Juan Alfredo Hernandez Garcia

Juan Alfredo Hernandez Garcia
Instituto Politécnico Nacional | IPN · Departamento de Microbiología



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Juan Alfredo Hernandez Garcia currently works at the Microbiology Departament. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
Additional affiliations
October 2018 - December 2018
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • PhD
August 2012 - September 2018
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • PhD


Publications (34)
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The massive parallel sequencing technology, applied to the taxonomy of microorganisms, has been affecting the traditional phenotypic and molecular phylogenies based on the sequence of a single gene or a small handful of genes. The exponential accumulation of new, entire genome sequences of microorganisms in public databases in recent years, especia...
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México es el centro de origen, domesticación y diversificación del maíz, sin embargo, los productores extensivos ya no muestran interés por preservar los maíces nativos pues la siembra de éstos no representa una producción con ingresos redituables en comparación con los maíces híbridos mejorados. La siembra de las razas nativas está restringida a l...
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Magnusiomyces capitatus (also denominated “Geotrichum capitatum” and “the teleomorph stage of Saprochaete capitata”) mainly affects immunocompromised patients with hematological malignancies in rare cases of invasive fungal infections (IFIs). Few cases have been reported for pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), in part becaus...
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Geosmithia members are mitosporic filamentous fungi commonly recorded and isolated from bark beetles of the Scolytinae subfamily and their respective host’s species. This genus includes 18 species formally described and 38 phylogenetic species recorded in several localities from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America, where th...
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El fluido celómico de Eisenia fetida comienza a utilizarse contra el crecimiento de hongos fitopatógenos, como una alternativa económica y amigable con el medio ambiente por la gran diversidad de sustancias que contiene, entre ellas, los celomocitos. En este ensayo, se llevó a cabo el aislamiento e identificación de hongos filamentosos a partir de...
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Candida auris is an emerging multidrug-resistant and opportunistic pathogenic yeast. Whole-genome sequencing analysis has defined five major clades, each from a distinct geographic region. The current study aimed to examine the genome of the C. auris 20–1498 strain, which is the first isolate of this fungus identified in Mexico. Based on whole-geno...
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The bacterial component of plant holobiont maintains valuable interactions that contribute to plants’ growth, adaptation, stress tolerance, and antagonism to some phytopathogens. Teosinte is the grass plant recognized as the progenitor of modern maize, domesticated by pre-Hispanic civilizations around 9,000 years ago. Three teosinte species are rec...
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Bacteria and archaea play a fundamental role in the biogeochemical cycles of organic matter, pollutants, and nutrients to maintain the trophic state of aquatic ecosystems. However, very little is known about the composition patterns of microbial communities in vertical distribution (water column) in freshwater lakes and their relationship with the...
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Autophagy (macroautophagy) is a survival and virulence mechanism of different eukaryotic pathogens. Autophagosomes sequester cytosolic material and organelles, then fuse with or enter into the vacuole or lysosome (the lytic compartment of most fungal/plant cells and many animal cells, respectively). Subsequent degradation of cargoes delivered to th...
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We evaluated the biotic and abiotic conditions related to the presence of Phloeosinus tacubayae Hopkins, 1905, to update its distribution and explore new areas to collect the species from potential distribution models and establish its host range. Our results support that P. tacubayae is an oligophagous species distributed mostly in five provinces...
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Background: A great number of studies have shown that the distribution of microorganisms in the soil is not random, but that their abundance changes along environmental gradients (spatial patterns). The present study examined the spatial variability of the physicochemical characteristics of an extreme alkaline saline soil and how they controlled t...
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El Chich on is an active volcano located in the Chiapas Volcanic Arc characterized by high temperatures , low pH, and large heavy metal concentrations. High temperatures are known to affect microorganisms, so the bacterial community structure was investigated in crater-lake sediment at a 'low' 50 C and a 'high' 92 C by sequencing the 16S rRNA bacte...
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Dendroctonus bark beetles are a worldwide significant pest of conifers. This genus comprises 20 species found in North and Central America, and Eurasia. Several studies have documented the microbiota associated with these bark beetles, but little is known regarding how the gut bacterial communities change across host range distribution. We use pyro...
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Dendroctonus bark beetles comprise 20 taxonomically recognized species, which are one of the most destructive pine forest pests in North and Central America, and Eurasia. The aims of this study were to characterize the gut bacterial diversity, to determine the core bacteriome and to explore the ecological association between these bacteria and bark...
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Bark beetles play an important role as agents of natural renovation and regeneration in coniferous forests. Several studies have documented the metabolic capacity of bacteria associated with the gut, body surface, and oral secretions of these insects; however, little is known about how the bacterial community structure changes during the life cycle...
Bark beetles play an important role as agents of natural renovation and regeneration in coniferous forests. Several studies have documented the metabolic capacity of bacteria associated with the gut, body surface, and oral secretions of these insects; however, little is known about how the bacterial community structure changes during the life cycle...
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of representative sequences of pyrosequenced bacterial OTUs of this study, endophytic bacterial OTUs of Arizona pine and GenBank database sequences. The model GTR+I+G (-lnL = 6441.55, I = 0.207, G = 0.752, freqA = 0.24322, freqC = 0.20534, freqG = 0.34238, freqT = 0.20906) was used for the analysis. Anabaena var...
Predicted protein putatively involved in nitrogen metabolism and amino acids synthesis of dominants members (Rahnella, Pseudomonas and Serratia) in the Dendroctonus rhizophagus gut. Proteins were identified in each genome of these bacteria using either Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and BLASTp in GeneBank. The semicircle represents...
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of only one representative sequence for each of 23 OTUs assigned to the genus level. The model GTR (-lnL = 6301.51, freqA = 0.2786, freqC = 0.2086, freqG = 0.3196, freqT = 0.1932) was used for the analysis. Anabaena variabilis (NR_074300) was used as outgroup. The confidence at each node was assessed by 1,000 ps...
Predicted protein putatively involved in metabolism of starch/glycogen of dominants members (Rahnella, Pseudomonas and Serratia) in the Dendroctonus rhizophagus gut. Proteins were identified in each genome of these bacteria using either Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and BLASTp in GeneBank, Pfam, and UniProt. Panel A. Proposed path...
Diversity and abundance of the bacterial community in the gut of D. rhizophagus across the different life stages. It is shown the number of reads for each taxa (genera level) from samples homogenized with respect to the sample with the lowest reads counts (7600 reads). (DOCX)
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There are major concerns worldwide regarding sexually transmitted infections (STI), bacterial vaginosis (BV), and candidiasis as a major cause of morbidity as they result in significant health and economic consequences, particularly in developing countries. This study was intended to obtain information about the prevalence of these pathologies in w...
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G. vaginalis es reconocida como la bacteria indicadora de uno de los procesos patológicos que aquejan con una alta frecuencia a la mujer: la vaginosis bacteriana (VB). No obstante, a esta bacteria se le relaciona también con otros cuadros clínicos, entre los que se incluyen: vasculitis retinal, balanitis, balanopostitis, artritis aguda, bacteriemia...


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