Juan R. Coca

Juan R. Coca
Universidad de Valladolid | UVA

Ph.D. in Sociology and Master's degree in Logic and Philosophy of Science
Researching at Social Research Unit on Health and Rare Diseases (UVa), and CETIE (UVa)


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Professor - Department of Sociology and Social Work at University of Valladolid. Director of the Social Research Unit on Health and Rare Diseases, and academic secretary of the CETIE. Associate editor of Journal of Rare Diseases. Research: Social Theory, Biosociology, Sociology of Health and Rare Diseases, Social imaginaries, Sociohermeneutics and Biosemiotics, and Sociology of technoscience.
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September 2012 - present
University of Valladolid.
  • Professor


Publications (141)
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Sociotype is a concept that allows a more comprehensive understanding about bioso-ciology of undiagnosed rare diseases (URD). Sociotype is related to a genotype and a phenotype and it is an expression of the individual life world in society. In this paper, semiotic and hermeneutic analysis of papers published and selected about URD is developed. T...
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Approaches to Biosemiotics is the first issue in the Biosocial World collection, and contains a series of articles on what biosemiotics does, how it does it and what its long-term objectives may be. As a more specialized discipline in the boundaries of linguistics, the biosociology, the philosophy of biology and the sciences, we hope to offer a poi...
Our paper focuses on the semiotic analysis of images as shot by photojournalists. The photographs we analyze were taken in two different cities in Spain during a period of strict enclosure. For the analysis, we asked photojournalists to select several images. Once we received a selection, we analyzed the content of the images and categorized them....
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We propose a semiotic framework to underpin a posthumanist philosophy of education, as contrasted to technological determinism. A recent approach to educational processes as semiotic phenomena lends itself as a philosophy to understand the current interplay between education and technology. This view is aligned with the transhumanist movement to de...
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Este libro presenta nueve trabajos basados en reflexiones y resultados de investigaciones que abordan la radical transformación civilizatoria que plantea el transhumanismo y el arribo de lo posthumano. Conforme lo sintético penetra en lo humano a través del desarrollo real de las tecnologías que propone el proyecto transhumanista, la vida biológica...
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European regions with a lower population density have greater structural difficulties in ensuring that the daily life of their inhabitants matches that of more populated regions. This problem persists in groups of people who present some type of disability. Soria (Spain) is one of such regions. It is considered the most depopulated region of Southe...
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Hemophilia is a chronic, congenital/hereditary and X-linked disease, characterized by an insufficiency of factors VIII or IX, which are necessary for blood clotting. Those affected by hemophilia often suffer from particular psychosocial problems, both in the acceptance, coping, treatment and self-management of their disease and in their family and...
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Wolfram syndrome (WS) is a rare neurodegenerative disease usually of autosomal recessive origin. There is limited research about sensorineural hearing loss, despite it being a fundamental entity. It is important to broaden the study of this disease and specify a set of tests required for an adequate assessment of patients for efficient monitoring a...
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This study explores the perception of social and educational quality of life in minors with rare diseases (RDs). Two meta-analyses were performed, applying the random effects model. Results: Regarding the social Quality of Life, the meta-sample consisted of k = 40 samples, with a total population of 1943 children (mean age = 9.42 years), of whom 68...
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Pharmacovigilance is a scientific discipline that has changed a lot in recent years and is of great social importance. The case of the so-called sulfonamide elixir showed society the importance of this discipline. Since then, pharmacovigilance has evolved into a scientific discipline with a strong social character. In this paper, a historical revie...
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Este artículo expone una investigación en torno a las representaciones y saberes que tienen futuros docentes sobre las enfermedades raras. Participaron estudiantes de primer curso del grado de Primaria, de la Facultad de Educación de Soria (Universidad de Valladolid, España). El trabajo se complementa con la creación y puesta en marcha, durante dos...
This chapter is a bio-socio-semiotical analysis of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In this paper we conclude during the pandemic, the transcoding from the biological to the social has been interrupted or reduced, and the intermediary role of emotions has lost part of its function, as they have been determined more by the biological than by the social.
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This paper aims to understand higher education teachers’ perspectives facing the necessity to adopt a full online learning methodology brought by the COVID-19 pandemic situation. For this, we carried out a quantitative study by means of an online survey of professors at a medium-sized Spanish university with a staff of around 2,700 teachers, belong...
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Retinal dystrophies cause progressive degeneration of the retina in people who suffer from them, leading to loss of vision over the years that can negatively affect functional capacity and social participation. Our study aims to analyse how ocularcentrism contributes to aggravating the negative consequences of retinal dystrophies for the daily and...
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This paper aims to understand the higher education teachers’ perspectives facing the necessity to adopt a full online learning methodology brought by COVID-19 pandemic situation. For this, we carried out a quantitative study by means of an online survey of teachers at the University of Valladolid, belonging to different categories and areas of know...
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As a result of the pandemic caused by the impact of the SAR-Cov-2 orthocoranavirus, strict containment measures were adopted in Spain from March 15, 2020. These measures affected, among other systems, the activity and management of third sector entities dedicated to the care of people with rare diseases. In this study we tried to know this impact,...
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UMEN El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la posible existencia de sobreprotección y analizar su impacto social y sus efectos en la calidad de vida de personas con Síndrome de Wolfram. La metodología de investigación es mixta: cuantitativa y cualitativa. El estudio cuantitativo se basa en un diseño observacional correlacional-descriptivo. En...
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En la búsqueda por una epistemología que consolide la ciencia didáctica, en el presente trabajo analizamos las relaciones entre hermenéutica analógica (HA) y socio-didáctica: si esta puede aportar a aquella, elementos para un mejor conocimiento de lo social, la socio-didáctica encuentra en la hermenéutica un preciso dispositivo metodológico para in...
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El actual dossier es un claro ejercicio de esfuerzo interdisciplinar. En él se transita por aspectos filosóficos, sociológico, educativos, psicológicos, antropológicos, éticos, entre otros. En resumidas cuentas, entendemos que la principal contribución de este monográfico es asomarse, desde visiones y áreas distintas, a la anatomía de una de las re...
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En este artículo se realiza un análisis teórico de los condicionantes vitales que tienen las personas afectadas por enfermedades raras y sus familias. Esta investigación se estructura desde una perspectiva semiótica y hermenéutica para poder comprender mejor su realidad social. En ella hemos detectado la inexistencia del Kairós y el imperio del chr...
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Resumen. En este artículo se realiza un análisis teórico de los condicionantes vitales que tienen las personas afectadas por enfermedades raras y sus familias. Esta investigación se estructura desde una perspectiva semiótica y hermenéutica para poder comprender mejor su realidad social. En ella hemos detectado la inexistencia del Kairós y el imperi...
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Se expone un proyecto de innovación docente en torno a las Enfermedades Raras (ER), también llamadas de Baja Prevalencia o Poco Frecuentes. Se trata de una investigación-acción relacionada con las percepciones y conocimientos que sobre la discapacidad en general y las ER en particular tiene el colectivo de estudiantes uni- versitarios, concretament...
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Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales es la revista científica de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo. La revista tiene carácter pluridisciplinar, recoge artículos vinculados a las diferentes disciplinas científicas que se imparten en el Centro: Relaciones Laborales, Mercado Laboral, Derecho del Trabajo, Contabilidad de Empresas, Trabajo S...
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The Covid-19 pandemic has evolved into a health crisis with farreaching repercussions. Healthcare for rare diseases (RD) has been affected by the changes deriving from the measures put in place for such management. In this article we analyse the impact of a strict lockdown on the services and activity of those entities associated with such disease...
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Prions or PrPSc (prion protein, Scrapie isoform) are proteins with an aberrant three-dimensional conformation that present the ability to alter the three-dimensional structure of natively folded PrPC (prion protein, cellular isoform) inducing its abnormal folding, giving raise to neurological diseases known as Transmissible spongiforms encephalopat...
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La investigación sobre las enfermedades raras trasciende el ámbito biomédico. En este trabajo se analiza, de manera interdisciplinar, la distancia geográfica a los centros de referencia existente en España. En el análisis cartográfico se comprueba la concentración existente y la distancia (1.200 km en la Península y más de 2.400 desde las Islas Can...
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A comprehensive understanding of human sociality needs to embrace the coevolution of genes and culture. Recent advances in biological research about niche construction by organisms, and the development of the concepts of social niche and ethodiversity, can be integrated into a common approach to understand this coevolution, which implies the intera...
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Background: The coronavirus pandemic has generated social measures in order to contend virus expansion, and deaths. One of the most important political norms in the first wave was the domestic enclosure. This measure generates social, psychological and personal problems. Objective: The aim of this paper is to analyze the social impact of this ho...
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Resumen: En este artículo se hace un estudio semiótico y hermenéutico de una novela gráfica llamada Batman/Deathblow. El texto pese a brevedad tiene complejidad y entidad semiótica suficiente como para ser analizado en solitario. En esta obra se muestra a un héroe más humanizado de lo que suele ser habitual en las novelas gráficas de Batman. El aná...
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El Síndrome de Wolfram (SW) es una enfermedad “rara”, neurodegenerativa y progresiva. El trabajo evalúa la calidad de vida de las personas con SW y de sus cuidadores. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 27 afectados y 31 cuidadores. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos estudiados. Las personas afectadas...
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Usually, understanding of the world has been divided between objective and subjective. Phenomenology and Philosophy of language also included the intersubjective in this comprehension. Some researchers have detected needing to go further and study a broader concept. The study of trans-subjectivity seeks to fill that gap and delve into a novel conce...
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La socialidad es uno de los conceptos esenciales para entender la relación existente entre las investigaciones biológicas y sociológicas presentes en el ámbito científico denominado biosociología. En este trabajo se exponen brevemente las características de esta disciplina y se muestra la importancia del comportamiento en la estructuración de la so...
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El presente escrito conlleva parte de las conclusiones pertenecientes al proyecto interdisciplinar 29A340 “Formas De Comprensión de la Identidad. Paisaje, Arte y Patrimonio Cultural en Patagonia”. Se expondrán características del arte paisajista en hitos sobresalientes. Posteriormente se mencionaran las características del arte contemporáneo en art...
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Higher Education Institutions (HEI) have been challenged to rethink their action and to adequate their mission to new contemporary realities. These challenges have been posed by the characteristics of democratic societies which led to the expansion of compulsory schooling, increased cultural, ethnical and gender diversity of students, and also the...
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Introduction: Human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are pathologies related to the misfolding of the cellular prion protein. When these diseases manifest, they are characterized by a rapid and invariably fatal neurodegeneration. Aim: To gain insight on the social, personal and family reality of the people in close contact with these di...
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la realidad social de las familias afectadas por el Síndrome de Wolfram. Se realiza una investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas online. El análisis es sociohermenéutico y comprensivo. Se comprueba el aislamiento al que se ven sometidas las familias y la problemática social que éstas pad...
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Las enfermedades de baja prevalencia se han convertido en uno de los nuevos retos sociales. La investigación social no puede obviar esta realidad y debe enfrentarse a este complejo entorno social y biomédico. Decimos que la realidad de las patologías raras es compleja a causa de la gran cantidad de enfermedades que se encuentran dentro de este gran...
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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer la realidad social de las personas y familias afectadas por enfermedades raras. Se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas. Con la información de los entrevistados se ha hecho un análisis del contenido y del discurso de las respuestas. Los datos obtenidos nos muestran que las personas afect...
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Entrevista a Mauricio Beuchot sobre su obra poética
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En este artículo iniciamos una reflexión sobre los posibles pilares epistémicos de la metadidáctica. El objetivo es obtener una especie de configuración de un corpus epistémico propio para la didáctica general y para las didácticas específicas, que pueda ser compartido e identificativo de tal conocimiento. Con ello se pretende sentar los cimientos...
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A intención deste traballo é analizar a episteme desenvolvida por Otero Pedrayo. No artigo exponse un estudo socio-hermenéutico da obra oteriana e conclúese que a episteme deste pensador era moi poliédrica. Porén destaca o carácter dadaísta, romántico e barroco do seu pensamento. Grazas a esta perspectiva podemos alicerzar unha episteme humanista e...
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This article becomes the first step towards technoscience as an opened and inter-penetrated enabler. For this the authors develop a theoretical and hermeneutical analysis of the techno-scientific system. A brief history of the modern occidental science is presented. Later, this article offers the first approach to a trans-subjective or trans-person...
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En este artículo se muestran los cambios sociales que se han producido en los últimos años. En la posmodernidad se han incrementado el número de no-lugares en las ciudades, además las urbes son cada vez más estresantes. Todo ello tiene consecuencias epigenéticas que deben ser tenidas en cuenta en el diseño de las ciudades. En el texto se hace un re...
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This article aims to build bridges between didactics empiricism and its theoretical reflection. We understand that the search for a didactic ontology is essential to give an epistemic basis to didactic knowledge. Therefore, this task needs philosophical bases that help to comprehend education from ontological perspectives. For this purpose, we will...
This article shows the social changes that have occurred in recent years. In postmodernity, the number of non-places in cities has increased, and cities are becoming increasingly stressful. All this has epigenetic consequences that must be taken into account in the design of cities. In the text, a review is made of current research on stress and it...
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En el mundo ciborg en el que nos encontramos, donde todo se altera según el marco establecido por los "desig-nios" de la tecnociencia, parece necesario reivindicar o plantear nuevos enfoques de investigación en el que los elementos socio-psico-educativos ocupen un lugar central. Partiendo de esta premisa, en nuestro grupo de investiga-ción hemos qu...
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Este trabajo pretende abordar la problemática ante la cual se enfrentan los países occidentales ante el incremento tecnológico del sistema productivo, y la carencia de licenciados en ciencias experimentales. En el mercado laboral existen muchos trabajos destinados a licenciados en ciencias experimentales y sin embargo, cada vez, los jóvenes español...
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This paper addresses the historical analysis of the journal Sociology and Technoscience that the authors put on the scene in January of 2010. It focus on the different aspects that have characterized the journal in these years of histor, highlighting the difficulties and joys that have been going through the publication, as well as the people who h...
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This paper analyzes the perception that high school students have about of the teaching of science. It is a longitudinal study is carried on at the University of Valladolid. The inquiry wants to know the reasons because the students choose degrees of experimental sciences or social sciences. This research attempts to analyze the student’s assessmen...
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En este artículo abordamos, desde un enfoque metadidáctico y hermenéutico analógico, la literatura infantil (LI) en relación con la sociodidáctica y su tratamiento en las facultades de Educación. Con este fin, analizamos la metadidáctica y la LI, esta última en su doble condición de objeto literario y educativo. Esto nos lleva a revisar el viejo de...
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This paper presents a theoretical approach about the promoting the critical spirit. We defend its importance for democratization. This one is due to the dialogue present in our conception of pedagogical criticism and the hermeneutic elements. In fact, our view is eminently critical hermeneutics and experiential.
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El presente trabajo es un estudio teórico sobre los comienzos de la sociología como ciencia y su naturaleza inicialmente teórica. Partimos de sus inicios en la ilustración y la influencia moderna de ésta. Sin embargo, planteamos que uno de los grandes motores de la transformación epistémica de la sociología ha sido la noción de progreso, opacada po...
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They exist so many superstitions involving the feminine sphere, which set the feminine up as the heart of a wide variety of collective imaginaries. This article analyzes one of those myths: the female that owns a poison with damaging efects on the environment, that is the menstrual flow. It makes every woman into a powerful wizard by nature, a bein...
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The paper presents a series of paradigmatic examples. In which technoscientific development, involves a transformation at the psycho-socio-educational level. The objective is to present the possibilities of the impact that has the operating system techno-scientific, in different areas of the educational system. The work shows the interrelationship...
Galician thinking has been very fruitful in the studies of intimacy and of the quotidian. A Galician thinker who gave much thought to these concepts was Carlos Balinas. He proposed a hermeneutic theory that, in my judgement, can be understood as quotidian-conversational. This theory aims to study the origin of significance. Balinas’s proposition ha...
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Coca, J.R.; Gómez Redondo, S. y Sanz Molina. L. (2016). Creatividad y sombra (una aproximación a las zonas no iluminadas que posibilitan el impuso creativo en el ser humano). Revista Electrónica de Investigación, Docencia y Creatividad, 5, 58-66.
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This paper aims to analyze current society, where techno-science has a major presence while at the same time not differing greatly from that of the Baroque era with respect to intellectual, cultural, and social demands. As in the Baroque era, we are today more interested in getting results than in understanding how things works or how things are do...
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Interview with Professor Doctor D. Mauricio Beuchot, founder of the theorical proposal Analogical Hemeneutic. Nowadays, this hermeneutic is recognized as an original and innovative proposal in the field of philosophical hermeneutics. Jean Grondin, one of the most expert of the current hermeneutic said that the researchers in hermeneutics should beg...
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The aim of this paper is to propose a systematization of hermeneutics in nursing. The authors start from the premise that hermeneutics nursing is limited to the study of talks. For this reason an outline of a future proposal it is exposed. It is intended that hermeneutics is not restricted solely to the study of texts spoken or written. Otherwise i...
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En este artículo se exponen algunas de las lineas que han guiado la práctica docente de la asig-natura de Didáctica de la Creatividad Literaria, de 4º curso de Educación Primaria (Campus de Soria, Universidad de Valladolid), así como su culminación en el proyecto de poesía urba-na UniVERSOS. Desde una perspectiva hermenéutica y pedagógica, y con el...
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El presente texto lo dividimos en tres apartados: el primero corres- ponde a la de nición de los sistemas autopoiéticos y alopoiéticos, para presentar las diferencias entre éstos y de ahí re exionar sobre la forma en que operan en el territorio. El segundo apartado lo centramos en de nir el territorio, así como algunos de los efectos de las crisis...
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Resumen El presente trabajo aborda el estudio del imaginario instituido del paisaje desde un socio-hermenéutica social basada en la consideración del sistema social como textualidad ciborg. A partir de esta metodología que se propone, se busca ampliar la perspectiva de análisis de los estudios de los imaginarios. Palabras clave: Paisaje, Imaginario...
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This article deals with the concept of progress, its development throughout recent history and how it can modify our perceptions by providing new guidelines to understand the world around us, especially once we are devoted to design a theoretical and scientific framework to discuss the idea of globalization. Moreover, a proposal to take a closer lo...
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El pensamiento critico ha tenido gran relevancia en el siglo pasado, y han sido muchos los autores que abordaron su estudio desde diferentes disciplinas. El presente trabajo de investigacion surge de la premisa basica de que el fomento del espiritu critico es un elemento importante dentro del sistema educativo actual. Por esta razon hemos querido c...
La migración cualificada es un fenómeno extendido. Ello se debe a la globalización de los procesos económicos y la internacionalización de los procesos de producción del conocimiento. La migración es un efecto no deseado por las naciones que pierden su personal más cualificado. Además, la migración cualificada es considerada una manera de progresió...
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Neste traballo partimos da idea, presente na xeración Nós, de que en Galicia hai un xeito propio de facer coñecemento. Principiamos o desenvolvemento dunha epistemoloxía barroco-romántica e exemplificámola no traballo de Otero Pedrayo. Neste artigo comenzamos cun eido de traballo especial sobre o pensamento do gran pensador de Trasalba.
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En este libro se ofrecen algunas pistas de exploración a través de las cuales, las aportaciones de la investigación sobre lo imaginario, podrían convertirse en enfoques, teorías, métodos y herramientas para estudiar los fenómenos ligados al desarrollo de las ciudades en las que vivimos. Las reflexiones que el lector en- contrará al interior de esta...
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¿A qué nos remite la noción de imaginarios sociales? Las ciencias sociales han otor- gado a esta noción un lugar destacado entre las diferentes representaciones socia- les situándolas forzosamente en el umbral de lo real. No obstante, los imaginarios sociales actúan como fuerzas reguladoras vivas y referentes simbólicos activos que influyen en la v...
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This paper analyzes the evolution of Spanish migration along the history, emphasizing that the current crisis has not many differences from the past. The problem of emigration is considered as the result of inherited aspects of the past, as it is, through lack of foresight of production model. Many of the present conditions in the emigration of yes...
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The qualified migration is a widespread phenomenon. This is due to the globalization of economic processes and the internationalization of knowledge production processes. Migration is an unwanted effect for nations losing their highly skilled staff. In addition, skilled migration is seen as a way of progression and development of nations. Is, there...
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This paper analyzes the evolution of Spanish migration along the history, emphasizing that the current crisis has not many differences from the past. The problem of emigration is considered as the result of inherited aspects of the past, as it is, through lack of foresight of production model. Many of the present conditions in the emigration of yes...
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Este trabajo evalúa la influencia que los medios de comunicación tienen en la percepción y comportamiento de la sociedad frente a la plantación del Eucalyptus en Galicia (NO de España). Se ha realizado un estudio del caso, extendido a lo largo de varias décadas. Se estudia el tratamiento y la repercusión que se han generado en los medios de comunic...
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A concern with language usage and interpretation has been apparent throughout the history of the Spanish Language. Numerous semantic studies are available focusing on a variety of languages. Taking a study of Lakoff and Johnson’s Metaphors We Live By as our starting point, we can see how interpretations of certain metaphors commonly used in the Eng...
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La intención de este artículo es la de analizar los imaginarios sociales de la economía dentro de la biotecnología. Para ello se utiliza la metodología sobre los imaginarios sociales desarrollada por el sociólogo Juan Luís Pintos. La investigación se centra en el análisis del discurso del término biotecnología. Se establecen cuatro campos semántico...
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This paper aims to show the reality of immigration in Spain and the way that crisis is affecting this group. The migration of people begins with clear aim, and with the hopefully solves the problems in the native land. But when a crisis occurs in the host countries are truncated many of the goals that gave rise to the migration process. The paper a...
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This paper is a theoretical reflection about progress. Such a reflection requires an epistemological positioning which, in this case, it will be moderate contextualism. Some proposals about scientific progress are reviewed, to then, relate the approach developed by the philosopher, Imre Niiniluoto, to that of the philosopher, Mauricio Beuchot. The...
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La intensa llegada de extranjeros a España desde finales del pasado siglo, y sobre todo a lo largo de la primera década del actual, es uno de los fenómenos más singulares experimentados en el ámbito de las migraciones, ya no sólo en la historia reciente del propio país sino también a nivel internacional. De lo primero da cuenta el hecho de que en s...
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This paper evaluates the influence that the media have on perception and behavior of society towards the planting of Eucalyptus in Galicia (NW Spain). We performed a case study, spread over several decades. We study the treatment and the impact generated in the media in Galicia, analyzing the changes over time. It has contrasted the social percepti...
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The aim of this paper is to show how you can develop a hermeneutics of science. For this, we will use Kuhn’s epistemological developments and we will develop a theoretical analysis of them. Finally, we will outline the elements which condition the techno-scientific activity. This paper seeks, in conclusion, to expose the elements that should be pre...
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The globalization of technoscience produced a great amount of social changes. Among them we can highlight the cyborgization of rural word. In this article we expose this process, its consequences and the underlying analyzed difficulties through the Santa Uxia de Riveira population's study. Last we show a graduate analysis fuzzy model that it allow...
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La intención de este trabajo es analizar la evaluación del trabajo científico a través de las publicaciones científicas. La calidad de un trabajo o artículo no depende exclusivamente del número de citas y del lugar de publicación. Hay otros aspectos cualitativos que le confieren dicha calidad a un texto, especialmente a su contenido. Este artículo...
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By examining scientific journals, this paper attempts an analysis of how scientific articles are evaluated. The quality of a piece of science is not solely a function of the number of references it boasts or a given journal's reputation. There are other qualitative aspects that confer quality to a text, not the least of which is content. By means o...


Questions (2)
Biosocial studies encompass a set of approaches constituted by the space of knowledge generated by the interaction between biology and sociology. This space takes us back to the beginnings of social studies where biology and social sciences walked side by side. At present, these studies are being revitalised. For this reason, we want to contribute at Societies to strengthening this discipline and its research. When we conceive of biosocial research, we automatically think of medicine. However, the relationship between genetics and society, epigenetics, social evolution, the environment and the social, etc. can also be present in this field of study. In short, biosocial study is a diverse and plural set of approaches of great interest and relevance for today's world. In this Topic, we want to bring together the best international biosocial research. For this reason, we hope to feature the work of social scientists interested and concerned with the environment, health, diseases, biology, disability, old age, climate and energies in their relation to society. All these approaches also need a broad methodological perspective, so the issue is open to theoretical and empirical (quantitative and qualitative) work. We believe that studies of a conceptual nature with future hypotheses would also be of great interest. This issue aims to advance biosocial studies from a broad and diversified approach. Biosocial study helps us to better understand the surrounding reality. This is apparnt is we consider, for a moment, the numerous studies on SARS-CoV-2, or the possibilities that the social sciences offer to biomedicine or the science of care. On the other hand, we would like this issue to help biologists understand that the social sciences can help and complement their research. All in all, this is an exciting and thought-provoking Topic.
We would like to answer this and other questions in the next special issue of the journal Societies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated many social transformations in industry, especially presenting a major challenge to the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry has taken on many challenges from which we can learn. The pandemic, among many other factors, has led to different organizational models, changes in innovation strategies, changes in production models, and transformations in occupational risk prevention. The healthcare industry has had to respond quickly to all this, with the development of vaccines, conversion of non-healthcare companies into healthcare-related companies, etc.
For this reason, the aim of this Special Issue is to understand how the biosocial transformations generated by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have affected this industrial sector. We are interested in knowing if innovations have been generated, if the pandemic has meant changes for companies, what challenges this sector has had to face, what consequences the pandemic has generated at an organizational level or even if it has implied transformations in communication or in the culture of healthcare companies. In this Special Issue, we want to bring together quality research from different perspectives: sociology, psychology, economics, marketing, business organization, business ethics, and so on, all from a healthcare perspective.
We expect to publish theoretical, qualitative inquiries, quantitative papers, and case studies on topics similar to the following and within the scope of the Special Issue:
  • Occupational risk prevention;
  • Relations between society and industry;
  • Internal changes in companies;
  • Analysis of economic transformations;
  • New internal and external communication strategies;
  • Changes in company culture;
  • Business ethics and COVID-19;
  • Future challenges of industry;
  • Sociology of the healthcare industry.
  • New needs of heathcare companies.
In this Special Issue, contributions should address the topic of the Special Issue and be an article, conceptual paper, or review.


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