnormal level of consciousness or seizures, and often accompanied by depression of tone and reflexes. [38] NE is often assumed to be the consequence of hypoxicischaemic brain damage, yet it can occur in the absence of markers of intrapartum hypoxia, and may even have a closer relationship to prelabour events. ...
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The objective of this study was to establish scientific causality and to devise criteria to implicate intrapartum hypoxia in cerebral palsy (CP) in low-resource settings, where there is potential for an increase in damaging medicolegal claims against obstetric caregivers, as is currently the situation in South Africa. For the purposes of this narrative review, an extensive literature search was performed, including any research articles, randomised controlled trials, observational studies, case reports or expert or consensus statements pertaining to CP in low-resource settings, medicolegal implications, causality, and criteria implicating intrapartum hypoxia. In terms of causation, there are differences between high-income countries (HICs) and low-resource settings. While intrapartum hypoxia accounts for 10 - 14% of CP in HICs, the figure is higher in low-resource settings (20 - 46%), indicating a need for improved intrapartum care. Criteria implicating intrapartum hypoxia presented for HICs may not apply to low-resource settings, as cord blood pH testing, neonatal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and placental histology are frequently not available, compounded by incomplete clinical notes and missing cardiotocography tracings. Revised criteria in an algorithm for low-resource settings to implicate intrapartum hypoxia in neonatal encephalopathy (NE)/ CP are presented. The algorithm relies first on specialist neurological assessment of the child, determination of the occurrence of neonatal encephalopathy (by documented or verbal accounts) and findings on childhood MRI, and second on evidence of antepartum and intrapartum contributors to the apparent hypoxia-related CP. The review explores differences between low-resource settings and HICs in trying to establish causation in NE/CP and presents a revised scientific approach to causality in the context of low-resource settings for reaching appropriate legal judgments.
Cerebral palsy (CP) has been recognized as a group of neurologic disorders with varying etiologies and ontogenies. While a percentage of CP cases arises during labor, the expanded use of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) to include prevention of CP has resulted in decades of vastly increased interventions that have not significantly reduced the incidence of CP for infants born at term in the USA. Litigation alleging that poor obstetrical practice caused CP in most of these affected children has led to contentious arguments regarding the actual etiologies of this condition and often resulted in substantial monetary awards for plaintiffs. Recent advances in genetic testing using whole exome sequencing have revealed that at least one-third of CP cases in term infants are genetic in origin and therefore not labor-related. Here, we will present and discuss previous attempts to sort out contributing etiologies and ontogenies of CP, and how these newer diagnostic techniques are rapidly improving our ability to better detect and understand such cases. In light of these developments, we present our vision for an overarching spectrum for proper categorization of CP cases into that the following groups: (1) those begun at conception from genetic causes (nonpreventable); (2) those stemming from adverse antenatal/pre-labor events (possibly preventable with heightened antepartum assessment); (3) Those arising from intrapartum events (potentially preventable by earlier interventions); (4) Those occurring shortly after birth (possibly preventable with closer neonatal monitoring); (5) Those that appear later in the postnatal period from non-labor-related causes such as untreated infections or postnatal intracranial hemorrhages.
The placenta contains valuable clinical information that is linked to fetal development, neonatal morbidity and mortality, and future health outcomes. Both gross inspection and histopathological examination of the placenta may identify intrinsic or secondary placental lesions, which can contribute directly to adverse neonatal outcomes or indicate the presence of an unfavourable intrauterine environment. Placental examination therefore forms an essential component of the care of high-risk neonates and at perinatal post-mortem examination. In this article, we describe the clinical value of placental examination for paediatricians and perinatal clinicians. We discuss common pathological findings on general inspection of the placenta with photographic examples and provide an overview of the placental pathological examination, including how to interpret key findings. We also address the medico-legal and financial implications of placental examinations and describe current and future clinical considerations for clinicians in regard to placental examination.
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Aim To better understand parents' beliefs about causation in cerebral palsy (CP) and the emotions related to those beliefs. Method We surveyed 226 parents of children with CP aged 1 to 18 years, recruited from the Victorian Cerebral Palsy Register, to evaluate their beliefs about the causes of CP, including genetic causes, causes specific to their own child, and their attitudes and emotions in relation to these. Results Although 92% of participants reported that understanding the causes of their child's CP was important, uncertainty about the cause was expressed by 13%. The most frequently endorsed causal factors, in general and in their own child respectively, were intrapartum hypoxia (81%, 36%) or brain damage (69%, 22%), brain damage during pregnancy (73%, 28%), and preterm birth (66%, 28%). Genetic causes were deemed relevant by 13% of participants and hospital or professional error by 16%. Parents shared related feelings of anger (59%), sadness (80%), guilt (61%), and confusion (53%); parental anger was more likely when their child's CP was attributed to intrapartum events. Interpretation Substantial parental interest in understanding the causes of CP, together with uncertainty about the causes, parents' causal attributions, and significant emotional sequelae, highlight a strong need for provision of information and support for families of children recently diagnosed with CP. What this paper adds Understanding the causes of their child's cerebral palsy (CP) was important to parents. Parents most often endorsed intrapartum factors as a cause of CP. Parents reported experiencing strong emotions about the causes of their child's CP.
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Regression analysis methods, such as linear regression for continuous outcomes and logistic regression for binary outcomes, have been widely used in medical research data analysis for many years. However, there have been instances of misconceptions and misinterpretations of regression results within the medical community. Univariate and multiple regression analyses are commonly used by medical publications to identify factors that are significantly correlated with the outcome. In this manuscript, we critically evaluate the validity of this approach. Our findings indicate that this method is invalid and should be completely disregarded by medical researchers.
Background: Despite evidence on the prenatal pathogenesis of Cerebral Palsy (CP), there are many instances where obstetricians face litigation for malpractice. Objective: A scoping review of research on the association of CP with "difficult" delivery in term neonates. Design: For the purposes of this review an internet search was performed using credible electronic databases. Results: There are more than 32,500 citations under the keyword cerebral palsy, the majority of which, focus on diagnosis and treatment. Only 451 citations were included in the final review, associated with perinatal asphyxia, birth trauma, difficult delivery and obstetric litigations. Additionally, 139 medical books from various specialties were included in the research. Discussion: The sequence of events is hereby presented, through which the original connection between CP and delivery, has gradually been cut off. Meanwhile, all contributing factors of difficult delivery are evaluated. Persistent abnormal fetal attitude seems to be strongly connected to the difficult birth in affected term neonates. Vaginal delivery is accomplished only after sufficient passive flexion of the fetal head, achieved by additional expulsive efforts by both the mother and the assisting personnel. This additional force is perceived by the parents to be as the principal etiology of CP in their infant. In the past decades, there has been increasing evidence pertaining fetal perceptual abilities and cognitive functions. Conclusions: Difficult birth may be the first, amongst the early manifestations of neonatal encephalopathy.
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Background Newborn animal studies and pilot studies in humans suggest that mild hypothermia following peripartum hypoxia‐ischaemia in newborn infants may reduce neurological sequelae without adverse effects. Objectives To determine the effect of therapeutic hypothermia in encephalopathic asphyxiated newborn infants on mortality, long‐term neurodevelopmental disability and clinically important side effects. Search strategy The standard search strategy of the Neonatal Review Group as outlined in The Cochrane Library (Issue 2, 2007) was used. Randomised controlled trials evaluating therapeutic hypothermia in term newborns with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy were identified by searching the Oxford Database of Perinatal Trials, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2007), MEDLINE (1966 to June 2007), previous reviews including cross‐references, abstracts, conferences, symposia proceedings, expert informants and journal hand searching. Selection criteria Randomised controlled trials comparing the use of therapeutic hypothermia with standard care in encephalopathic newborn infants with evidence of peripartum asphyxia and without recognisable major congenital anomalies were included. The primary outcome measure was death or long‐term major neurodevelopmental disability. Other outcomes included adverse effects of cooling and 'early' indicators of neurodevelopmental outcome. Data collection and analysis Three review authors independently selected, assessed the quality of and extracted data from the included studies. Authors were contacted for further information. Meta‐analyses were performed using relative risk and risk difference for dichotomous data, and weighted mean difference for continuous data with 95% confidence intervals. Main results Eight randomised controlled trials were included in this review, comprising 638 term infants with moderate/ severe encephalopathy and evidence of intrapartum asphyxia. Therapeutic hypothermia resulted in a statistically significant and clinically important reduction in the combined outcome of mortality or major neurodevelopmental disability to 18 months of age [typical RR 0.76 (95% CI 0.65, 0.89), typical RD ‐0.15 (95% CI ‐0.24, ‐0.07), NNT 7 (95% CI 4, 14)]. Cooling also resulted in statistically significant reductions in mortality [typical RR 0.74 (95% CI 0.58, 0.94), typical RD ‐0.09 (95% CI ‐0.16, ‐0.02), NNT 11 (95% CI 6, 50)] and in neurodevelopmental disability in survivors [typical RR 0.68 (95% CI 0.51, 0.92), typical RD ‐0.13 (95% CI ‐0.23, ‐0.03)]. Some adverse effects of hypothermia included an increase in the need for inotrope support of borderline significance and a significant increase in thrombocytopaenia. Authors' conclusions There is evidence from the eight randomised controlled trials included in this systematic review (n = 638) that therapeutic hypothermia is beneficial to term newborns with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Cooling reduces mortality without increasing major disability in survivors. The benefits of cooling on survival and neurodevelopment outweigh the short‐term adverse effects. However, this review comprises an analysis based on less than half of all infants currently known to be randomised into eligible trials of cooling. Incorporation of data from ongoing and completed randomised trials (n = 829) will be important to clarify the effectiveness of cooling and to provide more information on the safety of therapeutic hypothermia, but could also alter these conclusions. Further trials to determine the appropriate method of providing therapeutic hypothermia, including comparison of whole body with selective head cooling with mild systemic hypothermia, are required. Plain language summary Cooling for newborns with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy There is evidence that induced hypothermia (cooling) of newborn babies who may have suffered from a lack of oxygen at birth reduces death or disability, without increasing disability in survivors. This means that parents should expect that cooling will decrease their baby's chance of dying, and that if their baby survives, cooling will decrease his/her chance of major disability. A lack of oxygen before and during birth can destroy cells in a newborn baby's brain. The damage caused by the lack of oxygen continues for some time afterwards. One way to try and stop this damage is to induce hypothermia ‐ cooling the baby or just the baby's head for hours to days. This treatment may reduce the amount of damage to brain cells. This review found that there is evidence from trials to show that induced hypothermia helps to improve survival and development at 18 months for term newborn babies at risk of brain damage. The results of ongoing trials may or may not confirm these favourable results. More research is also needed on the different methods of cooling.
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To provide an overview of current research on risk factors for cerebral palsy (CP) in children born at term and hypothesize how new findings can affect the content of the CP registers worldwide. A systematic search in PubMed for original articles, published from 2000 to 2010, regarding risk factors for CP in children born at term was conducted. Full text review was made of 266 articles. Factors from the prenatal, perinatal and neonatal period considered as possible contributors to the causal pathway to CP in children born at term were regarded as risk factors. Sixty-two articles met the criteria for an original report on risk factors for CP in children born at term. Perinatal adverse events, including stroke, were the focus of most publications, followed by genetic studies. Malformations, infections, perinatal adverse events and multiple gestation were risk factors associated with CP. The evidence regarding, for example, thrombophilic factors and non-CNS abnormalities was inconsistent. Information on maternal and neonatal infections, umbilical cord blood gases at birth, mode of delivery and placental status should be collected in a standardized way in CP registers. Information on social factors, such as education level, family income and area of residence, is also of importance. More research is needed to understand the risk factors of CP and specifically how they relate to causal pathways of cerebral palsy.
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For singletons with cerebral palsy (CP) who were born at term, the goals were (1) to determine the proportion not admitted to a Special Care Unit/NICU (NICU), (2) to compare clinical descriptions of those admitted to NICUs and those not admitted, and (3) to identify neonatal predictors of CP among those not admitted to a NICU. A total-population case- (N = 442) control (N = 468) study of, singleton, term-born infants with CP, as ascertained from the Western Australian Cerebral Palsy Register, was performed. All types of CP were represented among the 67% of term infants with CP (N = 295) who were not admitted to a NICU, which also included 54% of the subjects with the most severe impairments. Independent neonatal predictors were abnormalities of tone (odds ratio [OR]: 7.3 [95% confidence interval [CI]: 2-26.8]), temperature regulation (OR: 4.1 [95% CI: 1.2-14]), consciousness (OR: 3.7 [95% CI: 2-7]), and fontanelles (OR: 4.4 [95% CI: 0.8-23]), requirement for resuscitation (OR: 2.9 [95% CI: 2.2-12.9]), and birth defects (OR: 5.1 [95% CI: 2.4-10]). The risk of CP increased with the number of factors, but 58% of subjects who were not admitted to a NICU exhibited none of these factors. Neonatal predictors of CP among term infants not admitted to a NICU were identified. However, 39% of all term singletons with CP were not admitted to a NICU and exhibited none of these predictors.
Aim The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review in order to identify the risk factors for cerebral palsy (CP) in children born at term. The secondary aim was to ascertain if the potential for prevention of these risk factors has been adequately explored. Method A MEDLINE search up to 31 July 2011 was completed, following the Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines. Publications were reviewed to identify those with both a primary aim of identifying risk factors for all children or term-born children with CP and a cohort or case–control study design. Studies were examined for potential chance or systematic bias. The range of point estimates of relative risk is reported. Results From 21 articles meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria and at low risk of bias, data from 6297 children with CP and 3 804 791 children without CP were extracted. Ten risk factors for term-born infants were statistically significant in each study: placental abnormalities, major and minor birth defects, low birthweight, meconium aspiration, instrumental/emergency Caesarean delivery, birth asphyxia, neonatal seizures, respiratory distress syndrome, hypoglycaemia, and neonatal infections. Strategies for possible prevention currently exist for three of these. Interpretation Ten consistent risk factors have been identified, some with potential for prevention. Efforts to prevent these risk factors to interrupt the pathway to CP should be extended.
Objective To determine placental characteristics associated with neonatal encephalopathy (NE) and correlate these with short- and long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Design Case/control study. Setting Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. Patients Newborns ≥36 weeks gestation, with NE (cases). Healthy term newborns (controls). Interventions Placental pathology was obtained from the official placental report. Brain MRI was blindly reviewed. Children were assessed using a variety of standardised assessments. Data were analysed using multinomial logistic regression analysis. Main outcome measures RRR for grade of encephalopathy. OR for neurodevelopmental outcome. Results Placental reports were available on 141 cases (76 grade 1; 46 grade 2; 19 grade 3) and 309 control infants. Meconium phagocytosis, haemorrhage, raised placental to birth weight ratio and/or markers of infection/inflammation were independently associated with NE and showed a synergistic effect, when combined, for short- and long-term impairments. Conclusions Evaluation of the mechanisms leading to the placental characteristics identified may help to characterise the causal pathway of NE.
A comprehensive survey carried out at birth, data on mortality and a 5 year follow-up covering medical, educational and sociological aspects of child development were available for singleton births born in one week of April 1970. The survey at 5 years of age included 12363 children, 79.6% of the surviving cohort. An assessment has been made of the extent to which delay in the onset of regular respiration at birth is associated with the subsequent development of the child. Using the results of our previous investigations, the relationships between this delay and other factors known at the time of birth have been taken into account.The distributions of a large number of development variables were not significantly different for groups of children determined by respiratory delay at birth, but there was an association with mortality and cerebral palsy. In addition, there was an unexpected relationship between delayed onset of respiration and subsequent bronchitis. This association remained significant after controlling for possible confounding effects using linear modelling techniques.
We sought to investigate whether placental infarction determined by macroscopic examination was associated with risk of cerebral palsy (CP). This was a population-based study of macroscopic placental infarcts in singletons>35 weeks' gestational age, in 158 perinatal deaths, 445 infants with CP, and 491 controls matched with CP cases for gestational age. Placental infarcts were recorded in 2.0% of controls, 4.4% of deaths (relative risk [RR], 2.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.8-5.6]), 5.2% of infants with CP (P<.05, RR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.2-5.3), and 8.4% with spastic quadriplegic CP (P=.0026; RR, 4.4; 95% CI, 1.8-10.6). In children with CP, unlike controls, placental infarction was associated with reduced fetal growth, older maternal age, more prior miscarriages, and poor neonatal condition, but not with maternal preeclampsia. Placental infarction identified by macroscopic examination was associated with increased risk of CP and the CP subtype, spastic quadriplegic CP. Antecedents of placental infarction differed in children with CP compared with control children.
Half of the most severe cases of cerebral palsy (CP) survive to adulthood, but because this longevity is relatively recent, there is no empirical experience of their life expectancy past middle age. The last 2 decades have seen significant developments in the management of persons with CP, involving specialist services from an increasing number of disciplines that require coordination to maximize their effectiveness. This article provides an overview of CP. The author discusses definitions of CP, its epidemiology, pathologies, and range of possible clinical descriptions, and briefly touches on management and prevention.
We sought to describe placental findings in asphyxiated term newborns meeting therapeutic hypothermia criteria and to assess whether histopathologic correlation exists between these placental lesions and the severity of later brain injury. We conducted a prospective cohort study of the placentas of asphyxiated newborns, in whom later brain injury was defined by magnetic resonance imaging. A total of 23 newborns were enrolled. Eighty-seven percent of their placentas had an abnormality on the fetal side of the placenta, including umbilical cord lesions (39%), chorioamnionitis (35%) with fetal vasculitis (22%), chorionic plate meconium (30%), and fetal thrombotic vasculopathy (26%). A total of 48% displayed placental growth restriction. Chorioamnionitis with fetal vasculitis and chorionic plate meconium were significantly associated with brain injury (P = .03). Placental growth restriction appears to significantly offer protection against the development of these injuries (P = .03). Therapeutic hypothermia may not be effective in asphyxiated newborns whose placentas show evidence of chorioamnionitis with fetal vasculitis and chorionic plate meconium.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationships between clinical or histological chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy using a meta-analysis approach. DATA SOURCES: A systematic review of the literature appeared in PubMed between 2000 and 2009 was conducted using the search terms “cerebral palsy” and “infection,” with broad-scope variations in terminology of “white matter damage,” “periventricular leukomalacia,” “cystic periventricular leukomalacia,” “chorioamnionitis,” “intrauterine infection,” “intraventricular hemorrhage,” “funisitis,” “fetal inflammatory response,” “early neonatal sepsis,” “neurological impairment,” “virus,” “bacteria,” “fungi,” and “protozoa,” with variations of suffixes (eg, “viral,” “bacterial,” “fungal,” “protozoan,” etc), and “urinary tract infection,” “bacterial vaginosis,” “bacteriuria,” and “cytokines.” The related key words “gestational age,” “small for gestational age,” “preterm,” and “low birth weight” also were added to the search terms. Only studies published in English were included. METHODS: Three hundred eight articles were retrieved and systematically reviewed independently by two authors. Application of four inclusion criteria led to 15 studies being considered for data abstraction. An exposure was considered relevant if it met the established criteria for clinical or histological chorioamnionitis. The outcome was a diagnosis of cerebral palsy in accordance with established criteria. RESULTS: The data were abstracted onto standard forms, correlated according to eight characteristics, and tabulated. Twelve of the 15 studies contained information on the association between clinical chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy, and eight studies included information on the association between histological chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy. The results indicated that there were significant associations between clinical chorioamnionitis or histological chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy, for clinical chorioamnionitis (&khgr;12&equals;13.91; P