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Patent foramen ovale: The current state of play



### Learning objectives Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a common finding, occurring in up to 25% of people.1 ,2 An association between PFO and stroke has consistently been seen in up to 50% of patients without an identifiable cause, that is, the so-called cryptogenic stroke (CS) and only in 20% with an identified cause.3 ,4 Many studies have been published testing the hypothesis that paradoxical emboli through a PFO may be implicated, however the available evidence is mixed and conflicting,5 ,6 perhaps in part due to the low recurrence rate and long-term nature of these events. PFOs are associated with numerous other conditions including migraine with aura, decompression sickness, other venoarterial embolic phenomena and platypnoea orthodeoxia. In this review we will describe the embryological development of the interatrial septum, discuss the diagnosis and clinical associations of PFO, as well as evaluate the available data for and against closure. The embryological development of the interatrial septum and foramen ovale is complex, starting at 4–5 weeks post conception with fusion of ventral and dorsal endocardial cushions. Closure of the atrioventricular canal creates two cavities that develop into atria and ventricles and divide into left and right sides. Initially the septum primum grows from the roof of the atria towards the fused endocardial cushion (figure 1A), while the gap, the ostium primum, allows interatrial flow. Before complete atrial separation, a new communication, the ostium secundum, develops by fenestration of the superior region (figure 1B ), allowing continuous right-to-left shunting of oxygenated blood from the umbilical arteries bypassing the fetal pulmonary circulation (figure 1 …
Patent foramen ovale: the current state of play
Kaleab N Asrress, Maciej Marciniak, Anna Marciniak, Ronak Rajani, Brian Clapp
Curriculum topic: Congenital heart disease in adult patients
Department of Cardiology,
Guys and St ThomasNHS
Foundation Trust, London, UK
Correspondence to
Dr Brian Clapp, Department of
Cardiology, St Thomas
Hospital, Westminster Bridge
Road, London SE1 7EH, UK;
KNA and MM contributed
equally to this study.
Received 12 June 2015
Revised 19 August 2015
Accepted 13 September 2015
Published Online First
20 October 2015
To cite: Asrress KN,
Marciniak M, Marciniak A,
et al.Heart
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a common nding,
occurring in up to 25% of people.
An associ-
ation between PFO and stroke has consistently
been seen in up to 50% of patients without an
identiable cause, that is, the so-called cryptogenic
stroke (CS) and only in 20% with an identied
Many studies have been published testing
the hypothesis that paradoxical emboli through a
PFO may be implicated, however the available evi-
dence is mixed and conicting,
perhaps in part
due to the low recurrence rate and long-term
nature of these events. PFOs are associated with
numerous other conditions including migraine with
aura, decompression sickness, other venoarterial
embolic phenomena and platypnoea orthodeoxia.
In this review we will describe the embryological
development of the interatrial septum, discuss the
diagnosis and clinical associations of PFO, as well as
evaluate the available data for and against closure.
The embryological development of the interatrial
septum and foramen ovale is complex, starting at
45 weeks post conception with fusion of ventral
and dorsal endocardial cushions. Closure of the
atrioventricular canal creates two cavities that
develop into atria and ventricles and divide into
left and right sides. Initially the septum primum
grows from the roof of the atria towards the fused
endocardial cushion (gure 1A), while the gap, the
ostium primum, allows interatrial ow. Before com-
plete atrial separation, a new communication, the
ostium secundum, develops by fenestration of the
superior region (gure 1B), allowing continuous
right-to-left shunting of oxygenated blood from the
umbilical arteries bypassing the fetal pulmonary cir-
culation (gure 1C). Infolding of the atrial wall on
the right aspect of the septum primum produces
the septum secundum to overlap the ostium secun-
dum (gure 1D). The two septae partially fuse and
leave an uncovered part of the septum primum
forming the fossa ovalis and anterosuperiorly the
foramen ovale (gure 1E). Reversal of the pressure
gradient on birth approximates the remaining ap
and in the majority of the population the linings of
ostium primum and ostium secundum fuse perman-
ently closing the foramen.
PFO is believed to be present in up to one in four
adults, from postmortem studies. One study of 965
normal hearts documented an increasing size and
decreasing prevalence of PFO with age (34.3% up
to 30 years, 25.4% in the fourth decade and
20.2% in the ninth and tenth decades).
In 500
subjects who died due to acquired cardiovascular
pathology PFO occurred in 15% of cases.
Similarly, a PFO prevalence of 24% was found with
transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) among
585 subjects, age 45 years in a stroke prevention
A larger, 1000 patient, TOE study found a
lower prevalence of PFO of 9.2%, although this
conrmed increasing frequency with age (12.96%
vs 6.15% in patients aged 4049 years vs
7079 years).
As most individuals with a PFO are asymptomatic,
it is usually an incidental nding at autopsy,
antemortem presentation is often with a clinically
associated condition and subsequent identication
by one of the following methods.
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) studies ow patterns in
the middle cerebral artery and, following the per-
ipheral intravenous injection of agitated saline,
monitors for air bubbles during normal respiration
and manoeuvres that promote right-to-left shunting,
such as a sniff and Valsalva. Valsalva manoeuvre
increases intrathoracic pressure reducing systemic
venous return resulting, on release, in a temporary
increase in right atrial pressure producing a gradient
allowing right-to-left shunting with a PFO.
with contrast has a greater sensitivity than transthor-
acic echocardiography (TTE) with contrast at identi-
fying PFO with reduced specicity
as it is unable
to differentiate atrial, ventricular and pulmonary
arteriovenous malformations (pAVMs).
TTE may identify a PFO using colour ow
mapping; however, if suspected, TTE should be
performed with air/saline or air/saline/blood con-
trast preferably injected from the femoral vein,
with a recent meta-analysis suggesting little differ-
ence between agents.
A PFO is conrmed by
Learning objectives
Understand the anatomy and embryology of
the interatrial septum and patent foramen
ovale (PFO).
Develop an overview of the many clinical
associations of a PFO.
Appraise the clinical evidence for and against
closure of PFO.
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contrast in the left atrium within three cardiac
cycles following opacication of the right atrium
(gure 2); any longer than ve cardiac cycles is
suggestive of an intrapulmonary shunt.
14 15
size can be quantied based by the number of
bubbles seen in a single still frame (small: <10;
moderate: 1020; large: >20 bubbles) at rest and
after provocative manoeuvres.
Data is emerging
that 3D TTE with contrast may be more effective
than 2D, and similar to TOE with contrast at iden-
tifying PFO.
14 17
Closer proximity of the TOE probe to the intera-
trial septum improves anatomical resolution
although the invasive nature impairs Valsalva per-
formance and reproducibility. Given the higher
yield in some studies TOE may be used if PFO is
not found non-invasively where there is a high clin-
ical suspicion or to conrm the anatomy, including
the location of the pulmonary veins, once the PFO
has been demonstrated on TTE (gures 3 and 4).
Alternative imaging modalities such CT
(gure 5)
and cardiac MRI
can be used to identify PFO,
although ultrasound based techniques remain the
cornerstone of diagnosis.
Although striking images of large thrombi strad-
dling a PFO following CS lend causality support
Figure 1 Embryological development of the interatrial septum. (A) Septum primum grows from the roof of the atria. (B) Fenestrations develop
within the septum primum creating a channel, the ostium secundum (C), through which oxygenated blood passes from right to left bypassing the
fetal pulmonary circulation. (D) The septum secundum develops by infolding of the atrial wall on the right of the septum primum and overlapping the
ostium secundum. (E) The septum secundum partially covers the septum primum creating a thick arch over the ostium secundum with the uncovered
part of the septum primum forming the fossa ovalis. (F) The two septae fuse, apart from the anterosuperior aspect of the fossa ovalis creating a
tunnel, namely the foramen ovale. IVC, inferior vena cava; LA, left atrium; PFO, patent foramen ovale; RA, right atrium; SVC, superior vena cava.
Figure 2 Transthoracic echocardiogram during bubble contrast injection. Bubble
contrast transthoracic echocardiogram showing right-to-left shunting of contrast
medium during a Valsalva manoeuvre. PFO, patent foramen ovale; RA, right atrium.
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(gure 6) numerous other conditions have been
associated with an increased prevalence of PFO.
Cryptogenic stroke
The rst documented stroke in the presence of
PFO was a young woman reported by Cohnheim in
Subsequently, numerous studies have
shown a signicantly higher prevalence of PFO
(averaging 40%) among subjects with CS compared
with the general populationa signicant effect
irrespective of age.
Studies suggest the size of
PFO is correlated with risk in CSsuspected para-
doxical embolisation was more common with a
larger PFO than control or in those with known
stroke aetiology.
A large meta-analysis compared
CS with strokes of known causes and demonstrated
an OR for PFO of 3.16 (95% CI 2.30 to 4.35), for
atrial septal aneurysms (ASAs) 3.65 (95% CI 1.34
to 9.97) and for PFO plus ASA 23.26 (95% CI
5.24 to 103.20).
Whether anatomical variants,
such as a persistent Eustachian valve, aneurysmal
septum and prolonged PFO tunnel, are correlated
with increased risk simply as they reect a larger
PFO is not clear.
Non-cerebral arterial embolisation
Systemic arterial embolisation to the limbs, gut and
kidneys has been reported in association with
The presence of PFO has been associated
with young patients, without cardiovascular risk
factors and non-atheromatous arteries, presenting
with thrombotic ST elevation myocardial infarction
in some,
34 35
although not all, studies.
36 37
Published cases of myocardial infarction with
PFO often report the presence of pulmonary
with the raised right-sided pressures
increasing right-to-left shunting. A cardiac MRI
study of patients with CS found 1 in 10 had sub-
clinical myocardial infarctions on late gadolinium
suggesting that this may be a
more common manifestation than previously
Septic embolisation
Thrombotic emboli travelling to the systemic circu-
lation via PFO bypass the mechanical lter of the
lung vasculature. Paradoxical infections are well
recognised complications among children with con-
genital intracardiac shunts or adult patients with
Similarly, cerebral abscesses have been
reported in patients with sepsis with a previously
silent PFO.
Migraines affect approximately 13% of the popula-
tion aged 2064 years, with 36% preceded by
and PFO is associated with migraine with
aura in 4060% compared with 2030% con-
A PFO allows bypassing of the
Figure 3 Transoesophageal
echocardiogram of the interatrial
septum. (A) Transoesophageal
echocardiogram of the interatrial
septum showing a slit-like
communication between the left
atrium (LA) and right atrium (RA).
(B) Colour ow mapping of the
spontaneous left-to-right shunt. PFO,
patent foramen ovale.
Figure 4 Transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) of
the interatrial septum showing a signicant atrial septal
aneurysm (ASA). LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.
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ltration activity of the lungs perhaps leading to
increased systemic concentration of nitric oxide,
kinins, serotonins or other vasoactive substances
triggering migraine attacks.
48 49
Alternative propo-
sitions include deoxygenation of arterial blood
causing attacks and long-term shunting, lowering
the threshold for migraine attacks.
Decompression sickness can occur following diving
or at high altitudes in pilots and astronauts.
gas bubbles formed during depressurisation may
cause decompression sickness. Usually these
migrate through capillaries or lymphatics to the
pulmonary circulation and are expired. However,
when present in large numbers, they swamp this
lter to enter the arterial circulation and, after
amplication by further inert gases within periph-
eral tissues, cause the acute vascular effects of
decompression sickness. A PFO or pAVM facilitates
the entry of inert bubbles in the arterial circulation.
Decompression sickness following a normal non-
provocative dive prole, where ascent is at an
appropriate pace, is more often associated with a
right-to-left shunt than following a provocative
The risk of decompression sickness also
depends on the size of the PFO.
Obstructive sleep apnoea
It has been suggested that the presence of elevated
right heart pressure induces right-to-left shunting
across the PFO contributing to hypoxia,
and an
increased severity of nocturnal episodes of hypoxia
among patients with Obstructive sleep apnoea
(OSA) with PFO may worsen the adverse vascular
effects of this condition.
Similarly desaturation
can arise in a patient with transiently raised pul-
monary artery pressures, such as following a pul-
monary emboli or severe pneumonia.
Platypnoea orthodeoxia
An interesting entity strongly associated with
56 57
platypnoea orthodeoxia is dened as an
association of dyspnoea and arterial oxygen desat-
uration induced by upright posture and relieved by
recumbency. The pathology is complex involving
an intracardiac shunt, such as a PFO, combined
with a mechanism to redirect ow through itfor
instance, a persistent Eustachian valve and dilated
aortic root causing stretching of the foramen
increasing right-to-left shunting. In patients who
exhibit such symptoms, closure of the PFO has
been shown to be an effective treatment.
with severe liver dysfunction may develop platyp-
noea and orthodeoxia due to the hepatopulmonary
syndrome, differentiated from a PFO with a bubble
study (potentially while standing), which alters the
urgency of treatment.
In addition to associations in prevalence of PFO
and events, studies have looked at stroke recurrence
rates in the PFO population.
Cryptogenic stroke
Mas et al
prospectively examined 581 patients,
aged 1855 years, who suffered an ischaemic stroke
Figure 5 (A) Sagittal view (B) axial 5 chamber view. Patent foramen ovale (PFO)
identied on cardiac CT. Ao, ascending aorta; AV, aortic valve; LA, left atrium; RA, right
Figure 6 Thrombus across the
interatrial septum. (A) Subcostal view
of the right and left atria with a large
mobile mass straddling the interatrial
septum in a patient that had suffered
a large stroke. Subsequent
pathological specimen (B) conrmed
the presence of a large thrombus
straddling the atria and is likely to
have been the cause of the stroke. LA,
left atrium; PFO, patent foramen ovale;
RA, right atrium.
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without a denite cause. All received secondary
prevention with aspirin and underwent TTE and
TOE assessment for PFO and ASA at rest; follow-
ing provocative manoeuvres, 37% were found to
have a PFO, 2% an ASA and 9% had both. After a
mean follow-up of 3.1 years, recurrent stroke
occurred in 4.2% of patients with no interatrial
septal abnormality, compared with 2.3% with a
PFO alone. However, the rate was increased signi-
cantly to 15.2% with both a PFO and ASA. This
low recurrence rate and parity without a combined
PFO and ASA is consistent with smaller retrospect-
ive studies.
Although retrospective studies have shown a
strong association between the presence of PFO
and CS, prospective studies, looking at the risk of
rst-time ischaemic stroke, have not shown PFO as
an independent risk factor.
Embolic Phenomena.
Trials on PFO closure versus medical treatment in
cryptogenic stroke
Non-randomised studies
By accepting that material crossing a PFO can cause
a stroke, treatment can work to reduce clot forma-
tion with medication or occlude the PFO (gures 7
and 8).
Medical approaches include the use of antiplate-
lets like aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole or antic-
oagulants such as warfarin or novel oral
anticoagulants. Some evidence favours anticoagu-
lants in the presence of ASA and PFO,
with a higher risk of bleeding.
64 65
A recent system-
atic review and meta-analysis of 15 clinical studies
of medical treatment following CS or TIA
Figure 7 Fluoroscopic views of percutaneous patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure. Fluoroscopic guidance of
percutaneous PFO closure. (A) Although rarely required, balloon sizing of the PFO with a compliant balloon can help
in selecting the correct device. A stiff wire remains in place ideally in the left upper pulmonary vein avoiding the left
atrial appendage. (B) The left atrial and right atrial discs of this Amplatzer multifenestrated occluder are being held in
position by the introducer catheter. (C) Following release, the device takes up a more physiological position. IVC,
inferior vena cava; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; TOE, transoesophageal echocardiography;
Figure 8 Transoesophageal
echocardiography (TOE) images of
device deployment. TOE guidance to
aid device positioning and deployment.
(A) Prerelease position; (B) post release
in 2D as well as 3D imaging (C, D).
AV, aortic valve; LA, left atrium; RA,
right atrium.
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demonstrated an absolute rate of recurrent ischae-
mic stroke of 1.6 events per 100 person-years
(95% CI 1.1 to 2.1).
In contrast, a retrospective
analysis of 10 non-randomised studies of 1355
patients with PFO closure indicated a risk of recur-
rent stroke of 04.9% compared with a signi-
cantly increased rate of 3.812% in 895 medically
managed patients from six trials.
A large single-
centre non-randomised trial by Windecker et al
found the risk of stroke over 4 years following PFO
closure had a non-signicant trend towards fewer
events compared with medical treatment (7.8% vs
22.2%, p=0.08). Analysis of patients with more
than one cerebrovascular event at baseline found
PFO closure was associated with a signicantly
lower risk of TIA or recurrent stroke (7.3% vs
33.2%, p=0.01).
A propensity-matched compari-
son after median follow-up of 9 years showed a
reduction in the composite end point (11% vs
21%, p=0.033) driven by a reduction in transient
ischaemic attacks in the closure group.
Randomised studies
To date three prospective randomised trials have
looked at the comparison of percutaneous closure
of PFO versus medical treatment for secondary
stroke prevention. A summary of these studies is
presented in table 1. First, the CLOSURE 1 trial
included 909 patients (age 1860 years) who
suffered CS or TIA within 6-months prior to
recruitment and were randomised to PFO closure
with a STARFlex device (NMT Medical) (n=447)
or best medical treatment (n=462) and followed
up for 2 years. The primary end point, a composite
of stroke/TIA during 2 years of follow-up, death
from any cause during the rst 30 days, or death
from neurological causes between 31 days and
2 years was 5.5% in the closure group compared
with 6.8% in the medical-therapy group
(HR=0.78, p=0.37).
The respective rates were
2.9% vs 3.1% for stroke (p=0.79) and 3.1% vs
4.1% for TIA (p=0.44). The authors concluded
that device closure did not offer a greater benet
than medical therapy alone for stroke/TIA preven-
tion. Subsequently, the PC trial studied 414 patients
under the age of 60 years who had suffered a
previous stroke, TIA or peripheral embolic event.
A total of 204 patients were randomised to
Amplatzer PFO Occluder (St Jude Medical,
Minnesota, USA) and compared with medical treat-
ment in 210 subjects. The primary end point was a
composite of death, non-fatal stroke, TIA or per-
ipheral embolism with a mean 4-year follow-up.
This end point occurred in 3.4% (7 device patients)
vs 5.2% (11 medically treated subjects) (HR 0.63;
95% CI 0.24 to 1.62, p=0.34). Outcome for non-
fatal stroke (1 vs 5: HR 0.2; 95% CI 0.02 to 1.72,
p=0.14) and TIA (5 vs 7: HR 0.71; 95% CI 0.23
to 2.24, p=0.56) was also non-signicant.
Finally, the RESPECT trial enrolled 980 subjects
(age 1860 years) with PFO and CS within
270 days, randomised to medical therapy (n=481)
with one or more antiplatelet (74.8%) or warfarin
(25.2%) or PFO closure using the Amplatzer device
(n=499). The primary outcome was recurrence of
non-fatal stroke, fatal ischaemic stroke or early
postrandomisation death dened as all-cause mor-
tality. The mean follow-up was 2.6 years during
which a target of 25 of events had occurred.
Analysis was complicated by increased dropout in
the medical arm resulting in a signicantly lower
patient/years follow-up. No deaths occurred and in
the intention-to-treat cohort, 9 device patients and
16 medically treated patients had a recurrent stroke
(HR 0.49; 95% CI 0.22 to 1.11, p=0.08).
However, a signicant difference was observed in
the as-treatedanalysis (5 vs 16; HR 0.27; 95% CI
0.10 to 0.75, p=0.007) as three strokes in the
device arm occurred between randomisation and
These large multicentre randomised trials
provide invaluable information, however all three
had some important issues and limitations.
all three encountered problems in recruitment due
to off-label PFO closure highlighted by the fre-
quency of non-research device closure; an esti-
mated 1 000 000 implants occurred over the same
time but only 2203 were recruited to studies. All
studies suffered long recruitment times (CLOSURE
1 9 years, PC 13 years and RESPECT 10 years).
CLOSURE 1 had to reduce its sample size poten-
tially leading to underpowering, while with
RESPECT and PC trials more dropouts occurred in
the medical arm, some due to off-label PFO closure
(table 1). The power of the PC trial was affected by
Table 1 Summary of randomised studies on patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure
for cryptogenic stroke (CS)
Closure Respect PC trial
Inclusion 1860 years, PFO, CS or TIA
within 6 months
1860 years, PFO, CS
within 270 days
<60 years, PFO, CS
Composite: Stroke or TIA,
death from any cause within
30 days, death from
neurological causes between
31 days and 2 years
Recurrence of
non-fatal stroke, fatal
ischaemic stroke or
all-cause mortality
Composite: death from
any cause, non-fatal
stroke, TIA, peripheral
909 980 414
Follow-up 2 years Mean 2.6 years Mean 4 years
Device STARFlex Amplatzer PFO
Amplatzer PFO
Device closure
86% 93.5% 95.9
Closure Medical Closure Medical Closure Medical
Dropouts 15% 19% 10% 19% 16% 20%
Kaplan-Meier ITT 5.5% 6.8% 1.8% 3.3% 3.4% 5.2%
HR 0.78 (0.45 to 1.35)
0.49 (0.22 to 1.11)
0.63 (0.24 to 1.62)
Stroke ITT 2.9% 3.1% 1.8% 3.3% 0.5% 2.4%
HR 0.90 (0.41 to 1.98)
0.53 (0.23 to 1.22)
0.20 (0.02 to 1.72)
As treated Not presented 1.0% 3.3% Not presented
HR 0.27 (0.10 to 0.75)
ITT, intention-to-treat.
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a smaller observed (5.2%) than expected (12%)
event rate in the medically treated patients.
Observational data suggests that patients with
large PFO and coexisting ASA are at greater risk,
however the CLOSURE 1 and PC trials recruited
signicant numbers with small shunts and relatively
few with ASAs. In the CLOSURE 1 trial, only
52.9% of participants had a moderate or large shunt
and only 36.6% had a coexistent ASA. The PC trial
included 61% of patients with moderate or large
shunts, and only less than a quarter with an ASA
(23% in the device group and 24.3% in the medical
group). The greater effect seen in the RESPECT
trial may reect the inclusion of 78% large or mod-
erate shunts.
Early studies showed that complete PFO closure
reduces risk of recurrent stroke,
however in the
CLOSURE 1 trial almost 14% had a signicant
degree of shunting at 6 months and at 2 years.
Other concerns regarding this device arose as
nearly a quarter of the strokes were in the rst
30 days, 5.7% suffered postprocedural AF and
major bleeding was noted in 2.6%; this could mask
any potential benets. The RESPECT study had sig-
nicantly lower risk of residual shunt (6%) at
6 months while rates of atrial brillation and bleed-
ing were 0.6% and 1.6%, respectively. In the
CLOSURE 1 study an alternate cause of stroke or
TIA was apparent in 87% of the closure group and
76% of the medically treated group, questioning
the original patient workup.
Two recent meta-analyses have been published.
The rst, by Agarwal et al
of 10 studies including
CLOSURE 1 with 1886 patients compared device
closure and medical therapy for recurrent neuro-
logical events. Overall recurrence rates were esti-
mated at 0.79/100 patient years (CI 0.48 to 1.05)
for device closure and 4.39 (CI 3.20 to 5.59) for
medical management (relative risk 0.25 (CI 0.11 to
A meta-analysis of the randomised control
trials found a signicant intention-to-treatrisk
reduction for stroke and/or TIA in the device
group (pooled HR=0.59; 95% CI 0.36 to 0.97,
In summary there appears to be a real, albeit
small, signal for reduced recurrent neurological
events with device closure in carefully selected
patients, which is reected in the recommendations
of the UK National Institute for Health and Care
Finally, although PFO closure is associated with
higher initial expenditure there is data suggesting it
is cost-effective in the long term, although this is
based on a clear efcacy model.
The hope is that
the ongoing REDUCE and CLOSE trials, with
more targeted inclusion criteria proposed by the
RoPE investigators, will help better differentiate
those for optimal medical therapy or device
Patients undergoing PFO closure for non-migraine
indications have reported symptomatic improve-
A non-randomised study in refractory
migraines demonstrated a signicant improvement
in symptoms and a total elimination of aura in
patients undergoing PFO closure.
The only pub-
lished randomised study is the Migraine
Intervention with STARFlex Technology (MIST)
This prospective sham-controlled study
using the STARFlex device (NMT Medical)
included patients with migraine with aura and a
moderate or larger right-to-left shunt. The study
failed to reach the primary end point of diary
recorded headache cessation 6 months after ran-
domisation. Furthermore, no signicant difference
was found for the secondary end points, assessing
the frequency and severity of migraines over
3 months. A post hoc analysis revealed, when two
extreme outliers were removed, a signicant reduc-
tion in the median total headache days following
PFO closure.
This negative result could reect an overly ambi-
tious primary end point or the likely multifactorial
nature of migraine triggers, obscuring the effect of
reduction of one mechanism. As before, the efcacy
of the device has been questioned. Studies in this
area are further complicated the uctuant nature of
presentation and severity of by this condition,
particularly when a short follow-up is used.
A follow-up study, the MIST II trial, started recruit-
ment in 2006 but was halted due to poor uptake in
Provisional presentation of the PRIMA
study, using the Amplatzer occluder device, also
failed to show a signicant reduction in headache
days at 1 year, although very few subjects were ran-
domised to device closure (Transcatheter
Therapeutics, 2014, unpublished data). Given the
current evidence base, closure of PFO primarily for
migraine reduction is not recommended outside of
a trial, and should only be considered after thor-
ough workup by an independent neurologist.
Decompression illness
There are no prospective randomised studies of
PFO closure in divers. A longitudinal study
performed by Billinger et al
followed up 104
recreational divers with a history of major decom-
pression illness (DCI); 39 without PFO, 26 with a
PFO who chose to undergo closure and 39 with a
PFO who decided against closure. Over 5.3 years
follow-up of 81 654 dives there were 5 major
neurological DCI eventsnone in the non-PFO
group, 0.5 ±2.5/10 000 dives in the PFO closure
group and 35.8±102.5/10 000 dives in the PFO
non-closure group. An experimental study evaluat-
ing 34 divers (19 with PFOs and 15 who had
undergone device closure) in a hyperbaric chamber
found the same number of venous bubbles was
detected by TTE and TCD with complete elimin-
ation of arterial bubbles after simulated dives in the
closure group.
Although the data supports
closure, it is advised that a cardiologist with a spe-
cialist interest in diving medicine reviews patients
prior to attribution of causality to a potentially
incidental PFO, because differentiation of alterna-
tive aetiologies of DCI is complex.
1922 Asrress KN, et al.Heart 2015;101:19161925. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2015-307639
Education in Heart on January 19, 2016 - Published by from
Platypnoea orthodeoxia
This is a rare condition and there are no pub-
lished series comparing shunt closure versus con-
servative management. However, as reported
reversal of the documented haemodynamic com-
promise on closure of the shunt is so clear, device
closure is highly recommended in symptomatic
Ideally, to improve the quality of the available data,
we need the cooperation of clinicians, device com-
panies and regulatory bodies to design and carry
out an adequately powered study. This should aim
to better risk-stratify patients, to identify the truly
CS population, as well as predict risk of future
events based on anatomy and shunt dynamics.
Device closure with the current technology is asso-
ciated with serious but infrequent complications
and some residual shunt work should continue on
better device design to reduce malpositioning,
embolisation, clot formation and atrial tachyar-
rhythmias. Intracardiac echocardiography may
allow for shorter procedure times and hospital
stays by avoiding sedation and anaesthesia.
Bioabsorbable technologies or the development of
effective radiofrequency ablation techniques may
reduce complications such as erosion. There
remains an inextricable link between migraine with
aura and the presence of PFO,
and future
research in this area would be valuable.
Given the need for careful consideration of
numerous factors spanning cardiology, neurology
and haematology for individual patients, there is a
critical role for the multidisciplinary process in the
optimisation of care. Recent developments of the
heart team for complex valvular and coronary dis-
orders have laid the essential groundwork for this
new multidisciplinary group working.
A PFO is present in up to one in four people and is
associated with a host of conditions including CS,
DCI, OSA, migraine, paradoxical myocardial
infarction and other distal embolisations. A large
body of observational data point towards the
benet of device closure, however three rando-
mised controlled trials have failed to send a conclu-
sive answer. There were limitations in study design,
recruitment process, inclusion criteria and device
characteristics. An adequately powered study
including a high proportion of patients with high-
risk features using an efcacious device and careful
inclusion criteria is still required. As all the current
evidence favours intervention, the balance points
towards improved outcomes with device closure
versus medical therapy in carefully selected patients
with CS.
Contributors KNA and MM are equal rst authors having
provided the original draft and required revisions. AM provided
editorial support and wrote the required questions. RR provided
editorial support and specic assistance with the images. BC was
the overall senior author providing the idea, guidance and editorial
Competing interests BC has received speaking fees from St Jude
Medical and has worked on advisory boards for Boston Scientic
and Medtronic.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer
1 Hagen PT, Scholz DG, Edwards WD. Incidence and size of
patent foramen ovale during the rst 10 decades of life: an
autopsy study of 965 normal hearts. Mayo Clin Proc 1984;59:
2 Meissner I, Whisnant JP, Khandheria BK, et al. Prevalence of
potential risk factors for stroke assessed by transesophageal
echocardiography and carotid ultrasonography: the SPARC study.
Mayo Clin Proc 1999;74:8629.
3 Handke M, Harloff A, Olschewski M, et al. Patent foramen ovale
and cryptogenic stroke in older patients. N Engl J Med
Key messages
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is present in up to 25% of individuals.
There is a strong association between the presence of a PFO and
cryptogenic stroke (CS), dened as a stroke without an identiable cause.
Transoesophageal echocardiography with bubble contrast remains the rst
line of investigation in suspected cases.
The recurrence rate following a CS in those on optimal medical therapy is
Three randomised studies of device closure versus medical therapy in
secondary prevention following CS have been completed: CLOSURE I,
RESPECT and PC trials. All missed their primary end point of reducing the
rate of recurrent stroke.
All three studies struggled with slow recruitment, high rate of off-label use
of devices, and a heterogeneous study population in terms of PFO size and
rate of atrial septal aneurysms.
In the largest study published to date, RESPECT, there was a signal towards
improved outcomes with device closure. However further studies are
required, and are ongoing, to clarify matters.
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Asrress KN, et al.Heart 2015;101:19161925. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2015-307639 1925
Education in Heart on January 19, 2016 - Published by from
Patent foramen ovale: the current state of
Brian Clapp
Kaleab N Asrress, Maciej Marciniak, Anna Marciniak, Ronak Rajani and
doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2015-307639
2015 101: 1916-1925 originally published online October 20, 2015Heart
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... The foramen ovale is a physiological channel between the left and right atria during fetal life. After birth, the infant's resistance to pulmonary circulation decreases and the left atrial pressure is greater than the right atrial pressure, and functional closure of the foramen ovale should occur after birth [9,10]. Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is de ned as the incomplete closure of the foramen ovale beyond the age of 3 years [11]. ...
Full-text available
Purpose: OSA and PFO both can lead to changes in blood oxygen. In this study, we sought to determine whether blood oxygen changes were further exacerbated with OSA combined with PFO. Methods: Based on c-TCD and PSG results, 623 patients were retrospectively included. According to the results, the patients were divided into 4 groups: OSA and PFO double-positive group, PFO single-positive group, OSA single-positive group, and OSA and PFO double-negative group. In addition, based on the AHI results, we extracted all the severe and moderate patients, and then used the PFO results to group them into the OSA single-positive Moderate-Severe group and the OSA and PFO double-positive Moderate-Severe group. The minimum oxygen saturation, ODI, sleep time with oxygen saturation <90% (TST90) and the percentage of cumulative time with oxygen saturation below 90% in total sleep time(T90) were analysis. Results: The minimum oxygen saturation, ODI: There were statistical differences the four groups (P < 0.000). However, there was no statistical difference between the double-positive group and the OSA single-positive group. At the same time, there was no statistical difference between the PFO single-positive group and the all-negative group either. In addition, there was no statistical difference between the all-positive group and the OSA single-positive group in the Moderate-Severe group. TST90 and T90: There were statistical differences between the OSA single-positive Moderate-Severe group and the OSA and PFO double-positive Moderate-Severe group. Conclusions: Patients with OSA-PFO overlap had more severe intermittent hypoxia during sleep than patients with OSA alone.
... 22 PFO affects about one in four newborns, and most of them do not have any symptoms. 23 In addition, data of the patients consulted with the use of local isotretinoin were given for comparison. Most of these patients were not informed about the possible effects of isotretinoin during pregnancy, and none of them used any contraceptive method. ...
Isotretinoin has been used to treat severe acne for more than 40 years. There are no accurate data on the absolute risk of potential teratogenicity to all fetuses exposed to isotretinoin. According to current guidelines, isotretinoin should be discontinued at least 1 month before pregnancy. This study enrolled pregnant women who contacted the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit for individual drug risk assessment between 2016 and 2020. Data on maternal characteristics and isotretinoin exposures were obtained at first consultation. After delivery, follow-up calls were conducted using a structured questionnaire. Of 2,323 pregnant women consulted, 1.3% (31/2,323) had systemic isotretinoin exposure during and before pregnancy. Of 31 prospectively followed pregnancies, eight terminated electively. Most elective terminations (7/8) were performed because of the fear of fetal malformation. The majority of continued pregnancies (16/23) resulted in healthy live birth. There were no major birth defects. In six pregnancies, intrauterine deaths (three first trimester, three second trimester) were reported. Cesarean section was performed in 70.5% (12/17) of all deliveries. The median gestational age at birth was 39, and no preterm births were reported. Local isotretinoin treatments in six cases were evaluated and presented additionally, and all babies were born healthy. Based on the results of this study, there was no evidence of major birth defect, mental disorder, or retinoid embryopathy associated with the use of isotretinoin in pregnancy. Not local use, but systemic exposure to isotretinoin is of great concern that results in pregnancy termination.
... No major congenital malformation was observed, but one child had patent foramen ovale (PFO). PFO is a minor congenital malformation that affects about one in four newborns [17]. Most patients with a PFO do not have any symptoms. ...
Objective COVID-19 is a rapidly spreading disease and many people have been infected in a short time. Favipiravir is under investigation for the treatment of COVID-19 and given to patients in many countries following emergency use approval. Based on data from animal studies, favipiravir use is contraindicated during pregnancy. Currently, there is no human data except for a single case report on use of favipiravir in pregnancy. Study Design: This article includes the outcomes of 29 pregnancies reported to the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit regarding favipiravir use in pregnancy. For drug risk assessment, maternal characteristics were obtained at first contact. After the expected day of delivery, follow-up is conducted by phone call and all relevant data regarding pregnancy and newborn outcome were documented. Results Of the 29 pregnancies exposed to favipiravir, 5 were electively terminated and 24 resulted in live birth. There were no miscarriages or no stillbirths. There were 25 live births including one pair of twins. Three children were born premature, and one infant had patent foramen ovale. Birth weights, lengths and head circumferences of all infants were within normal range. Conclusion The results of the study indicate that favipiravir is unlikely to be a major human teratogen, but experience is still limited for a well-grounded risk assessment. Although these findings may be useful for the physicians and patients, larger studies are needed due to small number of cases.
... 12 Mechanical ventilation, especially in patients with ARDS, may stretch the pulmonary vasculature and right ventricle, thus reversing the interatrial pressure gradient, leading to the foramen ovale opening and a right-to-left shunt. 13,14 The prevalence of PFO is reported to be between 16% and 19% even in ARDS patients mechanically ventilated with protective ventilation strategies. [15][16][17] A PFO shunt is associated with decreased effectiveness of positive end-expiratory pressure titration in improving oxygenation, greater use of adjunctive interventions, and longer times on mechanical ventilation and in the intensive care unit. ...
... 12 Mechanical ventilation, especially in patients with ARDS, may stretch the pulmonary vasculature and right ventricle, thus reversing the interatrial pressure gradient, leading to the foramen ovale opening and a right-to-left shunt. 13,14 The prevalence of PFO is reported to be between 16% and 19% even in ARDS patients mechanically ventilated with protective ventilation strategies. [15][16][17] A PFO shunt is associated with decreased effectiveness of positive end-expiratory pressure titration in improving oxygenation, greater use of adjunctive interventions, and longer times on mechanical ventilation and in the intensive care unit. ...
During the embryonic period, the heart is the first organ that is formed and starts functioning; this stage is the time that the embryo could not support its nutritional requirements just by the “simple diffusion from the placenta anymore “; so, the heart appears as a new organ. However, the development of the cardiovascular system is not a simple task and several timely mannered developmental steps are necessary to create cardiovascular structures, with appropriate functions and spatial configuration, including right-left direction. Any genetic, epigenetic, environmental, or other forms of unplanned perturbation could potentially lead to congenital cardiovascular disease. In this chapter, the development of the heart and vascular system is discussed, embedded with Clinical note which cite some of the related congenital heart disorders.
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is the general name for multiple cardiac lesions whose etiology is mainly a congenital defect in the interatrial septum. Atrial septal defects, after bicuspid aortic valve and mitral valve prolapse, are the third most common congenital heart disease. Atrial septal defects are much more frequent in women than men. A long list of assessment methods is used to detect the disease, from noninvasive ones to fully invasive methods. The management depends on both the underlying type of lesion and the general condition of each patient. The outcome is often fair.Ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are also among the most common congenital heart diseases, being the most common congenital defect at birth up to 40% of all congenital heart diseases. VSDs may involve the interventricular septum (IVS) as an isolated defect, as part of the other congenital disease(s), or as a part of complex congenital heart disease including (but not limited to) the following diseases: Conotruncal defects, Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of great arteries, Congenitally corrected transposition, Double outlet right ventricle, Double outlet left ventricle, Left-sided obstructive lesions, Subaortic stenosis, Aortic coarctation, Interrupted aortic arc. Also, there is an important classification of the lesion based on anatomic and embryologic origins. Different diagnostic methods are used to detect the disease. Most small VSDs close spontaneously during the first year of life, while the larger ones or “multiple VSD” cases usually need intervention. If untreated, pulmonary hypertension and systemic desaturation may ensue. Although spontaneous closure is a common phenomenon in infancy and childhood, it occurs much less frequently in adulthood.KeywordsCongenital heart diseaseAtrial septal defectVentricular septal defectPulmonary hypertensionAnesthesiaSurgery
Background Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is associated with perioperative stroke in noncardiac surgery. The magnitude of this association was assessed in a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods Electronic databases were searched up to June 2022 for studies assessing the association between patent foramen ovale and perioperative stroke in adult patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. The primary analysis was limited to studies reporting effect estimates adjusted for significant clinical confounders. We calculated the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results We included nine retrospective and two prospective observational studies, including 21 257 082 patients. The presence of a patent foramen ovale was independently associated with stroke at 30 days after surgery (aOR=6.68 [95% CI: 3.51–12.73]; P<0.001) and at longest follow-up available (aOR=7.36 [95% CI: 3.56–15.21]; P<0.001). The odds of stroke at 30 days varied according to surgical specialty: neurosurgery (aOR=4.52 [95% CI: 3.17–6.43]), vascular surgery (aOR=7.15 [95% CI: 2.52–20.22]), thoracic surgery (aOR=10.64 [95% CI: 5.97–18.98]), orthopaedic surgery (aOR=11.85 [95% CI: 5.38–26.08]), general surgery (aOR=14.40 [95% CI: 10.88–19.06]), and genitourinary surgery (aOR=17.28 [95% CI: 10.36–28.84]). Conclusions The presence of a patent foramen ovale is associated with a large and consistent increase in odds of stroke across all explored surgical settings. Prospective trials should further explore this association by systematically assessing patent foramen ovale and stroke prevalence and identifying a specific population at risk. This is crucial for the elaboration of prevention plans and may improve perioperative outcomes.
Background A patent foramen ovale (PFO) is formed when the ovale foramen does not close spontaneously or re-opens leaving the right and left atrium connected. The present study was conducted to analyze the cost-effectiveness of PFO closure with Amplatzer device plus medical therapy (MT) compared to MT alone in the French reimbursement system for PFO patients with a prior history of stroke, using the RESPECT study data. Methods A multi-state Markov model was used. The analysis was conducted from a collective perspective over a 10-year time horizon with 4% discount applied for costs and health effects. The simulated population included adult patients with PFO. Sub-group analysis was limited to patients with atrial septal aneurysm and/or a large-shunt. Clinical inputs were derived from the RESPECT study and literature. Costs associated with the device, drugs, and management were sourced from literature and national databases. The outcomes of analyses included life-years (LYs), quality-adjusted LYs (QALYs), incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), and number of recurrent strokes avoided. Scenario and sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the robustness of the results. Results The use of Amplatzer plus MT provided additional QALYs (0.16) at an incremental cost of 7301€, generating an ICER of 46,288€/QALY for Amplatzer vs. MT alone. In the sub-group analysis, Amplatzer plus MT provided additional QALYs (0.20) at an incremental cost of 5818€, generating an ICER of 28,624€/QALY for Amplatzer plus MT vs. MT alone. Amplatzer plus MT led to lower number of recurrent strokes in comparison to MT alone in both populations. Scenario and sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the results. Conclusion Amplatzer plus MT represents a cost-effective treatment option and is associated with lower stroke recurrence compared to MT alone for PFO patients with a prior history of stroke.
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A 58-year-old man was admitted to the Catharina Hospital Eindhoven because of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest after a period of intense pain in the left leg. 12-lead ECG showed ST-segment elevation in lead V2–V5, II, III, and AVF ( Panel B ). Emergent coronary and …
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Objectives This study sought to evaluate the effect of catheter-based patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure on the occurrence of arterial bubbles after simulated dives. Background PFO is a risk factor of decompression sickness in divers due to paradoxical embolization of bubbles. To date, the effectiveness of catheter-based PFO closure in the reduction of arterial bubbles has not been demonstrated. Methods A total of 47 divers (age 35.4 ± 8.6 years, 81% men) with a PFO (PFO group) or treated with a catheter-based PFO closure (closure group) were enrolled in this case-controlled observational trial. All divers were examined after a simulated dive in a hyperbaric chamber: 34 divers (19 in the PFO group, 15 in the closure group) performed a dive to 18 m for 80 min, and 13 divers (8 in the PFO group, 5 in the closure group) performed a dive to 50 m for 20 min. Within 60 min after surfacing, the presence of venous and arterial bubbles was assessed by transthoracic echocardiography and transcranial color-coded sonography, respectively. Results After the 18-m dive, venous bubbles were detected in 74% of divers in the PFO group versus 80% in the closure group (p = 1.0), and arterial bubbles were detected in 32% versus 0%, respectively (p = 0.02). After the 50-m dive, venous bubbles were detected in 88% versus 100%, respectively (p = 1.0), and arterial bubbles were detected in 88% versus 0%, respectively (p < 0.01). Conclusions No difference was observed in the occurrence of venous bubbles between the PFO and closure groups, but the catheter-based PFO closure led to complete elimination of arterial bubbles after simulated dives. (Nitrogen Bubble Detection After Simulated Dives in Divers With PFO and After PFO Closure; NCT01854281)
Patients with chronic liver disease are at risk of extra-hepatic complications related to cirrhosis and portal hypertension, as well organ-specific complications of certain liver diseases. These complications can compromise quality-of-life, while also increasing morbidity and mortality pre- and post-liver transplantation. Patients with chronic liver disease are at risk for pulmonary complications of hepaotpulmonary syndrome and portopulmonary syndrome; the major cardiac complication falls under the general concept of the cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, which can affect systolic and diastolic function, as well as cardiac conduction. In addition, patients with certain diseases are at risk of lung and/or cardiac complications that are specific to the primary disease (i.e., emphysema in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency) or occur with increased incidence in certain conditions (i.e., ischemic heart disease associated with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. This section will focus on the epidemiology, clinical presentation, pathogenesis, treatment options, and role of transplantation for lung and heart diseases secondary to liver disease, while also highlighting select liver diseases that directly affect the lungs and hearts. Copyright © 2015 AGA Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In patients with patent foramen ovales (PFOs) and cryptogenic stroke, observational studies have demonstrated reductions in recurrent neurologic events with transcatheter PFO closure compared with medical therapy. Randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses have shown a trend toward benefit with device closure. The cost-effectiveness of PFO closure has not been described. Therefore, a detailed cost analysis was performed using pooled weighted outcome and complication rates from published randomized controlled trials, Medicare cost tables, and wholesale medication prices. Incremental cost per life-year gained and per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained by PFO closure was calculated. The commonly accepted cost-effectiveness threshold of <$50,000/quality-adjusted life-year gained was used. At 2.6 years (the mean duration of randomized controlled trial follow-up), PFO closure was more costly ($16,213, 95% confidence interval [CI] $15,753 to $16,749) per patient, with a cost of $103,607 (95% CI $5,826 to $2,544,750) per life-year gained. The expenditure to prevent 1 combined end point (transient ischemic attack, stroke, and death) at 2.6 years was $1.09 million (95% CI $1.04 million to $1.20 million). Modeling the costs of medical treatment prospectively, PFO closure reached cost-effectiveness (<$50,000/quality-adjusted life-year gained) at 2.6 years (95% CI 1.5 to 44.2). At 30.2 years (95% CI 28.2 to 36.2), the per patient mean cost of medical therapy exceeded that of PFO closure. In conclusion, PFO closure is associated with higher expenditures related to procedural costs; however, this increase may be offset over time by reduced event rates and costs of long-term medical treatment in patients who undergo transcatheter PFO closure. In younger patients typical of cryptogenic stroke, PFO closure may be cost effective in the long term.
A 40-year-old woman presented with an extensive anterior myocardial infarction. After initial thrombolytic therapy, coronary angiography was performed a few days later revealing normal coronaries with severe left ventricular dysfunction secondary to anterior wall akinesia. Echocardiography showed severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction and a patent foramen ovale (PFO). The patient had a history of long-term oral contraceptive consumption. A paradoxical embolus into the left coronary artery via a large PFO was suspected and was successfully treated with PFO closure.
Right-to-left shunting (RLS), usually through a patent foramen ovale (PFO), has been associated with migraine, cryptogenic stroke and hypoxemia. With emerging observational studies and clinical trials on the subject of PFO, there is a need for accurate diagnosis of PFO in patients being considered for transcatheter closure. While transesophageal echo (TEE) bubble study is the current standard reference for diagnosing PFO, transthoracic echo with second harmonic imaging (TTE-HI) may be a preferable screening test for RLS due to its high accuracy and non-invasiveness. The aim of this meta-analysis was to determine the accuracy of TTE-HI compared to TEE as the reference. A systematic review of Medline, Cochrane and Embase was done for all the prospective studies assessing for intracardiac RLS using TTE-HI compared to TEE as the reference; both TTE-HI and TEE were performed with a contrast agent and a maneuver to provoke RLS in all studies. A total of 15 studies with 1995 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The weighted mean sensitivity and specificity for TTE-HI were 91 and 93 % respectively. Likewise, the positive and negative likelihood ratios were 13.52 and 0.13 respectively. TTE-HI is a reliable, non-invasive test with proficient diagnostic accuracies. The high sensitivity and specificity of TTE-HI make it a useful initial screening test for RLS. If the precise anatomy is required, then TEE can be obtained before scheduling a patient for transcatheter PFO closure.
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a common congenital cardiac abnormality of the atrial septum which occurs in 25% of the population. It allows communication between the right and left atrium enabling right to left shunting of deoxygenated blood (after birth) which may be linked to strokes or transient ischemic attacks. PFO may also have an association with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a common medical condition occurring in 9% of adult males and 4% of adult females. It may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. OSA causes intermittent hypoxia from episodes of apnea and hypopnea during sleep. Consequently, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction ensues which produces an increased right atrial pressure which may generate a right to left shunt during apneic episodes promoting the occurrence of thromboembolic events. In this review, the association of PFO and OSA is described along with their implications for cardiovascular disease. The relevant literature and treatment options are discussed to elaborate on the significance of the associated pathology.
Migraine is a widespread disorder with a large impact on society. Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a common occurrence, affecting about 25 % of the population. Observational studies report PFO to be more prevalent in patients with migraine with aura, and patients with migraine with aura have a higher incidence of PFO. The only population-based study does not support this link. It is possible that an association exists between large-sized PFO and migraine. This association may explain how migraine with aura can be triggered. Numerous studies have reported improved migraine with PFO closure, but the only prospective placebo-controlled trial aimed at closure of PFO in patients with migraine with aura did not support this. At this time, evidence does not support the routine detection and closure of PFO in patients with migraine.
A patent foramen ovale (PFO) has long been implicated as a potential mechanism for cryptogenic stroke (CS), which accounts for up to 40% of all cases of ischaemic stroke. Although there is a strong association between a PFO and CS, there is less evidence that percutaneous closure of the defect, as opposed to medical therapy with antithrombotics or anticoagulants, is the most effective form of secondary prevention. The aim of this review is to examine the evidence comparing percutaneous closure with medical therapy, with a particular focus on three recently published randomised controlled trials.
Migraine headache and the presence of a patent foramen ovale have been associated with each other, although the precise pathophysiological mechanism(s) are uncertain. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the extent of patent foramen ovale prevalence in migraineurs and to determine whether closure of a PFO would improve MH. An electronic literature search was performed to select studies between January 1980 and February 2013 that were relevant to the prevalence of patent foramen ovale and migraine, and the effects of intervention(s) on migraine attacks. Of the initial 368 articles presented by the initial search, 20 satisfied the inclusion criteria assessing patent foramen ovale prevalence in migraineurs and 21 presented data on patent foramen ovale closure. In case series and cohort studies, patent foramen ovale prevalence in migraineurs ranged from 14.6% to 66.5%. Case control studies reported a prevalence ranging from 16.0% to 25.7% in controls, compared to 26.8% to 96.0% for migraine with aura. The extent of improvement or resolution of migraine headache attack symptoms was variable. In case series, intervention ameliorated migraine headache attack in 13.6% to 92.3% of cases. One single randomised trial did not show any benefit from patent foramen ovale closure. The data overall do not exclude the possibility of a placebo effect for resolving migraine following patent foramen ovale closure. This systematic review demonstrates firstly that migraine headache attack is associated with a higher prevalence of patent foramen ovale than amongst the general population. Observational data suggest some improvement of migraine would be observed if the patent foramen ovale were to be closed. A proper assessment of any interventions for patent foramen ovale closure would require further large randomised trials to be conducted given uncertainties from existing trial data.