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Asthma control assessment in a pediatric population: Comparison between GINA/NAEPP guidelines, Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT), and physician's rating


Abstract and Figures

Background Guidelines recommend regular assessment of asthma control. The Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) is a clinically validated tool.AimTo evaluate asthma control according to GINA2006, NAEPP, pediatrician's assessment (PA), and C-ACT in asthmatic children visiting their ambulatory pediatrician or tertiary care pediatric pulmonologist.Methods Demographic data, treatment, and number of severe exacerbations during the previous year were collected. Control was assessed using (i) strict GINA 2006 criteria, (ii) GINA without taking into account the exacerbation item, (iii) NAEPP criteria, and (iv) PA. Children and parents filled out the C-ACT.ResultsFive hundred and twenty-five children completed the survey (mean age: 7.7 years; 28% ≤ 6 years). 78% had a controller treatment. 58% reported ≥ 1 severe exacerbation. C-ACT was ≤ 19 in 29.5%. Control was not achieved in 76.5%, 55%, 40%, and 34% according to GINA 2006 guidelines, NAEPP guidelines, GINA 2006 without exacerbation criteria, and PA, respectively. C-ACT was significantly lower in children ≤ 6 years old (P = 0.002) or with severe exacerbations (P < 0.0001). According to PA, 89% of patients with a C-ACT > 21 were controlled and 85% of patients with a C-ACT < 17 not controlled.Conclusion We observed discrepancies between the different tools applied to assess asthma control in children, and the impact of age and exacerbations. Cutoff point of 19 of C-ACT was not associated with the best performance compared to PA. Assessment of control should take into account symptoms and lung function as suggested by the latest GINA guidelines as well as exacerbation over a long period.
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Asthma control assessment in a pediatric population:
comparison between GINA/NAEPP guidelines, Childhood
Asthma Control Test (C-ACT), and physician’s rating
A. Deschildre
, I. Pin
, K. El Abd
1, 3
, S. Belmin-Larrar
, S. El Mourad
, C. Thumerelle
P. Le Roux
, C. Langlois
& J. de Blic
e de pneumologie-allergologie p!
ediatrique, p^
ole enfant, clinique de p!
ediatrie Jeanne de Flandre, CHRU de Lille, Universit!
e Nord de
France, Lille;
ediatrie, P^
ole Couple Enfants, CHU de Grenoble, INSERM U823, Institut Albert Bonniot, Universit!
e Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France;
ediatrie, CHC Esp!
erance Montegn!
ee, Li"
ege, Belgium;
Service de pneumologie et allergologie p!
ediatriques, AP-HP,
opital Necker Enfants Malades Paris;
ediatrie, groupe hospitalier du Havre, Le Havre;
epartement de biostatistiques, CHRU de Lille,
e Nord de France, Lille, France
To cite this article: Deschildre A, Pin I, El Abd K, Belmin-Larrar S, El Mourad S, Thumerelle C, Le Roux P, Langlois C, de Blic J. Asthma control assessment in
a pediatric population: comparison between GINA/NAEPP guidelines, Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT), and physician’s rating. Allergy 2014; 69: 784790.
asthma; C-ACT; child; exacerbation; guide-
Antoine Deschildre, Unit!
e de pneumologie-
allergologie p!
ediatrique, p^
ole enfant, clinique
de p!
ediatrie Jeanne de Flandre, CHRU de
Lille, Universit!
e Nord de France, Lille,
Tel.: +33 (0)320445072
Fax: +33 (0)320444107
Accepted for publication 24 February 2014
Edited by: Marek Sanak
Background: Guidelines recommend regular assessment of asthma control. The
Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) is a clinically validated tool.
Aim: To evaluate asthma control according to GINA2006, NAEPP, pediatrician’s
assessment (PA), and C-ACT in asthmatic children visiting their ambulatory pedi-
atrician or tertiary care pediatric pulmonologist.
Methods: Demographic data, treatment, and number of severe exacerbations dur-
ing the previous year were collected. Control was assessed using (i) strict GINA
2006 criteria, (ii) GINA without taking into account the exacerbation item, (iii)
NAEPP criteria, and (iv) PA. Children and parents filled out the C-ACT.
Results: Five hundred and twenty-five children completed the survey (mean age:
7.7 years; 28% 6 years). 78% had a controller treatment. 58% reported 1
severe exacerbation. C-ACT was 19 in 29.5%. Control was not achieved in
76.5%, 55%, 40%, and 34% according to GINA 2006 guidelines, NAEPP guide-
lines, GINA 2006 without exacerbation criteria, and PA, respectively. C-ACT
was significantly lower in children 6 years old (P=0.002) or with severe exac-
erbations (P<0.0001). According to PA, 89% of patients with a C-ACT >21
were controlled and 85% of patients with a C-ACT <17 not controlled.
Conclusion: We observed discrepancies between the different tools applied to assess
asthma control in children, and the impact of age and exacerbations. Cutoff point
of 19 of C-ACT was not associated with the best performance compared to PA.
Assessment of control should take into account symptoms and lung function as
suggested by the latest GINA guidelines as well as exacerbation over a long period.
The goal of asthma treatment is to achieve and maintain
control (13). For Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)
guidelines, controlled asthma was defined by minimal diurnal
symptoms and need for b2 agonists (2 week), absence of
nocturnal symptoms, no limitation of activities, and normal
forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) or peak expiratory
flow (PEF). In 2006, the definition included the absence of
exacerbation over the past year (1). National Asthma Educa-
tion and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines (2007)
tolerated the occurrence of one exacerbation (2). Various
studies reported that control is not achieved in a large num-
ber of children and that exacerbations requiring unscheduled
physician’s visits, emergency treatment, or hospitalization
remained frequent (4, 5).
Asthma control score instruments have been developed
and validated for adults and also for children (69). The
Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) is designed for
children aged 411 years (7). Liu et al. have established that
Allergy 69 (2014) 784–790 ©2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd784
a score 19 indicates lack of control over the last 4 weeks
(7). However, higher cut points have been reported (1012).
C-ACT does not take into account exacerbations.
The present study was performed to assess control according
to guidelines (GINA, NAEPP), C-ACT, and physician’s evalu-
ation in asthmatic children aged 411 years, followed up by
pediatric pulmonologists in tertiary centers or by ambulatory
pediatricians. We hypothesized that there are differences
according to the methods of assessment of control and that
taking into account exacerbation strengthens these differences.
Part of the results was presented as an abstract form in the
meeting of the American Thoracic Society, New Orleans, 2010.
Patients and methods
Study population
This was a prospective study including two populations of
asthmatic children aged 411 years, conducted between
October 2007 and April 2009, one recruited in four tertiary
pediatric pulmonology centers (Necker Enfants Malades hos-
pital, Paris; Lille and Grenoble University Hospital, Le Havre
hospital) and the other one recruited by general pediatricians
in the city of Lille and its region. Diagnosis of asthma was
made according to the French guidelines, with the same crite-
ria by general pediatricians and hospital centers. General pedi-
atricians were all participants of a structured network and
have participated to an educational program in asthma diag-
nosis, management, and treatment. They were consequently
trained in asthma diagnosis and management. This study was
approved by the Committee for Evaluation of Research
Protocols of the Soci!
e de Pneumologie de Langue Franc
Study protocol
Patients were included during a single visit. Children with a
chronic illness other than asthma were excluded. The pediatri-
cian conducting the visit filled a form containing historical
data, controller therapy none, inhaled corticosteroids (ICS),
ICS and long-acting bronchodilators (LABA), leukotriene
receptor antagonist and immunotherapy, and the number of
severe exacerbations defined by systemic corticosteroid use,
emergency visits or hospitalization over the past 12 months.
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were performed for all
patients followed up in hospital. In children 7 years old,
forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV
, and FEV
/FVC were
measured and airway obstruction was defined by FEV
FVC <0.8 (13, 13). In children <7 years old, respiratory
resistances were measured by interrupter technique and air-
way obstruction was defined by resistances >150% of predic-
tive values (PV) (3, 1416).
All children and their parents filled in a C-ACT question-
Asthma control assessment
Asthma control was assessed by the pediatrician, blinded to
the C-ACT score:
1According to the GINA 2006: diurnal and nocturnal
symptoms, short-acting b2-agonists use, and activity limi-
tation (past month), lung function if available, and any
exacerbations (past year) (GINA strict).
2According to the NAEPP: diurnal and nocturnal symp-
toms, short-acting b2-agonists use, and activity limitation
(past month), lung function if available, and exacerba-
tions (past year). The definition of well-controlled asthma
tolerated the occurrence of one exacerbation requiring
oral systemic corticosteroids during the past year.
3According to the GINA 2006 criteria but without the crite-
rion ‘exacerbation’ over the past 12 months (GINA symp-
A table listing all the criteria of control according to
GINA and NAEPP guidelines has been inserted on the
form. The assessment was made by the pediatrician during
the visit. Two physicians (KEA and SBL) reviewed all the
forms and validated the level of control.
4Finally, the pediatricians rated asthma as totally con-
trolled, well controlled, partially controlled, and uncon-
trolled (physician’s assessment). They were instructed to
base their ratings on how well the goals of asthma were
being met, as determined on the basis of information
from the patient history, physical examination, and lung
function test if available (3).
For the analysis, patients were divided into two groups,
either controlled (totally or well controlled) or not controlled
(partially controlled or uncontrolled)
C-ACT measurement
All children and their parents filled in a C-ACT question-
naire. We used the French version, translated by the MAPI-
research institute in Lyon, France. The physician did not see
or influence the responses. The C-ACT is divided into two
parts: four questions for the child on perception of asthma
control, limitation of activities, coughing and awakenings at
night (four response options), and three questions for the
caregiver over the past 4 weeks: daytime complaints, daytime
wheezing, and awakenings at night (six response options) (7).
C-ACT scores range from 0 to 27.
Statistical analysis
Continuous variables were described with mean and standard
deviation. Qualitative variables were analyzed as frequencies
and percentages.
To compare the two populations of asthmatic children
(tertiary hospitals and general pediatricians) and to compare
controlled to not controlled children, chi-square tests or Fish-
er’s exact tests were used for qualitative variables and the
MannWhitney test for continuous variables because the
distribution of the variables was not normal according to
ShapiroWilk test. The Spearman’s coefficient was used to
test the correlation between two continuous variables. The
coefficient of kappa was used to analyze concordance
between control assessed according to GINA, NAEPP, and
physician’s rating. Analyses by ROC curve were performed
Allergy 69 (2014) 784–790 ©2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 785
Deschildre et al. Asthma control assessment in children
to determine a cutoff point that maximized the sensitivity
and specificity according to the different tools of assessment.
Accuracy was measured by the area under the ROC curve
(AUC). Decision trees were performed using the software
SIPINA to identify ACT cutoff points that best allowed classi-
fying controlled and not controlled children (SIPINA software;
Research Unit ERIC, Lyon 2 University, France). Statistical
analyses were performed by SAS 9.2 software (SAS Institute
Inc., Cary, NC). Graphs were made with Excel. A Pvalue
<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Five hundred and twenty-five children completed the study, of
whom 353 (67%) recruited in tertiary centers (Table 1). The
mean age was 7.7 years (SD, 2.2) and 145 (28%)
were 6 years. Children recruited at the hospital were more
frequently new patients (24.5% vs 9%, P<0.0001) and older
[7.9 years (SD, 2.23) vs 7.2 years (SD, 2.1), P: 0.002]. They had
used less frequently a controller therapy (75% vs 83.5%, P:
0.028) over the past year. At least one severe exacerbation in
the past year was reported by 64% of the children with hospi-
tal follow-up vs 46% for those with general pediatrician’s fol-
low-up (P<0.0001). The rate of exacerbations over the past
year was also higher in children with hospital follow-up [2.2
(SD, 3.2) vs 1.1 (SD, 1.83), P<0.0001]. Forty-two per cent of
the children had no exacerbation during the past year, while
21% had one and 26% at least three. For the 343 patients who
underwent PFTs, there was no airway obstruction in 242
(70.5%). For children aged 7 years (n=226), the mean
/FVC was 0.84 (SD, 0.09) and less than 0.8 in 73 (32%).
Evaluation of asthma control according to guidelines and
physician’s assessment
Both populations were grouped for control analysis. Control
was not achieved in 76.5%, 55%, 40%, and 34% of
children according to GINA strict criteria, NAEPP criteria,
GINA symptoms criteria, and physician’s assessment,
respectively. The concordance was poor between GINA
strict and GINA symptoms (j=0.34) and weak between
GINA strict and NAEPP (j=0.54). Among children who
performed PFTs, asthma was more often not controlled
according to GINA symptoms in children with abnormal
PFTs (51/101, 50.5%), than in those with normal PFTs (85/
242, 35%) (P=0.008), also according to the other tools
(GINA strict: P<0.0001, NAEPP: P=0.009 and physi-
cian’s assessment: P=0.0001).
C-ACT Score
The mean of C-ACT score was 21.1 (SD, 4.3) (Fig. 1). The
C-ACT score was 19 in 155 children (29.5%) and lower in
children with hospital follow-up [20.6 (SD, 4.6) vs 22.0 (SD,
3.6), P=0.0023]. A positive correlation was observed
between age and C-ACT score (r=0.093; P=0.033), and
the mean C-ACT score was significantly lower in children
aged 6 years [20.2 (SD, 4.4)], vs the older [21.5 (SD, 4.3)]
(P=0.002). C-ACT score was also significantly lower in case
of severe exacerbation during past year [20.2 (SD, 4.6) in
case of 1 exacerbation and 22.3 (SD, 3.6) in the absence of
exacerbation (P<0.0001)].
We did not find significant differences in the C-ACT scores
according to the treatment. The average C-ACT score was
21.1 (SD, 4.2) in patients without controller treatment
(P=0.80 vs the other children), 21.1 (SD, 4.4) for patients
treated with ICS (P=0.91) and 21.2 (SD, 4.2) for patients
treated with ICS-LABA (P=0.88).
ACT score and guidelines or physician assessment of control
C-ACT scores according to the different modalities are
described in Table 2. Whatever the criteria, C-ACT scores
were significantly higher in children with controlled asthma
(P<0.0001). To detect patients who were not controlled, a
cutoff point of ACT 19 was associated with a sensitivity of
36.5% and a specificity of 92.5% according to GINA strict
(AUC =0.727), 48% and 94% according to NAEPP
(AUC =0.801), 58% and 89.5% according to GINA symp-
toms (AUC =0.838), and 62% and 88% according to the
physician’s assessment (AUC =0.840), respectively.
The optimal cut point for not controlled asthma was 21
according to GINA symptoms (sensitivity: 76%, specificity:
81.5%), NAEPP (sensitivity: 81%, specificity: 70%), and
physician’s assessment (sensitivity: 71.5%, specificity: 83%).
This cutoff point was 22 according to the strict GINA
(sensitivity: 71.5%, specificity: 64.5%).
Finally, we analyzed the accuracy of the C-ACT score to
correctly classify asthma control (Fig. 2). According to the
GINA symptoms, 94% of patients with a C-ACT <14 were
considered to be not controlled, while 86% of patients with
C-ACT >21 were considered to be controlled. According to
the physician’s assessment, 85% of patients with a
C-ACT <17 were considered not controlled, while 89% of
patients with a C-ACT >21 were found to be controlled.
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients
Characteristics N=525
Age, years [mean (SD)] 7.7 (2.2)
Boys, n(%) 348 (66)
New patient n(%) 96 (19)
Controller therapy n(%)
No treatment 116 (22)
ICS only 132 (25.5)
ICS +LABA 226 (43.5)
LTA 36 (7)
Immunotherapy 26 (5)
Severe exacerbation’s rate [mean (SD)]
Past month 0.2 (0.6)
Past 3 months 0.7 (1.2)
Past 12 months 1.8 (2.9)
C-ACT [mean (SD)] 21.1 (4.3)
ICS: inhaled corticosteroids, LABA: long-acting beta 2 agonists,
LTA: leukotriene antagonists, C-ACT: Childhood Asthma Control
Allergy 69 (2014) 784–790 ©2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd786
Asthma control assessment in children Deschildre et al.
This study focuses on the assessment of control using differ-
ent tools in a large population of asthmatic children and con-
firms the discrepancies between GINA, NAEPP, physician’s
assessment, and C-ACT score. Young age and exacerbations
were associated with the lack of control. We also observed
that the reference cutoff of 19 for the C-ACT was not associ-
ated with the best performances. However, C-ACT is a good
tool to assess asthma control in clinical practice, especially
for general practitioner.
The population consisted of children attending tertiary cen-
ters but also general pediatric clinics but the criteria of diag-
nosis and management of asthma were homogeneous among
physicians. The population is characterized by the young age
(28% 6 years). Most children took a controller therapy
(ICS and LABA in 43%), representing a population with
more severe asthma compared to the general asthmatic popu-
lation, which can be explained by the hospital recruitment.
The level of control was low and similar to the result of the
French study ELIOS performed mainly in general practice
(controlled asthma in only 26% of 3483 children aged
415 years) (4).
Exacerbations were frequent and patients with exacerbations
in the past year failed to achieve the same level of control
compared to children with no recent exacerbation. By tolerat-
ing one exacerbation per year as proposed by NAEPP guide-
lines, 45% of the patients reached good control (2). By
separating exacerbation criteria from the others (symptoms,
activity limitation, b2 short-acting agonists use, and lung
function), as suggested by recent GINA guidelines, 60% of
children were rated as controlled. Severe exacerbations do
not concern all children, as illustrated in the CAMP study
(30% of patients without any exacerbation) but they are one
of the main characteristics of severe asthma (1720). A past
history of exacerbation is a major risk factor for recurrence,
as reported by Covar et al. in the PACT study and Wu et al.
in the CAMP study (21, 22).
Score ACT
Figure 1 Distribution of C-ACT scores.
Table 2 Control levels according to the different modalities of
[mean (SD)] Pvalue
GINA strict
Controlled* 123 (23.5) 23.5 (2.7) P<0.0001
Not controlled401 (76.5) 20.3 (4.5)
GINA symptoms
Controlled* 314 (60) 23.1 (3.08) P<0.0001
Not controlled211 (40) 18.1 (4.27)
Controlled* 234 (45) 23.5 (2.6) P<0.0001
Not controlled287 (55) 19.1 (4.5)
Physician’s assessment
Controlled* 336 (66) 22.9 (3.03) P<0.0001
Not controlled171 (34) 17.8 (4.31)
*Controlled: totally or well controlled.
Not controlled: partially controlled or uncontrolled.
Allergy 69 (2014) 784–790 ©2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 787
Deschildre et al. Asthma control assessment in children
C-ACT Score
The C-ACT cutoff point of 19 proposed by Liu et al. to iden-
tify inadequately controlled asthma was not the best determi-
nant in our study (7). Initially, it was calculated in a
population of 343 children followed up in a tertiary center
(specificity: 83%, sensitivity: 71.5%, compared to physician’s
assessment) (7). This cut point has been discussed by several
studies conducted in different countries and languages (10
12). Therefore, translation or parents’/children’s perception is
probably not involved. Indeed, translations of the C-ACT
score have been formally validated and the symptoms which
are described in the C-ACT score are universal. In a popula-
tion of 113 Chinese children, among whom 35% were con-
trolled according to GINA criteria, Leung et al. defined a
cutoff 24, compared to the GINA (sensitivity: 66%; speci-
ficity: 63%) (10). Koolen et al. evaluated asthma control in
173 Dutch children (84 aged 411 years) (11). Only 17% of
them were controlled according to GINA criteria. The
C-ACT cutoff point of 19 obtained a sensitivity of 33% and a
specificity of 100%, compared to the GINA, and the cut-off
point of 22 achieved the best performance (sensitivity: 82%,
specificity: 85%). Two other studies were conducted in two
groups of Turkish asthmatic children (12, 23). Yavuz et al.
determined the role of C-ACT and fractional concentration of
exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in identifying children whose
asthma was not controlled (76 children, aged 611 years,
mean: 8.7 years) (12). C-ACT score was better than FeNO,
and an optimal cutoff point of 22 was also found (sensitivity:
69%; specificity: 77%). In a larger group (314 patients, mean
age: 9.0 !1.9 years, ranging between 4.3 and 11.8 year),
!oglu et al. evaluated the consistency of GINA criteria
and C-ACT on the determination of asthma control (23). In
this group, 51% were controlled according to C-ACT and
54.8% according to GINA criteria. If the cutoff point of 20
had the highest compatibility between GINA and C-ACT,
there was inconsistency in 26.7% (84/314) of the patients.
In our study, the optimal C-ACT cutoff point that cor-
rectly predicted not controlled children was 22 (GINA strict)
or 21 (GINA symptoms, NAEPP, physician’s assessment).
Furthermore, a C-ACT score <14 (GINA symptoms)
or <17 (physician assessment) improved the accuracy to
detect that asthma was not controlled. Liu et al. have also
established a second cutoff point <13 to detect very poorly
controlled asthma, associated with poorer outcomes (asthma
severity, lung function, level of treatment) (24).
Discrepancies between C-ACT score and GINA can be
explained by different approaches toward taking into account
asthma manifestations: no details on daily or nocturnal
asthma symptoms but strict definition in term of frequency
in GINA guidelines, more accurate definition but also more
tolerant for the frequency in C-ACT; impact of the criterion
‘exacerbation’ over the past year in the 2006 GINA guide-
lines; and a shift toward partial control in case of one exacer-
bation over the previous 12 months even if good control of
symptoms. This strengthens that the tolerance of one exacer-
bation per year proposed in the NAEPP definition of con-
trolled asthma, and the definition of control without this
criterion in the current GINA guidelines, may help to achieve
a more accurate definition (1, 2).
We reported age and past history of exacerbations as
important features of control level. In a large US study con-
ducted in general pediatricians, which included 2429 asthmat-
ics (417 years), the youngest patients had the worse scores,
which may reflect poor asthma control and a greater risk of
exacerbations, but also highlights the difficulty of measuring
the level of control in this population (25). Indeed, data are
collected from parents who underestimate asthma burden
and impact on the child’s life (26). Liu et al. have shown that
parents rated asthma as mild in 30% of uncontrolled asth-
matics according to C-ACT score (25). C-ACT has the
advantage to be easy to administer, even in the early age and
to question directly the children, with caregiver assistance.
Liu et al. have also showed that 35% of patients consulting
Controlled Not controlled
GINA symptoms Physician’s assessment
C-ACT < 14 14–21 > 21 < 17 17–21 > 21
(n) (31) (217) (277) (71) (167) (269)
% of patients
Figure 2 Performance of C-ACT cutoff points for correctly classifying asthma control according to the GINA symptoms criteria and to the
physician’s assessment.
Allergy 69 (2014) 784–790 ©2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd788
Asthma control assessment in children Deschildre et al.
for nonrespiratory-related complaints had a C-ACT score
of 19, vs 54% of those consulting for a reason related to
asthma (25). Thus, assessment of asthma control using a vali-
dated instrument should be performed at every visit, regard-
less of the reason.
The definition of control by GINA includes a functional cri-
terion, FEV
or PEF <or 80% of predicted value), which is
not the case with the C-ACT. In our study, it should be noted
that among the patients with an obstruction on PFTs, assessed
by FEV
/FVC ratio or airway resistances, 50% were consid-
ered controlled according to GINA symptoms criteria. That
emphasizes that the functional criteria used by the GINA are
not the best to assess respiratory function in childhood. The
/FVC or distal airways flows are more accurate parame-
ters in the evaluation of obstruction. In a study including 367
children with mild to moderate persistent asthma, Nair et al.
showed that up to 45% had abnormal PFTs and that this
result led to step-up treatment in 1020% of them (27).
In conclusion, C-ACT is a supplementary tool in control
assessment and may be useful in daily medical practice, at
any time of the management, particularly in the youngest.
However, we confirm the discrepancies between the different
measurements available to assess asthma control in children
and the fact that generally used C-ACT cut-off point might
underestimate a part of the children whose asthma is not
controlled. Finally, C-ACT does not include lung function,
which is recommended on a regular basis. Evaluation of the
exacerbations over a longer period is also necessary in order
to anticipate and limit the risk.
We would like to thank all the pediatricians involved in this
study and especially the pediatricians of the A3PI (Associa-
tion Asthme Allergie Pneumologie Infantiles) network.
The survey has been funded by a grant from GSK France.
Conflicts of interest
A. Deschildre has received honoraria for lectures and expert
advises by NOVARTIS, GSK, MSD, TEVA, ALK, travel
assistance to attend a conference from GSK, Novartis, Mead
Johnson. J. de BLIC has received honoraria for lectures and
expert advises by ALK, CHIESI, GSK, MSD, Mundi-
Pharma, Stallerge
`nes and TEVA, travel assistance to attend a
conference from CHIESI, GSK, ALK. The other authors of
the paper declare no conflicts of interest.
Author contributions
All the authors had a substantial contribution to the concep-
tion and design, acquisition of data, analysis and interpreta-
tion of data. They contributed to the draft writing and
revised it critically. They finally approved the version to be
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Allergy 69 (2014) 784–790 ©2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd790
Asthma control assessment in children Deschildre et al.
... Different c-ACT cutoff points had low sensitivity but high specificity in assessing inadequately controlled asthma or very poorly controlled asthma in children. 26 There is a body of evidence showing that interventions to promote adherence to inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are effective in children with asthma. 28 A systematic review of the literature including 23 publications (10 studies including only children, seven studies including both adults and children/adolescents), suggested that in high-quality studies, good adherence to medication was associated with fewer severe asthma attacks. ...
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Monitoring is a major component of asthma management in children. Regular monitoring allows for diagnosis confirmation, treatment optimization, and natural history review. Numerous factors that may affect disease activity and patient well‐being need to be monitored: response and adherence to treatment, disease control, disease progression, comorbidities, quality of life, medication side‐effects, allergen and irritant exposures, diet and more. However, the prioritization of such factors and the selection of relevant assessment tools is an unmet need. Furthermore, rapidly developing technologies promise new opportunities for closer, or even “real‐time,” monitoring between visits. Following an approach that included needs assessment, evidence appraisal, and Delphi consensus, the PeARL Think Tank, in collaboration with major international professional and patient organizations, has developed a set of 24 recommendations on pediatric asthma monitoring, to support healthcare professionals in decision‐making and care pathway design. image
... Checking of asthma control is usually pursued by a combination of different tools, such as periodic reports of symptoms (such as by specific questionnaires such as the Asthma Control Test-ACT [6,7] or Childhood Asthma Control Test [8], the incidence of exacerbations, the count of rescue drugs used in a fixed period (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly); measures of markers of type-2 inflammation in the airways (namely, fractional exhaled nitric oxide-FeNO [9], and lung function tests (currently, peak flow measurements at home or laboratory forced expiratory volume in 1 s [FEV 1 ]) [10][11][12][13][14]. ...
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Unlabelled: Bronchial asthma is characterized by variable airflow obstruction, airway inflammation, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) to non-specific stimuli. The role of underlying airway inflammation and of related long-lasting BHR has been suboptimally investigated in teenagers with mild-to-moderate asthma, as has the corresponding economic impact over time. The aim of the present study was to calculate the cost of mild-to-moderate atopic asthma in teenagers arising from their degree of persisting BHR over a twelve-month period. Methods: Patients aged 12-18 years with mild-to-moderate symptoms treated with fluticasone fumarate/vilanterol 92/22 mcg daily were retrospectively followed for 12 months. Usual spirometric parameters, BHR to methacholine (MCh), and resource consumption (visits, hospitalizations, systemic steroids and/or antibiotics courses, school days off) were assessed at recruitment (the index date) and after 6 and 12 months. Adherence to treatment was also calculated. The cost of asthma was calculated based on Italian tariffs and published papers. The trend over time in BHR and the association between response to MCh and total cost were investigated by using regression models adjusted for repeated measures. Results: 106 teenagers (53 males, age 15.9 ± 1.6 years) were investigated. The annual cost of asthma proved significantly related to the BHR trend: every increment of a factor 10 in the response to MCh was associated with a saving of EUR 184.90 (95% CI -305.89 to -63.90). BHR was progressively optimized after 6 and 12 months in relation to the patients' compliance to treatment (≥70% of prescribed inhalation doses). Conclusions: the usual spirometric parameters are largely insufficient to reflect the effects of underlying persistent inflammation in milder forms of asthma in teenagers. In terms of clinical governance, the periodic assessment of non-specific BHR is the appropriate procedure from this point of view. Non-specific BHR proves a reliable procedure for predicting and monitoring the economic impact of mild-to-moderate asthma in teenagers over time.
... Lack of control in asthma includes persistence of clinical symptoms, high number of exacerbations requiring rescue medications, and progressive lung function deterioration. The importance of symptom control in children is underscored by the results of a national survey that found that asthma control fell short on nearly every goal, indicating a lack of effective asthma symptom control in affected children (6). Moreover, a great proportion of patients with even mild symptoms are inadequately controlled and may face severe exacerbations (7). ...
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Tiotropium bromide is the only long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) approved for treatment of patients aged ≥6 years old who have symptoms of uncontrolled asthma. Results from several clinical trials have found that once-daily inhaled tiotropium bromide is safe and efficacious in 6- to 17-year-olds with symptomatic asthma despite treatment with inhaled corticosteroids, with or without other medications. There are still few available studies investigating the impact of tiotropium bromide treatment in preschool children with suboptimal control. In this narrative review, we summarize the pharmacological effects of the LAMA tiotropium bromide, provide an overview about current asthma studies at different pediatric ages, and describe future research needs.
... Formal tools that provide scores to distinguish levels of symptom control (e.g. the Childhood Asthma Control Test (c-ACT) and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ)) can offer insight into asthma control. [12] Future risk refers to the possibility of exacerbations, medication side-effects (oral symptoms and growth in children) or loss of lung function. No test is a gold standard, and all tests must be used in conjunction with a good history and clinical examination to assess control. ...
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The South African (SA) Childhood Asthma Working Group of the Allergy Society of SA (ALLSA) advises on best-practice strategy for childhood asthma management. The strategy is in accordance with current evidence and consensus. The aim of this review is to inform on a best-practice strategy for asthma diagnosis and the assessment of asthma control in SA children who attend public and private healthcare services. The diagnosis of asthma is more difficult in preschool-aged than school-aged children. This review proposes a four-step diagnostic approach in both groups, with an added obligation to objectively measure variable expiratory airflow limitation in school-aged children. Asthma control refers to the degree to which the effects of asthma can be seen in patients, or to which these have been reduced by treatment. After initiation of treatment, it is essential to assess asthma control at regular follow-up visits, and to adjust treatment accordingly. Patient education is key to attaining control.
... The C-ACT is a 7-item patient-based self-evaluative assessment tool used to determine asthma control in children ages 4-11 year of age [9]. This abbreviated version of the tool was adapted from the longer version which contained 27 items. ...
... It is difficult to use diagnostic tools, such as spirometry, in patients under 60 months of age; therefore, a clinical diagnosis is usually performed by assessing the symptoms (wheezing, cough, breathlessness, etc.) and response to treatment. However, as there are various diseases with similar symptoms, the validity of asthma diagnosis varies depending on the evaluation method, and the sensitivity or specificity may drop below 30% [29]. The gold standard diagnostic tool for asthma, such as spirometry and bronchodilator challenge, can be applied in patients over 6 years of age [25], so the diagnosis is more accurate. ...
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The effects of bisphenol A (BPA) on asthma have been reported in various in vitro, animal, and human epidemiologic studies. However, epidemiological studies on the effects of bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF), which are substitutes of BPA, on asthma are lacking. The purpose of this study was to identify the association between BPA, BPS, and BPF and asthma. An asthma-related questionnaire; urinary BPA, BPS, BPF; and the possible confounders were analyzed among 922 adolescents aged 12–17 years who participated in the Korean National Environmental Health Survey 2016. In males, urinary BPA, BPS, and BPF did not show a significant relationship with the lifetime prevalence of asthma. In females, urinary BPS was higher in the asthma group (p < 0.01). High urinary BPS showed a significant relationship with a high odds ratio (OR) of lifetime asthma prevalence in the model adjusted for possible confounders (p < 0.05). High urinary BPS was particularly associated with an increase in the OR of asthma diagnosed after the age of 60 months (p < 0.01). Urinary BPS was significantly associated with asthma diagnosis, especially after the age of 60 months, among Korean adolescent females.
Background: Little research has been conducted to evaluate the correlation between impulse oscillometry (IOS), Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT), and Test for Respiratory and Asthma Control in Kids (TRACK). Methods: This study was conducted at China Medical University Hospital between September 1, 2019, and March 31, 2021. Children aged 2-6 years who had been diagnosed with asthma with acute exacerbation were enrolled and followed-up until the end of the study. Correlations between the parameters of IOS, C-ACT and TRACK were assessed. The validity and reliability of TRACK were verified. Results: A total of 114 children with asthma and acute exacerbations were recruited. Their mean age was 4.1 ± 1.1 years, and 60.5% were males. After a year of treatment, the change of R5-R20 from baseline 0.64 ± 0.38 kPa/L/s to 12th month 0.48 ± 0.2 kPa/L/s (p = 0.022). TRACK and C-ACT scores were significantly correlated during the observation period. R5-R20 in IOS at baseline and at the 12th month of follow-up as well as the change in IOS parameters were significantly associated with C-ACT (p = 0.003, 0.015, and 0.001, respectively). R5% and R5-R20 changes in IOS were associated with TRACK (p = 0.04 and 0.025, respectively). Sensitivity and specificity of TRACK were 80.8% (67.5-90.4) and 100% (94.1-100), respectively, with cut-off points >95 and AUC 93.8%. Conclusions: TRACK score appears to have a stronger association with the IOS parameter than C-ACT score. Our findings indicate that TRACK is a valid tool for assessing asthma control in preschool children.
Background and objective: Preterm birth or fetal growth has been associated with reduced lung function and asthma during childhood in the general population. We aimed to elucidate whether prematurity or fetal growth has a significant influence on lung function or symptoms in children with stable asthma. Methods: We included children with stable asthma who participated in the Korean childhood Asthma Study cohort. Asthma symptoms were determined by asthma control test (ACT). Percent predicted values of pre- and post-bronchodilator (BD) lung function including forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1 ), forced vital capacity (FVC), and forced expiratory flow at 25%-75% of FVC (FEF25%-75% ) were measured. Lung function and symptoms were compared according to the history of preterm birth and birth weight (BW) for gestational age (GA). Results: The study population consisted of 566 children (age range: 5-18 years). There were no significant differences in lung function and ACT between preterm and term subjects. We observed no significant difference in ACT but significant differences were observed in pre- and post-BD FEV1 , pre- and post-BD FVC, and post-BD FEF25%-75% according to BW for GA in total subjects. Two-way ANOVA revealed that BW for GA rather than prematurity was a significant determining factor for pre- and post-BD lung function. After regression analysis, BW for GA was still a significant determining factor of pre- and post-BD FEV1 and pre- and post-BD FEF25%-75% . Conclusion: Fetal growth rather than prematurity appears to have a significant effect on lung function in children with stable asthma.
Background: Most children with asthma have poor inhaler technique, with detrimental morbidity effects. Guidelines recommend clinicians provide inhaler education at every opportunity, yet resources are limited. A low-cost, technology-based intervention-Virtual Teach-to-Goal (V-TTG)-was developed to deliver tailored inhaler technique education with high fidelity. Objective: To evaluate whether V-TTG leads to less inhaler misuse among hospitalized children with asthma versus brief intervention (BI, reading steps aloud) METHODS: A single-center randomized controlled trial of V-TTG versus BI was conducted with 5-10-year-old children with asthma hospitalized between January 2019 and February 2020. Inhaler technique was assessed pre/post-education using 12-step validated checklists (misuse: <10 steps correct). Results: Among 70 children enrolled, mean age was 7.8 years (SD=1.6). The majority (86%) were Black. Most had an emergency department visit (94%) or hospitalization (90%) in the prior year. At baseline, nearly all children misused inhalers (96%). The proportion of children with inhaler misuse decreased significantly in V-TTG (100%→74%, p=0.002) and BI (92%→69%, p=0.04) groups, with no difference between groups at both time-points (p=0.2 and 0.9). On average, children performed 1.5 more steps correctly (SD=2.0), with greater improvement with V-TTG (mean(SD)=1.7(1.6)) versus BI (mean(SD)=1.4(2.3)), though not significantly (p=0.6). Comparing pre/post-technique, older children were significantly more likely =to demonstrate more correct steps (mean change=1.9 vs 1.1, p=0.002). Conclusion: A technology-based intervention for tailored inhaler education led to improved technique among children, similar to reading steps aloud. Older children saw greater benefits. Future studies should evaluate the V-TTG intervention across diverse populations and disease severities to identify greatest impact.
Purpose: We examined the validity of the Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) and identified recommended thresholds for uncontrolled asthma in children from varying backgrounds. Methods: A systematic literature review was performed utilizing PubMed, Ovid Medline, SCOPUS, CINAHL, and conference proceedings. Studies were included if they enrolled children, had a primary outcome of asthma control, examined test validity or psychometrics, and utilized the C-ACT. Along with study design and demographic data, we extracted all outcomes and comparisons used to validate the C-ACT. We evaluated risk of bias using the COSMIN Risk of Bias tool. Our protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020211119). Results: Of 4,924 records screened, 28 studies were included. Studies were conducted internationally and published between 2007-2018. Average number of enrolled participants was 193 (SD=155, range=22-671). Ten studies calculated Cronbach's alpha (mean(SD)=0.78(0.05), range=0.677-0.83). Thirteen studies recommended cut-offs for uncontrolled asthma (≤18 to ≤24). Nine studies found significant agreement or correlation between C-ACT and Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines/physician assessment of asthma control (correlation coefficients range=0.219-0.65). Correlation coefficients between C-ACT and spirometry were <0.6 in five of six studies that included spirometry. Kappa values for C-ACT and various spirometry measurements ranged 0.00-0.34. Conclusions: The C-ACT showed good internal consistency and mixed levels of agreement and correlation with various clinical asthma measures. Recommended cut-offs for asthma control varied and had no consistent relationship with nationality, race, ethnicity, or language. Few studies examined cross-cultural validity and multiple populations remain under-studied. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Asthma therapy is typically prescribed and titrated based on patient or parent self-report of symptoms. No longitudinal studies have assessed the relationship between symptoms and severe asthma exacerbations in children. The goal of our study was (1) to assess the association of asthma symptoms with severe asthma exacerbations and (2) to compare predictors of persistent asthma symptoms and predictors of severe asthma exacerbations. The Childhood Asthma Management Program was a multicenter clinical trial of 1,041 children randomized to receive budesonide, nedocromil, or placebo (as-needed β-agonist). We conducted a post hoc analysis of diary cards that were completed by subjects on a daily basis to categorize subjects as having persistent vs intermittent symptoms. We defined a severe asthma exacerbation as an episode requiring ≥ 3 days use of oral corticosteroids, hospitalization, or ED visit due to asthma based on self-report at study visits every 4 months. While accounting for longitudinal measures, having persistent symptoms from asthma was significantly associated with having severe asthma exacerbations. Predictors of having persistent symptoms compared with intermittent symptoms included not being treated with inhaled corticosteroids, lower FEV(1)/FVC ratio, and a lower natural logarithm of provocative concentration of methacholine producing a 20% decline in FEV(1) (lnPC(20)). Predictors of having one or more severe asthma exacerbations included younger age, history of hospitalization or ED visit in the prior year, ≥ 3 days use of oral corticosteroids in the prior 3 months, lower FEV(1)/FVC ratio, lower lnPC(20), and higher logarithm to the base 10 eosinophil count; treatment with inhaled corticosteroids was predictive of having no severe asthma exacerbations. Patients with persistent symptoms from asthma were more likely to experience severe asthma exacerbations. Nevertheless, demographic and laboratory predictors of having persistent symptoms are different from predictors of severe asthma exacerbations. Although symptoms and exacerbations are closely related, their predictors are different. The current focus of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines on the two separate domains of asthma control, impairment and risk, are supported by our analysis.
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Although most children with asthma are easy to treat with low doses of safe medications, many remain symptomatic despite every therapeutic effort. The nomenclature regarding this group is confusing, and studies are difficult to compare due to the proliferation of terms describing poorly defined clinical entities. In this review of severe asthma in children, the term problematic severe asthma is used to describe children with any combination of chronic symptoms, acute severe exacerbations and persistent airflow limitation despite the prescription of multiple therapies. The approach to problematic severe asthma may vary with the age of the child, but, in general, three steps need to be taken in order to separate difficult-to-treat from severe therapy-resistant asthma. First, confirmation that the problem is really due to asthma requires a complete diagnostic re-evaluation. Secondly, the paediatrician needs to systematically exclude comorbidity, as well as personal or family psychosocial disorders. The third step is to re-evaluate medication adherence, inhaler technique and the child's environment. There is a clear need for a common international approach, since there is currently no uniform agreement regarding how best to approach children with problematic severe asthma. An essential first step is proper attention to basic care.
Background: Antiinflammatory therapies, such as inhaled corticosteroids or nedocromil, are recommended for children with asthma, although there is limited information on their long-term use. Methods: We randomly assigned 1041 children from 5 through 12 years of age with mild-to-moderate asthma to receive 200 microg of budesonide (311 children), 8 mg of nedocromil (312 children), or placebo (418 children) twice daily. We treated the participants for four to six years. All children used albuterol for asthma symptoms. Results: There was no significant difference between either treatment and placebo in the primary outcome, the degree of change in the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV(sub 1), expressed as a percentage of the predicted value) after the administration of a bronchodilator. As compared with the children assigned to placebo, the children assigned to receive budesonide had a significantly smaller decline in the ratio of FEV(sub 1) to forced vital capacity (FVC, expressed as a percentage) before the administration of a bronchodilator (decline in FEV(sub 1):FVC, 0.2 percent vs. 1.8 percent). The children given budesonide also had lower airway responsiveness to methacholine, fewer hospitalizations (2.5 vs. 4.4 per 100 person-years), fewer urgent visits to a caregiver (12 vs. 22 per 100 person-years), greater reduction in the need for albuterol for symptoms, fewer courses of prednisone, and a smaller percentage of days on which additional asthma medications were needed. As compared with placebo, nedocromil significantly reduced urgent care visits (16 vs. 22 per 100 person-years) and courses of prednisone. The mean increase in height in the budesonide group was 1.1 cm less than in the placebo group (22.7 vs. 23.8 cm, P=0.005); this difference was evident mostly within the first year. The height increase was similar in the nedocromil and placebo groups. Conclusions: In children with mild-to-moderate asthma, neither budesonide nor nedocromil is better than placebo in terms of lung function, but inhaled budesonide improves airway responsiveness and provides better control of asthma than placebo or nedocromil. The side effects of budesonide are limited to a small, transient reduction in growth velocity. (N Engl J Med 2000;343:1054-63.) (C) 2000, Massachusetts Medical Society.
International guidelines highlight the importance of assessing asthma control status in children with asthma, and research on practical and objective instruments for assessing asthma control is ongoing. To determine the role of the Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) and fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in identifying children with not well-controlled asthma. Children 6 to 11 years of age with asthma were enrolled in the study. They completed C-ACT and underwent FeNO and spirometric measurements during the monthly clinic visits. An asthma specialist assessed asthma control according to the gold standard Global Initiative for Asthma guideline and decided the treatment of the patients. Seventy-six children with a mean (SD) age of 8.7 (1.4) years were evaluated in the first visit, whereas 64 and 51 children were admitted for second and third visits, respectively. A C-ACT score of 22 or less had 69% sensitivity and 77% specificity in determining not well-controlled asthma, whereas an FeNO value of 19 ppb or higher had 61% sensitivity and 59% specificity in patients who completed 3 visits. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that the C-ACT was better than FeNO for identifying patients with not well-controlled asthma (area under the curve, 0.79; P < .001 [C-ACT] vs .58, P = .10 [FeNO]) Results of multivariate generalized estimating equation analysis revealed that a C-ACT score of 22 or less (odds ratio, 8.75; 95% confidence interval, 4.35-17.59; P < .001) and an FeNO of 19 ppb or greater (odds ratio, 2.60; 95% confidence interval, 1.07-6.29; P = .03) were significant indicators for the presence of not well-controlled asthma. The C-ACT is superior to FeNO in determining the control status of children with asthma and may be used as a complementary tool in clinical practice to detect children with not well-controlled asthma.
Reliable assessment of asthma control is essential for effective treatment. Although several methods are used to assess asthma control, it is still suboptimal all over the world. Childhood asthma control test (C-ACT) is a widely used complementary test in determining the level of asthma control in conjunction with GINA guidelines. To evaluate the consistency between the childhood asthma control test (C-ACT) and the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guideline-based asthma control measure in children with asthma and, if present, to investigate the reasons for any discrepancy. Patients and their caregivers filled a C-ACT and a socioeconomic status survey before the physician visit. Asthma control level was also assessed according to GINA criteria by a pediatric allergist who was blinded to C-ACT scores. The mean age of the total 314 patients was 9.0 ± 1.9 yr, ranging between 4.3 and 11.8 yr, of whom 56.1% (n = 176) were men. Regarding the study group, 54.8% of patients were controlled according to GINA, and 51.0% of patients were controlled according to C-ACT (score ≥20). There was inconsistency between GINA and C-ACT in 26.7% (84/314) of the study group when the patients were evaluated individually (κ = 0.464). There was not any significant variable that could predict the consistency and inconsistency between these methods. Consistency between GINA and C-ACT is not as to be expected. Using only one method for determining the control level of asthma does not seem to be reliable and accurate.
Most hospital admissions for asthma exacerbation are avoidable with adequate disease management. The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of children hospitalized with an asthma exacerbation to identify modifiable factors leading to hospitalization. The study was conducted in 14 pediatric units and included children 3-17 years of age who were hospitalized for an asthma exacerbation. The present analysis covers 498 children with known asthma. Staff physicians used a standardized questionnaire to collect data. Asthma history came from a parental interview and included usual asthma care, frequency of symptoms and quick-relief medication use in the previous month, frequency of exacerbations and number of unscheduled healthcare visits during the past year, and prior asthma-related hospitalizations. More than half the children had previously been hospitalized for an exacerbation, 42% used continuous inhaled corticosteroids, and 57% had a regular follow-up for asthma. Asthma had been well controlled over the past year for 11%, 12% had experienced exacerbations during the past year but that had been optimally controlled during the previous month, and 11% had recently become poorly controlled (infrequent exacerbations in the previous year and non-optimal control in the previous month). The remaining 327 children (66%) were consistently poorly controlled (non-optimal asthma control in the previous month and frequent exacerbations over the previous year). Among this group, 69% had at least one of the following preventable risk factors for hospitalization: no regular controller therapy (49%), no asthma action plan (40%), or no follow-up for asthma (35%). Two-thirds of the children with asthma hospitalized for an exacerbation had been consistently poorly controlled during the previous year. They were frequently undertreated and insufficiently educated about asthma. Further efforts are needed to improve asthma treatment and education in France.
Several tools are useful in detecting uncontrolled asthma in children. The aim of this study was to compare Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines with the Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) and the Asthma Control Test (ACT) in detecting uncontrolled asthma in children. 145 children with asthma filled in a web-based daily diary card for 4 weeks on symptoms, use of rescue medication and limitations of activities, followed by either the C-ACT or ACT. For predicting uncontrolled asthma, score cut-off points of 19 were used for C-ACT and ACT. According to GINA guidelines, asthma was uncontrolled in 71 (51%) children and completely controlled in 19 (14%) children. The area under the curve in the receiver operating characteristic curves for C-ACT and ACT versus GINA guidelines were 0.89 and 0.92, respectively. Cut-off points of 19 for C-ACT and ACT resulted in a sensitivity of 33% and 66% in predicting uncontrolled asthma, respectively. C-ACT and ACT correlate well with GINA criteria in predicting uncontrolled asthma, but commonly used cut-off points for C-ACT and ACT seem to underestimate the proportion of children with uncontrolled asthma as defined by GINA.
The Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) has demonstrated validity in classifying children aged 4 to 11 years as having either "well-controlled" or "not well-controlled" asthma. However, new asthma management guidelines distinguish 3 levels of asthma control. We sought to determine a second cut point on the C-ACT to identify children with "very poorly controlled" asthma. Binomial logistic regression was performed on data from 671 children. The specialist's rating of control was the criterion measure. Specialists' severity ratings, specialists' assessment of therapy, and FEV(1) percent predicted were used to assess the clinical validity of the cut point. A cut point of 12 was selected because it correctly classified the highest percentage of participants (66.3%) as having "very poorly controlled" (vs "not well controlled") asthma and demonstrated high specificity (89.8%) and moderate positive predictive value (69.1%). Children scoring 12 or less versus 13 to 19 had lower mean FEV(1) percent predicted (79.8% vs 92.6%, P = .0002) and were more frequently stepped up in therapy (72.9% vs 53.6%, P = .0131) and rated as having severe asthma (13.6% vs 4.5%, P = .0005). One month later, significant differences in C-ACT scores and lung function between these 2 groups persisted. The mean C-ACT score of participants classified as "very poorly controlled" was significantly lower than that of participants classified as "not well-controlled" (17.2 vs 20.3, respectively; P = .0001). A second cut point of 12 or less on the C-ACT identifies children with the lowest level of control, who are at risk for poorer outcomes, and is conceptually consistent with the classification of "very poorly controlled" asthma adopted by asthma management guidelines.
The Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) has been validated in adults to measure the primary goal of management (minimisation of symptoms, activity limitations, short-acting β₂-agonist use and airway narrowing). The present study evaluated the validity, measurement properties and interpretability of the ACQ in children aged 6-16 yrs. 35 children attended clinic on three occasions (0, 1 and 4 weeks) and completed the ACQ, Mini Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Royal College of Physicians' "Three Questions". Parents completed the Paediatric Asthma Caregiver's Quality of Life Questionnaire. Between visits, children completed the Asthma Control Diary and measured peak expiratory flow. At weeks 1 and 4, clinicians and parents completed Global Rating of Change Questionnaires. All patients completed the study. 19 children were stable between two assessments and provided evidence of good test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.79). The ACQ was responsive to change in asthma control (p = 0.026) and the mean ± sd Minimal Important Difference was 0.52 ± 0.45. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal correlations between the ACQ and the other outcomes were close to predicted and provided evidence that the ACQ measures asthma control in children. The ACQ has strong measurement properties and is valid for use in children aged 6-16 yrs. In children aged 6-10 yrs, it must be administered by a trained interviewer.