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Factors that Impact on the Effectiveness of Instructional Animations



This chapter outlines a number of factors that have impacted the research into instructional animations. It describes how the findings from comparisons between animations and statics, the major research paradigm, has found mixed results showing that animations are not always more effective than equivalent static pictures. We also describe some mounting evidence that animations seem to be particularly more suited to learning human motor skills rather than other types of knowledge and skills. However, we conclude that it is difficult to have total confidence in the research because many studies have inbuilt design biases that have not been controlled for. In addition, three learner characteristics (spatial ability, gender, and prior knowledge), which have been shown to influence the effectiveness animations, are also often ignored in the research. We discuss the transient nature of information present in animations that increases cognitive load and is a major impediment to learning. We also outline a number of compensatory strategies, such as learner interactivity and segmentation, that can support learning from animations, and describe how more general learning strategies, such as gesturing and collaboration, can be used in tandem with animations to facilitate greater learning.
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
Paul Ayres
Juan C. Castro-Alonso
Mona Wong
Nadine Marcus
Fred Paas
This chapter examines a number of signicant issues associated with the design of
instructional animations. The term animation used here refers to visualisations
composed of a number of static pictures that are shown in rapid sequence. This
broad denition includes many dierent types of instructional materials, such as
sequential presentations, simulations, videos, and other types of dynamic
Despite the immense promise of animations to enhance learning, proof of their
eectiveness has lagged behind many educatorsenthusiasm for using them. We
argue that the research has not only failed to nd convincing evidence in support
of the wide-scale use of instructional animations, but also the research itself has in
many instances, failed to consider or control for signicant moderating factors. This
chapter discusses these factors and their implications for designing eective
instructional animations. We begin our discussion by examining the research into
studies that have compared animations with static presentations. This comparison
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
has been an important methodology in deciding whether moving pictures provide
any learning advantage compared to static pictures.
Animations versus static pictures research
Although many studies have shown that dynamic visualisations are an advantage
over statics, the overall evidence is far from conclusive (see Tversky, Morrison, &
Betrancourt, 2002). There are studies that show: (a) animation superior to statics
(e.g., Stebner, Kühl, er, Wirth, & Ayres, 2017; Yarden & Yarden, 2010), (b)
static pictures superior to animations (e.g., Koroghlanian & Klein, 2004), and (c)
neither format superior to the other (e.g., Kühl, Scheiter, Gerjets, & Gemballa,
One example that demonstrates the mixed outcomes of this type of research can
be found in the meta-analysis of Berney and Bétrancourt (2016). Overall, the meta-
analysis showed an overall advantage of animation over statics. However, closer
examination of the data reveals that in their 140 pair-wise comparisons, 59% of the
studies failed to show signicant dierences between either type of visualisations,
10% showed static dominance, and only 31% favoured animations.
These research ndings suggest somewhat mixed results making it dicult to
conclude that animations are the best form of presentation format for all condi-
tions. Complicating the issue even further is that the research base has been often
tainted by the inclusion of design biases, which are discussed next.
Design biases in animation research
Examinations of the design details used in studies comparing statics to animations
have shown that they have often failed to consider a number of moderating vari-
ables (Tversky et al., 2002). For example, there are biased comparisons that have
not controlled for variables such as appeal, variety, media, size, and interaction (see
Castro-Alonso, Ayres, & Paas, 2016). A typical example of appeal bias is observed
in comparisons that do not match the degree of colour included in both visualisa-
tions, and, for example, compare coloured animation to black and white statics
(e.g., Yang, Andre, Greenbowe, & Tibell, 2003). As colour inuences memorisa-
tion and multimedia learning (e.g., Matthews, Benjamin, & Osborne, 2007), a
failure to control for this variable will inuence learning outcomes. The variety bias
is observed when one of the compared formats presents more visual elements than
the other, for example, the static pictures include signalling arrows, which are
lacking in the animated design (e.g., Lewalter, 2003). Any extra quantity of visual
elements can generate advantageous cueing or signalling eects (e.g., Xie et al., 2017)
or unfavourable redundancy eects (see Kalyuga & Sweller, 2014). The media bias is
observed when the comparison is not made in the same medium, such as paper
static images compared to computer animations (e.g., Marbach-Ad, Rotbain, &
Stavy, 2008). Variations in media can lead to dierent learning eects (e.g., Salo-
mon, 1984). An example of size bias is produced when a larger animation is
Factors impacting instructional animations 181
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
compared to the smaller images of statics (e.g., Ng, Kalyuga, & Sweller, 2013),
most likely hindering the eectiveness of the static pictures. Last, the interaction
bias includes comparisons where the animated visualisation includes interactive
buttons, for example to pause or fast forward the content, whereas these features
are not included in the static format (e.g., Watson, Buttereld, Curran, & Craig,
2010). As the inclusion of interaction can help multimedia learning (e.g., Evans &
Gibbons, 2007), such comparisons are biased in favour of the animated format.
Hence, studies that investigate animation-static comparisons should ensure that
such moderating variables are controlled for. Furthermore, there are a number of
learnersindividual characteristics that may also inuence these studies, such as
spatial ability, gender, and prior knowledge.
Impact of individual characteristics
Spatial ability
Spatial ability is considered an important skill in extracting and understanding
visual information when learning from animations and static pictures (see,
Hegarty, Kriz, & Cate, 2003; Hegarty, Montello, Richardson, Ishikawa, &
Lovelace, 2006; Hegarty & Sims, 1994; Hegarty & Waller, 2005; Narayanan &
Hegarty, 2002). The meta-analysis of er (2010) found a correlation
between spatial ability and learning from instructional animations, showing that
the eectiveness of animations can be inuenced by the spatial ability of lear-
ners. Similarly, research has also found that spatial ability is highly correlated
with mental animation (see Hegarty et al., 2003; Hegarty et al., 2006). When
static pictures are used to display dynamic processes, the learner must mentally
animate the processes in order to understand the motion depicted (Hegarty et
al., 2003). In other words, motion must be inferred, and therefore learners with
low spatial ability may nd it dicult to make these inferences. On the con-
trary, there is evidence showing that learners with low spatial ability may be
advantaged by learning from animations rather than statics in comparison to
learners with high spatial ability (Höer, 2010). This nding suggests that
because learners with low spatial ability nd it dicult to mentally animate
static pictures, animations reduce the amount of mental animation that needs to
be made and therefore provide an advantage. In contrast, learners with high
spatial ability have fewer problems with mentally animating statics, and therefore
show fewer pronounced dierences in learning from statics and animation.
Another issue associated with spatial ability is that there have been a number of
ambiguous denitions and dierent psychometric tests used to obtain a general
measure of spatial ability (for details, see Wong, Castro-Alonso, Ayres, & Paas,
2018). As also outlined by Castro-Alonso, Ayres, Wong, and Paas (Chapter 8, this
book), if spatial ability is measured, often there is a disparity between the actual test
used and the content to-be-learned, for example, a paper folding task may have
little in common with learning science concepts.
182 Ayres, Castro-Alonso, Wong, Marcus, Paas
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
It can be concluded that if spatial ability is an important skill in learning from
animations (and statics), then it is important to measure it using the appropriate
Gender effects
Spatial ability research generally suggests that females have a lower spatial ability (in
particular, mental rotation ability) than males (e.g. Halpern, 2011; Maeda & Yoon,
2013).There is also evidence that instructional animations can support females more
than males (e.g., Falvo & Suits, 2009; Sánchez & Wiley, 2010; Wong, Castro-
Alonso, Ayres, & Paas, 2015). Consequently, it has been argued that any advantage
for females from instructional animations is due to their lower spatial ability (e.g.
Sánchez & Wiley, 2010; Yezierski & Birk, 2006), as animations generally benet
learners with low spatial ability (Höer, 2010) rather than static pictures.
Similar to the treatment of spatial ability, gender is often not reported leading to
potential biases with treatment sampling. More females in one group may produce
adierent result to more males. There is a lack of rigorous investigation linking the
eectiveness of animations with gender and spatial ability measures, despite research
showing that gender may have a signicant impact on the eectiveness of
instructional animations (see Wong et al., 2018).
Prior knowledge
A major nding of cognitive load theory is that expertise can inuence the eec-
tiveness of learning strategies (Kalyuga, Ayres, Chandler, & Sweller, 2003). Strate-
gies that are helpful for novices may be detrimental to those with greater
knowledge. Animated environments are no exception in demonstrating this
expertise reversal eect. A study by Spanjers, Wouters, van Gog, and van Mer-
riënboer (2011), demonstrated an eect using a segmentation strategy. One
method of improving the eectiveness of animations is to segment the presentation
into smaller parcels of information. However, Spanjers et al. (2011) found that the
segmentation strategy was only eective for learners with low domain-specic
knowledge compared to learners with greater knowledge. Arguably, learners with
more prior-knowledge are able to deal with more information at a time, due to
expertise information chunking advantages (see Sweller, Ayres & Kalyuga, 2011).
Furthermore, Kalyuga (2008) also showed that greater domain-specic knowledge
could reduce the negative eects of transient information, which is discussed next.
The transient information effect
As described above there are number of factors that have inuenced the research
into animation-static studies. By not controlling for these factors the research base
has been tainted to some degree, and it is dicult to form a conclusion that ani-
mations are superior. In addition, there are theoretical grounds suggesting that
Factors impacting instructional animations 183
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
statics may be superior to animations. Animations, when used as instructional
resources share a common feature: they convey transient visual information. This
transiency feature is present in animations but not in their constituent static pic-
tures. Ayres and Paas (2007) observed that because animations are dynamic con-
sisting of a series of frames, which roll from one to another, visual information
often disappears from sight. If information from previous frames is needed to
understand later frames, the learner has to remember previous information and
mentally integrate it with newly presented information. This processing requires
additional working memory resources and from a cognitive load theory perspective
has negative eects on learning. In contrast, static presentations are more perma-
nent, generating less transient information, which allows more working memory
processes to be allotted to learning.
The transient information eect occurs when non-transient information leads to
higher learning than the same information presented in a transient form (Castro-
Alonso, Ayres, Wong, & Paas, 2018). This eect has been demonstrated in ani-
mation studies involving mechanical systems (Mayer, Hegarty, Mayer, & Campbell,
2005) and symbol memorisation tasks (Castro-Alonso, Ayres, & Paas, 2014) where
statics have been found to be superior to animations. The eect has also been
found with spoken narration, which is a more fundamental form of transient
information (see Singh, Marcus, & Ayres, 2017; Wong, Leahy, Marcus & Sweller,
Animations and learning human movement skills
Considerations of transient information suggest that animations may not create the
optimum learning environment, although levels of transiency are an important
factor in deciding the extent to which they inhibit learning (Leahy & Sweller,
2011). Nevertheless, there is some clear evidence that animations are conducive for
promoting learning for a particular class of tasks. The meta-analysis of er and
Leutner (2007) identied a number of conditions under which animations were
more eective than equivalent statics. In particular, the largest eect size was found
when the animations featured procedural-motor knowledge. Our own research has
since supported this conclusion, and has shown that when learning cognitive tasks
involving human motor skills, animations are an advantage. For example, we have
found that animations are superior to statics in learning to tie knots (Marcus,
Cleary, Wong, & Ayres, 2013), build Lego shapes (Castro-Alonso, Ayres, & Paas,
2015a), and make origami shapes (Ayres, Marcus, Chan, & Qian, 2009; Wong et
al., 2009). Other researchers have also found similar advantages, for example when
learning surgical skills (Masters, Lo, Maxwell, & Patil, 2008).
The prediction that transient information reduces the impact of animations
and the ndings that animations are very helpful for learning human movement
tasks creates an obvious dichotomy: How can both be true? Paas and Sweller
(2012) suggest that humans have evolved to learn human movement skills more
easily than other types of skills (see also van Gog, Paas, Marcus, Ayres, &
184 Ayres, Castro-Alonso, Wong, Marcus, Paas
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
Sweller, 2009). Based on the work of Geary (2008) it can be argued that
human movement is a form of biologically primary knowledge that requires
little conscious processing of information. As a result, when learning about
human movement from an animation, working memory may be less aected by
transient information. In other words, learning about human movement might
be a special case, where humans have evolutionary advantages that are not
aorded to other types of learning topics.
Methods to improve the effectiveness of animations
Multimedia principles
Badly designed animations reduce their potential signicantly, regardless of any
inherent diculties associated with them. Features like how and when text is
applied is critical. The meta-analysis of Berney and Bétrancourt (2016) found sig-
nicant advantages when spoken explanatory text was added to animations. This
nding is consistent with the modality eect where spoken text and pictures gen-
erate higher learning outcomes than written text and pictures (Low & Sweller,
2014). Adding text to pictorial information creates a multimedia learning environ-
ment (see Mayer, 2014), where there are a number of guiding principles that
should be followed based on cognitive load theory (Ayres, 2015). For example,
these principles include: a) synchronising the spoken text with the relevant pictures
to avoid split-attention eects (Ayres & Sweller, 2014); b) ensuring that the spoken
text and pictures do not convey the same information leading to redundancy
(Kalyuga & Sweller, 2014); and c) avoiding lengthy spoken text that can cause the
transient information eect (Leahy & Sweller, 2011).
Compensatory strategies
Using best-practice multimedia principles in the design of instructional animations
ensures that many potential negative eects can be avoided. However, they do not
guarantee that animated transitory eects will be reduced. To deal with transitory
information a number of compensatory strategies have been employed. Animations
can be paused either through learner control or system control (Mayer & Chandler,
2001), or segmented into smaller sections (Spanjers et al., 2011; Wong et al., 2012).
Both interventions (pausing or segmenting) deal with the transient information by
reducing the amount of information that the learner must cope with at a given
time. That reduction can ameliorate the negative eects of transience when using
animated instructional presentations. Whereas these compensatory strategies are
helpful, they also have some disadvantages. Segmentation can make it more di-
cult to integrate knowledge across segments (see Singh et al., 2017) and learner
interactivity can be a burden for novice learners who do not have the expertise to
know when to stop and start animations at key points in the presentations (Hasler,
Kersten, & Sweller, 2007).
Factors impacting instructional animations 185
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
Using general learning strategies
Much of the research into instructional visual representations has tended to
focus on ways to improve the presentation formats, by for example, adding
text. There has been less emphasis on combining multimedia formats with other
learning strategies. Two notable exceptions have been the use of worked
examples (see Renkl, 2014) and self-explanations (see Wylie & Chi, 2014),
where favourable results have been found when these strategies have been used
in multimedia settings. In contrast, little research of this type has been con-
ducted with animations, especially in regard to the transitory information issue.
However, one promising new research direction has been to examine the
impact of gesturing used in conjunction with animations. Gesturing, which is
described next, can be considered a general learning strategy as it can be
applied in many learning environments. We nish this section by suggesting
how a second general learning strategy, collaboration, can also be used in
tandem with instructional animations.
Gesturing has been shown to enhance learning, either in the case of learners
who express information in gesture (Cook, Mitchell, & Goldin-Meadow, 2008),
or learners who observe instructors expressing information by gesture (Cook &
Tannenhaus, 2009). Studies have found gesturing advantages across a number of
learning disciplines such as science (Agostinho et al., 2015; Castro-Alonso,
Ayres, & Paas, 2015b), and second language acquisition (Lajevardi, Narang,
Marcus, & Ayres, 2017; Mavilidi, Okely, Chandler, Cli, & Paas, 2015). These
ndings support the embodied cognition view (see Barsalou, 2008; Glenberg,
1997) that observing making movements (i.e. gestures) leads to richer encoding
and therefore richer cognitive representations, that allow students to perform
faster and more accurately on tasks. Direct evidence that gesturing can lower
cognitive load, was found by Ping and Goldin-Meadow (2010) with mathematics
The evidence suggests that gesturing can improve learning and reduce cog-
nitive load, which is often referred to as cognitive ooading, where the use of
physical actions generate cognitive savings (Risko & Gilbert, 2016). From the
perspective of learning from animations, there are potential benets for includ-
ing gesturing in animation environments where cognitive load may be high due
to transient eects. By reducing cognitive load gesturing is automatically/
eortlessly integrated into cognitive schemata, thereby enriching the schemata
(embodied cognition), and at the same time helping to reduce cognitive load
generated by the instructional format. As some evidence exists that gesturing
can be combined eectively with viewing videos as an example of animations
(e.g. Lajevardi et al., 2017), gesturing may alleviate the diculties posed by the
transient information of animations.
186 Ayres, Castro-Alonso, Wong, Marcus, Paas
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
Collaborative learning is widely used and has signicant academic, social and psy-
chological benets (see Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 1998). Explanations for this
advantage are usually grounded in social constructivist theory or social indepen-
dence theory (Johnson & Johnson, 1994; Schreiber & Valle, 2013); however, some
fresh insights can be gained by considerations of cognitive load theory. From this
theoretical perspective collaborative learning uses the borrowing and re-organising
principle (see Paas and Sweller, 2012). Learners, with a gap in their knowledge can
ll that gap from knowledge provided by other members of the group (borrowed)
if such group members have that knowledge (Khawaja, Chen, & Marcus, 2012). A
second advantage of collaboration is that it can help share working memory load
by having dierent members of a group contribute knowledge particular to them
but not otherwise available to other members of the group. F. Kirschner, Paas, &
P. A. Kirschner (2009) have suggested that collaboration generates an expanded
processing capacity with reduced collective cognitive load compared to individuals.
Instead of one working memory dealing with the load, several working memories
work together and share the load (i.e., collective working memory eect, F.
Kirschner, Paas, & P. A. Kirschner & Janssen, 2011). Further ndings from colla-
borative memory research suggest that individuals learn from listening to others
recall information (Blumen & Rajaram, 2008) and are able to rehearse known
information recalled by others (Rajaram & Periera-Pasarin, 2010).
As far as we know little research has been conducted into using collaboration to
learn more eectively from animations, as most research focuses on using anima-
tion to support collaboration. Computer-based facilities are used to enhance colla-
boration in what is often referred to as computer-supported collaborative learning
(Zhang, Ayres, & Chan, 2011). Signicantly, the advantages detailed above, where
individuals can gain and rehearse information from others, especially key informa-
tion that was missed, can alleviate the diculties associated with transient infor-
mation. Further being part of a group with an enhanced collective working
memory can be expected to enhance the capabilities of learning from animations.
In summary, adding gesturing and collaboration to animations provide the
capacity to not only deal with transient information, but they are also powerful
learning strategies themselves. These two strategies are expected to enhance ani-
mations. Future research could also identify other general strategies that have
similar positive eects, such as imagination or visualisation techniques (see Cooper,
Tindall-Ford, Chandler, & Sweller, 2001).
This chapter has outlined a number of factors that have impacted on the research
into instructional animations. Whereas many research ndings indicate that ani-
mations can be more eective than equivalent static pictures, there are examples
where there is no dierence, or in some cases static pictures generate higher
Factors impacting instructional animations 187
Advances in Cognitive
Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
Format: Royal (156 × 234 mm); Style: Supp; Font: Bembo;
Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
learning outcomes. As some of the studies have included design biases, we believe
that the ndings of the literature base must be treated with some caution.
Variables that have an impact on instructional presentations such as appeal,
variety, media, size, and interaction, have not been consistently controlled for.
Furthermore, three individual characteristics of learners (spatial ability, gender,
and prior knowledge) have been shown to inuence the eectiveness of
dynamic representations, yet many studies have not considered these factors.
Therefore, important interactions between them, as well as with the learning
materials, have been missed. Learning topics have also been found to be an
important factor. Mounting evidence suggests that animations seem to be par-
ticularly more suited to learning cognitive tasks containing human motor skills
rather than other types of knowledge and skills. However, because of the noted
issues associated with the research base, this conclusion is far from being established as
a fact.
A major impediment to learning from animations is the transient nature of the
information presented. Such information can tax working memory resources and
reduce learning. To prevent this situation a number of compensatory strategies are
available such as learner interactivity and segmentation. In addition, because of the
multimedia nature of animations, there are a number of multimedia principles that
can be followed to ensure best-practice animations. There is also the potential to
use more general learning strategies such as gesturing and collaboration, to ease the
cognitive load and facilitate learning further.
Implications for education
A number of implications can be identied from the research outlined in this
chapter, relevant to teachers, instructional designers, and researchers. Teachers have
to be careful in choosing their animations. Consistent with most teaching and
learning paradigms an appropriate match has to be found between the learner and
the learning content. Animations, as previously noted, generate some unique con-
ditions. In some cases, an animation may not be the best choice, and static pictures
should be chosen. Regardless, animations (and static pictures), should be chosen
that have been developed with sound multimedia principles in place. In cases
where transient animations must be used because of Government and School
policies or other external factors, gesturing and collaboration strategies could be
considered. Failure to adapt to such animations could decrease the chances of
An important issue for instructional designers is to understand that animations that
contain highly transitory information can reduce their eectiveness. Hence, where
possible, animations should be constructed that prevent this type of extraneous
cognitive load. If unavoidable, options must be available to provide learner-inter-
activity and/or segmentation facilities. Other intrinsic methods to reduce transitory
eects should be considered, as well as following multimedia principles in order to
construct high quality animations.
188 Ayres, Castro-Alonso, Wong, Marcus, Paas
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Load Theory; edited by Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho and John
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Dir: P:/Frontlist Production Teams/eProduction/Live Projects/9780367246884
Regarding researchers, considerable research is required in future to fully under-
stand the conditions under which animations are most helpful. There is also the
scope to investigate the combination of animations with other general learning
strategies such as gesturing and general collaboration. It is essential that such
research is free of design biases and includes the many factors that can inuence the
eectiveness of learning from animations.
Of interest to all stakeholders is that it may be important to determine students
spatial ability and prior knowledge and adapt the animations to this. It is important
for all to realise that animations are just a sequences of statics. The speed at which
the sequence is shown could be slowed down to make the information less tran-
sient for low spatial ability and/or low prior knowledge students, and speed up for
high spatial ability and/or high prior knowledge students. In addition, students
could be given control of the pacing to self-manage their cognitive load. Further
research is required to provide specic guidelines between the relationship between
spatial ability, prior knowledge and learning from animations.
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... The participants' feedback has provided additional source of information supporting instructional designers to consider and improve the use of transitory information. Hence, where possible, animations should be constructed in a way that can lower cognitive load (Ayres et al. 2019). There are also implications for researchers on using instructional animation as the open-ended comments served as an additional source of information for them to identify major animated elements for effective learning (Ayres et al. 2019). ...
... Hence, where possible, animations should be constructed in a way that can lower cognitive load (Ayres et al. 2019). There are also implications for researchers on using instructional animation as the open-ended comments served as an additional source of information for them to identify major animated elements for effective learning (Ayres et al. 2019). ...
... Teachers have to choose the instructional animation carefully so that the animations adopted require an affordable level of cognitive load for the desired learning outcomes within a given learning period. Instructional designers have to consider the balance between animated transitory effects and the effectiveness of the animations (Ayres et al. 2019). ...
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Students’ diverse learning modes render the need to develop various learning materials for effective learning. Existing literature has shown the increasing use of animated videos to complement classroom teaching. To justify the use of videos for teaching, the impact of learning should be comparatively as effective as that of traditional learning materials. While there are studies of students’ perception on effectiveness of animated videos in existing literature, relatively little is reported on videos development and comparison to traditional written text in terms of their impact on learning outcomes. In response to this, our study describes the design of learning materials and a laboratory experiment which randomly assign business and non-business students to either a video or a text group to collect students’ perception. We design a pre- and post-test to each group to test the learning outcomes of both types of learning materials for comparison. We use both quantitative and qualitative questions to assess students’ experience of learning and collect comments for further development of the learning materials. The analysis showed that students perceived both types of materials as comparable and they regarded both positively. Both groups showed improvement between pre- and post-test, but the change in scores was insignificantly different across groups. These suggested that video is an effective alternative to text materials. The paper shares our experience of developing learning materials and designing a laboratory experiment with academics interested in using different learning materials for teaching microeconomics. The results support videos as equally effective learning materials as written text and provide directions for further improving existing learning materials.
... As defined by Ayres, Castro-Alonso, Wong, Marcus, and Paas (2019), animations are visualisations composed of a series of static pictures shown in sequence at a high speed. They have great flexibility in depicting continuous physical and temporal changes, especially those relating to the learning of human movement (see, Ayres et al., 2019;Castro-Alonso, Ayres, & Paas, 2015;Paas & Sweller, 2012). ...
... As defined by Ayres, Castro-Alonso, Wong, Marcus, and Paas (2019), animations are visualisations composed of a series of static pictures shown in sequence at a high speed. They have great flexibility in depicting continuous physical and temporal changes, especially those relating to the learning of human movement (see, Ayres et al., 2019;Castro-Alonso, Ayres, & Paas, 2015;Paas & Sweller, 2012). Animations can enhance a learner's mental animation constructions as they do not require the transitions between static pictures to be mentally filled. ...
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One potential advantage and special feature of animations is the capability of depicting change. However, from a learning perspective this advantage is often lost due to the negative effects of transient information. This chapter discusses some of the issues associated with learning from animations, but also explores how problem complexity (element interactivity) impacts on learning from animations. We conclude that both transient information and problem complexity need to be addressed when designing instructional animations. However, there are some significant interactions between these two factors, which are seldom examined together, that require further research.
... Further investigations about static vs. dynamic visualizations can help reach a stronger prediction whether visuospatial processing is more helpful for static, dynamic, or both formats of visualizations. These efforts would also be benefitted by future investigations tackling moderating variables for static vs. animation research, such as gender (e.g., , the design of the dynamic or static images (see , and the strategies learners employ when studying visualizations (see Ayres et al. 2019). ...
Visuospatial processing is key to learn and perform professionally in the domains of health and natural sciences. As such, there is accumulating research showing the importance of visuospatial processing for education in diverse health sciences (e.g., medicine, anatomy, surgery) and in many natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, geology). In general, visuospatial processing is treated separately as (a) spatial ability and (b) working memory with visuospatial stimuli. This book attempts to link these two research perspectives and present visuospatial processing as the cognitive activity of two components of working memory (mostly the visuospatial sketch pad, and also the central executive), which allows to perform in both spatial ability and working memory tasks. Focusing on university education in the fields of health sciences and natural sciences, the chapters in this book describe the abilities of mental rotation, mental folding, spatial working memory, visual working memory, among others, and how different variables affect them. Some of these variables, thoroughly addressed in the book, are sex (gender), visualizations, interactivity, cognitive load, and embodiment. The book concludes with a chapter presenting VAR, a battery of computer-based tests to measure different tasks entailing visuospatial processing. With contributions by top educational psychologists from around the globe, this book will be of interest to a broad array of readers across the disciplines.
... Further investigations about static vs. dynamic visualizations can help reach a stronger prediction whether visuospatial processing is more helpful for static, dynamic, or both formats of visualizations. These efforts would also be benefitted by future investigations tackling moderating variables for static vs. animation research, such as gender (e.g., Castro-Alonso et al. 2019b), the design of the dynamic or static images (see Castro-Alonso et al. 2016), and the strategies learners employ when studying visualizations (see Ayres et al. 2019). ...
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There are basically two formats used in instructional visualizations, namely, static pictures and dynamic visualizations (e.g., animations and videos). Both can be engaging and fun for university students in the fields of health and natural sciences. However, engagement by itself is not always conducive to learning. Consequently, teachers, lecturers, and instructional designers need to utilize the cognitive processing advantages of visualizations as well as engagement to achieve full instructional effectiveness. A cognitive processing focus has outlined many ways in which instructional visualization can be optimized. Specifically, cognitive load theory and the cognitive theory of multimedia learning are two research paradigms that provide several methods for directing the design of visualizations by considering how learners process visuospatial information. In this chapter, we describe five methods based on these cognitive theories: (a) the split attention effect and spatial contiguity principle, (b) the modality effect, (c) the redundancy effect and coherence principle, (d) the signaling principle, and (e) the transient information effect. For each of these effects, examples of applications for education in health and natural sciences are provided, where the influence of visuospatial processing is also considered. We end this chapter by discussing instructional implications for science education and providing future directions for research.
With the development of technology and the prevalence of the Internet, video learning has become a common learning tool in various settings, such as classrooms and homes. However, the continuous appearance of information in videos can lead to a transient effect that affects the effectiveness of learning. The segmentation effect involves dividing continuous videos into meaningful segments to reduce learners’ cognitive load. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of digital segmentation combined with digital scoring in enhancing learning effectiveness s for nursing students in a long-term care course, as well as to examine gender differences. The study combined digital image segmentation with digital scoring and nursing objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) to explore whether nursing students’ learning effectiveness s were improved, and to further understand gender differences. The study involved 30 senior nursing students (15 males and 15 females) from a technology university in Taiwan. The results showed that nursing students’ learning effectiveness s were enhanced by integrating digital video segmentation feedback into nursing objective structured clinical examinations, and there were no significant gender differences. Both male and female nursing students were able to strengthen their nursing learning effectiveness s and improve their clinical skill knowledge performance.KeywordsE-OSECSegmentationLearning effectivenessClinical simulation
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Creativity is so important for social and technological development that people are eager to find an easy way to enhance it. Previous studies have shown that mindfulness has significant effects on positive affect (PA), working memory capacity, cognitive flexibility and many other aspects, which are the key to promoting creativity. However, there are few studies on the relationship between mindfulness and creativity. The mechanism between mindfulness and creativity is still uncertain. Meditation is an important method of mindfulness training, but for most people who do not have the basic training, it’s difficult to master how to get into a state of mindfulness. Animation has been shown by many studies to help improve cognition and is often used as a guiding tool. Using animation as the guiding carrier of meditation is more convenient and easier to accept. Therefore, this study adopted the intervention method of animation-guided meditation, aiming to explore: (1) the effect of animation-guided meditation on enhancing creativity; (2) the role of flow and emotion in the influence of mindfulness on creativity. We advertised recruitment through the internal network of a creative industrial park, and the final 95 eligible participants were divided into two groups: animation (n = 48) and audio (n = 47) guided meditation. The animation group was given an animated meditation intervention, and the audio group was given an audio meditation intervention, both interventions were performed 3 times a week and last for 8 weeks. Results: (1) Animation-guided meditation significantly increased participants’ mindfulness and creativity levels; Significantly reduced their cognitive load compared to audio-guided meditation. (2) Mindfulness has a significant direct effect on creativity, and significant indirect effects on creativity; Flow and PA act as the mediating variable. Conclusion: (1) Mindfulness, flow, and PA all helped to improve the subjects’ work creativity. In addition to the direct positive impact of mindfulness on creativity, mindfulness can also have an indirect positive impact on creativity through flow and PA. (2) Compared with audio, animation can significantly reduce cognitive load and help improve users’ cognitive ability, which is more suitable for the guidance materials of mindfulness meditation to enhance the effect of meditation.
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Learning via videos presents many positive aspects (e.g., animation, multi-modality) but also has some constraints. For example, when subtitles are provided, a split-attention effect could occur between the oral narration, written text, and visual illustration. The presentation of only a few written keywords instead of subtitles may be a good solution in terms of how to guide learners into their information selection process. In the current study, 96 participants were distributed among four experimental conditions. They were shown a 12-minutes video with or without subtitles, and with or without highlighted information (i.e., keywords). The results showed no effect of subtitles, but keywords had a negative impact on content memorization, comprehension, and on the time allocated to learning. The results are discussed in terms of metacognition and learners’ strategies. It is then hypothesized that learners did not use keywords as relevant scaffolds. Instead of being guided into the selection process, learners may have considered that the keywords replaced it, and overestimated their learning.
Covid-19 has shown us what it means to be isolated, disconnected and alone. As the post-pandemic academic world rebuilds itself, we will need to get serious about communicating diversity, inclusion and belonging to an ever-wider group of people in education. Visual communication is the key to conveying universally understood content that is highly effective and fits our new, digital-only lockdown environment. This article pulls on a strand of a recent University of Amsterdam study testing the effectiveness of animation in professional education, told in the Covid-friendly form of an animated story:
This article discusses the findings from a collection of six studies linked together by the common theme of cognitive load theory and published in Computers in Human Behavior. A number of familiar cognitive load conditions and effects are investigated in computer-based environments, namely worked examples, split-attention, and the expertise reversal effect; but in many cases cognitive load considerations are combined with other learning strategies such as pre-training, thinking aloud, self-explanations, embodied cognition, and presentation pausing. A number of key findings are identified including the use of contemporary physiological instruments to measure cognitive load. There is also a focus on real-world tasks and medical education, as well as the self-management of cognitive load.
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The visuospatial processor of working memory is used for manipulations of visual and spatial information, such as mental rotation and mental folding, and consequently plays an essential role in learning from static and dynamic visualisations in multimedia materials. Learners showing low scores in tests of visuospatial abilities (e.g., mental rotation tests) tend to show low scores in tests of multimedia content, especially if these multimedia include a high total cognitive load. However, since there are several visuospatial processing abilities, the specific relationship between a certain ability and learning a certain multimedia task is not always clear. In this review chapter we provide examples of studies where the visuospatial ability investigated was not directly related to the multimedia learning task, as well as studies in which there was a more direct relationship. We argue that future research should explore more direct links between different visuospatial abilities and particular multimedia learning tasks.
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Cueing facilitates retention and transfer of multimedia learning. From the perspective of cognitive load theory (CLT), cueing has a positive effect on learning outcomes because of the reduction in total cognitive load and avoidance of cognitive overload. However, this has not been systematically evaluated. Moreover, what remains ambiguous is the direct relationship between the cue-related cognitive load and learning outcomes. A meta-analysis and two subsequent meta-regression analyses were conducted to explore these issues. Subjective total cognitive load (SCL) and scores on a retention test and transfer test were selected as dependent variables. Through a systematic literature search, 32 eligible articles encompassing 3,597 participants were included in the SCL-related meta-analysis. Among them, 25 articles containing 2,910 participants were included in the retention-related meta-analysis and the following retention-related meta-regression, while there were 29 articles containing 3,204 participants included in the transfer-related meta-analysis and the transfer-related meta-regression. The meta-analysis revealed a statistically significant cueing effect on subjective ratings of cognitive load (d = −0.11, 95% CI = [−0.19, −0.02], p < 0.05), retention performance (d = 0.27, 95% CI = [0.08, 0.46], p < 0.01), and transfer performance (d = 0.34, 95% CI = [0.12, 0.56], p < 0.01). The subsequent meta-regression analyses showed that dSCL for cueing significantly predicted dretention for cueing (β = −0.70, 95% CI = [−1.02, −0.38], p < 0.001), as well as dtransfer for cueing (β = −0.60, 95% CI = [−0.92, −0.28], p < 0.001). Thus in line with CLT, adding cues in multimedia materials can indeed reduce SCL and promote learning outcomes, and the more SCL is reduced by cues, the better retention and transfer of multimedia learning.
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Two experiments involving 125 grade-10 students learning about commerce investigated strategies to overcome the transient information effect caused by explanatory spoken text. The transient information effect occurs when learning is reduced as a result of information disappearing before the learner has time to adequately process it, or link it with new information. Spoken text, unless recorded or repeated in some fashion, is fleeting in nature and can be a major cause of transiency. The three strategies investigated, all theoretically expected to enhance learning, were: (a) replacing lengthy spoken text with written text (Experiments 1 and 2), (b) replacing lengthy continuous text with segmented text (Experiment 1), and (c) adding a diagram to lengthy spoken text (Experiment 2). In both experiments on tasks that required information to be integrated across segments, written text was found to be superior to spoken text. In Experiment 1 the expected advantage of segmented text in reducing transitory effects was not found. Compared with written continuous text the segmented spoken text strategy was inferior. Experiment 2 found that adding a diagram to spoken text was an advantage compared to spoken text alone consistent with a multimedia effect. Overall, the results suggest that spoken text is a cause of the transient information effect, which can be best avoided by substituting written text for spoken text on tasks that require integration of information.
Instructional animation research has been extensive but the results are inconsistent. Amongst a number of possible factors to explain these inconclusive results (e.g., the negative influence of transient information), the influence of spatial ability and gender are less explored. This paper reports three experiments that compared the effectiveness of learning a hand-manipulative task (Lego construction) under various conditions with direct examination of the relationship between gender, spatial ability and instructional visualisation. Regression analyses revealed that only one objective measure related to spatial ability (Corsi test) predicted overall test performance, whereas the Card Rotations Test and the Mental Rotations Test did not. However, there was a number of significant gender–spatial ability interactions showing that the spatial ability predictors of male performance were different from those of females. Furthermore a number of subjective measures of spatial ability and experience with instructional animations and static pictures were found to be significant predictors. The results suggest that gender and the type of spatial ability measures used both have a significant impact on gauging the effectiveness of instructional animations. Spatial ability measures should be tailored to gender and the specific nature of the learning domains to yield more consistent research results.
Cognitive Load Theory John Sweller, Paul Ayres, Slava Kalyuga Effective instructional design depends on the close study of human cognitive architecture—the processes and structures that allow people to acquire and use knowledge. Without this background, we might recognize that a teaching strategy is successful, but have no understanding as to why it works, or how it might be improved. Cognitive Load Theory offers a novel, evolutionary-based perspective on the cognitive architecture that informs instructional design. By conceptualizing biological evolution as an information processing system and relating it to human cognitive processes, cognitive load theory bypasses many core assumptions of traditional learning theories. Its focus on the aspects of human cognitive architecture that are relevant to learning and instruction (particularly regarding the functions of long-term and working memory) puts the emphasis on domain-specific rather than general learning, resulting in a clearer understanding of educational design and a basis for more effective instructional methods. Coverage includes: • The analogy between evolution by natural selection and human cognition. • Categories of cognitive load and their interactions in learning. • Strategies for measuring cognitive load. • Cognitive load effects and how they lead to educational innovation. • Instructional design principles resulting from cognitive load theory. Academics, researchers, instructional designers, cognitive and educational psychologists, and students of cognition and education, especially those concerned with education technology, will look to Cognitive Load Theory as a vital addition to their libraries.
Instructional dynamic pictures (animations and videos) contain transient visual information. Consequently, when learning from dynamic pictures, students must process in working memory the current images while trying to remember the images that left the screen. This additional activity in working memory may lead dynamic pictures to be less suitable instructional materials than comparable static pictures, which are more permanent. In order to directly show the influence of transient visual information on dynamic learning environments, we designed a well-matched comparison between a permanent and a transient presentation of an abstract-symbol memory task on the computer. In the task, 104 university students (50% females) had to memorize the type, color, and position of the symbols in a rectangular configuration. In addition, an embodied cognition factor was included where the symbols in the task were either shown with a precision grasping static hand or not. We also assessed how individual characteristics (spatial ability, spatial memory span, and gender) influenced performance. Results showed that (a) permanent outperformed transient presentations, (b) observing hands hindered learning, and (c) high spatial ability and high spatial memory span were beneficial, but gender did not affect performance.