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Acute Alcohol Consumption Disrupts the Hormonal Milieu of Lactating Women


Abstract and Figures

Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support the claim that alcohol is a galactagogue, lactating women have been advised to drink alcohol as an aid to lactation for centuries. To test the hypothesis that alcohol consumption affects the hormonal response in lactating women, we conducted a within-subjects design study in which 17 women consumed a 0.4 g/kg dose of alcohol in orange juice during one test session and an equal volume of orange juice during the other. Changes in plasma prolactin, oxytocin, and cortisol levels during and after breast stimulation, lactational performance, and mood states were compared under the two experimental conditions. Oxytocin levels significantly decreased, whereas prolactin levels and measures of sedation, dysphoria, and drunkenness significantly increased, during the immediate hours after alcohol consumption. Changes in oxytocin were related to measures of lactational performance such as milk yield and ejection latencies, whereas changes in prolactin were related to self-reported measures of drunkenness. Although alcohol consumption resulted in significantly higher cortisol when compared with the control condition, cortisol levels were not significantly correlated with any of the indices of lactational performance or self-reported drug effects. Moreover, cortisol levels steadily decreased on the control day, indicating that the procedures were not stressful to the subjects. In conclusion, recommending alcohol as an aid to lactation may be counterproductive. In the short term, mothers may be more relaxed, but the hormonal milieu underlying lactational performance is disrupted, and, in turn, the infant's milk supply is diminished.
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Acute Alcohol Consumption Disrupts the Hormonal Milieu of
Lactating Women
Julie A. Mennella, M. Yanina Pepino, and Karen L. Teff
Monell Chemical Senses Center (J.A.M., M.Y.P., K.L.T.), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-3308
Department of Medicine (K.L.T.), Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19104
Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support the claim that alcohol is a galactagogue, lactating
women have been advised to drink alcohol as an aid to lactation for centuries. To test the hypothesis
that alcohol consumption affects the hormonal response in lactating women, we conducted a within-
subjects design study in which 17 women consumed a 0.4 g/kg dose of alcohol in orange juice during
one test session and an equal volume of orange juice during the other. Changes in plasma prolactin,
oxytocin, and cortisol levels during and after breast stimulation, lactational performance, and mood
states were compared under the two experimental conditions. Oxytocin levels significantly
decreased, whereas prolactin levels and measures of sedation, dysphoria, and drunkenness
significantly increased, during the immediate hours after alcohol consumption. Changes in oxytocin
were related to measures of lactational performance such as milk yield and ejection latencies, whereas
changes in prolactin were related to self-reported measures of drunkenness. Although alcohol
consumption resulted in significantly higher cortisol when compared with the control condition,
cortisol levels were not significantly correlated with any of the indices of lactational performance or
self-reported drug effects. Moreover, cortisol levels steadily decreased on the control day, indicating
that the procedures were not stressful to the subjects. In conclusion, recommending alcohol as an aid
to lactation may be counterproductive. In the short term, mothers may be more relaxed, but the
Correspondence to: Julie A. Mennella.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Julie A. Mennella, Ph.D., 3500 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
19104-3308. E-mail:
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health Grant R01AA09523, Diabetes Research Center Grant RR00040, National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Grant 19525, and the Office of Research on Womens Health.
Present address for K.L.T.: National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Disease, Bethesda, Maryland.
Addiction Research Center Inventory
area under the curve
blood alcohol concentration(s)
Pentobarbital-Chlorpromazine-Alcohol Group
JCEM is published monthly by The Endocrine Society (, the foremost professional society serving the
endocrine community.
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2006 January 25.
Published in final edited form as:
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 April ; 90(4): 1979–1985.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript
hormonal milieu underlying lactational performance is disrupted, and, in turn, the infant’s milk
supply is diminished.
THE TRADITIONAL WISDOM of many cultures relates that women can optimize the quality
and quantity of their milk to meet the needs of their infants through diet and psychological
well-being. Each culture claims some milk-producing (galactogenic) substances, and many
cultures claim alcohol to be such a substance (1). Such beliefs were so ingrained in American
tradition that, in 1895, Anheuser-Busch Company, a major U.S. brewery, produced Malt-
Nutrine, a low-alcoholic beer that was sold exclusively in drugstores and prescribed by
physicians as a tonic for pregnant and lactating women (2). Even in more modern times, a
popular book for nursing mothers hailed the virtues of alcohol as a galactagogue, claiming ". . .
this is one time in life when the therapeutic qualities of alcohol are a blessing " (3).
Such claims have not gone unchallenged. In 1987, the Journal of the American Medical
Association published a letter from a physician asking whether there was any scientific basis
for prescribing a daily beer to lactating women (4). The scientific basis, it was declared (5),
can be found in the finding that the consumption of beer, unlike other alcoholic beverages,
increases serum prolactin (5,6). There are several problems with this conclusion, however.
First, the subjects in these research studies were men and nonlactating women. No study to
date had examined the effects of alcohol consumption on the hormonal milieu of lactating
women, additionally highlighting the lack of evidence-based practice related to
recommendations regarding alcohol consumption during lactation. There has been
considerable research in animal models (for review, see Ref. 7), however. Although the vast
majority of these studies reported that ethanol administration decreased suckling-induced
prolactin, the most recent study, which extended the observation period (8), actually
demonstrated significant suckling-induced increases in prolactin after ethanol administration.
These latter findings led the authors to conclude that oxytocin, rather than prolactin, may be
the primary avenue by which alcohol induces growth retardation during lactation.
Second, the rise in prolactin levels after alcohol consumption was observed after the
consumption of different types of alcoholic beverages (9,10) and was not specific to beer
consumption, as the folklore suggested (2,4,5). Moreover, if alcohol does indeed increase
prolactin levels in maternal circulation, it is not apparent whether such increases affect
lactational performance. Although prolactin appears to be essential for the initiation of lactation
and its maintenance in the long term (11), no clear temporal correlation exists between plasma
prolactin levels and milk yield of a particular breastfeed in humans (12).
Third, it is perplexing that one would argue that alcohol enhances lactational performance when
this same drug, at similar or slightly higher doses, was used in the not-so-distant past to treat
premature labor (13,14). The efficacy of alcohol in partially blocking uterine contractions
during labor is due, in part, to its inhibition of oxytocin (14), a hormone that is also involved
in the contraction of myoepithelial cells surrounding the alveoli, which, in turn, causes the
ejection of milk from the mammary gland during lactation (15).
Fourth, research conducted during the past decade refutes the lore that alcohol is a
galactagogue. Rather, lactating mothers produced less milk without changes in the caloric
content of their milk (16), and, in turn, infants consumed less breast milk and less calories
during the immediate hours after maternal consumption of beer as well as other types of
alcoholic beverages (17,18). The fact that infants sucked more during the beginning of the
breastfeed (17) suggested that they were having difficulty in obtaining milk from the breast
because infants suck at faster rates when milk flow is lower (19).
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The present study tested the hypothesis that the alcohol-induced depression in milk production
in lactating women was due to disruptions in the hormonal milieu. Oxytocin and prolactin
responses were evaluated when lactating women consumed a moderate dose of alcohol, one
that was equivalent to one to two drinks and represents the average amount of alcohol lactating
women reported consuming during a drinking occasion (20).
Subjects and Methods
Seventeen nonsmoking, healthy lactating women (six primiparous and 11 multiparous), who
were exclusively nursing infants between the ages of 2 and 4 months, were recruited from ads
in local newspapers and newsletters. One additional woman began testing but was excluded
because of procedural difficulties. During initial screening, women were excluded if they were
lifetime alcohol abstainers, on any medication including oral contraceptives, or had resumed
menstruation, because there is some suggestion that both basal and peak prolactin levels are
lower in such women (21). All procedures were approved by the Office of Regulatory Affairs
at the University of Pennsylvania, and each subject gave informed written consent before
The women (10 Caucasian, five African American, one Asian, and one from another ethnic
group) were, on average, 31.9 ± 1.2 yr of age, with a mean body mass index of 26.4 ± 1.1 kg/
. They reported that alcohol intake was low during pregnancy (mean = 0.2 ± 0.1 standard
drinks per month) but significantly increased to, on average, 1.5 ± 0.6 drinks per month during
lactation [paired t-test (16df) = -2.14; P = 0.048]. These numbers likely underestimate alcohol
usage (22).
A within-subjects design study that controlled for time of day was employed because milk
composition and hormonal responses vary throughout the day. Using methodologies developed
for the study of neurally mediated hormonal responses in humans (23), women were tested at
the General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) at the University of Pennsylvania on 2 d
separated by 1 wk (±2 d). After abstaining from alcohol for at least 3 d, all subjects arrived at
the GCRC at 0800 h (±30 min) after an overnight fast and remained fasted during the entire
testing procedures, because prolactin levels can be potentiated by certain gastrointestinal
hormones and high blood glucose levels (24). Mothers were not allowed to watch television,
sleep, or talk, as well as read about food or infants throughout the entire testing session because
these behaviors may affect the hormones under study. Instead, they were able to read magazines
or novels or to converse on other topics. Moreover, infants were not present because the mere
sound, sight, or smell of the baby often stimulates milk let-down or leaking (25). Breast
stimulation was provided by an electric breast pump because prior work revealed that infants
sucking intensity changes when their mothers milk contains alcohol (20).
Approximately 30 min after arrival, an iv line was inserted into the antecubital vein of an arm.
Because prolactin is very stress labile and rises during the first half-hour after a needle prick
(26), subjects acclimated in a private testing room for 45 min. After acclimatization, blood
samples were obtained at fixed intervals (-40, -25, and -10 min) before drinking a 0.4 g/kg dose
of alcohol in orange juice (15% vol/vol) on one testing day (alcohol condition) and an equal
volume of orange juice on the other day (control condition). During both conditions, 3 ml of
alcohol were pipetted onto the surface of the cup to serve as a smell and flavor mask (27). The
order of testing was randomized between subjects. The beverage was aliquoted into two equal
volumes, and each aliquot was consumed within consecutive 5-min periods.
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As shown in Table 1, approximately 35 min after subjects started drinking the beverage, blood
samples were again taken every 2 min for 16 min before and during stimulation of alternating
breasts (35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, and 51 min after consumption of beverage) with an
electric breast pump (Medela, Crystal Lake, IL), and then every 15 min without breast
stimulation for the next 90 min (65, 80, 95, 110, 125, and 140 min). Each sample collection
involved the removal of 1 ml of blood to clear the catheter tubing, followed by a 5-ml collection
into Vacutainer tubes containing EDTA. Samples were kept on ice for no longer than 1 h and
were centrifuged, separated into aliquots, and stored at -70 C for later assay. The latency (in
seconds) to eject the first droplet of milk was recorded, and the total amount of milk pumped
(in milliliters) during this 16-min period was measured. Nurses were blind to the conditions
of the experiment.
Blood alcohol concentrations (BAC; g/liter) were estimated by having subjects breathe into an
Alco-Sensor III (Intoximeters, Inc., St. Louis, MO) throughout the test sessions (Table 1). The
rationale for the estimation of BAC from "breath alcohol" measurements was based in the
simplicity, accuracy, and reliability of the method, which has become a standard procedure in
alcohol pharmacokinetic studies (28,29). The Alco-Sensor III device provides readings of BAC
levels by assuming a blood to breath ratio of 2100:1. Previous research established that the
correlation between ethanol levels measured in blood samples and those measured in exhaled
alcohol concentration breath samples was better than 0.98 for both the absorption and
elimination phases (30). Subjects also completed the Addiction Research Center Inventory
(ARCI) throughout each test session to assess various measures of self-reported drug effects
(27). This questionnaire consists of a number of scales including the Morphine Benzedrine
Group scale, which measures drug-induced euphoria; the Pentobarbital-Chlorpromazine-
Alcohol Group (PCAG) scale, which measures sedation; the Lysgeric (LSD) scale, which
measures dysphoric and somatic effects; the Benzedrine Group and Amphetamine scale, which
measures stimulant-like effects; and the Drunk Scale, which measures drunkenness.
Hormone assays
Plasma samples were measured in duplicate by double-antibody RIAs for oxytocin and cortisol
and by immunoradiometric assay for prolactin. Standards were run with each assay. All
samples from a given subject from both days (alcohol and control) of testing were run within
the same assay to reduce interassay variability. Cortisol levels were monitored on the control
day to ensure that alterations in hormonal responses were not related to the stress of the
procedures (10). Intraassay variation was 2.8, 3.0, and 1.3%, and interassay variation was 1.9,
8.9, and 10.2% for oxytocin, prolactin, and cortisol, respectively. All assays were performed
by the Diabetes Research Center of the University of Pennsylvania.
Oxytocin was assayed without extraction by using a competitive RIA, with materials supplied
by Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Belmont, CA). The antiserum cross-reactivity with arginine
vasopressin, GH, α-atrial natriuretic peptide (1-28), methionine-enkephalin, GH-releasing
factor, somastatin, TRH, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and pituitary adenylate cyclase-
activating polypeptide 27-NH
is 0%. The minimal detectable concentration was 10 pg/ml (8
Prolactin was assayed by a direct, two-site immunoradiometric assay without extraction, using
materials supplied by ICN Diagnostics (Costa Mesa, CA). The antiserum cross-reactivity is
less than 0.01% for human chorionic gonadotropin, TSH, LH, and FSH. The minimal detectable
concentration was 2.5 ng/ml (108.8 pmol/liter).
Cortisol was measured without extraction by a competitive double-antibody RIA kit from ICN
Diagnostics. The antiserum cross-reacts 12.3% with 11-deoxycortisol, 5.5% with
corticosterone, and less than 2.7% with all other steroids tested.
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Data analyses
Separate repeated measures mixed ANOVA were conducted to determine whether there were
significant differences in prolactin, oxytocin, cortisol, and BAC levels, as well as various
measures of self-reported drug effects with experimental condition (alcohol and control) and
time as the within-subjects factors. When significant, post hoc Fisher least significant
difference analyses were conducted. Because there were no significant differences in the basal
values for oxytocin [F(2,32df) = 2.17; P = 0.13] and prolactin [F(2,32df) = 0.50; P = 0.61], we
calculated changes in prolactin and oxytocin from respective baseline value (mean of three
baseline samples) for each subject. There was a significant effect of time on cortisol baseline
samples [F(2,32df) = 60.77; P < 0.0001]. Therefore, the last sample (t =-10 min) was used as
the baseline value. We then determined the peak value for each hormone when compared with
baseline and calculated the area under the curve (AUC) values by using a point-to-point method
(OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA) from baseline to the end of the test session (t =
140 min). The areas for each hormone and for each subject were calculated independently.
Paired t-tests were used to compare the peak value of each hormone and the AUC between
experimental conditions, respectively. The critical value for significance was P < 0.05, and all
P values represent two-tailed tests.
Hormonal responses and lactational performance
Oxytocin. There was a significant interaction between condition and time on oxytocin levels
[F(15,240df) = 1.83; P = 0.03]. As shown in Fig. 1, oxytocin levels were significantly depressed
during and after breast stimulation on the day women consumed alcohol when compared with
the control day. Likewise, the oxytocin AUCs were, on average, 78% (±26.6) smaller during
the test session in which women consumed alcohol when compared with control [paired t(16df)
= -3.22; P = 0.005].
Although there were no significant correlations with oxytocin AUC during breast stimulation
and milk ejection latency (Table 2), there was a significant correlation between oxytocin levels
during the initial minutes of breast stimulation (t = 35-37 min) and the milk ejection latency
on the day women consumed alcohol [r(17df) = -0.48, P = 0.05; and r(17df) =-0.55, P = 0.02,
respectively]. That is, the lower the levels of oxytocin, the longer their latency to eject milk.
Peak oxytocin levels on the day women consumed alcohol did not significantly differ from
peak levels of the control day [paired t(16df) = -1.10; P = 0.29]. The individual differences in
oxytocin response to breast stimulation were preserved such that oxytocin AUCs on the control
day were significantly correlated with AUCs on the alcohol day (Table 2).
Twelve of the 17 women produced less oxytocin during breast stimulation on the alcohol day
when compared with the control day (P < 0.05). These women also had lower milk yields
during the 16 min of pumping when compared with the remaining women [F(1,15df) = 9.35;
P = 0.008]. They produced, on average, 13 ± 7% less milk during these 16 min of pumping
(control vs. alcohol, 131 ± 10 vs. 113 ± 11 ml). There were no significant relationships between
the oxytocin AUCs or oxytocin levels on either the control or alcohol day and any of the self-
reported measured indices of drug effects (all P values >0.10).
Prolactin. There was a significant interaction between condition and time on prolactin plasma
levels [F(15,240df) = 3.31; P < 0.001]. As shown in Fig. 1, in contrast to that observed for
oxytocin, alcohol significantly magnified the prolactin response both during and after breast
stimulation, and peak prolactin levels were significantly higher on the day women consumed
alcohol when compared with the control day [paired t(16df) = 2.52; P = 0.02]. The AUCs
significantly increased, on average, by 336% (±222) during the alcohol session [paired t(16df)
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= 3.52; P = 0.003]. This enhanced response was observed in 76% of the women tested (P =
Although there were no significant relationships on the control day between prolactin levels
and milk ejection latency or amount of milk expressed (all P values > 0.10), prolactin AUCs
during breast stimulation were significantly correlated with milk ejection latencies on the day
women consumed alcohol (Table 2). The higher the prolactin levels, the longer the milk ejection
latency. However, unlike oxytocin, there was no significant correlation between prolactin
AUCs during breast stimulation on the control day and prolactin AUCs on the alcohol day
(Table 2). Ratings of drunkenness, as measured by the ARCI, were also significantly correlated
with relative increases in prolactin levels when BAC levels were peaking [t = 65 min; r(17df)
= 0.60; P = 0.01].
Cortisol. Although the repeated measure mixed ANOVA analysis revealed only a tendency
for an interaction effect between condition and time for cortisol levels [F(15,240df) = 1.63;
P = 0.07], there were significant effects of condition [F(1,16df) = 5.91; P = 0.03] and time [F
(15,240df) = 4.39; P < 0.001] on cortisol levels. As shown in Fig. 1, alcohol consumption
resulted in significantly higher cortisol when compared with the control condition. Likewise,
peak cortisol levels were significantly higher on the day women consumed alcohol [paired t
(16df) = 2.17; P = 0.05]. However, there was no significant difference in cortisol AUCs between
the two conditions [paired t(16df) = 0.94; P = 0.36]. Cortisol AUCs were not significantly
correlated with prolactin [control day: r(17df) = 0.29, P = 0.26; alcohol day: r(17df) = -0.05,
P = 0.84] or oxytocin AUCs [control day: r(17df) = 0.41, P = 0.10; alcohol day: r(17df) = -0.10,
P = 0.72]. Neither the cortisol AUCs nor cortisol levels on either the control or alcohol day
significantly correlated with any of the indices of lactational performance (i.e. milk ejection
latency, amount of milk expressed) or self-reported drug effects (all P values > 0.10). Figure
1 also shows that cortisol levels steadily decreased on the control day, thus suggesting that the
procedures were not stressful to the subjects.
Ethanol pharmacokinetics and self-reported drug effects
BAC peaked approximately 43-51 min after alcohol consumption and decreased thereafter. As
shown in Fig. 2, feelings of sedation [F(1,16df) = 39.19; P < 0.0001], dysphoria [F(1,16df) =
10.94; P < 0.005], and drunkenness [F(1,16df) = 37.95; P < 0.0001] significantly increased
during the testing session in which women consumed the alcoholic beverage. These changes
in self-reported drug effects paralleled the changing blood alcohol levels.
Moderate alcohol consumption disrupted the two key hormones underlying lactational
performance. During the immediate hours after alcohol consumption, oxytocin levels
significantly decreased, whereas prolactin levels significantly increased both during and after
breast stimulation. The magnitude and persistence of the hormonal response in lactating women
is more robust when compared with men and nonlactating women (5,6,9,10), further
highlighting the dynamics of the system under study. The diminished oxytocin response was
significantly related to decreases in milk yield and milk ejection. These latter findings suggest
that such changes in hormonal responses mediate the diminished milk production by lactating
women (16) and disruption in their infants suckling behaviors and milk intake observed in
prior research (17,18,31), and further dispute the lore that alcohol is a galactagogue.
In contrast to the response observed for oxytocin, prolactin levels significantly increased after
alcohol consumption both during and after periods of breast stimulation. The alcohol-induced
increases in prolactin were related to self-reported perceptions of drunkenness. Women also
reported increased feelings of sedation and dysphoria during the immediate hours after alcohol
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consumption. Because sleep deprivation increases feelings of sedation and dysphoria (32), we
hypothesize that sleep deprivation, which is common among mothers of young infants,
contributed to the increased feelings of sedation and dysphoria observed on the day lactating
women consumed alcohol, as discussed herein. Although prolactin levels during breast
stimulation were related to milk ejection latency on the day women consumed alcohol, it should
be emphasized that no relationships were observed between prolactin levels or AUCs and the
amount of milk produced on either test day. This is consistent with prior research revealing
that although prolactin appears to be essential for the initiation of lactation and its maintenance
in the long term (11), no clear temporal correlation exists between plasma prolactin levels and
milk yield of a particular breastfeed in humans (12). It remains to be determined whether the
relationship between alcohol-induced changes in prolactin and milk ejection latency was a
spurious correlation and secondary to the effect of alcohol on other mediating factors
underlying ejection.
Cortisol levels were also increased during the test session in which women consumed the
alcoholic beverage, a finding that is consistent with research from animal models (33) and
some human studies (34). However, such changes in cortisol were not related to changes in
oxytocin or prolactin, measures of lactational performance, or mood states.
The production, secretion, and ejection of milk are the result of highly synchronized endocrine
and neuroendocrine processes, which are governed, in part, by the frequency and intensity of
the infants sucking. Breast stimulation resulted in transient release of both oxytocin and
prolactin to levels previously observed by other researchers (35). Although these two key
hormones usually behave in tandem under normal conditions, alcohol consumption resulted
in differential and divergent responses. We hypothesize that alcohol acts at the central nervous
system level through a general depression or by inhibiting synaptic transmission of afferent
impulses to the hypothalamus. Such depression or inhibition would decrease oxytocin levels
(36), but, because projections from the hypothalamus exert an inhibitory control of prolactin,
prolactin levels would increase (37). Whether the enhanced prolactin response is also due to
alcohols simulation of extrapituitary tissues such as the mammary glands (38), which are
capable of producing prolactin, is not yet known. Animal studies suggest that alcohol, directly
or indirectly via estrogens, may elevate prolactin by stimulating activity of lactotropes in the
adenohypophysis (38).
Recent studies indicate that one fourth of the women surveyed reported that they were
encouraged by health professionals to drink once they began lactating (1,39). Advice ranged
from the recommendation that drinking alcohol shortly before nursing will facilitate let-down
and milk production to the belief that by drinking such milk, the infant will relax, become less
"colicky," and obtain warmth. Some health professionals promote moderate drinking (1,39),
whereas others caution that extremely high doses (1.0 g/kg) inhibit the milk ejection reflex
(40). The present findings, which employed more sensitive measures and controls than research
conducted in the 1960-1970s (15), revealed that lower doses of alcohol have similar effects on
hormonal milieu and lactational performance.
Several explanations, not mutually exclusive, may shed light on why the folklore that alcohol
consumption enhances lactational performance has persisted for centuries. First, because
difficulties with lactational performance are often attributed to stress, alcohol is then prescribed
as an aid to lactation because of its anxiolytic and sedative properties. The present study
revealed that relatively low BACs produce slight, but significant, alterations in feelings of
drunkenness, dysphoria, and sedation. However, paralleling these mood changes are
disruptions in the hormonal milieu that may impair lactational performance. Second, the
lactating mother does not have an immediate means of assessing milk yield or intake. Although
breast-fed infants consumed, on average, 20% less milk after mothers consumption of the
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alcohol (17,31), mothers were apparently unaware of this difference (31). Because milk intake
and the rate of synthesis of human milk vary from feed to feed, a difference of this magnitude
may be difficult for women to perceive, thus making them particularly vulnerable to such
folklore. Third, mothers may be noticing changes in their infants behaviors that occur several
hours after and as a consequence of drinking (41). Fourth, because prolactin levels are
correlated with the lactating mothers perception of the fullness in the breasts (12), alcohol-
induced increases in prolactin may lead mothers to feel that they have more milk, despite the
alcohol-induced decreases in milk yield (31). Such perceptions may explain why the folklore
that alcohol consumption enhances lactational performance has persisted for centuries.
In conclusion, whereas folklore has perpetuated the belief that alcohol is an aid to lactation and
lactating women have sometimes been encouraged to drink low or moderate doses of alcohol
as a way to increase milk production (1,39), the research discussed herein indicates that alcohol
consumption disrupts the two key hormones involved in lactation in the short term; prolactin
levels are enhanced, but oxytocin levels are attenuated during breast stimulation. The long-
term consequences of such disruptions on lactational performance and womens health (42,
43), in general, remain unknown.
We acknowledge the expert technical assistance of Ms. A. Lorraine Norfleet, M.H.A., B.S.N., B.S., R.N.; the nurses
of the General Research Center at The University of Pennsylvania; and Dr. Heather Collins at the Diabetes Research
Center, University of Pennsylvania.
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Fig. 1.
Mean (±SEM) plasma oxytocin levels (pg/ml; A), prolactin (ng/ml; B), and cortisol (μg/dl; C) in
17 lactating women at baseline and at varying times after the consumption of a 0.4-g/kg dose
of alcohol in orange juice on one test day (•) and orange juice alone on the other (). Women
received breast stimulation with a breast pump (hatched bars) 35-51 min after the consumption
of the beverage (time point = 0 min). The inset in each panel depicts mean (±SEM) AUC on
alcohol () and control () days.
, Values that were significantly different from control session
(AUC data) or significantly different from similar time points during the control (plasma levels;
P < 0.05). †, Values within each test session that were significantly different from their
respective baseline values (P < 0.05). Conversions are as follows: oxytocin in picograms per
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milliliter × 0.80 = oxytocin in picomoles per liter; prolactin in nanograms per milliliter × 43.5
= prolactin in picomoles per liter; and cortisol in micrograms per deciliter × 27.6 = cortisol in
nanomoles per liter.
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Fig. 2.
Mean (±SEM) estimated BAC (•) and raw scores of the ARCI to assess various measures of self-
reported drug effects. The PCAG (), the LSD (), and the Drunk Scale () at baseline and
at various time points after the consumption of a 0.4-g/kg dose of alcohol in 17 lactating women.
The PCAG-ARCI scale provides a measure of sedation; the LSD-ARCI scale reflects dysphoria
and somatic effects; and the Dr-ARCI scale reflects levels of drunkenness. To convert values
for BAC to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.217.
, Values that are significantly different
from their respective baseline values (P < 0.05).
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Schedule of events
Breast pump
Time (min) 85 40 25 10 0 10 25 35–51 65 80 95 110 125 140
Blood sampling X X X XXXXXXXXX X X X X X X
ARCI mood ratings X X X X
Each subject was tested on 2 d separated by 1 wk. On both test days, subjects consumed a beverage (BVG) at time 0. On one test day, the BVG was a 0.4-
g/kg dose of alcohol in orange juice (alcoholic BVG), whereas on the other test day the BVG was an equal volume of orange juice (control BVG).
Approximately 35 min after drinking the BVG, the women pumped their breasts with an electric breast pump for 16 min (breast stimulation). The symbol
X denotes occurrence of blood sampling, determination of BAC, and completion of ARCI questionnaires to evaluate various mood states before and after
the consumption of the BVG.
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Mennella et al. Page 15
Correlations among and between oxytocin and prolactin AUCs during breast stimulation and lactational
performance on the control day when lactating women consumed a nonalcoholic beverage and the alcohol day
when they comsumed a 0.4-g/kg dose of alcohol
Control day Alcohol day
AUC Prolactin
Milk production (ml) AUC oxytocin AUC prolactin
Milk production (ml)
Control day
AUC oxytocin 0.01 0.12 0.12 0.80 0.02 0.23 0.07
P = 0.96 P = 0.63 P = 0.65 P < 0.01 P = 0.93 P = 0.38 P = 0.78
AUC prolactin 0.17 0.11 0.19 0.28 0.14 0.11
P = 0.52 P = 0.67 P = 0.46 P = 0.28 P = 0.58 P = 0.69
Milk ejection
latency (sec)
0.08 0.11 0.11 0.42 0.13
P = 0.75 P = 0.67 P = 0.66 P = 0.91 P = 0.61
Milk production (ml) 0.21 0.12 0.14 0.72
P = 0.41 P = 0.65 P = 0.59 P < 0.01
Alcohol day
AUC oxytocin 0.06 0.05 0.23
P = 0.81 P = 0.86 P = 0.38
AUC prolactin 0.49 0.22
P =
P = 0.40
Milk ejection
latency (sec)
P = 0.21
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2006 January 25.
... In particular, when alcohol is consumed in large quantities, it may cause drowsiness, sleep disturbances, irritability, weakness and abnormal weight gain in the newborn/infant, and there is a possibility of reduced maternal milk ejection reflex. In addition, alcohol consumption disrupts the hormonal profile responsible for milk production and consequently reduces the supply of breast milk to the neonate/infant [2,6]. To make more definite conclusions, however, more surveys are needed as research data are scarce. ...
... It is important to note that this finding does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship and alcohol consumption may be associated with individual factors that may influence breastfeeding duration and discontinuation, such as psychological factors or even dietary habits. However, studies indicate that alcohol consumption disrupts the hormonal balance responsible for milk production and consequently reduces the supply of breast milk to the newborn/infant [2,6]. ...
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Aim: The aim of the present study is to assess the impact of perinatal maternal alcohol intake on lactation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: This is a prospective, descriptive cohort study conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece. Women were recruited from five tertiary maternity hospitals during January-December 2020. A total of 847 mothers participated and data were collected during their hospitalization in the maternity hospital using a structured questionnaire. Follow-up included an interview via telephone, at 1, 3 and 6 months postpartum. Results: We report significantly lower alcohol intake during the antenatal period (3.4%), lactation period (3.1%) and after cessation of breastfeeding (5.1%) in comparison with the pre-pregnancy period (22.4%, p<0.001 for all correlations). Rates of alcohol intake during pregnancy, lactation and after breastfeeding discontinuation had no significant difference (p=0.848). Mothers who consumed more alcohol after discontinuation of breastfeeding (AOR = 11.51; 95% CI: 2.80 ─ 47.32, p<0.001) were significantly more likely to cease breastfeeding. Furthermore, lower weekly alcohol intake after breastfeeding cessation (β= -31.81, SE: 6.47, p<0.001) was associated with longer breastfeeding duration. Conclusions: Perinatal maternal alcohol intake was reduced in comparison to the pre-pregnancy period. This downward trend, compared to Greek studies carried out before the COVID-19 pandemic, indicates that this unprecedented pandemic might have contributed to the reduction of addictive substance use, possibly due to fear of illness during the vulnerable perinatal period. The involvement of spouses/partners and families in alcohol rehabilitation and abstinence programs would possibly increase the effectiveness of these programs and therefore improve overall public health.
... To put this in perspective, for a scaling of 0.5 g of alcohol by kg of FFM (the dose used in all our studies in the bariatric population), a 10% overestimation of FFM would result in an additional ~3 ml of alcohol in the beverage. This amount of extra alcohol can be considered trivial because typically this same amount of alcohol is added onto the surface of cups to serve as a smell and flavor mask in studies that include a placebo control beverage (Acevedo et al., 2020;Mennella et al., 2005). ...
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Background Understanding how blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) achieved after drinking are determined is critical to predicting alcohol exposure to the brain and other organs and alcohol's effects. However, predicting end‐organ exposures is challenging, as there is wide variation in BAC achieved after drinking a specified volume of alcohol. This variation is partly due to differences in body composition and alcohol elimination rates (AER), but there are limited data on how obesity affects AER. Here, we assess associations between obesity, fat‐free mass (FFM), and AER in women and examine whether bariatric surgeries, which are linked to an increased risk of alcohol misuse, affect these associations. Methods We analyzed data from three studies that used similar intravenous alcohol clamping procedures to estimate AER in 143 women (21 to 64 years old) with a wide range of body mass index (BMI; 18.5 to 48.4 kg/m²). Body composition was measured in a subgroup using dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (n = 42) or Bioimpedance (n = 60), and 19 of the women underwent bariatric surgery 2.1 ± 0.3 years before participation. We analyzed data using multiple linear regression analyses. Results Obesity and older age were associated with a faster AER (BMI: rs = 0.70 and age: rs = 0.61, both p < 0.001). Compared to women with normal weight, AER was 52% faster (95% Confidence Interval: 42% to 61%) in women with obesity. However, BMI lost predictive value when adding fat‐free mass (FFM) to the regression model. Age, FFM, and its interaction explained 72% of individual variance in AER (F (4, 97) = 64.3, p < 0.001). AER was faster in women with higher FFM, particularly women in the top tertile of age. After controlling for FFM and age, bariatric surgery was not associated with differences in AER (p = 0.74). Conclusions Obesity is associated with a faster AER, but this association is mediated by an obesity‐related increase in FFM, particularly in older women. Previous findings of a reduced alcohol clearance following bariatric surgery compared with prior to surgery are likely explained by a reduction in FFM post‐surgery.
... Indeed, clinical evidence has shown that the use of alcohol impacts the NP systems both at the central and peripheral nervous system. For instance, chronic alcohol exposure produces dysregulation of plasmatic OT levels in men, whereas acute alcohol exposure induces a decrease in plasmatic OT levels in women [87,88]. Moreover, prolonged alcohol consumption induces a decrease in AVP immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus in rats and humans [89,90]. ...
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Oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) are hypothalamic neuropeptides classically associated with their regulatory role in reproduction, water homeostasis, and social behaviors. Interestingly, this role has expanded in recent years and has positioned these neuropeptides as therapeutic targets for various neuropsychiatric diseases such as autism, addiction, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders. Due to the chemical-physical characteristics of these neuropeptides including short half-life, poor blood-brain barrier penetration, promiscuity for AVP and OT receptors (AVP-R, OT-R), novel ligands have been developed in recent decades. This review summarizes the role of OT and AVP in neuropsychiatric conditions, as well as the findings of different OT-R and AVP-R agonists and antagonists, used both at the preclinical and clinical level. Furthermore, we discuss their possible therapeutic potential for central nervous system (CNS) disorders.
... Alcohol exposure exclusively during breastfeeding is much less studied than during pregnancy. In humans, the ingestion of alcohol during breastfeeding reduces milk ejection and yield by inhibiting oxytocin release in a dose-dependent manner (Haastrup et al., 2014;Mennella, 1998;Mennella et al., 2005) which could be related to a reduced milk intake by infants (Mennella, 2001). The long-term effects in infants are still unknown, in addition to some reported epidemiological cases. ...
The breastfeeding period is one of the most important critical windows in our development, since milk, our first food after birth, contains several compounds, such as macronutrients, micronutrients, antibodies, growth factors and hormones that benefit human health. Indeed, nutritional, and environmental alterations during lactation, change the composition of breast milk and induce alterations in the child's development, such as obesity, leading to the metabolic dysfunctions, cardiovascular diseases and neurobehavioral disorders. This review is based on experimental animal models, most of them in rodents, and summarizes the impact of an adequate breast milk supply in view of the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) concept, which has been proposed by researchers in the areas of epidemiology and basic science from around the world. Here, experimental advances in understanding the programming during breastfeeding were compiled with the purpose of generating knowledge about the genesis of chronic noncommunicable diseases and to guide the development of public policies to deal with and prevent the problems arising from this phenomenon. This review article is part of the special issue on “Cross talk between periphery and brain”.
... BrAC, breath alcohol concentration; infusion, continuous infusion of ghrelin or placebo; IV, intravenous; IV-A, IV alcohol clamp; IV-ASA, IV alcohol self-administration; LD, loading dose [Color figure can be viewed at] dependence, we reported that IV ghrelin per se (i.e., in the absence of alcohol co-administration) led to an increase in cortisol levels, an observation that supports the role of ghrelin in HPA axis activity in individuals with AUD (Haass-Koffler et al., 2019). Blunted cortisol responses to alcohol have been reported in heavy drinking individuals in comparison with light drinking individuals, where acute alcohol exposure increased cortisol levels (Adinoff et al., 2003;Blaine et al., 2019;Blaine & Sinha, 2017;King et al., 2002King et al., , 2011Mennella et al., 2005;Roche et al., 2014;Zhang et al., 2020). Consistent with these studies, we did not observe an increase in cortisol levels after alcohol administration in either of the experiments under the placebo condition. ...
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Background Ghrelin may influence several alcohol‐related behaviors in animals and humans by modulating central and/or peripheral biological pathways. The aim of this exploratory analysis was to investigate associations between ghrelin administration and the human circulating metabolome during alcohol exposure in nontreatment seeking, heavy drinking individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Methods We used serum samples from a randomized, crossover, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled human laboratory study with intravenous (IV) ghrelin or placebo infusion in two experiments. During each session, participants received a loading dose (3 µg/kg) followed by continuous infusion (16.9 ng/kg/min) of acyl ghrelin or placebo. The first experiment included an IV alcohol self‐administration (IV‐ASA) session and the second experiment included an IV alcohol clamp (IV‐AC) session, both with the counterbalanced infusion of ghrelin or placebo. Serum metabolite profiles were analyzed from repeated blood samples collected during each session. Results In both experiments, ghrelin infusion was associated with an altered serum metabolite profile, including significantly increased levels of cortisol (IV‐ASA q‐value = 0.0003 and IV‐AC q < 0.0001), corticosterone (IV‐ASA q = 0.0202 and IV‐AC q < 0.0001), and glycochenodeoxycholic acid (IV‐ASA q = 0.0375 and IV‐AC q = 0.0013). In the IV‐ASA experiment, ghrelin infusion increased levels of cortisone (q = 0.0352) and fatty acids 18:1 (q = 0.0406) and 18:3 (q = 0.0320). Moreover, in the IV‐AC experiment, ghrelin infusion significantly increased levels of glycocholic acid (q < 0.0001) and phenylalanine (q = 0.0458). Conclusion IV ghrelin infusion, combined with IV alcohol administration, was associated with increases in the circulating metabolite levels of corticosteroids and glycine‐conjugated bile acids, among other changes. Further research is needed to understand the role that metabolomic changes play in the complex interaction between ghrelin and alcohol.
Infants drive many lactation processes and contribute to the changing composition of human milk through multiple mechanisms. This review addresses the major topics of milk removal; chemosensory ecology for the parent-infant dyad; the infant's inputs into the composition of the human milk microbiome; and the impact of disruptions in gestation on the ecology of fetal and infant phenotypes, milk composition, and lactation. Milk removal, which is essential for adequate infant intake and continued milk synthesis through multiple hormonal and autocrine/paracrine mechanisms, should be effective, efficient, and comfortable for both the lactating parent and the infant. All 3 components should be included in the evaluation of milk removal. Breastmilk "bridges" flavor experiences in utero with postweaning foods, and the flavors become familiar and preferred. Infants can detect flavor changes in human milk resulting from parental lifestyle choices, including recreational drug use, and early experiences with the sensory properties of these recreational drugs impact subsequent behavioral responses. Interactions between the infant's own developing microbiome, that of the milk, and the multiple environmental factors that are drivers-both modifiable and nonmodifiable-in the microbial ecology of human milk are explored. Disruptions in gestation, especially preterm birth and fetal growth restriction or excess, impact the milk composition and lactation processes such as the timing of secretory activation, adequacy of milk volume and milk removal, and duration of lactation. Research gaps are identified in each of these areas. To assure a sustained and robust breastfeeding ecology, these myriad infant inputs must be systematically considered.
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A Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal (SAF) corresponde a um conjunto de sinais e sintomas presentes no concepto devido a ingestão excessiva de álcool durante a gestação. Suas manifestações consistem desde abortos espontâneos, malformações generalizadas, retardo mental e transtornos a interferências comportamentais. Devido ao escasso número de registros, este estudo objetivou clarear as características e diagnóstico da SAF, estabelecendo pormenorizadamente sua influência na vida da mulher atual. A metodologia aplicada foi de revisão da literatura através de livros, revistas específicas e bases eletrônicas Medline, LILACS, SciELO. Concluiu-se que a SAF é um problema de saúde pública, onde a mulher grávida deve ter consciência das consequências do abuso de álcool, evitando subdiagnóstico e incidência. É fundamental o desenvolvimento de programas específicos de alerta dos riscos, seja na gestação, seja na amamentação, frisando que a abstinência alcoólica é crucial para prevenção e eliminação de quaisquer danos ao feto exposto, independente da gesta anterior. Palavras-chave: Alcoolismo. Consequências da SAF. Diagnóstico da SAF. Gestante. Síndrome alcoólica fetal.
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Objetivo Examinar la ocurrencia del consumo de alcohol en mujeres embarazadas o en periodo de lactancia de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina) y los factores de riesgo/ protección que explican ese consumo. Metodología Participaron 475 mujeres (202 embarazadas y 273 lactantes) entre 18-47 años que completaron una encuesta en línea, que indagó sobre su consumo de alcohol y una serie de factores de riesgo y protección para el consumo de alcohol. Resultados El 93,1% y 68,1% de las mujeres embarazadas y lactantes indicaron que no consumían alcohol en su condición. Se observó un perfil más riesgoso en mujeres lactantes. En embarazadas, solo la percepción de riesgo permitió explicar su consumo. En lactantes, la percepción de riesgo, el consumo de convivientes, la indicación de no beber en su condición por parte de familiares/amistades y la aprobación del consumo de alcohol en otras mujeres lactantes permitieron explicar su consumo. Discusión Estos resultados ponen en evidencia la necesidad de brindar información clara y precisa sobre los riesgos asociados al consumo de alcohol durante el embarazo y, especialmente, la lactancia y la necesidad de incorporar cuatro actores sociales en las campañas preventivas: los profesionales de la salud, los/las convivientes, la familia y las amistades de la mujer gestante/lactante.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of maternal ethanol consumption during gestation and lactation on bone mass and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells of the bone marrow (BMMSCs) in rats. Thirteen adult Wistar rats were used. The rats were mated, and after confirmation of gestation, (day 0) they were distributed in two groups: the control group and the ethanol-treated group. From the ninth day of gestation, the rats of the ethanol and control groups were administered 40% alcoholic solution (4 g ethanol/kg) and distilled water, respectively, daily via gavage until the thirtieth day of lactation. The BMMSCs were extracted from the right femurs and tibiae and cultured using an osteogenic medium for 7, 14, and 21 days. The conversion of MTT to formazan crystals, alkaline phosphatase activity, and percentages of cells per field were analyzed. The number of mineralized nodules per field was examined, and quantification of the gene transcripts for osteopontin, osteocalcin, and BMP-2 was evaluated on day 21 by real-time RT-PCR. Morphometric evaluations of the percentage of trabecular bone and cortical thickness in the left femur and tibia were performed. The means were compared by the Student’s t-test, and the differences were considered significant if p < 0.05. The BMMSCs of the rats that consumed ethanol during gestation and lactation, when subjected to osteogenic differentiation in vitro, demonstrated higher conversion of MTT to formazan, higher alkaline phosphatase activity, a higher percentage of cells per field, higher expression of BMP-2, and higher synthesis of mineralized nodules when compared to those of control rat cells. However, there was no significant difference in the percentage of trabecular bone or cortical thickness between both groups. Hence, the consumption of ethanol during pregnancy and lactation did not alter the trabecular and cortical bone tissues of the femur and tibia compared with that of pregnant and lactating control rats that did not consume alcohol, despite BMMSCs showing higher osteogenic differentiation under in vitro conditions.
The initial enthusiasm towards oxytocin (OXT) as a potential treatment for alcohol use disorder has been recently tempered by recognizing existing gaps in literature and the recent appearance of a relatively small number of clinical studies with negative outcomes. On the other hand, several new studies continue to support the OXT system’s potential for such treatment. In this review, we thoroughly analyze existing literature assessing both alcohol’s effects on the OXT system and OXT’s effects on alcohol-related behaviors. Both rodent and clinical research is discussed. We identify areas that have been studied extensively and those that have been undeservingly understudied. OXT’s potential effects on tolerance, withdrawal, craving, anxiety and social behaviors, and how these processes ultimately affect alcohol consumption, are critically explored. We conclude that while OXT can affect alcohol consumption in males and females, more comprehensive studies on OXT’s effects on alcohol-related tolerance, withdrawal, craving, anxiety and social affiliations in subjects of both sexes and across several levels of analyses are needed.
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The amount of alcohol ingested by a breast-fed infant is only a small fraction of that consumed by its mother, but even this small amount may have an effect on the infant. We investigated whether the ingestion of alcohol by a lactating woman altered the odor of her milk and whether exposure to a small amount of alcohol in the mother's milk had immediate effects on the behavior of the infant. Twelve lactating women and their infants were tested on two days separated by an interval of one week. On each testing day, the mother expressed a small quantity of breast milk and then drank either orange juice or orange juice containing a small quantity of ethanol (0.3 g per kilogram of body weight). Additional milk samples were obtained at fixed intervals after the ingestion of the beverage and analyzed to determine their ethanol content. The samples were also evaluated by a panel of adults to determine whether any difference in the odor of the milk was detectable after alcohol ingestion. The infants were weighed before and after nursing to assess the amount of milk they ingested, and their behavior during breast-feeding was monitored by videotape. Short-term alcohol consumption by lactating women significantly and uniformly increased the perceived intensity of the odor of their milk as assessed by the panel; this increase in the intensity of the odor peaked 30 minutes to 1 hour after the alcohol was consumed and decreased thereafter. The alteration in the odor of the milk closely paralleled the changes in the concentration of ethanol in the milk (mean range, 0 to 6.9 mmol per liter [0 to 32 mg per deciliter]). The infants sucked more frequently during the first minute of feedings after their mothers had consumed alcohol (67.0 +/- 6.5 sucks, as compared with 58.4 +/- 5.9 sucks for feedings after the consumption of the nonalcoholic beverage; P less than 0.05), but they consumed significantly less milk (120.4 +/- 9.5 ml vs. 156.4 +/- 8.2 ml, P less than 0.001) during the testing sessions in which their mothers drank the alcoholic beverage. Although the mechanisms underlying this reduction in milk intake remain to be elucidated, this study shows that short-term alcohol consumption by nursing mothers has an immediate effect on the sensory characteristics (odor) of their milk and the feeding behavior of their infants.
There is a growing recognition of the importance of cultural differences, as well as commonalities, in the use of alcohol for medicinal purposes. Of particular interest is its use by women during lactation since alcohol was, and continues to be, believed by many to possess galactogenic (milk-producing) properties. Although some physicians during the 19th century counseled lactating women to abstain from alcohol because it was believed that the most frequent source of acquired alcoholism was exposure to alcohol in mother’s milk, others argued that drinking spirits could enhance a woman’s appetite and stimulate milk production which, in turn, would strengthen the breastfed infant. This latter folklore was so well ingrained in American tradition that, back in 1895, a major U.S. brewery produced a low-alcoholic beer known as Malt-Nutrine™ that was sold exclusively in drugstores and prescribed by physicians as a tonic for pregnant and lactating women as well as a nutritional beverage for children.7 Its production was halted during the Prohibition because it contained more than 0.5% alcohol.
An oral loading dose was combined with intravenous infusion of 6% alcohol at rates adjusted on-line to close the gap between measurements of breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) and a target of 50 mg%. The goal was to minimize the deviation from a prescribed course of BrAC over time. In a pilot study of 10 young men, subjects underwent three experimental sessions: twice at 50 mg% and once in a 0 mg% control condition. The pilot study assessed the performance of the BrAC clamp, its potential utility in studies of acute tolerance to alcohol, and the retest reliability of directly measuring the alcohol elimination rate (AER) calculated from the steady-state infusion rate. Reduced variance was demonstrated in 4 of 5 experimental parameters, compared with results of an earlier approach using a split-dose oral administration procedure. Subjects' perceptions about alcohol effects were measured in one BrAC clamping session, using Schuckit's Subjective High Assessment Scale: 3 of 15 Schuckit's items demonstrated statistically significant indices of acute tolerance to alcohol. Within-subject AERs calculated in the steady-state had a coefficient of variation of 6.5%. Details of the BrAC clamping procedure are provided. The pilot study demonstrated the ability to prescribe experimental parameters of the brain's exposure to alcohol while preserving experimental flexibility in studies of acute tolerance to alcohol and AER.
A randomized controlled study was carried out at three medical centers to compare the efficacy and side effects of ethanol and ritodrine in the treatment of threatened premature labor. One hundred and thirty-five patients judged to be between the twentieth and thirty-sixth week of gestation and presenting with clinical symptoms of premature labor were included. Sixty-seven patients were treated with intravenous infusion of 10 per cent ethanol. Sixty-eight patients were treated with intravenous infusion of ritodrine for 12 hours followed by oral ritodrine. If labor recurred prematurely, up to two additional courses of ethanol or ritodrine were given. Delivery was postponed for more than 72 hours in 49 of 67 patients (73 per cent) with ethanol and in 61 of 68 patients (90 per cent) with ritodrine; this difference was significant. Patients in the ethanol group gained a mean of 27.6 days while patients in the ritodrine group gained a mean of 44.0 days. Fifty-four per cent of the ethanol group and 72 per cent of the ritodrine group carried their infants to 36 weeks of gestation. Five infants in the ethanol group and one infant in the ritodrine group died from respiratory distress syndrome. The most frequent side effect of ethanol were nausea and vomiting. The most frequent side effects of ritodrine were tachycardia and blood pressure changes which were easily controlled by lowering the infusion rate. Ethanol and ritodrine were both found to be effective inhibitors of premature labor with ritodrine giving the most favorable results.
The effect of moderate ethanol doses (0.5 and 1 g/kg body weight) on serum prolactin (PRL), cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations was measured in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Eight healthy male volunteers participated. Blood was with drawn twice before, and 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min after oral ethanol intake. The higher ethanol dose, but not the lower dose, significantly increased PRL concentrations. Concentrations of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine were not changed by either dose. Thus, the effect of ethanol on PRL appears to be dose-dependent and not stress-related.
The existence and reliability of cephalic phase insulin release (CPIR) were tested in 20 normal weight males. Each subject was challenged three times with the same food stimulus over a 5-day period. Four baseline blood samples were taken at 5-min intervals before food ingestion and then every 2 min for 16 min postingestion. Significant increases in plasma insulin were found at 4 min postingestion on each trial day. CPIR was found to be highly reproducible between trials (r = 0.83; P less than 0.001). Fifty percent of the subjects exhibited a significant increase of plasma insulin above their own baseline mean on the first trial, whereas 75 and 72% exhibited increases on trials 2 and 3, respectively. Only two subjects (10%) did not demonstrate a response on any trial. A significant decline in plasma glucose was observed at 4 min postingestion on trials 2 and 3. No significant changes in plasma glucagon were found during any trial day. This study confirms a reliable CPIR in normal weight males.