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SAVING: socially aware vehicular information-centric networking


Abstract and Figures

Mobile devices today are constantly generating and consuming a tremendous amount of content on the Internet. Caching of such "massive" data is beyond the capacity of existing cellular networks in terms of both cost and bandwidth due to its connection-centric nature. The increasing demand for content poses fundamental questions like where, what, and how to cache and retrieve cached content. Leveraging the shift toward a content-centric networking paradigm, we propose to cache content close to the mobile user to avoid wasting resources and decrease access delays. Therefore, we present SAVING, a socially aware vehicular information-centric networking system for content storage and sharing over vehicles using their computing, caching, and communication (3Cs) capabilities. The encapsulated 3Cs are exploited first to identify the potential candidates, socially important, to cache in the fleet of vehicles. To achieve this, we propose a novel vehicle ranking system allowing a smart vehicle to autonomously "compute" its eligibility to address the question, where to cache. The identified vehicles then collaborate to efficiently "cache" content between them based on the content popularity and availability to decide what and how to cache. Finally, to facilitate efficient content distribution, we present a socially aware content distribution protocol allowing vehicles to "communicate" to address the question how to retrieve cached content. Implementation results for SAVING on 2986 vehicles with realistic mobility traces suggests it as an efficient and scalable computing, caching, and communication system.
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SAVING: Socially Aware Vehicular
Information-centric Networking
Junaid Ahmed Khan∗† and Yacine Ghamri-Doudane
University Paris-Est, LIGM Lab, Marne-la-Vall´
ee, France
L3i Lab, University of La Rochelle, France,
Abstract—Mobile devices today are constantly generating and
consuming a tremendous amount of content on the internet.
Caching of such “massive” data is beyond the capacity of existing
cellular networks both in terms of cost and bandwidth due
to its connection-centric nature. The increasing demand for
content poses fundamental questions like, where, what, how to
cache and how to retrieve cached content? Leveraging the shift
towards content-centric networking paradigm, we propose to
cache content close to the mobile user to avoid wasting resources
and decrease access delays. Therefore, we present SAVING, a
Socially Aware Vehicular Information-centric Networking system
for content storage and sharing over vehicles due to their
Computing, Caching, and Communication (3Cs) capabilities. The
encapsulated 3Cs are exploited first to identify the potential
candidates, socially important to cache in the fleet of vehicles. To
achieve this, we propose a novel vehicle ranking system allowing
a smart vehicle to autonomously “Compute” its eligibility to
address the question, where to cache? The identified vehicles then
collaborate to efficiently “Cache” content between them based on
the content popularity and availability to decide what and how
to cache? Finally, to facilitate efficient content distribution, we
present a socially-aware content distribution protocol allowing
vehicles to “Communicate” to address the question, how to retrieve
cached content? Implementation results for SAVING on 2986
vehicles with realistic mobility traces suggests it as an efficient
and scalable computing, caching and communication system.
KeywordsInformation-Centric Networking, Vehicular Net-
works, Social-aware Content Distribution, Content Caching, Data
The recent advances in the communication technologies
along the soaring number of smart mobile devices results in
growth of content demand by lots of consumers in closer urban
proximity each with multiple portable devices. For example,
large number of users on the move in an urban environment
such as passengers in buses, taxis, and vehicles are interested
to watch the video of a latest episode of a hot TV show/drama
or a sports highlights. Provisioning of such popular content to
each user require lots of redundant connections between users
and the service provider, given that the content is requested by
lots of spatio-temporally co-located users with similar social
interests. It is now challenging for the current “connection-
centric” network infrastructure to facilitate content availability
for such large number of mobile users in close proximity
in an urban environment while offering attractive tariff plans
supporting unlimited bandwidth. We advocate to use the re-
cently proposed Information-Centric Networking (ICN) [1] in
[2] and [3] paradigm which cater the issue by decoupling the
content provider-consumer and support in-network caching at
intermediate nodes.
Content caching at intermediate nodes is studied for while
using different caching policies based on typical content re-
placement strategies such as first-in first-out (FIFO), Least
Recently Used (LRU) and Least Frequently Used (LFU). This
article highlights to the research community an advanced
dimension of the underlying content caching challenge by
posing the following fundamental questions. First, there is a
need to identify the eligible candidate to cache content by
finding answer to the question Where to cache?, thus finding
the criteria for a node to be an important information hub in
the network. Once such nodes are identified, another question
follows: What and how to cache? regarding decisions based
on content popularity and availability in the network. There is
also a need to decide among them which nodes should keep
which content to avoid redundant caching as well as different
cache replacement policies. Once the content is cached in the
network, the question of How to retrieve cached content? also
needs to be addressed.
To address the aforementioned questions, We present a So-
cially Aware Vehicular Information-centric Networking model
(SAVING) encapsulating them into three classes; Computing,
Caching and Communications (3Cs), where mobile nodes
such as vehicles with their intrinsic processing, storage and
communicating capability can “Compute” their eligibility to
“Cache” and “Communicate” with each other to facilitate
efficient content delivery in a content-centric mobile network.
We define a new notion of the computing class where a
mobile node compute its eligibility to be selected as an
important information hub in order to cache content. Similarly,
the caching class incorporates all the questions regarding the
content popularity and availability in the network including
different cooperative caching schemes once the nodes compute
their social importance in the network. The communication
class involves different content distribution protocols where
nodes communicate to retrieve the cached content from the
important information hubs in the network.
SAVING presents a new concept of finding important
vehicles as a ranking system comprising three novel centrality
schemes, InfoRank [4], CarRank [5] and GRank [6]. Each ve-
hicle first classify different cached information using InfoRank
based on its popularity, availability and timeliness with respect
to the user interest. The vehicle then autonomously computes
its relative importance in the network using CarRank and
GRank. CarRank allows a smart vehicle to rank itself based
on its popularity with respect to the user interests, its spatio-
Figure 1: SAVING System Overview
temporal availability and its neighborhood connectivity as local
vehicle eligibility metric. GRank considers the information
reachability in an urban environment beyond local importance
by allowing a vehicle to consider itself as a global “city-
wide”information hub to cache content in the network. Finally,
we propose a social content distribution protocol where the
novel vehicle centrality schemes are deployed to relay and
retrieve cached content in the network.
The remaining of the article is organized as follows, the
next section provides an overview of SAVING following by
the description of Computing class in Section III discussing
the ranking system to identify important information hubs as
new trend of autonomous computing by smart vehicles. Section
IV describes the Caching class explaining different criteria for
to classify content. In Section V, we discuss Communication
class describing the social content protocol as an example. The
Section VI discuss the Performance evaluation describing the
results from each class. Section VII concludes the article along
some future insights.
SAVING aims to provide a novel concept of distributed
content caching and distribution framework to complement
infrastructure network for urban mobile users in order to max-
imize content availability with minimum delays. The named-
data networking concept introduced by the information-centric
networking paradigm is capable to co-exist with the mobility
and intermittent connectivity challenge in mobile networks.
ICN inherent in-network caching and provider-consumer de-
coupling maximize content availability by allowing users to
retrieve content cached at “any” near-by source independent
of the underlying network connectivity. We propose below an
ICN enabled SAVING system by describing a use case for the
location-aware content caching and distribution in an urban
A. Use Case: Location-aware Information Sharing
We consider the case of location-aware content where
interests for information regarding available parking lots, traf-
fic/weather conditions, fuel prices, virtual tours to local attrac-
tions or snapshots/videos of nearby resort areas are generated
by applications targeting vehicles in a given area, regardless of
their IP address. To address this, SAVNG comprises a publish-
subscribe ICN model allowing a mobile node such as a vehicle
in our case to subscribe for the following three roles:
1) Information Provider: An information provider vehicle
acts as the content source to publish content. For example, it
can subscribe itself to publish sensory information collected
from urban streets using the vehicle embedded cameras and
2) Information Facilitator: Vehicle responsible to collect,
cache and relay data generated by information provider ve-
hicles as well as forwards the user interest for content to
“facilitate” efficient content caching and distribution.
3) Information Consumer: The vehicle subscribed to
request different content from the information facilita-
tors/providers with in the vehicular network are considered
as information consumers to “pull” content in an information-
centric vehicular network.
The three distinct roles are defined since certain vehicles
can be subscribed only as consumers or providers, therefore
not participating to facilitate other subscribers in the network.
Each ICN enabled vehicle maintains three routing parameters:
Forwarding Information Base - FIB: It resembles a
routing table which maps content name components
to interfaces. Each vehicle FIB is populated by the
routes discovered using our proposed centrality-based
interest/data forwarding protocol.
Pending Interest Table - PIT: It keeps track of all the
incoming interests that the vehicle has forwarded but
not satisfied yet. Each PIT entry records the content
name carried in the internet, together with its incoming
and outgoing interface(s).
Content Store - CS: It is a temporary cache to store
content each intermediate vehicle has received while
forwarding content. Since a named-data packet is
meaningful independent of where it comes from or
where it is forwarded, it can be cached to satisfy future
An overview of the proposed SAVING system is illustrated
in Figure 1. The “User Vehicle” plays the role of a consumer
vehicle interested for information regarding a location in
particular zone, assuming the city is divided into different
urban zones following lets say, an ICN hierarchical naming
convention. It forwards the interest to an information facilitator
vehicle in range which subsequently facilitate by caching
and providing the desired content. The “Source vehicle” acts
as the information provider by providing the content to the
information facilitators responsible for the content delivery in
the network.
The identification and selection of suitable vehicles to
cache content among the fleet of thousands vehicles poses
an economic and bandwidth challenge along the inherent
issue of mobility and intermittent connectivity. The challenge
exists in finding the right set of vehicles available at the
right time and place for efficient data collection, storage and
distribution through low-cost inter-vehicle communications.
We believe that of all the vehicles, only a set of appropriate
vehicles can be considered important based on their daily
commute while considering the popularity of its frequently
visited neighborhoods. A vehicle can consider an information
or location as popular if it observes an increase in the number
and frequency of user interests for the associated content.
We define a novel concept of computing by allowing
mobile nodes with sufficient processing, storage and com-
munication capabilities to perform autonomous computing. A
ranking system is presented as an example of such autonomous
computing where the mobile nodes decides its user relevant
importance in the network. Thus, we address the question
of where to cache by identifying important mobile nodes as
distributed information hubs in the network.
A. Information Hubs Identification
The self decision making of mobile nodes is leveraged to
identify mobile nodes, important to declare themselves as in-
network information hubs. To do so, we propose two ranking
schemes, CarRank as a local vehicle centrality and GRank,
a global vehicle centrality scheme allowing vehicles to rank
themselves independent of the infrastructure network. Each
vehicle finds its centrality Cvat the time instant tk+1 from
the known information in the current time-slot, where tkis
the time instant at the beginning of the time-slot tk.
1) Local Information Hubs - CarRank: In the time evolving
vehicular network topology, it is non-trivial to use the vehicle
contact frequency and duration to decide its importance due
to the rapid changes . To overcome this, we propose CarRank
which simultaneously considers three novel albeit essential
parameters, the information importance, the vehicle spatio-
temporal availability and its network connectivity. The user’s
interest satisfaction for a content is also considered as a key
metric for a vehicle’s importance as it regularly responds to
user interests. We integrate the social-awareness paradigm by
allowing vehicles conform to large number of user interests
for content in the network. The interests are assumed to be
generated and received from the neighboring vehicles using
multi-hop interest forwarding. We consider the following local
parameters known to the vehicle for analytically finding its
Information importance: Information importance mea-
sures vehicle relevance to users for a particular con-
tent, i.e. The interest-response frequency is a vital
factor to classify a content’s importance. A vehicle
associated to contents related to popular locations is
considered as an important information hub in the
Spatio-temporal availability: It reflects the social-
behavior based on the vehicle’s habitual routes as
a factor of the daily commute. Spatial availability
reflects the vehicle’s recursive presence in an area,
while temporal availability refers to its relevance in
time for a location.
Neighborhood importance: Neighborhood importance
shows vehicle topological connectivity in order to be
capable to distribute information. An easily reachable
and well connected vehicle in a network topology can
act as an efficient facilitator.
The vehicle ranking algorithm “CarRank” is used for the
identification of information facilitator vehicles to find the
vehicles responsible as information hubs in the network. The
vehicle first classify the information associated to it taking
into consideration the relevance to the users interest. It then
considers the associated information popularity to find its
relative importance in the network using CarRank algorithm
as its vehicle centrality:
LCv(tk+1) = θ×LCv(tk) + (1 θ)×[αf v
+βf v
T,X (tk+1 ) + γf v
Γ(tk+1)] (1)
where fv
T,X and fv
Γare the importance functions for the
information, vehicle spatio-temporal availability and vehicle
neighborhood respectively. Each function’s contribution is nor-
malized by the terms α, β and γ, where α+β+γ= 1, where
θ[0,1] allows the vehicle to increase its importance with
respect to the previous time-slot. The impact of each parameter
differs with respect to different applications. For example, if
the vehicle is located in a better connected neighborhood, it can
easily spread information. Therefore, the corresponding vehicle
weights the information importance along the neighborhood
more than the spatio-temporal availability.
2) Global Information Hubs - GRank: Inspired from the
concept of communicability in complex networks [7], GRank,
a global vehicle centrality scheme allows a vehicle to use a
new stable metric named “Information communicability” to
rank different locations in the city and rank itself accordingly.
Using GRank, the vehicle finds each location reachability and
popularity taking into consideration the user interest satisfac-
tion related to the location. It also considers its mobility pattern
between different locations in the city along its availability
in each location. Vehicles available in popular locations in
the city qualify as important information facilitator vehicles
with higher vehicle centrality score in the network. We can
identify popular locations in the city with the maximum global
centrality with respect to all information facilitators. However,
popularity of locations depends on several factors such as the
information-type depending on the application requirements as
well as time of the day. Similarly, we can use the maximum
location importance to identify popular neighborhoods for a
longer time span.
The vehicle centrality function at the time instant is given
as the average information global centrality for all associ-
ated locations. For a vehicle, the vehicle global centrality
GCv(tk+1)for the next time instant tk+1 is updated as the
Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) function of
the current and previous global centrality as shown in the
relation below:
GCv(tk+1) = θ×GCv(tk) + (1 θ)×fv
where θ[0,1] is the tuning parameter which allows the
vehicle to adjust its importance with respect to the previous
time-slot, GCv(tk)is the vehicle global centrality at the
beginning of the current time-slot and fv
G(tk+1)is the vehicle
global centrality computed at the end of the current time-slot.
The difference between both CarRank and GRank can be
explained by the fact that each interest specifies two satisfac-
tion deadlines Imax and Imin, where Imax Imin indicates
the maximum and minimum threshold time to provide the
corresponding content. Thus in case the interest cannot be
satisfied by a local facilitator vehicle (CarRank based) in the
vicinity by an initial threshold Imin, the interests can be
forwarded to more globally central vehicles (GRank based)
till Imax; the maximum interest deadline to avoid bandwidth
and time utilization.
Algorithm 1 CarRank
INPUT: Information association graph G(V,X,E) :
OUTPUT: Cv(tk+1): Updated CarRank for the next time-
slot tk+1
for each vehicle vVdo
for each associated content xXvdo
Compute associated information importance
Compute mutual information with respect to the
end for
for each neighbor vehicle ΓvVdo
Γaverage neighbor degree
Γ(tk)neighbor centrality
end for
Find spatio-temporal availability
Compute neighborhood importance
Update vehicle centrality
end for
return LCv(tk+1)
Algorithm 2 GRank
INPUT: G(V,X,E) : information association graph , Infor-
mation global centrality, GRank in previous time-slot
OUTPUT: Updated GRank for the next time-slot at time-
instant tk+1
for each vehicle vVdo
for each associated location xiXvdo
find information communicability Cv
for each vehicle neighbor ΓvVin range do
receive neighbor communicability CΓv
xixj, neigh-
bor centrality CΓv,
end for
compute neighbors communicability function fΓv
find information centrality function fv
xi, then loca-
tion importance ρv
compute information global centrality Gv
end for
compute fv,Cv
end for
return GCv(tk+1)
In this section we discuss a novel approach for content
cache management by classifying the cached content impor-
tance with respect to the intended user. Lets assume vehicles
encountering each other in a vehicular network constantly
receives interests for content from neighboring vehicles re-
garding different information. Some of such information can
be of more importance to the intended users in the network
which the vehicle can easily recognize from the amount of user
interests received for it. Therefore, a vehicle can consider an
information popular if it observes an increase in the number
of user interests for the associated content. We assume that
it is capable of recording the time and position each time
it responds with the desired content to a user interest. Thus,
SAVING incorporates a novel distributed algorithm InfoRank
with the concept of enabling a mobile node to rank important
information associated to it based on the satisfied user interests
and the information validity scope.
A. Interest Satisfaction Frequency
We define interest satisfaction frequency as the frequency
of user interests satisfied in the previous time-slot as the ratio
of the number of successful responds in the previous time-slot
and the total successful responds for the content associated to
the vehicle. Thus, the vehicle regularly updates each content
importance value depending on the interest satisfaction fre-
quency. We assume that each vehicle is capable to record the
time and position each time it responds as the content provider
to a user interest. Interest for each content specify the temporal
scope of information validity, For instance, road congestion
information is only valid during congestion. Therefore, it
should be ensured that the information importance is not
substantially augmented after the desired deadline.
B. Information Timeliness
The information timeliness τis the measure of the tem-
poral information validity scope which can be adjusted by a
tuning parameter depending on the application needs (E.g. 1
hour for accident information validity). If there are no active
interests and the average interest validity time has passed, the
information importance adapts an exponential delay since the
information is of less importance in the network. However, τis
set to unity for content to be always available in the network.
The content importance depends on its importance at the
beginning of the time-slot. If it is not responded in the previous
slot, then the content importance is not increased unnecessarily.
We also consider the percentage of time the vehicle itself acted
as the original source for any content. InfoRank is updated
regularly to ensure the content relevant to vehicle retain its
value in case the vehicle does not respond in the previous
slot. The interest later in time could finally route to the vehicle
which maintains its value as the original source for particular
content. A tuning parameter decides the importance value with
respect to the associated content in cache. For all contents
associated to a vehicle, we also consider the ratio of missed
interest to the total interests received by the vehicle. Missed
interest provides the vehicle reliability regarding successful
respond to the incoming interests.
To summarize with an example, Assume a vehicle visiting
an area at some future time-slot place an interest for the
content regarding that area. This interest is propagated to
potential facilitator vehicle. Each vehicle upon receiving the
interest message checks its cache to find a match regarding
the desired content. In case the interest could not be satisfied,
it is forwarded to neighboring vehicles. In case a match is
found, it responds to the interest message by providing the
corresponding content where each vehicle compute its cached
information importance by finding its respective InfoRank
score. Once the information importance is agreed between
different facilitators, collaborative caching between nodes (i.e.
P2P networking) can be ensured by mutually respecting a
social norm to avoid redundant content caching in the network.
In this section we discuss the efficient retrieval of the
cached content in the network by focusing on the communica-
tion aspect. For this reason, we present an idea of social aware
content caching and distribution scheme where the consumer
“pulls” content of interest cached at important information
facilitator vehicles in the network. We use the above mentioned
two novel vehicle centrality schemes to identify important
information facilitator vehicles based on cache management
for content suggested by InfoRank scheme.
A. Content Distribution Protocol
The centrality-based content distribution protocol leverage
the facilitator centrality to forward consumer interests for
content as well as route the content from the corresponding
information providers. The provider as well as the consumer
search for a near-by information facilitator vehicle using its
centrality score to forward interest/content. We propose a
hybrid content distribution protocol with an ICN inherent pull
Figure 2: Facilitator Discovery Process
based content retrieval for the consumer and a push based
approach for the provider to publish content.
Information Facilitator Discovery: The facilitator discov-
ery process allows a vehicle to search in its vicinity the
highest centrality facilitator vehicle using the FACILITATOR()
function. It compares the facilitator centrality score of all the
neighboring vehicles and returns the best facilitator central-
ity vehicle among the vehicles in range for a vehicle. The
PROVIDER() function assigns a vehicle to be the provider
vehicle to publish the content for the consumer vehicle. The
publishing of content by the provider can be either solicited or
non solicited. In the case of solicited interest, the provider can
publish content destined for the vehicle with a near-by infor-
mation facilitator using PUBLISH() function. Similarly, a non-
solicited publish with a near-by facilitator can be performed by
an information facilitator discovery process initiated anytime
by the information provider. The CONTENT() function is used
for the content availability check at each intermediate vehicle
Content Store (CS).
Figure 2 depicts the social content distribution proto-
col. Consumer vehicle vgenerates interests for content as
INTEREST() towards the best ranked facilitator in the vicin-
ity. The facilitator discovery process continues to search for
the content at each intermediate relay vehicle by constantly
discovering the next best ranked vehicle in the vicinity of each
intermediate relay vehicle. Thus, each relay vehicle becomes
the responsible vehicle to facilitate the content. If it is unable
to find the content in its CS, it performs a facilitator discovery
to find a vehicle with higher facilitator centrality score and a
Pending Interest Table (PIT) entry is created. The process is
repeated at each intermediate facilitator till either the desired
content is found or there are no more facilitators to discover.
The convergence of the facilitator discovery process is two-
fold, the first obvious convergence occurs when the desired
content is available at the corresponding facilitator. In this case,
the content is published at the consumer vehicle following
a reverse path to the initial requester using breadcrumbs
left in the PIT at each intermediate node. The intermediate
vehicles subsequently populates the corresponding Forwarding
Information Base (FIB) entry for the content. In case the
content is not available and there are no further facilitators to
discover, the responsible vehicle declares itself as the content
provider to publish content at the consumer vehicle.
The performance of the SAVING is validated by a set of
simulations under a realistic mobility scenario using traces
from Cologne, Germany as an accurate mobility trace available
for Vehicular Environment [8]. The number of vehicles in each
region vary at different time of the day. We analyze up to 2986
vehicles in the entire simulation duration with one second of
time granularity. The Cologne city center is simulated for one
hour by clustering the 6x6km2The number of regions can
vary between different cities depending on the size, though we
divide Cologne into 36 neighborhoods. The urban roads with
vehicle communication range around 300m is considered. The
Nakagami path loss model in combination with Log-distance
propagation model to cater for the impact of buildings and
other obstacles.
A. Simulation Scenario
We simulate a urban vehicular network using the ndnSIM
( to integrate the Named
Data Networking (NDN) communication model. The simula-
tion scenario implements the following applications:
1) Consumer: Consumer vehicles are the potential users
planning to visit an area. Each consumer vehicle generates an
interest for a content associated to a location in the city, which
is routed to provider vehicles.
2) Provider: We define a vehicle to be the content provider
in the network for the areas visited in a time-slot before
the consumer interest generation time. The areas visited are
considered as locations associated with the provider.
3) Facilitator: Vehicles satisfied incoming requests gener-
ated form consumers regularly computes their centrality score
to consider themselves as information facilitators. Similarly,
constant content forwarding and cache hits also counts towards
the facilitator centrality score.
We associate each vehicle with a set of different location-
dependent content as its cached content. Each vehicle is
enabled to randomly generate interest with varying frequency
at different time intervals for different (predefined) content
as consumer. The interest profile characteristics is two-fold.
First we evaluate an information using InfoRank considering
its popularity based on the number, frequency and spatio-
temporal validity of generated interests for the content. Then,
considering the cached content importance, we imply our
ranking scheme CarRank and GRank to evaluate the interest
profile for the associated vehicle.
We assume the interests follow a Zipf distribution, where
we observe frequent interests for content regarding popular
B. Simulation Results
For better performance analysis of the proposed SAVING
system in different simulation scenarios, we compare it with
the state of the art social-aware routing schemes. Such schemes
typically rely on centrality schemes such as Degree, Closeness,
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes)
Success Rate (Percentage)
Figure 3: Success rate conparison for the consumer interests
satisfied over time using different centrality schemes for con-
tent distribution
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes)
Average Success Rate (Percentage)
Figure 4: Success rate comparison of SAVING for the con-
sumer interests satisfied over time withs social-aware DTN
schemes and a social-unaware variant for content distribution
Betweenness and Eigenvector centrality. Therefore, we per-
form a comparative analysis of the proposed vehicle centrality
based routing with the benchmark centrality schemes with the
following performance metrics:
Success rate for satisfying consumer interests in the
Aggregated content store (cache) hit rate at the infor-
mation facilitators
1) Success Rate: Success rate refers to the percentage of
the generated consumer interests successfully satisfied over the
entire simulation duration.
(a) Benchmark Centrality Schemes Comparison: The
proposed vehicle centrality based content distribution is com-
pared with the state of the art centrality schemes as benchmark.
Figure 3 shows the percentage of consumer interests for
different locations successfully satisfied by the corresponding
information facilitators/providers. We observe that forwarding
the interest towards a socially important vehicle using CarRank
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes)
Cache Hits (Percentage)
Figure 5: Comparison result of the percentage of the cache hits
over time at the information facilitators selected using different
centrality schemes for content distribution
and GRank as a metric results in more number of successful
interest satisfaction. The vehicles identified by the proposed
vehicle centrality metric satisfied around 40% of interests
compared to other centrality metrics despite high mobility
and intermittent connectivity. It is because typical centrality
schemes only takes into account physical topology towards
computing a node importance in the network, ignoring the
satisfied user interests.
(b) Socially aware DTNs and Social Unaware Schemes
Comparison: We also compare the success rate of SAVING
with two relevant socially-aware DTN routing schemes MS-
LOR [9] and Bubble-Rap [10] as well a variant without
considering social awareness. BubbleRap uses a hybrid metric
based on community and betweenness centrality where MS-
LOR uses a three-layer social metric based on degree central-
ity. The social-unaware approach implements interest flooding
in which each consumer re-broadcasts interest to all of its
neighbors except the one from which it received. Figure 4
depict the results from the comparative analysis. We observe
that using CarRank and GRank based routing yield a suc-
cess rate around 40%-50% where social-aware DTN schemes
achieve a maximum of 38% at 50 minutes from ML-SOR.
An interesting observation made is the stability of SAVING
unlike other schemes. It is because thy fundamentally rely on
centrality measures which assume a static graph topology with
respect to time. Moreover, the host-centric nature instead of
content-centric approach with no in-network caching support
limits DTN capability to maximize content availability. Thus, a
content distribution based on adapted metrics (such as CarRank
and GRank) better cope with the dynamic nature of vehicular
2) Cache-hits: We evaluate the ICN built-in feature of
in-Network caching at intermediate nodes at the selected
facilitator vehicles. For this purpose, we compute the cache hit
rate at the facilitator vehicles. A second successful response by
a vehicle for the same content is considered a cache hit. The
cumulative cache hit rate is computed for the entire simulation
duration. Figure 5 shows the cache hit rate for the facilitator
vehicles identified by each centrality scheme. The vehicles
identified by our proposed vehicle centrality scheme yield a
higher hit rate than all the other schemes. This is because we
consider content popularity as a key factor, thus, the vehicle
containing important information responds and subsequently
cache more frequently compared to other vehicles.
We also observe that the vehicles identified using betwee-
ness centrality follows our proposed scheme yielding better
cache hit rate due their frequent availability as intermediate
bridges at most of the shortest paths, thus allowing them to
cache more content. Moreover, the intermediate facilitators
identified by our vehicle centrality scheme cached more impor-
tant content due to their better neighborhood connectivity and
spatio-temporal availability in the network. This proves that in-
network caching offered by ICN along the proposed vehicle
centrality scheme overcomes the mobility and intermittent con-
nectivity constraints in vehicular network for efficient content
We proposed SAVING as an alternate solution to leverage
smart vehicles with their caching, computing and communi-
cating capabilities to facilitate content availability for an urban
mobile user with minimum content access delay. SAVING is a
socially-aware Vehicular Information-centric system focusing
the research community interest towards the application of
combining socially aware content distribution scheme with the
information-centric networking paradigm. We explored possi-
ble answers to the fundamental questions of where, what and
how to cache content in mobile networks under an increasing
growth of mobile traffic. Moreover this article highlighted
another perspective by equally considering the efficient content
retrieval by caching at vehicles. The suggestion for vehicles
can also be generalized for all sort of mobile nodes depending
on the node computing, caching and communication (3Cs)
Open research issues include efficient social aware routing
strategies, flexible and scalable naming scheme for novel
applications and the possibilities to support high bandwidth
consuming content video streaming in content-centric network-
ing paradigm. However each of the 3Cs still lacks explo-
ration by the current research requiring intelligent algorithms
for nodes to make real-time decisions regarding the cached
content. Similarly the need for distributed cache management
schemes with collaborative content replacement strategies with
redundancy avoidance for the daily massive content generated
needs to be thought about. Thus, we invite the research
community to explore the new trends exploiting socially-aware
network computing, caching and communication in a content-
centric approach to overcome the limitations of the existing
connection-centric approach.
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... In specific, pushing IS contents to vehicles prior to requests enables local traffic breakout, whereby vehicles can obtain the required contents from the on-board cache or nearby vehicles, reducing the burden of RSUs [16]. Following this lead, on-board caching schemes have been devised to enhance the local content hit rate, through mobility-based caching [17], socialaware caching [18], and cache instance sharing with crowdsourcing [19]. As the popularity of an IS content item may fade with time, cache update is employed to maintain the hit rate. ...
... The analytical results are obtained by Eqs. (15) and (18). Figure 9 shows that the derived average AoI and delay are quite close to the simulation under different parameter settings, which validates the theoretical analysis. ...
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Vehicular networks are expected to support diverse content applications with multi-dimensional quality of service (QoS) requirements, which cannot be realized by the conventional one-fit-all network management method. In this paper, a service-oriented hierarchical soft slicing framework is proposed for the cache-enabled vehicular networks, where each slice supports one service and the resources are logically isolated but opportunistically reused to exploit the multiplexing gain. The performance of the proposed framework is studied in an analytical way considering two typical on-road content services, i.e., the time-critical driving related context information service (CIS) and the bandwidth-consuming infotainment service (IS). Two network slices are constructed to support the CIS and IS, respectively, where the resource is opportunistic reused at both intra- and inter-slice levels. Specifically, the throughput of the IS slice, the content freshness (i.e., age of information) and delay performances of the CIS slice are analyzed theoretically, whereby the multiplexing gain of soft slicing is obtained. Extensive simulations are conducted on the OMNeT++ and MATLAB platforms to validate the analytical results. Numerical results show that the proposed soft slicing method can enhance the IS throughput by 30% while guaranteeing the same level of CIS content freshness and service delay.
... In specific, pushing IS contents to vehicles prior to requests enables local traffic breakout, whereby vehicles can obtain the required contents from the on-board cache or nearby vehicles, reducing the burden of RSUs [16]. Following this lead, on-board caching schemes have been devised to enhance the local content hit rate, through mobility-based caching [17], socialaware caching [18], and cache instance sharing with crowdsourcing [19]. As the popularity of an IS content item may fade with time, cache update is employed to maintain the hit rate. ...
... The analytical results are obtained by Eqs. (15) and (18). Figure 9 shows that the derived average AoI and delay are quite close to the simulation under different parameter settings, which validates the theoretical analysis. ...
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Vehicular networks are expected to support diverse content applications with multi-dimensional quality of service (QoS) requirements, which cannot be realized by the conventional one-fit-all network management method. In this paper, a service-oriented hierarchical soft slicing framework is proposed for the cache-enabled vehicular networks, where each slice supports one service and the resources are logically isolated but opportunistically reused to exploit the multiplexing gain. The performance of the proposed framework is studied in an analytical way considering two typical on-road content services, i.e., the time-critical driving related context information service (CIS) and the bandwidth-consuming infotainment service (IS). Two network slices are constructed to support the CIS and IS, respectively, where the resource is opportunistic reused at both intra- and inter-slice levels. Specifically, the throughput of the IS slice, the content freshness (i.e., age of information) and delay performances of the CIS slice are analyzed theoretically, whereby the multiplexing gain of soft slicing is obtained. Extensive simulations are conducted on the OMNeT++ and MATLAB platforms to validate the analytical results. Numerical results show that the proposed soft slicing method can enhance the IS throughput by 30% while guaranteeing the same level of CIS content freshness and service delay.
... In retrieving the vehicular contents, the Information-Centric Networking (ICN) [116] used the content name despite the IP address of the caching node and is prominently applied in the vehicular networks [117], [20]. It brings certain benefits, such as reducing the response time and the overwhelming access on the content provider. ...
... It brings certain benefits, such as reducing the response time and the overwhelming access on the content provider. In addition to that, the key feature of the ICN is to store the most popular contents as a priority [116]. Table XIV summarises the characteristics of data caching and dissemination approaches in VEC. ...
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Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) generated a plethora of data prior to support various vehicle applications. Thus, a big storage and high computation platform is necessary, and this is possible with the presence of Cloud Computing (CC). However, the computation for vehicular networks at the cloud computing suffers from several drawbacks, such as latency and cost, due to the proximity issue. As a solution, the computing capability has been recently proposed at the edge of vehicular networks, which is known as Vehicle Edge Computing (VEC). This leads to other open problems for vehicles to offload and compute data at edge nodes, and also how data is cached in edge nodes and then disseminated to other vehicles. In this paper, we initially present an overview of VEC architectures including types of layers, fog nodes, communication technologies and also vehicle applications, which are used in data offloading and dissemination scenarios. Since the mobility is critical on the VEC performance, the mobility model used in the VEC scenario is also discussed. We extensively review the Computation Offloading (ComOf) techniques as well as Content Caching and Delivery (CachDel) approaches for VEC. We finally highlight some key research challenges, issues and future works in the paper.
... Therefore, there is no need to forward incoming interests to remote providers. A large number of interests are generated for the same content from several vehicles, and vehicles are unable to retrieve the required content directly from the base station within partial coverage situations [43]. In this situation, the proposed caching strategy will significantly decrease the burden on the original provider, and will provide efficient data dissemination services [44]. ...
... In this situation, the proposed caching strategy will significantly decrease the burden on the original provider, and will provide efficient data dissemination services [44]. Moreover, it offers distributed intelligence for smart objects (vehicles) [43]. VNS technology delivers benefits to mobile, interconnected nodes (vehicles), such as informatics, telecommunication, social science, and electronics. ...
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Information dissemination in current Vehicular Sensor Networks (VSN) depends on the physical location in which similar data is transmitted multiple times across the network. This data replication has led to several problems, among which resource consumption (memory), stretch, and communication latency due to the lake of data availability are the most crucial. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) provides an enhanced version of the internet that is capable of resolving such issues efficiently. ICN is the new internet paradigm that supports innovative communication systems with location-independent data dissemination. The emergence of ICN with VSNs can handle the massive amount of data generated from heterogeneous mobile sensors in surrounding smart environments. The ICN paradigm offers an in-network cache, which is the most effective means to reduce the number of complications of the receiver-driven content retrieval process. However, due to the non-linearity of the Quality-of-Experience (QoE) in VSN systems, efficient content management within the context of ICN is needed. For this purpose, this paper implements a new distributed caching strategy (DCS) at the edge of the network in VSN environments to reduce the number of overall data dissemination problems. The proposed DCS mechanism is studied comparatively against existing caching strategies to check its performance in terms of memory consumption, path stretch ratio, cache hit ratio, and content eviction ratio. Extensive simulation results have shown that the proposed strategy outperforms these benchmark caching strategies.
... The 20% of these cars experience red, thus the corresponding dwell time under the EN is large and the users (labeled by "slow") can download up to 100 chunks. Hence, the average number of chunks that can be downloaded by a car is 28. ...
... In particular, [27] proposes an architecture for content-centric vehicular networks, which is compatible with our proposed prefetching approach. [28] presents a socially-aware vehicular information-centric system, which leverages on caching, computing, and communication capabilities of smart vehicles for facilitating content availability to mobile users. Although in standard ICNbased architectures network nodes reactively store contents during delivery to the user, similarly to our approach [29] and [30] propose to prefetch contents in ICN nodes. ...
Content caching on the edge of 5G networks is an emerging and critical feature to quench the thirst for content of future connected cars. However, the tight packaging of 5G cells, the finite storage capacity at the edge, and the need for content availability while driving motivate the need to develop smart edge caching strategies adapted to the mobility characteristics of connected cars. In this paper, we propose a scheme called RICH (RoadsIde CacHe), which optimally caches content at edge nodes where connected vehicles require it most. In particular, our scheme is designed to ensure in-order delivery of content chunks to end users. Unlike blind popularity decisions, the probabilistic caching used by RICH accounts for the user mobility information that the system can realistically acquire. Furthermore, we provide a complete system architecture and define the protocols through which the different system entities can interact. We assess the performance of our approach against state-of-the-art solutions, under realistic mobility datasets and system scenarios. Our RICH edge caching scheme improves significantly the content availability at the caches and reduces the required backhaul bandwidth, with beneficial effects for both the end users and the network operators.
... In a similar direction, other solutions have explored possible answers to the fundamental questions of where and how to cache what content in the VANET-NDN. For instance, in the urban environment, Khan et al. [47] proposed a socially aware vehicular ICN system (SAVING) for content storage and sharing over vehicles using their computing, caching, and communication capabilities while targeting an increased content availability with minimum access delay in an urban environment. SAVING depends on a social awareness ranking system for identifying socially significant vehicles and content. ...
Conference Paper
The Named Data Networking (NDN) paradigm is a recent approach of Information-Centric networking (ICN) which has attracted researchers from different domains as it promises an alternative communication paradigm. NDN provides scalable, efficient, and secure data dissemination for various applications. NDN is a data-centric communication based on simple and effective working principles that combine content naming, name-based routing and forwarding, in-network caching, and data-centric security. A known NDN research application is for Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET). VANET is a special case of Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET), where nodes are vehicles that distribute data from various applications among them and with the infrastructure. VANET has its issues; the host-centric TCP/IP model, in content discovery and delivery due to the nature of the vehicular networks, which has a highly dynamic topology, sporadic connectivity, and various applications types. NDN is being studied as an alternative underlying communication model for VANET. The research, which has been conducted in the NDN-enable VANET (VANET-NDN) sphere, can be classified into surveys and reviews, investigation of the applicability and suitability of VANET over NDN, and proposed solutions for VANET-NDN issues. According to prior works, efficient and scalable data dissemination for VANET over NDN still a challenge. In order to alleviate this challenge, this paper seeks to introduce a multi-layered framework as multiple phases systematic approach for an efficient VANET-NDN data dissemination design scheme. In addition, it identifies the main components and issues of VANET-NDN model in a layered approach based on the proposed framework.
In this paper, we propose an enhanced request adaptive (EReA) scheme for content service provision in dynamic information-centric vehicular networking (ICVN) environment. The EReA scheme manages the cache update at the roadside units (RSUs) and provides low-latency content delivery to the end-users. User requests trigger the cache update at the RSU for a particular content item on the basis of its update−probability. We introduce an additional parameter tolerancei for each content item i. This parameter suppresses the frequency of content updates triggers at the RSU cache during high network load for the non-critical contents. This provides an additional saving in bandwidth. The simulation setup is created by ndnSIM 2.0 to validate the performance of this proposed scheme. The working and performance of the other content delivery schemes are also discussed in details. Results show that the proposed scheme provides a better hit-ratio compared to the existing ReA scheme under high network load, which results in an additional saving in bandwidth. Additionally, it also inherits the advantages of the ReA scheme.
Trajectory data from connected vehicles (CVs) and other micromobility sources such as e-scooters, bikes, and pedestrians is important for researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders for leveraging the location, speed, and heading, along with other mobility data, to improve safety and bolster technology development toward innovative location-based applications for citizens. Such raw data needs to be stored and accessed from a non-proprietary database while the obfuscation and encryption techniques on current cloud-based proprietary solutions incur data losses that are deemed inefficient for accurate usage, particularly in time-sensitive real-time operations. In this paper, we target the problem of scalably storing and retrieving potentially sensitive data generated by vehicles and propose TREAD, a blockchain-based system comprising smart contracts to store this mobility data on a distributed ledger such that multiple peers can access and utilize it in different location-based applications while not revealing users’ sensitive personal information. It is, however, challenging to scalably store large amounts of constantly generated trajectories, and to achieve scalability we leverage InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a scalable distributed peer-to-peer data storage system. To avoid users injecting malicious/fake trajectories into the ledger, we develop efficient consensus algorithms for the stakeholders to validate the storage and retrieval process in a distributed manner. We implemented TREAD on the open-source Hyperledger Fabric blockchain platform using trajectory data generated for 700 vehicles in a simulation environment well calibrated with vehicle trajectories from a real-world test-bed in New York City. Results show that TREAD scalably stores trajectory data with lower delay and overhead.
The past decade has witnessed the widespread adoption of Cloud Computing (CC) across automotive industries for a myriad of vehicular applications. A vehicular network that solely relies on CC, however, is susceptible to end-to-end latency due to the round-trip between data sources and cloud servers. Alternatively, the computing capability has been considered at the edge of vehicular network to achieve real-time analytics. Despite that, such consideration poses new questions on how data is offloaded and cached among the edge nodes and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in the environment of Vehicular Edge Network (VEN). In this paper, we outlined the aspects of VEN, particularly Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC), together with its architecture, layers, communications, and applications that are involved in the computation offloading (ComOf) and content caching and delivery (CachDel) scenarios. We extensively reviewed the existing approaches in solving ComOf and CachDel problems for the respective VEC architecture. The security aspect in ComOf and CachDel were critically discussed as well in the paper. Finally, we highlighted some key challenges, open issues, and future works of ComOf and CachDel in VEC.
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Vehicular networks have become a visible reality enabling information sharing between vehicles to enhance driving safety and provide value-added services to drivers and passengers. However, false information might be injected into the network because of defective sensors, malicious vehicles and so on. Therefore, an efficient mechanism to guarantee the reliability of information used by vehicles is of great important in vehicular networks. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a context awareness trust management model to evaluate the trustworthiness of messages received by vehicles to ensure bogus information will not influence the driving decision-making process. In the proposed scheme, the trust evaluation result of an evaluation request is determined by available related information and the evaluation strategy in current situation, which is unaffected by the presence of conflicting evidence and the trust level of entities in the network. Moreover, we design a reinforcement learning model that allows vehicles to adjust the evaluation strategy so as to maintain an accurate evaluation result in different driving scenarios. Extensive experiments were conducted in different driving scenarios to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. The results show that our model is adaptive to different driving scenarios with negligible time overhead, regardless of the proportion of malicious nodes in the network. Furthermore, compared with three types of state-of-the-art trust models in different scenarios, our scheme can achieve a higher evaluation precision rate with no more computational and communication overhead in nonrandom road condition.
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Recent advances in communications, controls, and embedded systems have changed the perception of a car. A vehicle has been the extension of the man’s ambulatory system, docile to the driver’s commands. It is now a formidable sensor platform, absorbing information from the environment (and from other cars) and feeding it to drivers and infrastructure to assist in safe navigation, pollution control, and traffic management. The next step in this evolution is just around the corner: the Internet of Autonomous Vehicles. Pioneered by the Google car, the Internet of Vehicles will be a distributed transport fabric capable of making its own decisions about driving customers to their destinations. Like other important instantiations of the Internet of Things (e.g. the smart building), the Internet of Vehicles will have communications, storage, intelligence, and learning capabilities to anticipate the customers’ intentions. The concept that will help transition to the Internet of Vehicles is the vehicular fog, the equivalent of instantaneous Internet cloud for vehicles, providing all the services required by the autonomous vehicles. In this article, we discuss the evolution from intelligent vehicle grid to autonomous, Internet-connected vehicles, and vehicular fog.
Conference Paper
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Modern cars are transforming towards autonomous cars capable to make intelligent decisions to facilitate our travel comfort and safety. Such " Smart Vehicles " are equipped with various sensor platforms and cameras that are capable to constantly sense tremendous amount of heterogeneous data from urban streets. This paper aims to identify the appropriate vehicles, important to be selected as information hubs for the efficient collection, storage and distribution of such massive data. Therefore , we propose an Information-Centric algorithm, " GRank " for vehicles to autonomously find their importance based on their reachability for different location-aware information in a collaborative manner, without relying on any infrastructure network. GRank is the first step to identify socially important information hubs to be used in the network. Results from scalable simulations using realistic vehicular mobility traces show that GRank is an efficient ranking algorithm to find important vehicles in comparison to other ranking metrics in the literature.
Conference Paper
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Future cars are becoming powerful sensor platforms capable to collect, store and share large amount of sensory data by constant monitoring of urban streets. It is quite challenging to upload such data from all vehicles to the infrastructure due to limited bandwidth resources and high upload cost. This invoke the need to identify the appropriate vehicles within the Vehicular Ad-hoc Network, that are important for different urban sensing tasks based on their natural mobility and availability. This paper address this problem leveraging the self-decision making ability of a " Smart Vehicle " regarding its importance in the network. To do so, we present CarRank, an Information-Centric algorithm for a vehicle to first rank different location-aware information. It then uses the information importance, its spatio-temporal availability and neighborhood topology to analytically find its relative importance in the network. CarRank is the first step towards identifying the best set of information hubs to be used in the network for the efficient collection, storage and distribution of urban sensory information. We evaluate CarRank under a scalable simulation environment using realistic vehicular mobility traces. Results show that CarRank is an efficient ranking algorithm to identify socially important vehicles in comparison to other ranking metrics used in the literature.
Conference Paper
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Modern cars are transforming towards autonomous cars capable to make intelligent decisions to facilitate our travel comfort and safety. Such " Smart Vehicles " are equipped with various sensor platforms and cameras to collect, store and share tremendous amount of heterogeneous data from urban streets. This paper addresses the efficient collection and distribution of such massive data by allowing a popular Smart Vehicle to autonomously decide its user relevant importance in the vehicular network without relying on the infrastructure network. Therefore , we propose an Information-Centric algorithm, " InfoRank " for a vehicle to rank different location-dependent information associated to it. It then uses the information importance to analytically find its influence in the network. InfoRank is the first step towards identifying the best information hubs to be used in the network for the efficient collection, storage and distribution of urban sensory information. Results from scalable simulations using realistic vehicular mobility traces show that InfoRank is an efficient ranking algorithm to find top information facilitator vehicles in comparison to other ranking metrics in the literature.
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The surge in vehicular network research has led, over the last few years, to the proposal of countless network solutions specifically designed for vehicular environments. A vast majority of such solutions has been evaluated by means of simulation, since experimental and analytical approaches are often impractical and intractable, respectively. The reliability of the simulative evaluation is thus paramount to the performance analysis of vehicular networks, and the first distinctive feature that has to be properly accounted for is the mobility of vehicles, i.e., network nodes. Notwithstanding the improvements that vehicular mobility modeling has undergone over the last decade, no vehicular mobility dataset is publicly available today that captures both the macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of road traffic over a large urban region. In this paper, we present a realistic synthetic dataset, covering 24 hours of car traffic in a 400- ${rm km}^{2}$ region around the city of Köln, in Germany. We describe the generation process and outline how the dataset improves the traces currently employed for the simulative evaluation of vehicular networks. We also show the potential impact that such a comprehensive mobility dataset has on the network protocol performance analysis, demonstrating how incomplete representations of vehicular mobility may result in over-optimistic network connectivity and protocol performance.
Conference Paper
Traditionally, the vehicle has been the extension of the man's ambulatory system, docile to the driver's commands. Recent advances in communications, controls and embedded systems have changed this model, paving the way to the Intelligent Vehicle Grid. The car is now a formidable sensor platform, absorbing information from the environment (and from other cars) and feeding it to drivers and infrastructure to assist in safe navigation, pollution control and traffic management. The next step in this evolution is just around the corner: the Internet of Autonomous Vehicles. Pioneered by the Google car, the Internet of Vehicles will be a distributed transport fabric capable to make its own decisions about driving customers to their destinations. Like other important instantiations of the Internet of Things (e.g., the smart building), the Internet of Vehicles will have communications, storage, intelligence, and learning capabilities to anticipate the customers' intentions. The concept that will help transition to the Internet of Vehicles is the Vehicular Cloud, the equivalent of Internet cloud for vehicles, providing all the services required by the autonomous vehicles. In this article, we discuss the evolution from Intelligent Vehicle Grid to Autonomous, Internet-connected Vehicles, and Vehicular Cloud.
Content-Centric Networking (CCN) is a candidate future Internet architecture that gives favourable promises in distributed wireless environments. The latter ones seriously call into question the capability of TCP/IP to support stable end-to-end communications, due to lack of centralized control, node mobility, dynamic topologies, intermittent connectivity, and harsh signal propagation conditions. The CCN paradigm, relying on name-based forwarding and in-network data caching, has great potential to solve some of the problems encountered by IP-based protocols in wireless networks. In this paper, we examine the applicability of CCN principles to wireless networks with distributed access control, different degrees of node mobility and resource constraints. We provide some guidelines for readers approaching research on CCN, by highlighting points of strength and weaknesses and reviewing the current state of the art. The final discussion aims to identify the main open research challenges and some future trends for CCN deployment on a large scale.
In the past few years, more and more researchers have paid close attention to the emerging field of delay tolerant networks (DTNs), in which network often partitions and end-to-end paths do not exist nearly all the time. To cope with these challenges, most routing protocols employ the "store-carry-forward" strategy to transmit messages. However, the difficulty of this strategy is how to choose the best relay node and determine the best time to forward messages. Fortunately, social relations among nodes can be used to address these problems. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of recent social-aware routing protocols, which offer an insight into how to utilize social relationships to design efficient and applicable routing algorithms in DTNs. First, we review the major practical applications of DTNs. Then, we focus on understanding social ties between nodes and investigating some design-related issues of social-based routing approaches, e.g., the ways to obtain social relations among nodes, the metrics and approaches to identify the characteristics of social ties, the strategies to optimize social-aware routing protocols, and the suitable mobility traces to evaluate these protocols. We also create a taxonomy for social-aware routing protocols according to the sources of social relations. Finally, we outline several open issues and research challenges.