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Does Machine‐Vision Assisted Dynamic Navigation Improve the Accuracy of Digitally Planned Prosthetically Guided Immediate Implant Placement? A Randomized Controlled Trial


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: This randomized controlled clinical trial was designed to compare the accuracy of machine-vision (MV) based dynamic navigation (DN) assisted immediate implant placement with the conventional free hand technique. Material and methods: 24 subjects requiring immediate implant placement in maxillary anterior teeth were randomly assigned to either the control (freehand by an experienced surgeon, n=12) or test group (MV-DN, n=12). Implant platform, implant apex, angular and depth deviations with respect to prosthetically guided digital planning and differences in implant insertion torque (ITV) and implant stability quotient (ISQ) were compared between the groups. Results: MV-DN resulted in more accurate immediate implant position: significantly smaller global platform deviation (1.01±0.41 mm vs. 1.51±0.67 mm, P=0.038), platform depth deviation (0.44±0.46 mm vs. 0.95±0.68 mm, P=0.045), global apex deviation (0.88±0.43 mm vs. 1.94±0.86 mm, P=0.001), and lateral apex deviation (0.68±0.30 mm vs. 1.61±0.88 mm, P=0.004) were found in MV-DN compared to controls. No significant intergroup differences were observed for ITV and ISQ. Conclusions: MV-DN achieved more precise immediate implant position and comparable primary stability. Further trials are necessary to assess the benefits in terms of esthetics and tissue health/stability.
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Clin Oral Impl Res. 2022;00:1–12.
Immediate implant placement has received increasing attention due
to the shor tened treatment period and predictable prognosis, which
has the potential to improve patient satisfaction (Kan et al., 2018;
Shi et al., 2015). Placement, however, utilizes mainly the socket and
the alveolar bone plate slope; bleeding from the socket interferes
with proper visualization of the implant site, thus making the sur-
gery more difficult and affecting the accuracy of implant placement
(Blanco, Carral, Argibay, & Liñares, 2019).
Suboptimal immediate implant position may result in restorative
and esthetic challenges, and may compromise the longevity of the
Received: 15 April 2022 
Revised: 19 May 2022 
Accepted: 29 May 2022
DOI : 10.1111/clr.13961
Does machine- vision- assisted dynamic navigation improve the
accuracy of digitally planned prosthetically guided immediate
implant placement? A randomized controlled trial
Shi- Min Wei1| Yuan Li1| Ke Deng1| Hong- Chang Lai1| Maurizio S. Tonetti1,2|
Jun- Yu Shi1
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons A /S. Publishe d by John Wiley & S ons Ltd.
Shimin We i and Yuan Li auth ors are equall y contributed t o this work.
1Shanghai PerioImplant Innovation Center
and Department of Oral and Maxillo-
Facial Implantology, Shanghai Ninth
People's H ospital, C ollege of Stomatology,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School
of Medicine, National Clinical Research
Center for Oral Disea ses, Shang hai Key
Laboratory of Stomatology & Shanghai
Research Institute of Stomatolog y,
Shanghai, China
2European Research Group on
Periodontology, Genova, Italy
Jun- Yu Shi and Maurizio S. Tonetti,
Depar tment of Oral and Maxillo- facial
Implantology, Shanghai Ninth People's
Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai
Jiaotong U niversit y, 639 Zhizaoju Road,
Shanghai 200011, China.
Emails:; maurizio.
Funding information
Clinical Research Program of Ninth
People’s Hospital affiliated Shanghai
Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,
Grant/Award Number: JYLJ201909;
Shanghai Clinical Research Center for
Oral Diseases, Grant/Award Number:
Objectives: This randomized controlled clinical trial was designed to compare the ac-
curacy of machine- vision (MV)- based dynamic navigation (DN)- assisted immediate
implant placement with the conventional freehand technique.
Material and methods: A total of 24 subjects requiring immediate implant placement
in maxillary anterior teeth were randomly assigned to either the control (freehand by
an experienced surgeon, n = 12) or the test group (MV- DN, n = 12). Implant platform,
implant apex, angular, and depth deviations with respect to prosthetically guided digi-
tal planning and differences in implant insertion torque (ITV) and implant stability
quotient (ISQ) were compared between the groups.
Results: MV- DN resulted in more accurate immediate implant position: significantly
smaller global platform deviation (1.01 ± 0.41 mm vs. 1.51 ± 0.67 mm, p = .038), plat-
form depth deviation (0.44 ± 0.46 mm vs. 0.95 ± 0.68 mm, p = .045), global apex
deviation (0.88 ± 0.43 mm vs. 1.94 ± 0.86 mm, p = .001), and lateral apex deviation
(0.68 ± 0.30 mm vs. 1.61 ± 0.88 mm, p = .004) were found in MV- DN compared to
controls. No significant intergroup differences were observed for ITV and ISQ.
Conclusions: MV- DN achieved more precise immediate implant position and compa-
rable primary stability. Further trials are necessary to assess the benefits in terms of
esthetics and tissue health/stability.
dental implants, dynamic navigation, free hand, immediate implant placement, machine vision,
randomized controlled clinical trial
    WEI e t al.
implant (Tahmaseb, Wismeijer, Coucke, & Derksen, 2014). A previous
consensus report has recommended that immediate implant place-
ment should be utilized by experienced surgeons (Feine et al., 2018).
Hence, this technique- sensitive procedure requiring meticulous
execution requires additional development before its adoption by
less experienced clinicians. As such, more advanced technology
should be introduced to facilitate the immediate implant planning
and placement for surgeons. Static guides have been introduced but
poor flexibility and increased cost have limited their routine clinical
application (Joda, Derksen, Wittneben, & Kuehl, 2018).
In recent years, machine- vision (MV) enhanced and artificial
intelligence- assisted dynamic navigation (DN), a technolog y that
already has a large number of applications in industr y, is gradu-
ally being applied to image- guided and minimally invasive surgi-
cal approaches and holds great promise for safety and accuracy
(Kalfas, 2021). Thanks to the continuous development of infrared-
guided binocular stereo vision positioning technology, MV- assisted
DN systems enable visualization of the relationship between the
drills and the key anatomical structures in real- time, potentially re-
sulting in more accurate and predictable dental implant placement
(D'Haese, Ackhurst, Wismeijer, De Bruyn, & Tahmaseb, 2017; Wei
et al., 2021). A split- mouth randomized clinical trial (RCT ) evaluated
the accuracy of dynamic navigation compared with the unassisted
freehand method and concluded that utilizing a computer- guided
technique increased accuracy significantly (Aydemir & Arısan, 2020).
Although few pilot studies have introduced digital flow integrating
dynamic navigation for immediate implant surgery (Kuo, Lin, Hung,
Chiu, & Kuo, 2022; Pozzi, Arcuri, Carosi, Nardi, & Kan, 2021), there is
a paucity of adequately powered clinical trials to elucidate the effi-
cacy of MV- DN- assisted immediate implant placement.
The hypothesis of this RCT was that the global platform discrep-
ancy between digitally planned prosthetically guided implant po-
sition and actual position could be decreased by applying MV- DN
compared to freehand placement by an experienced surgeon.
2.1  | Experimental design
This was a double- blind, randomized, controlled, clinical trial to
compare the discrepancy between digitally planned prosthetically
guided implant position and actual position following MV- DN or
freehand immediate implant position. The primar y outcome was
platform deviation between the planned and actual implant position.
Secondary outcomes included apex deviation, angular deviation, im-
plant insertion torque (ITV) and implant stability quotient (ISQ), and
implant survival rate.
The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of
Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University (approval number: SH9H- 2020- T122- 2) and
prospec tively registered on Clini calTr (NCT04999956). The
study was performed in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration,
and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects prior
to the implementation of the study.
Consecutive subjects scheduled to receive immediate implant
placement were invited to participate. The study was conducted at
the Shanghai Perio- Implant Innovation Center, Department of Oral
and Maxillo- facial Implantology of Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital
between January 2021 and December 2021. The CONSORT flow-
chart is presented in Figure 1.
2.2  | Subject criteria
One calibrated investigator (SMW) was responsible for patients
screening and enrollment if patients fulfilled the following inclusion
and exclusion criteria.
The inclusion criteria were as follows:
(i) ≥18 years old and in good health;
(ii) the maxillary incisor that cannot be retained due to non-
periodontitis, including fracture, endodontic failure, and root
(iii) the buccal bone plate is complete (via CBCT and bone sounding);
(iv) no acute infection;
(v) the extraction socket has at least 3– 5 mm apical bone.
The exclusion criteria were as follows:
(i) general contraindications of oral implant surgery (such as immu-
nodeficiency, long- term use of corticosteroids);
(ii) treatments or diseases that may affect bone tissue metabo-
lism (for example, taking bisphosphonates or receiving local
(iii) periodontitis history or uncontrolled periodontitis.
(iv) heavy smokers or previous heavy smoking histor y (quit smoking
time <5 years or >20 cigarettes per day);
(v) refuse to participate in this trial.
2.3  | Calculation of sample size
A commercial software (GPower version 3.1, Dusseldorf, Germany)
was used to estimate the required sample size with 80% of study
power and significant level (α) of 0.05. Based on the accuracy of dy-
namic navigation and the freehand method reported in a previous
randomized clinical trial (Aydemir & Arısan, 2020; 1.01 ± 0.07 mm
vs. 1.70 ± 0.13 mm), 4 subject per group are required to detect a
clinically important difference of global platform deviation with 80%
power and alpha set at 0.05. To compensate for potential loss to
follow- up or incomplete observations, this study recruited 12 sub-
jects per group.
WEI et al.
2.4  | Control of bias
Subjects were randomized based on a computer- generated list with
a permuted block of four (SAS v9.4; SAS Institute Inc., Car y, NC,
USA). Allocation was concealed with opaque envelopes that were
opened after tooth extraction and before immediate implant inser-
tion. The examiners and the patients were blind to allocation until
completion of the study. A single experienced implantologist (JYS)
performed all surgical procedures. While clinician blinding was not
possible at the surgery time, it was possible during the data collec-
tion and analysis stages.
2.5  | Prosthetically guided digital implant planning
A registration device (u- shaped tube with silicon nitride markers) was
fixed onto the patient's implant site with a silicone elastomer (DMG
Chemisch- Pharmazeutische, Hamburg, Germany) before CBCT scan-
ing. The implant position was digitally planned superimposing Dicom
data (i- CAT, Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, PA, USA) and STL
data (TRIOS® 3 W, 3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) using a dedicated
software (Dcarer Dental Implant Navigation System, Suzhou, China).
In cases in which the crown was still in place at baseline, the implant
crown was designed according to the original crown. When only the
residual root was present, the crown was designed according to the
morphology of the adjacent and contralateral teeth.
Implant planning was prosthetically guided according to the fol-
lowing parameters:
(i) the buccal and lingual emergence angle of the crown less than
(ii) implant at the center of the predetermined mesio- distal width
of the final restoration with a minimal distance of 2 mm from the
adjacent teeth;
FIGURE 1 Consolidated standards of reporting trails (CONSORT) flowchart
    WEI e t al.
(iii) neck of the implant 0.5 to 1 mm below the palatal bone crest and
4 mm apical to the target soft tissue level;
(iv) implant placed along the palatal wall of the extraction socket;
(v) space (buccal gap) of at least 2 mm between the buccal bone wall
and the implant;
(vi) at the cervical level, the long axis of the implant protrudes from
the cingulum of the designsed crown if possible.
2.6  | Extraction and control implant placement
After anesthesia, the periodontal fiber was cut by a tunneling knife
(Hu- Friedy, Chicago, USA), and the target tooth was extracted
carefully using a flapless approach to avoid the buccal plate bone
damage. The alveolus was carefully curetted and irrigated with
saline. The osteotomy site was prepared according to the manu-
facturer’s standard protocol and a tapered implant was installed
attempting to reproduce the digitally planned position (12– 14 mm
length, 3.3 mm shoulder diameter, narrow CrossFit NC, bone
level; Straumann, Waldenburg, Switzerland). A 4 mm healing cap
was placed. Given that ITV less than 15 N/cm, cover screw was
placed. The buccal gap was filled with Bio- Oss Collagen (Geistlisch
Pharmaceutical, Wolhusen, Switzerland). Then, gelatin sponges
(Jinling Pharmaceutical, Jiangsu, China) were placed to cover the
alveolus and the wounds were sutured using figure- eight suture
with an absorbable suture (Vycryl Plus 4– 0; Ethicon, Sommerville,
USA) (Figure 2).
2.7  | Experimental intervention: Machine vision-
assisted dynamic navigation
Before surgery, calibration (Figure 3a) and registration (Figure 3b)
were performed. Calibration determined the relationship between
the surgical handpiece and the patient tracking ar ray and allowed the
computer to identify the relationship between drill position and real
anatomical structures. Under accurate tracking by stereo cameras,
handpiece with long and short ball drills were placed on tracking
array successively for calibration. Registration was determined to
match real anatomical structures with CBCT image via u- shaped
tube. The tracking array was fixed on the posterior teeth of max-
illa by bis- acryl composite resins (DMG Chemisch- Pharmazeutische,
Hamburg, Germany). The short ball drill was placed on six fiducial
markers in u- shaped tube pits in turn for registration. The u- shaped
tube was removed and surgeon placed the drill tip on the tooth ana-
tomical markers to confirm the position was correct.
A binocular stereo vision- based navigator (Dcarer, Suzhou,
China) was used. In brief, two cameras were calibrated to obtain the
relative positional relationship of the osteotomy drills, the surgical
area and overlay it on the digital planning. Determination of the
global position of the drills within the digital planning was based on
the epipolar constraints algorithm. Osteotomy site preparation and
implant insertion were performed looking at the screen (Figure 3c),
and other procedures were performed looking at the patient mouth
as the same to control implant placement (Figure 2).
2.8  | Outcome assessment
The actual implant position was assessed 1 week after surgery with a
CBCT (i- CAT, Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, PA, USA). The
position was compared to the digital plan using the Accuracy analy-
sis of the Dcarer dynamic navigation software by two independent
calibrated examiners who were blind to the group allocation (YL and
KD). The inter- examiner agreement was analyzed by intra- class cor-
relation coefficient (ICC) for global platform deviation.
The measurement in software were proceeded as follow
(Figure 4):
(i) at least four feature point s (such as tooth cusps or bone pits)
were selected in preoperative and postoperative CBCT for rough
(ii) feature surface circles in preoperative CBCT were selected, and
then a mathematical algorithm displayed a similar feature surface
circle in postoperative CBCT. The algorithm registered 1000 of
FIGURE 2 Surgical procedure (a)
before surgery operation; (b) the target
tooth was extracted carefully using a
flapless approach to assure the buccal
plate was complete. (c) an implant was
installed palatally, and the jumping gap
was filled with bio- Oss collagen; (d) gelatin
sponges were placed on the top, and the
wounds were sutured with resorbable
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
WEI et al.
points in these two circles via conventional iso- surface thresh-
olding technology.
(iii) the planned and actual implant were identified, and the deviation
was be automatically calculated.
The following parameters were measured (Figure 5):
global platform deviation
lateral platform deviation
platform depth deviation
vector platform depth deviation
global apex deviation
lateral apex deviation
apex depth deviation
vector apex depth deviation
angular deviation
Insertion torque value (ITV) and implant stability quotient (ISQ)
were measured as primar y stabilit y. After the implant was installed
using dynamic navigation, the ITV were evaluated by a dynamometric
wrench (Straumann, Waldenburg, Swit zerland). Then, a Smartpeg was
screwed into each implant, and resonance frequency analysis (RFA)
was performed using Osstell Mentor (Osstell/Integration Diagnostics,
Goteborg, Sweden). ISQ were recorded in the buccal and the palatal
directions three times and averaged.
2.9 | Statistical analysis
The statistical analyses were performed by one independent inves-
tigator who was blind to the group allocation (YL). Statistical analy-
sis was conducted using SPSS v22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). After
verification of the normality assumption with the Shapiro– Wilk test,
FIGURE 3 Dynamic navigation (a) calibration; (b) registration; (c) drilling and implant procedures looking at the screen
    WEI e t al.
the equality of variance was assessed with the F test. Significance
of intergroup differences for continuous variables was assessed with
the Student's two sample t tests when distribution was normal and
variances were equal. The Welch two sample t tests were performed
when distribution was normal but variances were not equal, and
Mann– Whitney U tests were performed when distribution was not
normal. Chi- Square test was per formed to test group differences for
categorial variables. The significance level α was set at .05 for all tests.
3.1  | Implant survival
A total of 24 patients were recruited and randomly allocated into
either treatment group. All patients completed the study (7 male pa-
tients and 5 female patients in the control group, 8 male patients and
4 female patients in the test group). The total study population had
a mean ± SD age of 38 ± 16 y (control group, 40 ± 17 y; test group,
36 ± 15 y). When crown delivery, the survival rate was 100% in both
groups. Basic information was displayed in Table 1.
3.2  | Accuracy
Table 2 and Figures 6, 7 showed the platform, apex, and angular de-
viations between planned and actual impl ant s for two groups. Most
accuracy- related outcomes were in favor of computer- assisted im-
mediate implant surgery. The control group had almost double the
deviation in platform depth deviation, global apex deviation, lateral
apex deviation, and angular deviation observed in the experimen-
tal group (0.95 ± 0.68 mm vs. 0.44 ± 0.46 mm, 1.94 ± 0.86 mm vs.
0.88 ± 0.43 mm, 1.61 ± 0.88 mm vs. 0.68 ± 0.30 mm, 5.97 ± 5.37°
vs. 2.51 ± 1.50°). Significantly smaller platform deviations in global
FIGURE 4 Accuracy measurement in software (a- b) rough registration: Four feature points were selected both in preoperative and in
postoperative CBCT; (c- d) precise registration: Six feature surface circles in preoperative CBCT were selected, and then a mathematical
algorithm displayed similar feature surface circles in postoperative CBCT. The algorithm registered 1000 of points in these two circles via
conventional iso- surface thresholding technolog y; (e- f ) accuracy measurement: Preoperative and postoperative CBCT were overlapped. The
planned and actual implant were identified, and the deviation was automatically calculated
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
WEI et al.
platform deviation, platform depth deviation, global apex deviation,
and lateral apex deviation were found in the MV- DN group com-
pared to the controls (p = .038, .045, .001 and .004, respectively).
According to vector depth, platform depth deviation in MV- DN
group was more significantly apical than that in control group
(p = .004).
Average intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for global plat-
form deviation was 0.96 (95% CI 0.90– 0.98). The measurement of
two examiners showed excellent reliability.
3.3  | Primary stability
Table 3 showed the primar y stabilit y for the two groups. No signifi-
cant differences in ISQ immediately after implant placement was
found between the two groups (control group: 59.07 ± 13.41 vs. test
group: 59.67 ± 10.61, p> .05). No significant difference in ITV dis-
tribution (≥35, 15– 35 and ≤15 N/cm) was found between the two
groups (p> .05).
The main findings of the present clinical trial were that MV- DN-
assisted immediate implant placement significantly reduced the
discrepancy with the digitally planned prosthetic- driven position
compared with implants placed with freehand surgery by an expe-
rience surgeon, and the observed increase in accuracy of implant
position was obtained without compromise in the ability to achieve
primary implant stability.
Specifically, MV- DN group showed significantly better accuracy
in regards of global platform deviation (95% CI 0.03– 0.98 mm), plat-
form depth deviation (95% CI 0.01 1.05 mm), global apex deviation
(95% CI 0.47– 1.65 mm) and lateral apex deviation (95% CI 0.36–
1.51 mm). The level of observed discrepancy in MV- DN assisted im-
mediately placed implants were in line with previous comparisons
in model study (Chen et al., 2018) and in healed ridges (Aydemir &
Arısan, 2020). This indicates that MV- DN could effectively improve
the accuracy of surgical implant placement, even in technically chal-
lenging immediate cases. In industry, MV technology utilizes ma-
chines instead of the human eye to locate, judge, and guide, which
has the advantages of accurate positioning, reduced labor costs,
and long- lasting working time (Guo et al., 2021). When performing
image- guided and minimally invasive surgeries, it is particularly im-
portant for the MV- assisted DN system to provide accurate global
spatial positioning and real- time human– machine interaction feed-
back. In this context, the employed active infrared- guided binocular
stereo vision positioning technology showed promising results for
navigated implant placement. More research and development are
required to further optimize the work flow and improved the human–
computer interaction.
Decomposing the deviation may better understand implant
placement in fresh sockets. Global deviation is a comprehensive
indicator combined of lateral deviation and depth deviation and
angular deviation is a synthesis of global platform deviation and
global apex deviation (Figure 5). The present study showed the con-
ventional freehand method mainly had unsatisfactory accuracy in
FIGURE 5 Accuracy measurement
TABLE 1 Demographics and clinical data of patients
Group Freehand
Number 12 12
Age (year)
Mean ± SD 40 ± 17 36 ± 15
M i n M a x 18– 69 1 8 6 7
Male 7 (58.3) 8 (66.7)
Female 5 (41.7) 4 (33.3)
Central 10 (83 .4) 8 (66.7)
Lateral 1 (8.3) 4 (33.3)
Canine 1 (8.3) 0 (0.0)
Reason for extraction
Crown/root Fracture 6 (50.0) 5 (41.7)
Endodontic failure 6 (50.0) 7 (58.3)
Root resorption 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
SRP classification
Class I 11 (91.67) 9 (75.00)
Class II 1 (8.33) 2 (16.67)
Class III 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Class IV 0 (0.0) 1 (8.33)
Socket (mm)
Width (mean ± SD) 6.03 ± 0.64 6.05 ± 0.63
Length (mean ± SD) 10.3 ± 0.99 9. 8 ± 1.26
Implant length
12 mm 8 (66.7) 8 (66.7)
14 mm 4 (33.3) 4 (33.3)
Note: Data are presented as either mean ± SD or n (%).
Abbreviations: SD, st andard deviation; SRP, sagitt al root position
    WEI e t al.
platform depth and lateral apex, eventually resulting in higher global
platform deviation, global apex deviation and angular deviation. That
can explain higher platform depth error in control group there is a
visual error in eye observation on the palatal alveolar ridge due to
flapless method and blood filling, probably causing more deviation
(Arisan, Karabuda, Mumcu, & Özdemir, 2013). More significant lat-
eral apex deviation may because the apex position and direction
cannot be observed (Brief, Edinger, Hassfeld, & Eggers, 2005; Chen,
Yuh, et al., 2018; Kaewsiri, Panmekiate, Subbalekha, Mattheos, &
Pimkhaokham, 2019). Of note, the average depth deviation in con-
trol group was more coronal and that in DN was more apical. The
numeric discrepancy is that visual errors from top to bottom may
cause the implant to be slightly shallower than expected. When the
screen displays warning signs in navigation, human beings need a
few seconds to react before stopping (Thompson et al., 1992), re-
sulting in a slightly deeper position.
Interestingly, in this study, global apex deviation was smaller than
the global platform deviation (0.88 ± 0.43 mm vs. 1.01 ± 0.41 mm).
Our result was in contrast to the both recent static navigation meta-
analysis data in healed ridges (1.33 mm; 95% CI: 1.171.50 mm vs.
1.03 mm; 95% CI: 0.88– 1.18 mm) (Siqueira et al., 2020), a cadaver
study in fresh sockets (0.93 ± 0.34 mm vs. 0.85 ± 0.38 mm; Chen
TABLE 2 Accuracy measurements
Group Freehand
navigation p Value
95% CI for
Platform deviation
Global Mean ± SD 1 .51± 0.67 1.01 ± 0.41 .038 (0.03, 0.98)
Median (IQR) 1.64 (0.87, 2.04) 0.94 (0.71, 1.26)
M i n M a x 0. 34– 2.5 4 0 . 4 9 1 . 7 5
Lateral Mean ± SD 1.02 ± 0. 59 0.83 ± 0.33 .514 (−0.23, 0.70)
Median (IQR) 0.93 (0.56, 1.54) 0.74 (0.64, 0.94)
M i n M a x 0.09– 2.00 0 . 4 8 1 . 7
Depth Mean ± SD 0.95 ± 0.68 0.44 ± 0.46 .0 45 (0.01, 1.05)
Median (IQR) 0.87 (0.30, 1.47) 0.33 (0.07, 0.63)
M i n M a x 0 . 1 7 2 . 3 7 0.04– 1.62
Vector depth Mean ± SD −0 .61 ± 1.02 0.43 ± 0.48 .004 (−1 .73,
Median (IQR) −0.52 (−1.47, −0.15) 0.33 (0.07, 0.63)
M i n M a x −2.37 to 1.21 −0.05- 1.62
Apex deviation (mm) Global Mean ± SD 1.94 ± 0.86 0.88 ± 0.43 .001 (0.47, 1.65)
Median (IQR) 1.89 (1.50, 2.57) 0.87 (0.48, 1.17)
M i n M a x 0.38– 3.39 0 . 2 9 1 . 7 8
Lateral Mean ± SD 1.61 ± 0.88 0.68 ± 0.30 .004 (0.36 , 1.51)
Median (IQR) 1.78 (0.74, 2.14) 0.70 (0.40, 0.90)
M i n M a x 0.36– 3.38 0. 21– 1. 13
Depth Mean ± SD 0.83 ± 0.69 0.45 ± 0.57 .248 (−0.15, 1.02)
Median (IQR) 0.76 (0.166, 1.45) 0.34 (0.08, 0.63)
M i n M a x 0.09– 2.07 0.02– 1.62
Vector depth Mean ± SD −0.26 ± 1.08 0.44 ± 0.48 .0 51 (−1.43, 0.02)
Median (IQR) −0.20 (−1.28, 0.64) 0.34 (0.08, 0.63)
M i n M a x −2.07 to 1.36 −0.04 to 1.62
Angular deviation (°) Mean ± SD 5.97 ± 5.37 2.51  ± 1.50 .078 (−0.13, 5.50)
Median (IQR) 4.06 (2.3, 10.54) 2.30 (1.39, 3.65)
M i n M a x 0 . 2 7 1 7 . 5 9 (0 .45– 5 .29)
Note: Data are presented as mean ± SD, median (Interquartile range, IQR), Min– Max.
Vector depth: a positive number means actual implants is more apical than expected; vice versa. CI, confidence intervals; SD, standard deviation;
IQR, Interquartile range.
To test group dif ferences for continuous variables, Student's t wo sample t te sts were performed when distribution was normal and variances were
equal (global platform deviation), Welch two sample t test were performed when distribution was normal but variances were not equal (vector
platform depth deviation, global apex deviation, lateral apex deviation, vector apex depth deviation), and Mann– Whitney U tests were performed
when distribution was not normal (lateral platform deviation, platform depth deviation, apex depth deviation, and angular deviation). Bold values
denote st atistical significance at the p < 0.05 level.
WEI et al.
et al., 2018), and a model study in fresh sockets (1.19 ± 0.35 mm vs.
0.74 vs. 0.15 mm; Chen et al., 2022). A possible explanation for this
observation could be that the osteotomy site of immediately placed
implants would show a slightly buccal shift due to the corticalization
of the palatal bone wall of the alveolus but template guide could
not control the apex (Wei et al., 2022). Another explanation may be
that when navigating in real time, the deviation of the apical position
displayed on the screen will receive more attention to obtain better
accuracy. Hence, dynamic navigation technology may allow better
control of apex lateral parameter than templates in immediate im-
plant placement. Indeed a potential benefit of dynamic navigation
compared to the use of a stat ic guide is allowing th e surgeon a degree
of flexibility in making small, yet potentially significant corrections in
FIGURE 6 Box plots of platform deviation and apex deviation. To test group differences for continuous variables, Student's two sample
t tests were performed for global platform deviation, Welch two sample t tests were used for vector platform depth deviation, global apex
deviation, lateral apex deviation, vector apex depth deviation, and Mann– Whitney U tests were performed for lateral platform deviation,
platform depth deviation, apex depth deviation, angular deviation. *p< .05
FIGURE 7 Box plot of angular deviation. Mann– Whitney U test
was performed to test the group difference (angular deviation).
*p< .05
TABLE 3 Primary stability
Group Freehand
navigation p Value
ISQ 59.07  ± 13.41 59.67 ± 10. 61 >.05
ITV ≤15 N/cm 2 (16.67%) 1 (8.33%) >.05
15– 35 N/cm 4 (33.33%) 5 (41.67%)
≥35 N/cm 6 (50%) 6 (50%)
Note: Data are presented as either mean ± SD or n (%).
Student 's two sample t test was per formed to te st group dif ferences for
continuous variables (ISQ). Chi- Square test was performed to test group
differences for categorial variables (ITV).
Abbreviations: ISQ, implant stability quotient; IT V, insertion torque
    WEI e t al.
implant placement (Wismeijer et al., 2018). Nonetheless, much more
powered clinical trials should be conducted to elucidate this issue.
The leading five steps in dynamic navigation workflow include
image processing, virtual implant position design, calibration, reg-
istration, and surgery operation. The errors may occur at each step
and accumulate and influence the final result.
CBCT is the primary method to acquire navigation images. It
has been confirmed to gain higher accuracy than conventional
multi- slice computed tomography (MSCT) due to its small voxel
size (Tao et al., 2020). In CBCT, layer thickness, voxel size, thresh-
old segmentation process, patients' movement, metal restoration,
and operator's proficiency, all these factors influence accuracy
(Wei et al., 2021). Dental magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is
also a promising imaging technology due to its nonionizing tech-
nique, which is currently used to create static guides and achieves
comparable accuracy to CBCT (Flügge et al., 2020). However,
dMRI tooth surface reconstruction accuracy is still relatively low
(Hilgenfeld et al., 2019), while it is crucial for dynamic navigation.
Limited by technology, no one has reported this technology to dy-
namic navigation yet. More technologies and algorithms should be
improved in this regard.
Calibration and registration are also influencing factors of ac-
curacy. Bone landmark registration (titanium screws) is the gold
standard while it is invasive (Ramezanzade et al., 2021). Occlusal
splint registration and U- shaped tube registration are more conve-
nient methods, but they still increase the chair time (Jorba- Garcia,
Figueiredo, Gonzalez- Barnadas, Camps- Font, & Valmaseda-
Castellon, 2019). In the scientific literature, the accuracy of bone
landmark registration (0.720 ± 0.322 mm, 1.168 ± 0.313 mm,
3.103± 1.019°), occlusal splint registration (1.0 ± 0.07 mm,
1.83 ± 0.12 mm and 5.59 ± 0.39°), and U- shaped tube registration
(1.36 ± 0.65 mm, 1.48 ± 0.65 mm, and 3.71 ± 1.32°) are comparable
(Aydemir & Arısan, 2020; Stefanelli et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2020),
which are in accordance with our results (1.01 ± 0.41 mm,
0.88 ± 0.43 mm and 2.51 ± 1.50°). Different commercially available
navigation systems suggest registration of anatomical landmarks
to reduce the calibration time, that remains a signific ant barrier
to adoption. Recently, two main approaches have been repor ted:
(i) Navident fuses the intraoral scanning data with the CBCT data;
while (ii) X- Guide uses the X- Mark algorithm to improve the accu-
racy of recognition of sur face anatomical structures. However, no
studies have investigated the accuracy of these emerging registra-
tion modalities.
Previous research has shown that the surgeon's proficiency in
navigation affects accuracy (Golob Deeb et al., 2019). The use of
navigation requires the unnatural learned skill of performing the sur-
gery while looking at the screen rather than the operating field; a
learning curve is necessary (Block, Emery, Lank, & Ryan, 2016). In
this study, all procedures were performed by a surgeon experienced
in surgical navigation procedures. No information is available about
the effect of the specific experience on the results.
Another error worth mentioning, but not routinely reported, is
the process of deviation measurement. When performing deviation
analysis, it is necessar y to overlap the preoperative CBCT and the
postoperative CBCT. This process requires selecting several same
marker points in two CBCT images and has technical sensitivity.
The software automatically calculates the overlapping error based
on the difference between the three- dimensional positions of the
points on the coordinate system. In our study, two trained inves-
tigators with excellent intra- examiner reproducibility completed
this process.
The present study shows several shor tcomings. First, the lim-
ited sample size is insufficient to assess potential predictors or
confounders. In addition, the long- term clinical, radiographic and
esthetic benefits of the increased accuracy of implant placement
with MV- DN needs to be fully assessed. Finally, the application
of MV- DN systems may increase the operation time, affect the
patient's experience, and increase the patient's operation cost.
Therefore, the operation time, patient- centered outcomes, and
socioeconomic benefits should be reported in future, larger, mul-
ticenter studies.
This study reported proof of principle evidence that MV- DN in-
creased the accuracy of global implant placement in immediate im-
plant placement compared with a freehand approach. Furthermore,
the level of accuracy obtained is comparable to the one obtained
with static or dynamically guided implant placement in healed
ridges, thereby supporting the potential applicability of the tech-
nology to overcome the specific surgic al challenges of immediate
implant placement. Further studies are necessary to confirm gener-
alizability, clinical relevance and cost- ef fectiveness of the obser ved
Conception and design: S.M. Wei, J.Y. Shi; Performing the surger-
ies: J.Y. Shi; Data collection and analysis: Y. Li, K . Deng; Manuscript
preparation: S.M. Wei, Y. Li, J.Y. Shi; Reviewing and editing draft: K.
Deng, H.C. Lai, M.S. Tonetti, J.Y. Shi; All authors critically reviewed
the manuscript and approved the final manuscript for publication.
None of the authors has a financial interest in any of the products,
devices, or drugs mentioned in this manuscript.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Additional supporting information may be found in the online
version of the article at the publisher ’s website.
How to cite this article: Wei, S- M, Li, Y., Deng, K., Lai, H- C,
Tonetti, M. S., & Shi, J- Y (2022). Does machine- vision-
assisted dynamic navigation improve the accuracy of digitally
planned prosthetically guided immediate implant placement?
A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research,
00, 1– 12. https://doi. org /10.1111/clr.13961
... In response to the great need for accurate implant placement, dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery (d-CAIS) has recently been frequently used in implant dentistry, owing to the rapid development of digital technologies (Aydemir & Arısan, 2020;D'Haese et al., 2017;Pimkhaokham et al., 2022;Wei et al., 2022). Technically, d-CAIS uses motion-tracking technologies to capture the relative positions of the patient and the drill and enable the real-time projection of the drill to the patient's radiograph on the monitor (Kaewsiri et al., 2019;Zhou et al., 2017). ...
... Currently, two types of registration methods have been reported, namely, marker-based registration and marker-free registration. The maker-based registration requires a custom occlusal splint containing radiopaque markers, which will be used as a reference to align the actual position with the CBCT radiograph during surgery (Aydemir & Arısan, 2020;Wei et al., 2022). In contrast, the marker-free registration uses patients' tooth cusp or bony structures as a reference to align the actual position with the CBCT radiograph (Kang et al., 2013;Stefanelli et al., 2020). ...
... The obtained preoperative CBCT and intraoral scanning data were used for the virtual planning of the prosthetically driven implant placement using a dental implant navigation system (Yizhimei®, Dcarer) by the same surgeon (W.S.). The optimal position of implants was planned based on both anatomical and esthetic considerations (Testori et al., 2018;Wei et al., 2022). ...
Objectives To compare implant placement accuracy and patient‐centered results between the dynamic computer‐assisted implant surgeries (d‐CAISs) using marker‐based and marker‐free registration methods. Materials and Methods A double‐armed, single‐blinded randomized controlled trial was conducted, in which 34 patients requiring single implant placement at the esthetic zone were randomly assigned to the marker‐based ( n = 17) or marker‐free ( n = 17) groups. The marker‐based registration was performed using a splint containing radiopaque markers, while the marker‐free registration used natural teeth. The primary outcome assessed implant positioning accuracy via angular and linear deviations between preoperative and postoperative implant positions in CBCT. Patients were also surveyed about the intraoperative experience and oral health impact profile (OHIP). Results The global linear deviations at the implant platform (0.82 ± 0.28 and 0.85 ± 0.41 mm) and apex (1.28 ± 0.34 and 0.85 (IQR: 0.64–1.50) mm) for the marker‐based and marker‐free groups respectively showed no significant difference. However, the angular deviation of the marker‐free group (2.77 ± 0.92) was significantly lower than the marker‐based group (4.28 ± 1.58). There was no significant difference in the mean postoperative OHIP scores between the two groups ( p = .758), with scores of 2.74 ± 1.21 for marker‐based and 2.93 ± 2.18 for marker‐free groups, indicating mild oral health‐related impairment in both. Notably, patients in the marker‐free group showed significantly higher satisfaction ( p = .031) with the treatment procedures. Conclusions D‐CAIS with a marker‐free registration method for single implantation in the anterior maxilla has advantages in improving implant placement accuracy and patients' satisfaction, without generating a significant increase in clinical time and expenses.
... In addition, the treatment plan cannot be adjusted and there is no realtime feedback during surgery. For dynamic navigation, due to the lack of haptic constraint on the drill system, the clinical expertise of a highly skilled surgeon is needed (Wei et al., 2022). Additionally, the surgeon should focus on the computer screen that, provides real-time feedback about the position and inclination of the drill while performing the operation, which needs a steep learning curve (Block et al., 2017). ...
... both software using bone-level or tissue-level implants (Straumann AG, Switzerland). Cases were planned for prosthetically driven implant placement with a focus on planning in the centre of the mesio-distal width of the planned restoration, at the bucco-lingual centre of the ridge, axial load of occlusal forces and equicrestal position of the endosteal part of the implant (Qiao et al., 2023;Wei et al., 2022). 2.6 | Calibration and registration of the robotic system ...
... The implant positional accuracy against the prosthetically guided digital plan (primary outcome) was measured by one trained investigator (ML) using the 3D Slicer software (version 4.11) with a few modifications from the previously described method (Qiao et al., 2023;Wei et al., 2022). Briefly, pre-surgery and post-surgery CBCT scans were Additionally, the local integrity of the alveolar bone after implant placement was assessed as the thickness of the buccal and lingual bone plates 1, 3 and 5 apical to the implant platform, which was measured using ImageJ (1.53k, Bethesda, USA) on the CBCT taken after implant placement. ...
Full-text available
Aim: To compare the implant accuracy, safety and morbidity between robot-assisted and freehand dental implant placement. Materials and methods: Subjects requiring single-site dental implant placement were recruited. Patients were randomly allocated to freehand implant placement and robot-assisted implant placement. Differences in positional accuracy of the implant, surgical morbidity and complications were assessed. The significance of intergroup differences was tested with an intention-to-treat analysis and a per-protocol (PP) analysis (excluding one patient due to calibration error). Results: Twenty patients (with a median age of 37, 13 female) were included. One subject assigned to the robotic arm was excluded from the PP analysis because of a large calibration error due to the dislodgement of the index. For robot-assisted and freehand implant placement, with the PP analysis, the median (25th-75th percentile) platform global deviation, apex global deviation and angular deviation were 1.23 (0.9-1.4) mm/1.9 (1.2-2.3) mm (p = .03, the Mann-Whitney U-test), 1.40 (1.1-1.6) mm/2.1 (1.7-3.9) mm (p < .01) and 3.0 (0.9-6.0)°/6.7 (2.2-13.9)° (p = .08), respectively. Both methods showed limited damage to the alveolar ridge and had similar peri- and post-operative morbidity and safety. Conclusions: Robot-assisted implant placement enabled greater positional accuracy of the implant compared to freehand placement in this pilot trial. The robotic system should be further developed to simplify surgical procedures and improve accuracy and be validated in properly sized trials assessing the full spectrum of relevant outcomes.
... Oral surgery's safety remains contingent upon the clinical proficiency of surgeons. For using basic surgical navigation systems, novice practitioners need three to five iterative attempts to successfully attain a stable level of proficiency [29]. Hand tremors and imprecise perception have been identified as contributors to lateral deviations of 0.25 mm and angular deviations of 0.5° [30]. ...
Surgical robots effectively improve the accuracy and safety of surgical procedures. Current optical-navigated oral surgical robots are typically developed based on binocular vision positioning systems, which are susceptible to factors including obscured visibility, limited workplace, and ambient light interference. Hence, the purpose of this study was to develop a lightweight robotic platform based on monocular vision for oral surgery that enhances the precision and efficiency of surgical procedures. A monocular optical positioning system (MOPS) was applied to oral surgical robots, and a semi-autonomous robotic platform was developed utilizing monocular vision. A series of vitro experiments were designed to simulate dental implant procedures to evaluate the performance of optical positioning systems and assess the robotic system accuracy. The singular configuration detection and avoidance test, the collision detection and processing test, and the drilling test under slight movement were conducted to validate the safety of the robotic system. The position error and rotation error of MOPS were 0.0906 ± 0.0762 mm and 0.0158 ± 0.0069 degrees, respectively. The attitude angle of robotic arms calculated by the forward and inverse solutions was accurate. Additionally, the robot’s surgical calibration point exhibited an average error of 0.42 mm, with a maximum error of 0.57 mm. Meanwhile, the robot system was capable of effectively avoiding singularities and demonstrating robust safety measures in the presence of minor patient movements and collisions during vitro experiment procedures. The results of this in vitro study demonstrate that the accuracy of MOPS meets clinical requirements, making it a promising alternative in the field of oral surgical robots. Further studies will be planned to make the monocular vision oral robot suitable for clinical application.
... Comparisons between pre-and post-dental implant placements can be found among the three navigation types, namely, 43 studies on static systems [8,18,19,21,22,, 7 studies on dynamic systems [7,16,25,[68][69][70][71], and only 2 on robot-assisted surgery [11,13]. Nevertheless, 15 studies [12,15,26,[72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83] showed comparative data between systems. To be more precise, seven studies assessed the accuracy between freehand and static navigation, three studies compared freehand and dynamic navigation, three studies compared static and dynamic systems, and two studies reported the difference between freehand, static, and dynamic systems. ...
Full-text available
This systematic review explores the accuracy of computerized guided implant placement including computer-aided static, dynamic, and robot-assisted surgery. An electronic search up to February 28, 2023, was conducted using the PubMed, Embase, and Scopus databases using the search terms “surgery”, “computer-assisted”, “dynamic computer-assisted”, “robotic surgical procedures”, and “dental implants”. The outcome variables were discrepancies including the implant’s 3D-coronal, -apical and -angular deviations. Articles were selectively retrieved according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the data were quantitatively meta-analysed to verify the study outcomes. Sixty-seven articles were finally identified and included for analysis. The accuracy comparison revealed an overall mean deviation at the entry point of 1.11 mm (95% CI: 1.02–1.19), and 1.40 mm (95% CI: 1.31–1.49) at the apex, and the angulation was 3.51˚ (95% CI: 3.27–3.75). Amongst computerized guided implant placements, the robotic system tended to show the lowest deviation (0.81 mm in coronal deviation, 0.77 mm in apical deviation, and 1.71˚ in angular deviation). No significant differences were found between the arch type and flap operation in cases of dynamic navigation. The fully-guided protocol demonstrated a significantly higher level of accuracy compared to the pilot-guided protocol, but did not show any significant difference when compared to the partially guided protocol. The use of computerized technology clinically affirms that operators can accurately place implants in three directions. Several studies agree that a fully guided protocol is the gold standard in clinical practice.
... This also considerably improve the precision of implant placement. For both to work simultaneously, a proper planning protocol needs to be incorporated [23]. The accuracy of the seating of the surgical guide has to be meticulously checked prior to the start of the surgical procedure. ...
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The hybrid navigation technique involves the merging of the Dynamic navigation (DN) system (Navident, Claronav, Canada) and static navigation technique (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark). Combining the advantages of both techniques, devising a protocol of hybrid navigation will be advantageous to eliminate the difficulties faced by operators in using either methods separately. Three patients requiring dental implants were included in this study. This requires the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data) and intra-oral scan (Standard Tessellation Language (STL) format) data for the accurate planning of the implant positions in both the static and dynamic approaches. The steps carried out were repeated for each of the patients, the accuracy of the implant placement was verified postoperatively by merging the CBCT data pre and post through the Evalunav software (NaviDent, Claronav). The accuracy of the implants placed were assessed based on the mesio-distal, bucco-lingual, apical deviations in distance and in angulation. The semi-robotic DN and static guide combination as a hybrid technique is an interesting method to improve the accuracy of flapless implant surgeries and can be used in cases where the anatomical landmarks are determinant factors for the implant placement.
Objectives To systematically analyze the accuracy of robotic surgery for dental implant placement. Materials and Methods PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane CENTRAL were searched on October 25, 2023. Model studies or clinical studies reporting the accuracy of robotic surgery for dental implant placement among patients with missing or hopeless teeth were included. Risks of bias in clinical studies were assessed. Meta‐analyses were undertaken. Results Data from 8 clinical studies reporting on 109 patients and 242 implants and 13 preclinical studies were included. Positional accuracy was measured by comparing the implant plan in presurgery CBCT and the actual implant position in postsurgery CBCT. For clinical studies, the pooled (95% confidence interval) platform deviation, apex deviation, and angular deviation were 0.68 (0.57, 0.79) mm, 0.67 (0.58, 0.75) mm, and 1.69 (1.25, 2.12)°, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the accuracy of implants placed in partially or fully edentulous patients. For model studies, the pooled platform deviation, apex deviation, and angular deviation were 0.72 (0.58, 0.86) mm, 0.90 (0.74, 1.06) mm, and 1.46 (1.22, 1.70)°, respectively. No adverse event was reported. Conclusion Within the limitation of the present systematic review, robotic surgery for dental implant placement showed suitable implant positional accuracy and had no reported obvious harm. Both robotic systems and clinical studies on robotic surgery for dental implant placement should be further developed.
Objectives To assess the efficacy of dynamic computer‐aided surgery (dCAS) in replacing a single missing posterior tooth, we compare outcomes when using registration‐and‐fixation devices positioned anterior or posterior to the surgical site. Registration is performed on either the anterior or opposite posterior teeth. Methods Forty individuals needing posterior single‐tooth implant placement were randomly assigned to anterior or posterior registration. Nine parameters were analyzed to detect the deviations between planned and actual implant placement, using Mann–Whitney and t ‐tests for nonnormally and normally distributed data, respectively. Results The overall average angular deviation for this study was 2.08 ± 1.12°, with the respective average 3D platform and apex deviations of 0.77 ± 0.32 mm and 0.88 ± 0.32 mm. Angular deviation values for individuals in the anterior and posterior registration groups were 1.58°(IQR: 0.98°–2.38°) and 2.25°(IQR: 1.46°–3.43°), respectively ( p = .165), with 3D platform deviations of 0.81 ± 0.29 mm and 0.74 ± 0.36 mm ( p = .464), as well as 3D apex deviations of 0.89 ± 0.32 mm and 0.88 ± 0.33 mm ( p = .986). No significant variations in absolute buccolingual (platform, p = .659; apex, p = .063), apicocoronal (platform, p = .671; apex, p = .649), or mesiodistal (platform, p = .134; apex, p = .355) deviations were observed at either analyzed levels. Conclusions Both anterior and posterior registration approaches facilitate accurate dCAS‐mediated implant placement for single missing posterior teeth. The device's placement (posterior‐to or anterior‐to the surgical site) did not affect the clinician's ability to achieve the planned implant location.
Objectives To gauge the relative accuracy of the use of passive and active dynamic navigation systems when placing dental implants, and to determine how registration areas affect the performance of these systems. Materials and Methods Eighty implants were assigned to be placed into 40 total resin mandible models missing either the left or right first molars using either passive or active dynamic navigation system approaches. U‐shaped tube registration devices were fixed in the edentulous site for 20 models each on the left or right side. Planned and actual implant positions were superimposed to assess procedural accuracy, and parameters including 3D entry deviation, angular deviation, and 3D apex deviation were evaluated with Mann–Whitney U tests and Wilcoxon signed‐rank tests. Results Respective angular, entry, and apex deviation values of 1.563 ± 0.977°, 0.725 ± 0.268 mm, and 0.808 ± 0.284 mm were calculated for all included implants, with corresponding values of 1.388 ± 1.090°, 0.789 ± 0.285 mm, and 0.846 ± 0.301 mm in the active group and 1.739 ± 0.826°, 0.661 ± 0.236 mm, and 0.769 ± 0.264 mm in the passive group. Only angular deviation differed significantly among groups, and the registration area was not associated with any significant differences among groups. Conclusions Passive and active dynamic navigation approaches can achieve comparable in vitro accuracy. Registration on one side of the missing single posterior tooth area in the mandible can complete single‐tooth implantation on both sides of the posterior teeth, highlighting the promise of further clinical research focused on this topic.
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Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of guide level on the accuracy of static computer-aided implant surgery (sCAIS) at post-extraction sockets and healed sites. Materials and methods A total of 30 duplicate dental models, with 300 potential implant sites, were used. All the models were equally randomized into three groups: fully guided (FG, n = 100), partially guided (PG, n = 100), and free handed (FH, n = 100) surgeries. After implant placement, the mean global, horizontal, depth, and angular deviations between the virtually planned and actual implant positions were measured automatically by a Python script within software Blender. Results Both FG and PG surgeries showed significantly higher accuracy than FH surgery at post-extraction sockets and healed sites. In both sCAIS groups, there were nearly 50% more deviations from implants placed at sockets than those from delayed placement. For the immediate implant placement, the accuracy of sCAIS was significantly affected by the level of guidance. The FG group exhibited lower deviations than the PG group, with a significant difference in coronal global and horizontal deviations (p < .05). For the healed sites, two guided groups exhibited similar outcomes (p > .05). Conclusions sCAISs provide more accuracy than the free-handed approach in position transferring from planning to a model simulation. Full guidance can significantly increase the accuracy, especially at post-extraction sites. Clinical relevance Guided protocols showed significantly higher accuracy than free-handed surgery regardless of implantation timing, but both had nearly 50% more deviations in immediate implant placement.
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Objectives To compare the accuracy and primary stability of tapered and straight implants undergoing immediate implant placement with dynamic navigation.Materials and methodsPatients with compromised anterior teeth in maxilla were recruited and allocated randomly into (1) tapered implant group (TI group) and (2) straight implant group (SI group). Implants were inserted into fresh sockets with dynamic navigation. Three-dimensional platform deviation, apex deviation, angular deviation, insertion torque value (ITV) and implant stability quotient (ISQ) were recorded.ResultsTwenty patients with 20 implants were included. The overall platform, apex, and angular deviation were 0.87 ± 0.35 mm, 0.81 ± 0.34 mm, and 2.40 ± 1.31°, respectively. The accuracy was 0.86 ± 0.26 mm, 0.76 ± 0.33 mm, and 2.49 ± 1.54° for TI, and 0.89 ± 0.44 mm, 0.88 ± 0.36 mm, and 2.31 ± 1.01° for SI, with no significant difference (p = 0.85, 0.45, 0.76). Sagittal root position classification (SRP) class I may obtain greater error in numerical values in straight implants (0.97 ± 0.47 mm vs. 0.6 ± 0.16 mm, 0.92 ± 0.36 mm vs. 0.73 ± 0.36 mm, 2.48 ± 1.19° vs. 1.71 ± 0.14°). The overall ISQ was 60.74. ISQ was 60.48 for TI and 60.96 for SI, with no significant difference. Acceptable ITV (> 15 Ncm) was achieved in most of the included patients (SI 7/10, TI 9/10).Conclusions High accuracy and primary stability of immediate implant placement could be achieved both in tapered and straight implants with dynamic navigation systems.Clinical relevanceTapered and straight implants did not reach a consensus on which was better in immediate implant regarding to accuracy and primary stability. Our study demonstrated implant macrodesign did not affect accuracy and primary stability in immediate implant using dynamic navigation.
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Background/purpose Immediate placement in the esthetic zone has been a predictable treatment option. However, it requires the clinician to be experienced and knowledgeable about esthetic diagnosis, accurate 3-dimensional (3D) implant placement, and restoratively driven planning/placement. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate a novel workflow integrating dynamic navigation to immediate single-implant placement in the aesthetic zone. Materials and methods We included ten patients who required at least one implant in the esthetic area and were treated with post-extraction socket implant placement. Osteotomy and implant placement followed computer-assisted implant positioning and image-guided dynamic navigation. Treatment outcomes were implant success rates, surgical and prosthetic complications, marginal bone level (MBL), modified pink esthetic score, and white score. Results In the consecutive clinical cases, patients were satisfied with implant therapy's function and esthetic outcome in the esthetic zone. No other surgical or biological complications occurred, which accounts for the 100% cumulative success rate. The mean MBL was −0.76 ± 0.15 mm assessed using standardized intraoral digital periapical radiographs. Conclusion The novel application of a dynamic guided navigation system is a dependable clinical protocol to obtain optimal implant position/angulation and esthetics on immediate implant placement.
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Objectives To evaluate clinical, radiological performance of novel digital workflow integrating dynamic navigation to streamline in one-visit single-implant immediate loading in aesthetic zone. Material and Methods Consecutive patients requiring one single-implant in aesthetic zone of both jaws were treated between May and September 2017. Primary outcomes were implant and prosthetic success rates, surgical and prosthetic complications, marginal bone loss (MBL), final pink aesthetic score (PES-f) and implant stability quotient (ISQ-f). Secondary outcomes were ISQ-0 and PES-0 at implant positioning and PES-p at definitive prosthesis placement. Potential effect of jaw (maxilla vs mandible), biotype (thin vs thick), type of incision (flap vs flapless), implant site (healed vs post-extractive) on the primary outcomes (MBL, PES-f and ISQ-f) was evaluated through a multivariable analysis. Results Fifty-two implants were placed (follow-up 18.6, 15-20 months). One post-extraction implant failed. No other surgical, biological complications occurred, accounting for 98.10% cumulative success rate (CSR). No definitive prostheses failed. Mean MBL was -0.63±0.25 mm (-1.69 to -0.06). PES-f was 12.34±1.41 (9-14). ISQ-f was 78.1±3.2 (70-84). Age had significantly negative effect on MBL and PES-f (p=0.0058 and p=0.0052). No other variables significantly affected primary outcomes. Conclusions Within study limitations, investigated digital workflow integrating dynamic navigation was reliable for single-implant immediate loading in aesthetic zone in one-visit. No statistically significant difference was found for MBL, PES-f and ISQf, considering type of incision (flap vs flapless), implant site (healed vs post-extractive), jaw (maxilla vs mandible), biotype (thick vs thin). Live-tracked dynamic navigation may have contributed to improve operator clinical performance regardless implant site characteristics. Further investigations are needed to confirm positive outcomes.
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The advancements in computing and digital localizer technologies has led to the evolving clinical application of image-guided technology for the surgical management of spinal disorders. Image-guided spinal navigation addresses the limitations of fluoroscopy and improves the accurate placement of fixation screws. Several navigation platforms are currently available, each having its own unique advantages and disadvantages. The most recent spinal navigation system developed utilizes machine vision structured light imaging which creates a precise and detailed three-dimensional image of the exposed surface anatomy and co-registers it to a pre-operatively or intra-operatively acquired image. This system improves upon the intraoperative workflow and efficiency of the navigation process. With the continued advancements in machine vision, there is a potential for clinical applications that extend beyond surgical navigation. These applications include reducing the potential for wrong level spine surgery and providing for real-time tracking of spinal deformity correction. As the adoption and clinical experience with navigation continues to expand and evolve, the technology that enables navigation also continues to evolve.
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Objective: To assess the accuracy of dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery. Materials and methods: An electronic search up to March 2020 was conducted using PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trial to identify studies using dynamic navigation in implant surgery, and additional manual search was performed as well. Clinical trials and model studies were selected. The primary outcome was accuracy. A single-arm meta-analysis of continuous data was conducted. Meta-regression was utilized for comparison on study design, guidance method, jaw and systems. Results: Ten studies, four randomized controlled trials (RCT) and six prospective studies, met the inclusion criteria. A total of 1298 drillings and implants were evaluated. The meta-analysis of the accuracy (five clinical trials and five model studies) revealed average global platform deviation, global apex deviation and angular deviation were 1.02 mm, CI: 95% [0.83, 1.21], 1.33 mm, CI: 95% [0.98, 1.67], and 3.59°, CI: 95% [2.09, 5.09]. Meta-regression shown no difference between model studies and clinical trials (p=0.295, 0.336, 0.185), drilling holes and implant (p =0.36, 0.279, 0.695), maxilla and mandible (p =0.875, 0.632, 0.281) and five different systems (p =0.762, 0.342, 0.336). Conclusion: Accuracy of dynamic computer-aided implant surgery reaches a clinically acceptable range and has potential in clinical usage, but more patient-centered outcomes and socio-economic benefits should be reported.
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Objectives To compare the accuracy of dynamic navigation (DN) with a static surgical guide (SSG) for dental implant placement and the influence factors such as the experience of the surgeon and the implant sites. Methods and materials A total of 38 implants, which underwent the dynamic navigation , and 57 implants which underwent a static surgical guide were enrolled in the retrospective study. Coronal deviation, apical deviation, and angular deviation were compared between the DN and SSG groups, along with the different experience level of surgeons and implant sites in the DN group. Results There were no statistically significant differences between the DN and SSG groups, and the experience level of the surgeons and implant sites in the DN group. However, the apical deviation of the DN was slightly higher than the SSG group in the anterior teeth ( P = 0.028), and the angular deviation of DN was smaller than the SSG group in the molar. Conclusion Dynamic navigation can achieve accurate implant placement as well as the static surgical guide. Additionally, the experience level of the surgeon and implant site do not influence the accuracy of dynamic navigation, while the accuracy of DN seems higher than the SSG in molar.
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Background Cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT) and conventional multislice CT (MSCT) are both used in zygomatic implant navigation surgery but the superiority of one technique versus the other remains unclear. Purpose This study compared the accuracy of CBCT and MSCT in zygomatic implant navigation surgery by calculating the deviations of implants. Material and methods Patients with severely atrophic maxillae were classified into two groups according to the use of CBCT‐ or MSCT‐guided navigation system. The entry and apical distance deviation, and the angle deviation of zygomatic implants were measured on fused operation images. A linear effect model was used for analysis, with statistical significance set at P < .05. Results A total of 72 zygomatic implants were inserted as planned in 23 patients. The comparison of deviations in CBCT and MSCT groups showed a mean (± SD) entry deviation of 1.69 ± 0.59 mm vs 2.04 ± 0.78 mm (P = .146), apical deviation of 2 ± 0.68 mm vs 2.55 ± 0.85 (P < .001), and angle deviation of 2.32 ± 1.02° vs 3.23 ± 1.21° (P = .038). Conclusion Real‐time zygomatic implant navigation surgery with CBCT may result in higher values for accuracy than MSCT.
With the rapid development of science and technology, binocular vision detection technology has become one of the most important technologies because of its high precision and stability. In order to achieve high-precision three-dimensional measurement of high-speed rail train, a binocular stereo vision system is built in this paper. The visual image is gray-scale processed, and then the integral image is used to realize the edge preservation processing of local mean square deviation, and then the denoised image is enhanced. At the same time, FAST algorithm based on accelerated segmentation detection is proposed to extract feature points. In order to solve the problem of camera calibration, this paper proposes a high-precision binocular stereo vision calibration algorithm based on direct calculation and grating conversion calibration. Firstly, the reliable information points are determined from the two-dimensional image, and then the edge image is obtained by effectively detecting the ellipse contour according to the set of information points. Finally, the ellipse parameters are extracted by using the ellipse contour information, and finally the camera parameters are solved by using the ring point. Compared with the traditional calibration method, the experimental results show that the average reprojection error of the two cameras is about 0.1 pixel, and the data accuracy is high, which proves the feasibility and theoretical correctness of the experimental method.
Purpose The goal of this systematic review is to assess the accuracy and complications (including failure) of dynamic navigation in placing zygomatic implants. Methods PubMed, Cochrane Library (CENTRAL), trial register (, and Google Scholar were searched systematically up to May 2020. In addition, the reference lists of included systematic reviews were hand searched. The New Castle Ottawa and Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Case Reports were used for quality assessment. Results Ninety-four studies were assessed, and finally, 12 articles were included. According to Joanna Briggs Institute tool, the mean score of case reports (±standard deviation) was 6.4 (range, 5/9 to 8/9) and the mean score of observational studies (±standard deviation) was 5.66 (range, 5/9 to 7/9) as measured by New Castle Ottawa tool. Included materials pointed out that higher accuracy and drastic cut down on the risk of perioperative/postoperative complications were reported by using the dynamic navigation system compared with freehand implant placement. Conclusions Application of dynamic navigation systems is a reliable technology for zygomatic implant placement, especially in difficult cases with a history of maxillary deficiency. Evidence of reliability and accuracy of dynamic navigation technique in multicenter large randomized and prospective controlled studies is still lacking.