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Analyzing information systems development: A comparison and analysis of eight IS development approaches


Abstract and Figures

This paper analyses two fundamental assumptions associated with the analysis and design of information systems:: (1) the assumed organizational role of information systems, and (2) the view of information requirements. In the case of the first assumption, it distinguishes three alternatives: a technical view, a sociotechnical view, and a social view. In the case of the second assumption, again three alternatives are explored: an objective view, a subjective view, and an intersubjective view. The paper points out the importance of these assumptions from the viewpoint of IS development through the analysis of eight IS development approaches: Information Modelling, Decision Support Systems, the Socio-Technical Approach, the Infological Approach, the Interactionist approach, the Speech Act-based approach, Soft Systems Methodology and the Scandinavian Trade Unionist approach. The first four are established traditions and the last four, newer and more emerging as IS development approaches. The analysis shows that the first two established traditions have a technical-mechanistic view of the organizational role of information systems, the view of the socio-technical tradition being socio-technical and the infological approach reflecting all three views. Most of the emerging approaches emphasize the social nature of information systems. In the case of information requirements, the differences between the established and emerging approaches are not as striking. While the objective and subjective views dominate the established traditions, only the Speech Act-based approach and Soft Systems Methodology among the emerging approaches seem to emphasize the intersubjective nature of information requirements.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Pergamon Information S.vstems Vol. 21, No. 7. pp. 551-575, 1996
Copyright Q 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
PII: SO306-4379(96)00028-2 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0306-4379!96 $15.00 + 0.00
‘Department of Information Processing Science, University of Oulu. FIN-90571 Oulu, Finland
2College of Business Administration, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-6283, U.S.A
(Received 10 September 1994; in,$nul revised from 9 Aqust 1996)
Abstract - This paper analyses two fundamental assumptions associated with the analysis and design of
information systems:: (1) the assumed organizational role of information systems, and (2) the view of information
requirements. In the case of the first assumption, it distinguishes three alternatives: a techmcal view, a
sociotechnical view, and a social view. In the case of the second assumption, again three alternatives are explored:
an objective view, a subjective view, and an intersubjective view. The paper points out the importance of these
assumptions from the viewpoint of IS development through the analysis of eight IS development approaches:
Information Modelling, Decision Support Systems, the Socio-Technical Approach, the Infological Approach, the
Interactionist approach, the Speech Act-based approach, Soft Systems Methodology and the Scandinavian Trade
Unionist approach. The first four are established traditions and the last four, newer and more emerging as IS de-
velopment approaches. The analysis shows that the first two established traditions have a technical-mechanistic
view of the organizational role of information systems, the view of the socio-technical tradition being socio-tech-
nicaI and the infological approach reflecting all three views. Most of the emerging approaches emphasize the social
nature of information systems. In the case of information requirements, the differences between the established and
emerging approaches are not as striking. While the objective and subjective views dominate the established
traditions, only the Speech Act-based approach and Soft Systems Methodology among the emerging approaches
seem to emphasize the intersubjective nature of information requirements. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Key words: Information Systems, Systems Development, Systems Design, Systems Development Approaches,
Systems Development Methodologies, Information Requirements, Requirements Analysis
Behind the approaches that are used to develop information systems (IS), lie a number of implicit and
explicit assumptions and views. Although the alternative assumptions and views guide the IS developer in
the choice of various analysis, design, and implementation options and hence have important
consequences for the development of successful systems, only rarely do they appear to be critically
reflected upon or challenged [ 11,451. The need to examine the underlying assumptions of IS development
(ISD)’ has begun to be recognized in the academic literature. Hirschheim and Klein [62], for example,
note the important role that assumptions play in developing information systems. The purpose of this
paper is to contribute to the debate on the underlying assumptions associated with ISD by looking at two
Recommended by Peri Loucopoulos
ISD refers to the analysis, design, technical implementation (construction), organizational implementation (institutionalization)
and subsequent evolution (enhancement, maintenance) ([32], p. 611) of information systems.
sets of assumptions: one dealing with the perceived organizational role of IS; the other, fundamental
beliefs about what constitutes or determines information requirements. These two sets of assumptions are
explored within the context of eight ISD approaches. The choice of these approaches as well as the
assumptions are described in some detail later in the paper. We start by offering our definition of IS which
then guides our choice of assumptions to be explored.
An information system is interpreted here as a computer-supported system which provides a set of
people (users) with information on specified topics of interest in a certain organizational context (cf. [59]).
According to this interpretation, one can distinguish three major aspects in the modelling of information
systems: organizational context and users (host organization), topics of interest to the users (Universe of
Discourse), and computers (technology). In accordance with this view, the paper is based on a distinction
between three major levels of modelling or abstraction in IS development: the organizational level, the
language level, and the technical level [70, 951. Lyytinen [95], claims that these levels or “contexts” are
exhaustive, and argues their hierarchical order as follows: “Technology, or in general, the physical world,
is the basis for the language context, because language is always represented in some material carrier. On
the other hand language is necessary for any organized social action that comes into focus in the
organization context” (p. 11).
The significance of the technical level is axiomatic since information systems are defined as computer-
based. The language level emphasizes that an information system defines a formalized language to be
used to communicate about some Universe of Discourse (UoD). The related problems of information
requirements analysis (e.g. [126] and conceptual schema design [3] have been the subjects of active
research since the early 1970’s. The recent growth in Business Process Reengineering or Redesign [60]
has increased the interest in the organizational level in ISD. BPR implies that information systems are
highly organization sensitive and that IS development and organizational development are likely to be
very interwoven.
Despite the general agreement about the three levels, there is considerable variety in the way an
information system is conceived at these levels. An information system at the language level may be
viewed: (1) as a system that objectively describes the state of some part of reality - the Universe of
Discourse (e.g. [%I); (2) it may be seen as a system to satisfy user’s information requirements that may be
very specific to each user, his or her cognitive style and other personality traits (e.g. [78]); or (3) it may
been viewed as a formalization of language shared by the users (e.g. [54]). These three views are
respectively characterized as ‘objective’, ‘subjective’ and ‘intersubjective’ in the following’.
An information system at the organizational level may be considered a technical artifact or tool (e.g. [39])
just as a hammer, for example, which is socially (organizationally) produced and used, but which does not
embody any deeper social (organizational) meaning. Such a view we term “technical”. Alternatively, an
information system may be considered an artifact which entails inherent social and organizational aspects
(e.g. [108, 1301). This we characterize as a “social view”. An intermediate position between these two
extremes, termed the “socio-technical view”, emphasizes that an information system comprises both a
technical subsystem and a social subsystem that should be designed jointly [ 16]* .
The two sets of views are examined in more detail in sections 2 and 3. Section 2 distinguishes three
alternative views of the organizational role of an information system: a technical view, a sociotechnical
view, and a social view. Similarly, section 3 distinguishes three views of information requirements: an
objective view, a subjective view, and an intersubjective view. The ‘organizational role’ views discussed
in section 2 are related to the organizational level, while the ‘information requirements’ views articulated
in section 3 relate to the language level.
The distinction between the subjective and intersubjective views has some similarity with the ‘personal view’ and ‘common view’
of the agreement dimension in the requirements engineering (RE) framework of Pohl [113] which we will return to later in the
* The relevance of the organizational level is the most distinctive aspect of IS development approaches when compared with the
software engineering (SE) tradition reviewed by Pohl [113]. Even though there is a long history of the analysis of organizational
views or perspectives from the viewpoint of IS development (e.g. [84]), there is dearth of comparative research into the
organizational role of information systems in ISD approaches.
Analysing Information Systems Development 553
The paper applies the two sets of views to the analysis and comparison of eight ISD approaches. An “ISD
approach” in this paper is interpreted as a class of specific ISD methodologies or methods which share a
number of common features. This distinction will be elaborated in section 4.1’. Four of these approaches
are established traditions of ISD - Information Modelling (IM), Decision Support Systems (DSS), the
Sociotechnical Design Approach (STD), and the Scandinavian Infological Approach - and four are more
emerging - the Interactionist approach, the Speech Act (SA)-based approach, Soft Systems Methodology
(SSM), and the Scandinavian Trade Unionist approach. The research approach used in the selection and
analysis of these approaches is explained in section 4. The results of the analysis and comparison of the
approaches are described in section 5, while the paper as a whole, is summarized in section 6.
In addition to the analysis of the eight ISD approaches, showing their similarities and differences, the
paper argues the need for attention to the practical implications of the alternative views. The alternative
views, we suggest, guide the IS developer in the choice of concrete analysis, design, and implementation
options. The analysis also shows the considerable plurality of assumptions adopted collectively by the
eight approaches.
The organizational role of an information system is concerned with the relationship and function of an
IS within its organizational context. In the case of the organizational role of an information system, we
distinguish three views - technical, sociotechnical and social - on a continuum describing the relationship
between the information system and its host organization [73]*. A technical view regards an information
system predominantly as a technical artifact, and assumes that its connections with its organizational
environment can be reduced to well-defined inputs and outputs and ergonomic interface questions. The
social view considers an information system primarily as an organizational and social system; an
information system is seen as an integral, constitutive part of organizational communication, control,
coordination, cooperation and work arrangements and not only as a separate support system for these or-
ganizational activities. In the more theoretical terms of structuration theory [50], an information system as
a social system can be characterized as an embodiment of interpretive schemas, facilties of coordination
and organizational/social norms [108, 1281. The sociotechnical view is based on the assumption of
interdependent subsystems, the technical subsystem and the social subsystem which are designed jointly
(e.g. [61, 1281). It therefore is interpreted to form an intermediate value on the continuum technical vs.
2.1 Theoretical Underpinnings of the Three Views
Figure 1.a analyzes the three views with regard to ontology, i.e. assumptions concerning so-
cial/organizational reality, on two continua: realism vs. nominalism [21], and voluntarism vs. determinism
in organizational and IS development (cf. human nature in [21]). The realist view implies that reality is
predictable and at least in principle manipulable, prescribable and designable, whereas a nominalist view
sees the social/organizational phenomena largely as emergent and cannot be directly designed (cf. 11271
for the distinction between prescribed and emergent organizations). In the case of voluntarism and
determinism of organizational and IS development. the latter emphasizes the importance of social inertia,
It may seem that these eight ISD approaches are incomparable. We claim, however, that the distinction between “approach” and
“methodology”obviates this problem of incomparability (see section 4.1).
* livari and Keroia [73] used the adjectives ‘mechanistic’ and ‘organic’ instead of ‘technical’ and ‘social’, adopting them from Burns
and Stalker [20]. This seemed to cause misunderstanding, even though the terms were used in a similar spirit in the sense that the
mechanistic view of the organizational role of an information system assumes that one can define a clear boundary between the
information system and the rest of the the organization, corresponding to clearly defined, deliniated and separated tasks of the
mechanistic organizational form [20]. In the case of the organic (social) view the boundary is much more fuzzy and a matter of
definition. The risk of misunderstanding is well illustrated by the fact that Bums and Stalker assume the orgamc organizational
form to be more innovative and adaptive than the mechanistic form. In our case of the organic/social vs. mechanist&technical view
of the organizational role of an information system, the conclusion is just the opposite because of social inertia.
which may be related to both the prescribed and emergent aspects of organizations. The voluntarist view,
on the other hand, does not recognize or emphasize this kind of inertia. The diagonal, intersecting the first
and third quadrants of the figure, forms a continuum ‘design optimism vs. design pessimism’ as a synthesis
of the two dimensions. Design optimism assumes that only existing resource constraints limit the de-
velopment and acquisition of desired information systems, and that the systems can be implemented
without difficulty, if the quality of the system is good enough and people behave ‘rationally’ (cf. below).
Design pessimism, in contrast, assumes no such ease. People are assumed not to behave rationally and the
social nature of ISD makes any design exercise “wicked”.
In this basic framework we interpret the technical view to have a clear design optimist position,
characterized with a strong realistic ontology and a strong voluntarist view of ISD. The sociotechnical
view is more moderate, but nevertheless is characterized by design optimism. The social view is the most
complicated, since it intersects all the four quadrants of Figure 1.a. It especially emphasizes, however, the
emergent aspects of organizational phenomena and social inertia, when compared to the preceding two
alternative views. The emergent aspects appear as a result of social interaction.
pesrnlsm Determinism I”
org. and IS
Voluntorism In
org. and IS D&hl
Emergent Design&Pa
Figure 1 .o
Figure 1 .b
Fig. 1: Theoretical Underpinnings of the Three Views of the Organizational Role of an Information System
The extreme positions in the above interpretation are consistent with Kling and Scacchi’s [84],
distinction between the discrete-entity model and the web model and with Iacono and Kling’s [67]
distinction between the tool view and the institutional view; the former on the dimension ‘realism vs.
nominalism’ and the latter on the dimension ‘voluntarism vs. determinism’ in organizational and IS
development. Kling and Scacchi introduce four organizational perspectives: formal-rational, structural,
political, and interactionist, in their characterization of the discrete entity and web models (pp. 23-24). The
formal-rational perspective is most characteristic of the discrete-entity model and the interactionist
perspective to the web model [84]. This is consistent with Figure 1 .a where the discrete-entity model is
associated with the technical view and the web model with the social vied.
In the dichotomy of tool view vs. institutional view, Iacono and Kling [67] emphasize that tools are
assumed to be easy to change and replace and the personal freedom of their use, and in the case of the
institutional view, the social inertia and history dependence of the systems. This is also consistent with our
f The structural and political perspectives can be applied in framing both the discrete-entity and web models, even though the
application differs in these two cases. It is not possible to analyze the correspondence of these intermediate perspectives with our
framework in this paper.
Anaiysing Information Systems Development 55.5
interpretation of the technical and social views on the dimension ‘voluntarism vs. determinism’ in
organizational and IS development+.
We distinguish the sociotechnical view as an intermediate position between the technical and social
views, differing in this respect from the dichotomies of the discrete-entity model vs. web model and tool
view vs. institutional view. Iacono and Kling [67] seem to associate the sociotechnical approach more
with the institutional than the tool view (p. 102). We interpret in Figure l.a, however, that it is closer to
the technical view in its design optimism.
Finally, Figure 1.b simply adds the dimension ‘collective orientation’ vs. ‘individual orientation’ (cf.
[95]) to the above analysis. The technical view typically has an individual orientation whereas the social
view, a collective orientation. The sociotechnical view, as an intermediate position, has elements of both
the collective and individual orientation.
2.2 Practical Implications of the Three Views
We believe that the three views of the organizational role of an information system have important
repercussions on the ISD process, especially on IS implementation. Table 1 identifies a set of issues
related to ISD, with respect of which the three perspectives differ to a considerable degree.
Technical Sociotechnical Social
Priority of design
Causes of implementation
Critical conditions foi
implementation success
Development strategy
Implementation strategy
Role of the change agent
Technical system
Poor technical quality
Human resistance
Technical quality
Analysis and design
Technical and organizational/ Organizational/social
social systems equal partners system
Misfit between the technical Social inertia
and organizational/social
Additionally, fit between the Additionally, social
technical and organizational/ desirability and fea-
social subsystems sibility of changes
Sociotechnical design of social Evolutionary deve-
and technical options lopment
Additionally, normative-edu- Additionally, power-
cative coercive
Facilitator Arbitrator
Table 1: Practical implications of the Three Views
First, the primary focus of the technical view lies in seeing an information system as a technical
artifact, leading to the primacy of the technical design of an IS and to the omission of any conscious
design at the organizational level. It may be recognized that the artifact to be developed may have
One should note, however, that Iacono and Kling’s discussion has influnced our analysis of the three views (technical, socio-
technical, and social), and consequently is not independent.
different organizational/social implications. These issues are addressed, however, as afterthoughts. The
social view, in contrast, emphasizes that ISD is first of all concerned with the development of an
organizational system (its communication, control, coordination, cooperation, and work structures and
arrangements). ISD is primarily seen as organizational design and development, with technical design
concerning only the technical implementation of organizational changes. Our interpretation of the
sociotechnical school as an intermediate value on the continuum between the technical and social views
may become more understandable when it is viewed from the perspective of priority of IS design. The
sociotechnical approach suggests that an information system consists of mutually interdependent
organizational/social and technical subsystems, which should be treated as “equal partners” in IS design
without any priority of action [ 1021.
Second, in the case of organizational implementation problems, the views lead to different emphases.
The technical view sees implementation problems as primarily attributed to poor technical quality of the
system or to human resistance (cf. system-oriented and people-oriented theories of resistance in [97]). The
resistance may be considered ‘irrational’ behavior, or in a moderate form, understandable, rational
behaviour from the user’s own subjective viewpoint. The sociotechnical view emphasizes the misfit
between the technical and social/organizational subsystems as the primary reason for implementation
problems (cf. interaction theories of resistance in [97]), while the social view adds social (institutional)
inertia to the list of implementation problems. As a consequence, the technical view emphasizes the
technical quality of the system; the sociotechnical, the fit between the two subsystems; and the social
view, the desirability and feasibility of changes (cf. [29]) as critical prerequisite criteria for
In the case of systems development strategies, the technical view relies on traditional analysis and
design approaches or prototyping, whereas the sociotechnical view has its own design approach, including
the design and merging of social and technical options [ 1021. The social view sees that ISD is constrained
by historical commitments [67], and consequently emphasizes the evolutionary nature of ISD’. In the case
of organizational implementation strategies, the technical view primarily adheres to empirical-rational
strategies [28], whereas the sociotechnical view sees an additional need for normative-educative ones,
while the social view adds the requirement of power-coercive strategies if social inertia is to be overcome.
As a consequence of the above, the role of a developer as change agent can be characterized in terms of an
engineer (scientist), facilitator (teacher) and arbitrator (cf. [122]).
The view of information requirements is concerned with the basic notion of what constitutes or
determines an information requirement [66]. We distinguish three views: the objective, subjective and
inter-subjective views of users’ information requirements. The objective view emphasizes the importance
of impersonal features such as the organizational position and task of the user as a determinant of his/her
information requirements or the objective existence of the slice of reality to be modelled by the system,
while the subjective view stresses that the information requirements are first and foremost determined by
the personal characteristics of the user (his frame of reference, cognitive styles, etc.). The view of
information requirements as the need to attain intersubjectivity among the IS users is a more recent idea in
the IS community [ 15, 53, 541. This view differs from the preceding two in several respects as will
become clear in the following analysis of the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications of the
three views.
The three views of information requirements have some similarity with the agreement dimension in the
three-dimensional framework for Requirements Engineering (RE) proposed by Pohl [113]. The first
dimension, “specification”, describes the degree of understanding of requirements ranging from opaque to
complete, the second dimension, “representation”, deals with the the different representation forms
ranging from informal to formal, and the third dimension, “agreement”, describes the degree of agreement
reached on the specification, ranging from a personal view to a common view. He seems to interpret the
dimension more as agreement between different stakeholders (systems analysts, manager, user, etc.) while
We make a clear distinction between prototyping and evolutionary approaches. The former is based on an experimental use of
the prototype, whereas the latter is based on the use of the operational information system in real circumstances (cf. [68]).
Analysing Information Systems Development 55’7
we view intersubjectivity solely within the IS user community. Pohl sees the RF process as a trace in the
3-dimensional space towards more complete specification and increasing agreement using more formal
representation forms. He sees the personal views of requirements as an initial state, the goal of the RF
process being to increase common system specification. Even though we largely agree with this, we do not
wish to exclude subjective (personal) views and differences in the desired output of the RE process.
Pohl [ 1131, asseses that there is not much earlier research done on the agreement dimension in the REI
area. In this sense the present paper complements Pohl’s analysis, focusing on ISD approaches instead of
software engineering (SE) methods. The analysis also indicates interesting variations in the RE process
when compared with Pohl’s view. The analysis of alternative ISD approaches shows that the view of RE as
a trace towards common agreement may not generally be valid or may be misleading, because there arc
some ISD approaches that have emphasized personality differences as essential determinants ol-
information requirements.
3. I Theoretical Underpinnings of the Three Views
The following analysis is based on a very similar framework as the one used in the analysis of the three
views of the organizational role of an information system. Figure 2.a depicts the three views 01
information requirements with regard to ontology, realism vs. nominalism, and voluntarism vs.
determinism of organizational behaviour and in particular IS use. Similar to Figure la, realism is
associated with permanent structures and nominalism with emergent processes’. The diagonal intersecting
the second and fourth quadrants forms a dimension ‘functionalism vs. interpretivism’ [21]. Functionalism
assumes that organizational behaviour and IS use are determined by organizational structure, which is
associated with a realist ontology. Interpretivism, on the other hand, sees that organizational ‘reality’ is
created by organizational (inter)action. The objective view of information requirements has a cleat
functionalist position; it assumes that the organizational structure (the position and tasks of a user) defines
his or her information requirements, including his or her conception of the Universe of Discourse. The
intersubjective view on the other hand has a nominalist ontology and emphasizes voluntarism in
organizational behaviour and information requirements. Information systems are seen as integral parts of
organizational sense making [15], and ISD as the development of organizational communication and the
formalization of the professional language of the user community [54]. Information requirements are
largely a matter of social agreement. We suggest that intersubjectivity leads to seeing information
requirements primarily as emergent *. The subjective view lies between the two extremes, functionalism
and interpretivism. The former in the context of the subjective view corresponds to the conception of
information requirements in terms of different, “measurable” personal characteristics of users (e.g.
cognitive styles), whereas the interpretivist side emphasizes the uniqueness and freedom related to each
user’s requirement: his/her requirements are largely his/her personal choice and interpretation, depending
on how he/she prefers to view his/her organizational role, tasks, the universe of discourse, and so on.
Figure 2.b adds the dimension of collective-orientation vs. individual-orientation to the above analysis. It
points out that the objective and intersubjective views have a clear collective orientation, whereas the
subjective view is individually oriented.
The distinction between permanent structures and emergent processes is inspired by Truex and Klein’s [ 1291 distinction between
a priori structures and emergent processes. They interpret a priori structures as objectivied, relatively stable structures, whereas
emergent processes may be seen at most temporal agreements in the continuous process of negotiation and renegotiation.
* Goguen [51, 521, also emphasizes the emergent nature of requirements but sees them to emerge from the interactions between the
requirements engineers and the client organization rather than from the continued social interaction of the users in the client
Nominalism Realism COlktW
orientation *
Figure 2.0 Figure 2.b
Fig. 2: Theoretical Underpinnings of the Three Views of Information Requirements
3.2 Practical Implications of the Three Views
The three views have important practical implications from the viewpoint of IS design. In the case of
the objective interpretation, information requirements analysis can, at least in principle, be conducted as
an impersonal activity or reality analysis; the subjective view presupposes focusing on each user’s
personal characteristics and requirements, whereas the intersubjective view considers requirements
determination as a social rule analysis and reconstruction [54]. They also differ with regard to the question
of user participation. Putting aside the ethical, motivational, and committal arguments for user
participation, the objective view presupposes user participation at most in the role of an application
domain expert: the user may be required to explain the intricacies of the tasks supported by the system.
User participation is beneficial as far as the representatives know the intricacies of work to be supported
by the information system. In the case of the subjective view, the user may be an object of different perso-
nality tests, the results of which are believed to help him/her and the analysts to understand his/her re-
quirements, or he/she may be an individual decision maker, whose cognitive models and preferences
define his/her information requirements as were outlined above. Finally, the intersubjective view sees
users as integral actors in organizational communication whose participation is by definition a necessity in
order to achieve intersubjectivity ([54] p. 26).
Obiective Subjective Intersubiective
Asking (x) X (Xl
Normative analysis X
Strategy set transformation X
Critical factors analysis (x) X
Process analysis X
Decision analysis X
Input-process-output analysis X
Table 2: Underlying Assumptions of Strategies of Information Requirements Determination
Analysing Information Systems Development 5%
Clearly different strategies of information requirements determination differ in their assumptions
concerning the views of information requirements, or that they, in practice, are not neutral with regard to
the different views. Table 2 analyzes some of the well-known strategies proposed by Davis [31] from this
perspective. Davis’ first strategy “asking” is, of course, a very general approach, which may be used to
elucidate all types of requirements. It is clear, however, that it tends to emphasize either the subjective
views of the analyst in the case of closed questions, or of the user in the case of open questions. Davis [3 11
also includes group-oriented methods (brainstorming, guided brainstorming and group consensus) within
the category of asking ([31] p. 13). It is still an open question to what extent these group methods are able
support the elucidation of intersubjective aspects of requirements. In the case of the remaining strategies
our conclusion is that they primarily reflect either the objective view or the subjective view. The
interesting aspect of Table 2 is the finding that except asking, none of the strategies directly reflects or
supports an intersubjective view+.
More recently, ethnography and ethnomethodology inspired methods of requirements analysis (e.g.
[ 13, 14, 19, 93, 115, 1241) partially address the problem of intersubjectivity. They see the users’ work as
socially organized and look closely at how the users actually organize their work, and the categories and
methods they use to render their actions intelligible to one another [5 1, 521. Despite this orientation, they
do not see increased intersubjectivity among the users as the goal of requirements analysis. Apparently,
they see shared understanding among users as unproblematic and focus more on the mutual learning
between the designer and customer rather than on increasing intersubjectivity among users. Their focus
also lies more in the detailed understanding of users’ work than users’ information requirements and
shared understanding of the Universe of Discourse. These methods are, however, in their infancy as
methods of requirements analysis (see [115] for a discussion of their difficulties, and [2] for possible
Even more formally oriented methods of requirements analysis do not explicitly recognize in-
tersubjectivity among users as the goal of the analysis, although they indirectly provide instrumental
support for this view. “View integration” in the conceptual IM tradition (e.g. [ 121) includes some notions
of intersubjectivity, but it is usually not associated with the nominalist (constructivist) ontology underlying
the intersubjective view (see also [86]). Recent viewpoint-oriented requirements engineering methods
(e.g. [85, 92, 103, 1051) interpret “viewpoints” more generally as perspectives of the artifact to be
developed, adopted by different agents (participants or actors) without restricting “viewpoints” to “user
views”. They do not specifically recognize intersubjectivity defined over the user population of the system
as the goal of requirements engineering but rather only sufficient consistency [47]. The work on
integration of viewpoints [46, 961 and conflict resolution [38] may, nevertheless, be useful when
promoting the intersubjectivity of information requirements. Recent work on design rationales. when ap-
plied to information requirements (cf. [ 114]), may also be instrumental in advancing it.
The purpose of this section is to introduce the ISD approaches selected for review, and the method
used in the analysis.
4.1 The Approuches Selected fur the Review
The field of ISD has grown dramatically over the past three decades. In addition to the expansion in
the number and complexity of systems developed, the number of ISD methodologies has been growing
leading to an increasingly dense “methodology jungle” [8]. To our knowledge there has been little
systematic analysis of the major approaches of ISD (but see [64]) and still less any generally accepted
classification for them, even though the topic has been discussed in a number of articles 162, 7 I, 72, 104,
1341. Banville and Landy [IO], for example, characterize MIS (or IS research) as a fragmented adhocracy,
in which research is rather personal and weakly coordinated in the field as a whole.
They may, of course, support intersubjectivity indirectly by increasing consensus on organizational goals, processes, critical
factors. etc
Part of the confusion stems from the notion of ‘methodology’ and ‘approach’. In this paper, we
explore these notions concluding that there may be value in moving beyond ISD methodologies to focus
on more general ISD approaches. We define LSD approach as a class of specific ISD methodologies
which share a set of common features. An LSD methodology or method refers to a codified set of goal-
oriented “procedures” which are intended to guide the work and cooperation of the various parties
(stakeholders) involved in the development of an IS application+. Typically, these procedures are
supported by a set of preferred techniques and tools, and guiding principles [65]. An ISD approach may
include zero, one, or more concrete methodologies as its instances. As an example of the first case (i.e.
zero methodology instances), consider the Interactionist approach (see below) which to our knowledge
has not been developed into any specific methodology, whereas the IM approach (see below) has
numerous methodology instances.
Our claim is that the concept of an approach makes it meaningful to compare various ISD approaches
which may be in quite different stages of their development in terms of the number of their methodology
instances. The concept ‘approach’ also leads us to focus on more general principles underlying specific
methodologies [69] manifesting them as similarities and differences. It is possible to analogize our
categorization of approach and methodology to Brooks’ [ 181 famous distinction between essences and
accidents of software products. An ISD approach focuses on the essences of its methodology instances
while concrete methodologies necessarily include also accidental features (e.g. related documentation
notations), which while important in practice, do not define its essence.
We selected four traditional ISD approaches - Information Modelling (IM), Decision Support Systems
(DSS), the Socio-Technical Design approach (STD) and the Scandinavian Infological approach - and four
more recent ISD approaches - the Interactionist approach, the SA-based approach, Soft Systems
Methodology and the Scandinavian Trade Unionist approach.
Approach Journals/conferences Textbooks Founders
Information Modelling X X
Decision Support Systems X X
Sociotechnical approach X Mumford
Infological approach X Langefors
Interactionist approach Kling
Speech Act-based approach Flores, Goldkuhl
Lyytinen, Winograd
Soft Systems Methodology X Checkland
Trade unionist approach Nygaard, Sandberg,
Ehn, Kyng
Table 3: The IS Development Approaches Selected for the Analysis
In addition to the distinction between the established and emerging approaches, the eight approaches
are selected to represent the variety of positions taken with regard to the assumptions. The selection of the
traditions is primarily guided by their institutionalization in the scientific community and secondarily on
the existence of identifiable founders and followers. Referring to Kuhn’s discussion about scientific
We use the tern “methdodology” and “method” interchangeably; however we note that the latter term is becoming increasingly
preferred, especially in Europe.
Anaiysing Information Systems Development 561
communities in his postscript to the second edition of his book ([87] pp. 176-178), the assessment of
institutionalization is based on three subcriteria: the existence of scientific journals, scientific conferences,
and textbooks’. The approaches are listed in Table 3.
The IM approach has its roots in the data modelling tradition of the database field. The term
‘Information Modelling’ is preferred here to point its application to ISD. It has been very influential both
in Europe and North America. In Europe, it has especially dominated research within IFIP (International
Federation for Information Processing) TC8 (Information Systems) Working Group 8.1 (e.g. [109-l 1 I]).
It has also heavily influenced specific methods such as Information Engineering [98-loo]. The DSS
approach has been visible for quite some time and started to emerge in the context of several experimental
projects in the early 1970’s [78]. The STD approach and the infological approach are more European
traditions. The former has its roots in the Tavistock Institute in the late 1940’s. Its application to ISD was
pioneered by Enid Mumford [ 1011, in the U.K. starting from the late 1960’s. Subsequently, it stimulated
interest in North America as well [16, 1121. The Infological approach initiated by Langefors [90] in the
mid 1960’s has been influential especially in Scandinavia.
The four more recent approaches - the Interactionist approach, the Speech Act (SA)-based approach,
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), and the Scandinavian Trade Unionist approach - are called emerging,
since they do not have an institutional status comparable to the four traditions introduced above and their
relevance to ISD may not be fully recognized. The Interactionist approach refers to the body of research
conducted at the University of California, Irvine, by professor Rob Kling as his colleagues. The SA-based
approach to ISD borrows its basic concepts from the linguistic philosophy of Searle [119-1211. It was
pioneered by Fernando Flores and Terry Winograd (e.g. [49, 1321) in North America and Goldkuhl and
Lyytinen [.54,55] in Europe. SSM is a general systems approach developed by professor Peter Checkland
and his colleagues at the University of Lancaster [29, 30, 1311. Although SSM was originally a general
systems approach, without any specific orientation towards information systems, its developers are
increasingly perceiving it to be well suited to ISD. Within the IS community SSM has been incorporated
as an integral part in such approaches as MULTIVIEW [9] and FAOR [118]. The Trade Unionist
approach is a tradition that has evolved mainly in Scandinavia as a trade union response to the challenge
of Scandinavian co-determination arrangements and laws enacted in the mid-1970’s that ensured the
employees and unions the right to participate in the design of and decision-making concerning computer
systems [40]. This approach was initially based on a strong ‘class politics’ perspective to organizatiom
[84]. This Marxist ideology has, however, been weakening recently and the approach is in a transition
towards “cooperative design” [57]; it has raised considerable interest lately [88].
The eight approaches are by no means assumed to be exhaustive and/or mutually exclusive. Nor is that
our goal. Exhaustiveness is not considered any absolute goal since it is a moving target. Rather a careful
and convincing analysis of the selected approaches is our preference, and in order to keep this paper
within reasonable limits, the analysis is confined to these eight approaches. Moreover, the approaches are
not necessarily mutually exclusive because they have influenced each other to
extent during their evolution. some greater or lesser
4.2 The Method of Literature Analysis
Given that the primary purpose of this paper is to analyze two assumptions underlying the concept
‘information system’ in the eight approaches introduced above, we must acknowledge that this kind of
analysis faces many difficulties. First, as we noted above the approaches are not necessarily clearly
distinct and they have continued to evolve over time. One way to deal with this is to try to evaluate these
approaches as intellectual traditions in their original forms. We prefer, however, to view them in their
contemporary form to make the analysis more pertinent to current research. Second, we must take into
account that there may be considerable variation within each approach. One solution to this, applied by
[ 1041, is to treat them as “ideal types” in the Weberian sense. Ideal types have the benefit that they make it
Kuhn also mentions professional societies, informal and formal communication networks and citations as means of identifying
community structures. Analysis of the latter two is beyond the scope of this paper. Professional societies can be expected to
coincide largely with scientific journals and conferences
possible to find clearer differences between the approaches, but they are normally purely theoretical con-
structions that do not exist in reality. Therefore, the analysis could remain at a rather general and abstract
level without any clear addressable target’.
In this paper we have selected a different approach. The idea is based on Kuhn [87]. He emphasizes
throughout his book the importance of textbooks as manifestations of existing paradigms and in the
dissemination of paradigms to the next generation. “They are the bases for a new tradition of normal
science” (p. 144) and “expound the body of accepted theory” (p. 10). Applying his suggestion, we have
chosen one or two books, preferably textbooks, to represent each established approach. The selection of
books is based on two main criteria. Firstly, a book should be a good representative of the tradition from
the viewpoint of ISD. Secondly, the goal has been to select books by leading authors who have effectively
influenced the development of the tradition they represent. The books representing IM [98-100, 1091
represent European and North American views. The book of Keen and Scott Morton [78], is a classic in
the DSS field, and the textbook of [ 1231 one of the best-known on the topic, with particular emphasis on
how to develop a DSS. The two books on the sociotechnical approach [ 102, 1121 represent European and
American views. Mumford’s [102], book summarizes the ETHICS methodology, and the book of Pava
El 121,
represents an important extension of the sociotechnical approach to nonroutine office work.
Finally, the two books [94, 1251 on the infological approach cover comprehensively its major
contributions. The book of Lundeberg et al. [94], introduces the ISAC methodology that largely
summarizes the Scandinavian infological tradition. The book of Sundgren [ 1251, represents his formalism
for conceptuaYinfologica1 modelling*.
To counter any potential criticism that may be attracted to the use of textbooks, we wish to direct
attention to the following four points. First, the selected books are highly research-oriented in the sense
that they include numerous summarizing references to existing research or are heavily based on the
authors’ earlier research. Taking into account that they are written by leading researchers in the field, one
can expect that the results of our analysis reflect the mainstream research in each tradition. Second, the
use of books should be assessed taking into account the alternative of using original research contributions
representing each tradition. In view of the breadth of some traditions, it is clear that the review of original
research contributions could not be exhaustive. When one furthermore recognizes the problems of
drawing strict borderlines for the traditions and internal variation within them, it becomes obvious that in
choosing an “appropriate” selection of the articles to be reviewed, one may reach almost any conclusion in
the case of some traditions. The important point in the use of textbooks is that the authors of the books
have made their selection of “the body of accepted theory” independently of the purposes of this paper.
Third, applying Argyris and Schon’s [4] distinction between “theory-in-use” and “espoused theory”, one
can argue that textbooks make it possible to analyze the “theories-in-use” better than by adhering to
original research papers. Fourth, the use of textbooks assures that the results are highly relevant from the
viewpoint of IS education since they are mediated to practice through the education of future IS
In the case of the emerging approaches, where it is too early for textbooks, we had to rely on a more
comprehensive analysis of the existing literature. The analysis of the Interactionist approach is based on
the following articles: [67, 80-841. Although the SA-based approach has aroused considerable interest in
the IS community recently (e.g. [5-7, 33-37, 48, 49, 54, 55, 74, 76, 79, 91, 1321 our analysis is based
mainly on the works of Auram&i, Flores, Goldkuhl, Lehtinen, Lyytinen and Winograd [5,48,49, 54, 91,
95,132]. SSM has been published in a number of books [29,30, 1311. Within the IS community it has also
aroused considerable interest, being integral parts of such approaches as MULTIVIEW [9] and FAOR
[ 1181. In order to keep our discussion as close to what Checkland intended, the analysis of SSM is
primarily based on the original texts on SSM emphasizing the most recent ones. The analysis of the Trade
Unionist approach is based on the following material: [23-27, 39-44, 89, 106, 116, 1171
A second risk is that the ideal types may turn out to be too extreme, which may lead to unnecessary controversy and
* The major neglect of ISAC as a representative of the Scandinavian infological tradition concerns conceptual/infological
modelling of the Universe of Discourse (UoD). Sundgren [125], complements Lundeberg et al. [94], in this respect.
Analysing Information Systems Development
5.1 The views on the organizational role of an information system
The assumptions of the eight ISD approaches, concerning the organizational role of information
systems, are summarized in Table 4.
Information Modelling: Martin [99], defines an information system as “a system of data and processes
that can be used to record and maintain information” (p. 467). An information system consists of one or
more applications. An application system refers to “the automated and related manual procedures
supporting a set of business processes” (p. 448). Even though ISD in information engineering (IE) is very
heavily based on the analysis of the organization to be supported, the view of the organizational role of an
information system is technical. Information Strategy Planning (ISP) results in a number of business areas
based on the functional and entity modelling of the organization. The applications to be developed are
identified in the Business Area Analysis (BAA) based on more detailed data modelling and process
modelling. Martin [99], does not describe exactly their identification, but proposes JRP (Joint
Requirements Planning), JAD (Joint Application Design), and prototyping as major means of the further
specification and design of individual applications [IOO]. The procedure for JAD, suggests that in-
formation systems are specified as input data, output data and related processing in the detailed procedure
steps of the processes identified in BAA.
Technical Sociotechnical Social
Information Modelling
Decision Support Systems
Sociotechnical approach
Infological approach
Interactionist approach
Speech Act-based approach
Soft Systems Methodology
Trade unionist approach
*** *
*** *
** ** **
** **
*** *
*** Strong orientation ** Some orientation * Weak orientation
Table 4: The Views of the Organizational Role of an Information System
In terms of Kling and Scacchi [84], the view of information systems in IE seems to reflect the discrete
entity perspective that was associated with the technical view. One should nevertheless note that IE
strongly emphasizes the interaction between the organization and information technology. While the
identification of information systems in IE is heavily based on organizational analysis and modelling,
Martin [99], underlines in the context of ISP that the purpose is not only to analyze the enterprise and to
identify information needs leading to the computerization of the existing procedures, but it should identify
the fundamental activities and the fundamental information needs likely leading to rethinking the
enterprise structure (p. 20-21). He points out that more advanced (information) technology justifies a
different corporate structure. “A computerized corporation ought to have different procedures from a
corporation with manual paperwork. A corporation with workstations on all knowledge workers’ desks,,
IS 21/7 B
connected by a corporatewide network to databases, ought to have different procedures from a corporation
with batch processing” (p. 62).
The framework for information system development advanced by Olle et al. 11091, resembles in many
respects IE. They characterize an information system as: “a means of recording and communicating
information to satisfy the requirements of all users”, engaged in a business activity “by providing the
information it needs or by automating some or all of it” (p. 229). Olle et al. [109], assume information
systems to be identified in the Information Systems Planning stage as change alternatives that are new
ways of doing things in an information system or a business activity in order to deal with some business
problems (p. 222)+.
Decision Support Systems: In the case of the DSS tradition, our conclusion is that it primarily reflects a
technical view, but includes aspects of a social view. Keen and Scott Morton [78], interpret a DSS in
rather technical terms as: “a conversational, interactive computer system with access through some form
of terminal to the analytical power, models, and data base in the machine” (p. 58). They also emphasize
the role of a DSS as a support tool under the control of managers (p. 2). On the other hand, they
emphasize the predominance of the organizational, political, and behavioural context of DSSs (pp. 50, 7 1,
171-172, 189), having a relatively rich discussion on these contextual factors in their book (pp. 61-73).
They also recognize the implementation problems of DSSs (pp. 71, 175176), devoting a chapter to DSS
implementation (pp. 189-211). They remark that “the failure of a system or a model is now rarely due to
technical inadequacies” (p. 50), and mention “political factors that may make these technically excellent
products organizationally infeasible” (p. 71). Despite these remarks, they regard a DSS as a discrete entity
that may be embedded in a rich organizational environment: “the ‘system’ is not an artifact but a set of
computer routines that must be meshed into the organizational, political and behavioural context” (p.
189). To summarize we interpret that the view of the organizational role of a DSS in Keen and Scott
Morton [78], is primarily technical, but includes social elements. The view cannot be regarded as
sociotechnical, however, since Keen and Scott Morton [78] do not see any clear need for the
organizational design of DSSs. Organizational perspectives referred to above are only mentioned in the
“entry” of the DSS design process (p. 174)‘. The book of Sprague and Carlson [123], does not essentially
change our conclusion. Even though they emphasize the organizational nature of DSSs more than Keen
and Scott Morton [78] do (p. 26), they in fact pay less attention to the social aspects of DSSs.
The Socio-Technical Design approach: Not surprisingly, the view of the organizational role of an
information system in the case of the STD approach is sociotechnical. Both books [102, 1121 include
explicit design of technical and social options for an information system.
The Znfological approach: The view of the organizational role of an information system in the
Infological approach comprises technical, sociotechnical and social aspects. ISD in ISAC [94] is
intimately related to “change analysis” which is the first phase of ISAC. Change alternatives identified and
selected in Change Analysis are assumed to normally combine different development measures such as
ISD, organizational development including individual development, and development of the direct
business activities (p. 118-l 19). Change analysis clearly places priority on the organizational/social design
of the system. However, Lundberg et al. [94], do not pay any particular attention to the social meanings
of information systems. Even though Lundeberg et al. [94] do not directly propose joint development of
technical and social options, they emphasize that the change alternatives should be subjected to both
social and economic evaluation. This implies some sociotechnical thinking. Information (sub)systems are
identified as a result of detailed “activity analysis”. Activity analysis is continued until identified informa-
tion processing activities can be classified as unformalizable, formalizable but unautomatable, and
automatable (pp. 148-149). If we exclude unformalizable subinformation systems, we can conclude that
information subsystems simply formalize and computerize the identified organizational activities. In this
sense information (sub)systems are seen as separate technical artifacts.
The Znteractionist approach: The view of the organizational role of an information system in the
Interactionist approach is clearly social. As discussed in section 2, Kling et al. propose the web model as a
Cf. the Infological approach below
One explanation for the exclusion of organizational design is the individual orientation of their book [77]. A second explanation
might be that Keen and Scott Morton [78], see the social aspects largely as emergent and consequently not designable. It is hard to
find any direct support for this second explanation from their book, but their emphasis on the evolutionary design is consistent with
Analysing Information Systems Development 565
contrast to the discrete entity model of an information system [80, 83, 841 and later the institutional view
as a contrast to the tool view [67, 821. According to Kling and Scacchi [84], “the basic unit of analysis of
the discrete-entity model is a computing resource” (p. 9): “A computing resource is best conceptualized as
a particular piece of equipment, application, or technique which provides specifiable information
processing capabilities” (p. 6). They continue that “computer-based technologies are tools, and are
socially neutral” (p. 6), the use of which is isolated “from the actual work practices and organization of
labor within which automated data systems are typically developed and used” (p. 3). Web models on the
contrary “make explicit the salient connections between a focal technology and its social and political
contexts” (p. 3). In addition to their information processing capabilities, “computer-based technologies are
also social objects which may be highly charged with meaning” (p. 7-8). Kling and Iacono have proposed
the distinction between the tool and institutional views in their recent papers [67, 821. They suggest that
when “analysts emphasize the information-processing capabilities of a computer-based technology, they
are foregrounding its “toolness” or instrumental value for particular social units”, whereas when “analysts
emphasize the social and political choices that organizational actors have made over time, they are fore-
grounding its institutional character” (p. 104). They contend that computer-based information systems
(CBIS), developed from complex, interdependent social and technical choices are better conceptualized as
institutions than as tools, because “the image of a CBIS as a tool is associated with tremendous personal
freedom”, “there is an underlying assumption that computer-based technologies have no inherent politics:
they are consistent with any social order” and “attention is focused on a future of technological
perfection”, whereas “institutional analyses emphasize the social use of CBIS and social control over
computing arrangements”, “politics play an important role” and the focus lies on “the developmental
trajectories of CBIS. Institutions develop a character based on the interest they have served in the past,
their organizing ideologies, and the world views which bind their participants together” (pp. 104-105).
Further, the institutional view emphasizes the social ‘inertia’ related to computer-based information
systems ([82] p. 11).
The Speech Act-based approach: The view of the SA-based approach is clearly social. Goldkuhl and
Lyytinen [54], suggest the notion of information systems as “social systems only technically implemented”
([7] p. 127). More specifically, Flores and Ludlow [49], claim that organizations are essentially
institutional arrangements to create, take care of and initiate commitments and Lehtinen and Lyytinen
[91 J, propose that an information system consists of speech acts that create, set up, control, and maintain
an organization’s transacting contracts, and report on their status. Flores and Ludlow [48], also point out
that “technology is not design of physical things. It is design of practices and possibilities to be realized
through artifacts” (p. 153).
Soft Systems Methodology: The view of the organizational role of an information system in SSM is not
very well articulated, but we conclude that it includes both technical and social aspects. Checkland and
Scholes [30] conceive an information system to entail data manipulation, which machines can do, and
meaning attribution which is uniquely a human act (p. 55). They furthermore suggest an approach for ISD
that is essentially based on defining a human activity system to stimulate debate on the relevance of the
human activity systems. Once a ‘truly relevant’ system has been agreed upon, one can proceed to the
analysis of information flows. For each activity identified in the relevant human activity, one can ask what
information would have to be available to enable someone to do this activity and what information would
be generated by doing it (pp. 56-57). The priority of the human activity system analysis reflects a social
view of an information system. The relatively mechanistic procedure of identifying required information
suggests that an information system is perceived to be an isolated technical artifact.
The Trade Unionist approach: The view of the organizational role of an IS in the Trade Unionist
approach has both a technical and social orientation. Earlier projects such as DEMOS, when analyzing
computer use in planning and control, emphasized that “in this area the computer serves as a controlling
instrument, in contrast with a device such as a lathe which could be categorized more aptly as a working
machine” ([27], p. 250). The second generation of the Trade Unionist approach, ‘the collective resource
approach’ [23, 391 strongly advocates a tool view as an ideal of computer artifacts, a tool being under
complete control of the users. This was associated with the technical view in the second section. Although
the authors do not make it clear, the emphasis on the tool view is partly explained by the specific
application area of the UTOPIA project, computer use in text and image processing in the graphic
industry. Even though the second generation adheres to the tool perspective, it at the same time
emphasizes that “the systems design process must be regarded as part of a larger organizational develop-
ment process” ([40], p. 33). Ehn [39] also points out that “in designing artifacts we do not merely design
the artifacts themselves: deliberately or not, we also design conditions for their human use” (p. 1) or “a
changed or reformed practice” (p. 171). He also underlines the social nature of the artifacts in several con-
texts (pp. 39, 100-101, 124, 208). It is noteworthy, however, that the design in Ehn [39] is assumed to
take place in terms of the computer artifacts and their use situations (cf. [57]) without providing any de-
liberate approach for designing the work practice per se independently of the computer artifacts+. The
likely reason for this paradox in the “work-oriented design” is that the essential part of work knowledge is
assumed to be tacit [39, 40, 891 and therefore largely beyond the scope of research. As tacit, it is not
describable, it is difficult to communicate, reflect upon and deliberately design without “design by doing”
using mock-ups and prototypes, etc ‘. It seems that the third generation, ‘the cooperative design’ approach
[56] has not changed this tool-oriented view of computer artifacts.
5.2 Views of information requirements
Table 5 depicts the views of information requirements in the eight ISD approaches.
Objective Subjective Intersubjective
Information Modelling *** ** *
Decision Support Systems ** ***
Sociotechnical approach *** *
Infological approach *** *
Interactionist approach
Speech Act-based approach ** ***
Soft Systems Methodology ** **
Trade unionist approach ** * *
*** Strong orientation ** Some orientation * Weak orientation
Table 5: Views of Information Requirements
Information Modelling: The view of user information requirements in the IM approach is
predominantly objectivist, but includes some subjectivist and intersubjectivist features. The objectivist
stance in IE [98-1001 is clearly visible in the whole approach. The identification of business areas in Infor-
mation Strategy Planning (ISP) is essentially based on the cross checking of business functions and
entities (data subjects). Both functional modelling and entity modelling in ISP ,take place in a very
impersonal way as a process of identifying fundamental business functions and entities. Business Area
Analysis continues the entity analysis leading to a normalized (usually 3NF) data model and a more
In fact, one can argue the title of Ehn’s [39], thesis “Work-oriented design of computer artifacts” is a misnomer. A more
appropriate title would be “Computer artifact-oriented design of work”.
* Button and Harper [22], contend that if the design of computer artifacts is to be based on understanding of the actual lived-work
of those who must use the computer system, this has to be grounded in analytical explications of work that reveal the practices
through which the users orderly handle the contingencies of their work situations.
Analysing Information Systems Development 567
detailed process model. The most articulated procedure for specifying individual application systems,
JAD, suggests that specification is very heavily based on further analysis of the processes at the level of
procedures [ 1001. The subjective view in IE is most clearly visible in the use of Critical Success Factors in
the identification of information requirements especially for executive information systems [loo]. The
intersubjective view is visible only weakly. One can nevertheless identify some flavor of intersubjectivity
in the process of integration of different user views ([99], pp. 253-254)+.
Olle, et al. [ 1091, are not very explicit in the case of information requirements, but its view is mainly
objectivist. Information requirements are implicitly based on impersonal business activity and entity
modelling. The authors also briefly introduce critical success factors whick again display objectivists
Derision Support Systems: The view of information requirements in the DSS tradition is pre-
dominantly subjectivist. Keen and Scott Morton [78] emphasize in several contexts that a DSS must be
tailored to match the decision maker (pp. 6, 11, 50, 58). They also introduce individual differences as an
important model of decision-making (pp. 73-77), remarking that the: “implications of individual diffe-
rences for DSS are obvious. The system should mesh with the cognitive structure of its users” (p. 73).
They also utilize the perspective effectively in the DSS design process, in particular in the comparison of
the descriptive and normative models in the predesign phase of DSS development (pp. 174-176). The
descriptive and normative models lead us to question to what extent the definition of information
requirements in Keen and Scott Morton [78], reflects the objective view. Unfortunately, the authors are
not very explicit in defining these concepts. Our interpretation is, however, that the descriptive models
usually reflect the subjective view (cf. [78] p. 175), whereas the normative models may be based on a
more objective analysis of the decision-making activity* . Keen and Scott Morton [78], emphasize, how-
ever, that the normative models may be infeasible, and advocate matching the initial DSS to decision
makers’ current processes and later evolution of the system toward the normative model by facilitating
learning and willingness of decision-makers to explore alternative models (pp. 174-176). Earlier in their
book, Keen and Scott Morton [78], introduce a framework for information systems based on Anthony’s
hierarchy of planning and control activities and Simon’s distinction between programmed (structured) and
nonprogrammed (unstructured) decisions (pp. 79-98). Even though they discuss the differences in
information requirements at different levels of decision-making (pp. 82-85), it seems to us that the
framework is primarily presented to locate and distinguish DSS as a category of information systems.
rather than as an effective method to be used in information requirements analysis*
Sprague and Carlson [ 1231, also recognize subjective factors as part of information requirements, but
their conclusions concerning how to meet these requirements seem to differ from those of Keen and Scott
Morton [7X]. They emphasize that a DSS should “provide decision makers with a set of capabilities to
apply in a sequence and form that fits each person’s cognitive style” (p. 27), but later on conclude that “if a
DSS is to support varying styles, skills, and knowledge, it should not attempt to enforce or capture a
particular pattern. Rather, the DSS should help decision makers use and develop their own styles, skills
and knowledge. If this requirement can be met, the cost effectiveness of DSS should improve because
several decision makers could make effective use of the same DSS” (pp. 98-99). The authors do not
clearly state how the requirements and capabilities of this kind of a generalized DSS are derived: Are they
generalized from the subjective requirements of individual decision makers, possibly aiming at increasing
the intcrsubjectivity of’ related decision makers on the requirements, or are they based on a more
“objective” analysis of the decision-making activity?
It should be noted that Sprague and Carlson [ 1231 do not suggest any specific methods for the
“ob,jective” analysis of information requirements. They introduce Anthony’s classical hierarchy, Simon’s
Even though Martin [99] emphasizes that data modelling in BAA is a synthesis procedure (p. 247), he discusses the (user) YEW
integration only superficially.
* For instance, they may be based on some “theory” of the decision-making activity in questton (e.g. financial portfolio theory rn
the case portfolio management). It is, of course, by no means necessary that these “theories” omit individual differences (e.g. in risk
aversion), but they typcially are impersonal.
* In fact. Keen and Scott Morton [78] only briefly refer to the framework in their later description of the DSS design process (pp.
17% 187). they suggest it as a means to identify which decisions may benefit from decision support (p. 173).
distinction between the structured and unstructured decisions, Simon’s intelligence-design-choice model
for a decision-making process as well as the Hackathorn’s and Keen’s classification of decision
interdependencies into independent, sequential interdependent and pooled interdependent (pp. 26-27, 94-
95). However, most of these frameworks are not effectively used in the later information requirements
analysis and definition of DSS capabilities, based on their ROMC framework (pp. 99-119). In fact, only
the intelligence-design-choice model is clearly referred to, but it is not clear whether the authors suggest it
as a method to be used in information requirements analysis or whether it is an illustration framework for
the components of the ROMC model. Taking into account the relative lack of methods for the “objective”
analysis of information requirements, we conclude that the requirements and capabilities are derived as a
generalization of subjective requirements of individual decision makers. This generalization is not
specifically introduced in terms of intersubjectivity+ .
The Socio-Technical Design approach: Since Pava [112], hardly addresses the definition of in-
formation requirements, the following analysis of the STD tradition is based on ETHICS [ 1021. We
conclude that the view is mainly objectivist, since key information needs in ETHICS are derived starting
from the mission and key objectives of the part of the organization which lies within the design boundary,
proceeding then to key tasks and finally to their information needs ([102] pp. 72-74). It is surprising, how-
ever, that in later design of organizational and technical options these key information needs are not taken
up or at least not explicitly integrated in the design of these options (pp. 91-97). The design of
organizational options refines the key tasks into various operating, problem prevention/solution, co-
ordination, development and control activities, which are allocated to different organizational units (large
work groups, their sub-groups, small teams and individuals), whereas the technical options are mainly de-
fined in terms of technical components, the descriptions of which implicitly include some understanding
of the conceptuaYinfologica1 features of the system. There is no explanation for these features, but overall
the process - as a seemingly impersonal activity analysis - supports an objectivist view. On the other hand,
the user participation emphasized in ETHICS brings a subjective element into information requirements
analysis* .
The Znfological approach: In the case of the Infological approach the view of the information
requirements is clearly objectivist. Information requirements in ISAC are derived using activity analysis in
change analysis and activity studies. After decomposing activities into more detailed ones, it is possible to
identify information processing activities which are potential candidates for information subsystems (cf.
[94] pp. 148-152). Further information analysis continues the refinement of each information subsystem
using precedence, component and process analyses, which specify the inputs and output and the derivation
rules of the subsystems more precisely (pp.198-203). These analyses take place in a very impersonal
manner. But, as in the case of ETHICS, user participation indirectly supports a subjective view. The view
of information requirements in [ 1251 can be interpreted to have a clear subjectivist flavor, however. He
assumes that “the ultimate purpose of a data base is to serve as a source of knowledge to more or less well-
defined group of end users. The end users need information, that is knowledge, in order to solve problems
or make decisions” (p. 2). Sundgren [125], interprets information as new knowledge, emphasizing that
information is always somebody’s information and exists only in the mind of a human being as a part of a
mental frame of reference (p. 10).
The Interactionist approach: The Interactionist approach does not address information requirements to
the extent to allow any conclusions to be drawn.
The Speech Act-based approach: The view of information requirements in the SA-based ap-preach is
most distinctively intersubjective, but also includes objectivist aspects. Goldkuhl and Lyytinen [54] claim
that ISD means to make common the rules of language by achieving formal language intersubjectivity (p.
20). The linguistic orientation naturally emphasizes common understanding among the participants in the
communication [91]. On the other hand, the concrete examples of the application of the SA-based
The authors remark, however, that group and organizational support systems “need to provide personal as well as group
instances of ROMCs. The former are defined by and for individuals, while the latter are standard for all individuals in the group”
(p. 142). It is not clear, however, whether the consensus is concerned with the intersubjectivity of language and communication
among the user community or just more generic DSS capabilities.
* One can imagine that the consensus form of participation in Mumford [ 1021, also supports intersubjectivity of information
requirements. Mumford [ 1021, does not yet make this explicit. Recall also that ETHICS does not specifically include mechanisms
for the conceptual/infological design of information systems (cf. [95]).
Analysing Information Systems Development 569
approach to modelling information systems [5 , 7, 55, 911, suggest that the information requirements can
be derived from a rather objective analysis of agents, instrumental acts and related speech acts.
Soft Systems Methodology: Information requirements in SSM has both intersubjective and objective
features. As described in section 5.1, SSM assumes information requirements to be dependent on the
human activity system selected. Once a ‘truly relevant’ human activity system has been agreed upon, one
can proceed to the analysis of information flows. For each activity identified in the relevant human
activity, one can ask ‘what information would have to be available to enable someone to do this activity
and what information would be generated by doing it’ ([30] pp. 56-57). A distinguishing aspect of SSM is
that it assumes several systems models, human activity systems, potentially relevant for analysis and
understanding a given organization. These models are subjected to a debate and the selection of the truly
relevant human activity system is assumed to be such that different stakeholder groups can find
‘accommodation’, i.e. that they are prepared to ‘go along with’. This process of achieving
‘accommodation’ has aspects of intersubjectivity. Once the truly relevant human activity system has been
selected, however, the detailed information requirements analysis proceeds in a fairly objectivist way.
The Trade Unionist approach: The Trade Unionist approach is not very explicit in its view of
information requirements. This is partly explained by its history. Its first generation projects were more
interested in the conditions of the trade union influence on the decisions concerning computer systems
rather than on novel design approaches. The second generation, the “collective resource approach” is
entirely based on one project, UTOPIA, in which the aim was to develop computer-based tools for text
and image processing. Because of the nature of the application, the system relied on direct iconic
modelling (of page make ups) rather than on symbolic models (see [l] for the distinction between the
iconic and symbolic models). It seems that in this case information requirements were not the major
concern, but rather the implications of the system on work. The design approach in UTOPIA was heavily
based on the use of mock-ups. The third generation, “cooperative design” has extended the “design-by-
doing” approach to entail prototyping [26]. Bedker and Gr@nb%k [26], also include an example of proto-
typing a more conventional, symbolic information systems, but they do not describe in detail how the
initial information requirements for the prototype were derived.
Prototyping may in principle support objectivist, subjectivist and intersubjectivist views of information
requirements. Nevertheless, our general impression is that the Trade Unionist approach places its major
emphasis on objective, although essentially tacit, requirements of work.
6.1 Summary
This paper has analysed two sets of assumptions in eight ISD approaches: the organizational role of
information system and the view of information requirements. In the former case, the paper distinguished
three alternatives - technical, sociotechnical and social views of the organizational role of IS - and in the
latter case again three alternatives - objective, subjective and intersubjective views. The findings of the
paper indicate that IM and DSS among the established traditions have a fairly technical-mechanistic view
of the organizational role of information systems, while the view of the STD approach is sociotechnical.
The Infological approach seems to reflect all the three views. The four emerging approaches, the Trade
Unionist approach as the only exception, emphasize the social nature of an information system, forming in
this respect a striking contrast to the established approaches (cf. Table 4).
In the case of information requirements, the established traditions were dominated by the objective
and/or subjective views; the intersubjective nature of information requirements was largely omitted.
Among the emerging approaches, the SA-based approach and SSM to a lesser extent differed in their
emphasis on intersubjectivity (cf. Table 5).
6.2 Conclusions
It could be concluded that the newer, emerging approaches arose because the established traditions
failed to deliver on their stated promises (cf. [63, 641). Indeed, the emerging approaches have adopted
very different sets of assumptions in an attempt to overcome the limitations of the “orthodox” approaches.
Whilst many in the field may know of the existence of these “emerging approaches”, precisely how they
differ - fundamentally and conceptually - is not widely known. This then is one of the key contribution of
the paper - to show how they differ.
The results of our analysis can be expected to be of interest from three angles: 1) from the viewpoint of
IS research and theory, 2) from the viewpoint of IS practice, and 3) from the viewpoint of IS education.
Before proceeding into them, let us summarize the significance of the paper from the latter two points. The
paper pointed out that the alternative views on the two assumptional dimensions have implications that can
be expected to also have practical relevance (see Tables 1 and 2). These implications are currently
mediated to practice by ISD methodologies, techniques and tools reflecting the approaches. Because of the
findings concerning the established traditions were primarily based on widely used textbooks, they are of
importance from the viewpoint of IS education, since the underlying assumptions are transmitted to future
IS professionals through education. Because of the above two-way influence on practice, we contend that
the prevailing assumptions need to be critically reflected upon.
The paper makes several contributions to IS research and theory. Firstly, the interpretations of the two
assumptional dimensions in Figures 1 and 2 provide bridges from the classical philosophical dimensions
of nominalism vs. realism and voluntarism vs. determinism (see [21]) to more concrete IS specific
concepts. Secondly, the distinctions between the two sets of views extend earlier frameworks and allow a
more refined analysis and understanding of ISD approaches and methodologies. For example, many
articles in the book of Jirotka and Goguen, [75], on requirements engineering apply a broad interpretation
of the sociotechnical systems, covering both the sociotechnical and social views above. Even though the
interpretations of the “technical” and “social” vary in the sociotechnical tradition, especially when
sociotechnical ISD approaches are included [107], the sociotechnical tradition views the distinction
between the two subsystems as unproblematic. Woolgar [ 1331, however, recognizes that this may be falla-
cious. In the case of information requirements, we wish to note that the intersubjectivity of information re-
quirements is not widely recognized. Intersubjectivity based on social agreement has fundamental
implications in the sense that it questions the possibility of complete requirements. Thirdly, the
frameworks summarized in Figures 1 and 2 direct attention to the potentially emergent nature of the social
meaning of information systems and information requirements, shaped in the social interaction of users, in
their work to be supported by an information system. Emergence naturally leads to the problem of IS
evolution, partly as the continued social construction of the meaning of the system by users and other
stakeholder groups and partly as the continued need to develop the system to better satisfy the changed
requirements. Fourthly, as pointed out above, the analysis helps to understand the underlying assumptions
of the eight approaches. Even though the analysis of the established traditions was mainly based on text-
books, we contend that the findings can be expected to reliably reflect the assumptions made by the
mainstream research in each of those traditions. However, the results are based on a qualitative
interpretation of the texts documenting the selected ISD approaches. Therefore, the results summarized in
Tables 4 and 5 should be interpreted not as absolute facts but summaries which indicate the orientations of
the approaches. Fifthly, we believe that the emerging approaches indicate the future trends of ISD
approaches and methodologies towards a richer understanding of the social nature of information systems
and a more intersubjective view of information requirements.
When claiming that ISD approaches are evolving towards a richer understanding of the social nature of
information systems and a more intersubjective view of information requirements, we do not suggest that
the alternative views are categorically wrong, only that they are biased. We accept that different
assumptions concerning the organizational role may be justified in the case of different information
systems; for instance a technical view may be totally warranted in the case of a personal information
system, but the important point is that most information systems are organizational in the sense of
supporting, implementing and/or constituting organizational activities. The more complex these
information systems are in their relationships with the host organization, the more relevant the social view
becomes. In the case of information requirements, we do not consider the three views mutually exclusive;
they can be applied co-existently, different information systems emphasizing the views differently. For
example, the subjective view may dominate a personal decision support system, and an objective view
may be highly relevant in a case of a routine operational-level information system, supporting some well-
defined organizational activity or a well-understood application area. Consider the Air Traffic Control
system case discussed in [13] and [115]. It appears that the core information requirements of the Air
Analysing Information Systems Development 571
Traffic Control system are objectively determined (e.g. information about airplanes, flights, etc). Their
ethnographic analysis of this case indicated, however, the significance of subtle, often implicit,
cooperation as central to the functioning of the system, the significance of intersubjective ‘at a glance’
understanding of controllers’ displays as essential for the controllers’ work, and the danger of personal
tailorability of the system.
The evolution of ISD towards towards a richer understanding of the social nature of information
systems and more intersubjective view of information requirements is partly explained by technological
developments and the evolution of application areas to cover knowledge work (e.g. CSCW). Information
systems are increasingly organizational and interorganizational communication systems. Such
communication systems, by definition, necessitate an increasing attention to the intersubjectivity of
communication. The established traditions largely do not provide such attention. The four newer
approaches, which are stronger in addressing these issues, are however, incomplete as ISD methodologies.
This poses a considerable challenge to the further development of ISD approaches and methodologies.
We hope this paper paves the way for such future work.
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... From that standpoint, we argue that SSM is more suitable for this research, especially for one of this research objectives that is to draw the current problem that arises in livestock management in Indonesia and a clear methodological step is needed to guide the attempt. Furthermore, as explained by Iivari and Hirschheim (1996), the Interactionist approach has a strong orientation on the social aspects. Meanwhile, SSM has a balance orientation to technical aspects and also to social aspects (Iivari and Hirschheim 1996). ...
... Furthermore, as explained by Iivari and Hirschheim (1996), the Interactionist approach has a strong orientation on the social aspects. Meanwhile, SSM has a balance orientation to technical aspects and also to social aspects (Iivari and Hirschheim 1996). From this point of view, we think that SSM is more suitable for this research because e-Livestock is an e-Government initiative. ...
... Like the Interactionist approach, the Speech Act-based approach is also has a strong orientation on social aspects, and no orientation to technical aspects (Iivari and Hirschheim 1996). The Speech Act-based approach also is considered a very complex approach, and it has led to a number of methodologies or methodology fragments (Hirschheim et al., 1997). ...
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The demand for beef resources in Indonesia is always increasing every year. However, Indonesia's national beef supply cannot meet those needs. The import of beef in large numbers likely to remain performed. The government has made various efforts to reduce imports and achieve self-sufficiency in beef. However, the government does not yet have a good identification, registration, documentation, and traceability system, so there is no truly valid data regarding the actual stock condition. Inaccuracy of data can lead to inappropriate policymaking in the livestock sector. Therefore, an e-Government initiative in the form of e-Livestock has been proposed. The definitions and success factors regarding e-Livestock have been revealed in our previous researches. Based on those researches, by using soft system methodology, hermeneutics, focus group discussion, and success factors, the business process models for e-Livestock in Indonesia will be created in this research. Apart from that, various kinds of recommendations for action to solve the problem will also be generated from this research. Those recommendations are about the functional requirement, the identification tool, the location numbering rule, the ownership documentation, the socialization of the e-Livestock, the institutional aspect of e-Livestock, the regulations underlie e-Livestock and the conceptual infrastructure diagram of e-Livestock. All of the business process models produced have been validated and their complexities are also calculated. Most of the business process model is very easy to understand. All the business process models and recommendations generated from this research can be a guide for the government when implementing e-Livestock.
... Information security will therefore involve the implementation of security measures that covers and protects the ICT resources of an organization and hence the need for a framework to evaluate the comprehensiveness of the implemented security measures. Technical and organizational systems are equally important when it comes to information security and the lack of fit between social and technical systems is the primary cause of information systems problems [1]. Technical solutions are necessary to address vulnerabilities such as viruses, denial of service attacks, etc. but the involvement of humans in information security is of equal importance and many examples of security issues such as phishing and social engineering, where humans are involved, exist and hence the need to consider the human factor when developing a framework for evaluating information security [2]. ...
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Information security preparedness requires a consideration of both technical and non-technical solutions to information security. Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA's) being the primary security organs in a country are highly prone to information and network attacks due to the sensitivity nature of data and information they hold and transmit in their day to day operations. This paper seeks to identify and review the various security measures and security best practices used by various LEA's and organizations in the world through an extensive review of literature. Then develop an evaluation framework for information security preparedness in LEA's and implement, test and validate the framework using a case study. The paper presents an integrated evaluation framework for Information security preparedness. The framework addresses information security evaluation from three different aspects/categories/areas namely; organizational, technical and user/personnel information security preparedness evaluation. This paper contributes to the information security evaluation literature by developing an evaluation framework that can be used to comprehensively determine the level of information security preparedness of a particular LEA with a weighting factor to the results of the evaluation. This is an issue which has not yet been widely addressed in the contemporary literature.
... Keuntungan bersih hasil penggunaan perangkat lunak dipengaruhi oleh intensi untuk menggunakan dan kepuasan pengguna yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor individual (orang), konteks teknologi dan konteks organisasi [3]. Dengan demikian, sistem informasi dapat dinyatakan terdiri dari konteks organisasional dan pengguna, topik yang diminati oleh pengguna, dan komputer/teknologi [4]. Oleh karena itu, pengukuran keberhasilan penerapan sebuah sistem informasi minimal harus memperhatikan empat parameter, yaitu individu yang menggunakan, organisasi tempat individu saling berinteraksi, informasi yang disajikan sistem, dan sistem/teknologi informasi itu sendiri. ...
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Sistem informasi yang telah dikembangkan dan digunakan perlu dievaluasi kualitasnya. Pengukuran keberhasilan penerapan sebuah sistem informasi minimal harus memperhatikan empat parameter, yaitu individu yang menggunakan, organisasi tempat individu saling berinteraksi, informasi yang disajikan sistem, dan sistem/teknologi informasi itu sendiri. Pada kajian ini juga diuji apakah terdapat korelasi langsung antara pengalaman pengguna dan dukungan organisasi terhadap keuntungan bersih. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tiga tahap, yaitu mulai dari tahap persiapan, pengumpulan data, sampai pada analisis data dan pelaporan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis penelitian, hanya satu hipotesa yang diterima (signifikan), yaitu hubungan kualitas sistem informasi, penggunaan sistem informasi, kepuasan pengguna dan keuntungan bersih. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan pembahasan, penerapan sitasi masih belum sukses sepenuhnya. Terdapat beberapa kendala yang ditemukan dalam operasionalnya, baik dari aspek kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi, maupun kualitas layanan sitasi.
... When analyzing software products, one of the main goals was to determine the organizational role of information systems and operations / services, as well as a socio-technical view of quality and information requirements [18][19][20]. ...
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This paper presents the results of analysis of solutions in the field of Contact Center aimed at optimizing the entire system as a whole, as well as additional processes. Often, when improving the system at the request of the consumer, there are vague issues of infrastructure solutions and financial support. One of the improvement goals is achieved by examining the factors related to people or employees that shape customer satisfaction in the context of call centers.The rationale for this decision is confirmed by the short time required to scale infrastructure and information systems in emergency situations.Currently, operating call centers find it difficult to adapt to high loads and upgrade infrastructure solutions without significant costs. This paper presents the results of the analysis of call center management models and provides practical solutions.
... Информационная система, в том числе контакт-центра, -система сбора, хранения, обновления, передачи, обработки и выдачи информации, необходимой для управления объектом [2]. При анализе программных продуктов одной необходимо определение организационной роли информационных систем и операций / услуг, а также социально-техническое представление о качестве и требованиях к информации [3] [4] [5]. ...
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В работе рассмотрена актуальность индустрии контакт-центров, обоснована необходимость разработки систем мониторинга производственных процессов контакт-центров, разработаны требования к данной информационной системе, её компонентам, функциональным и техническим аспектам, надежности и защите информации.
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Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemiz de COVID-19 salgınından üretimden şantiyeye, inşaattan eğitime pek çok alan büyük ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Salgından en az seviyede etkilenmek için ülke genelinde her sektör özelinde pek çok önlemler alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda eğitim sektöründe alınan önemlerden birisi eğitim sisteminde uzaktan eğitim modelinin uygulanmaya başlanması olmuştur. Uzaktan eğitim sistemi ilköğretimden yükseköğretime hızlıca uygulanmaya başlamış ve mevcut eğitim sistemine önemli bir alternatif olmuştur. Ancak üniversitelerde uygulamalı derslerin, eğitim programlarında ağırlıklı olarak yer aldığı bölümlerin uzaktan eğitim sistemine uyum sağlamakta zorlandığı ve adı geçen sistemle eğitim vermekte tereddüt ettikleri bilinmektedir. Çalışmanın hipotezi bu deneysel metotlar üzerinden yapılan bir araştırmaya dayanmaktadır. Bu nedenle araştırma, COVID-19 salgını nedeniyle teorik dersler ile birlikte uygulamalı derslerin de programlarında yoğun bir şeklide yer aldığı mimarlık okullarında uygulanmaya başlanmış olan uzaktan eğitim sisteminin, mimarlık eğitimi için nasıl elverişli hale getirilebileceği üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmanın ana araştırma konusu, mimarlık eğitiminde uzaktan eğitim sistemi ile ilgili öğrencilerin yaşadığı sorunların belirlenmesi ve karşılaşılan sorunlara çözüm önerilerinin getirilmesidir. Bu kapsamda, Türkiye'deki çeşitli mimarlık okullarında kullanılan uzaktan eğitim sistemlerinin mimarlık okullarındaki kullanıcılar için oluşturduğu ortamın nitelikleri incelenmiş ve mimarlık eğitiminde uzaktan eğitim sisteminde etkin ve verimli bir öğrenme ortamı için gerekli başarı faktörleri ortaya koyulmuştur.
The development of information systems has increased over the years, and the health area is no exception given the interest of professionals in the use of information systems that help make decisions based on the data taken. An information system for the management and monitoring of information related to neonates on home oxygen was developed using the Scrum framework and the incremental iterative development model, in addition to different web development technologies. The development of an information system with 12 modules that allow the monitoring of physiological variables of oxygen-dependent neonates as well as the management of related information was achieved. The resulting tool offers important functionalities, including the possibility of monitoring vital signs and issuing alerts based on the values of these signs. For the follow-up in the development process of each of the modules of the information system, the Scrum framework was used, using the incremental iterative software development model. A tool was developed through the integration of development methodologies, languages, and programming techniques that supports the process of health professionals in institutions that monitor the evolution of neonates with home oxygen through the use of telecare.KeywordsNeonatesInformation systemTelecare
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Managing security is essential for organizations doing business in a globally networked environment and for organizations that are at the same time seeking to achieve their missions and goals. However, numerous technical advancements do not always produce a more secure environment. All kinds of human factors can deeply affect the management of security in an organizational context. Therefore, security is not solely a technical problem; rather, the authors need to understand human factors, which need adequate attention to achieve an effective information security management system practice. This paper identifies direct and indirect human factors that have impact on information security. These factors were analyzed through the study of two security incidents of the UK’s financial organizations using the SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) technique. The study’s results show that human factors are the main causes for these security incidents. Factors such as training, awareness, and security culture influence organizational strength and opportunity relating to information security. People’s irrational behavior and errors are the main weaknesses highlighted in security incidents, which pose threats such as poor reputation and high costs.
This paper analyzes how organizational culture is intertwined with usability work in software (SW) development organizations. Usability is an important quality characteristic of software products and systems. However, the development of usability is challenging in SW development. Organizational culture has been argued to affect usability work in SW development organizations, thus, this paper takes a culture-oriented approach in the analysis of usability work in two SW development organizations operating in the product development context. First, based on a literature review, a definition of usability work is offered. An interpretive view of organizational culture, acknowledging its recent critique, is then introduced and utilized in the empirical analysis. The empirical results suggest that differences exists in how usability work is modified and interpreted in the organizations with divergent cultural contexts, those advocating different motives and practices for usability work. Finally, the importance of understanding the cultural context into which usability work is introduced is emphasized, and it is argued that culturally compatible strategies to usability work should be adopted.
Information security in the health information system has been technology-centric and no strategy has been put forward to meet the demands of the rapid adoption of e-Health in the health industry. The implementation of security requires a good understanding of the stake holders involved and requires the technical aspect of clinical information security, including security requirements, access control and disclosure control. However, since technology-centric security is prone to failure, a stringent strategic approach is quintessential. This chapter discusses the ways to safeguard medical information assets from the strategy point of view. This study shows that most of the existing clinical information security literature and practice has been focused on tactical prevention at a technical level. This understanding of the current status of clinical information security not only suggests the need for a shift from the technical approach to the strategic approach but also raises the necessity for the employment of multiple strategies working in a harmonised way.
Paying close attention to those new to an organization, whether fresh or experienced, whose primary interest is in (re)socialization, the current study intends to (1) further the concept of mentoring from a bilateral relationship to a community and culture fostered by developmental networks, (2) propose an integrated conceptual framework for organizational socialization, and (3) suggest implications for practice and future research. This study reviews, analyzes, and integrates research assets and subsequently re-conceptualizes the aggregate information as valid propositions and a conceptual framework. The findings include (1) 11 propositions regarding the relationships among network characteristics (embeddedness, diversity), developmental functions (career support, psychosocial support, and role modeling), and socialization outcomes (learning and attitudinal outcomes); and (2) an integrated conceptual framework that depicts a comprehensive mechanism through which developmental networks conduce to organizational socialization of newcomers. Implications are that developmental networking must be an individual's fundamental competency and an essential part of organizational onboarding processes, and imperative for both members' career development and innovative organizational culture. By integrating research assets on the developmental phenomenon into conceptualizations, this study furthers the concept of mentoring to organizational culture and stimulates a substantive discourse for theory-building towards organizational socialization from the developmental network perspective.
A number of trends influencing requirements analysis can be identified. First, information systems are increasigly embracing highly integrated and interactive applications; their complexity makes changes to the initial design increasingly difficult and costly. Second, systems are utilizing prefabricated components, such as window managers and data bases; systems development is increasingly involved with integrating off-the-shelf products into complete applications. For requirements analysis this implies at the front end a greater importance of identifying the 'right' system and requirements because of the high cost of later changes. In this paper we have sought to show that FAOR (functional analysis of office requirements) makes a modest contribution to the front end of systems development. 38 Refs.
UTOPIA is the name of a Nordic research project. It is in the Scandinavian languages the acronym for Training, Technology And Product from the Perspective of Skills and Democracy at Work (Utbildning, Teknik Och Produkt I Arbetskvalitetsperspektiv. ) The aim is to develop trade union oriented alternatives for computerbased text- and image processing in printing industry. The project work is carried out by printers, computer scientists and social scientists jointly. The UTOPIA Project was initiated in 1981. The text contains background considerations. It is excerpted from the UTOPIA Research Program.
Beginning in 1976, the DEMOS Project worked together with trade union organizations for three years at four different work locales. This co-operative effort concerned the unions' possibilities to influence the planning and use of new technology at the local level in the company. The study also sought to examine the obstacles and limits confronting this democratization process. The results of the total project are illustrated here with experiences from two of the workplaces studied, a daily newspaper and a locomotive repair shop.