Karim El Khatib

Karim El Khatib
University of West London | UWL · Department of Business and Management


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Publications (58)
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Basal cell carcinoma is the most common malignant skin tumor. Its frequent in photo-exposed areas. Scrotal localization is exceptional, so we recommend analyzing any nodule evolving for more than 3 months outside professional exposure.
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Case Report Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a medical disease characterized by the appearance of a rapidly expanding loss of skin substance in the absence of any infection and aggravated by any form of trauma. The management is difficult and requires the association of a medical treatment and a covering gesture if necessary. Through a clinical observa...
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Service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale et stomatologie, hôpital militaire d'instruction MOHAMMED V RABAT MAROC Résumé : Introduction : Une mucocèle sinusienne est un kyste limité par un épithélium respiratoire et rempli de mucus, développé à partir d'un sinus paranasal et capable d'expansion locale , la localisation frontale est la plus fréquente, sa...
Ptosis, a common congenital or acquired disease, is an upper palpebral droop secondary to impaired action of the levator muscle of the upper eyelid. In its severe form, he is very unresponsive or inactive. Severe traumatic ptosis is most often the result of neurogenic, myogenic or scarring lesions. The treatment of severe ptosis is essentially surg...
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Introduction: Ameloblastic fibroma is a rare mixed odontogenic tumor, affects the young population, its management is mainly surgical. We report in this work the first observation of a concomitant bimaxillary localization. Materials and Methods: This is a 31-year-old female patient with no pathological history who presented to our department fo...
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Acro-lentiginous melanoma, a pigmented lesion of the extremities, especially the palms and soles, is defined by a malignant tumor proliferation with high metastatic potential, which develops at the expense of melanocytes. Its incidence is constantly increasing and varies according to country and ethnicity. Its diagnosis is primarily histopathologic...
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Brown tumors are a rare non-neoplastic lesion of late onset, resulting from an abnormality of bone metabolism during hyperparathyroidism. Their localization in the facial skeleton is rare. The positive diagnosis is based on a beam of arguments and conditions the management; the treatment depends on the etiology. We report a unicentric retrospective...
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Liposarcomas are malignant tumors, located in the deep soft tissues. Relatively rare, they are located preferentially in the limbs. The positive diagnosis is essentially anatomopathological and allows to orientate the management. We report a series of four cases of liposarcoma, which underwent surgical excision with complementary radiotherapy. The...
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Background : Solitary fibrous tumours rare spindle cell neoplasms, initially regarded as occurring exclusively within the thoracic cavity with a pleural origin. We report an unusual and rare case, of solitary fibrous tumor of the skin. Whose evolution has been marked by several recurrences after surgical excision Case Report: 49 year old man, with...
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Lhyperplasie verruqueuse est une lesion verruco-papillaire rare de la muqueuse buccale, potentiellement maligne avec une tendance a se transformer en son homologue malin, le carcinome verruqueux.Elle est cliniquement indiscernable, mais histologiquement variable. Lhyperplasie verruqueuse buccale possede des caracteristiques enigmatiques qui rendent...
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La sialoceleparotidienneestune complication mecanique rare des plaiespost-traumatiques de la face, souventpasseeinapercuedevant le caracterehemorragique des plaiesfaciales. Elles doivent etre connues et prevenuesinitialement car leurprise en charge secondaireestcompliquee. Le detournement du flux salivaire dans la cavitebuccale par catheterisme de...
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Les traumatismesbalistiques correspondent a la penetration dans le corps humain, dun projectile ou de fragments dun enginexplosif. Cestlurgence la plus redoutableenchirurgie maxillo-faciale. Nous rapportons dans ce travail, le cas dun jeunemilitairevictime dun traumatismebalistiqueneglige de la face, avec un trajetatypique du projectile, la priseen...
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Giantcondylomata acuminate alsoknown as a Buschke–Lowensteintumouris a rare, slow-growing tumor of anogenitalregion. The causative agent of thesetumorsis the papillomavirus whichselectively infects the cutaneous and mucosalepithelia. In spite of itsbenignhistopathology, isclinicallymalignantowing to itslocally destructive nature and itstendenc...
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Case Report The management of face and neck defects has always been a difficult challenge, which tests the maxillofacial surgeons' ability to decide which therapeutic option is suitable for each individual patient, and which tools are to be used to guarantee an optimum management of the patient. We report the case of a patient with recurrent basal...
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After the first report of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) in 2003, it has increased significantly since then. We report a very rare extensive case never seen before in our experience of bone exposure with necrosis reaching the mandibular inferior border. Although the treatment modalities are not yet established, most researc...
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Introduction: The Cervicofacial rotation advancement flap (CRAF) is a random-pattern flap that provides an excellent match for cheek reconstruction. In this report, the authors review their experience with this flap and present their advantages in order to expand the awareness and promote the application. Methods: A retrospective analysis of recons...
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Le rhabdomyosarcome est la tumeur mésenchymateuse la plus fréquente chez l'enfant et l'adolescent. Il représente 60 à 70% des tumeurs mésenchymateuses et environ 5% de l'ensemble des tumeurs solides à ces âges. Près de la moitié des rhabdomyosarcomes surviennent au niveau de la tête et du cou. Nous rapportons le cas d'un rhabdomyosarcome agressif à...
Sarcomatoid carcinoma is a very rare malignant and aggressive tumor that can involve the maxillary sinus. We report the case of a 46 y/o male who presented a tumor of the right maxillary sinus with extension to the right nasal cavity. The diagnosis of sarcomatoid carcinoma was set by histology and immunohistochemistry. The patient received concomit...
Hay-Wells syndrome is a rare form of ectodermal dysplasia. We report a case of a 5-year-old girl, the daughter of non-consanguineous parents. She had the characteristic of facial dysmorphia of Hay-Wells syndrome. Molecular analysis confirmed diagnosis. The patient had a cleft palate, which is considered one of cardinal signs of this syndrome. She u...
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La lipectomie abdominale est l'une des interventions les plus habituelles de la chirurgie plastique. Néanmoins certaines spécificités peuvent donner lieu à une dermo- lipectomie atypique. Le cas décrit ici présente des singularités à la fois morphologiques, étiologiques et thérapeutiques. Il s'agit d'une patiente d'origine africaine obèse, diabétiq...
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Décrit la première fois par Virchow en 1860, le liposarcome est une tumeur mésenchymateuse rare. Cette rareté est relative car les liposarcomes représentent quand même 14 à 18% de l'ensemble des tumeurs malignes des parties molles et ils constituent le plus fréquent des sarcomes des parties molles. Pour la majorité des auteurs, il ne se développera...
Introduction Kidney cancer, particularly clear cell carcinoma, has an unpredictable clinical course with a variable metastatic potential in time. Some metastatic sites are atypical, such as head and neck (6% of cases). We report an extremely rare case of clear cell renal carcinoma with a metastasis in the infratemporal fossa. Observation A 67 year...
Kidney cancer, particularly clear cell carcinoma, has an unpredictable clinical course with a variable metastatic potential in time. Some metastatic sites are atypical, such as head and neck (6% of cases). We report an extremely rare case of clear cell renal carcinoma with a metastasis in the infratemporal fossa. A 67 year old male patient, operate...
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This paper focuses on the case of intrabony mandibular schwannoma in a 39 yrs healthy male who was addressed by his dentist for an asymptomatic radiolucency of the left mandibular corpus. Computed Tomography Dentascan showed a soft tumour continuous to the path of the inferior al-veolar nerve. Confirmation was made after surgical excision and caref...
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Severe hyperparathyroidism can affect bone metabolism and be in the origine of multiple brown tumours (generalized osteitis fibrosa cystica). When associated with fibro-ossifying tumours of the jaw, it realizes a rare genetic syndrome referred as Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour HPT-JT. We report the case of a patient we treated for HPT-JT, and liter...
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L'histiocytose langerhansienne est une maladie proliferative non maligne, qui interesse les cellules dendritiques de Langerhans. Il s'agit d'une maladie orpheline touchant essentiellement l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. Son etiologie reste encore inconnue, son spectre clinique est assez large. Nous rapportons un cas clinique d'histiocytose langerhansie...
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Benign tumors of the oral cavity: a retrospective series of 209 cases. The benign tumors of the oral cavity represent all the histologicaly benign lesions developping from the oral tissues. These lesions are classified according to their macroscopic aspect, but their diagnosis remains histological and their classification depends on the nature of t...
IntroductionPrimary leiomyosarcoma of the parotid gland is an extremely rare neoplasm, develops from smooth muscle cells. Its primary origin in the face and especially in the salivary glands is even more rare.Case reportA 15-year-old boy, with no prior history was hospitalized for swelling in the left parotid area having appeared 5 months before. T...
Primary leiomyosarcoma of the parotid gland is an extremely rare neoplasm, develops from smooth muscle cells. Its primary origin in the face and especially in the salivary glands is even more rare. A 15-year-old boy, with no prior history was hospitalized for swelling in the left parotid area having appeared 5 months before. The mass was painless a...
L’angiodermite nécrosante est une lésion assez fréquente que l’on rencontre dans tous les états qui s’accompagnent d’un rétrécissement des artérioles cutanées. C’est une pathologie du sujet âgé de plus de 60 ans qui siège souvent à la face antéro-externe de la jambe. Tant qu’elle est évolutive, la lésion est très algique et cette douleur est intens...
Les tumeurs des tissus mous plantaires sont rares et caractérisées par leur évolution lente et asymptomatique, ce qui retarde le délai de consultation des patients. Les auteurs rapportent un cas exceptionnel de lipome plantaire de l’avant-pied. Le diagnostic a été évoqué à l’imagerie par résonance magnétique qui représente la technique de choix pou...
The plantar tumors of soft tissues are rare and are characterized by their slow and asymptomatic evolution, which delays their diagnosis. The authors report an exceptional case of plantar foot lipoma. The diagnosis was suspected by magnetic resonance imagery, which represents the technique of choice for the investigation of soft tissue tumors of th...
Case: A 57 year-old-man presented with a maxillary tumor which proved to be an adenocarcinoma. The prostate was hard and PSA were high. Biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma. Evolution was fatal despite a medico-surgical treatment. Discussion: Facial bone metastases are rare comparatively to the high metastatic in...
Phalangeal fractures are generally underestimated injuries, but result in pain, stiffness, instability, degenerative arthritis and loss of finger function. Treatment varies from open reduction with internal fixation giving perfect anatomical reduction but a risk of side effects, to orthopaedic treatment with variable results. Unstable fractures mus...
IntroductionPhalangeal fractures are generally underestimated injuries, but result in pain, stiffness, instability, degenerative arthritis and loss of finger function. Treatment varies from open reduction with internal fixation giving perfect anatomical reduction but a risk of side effects, to orthopaedic treatment with variable results. Unstable f...
The normal eruption of primary teeth begins with mandibular incisors about the age of 6 months. There are several qualifiers used to describe prematurely erupted teeth. Massler and Savara defined "natal teeth" as teeth present at birth and "neonatal teeth" as teeth erupted within the first month of life. The aim of this study, based on 5 cases, is...
IntroductionL’éruption normale des dents de lait commence par les incisives mandibulaires vers l’âge de 6 mois. Il existe plusieurs qualificatifs pour nommer les dents à éruption prématurée. Massler et Savara ont donné le nom de « dents natales » pour les dents présentes à la naissance et « dents néonatales » pour les dents qui apparaissent durant...
Oral cavity cancers represent 30% of the cephalic extremity tumors. Their resection requires in the majority of the cases a reconstruction by soft tissue. The reconstruction must be simple by bringing some reliable, hairless, thin, resistant tissue to radiation therapy, with a limited morbidity and an acceptable scar ransom. The purpose of our stud...
Subject. – Oral cavity cancers represent 30% of the cephalic extremity tumors. Their resection requires in the majority of the cases a reconstruction by soft tissue. The reconstruction must be simple by bringing some reliable, hairless, thin, resistant tissue to radiation therapy, with a limited morbidity and an acceptable scar ransom.Purpose. – Th...
Mandibular fractures are among the most common fractures of the face; their treatment consists in a reduction by intermaxillary blocking then miniplate osteosynthesis. In our unit we systematically insert a nasogastric tube for enteral feeding to improve nutrition and to protect healing. Since the beginning of 2002, a series of patients operated fo...
IntroductionLes fractures mandibulaires sont parmi les fractures les plus courantes en traumatologie faciale. Leur traitement associe une réduction par blocage inter-maxillaire et une ostéosynthèse par mini-plaques. L’alimentation entérale par sonde naso-gastrique était systématiquement utilisée en post-opératoire dans notre service, en raison du b...
Frontal sinus fractures represent 2-12% of facial trauma. The purpose of this article is to discuss proper management of these fractures and to evaluate the indications for treatment, the complications and the morphologic results of surgery. The records of 40 patients admitted to this department with a frontal sinus fracture were reviewed. Sex, age...
Tumoral calcinosis of the plantar forefoot is an uncommon benign condition resulting from deposits of hydroxyapatite crystals in periarticular soft tissue. The pathogenic mechanism remains to be clarified. This condition is generally observed in young subjects and a hereditary pattern is often discovered. We report the clinical, radiological, and b...
Tumoral calcinosis of the plantar forefoot is an uncommon benign condition resulting from deposits of hydroxyapatite crystals in periarticular soft tissue. The pathogenic mechanism remains to be clarified. This condition is generally observed in young subjects and a hereditary pattern is often discovered. We report the clinical, radiological, and b...
Tumoral calcinosis of the plantar forefoot is an uncommon benign condition resulting from deposits of hydroxyapatite crystals in periarticular soft tissue. The pathogenic mechanism remains to be clarified. This condition is generally observed in young subjects and a hereditary pattern is often discovered. We report the clinical, radiological, and b...
economic cost is a timely topic which will have to be taken in consideration more and more for determining the appropriate indication for surgical procedures. "Health has no price, but it has a cost" is a common proverb urging us to think in terms real cost of a surgical procedure. The purpose of this study is to estimate the real cost of a usual a...
Introductionsujet d’actualité, le coût économique d’une intervention sera de plus en plus pris en compte dans l’indication des opérations « non obligatoires » comme l’ablation du matériel d’ostéosynthèse. « La santé n’a pas de prix, mais elle a un coût », cet adage très répandu nous incite à réfléchir sur le coût réel de notre activité chirurgicale...


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