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Habitat and developmental constraints drove 330 million years of horseshoe crab evolution



Records of evolutionary stasis over time are central to uncovering large-scale evolutionary modes, whether by long-term gradual change or via enduring stability punctuated by rapid shifts. The key to this discussion is to identify and examine groups with long fossil records that, ideally, extend to the present day. One group often regarded as the quintessential example of stasis is Xiphosurida, the horseshoe crabs. However, when, how and, particularly, why stasis arose in xiphosurids remain fundamental, but complex, questions. Here, we explore the protracted history of fossil and living xiphosurids and demonstrate two levels of evolutionary stability: developmental stasis since at least the Pennsylvanian and shape stasis since the Late Jurassic. Furthermore, shape and diversity are punctuated by two high-disparity episodes during the Carboniferous and Triassic-transitions that coincide with forays into habitation of marginal environments. In an exception to these general patterns, body size increased gradually over this period and, thus, cannot be described under the same, often-touted, static models of evolution. Therefore, we demonstrate that evolutionary stasis can be modular and fixed within the same group at different periods and in different biological traits, while other traits experience altogether different evolutionary modes. This mosaic in the tempo and mode of evolution is not unique to Xiphosurida but likely reflects variable mechanisms acting on biological traits, for example transitions in life modes, niche occupation and major evolutionary radiations.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18. With 6 figures.
Habitat and developmental constraints drove 330 million
years of horseshoe crab evolution
1Palaeoscience Research Centre, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England,
Armidale, 2351 New South Wales, Australia
2Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
3Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
16802, USA
4Department of Earth Sciences, Palaeobiology Programme, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, Uppsala,
SE 75236, Sweden
5Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
6Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA
7Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), Biocenter, Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152
Planegg-Martinsried, Germany
8GeoBio-Center at LMU, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, 80333 Munich, Germany
9Western Philippine University, Puerto Princesa City, 5300, Palawan, Philippines
10Katala Foundation Inc., Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines
11Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology, Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic
12Department of Geology, Kent State University, 221 McGilvrey Hall, Kent, OH 44242, USA
Received 9 November 2021; revised 3 December 2021; accepted for publication 3 December 2021
Records of evolutionary stasis over time are central to uncovering large-scale evolutionary modes, whether by
long-term gradual change or via enduring stability punctuated by rapid shifts. The key to this discussion is to
identify and examine groups with long fossil records that, ideally, extend to the present day. One group often
regarded as the quintessential example of stasis is Xiphosurida, the horseshoe crabs. However, when, how and,
particularly, why stasis arose in xiphosurids remain fundamental, but complex, questions. Here, we explore
the protracted history of fossil and living xiphosurids and demonstrate two levels of evolutionary stability:
developmental stasis since at least the Pennsylvanian and shape stasis since the Late Jurassic. Furthermore,
shape and diversity are punctuated by two high-disparity episodes during the Carboniferous and Triassic –
transitions that coincide with forays into habitation of marginal environments. In an exception to these general
patterns, body size increased gradually over this period and, thus, cannot be described under the same, often-
touted, static models of evolution. Therefore, we demonstrate that evolutionary stasis can be modular and
fixed within the same group at different periods and in different biological traits, while other traits experience
altogether different evolutionary modes. This mosaic in the tempo and mode of evolution is not unique to
Xiphosurida but likely reflects variable mechanisms acting on biological traits, for example transitions in life
modes, niche occupation and major evolutionary radiations.
ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: development – evolution – morphology – push of the past – stasis – Xiphosurida.
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Linnean Society of London.
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
Why are some species short-lived in the tree of life, rapidly
evolving into another, while others remain seemingly
unchanged for millions of years? Variation in the rates
of evolutionary change pervades the fossil record and is
fundamental to many modern evolutionary concepts,
including adaptive radiation, adaptive landscapes and
equilibria in general (Simpson, 1953; Gould & Eldredge,
1977; Eldredge et al., 2005; Lieberman & Eldredge, 2014;
Voje et al., 2015). Central to understanding these patterns
is the concept of stasis, often defined as little or no
morphological change over time (Levinton, 1983; Eldredge
et al., 2005). However, establishing why stasis might
become established in a group relies on first recognizing
when and how such patterns emerged, ideally by studying
living groups with extensive fossil records.
True horseshoe crabs (Xiphosurida) have long been
considered as ideal subjects to study stasis, as some fossil
species are notably similar to modern forms (Barthel,
1974; Bergström, 1975; Kin & Błażejowski, 2014;
Bicknell & Pates, 2020; Bicknell et al., 2021a), while
highly variable, ‘bizarre’ forms stand as clear evidence
against this mode of evolution across the Phanerozoic
(Eller, 1938; Eldredge, 1976; Selden & Siveter, 1987;
Haug et al., 2012; Haug & Rötzer, 2018b; Bicknell, 2019;
Bicknell & Pates, 2020; Haug & Haug, 2020; Bicknell
& Shcherbakov, 2021). Their long evolutionary history
and rare occurrences of exceptionally well-preserved
and abundant body fossils allow multiple facets of stasis
to be explored, including shape, size and development.
To date, these aspects of xiphosurid evolution remain
under-explored and as-of-yet not considered within a
single framework. Indeed, considering size, shape and
development in isolation is likely insufficient to justify
stasis in xiphosurid evolution (Eldredge et al., 2005).
Here, we present the first comprehensive empirical
evaluation of the growth, diversity, disparity and
body size in xiphosurids through time and seek to
uncover the more general patterns of their body-plan
evolution. We examine the long-running hypothesis
that stasis is the primary mode of xiphosurid evolution
(Barthel, 1974; Fisher, 1984; Kin & Błażejowski, 2014).
To do so, we test the null hypothesis that stasis has
been consistent within the group as far back as the
Carboniferous against the alternative hypothesis that
stasis arose after the end-Triassic, associated with the
extinction of abnormal xiphosurid morphologies. Our
study combines four datasets gathered from fossil and
extant xiphosurids: (1) geometric morphometric data to
describe shape and disparity, (2) linear measurement
data on body size, (3) generic diversity of the four major
families and (4) intraspecific linear measurement data
to reconstruct developmental allometries. Combined,
these datasets reveal the mosaic nature of stasis in
horseshoe crab evolution.
The geometric morphometric data were collected from
photos of xiphosurid specimens with ages spanning the
Upper Mississippian (~331 Ma) to Recent. An analysis
using landmarks and semilandmarks of 178 specimens
was conducted following methods presented in earlier
works (Bicknell & Pates, 2019; Bicknell et al., 2019c;
Lustri et al., 2021). A total of 44 species, across 21
genera of Austrolimulidae, Belinuridae, Limulidae and
Paleolimulidae, were assessed. Generic assignments
primarily follow Bicknell & Pates (2020) and Lamsdell
(2020). Landmarking and semilandmarking were
conducted using the Thin-Plate Spline (TPS) suite
(Rohlf, 2015). A TPS file was constructed using
tpsUtil64 (v.1.7). The TPS file was imported into
tpsDig2 (v.2.26) and used to place three landmarks
on the prosoma, one landmark on the thoracetron
and 40 semilandmarks along the right prosomal
margin (Supporting Information, Fig. S1A; Table S1).
Semilandmarks were placed at regular intervals in
a clockwise direction along the anterior-most section
of the prosoma, starting at landmark 1 and ending
at the prosoma–thoracetron joint, landmark 3. Points
were digitized as xy coordinates and populated the
TPS file with landmark and semilandmark data
(Data S1). When the right side was poorly preserved,
the left side was digitized and then mirrored. The
TPS file was imported into R (v.4.0.0). The ‘geomorph’
package (v.3.2.1) (Adams et al., 2020) used the TPS
file to conduct the Procrustes superimposition,
optimize semilandmark positions using their bending
energies, and then ordinate Procrustes coordinates
through a principal component analysis (PCA; Table
S2; Supplementary Code 1). The results of the PCA
were output into Data S3, a meta-dataset including
temporal ranges for specimens, relevant references
for ages, proposed palaeoenvironment and formations
from which specimens were sampled. Procrustes
variances were calculated from the Procrustes
coordinates using ‘geomorph’ to estimate disparity in
each epoch division. The first two PCs were primarily
considered for exploring shape information as they
explained 62.4% of the data variation. PCs 3 and 4
were also examined (Figs S3–S5) but showed no other
informative patterns, so they were not examined at
length. Note that since disparity was calculated from
the coordinates, it explored the total variance in the
dataset, which is equivalent to using all PC axes.
Whether xiphosurids such as austrolimulids
and belinurids inhabited exclusively freshwater
conditions (sensu Lamsdell, 2016) is worth
consideration. Taxa such as Austrolimulus fletcheri
Riek, 1955, Dubbolimulus peetae Pickett, 1984 and
Franconiolimulus pochankei Bicknell et al., 2021b likely
inhabited completely freshwater palaeoenvironments
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
(see Bicknell et al., 2021b; Bicknell and Smith, 2021).
Conversely, the conditions inhabited by Alanops
magnificus Racheboeuf et al., 2002, Euproops danae
and Paleolimulus signatus are now considered to
represent more marginal conditions than freshwater
(Clements et al., 2019; Leibach et al., 2021). As such,
we conservatively propose marginal marine life modes
for these forms as opposed to supporting a completely
freshwater palaeoenvironment.
Specimen occurrences were binned by their
associated epoch as eras were too coarse and ages
were too fine to produce informative disparity patterns
(Supporting Information, Fig. S2; Tables S5 and S6).
Nevertheless, the overall disparity trajectory at the
age level was consistent with the coarser epoch-level
binning, supporting use of the latter. The disparity
at each time-bin was calculated as ‘sampled-in-bin’,
whereby disparity is measured relative to the mean at
that time. The disparity was also calculated using the
grand mean approach, whereby it is measured relative
to the mean of the entire sample from all time-bins
(Tables S4 and S6; Data S4; Figure S2). Both disparity
calculation approaches revealed comparable results;
however, preference was given to the former approach
to avoid biasing the calculation by the exceedingly
well-sampled Pennsylvanian. Pair-wise comparisons of
disparity values for ‘sampled-in-bin’ and grand mean
approaches for epoch and age datasets were calculated
(Tables S3–S6) and tested the following hypotheses:
H0:Disp: Disparity values are the same, indicating
a similar level of morphological variation
between epochs, or
HA:Disp: Disparity values are statistically different,
indicating distinct levels of morphological
variation between epochs.
A non-parametric Procrustes analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was run on the Procrustes coordinates
using ‘geomorph’ to examine differences in overall
morphology between these epochs. Epochs were
treated as discrete classification variables. Pair-wise
comparisons of epoch pairs were calculated to test the
following hypotheses:
H0:Morph: Mean shapes are the same, indicating a similar
average morphology between epochs, or
HA:Morph: Mean shapes are statistically different,
indicating distinct average morphologies
between epochs.
As framed here, the null hypothesis conforms
to stasis predictions of ‘little or no net accrued …
morphological change’ (Eldredge et al., 2005), whereas
the alternative would reject stasis as the primary
mode of shape evolution.
Prosomal and thoracetron lengths were collated
to represent body size and were measured in
ImageJ (v.1.52a) (Schneider et al., 2012). All linear
measurements were natural-log normalized, as there
is up to two orders-of-magnitude size difference across
the fossil and extant forms (Supporting Information,
Data S3).
A genus-level observation dataset was collated for
xiphosurids to explore diversity patterns spanning
the Mississippian to Recent (Supporting Information,
Data S5, S6). Age data for genera were derived
from ages presented in recent articles (Bicknell
& Pates, 2020; Bicknell et al., 2021b; Bicknell &
Shcherbakov, 2021) and the age data presented in
Data S3. Unfortunately, horseshoe crab genera are
largely represented by single occurrences and the
actual number of all xiphosurid specimens in each
time-bin, which is the sampling proxy needed to
undertake subsampling rarefaction analyses, is
currently unknown. As such, we opted to consider
only the presence or absence of genera in each epoch.
This approach means that diversity patterns will, in
part, be a function of sampling. However, the diversity
data only provide context for the disparity and size
time-series, which are less affected by sampling
biases, so overlooking sampling biases is unlikely to
affect the overall goals of this study. We focused on
the generic level, as the species-level designation of
xiphosurids is currently in flux and more likely to be
driven by the taxonomic philosophies of individual
authors (Bicknell & Pates, 2020; Haug & Haug, 2020;
Lamsdell, 2020).
The final dataset explores growth allometry and
consists of linear measurements from the prosomal
and thoracetronic sections of five fossil and one extant
species (Table 1; Supporting Information, Fig. S1B,
C). The fossil species represent the exceptionally rare
cases where >15 specimens are preserved in the same
deposit (see Fig. 1 for examples of each species). The
datasets were collated from either digital measurement
in ImageJ (Schneider et al., 2012) or callipers (Table
1; Data S7). These datasets were imported into R
and natural-log normalized. Differences in prosoma
and thoracetron growth trajectories were analysed
using the ‘smatr’ (v.3.4-8.) package (Warton et al.,
2012) and standardized major axis (SMA) line-fitting,
a model II regression that minimizes the residual
variances in both x and y axes without assuming an
independent–dependent relationship. Therefore, it is
the most appropriate means of reconstructing linear
relationships between the two morphometric variables
and inferring their allometric trajectories (Warton
et al., 2006).
The statistical similarities (or differences) in the
slopes (rates) and elevations (relative magnitudes) of
the prosoma and thoracetron datasets were tested as
follows. Slopes were tested through a likelihood ratio
test, in which:
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Table 1. Meta-data on the species in the allometry dataset.
Species Family Formation, locality Age Collections used Data collector Means of
size (N)
Euproops danae (Meek
& Worthen, 1865)
Belinuridae Mazon Creek
Illinois, USA
YMP IP, USNM Bicknell ImageJ 153
Euproops danae Belinuridae Mercer Shale,
Atokan, Pennsylvanian USNM Tashman,
originally from
Tashman et al.
ImageJ 29
Euproops sp. Belinuridae Osnabrück
MAS Pal. Bicknell, originally
from Haug et al.
ImageJ 18
Mesolimulus walchi
(Desmarest, 1822)
Limulidae Solnhofen
Late Kimmeridgian –
early Tithonian, Late
Bicknell ImageJ 104
Paleolimulus signatus
(Beecher, 1904)
Paleolimulidae Pony Creek Shale
Lagerstätte, Wood
Siding Formation,
Kansas, USA
Kimmig Callipers 49
Prolimulus woodwardi
Frič, 1899;
Belinuridae Kladno Formation,
Kladno, Czech
Bicknell ImageJ 16
Tachypleus tridentatus
(Leach, 1819)
Limulidae Bernardo Marcelo
Beach, Puerto
Princesa City,
Recent N/A Kaiser, originally
from Kaiser &
Schoppe (2018)
Callipers 672
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H0:Rate: Slope values are the same, indicating consistent
allometric trajectories or growth rates, or
HA:Rate: Slope values are different, indicating differential
allometric trajectories or growth rates.
If H0:Rate is supported, a common slope can be
calculated to test elevation differences (Warton et al.,
Elevations were tested using a t-test, in which:
H0:Mag: Elevation values are the same, indicating
consistent relative magnitudes between lengths
and widths, or
HA:Mag: Elevation values are different, indicating
differences in the relative length to width
Figure 1. Examples of species considered for the allometry dataset. A, B, the belinurid Euproops danae. A, specimen from the
Mercer Shale, Pennsylvania, USA (Pennsylvanian, Atokan). USNM PAL 697642. B, specimen from the Mazon Creek Lagerstätte,
Carbondale Formation, Illinois, USA (Pennsylvanian, Moscovian). YPM IP 168016. C, Euproops sp. from the Osnabrück Formation,
Germany (Pennsylvanian, Kasimovian). MAS Pal. 484. D, the paleolimulid Paleolimulus signatus from the Pony Creek Shale
Konservat-Lagerstätte, Wood Siding Formation, Kansas, USA (Pennsylvanian, Kasimovian). USNM PAL 465528. E, the limulid
Mesolimulus walchi from the Solnhofen Limestone, Germany (Late Jurassic, late Kimmeridgian – early Tithonian). SNSB-BSPG
1894.I.1. F, the belinurid Prolimulus woodwardi from the Kladno Formation, Czech Republic (Pennsylvanian, Moscovian). NHMUK
In 18588. G, the limulid Tachypleus tridentatus, male. YPM IZ 55603. Photo credit: A, B, D, E, G, Russell Bicknell; C, Carolin Haug;
E, Lucie Goodayle and the NHMUK. C, converted to greyscale. Scale bars: A, 3 mm; B, C, E, 10 mm; D, F, 5 mm; G, 80 mm.
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
AM F: Australian Museum, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
CM: Carnegie Museum of Natural History,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. JME SOS: Jura-Museum,
Eichstätt, Germany. KUMIP: Division of Invertebrate
Paleontology, Biodiversity Institute, University of
Kansas, Kansas City, KS, USA. MAS Pal.: Museum am
Schölerberg, Osnabrück, Germany. MB.A.: Museum
für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions-
und Biodiversitätsforschung, Berlin, Germany. MCZ:
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA, USA. MNHN: Museum National
d’Histoire Naturelle of Paris, Paris, France. NHMUK:
Natural History Museum, London, UK. NM: National
Museum, Paleozoic Invertebrate collection, Prague,
Czech Republic. SMNS: State Museum of Natural
History Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. SNSB-BSPG:
Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen
Bayerns–Bayerische Staatssammlung für
Paläontologie und Geologie, Munich, Germany. USNM:
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History,
Washington, DC, USA. UTGD: Geology Department,
University of Tasmania, Hobbart, Tas, Australia. YPM
IP: Division of Invertebrate Paleontology in the Yale
Peabody Museum, New Haven, CT, USA. YPM IZ:
Division of Invertebrate Zoology in the Yale Peabody
Museum, New Haven, CT, USA.
Generic xiphosurid diversity through time shows
three main peaks (Fig. 2). The first is during the
Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian, driven by high
belinurid diversity that decreases into the Cisuralian.
The second is the Lower to Middle Triassic, with large
diversifications in limulid and austrolimulid generic
taxa. Finally, there was a large increase in limulid
generic diversity during the Late Cretaceous. The
Cisuralian is the only time-bin when more than two
xiphosurid families are co-current.
PC1 represents 39.6% of the shape variance and
describes a continuum from atrophied to hypertrophied
genal spines (Fig. 3). The hypertrophied genial spines
of primarily Triassic austrolimulids and belinurids
with genal spines (e.g. Euproops; Fig. 1A–C) dominate
positive PC1 space, whereas limulids, paleolimulids
and belinurids lacking genal spines (e.g. Prolimulus;
Fig. 1F) and species with less pronounced or vestigial
Figure 2. Diversity of xiphosurids from the Mississippian through to today. Two main peaks are observed: during the
Middle to Upper Pennsylvanian and the Lower to Middle Triassic, transitions associated with the rise of non-marine forms.
In these time periods, at least two xiphosurid families are noted. A third peak is associated with high limulid diversity
during the Cretaceous and the evolution of two extant genera.
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
genal spines (e.g. 4A) dominate negative PC1 space.
PC2 represents 22.8% of the shape variance and
describes the relative proportion of width to length,
with positive values denoting the typical limulid
morphology (=narrower and longer), while negative
values denote wider and shorter prosomal sections.
Furthermore, PC2 relates to the degree of posterior
genal spine elongation and relative position of
landmark 3 to the tip of the spine (Fig. 3).
The distribution of taxa through time shows an
extensive occupation of morphospace during the
Pennsylvanian and the Triassic and a much more limited
spread leading up to the Recent (Fig. 4B). These increases
in morphospace occupation coincide with the increased
generic diversity of belinurids and austrolimulids during
the Pennsylvanian and the Triassic, respectively (Fig.
4B). As such, the high disparity is linked to explorations
of positive and negative PC1 and PC2 morphospaces,
respectively (Supporting Information, Table S3). These
peaks in disparity are mirrored by the results of the
Procrustes ANOVA, which illustrate significant shifts
in mean shape from the Palaeozoic/early Mesozoic to
the younger time-bins. Specifically, Middle and Late
Pennsylvanian and Early Triassic mean xiphosurid
shape is significantly different from the xiphosurids in
younger intervals (Table S7). Following this shift, there
is no statistically significant difference in xiphosurid
shape from the Middle Triassic to the Recent (Table S7).
Results of the pair-wise, in-bin disparity analyses
show strong statistical support (P < 0.05) for
different disparity regimes from the Middle and Late
Pennsylvanian and Middle Triassic, and the Late
Jurassic and Recent forms (Supporting Information,
Table S3). These values are also reflected in analyses of
the grand mean dataset (Table S4). Such results reject
null hypotheses that stasis was the dominant mode
of evolution across these time periods. Furthermore,
a transition to statistically insignificant disparity
values for geologically younger pairs demonstrates
that disparity was markedly lower at, or after, the Late
Jurassic, a possible transition to morphological stasis.
The growth allometries show overall increases in
interspecific size (represented by the different elevations)
from the smallest specimens (belinurids) to the largest
Figure 3. Principal component analysis plot of Xiphosurida morphospace showing PC1 and PC2. Austrolimulids and
belinurids dominate positive PC1 space. Limulids and paleolimulids are located in negative PC1 space.
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specimens (paleolimulids and limulids) and increases
in intraspecific size (‘regression’ line) from juvenile
to adult individuals (Figs 5A, B, 6). Standardized
major axis lines show that the sampled xiphosurids
cannot be differentiated from isometry (i.e. slope 1;
Table 2). Furthermore, the slopes for the prosomal
sections are statistically indistinguishable (Table 3).
Significant differences were noted in the slope of the
thoracetron sections between Mesolimulus walchi and
both Paleolimulus signatus and Tachypleus tridentatus.
Overall these results support H0 for the slope, suggesting
consistent growth rates of prosomal and thoracetronic
Figure 4. Distribution of xiphosurids at the generic level and through time within PC1 and PC2. A, generic distribution in
PC space. B, temporal distribution in PC space.
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
proportions in the six sampled taxa. By contrast,
widespread differences were recovered when considering
elevations, with overall support for HA (Table 4). Except
for the prosomal comparisons between Euproops danae
and Euproops sp. and between Paleolimulus signatus
and Prolimulus woodwardi, elevations of prosomal linear
models are significantly different (Table 4). For instance,
Euproops sp. have consistently and significantly wider
prosomal sections than all other sampled xiphosurids,
whereas Prolimulus and Paleolimulus have the relatively
narrowest prosomal sections (Fig. 5C, D). Overall, elevations
are significantly below 0 (Table 2), indicating that widths
are consistently larger in magnitude than lengths. All
thoracetronic elevations are significantly below 0, but,
unlike the prosoma, the thoracetron exhibits less overall
residual variation and follows a much more constrained
relationship (Fig. 5).
StaSiS defined
Due to the variable means by which stasis can be
defined, clarity on the definition is required. We
Figure 5. Natural logged length and width measurements of taxa studied for the allometric analyses. A, Prosomal
allometry for all taxa. B, Thoracetron allometry for all taxa. C, prosomal allometry, excluding Tachypleus tridentatus data.
D, thoracetronic allometry, excluding T. tridentatus data.
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
Figure 6. Summary of xiphosurid evolution from the Upper Mississippian through to today. The temporal ranges and
proposed environmental habitats for the four assessed families are included. General trends towards modern day show
stasis in development, a shift towards stasis in shape and an overall increase in size. Principal component data illustrate
the two major pulses of disparity at the Pennsylvanian and Middle Triassic, associated with the presence of marginal
marine taxa. After the Jurassic, morphospace is highly constrained. The disparity curve follows this pattern closely, with
low disparity from the Late Jurassic to Recent. Size data show a prominent transition towards larger forms in the Late
Mesozoic and into the Cenozoic, with a slight increase in the Triassic, reflecting abnormally large austrolimulid forms.
Data from linear regressions illustrate a distinct conserved pattern of development (slope), with a varying record of length
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
largely follow that proposed by Eldredge et al. (2005:
133): stasis is inferred when there is ‘little or no net
accrued species-wide morphological change during
a species-lineage’s existence up to millions of years’.
However, the fossil record of xiphosurids does not offer
the sampling or temporal resolution needed to address
lineage-level dynamics. Therefore, we adapt the
Eldredge et al. framework to the broader clade level
and require two predictions to support stasis. Across
static periods, we should (1) recover non-significant
changes in the average morphology and (2) find that
both periods have low disparity. The first expectation
is consistent with the ‘little to no change’ argument
typically associated with stasis. However, because we
do not have the temporal resolution to explore lineage-
level dynamics, the low disparity between compared
intervals will demonstrate that, even within a time-
bin, shape did not deviate markedly from the mean,
thus supporting stasis within the interval. Effectively,
the disparity in a given time-bin may serve as a general
proxy for finer-scale morphological patterns therein.
In this study, developmental trajectories relate to
the overall prosomal and thoracetronic growth rates
(slopes) and relative magnitudes (intercepts) within
a species as it grew (Table 1; Mirth et al., 2016). To
support developmental stasis, we expect allometric
trajectories to be statistically consistent across
implicationS for xiphoSurid evolution
The comprehensive datasets presented here, exploring
diversity, shape, development and body size, reveal that
the long-running assumption of stasis in horseshoe
crab evolution is substantially more nuanced than
previously thought, despite the pervasive references
to ‘living fossils’ (Barthel, 1974; Eldredge, 1976; Avise
et al., 1994; Kin & Błażejowski, 2014; Lidgard & Love,
2018). First, we illustrate that stasis in xiphosurid
evolution developed in at least two stages (Fig. 6). The
first stage was developmental, as revealed by near-
identical intraspecific allometric patterns in the rate of
change (slope) between the widths and lengths of the
prosoma and thoracetron (Table 2). Allometric slopes
are remarkably consistent across the sampled fossil
and living species, suggesting either a developmental
constraint or stabilizing selection on allometry that
extends as far back as the Pennsylvanian. Conversely,
the relative magnitudes between widths and lengths
varied interspecifically over the examined period,
especially during the Pennsylvanian, highlighting
notable variability between wide-short and narrow-
long segments. This variation is mirrored by the shape
data, which likewise indicate high disparity during
the Pennsylvanian and the Early–Middle Triassic as
a result of proportional variations in prosomal shape
(Riek, 1955; Anderson, 1994, 1996; Lamsdell, 2020;
Bicknell & Shcherbakov, 2021; Lustri et al., 2021). The
Table 2. Summary values for allometric trajectories. Slope values are about 1 and elevation values are all negative.
Variable Slope (m) 95% CI mElevation (b) 95% CI b R2
Euproops danae prosoma 0.972 0.923 to 1.02 −0.791 −0.947 to −0.636 0.931
Euproops danae thoracetron 1.07 1.03 to 1.11 −0.687 −0.794 to −0.580 0.939
Euproops sp. prosoma 1.02 0.859 to 1.22 −0.984 −1.54 to −0.432 0.938
Euproops sp. thoracetron 1.08 0.925 to 1.25 −0.718 −1.10 to −0.337 0.934
Mesolimulus walchi prosoma 0.978 0.947 to 1.01 −0.516 −0.655 to −0.378 0.973
Mesolimulus walchi thoracetron 1.02 0.970 to 1.06 −0.493 −0.675 to −0.310 0.951
Paleolimulus signatus prosoma 1.02 0.924 to 1.13 −0.522 −0.878 to −0.166 0.902
Paleolimulus signatus thoracetron 1.17 1.06 to 1.29 −0.809 −01.16 to −0.459 0.917
Prolimulus woodwardi prosoma 0.999 0.799 to 1.25 −0.416 −1.02 to 0.187 0.846
Prolimulus woodwardi thoracetron 1.03 0.782 to 1.36 −0.596 −1.34 to 0.147 0.762
Tachypleus tridentatus prosoma 0.990 0.984 to 0.996 −0.541 −0.565 to −0.516 0.994
Tachypleus tridentatus thoracetron 1.09 1.08 to 1.09 −0.885 −0.908 to −0.861 0.995
to width (intercept) for the two main exoskeletal sections. Specimens and data points are colour coded to match those
assigned to families, and matched to Figure 2. A, B, representatives of Belinuridae. A, Prolimulus woodwardi. NHMUK In
18588. B, Euproops danae. USNM PAL 697642. C, a representative of Paleolimulidae – Paleolimulus signatus. USNM PAL
465528. D, E, representatives of the extreme Austrolimulidae. D, Tasmaniolimulus patersoni Bicknell, 2019 (Jackey Shale,
Tasmania, Australia, Permian, Lopingian). UTGD 123979, holotype. E, Austrolimulus fletcheri (Hawkesbury Sandstone,
NSW, Australia, Triassic, Ladinian). AM F38274, holotype. F, G, representatives of the Limulidae. F, Mesolimulus walchi
(Nusplingen Plattenkalk, Germany, Late Jurassic, late Kimmeridgian – early Tithonian). SMNS 70204. G, Tachypleus
tridentatus (female, YPM IZ 55576). Scale bars: A–D, 5 mm; E, F, 20 mm; G, 80 mm. Image credit: A, Lucie Goodayle and the
NHM; B–D, G, Russell Bicknell; E, Josh White; H, Guenter Schweigert.
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
Table 4. Results of the SMA analyses considering the differences in elevation values for pairs of species. Statistically significantly different combinations are in
bold type.
Prosomal elevation results
Euproops danae Euproops sp. Mesolimulus
Euproops danae Test stat: 1.20
P value: 0.273
Test stat: 176
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 396
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 186
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 475
P value: <2.22e−16
Euproops sp. Test stat: 0.0345
P value: 0.857
Test stat: 77.9
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 130
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 106
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 123
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 0.943
P value: 0.332
Test stat: 2.17
P value: 0.140
Test stat: 53.6
P value: 2.47e−13
Test stat: 15.9
P value: 6.66e−5
Test stat: 17.1
P value: 3.50e−5
Test stat: 97.7
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 7.49
P value: 6.23 e−3
Test stat: 45.4
P value: 1.60e−11
Test stat: 0.887
P value: 0.346
Test stat: 75.5
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 0.0003
P value: 0.987
Test stat: 0.0137
P value: 0.906
Test stat: 1.73
P value: 0.188
Test stat: 10.3
P value: 1.33e−3
Test stat: 56.8
P value: 2.21e−7
Test stat: 190
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 16.2
P value: 5.69e−5
Test stat: 153
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 492
P value: <2.22e−16
Test stat: 14.8
P value: 1.22e−4
Table 3. Results of the SMA analyses considering the differences in slope values for pairs of species. Statistically significantly different combinations are in bold
Prosomal slope results
Thoracetron slope
results Euproops
Euproops sp. Mesolimulus
Euproops danae Test stat: 0.362
P value: 0.546
Test stat: 0.0408
P value: 0.840
Test stat: 0.732
P value: 0.392
Test stat: 0.0598
P value: 0.807
Test stat: 0.472
P value: 0.492
Euproops sp. Test stat: 0.0169
P value: 0.896
Test stat: 0.296
P value: 0.586
Test stat: 0.00158
P value: 0.968
Test stat: 0.0335
P value: 0.855
Test stat: 0.170
P value: 0.680
Test stat: 2.62
P value: 0.106
Test stat: 0.584
P value: 0.444
Test stat: 0.636
P value: 0.425
Test stat: 0.0367
P value: 0.848
Test stat: 0.487
P value: 0.485
Test stat: 3.09
P value: 0.0787
Test stat: 0.914
P value: 0.339
Test stat: 6.53
P value: 0.0106
Test stat: 0.0312
P value: 0.860
Test stat: 0.364
P value: 0.546
Test stat: 0.0641
P value: 0.800
Test stat: 0.0.835
P value: 0.773
Test stat: 0.0121
P value: 0.913
Test stat: 0.802
P value: 0.371
Test stat: 0.00715
P value: 0.933
Test stat: 0.884
P value: 0.347
Test stat: 0.0138
P value: 0.906
Test stat: 7.96
P value: 0.00479
Test stat: 2.31
P value: 0.129
Test stat: 0.154
P value: 0.695
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
high disparity also reflects the extreme genal spine
shapes exhibited by xiphosurids during these periods
(i.e. PC1; Figs 1, 3, 6; Supporting Information, Tables
S3 and S4). After these episodes of high variability in
genal spine shape and overall body proportions, shape
disparity decreased, becoming constrained from the
Jurassic (in the Bathonian, at the latest) through to
today (Table S3). The fixation of low disparity during
the Jurassic can be attributed to the limulid body
shape, which originated during the Triassic, perhaps
filling morphological gaps left by the extinction of
paleolimulids and some austrolimulids (Bicknell et al.,
in press). In either case, the typical horseshoe crab body
shape was fixed in the Jurassic, representing the onset
of the second stage of stasis in this group. Furthermore,
these patterns conform to our predictions that clade-
level stasis is reflected in both consistent inter-bin and
invariant intra-bin morphologies.
To extend these observations further back into the
Palaeozoic, prosomal and thoracetronic growth rates
were likely determined during the Lower Ordovician,
at the origin of Xiphosura (Rudkin et al., 2008; Va n
Roy et al. 2010, 2015). Indeed, a morphotype broadly
comparable to modern limulids is known from the
Lower Ordovician Fezouata Biota (Van Roy et al., 2010).
This similarity suggests a deep origin of the conserved
xiphosurid growth rate, a possible developmental
constraint that has persisted through episodic periods
of unsuccessful forays into other areas of morphospace
(Bicknell & Pates, 2020). It is also possible that
xiphosurid growth rates exhibit a strong stabilizing
selection, although this would require variable rates
to be strongly non-adaptive and it is unclear why that
would be the case.
Disparate xiphosurid forms record a complex
evolutionary history of diversification, possibly
through habitation of marginal environments
and show evidence for differential heterochronic
patterns compared to extant horseshoe crab species
(Sekiguchi et al., 1982; Shuster Jr & Sekiguchi, 2003;
Lamsdell, 2016, 2021; Haug & Rötzer, 2018a). For
instance, some belinurids resemble juvenile forms
of modern xiphosurids with elongate tail spines,
expressed thoracetronic segmentation, hypertrophied
ophthalmic spines, and absence or reduced genal
spines (Racheboeuf et al., 2002; Haug et al., 2012;
Haug & Rötzer, 2018b; Haug & Haug, 2020; Lamsdell,
2021; Lustri et al., 2021). Conversely, austrolimulids,
the other primarily marginal-marine group, show
splayed and overdeveloped genal spines and often
reduced thoracetronic sections (Pickett, 1984;
Lamsdell, 2016; Lerner et al., 2017; Bicknell, 2019;
Bicknell et al., 2021b). The onset of hypertrophied
spines may reflect an adaptation to the unidirectional
fluid flow associated with marginal marine conditions
(Anderson, 1996; Bicknell & Pates, 2019). Alternatively,
the spines were employed in subaerial activity (Fisher,
1979). Regardless of the functional mechanism, these
structures were primary drivers of high xiphosurid
disparity and shape change in the examined dataset.
The extinction of austrolimulids and the occupation
of exclusively marine conditions records the marked
transition to shape stasis.
The progressive increase in body size through time
(Fig. 6) contrasts with the aforementioned stages
of stasis in xiphosurids. Body length (excluding the
telson) shifts from 3–45 mm in the Palaeozoic, to
17–24.5 cm during the Upper Jurassic and Palaeogene,
and finally to >1 m in modern forms. The observed
body size dynamics are consistent with a ‘driven’ trend
(McShea, 1994), whereby the minimum size limit
increases along with the average and upper limit.
Driven trends suggest an underlying selection pressure
towards larger body sizes, perhaps owing to predation
or intraspecific interactions (competition or sexual
selection) acting within the bounds of developmental
and shape constraints (Bicknell et al., 2019a).
on xiphoSurid inStarS
Continuous growth trajectories for fossil xiphosurids
contrast the well-delineated ontogenetic clusters (i.e.
instars) observed in Tachypleus tridentatus (compare
data points in Fig. 5A, B to 5C, D). The lack of clusters
may reflect the reality that fossil xiphosurids are
often represented by singular specimens, and even
when abundantly preserved, fossil samples are much
smaller than extant populations. Furthermore, early
ontogenetic stages of non-biomineralized arthropods
are seldom preserved, even when specimens are
abundant (Haug et al., 2012). Alternatively, the assessed
fossil populations represent similar developmental
stages. However, considering the extensive datasets
of select taxa from a single outcrop (Paleolimulus
signatus and Euproops danae) and their large size
ranges (Supporting Information, Data S7), it seems
unlikely that single-instar groups were sampled.
Another plausible option is that these deposits
record a ‘snapshot in time’. In this case, a subset of
the true population is preserved, therefore limiting
evidence for instars (Yang et al., 2021). Extreme, often
anoxic conditions are required for the exceptional
preservation of soft cuticles typical of xiphosurids
(Allison, 1988; Kemp & Trueman, 2003; Gaines et al.,
2012; Garson et al., 2012; Clements et al., 2019).
Only the larger individuals would be capable of
entering into, surviving within and being preserved
in such environments, unless they were transported
(e.g. Bath-Enright et al., 2021). Indeed, in the rare
circumstances where clustered horseshoe crabs (the
only evidence for breeding in fossil xiphosurids;
Shuster Jr et al., 2003) have been observed, there
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
are no smaller individuals (Ambrose & Romano,
1972; Fisher, 1979; Bicknell et al., 2019b; Lustri
et al., 2021). Finally, the Mazon Creek Lagerstätte
xiphosurids were probably subjected to a limited
degree of transport from their original habitat prior
to preservation (Clements et al., 2019; Bath-Enright
et al., 2021). This transport would have damaged
smaller individuals, but larger specimens could
have endured more transport before disarticulating,
increasing the abundance of the adult specimens and
limiting evidence of instars.
diSparity and the puSh of the paSt
High disparity early in the evolutionary history of a
group, such as that recovered here for xiphosurids, has
been documented across a range of clades throughout
the history of life and is particularly prevalent among
fossil groups (Hughes et al., 2013). This pattern can
reflect fortunate ecological opportunities at the origin
of a new group and/or developmental constraints that
inhibit the exploration of new morphospaces as time
passes (Hughes et al., 2013, and references therein).
In either case, the disparity should decrease as the
clade continues to exist, resulting in a ‘bottom heavy’
distribution of disparity over time. Hughes et al.
(2013) expressed that ecological opportunity and
developmental constraints are not mutually exclusive,
and, indeed, we support both as potential mechanisms
driving the protracted evolutionary history of
Xiphosurida. We identified ancient developmental
constraints in prosomal and thoracetronic intraspecific
growth rates over the duration of xiphosurid evolution
(Fig. 5). However, overall shape and proportions vary
interspecifically (Fig. 6), especially during earlier ages,
and disparity peaks correspond with forays into new
environments (Figs 2, 6). Interestingly, the ‘bottom-
heavy’ disparity pattern recovered here contrasts with
those known for terrestrial arthropods, such as insects,
which exhibit high disparity in younger deposits,
resulting in a ‘top-heavy’ distribution (Labandeira &
Sepkoski, 1993; Labandeira, 2005; Labandeira & Eble,
in press).
A ‘bottom-heavy’ distribution could also be
explained by the ‘push of the past’ model if diversity
and disparity are coupled (Budd & Mann, 2018; Lee
& Dorey, 2018). This model suggests that a clade
that survives for a substantial time is likely to show
early rates of diversification followed by acquiescence
(Budd & Mann, 2018). This time-dependent pattern
in diversification rates stems from the fact that a
successful clade (one that survives an extensive
period) is likely to have benefited from early
evolutionary success. This phenomenon is particularly
pervasive if only extant members are considered in
macroevolutionary analyses but can also affect large
extinct clades (Budd & Mann, 2018).
Xiphosurid diversity generally tracks disparity
across the observed period, suggesting initial support
for a push of the past model. However, there are two
points where disparity and diversity decouple: the
Cisuralian and the Late Cretaceous (Fig. 2). During
these epochs, diversity was high while disparity was
low. The Late Cretaceous diversity peak is particularly
inconsistent with the predictions of the push of the
past model and reflects the rise of modern genera
and the presence of select limulid genera that went
extinct at the end of the Cretaceous. These forms
are all morphologically similar and Limulus-like,
hence the low disparity. The Cisuralian decoupling is
harder to explain and could reflect either sampling or
a true record of low disparity. Indeed, despite its low
disparity, there is no statistical difference between
the Cisuralian disparity and any other sampled epoch
(Supporting Information, Table S3), which likely
stems from low statistical power. However, with the
extinction of Belinuridae by the middle Cisuralian
(Malz & Poschmann, 1993; Anderson & Selden, 1997)
and the rise of austrolimulid forms without extremely
hypertrophied features (Bicknell et al., 2020, 2021b),
Permian xiphosurids may record a transition to the
disparity patterns mirrored in the Jurassic to Recent
forms. However, we note that diversity and disparity
are influenced by the limited preservational potential
of xiphosurid exoskeletons and the requirement for
exceptional preservation to record these specimens.
Furthermore, deposits such as the Pennsylvanian
Coal Measures Formation are extensively sampled,
producing higher diversity than other time-bins (sensu
Whitaker & Kimmig, 2020). As such, true diversity
and disparity may have been higher in periods when
lower counts were observed.
Although diversity–disparity comparisons partially
support the push of the past model, we point to two
factors suggesting a non-stochastic view of horseshoe
crab evolution. The first is that members of the clade
driving the initial inferred disparity peak during the
Pennsylvanian (i.e. belinurids) were not long-lived
compared to other families, such as limulids (Fig. 6). As
a result, despite their initial ‘success’, they went extinct
and did not factor in the reduction in diversification rates
observed during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Similarly, the
second disparity peak during the Triassic could support
a push of the past scenario for limulids following the
end-Permian extinction event (as predicted by Budd &
Mann, 2018). Limulids originated and diversified at that
time and persist until today. However, unlike diversity,
the disparity was driven by austrolimulids, which went
extinct in the Early Jurassic (Bicknell et al., 2021b),
whereas limulid disparity was static throughout the
Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Accordingly, both disparity peaks
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© 2022 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2022, XX, 1–18
are not associated with the long-lived extant families, as
predicted by the push of the past model, but are driven
by shorter-lived extinct families. The second factor is that
both disparity peaks correlate with similar morphospace
occupations (Figs 4, 6) and incursions into non-marine
niches (DeWoody & Avise, 2000; Selden et al., 2019; Lustri
et al., 2021). The fact that two independent xiphosurid
families evolved similar morphologies (hypertrophied
spines) in association with similar environmental
conditions is strong support for convergent adaptations
(Brooks & McLennan, 2002) in lieu of the random factors
stipulated by the ‘push of the past’.
Horseshoe crabs are regarded as the epitome of
evolutionary stasis, yet this evolutionary mode
remained untested and uncontextualized. Through
the concerted exploration of multiple complementary
datasets, we discovered that the group maintains an
unprecedented record of developmental stasis since
at least the Pennsylvanian. Developmental stasis
relates to stable prosomal and thoracetronic growth
rates that persisted across the emergence of disparate
interspecific forms (shapes) during the Pennsylvanian
and the Triassic. Following the Triassic disparity peak,
xiphosurids converged upon a static form strikingly
similar to those from the early Palaeozoic. The
convergence on the ‘typical’ horseshoe crab form in the
Jurassic suggests strong stabilizing selection on shape,
while active trends towards larger body sizes may reflect
biotic factors acting within the bounds of developmental
constraints and shape selection. The Pennsylvanian
and Triassic disparity peaks represent convergent
evolutions of hypertrophied spines, probably in response
to occupations of marginal marine environments.
Ultimately, these forays were unsuccessful and saw to
the extinction of Palaeozoic belinurids and Mesozoic
austrolimulids. By contrast, marine body plans
established near the xiphosurid origin have persisted,
largely unchanged, to the present day.
We thank Albert Kollar, Andreas Hecker, Angelika
Leipner, Claire Mellish, Jana Bruthansova, Jessica
Cundiff, Jessica Utrup, Mark Florence, Mike Reich
and Susan Butts for access to collections and specimen
images. We thank Guenter Schweigert, Josh White and
Lucie Goodayle for images. Cortney Langley and Nick
Rose are thanked for assistance with data collection.
Wade Leibach, Nick Rose and Kristopher Super are
thanked for assistance in the field. Sabine Schoppe is
thanked for her help with collecting the Tachypleus
tridentatus dataset. Finally, we thank Jason Dunlop
and Serge Naugolnykh for their reviews that improved
the scope and focus of the manuscript. The authors
declare no competing interests.
University of New England Postdoctoral Research Fellow
(to R.D.C.B.). Charles Schuchert and Carl O. Dunbar
Grants-in-Aid award (to R.D.C.B.). Betty Mayne Scientific
Research Fund (to R.D.C.B.). James R Welch Scholarship
(to R.D.C.B). Ernst Mayr Grant (to R.D.C.B). Institute of
Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences RVO 67985831
(to L.L.). Center for Geosphere Dynamics grant UNCE/
SCI/006 (to L.L.). Czech Science Foundation project
20-23550Y (to L.L.). German Research Foundation
(DFG, HA 7066/3-1 to C.H.). Australian Research Council
DECRA (DE190101423 to N.E.C).
author contributionS
Conceptualization: R.D.C.B., J.K., D.A.L and N.E.C.
Methodology: R.D.C.B. and N.E.C. Datasets: R.D.C.B.,
J.K., D.A.L., K.S.B., C.H., D.K. and J.N.T. Investigation:
R.D.C.B., J.K., G.E.B. and N.E.C. Resources: R.D.C.B.
Writing – original draft: R.D.C.B., G.E.B., L.L.,
J.K. and N.E.C. Writing – review and editing: R.D.C.B.,
J.K., G.E.B., D.A.L., K.S.B., C.H., D.K., L.L., J.N.T. and
N.E.C. Visualization: R.D.C.B. and N.E.C. Funding
acquisition: R.D.C.B., C.H., L.L. and N.E.C.
The authors declare no competing interests.
All raw data, code and supplemental results are
available in the Supporting Information.
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
Data S1: The TPS file of specimens analysed for the geometric morphometric dataset.
Data S2: CSV file for semilandmark sliding used in the geometric morphometric analysis.
Data S3: CSV file of PCA results. Proposed palaeoecology, familial, generic, stratigraphic, temporal and
measurement data are included. References for temporal constraints are also included.
Data S4: CVS file of disparity values and time-bins.
Data S5: CSV file for diversity counts.
Data S6: CSV file for combined diversity data.
Data S7: XLS file of all allometry datasets.
Supplemental Code 1: R code used for analyses.
Figure S1: Depiction of data gathered for both datasets. A, semilandmark trajectory (blue dotted line) and four
digitized landmarks. B, linear measurements taken for Mesolimulus walchi, Paleolimulus signatus, Prolimulus
woodwardi and Tachypleus tridentatus specimens. C, linear measurements taken for Euproops danae and
Euproops sp. Genal spines are not measured in these species as these are hypertrophied and are seldom preserved
on both prosomal sides. Numbers in A correspond to landmarks. Abbreviations: PL, prosomal length; PW, prosomal
width; TL, thoracetronic length; TW, thoracetronic width.
Figure S2: Additional disparity plots of epoch and age-level bins. Both the sampled-in-bin and grand mean
approaches are shown.
Figure S3: PCA plot of Xiphosurida morphospace showing PC1 and PC3 coded for family groups.
Figure S4: PCA plot of Xiphosurida morphospace showing PC2 and PC3 coded for family groups.
Figure S5: PCA plot of Xiphosurida morphospace showing PC3 and PC4 coded for family groups.
Table S1: Description of landmarks used for the geometric morphometric analysis. Figure S1A depicts these
Table S2: Proportion of variances explained by PC.
Table S3: P-values from disparity analyses using epoch time-bins and in-bin sampling. Bold values indicate
statistically significant differences in disparity for epoch pairs.
Table S4: P-values from disparity analyses using epoch time-bins and the grand mean. Bold values indicate
statistically significant differences in disparity for epoch pairs.
Table S5: P-values from disparity analyses using age time-bins and in-bin sampling. Bold values indicate
statistically significant differences in disparity for age pairs.
Table S6: P-values from disparity analyses using age time-bins and the grand mean. Bold values indicate
statistically significant differences in disparity for age pairs.
Table S7: P-values from pair-wise comaprisions of analysis of vairance (ANOVA) of aligned landmark and
semilandmark data. Bold values indicate statistically significant differences in means for epoch pairs, indicating
marked difference in morphology between epochs.
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... The term "living fossils" is somewhat problematic as the subtext of the term implies a lack of evolution taking place in the group, whereas it is well established that broad-scale evolutionary stasis results from gradual evolutionary changes around a relatively static morphological average position through time (Simpson, 1944;Eldredge et al., 2005;Tëmkin and Eldredge, 2015) (Figure 1). While a certain degree of morphological conservatism is recognized in Xiphosura (Bennett et al., 2018), especially in late Mesozoic and Cenozoic forms (Avise et al., 1994;Rudkin and Young, 2009;Kin and Błazėjowski, 2014;Lamsdell and McKenzie, 2015;Bicknell et al., 2019b), most late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic forms are considered to go through a much more pronounced evolutionary exploration of morphological space (Lamsdell, 2016;Bicknell, 2019;Bicknell et al., 2019a;Lamsdell, 2021a;Lamsdell, 2021b;Lustri et al., 2021;Bicknell et al., 2022). Freshwater colonization during the late Paleozoic resulted in xiphosurans adapting to many new habitats, possibly on multiple occasions, and is associated with the first record of remarkable radiation of the group in the fossil record (Lamsdell, 2016;Lamsdell, 2021a;Bicknell et al., 2022). ...
... While a certain degree of morphological conservatism is recognized in Xiphosura (Bennett et al., 2018), especially in late Mesozoic and Cenozoic forms (Avise et al., 1994;Rudkin and Young, 2009;Kin and Błazėjowski, 2014;Lamsdell and McKenzie, 2015;Bicknell et al., 2019b), most late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic forms are considered to go through a much more pronounced evolutionary exploration of morphological space (Lamsdell, 2016;Bicknell, 2019;Bicknell et al., 2019a;Lamsdell, 2021a;Lamsdell, 2021b;Lustri et al., 2021;Bicknell et al., 2022). Freshwater colonization during the late Paleozoic resulted in xiphosurans adapting to many new habitats, possibly on multiple occasions, and is associated with the first record of remarkable radiation of the group in the fossil record (Lamsdell, 2016;Lamsdell, 2021a;Bicknell et al., 2022). ...
... Eurypterids and chasmataspidids shared similar environments with the horseshoe crabs during the Paleozoic (Dunlop, 2010;Howard et al., 2020). The development of xiphosurans has been recently explored by meta-analyses (Lamsdell, 2016;Lamsdell, 2021a;Bicknell et al., 2022), but the development of eurypterids and chasmataspidids has never been incorporated in such analyses. Data for eurypterids and chasmataspidids are also available, and research has focused on fine detailed analyses of the development of single species such as Hoplitaspis hiawathai (Lamsdell et al., 2019) and Eurypterus lacustris (Ruebenstahl et al., 2021). ...
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Introduction Euchelicerata is a diverse group encompassing Xiphosura, Chasmataspidida, Eurypterida, and Arachnida. Xiphosura represents an extant group with a rich fossil record dating back to the Ordovician period. Xiphosurans are often referred to as “living fossils” due to their seemingly unchanged morphology over millions of years. Numerous studies have contributed to the understanding of xiphosuran development, revealing changes in the timing and rate of their growth. These changes have been mainly associated with the freshwater invasion of early xiphosuran forms. However, limited research has been conducted to compare the developmental patterns of xiphosurans with other euchelicerates inhabiting aquatic environments. Methods This study compares the developmental patterns of xiphosurans with that of the fossil clades of eurypterids and chasmataspidids. By incorporating environmental and phylogenetic information within ancestral state reconstruction analyses, and then testing different evolutionary scenarios, the influence of the environment on the evolution of developmental patterns of euchelicerates is examined. Results The results confirm that the developmental changes in Xiphosura throughout their evolutionary history are correlated with the exploitation of different environments. However, the inclusion of eurypterids and chasmataspidids indicates that the entirety of changes seen for Xiphosura represent only a small portion of the total variability recovered for euchelicerates. Discussion Our results emphasize the importance of considering phylogenetic relationships and outgroup comparisons to understand the evolutionary dynamics of Xiphosura.
... Over 22,000 species are known (Paterson, 2020) across a 270-million-year evolutionary history which comprised most of the Paleozoic; they went extinct during the Permo-Triassic mass extinction (252 million years ago). Although 270 million years is considerably shorter than the geologic duration of one of the quintessential living fossils, xiphosurid horseshoe crabs (480 million years, Bicknell and Pates, 2020), the dominant trilobite family during the last geologic period of their existence (the Permian) was the Proetidae, whose geologic duration spanned over 230 million years, rivaling that of Limulidae, the horseshoe crab family comprising living species (250 million years, Bicknell et al., 2022). ...
... Despite differences in how the datasets sample trilobite taxonomic diversity (Supplementary Information), both datasets show low levels of morphological diversity overall in the Carboniferous and Permian and there is no statistically significant shape change across these time intervals (Figure 1 and Supplementary Table 1). These patterns are similar to those recently reported for shape variation in xiphosurid horseshoe crabs: a decrease in morphological variation and subsequent lack in statistically significant shape change from the Middle Triassic to the Recent (Bicknell et al., 2022). In these later intervals of evolutionary history, both groups are also dominated by a single family (Proetidae and Limulidae, respectively). ...
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Some taxa occupy our imaginations as “living fossils” because they were known from the fossil record before being discovered alive today. Other taxa are considered “living fossils” because modern relatives bear a strong morphological resemblance to fossil relatives, or because they occupy a contracted geographic range or have less diversity now than in the past, or because they represent phylogenetic diversity that requires conservation. A characterizing feature of living fossils–and thus an implicit assumption of all criteria–is that the “living fossil” of interest is extant. However, the general research questions that “living fossils” inspire–Why do rates of evolution vary across organisms, across traits, and across time? Why do some clades decline in diversity over extended periods?–may be applied to any clade, including completely extinct clades. We propose that there is nothing special about “now” when it comes to pursuing these questions and that it is unnecessarily limiting to restrict research programs to clades for which an extant member meets some conception of the “living fossil” moniker. To this end, we investigate the extent to which Permian trilobites might resemble “living fossils,” albeit from the perspective of 253 million years ago, when the last trilobites were still alive. We do so by comparing the taxonomic diversity, geographic range, and morphological disparity of trilobites living in the Permian to earlier time periods. We find that Permian trilobites meet most definitions of living fossils, although our assessment of morphological change and character retention depend on taxonomic scale.
... This traditional narrative has been overturned in recent years, with extinct horseshoe crabs shown to have greater ecological and morphological diversity than modern forms (Lamsdell, 2016) and a number of xiphosuran clades exhibiting marked shifts in morphology linked to heterochronic shifts in development as they occupy non-marine environments (Lamsdell, 2021a, b). Despite these morphological and ecological changes, horseshoe crabs are thought to have maintained a consistent post-embryonic developmental trajectory (Lamsdell, 2021a;Bicknell et al. 2022) and exhibit a neuroanatomy conserved at least since the Carboniferous (Bicknell et al., 2021b), making xiphosurans an important group for studying the patterns and drivers of mosaic evolution (Hopkins & Lidgard, 2012;Hunt et al. 2015). ...
... Interestingly, a decrease in both the length of genal carapace extensions and lateral eye size is observed in eurypterid ontogeny (Lamsdell & Selden, 2013). As the generalized developmental trajectory for Xiphosura is recognized in both Belinurina and Limulina (Lamsdell, 2021a;Bicknell et al. 2022) it is possible that Lunataspis, which resolves as the basalmost xiphosuran outside of the Belinurina and Limulina clades, is exhibiting a mixture of ancestral and derived ontogenetic trajectories and that the highly conserved developmental trajectory of Xiphosura developed somewhere within its stem lineage. ...
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Horseshoe crabs as a group are renowned for their morphological conservatism punctuated by marked shifts in morphology associated with the occupation of non-marine environments and have been suggested to exhibit a consistent developmental trajectory throughout their evolutionary history. Here, we report a new species of horseshoe crab from the Ordovician (Late Sandbian) of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, from juvenile and adult material. This new species provides critical insight into the ontogeny and morphology of the earliest horseshoe crabs, indicating that at least some Palaeozoic forms had freely articulating tergites anterior to the fused thoracetron and an opisthosoma comprising 13 segments.
... Horseshoe crabs Tachypleus tridentatus, known as "living fossils", play key ecological roles in bioturbation, nutrient cycling, sediment enrichment and trophic webs in the coastal ecosystems [67]. They also serve as a valuable source of raw material for Tachypleus amebocyte lysate used to detect the presence of bacterial endotoxins in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical devices [37,5,75]. Excessive fishing due to the escalating global demand for horseshoe crab-derived reagents coupled with habitat degradation and marine pollution led to a decline in the horseshoe crabs populations [34,61]. In 2019, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has officially recognized T. tridentatus as an endangered species [36]. ...
... Horseshoe crabs Tachypleus tridentatus, known as "living fossils", play key ecological roles in bioturbation, nutrient cycling, sediment enrichment and trophic webs in the coastal ecosystems [67]. They also serve as a valuable source of raw material for Tachypleus amebocyte lysate used to detect the presence of bacterial endotoxins in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical devices [37,5,75]. Excessive fishing due to the escalating global demand for horseshoe crab-derived reagents coupled with habitat degradation and marine pollution led to a decline in the horseshoe crabs populations [34,61]. In 2019, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has officially recognized T. tridentatus as an endangered species [36]. ...
... • The focal clade is today at its maximum morphological breadth; this is a generally unstated assumption required for phylogenies containing only extant species, but it is patently false for many clades having a reasonable fossil rec ord, from oysters to cephalopods to elephants to horses to hominins. The extinct forms are often not simply extensions along existing morphoge ne tic lines but variations that might seem highly improbable, given today's representatives, for example, giant ground sloths (terrestrial and aquatic), rainforest-dwelling carnivorous kangaroos, sharks with coiled tooth arrays, uncoiled or spiny nautiloids, and sea urchins with periscope-like extensions (see Jablonski 2020 for references; even the quin tessen tial static lineage, the horse shoe crabs, has exhibited bursts of phenotypic diversification that pushed beyond their current limited repertoire-see Bicknell et al. 2022). ...
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Essays on evolvability from the perspectives of quantitative and population genetics, evolutionary developmental biology, systems biology, macroevolution, and the philosophy of science. Evolvability—the capability of organisms to evolve—wasn't recognized as a fundamental concept in evolutionary theory until 1990. Though there is still some debate as to whether it represents a truly new concept, the essays in this volume emphasize its value in enabling new research programs and facilitating communication among the major disciplines in evolutionary biology. The contributors, many of whom were instrumental in the development of the concept of evolvability, synthesize what we have learned about it over the past thirty years. They focus on the historical and philosophical contexts that influenced the emergence of the concept and suggest ways to develop a common language and theory to drive further evolvability research. The essays, drawn from a workshop on evolvability hosted in 2019–2020 by the Center of Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, in Oslo, provide scientific and historical background on evolvability. The contributors represent different disciplines of evolutionary biology, including quantitative and population genetics, evolutionary developmental biology, systems biology, and macroevolution, as well as the philosophy of science. This plurality of approaches allows researchers in disciplines as diverse as developmental biology, molecular biology, and systems biology to communicate with those working in mainstream evolutionary biology. The contributors also discuss key questions at the forefront of research on evolvability. Contributors:J. David Aponte, W. Scott Armbruster, Geir H. Bolstad, Salomé Bourg, Ingo Brigandt, Anne Calof, James M. Cheverud, Josselin Clo, Frietson Galis, Mark Grabowski, Rebecca Green, Benedikt Hallgrímsson, Thomas F. Hansen, Agnes Holstad, David Houle, David Jablonski, Arthur Lander, Arnaud LeRouzic, Alan C. Love, Ralph Marcucio, Michael B. Morrissey, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Øystein H. Opedal, Mihaela Pavličev, Christophe Pélabon, Jane M. Reid, Heather Richbourg, Jacqueline L. Sztepanacz, Masahito Tsuboi, Cristina Villegas, Marta Vidal-García, Kjetil L. Voje, Andreas Wagner, Günter P. Wagner, Nathan M. Young
... The fossil record of the horseshoe crabs stretches all the way back to the Ordovician and reveals a rather different picture (e.g., Rudkin et al., 2008;Van Roy et al., 2010;Lamsdell et al., 2022). This fossil record, which has seen a renewed interest in recent years (e.g., King et al., 2019;Tashman et al., 2019;Lamsdell, 2020;Bicknell et al., 2021Bicknell et al., , 2022Lamsdell et al., 2021), displays a remarkable diversity, both in terms of morphological disparity and species richness (>80 extinct species) (Bicknell & Pates, 2020;Lamsdell, 2020). Furthermore, whereas modern-day horseshoe crabs are restricted to marine environments, multiple extinct species inhabited brackish and freshwater environments (Lamsdell, 2016(Lamsdell, , 2020. ...
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Horseshoe crabs (Xiphosura) have a long evolutionary history starting in the Ordovician, but they have rarely been reported from the Netherlands. We report on the first Triassic horseshoe crab from the Netherlands identifiable to the species level, a specimen of the limulid Limulitella bronnii . We provide the first diagnosis for this species and refigure the holotype. The new specimen was found in the Middle Triassic (Anisian) Muschelkalk sediments of the Vossenveld Formation, in the Illyrian part of the stratigraphic profile of the Winterswijk quarry complex. The Winterswijk specimen represents the youngest occurrence of L. bronnii . The inferred non-marine habitat of this horseshoe crab species elsewhere in conjunction with occurrences of plant and insect remains within the same layer at Winterswijk suggest the specimen herein most probably did not live in marine conditions either. This species has previously been found in non-marine sediments in France and Germany, expanding its geographic range northward. Several faunal elements from Winterswijk including L. bronnii show resemblance to the roughly co-eval non-marine components of the Anisian Grès à Voltzia Formation in NE France, suggesting a paleobiogeographic connection between these regions in Western Europe.
... In addition, even though horseshoe crabs can make momentary incursions into the coasts to spawn eggs, they do not have distinctly terrestrial morphological adaptations and their body structures present great similarity, and probably homology, with that of other aquatic fossil chelicerates [100,101]. Other recent studies using genome-scale datasets, as well as morphological and fossil evidence suggest that marine chelicerates (pycnogonids and Xiphosura) are successive sister groups of a monophyletic lineage of terrestrial arachnids. ...
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Arthropods, the most diverse form of macroscopic life in the history of the Earth, originated in the sea. Since the early Cambrian, at least ~518 million years ago, these animals have dominated the oceans of the world. By the Silurian–Devonian, the fossil record attests to arthropods becoming the first animals to colonize land, However, a growing body of molecular dating and palaeontological evidence suggests that the three major terrestrial arthropod groups (myriapods, hexapods, and arachnids), as well as vascular plants, may have invaded land as early as the Cambrian–Ordovician. These dates precede the oldest fossil evidence of those groups and suggest an unrecorded continental “Cambrian explosion” a hundred million years prior to the formation of early complex terrestrial ecosystems in the Silurian–Devonian. We review the palaeontological, phylogenomic, and molecular clock evidence pertaining to the proposed Cambrian terrestrialization of the arthropods. We argue that despite the challenges posed by incomplete preservation and the scarcity of early Palaeozoic terrestrial deposits, the discrepancy between molecular clock estimates and the fossil record is narrower than is often claimed. We discuss strategies for closing the gap between molecular clock estimates and fossil data in the evolution of early ecosystems on land.
... The Permian-Triassic transition also marked a major shift in the evolutionary history of horseshoe crabs. Most Palaeozoic taxa belong to Belinuridae and Paleolimulidae, whereas most Mesozoic and extant taxa are members of Austrolimulidae and Limulidae (Lamsdell, 2013(Lamsdell, , 2016(Lamsdell, , 2020Błazejowski et al., 2017;Pates, 2019, 2020;Novack-Gottshall and Plotnick, 2021;Bicknell et al., 2022a). Although a few horseshoe crab taxa have been reported from the Early Triassic (Lange, 1923;Ponomarenko, 1985;Hauschke et al., 2004;Lerner et al., 2017;Bicknell and Shcherbakov, 2021), most of them are from the Olenekian Stage, with the only exception being the possible Induan aged Tasmaniolimulus (Bicknell et al., 2022b). ...
The end-Permian mass extinction led to the disappearance of >81% of marine species and the collapse of marine ecosystems. Despite the progress made in recent years, the severity of the impact of the mass extinction upon some groups still remains unclear. Horseshoe crabs are a typical example among these groups. Here we report a new fossil horseshoe crab, Guangyuanolimulus shangsiensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Permian-Triassic transitional beds in South China, representing the earliest putative fossil record of Limulidae. The occurrence of horseshoe crabs during the Permian-Triassic transition indicates the existence of a trophic web containing at least three levels immediately after the main pulse of the end-Permian mass extinction. Horseshoe crabs might have played an important role as predators in marine communities during the Permian-Triassic transition and the earliest stage of recovery.
... The extinct forms are often not simply extensions along existing morphogenetic lines but variations that might seem highly improbable given today's representatives, for example giant ground sloths (terrestrial and aquatic), rainforest-dwelling carnivorous kangaroos, sharks with coiled tooth arrays, uncoiled or spiny nautiloids, echinoids with periscope-like extensions, and so on (see Jablonski, 2020 for references; also Stubbs et al., 2013 andMelstrom &Irmis, 2019 on insectivorous and herbivorous Crocodylomorpha). Even the quintessentially static lineage, the horseshoe crabs, has undergone bursts of phenotypic diversification that pushed beyond their current limited repertoire, corresponding to invasion of new habitats (Bicknell et al., 2022;Lamsdell, 2016). Wagner (2010) elegantly makes this general point by comparing Cambrian and present-day arthropods, which exhibit similar disparities (despite the far more limited Cambrian sample!) with relatively little overlap in morphospace; Carboniferous arthropods (ca 320 Myr old) bridge between them temporally and morphologically, but also add further disparity. ...
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Evolvability is best addressed from a multi-level, macroevolutionary perspective through a comparative approach that tests for among-clade differences in phenotypic diversification in response to an opportunity, such as encountered after a mass extinction, entering a new adaptive zone, or entering a new geographic area. Analyzing the dynamics of clades under similar environmental conditions can (partially) factor out shared external drivers to recognize intrinsic differences in evolvability, aiming for a macroevolutionary analog of a common-garden experiment. Analyses will be most powerful when integrating neontological and paleontological data: determining differences among extant populations that can be hypothesized to generate large-scale, long-term contrasts in evolvability among clades; or observing large-scale differences among clade histories that can by hypothesized to reflect contrasts in genetics and development observed directly in extant populations. However, many comparative analyses can be informative on their own, as explored in this overview. Differences in clade-level evolvability can be visualized in diversity-disparity plots, which can quantify positive and negative departures of phenotypic productivity from stochastic expectations scaled to taxonomic diversification. Factors that evidently can promote evolvability include modularity—when selection aligns with modular structure or with morphological integration patterns; pronounced ontogenetic changes in morphology, as in allometry or multiphase life cycles; genome size; and a variety of evolutionary novelties, which can also be evaluated using macroevolutionary lags between the acquisition of a trait and phenotypic diversification, and dead-clade-walking patterns that may signal a loss of evolvability when extrinsic factors can be excluded. High speciation rates may indirectly foster phenotypic evolvability, and vice versa. Mechanisms are controversial, but clade evolvability may be higher in the Cambrian, and possibly early in the history of clades at other times; in the tropics; and, for marine organisms, in shallow-water disturbed habitats.
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Horseshoe crabs are extant chelicerates with a fossil record extending back to the Ordovician. Despite the documentation of their long evolutionary history, xiphosurids are rarely preserved within fossil assemblages due to their unmineralized cuticular exoskeleton. However, in exceptional circumstances, an abundance of fossil xiphosurid specimens have been documented. The Moscovian-aged Mazon Creek Konservat-Lagerstätte represents one such fossil deposit with a high abundance and diversity of xiphosurids. Although fairly well known, the Paleolimulus specimens from the Mazon Creek have not yet been subject to a thorough taxonomic examination. In the light of recent efforts to organise Paleolimulus, we revisit this undescribed material, erect Paleolimulus mazonensis n. sp., and present a phylogenetic analysis that places P. mazonensis n. sp. as a sister taxon to P. signata (Beecher, 1904). The palaeoecology and possible ontogeny of P. mazonensis n. sp. are presented, as well as a statement on the future directions for understanding this xiphosurid genus.
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The fossil record of scorpions in Australia is effectively non-existent. This lack of data is striking as there is evidence for other euchelicerates including eurypterids, spiders, and xiphosurids. Here, we describe a euarthropod from the Middle Triassic Hawkesbury Sandstone of Sydney, New South Wales, and attribute it to the Order Scorpiones. Due to lack of other diagnostic features, we are unable to assign the specimen to a higher-order classification. Nonetheless, this discovery confirms that scorpions were present in Australia since at least the mid-Triassic. Russell D. C. Bicknell* [], Palaeoscience Research Centre, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, 2351, Australia; Patrick M. Smith [], Palaeontology Department, Australian Museum Research Institute, Sydney, New South Wales, 2010, Australia, and Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, 2109, Australia.
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Horseshoe crabs are extant marine euchelicerates that have a fossil record extending well into the Palaeozoic. Extreme xiphosurid morphologies arose during this evolutionary history. These forms often reflected the occupation of freshwater or marginal conditions. This is particularly the case for Austrolimulidae—a xiphosurid family that has recently been subject to thorough taxonomic examination. Expanding the austrolimulid record, we present new material from the Olenekian-aged Petropavlovka Formation in European Russia and assign this material to Attenborolimulus superspinosus gen. et sp. nov. A geometric morphometric analysis of 23 horseshoe crab genera illustrates that the new taxon is distinct from limulid and paleolimulid morphologies, supporting the assignment within Austrolimulidae. In considering Triassic austrolimulids, we suggest that the hypertrophy or reduction in exoskeletal sections illustrate how species within the family evolved as opportunistic taxa after the end-Permian extinction.
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The fossil record, including the record of Burgess Shale-type deposits, is biased towards late ontogenetic stages. Larval stages, juvenile and subadult specimens exist but are very rare and often preserved as phosphatic fossils, resulting in biased population structures. Here, we report a new Burgess Shale-type Lagerstätte from Haiyan, China. The Haiyan palaeocommunity is extraordinary in that it is rich in fossils of early and middle ontogenetic stages of various phyla, with eggs also commonly found in the studied interval. This Lagerstätte also hosts a considerable number of new taxa—many related to later biotas of Gondwana and Laurentia. We propose that the deposit may either preserve one of the earliest nurseries in the fossil record or, alternatively, records several attempted invasions. Our study highlights the complexity of biotas and their interactions in the lower Cambrian ocean and calls for a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the observed spatial variation of fossil community composition in the Cambrian.
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The exceptionally preserved fossils entombed in the deposits of sediment-gravity flows in the Cambrian Burgess Shale of British Columbia have been fundamental for understanding the origin of major animal groups during the Cambrian explosion. More recently, they have been used to investigate the evolution of community structure; however, this assumes that the fossil assemblage represents an in-life community. Here we test this assumption for the first time based on experimental and field approaches. We use flume experiments to create analog flows and show that transport of the polychaete Alitta virens over tens of kilometers does not induce significantly more damage beyond that already experienced due to normal decay processes. Integration of experimental results with taphonomic assessment of fossils and sedimentological analysis suggests that the organisms of the Burgess Shale in the classic Walcott Quarry locality could have undergone substantial transport and may represent a conflation of more than one community.
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Xiphosurida is an ingroup of marine Euchelicerata often referred to as “living fossils”. However, this oxymoronic term is inapplicable for Paleozoic and early Mesozoic forms, as during these periods the group experienced notable evolutionary radiations; particularly the diverse late Palaeozoic clade Belinurina. Despite the iconic nature of the group, select species in this clade have been left undescribed in the light of recent geometric morphometric and phylogenetic considerations and methodologies. To this end, we re-describe Prolimulus woodwardi Fritsch, 1899 using new and type specimens to reveal more details on appendage anatomy and possible ecology. Furthermore, we present geometric morphometric and phylogenetic analyses that uncover relationships between P. woodwardi and other belinurids without genal spines. Both approaches highlight that a clade containing Prolimulus Fritsch, 1899, Liomesaspis Raymond, 1944, Alanops Racheboeuf, Vannier & Anderson, 2002 and Stilpnocephalus Selden, Simonetto & Marsiglio, 2019 may exist. While we do not erect a new group to contain these genera, we note that these genera exemplify the extreme limits of the Belinurina radiation and a peak in horseshoe crab diversity and disparity. This evidence also illustrates how changes in heterochronic timing are a key evolutionary phenomenon that can drive radiations among animals.
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Horseshoe crabs are archetypal marine chelicer-ates with an exceptionally long fossil record. Due to the historical nature of the genus Limulus, which extends back to Linnaeus' descriptions, many horseshoe crab fossils were traditionally placed in Limulus and the family Limulidae. Despite continued research into the accurate placement of species within Limulidae, a systematic outline of characteristics that define limulid genera, specifically using exclusively dorsal characteristics, does not yet exist. However, such an approach is essential as appendage data is rarely preserved in fossil horseshoe crabs. Here we present a systematic review of Limulidae with a focus on dorsal features , and illustrate all accepted limulid species across the 12 genera. Through this descriptive lens, we consider the validity of supposed Limulus species outlined in a recent xiphosurid review. We find evidence for only one fossil Limulus species: Limulus coffini. This revision therefore excludes Limulus from Jurassic-aged deposits. We refer 'Limulus' darwini from the Upper Jurassic (Upper Titho-nian) of Poland to Crenatolimulus darwini comb. nov. and 'Limulus' woodwardi from the Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) of England to Mesolimulus woodwardi comb. nov. This highlights that the Limulus evolutionary record is highly constrained and started as recently as the Late Cretaceous. The rare Limulus fossil record emphasizes the current need for conservation of extant species and the importance of thoroughly scrutinizing the morphology of fossil specimens to uncover all facets of the limited limulid evolutionary record.
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Horseshoe crabs within Austrolimulidae represent the extreme limits to which the xiphosurid Bauplan could be modified. Recent interest in this group has uncovered an unprecedented diversity of these odd-ball xiphosurids and led to suggestions that Austrolimulidae arose during the Permian Period and had become extinct by the end of the Triassic Period. Here, we extend the temporal record of Austrolimulidae by documenting a new horseshoe crab from the Lower Jurassic (Hettangian) Bayreuth Formation, Franconiolimulus pochankei gen. et sp. nov. The novel specimen displays hypertrophied genal spines, a key feature indicative of Austrolimulidae, but does not show as prominent accentuation or reduction of other exoskel-etal sections. In considering the interesting family, we explore the possible origins and explanations for the bizarre morphologies exhibited by the Austrolimulidae and present hypotheses regarding the extinction of the group. Further examination of horseshoe crab fossils with unique features will undoubtedly continue to increase the diversity and disparity of these curious xiphosurids.
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Xiphosurans are aquatic chelicerates with a fossil record extending into the Early Ordovician and known from a total of 88 described species, four of which are extant. Known for their apparent morphological conservatism, for which they have gained notoriety as supposed ‘living fossils’, recent analyses have demonstrated xiphosurans to have an ecologically diverse evolutionary history, with several groups moving into non-marine environments and developing morphologies markedly different from those of the modern species. The combination of their long evolutionary and complex ecological history along with their paradoxical patterns of morphological stasis in some clades and experimentation among others has resulted in Xiphosura being of particular interest for macroevolutionary study. Phylogenetic analyses have shown the current taxonomic framework for Xiphosura—set out in the Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology in 1955—to be outdated and in need of revision, with several common genera such as Paleolimulus Dunbar, 1923 and Limulitella Størmer, 1952 acting as wastebasket taxa. Here, an expanded xiphosuran phylogeny is presented, comprising 58 xiphosuran species as part of a 158 taxon chelicerate matrix coded for 259 characters. Analysing the matrix under both Bayesian inference and parsimony optimisation criteria retrieves a concordant tree topology that forms the basis of a genus-level systematic revision of xiphosuran taxonomy. The genera Euproops Meek, 1867, Belinurus König, 1820, Paleolimulus , Limulitella , and Limulus are demonstrated to be non-monophyletic and the previously synonymized genera Koenigiella Raymond, 1944 and Prestwichianella Cockerell, 1905 are shown to be valid. In addition, nine new genera ( Andersoniella gen. nov. , Macrobelinurus gen. nov. , and Parabelinurus gen. nov. in Belinurina; Norilimulus gen. nov. in Paleolimulidae; Batracholimulus gen. nov. and Boeotiaspis gen. nov. in Austrolimulidae; and Allolimulus gen. nov., Keuperlimulus gen. nov., and Volanalimulus gen. nov. in Limulidae) are erected to accommodate xiphosuran species not encompassed by existing genera. One new species, Volanalimulus madagascarensis gen. et sp. nov., is also described. Three putative xiphosuran genera— Elleria Raymond, 1944, Archeolimulus Chlupáč, 1963, and Drabovaspis Chlupáč, 1963—are determined to be non-xiphosuran arthropods and as such are removed from Xiphosura. The priority of Belinurus König, 1820 over Bellinurus Pictet, 1846 is also confirmed. This work is critical for facilitating the study of the xiphosuran fossil record and is the first step in resolving longstanding questions regarding the geographic distribution of the modern horseshoe crab species and whether they truly represent ‘living fossils’. Understanding the long evolutionary history of Xiphosura is vital for interpreting how the modern species may respond to environmental change and in guiding conservation efforts.