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Decentralized Robust State Estimation for Hybrid AC-DC Distribution Systems with Smart Meters


Abstract and Figures

Hybrid AC/DC distribution systems are becoming a popular means to accommodate the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources and flexible loads. This paper proposes a decentralized robust state estimation (DRSE) method for hybrid AC/DC distribution systems using multiple sources of data. In the proposed decentralized implementation framework, a unified robust linear state estimation model is derived for each AC and DC regions, where the regions are connected via AC/DC converters and only limited information exchange is needed. In this context, estimation accuracy may be suffering due to linearization. To enhance the estimation accuracy, a deep neural network (DNN) based on the smart meter data is used to extract hidden system statistical information and allow deriving nodal power injections that keep up with the real-time measurement update rate. This provides the way of integrating smart meter data, SCADA measurements, and zero injections together for state estimation. Simulations on two hybrid AC/DC distribution systems show that the proposed DRSE has only slight accuracy loss by the linearization formulation but offers robustness of suppressing bad data automatically, as well as benefits of improving computational efficiency.
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AbstractHybrid AC/DC distribution systems are becoming a
popular means to accommodate the increasing penetration of
distributed energy resources and flexible loads. This paper
proposes a decentralized robust state estimation (DRSE) method
for hybrid AC/DC distribution systems using multiple sources of
data. In the proposed decentralized implementation framework, a
unified robust linear state estimation model is derived for each AC
and DC regions, where the regions are connected via AC/DC
converters and only limited information exchange is needed. In
this context, estimation accuracy may be suffering due to
linearization. To enhance the estimation accuracy, a deep neural
network (DNN) based on the smart meter data is used to extract
hidden system statistical information and allow deriving nodal
power injections that keep up with the real-time measurement
update rate. This provides the way of integrating smart meter data,
SCADA measurements and zero injections together for state
estimation. Simulations on two hybrid AC/DC distribution
systems show that the proposed DRSE has only slight accuracy loss
by the linearization formulation but offers robustness of
suppressing bad data automatically, as well as benefits of
improving computational efficiency.
Index TermsState estimation, hybrid AC/DC distribution
systems, deep neural networks, smart meters.
HE increasing penetration of renewable energy sources
(RES), as well as the emerging flexible loads, are leading
to the transformation of the conventional AC distribution
system. The DC-based generations and loads, e.g. photovoltaic
(PV) panels and electric vehicles, call for the resurgence of DC
grids to improve energy efficiency. An inevitable consequence
is the coexistence of the AC and DC grids in the modern
distribution system. The resulting hybrid AC/DC distribution
systems bring up plenty of new challenges in real-time
monitoring, operation, and controlling [1]-[2].
State estimation (SE) is a fundamental tool to extract system
states from raw measurements and to validate the operational
constraints. This concept was first introduced in power systems
by Fred C. Schweppe and one of the representative SE methods
is the weighted least square (WLS) [3]. Other robust SE
methods against bad data, e.g. the least absolute value (LAV)
estimator and the generalized maximum-likelihood estimator
[4]-[5], have been proposed as well. In contrast to the
This work has been supported partially by National Natural Science
Foundation of China under Grant U1966205, and by Fundamental Research
Funds for the Central Universities under Grant B200201067.
M. Huang is with the College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai
University, Nanjing 210098, China (e-mail:
transmission system with good measurement redundancy, the
distribution system has a low coverage of supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA) measurements. This can lead to
unsatisfactory estimation accuracy or even algorithm
divergence issue [6]-[7]. A commonly used remedy for that is
to build pseudo measurement via ad hoc modeling approaches
or employ artificial intelligence techniques for distribution
system SE (DSSE) [8]-[10]. On the other hand, the advent of
smart meters brings very useful information (e.g. load power
injection), which allows to enhance the system observability
and to monitor the distribution system [11]. According to the
IoT analytics’ smart meter market report, the penetration of
global smart meters has increased rapidly in recent years and
the number of smart meters is estimated to surpass 1 billion
within the next two years. Although these intelligent meters are
mainly intended for billing purposes, they have the potential to
unlock a series of advanced services such as situation awareness.
Several studies investigate how to incorporate smart meter data
in the DSSE. For example, in [12], the smart meter data are
aggregated from low-voltage distribution systems and used for
medium-voltage DSSE. To further improve the estimation
accuracy, the authors in [13] propose to adjust the variance of
different smart meters in the DSSE formulation. The time-
mismatch between the SCADA measurements (updated every
few minutes) and the smart meter data (updated every half an
hour or hourly) calls for attention [14]-[15]. Note that these
issues for the conventional AC distribution system, i.e., the low
measurement redundancy and the low refresh rate of smart
meters, still exist in the hybrid AC/DC distribution system and
will be considered in this work.
Recently, numerous studies were devoted to investigating the
power flow [16] and SE [17]-[19] of hybrid AC/DC distribution
systems to ensure their secure and economic operation. In the
existing literature, the research of SE for hybrid AC/DC
distribution systems can be classified into two main categories:
centralized and decentralized implementations. The SE solution
proposed in this paper belongs to the second category, which
estimates the states of AC and DC regions separately. Although
the decentralized SE can ensure flexible operating modes and
data privacy, it has to iterate alternately to keep the consistency
of boundary values at the point of common coupling (PCC)
J. Zhao is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, 39759 USA (e-mail:
Z. Wei is with the College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai
University, Nanjing 210098, China (e-mail:
Manyun Huang, Member, IEEE, Junbo Zhao, Senior Member, IEEE, Zhinong Wei, Member, IEEE,
Marco Pau, Member, IEEE, and Guoqiang Sun
Decentralized Robust State Estimation for
Hybrid AC/DC Distribution Systems with
Smart Meters
Manuscript File Click here to view linked References
between the AC and DC regions. In [17] and [18], the WLS is
used to solve the hybrid AC/DC SE problem via alternated
iterations. Such sequential iterations may take a long time to
converge due to the nonlinear SE problem. In order to fill the
gap, a distributed SE method with the integration of PMU and
SCADA is proposed in [19] and the performance of both the
centralized and distributed algorithms are compared and
discussed in [20]. Since the deployment of PMUs requires high
economic cost and is not prevalent in the distribution level, this
paper tries to integrate the smart meter data, zero injections and
SCADA measurements together, and proposes a
computationally efficient decentralized robust SE (DRSE)
method for hybrid AC/DC distribution systems.
As discussed above, SE in hybrid AC/DC distribution
systems face a series of challenges and opportunities: 1)
insufficient real-time measurements; 2) the prevalent of smart
meters; 3) rough state estimation based on imprecise pseudo-
measurements; 4) different properties of hybrid networks and
measurements. Note that situations 1)-3) are still remaining in
the conventional AC distribution system, while situation 4) is
the unique property of the hybrid system. Therefore, this paper
tries to integrate smart meter data, zero injections and SCADA
measurements to enhance the measurement redundancy and
designs a decentralized framework with the detailed converter
model for achieving efficient SE and accommodating flexible
operating modes. To summarize, the main contributions of this
paper are as follows.
1) The proposed method technically integrates multi-source
data with different timescales to enhance measurement
redundancy and a robust estimation criterion is employed
against noises and bad measurements;
2) A slow timescale smart meters aided DNN model is
developed to extract hidden system statistical information and
allow deriving nodal power injections that guarantee the
network observability;
3) A decentralized framework with the detailed converter
model is designed for multiple regions and a linear WLAV-
based formulation is derived, to achieve efficient and robust SE.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
II describes the AC/DC system state estimation problem. Then,
the decentralized AC/DC SE framework is formulated in
Section III. Numerical results are given and discussed in
Section IV, and finally Section V concludes the paper.
Suppose a hybrid AC/DC distribution system with n nodes,
i.e., N = {1, 2, …, n}. These nodes are composed of both AC
and DC nodes, denoted as NAC N and NDC N respectively.
Each node can only be of one type, and thereby NAC NDC =
and NAC NDC = N. For the model of AC/DC converters given
in Fig. 1, node i belongs to the set of AC nodes (i.e., i NAC)
while node j belongs to the set of DC nodes (i.e., j NDC). Since
the latest converters work without applying the pulse width
modulation technology, the filter between the transformer and
reactor is not necessary [21]. In this case, only the auxiliary
node c is introduced in this paper and assigned as a new AC
node, i.e. NAC c = NAC.
A. State Variables
In the SE of hybrid AC/DC distribution systems, the state
variables of AC nodes are xAC,i = {Vi, θi}, where Vi and θi denote
the voltage magnitude and angle at the AC node i. Analogously,
the state variable at the DC node j is the voltage, i.e., xDC,j = Vj .
To sum up, the state variables x of a hybrid AC/DC
distribution system with node set N can be expressed as:
x i N
xx j N
B. Measurement Functions
In hybrid AC/DC distribution systems, measurements may
include power flow, power injection, voltage magnitudes, etc.
The measurement model is described as follows:
()=+z h x e
where z = [z1, z2, …, zm]T is a m×1 vector, and e is the associated
measurement error vector assumed to be white Gaussian noise.
h(.) represents the nonlinear relationship between the
measurements and states. The measurement functions for a
generic branch power flow and nodal power injections are:
, ' ' ' ' ' '
( cos sin ), { , '}
AC ii i i ii ii ii ii AC
P VV G B i i N
= +
,' { , '}
AC,i AC ii AC
P P i i N=
,' { , '}
AC,i AC ii AC
Q Q i i N=
, ' ' ', { , '}
DC jj j j jj DC
P V V Y j j N=
, , ' { , '}
DC j DC jj DC
P P j j N=
where PAC, ii’ and QAC, ii’ are the active and reactive power flow
from the AC node i to the AC node i’; PAC, i and QAC, i are the
active and reactive power injection at the AC node i; PDC,jj’ is
the real power flow from the DC node j to the DC node j; PDC,j
is the real power injection at the DC node j. Parameters G and
B are the conductance and susceptance matrices of the AC
region while Y is the conductance matrix of the DC region.
Here, the topology information and line parameters (i.e.,
matrices G, B and Y) have been obtained in advance [22]-[23],
allowing for accurate state estimation. This is a prerequisite for
employing the proposed SE method. It is worth noting that the
power flow from the converter (omitting the filter) to the AC
node i is as follows.
,,VSC VSC loss DC jc
P P P+=
where PAC,ci and QAC,ci denote the active and reactive power
flow from the AC node c to the AC node i; PVSC and QVSC are
the active and reactive power outputs of the converter;
i j
Fig. 1 AC/DC converter model
is a quadratic loss of the
converter [24], where 
 , and PDC,jc represents
the active power flow from DC node j to the converter.
Obviously, the converter loss is associated with the state
variables PVSC, QVSC, Vc and PDC,jc. In addition, constraints on
the related variables (i.e. PVSC, QVSC, VAC, i, VDC, j) of the
converter are determined by the control strategy and described
in detail in [25].
C. Objective Functions
The most widely used WLS aims at minimizing the
following objective function:
11( ( ))
i i i
J w z h x
where zi is the ith measurement and wi = 1/σ2
i is the weight of
measurement zi inversely related to the measurement error
variance. Such an approach has high computational efficiency
but is vulnerable to bad data. Another representative method,
the WLAV, is robust to gross errors and formulated as:
( ) ( ), , 0
i i i i i i i i
J w z h x w u l u l
= − = +
where uili = zihi(x); ui and li are respectively represent the
absolute values of the non-negative and negative measurement
residuals. This reformulation transforms the original WLAV
optimization problem into a linear programming (LP) problem
when all constraints are linear [26].
To this end, the state estimation problem of hybrid AC/DC
distribution systems is described as:
min = ( )
. . ( ) ,
0, 0, {1,2,..., }
[ , ,..., ,...] ,
i i i
i i i i
J w u l
st z h u l
u l i m
x x x j N
= −
  =
To solve the general SE problem of hybrid AC/DC
distribution systems in (14), the decentralized robust state
estimation is proposed (see Fig. 2). In the following, we first
introduce the proposed SE model of hybrid AC/DC distribution
systems and discuss the mathematical model of AC/DC
converters. Then, a unified linear SE algorithm is derived for
AC and DC regions. Finally, a DNN aided method based on the
smart meter data is presented to ensure the system observability.
A. Decentralized SE Model
As a region k with a node set Nk, local state variables xk and
measurements zk, the regional SE is described as:
min ( )
. . ( ) 0, '
k k k
VSC,k VSC,k k
AC ci VSC,k AC ci VSC,k
DC,jc VSC loss VSC,k
st h
P P k D
− =
z x e
where k denotes the neighbor region of the region k, Dk denotes
the set of neighbor regions (here the regions are partitioned by
AC and DC natures). The active power loss has been considered
and the power flow at the PCC is shown in Fig. 3, where the
AC/DC converter connects node i (i NAC) with node j (j
NDC) and separates region k from region k’. Assuming the same
direction power output of the AC/DC converter in two regions,
the boundary values at the PCC should be equal, i.e.,
, , 'VSC k VSC k
Here, the reactive power QVSC is always decided by the control
strategy of the converter (e.g. constant QVSC or constant VAC,i).
It can be observed from Fig. 3 that the converter loss, i.e.
PVSC,loss, is important for ensuring the power balance of AC and
DC regions. Specifically, the converter loss heavily depends on
the converter current as shown below.
, 1 2 3
d d d
VSC loss c c
P I I= + +
c ci ci c
I P Q V=+
where d1, d2 and d3 denote constant loss coefficients; Vc, Ic, Pc,
Qc represent voltage magnitude, current magnitude, active and
reactive power injections at the AC node c. The per-unit
coefficients in the quadratic loss formula are determined with
the data in [21].
To achieve a fully decoupled SE model for hybrid AC/DC
distribution systems, the power flow constraints at the PCC are
relaxed with a Lagrangian form by using a gradient method.
region kregion k
Fig. 3 Power flow at the PCC between region k and k’.
Power Injection Generating
Input Layer Hidde n Layers Output Layer
y:= f(z)
Error Distribution
f(e/γ):= ωi f (ei |ui,σ i )
-0.01 00.01
of y
Unified Linear
State Estimation
Converter Model
Boundary values
DNN-based Method
(for network training)
Historical smart
meter data
Fig. 2 Schematic of the proposed DRSE
, , , ,
, , , '
min ( ) | |
. . ( ) ,,'
kk VSC,k VSC,k
k k k
AC ci VSC k AC ci VSC k
DC jc VSC loss VSC k k
st h
P P P k D
− =
z x e
where the Lagrange multiplier λ is updated during the iteration.
Finally, the decentralized AC/DC SE model based on the
WLAV is summarized in Algorithm 1, where the regional SE
of all regions is executed in parallel and the boundary values of
each region are determined by the estimation results in the
previous iteration. For example, the converter loss Pl-1
loss,k is
employed in the regional SE (i.e., step 6: xl
k:= argmin Jk), and
then the updated converter loss Pl
loss,k is obtained for the next
iteration l+1. Here, Pl
loss,k denotes the converter loss calculated
by the region k in the lth iteration; the parameter ξ denotes a
positive constant value; the predefined threshold τ is set to
ensure the consistency of boundary values; L denotes the
maximum number of iterations and the parameter R denotes the
number of AC and DC regions in the hybrid AC/DC
distribution system. In this context, only the power flow
information of the converter is exchanged between two regions,
protecting regional information privacy.
B. Unified Linear SE for AC and DC Regions
The SE in AC regions is a nonlinear programming problem,
and it takes time to converge. To enable a computational
efficient decentralized SE algorithm, we extend a linearized
power flow model of AC grids [27]-[28] into our work and
hence convert the nonlinear SE of AC regions to a linear
programming problem. For example, the linear power flow
function of a balanced AC network can be expressed as follows:
i j ij ij ij ij
U U R P X Q + +
i j ij ij ij ij
 +
where Ui =V2
i is the square of voltage magnitude Vi; Rij and Xij
denote the resistance and reactance of line (i, j). In (21), the
higher-order term (Vi-Vj)(Vi-Vj)* that is the change in voltage
associated with losses is negligible. The assumption of (22) is
that voltage magnitude is constant and equal to 1 p.u., as well
as the angle difference of two voltage phasors is small enough
to satisfy sin(θiθj) θiθj. In unbalanced conditions, the
voltage magnitude and angle are obtained from three phasors,
i.e. Va,b,c and θa,b,c, and another assumption about the fixed ratio
of voltage phasors is made. The accuracy of such
approximations has been investigated in [27] and [28]. The
validity of the approximation has been demonstrated in our
simulation results as well.
With the linearized model, (3) and (4) can be reformulated as
( ) 2 ( ) , { , }
2( )
i j ij ij i j
AC ij AC
ij ij
P i j N
− +
( ) 2 ( ) , { , }
2( )
i j ij ij i j
AC ij AC
ij ij
Q i j N
− − −
In this context, the measurement function in an AC region can
be expressed as:
=+Hz x e
where z denotes the measurement vector in the AC region; xnew
={Ui, θi, iNAC} consisting of the squared voltage magnitude
and voltage angle represents the state vector in the AC region,
and H is a constant matrix, which depends on the structure and
line parameters of the AC region.
As for DC regions, the voltage magnitude can be denoted as
Vi=1ΔVi, then the power flow in a DC line is:
,(1 )(1 )
=(1 ) +
(1 )
dc ij i j ij
i j ij i j ij
i j ij
= −  − 
−  −   
−  − 
where the approximation of Pdc,ij neglects the high order term,
i.e., ψ(V)=ΔVi×ΔVj×Y ij. The approximation error associated to
ψ(V) will decrease when V approaches 1 (p.u.). In this way, the
measurement function in a DC region can be also expressed as
a linear measurement function. The effectiveness of such an
approximation has been verified in [29].
distribution of
Pi and Qi
meter data
Monte Carlo
power flow
DNN training
nodal power
DNN model
(y, z=z,+ e)
(y, z,)
Offline learning Online generation
Fig. 4 Schematic of the DNN-based method that learns the distribution of
nodal power injections offline and yields nodal power injections online.
Algorithm 1: Decentralized AC/DC SE
Relax the regional SE: Jk = J2(xk) + λ|PVSC,k PVSC,k|
Initialization xk ,λ, ξ, τ, l=0 and L
while |PVSC,k PVSC,k| > τ and l < L
l = l + 1
for k=1:D
k:= argmin Jk
if the region k is an AC region
loss,k is obtained by Eq.(18) and (19)
λ=λ+ξ×|PVSC,k PVSC,k|
Output the final solution
Active power injection
Reactive power injection
5.29E-04 (p.u.)
2.31E-04 (p.u.)
0.0058 (p.u.)
0.0030 (p.u.)
Table 1 Errors of power injections by the DNN-based method
Formally, the WLAV-based SE for each region as a linear
programming problem can be shown as follows:
, , ,
, , , ,
, , , '
min ( ) ( )
, , , 0 '
k k i k i k i k k
k k k k k
k k VSC,k VSC,k
AC ci VSC k AC ci VSC k
DC jc VSC loss VSC k
k i k i k k k
J w u l a b
a b P P
u l a b k D
= + + +
− = +
− =
u l x e
where xk and zk respectively denote the state vector and
measurement vector in the region k; Hk is a constant matrix,
decided by the structure and line parameters of the region k; ek
denotes the measurement noise vector in the region k; ak, bk, uk,i,
lk,i are non-negative variables associated with the
transformation of the objective function. Notice that if the
region k is an AC region, the state vector is composed by xk =
{Uk, θk}, otherwise, in a DC region, the state vector is xk = {Vk}.
As we discuss in Algorithm 1, the Pvsc,loss of an AC region has
been obtained by the previous iteration and therefore the model
(27) is solved by linear programming.
C. DNN-aided method Using Smart Meter Data
To ensure the network observability and improve the
estimation accuracy of hybrid AC/DC distribution systems,
SCADA measurements, smart meter data and zero power
injections are together employed in the proposed SE model.
However, they are updated at different timescales and the smart
meter data is usually sampled slower than SCADA
measurements. To deal with that, this paper proposes a DNN
aided method to learn the distribution of nodal power injections
from the slow timescale smart meter data (at the offline learning
stage) and later on to yield nodal power injections at a fast time
scale (at the online generation stage). In the proposed
decentralized framework, the DNN model is essential for some
regions with low measurement redundancy. As a representative
method of deep learning, DNN with bulging middle sections
has the ability to extract hidden statistical information from
smart meter data, avoiding the usage of imprecise pseudo
measurements. Moreover, effective nonlinear functions (e.g.,
ReLU and Tanh) could draw complex characteristics and the
fine-tuning process can be achieved by a backpropagation
algorithm in the DNN model.
The schematic of that is given in Fig. 4, where the left hand
of the schematic describes the offline stage. Tracking a large
amount of historical smart meter data, the probability
distribution of nodal power injections could be approximated
by Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM). Then, three
submodules, i.e. Monte Carlo trials, power flow calculations
and noise production, are subsequently adopted to extract a set
of training data (y, z) from the obtained probability distribution
of the nodal power injections. As for a set of the training data,
the output y is constituted by all nodal power injections yielded
by the Monte Carlo trials, while the input z contains some
branch power flows, node voltage magnitudes, etc., corrupted
by simulated noises. It should be noted that the number and
types of elements in the output data z are different from each
test system and determined by the measuring condition. The
parameters of the DNN model can be set by the empirical risk
minimization. On the basis of the training results, the
distribution of power injection errors is approximated by the
GMM model to determine the weights of the associated nodal
power injections in the following SE. In the study of historical
data, some common reconfigurations of distribution systems
have been recognized and well-trained, but the correctness of
the DNN model could not be guaranteed anymore in the case of
the interruption of some unforeseen lines. At the online stage,
the trained DNN model is used for the regression analysis and
to generate nodal power injections associated with the real-time
SCADA measurements at the same update rate. Besides, the
accuracy of the DNN model could be checked through the
deviation of the estimated power injections (calculated by the
estimated states) and the outputs y, and the offline training
would be triggered once the deviation is larger than a predefined
The estimation performance of the proposed DRSE is tested
on a sample 33-node hybrid AC/DC distribution system [1],
while a mesh 106-node hybrid AC/DC distribution system is
applied to demonstrate its scalability [2]. To illustrate the idea
of DSSE under a low measurement coverage condition, a few
1 3 6 8
19 20
21 22
2324 25 26 2728 29
30 31 32 33
wind PV
AC node
DC node
AC line
DC line
710 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
DC region 1
DC region 2
DC region 3
AC region 1
Fig. 5 Structure of the 33-node hybrid AC/DC distribution system.
× 10-3 p.u.
Errors of reactive power injections
26 27 28 2919 20 23 24 25
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6× 10-3 p.u.
26 27 28 2919 20 23 24 25
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Errors of active power injections
Fig. 7 Errors of power injections at each node; left: active power injections;
right: reactive power injections.
0100 200 300 400 500 600
Power injection (kW)
Probability density function
Gaussian mixture
Statistic results of P5
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 050 100
Probability density function
Gaussian mixture
Statistic results of P9
Power injection (kW)
Fig. 6 Distribution learning of the active power injection; (a): at node 5;
(b): at node 9.
power flow measurements of AC lines are assumed to be
available. As for DC regions, we assume that the observability
of the DC network is guaranteed by the real-time measurements
due to the small size of the DC regions and the lower
measurement cost. In the 33-node hybrid AC/DC distribution
system shown in Fig. 5, two types of measurements are
assumed: 1) SCADA measurements that are updated every 15
minutes and placed only at some nodes (the main substation
node and the converter nodes), four AC lines (line 1-2, 2-19, 3-
23 and 6-26), as well as in all DC lines; 2) smart meter data at
consumer nodes. With the similar measurement configuration,
SCADA measurements of the 106-node hybrid AC/DC
distribution system in Fig. 1A consist of power flow
measurements in 12 AC lines and voltage magnitude
measurements in the main substation as well as AC/DC
converter nodes, while smart meters are at consumer nodes. In
our simulations, the smart meter data is assumed to be sampled
hourly at the load/generation nodes and hence updated slower
than the SCADA measurements, calling for the generated
power injections of the proposed DNN-aided method. The
additive measurement noises of SCADA measurements are
assumed to be Gaussian white noise with 1% uncertainty for the
voltage magnitude measurements and 2% for the power flow
measurements [30]-[31], respectively. Besides, the smart meter
data accuracy is assumed to be 2% [32], and all noises are
considered as independent. Note that some communication
issues, e.g. the latency, may result in a larger measurement
uncertainty of smart meter data and our proposed framework is
general to deal with this as well. All simulations were
performed on a computer Intel® CoreTM i7-10710U CPU with
16GB of RAM.
Relying on this simulation setup, two alternative algorithms
are compared to the proposed DRSE. The first one is the
centralized WLS, and the second one is the decentralized WLS
with the same partition principle as the proposed DRSE shown
in Fig. 5. In the decentralized WLS, AC and DC regions are
locally estimated by WLS `with regional measurements, and the
boundary power injections of converters are taken as equivalent
power injection measurements. The uncertainty of the
equivalent power injections is calculated based on the law of
propagation, and the convergence condition of decentralized
WLS is the same as Algorithm 1. The purpose is to assess the
estimation accuracy, the robustness and the computational
efficiency of the proposed DRSE. The indices, including the
average absolute error (AAE) and maximum absolute error
(MAE), are used:
x i i
 
M max , 1,...,
x i i
x x i n= − =
where Ax and Mx denote the AAE and MAE of the variable x
(i.e., nodal voltage magnitude and voltage angle); i and xi
represent the estimated values and true values obtained by the
power flow calculation. Here, the power flow model of hybrid
AC/DC distribution systems is described in [21] and solved by
the iterative Newton Raphson method.
A. Validation of DNN-aided Power Injection Generation
Since the load/generation information in [1] only contains
one time instant, a set of load/generation profiles collected from
Jiangsu Province, covering January 1st of 2013 to April 30th of
2014 are used. Notice that the data set of 2013 is used for
distribution learning and DNN training, while that of 2014 is
used for testing. During the training process of DNN, the DNN
input and output data in two test systems are listed in Table 2.
We consider GMM to approximate the distribution of power
injections, as shown in Fig. 6. For all nodes, our data analysis
allows for the adoption of the 2-component GMM in
distribution learning. According to the training performance,
the DNN model having four layers with 300 neurons is selected
to generate nodal power injections online. The active function
in the hidden layers is ‘Tanh’ and linear active function is
applied in the output layer. The obtained results for the testing
errors of nodal power injections are given in Table 1. Here the
AAE of active and reactive power injections are respectively
around 0.0005 (p.u.) and 0.0002 (p.u.). It can be found from Fig.
7 that the errors of power injections at some nodes, i.e. nodes 9,
24 and 29, have large uncertainties due to the fluctuation of
distributed energy resources. Again, the distribution of power
injection errors was approximated by the GMM model to
determine the weights of the associated nodal power injections
in the following SE model.
in degree
AAE of voltage magnitude for AC nodes
in p.u.
p10% p30% dnn p10% p30% dnn p10% p30% dnn
θby CWLS V by DWLS
θby DWLS V by DRSE
θby DRSE
AAE of voltage angle for AC nodes
Fig. 8 AAE of AC nodes obtained by three algorithms with different
measurement sets.
AAE of voltage magnitude for DC nodes
2× 10-5 p.u.
p10% p30% dnn p10% p30% dnn p10% p30% dnn
Fig. 9 AAE of DC nodes obtained by three algorithms with different
measurement sets.
Input data set
Output data set
33-node hybrid
AC/DC system
voltage magnitude at
4 nodes and power
flows at 4 lines
power injections at
17 consumer nodes
hybrid AC/DC
voltage magnitude at
4 nodes and power
flows at 12 lines
power injections at
96 consumer nodes
Table 2 The input and output data of DNN in two test systems
B. Validation of Estimation Accuracy
To evaluate the SE accuracy for each method, all three
methods are tested under the same measurement conditions. 1)
CWLSp: refers to the centralized WLS with pseudo
measurements of nodal power injections; 2) CWLSdnn: refers
to the centralized WLS with nodal power injections obtained by
the proposed DNN-based method; 3) DWLSp: refers to the
decentralized WLS with pseudo measurements of nodal power
injections; 4) DWLSdnn: refers to the decentralized WLS with
nodal power injections obtained by the proposed DNN-based
method; 5) DRSEp: refers to the proposed DRSE with pseudo
measurements of nodal power injections; 6) DRSEdnn: refers
to the proposed DRSE with nodal power injections obtained by
the proposed DNN-based method.
Three SE methods with different accuracy levels of pseudo
measurements and the nodal power injections generated by the
DNN-based method have been tested. Generally, pseudo
measurements are usually obtained by short-term load
forecasting with much larger uncertainty than the SCADA
measurements. Here, it is assumed that the errors of pseudo
measurements follow Gaussian distributions with 10% and 30%
uncertainties. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show the voltage magnitude and
angle estimation results of AC and DC nodes obtained by three
algorithms with 1000 Monte Carlo simulations.
It can be observed that the estimation errors of the AC nodes
by the three algorithms vary significantly with different
measurement uncertainties. The estimation errors under the
DNN-generated power injections are smaller than those with
pseudo measurements, showing the benefits brought by the
DNN model. In this regard, the DNN-based method helps
improve the estimation accuracy of all three estimation methods,
not just the proposed DRSE. When using the same
measurement set, the estimation errors of voltage angle
obtained by our proposed DRSE are larger than those obtained
by the CWLS and DWLS due to the linearized process in the
AC region (see Fig. 8). This is a compromise between the
estimation accuracy and computational efficiency during the
linearized process. Furthermore, the estimation errors of
voltage angle by the proposed DRSE with the DNN-generated
power injections are smaller than 0.4-degree, attributing to both
the linearized and the estimated errors. Despite this impact, the
estimation errors of voltage magnitudes at the AC and DC
nodes by the proposed DRSE are smaller enough when the
× 10-2 p.u.
AAE at AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
× 10-5 p.u.
AAE at DC nodes
AC nodes DC nodes
× 10-5 p.u.
AAE at DC nodes
× 10-2 p.u.
AAE at AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
AC nodes DC nodes
× 10-5 p.u.
AAE at DC nodes
× 10-2 p.u.
AAE at AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
AC nodes DC nodes
(a) CWLS with DNN-generated data (b) DWLS with DNN-generated data (c) DRSE with DNN-generated data
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
AC nodes DC nodes
× 10-5 p.u.
× 10-2 p.u.
AAE at AC nodes
AAE at DC nodes
× 10-5 p.u.
AAE at DC nodes
× 10-2 p.u.
AAE at AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
AC nodes DC nodes
× 10-5 p.u.
AAE at DC nodes
1× 10-2 p.u.
AAE at AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
AC nodes DC nodes
(d) CWLS with pseudo measurements (e) DWLS with pseudo measurements (f) DRSE with pseudo measurements
Fig. 11 AAE of node voltage magnitude obtained by the three algorithms in Case 2.
V by CWLSdnn
V by DWLSdnn
MAE of voltage magnitude
Case1 Case2
in p.u.
Case1 Case2
MAE of voltage angle
in degree
θ by DWLS
θ by DRSE
θ by CWLS
θ by CWLSdnn
θ by DWLSdnn
Case1 Case2
× 10-3 p.u.
V by CWLSdnn
V by DWLSdnn
MAE of voltage magnitude
(a)voltage magnitude of AC nodes (b) voltage angle of AC nodes (c) voltage magnitude of DC nodes
Fig. 10 MAE of AC and DC nodes obtained by the three algorithms in two cases.
voltage magnitudes of AC and DC nodes approaching 1 (p.u.).
Moreover, it can be seen from Fig. 9 that the estimation errors
of the DC nodes under different measurement sets are similar
and small. Such estimation performance at the DC nodes is due
to the same uncertainties of the DC measurements in the three
measuring conditions. To summarize, the proposed DRSE with
the DNN-generated power injections may suffer slight accuracy
loss due to linearization, yet still can provide reliable estimation
results for the hybrid AC/DC distribution system, avoiding the
problem of pseudo measurement definition.
C. Robustness to Bad Data
Another important property affecting the estimation accuracy
is the robust performance that alleviates the estimation errors
brought by bad data. In this regard, two test cases have been
considered. 1) Case 1: one active power output measurement of
a converter is doubled. 2) Case 2: a pair of power flow
measurement of an AC line becomes the opposite number. For
the sake of fairness, the largest normalized residual (NR)-based
statistical test has been used in the centralized and decentralized
WLS to detect and process bad data. Note that the conventional
CWLS and DWLS algorithms with pseudo measurements as
well as those with the DNN-generated power injections, namely
CWLSdnn and DWLSdnn, are compared with the proposed
DRSE. To guarantee the adaptability of the trained DNN model,
the erroneous SCADA measurements that are detected and
rejected by the NR test in the input are substituted with the
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
0.2 in degree
AAE at AC nodes
AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
0.2 in degree
AAE at AC nodes
AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
0.2 in degree
AAE at AC nodes
AC nodes
(a) CWLS with DNN-generated data (b) DWLS with DNN-generated data (c) DRSE with DNN-generated data
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
0.2 in degree
AAE at AC nodes
AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
0.2 in degree
AAE at AC nodes
AC nodes
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Node number
0.2 in degree
AAE at AC nodes
AC nodes
(d) CWLS with pseudo measurements (e) DWLS with pseudo measurements (f) DRSE with pseudo measurements
Fig. 12 AAE of node voltage angle obtained by the three algorithms in Case 2.
Active power flow
Reactive power flow
0 5 10 15
AC Line number
0.05 p.u.
Active power flow
Reactive power flow
0 5 10 15
AC Line number
0.05 p.u.
Active power flow
Reactive power flow
0 5 10 15
AC Line number
0.05 p.u.
(a) CWLS with DNN-generated data (b) DWLS with DNN-generated data (c) DRSE with DNN-generated data
Active power flow
Reactive power flow
0 5 10 15
AC Line number
0.1 p.u.
Active power flow
Reactive power flow
0 5 10 15
AC Line number
0.1 p.u.
Active power flow
Reactive power flow
0 5 10 15
AC Line number
0.1 p.u.
(d) CWLS with pseudo measurements (e) DWLS with pseudo measurements (f) DRSE with pseudo measurements
Fig. 13 AAE of power flow obtained by the three algorithms in Case 2.
values obtained by numerical interpolation. In order to analyze
the robustness of the three algorithms, 1000 simulations have
been performed for each of the three cases, respectively. Fig. 10
gives the MAE estimates under the two different scenarios.
As expected, the proposed DRSE performs more stable than
the other two alternatives in the presence of gross errors. It can
be observed that in Case 1 the MAE of voltage magnitudes at
AC nodes by the proposed DRSE are slightly larger than those
of CWLSdnn and DWLSdnn but are comparable to the
conventional CWLS and DWLS. Recall that, in normal
conditions, the linearized model is in favor of computational
efficiency but yields slightly larger estimation errors, which
could be reduced by the accurate power injections generated by
the DNN model. The MAE of DC nodes by the CWLS in each
case is the largest one, especially in Case 1. The result indicates
that the estimation results of the AC and DC nodes by the
centralized CWLS are affected wherever the gross error appears.
Instead, the MAE for the DC nodes via two decentralized
algorithms remains stable in all cases. Nevertheless, the MAEs
for voltage magnitudes by the DWLS are still larger than those
by the proposed DRSE in the presence of bad data, especially
in Case 2.
To demonstrate the robustness benefits brought by the DNN-
generated power injections, pseudo measurements following
Gaussian distributions with 30% uncertainties and the DNN-
generated power injections are applied for three algorithms in
Case 2, and the detailed MAE of each node is shown in Figs. 11
and 12. It is observed that the estimation errors by each
algorithm with pseudo measurements increase due to the low
coverage of real-time measurements and large uncertainty of
pseudo measurements. Still, the AAE of node voltage
magnitude obtained by the proposed DRSE is smaller than the
CWLS and the DWLS. Although the AAE of node voltage
angle obtained by the proposed DRSE is comparable with the
CWLS and DWLS with DNN-generated data (see Fig. 12), the
AAE of power flows obtained by the proposed DRSE is smaller
(see Fig. 13). These results indicate that the proposed DRSE can
not only obtain reliable node voltages but also provide accurate
power flow estimates, which are essential for the convergence
of power flow calculation. To sum up, the robust performance
of the proposed DRSE method attributes to two factors: 1) the
WLAV-based state estimation model, which could reject gross
errors automatically; 2) the reliable power injections generated
by the DNN-based model.
D. Computational Efficiency Assessment
Additional simulations have been conducted on the two
hybrid AC/DC distribution systems to assess the computational
performance of the proposed DRSE. Here, the larger 106-node
hybrid AC/DC distribution system is given in the Appendix (see
Fig. 1A), where a DC network splits three AC networks. The
computing time includes the execution times of generating the
power injections online and that of state estimation. Notice that,
multiple AC or DC regions are included in the test systems and
hence parallel computing is used to decrease the computing
time when solving the SE problem for these regions. Therefore,
two decentralized algorithms, i.e., the proposed DRSE and
DWLS, are performed 1000 times. The recorded results show
that the power injections generated online take only few
milliseconds, however, the state estimation takes a longer time
and the results are given in Table 3. It could be seen that the
computational performance of the proposed DRSE is better
than the conventional DWLS. As expected, the execution time
of the proposed DRSE is decreased with the linearized model.
As the scale of hybrid AC/DC distribution systems becomes
larger, the computation time increases accordingly but slowly.
Specifically, the number of nodes in the 106-node hybrid
AC/DC distribution system increases from 33 to 106, while the
computation time of the proposed method only increases 1.43
times. This is because the computation time in the decentralized
framework mainly depends on the largest scale of all regions,
and the regional estimation model is linearized. Besides, our
proposed method can also be conducted in various forms of
hybrid AC/DC systems, no matter the AC network is
contiguous or not. If necessary, a contiguous but large-scale
network especially for the AC network could be divided into
multiple regions by some distributed algorithms, e.g. [33]. This
allows the proposed DRSE to provide the latest states in real-
time for the hybrid AC/DC distribution system even when the
SCADA measurements are updated every minute.
In this paper, a decentralized and robust SE method for
hybrid AC/DC distribution systems has been developed. The
decentralized framework allows conducting the regional SE for
AC and DC regions separately with only limited power flow
Table 3 Execution time of two decentralized algorithms
Sample 33-node system
Mesh 106-node system
138 ms
203 ms
81 ms
116 ms
AC node
DC node
AC line
DC line
8 10 13 15
26 27 28 29
30 3132 3334 3536 37 38 39 40
11 1614 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
74 76 79 81
92 93 94 95
9697 98
75 78
77 82
80 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
23 4
AC region
AC region
AC region
DC region
Fig. 1A Structure of the 106-node hybrid AC/DC distribution system.
information exchange requirement. Moreover, a linearized
formulation of the regional SE is derived for AC and DC
regions to improve the computational efficiency at the expense
of slight estimation accuracy. A DNN-based method is further
proposed to tackle the different timescales of SCADA
measurements and smart meter data, avoiding the usage of
imprecise pseudo measurements. Simulation results of two
hybrid AC/DC distribution systems have demonstrated the
effectiveness and scalability of the proposed DRSE. In short,
the proposed DRSE method allows for integrating smart meter
data, SCADA measurements and zero injections in the
estimation model of hybrid AC/DC distribution systems,
protecting regional information privacy, and provide the latest
states in real-time.
The topology structure of the 106-node hybrid AC/DC
distribution systems is presented in Figs. 1A. As for the system
partition, the mesh 106-node hybrid AC/DC distribution system
consists of one DC region and three AC regions.
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... Hence, SSE offers simple yet effective solution for DSSE, that has led to its widespread use by researchers [35]. Further, very few studies are focused on state estimation of HMGs [36][37][38][39][40]. ...
... Subsequently, the Kalman filter equipped with prediction-error covariance estimation (PECE) method was applied to a fully observable HMG. In the same way as [36,40] implemented the same decentralized SE method for HMG considering a unified robust linear state estimation model for each AC and DC regions. Moreover, Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are used to integrate SCADA, Smart Meter (SM) and Zero Injection measurements in HMG. ...
... Moreover, Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are used to integrate SCADA, Smart Meter (SM) and Zero Injection measurements in HMG. Although the studies discussed in [36][37][38][39][40] have considered state estimation (SE) in HMGs, none have considered the case of islanded mode of operation of HMGs. ...
... In this case, the DSSE utilizes a DNN. In a more interesting scenario, ref. [137] has performed DSSE in a hybrid AC/DC system including PVs, WTs and diesel generators. The estimation is performed with the use of WLS, supported by a DNN. ...
... Table 6. Applications of DSSE [50,51,[134][135][136][137]. ...
... PV, WT and diesel generator [137] Model-based WLS DSSE coupled with DNN [137]. ...
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The modern energy requirements and the orientation towards Renewable Energy Sources (RES) integration promote the transition of distribution grids from passive, unidirectional, fossil fuel-based into active, bidirectional, environmental-friendly architectures. For this purpose, advanced control algorithms and optimization processes are implemented, the performance of which relies on the Distribution System State Estimation (DSSE). DSSE algorithms provide the Distribution System Operator (DSO) with detailed information regarding the network’s state in order to derive the optimal decisions. However, this task is quite complex as the distribution system has inherent unbalance issues, often faces lack of adequate measurements, etc. The purpose of this paper is to review the DSSE algorithms that a system can incorporate with emphasis on their particular requirements, the mathematical formulation of the problem, the analysis of the existing model-based and data-driven approaches and the recommended solutions regarding observability issues, bad data detection, and meter placement strategies. Furthermore, special attention is paid to DSSE applications, including the use cases where they can be deployed, the approaches that are usually followed, the integrated distributed power supply units, as well as their future trends and challenges, thus highlighting their business-related aspects.
... 18,19 Furthermore, in some cases, bad data like artificially injected false information can dramatically affect the estimation accuracy of the system state parameters. 20,21 This creates challenges in ensuring the prediction accuracy of catastrophic data, thereby posing significant obstacles to the stable operation and coordinated optimal dispatching of regional power grids. Consequently, anomalies in synchronous phasor data from phasor measurement units (PMUs) have gained significant attention from academia since they will significantly affect the state estimation of the power system. ...
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The high proportion of renewable energy sources in the power grid increases the failure probability of the system, which becomes a new challenge for the safe and stable operation of the regional power grid. To ensure stable control of the power network with substantial renewable energy integration, this article proposes a new method that combines the long short‐term memory (LSTM) neural networks and adaptive cubature Kalman filter (ACKF) to improve the prediction accuracy of mutation data inherited from the renewable generation. Four abnormal scenarios, including low voltage ride‐through (LVRT), high voltage ride‐through (HVRT), continuous fault ride‐through and bad data injection of the regional power grid are investigated through extensive case studies. The proposed method is implemented on the IEEE 30‐node system for performance verification. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method has considerably higher robustness than the traditional Kalman filter algorithm and can effectively improve the overall state estimation accuracy of the renewable energy power system under different scenarios.
The observability of split-phase low-voltage (LV) secondary distribution feeders continues to pose a challenge in distribution system state estimation, which has traditionally been modeled for medium-voltage (MV) primary feeders. This work aims to improve the observability of LV feeders using smart meter data to enable a joint primary (MV) and secondary (LV) feeder state estimation. Towards this goal, a two-stage MV-LV state estimation algorithm is proposed that is iteratively executed until convergence at the MV-LV boundary. Specifically, Stage-I estimates primary feeder (MV) states using approximated load demands at the MV buses obtained from Stage-II. Stage-II estimates the secondary feeder (LV) states and improved load demands at the MV level using the MV voltage estimates obtained from Stage-I and smart meter data. black The algorithm terminates once the sequence of estimated variables from both stages at the MV-LV boundary bus, i.e., load demand (from Stage-II) and voltage (from Stage-I) have converged. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated using the IEEE 123 bus distribution test feeder modified to include secondary network extensions at 47 different nodes. The simulation results validate that the proposed approach facilitates the observability of the split-phase LV systems and enables the joint estimation of MV-LV states. Moreover, the accuracy of the primary feeder (MV) state estimation results is improved using the proposed approach to model and estimate split-phase LV feeders.
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This article proposes a parameter estimation scheme for three-phase untransposed distribution lines. The estimation process is carried out using voltage magnitude (rms) and power-flow measurements from both ends of the line. The parameter estimation is carried out by considering the influence of measurement and instrument transformer uncertainties. A novel effective variance-based reweighted nonlinear least-squares scheme is proposed. Moreover, for estimation of untransposed line parameters under balanced loading conditions, the present work proposes a parameter estimation scheme using a reduced order model of the untransposed line. The accuracy and stability of the estimator are verified for the IEEE-13 bus test system. The algorithm is also tested with time-tagged remote terminal unit (RTU) measurements from a real distribution feeder.
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The energy management system becomes increasingly indispensable with the extensive penetration of new players in the distribution networks, such as renewable energy, storage, and controllable load. Also, the operation optimization of the active distribution system requires information on operation state monitoring. Smart measuring equipment enables the topology identification and branch line parameters estimation from a data-driven perspective. Nevertheless, many current methods require the nodal voltage angles measured by phasor measurement units (PMUs), which might be unrealistic for conventional distribution networks. This paper proposes a numerical method to identify the topology and estimate line parameters without the information of voltage angles. We propose a two-step framework: the first step applies a data-driven regression method to provide a preliminary estimation on the topology and line parameter; the second step utilizes a joint data-and-model-driven method, i.e., a specialized Newton-Raphson iteration and power flow equations, to calculate the line parameter, recover voltage angle and further correct the topology. We test the method on IEEE 33 and 123-bus looped networks with load data from 1000 users in Ireland. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can provide an accurate estimation of the topology and line parameters based on limited samples of measurement without voltage angles.
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This letter proposes a novel and highly efficient distribution system state estimation (DSSE) algorithm with nonlinear measurements from supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The conventional DSSE, i.e., a weighted least square (WLS)-based method, requires multiple Monte Carlo simulations for overall accuracy evaluation and has high calculation cost due to the nonlinear iterative process. The proposed method uses the Taylor series of voltages for constructing a linear DSSE model in the interval form and then solve this model by interval arithmetic. Compared with the WLS-based method, the proposed method obtains accurate and robust estimates via a single random sampling of measurements and is computationally efficient. The comparative analysis of the IEEE 34-bus distribution system points to improved estimation results relative to the nonlinear WLS-based method.
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This study is motivated by the recent advancements in developing non-contact line sensor technologies that come at a low cost, but have limited measurement capabilities. While they are intended to measure current, they cannot measure voltage and power. This poses a challenge to certain distribution system applications, such as topology identification (TI), because they commonly use voltage and power measurements. To address this open problem, a new TI algorithm is proposed based on measurements from a few line current sensors, together with available pseudo-measurements for nodal power injections. A TI problem formulation is first developed in the form of a mixed integer nonlinear program (MINLP). Several reformulation steps are then adopted to tackle the nonlinearities to express the TI problem in the form of a mixed integer linear program (MILP). The proposed method is able to identify all possible topologies, including radial, loop, and island configurations, which extends the application of TI to identify switch malfunctions and to detect outages. In addition, recommendations are made with respect to the number and location of the line current sensors to ensure performance accuracy of the TI method. A novel multi-period TI algorithm is also proposed to use multiple measurement snapshots to improve the TI accuracy and robustness against errors in pseudo-measurements. The effectiveness of the proposed TI algorithms is examined on the IEEE 33-bus test case as well as a test case based on a real-world feeder in Riverside, CA.
The increasing distributed and renewable energy resources and controllable devices in distribution systems make fast distribution system state estimation (DSSE) crucial in system monitoring and control. We consider a large multi-phase distribution system and formulate DSSE as a weighted least squares (WLS) problem. We divide the large distribution system into smaller areas of subtree structure, and by jointly exploring the linearized power flow model and the network topology, we propose a gradient-based multi-area algorithm to exactly and efficiently solve the WLS problem. The proposed algorithm enables distributed and parallel computation of the state estimation problem without compromising any performance. Numerical results on a 4,521-node test feeder show that the designed algorithm features fast convergence and accurate estimation results. Comparison with traditional Gauss-Newton method shows that the proposed method has much better performance in distribution systems with a limited amount of reliable measurement. The real-time implementation of the algorithm tracks time-varying system states with high accuracy.
The problem of state estimation for unobservable distribution systems is considered. A deep learning approach to Bayesian state estimation is proposed for real-time applications. The proposed technique consists of distribution learning of stochastic power injection, a Monte Carlo technique for the training of a deep neural network for state estimation, and a Bayesian bad-data detection and filtering algorithm. Structural characteristics of the deep neural networks are investigated. Simulations illustrate the accuracy of Bayesian state estimation for unobservable systems and demonstrate the benefit of employing a deep neural network. Numerical results show the robustness of Bayesian state estimation against modeling and estimation errors and the presence of bad and missing data. Comparing with pseudo-measurement techniques, direct Bayesian state estimation via deep learning neural network outperforms existing benchmarks.
This paper proposes a two-stage energy management scheme (EMS) for AC-DC hybrid smart distribution systems (DSs). The proposed EMS is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem to minimize the DS operation costs and energy losses. The proposed EMS is achieved in two stages. In the first stage, a network reconfiguration algorithm determines the optimal day-ahead reconfiguration schedule for a hybrid DS. In the second stage, a real-time optimal power flow (OPF) algorithm determines the real-time operational schedule of the energy resources. This paper also introduces a new linearized power flow (PF) model for AC-DC hybrid DSs. This new model facilitates the formulation of the first-stage algorithm as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem and the formulation of the second-stage algorithm as a linear programming (LP) problem. The proposed two-stage EMS was tested on a case study of a hybrid DS that included different types of loads and distributed generators (DGs). The results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed EMS: the optimal day-ahead reconfiguration schedule was successfully obtained in the first stage, and the proper and optimal real-time operation was achieved in the second stage.
In this paper, we present an efficient computational framework with the purpose of generating weighted pseudo-measurements to improve the quality of Distribution System State Estimation (DSSE) and provide observability with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) against unobservable customers and missing data. The proposed technique is based on a game-theoretic expansion of Relevance Vector Machines (RVM). This platform is able to estimate the nodal power consumption and quantify its uncertainty while reducing the prohibitive computational burden of model training for large AMI datasets. To achieve this objective, the large training set is decomposed and distributed among multiple parallel learning entities. The resulting estimations from the parallel RVMs are then combined using a game-theoretic model based on the idea of repeated games with vector payoff. It is observed that through this approach and by exploiting the seasonal changes in customers’ behavior the accuracy of pseudo-measurements can be considerably improved, while introducing robustness against bad training data samples. The proposed pseudo-measurement generation model is integrated into a DSSE using a closed-loop information system, which takes advantage of a Branch Current State Estimator (BCSE) data to further improve the performance of the designed machine learning framework. This method has been tested on a practical distribution feeder model with smart meter data for verification.
Distribution system state estimation (DSSE) has recently been tested and experimentally deployed in some practical distribution networks. Distinct features of distribution systems, such as diverse and unsymmetrical configurations as well as limited real-time measurements, prohibit directly applying mature state estimation methods of transmission systems. Targeting at three-phase four-conductor configured unsymmetrical medium-voltage distribution systems (MDS) with neutral conductors and ground resistances, this paper proposes a weighted least square (WLS) based DSSE approach, in which voltages are chosen as state variables and pseudo measurements of low-voltage distribution system (LDS) loads are considered to compensate insufficient real-time measurements in MDS. Both rectangular and polar coordinates are studies, and voltage variables of neutrals and zero-injection phases are eliminated to reduce scales of the DSSE problem. Moreover, in order to enhance load pseudo measurement accuracy for LDSs, a clustering and partial least square (PLS) regression based load estimation model is proposed to leverage real-time communication ability of smart meters. Case studies on a modified IEEE 123-bus distribution system with actual smart meter data illustrate effectiveness of the proposed approaches.