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A Macroscopic Analysis of News Content in Twitter



Previous literature has considered the relevance of Twitter to journalism, for example as a tool for reporters to collect information and for organizations to disseminate news to the public. We consider the reciprocal perspective, carrying out a survey of news media-related content within Twitter. Using a random sample of 1.8 billion tweets over four months in 2014, we look at the distribution of activity across news media and the relative dominance of certain news organizations in terms of relative share of content, the Twitter behavior of news media, the hashtags used in news content versus Twitter as a whole, and the proportion of Twitter activity that is news media-related. We find a small but consistent proportion of Twitter is news media-related (0.8 percent by volume); that news media-related tweets focus on a different set of hashtags than Twitter as a whole, with some hashtags such as those of countries of conflict (Arab Spring countries, Ukraine) reaching over 15 percent of tweets being news media-related; and we find that news organizations’ accounts, across all major organizations, largely use Twitter as a professionalized, one-way communication medium to promote their own reporting. Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic modeling, we also examine how the proportion of news content varies across topics within 100,000 #Egypt tweets, finding that the relative proportion of news media-related tweets varies vastly across different subtopics. Over-time analysis reveals that news media were among the earliest adopters of certain #Egypt subtopics, providing a necessary (although not sufficient) condition for influence.
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Momin M. Malik & Jürgen Pfeffer
To cite this article: Momin M. Malik & Jürgen Pfeffer (2016): A MACROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF
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Published online: 19 Feb 2016.
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Momin M. Malik and Ju¨rgen Pfeffer
Previous literature has considered the relevance of Twitter to journalism, for example as a tool
for reporters to collect information and for organizations to disseminate news to the public.
We consider the reciprocal perspective, carrying out a survey of news media-related content
within Twitter. Using a random sample of 1.8 billion tweets over four months in 2014, we look
at the distribution of activity across news media and the relative dominance of certain news
organizations in terms of relative share of content, the Twitter behavior of news media, the
hashtags used in news content versus Twitter as a whole, and the proportion of Twitter activ-
ity that is news media-related. We find a small but consistent proportion of Twitter is news
media-related (0.8 percent by volume); that news media-related tweets focus on a different set
of hashtags than Twitter as a whole, with some hashtags such as those of countries of conflict
(Arab Spring countries, Ukraine) reaching over 15 percent of tweets being news media-related;
and we find that news organizations’ accounts, across all major organizations, largely use
Twitter as a professionalized, one-way communication medium to promote their own report-
ing. Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic modeling, we also examine how the proportion of
news content varies across topics within 100,000 #Egypt tweets, finding that the relative pro-
portion of news media-related tweets varies vastly across different subtopics. Over-time analy-
sis reveals that news media were among the earliest adopters of certain #Egypt subtopics,
providing a necessary (although not sufficient) condition for influence.
KEYWORDS computational; news media; social media; topic modeling; Twitter
The rise of the internet and social media has been involved with a crisis in journal-
ism (Chouliaraki and Blaagaard 2013; Franklin 2012; Hirst 2010; McChesney 2012; Picard
2014). As part of attempts to adapt professional journalism to shifting patterns of con-
sumption, there has been an increasing amount of work about social media, and in par-
ticular Twitter, looking at how social media users consume news (Bastos 2015; Hermida
et al. 2012; Nielsen and Schrøder 2014), as well as newsroom studies about how news
organizations use social media (Armstrong and Gao 2010; Artwick 2013; Bosch 2014;
Broersma and Graham 2013; Cozma and Chen 2013; El Gody 2014; Engesser and
Humprecht 2015; Hermida 2010,2012,2013; Ju, Jeong, and Chyi 2014; Mare 2014;
Revers 2014; Thurman and Walters 2013; Verweij and van Noort 2014; Vis 2013).
At the same time, there has been a discussion of the possibilities of bringing
computational analysis to journalism, both in the actual profession (Lewis 2015; Lewis
Digital Journalism, 2016
Ó2016 Taylor & Francis
and Westlund 2015; Parasie 2015; Young and Hermida 2015) including from mining
Twitter data (Vis 2013), as well as in studying journalism and news media (Flaounas
et al. 2013; Jang and Pasek 2015). Aggregate data is an attractive alternative to labor-in-
tensive hand-coding, which has practical limitations on scale (Flaounas et al. 2013). Yet
there has been less discussion about using computational methods to study news orga-
nizations’ use of social media (and only a few examples, e.g., Lotan et al. 2011). This is
surprising, given how the social media platforms are engineered specifically to allow for
exactly such large-scale analysis (Gehl 2014)—specifically, for reducing users to compu-
tationally legible units that can be data mined to optimize advertising—and how news
organizations themselves are seeking out insights that come from the same style of
data mining and analytics as is used in advertising (Castillo et al. 2014).
Using the Twitter “decahose,” a random 10 percent sample of all Tweets, we
investigate three theoretical directions. First, given the discussions in journalism litera-
ture about how news organizations may best use Twitter, how are different news orga-
nizations using Twitter? There have been newsroom case studies for some individual
organizations, but no comprehensive view across all news media and journalists. Sec-
ond, drawing on attention in literature to the importance of the politics, economics,
and culture of social media platforms, we look at how journalism fits into Twitter as a
whole. Lastly, motivated by literature on agenda-setting, we look at what topics are
addressed by news media comparative to Twitter as a whole, and what topics have a
greater presence of news tweets versus all other tweets.
Previous Work
There is now a body of literature providing detailed overviews of Twitter’s mecha-
nisms and conventions (Honeycutt and Herring 2009; Marwick and boyd 2011), struc-
ture (Bruns and Moe 2013; Gaffney and Puschmann 2013), and history (van Dijck 2013;
Rogers 2013). Computer science was the first to conduct research around Twitter (Java
et al. 2007; Krishnamurthy, Gill, and Arlitt 2008), as the large volumes of temporal, net-
work, linguistic, and even geographic data generated in aggregate by millions of users
created rich opportunities to develop computational tools to process such data. Com-
puter scientists also used the data as a test bed to describe and model phenomena
such as tie formation, communities in networks, topic emergence, sentiment and opin-
ion, and viral spread and other information flows (Cheong and Lee 2010). By 2013,
there were already over a thousand papers from multiple disciplines, looking across
tweet text, user behavior, or improving or building on the technology of Twitter
(Williams, Terras, and Warwick 2013).
Despite this use of data, Twitter does not necessarily reflect the wider world. For
example, a Pew study found that Twitter often does not match public opinion (Mitchell
and Hitlin 2013). Also even when correspondences are found between Twitter data and
the world at large, they can break down under slight changes in context (Cohen and
Ruths 2013; Gayo-Avello 2012a,2012b). Considering work on the users and culture of
Twitter, this divergence is unsurprising (Ruths and Pfeffer 2014; Tufekci 2014) despite
the platform creators’ aspirations for Twitter to be a “neutral utility” (van Dijck 2013, 69).
There is work showing how Twitter users are not demographically representative using
both representative surveys (Duggan et al. 2015) and comparisons of Twitter data to
Census data (Hecht and Stephens 2014; Malik et al. 2015; Mislove et al. 2011). Then,
there is work about Twitter’s idiosyncratic conventions and cultural norms (boyd, Golder,
and Lotan 2010; Java et al. 2007; Kwak et al. 2010), including an ugly side of enormous
hostility towards and harassment of women and those of marginalized identities (Matias
et al. 2015). Furthermore, even this work on the extent and specific types of biases in
Twitter data are largely based on cross-sectional studies from the United States that may
not generalize, as Twitter is itself neither globally uniform (Poblete et al. 2011) nor a sta-
tic, stable environment across years (Liu, Kliman-Silver, and Mislove 2014).
Van Dijck (2013) pushes further, theorizing that work about Twitter’s technology,
users and usage, and content only considers the platform as a techno-cultural construct.
Also critical is consideration of how social media platforms are socioeconomic structures,
whose ownership, governance, and business models have important implications both
for understanding the platforms at large but even for understanding the data produced
on social media. For Twitter, we see how the possibility of making money from link
farming (Ghosh et al. 2012) or from selling bots to inflate metrics (Donath 2007) has
attracted spammers. Indeed, as anybody who analyzes Twitter data quickly finds, spam
is widespread (Thomas et al. 2013), despite Twitter’s attempts to filter it out (Thomas
et al. 2011), and this can distort research findings (Ghosh et al. 2012). Also crucially, the
most accessible channel of data (allowing for specific queries) that Twitter makes avail-
able for free, the Streaming Application Programming Interface (API) (Gaffney and
Puschmann 2013), has strict rate limits within which sampling is not necessarily random
(Morstatter, Pfeffer, and Liu 2014; Morstatter et al. 2013). This nonrandom sampling dis-
torts not only absolute frequency (how often something appears on Twitter) but even
relative frequencies (whether one thing or another is more frequent). An alternative,
the Sample API, is a random sample so frequencies are proportional to incidence Twit-
ter overall; but at 1 percent of Twitter, and no ability to request data about specific
users, hashtags, languages, etc., there is not enough statistical power to detect small
In our analysis, we use access to the Twitter decahose, also known as the garden-
hose (compared to the commercial firehose consisting of all public Twitter data). This is
a scaled-up version of the Sample API (using the same method of sampling which suc-
cessfully achieves randomness) that gives a 10 percent random sample of tweets (Kergl,
Roedler, and Seeber 2014).
There are two other theoretical considerations that we do not consider but recog-
nize. First is how social media platforms are not independent of one another but,
through competition, shared users, and corporate and political links, form an “ecosys-
tem of connected media” (van Dijck 2013, 18–23). Certainly, a given organization will
coordinate its actions across multiple social media platforms (Bastos 2015; Skogerbø
and Krumsvik 2015). Second is how social media platforms are designed to have user
labor act as “affective processers” to produce data about users, data which are then
stored—but not made accessible to users—in massive “archives of affect, sites of
decontextualized data that can be rearranged by site owners to construct particular
forms of knowledge about social media users” (Gehl 2014, 43). This relates to
discussions of the blurring boundaries between citizen journalism and professional
journalism (Ha
¨nska-Ahy and Shapour 2013), but also to larger questions of how the
news media, with its agenda-setting power, is interacting with social media companies,
with their power of managing and shaping what happens on their platforms.
Twitter and Journalism
Journalism literature about Twitter emerged in 2010, contemporaneously with
other social science interest (Marwick and boyd 2011), with Hermida (2010) theorizing
Twitter use as “ambient journalism.” The possibility of using digital media as a way to
“save” (Picard 2014) or perhaps transform journalism (Hermida 2013), makes it relevant
to look at the consumption side of how people use Twitter for news, the production
side of the Twitter strategies of news organizations, and the hybrid “prosumption” of
interaction and feedback such as with dialogue and citizen journalism.
Research on news consumption includes surveys as well as case studies. For sur-
veys, the Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project carries out representative sampling
within the United States, the most recent of which (Mitchell, Gottfried, and Matsa 2015)
found 14 percent of surveyed internet-using 18–33 year olds getting political news from
Twitter in a given week, compared to 9 percent of 34–49 year olds, and 5 percent of
50–68 year olds. Sixty-one percent of 18–33 year olds reported getting political news
on Facebook in a given week, with respective percentages of 50 and 39 for 34–59 year
olds and 50–68 year olds, although it seems this is mostly incidental exposure (Mitchell,
Gottfried, and Matsa 2015, 9). The survey also measured interest in political news, and
knowledge and trust of various sources, and found less interest and knowledge in the
younger group but no difference in trust. Nielsen and Schrøder (2014) used the results
of the 2013 Reuters Digital News Survey (an online survey given to a sample of 1000
people each in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain, and 2000 each in
the United States and United Kingdom) and found that, overall, television is still the
dominant source of news but social media is of growing importance. In Canada,
Hermida et al. (2012) ran an online survey with a sample of 1600 Canadians and simi-
larly found a minority (two-fifths) of social media users using social media as a source
of news; but those that did were on average younger, and for more than two-thirds of
users, access to news and views was a major motivation for their use of social media.
In the United States, Holton et al. (2015) carried out an online survey with a national
sample of 1813 Americans, finding that being engaged in reciprocal information
exchanges on social media explains greater news consumption as well as content
creation. Less literature looks at the interplay between consumers and news media on
a large scale; one example is Hermida (2014, 136), who found (using a social media
analytical tool Topsy Pro) that of five million tweets about the disappearance of
Malaysian flight MH370, a full four million (80 percent) were retweets, with the
remaining million mostly being “media organizations sharing the latest news.”
Two early studies (Armstrong and Gao 2010; Holcomb, Gross, and Mitchell 2011)
gathered and analyzed tweets to study how some specific US news organizations use
Twitter. Subsequently, there has been literature about the production-side perspective
of newsrooms both from major western outlets (Thurman and Walters 2013) as well as
news media across the world (El Gody 2014; Mabweazara 2014; Mare 2014; Verweij and
van Noort 2014).
The findings of Armstrong and Gao (2010) and Holcomb, Gross, and Mitchell
(2011), conducted respectively from hand-coding of a four-month sample of tweets and
of a one-week sample of tweets, were that news organizations by and large just tweet
out headlines of articles with a corresponding link. Tweets were intended to drive traf-
fic to news sites, and only a minority were intended as public service announcements
(e.g., about road closings or hazardous weather). Almost no tweets solicited information
(either to inform a story or feedback), including those from the most active news orga-
nizations. Holcomb, Gross, and Mitchell found almost no retweeting, and those
retweets that did exist were of tweets belonging to the same news organization.
Subsequent work supports and extends these findings. Thurman and Walters
(2013) studied’s use of Live Blogs; they found reporters there making
use of information from Twitter and posting tweets. But the information flow was one-
way, as Live Blogs were housed on The Guardian website and did not feed back into
the Twitter ecosystem. Broersma and Graham (2013) also looked at the use of tweets
as a source of evidence, arguing that reporters quoting tweets as evidence or examples
of opinion alters the balance of power between journalists and sources, although with-
out discussing the presence or absence of engagement between journalists and the
people producing newsworthy tweets. Lawrence et al. (2014), in a study of all tweets
from 400 political journalists during the 2012 US presidential campaign, similarly found
that, despite the inclusion of opinion and expression, largely there was no greater
transparency; the traditional ideas of gatekeeping had not been disrupted, and the
journalism there existed in the same “bubble” as before.
There is, however, a difference between types of media outlets; Lasorsa, Lewis,
and Holton (2012) used content analysis of 22,248 tweets in 2009 from the 500 most-
followed journalists and found that for journalists on Twitter, those employed by less
elite organizations were more comfortable “sharing their stage with other news gather-
ers and commentators.” Transparency about everyday lives was similarly associated with
journalists from less elite organizations, and Lasorsa (2012) found this associated more
with female journalists than with male journalists.
Other work focuses on journalists, and has shown that reporters can have behav-
ior distinct from the accounts of news organizations. Revers (2014) conducted a field
study at the New York State Capitol building in Albany between 2009 and 2011, with
interviews with 35 people, 300 hours of observations, and analysis of some 4492
tweets, finding variation in Twitter adoption as well as in the professional pressures
associated with using Twitter (e.g., keeping up with competition in information gather-
ing, or generating advertising revenue). Artwick (2013) addressed similar themes, using
asample of 2733 tweets from 51 journalists in 2011, finding that reporters engaged in
a mix of “service,” with reports tweeting public service announcements and retweeting
citizen voices, and “product,” with reporters self-promoting by linking to newsroom
content they had produced. Vis (2013) used a Guardian/Twitter database of 2.6 million
tweets on the 2011 UK riots, collected from the Twitter firehose, to identify the top
1000 most-mentioned accounts; in addition to analyzing the makeup of this sample, Vis
used the REST API (see Gaffney and Puschmann 2013) to collect all tweets for two jour-
nalists on which to conduct content analysis. She found that accounts of mainstream
media received the greatest proportion of mentions, which she relates to findings
about the dominance in conversations of a few sources of information. The content
analysis showed a variety of activities undertaken by the journalists, but the plurality
(about a third) of tweet content was the two journalists’ own eyewitness reporting.
While much analysis (ours included) looks at the most visible entities, a special
issue of Digital Journalism looked at social media practices in newsrooms in Africa.
Bosch (2014) covered three community radio stations in South Africa, finding that their
use of social media has improved news-gathering as well as increased access and par-
ticipation for audiences. Also in South Africa, Verweij and van Noort (2014) looked at
networks among 500 journalists, finding high density among an elite group but low
amounts of connection otherwise, similar to patterns found in the United Kingdom and
the Netherlands. El Gody (2014) described how ICTs are used in daily routines in three
established Egyptian newsrooms; despite pressure from Egyptian audiences organizing
into networks with their own communication systems, he found cases of management
prohibiting stories based mainly on internet information, and of journalists treating ICTs
as tools for personal use or to pass time. From a field study in Mozambique, conducted at
a newly founded community newspaper, Mare (2014) observed innovative uses, including
interacting with audiences for feedback and getting information (although noting that
the newspaper is new and thus the success of its strategies is yet to be proven).
Guided by existing work, we pursue two research directions. First, what sort of
Twitter usage does our large-scale data support? Second, what news organizations are
associated with the greatest share of content and activity? We would hypothesize that
our approach will give evidence supporting previous literature, and specifically,
H1: News media currently use Twitter in largely a “push” model, rather than for
transparency or dialogue.
H2: Large news organizations continue to dominate.
We also investigate something not found in literature thus far: the difference in focus
between news media content on Twitter, and Twitter content at large. Social media
represents, on the one hand, a kind of public opinion that, as previous work has
shown, is determined by news media (McCombs and Shaw 1972), and, on the other
hand, is a kind of media in itself that, as from research on inter-media agenda-setting
(Golan 2006), may be something from which news media take cues (Dearing and
Rogers 1996, 33). But, conditional on H1 being true, we would assume that news media
do not interact with social media enough to be influenced, so either there is little rela-
tionship between news media content on Twitter and content at large, or else news
media focus precedes larger attention. This leads to our third hypothesis,
H3: On Twitter, news media focus on a set of topics distinct from Twitter at
Data Collection: News Organizations on Twitter
We combined an online list of news organizations and journalists from Alexa
white pages with an extensive search through online listings of global news organiza-
tions, using a series of heuristics (looking for “” in the HTML of the web-
site homepage, collecting whatever comes after the slash, and manually reviewing and
revising the results), resulting in 6103 Twitter handles that we identified as belonging
to news outlets or journalists.
We recognize first that our list has not been independently verified, for which
reason we make this list available for download,
and second that it is not necessarily
appropriate to have a category of “news organizations.” International and western news
media may be very different from news media in Latin America, Africa (Mabweazara
2014), and the Asia-Pacific region; local news media may be different from regional and
national news media; and there may be differences in the Twitter strategies and behav-
ior of newspapers compared to television, or either one compared to multimedia news
outlets. The category is also complicated by the emergence of citizen-journalists,
“blogs,” and digital media organizations such as Gawker, Mashable, The Huffington Post
and Buzzfeed that (in differing amounts) mix entertainment and commentary with news
and investigative reporting. We allow a broad and inclusive definition of professional
journalism that includes such cases.
Furthermore, given that we cannot guarantee that we have a comprehensive list
of news media and journalists (even given some boundary definition of news media
and journalism), we likely underestimate results. However, for volume of news content
(see below for definition), the top 100 news media-related accounts account for 65.7
percent of all tweets, such that the many smaller organizations and individual journal-
ists we undoubtedly miss (the “tail” of the rank list) have little impact on the aggregate
Data Collection: Twitter
From Twitter’s decahose (described above), we collected two different datasets,
both within the time period from March 1 to June 30, 2014; first, all 1,783,704,266
English-language tweets (filtering by “lang = ‘en’” in the tweet meta-data), and second,
a set of 100,000 tweets containing the hashtag “#Egypt” (for a description of raw Twit-
ter data and how it may be manipulated, see Kumar, Morstatter, and Liu 2014). As a
way of looking not just at mentions, or tweets, or links to news websites, we propose
combining these three aspects to classify a tweet as news media-related or not using
the following inclusion criteria:
a) A tweet is sent by news media. We collected 6103 Twitter users from websites of
news outlets and from online lists including news media and journalists and use this
list to determine whether a tweet was sent by news media or not.
b) A tweet mentioning news media. Tweets can mention other Twitter users. We
looked for tweets that mention at least one of the 6103 news media Twitter users,
e.g., a retweet of a tweet originally sent by a news media account.
c) A tweet linking to news media. From we extracted 6535 URLs from the
news category.
If a tweet contains a link to (the domain of) one of these websites
we categorize the tweet as news media-related. We use the “expanded_url” from
the tweet meta-data but we do not de-code third-party shortened URLs (e.g.,
Importantly, this excludes newsworthy tweets, for example tweets from non-
journalists or citizen journalists that are important in actually breaking a news story. As
our concern is with the behavior of professional journalism, we look only at tweets con-
nected with news media and not tweets relating to news more broadly. Also, we
undoubtedly miss accounts of individual journalists, news shows, and editors; this is
not to say that these are not important, only that our macroscopic perspective is not
the appropriate methodology for describing their importance.
Also importantly, we did not choose the time period to include any specific news
stories or events, which means that we did not consciously introduce bias towards
some “high-news” period. However, after looking at events taking place during that
period, we decided to focus on Egypt-related tweets for the second part of the analysis
because of turmoil around general elections stretching across these months.
Topic Modeling
We extracted 104,698 tweets containing the hashtag “#Egypt” (as there were sev-
eral events involving Egypt over the time period considered) and applied what is called
a “topic model” to see if different clusters (topics) show different levels of involvement
by news media. Topic modeling is almost synonymous with the most popular tech-
nique used to do it (Schmidt 2013), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), invented in 2003
by Blei, Ng, and Jordan (2003).
LDA takes in a collection of documents and outputs
several clusters of words in which each cluster is supposed to capture a “topic” present
across the documents. The analyst will look at the various clusters and pick a descrip-
tive name for the topic they think the words represent.
The main selling point of LDA
is that it can take in huge amounts of text data, and output topic clusters that are rea-
Important to note is that LDA is a “bag-of-words” approach and uses only fre-
quencies and co-occurrences and not semantics, context, or any structural properties of
language; as such, it does not and cannot extract meaning, but it is reasonable to use
the presence of certain words as proxies for what a person would (subjectively) identify
as topics when reading through text. The subjectivity means that caution is required;
studies have shown that, when people are inclined to see structure, they will interpret
random collections of words as representing a coherent topic (Zhu, Gibson, and Rogers
2009). One study asks whether interpreting LDA outputs is akin to “reading tea leaves”
(Chang et al. 2009). However, validations of LDA have shown that, while the clusters
found by LDA are not the same as what human readers code, there is reasonable corre-
spondence (Morstatter et al. 2015). We avoid some of the interpretational problems by
not trying to interpret the clusters found by LDA; we are primarily interested in differ-
ences across clusters related to news media presence.
Applying the above-mentioned three criteria in order to identify news media-
related tweets, we identified 14,276,925 of 1,783,704,266 tweets (0.800 percent) as news
Table 1shows more details about this analysis step and Figure 1illus-
trates the percentage of news media-related tweets per week (daily minimum 0.516
percent, daily maximum 1.105 percent, SD = 0.134 percent) showing relatively stable
values between 0.75 and 0.85 percent over time.
The overall number of tweets that are news media-related is low, but respectable
considering that we have about 6000 accounts out of more than 316 million.
Next, we want to analyze these news media-related tweets in more detail to find
possible differences based on topics. A straightforward approach of identifying topics
on Twitter is to use hashtags, as they are created to be a machine-readable (and there-
fore easily identified) way for Twitter users to define a “topic” and communicate around
it. For all hashtags in the approximately 1.8 billion tweets we count occurrence and cal-
culate the percentage of tweets per hashtag that are news media-related. Figure 2
shows the top 656 hashtags that occur at least one time per 5000 tweets (=0.005 per-
cent) in our data. The x-axis shows the number of tweets and the y-axis represents the
percentage of news media-related tweets.
Tweets related to news media
Criteria Number of tweets Percentage of Twitter total
Tweets from news media handles 576,316 0.032
Tweets mentioning news media 10,909,971 0.612
Tweets with news media URLs 3,390,664 0.190
All 14,276,925 0.800
Weekly aggregation of percentage of news media-related tweets
Five different aspects of this graph are striking. First, many of the topics with
more than 5 percent news media-related tweets are related to countries in conflict
including Arab Spring countries in northern Africa and the Middle East but also Russia,
Ukraine and Scotland. For Scotland, we identified #indyref as referring to the Scotland
independence referendum taking place in September 2014. Secondly, we can find
several political campaigns that receive high media attention (#auspol, #uniteblue).
Thirdly, the missing aircraft flight Malaysia Airline MH370 can be seen as example of
topics where all news available comes mediated through news media and no real infor-
mation comes from people “on the ground;” this matches what Hermida (2014) found
for all original tweets around MH370 coming from news media, and is potentially an
example of what Vasterman (2005) calls “media-hypes,” self-perpetuating coverage that
continues despite not having anything new to report. Fourth, the most used hashtags
in our data are not news media-related at all and discuss primarily mobile games.
Lastly, there are the three outlier hashtags with the highest proportion of use by news
media. #breaking is understandable; it is a journalistic convention, adapted to Twitter,
but likely used far less by non-news entities. #takeoffjustlogo is a protest around a
designer using a logo similar to a sacred Sufi symbol on a perfume.
referring to the MTV Movie Awards, is attributable to news media-related activity
around the single entity of MTV. These results relate to the findings of Bastos (2015)
who finds, for The Guardian and The New York Times, differing emphasis by topic from
readers and editors. It also relates to the findings of Kwak et al. (2010), from a study of
complete Twitter data crawled in 2009, about overlap between but differences in top
hashtags used in Twitter and top topics of coverage in news media.
Top topics and percentage of tweets related to news media
“Push” Model of Twitter Use
As much of the activity is accounted for by mentions and URLs, we were curious
to investigate the extent to which this activity is self-generated linkage, addressing the
first hypothesis about news media using Twitter largely in a “push” model. Indeed, as
discussed above, news organizations use Twitter to refer to their own stories
(Armstrong and Gao 2010; Holcomb, Gross, and Mitchell 2011; Vis 2013). From our list
of news media Twitter accounts we took the top 51 accounts, accounting for ~50 per-
cent of all news media-related tweets (as defined above) in our data, and extracted a
random set of 1000 tweets from these 51 users to manually inspect. Confirming that
previous results have held since studies carried out in 2009, we found that the vast
majority (89.7 percent of all tweets from these top news media accounts) have a URL
to the website of the respective sender of the tweet or mention a Twitter account asso-
ciated with the sending organization. That is, the accounts with the highest associated
volume of news media-related tweets are indeed largely self-references. This can be
seen as an indicator that most of these tweets were written to drive traffic to the indi-
vidual news sites, that is, news media employ Twitter as mere news dissemination tool.
Hence, retweets of these tweets are a significant factor in the large amount of news
media-related tweets for these organizations described above.
From our selection of 51 users, 2.8 percent of tweets point to other news sources
and another 1.0 percent point to the sending organization in the form of hashtags for
a specific show (without Web link or mention). Just 6.5 percent of tweets are not
related to news media’s websites, Twitter accounts, or hashtags, and these tweets come
from a very small number of accounts, e.g. MTV linking to artists. In addition, we found
not a single tweet among the 1000 that did not have at least one hashtag, mention, or
URL. This supports previous findings about how news organizations have interpreted
“professionalism” on Twitter to mean using Twitter affordances to maximum effect
(Armstrong and Gao 2010; Lawrence et al. 2014). It has not meant adopting the cultural
norms of Twitter even (or especially) when they conflict with the traditional practice of
journalism, nor the abandonment of professionalism as an ideal in favor of transparency
or dialogue (Hornmoen and Steensen 2014; Lawrence et al. 2014).
Relative Dominance
Addressing the second hypothesis, we ask, what is the relative dominance of
established organizations across this news media-related behavior? We find a character-
istically skewed “long-tailed” plot. That is, a small number of news entities are responsi-
ble for the majority of activity. Looking only at the subset of news media-related
tweets pointing to URLs of news organizations, the distribution is similar; a link to the domain appears in 166,449 tweets and a link to domain
appears in 158,950 tweets.
Figure 3shows the “rank-frequency” plots (Brookes and Griffiths 1978) in logarith-
mic scale. The figure shows how the vast majority of news media only have a very
small number of news media-related tweets and links to their respective organizations’
URLs, whereas the accounts associated with the most Twitter activity dwarf all others.
Cumulatively, the top 10 handles alone account for 19 percent of news media-related
activity, the top 25 for 34 percent, the top 50 for 49 percent, the top 100 for 65 per-
cent, and the top 500 for 95 percent. That is, the remaining 5603 of the 6103 handles
account for only 5 percent of the volume of news media-related tweets.
Rank-frequency plots of (a) highest volume tweeters and (b) highest linked to news agency
From Figure 3a we see that, unsurprisingly, sports and entertainment news (ESPN,
MTV, Billboard) and new, digital news media (Mashable, The Huffington Post) are asso-
ciated with the largest volume of news media-related content. However, The Guardian,
The New York Times, the Associated Press, CNN, and Forbes also have large amounts
tweets related to their content. This is in contrast to other traditional news organiza-
tions, such as the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, which have almost half the
number of news media-related tweets associated with them (respectively, 87,034 and
85,494 tweets, the 17th and 18th highest volumes). In a similar comparison between
news wires, we can see that Reuters has less news media-related content associated
with it than does the Associated Press, as @reuters has 59,388 associated tweets, less
than half of @ap. CNN has higher associated volumes than other television news:
@foxnews has 89,101 associated tweets, @abc has 78,402, and @nbcnews has 50,906.
When considering that CNN also has @cnnbrk with 94,767 tweets, we see that it
accounts for a large proportion of Twitter activity. The BBC is a notable absence among
the accounts with the most associated news media-related tweets, but this is because
it has employed a strategy of dividing up its Twitter activity between multiple accounts.
@bbcsport has 99,588 associated tweets, ranking 14th; @bbcworld has 72,900 tweets,
ranking 22nd; @bbcbreaking has 59,769 tweets, ranking 25th; and @bbcnews has
55,473 tweets, ranking 29th. With these accounts together, the BBC has more associ-
ated tweets than does ESPN. It is important to recall that the data is a random 10 per-
cent sample of all of Twitter. Consequently, these numbers can be used to estimate the
overall volume on Twitter by multiplying by 10.
When looking only at URLs, there are slight differences; while English-language
media are dominated by American and British outlets, there is one non-western media
outlet that appears high on the list, with the Times of India having almost as many
URLs as The New York Times (versus @timesofindia ranking 37th in overall volume of
associated news media-related tweets with 49,202 tweets). Overall, the news media
with the most frequent URLs are dominated by traditional organizations (other than
The Huffington Post and Yahoo News), perhaps mostly retweets of news media tweets.
Local Analysis: Egypt
To analyze the importance of news media in more detail, and investigate our
third hypothesis about whether Twitter content takes cues from news media or vice
versa beyond differing hashtag distributions, we selected a hashtag related to one
country in conflict and performed additional analysis. Identifying topics of substantive
interest that occurred through our period of data collection, we chose Egypt as a case
study, as this time included the contentious overthrow of the previously elected gov-
ernment of the Muslim Brotherhood and transition to a government headed by the
general Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (Borge-Holthoefer et al. 2015; El Issawi 2014). We identified
104,698 tweets from March 1 to June 30, 2014 including the hashtag “#Egypt.”
With the three above-described approaches to detect news media-related tweets
we were able to identify 8474 tweets (8.094 percent); 391 (0.373 percent) sent by news
media, 5195 (4.962 percent) mentioning news media, and 3276 (3.129 percent) linking
to news media websites. Figure 4shows that news media-related tweets are stable
between 6 and 10 percent per week over the four-month data collection period.
News media-related tweets per week for tweets including the hashtag “Egypt”
Percentage of news media-related tweets in #Egypt subtopics
We applied LDA, as described above, with 20 topics to the #Egypt data and
counted the news media-related tweets in these #Egypt subtopics. The black bars in
Figure 5visualize these results. As one can see, news media-related tweets are very dif-
ferent in these subtopics and go from almost 0 percent (topic 7) to 17 percent (topic
17). (In LDA output, the numbers assigned to clusters are just an indexing tool, they do
not say anything about the clusters.)
To better understand the role of news media in these subtopics, we use the
timestamps of the tweets in these 20 topics and count news media-related tweets in
the earliest 2 percent of all tweets per topic. By looking just at the earliest tweets, we
hope to approximate the first adopters of the topics. Note that early tweets cannot be
said to be the source or cause; meaningfully modeling influence is an enormously diffi-
cult problem, as there are many confounding factors. One thing we can say is that
being an “early adopter” is a necessary but not sufficient condition for influence.
The gray bars in Figure 5show these results. Intriguingly, two topics reach almost
25 percent (topic 17) and 30 percent (topic 9). We do not analyze all topics in detail but
want to have a closer look at these two topics. A central feature of LDA is that it gives a
set of top words that are most important for the topic clustering and, consequently,
most descriptive for the topics. Table 2shows the top 10 words for the clusters. In par-
ticular, the words in clusters 9 and 17 point to a very specific incident: three Al-Jazeera
journalists, charged with terrorism and imprisoned on December 29, 2013, were found
guilty on June 23 in a trial that received international condemnation (BBC News 2014).
Although LDA is exploratory, we feel comfortable saying that within Egypt, we
identify that news organizations’ Twitter outputs focus disproportionately on a specific
Top words of LDA clusters of the #Egypt data
Topic Top words
1 #news read power #sinai #egyptian top fresh torture latest
2 #anticoup today coup military university forces cairo students security
3 world military democracy regime aid freedom press state #africa
4 day presidential elections #sisi sisi #egypt’s election vote #egyelections
5 president sisi #egypt’s #sisi sexual egypt’s chief harassment brother
6 #egypt’s justice man action back minister historic country madness
7 #iran iran #news #world #cnn #un #usa #london #fox
8 #uae #saudi #kuwait #ksa #ff free #bahrain #qatar watch
9 #freeajstaff court trial crime today journalism #ajtrial mohamed photo
10 political innocent iraq maliki group report calls #egypt’s killer
11 egyptian news women media tv show state pm #gaza
12 #syria #iraq #libya #ukraine #israel #palestine foreign arab #lebanon
13 #cairo time good great morning #giza young happy hope
14 brotherhood muslim #mb_europe supporters #mb mb leader terrorist terrorism
15 police killed army &amp cairo protesters breaking shot killing
16 support #maryamrajavi government campaign call million sign #humanrights
17 journalists years al prison days journalist jail jazeera jailed
18 protest rights law human #rnn el live life yesterday
19 death sentenced people mass stop sentences executions speak sentence
20 egypt #travel #photography #tourism #discover_egypt_come #art #design #journey
event, apart from the general level of interest. It is telling but unsurprising that the
event relates to journalism and press freedom.
It is difficult to say what we should have expected for the volume of tweets that
are news media-related; on the one hand, only about 6000 accounts out of 300 million
“active monthly users”
would, if we take a uniform distribution as our null model, pre-
dict only 0.0019 percent tweets being sent, whereas we see 0.032 percent of the vol-
ume of tweets coming from our news accounts. Given that Twitter in general has
extremely skewed distributions of activity, we could more accurately say that news
accounts are over-represented among frequent tweeters and heavy users. Alternatively,
if we take other large organizations as the more appropriate comparison set for large
news organizations, then news media has a good showing but are not among the most
dominant entities. Taking our more expansive notion of news media-related tweets that
include mentions and URLs, the finding that 0.8 percent of the total volume relates to
news media is an interesting alternative way to consider the importance of news media
to Twitter (e.g., versus considering only overlap in topical focus, as in Kwak et al.
(2010); it is hard to contextualize in itself, but may be a baseline for future study, to
see if the proportion changes over larger periods of time as more users join Twitter; as
smaller media organizations increase adoption and usage of Twitter; or as existing pat-
terns of usage by general users or by news media-related entities changes. Alterna-
tively, we also present the number of tweets, mentions, and URLs, for studying any one
of these independently over time.
Our study is a compliment to the smaller studies previously done; using large-
scale computational analysis is not as accurate as content analysis and certainly not as
informative about actual practice as field studies, but by using a very different method-
ology to arrive at the same conclusions, we strengthen and reinforce the findings of
previous work in terms of the two hypotheses we consider. First, across a range of
organizations, wider than just those in the case studies previously considered, we find
continued evidence that Twitter practices of news media consist largely of dissemina-
tion. There is little evidence for engagement that breaks previously established journal-
istic norms such as professionalism, such as by prioritizing transparency or dialogue.
Second, we found (in something not yet explicitly demonstrated or quantified), the
inequality of the distribution of news content over different organizations, with large,
established organizations accounting for most news media-related content.
For looking at the direction of agenda-setting in the social media environment,
we first found differentiation: over a randomly chosen period in 2014, news media-re-
lated content was focused on a different set of hashtags than Twitter in general, often
with far greater representation of such content. From topic modeling, we were able to
look within a specific topic area, that of Egypt across a coup and government change,
to see how certain subtopics—in particular, ones relating to reporting and journalism
itself—have a far higher proportion of content from, directed at, or linking to news
entities, and that news media were the earliest to focus on these topics.
The difference between news media and other content also connects back to
one of our original theoretical motivations: to look at news consumption and dissemi-
nation activities on Twitter not just in terms of affordances and emergent practices, but
also in terms of the larger context of the Twitter platform. Computational methodolo-
gies that aggregate and analyze at a large scale provide an important perspective on
global context, exploiting for research purposes the ways in which Twitter as a platform
is designed to enable commodification and data-mining (Gehl 2014). This suggests fur-
ther avenues of investigation around how user consumption splits between news and
non-news content. Further investigating the role played by news media in Twitter may
also demonstrate how the presence of news media is valued by users, thereby creating
value for the Twitter platform. Again recalling how Twitter is a commercial enterprise
with a private governance structure and not a neutral public utility (van Dijck 2013),
knowledge of the relative value of news media will help anticipate how such media
may be treated in the future by the platform, and perhaps advocate for specific privi-
leges built into the platform, and generally support the pursuit by news media of
reach, impact, and influence on digital media platforms.
Thanks to Cornelia Brantner for discussion and guidance around journalism theory.
The authors have no affiliation with Twitter, any commercial aggregator of Twitter
content, or any news organization, and do not have any financial interest or ben-
efit arising from the direct applications of this research.
This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under MINVERVA
[grant number N000141310835]. Momin is supported in part by a grant from the
ARCS Foundation.
1. See also “Success Stories: Media, News & Publishing” (
cess-stories/industry/media-news-publishing, accessed December 10, 2015),
where Twitter pitches “success stories” of “curated content” to potential clients.
However, note that success is shown by many different metrics. While this may
be attributed to companies having different goals in their Twitter use, and Twit-
ter itself gives a typology of strategies at, when we
look at comparable products with presumably comparable goals (such as the
“products” of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama’s respective 2012 presidential
campaigns), we see that even then different metrics are presented as evidence
of success.
2. Accessed August 16, 2015.
3. The list of news media organization Twitter handles used in this article can be
accessed at
4. From (accessed August 16,
5. This means we miss tweets linking to news media websites through these short-
ened URLs, so we likely undercount the number of tweets with news URLs. For
reference, there are 37,462,621 links, 8,713,644 links, 7,988,958
links, and 7,714,077 tinyurl links among the 1.8 billion collected tweets. Note that
since February 2013, Twitter forcibly displays all URLs in 23 characters using its
own “” shortening service (see “Twitter Now Reducing Some Tweets to 117
Characters,”, and “Posting
Links in a Tweet,”, accessed December
10, 2015), removing the incentive that users would have previously had to use
URL shortening services to save space (Antoniades et al. 2011; Grier et al. 2010;
Maggi et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2013). The one paper analyzing URL shortening
services after the changeover (Gupta, Aggarwal, and Kumaraguru 2014) does not
consider the uses of such services other than for spam, and do not have an esti-
mate of what proportion of tweets with shortened URLs are spam.
6. The eponym Dirichlet is of the nineteenth-century German mathematician; a
probability distribution based on his work was named after him, and this proba-
bility distribution is the basis for LDA.
7. This part of the process is very similar to a technique common in social science,
Principle Component Analysis, in how the analyst interprets what loadings repre-
8. Note that for estimating just this proportion, it was not necessary to have a sam-
ple as large as the decahose; we could have also estimated this with the Sample
API, or even 1/10,000th of the Sample API. The advantage of having the full data,
or a far larger sample, is in being able to get accurate estimates of observations
in the tail of the rankings, as here observations are very sparse and hence it is
much harder to get accurate estimates from smaller samples. Furthermore, large
samples allow for drawing subsamples (such as the one we take for #Egypt)
large enough to perform meaningful inference.
9. See
fends-sufi-students (accessed December 10, 2015).
10. See (accessed December 10, 2015).
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... However, even though scholars have shown the salience of news stories on social media (Karlsson and Sjøvaag, 2016), they also have found a low occurrence of news among tweets. For example, Malik and Pfeffer (2016) found that just 0.8% of analyzed tweets could be linked to news media. ...
... This indicates that Twitter users in our corpus were somewhat more engaged with news than users in previous research (e.g. Malik and Pfeffer, 2016), which is perhaps due to how our study and method of gathering tweets centered on a specific global news event. ...
... Our study first of all verifies prior research findings (e.g. Malik and Pfeffer, 2016) that the sharing of news content through direct links is a relatively rare practice on Twitter (RQ1). It is even more rare to find Twitter users sharing links to more than one media organization. ...
In this study, we explore two parallel networks of discourse during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations of 2019 in Madrid (25th Conference of the Parties, COP25): one produced by news media coverage of the talks; the other by Twitter users who shared news content about the talks. Findings show that transnational public spheres can emerge out of relatively homogeneous moments internal to networks and external to networks (i.e. across multiple networks) at the intersection of certain actors and topics, cultural practices, and commercial and non-commercial (state) institutions. Yet there are persistent divisions along language, geographic, and other lines that encourage the formation of distinct micro-spheres of networked actors (internal heterogeneity), as well as distinct media practices that work to differentiate mass media networks from networks produced by a different set of publics on social media (external heterogeneity).
... Initially, Twitter was especially useful for obtaining and disseminating information (Bruns & Burgess, 2012), particularly breaking news or current events (Bruno, 2011;Vis, 2013;Noguera-Vivo, 2013). Then, it also became a useful production tool for searching for and contacting expert sources (Malik & Pfeffer, 2016), as well as a privileged platform for promoting journalistic work and the creation of a journalist's personal brand, largely differentiated from his or her own media (Gulyas, 2013). ...
... Within the uses and applications of this network, the synergy between journalism and Twitter is twofold. On one hand, the media have a significant impact on its contents (Malik & Pfeffer, 2016), and on the other hand, it has become a firstorder information distribution channel. Between 2012 and 2016, social networks experienced an enormous growth, from 20% to 46% of users. ...
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This article goes in depth into the key mechanisms that enable a digital interaction between journalists and expert sources in political journalism, developing a scale that articulates these interaction mechanisms on Twitter. On the basis of this analytical proposal, this study tries to reflect the potential professional consequences which are generated by this social network throughout the journalistic work as well as some changes in important professional skills, such as data verification and contact with expert sources. Those are key aspects to determine the opportunities of the journalists in the future of the profession. It also tries to analyse the relationship between journalists and politicians into a digital context by assessing the impact of using different new media tools on the journalistic culture and political discussion.
... Traditional mediaincluding TVare using digital platforms mainly to distribute content, access sources, and understand the reaction of their audiences (Artwick, 2013;Broersma & Graham, 2013;Hermida, 2010). Furthermore, news organizations primarily use their social media accounts to promote their reports (Malik & Pfeffer, 2016) and struggle with encouraging interaction and dialogue. ...
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This study examines the transformation of the audience of traditional television journalism. While the form of television political debates does not change much, their audience has become significantly different. Beside television audiences, there is a growing number of digital viewers. This audience analysis of Czech TV digital viewers confirms that not only have their numbers increased during the recent years but sociodemographic characteristics are also completely different from those of the television viewers. The study shows that digital viewers consume the content of political debates on other platforms. Social networks (including those used by the television itself) frame the viewer’s expectations before watching the debate. The study thus draws attention to the fact that the degree of coherence between different audience groups needs to be examined in detail in the context of the growing diversity of digital audiences.
... To analyze the diffusion of infographics, we collected data from Twitter, which news media uses mainly as a one-way communication channel to promote reporting [13]. We then implemented a semi-manual approach for infographic detection. ...
Conference Paper
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The coronavirus pandemic has altered many industries around the world. Journalism is one of them. Especially data journalists have gained attention within and outside of their newsrooms. We aim to study the prevalence of journalistic data visualizations before and after COVID-19 in 1.9 million image posts of news organizations on Twitter across six countries using a semi-manual detection approach. We find an increase in the shares of tweets containing infographics. Although this effect is not consistent across countries, we find increases in the prevalence of COVID-19-related content and interactions in infographics throughout all geographies. This study helps to generalize existing qualitative research on a larger, international scale.
The coronavirus pandemic has altered many industries around the world. Journalism is one of them. Especially data journalists have gained attention within and outside of their newsrooms. We aim to study the prevalence of journalistic data visualizations before and after COVID-19 in 1.9 million image posts of news organizations on Twitter across six countries using a semi-manual detection approach. We find an increase in the shares of tweets containing infographics. Although this effect is not consistent across countries, we find increases in the prevalence of COVID-19-related content and interactions in infographics throughout all geographies. This study helps to generalize existing qualitative research on a larger, international scale.
Zwischen sozialen Medien und professionellem Journalismus besteht ein vielfältiges Beziehungsgeflecht. Studien befassen sich mit der Frage, wie der Journalismus soziale Medien selbst einsetzt (Publizieren, Werbung, Publikumsbeteiligung) und wie sie sich wechselseitig einander ergänzen können (Recherche, Publikumsresonanz und -beobachtung, Thematisierung). Neben solchen Integrations- und Komplementärbeziehungen wird auch nach einer möglichen Konkurrenz gefragt: Digitale Plattformen verdrängen auf dem Werbemarkt Medienanbieter. Außerdem gewinnen sie als Nachrichtenquelle an Bedeutung. Allerdings können gegenwärtig professionell-journalistische Vermittlungsleistungen weder partizipativ noch algorithmisch ersetzt werden. Der Journalismus muss aber lernen, wie er eine Vielzahl sozialer Medien selbst parallel einsetzt, wie er sich von nicht-journalistischen Anbietern abgrenzt und wie er mit Kritik aus sozialen Medien umgeht. Darüber hinaus muss er seine Vermittlungsleistungen für die liberale Demokratie neu bestimmen und Vertrauen im Publikum dafür erhalten, dass er diese auch zuverlässig erbringt.
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This article seeks to examine the use of Twitter by South African television news channels to engage and inform rural based youth about the spread, containment, and breaking news stories of coronavirus. Using agenda setting as a theoretical framework, the article examined the use of Twitter by television news channels to create public awareness about the coronavirus pandemic among the rural-based South African youth. The article employed an exploratory research design and qualitative research method to collect data through an online structured interview schedule with 10 purposively selected youth aged 18-35 years from rural a Journal of African Films, Diaspora Studies, Performance Arts and Communication Studies (JAFDIS)
Concern over misinformation on social media has amplified calls to improve the public’s knowledge about how news is produced, distributed and financed. This study investigates the relationship between people’s news media knowledge and the ways in which they use social media for news using online survey data in five countries: the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Spain and Sweden ( N = 10,595). We find that people with higher news media knowledge are more likely to include social media in their news repertoire – but not as their main or only source of news. Second, we find that news media knowledge is positively associated with paying attention to source and editorial cues. When it comes to different social endorsement cues, news media knowledge is positively associated with paying attention to the person who shared the news, but negatively associated with paying attention to the number of likes, comments and shares.
Conference Paper
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Topic modeling is an important tool in social media analysis, allowing researchers to quickly understand large text corpora by investigating the topics underlying them. One of the fundamental problems of topic models lies in how to assess the quality of the topics from the perspective of human interpretability. How well can humans understand the meaning of topics generated by statistical topic modeling algorithms? In this work we advance the study of this question by introducing Topic Consensus: a new measure that calculates the quality of a topic through investigating its consensus with some known topics underlying the data. We view the quality of the topics from three perspectives: 1) topic interpretability, 2) how documents relate to the underlying topics, and 3) how interpretable the topics are when the corpus has an underlying categorization. We provide insights into how well the results of Mechanical Turk match automated methods for calculating topic quality. The probability distribution of the words in the topic best fit the Topic Coherence measure, in terms of both correlation as well as finding the best topics.
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The microblogging site Twitter is now one of the most popular Web destinations. Due to the relative ease of data access, there has been significant research based on Twitter data, ranging from measuring the spread of ideas through society to predicting the behavior of real-world phenomena such as the stock market. Unfortunately, relatively little work has studied the changes in the Twitter ecosystem itself; most research that uses Twitter data is typically based on a small time-window of data, generally ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Twitter is known to have evolved significantly since its founding, and it remains unclear whether prior results still hold, and whether the (often implicit) assumptions of proposed systems are still valid. In this paper, we take a first step towards answering these question by focusing on the evolution of Twitter's users and their behavior. Using a set of over 37 billion tweets spanning over seven years, we quantify how the users, their behavior, and the site as a whole have evolved. We observe and quantify a number of trends including the spread of Twitter across the globe, the rise of spam and malicious behavior, the rapid adoption of tweeting conventions, and the shift from desktop to mobile usage. Our results can be used to interpret and calibrate previous Twitter work, as well as to make future projections of the site as a whole.
There have never been so many ways of producing news and news-like content. From podcasts, to YouTube, blogs and the phenomenal popularity of social media, seismic shifts are underway in global media. News 2.0 bridges the gap between theory and practice to present an integrated approach to journalism that redefines the profession. Key ideas in journalism theory, political economy and media studies are used to explore the changing cultures of journalism in an historical context. Hirst explains the fragmentation of the mass audience for news products, and how digital commerce has disconnected consumers from real democracy. He argues that journalism requires a restatement of the role of journalists as public intellectuals with a commitment to truth, trust and the public interest. '. a powerful reply to those whose utopian dreams cloud their thinking about the political, social, economic and cultural implications of digital convergence.' - Vincent Mosco, Canada Research Chair, Queen's University '. essential reading for students, journalists and everyone interested in the future of news and journalism.' - Bob Franklin, Professor of Journalism Studies, Cardiff University '. tackles the urgent questions that surround journalism from a pragmatic yet radical perspective.' - Janet Wasko, Knight Chair in Communication Research, University of Oregon 'Anyone interested in where journalism finds itself now, and where it may be headed any time soon, should start by reading this book.' - Michael Bromley, Professor of Journalism, University of Queensland
This brief provides methods for harnessing Twitter data to discover solutions to complex inquiries. The brief introduces the process of collecting data through Twitters APIs and offers strategies for curating large datasets. The text gives examples of Twitter data with real-world examples, the present challenges and complexities of building visual analytic tools, and the best strategies to address these issues. Examples demonstrate how powerful measures can be computed using various Twitter data sources. Due to its openness in sharing data, Twitter is a prime example of social media in which researchers can verify their hypotheses, and practitioners can mine interesting patterns and build their own applications. This brief is designed to provide researchers, practitioners, project managers, as well as graduate students with an entry point to jump start their Twitter endeavors. It also serves as a convenient reference for readers seasoned in Twitter data analysis.
Numerous papers have reported great success at inferring the political orientation of Twitter users. This paper has some unfortunate news to deliver: while past work has been sound and often methodologically novel, we have discovered that reported accuracies have been sys-temically overoptimistic due to the way in which validation datasets have been collected, reporting accuracy levels nearly 30% higher than can be expected in populations of general Twitter users. Using careful and novel data collection and annotation techniques, we collected three different sets of Twitter users, each characterizing a different degree of political engagement on Twitter - from politicians (highly politically vocal) to "normal" users (those who rarely discuss politics). Applying standard techniques for inferring political orientation, we show that methods which previously reported greater than 90% inference accuracy, actually achieve barely 65% accuracy on normal users. We also show that classifiers cannot be used to classify users outside the narrow range of political orientation on which they were trained. While a sobering finding, our results quantify and call attention to overlooked problems in the latent attribute inference literature that, no doubt, extend beyond political orientation inference: the way in which datasets are assembled and the transferability of classifiers. Copyright © 2013, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
Geotagged tweets, Foursquare check-ins and other forms of volunteered geographic information (VGI) play a critical role in numerous studies and a large range of intelligent technologies. We show that three of the most commonly used sources of VGI - Twitter, Flickr, and Foursquare - are biased towards urban perspectives at the expense of rural ones. Utilizing a geostatistics-based approach, we demonstrate that, on a per capita basis, these important VGI datasets have more users, more information, and higher quality information within metropolitan areas than outside of them. VGI is a subset of user-generated content (UGC) and we discuss how our results suggest that urban biases might exist in non-geographically referenced UGC as well. Finally, because Foursquare is exclusively made up of VGI, we argue that Foursquare (and possibly other location-based social networks) has fundamentally failed to appeal to rural populations. Copyright © 2014, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
The basis of the information revolution in Egypt centres on the use and appropriation of technological advancements. At its forefront is the growth of information and communication technologies (ICTs), which offer an active and interactive platform for socio-political development, including the circumstances leading to the “25 January 2011 revolution”, predominantly labelled as the “Facebook” or Twitter revolution’. After this “digital” revolution many Egyptians continued using cyberspace. They clustered in networks, created parallel communication systems, each with its own identity, and interacted on issues of common concern. Witnessing a changing environment, the Egyptian journalism industry has had no choice but to overcome its fear of adopting technologies in order to fit into the new mould. Several newsrooms have adopted ICTs in the hope that the new media would help them to develop their content and reconnect with their audiences. Although on the surface this implies development, this claim requires further assessment. This study therefore aims to investigate the implementation and appropriation of ICTs, especially internet technologies, in three Egyptian newsrooms: Al Ahram, Al Dostor, and Al Masry Al Youm. The study further examines the extent to which newsrooms are incorporating ICTs into their daily routine as well as how the technologies are shaping and redefining practices.