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Regional unevenness and synergy of carbon emission reduction in China's green low-carbon circular economy

  • Aier Eye Hospital Group

Abstract and Figures

This study draws upon general systems theory and Bronfenbrenner's theory of ecosystem studies. Utilizing panel data from 2000 to 2019 covering 30 provinces in China, this study applies the entropy value method to measure the index of high-quality development in China's Green Low-Carbon Circular Economy. Subsequently, the study employs the generalized matrix moment estimation to analyze the regional unevenness and synergistic pathways of carbon emission
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Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
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Regional unevenness and synergy of carbon emission reduction in China's
green low-carbon circular economy
Kaisheng Di a,bc,*, Weidong Chen a, Xingnian Zhang b, Qiumei Shi e, Quanling Cai a,b, Dongli Li a,d,
Caiping Liu a,b, Zhensheng Di b
aCollege of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China
bCollege of Politics and Public Administration, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining, 810000, China
cDepartment of Party Committee, Party School of the Qinghai Provincial Committee of CPC, Xining, 810000, China
dCollege of Chunming, Hainan University, Haikou, 570228, China
eHealth Education Services Department, Xining Aier Eye Hospital, Xining, 810000, China
Handling Editor: Giovanni Baiocchi
China's green low-carbon circular economy
Carbon emission reduction
Regional unevenness
Synergy effects
This study draws upon general systems theory and Bronfenbrenner's theory of ecosystem studies. Utilizing panel
data from 2000 to 2019 covering 30 provinces in China, this study applies the entropy value method to measure
the index of high-quality development in China's Green Low-Carbon Circular Economy. Subsequently, the study
employs the generalized matrix moment estimation to analyze the regional unevenness and synergistic pathways
of carbon emission reduction in the low-carbon circular economy. Findings indicate that carbon emission reduc-
tion within China's green, low-carbon circular economy exhibited inter-regional variations from 2000 to 2019,
accompanied by a significant non-equilibrium spatial distribution and a gradual evolutionary pattern. Except for
the northeast region, the deviation of the high-quality development index in China's Green Low-Carbon Circular
Economy from the national and regional averages converged across the eastern, central, western, and northeast-
ern regions, assuming control of other factors. Therefore, China takes action to stimulate the development mo-
mentum of each region, expediting the adoption of green production methods. Furthermore, optimizing the pol-
icy system should be prioritized to address the regional development gap. Additionally, implementing a compre-
hensive and intensive strategy to enhance resource recycling efficiency is crucial. These measures aim to provide
valuable insights for decision-makers in formulating strategies for the transformation toward China's Green Low-
Carbon Circular Economy.
Abbreviations table
Abbreviations Full forms
IRC Industrial Resource Cycle
CE Carbon Emissions
CI Carbon Intensity
CEc Circular Economy
CSY China Statistical Yearbook
ISe Industrial Structure
HId High Industrialization
DIs Dominant Industry Structure
ESt Energy Mix
URd Urban Development
IRn Industrial Rationalization
1. Introduction
Developing a green, low-carbon circular economy has become a piv-
otal pathway toward global sustainable development, garnering signifi-
cant scholarly interest(Goyal et al., 2021). Within the domain of carbon
emission reduction, scholars are dedicated to investigating strategies
for mitigating carbon emissions in response to challenges such as cli-
*Corresponding author. College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China
E-mail addresses: (K. Di), (W. Chen), (X. Zhang),
(Q. Shi), (Q. Cai), (D. Li), (C. Liu), (Z. Di).
Received 10 May 2023; Received in revised form 6 August 2023; Accepted 11 August 2023
0959-6526/© 20XX
Note: Low-resolution images were used to create this PDF. The original images will be used in the final composition.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
mate change and environmental pollution(Palmer et al., 1997). Re-
searchers focus on carbon emissions within diverse industries and sec-
tors by exploring the efficacy of emission reduction technologies and
policies. Notably, extensive research has been conducted on measures
such as clean energy development, enhancing energy efficiency, and
fostering low-carbon transportation(Morseletto, 2020a). Furthermore,
the circular economy, recognized as a vital element of green and low-
carbon progress, has garnered significant attention(Stahel, 2016). The
circular economy underscores the imperative of efficient resource uti-
lization, recycling, and product design optimization to alleviate the en-
vironmental impact and curtail resource consumption(Murray et al.,
2017). Pertinent studies concentrate on technologies and mechanisms
for resource recycling, encompassing waste treatment and recovery,
circular agriculture, and circular manufacturing(Suchek et al., 2021).
Nevertheless, significant spatial disparities exist in developing a
green,low-carbon circular economy across regions, attributable to geo-
graphical location, economic development level, resource distribution,
and policy support(Hao et al., 2017). Geographical factors significantly
shape various regions' energy structures and industrial layouts, subse-
quently affecting the magnitude of carbon emissions(Nabernegg et al.,
2019). Disparities in economic development levels and industrial struc-
tures result in notable variations in carbon emissions across regions,
with developed regions generally exhibiting lower levels of carbon
emissions while less economically developed regions encounter more
significant challenges in reducing their carbon footprints(Suárez-Eiroa
et al., 2021). Moreover, the spatial distribution is significantly influ-
enced by resource allocation, particularly the availability of renewable
energy resources like wind, solar, and hydro energy, which afford op-
portunities for low-carbon development(Minunno et al., 2020). Con-
versely, regions with limited energy resources often rely on conven-
tional sources, elevating carbon emissions(Gigli et al., 2019). As a re-
sult, divergent resource endowments contribute to disparities in carbon
reduction potential and spatial distribution(Corvellec et al., 2022).
Being one of the world's major carbon-emitting nations, China faces
the immense challenge of reducing carbon emissions(Korhonen et al.,
2018). The Chinese government places great importance on reducing
carbon emissions and has implemented comprehensive policies and
measures to promote green and low-carbon development(MacArthur,
2013). Nonetheless, substantial spatial imbalances exist in China's ef-
forts to reduce carbon emissions, resulting from variations in geography
and economic structure(Geng et al., 2019). Effectively coordinating
carbon emission reduction and economic development has become a
pressing issue demanding immediate attention(Yong, 2007). Scholars
have endeavored to uncover variations in carbon emissions across dif-
ferent regions and investigate the spatial distribution patterns concern-
ing economic development and environmental protection(Rajput and
Singh, 2019). However, there needs to be more systematic research ad-
dressing the spatial imbalances and synergistic effects of carbon emis-
sion reduction(Moraga et al., 2019a). Notably, a significant research
gap exists concerning the examination of the present state and potential
of carbon emission reduction in diverse regions within the framework
of a green, low-carbon circular economy system, as well as the analysis
of disparities and complementarities in carbon emission reduction
across these regions(Velenturf and Purnell, 2021).
This paper employs empirical methods and spatial analysis rooted in
general systems theory and Bronfenbrenner's ecosystem theory to in-
vestigate the spatial disparities and synergistic impacts of carbon emis-
sion reduction(Van Eemeren and Grootendorst, 2004). In contrast to
traditional carbon emission reduction studies that often overlook the
role of geographic space, this study will utilize spatial analysis tools, in-
cluding geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial statistical
methods, to comprehensively and accurately examine the spatial attrib-
utes and variations of carbon emission reduction in different regions by
accounting for factors such as geographical location, spatial associa-
tion, and interregional interactions(Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Emphasis
is on investigating the synergistic effects among different regions. By
examining the disparities and interdependencies in carbon emission re-
duction between regions, this study aims to explore the potential for
synergizing carbon emission reduction policies across regions. The
study will analyze the complementarities and synergistic mechanisms
of carbon emission reduction among different regions to facilitate re-
source sharing, technology transfer, and collaborative development, ul-
timately achieving synergistic effects in carbon emission reduction. A
systematic analytical framework will develop to comprehensively as-
sess the spatial disparities and synergistic impacts of carbon emission
reduction. The framework will consider multiple factors, including re-
gional economic development levels, industrial structures, energy
structures, and resource endowments. It will assess the potential for
carbon emission reduction and the synergistic mechanisms across dif-
ferent regions using quantitative and qualitative methods. By conduct-
ing a comprehensive investigation into the spatial disparities and syner-
gistic impacts of carbon emission reduction in China's green, low-
carbon circular economy, this study can offer a scientific foundation for
formulating carbon emission reduction policies by the government. By
comprehending the variations in carbon emissions among different re-
gions, targeted policies and measures can devise to optimize the advan-
tages of carbon emission reduction. This study can identify more effec-
tive approaches and strategies to mitigate carbon emissions and en-
hance resource efficiency by examining the spatial disparities and syn-
ergistic impacts of carbon emission reduction. This endeavor will facili-
tate the advancement of China's economy towards sustainability, miti-
gate environmental impact, and foster a virtuous cycle of economic de-
velopment and ecological preservation. This study can furnish a scien-
tific foundation for governmental decision-making, foster inter-regional
cooperation and knowledge exchange, and facilitate sustainable devel-
opment. It will enable China to tackle climate change and attain sus-
tainable economic development proactively.
This paper comprises six main sections. The first section provides an
introduction to the topic. The second section focuses on conducting a
literature review in the field. The third section elaborates on the theo-
retical model and presents the research hypotheses. In Part IV, the re-
search methodology is presented, and data collection is conducted. The
fifth section analyzes the results obtained from the empirical study. The
potential innovative aspects of this research are outlined below. The
analysis framework utilized in this study is illustrated in Fig. 1.
2. Literature evaluation
2.1. Theoretical background
The concept of the circular economy has garnered increasing atten-
tion in recent years due to its potential as a sustainable alternative to
the traditional linear economic model(Ormazabal et al., 2018a). Unlike
the linear economy, which follows a take-make-disposeapproach and
depletes natural resources while generating substantial waste, the cir-
cular economy aims to establish a closed-loop system where resources
are continuously reused, recycled, and repurposed, thereby promoting
a regenerative and sustainable economy(Camacho-Otero et al., 2018).
The principles of the circular economy revolve around the three pillars
of reduce, reuse, and recycle.The first step towards achieving a circu-
lar economy is reducing waste and resource consumption(Bonviu,
2014). This can be accomplished by implementing more efficient manu-
facturing processes, utilizing sustainable materials, and fostering sus-
tainable consumption patterns(Stahel, 2019). The second stage entails
encouraging the reuse of products and resources to prolong their lifes-
pan and minimize the need for new production(Barreiro-Gen and
Lozano, 2020). It may involve refurbishing, repurposing, and repairing
products and adopting business models prioritizing access to goods and
services over ownership(Keijer et al., 2019). Lastly, the circular econ-
omy greatly emphasizes recycling and material recovery to keep re-
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Fig. 1. Analysis framework.
sources circulating within the economy for as long as possible(Yuan et
al., 2006). It entails effective recycling processes and strategies for ex-
tracting valuable materials from waste streams(Zink and Geyer, 2017).
The circular economy offers significant advantages, particularly its
positive environmental and climate impact(Winans et al., 2017). A cir-
cular economy can effectively mitigate the environmental footprint of
production and consumption by reducing waste and resource consump-
tion(Geisendorf and Pietrulla, 2018). Notably, it reduces greenhouse
gas emissions by minimizing the demand for new materials and energy-
intensive manufacturing processes(Kirchherr et al., 2018). For instance,
recycling aluminum cans instead of manufacturing new ones from raw
materials can result in energy savings of up to 95%. Moreover, the cir-
cular economy has great potential for economic growth and job cre-
ation(Elia et al., 2017). Fostering innovative business models prioritiz-
ing resource reuse and recycling creates new markets for second-hand
materials and products(Heshmati, 2017). It, in turn, creates opportuni-
ties for small businesses and entrepreneurs to develop novel goods and
services that contribute to a more sustainable economy(Geng et al.,
2013). Furthermore, the circular economy generates employment
prospects in sectors such as recycling, refurbishment, and repair, posi-
tively impacting workers in industries that may otherwise face chal-
lenges due to automation or globalization of job opportunities
(Wijkman and Skånberg, 2015).
Researchers are increasingly examining the synergistic relationship
between regional imbalances and carbon emission reduction in China's
green, low-carbon circular economy(N. Wang et al., 2019). Several fac-
tors have influenced regional imbalances, including geographical loca-
tion, natural resources, industrial structure, and policy interventions
(Yrjälä et al., 2022). Studies have demonstrated that these imbalances
can significantly impact carbon emissions, with regions characterized
by heavy industry or high energy consumption exhibiting higher emis-
sions. In comparison, those dominated by the service sector or renew-
able energy sources tend to have lower emissions(Wich et al., 2020).
Understanding regional imbalances is crucial for identifying the driving
forces behind carbon emissions and developing targeted mitigation
strategies(Vela et al., 2022). Concurrently, the circular economy con-
cept emphasizes the sustainable and efficient utilization of resources
through reduction, reuse, and recycling(Gallego-Schmid et al., 2020).
By decoupling economic growth from resource consumption and envi-
ronmental degradation, the circular economy promotes resource effi-
ciency, embraces renewable energy sources, and reduces waste, con-
tributing to carbon emission reduction and environmental sustainabil-
ity(Fang et al., 2017). However, it is essential to acknowledge that the
effectiveness of circular economy practices may vary across regions due
to disparities in infrastructure, policy support, and economic conditions
(Sarkar et al., 2022).
Research in coordination arises from the combined effect of multiple
factors, resulting in an outcome exceeding their contributions
(Budzianowski, 2017). In the context of carbon reduction, coordination
can achieving by integrating diverse strategies and measures across sec-
tors and regions(Khayyam et al., 2021). For instance, synergistic ap-
proaches may involve combining the development of renewable energy
sources with energy-efficient industrial practices or coordinating re-
gional initiatives to reduce carbon emissions(Herrador et al., 2022).
Understanding the potential for coordination in carbon reduction is cru-
cial for formulating effective policies and strategies that maximize the
environmental benefits of the circular economy(AliAkbari et al., 2021).
It can accomplish by exploring the theoretical foundations of regional
imbalances, the circular economy, and synergistic carbon while provid-
ing insights into the possibilities of regional collaboration and coordi-
nated efforts to mitigate carbon emissions and promote sustainable de-
velopment(M. A.-A. Khan et al., 2023).
2.2. Empirical studies
In regional carbon emission profile studies, numerous empirical in-
vestigations have examined China's regional carbon emission profile
(Balaji et al., 2020). Scholars have analyzed the spatial distribution of
carbon emissions among different provinces and identified the primary
contributors to regional carbon emissions(Tcvetkov et al., 2019). Their
findings reveal substantial disparities in carbon emissions across re-
gions, with industrialized provinces in the eastern coastal area exhibit-
ing higher emissions compared to less developed regions in western and
central China(Pires da Mata Costa et al., 2021). Some scholars have
conducted comprehensive assessments of carbon emissions across Chi-
na's provinces and emphasized the necessity of developing region-
specific strategies for carbon reduction based on each region's unique
characteristics(Yunan et al., 2021).
In the study of circular economy practices and carbon emission re-
duction, empirical research has explored the relationship between cir-
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
cular economy practices and carbon emission reduction(Kurniawan et
al., 2023). Scholars have investigated the impact of circular economy
practices on carbon emissions in China's manufacturing sector(Poveda
et al., 2019). The findings suggest that circular economy practices, such
as material recycling and reuse, significantly reduce carbon emissions
(Tauseef Hassan et al., 2023). Likewise, experts have examined the role
of circular economy policies in promoting carbon reduction in different
regions of China(Vujanović et al., 2022). Their findings indicate that
the implementation of circular economy policies, accompanied by sup-
portive measures and incentives, can effectively contribute to carbon
emission reduction at the regional level(Van Doren et al., 2018).
Additionally, several studies have explored the potential coordina-
tion in carbon emission reduction by integrating various strategies and
measures(Lehmann et al., 2022). Scholars have examined the synergis-
tic effects of renewable energy development and efficiency improve-
ments in reducing carbon emissions across Chinese provinces(Rehman
Khan et al., 2018). Their findings demonstrate that combining renew-
able energy deployment with energy efficiency measures leads to more
significant carbon emission reductions than isolated approaches
(Erythropel et al., 2018). Some researchers have also investigated the
potential for regional cooperation in achieving carbon emission reduc-
tions by establishing carbon trading alliances between provinces
(Christensen, 2021). The results suggest that inter-regional collabora-
tion and resource sharing can enhance the effectiveness of carbon re-
duction policies(Van Oorschot et al., 2022).
These empirical studies provide valuable insights into the regional
unevenness and coordination of carbon emission reduction in China's
green, low-carbon circular economy(Lehmann et al., 2022). They un-
derscore the significance of considering regional differences, imple-
menting circular economy practices, and exploring synergistic ap-
proaches to achieve effective and sustainable carbon emission reduc-
tions(Rehman Khan et al., 2018). On these empirical findings, this
study aims to examine further the dynamics and interactions within the
regional context of China's green, low-carbon circular economy and of-
fer insights for policy formulation and decision-making(Erythropel et
al., 2018).
2.3. Gap in the literature
While the existing empirical studies offer valuable insights into the
regional imbalances and coordination of carbon reduction in China's
green, low-carbon circular economy, there still needs to be more litera-
ture that requires further investigation(Christensen, 2021). These gaps
signify areas where additional research is necessary to advance our un-
derstanding of the subject and inform policy and decision-making(Van
Oorschot et al., 2022). Further in-depth analysis is needed to examine
the factors contributing to regional imbalances(Dewick et al., 2022).
Understanding the underlying drivers of regional carbon emissions,
such as industrial structure, energy consumption patterns, and techno-
logical capacity, can assist in developing targeted carbon reduction
strategies for different regions(Bombana and Ariza, 2019). Most empiri-
cal studies have focused on carbon emissions as the primary environ-
mental indicator(Kim and Jang, 2022). However, the circular economy
encompasses broader environmental objectives beyond carbon emis-
sion reduction, including waste management, resource efficiency, and
pollution prevention(Galatti and Baruque-Ramos, 2022). Future re-
search should integrate multiple environmental indicators to capture
the overall impact of circular economy practices on environmental sus-
tainability(Peng et al., 2020). Many empirical studies have provided
cross-sectional snapshots of regional carbon emissions and circular
economy practices(Elia et al., 2020). Longitudinal studies are necessary
to examine changes over time and evaluate the long-term effects of cir-
cular economy policies and practices in reducing carbon emissions
(Herrador et al., 2022). Such studies can provide insights into circular
economy interventions' sustainability and long-lasting impacts(J.
Zhang and Zhang, 2020). While some studies have explored the role of
circular economy policies in carbon reduction, there needs to be more
understanding regarding the actual implementation of these policies at
the regional level(Li et al., 2019). Investigating the challenges and op-
portunities in policy implementation and the factors influencing policy
effectiveness can facilitate evidence-based policy development and im-
plementation strategies(Van Ewijk et al., 2020).
3. Research hypotheses and theoretical mechanisms
3.1. Direct impacts of circular economy on carbon emissions
The circular economy promotes resource efficiency and material re-
cycling as a sustainable approach to resource management (Pires da
Mata Costa et al., 2021). The circular economy can significantly reduce
carbon by fostering resource efficiency, minimizing waste production,
and supporting renewable energy sources(Hao et al., 2017). The circu-
lar economy emphasizes resource efficiency, maximizing resource use,
and minimizing waste and emissions(Yunan et al., 2021). Resource effi-
ciency and the circular economy can significantly reduce greenhouse
gas emissions associated with raw materials extraction, refining, and
transportation(N. Wang et al., 2019). For instance, using recycled mate-
rials in production reduces the demand for virgin materials and the as-
sociated emissions from their extraction and transportation. The circu-
lar economy promotes resource efficiency by encouraging the reuse of
materials and recycling to minimize waste (Wijkman and Skånberg,
2015). By extending the lifespan of goods and materials, the circular
economy can reduce emissions associated with the production and dis-
posal of waste(Kurniawan et al., 2023). Reusing products and recycling
materials can reduce landfill disposal or incineration emissions. The cir-
cular economy can contribute to reducing emissions associated with en-
ergy generation(MacArthur, 2013). The circular economy can help re-
duce greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy production by
promoting sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar(Geng et
al., 2019). The circular economy can promote the use of energy-
efficient tools and methods, thereby reducing emissions associated with
energy generation(MacArthur, 2013).
Several examples can illustrate the impact of the circular economy
on carbon emissions reduction efforts (MacArthur, 2013). The Ellen
MacArthur Foundation estimates that the circular economy has the po-
tential to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 45% by 2030, assuming
emissions associated with waste generation, disposal, resource extrac-
tion, transportation, and production are reduced(Sarkar et al., 2022).
An example of this is the city of Amsterdam, which has implemented a
circular economy strategy to reduce its carbon footprint. The strategy
aims to establish a circular economy by 2050 and achieve a 50% reduc-
tion in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025(Khayyam et al., 2021). The
plan includes initiatives such as employing renewable energy sources,
promoting resource efficiency, reducing waste, and developing circular
business models to achieve these objectives(Balaji et al., 2020). The cir-
cular economy can assist specific sectors in lowering their emissions,
such as the textile sector, which is particularly notorious for its green-
house gas emissions and waste generation (Moraga et al., 2019a). The
circular economy promotes sustainable practices in the textile industry
by using recycled materials, waste reduction, and adopting sustainable
production techniques (Gigli et al., 2019). The building sector is an-
other area where the circular economy can significantly reduce carbon
emissions. The construction industry accounts for a substantial share of
greenhouse gas emissions, mainly attributed to building materials and
structures' production, transportation, and energy use (Stahel, 2016).
The circular economy can drive sustainable practices in the building
sector through increased utilization of recycled materials, waste reduc-
tion, and promotion of renewable energy sources (MacArthur, 2013).
The circular economy promotes resource efficiency, waste reduction,
and the utilization of renewable energy sources, leading to significant
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Numerous examples across dif-
ferent industries and sectors illustrate the impact of the circular econ-
omy on carbon reduction (Khayyam et al., 2021). The circular economy
requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including govern-
ments, businesses, and consumers, to promote sustainable practices and
build a more sustainable future, thus unlocking its full potential
(Fackler et al., 2021).
Hypothesis 1. (H1). The growth of the circular economy can poten-
tially drastically lower carbon emissions.
Hypothesis 2. (H2). The development of the circular economy influ-
ences the number of carbon emissions per person.
3.2. Mechanisms relating to how the circular economy affects carbon
The circular economy advocates for resource efficiency and material
recycling as a sustainable approach to resource management
(Ormazabal et al., 2018a). The circular economy encompasses multiple
mechanisms contributing to its impact on carbon emissions in the con-
text of carbon reduction (Geisendorf and Pietrulla, 2018). The circular
economy aids in reducing carbon emissions by minimizing the use of
virgin materials(Ormazabal et al., 2018a). The circular economy miti-
gates the demand for new materials and the associated pollution by pro-
moting using recycled materials (Bonviu, 2014). For example, produc-
ing aluminum from recycled materials requires only 5% of the energy
needed for aluminum production from virgin materials, significantly re-
ducing greenhouse gas emissions. Similarly, using recycled plastics re-
duces emissions associated with virgin plastic manufacturing, oil ex-
traction, transportation, and waste plastic disposal(Kurniawan et al.,
Waste reduction is another approach through which the circular
economy influences carbon emissions. The circular economy promotes
material reuse and recycling, which reduces waste and the associated
emissions ((Wei et al., 2015). For example, recycling paper reduces
emissions from the disposal or incineration of paper waste. Likewise,
recycling goods such as electronics or clothing reduces emissions asso-
ciated with producing new goods and their disposal (Magazzino and
Falcone, 2022). Additionally, the circular economy can reduce carbon
pollution by promoting the adoption of renewable energy sources. The
circular economy can promote their use by creating circular business
models prioritizing sustainable energy sources like wind and solar
(AliAkbari et al., 2021). For example, circular business models that pro-
mote using recycled materials can also prioritize incorporating sustain-
able energy sources in their manufacturing processes (Kurniawan et al.,
Moreover, by promoting localized production and consumption, the
circular economy can reduce emissions associated with transportation.
Localized production and consumption can reduce emissions associated
with the transportation of commodities by minimizing travel distances
(Yong, 2007). For example, food grown locally has a lower environ-
mental impact in terms of pollutants than food transported over long
distances. Lastly, the circular economy can reduce carbon emissions by
promoting sustainable practices across multiple sectors. The circular
economy can support sustainable practices by minimizing waste and
urging the use of renewable energy sources(Corvellec et al., 2022). For
example, circular business models in the textile industry can promote
sustainable practices and reduce emissions associated with manufactur-
ing and disposing of textile goods by utilizing recycled materials and
minimizing waste(Pires da Mata Costa et al., 2021).
3.2.1. Carbon emissions, urban development, and the circular economy
The circular economy is an effective corporate strategy that priori-
tizes reusing, repairing, and recycling materials and goods to reduce
waste and resource consumption(Magazzino and Falcone, 2022). This
approach can significantly reduce carbon emissions in the context of ur-
ban development, considering that cities contribute a significant share
of global carbon emissions (Fang et al., 2017). This essay will explore
the interconnection between the circular economy, urban growth, and
carbon emissions. The circular economy can play a significant role in
reducing carbon emissions in the context of urban growth (Magazzino
and Falcone, 2022). By reducing the demand for virgin materials and
goods, the circular economy can effectively reduce the carbon footprint
associated with resource extraction, manufacturing, and transportation
(Kirchherr et al., 2018). The circular economy can also reduce emis-
sions from waste management practices such as landfilling and inciner-
ation. Urban expansion can significantly facilitate the transition to a
circular economy (Kurniawan et al., 2023). By implementing sustain-
able development practices like green building design and public trans-
portation, cities can reduce their carbon footprint and promote the
reuse and recycling of materials and goods(Yuan et al., 2006). Using
sustainable building practices, including using recycled materials and
energy-saving technologies, can effectively reduce the carbon footprint
associated with building development and usage. Similarly, using pub-
lic transit can lessen the need for personal vehicles, resulting in lower
transportation-related emissions and more effective resource use
(Gallego-Schmid et al., 2020).
Urban growth and the circular economy are mutually reinforcing.
For example, developing recycling and composting infrastructure in ur-
ban areas enables the reuse and recycling of materials and products,
opening up new possibilities (Yunan et al., 2021). Similarly, the circu-
lar economy contributes to sustainable urban development by reducing
the reliance on resource-intensive practices such as constructing new
buildings(Morseletto, 2020a). To fully realize the benefits of the circu-
lar economy for urban development and carbon emissions reduction,
policymakers and businesses must adopt a holistic approach to urban
planning and infrastructure development(Herrador et al., 2022). This
approach should prioritize energy-efficient construction, accessible
public transit, and the establishment of waste reduction and recycling
Furthermore, companies and policymakers should support the tran-
sition to a circular economy through investment and policy measures
that encourage the creation of circular business models (Pires da Mata
Costa et al., 2021). Urbanization, carbon pollution, and the circular
economy are interconnected. According to Keijer et al. (2019), the cir-
cular economy promotes significant carbon emissions reduction in the
context of urban expansion by emphasizing the reuse, repair, and recy-
cling of goods and materials. Urban development can contribute to the
transition to a circular economy by embracing sustainable development
practices and creating resource and goods reuse and recycling opportu-
nities. Therefore, policymakers and businesses must prioritize sustain-
able development strategies and actively support the transition to a cir-
cular economy(Magazzino and Falcone, 2022).
Hypothesis 3. (H3). Carbon emissions and Urban development are
highly mediated by each other.
3.2.2. Urbanization, industrial rationalization, and carbon emissions
Industrial rationalization involves streamlining operations and opti-
mizing resource usage to enhance productivity and minimize wastage
(Stahel, 2019). In contrast, the circular economy promotes reusing, re-
pairing, and recycling goods and materials to mitigate pollution and re-
source consumption(Kirchherr et al., 2018). Embracing circular econ-
omy principles can lead to industrial rationalization, significantly re-
ducing carbon emissions. These concepts are closely interconnected,
and several methods of industrial rationalization can align with the car-
bon emissions impact of the circular economy(Chen et al., 2019). Indus-
trial rationalization reduces carbon emissions by streamlining produc-
tion processes and minimizing waste, thereby reducing the energy and
resources required for product and service manufacturing (M. A.-A.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Khan et al., 2023). In turn, it diminishes the carbon footprint associated
with resource extraction, production, and transportation.
Additionally, industrial rationalization facilitates the reuse and re-
cycling of goods and materials, which are fundamental aspects of the
circular economy. By optimizing production methods, businesses can
minimize waste and maximize material utilization (Keijer et al., 2019).
It reduces carbon emissions linked to resource extraction and manufac-
turing, decreasing the demand for virgin resources while increasing the
availability of recycled materials. Furthermore, industrial rationaliza-
tion facilitates the transition to renewable energy sources such as solar
and wind power. By reducing energy consumption and improving effi-
ciency, industrial rationalization contributes to adopting renewable en-
ergy (Wijkman and Skånberg, 2015). This significant shift in energy
sources can lead to substantial reductions in carbon emissions associ-
ated with energy generation and utilization.
Industrial rationalization is crucial in supporting the circular econ-
omy and directly influencing carbon emissions by providing businesses
with resource access and promoting sustainable growth(H. Wang et al.,
2020). Businesses can reduce costs and enhance profitability by opti-
mizing their manufacturing processes, creating a compelling case for
embracing circular economy principles (Geisendorf and Pietrulla,
2018). This optimization can stimulate creativity, open new markets,
and foster innovative business models for reusing and recycling materi-
als and goods. Furthermore, adopting circular economy principles can
generate economic opportunities for businesses by encouraging the de-
velopment of circular supply chains, where materials and products are
reused and recycled throughout the production and consumption cycle
(Suárez-Eiroa et al., 2021). It promotes economic growth and enhances
industry resilience and sustainability while mitigating the risks associ-
ated with supply chain disruptions. By optimizing production processes
and reducing waste, industrial rationalization can substantially de-
crease the carbon footprint associated with resource extraction, manu-
facturing, and transportation(Camacho-Otero et al., 2018). Addition-
ally, it facilitates the adoption of circular economy principles by provid-
ing businesses with resource access and fostering sustainable growth.
Policymakers and businesses must prioritize adopting circular economy
concepts and actively support transitioning to a more circular and effi-
cient economy.
Hypothesis 4. (H4).The circular economy and carbon emissions are
mediated mainly by industrial rationalization.
3.2.3. Carbon emissions, urban development, and the industrial resource
The term Industrial Resource Cycle(IRC) describes the closed-
loop system of material and energy fluxes within an industrial ecosys-
tem(Norman et al., 2006). The IRC aims to optimize resource efficiency
and minimize waste by recovering and reusing resources such as mate-
rials and energy. By facilitating the transition to a more sustainable and
circular economy, the IRC plays a significant role in mediating the rela-
tionship between the circular economy and carbon emissions (Fang et
al., 2017). One practical approach employed by the IRC to mitigate the
impact of the circular economy on carbon emissions is the recovery and
reuse of materials. Throughout production, the IRC promotes the recov-
ery and reuse of materials to reduce waste and the demand for new re-
sources (H. Dong et al., 2013). By minimizing the quantity of waste gen-
erated, the IRC reduces the carbon footprint associated with waste dis-
posal in landfills. The IRC can reduce the energy required for mining
and processing virgin resources by recovering and reusing materials,
thereby decreasing the carbon emissions associated with material ex-
traction and processing. Energy recovery and reuse represent another
means by which the IRC can mitigate the impact of the circular econ-
omy on carbon pollution (Murray et al., 2017). The IRC employs en-
ergy-efficient devices and the collection and repurposing of waste en-
ergy to promote energy recovery and reuse. By recovering and reusing
energy, the IRC can reduce the demand for energy from fossil fuel
sources, significantly contributing to carbon emissions(Morseletto,
Furthermore, the IRC promotes using sustainable energy sources
such as solar and wind power, further reducing carbon emissions asso-
ciated with energy production (Norman et al., 2006). Additionally, the
IRC fosters the establishment of circular supply networks that facilitate
the reuse and recycling of materials and goods throughout the produc-
tion and consumption cycle. Consequently, transportation-related car-
bon emissions can significantly reduce by minimizing the need to trans-
port goods and materials. By promoting the expansion of circular sup-
ply networks, the IRC enhances the resilience and sustainability of the
economy while reducing the risk of supply chain disruption. Moreover,
the IRC is crucial in establishing novel marketplaces, and business mod-
els centered around reusing and recycling materials and goods(Dong et
al., 2013). It fosters sustainable development and creates new business
opportunities. These innovative business models and marketplaces may
drive the emergence of new technologies and techniques that con-
tribute to additional reductions in carbon emissions. Junnila et al.
(2018) found that the Industrial Resource Cycle can significantly miti-
gate carbon pollution and bridge the IRC and the circular economy gap.
By encouraging material and energy recovery and supporting circular
supply chains, new business models, and markets, the IRC can substan-
tially reduce the carbon footprint of industrial activities. Therefore,
businesses and policymakers must prioritize the implementation of the
IRC to expedite the transition to a more efficient and sustainable econ-
omy (L. Dong et al., 2017). Based on the above analysis, the mechanism
analysis of the digital economy and carbon emission is shown in Fig. 2.
Hypothesis 5. (H5).The Industrial Resource Cycle is crucial in mediat-
ing between carbon emissions and the circular economy.
4. Methodology and data
To systematically analyze the development of China's green, low-
carbon circular economy, examine the synergistic effects of spatial in-
homogeneity and carbon emission reduction, and comprehensively
consider the systematic effects involving multiple elements, it is neces-
sary to address potential confounding variables that may affect the rela-
tionship between the independent and dependent variables
(Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Multiple regression methods establish a
baseline regression model, a standard hypothetical model used in vari-
ous research fields, including economics, social sciences, and natural
sciences(Kirchherr et al., 2017). By introducing these confounding vari-
ables as control variables, the relationship between the independent
and dependent variables can be assessed more accurately(Palmer et al.,
2016). Additionally, interpreting the interaction effects provides in-
sights into the complex relationships among the independent variables
(Pavan et al., 2022). Statistical inference facilitates evaluating the
model fit, determining the significant effect of the independent vari-
ables on the dependent variable, and making reliable conclusions and
decisions through hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and model
evaluation indicators(Stegmann et al., 2022).
4.1. Data sources
This paper utilizes data from the China Statistical Yearbook for 30
provinces in China spanning 20002019, based on China's gradual and
intensive promotion of green development since 2000. They provided a
stage of exploration and gradual maturity for green and low-carbon de-
velopment. This significant period encompasses vital economic reform
and development stages and various social, economic, and political
changes. Analyzing this timeframe allows researchers to assess the im-
pact of these changes. Due to the unavailability of data for 20202021
for several variables examined in this study, they included. The data un-
dergo the following treatment: exclusion of missing values for
provinces and years, natural logarithm transformation of certain con-
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Fig. 2. Analyses of the carbon emissions and the circular economy.
tinuous variables, and trimming of extreme values at the 1% and 99%
tailsa total of 15,495 observations obtained.
4.2. Description of variables
4.2.1. Explained variables
Carbon Emissions (CE): Carbon emissions refer to the release of car-
bon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
through various human activities(Herrador et al., 2022). These activi-
ties include burning fossil fuels, industrial production, transportation,
deforestation, and changes in land use(Santagata et al., 2020). Carbon
emissions are a significant contributor to global climate change. The
emission of greenhouse gases enhances the greenhouse effect in the at-
mosphere, increasing the Earth's surface temperature(De Souza and
Pacca, 2021). In turn, it impacts the climate system and leads to various
issues, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels(Smol and
Koneczna, 2021). Monitoring and controlling carbon emissions is very
important to national and international organizations. Many countries
have established targets and implemented measures to reduce green-
house gas emissions, including enhancing energy efficiency, increasing
the use of renewable energy, developing clean technologies, and im-
proving carbon emissions management in industry and transportation
sectors(Kumar Awasthi et al., 2022).
Carbon Intensity (CI): Carbon intensity measures the carbon emis-
sions produced per unit of output or activity. It measures an economy or
activity's impact on carbon emissions(Pires Da Mata Costa et al., 2021).
Carbon intensity is typically calculated based on energy consumption,
GDP, or product output(Sherwood et al., 2022). A lower carbon inten-
sity indicates that economic activities or outputs are associated with
relatively fewer carbon emissions, while a higher carbon intensity indi-
cates a higher level of carbon emissions(Rashid and Shahzad, 2021).
Reducing carbon intensity is a common environmental goal to lower
carbon emissions and promote sustainable development(Zhou et al.,
4.2.2. Explanatory variables
Circular Economy (CEc): The circular economy is an economic
model that aims to achieve economic growth and sustainable develop-
ment by minimizing resource consumption and waste generation and
by promoting the recycling and reuse of resources and products within
the economic system(Brändström and Saidani, 2022). It involves shift-
ing from a linear take-make-disposemodel to a circular approach that
treats waste as a valuable resource(Bloise, 2020). The circular economy
emphasizes extending the lifespan of resources, reducing the demand
for new resources, and promoting recycling, reuse, and reclamation
(Saidani et al., 2019). Existing literature suggests several indicators for
measuring the circular economy. These include the waste reuse rate,
which measures the proportion of recycled and reused waste, including
material reuse and energy recovery(Vinante et al., 2021). The material
recycling rate measures the extent to which materials are recycled and
reused within the circular economy relative to the total material re-
quirements(Moraga et al., 2019b). Energy efficiency is another indica-
tor that measures energy use efficiency in economic activities, includ-
ing the relationship between energy consumption and output. Green
jobs, on the other hand, measure the number and quality of jobs created
in environmentally friendly industries and occupations within the cir-
cular economy(Negrete-Cardoso et al., 2022).In this paper, a compre-
hensive indicator system is constructed based on expert indicators re-
lated to the material cycle, energy cycle, value cycle, and other aspects
to measure the level of national circular economy development(Goyal
et al., 2021). The specific secondary indicators, their meanings, and
their attributes detailing in Table 1. The entropy weighting method us-
ing to determine the weights of each secondary indicator, followed by
the TOPSIS evaluation method to comprehensively measure the level of
circular economy development in each of China's 30 provinces. The
specific calculation steps are as follows.
Data normalization: The initial data matrix is
normalized to obtain matrix .If j is a positive
indicator, it is processed according to equation (1). If j is a
negative indicator, it is processed according to equation (2). To
ensure the feasibility of subsequent calculations, let .
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Table 1
Comprehensive index measurement methodology for the national circular economy.
Primary index Secondary indicators Indicator
weights Data
source N Indicator
indicators Main resource output rate (yuan/ton) 0.076 CSY 600 Positive
Recycling rate of main waste (%) 0.019 CSY 598 Positive
indicators Energy output rate (million yuan/ton of standard
coal) 0.233 CSY 569 Positive
Water output rate (yuan/ton) 0.093 CSY 589 Negative
Construction land output rate (million yuan/ha) 0.020 CSY 596 Positive
General industrial solid waste comprehensive
utilization rate (%) 0.073 CSY 597 Positive
Repeated water consumption rate of industrial
enterprises above scale(%) 0.043 CSY 592 Negative
Major recycled resources recovery rate (%) 0.233 CSY 594 Negative
Municipal construction waste resource treatment rate
(%) 0.006 CSY 586 Positive
Urban recycled water utilization rate (%) 0.007 CSY 587 Positive
Total output value of resource recycling industry
(billion yuan) 0.053 CSY 596 Positive
indicators Industrial solid waste disposal volume (billion tons) 0.036 CSY 591 Positive
Industrial wastewater emissions (billion tons) 0.024 CSY 563 Positive
Urban domestic waste landfill disposal volume (billion
tons) 0.027 CSY 592 Negative
Emissions of key pollutants - (billion tons) 0.058 CSY 568 Negative
Calculate the weighting of each indicator :
Calculate the entropy value of each indicator, where the entropy
value for the jth indicator is:
Calculate the weight of the jth indicator based on the entropy value
of each indicator:
The decision matrix is calculated from the normalization
matrix and equation (5):
Determine the positive ideal solution and the negative ideal
solution for each indicator:
Calculate the distance between the positive ideal solution and the
negative ideal solution for each indicator:
The ideal solution for each object of the technique is posted into
Where indicates the closeness of each object to the optimal target,
the larger the value, the better the development of the circular econ-
omy, while the opposite indicates a relatively slow development of the
circular economy.
4.2.3. Control variables
In conjunction with the previous literature review, industrial struc-
turerefers to the distribution and composition of various economic in-
dustries(X. Zhang and Liu, 2022). Implementing a circular economy can
influence the development of different industries(X. Zhang and Liu,
2022). By controlling for changes in the industrial structure, it is possi-
ble to eliminate inter-industry variations that may interfere with the re-
lationship between the circular economy and carbon emissions
(Gebhardt et al., 2022). Considering the close relationship between in-
dustrial structure, resource utilization, energy consumption, and car-
bon emissions, it is reasonable to incorporate industrial structure when
studying the circular economy(Morseletto, 2020b). A high level of in-
dustrialization indicates that a significant proportion of the national
economy comprises the industrial sector. The degree of industrializa-
tion can impact implementation of a circular economy and carbon
emissions(Negrete-Cardoso et al., 2022). Higher levels of industrializa-
tion often coincide with increased energy consumption and carbon
emissions. Thus, controlling for high levels of industrialization makes it
possible to study the impact of a circular economy on carbon emissions
without the interference of industrialization levels(Goyal et al., 2021).
The term dominant industrial structurerefers to industries with a
dominant position within an economic system. Different dominant in-
dustry structures may have varying effects on implementing a circular
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
economy and carbon emissions(X. Zhang and Liu, 2022). By controlling
for changes in the dominant industrial structure, a more accurate study
of the impact of the circular economy on carbon emissions can conduct
while also excluding interference from the dominant industrial struc-
ture(Gebhardt et al., 2022). These control variables are selected based
on a comprehensive analysis and theoretical study of the relationship
between the circular economy and carbon emissions(Morseletto,
2020b). Their inclusion aims to enhance the accuracy and interpretabil-
ity of the study.
Industrial Structure (ISe): The term industrial structurerefers to
the composition and relative significance of various industrial sectors
within a region, country, or economy(K. Khan et al., 2022). It provides
insights into the relative size and importance of different economic in-
dustries. The Industrial Structure Index (ISe) is a standard measure to
assess the industrial structure. This index reflects the relative share of
each industry in terms of total output or employment(Ormazabal et al.,
2018b). Analyzing changes in the Industrial Structure Index helps to
understand the development and transformation of different industrial
sectors within a region or country(Tao et al., 2019). Industrial classifi-
cation systems such as the International Standard Industrial Classifica-
tion (ISIC) or the North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) are employed for detailed classification and comparative
analysis of industrial structures. In addition to ISIC and NAICS, this
study utilizes expert-recommended indicators such as the proportion of
employment in industry, the proportion of value added in industry, and
the proportion of exports to measure the industrial structure. These in-
dicators provide valuable information on the relative importance and
contribution of different industries to the economy(Hertwich, 2021).
High Industrialization (HId): High industrialization refers to a situa-
tion where a region or country has a significant share of the industrial
sector, resulting in substantial industrial output and employment op-
portunities(Xue et al., 2019). This condition is typically characterized
by a higher proportion of the industrial sector's contribution to the
gross domestic product (GDP), a more significant of individuals em-
ployed in the industry, and a more prominent position of industrial out-
put within the national economy(Pavan et al., 2022). Value Added of
Industry as a Share of GDP: This indicator measures the extent to which
the industry contributes to the GDP. A higher share of industrial value
added to GDP signifies a more industrialized economy(D. Dong et al.,
2020). Share of Industrial Employment in Total Employment: This indi-
cator, as suggested by the experts in this study, assesses the proportion
of employment in the industrial sector compared to total employment
(Liu and Xin, 2023). It provides a comprehensive assessment of a region
or country's level of industrialization and degree of industrial employ-
Dominant Industry Structure (DIs): The term dominant industry
structurerefers to the industries or sectors that hold a dominant or
leading position within an economy(Awan et al., 2021). Assessing the
structure of dominant industries involves identifying the key industries
or sectors that play a significant role in the national economy and eval-
uating their contribution and influence using various indicators
(Grafström and Aasma, 2021). These indicators encompass a range of
methods, such as employment figures, exports and trade data, output
value, and contribution margin(Mgbechidinma et al., 2022). In this
study, the industry chain linkage method commonly employed by ex-
perts is utilized, which examines the close relationships between the
leading industry and other industries within the supply and value
chains(Van Doren et al., 2018). By analyzing these interconnections, it
becomes possible to identify the industries that exert a leading influ-
ence on the overall economic system.
Energy Mix (ESt): The energy mix refers to the proportion and com-
position of different energy sources used in the energy consumption of a
region or country(Vujanović et al., 2022). It provides insights into the
characteristics and preferences of an economy or society regarding en-
ergy utilization(Christensen, 2021). Measuring the energy mix involves
considering several indicators, such as the proportion of various energy
sources in total energy consumption. Familiar energy sources include
oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, and renewable energy
(Mgbechidinma et al., 2022). By comparing the consumption propor-
tions of each energy source, it becomes possible to assess the composi-
tion and characteristics of the energy mix(Van Doren et al., 2018). This
study uses energy consumption as the indicator commonly recom-
mended by experts. Energy consumption represents the amount con-
sumed from various sources from energy statistics or survey reports.
Analyzing the magnitude and changes in energy consumption allows
for identifying shifts and trends in the energy mix.
4.2.4. Mediating variables
Urban Development (URd): Urban development is influenced by
various factors, including population growth, economic progress, tech-
nological advancements, and evolving social and cultural norms. Effec-
tive urban development management is crucial to ensure its positive
impact on communities(Xue et al., 2019). When properly planned and
implemented with sustainability in mind, urban development can bring
numerous benefits, such as improved service accessibility, enhanced
living conditions, expanded economic opportunities, and reduced envi-
ronmental impact(Tauseef Hassan et al., 2023). However, poorly
planned development can lead to urban sprawl, traffic congestion, pol-
lution, social inequality, and other negative consequences.
Industrial Rationalization (IRn): Industrial rationalization refers to
optimizing industrial operations and enhancing efficiency through
technological advancements and other measures(Erythropel et al.,
2018). The primary objective of industrial rationalization is to reduce
costs, increase productivity, and improve competitiveness by eliminat-
ing wasteful practices, streamlining processes, and optimizing resource
utilization(Van Doren et al., 2018). Various approaches can be em-
ployed for industrial rationalization, including automation, lean pro-
duction, and supply chain optimization (Jacobi et al., 2017). These ini-
tiatives often rely on data analysis and analytics to identify areas for im-
provement and monitor performance progress over time(Poveda et al.,
Industrial Resource Cycle (IRc): The industrial resource cycle en-
compasses strategies and processes to optimize resource utilization and
minimize waste in industrial production(Tauseef Hassan et al., 2023). It
emphasizes the principles of reuse, recycling, and resource recovery to
promote a more sustainable and circular economy, thereby reducing
the consumption of finite resources and minimizing waste generation
(Grafström and Aasma, 2021). The industrial resource cycle encom-
passes various practices, including closed-loop production systems, re-
manufacturing, and waste-to-energy technologies(Lehmann et al.,
2022). By implementing these practices, the environmental impact of
industrial production can minimize, cost savings can achieve, and new
revenue streams can generate through the recovery and reuse of materi-
Based on the preceding analysis, Fig. 2 illustrates the framework for
establishing the baseline regression model presented in this paper
(Fuinhas et al., 2021).
This study investigated a sample of 30 Chinese provinces, utilizing
detailed data from 2000 to 2019. Linear interpolation was employed as
the method for data interpolation. Most primary data in this research
were obtained from publicly accessible official sources, including rele-
vant indicators from databases and national statistics yearbooks. De-
scriptive statistics for all the data are presented in Table 2.
In order to make the graphics appear more visual and accurate, in
addition to the circular economy data and the other nine data variables,
we visualized each of our variables through data visualization analysis;
as shown in Fig. 3, we can present the data for each variable.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Table 2
Variable descriptive statistics.
Variable N Mean SD Min Max Data sourc
CE 597 10.00 0.905 6.307 11.93 CSY
CI 597 1.911 0.677 0.372 3.800 CSY
CEc 600 0.277 0.146 0.0410 0.827 CSY
URd 600 5.688 0.962 1.386 8.115 CSY
ISe 600 0.0310 0.507 1.655 1.239 CSY
HId 600 10.09 0.839 7.923 11.99 CSY
DIs 600 0.0540 0.365 0.654 1.654 CSY
ESt 600 0.258 0.731 1.609 1.795 CSY
IRn 599 5.311 1.016 0.001 6.312 CSY
IRc 592 3.523 0.901 0.416 5.290 CSY
4.3. Model setting
Based on the previous analysis, the benchmark regression model set
in this paper is shown in equation (12).
The explanatory variable represents either carbon emissions or
carbon intensity. The core explanatory variable corresponds to the
circular economy development index of province i in year t, while
represents a set of control variables. Moreover, serves as
an individual fixed effect to account for interactions among different
provinces. Year is included as a time fixed effect to adjust for exogenous
effects at the macro level, and Province is used as a province fixed effect
to control for exogenous effects at the province level.In particular:
In the equation above: denotes the coefficient of each
variable. denotes the constant term. and denote the individual
fixed effects and time fixed effects, respectively. denotes the random
error term.
Based on our previous discussion of transmission mechanisms, the
circular economy can potentially affect carbon emissions through the
mediating variables of urban development (URd), industrial rational-
ization (IRn), and industrial resource cycle (IRc).The indirect effects of
independent variables on dependent variables through intermediate
variables are commonly referred to as mediating effects (MacKinnon et
al., 2000).To examine whether the aforementioned factors can function
as mediating variables, additional empirical analysis was performed
utilizing a standardized mediating effects model and the Sobel test.
The standardised mediating effects model is defined by Equations
(15)(17), with X representing the explanatory variable, Y representing
the explained variable, and M representing the mediating variable.The
hypotheses numbered three, four, and five were evaluated using the fol-
lowing methods.Equations (18), (19), and (20), which are associated
with Equation (15), provide regression equations that describe the rela-
tionships between the circular economy and the mediating variables:
urban development, industrial rationalization, and industrial resource
cycle.Equation (17), which considers the mediating variables (23)(15),
is equivalent to Equations (21)(23).
Table 3
The outcomes of benchmark regression are displayed.
Variables Static panel model (OLS) Dynamic panel model (GMM)
lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI
lnCEc 0.444***
lnURd 0.384***
(0.105) 0.664***
(0.103) 0.224 (0.415) 0.474(-0.229)
lnIRn 0.0234***
(-0.00797) 0.0191**
(-0.00794) 0.00591
(-0.00621) 0.00276
lnIRc 0.0988***
(-0.0344) 0.0802**
(-0.0314) 0.00222
L.CE 0.703***
L.CI 0.871***
Constant 8.878***
(-0.131) 1.498***
(-0.141) 5.306***(-1.079) 4.610***
Controlvariables NO NO YES YES YES
R-squared 0.957 0.91 0.963 0.936
N 595 595 582 582 553 553
Note:***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Fig. 3. Visual analysis chart of data for each variabl
5. Analysis and results
5.1. Determined stages of the circular economy's growth
The entropy value technique was utilized in this study to assess the
level of circular economy development in 30 provinces. Fig. 4 illus-
trates a positive correlation between policy improvement efforts, re-
gional economic growth, and the development of the circular economy
(AliAkbari et al., 2021). Various industrial parks nationwide have been
established with the circular economy as a central focus, such as the
Tianjin Binhai New Area Circular Economy Park and the Guangdong
Provincial Circular Economy Park. China has made significant strides in
developing industrial parks dedicated to resource recycling, including
the Tianjin Binhai New Area Circular Economy Park and the Guang-
dong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Circular Economy Industrial
Park. Considering the regional growth level and the effectiveness of ap-
proved policies, the Western region exhibits potential for more robust
circular economy development. Nonetheless, the overall level of devel-
opment in China falls between medium and high, laying a solid founda-
tion for establishing a high level of development in a low-carbon circu-
lar economy(Gallego-Schmid et al., 2020).
China, which has made remarkable progress in the circular econ-
omy, has implemented numerous policies and programs to support its
growth. It has established multiple circular economy industrial parks
and enacted laws and regulations to promote the development of green
firms and waste recycling(Kirchherr et al., 2017). The country has also
allocated substantial funds for research and development of cutting-
edge technologies. Nevertheless, there are challenges in implementing
a circular economy in China, such as addressing issues like inadequate
waste management infrastructure and providing incentives for busi-
nesses to adopt circular economy practices. Despite these challenges,
China has made significant strides in circular economy growth in recent
years. The nation's ongoing efforts in this domain are expected to con-
tinue playing a pivotal role in advancing sustainable development.
5.2. Benchmark regression findings
This study examines the impact of the circular economy on carbon
emissions. A baseline regression analysis is conducted to account for
macroeconomic and behavioral characteristics that remain constant
over time. The findings indicate that expanding the circular economy
has a detrimental effect on carbon emission intensity. The coefficient
for the circular economy variable is statistically significant at the 5% or
1% level. Additionally, a first-order lag term of the dependent variable
is included in the analysis.
The results of the systematic generalized method of moments
(GMM) estimation demonstrate that the growth of the circular economy
leads to a reduction in both the scale and level of carbon emissions. The
correlation coefficients between energy mix, carbon emissions, and car-
bon emissions per capita in a circular economy exhibit negative and sta-
tistically significant associations at the 1% level. Furthermore, stricter
government regulations on carbon emissions are a powerful instrument
for achieving carbon reduction targets before establishing a market-
based emission reduction system. The coefficients related to govern-
ment intervention are substantial at the 1% level. Moreover, the level of
urbanization significantly contributes as an explanatory variable at the
1% level, and carbon emissions and intensity per capita are strongly in-
versely associated with external openness.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Fig. 4. Average level of circular economy development in 30 Chinese provinces from 2000 to 2019.
5.3. Robustness tests
Upon examining the complete dataset, we observed notable varia-
tions in the results when considering different periods. To verify the ro-
bustness of our findings, we conducted additional tests by halving the
time duration. The results of these robustness tests for the rescaled sam-
ple intervals from 2001 to 2019 are presented in Table 4. We also elimi-
nated the outliers to mitigate their potential influence before conduct-
ing the robustness tests. Subsequently, Table 5 presents the results of
the robustness tests after removing the extreme values. The ordinary
least squares (OLS) regression results indicate that even after adjusting
the sample intervals and excluding the extreme values, the correlation
coefficients between the rate of circular economy expansion and carbon
emissions remain negative.
However, the correlation coefficients for carbon emissions per
capita are consistently negative. Moreover, the estimation results for
the control variables exhibited minimal variation, aligning closely with
those of the initial regression analysis. These findings provide confi-
dence in the reliability of the data collected during this investigation.
5.4. The circular economy's indirect impact on carbon emissions
The study investigated the mediating effects of urbanization, indus-
trial rationalization, and the industrial resource cycle on the relation-
ship between circular economy growth and carbon emissions. These
variables establish a connection between the circular economy and car-
bon emissions based on their level of development. The Sobel test as-
sessed each variable's role as a mediator.
5.4.1. Investigating how urbanization affects how disputes are resolved
The study investigated the mediating role of urban growth in the re-
lationship between the circular economy and carbon emissions. The
Table 4
Results of robustness tests (Sample interval 20012019).
Variables Panel-stiffness model (OLS) Interactive panel model (GMM)
lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI
lnCEc 0.398**
0.593***(-0.2) 0.770***
lnURd 0.357***(-0.105) 0.635***(-0.102) 0.31(-0.427) 0.535*(-0.27)
lnIRn 0.0256***
(-0.00759) 0.0213***
(-0.00757) 0.00846
(-0.00659) 0.0052
lnIRc 0.0934***
(-0.0355) 0.0768**(-0.032) 0.000579
L.CE 0.686***
L.CI 0.809***
Constant 8.878***
(-0.131) 1.498***
(-0.141) 5.306***(-1.079) 4.610***(-1.07)
Controlvariables NO NO YES YES YES YES
R-squared 0.957 0.91 0.963 0.936
Observations 565 565 554 554 525 525
Note:***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Table 5
Results of the robustness test after removing extreme values.
Variables Panel-stiffness model (OLS) Interactive panel model (GMM)
lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI
lnCEc 0.444***
lnURd 0.384***(-0.105) 0.664***(-0.103) 0.224(-0.415) 0.453*(-0.242)
lnIRn 0.0234***
(-0.00797) 0.0191**
(-0.00794) 0.00591
(-0.00621) 0.00276
lnIRc 0.0988***
(-0.0344) 0.0802**
(-0.0314) 0.00222
L.CE 0.703***
L.CI 0.873***
Constant 8.878***
(-0.131) 1.498***
(-0.141) 5.306***(-1.079) 4.610***
Controlvariables NO NO YES YES YES YES
R-squared 0.957 0.91 0.963 0.936
Observations 597 597 589 589 499 499
Note: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
Table 6
Verifying the mechanism (Urban development as a stepping stone variable).
Variables M = lnURd/Explained Variable = lnCE M = lnURd/Explained Variable = lnCI
(1) (6) (9) (1) (6) (9)
lnCEc 0.521**
(-3.15) 0.400***(5.71) 0.712***
(-3.24) 0.400***(5.71) 0.865***
M 0.454***(-4.54) 0.727***(-7.15)
_cons 9.389***
(60.00) 10.29***
(154.13) 4.721*** (4.54) 2.151***
(13.16) 10.29***
R2 0.96 0.99 0.96 0.93 0.99 0.93
Adj R2 0.96 0.99 0.96 0.92 0.99 0.93
N 567 570 567 567 570 567
Note:***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
findings revealed a negative impact of the circular economy on carbon
emissions, as evidenced by an estimated coefficient of 0.521 when
carbon intensity was used as the dependent variable. Developing a cir-
cular economy can effectively reduce carbon intensity. Additionally,
the study found that the circular economy has a detrimental effect on
urban development, decreasing carbon intensity. When considering ur-
ban expansion as a mediating variable, the regression coefficient for the
circular economy's impact on carbon intensity increased from 0.521
to 0.712. It indicates that the growth of the circular economy signifi-
cantly supports urban development while simultaneously reducing car-
bon intensity, with a mediating impact of 54.3%. Moreover, the circular
economy negatively affects carbon emissions per person, with an esti-
mated coefficient of 0.561. Holding all other factors constant, a 1% in-
crease in the expansion of the circular economy results in a 0.561% re-
duction in carbon emissions per person.
Furthermore, the study revealed that promoting urban growth while
increasing carbon emissions per person can lower carbon intensity. This
finding suggests that allocating more resources to energy efficiency
Table 7
Verifying the mechanism (Industrial Rationalization as a stepping stone variable).
Variables M = lnIRn/Explained Variable = lnCE M = lnirn/Explained Variable = lnCI
(1) (7) (10) (1) (7) (10)
lnCEc 0.521**(-3.15) 1.910*(-2.22) 0.427* (2.57) 0.561**(-3.24) 1.910* (2.22) 0.471** (2.70)
M 0.0238** (2.87) 0.0204*(-2.36)
_cons 9.389***(60.00) 6.918*** (8.47) 9.193*** (55.21) 2.151***(13.16) 6.918***(8.47) 1.977***(11.34)
R20.96 0.92 0.96 0.93 0.92 0.93
Adj R20.96 0.85 0.96 0.92 0.86 0.92
Control variables YES YES YES YES YES YES
N 567 569 566 567 569 566
Note:***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
measures and developing new technologies becomes crucial as urban-
ization and carbon emissions increase. The research findings support
that the circular economy's impact on urban growth and carbon inten-
sity can significantly reduce overall carbon emissions.
5.4.2. Examination of the mediating effects of industrial rationalization
Equation (1) presents the overall impact, while Equations (7) and
(10) depict the stepwise regression test for the mediating effect. When
Industrial Rationalization is included as a mediating variable, the re-
gression coefficient of the circular economy on carbon emission inten-
sity decreases from 0.521 to 0.427. It indicates that increasing In-
dustrial Rationalization can reduce carbon emission intensity.
Based on the Sobel test, the mediating effect accounts for 6.2% of
the variance. The digital economy shows the most positive impact on
carbon emissions per person, with an estimated coefficient of 0.842. In
Equation (10), when considering the circular economy and industrial
rationalization advances, the expected effect of the circular economy on
carbon emissions per capita declines from 0.561 to 0.471. By posi-
tively influencing Industrial Rationalization, the circular economy can
increase carbon emissions per person, ultimately leading to higher
overall carbon emissions.
Equation (10) reveals that Industrial Rationalization has a regres-
sion coefficient of 0.561 on per capita carbon emissions, and the Sobel
test indicates that the mediating effect accounts for 12.8% of the total
impact. Industrial Rationalization plays a crucial role in promoting in-
novation by diversifying risks and providing funding for technological
advancements. Moreover, internet finance indirectly affects firms' in-
vestment in technological innovation by efficiently transmitting infor-
mation on monetary demand and supply.
5.4.3. Analysis of the industrial resource Cycle's mediating impacts
Table 8 presents the expected results of the mediating impact using
the Industrial Resource Cycle as the mediating variable. The findings
from Equations (1), (8) and (11) align with those discussed in the pre-
vious section. Carbon emissions are projected to be influenced by the
circular economy, with a forecasted value of 0.521. When the indus-
trial structure is included as a mediating variable, the regression coeffi-
cient of the circular economy on carbon emission intensity increases
from 0.521 to 0.482. The circular economy can reduce carbon emis-
sion intensity by positively modifying the industrial structure. For
every 1% increase in the expansion of the circular economy, there is an
average improvement of 1.305% in the industrial structure. The circu-
lar economy significantly impacts the mediating variable (industrial
structure) and the economy as a whole. According to the Sobel test, the
mediating effect accounts for 15.8% of the variation.
When considering the circular economy and upgrades in the indus-
trial structure, the estimated coefficient of the circular economy on car-
bon emissions per capita changes from 0.561 to 0.525. It demonstrates
that the circular economy's positive effects on the industrial structure
can increase carbon emissions per capita. Equation (10) also reveals a
regression coefficient of 0.245 between the increase in the industrial
structure and per capita carbon emissions. The Sobel test results suggest
that the mediating effect explains 38.6% of the variance. The circular
economy promotes industry disruption, leading to increased output,
lower costs, economies of scale, efficient distribution, and innovation,
all of which contribute to the modernization of the industrial structure.
5.5. Heterogeneity test
To further enhance the feasibility of the data analysis, we classified
the provinces into three regions: East, West, and Central. The results ob-
tained from analyzing the geographical heterogeneity are presented in
Table 9. The findings reveal significant variations in the practical path-
ways of circular economy development between the East and West re-
gions. These differences provide new insights and highlight the policy
requirements for promoting synergistic development between China's
East and West regions. It is crucial to consider local conditions and ad-
dress the East-West disparity while implementing the rapid develop-
ment of the circular economy. By formulating appropriate policies and
strategies tailored to each region, we can foster the synergistic develop-
ment of China's East-West regions and facilitate the advancement of the
circular economy to a higher level.
The circular economy is a pivotal driver of sustainable development
in the future, requiring region-specific strategies to address geographi-
cal heterogeneity and promote its implementation. Through a compre-
hensive analysis of the East, West, and Central regions, we can formu-
late targeted circular economy policies and pathways that align with lo-
cal contexts and foster synergistic development between the East and
West, thus advancing China's circular economy process.
In the Eastern region, the focus should be on developing new energy
and high-technology industries, establishing and enhancing the circular
chain of production and consumption, and promoting efficient energy
and material utilization. Simultaneously, there is a need to bolster re-
search and application of environmental protection technologies in crit-
ical areas, improve the environmental sustainability of enterprise pro-
duction, and drive rapid circular economy development in the East.
In the Central region, emphasis should be placed on promoting the
comprehensive utilization of resources and optimizing and upgrading
industrial structures. Particular attention should be given to the devel-
opment of recycling agriculture, ecological agriculture, and other dis-
tinctive industries. Accelerating the integrated development of urban
and rural areas and implementing effective environmental protection
measures, including waste classification and treatment, will contribute
to developing a circular economy in the Central region.
In the Western region, the focus should be on harnessing and maxi-
mizing the potential of local renewable resources, such as solar and
wind energy, to establish and enhance the local circular economy sys-
tem. Concurrently, there is a need to develop ecological agriculture ac-
tively, integrating agriculture and animal husbandry with ecological
protection, to achieve a harmonious balance between resource preser-
Table 8
Verifying the mechanism (Industrial Resource Cycle as a stepping stone variable).
Variables M = lnIRc/Explained Variable = lnCE M = lnIRc/Explained Variable = lnCI
(1) (8) (11) (1) (8) (11)
lnCEc 0.521**(-3.15) 0.507*(-2.16) 0.482**(-2.90) 0.561** (3.24) 0.507*(-2.16) 0.525**(-3.01)
M 0.0907**(-2.98) 0.0773*(-2.43)
_cons 9.389***(60.00) 3.091*** (13.79) 9.112*** (49.90) 2.151***(13.16) 3.091***(13.79) 1.913***(10.00)
R20.96 0.93 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.93
Adj R20.96 0.92 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92
Control variables YES YES YES YES YES YES
N 567 565 563 567 565 563
Note:***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
Table 9
Analysis of circular economy heterogeneity in eastern, central and western regions.
Variables Eastern Central Western
lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI lnCE lnCI
lnCEc 1.519***
(-0.224) 1.077(-1.015) 0.846(-0.916) 1.606***(-0.433) 1.549***(-0.398)
lnURd 1.191***(-0.15) 1.668***(-0.169) 0.501**(-0.203) 0.525***
lnIRn 0.0823**
(-0.0415) 0.0887*
(-0.0469) 0.336***
(-0.0542) 0.326***
lnIRc 3.707(-2.963) 3.313(-3.411) 2.666(-6.355) 1.742(-6.067) 0.561***
Constant 1.591(-1.515) 13.41***
(-1.71) 5.538***
2.753(-1.701) 14.67***(-2.056) 4.256**(-1.869)
Controlvariables YES YES YES YES YES YES
Observations 198 198 178 178 213 213
R-squared 0.983 0.925 0.966 0.951 0.969 0.977
Note:***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
vation and sustainable utilization, thus promoting circular economy de-
velopment in the Western region.
Additionally, it is crucial to strengthen synergistic development be-
tween different regions by fostering exchanges and cooperation. This
approach will enhance complementarity within the circular economy
across regions and facilitate nationwide progress. Practical policy guid-
ance and pathways are pivotal in developing a circular economy. Tax
concessions, financial support, and industrial guidance can be adopted
to promote circular economy development. Moreover, efforts should be
dedicated to strengthening the training and recruitment of profession-
als in the field of circular economy, establishing a skilled workforce
proficient in technical and management aspects. Considering the het-
erogeneous analysis of the East, West, and Central regions, tailored
strategies for circular economy development based on local conditions
are essential. These strategies will facilitate synergistic development
between the East and West regions and promote the circular economy
process in China. By leveraging the circular economy's potential, we
can effectively drive economic development while ensuring ecological
and environmental protection, achieving efficient resource utilization,
reduced environmental pollution, improved energy efficiency, and de-
creased dependence on natural resources. Thus, it is imperative to rec-
ognize the significance of circular economy development and under-
take proactive measures to promote its adoption.
6. Conclusions
In conclusion, this study addresses the issue of spatial imbalances
and synergistic effects in carbon emission reduction, providing valuable
insights for policy-makers and industry practitioners. Integrated spatial
analysis and general systems theory, a comprehensive analysis exam-
ines differences, complementarities, and policy coordination in carbon
reduction efforts. The study's findings have significant practical impli-
cations. Firstly, identifying spatial disparities enables policy-makers to
formulate targeted and region-specific carbon emission reduction poli-
cies. Tailored measures can maximize the benefits of carbon reduction
by understanding each region's unique challenges and potential. Recog-
nizing complementarities between regions presents opportunities for
regional cooperation and collaborative initiatives. Synergistic efforts
can be fostered by leveraging strengths, resources, sharing best prac-
tices, technology transfer, and joint research and development projects.
The application of the study's findings extends beyond policy-making
and inter-regional collaboration. Industry practitioners can utilize iden-
tified complementarities to explore partnerships, resource sharing, and
market opportunities, enhancing competitiveness and promoting
greener operations. Overall, this study contributes to sustainable devel-
opment by providing actionable insights into the spatial dynamics of
carbon emission reduction. The practical application in real-life scenar-
ios and industry practices can result in more effective strategies, en-
hanced cooperation, and a tangible impact on reducing carbon emis-
sions and promoting a greener future.
Therefore, it is crucial to develop specific policies and measures to
address regional disparities in carbon emissions. Implementing strin-
gent emission standards and restrictions for regions with high carbon
emissions can compel enterprises and factories to adopt clean energy
sources or improve production processes to minimize emissions. Con-
versely, regions with lower carbon emissions can focus on enhancing
energy efficiency, fostering technological innovation, and using renew-
able energy. Establishing a cross-regional cooperation mechanism en-
ables sharing of experiences, technologies, and resources among differ-
ent regions, fostering collaborative efforts in carbon reduction. High-
carbon emitting regions can collaborate with low-carbon emitting re-
gions, facilitating carbon emission reduction through resource transfer
and technical support. Promoting cross-regional energy interaction and
the development of an electricity network can enhance efficient energy
use and carbon emission reduction. It is essential to encourage the
transformation and upgrading of high-carbon-emitting industries while
promoting the growth of green and low-carbon industries. Policy sup-
port, technological innovation, and market orientation can facilitate
the expansion of clean energy, energy conservation, environmental pro-
tection, and circular economy industries, reducing the environmental
impact of high-carbon emission industries. Moreover, enhancing public
awareness and education and increasing community engagement in
carbon emission reduction is crucial. Through publicity and educa-
tional activities, the public can be guided towards adopting a low-
carbon lifestyle, encouraging energy-saving practices, and promoting
the overall green transformation of society.
It is imperative to consider the following recommendations in addi-
tion to addressing the limitations of the current study to enhance the
quality and impact of future research: Building upon specific research
findings: Subsequent studies should delve deeper into the specific find-
ings of this study and thoroughly explore their implications. It may en-
tail conducting additional analyses, gathering more comprehensive
data, or examining related factors to understand the phenomenon un-
der investigation comprehensively. Testing theories, frameworks, or
models in new contexts, locations, or cultures: Transferring theories,
frameworks, or models to different contexts, locations, or cultures can
yield valuable insights into their applicability and generalizability. Re-
searchers should consider conducting comparative studies or replicat-
ing the research in diverse settings to validate or extend existing theo-
ries. These aspects will help solidify future research, providing valuable
K. Di et al. Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (xxxx) 138436
insights to inform practice and policy decisions. By addressing limita-
tions, delving into specific findings, improving research design, testing
in different contexts, and expanding theoretical frameworks, re-
searchers can contribute to advancing knowledge in their respective
Fund project
This research has received funding from Postgraduate Innovation
Project at Qinghai Minzu University:Study on the practical path of pro-
moting green, low-carbon and circular development in Qinghai
Province (NO: 39D2023004).
Funding for APC:Qinghai Minzu University (Taxpayer Identification
Ethical approval
All applicable international, national, and/or institutional guide-
lines for the care and use of animals were followed.
Author contributions statement
Kaisheng Di: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investiga-
tion, Writing -Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Fund-
ing acquisition; Weidong Chen, Xingnian Zhang: Methodology,
Writing - Original Draft, Investigation, Supervision; Quanling
Cai: Investigation, Supervision; Dongli Li: Investigation, Super-
vision; Caiping Liu: Investigation, Supervision; Qiumei
Shi,Zhensheng Di:Investigation, Supervision.
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The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
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ence the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
This research has received funding from Postgraduate Innovation
Project at Qinghai Minzu University:Study on the practical path of pro-
moting green, low-carbon and circular development in Qinghai
Province(NO:39D2023004).Funding for APC:Qinghai Minzu University
(Taxpayer Identification Number:12630000440001728W).
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The author Kaisheng Di:PhD, Tianjin University. Secretary of the Youth League Commit-
tee of the Party School of Qinghai Province. Member of Qinghai Provincial Organ Youth
League Working Committee. Contributing editor of the Journal of Information Systems
Education. The reviewer for the Annals of Operations Research and the Journal of Current
Scientific Research.
The author Weidong Chen: Professor of Excellence, Doctoral Supervisor, Department of
Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Excellent Talent of the New (Trans) Cen-
tury of the Ministry of Education, Chief Expert of the Major Projects of the National Social
Science Foundation, Standing Director of the Energy, Resources and Environment Com-
mittee of the Chinese Society of Systems Engineering, Tianjin Outstanding Scientific and
Technological Worker, and Invited Expert of Tianjin Xi Jinping Socialist Ideology of So-
cialist Ideology with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era Lecture Troupe. His research
interests include complex system modelling and optimization, energy and resource envi-
ronment policy, low carbon economy mechanism design, regional strategic planning and
organisational performance management. As the project leader, he has presided over one
major project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, three projects of the Na-
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (evaluated as excellentafter the project),
and more than 40 other national, provincial and ministerial projects. He has been pub-
lished in European Journal of Operational Research, Omega-International Journal of Man-
agement Science, International Journal of Production Research, Energy Economics, Inter-
national Journal of Production Research, and International Journal of Production Re-
search. He has published more than 150 papers in high-level academic journals, such as
Energy Economics, Energy, Applied Energy, Energy Policy, Journal of Physics, Theory and
Practice of Systems Engineering, Journal of Systems Engineering, Chinese Administration,
China Population, Resources and Environment, etc., and his research results have been
cited more than 1200 times, and the number of H-values of his research results has been
increased by more than 10,000 times. The number of citations of research results exceeds
1200, H-index reaches 14, and 6 patents have been applied for. One of the representative
results is one of the top 1% of highly cited papers in ESI, and won the award for the most
highly cited article in the journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling. The research re-
sults were awarded the second prize (the first one) of the Eighth Award for Outstanding
Achievements in Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities (Humanities and Social
Sciences), and two first prizes, 4 s prizes, and one third prize of scientific research
achievements at the provincial and ministerial levels or above.
The author Xingnian Zhang: Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, is currently the Dean of the
School of Politics and Public Administration. Qinghai Minzu University.
... China exhibits significant regional disparities in resource endowments, economic development, and technological levels. Collaborative emission reduction is a crucial approach for enhancing inter-regional resource complementarity and achieving the national "Dual Carbon" goals (Wang et al., 2022;Wang & Li, 2023;Di et al., 2023). However, it's crucial to acknowledge that due to the negative externality of carbon emissions and the public nature of governance performance, regional governments may experience insufficient horizontal collaboration momentum or engage in "free-riding" behaviors, driven by micro-self-interest and performance competition (Li et al., 2022b;Wang & Zhao, 2021). ...
... Furthermore, relevant regional policies are extracted from the emission reduction policies, and emission reduction policies are extracted from the regional policies. After preprocessing steps such as cleaning, tokenization, and stop-word removal, a corpus of regionally coordinated policy (Bian et al., 2021;Chen et al., 2024Chen et al., , 2021aCheung et al., 2020;Duan & Yan, 2019;Fang & Chen, 2019;Guo et al., 2012;Li et al., 2022aLi et al., , 2022bLiang et al., 2024;Su´arez-Eiroa et al., 2021;Zhai et al., 2020;Zhu et al., 2022;Zhuo et al., 2022) ② The Institutional Collective Action (ICA) theory (Feiock, 2007;Feiock et al., 2009;Krause et al., 2014;Suo et al., 2020;Yu et al., 2018;Zhu & Wang, 2024) ③ The necessity of regional synergistic (Di et al., 2023;Khan et al., 2023;Khayyam et al., 2021;Kim et al., 2022;Li & Lu, 2022;Teng & Han, 2015;Wang & Zhao, 2021) ④ The dilemma of regional synergistic (Emerson et al., 2012;Zhang et al., 2017;Liu & Lei, 2018) Policy coordination The concept of RPC (Ferry, 2021;Trein et al., 2023;Zheng & Xu, 2020) ② Transboundary Policy Network Theory (Feiock, 2013;Kim, 2011;Suo et al., 2020;Yi et al., 2018) ③ The measurement of coordination degree (Hu et al., 2019;Li et al., 2020;Bai et al., 2020;Ge et al., 2023;Van et al., 2021;Zheng et al., 2021) The carbon emission reduction effect of RPC (Elzen et al., 2016;Feng et al., 2021;Peng et al., 2023) texts for emission reduction is formed. Secondly, the BERTopic model is used to automatically generate iterative themes from the policy texts. ...
... Due to the influence of multiple complex factors such as publicness, externality, and cross-boundary issues, no single region can address public environmental problems alone. The environmental governance of a single local government may not always achieve the desired optimal effect (Di et al., 2023;Heikkila & Gerlak, 2014;Zhuo et al., 2022). Synergistic governance is necessary to improve overall environmental quality. ...
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In the process of achieving China's "Dual Carbon" goals, policy coordination serves as a crucial driving force in breaking regional administrative barriers and promoting emission reductions. Based on 7462 policy texts and panel data from 31 provinces in China, we utilize the BERTopic model, Social Network Analysis and the STIRPAT model to analyze the theoretical mechanism and carbon emission reduction effect of regional policy coordination. The results are as follows: (1) In China, the essence of realizing the national "Dual Carbon" goals is "institutional collective action". The cross-border feature of the policy network is the key to solving the inherent problems of regional carbon emission reduction publicity and externality. (2) During the study period, the network density of regional policy coordination first increased and then gradually stabilized, presenting a state of "strong-tie" in the eastern region and a relatively "weak-tie" in the central, western, and northeastern regions. (3) Regional policy coordination has a significant indirect carbon emission reduction effect, but it must interact with increased financial investment, optimized industrial structure, and reduced energy intensity. (4) Due to different regional development strategies, the emission reduction pathways through policy coordination will also exhibit heterogeneity. Based on the research findings, we propose to strengthen regional policy coordination and take it as the main line to guide inter-regional carbon emission reduction governance.
... The European Region promotes green low-carbon development through a wide range of policies that combine these strategies. (Di, K., Chen, W., Zhang, X., Shi, Q., Cai, Q., Li, D., ... & Di, Z. 2023) However, the implementation of green low-carbon development strategies brings with it various challenges. These challenges include factors such as maintaining economic balance, infrastructure investments, technological transformation and society's adaptation to these changes. ...
... The universe of the research has been expanded to include various countries in the European Region. (Di, K., Chen, W., Zhang, X., Shi, Q., Cai, Q., Li, D., ... & Di, Z. 2023) First, current academic articles, reports, policy documents and industry publications will be scanned and available information on Europe's green low-carbon development strategies will be compiled and synthesized. Survey studies to be conducted among stakeholders from various sectors aim to evaluate the feasibility, impacts and stakeholder opinions of sustainability strategies. ...
... It has a broad perspective covering topics such as industrial sustainability, reducing carbon emissions, waste management, circular economy and environmentally friendly production processes. (Di, K., Chen, W., Zhang, X., Shi, Q., Cai, Q., Li, D., ... & Di, Z. 2023) Firstly, reducing carbon emissions is at the heart of sustainability in industrial processes. Carbon reduction targets encourage industrial facilities to optimize energy use, increase energy efficiency and transition to lowcarbon technologies. ...
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This article conducts a general literature review, examining whether the European Region economy is on board with green low-carbon development. The research focused on synthesizing information from existing literature on events such as sustainability, green economy, energy booms and shock effects. These systems, policies and implementation examples of Europe have found a wide place in the literature. Based on the synthesis obtained by bringing together this information, the article discusses the economic, social and aggressive dimensions of green low-carbon development. This synthesis aims to shed light on potential strategies and policy recommendations to guide the European Region's economy towards a sustainable future.
... Furthermore, to highlight the MSW-related carbon neutrality opportunities at the regional level in perspective of climate change impacts, green technological intervention in combination with NbS for a better policy decision by regional and international bodies for sustainable development [35] ...
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Municipal solid waste management is a major concern in developing economies, requiring collective international efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by diverting waste from disposal facilities. This study aims to highlight the importance of the waste sector as it has the potential to significantly contribute to climate change and its toxicity impact on the local ecosystem. Out of the total municipal solid waste generated, only 78 % is collected, either open dumped or thrown in sanitary landfills. The waste sector's ecological impact value is calculated for the Earth's regions, and it is very high at >50 % in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. This sectoral impact value is mainly responsible for greenhouse gas emissions and degradation of the local ecosystem health. Current business‒as‒usual practices attribute 3.42 % of global emissions to the waste sector. Various scenarios are developed based on waste diversion and related emissions modelling, and it is found that scenarios 3 and 4 will support the policymakers of the regions in attaining zero carbon footprints in the waste sector. Our findings conclude that cost-effective nature-based solutions will help low‒income countries reduce emissions from disposal sites and significantly improve the local ecosystem's health. Developed economies have established robust waste‒handling policies and implementation frameworks, and there is a need for collaboration and knowledge sharing with developing economies at the regional level to sustain the sector globally.
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In response to China’s policies on pollution control and carbon emission (CE) reductions, more stringent regulations have been implemented to evaluate CE in wastewater treatment facilities. In this study, we have analyzed CE from China’s wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and influencing factor. Emission factor (EF) and operational data integrated methods (ODIM) were utilized to measure emissions, using data collected from 247 WWTPs over a 1-year period across seven regions in China. The average CE intensity was 0.45 kgCO2-eq/m³, affected by region, season, influent water quality, treatment processes, effluent discharge standards, and facilities. The scale effect was obvious only in the range of 2 × 10⁵ m³/day. Underground WWTPs exhibited significantly higher CE compared to aboveground WWTPs. In summary, the assessment of CE in 247 actual WWTPs not only identifies emission reduction potential but also provides a scientific basis for formulating targeted emission reduction measures.
Using Sina Weibo data obtained through crawler technologies from 2013 to 2021, this study investigates the relationship between self‐media information disclosure and firm productivity. We find that self‐media information disclosure promotes firm productivity, a conclusion that withstands various robustness and endogeneity tests. Particularly, original microblogs exhibit a more significant impact. Further analysis reveals that the promoting effect is more pronounced in listed companies with lower annual retweets, small companies, and those with lower turnover. Finally, a mechanism analysis indicates that self‐media information disclosure enhances enterprise productivity by alleviating financing constraints, enhancing corporate innovation, and strengthening corporate governance.
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Plastics show the strongest production growth of all bulk materials and are already responsible for 4.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions1,2. If no new policies are implemented, we project a doubling of global plastic demand by 2050 and more than a tripling by 2100, with an almost equivalent increase in CO2 emissions. Here we analyse three alternative CO2 emission-mitigation pathways for the global plastics sector until 2100, covering the entire life cycle from production to waste management. Our results show that, through bio-based carbon sequestration in plastic products, a combination of biomass use and landfilling can achieve negative emissions in the long term; however, this involves continued reliance on primary feedstock. A circular economy approach without an additional bioeconomy push reduces resource consumption by 30% and achieves 10% greater emission reductions before 2050 while reducing the potential of negative emissions in the long term. A circular bioeconomy approach combining recycling with higher biomass use could ultimately turn the sector into a net carbon sink, while at the same time phasing out landfilling and reducing resource consumption. Our work improves the representation of material flows and the circular economy in global energy and emission models, and provides insight into long-term dynamics in the plastics sector.
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The finite capacity of the Earth to provide the resources needed to make products is beginning to dictate policy decisions and citizen behaviours. Herein a methodology is proposed that considers the function (i.e., efficiency and durability) of a product as a way of normalising and hence justifying its resource use. Titled ‘Performance-weighted abiotic Resource Depletion’ (PwRD), this approach allows the resource use of different products to be directly compared, analogous to an absolute sustainability assessment. The PwRD metric quantifies concerns over the supply risk of elements and indicates reasonable actions to sustain a circular economy. This new format of circularity indicator is explained with the case study of neodymium for wind turbine magnets. Individual products as well as larger infrastructure projects such as wind farms can be assessed. It was found that the electrical energy produced by a wind turbine in the USA does not justify the quantity of neodymium required. Demand for the function of products is a variable in PwRD and is equally important as resource use in sustaining a circular economy. In regions of low electricity demand per capita such as the Philippines and Pakistan, the same quantity of neodymium as used in a wind turbine installed in the USA was found to be acceptable for sustaining a circular economy.
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The concept of circular economy consists of a wide range of strategies that aim to reduce the environmental impact of production systems and consumption patterns through increased circularity of resources. Circularity is mostly associated with material efficiency strategies that either close, slow or narrow loops, and a multitude of circularity metrics have been developed to evaluate the efficiency of such strategies. Relatively little effort has been made to quantitatively assess the connection between circularity, material efficiency, and environmental sustainability. More knowledge is required about how material-based circularity metrics can be used to guide practitioners of the circular economy towards strategies that foster environmental sustainability. In this study, a novel structured approach is adopted to perform such a comparison by including closing, slowing, and narrowing strategies on a lawn mowing case. Four circularity metrics that can capture material strategies throughout product value chains (Material Efficiency Metric, Material Circularity Indicator, Circularity Potential Indicator and Circular Economy Indicator Prototype) are compared to three complementary midpoint categories using Life Cycle Assessment (Global Warming Potential, Material Resource Scarcity, and Human Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity). The results show that the studied circularity metrics generate accurate results when evaluating Material Resource Scarcity and that they rank the material efficiency strategies equally with all environmental impact categories. The circularity metrics are unable to capture the benefits of reduced energy and the correspondence to all impact categories is lower in scenarios with higher energy use. We conclude that the strength of the studied circularity metrics is twofold: i) promoting solutions that reduce material demand and waste creation and ii) highlighting the advantages of combining complementary circularity strategies. This research shows that the material-based circularity metrics can be valuable guidance tools for practitioners of circular economy, as they do not require methodological expertise and can align the results with Life Cycle Assessments in some specific situations. More comparisons between circularity metric results and Life Cycle Assessments are needed in future research to establish state-of-the-art circularity metrics for specific situations and purposes, including energy-focused circularity metrics.
Biochar, derived from unused biomass, is widely considered for its potential to deal with climate change problems. Global interest in biochar is attributed to its ability to sequester carbon in soil and to remediate aquatic environment from water pollution. As soil conditioner and/or adsorbent, biochar offers opportunity through a circular economy (CE) paradigm. While energy transition continues, progress toward low-emissions materials accelerates their advance towards net-zero emissions. However, none of existing works addresses CE-based biochar management to achieve carbon neutrality. To reflect its novelty, this work provides a critical overview of challenges and opportunities for biochar to promote CE and carbon neutrality. This article also offers seminal perspectives about strengthening biomass management through CE and resource recovery paradigms, while exploring how the unused biomass can promote net zero emissions in its applications. By consolidating scattered knowledge in the body of literature into one place, this work uncovers new research directions to close the loops by implementing the circularity of biomass resources in various fields. It is conclusive from a literature survey of 113 articles (2003-2023) that biomass conversion into biochar can promote net zero emissions and CE in the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Depending on their physico-chemical properties, biochar can become a suitable feedstock for CE. Biochar application as soil enrichment offsets 12% of CO 2 emissions by land use annually. Adding biochar to soil can improve its health and agricultural productivity , while minimizing about 1/8 of CO 2 emissions. Biochar can also sequester CO 2 in the long-term and prevent the release of carbon back into the atmosphere after its decomposition. This practice could sequester 2.5 gigatons (Gt) of CO 2 annually. With the global biochar market reaching USD 368.85 million by 2028, this work facilitates biochar with its versatile characteristics to promote carbon neutrality and CE applications.
The rapid development of the use of agricultural plastic greenhouses in China in recent years has played an important role in the generation of economic benefits from agriculture. However, it has also led to severe negative environmental impacts. Thus, it is necessary to explore the spatial and temporal evolution of agricultural plastic greenhouses in China as well as their environmental impacts so as to obtain a deeper understanding of agricultural intensification and the sustainable development of the facility agriculture industry. To this end, this study analyzed the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of agricultural plastic greenhouses and their greenhouse gas emissions within the 2000–2020 period based on the extraction of the spatial distribution of greenhouses in China in 2000, 2010, and 2020. Landsat imagery and statistical data combined with the random forest classification method as well as life cycle analysis, were used in this study. The results obtained showed that: (1) Within the 2000–2020 period, the area covered by agricultural plastic greenhouses in China expanded from 1594.66 to 11,838.77 km², with most of the greenhouses predominantly distributed in the North China Plain. (2) The increase in total greenhouse gas emissions between 2000 and 2010 was mainly due to the expansion of agricultural plastic greenhouse use and an increase in agricultural material inputs, whereas the increase between 2010 and 2020 was mainly due to the expansion of agricultural plastic greenhouse use. (3) Greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogenous fertilizers and greenhouse construction materials accounted for 45 % and 36 %, respectively, of the total greenhouse gas emissions observed within the study period. These findings are of great significance as they enhance understanding regarding land intensification development and its accompanying environmental impacts in China.
The circular economy decouples economic activity from finite resource consumption, creating a resilient system that can tackle global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. Nuclear energy has been designated as one of the primary concerns of energy sector modernization because it allows for significant reductions in dangerous material emissions into the environment. Therefore, nuclear energy and improved technologies may become critical growth areas aligned with circular economy principles. We use Dynamic Autoregressive Distributive Lag (DARDL) and Kernel-based Regularized Least Squares (KRLS) to analyze United States data from 1985 to 2016 empirically. The DARDL result shows a positive relationship between ecological footprint and economic complexity, increasing short-term environmental costs. However, nuclear power generation and improved technology significantly reduce ecological concerns. Economic complexity is explored in this work in more nuanced terms, emphasizing the importance of considering the external environment when implementing different economic activities. Policy implications, study limitations, and future research directions are discussed.
Sustainable economic development with minimal negative environmental impact is one of the biggest global challenges. The linear system concludes because of rising consumption, production, and economic growth, which makes the system out of resources and results in economic crisis and environmental pollution. The rolling window approach used in the study provides detailed information regarding the relationship between carbon emissions and the circular economy in the Netherlands from 2000:01 to 2020:12. In the full sample causality, the finding reveals the positive influence of the circular economy on carbon emissions. The rolling window explores the causal impact in the sub-sample when there is a time-varying effect. It finds that the circular economy has a negative influence on carbon emissions in certain sub-samples due to a variety of causes. On the other hand, carbon emissions have improved the circular economy's ability to address environmental challenges. Thus, our findings prove the existence of a reciprocal link between the circular economy and carbon emissions. Transitioning to the circular economy setup requires the comprehensive development of models for controlling emissions. The detailed understanding derived from the circular economy will help policymakers to plan the policy for mitigating environmental issues.
The link between increasing global population, food demand, industrialization, and agricultural waste is strong. Decomposing by-products from food cycles can introduce harmful toxic heavy metals, active degrading microbes, and enzymes to the environment. Additionally, high greenhouse gas emissions from the decomposing wastes contribute to global change and a high carbon economy. The bioeconomy and circular economy of biosurfactant production utilize these cheap feedstocks and promote waste to valuable product initiatives. Waste reduction, reuse, and recycling in an integrating green economy bioprocess ensure the sustainability of novel, cost-effective, safe, and renewable health-grade biosurfactants. This work reviews green economy concepts integration with sustainable biosurfactant production and its application in health-related industries. Benefits from recent advances in the production, characterization, and health-wise classification of biosurfactants were further discussed, including its limitations, techno-economic assessment, market evaluations, possible roadblocks, and future directions.
As a response to climate change, all industries are making efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for carbon neutrality in our society. The waste recycling sector is making efforts in reducing GHG emissions in connection with the circular economy. The Korean government enacted the Framework Act on Resource Circulation and is making efforts to convert waste into renewable materials. This study proposed a method for systematic evaluation and management of material efficiency measurement and GHG emissions for analysis of the effects of recycling of industrial wastes. It focuses on recycled materials rather than recycling waste by applying the methods of material flow analysis and life cycle assessment. As a target for the feasibility analysis of the proposed method, slag, which has the largest amount of generated industrial waste, was selected. The GHG emissions in converting the generated slag into cement ingredient, recycled aggregates, aluminum ingot, zinc ingot, steel ingredient, and silicate fertilizer were calculated. Additionally, the GHG reduction effect by converting the sources of GHG emission throughout the entire life cycle of recycled materials into a renewable energy source was calculated. Actually, 1 ton of six recycled materials generated 30.1 kgCO2eq., 23.21 kgCO2eq., 351.0 kgCO2eq., 337.0 kgCO2eq., 27.6 kgCO2eq., and 30.1 kgCO2eq., respectively. Also, six recycled materials were analyzed to potentially reduce GHG emissions of 81.8%, 75.6%, 87.1%, 88.6%, 77.9%, 81.8%, respectively.
To proper use of the limited natural resources, circular economy is an efficacious and alternative approach to many production systems aimed at protecting the natural environment. This work proposes a profit maximizing production system where all the products are produced with a variable circularity level. As the consumers are increasingly social responsible about their consumption practices at present, both the clients’ demand and per unit gross profit are directly influenced by the products’ circularity level and these consequences are investigated by several linear and nonlinear forms. Moreover, the manufacturer’s several activities in the production system like setup operations, warehouse operations and production mechanism are sources of carbon emissions. The utmost aim of this work is to achieve the manufacturer’s joint optimal circularity and production levels with the ambition of environment protection by reducing carbon emissions with the help of proper operational amendments. The global maximum profit for the production manager is determined by exploiting the optimal policies analytically. Nine examples are solved not only to explore the applicability of the derived analytical results but also to investigate how the optimal policies under all considered cases help the manufacturer to increase profit and reduce the carbon emissions significantly. Finally, an analysis is conducted to provide guidelines for the industry manager examining the parameters’ behavioral patterns on the optimal strategies by altering values of the system parameters. This study helps electrical equipment manufacturers especially (for example, mobile manufacturers) to obtain the optimum circular index for the produced items so that they can earn maximum profits and also protect the environment.