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Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables Using an Oscillometric Method



Introduction: Peripheral and central blood pressures are parameters of arterial stiffness and important cardiovascular risk markers. Today, there are non-invasive methods that measure these pressures. Aim: To validate the non-invasive oscillometric method, compared with invasive pressure measurements obtained by cardiac catheterization. Methods: An open, prospective cohort clinical study in 100 patients, 64 ± 11 years old. The measurement of peripheral and central blood pressures obtained using the Arteriograph(®) system oscillometric method, (TensioMed, Budapest-Hungary, Ltd.) was validated in an adult population undergoing simultaneous, contralateral left cardiac catheterization (gold standard) using the radial technique, evaluating the correlation and agreement between the two methods. This study fulfils the latest standardized protocol for central blood pressure validation published by ARTERY Society. Results: The pressures obtained with the Arteriograph(®) show a high correlation with the pressures measured using the gold standard. Overall, the intraclass correlation coefficient for brachial pressures was 0.80 (p < 0.001), and 0.91 (p < 0.001) for central pressures. The good agreement between the two methods was demonstrated equally by the Bland-Altman method and independent linear regressions for each variable. Conclusions: The oscillometric noninvasive method employed is easy to use and valid for estimating hemodynamic variables such as central and peripheral arterial pressure, having good agreement and conformity with the gold standard in a different type of patients and conditions. This technique can help optimize cardiovascular assessment in primary and secondary prevention, enhance treatment in selected patients and it could be an important element for future cardiovascular prevention.
Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic
Variables Using an Oscillometric Method
´o Echeverri
Alejandro Pizano
Jaime Cabrales
Karen Moreno
Received: 19 August 2017 / Accepted: 21 October 2017 / Published online: 28 October 2017
ÓSpringer International Publishing AG 2017
Introduction Peripheral and central blood pressures are
parameters of arterial stiffness and important cardiovas-
cular risk markers. Today, there are non-invasive methods
that measure these pressures.
Aim To validate the non-invasive oscillometric method,
compared with invasive pressure measurements obtained
by cardiac catheterization.
Methods An open, prospective cohort clinical study in 100
patients, 64 ±11 years old. The measurement of peripheral
and central blood pressures obtained using the Arteri-
system oscillometric method, (TensioMed,
Budapest-Hungary, Ltd.) was validated in an adult popu-
lation undergoing simultaneous, contralateral left cardiac
catheterization (gold standard) using the radial technique,
evaluating the correlation and agreement between the two
methods. This study fulfils the latest standardized protocol
for central blood pressure validation published by
ARTERY Society.
Results The pressures obtained with the Arteriograph
show a high correlation with the pressures measured using
the gold standard. Overall, the intraclass correlation coef-
ficient for brachial pressures was 0.80 (p\0.001), and 0.91
(p\0.001) for central pressures. The good agreement
between the two methods was demonstrated equally by the
Bland-Altman method and independent linear regressions
for each variable.
Conclusions The oscillometric noninvasive method
employed is easy to use and valid for estimating hemo-
dynamic variables such as central and peripheral arterial
pressure, having good agreement and conformity with the
gold standard in a different type of patients and conditions.
This technique can help optimize cardiovascular assess-
ment in primary and secondary prevention, enhance treat-
ment in selected patients and it could be an important
element for future cardiovascular prevention.
Keywords Arterial stiffness Blood pressure Cardiac
catheterization Cardiovascular prevention
1 Introduction
In the last few years, the measurement of large artery
stiffness and central blood pressure (BP) as a determining
factor in the development of cardiovascular complications
has become important. Various physiological and patho-
physiological conditions have been shown to be associated
with increased arterial stiffness [1]. Arterial stiffness is a
cumulative measurement of the harmful effects of different
conditions on the arterial wall [2,3]. Currently, many
studies in patients with uncomplicated essential hyperten-
sion [4,5], type 2 diabetes mellitus [6], end stage renal
disease [7], elderly subjects [8,9] and the general popu-
lation, have prospectively validated central blood pressure
[10]. The independent predictive value of arterial stiffness
has also been demonstrated for functional neurological
outcome following a cerebrovascular accident [11]. Arte-
rial stiffness or central BP are a robust predictive factor of
cardiovascular mortality, fatal and nonfatal coronary
&Alejandro Pizano
Vascular Function Research Laboratory, Interventional
Cardiology Department, Fundacio
´n CardioInfantil-Instituto
de Cardiologı
´a, Calle 163 A nu
´mero 13B-60, Torre H. 3 Piso,
´, Colombia
Research Department, Fundacio
´n CardioInfantil-Instituto de
´a, Bogota
´, Colombia
High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev (2018) 25:65–77
events, and fatal cerebrovascular accidents [12,13]. Like-
wise, it has been shown that patients with an intermediate
cardiovascular risk could be reclassified into a category of
higher or lower cardiovascular risk, when arterial stiffness
is quantified [10,14,15].
Currently, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
guidelines for people at intermediate risk recognize the
added value of central BP for patient stratification [16].
Furthermore, it should be considered for hypertensive
(Class IIa/B Recommendation) [17]), and may add pre-
dictive value to the estimation of the usual diabetic risk
[18]. On the other hand, it is not recommended in the
American College of Cardiology and American Heart
Association (ACC/AHA) directives for evaluating cardio-
vascular risk in asymptomatic adults (Class III/ B recom-
mendation) [19]. Its usefulness for primary and secondary
prevention of cardiovascular disease has a IIa/A level
recommendation [2].
BP measurement with a brachial cuff may overestimate
cardiovascular risk. Central aortic BP predicts mortality,
and could be a better method for patient management.
Sharman et al. [20] determined the usefulness of central BP
measurement for guiding the treatment of arterial hyper-
tension, using fewer medications to achieve BP control,
without adverse effects on left ventricular mass, aortic
stiffness, or quality of life. The European Society of
Hypertension and ESC have published recommendations
for the assessment of total cardiovascular risk [1618].
These directives recognize that central aortic pressure, as
the BP exerted on the heart and brain, may be different
from the pressure measured in the arm [21]. They recog-
nize that central pressure may be a predictive measurement
of outcomes in specific populations.
A wide variety of invasive and noninvasive methods for
measuring arterial stiffness have been described. The most
widely used and validated techniques involve noninvasive
assessment (Arteriograph
oscillometric method, Sphyg-
-tonometric method, and Complior
method) of the pulse waves as they travel through a sig-
nificant portion of the arterial tree. To date, four studies
have compared the Arteriograph
oscillometric method
with applanation tonometry and piezoelectric methods
Considering the available evidence, the objective of our
study was to validate the results of central and peripheral
AP measurements obtained using the Arteriograph
(TensioMed, Budapest, Hungary, Ltd.) oscillometric
method, and those simultaneously obtained invasively
using a catheter placed in the ascending aorta and in the
contralateral brachial artery, in patients undergoing cardiac
catheterization, using a radial technique as the entry point.
2 Methods
2.1 Study Design
An open, prospective cohort clinical study to evaluate the
validity of central and peripheral pressure measurements
obtained using the oscillometric method via the Arteri-
(TensioMed, Budapest-Hungary, Ltd.) system, in
an adult population undergoing simultaneous left heart
catheterization, satisficing the mandatory recruitments of
the latest standardized protocol for central blood pressure
validation published by ARTERY Society [26].
2.2 Inclusion Criteria
Patients over the age of 18, both male and female, under-
going clinically indicated left heart catheterization using
the transradial approach and only coronary angiography.
Table 1 Demographic data of the patients whose brachial and central
arterial pressures were measured with both methods simultaneously
(invasive vs. non-invasive)
Variable Sample (n=100)
Age (years)
63.5 (16)
BMI (kg/m
26.1 ±3.8
Cardiovascular history N=93
Cardiovascular medication use N=79
Coronary artery disease N=63
Diabetes mellitus type II N=26
Arterial hypertension N=61
Dyslipidemia N=34
Atrial fibrillation N=15
Valvular heart disease
Mild N=30
Moderate N=7
Severe N=12
BMI body mass index
Results expressed as mean ±standard deviation
Results expressed as median (interquartile range)
Table 2 Comparison of the non-invasive oscillometric method (Ar-
) to the gold reference, invasive method (intra-aortic
Variable ICC pvalue
Peripheral pressures 0.80 \0.001
Central pressures 0.91 \0.001
ICC intraclass correlation coefficient
66 D. Echeverri et al.
Table 3 Comparison of the
non-invasive oscillometric
method (Arteriograph
) to the
gold reference, invasive method
(intra-aortic catheter)
Variable Non-invasive Invasive DICC pvalue Min–Max
137.5 (26) 145.0 (28) 4.5 (12) 0.96 \0.001 100–215
79.5 ±12.1 74.6 ±11.1 -5.0 ±7.5 0.89 \0.001 46–109
57.5 (20) 69.0 (29) 12 (17) 0.81 \0.001 36–143
100.0 ±13.9 100.6 ±13.5 0.6 ±6.4 0.94 \0.001 73–140
71.4 ±13.3 72.4 ±13.4 0.8 ±2.2 0.99 \0.001 42–103
139.1 ±26.6 139.6 ±25.9 0.5 ±4.8 0.99 \0.001 94–217
80.0 ±12.3 78.4 ±11.4 -1.7 ±7.1 0.90 \0.001 44–116
56.6 (27) 56.5 (28) 2.3 (10) 0.97 \0.001 24–131
99.7 ±15.4 102.5 ±14.2 2.7 ±6.0 0.96 \0.001 73–148
Ddifference between the two methods, ICC intraclass correlation coefficient, Min minimum value, Max
maximum value, Bbrachial or peripheral, Caortic or central, SAP systolic arterial pressure, DAP diastolic
arterial pressure, PP pulse pressure, MAP mean arterial pressure, HR heart rate
Mean ±standard deviation
Median (interquartile range)
Fig. 1 Comparison between the
central systolic pressure
measured invasively with an
intra-aortic catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the central
pressure measured invasively by
the catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables 67
2.3 Exclusion Criteria
Patients with conditions that do not allow the simultaneous
measurement of central and peripheral parameters by car-
diac catheterization and the Arteriograph
: subclavian and/
or humeral artery stenosis, cardiogenic shock, aortic dis-
section, coarctation of the aorta, mastectomy, pacemaker
implantation in the previous seven days, significant inter-
arm differences, severely impaired left ventricular systolic
function, constrictive pericarditis, pericardial tamponade,
use of vasoactive drugs and use of large amount of contrast
dye ([80 ml).
2.4 Equipment Used
The routine equipment, catheters and techniques used in
the Hemodynamics Department’s clinical practice were
used during the cardiac catheterization: meticulously han-
dled fluid-filled radial diagnostic catheters,
, Tiger (5 French/1.70 mm or 6 French/
2.00 mm, length 100–110 cm), Terumo Medical Corpora-
tion, New Jersey, United States. The study never changed
the indication or technique, or put the patient at risk.
Neither was a larger dose of contrast media or radiation
employed, and no additional consumables were used out-
side of those included in the established procedure; one tap,
two extensions (non-distensible tubing) and one three-way
stopcock valve; flushing protocol with heparinized saline
(500 cc of 0.9% sodium chloride with 7500 units of hep-
arin sodium); the manifold system, pressure transducer
(wired to the monitoring system) and flush valve were
maintained at heart level mounted on a bedside support-
pole attached to the table (transducer at the phlebostatic
axis level always), and finally before the measurements we
did the calibration and zero-balancing, flushing the system
with saline solution (taking all the air out) and confirming
the zero wave on the monitor (pressure within the system is
zero, the monitor reads zero, negating the atmospheric
Fig. 2 Comparison of the
central diastolic pressure
measured invasively with an
intra-aortic catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
68 D. Echeverri et al.
equipment (TensioMed, Budapest-Hun-
gary, Ltd.), with software, and a Dell computer
with compatible Windows XP and Bluetooth connection.
Artis ZEE angiography unit, Axiom Sensis XP Live
polygraph, Sensis RTC (Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich,
Germany) screen and HP p4014 LaserJet printer.
2.5 Procedure
After verifying the fulfillment of the inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria, the study was verbally explained to the sub-
jects, and the following procedure was performed.
Simultaneous measurements were taken on the selected
patients (supine position-flat, undisturbed rest for at least
10 min) using the appropriate Arteriograph
cuff on the
left or right upper arm (the opposite arm from the catheter)
during left heart catheterization in the hemodynamics
operating room (isolated and without disturbing influ-
ences). The following sequence was used: once the
required diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedure was
completed, without using any vasoactive drug and low
amount of contrast dye; 28 ±8 ml (controlled coronary
infusion), the catheter was placed in the ascending aorta
(confirmed by fluoroscopy) and the various pressures were
recorded under stable conditions: aortic arterial systolic
and diastolic pressure (mmHg), aortic pulse pressure
(mmHg), central mean arterial pressure (mmHg), and heart
rate (beats/min), when the wave pressure was stable trying
to have the minimum variation (20–40 s). Then, the same
measurements were taken in the brachial artery (confirmed
by fluoroscopy): peripheral arterial systolic and diastolic
pressure (mmHg), peripheral pulse pressure (mmHg), and
peripheral mean arterial pressure (mmHg). In this way, the
measurements of both methods were recorded
Fig. 3 Comparison of the
central pulse pressure measured
invasively by an intra-aortic
catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables 69
2.6 Noninvasive Hemodynamic Measurement
The Arteriograph
(TensioMed, Budapest-Hungary, Ltd.),
is a medical unit that records and analyzes the arterial pulse
wave in a noninvasive and exceptionally simple, reliable,
and precise manner. It uses oscillometric methods to
achieve the total assessment of central and peripheral
arterial function. The unit has a patient security mechanism
which prevents the cuff pressure from exceeding
280 mmHg. Once the unit is connected to the patient, it is
also connected to a computer (Bluetooth) with software
which allows the demographic data and some physical
exam variables to be recorded. It takes physiological vas-
cular stiffness variables in real time, and measures, records
and prints them. The length of the inflatable bladder of the
cuff was least 80% of upper arm circumference and the
width of the inflatable bladder of the cuff was at least 40%
of upper arm length. The times for BP measures: Initial
inflation pressure (adding 50 mmHg to the mean arterial
pressure), offset of systolic pressure level (supra-systolic
pressure, systolic value plus 35 mmHg) and offset of
diastolic pressure level. The default time is 8 s (deviate in
7–10) for each pressure level and the deflation is automatic
The new software ( for calculating PWV cal-
culates the distance between the sternal notch and the upper
border of the pubis algorithmically, according to the
patient’s characteristics. This calculation is a change from
previous editions in which the distance was measured
manually with a tape measure. The device and the mea-
surements were managed and done by an expert on the field
(software knowledgement and measurement), who has
worked for more than two years with the Arteriography
Fig. 4 Comparison of the
central mean arterial pressure
measured invasively with an
intra-aortic catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
70 D. Echeverri et al.
2.7 Pressures Measured Simultaneously with Both
Brachial systolic arterial pressure (SAP-B, mmHg), bra-
chial diastolic arterial pressure (DAP-B, mmHg), brachial
mean arterial pressure (MAP-B, mmHg), brachial pulse
pressure (PP-B, mmHg), HR: heart rate (beats/min), central
systolic arterial pressure (SAP-C, mmHg), aortic diastolic
arterial pressure (DAP-C mmHg), central pulse pressure
(PP-C, mmHg) and central mean arterial pressure (MAP-C,
mmHg). The device uses three D-ring cuffs of different
sizes (1: 34 98 cm, 2: 26 98 cm, 3: 18 96 cm) based
on the arm circumference range (1: 34–43 cm, 2:
26–33 cm, 3: 18–25 cm), all of them were used following
the protocol.
2.8 Data Collection Form
A data collection form was designed which included gen-
eral demographic information, personal and family medical
history, current medications, smoking habit, physical
activity and a report of the general physical exam. The
complete data collection and data form files were stored in
a data base as they were obtained by one of the researchers,
and they were reviewed and validated jointly. Finally, they
did evaluate each study (measurements from both technics)
analyzing the waves quality of 110 patients’ studies,
excluding 10 because the wave quality or central BP lec-
ture errors (algorithm errors or large standard deviation that
showed some disturbance in the measurement).
2.9 Sample Size and Statistical Analyses
The sample size was calculated to have enough power to
detect significant differences in the values produced for
Fig. 5 Comparison of the heart
rate measured invasively with
an intra-aortic catheter versus
the Arteriograph
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables 71
individuals of both sexes, assuming an alpha level of sig-
nificance of 0.05 and an expected intraclass correlation
coefficient size greater than 0.8 (a value determined by the
researchers), resulting in a minimum sample size of 100
consecutive patients, satisficing the recommendations of
Sharman et al. [26].
The data were stored in a data base created for that
purpose (Microsoft Excel 2010). The statistical analysis
was performed using the SPSS 23 software. First, a test of
normality was performed using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
test. Results with a normal distribution were expressed as
mean ±standard deviation, and data with a non-normal
distribution were expressed as median (interquartile range).
Next, the intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated
to determine the conformity and validity of the Arteri-
, using cardiac catheterization as the reference test.
In addition, the regression equation y=ax ?bwas used
to create a regression line to evaluate the behavior of both
methods at different pressures and evaluate the relationship
between the pressures. Finally, the Bland-Altman method
was used to once again evaluate the conformity between
these two techniques.
3 Results
3.1 Demographic Results
One hundred subjects with a big cardiovascular diversity
were included in the study, with an average age of
63.5 years, (range was 34–89 years), of which 62 were
male; with great variability on height, in range was
144–199 cm, weight was 43–104 kg, and the range of body
mass index was 17.5–35.5 kg/m
(Table 1).
Validation of the Arteriograph
with left heart
catheterization. Table 2shows the intraclass correlation
coefficients for the general peripheral and central pressure
measurements, which depict substantial conformity
Fig. 6 Comparison of the
brachial systolic pressure
measured invasively with an
intra-arterial catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
72 D. Echeverri et al.
between the two methods: 0.80 and 0.91 (p\0.001),
respectively. The results in Table 3show the means of the
different variables (pressures and heart rate) measured
simultaneously by the Arteriograph
and cardiac
catheterization. All the intraclass correlation coefficients
are high and significant. The intraclass correlation coeffi-
cients of the SAP-C is 0.99 and pressures range was
94–217 mmHg, and PDA-C was 44–116 mmHg. The
results show a high conformity with the gold standard
(intraclass correlation coefficients of SAP-B =0.96, intr-
aclass correlation coefficients of heart rate =0.98 (range
of HR was 42 to 103 b.p.m.), intraclass correlation coef-
ficients of MAP-B =0.94 and intraclass correlation coef-
ficients of MAP-C =0.96) which was corroborated using
the Bland-Altman method. The charts show that more than
95% of the values are interrelated (Figs. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,
8,9). The results of patients with atrial fibrillation and
valve disease did not differ from the general cohort (similar
differences and likelihood of measurement error)
Linear regression, evaluation of agreement and the
relationship between the Arteriograph
and left heart
catheterization. Figures 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8and 9display
the linear regression and equation of each variable. In these
figures, the data obtained for the different values are
reported, showing substantial agreement between these two
4 Discussion
In this study, we correlated the pressures obtained using the
(TensioMed, Budapest-Hungary, Ltd.) non-
invasive oscillometric method with the transradial tech-
nique invasive arterial catheterization method (‘‘gold
standard’’) simultaneously in 100 consecutive patients from
the daily practice of our hospital, with different clinical
conditions. A very high correlation was documented
between the two methods used. The intraclass correlation
Fig. 7 Comparison of the
brachial diastolic pressure
measured invasively with an
intra-arterial catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables 73
coefficients of the central pressures were greater than 0.9
(p\0.001), and the correlation of brachial pressures was
0.80 (p\0.001), evidencing the high conformity and
agreement between the two methods.
Even though central pressures can easily be measured
directly using invasive techniques (entailing risks and
costs), several methods have been designed today for
analyzing central pressures. The most frequently used
methods in clinical studies are (Arteriograph
, Sphyg-
and Complior
), which use radial or carotid pul-
ses and a validated generalized transference function to
estimate central pressures through a peripheral signal.
In general, arterial pressures cannot be calculated pre-
cisely with noninvasive methods. These can show various
characteristics of the aortic or carotid pulses which are not
dependent on absolute AP values, such as amplification of
the pulse wave between the central and peripheral artery,
AIx and the time of arrival of the reflected wave. Fur-
thermore, factors also influence these characteristics such
as the patient’s heart rate, height, and age [1]. This is very
important, since central hemodynamic indices are param-
eters of BP and its derivatives (central systolic AP, pulse
pressure, augmentation pressure and wave amplification),
or indices which quantify the wave reflections (AIx).
Increased arterial wave reflection is related to the extension
of myocardial ischemia in patients with or without
obstructive coronary disease [27,28]. Furthermore, it is
directly related to left ventricular hypertrophy [29] and its
regression with treatment [30], to left atrial size [31], and is
inversely related to left ventricular diastolic function at rest
and during exercise [32].
(TensioMed, Budapest-Hungary, Ltd.) is
a new available equipment for measuring non-invasive
central and peripheral BP and vascular stiffness parame-
ters. It is perhaps the most popular non-invasive, automatic
method of measuring arterial pressure and arterial stiffness.
It uses the brachial artery occlusive technique and the
oscillometric method, rapidly (2–3 min), and through the
Fig. 8 Comparison of the
brachial pulse pressure
measured invasively with an
intra-arterial catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
74 D. Echeverri et al.
analyses of pressure curves registered in the upper arm
[32]. The principle of the oscillometric method is based on
plethysmography and registers changes in the pulse pres-
sure of an artery, measuring these periodic pressure chan-
ges (oscillations) as an indirect measure of the changes in
pulse pressure in the artery. In accordance with this prin-
ciple, the Arteriograph
initially measures the BP in the
upper arm oscillometrically, and then produces cuff pres-
sure over the brachial artery which is 35 mmHg greater
than the systolic BP measured. The pressure fluctuations in
the brachial artery are then detected by the cuff. These are
sent to the computer, and are registered and analyzed as
pulse waves. The time difference between the beginning of
the first wave and the beginning of the second (reflected
wave) is related to the distance between the sternal notch
and the symphysis pubis, resulting in the PWV in m/s.
Later, validation of the oscillometric method using
was reported by Horva
´th in 2010 [33],
comparing the results with invasive methods. Intra-aortic
AIx measured by a catheter placed in the aortic root, and
brachial AIx measured simultaneously with the Arteri-
in identical cardiac cycles, were compared in 16
patients. In 55 cases, the central systolic pressure was
assessed invasively with a catheter in the aortic root, and
non-invasively with the Arteriograph
based on the bra-
chial systolic pressure and the pulse pressure curve, this
study reported a strong correlation between the aortic AIx
measured invasively and the oscillometric method in each
beat (r =0.9; p\0.001; r =0.94; p\0.001). Likewise,
there was a strong correlation (r =0.95; p\0.001) for
measurements of aortic systolic pressure.
Liu et al. [34] evaluated invasive brachial BP in only
eight patients during cardiac catheterization before and
after nitroglycerine infusions, and compared it with the
measurements. The preliminary results
show significant reductions in the AP estimation error.
In our study, we evaluated central and peripheral BP
using both methods (non-invasive oscillometric and inva-
sive, via an intra-arterial catheter, simultaneously), vali-
dating the Arteriograph
in the presence of central and
Fig. 9 Comparison of the mean
brachial arterial pressure
measured invasively with an
intra-arterial catheter versus the
unit. aRelationship between the
pressure measured by the
and the pressure
measured invasively by the
catheter, bBland–Altman
analysis of the mean values and
differences between the
invasive measurement and the
Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables 75
brachial arterial catheterization as never before fulfilling
the recommendations of Sharman et al. [26]; the number of
evaluated patients, (more than 85), wide variety of clinical
conditions (coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, valve
disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension and
obesity), wide range of body habitus (body mass index,
arm size, weight and height), different BP range, heart rate
range, structured statistics analysis and standardized study
design. This may help make this technique known and
validate it for daily practice in patient assessment.
Although, we did the study before the standardized proto-
col for central blood pressure validation [26], our study
design satisfices the mandatory and most of the
Following the recommendation, we did not evaluate
hemodynamic change from resting state, like using a
standard dose of trinitrate, table tilting, hand grip or supine
cycling, also the dose of contrast dye used was a very small
amount that changes on the hemodynamics variables are
nearly zero and finally, we have seen that the Arteri-
works satisfactorily in patients with valve disease
and atrial fibrillation were the results of this group did not
differ from the general cohort, but was a small group,
future studies should collect these features like ambulatory
BP and testing device performance in specific disease.
5 Conclusions
is a non-invasive oscillometric method
which is easy to use and valid for estimating arterial central
pressures (stiffness parameters). It has a high agreement
(conformity) with the gold standard for measuring brachial
and central AP. This equipment can help optimize car-
diovascular assessment, save time and healthcare system
costs, and optimize cardiovascular prevention in selected
patients. This could be an important basis on the future of
primary and secondary prevention in patients even with
cardiovascular conditions.
Acknowledgements To all the nurses of the hemodynamics service
for the work and taking care of the patients.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Good laboratory practices This study was carried out in accordance
with the Good Clinical Practice guidelines. All data obtained during
the study were kept at the local study center, under an Excel data
base. The data were collected, analyzed, and filed appropriately. This
study was evaluated and approved by the Research Ethics Committee
of the FCI-IC, and was classified as a
¨minimal risk
¨study (Chapter 1 of
Resolution No. 008430 of 1993 by the Ministry of Health).
Conflict of interest The authors express that they have no conflict of
interest. This study was carried out with funds belonging to the
Institution, as a research line of the Vascular Function Research
Laboratory at the Fundacio
´n CardioInfantil-Instituto de Cardiologı
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Validation of Central and Peripheral Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Variables 77
... In a study of 100 patients undergoing left cardiac catheterization it exhibited strong agreement and conformity with the gold standard across diverse patient types and conditions. This technique can potentially enhance cardiovascular assessment in primary and secondary prevention, optimize treatment for specific patients, and offer valuable insights for future cardiovascular prevention strategies [37]. ...
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Metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), previously termed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), has emerged as a prominent global cause of chronic liver disease and is increasingly recognized as associated with atherosclerotic vascular illness, consolidating its position along traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Individuals with MASLD exhibit a combination of metabolic syndrome risk factors, carotid atherosclerosis, and increased arterial stiffness, hinting at shared pathogenesis. In this study, we aim to explore liver involvement and arterial stiffness within metabolic syndrome. We enrolled 75 patients (30 male and 45 female) with either liver steatosis on conventional ultrasound, altered liver function tests, or the presence of cardiometabolic risk factors after excluding liver pathology other than MASLD. Clinical evaluation, laboratory measurements, abdominal and carotid ultrasounds, vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE, Fibroscan), and assessment with the Arteriograph (Tensiomed) were performed. The 26 patients diagnosed with MetS had significantly higher liver involvement as quantified via the hepatic steatosis index (HSI), Fibrosis-4 (FIB4), aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index (APRI) category, and VCTE measurements, as well as Agile 3+ and Agile 4 scores which use a combination of clinical and laboratory parameters together with results obtained from VCTE to reflect the probability of advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. Patients with MetS also exhibited more pronounced vascular involvement as quantified via arterial stiffness measurements and CIMT (carotid intima–media thickness). We applied a two-step clustering algorithm to enhance our analysis, which gave us pertinent insight into the interplay between metabolic syndrome elements and typologies of hepatic steatosis and arterial stiffness degrees. Notably, of the three obtained clusters, the cluster showing increased levels of hepatic steatosis and arterial stiffness also exhibited the highest prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its constituting components. The results have significant clinical implications, advocating for a comprehensive diagnostic approach when MetS or MASLD is suspected.
... Then, this pulse wave was reflected at the bifurcation of the aorta when it propagates through periphery (late systolic peak). The early, late systolic, and diastolic waves were decomposed using arteriograph software, and the onset and peaks of the waves were determined [35]. The pulse oximeter (CMS50D+, Contec, China) with sampling frequency of 100 Hz was placed at the index finger of subjects for the PPG measurement from both hands for 10 mins each. ...
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Hyperuricemia is an alarming issue that contributes to cardiovascular disease.Uric acid (UA) level was proven to be related to pulse wave velocity, a marker of arterial stiffness. A hyperuricemia prediction method utilizing photoplethysmogram (PPG) and arteriograph by using machine learning (ML) is proposed. From the literature search, there is no available papers found that relates PPG with UA level even though PPG is highly associated with vessel condition. The five phases in this research are data collection, signal preprocessing including denoising and signal quality indexes, features extraction for PPG and SDPPG waveform, statistical analysis for feature selection and classification of UA levels usingML. Adding PPG to the current arteriograph able to reduce cost and increase the prediction performance. PPG and arteriograph data were measured from 113 subjects, and 226 sets of data were collected from the left and right hands of the subjects. The performance of four types of ML, namely, artificial neural network (ANN), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), k-nearest neighbor (kNN), and support vector machine (SVM) in predicting hyperuricemia was compared. From the total of 98 features extracted, 16 features of which showed statistical significance for hyper and normouricemia. ANN gives the best performance compared to the other three ML techniques with 91.67%, 95.45%, and 94.12% for sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, respectively. Features from PPG and arteriograph able to be used to predict hyperuricemia accurately and noninvasively. This study is the first to find the relationship of PPG with hyperuricemia. It shows a significant relation between PPG signals and arteriograph data toward the UA level. The proposed method of UA prediction shows its potential for noninvasive preliminary assessment.
... Arterial stiffness assessment Parameters of AS were assessed non-invasively using a clinically validated oscillometric device (Arteriograph, TensioMed, Budapest, Hungary) [28,29] by an investigator with 10 years of experience. All measurements were performed in a quiet, temperature-controlled environment. ...
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Aim: To evaluate the relationship between epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) and arterial stiffness (AS) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), considering cardiovascular risk factors and disease characteristics. Material and methods: A total of 84 RA patients were included in this cross-sectional study. EAT and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) were measured ultrasonographically while aortic pulse wave velocity (aPWV), the main AS parameter, was determined using an oscillometric device. Results: Mean duration of RA was 12±9.5 years and disease activity score was 4.3±1.4, as assessed by Disease Activity Score-28 using C-reactive protein (DAS-28 CRP). The correlation analysis displayed a significant positive correlation between cIMT, aPWV and EAT (r= 0.037, p<0.001; r= 0.338, p=0.002 and r= 0.317, p=0.003). When a cutoff value of aPWV ≥10 m/s was established, patients with increased aPWV had significantly higher body mass index (p=0.04), waist circumference (p=0.01), triglycerides (p=0.04), EAT (p<0.001), hypertension (p=0.03) and marginally C-reactive protein (CRP) (p=0.05). Multivariate regression analysis showed that hypertension (p=0.033), increased CRP (p=0.016) and EAT (p=0.005) are the only independent predictors for increased aPWV. Conclusions: Our study found that increased AS independently correlated with EAT in patients with RA. Although the evaluation of these two parameters awaits further evidence to be included in the risk algorithms for CVD prevention, their role in patients with inflammatory diseases may be even more significant than in the general population.
Objectives Central aortic BP may predict cardiovascular outcomes better than upper arm brachial BP. In recent years, technology has enabled central BP estimation by recording a peripheral BP waveform from a standard upper arm cuff. The accuracy of these devices is not well documented, and this study aimed to address this issue. Methods This study was a systematic review, conducted according to PRISMA guidelines, of observational studies published between 2008 and 2023 that reported accuracy testing of cuff-based central BP devices, compared with reference invasive aortic BP. The primary analysis was stratified according to each commercially available device. Pooled estimates were calculated using random-effects models based on mean differences and standard errors. Results Six thousand four hundred and fifteen studies were screened, and 27 studies met inclusion criteria (plus one unpublished study). This generated data for seven devices that are commercially available, which were tested among 2125 adult participants. There was very high heterogeneity when all devices were pooled ( I ² = 97.5%), and, when stratified by device, the accuracy of estimated central BP was highly device-dependent (range of accuracy across different devices −12.4 mmHg (−16.3 to −8.5) to 3.2 mmHg (0.2–6.1). Two of the seven commercially available devices had not undergone external validation testing. Conclusion The accuracy of commercially available cuff-based central BP devices is highly device-specific and not all are accurate for the estimation of central SBP. These findings have major implications for the appropriate interpretation of studies that use cuff-based estimated central BP.
Measurements of arterial stiffness and pulsatile hemodynamics undoubtedly led to enormous progress in our understanding of cardiovascular physiology, aging, and development of diseases. Until very recently, these measurements were confined primarily to research laboratories and hospitals and less to the doctor's office. In contrast, we know from the experience in hypertension that out-of-office measurements are key to a better understanding of hemodynamics (for instance, blood pressure [BP]) in individual subjects. Moreover, the variability of hemodynamic measurements (beat-to-beat, daytime-nighttime, and nighttime-early morning) seem to have a distinct physiological and pathophysiological role. In the very last years, technological progress facilitated ambulatory measurements not only of heart rate and brachial BP but also of central BP and pulsatile hemodynamics (measures of antegrade and reflected waves). Most of the devices used are automated oscillometric cuff-based sphygmomanometers, equipped with dedicated software for acquisition and processing of waveforms. The present article intends to provide an overview on available technologies, devices and their validation, important technical aspects, similarities and differences from 24-h profiles of heart rate and brachial BP, clinical applications and relationships with clinical outcomes.
This paper reviews current 24 h ambulatory noninvasive technologies for pulse wave analysis (PWA) providing central arterial pressure, pulse wave velocity, and augmentation index and the scientific evidence supporting their use in the clinical management of patients with arterial hypertension or at risk for cardiovascular complications. The most outstanding value of these techniques lies in the fact that they are user-friendly, mostly operator independent, and enable the evaluation of vascular function during daily-life conditions, allowing to obtain repeated measurements in different out-of-office circumstances, less artificial than those of the laboratory or doctor’s office. Studies performed so far suggest that 24 h PWA may represent a potentially promising tool for evaluating vascular function, structure, and damage in daily-life conditions and promoting early screening in subjects at risk. The current evidence in favor of such an approach in the clinical practice is still limited and does not recommend its routine use. In particular, at the moment, there is a shortage of long-term prognostic studies able to support the predictive value of 24 h PWA. Finally, the accuracy of the measures is strongly dependent on the type of technology and device employed with lack of interoperability among the devices that deeply affects comparability of results among studies using different technologies. It is thus mandatory in the near future to promote proper validation studies, for instance using the ARTERY protocol, and to plan well-designed long-term longitudinal studies that may prove the accuracy and high predictive value of PWA in ambulatory conditions.
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Background BRCA1/2 mutation carriers are recommended to undergo risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) at 35 to 45 years of age. RRSO substantially decreases ovarian cancer risk, but at the cost of immediate menopause. Knowledge about the potential adverse effects of premenopausal RRSO, such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, cognitive dysfunction, and reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL), is limited. Objective The aim of this study is to assess the long-term health effects of premenopausal RRSO on cardiovascular disease, bone health, cognitive functioning, urological complaints, sexual functioning, and HRQoL in women with high familial risk of breast or ovarian cancer. Methods We will conduct a multicenter cross-sectional study with prospective follow-up, nested in a nationwide cohort of women at high familial risk of breast or ovarian cancer. A total of 500 women who have undergone RRSO before 45 years of age, with a follow-up period of at least 10 years, will be compared with 250 women (frequency matched on current age) who have not undergone RRSO or who have undergone RRSO at over 55 years of age. Participants will complete an online questionnaire on lifestyle, medical history, cardiovascular risk factors, osteoporosis, cognitive function, urological complaints, and HRQoL. A full cardiovascular assessment and assessment of bone mineral density will be performed. Blood samples will be obtained for marker analysis. Cognitive functioning will be assessed objectively with an online neuropsychological test battery. Results This study was approved by the institutional review board in July 2018. In February 2019, we included our first participant. As of November 2020, we had enrolled 364 participants in our study. Conclusions Knowledge from this study will contribute to counseling women with a high familial risk of breast/ovarian cancer about the long-term health effects of premenopausal RRSO. The results can also be used to offer health recommendations after RRSO. Trial Registration NCT03835793; International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/24414
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Wave reflection at central arteries consists of a major component of left ventricular afterload. Central augmentation index (AIx) is the most widely used surrogate of wave reflection. Recent technological developments now provide the ability to obtain, non‐invasively, aortic, or carotid pressure waves and measure AIx based on various algorithms of pulse wave analysis. The aim of this study was to compare AIx measurements performed by the Arteriograph, Complior, and Mobil‐O‐Graph apparatuses. Recordings by each device in randomized order were performed with 5‐minute interval at 211 individuals (age 55.1 ± 14.1 years, 67.8% males) who underwent diagnostic cardiovascular assessment. All measurements were obtained at the supine position, and AIx was calculated using the formula AIx = 100 × (Augmentation pressure)/(Pulse Pressure). Bland‐Altman analysis was performed. Mean difference (bias) ± one standard deviation of difference (with limits of agreement) of AIx between different devices was as follows: (a) Mobil‐O‐Graph vs Complior: −2.1 ± 14.8% (−31.1% to 26.9%), (b) Arteriograph vs Complior: 12.9 ± 14.6% (−15.7% to 41.5%), and (c) Mobil‐O‐Graph vs Arteriograph: −10.8 ± 16.9% (−43.9% to 22.3%). The three examined devices exerted significant differences in central AIx estimation which makes the three devices non‐interchangeable for wave reflection assessment. However, the Mobil‐O‐Graph device showed the highest agreement (lowest bias) with the Complior system as regards to the AIx measurement.
Objectives: The objective of this study was to compare three automated blood pressure devices (Microlife VSA, Uscom BP+ and Tensiomed Arteriograph) with an aneroid device in an Australian antenatal population to determine an accurate and reliable alternative method of measuring blood pressure in pregnant women. Study design: This observational, prospective study recruited a random sample of 200 pregnant women of any gestation attending an antenatal clinic in an Australian hospital. Each participant had two peripheral blood pressure measurements per instrument performed, resulting in eight measurements per participant. Main outcome measurements: Intra- and inter-device reliability of peripheral blood pressure measurements made by the aneroid device and the three automated brachial-cuff oscillometric devices were assessed. The agreement between devices was graded according to standardised criteria. Results: Both intra- and inter-device reliability of blood pressure measurements of the four devices in this study were found to be 'excellent' (ICCs > 0.75). Microlife VSA and Uscom BP+ showed acceptable levels of agreement (±5mmHg) when compared to the aneroid device. Arteriograph did not show an acceptable level of agreement with the aneroid device for systolic blood pressure, but did for diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Accurate automated devices may ensure consistent assessment of blood pressure in the antenatal setting. Our results suggest that Microlife VSA and Uscom BP+ may be suitable alternatives to the aneroid device for use in the antenatal setting. Further studies assessing both auscultatory and oscillometric blood pressure devices in pregnancy, and especially in hypertensive cohorts, are required.
Purpose: Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a marker of arterial stiffness with major prognostic value. We compared Arteriograph and Complior devices with the Mobil-O-Graph for assessment of PWV and central systolic blood pressure (cSBP). Materials and Methods: We studied 316 consecutive subjects (age: 55 ± 14 years). For each individual, we measured PWV and cSBP with Arteriograph, Complior and Mobil-O-Graph and compared the readings. Differences in values among three devices were calculated for each measurement. We used Bland-Altman analysis, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CV). Results: Bland-Altman analysis indicated a mean difference for PWV: i.0.5 m/s (limits of agreement -1.4–2.4) between Complior and Mobil-O-Graph, ii.0.6 m/s (limits of agreement -1.4–2.6) between Arteriograph and Mobil-O-Graph. cSBP mean difference was 3.8 mmHg between Complior and Mobil-O-Graph (limits of agreement -12.5–20.1) and 9.2 mmHg between Arteriograph and Mobil-O-Graph (limits of agreement -7.6–26). ICC for PWV was 0.86 between Arteriograph and Mobil-O-Graph, 0.87 between Complior and Mobil-O-Graph and for cSBP 0.92 and 0.91 respectively. CV for PWV was 9.5% between Arteriograph and Mobil-O-Graph, 8.8% between Complior and Mobil-O-Graph. Respective values for cSBP were 6.8% and 5.1%. Conclusion: Our study shows acceptable agreement among the three devices regarding pulse wave analysis markers though Mobil-O-Graph appears to underestimate the values of these markers. Further studies are needed to explore the agreement between the 3 devices in various clinical settings and patient populations.
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The original Riva-Rocci method to measure blood pressure (BP) using a cuff at the upper arm assumed the pressure obtained by this technique was a good proxy for central aortic BP.1,2 The clinical (prognostic) importance of brachial cuff BP is undeniable for both the assessment of cardiovascular risk associated with elevated BP and the benefits of treatment-induced BP reduction.3 However, it is also generally appreciated that peripheral artery systolic BP (SBP; brachial or radial artery) may be an inaccurate substitute for central SBP.4 This has been reported in human studies using intra-arterial catheterization of peripheral and central arteries.5–8 There may also be a discrepancy between peripheral and central BP responses to vasoactive drugs.9 These findings are corroborated in larger studies using non-invasive central aortic BP methods,10–13 and, while yet to be fully adopted in clinical practice, an independent prognostic value of central BP has been demonstrated.14–16 Altogether, there is a growing interest among clinicians towards improving risk estimates by using devices that provide more accurate measures of central aortic BP than those provided by current brachial cuff BP methods. Many non-invasive devices have been developed that purport to estimate central BP from different peripheral artery sites (e.g. radial, brachial, carotid arteries) using different principles of recording the pressure or surrogate signals (e.g. applanation tonometry, oscillometry, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging) and different calibration methods to derive central BP. Since upper arm cuff-based devices to estimate central BP are more clinically appealing, in recent years several companies have developed such devices using a variety of techniques (e.g. oscillometric sub-diastolic or supra-systolic waveform analysis with generalized transfer functions), which employ a variety of signal processing steps to estimate central BP from peripheral signals.17,18 Yet, with no standardized guidelines,17 the accuracy testing of these new devices (as well as the preceding devices) has not been undertaken in a uniform fashion with comparable protocols, emphasizing the need for guidance in this field.19–22 An international task force was convened to address this situation.
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While risk scores are invaluable tools for adapted preventive strategies, a significant gap exists between predicted and actual event rates. Additional tools to further stratify the risk of patients at an individual level are biomarkers. A surrogate endpoint is a biomarker that is intended as a substitute for a clinical endpoint. In order to be considered as a surrogate endpoint of cardiovascular events, a biomarker should satisfy several criteria, such as proof of concept, prospective validation, incremental value, clinical utility, clinical outcomes, cost-effectiveness, ease of use, methodological consensus, and reference values. We scrutinized the role of peripheral (i.e. not related to coronary circulation) noninvasive vascular biomarkers for primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention. Most of the biomarkers examined fit within the concept of early vascular aging. Biomarkers that fulfill most of the criteria and, therefore, are close to being considered a clinical surrogate endpoint are carotid ultrasonography, ankle-brachial index and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity; biomarkers that fulfill some, but not all of the criteria are brachial ankle pulse wave velocity, central haemodynamics/wave reflections and C-reactive protein; biomarkers that do no not at present fulfill essential criteria are flow-mediated dilation, endothelial peripheral arterial tonometry, oxidized LDL and dysfunctional HDL. Nevertheless, it is still unclear whether a specific vascular biomarker is overly superior. A prospective study in which all vascular biomarkers are measured is still lacking. In selected cases, the combined assessment of more than one biomarker may be required. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.
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We conceived new oscillometric blood pressure (BP) estimation methods based on physical modeling. The crux of these methods is to simultaneously estimate the arterial stiffness and BP of the patient from a standard oscillometric waveform. Hence, in contrast to previous methods, the BP estimation is specific to the patient at the time of measurement and is robust against arterial stiffening. We conducted initial testing of one of the methods against invasive reference brachial BP measurements in eight cardiac catheterization patients before and after nitroglycerin infusions. The method achieved systolic, diastolic and mean BP root-mean-squared-errors of 7.2, 7.6 and 6.7 mmHg. These errors were, on average, 40% lower than an existing high-end method.
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This is the second iteration of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) joining forces to write guidelines on the management of diabetes mellitus (DM), pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (CVD), designed to assist clinicians and other healthcare workers to make evidence-based management decisions. The growing awareness of the strong biological relationship between DM and CVD rightly prompted these two large organizations to collaborate to generate guidelines relevant to their joint interests, the first of which were published in 2007. Some assert that too many guidelines are being produced but, in this burgeoning field, five years in the development of both basic and clinical science is a long time and major trials have reported in this period, making it necessary to update the previous Guidelines.
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To determine whether aortic pulse wave velocity (aPWV) improves prediction of cardiovascular (CVD) events beyond conventional risk factors. Several studies have shown that aPWV may be a useful risk factor for predicting CVD but have been underpowered to examine whether this is true for different sub-groups. We undertook a systematic review and obtained individual participant data from 16 studies. Study-specific associations of aPWV with cardiovascular outcomes were determined using Cox proportional hazard models and random effect models to estimate pooled effects. Of 17,635 participants, 1,785 (10%) had a cardiovascular (CVD) event. The pooled age- and sex-adjusted hazard ratio [95% CI] per SD change in loge aPWV was 1.35 [1.22, 1.50, p<0.001] for coronary heart disease (CHD), 1.54 [1.34, 1.78, p<0.001] for stroke, and 1.45 [1.30, 1.61, p<0.001) for CVD. Associations stratified by sex, diabetes and hypertension were similar, but decreased with age (1.89, 1.77, 1.36 and 1.23 for ≤50, 51-60, 61-70 and >70 years respectively, pinteraction <0.001). After adjusting for conventional risk factors, aPWV remained a predictor: CHD 1.23, [1.11, 1.35 p<0.001]; stroke 1.28, [1.16, 1.42 p<0.001]; cardiovascular events 1.30 [1.18, 1.43, p<0.001]. Reclassification indices showed the addition of aPWV improved risk prediction (13% for 10 year CVD risk for intermediate risk) for some sub-groups. Consideration of aPWV improves model fit and reclassifies risk for future cardiovascular events in models that include standard risk factors. aPWV may enable better identification of high-risk populations who may benefit from more aggressive cardiovascular risk factor management.
Arm cuff blood pressure (BP) may overestimate cardiovascular risk. Central aortic BP predicts mortality and could be a better method for patient management. We sought to determine the usefulness of central BP to guide hypertension management. This was a prospective, open-label, blinded-end point study in 286 patients with hypertension randomized to treatment decisions guided by best-practice usual care (n=142; using office, home, and 24-hour ambulatory BP) or, in addition, by central BP intervention (n=144; using SphygmoCor). Therapy was reviewed every 3 months for 12 months, and recommendations were provided to each patient and his/her doctor on antihypertensive medication titration. Outcome measures were as follows: medication quantity (daily defined dose), quality of life, and left ventricular mass (3-dimensional echocardiography). There was 92% compliance with recommendations on medication titration, and quality of life improved in both groups (post hoc P<0.05). For usual care, there was no change in daily defined dose (all P>0.10), but with intervention there was a significant stepwise decrease in daily defined dose from baseline to 3 months (P=0.008) and each subsequent visit (all P<0.001). Intervention was associated with cessation of medication in 23 (16%) patients versus 3 (2%) in usual care (P<0.001). Despite this, there were no differences between groups in left ventricular mass index, 24-hour ambulatory BP, home systolic BP, or aortic stiffness (all P>0.05). We conclude that guidance of hypertension management with central BP results in a significantly different therapeutic pathway than conventional cuff BP, with less use of medication to achieve BP control and no adverse effects on left ventricular mass, aortic stiffness, or quality of life.
Objective: Wave reflections augment central aortic SBP and increase systolic pressure time integral (SPTI) thereby increasing left ventricular (LV) afterload and myocardial oxygen (MVO2) demand. When increased, such changes may contribute to myocardial ischemia and angina pectoris, especially when aortic diastolic time is decreased and myocardial perfusion pressure jeopardized. Accordingly, we examined pulse wave reflection characteristics and diastolic timing in a subgroup of women with chest pain (Women's Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation, WISE) and no obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: Radial artery BP waveforms were recorded by applanation tonometry, and aortic BP waveforms derived. Data from WISE participants were compared with data from asymptomatic women (reference group) without chest pain matched for age, height, BMI, mean arterial BP, and heart rate. Results: Compared with the reference group, WISE participants had higher aortic SBP and pulse BP and ejection duration. These differences were associated with increased augmentation index and reflected pressure wave systolic duration. These modifications in wave reflection characteristics were associated with increased SPTI and wasted LV energy (Ew) and a decrease in pulse pressure amplification, myocardial viability ratio, and diastolic pressure time fraction. Conclusion: WISE participants with no obstructive CAD have changes in systolic wave reflections and diastolic timing that increase LV afterload, MVO2 demand, and Ew with the potential to reduce coronary artery perfusion. These alterations in cardiovascular function contribute to an undesirable mismatch in the MVO2 supply/demand that promotes ischemia and chest pain and may contribute to, or increase the severity of, future adverse cardiovascular events.
Objectives: This study sought to test whether measures of pulsatile arterial function are useful for diagnosing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF), in comparison with and in addition to tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE). Background: Increased arterial stiffness and wave reflections are present in most patients with HFPEF. Methods: Patients with dyspnea as a major symptom were categorized as having HFPEF or no HFPEF, based on invasively derived filling pressures and natriuretic peptide levels. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured invasively (aortic PWV). Aortic pulse pressure (aoPP) and its components (incident pressure wave height, forward wave amplitude; augmented pressure; backward wave amplitude [Pb]) were quantified noninvasively. Results: Seventy-one patients were classified as HFPEF and 65 as no HFPEF (223 patients had intermediate results). Patients with HFPEF were older, more often had hypertension and diabetes, and had larger left atria and higher left ventricular mass. Brachial pulse pressure (bPP), aoPP, and all measures of arterial stiffness and wave reflections were higher in HFPEF patients. Receiver-operating curve analysis-derived area under the curve (AUC) values for separating HFPEF from no HFPEF were 0.823 for E/E' at the medial annulus, the best TDE parameter; 0.816 for bPP; and 0.867, 0.851, and 0.825 for aortic PWV, aoPP, and Pb, respectively. Adding measures of pulsatile function to TDE resulted in an increase in AUC to 0.875 (bPP; p = 0.03) and 0.901 (aoPP; p = 0.005). In comparison with a TDE-based algorithm, net reclassification improvement was 32.9% (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Measures of pulsatile arterial hemodynamics may complement TDE for the diagnosis of HFPEF. (Pulsatile and Steady State Hemodynamics in Diastolic Heart Failure; NCT00720525).