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Parking in the City: The Model as a Tool for Policy Evaluation
I. Benenson1, K. Martens2, S. Birfir1
1Deptartment of Geography and Human Environment, Tel Aviv University
Telephone: +97236409178
2Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Telephone: +31243612740
Fax: +31243611841
1. The Goal
Parking policies have a strong impact on the functioning of cities. The introduction of a
new or changes in the existing parking policy requires a careful analysis and evaluation
of these impacts in light of policy goals. To do that we need a model of parking in the
city which could serve as a tool for systematic analysis of the impacts of various policy
Surprisingly, quantitative data about parking in the city are rare and models play a
limited role in the analysis of urban parking policies, with few exceptions (e.g. Shiftan
2001). Much of the modelling literature regarding parking is theoretical in nature and has
not been applied to real-world situations (e.g. Voith 1998; Petiot 2004; Lam 2006). Most
policy-oriented work, in turn, hardly makes use of the potential offered by state-of-the-art
modelling techniques (e.g. Ferguson 2003; Marsden 2006). Against this background, we
propose using an agent-based model (Benenson and Torrens, 2004) to simulate urban
parking policy scenarios and analyze their impacts from user and public policy
In practical cases, policy-makers may have many reasons to introduce new parking
policies, such as the wish to reduce parking search times, to improve parking availability
for visitors, or to guarantee parking for local residents. Whatever the policy goals, in all
cases in which the ratio between demand and supply for parking approaches or exceeds
one, it will be extremely difficult to forecast the impacts of new policies, without testing
these policies at the spatial and temporal resolution at which they will be implemented.
Classical models based on averages will not do under such circumstances. In other words,
we need a spatially explicit agent-based dynamic model of parking in order to analyze,
and ultimately tackle, parking problems in current highly motorized societies.
2. A Model of Parking in the City
The proposed model aims helping planners and decision-makers to formulate and
compare parking policies. The model has been built using a Geosimulation approach
(Benenson and Torrens, 2004). In this approach, real-world entities are directly
represented as inanimate and animate model objects, which “behave”, that is, change
their properties and location in space. The inanimate objects directly represent the
features belonging to the layers of a high-resolution GIS of urban infrastructure. The only
animated objects in our case are car drivers, and their behavioural rules describe all stages
of driving: driving towards the area in which parking search starts, parking search, and
leaving the study area after parking. However, the model focuses on parking search. The
model enables the formulation of parking constraints and enforcement levels and its
outcomes can be aggregated over ensembles of individual drivers delineated by areas and
time periods, according to the interests of the policy-maker.
2.1. Static model objects
To adequately represent the parking process, we build on the following components of an
urban GIS, which are available or can be constructed for most Israeli cities: (1) Road
network with data on number of lanes, traffic directions and on-street parking
permissions; (2) Houses (Destinations); (3) Off-street parking places; and (4) On-street
parking places (Figure 1). The attributes of on-street parking places are parking
permission, fees and, when available, the probability of a fine for illegal parking.
Figure 1: To represent a two-way traffic street, the
centreline is duplicated, and each copy is
employed for representing one direction. Parking
places are built by dividing the segments into 4m
2.2. Animated driver agents
The essence of the agents’ representation in a Geosimulation model is their behaviour. In
case of drivers, the complete description of the behaviour should include behaviour
during: (1) driving towards the destination, (2) parking search, (3) parking, and (4)
driving out. The model is thus built in two versions. The “full” one accounts for the entire
driving process, starting from the moment the car enters the system till the moment it
leaves through one of the exit points. In this paper we focus on the second stage, and
consider the “parking only” version, in which drivers “land” at the outer boundary of the
parking search area, immediately start their parking search, and disappear from the
system just after leaving the parking place.
2.3. Performance indicators
The object-based nature of the model makes it possible to follow every driver and, thus,
enables direct estimation of the performance of the parking policy from the driver’s and
the policy-maker’s point of view.
Drivers’ view: Given the set of targets, time interval, and group of drivers we
estimate distributions of:
- Parking search time;
10 m
- Distance between parking place and destination;
- Overall/hourly payment.
Policy-maker’s view: The policy-maker observes (but not necessarily accounts for)
drivers’ indicators. In addition, the policy maker accounts for the following collective
characteristics of the parking situation:
- Fraction of occupied parking places, and its changes over time;
- Number of cars searching for parking place, and its changes over time;
- Parking turnover (number of cars using a parking place during a time interval);
- Revenues from on-street and off-street parking.
2.4. Technical characteristics of the model
The model is implemented as a VBA ArcGIS application and can work with a practically
unlimited number of simultaneously parking drivers. Model parameters and results at
resolution of cars and parking places are managed with the SQL Server and, thus, policy
performance indicators can be constructed for various groups of drivers, sets of
destinations and time intervals without re-running the simulation.
3. Application of the model
Within the framework of the project, various policy scenarios will be tested to improve
the existing parking situation in the centre of Tel Aviv. As a first try-out, the model has
been applied to analyze the consequences of a local scenario, the construction of a multi-
level underground garage in a neighbourhood, where all places will be for sale to local
residents. The consequences of this local scenario have been studied for the Basel
neighbourhood, a densely built, mixed-use, neighbourhood, located in the old centre of
Tel Aviv. According to the GIS-based estimates, the demand for parking in this
neighbourhood amounts to about 1.10 cars per parking place. The municipality is
considering allowing the construction of an underground parking garage in the area of up
to 200 places, to reduce parking problems for local residents, who complain on a regular
basis about the lack of parking.
The model demonstrates that the main effect of local improvements in parking supply
lies in the reduction of the fraction of drivers who search for parking for a long period of
time. This finding suggests that, assuming no positive feedback loop in terms of increases
in car ownership, the additional supply could substantially reduce overall parking search
time, at least in the short run. Following the modelling results, if about 250 additional
parking places were to be added in the centre of each urban block of 500 by 500 meter in
the dense Tel-Aviv centre (about 1,000 parking places every 1 km2), the share of
residents searching for more than 10 minutes for a parking space would drop from 25% to
less than 10%, with evident consequences regarding air pollution, traffic congestion, and
public opinion. At the same time, even with such an additional supply, residents will
continue experiencing a lack of parking in Tel Aviv’s central area, i.e. they will still face
substantial average search time and walking distance between parking place and place of
residence. This, in turn, suggests that if the developer will be able to offer the parking
places in the new garage at a price attractive enough for local residents, they will be eager
to buy them. The decision about the size of the parking garage has thus been reduced to
an economic rather than a transport issue.
Carrese, S., E. Negrenti and B. B. Belles (2004) Simulation of the Parking Phase for Urban Traffic
Emission Models. Paper presented at TRISTAN V - Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis,
Benenson, I. and P. M. Torrens (2004) Geosimulation: Automata-Based Modelling of Urban
Phenomena, London, Wiley, 204 pp.
Ferguson, E. (2003) Zoning for parking as policy innovation. Transportation Quarterly, 57/2: 47-55.
Lam, W. H. K., Z.-C. Li, et al. (2006) Modelling time-dependent travel choice problems in road
networks with multiple user classes and multiple parking facilities. Transportation Research Part B:
Methodological, 40: 368-395
Marsden, G. (2006) The evidence base for parking policies: a review. Transport Policy, 13/6: 447-457
Petiot, R. (2004) Parking enforcement and travel demand management. Transport Policy, 11/4: 399-
Shiftan, Y. and R. Burd-Eden (2001) Modelling response to parking policy. Transportation Research
Records, 1765: 27-34
Voith, R. (1998) Parking, transit, and employment in a Central Business District. Journal of Urban
Economics, 44: 43-58.
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In local zoning ordinances, it is easy to criticize minimum off-street parking requirements. Zoning in general can be economically inefficient, socially inequitable, harmful to the environment, and wasteful of limited natural resources. Zoning for parking may be nothing more than a well-hidden and largely unnecessary subsidy intended primarily for the benefit of the automobile industry and its many influential friends. What remains true, regardless of the veracity of any or all of the foregoing statements, is simply this: zoning applied to parking is among the most popular of all local planning tools - today as it was yesterday - and apparently tomorrow as well.
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Parking policy is one of the key links between transport and land-use policy. Parking policies are often compromised in their effectiveness due to the perceived tension between three of the objectives that parking supports: regeneration, restraint and revenue. In particular the belief that parking restraint measures could damage the attractiveness of city centres to both retail and commercial enterprises limits the political acceptability of pricing policies and planning. This paper presents a review of the evidence base upon which commuter, leisure and shopping and residential parking policies are based. Whilst underdeveloped, the literature suggests that greater attention should be given to analysing and presenting the accessibility impacts that different parking restraint measures have on travelers of all modes. The research base in many instances does not support, or provides evidence counter to, the assumption that parking restraint makes centres less attractive. Further disaggregate work is needed to understand how context specific these findings might be.
Geosimulation is hailed as 'the next big thing' in geographic modelling for urban studies. This book presents readers with an overview of this new and innovative field by introducing the spatial modelling environment and describing the latest research and development using cellular automata and multi-agent systems. Extensive case studies and working code is available from an associated website which demonstrate the technicalities of geosimulation, and provide readers with the tools to carry out their own modelling and testing. The first book to treat urban geosimulation explicitly, integrating socio-economic and environmental modelling approaches. Provides the reader with a sound theoretical base in the science of geosimulation as well as applied material on the construction of geosimulation models. Cross-references to an author-maintained associated website with downloadable working code for readers to apply the models presented in the book.
Parking policy is one of the most powerful means urban planners and policy makers can use to manage travel demand and traffic in city centers. Since urban access is considered crucial to the economic success of a downtown area, certain constituencies, such as business and retail, have historically been opposed to any parking-restriction policies. To address these concerns and create appropriate parking policies, it is important to understand how visitors to the city center are likely to respond to new policies. A model to estimate the likely response to two parking-policy alternatives in the Carmel Center area of Haifa, Israel, is presented: an increase in parking cost and a decrease in parking availability that will increase driver search time for parking. The model is based on the responses of center visitors to a stated preference survey. Three different models were estimated: a binary model, a multinominal logit, and a nested model. The results show that workers are more likely to change their mode or time of day of travel than to change destination or cancel their activity. Nonworkers are likely to make all types of changes, and for all policies, they are more sensitive than workers. These results suggest that parking measures may be effective in reducing congestion in the business district. However, they may also have a negative effect on the vitality of the business district as shoppers and other visitors are likely to go to other places in response to the change.
This paper proposes a time-dependent network equilibrium model that simultaneously considers a traveler’s choice of departure time, route, parking location and parking duration in road networks with multiple user classes and multiple parking facilities. In the proposed model, travelers are differentiated by their trip purpose and parking duration, parking locations are characterized by facility type and parking charge, and the decision-making process of travelers on travel and parking choices is assumed to follow a hierarchical choice structure. The model is formulated as a variational inequality problem, and is solved by a heuristic solution algorithm. Numerical results for two example networks are presented to show the solution quality and investigate the solution sensitivities to some input data. It is found that parking behavior is significantly affected by travel demand, walking distance, parking capacity, and parking charge. The proposed model provides a useful tool for studying the complex temporal and spatial interaction between road traffic and parking congestion, and can be used to assess the effects of various parking policies and infrastructure improvements at a strategic level.
This article deals with on-street, non-free parking policy. The aim is to show how parking meter violation challenges the travel demand management policy. The literature widely admits that only the increase in the enforcement effort both deters drivers from offending and contribute to moderating car use. Nevertheless, the link between parking non-compliance, enforcement effort and travel demand has never been examined. We show that when parking meter violation behaviour, fine level choice, modal split and travel demand are connected, the fine increase paradoxically supports car use and encourages parking violation in the case of large parking congestion in particular.
In this paper we present a general equilibrium model to examine the role of parking and transit subsidy policy on the size of a central business district (CBD), CBD land values, and the market shares of cars and transit. The three main features of the model are: (1) agglomeration economies increase continuously with labor market size; (2) congestion arises from auto use only; transit is noncongestible; and (3) locational equilibrium is maintained in the sense that firms and individuals cannot reduce costs or increase utility by moving, given equilibrium prices and city size. We derive the conditions under which parking taxes can be levied and used to subsidize transit and increase equilibrium CBD size and land values. We compute an optimal parking tax that maximizes CBD size and land values and derive relationships among parking taxes, transit use, and congestion. We find nonmonotonic relationships among parking taxes, land values, and transit use.
Simulation of the Parking Phase for Urban Traffic Emission Models
  • S Carrese
  • E Negrenti
  • B B Belles
Carrese, S., E. Negrenti and B. B. Belles (2004) Simulation of the Parking Phase for Urban Traffic Emission Models. Paper presented at TRISTAN V -Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, Guadeloupe. Benenson, I. and P. M. Torrens (2004) Geosimulation: Automata-Based Modelling of Urban Phenomena, London, Wiley, 204 pp.